BishopDougScharf Marked as Christ’s Own—Baptism in the Present Tense
Plenary—Faith For A Lifetime
BecomingaChurchofLifelongLearnersand Disciples,JohnRoberto
Panel:CrucialConversations,TheRev.Kathy Schillreff
WadeintheWater—MobilizingVolunteersfor Ministry,SueVanOss
Plenary—Hungry Lonely Thirsty People
EffectiveCommunicationStrategieswith Improv,WillLuera
Evangelism101,JerusalemGreer SingingfromtheSameHymnSheet: EquippingAgentsofTransformation, TheRev.CanonRichardNorman
IntergenerationalMinistry,MatthewBowers ANewDiscipleshipParadigm,MelissaRau Panel:TransformationalMission,TheRev. NikkiSeger
Sealed by the Spirit: Empowered for Transformation Ministry—BishopScharf
M s
Overnight guests plan to arrive on Friday afternoon at 4 p m for registration and to get settled in.
4 PM
Registration will be available from 4 to 5 p.m. in CurryHall.
7:15 PM
Marked as Christ’s Own: Baptism in the Present Tense
6:30 PM
Participants will gather for an intergenerational, contemporary worship service filled with music, liturgy, and prayer
8:30 PM
Let's keep the conversation going with S'mores and a fireside chat lead by Water and the Word Chaplain, the Very Rev Alex Andjuar
The Rt. Rev. Douglas Frederick Scharf was elected bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Southwest Florida on April 2, 2022. He was ordained and consecrated as a bishop on September 24, 2022, in Sarasota, FL, and seated as the sixth bishop of the diocese on January 7, 2023, at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in St. Petersburg, FL.
Bishop Scharf holds a B.A. in English from Florida Gulf Coast University (2002); an M Div from Virginia Theological Seminary (2004); and a D Min from Emory University, Candler School of Theology (2018) with a concentration in Biblical Interpretation and Proclamation.
In addition to parish ministry, Bishop Scharf serves on The Episcopal Church Standing Committee for Formation and Ministry He has also served in various leadership roles including Standing Committee President, Convocation Dean, and two-time Deputy to General Convention
Born in 1979, Bishop Scharf was raised in the Diocese of Southwest Florida, the son of the Rev. Frederick Scharf and Carol Scharf. He and his wife Shannon are the parents of three children: Clayton, Parker, and Grady His hobbies include music (he plays piano), reading, hiking, kayaking, and spending time in the beauty of God’s creation.
7:30 AM
Join Water and the Word Chaplain, the Very Rev. Alex Andujar, for Morning Prayer.
8 AM
Start the day with coffee and community at our buffet-style breakfast.
10:30 AM
Becoming a Church of Lifelong Learners
and Disciples
Speaker: John Roberto
M to
9:15 AM
We know that maturing in faith and discipleship is a lifelong process. We know that creating a church culture of lifelong learning and formation transforms the lives of individuals, families, and the whole community The presentation explores how your church can become a center of lifelong learning and formation that forms, sustains, and deepens the Christian faith in all ages and generations – for a lifetime!
Panel: Crucial Conversations
Moderated by Kathy Schillreff
Wade in the Water—Mobilizing Volunteers for Ministry
Speaker: Sue Van Oss
11:45 AM
Share what you have learned at the buffet-style lunch.
John Roberto has spent a lifetime working in faith formation teaching, writing, researching, consulting, and developing program resources
He founded Lifelong Faith in 2006 to continue his work. His latest publications include Lifelong Faith: Formation with All Ages and Generations (Church Publishing 2022), Faith Formation with a New Generation (2018), Families at the Center of Faith Formation (2016), Seasons of Adult Faith Formation (2015), Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century (2015), Generations Together (2014), and Faith Formation 2020 (2010)
We know that maturing in faith and discipleship is a lifelong process We know that creating a church culture of lifelong learning and formation transforms the lives of individuals, families, and the whole community. The presentation explores how your church can become a center of lifelong learning and formation that forms, sustains, and deepens the Christian faith in all ages and generations – for a lifetime!
Creating faith formation for all ages and
Creating faith formation for all ages and generations can feel overwhelming We generations can feel overwhelming We can now identify essential practices that can now identify essential practices that make lifelong faith formation work in make lifelong faith formation work in churches practices that can guide churches—practices that can guide leaders in creating a lifelong plan that can leaders in creating a lifelong plan that can be contextualized and customized to the be contextualized and customized to the unique needs of the parish and its people unique needs of the parish and its people. This presentation demonstrates how to This presentation demonstrates how to make lifelong faith formation a reality in make lifelong faith formation a reality in your church community. your church community.
Evangelism 101
Speaker: Jerusalem Greer
2 PM
Hungry Lonely Thirsty People
1 PM
Who stays up all night, waiting to hear good news? What does that good news sound like, taste like, feel like, or look like? And whose job is it to bring that good news to them? You are invited to join Jerusalem Greer, manager for evangelism and discipleship in the office of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, to explore these questions, and to hear ideas about how you and your church can share the good news of Jesus and his way of love - in your home, your neighborhood, your town, at the soccer field, at the pool and beyond
Intergenerational Ministry
Speaker: Matthew Bowers
KlineHall-Program Center
Panel: Transformational Mission
Moderated by the Rev Nikki Seger
A New Discipleship Paradigm
Speaker: Melissa Rau
3:30 PM
Speaker: Will Luera
Effective Communication Strategies with Improv Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet: Equipping Agents of Transformation
Speaker: The Rev Canon Richard Norman
Reflect on a full day at the buffet-style dinner
5 PM
6:15 PM
Sealed by the Spirit: Empowered for Transformation Ministry
1:00 PM
Jerusalem Jackson Greer is the manager for evangelism and discipleship for The Episcopal Church in the Office of Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry. She serves on the Council of Advice for Episcopal Relief & Development and on the board of Edible Theology, an educational ministry connecting the Communion table to tables we eat at every day In addition to her work for The Episcopal Church, she is also a speaker, preacher, podcast host (Spade, Spoon, Soul), and the author of At Home in this Life: Finding Peace at the Crossroads of Unraveled Dreams and Beautiful Surprises, and A Homemade Year: The Blessings of Cooking, Crafting and Coming Together, as well as several faith-based curricula
Who stays up all night, waiting to hear good news? What does that good news sound like, taste like, feel like, or look like? And whose job is it to bring that good news to them? You are invited to join Jerusalem Greer, manager for evangelism and discipleship in the office of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, to explore these questions, and to hear ideas about how you and your church can share the good news of Jesus and his way of love - in your home, your neighborhood, your town, at the soccer field, at the pool and beyond
In our baptismal covenant, Episcopalians promise to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ through word and action, with God's help But what does this mean in a world that often sees Christianity through a clouded lens? How can we share Good News in ways that feel authentic and just? Evangelism 101 is a not-so-basic contextualized training designed to inspire a fresh, humble, effective, and Episcopal approach to the spiritual practice of evangelism
The workshop includes a Participant Guide, and handouts consisting of resources for understanding the Jesus Movement, redefining evangelism, celebrating revival, sharing our stories, walking the neighborhood, improving hospitality, and more
Description: Creating faith formation for all ages and generations can feel overwhelming. We can now identify essential practices that make lifelong faith formation work in churches practices that can guide leaders in creating a lifelong plan that can be contextualized and customized to the unique needs of the parish and its people This presentation demonstrates how to make lifelong faith formation a reality in your church community
Panel: KlineHallClassroomA
Moderator: The Rev. Kathy Schillreff, Assisting Priest at St. Mark's, Marco Island
Panel: Crucial Conversations
Description: Part of the work of becoming a "Beloved Community" is to be able to name and make space for other people's truth Being able to listen and learn isn't always an easy thing to do, especially in times of political and social unrest How might we learn and grow as a People of God who have been implicitly formed to avoid people, places, things, and ideas that are different from what we've been taught to value? How might we find common ground to respect the dignity of every human being despite our differences? In this workshop and panel discussion, Kathy Schillreff and others will share and highlight examples of how crucial conversations can transform a community to be a place where all feel valued and embraced
Presenter: Sue Van Oss, Director of Digital Communications and Christian Formation at St Michael and All Angels, Sanibel Island
Description: You are not alone if you are short on volunteers; the pandemic, an aging demographic sitting in the pews, busy schedules... the list goes on with reasons why it’s a challenge to recruit and maintain volunteers for vital ministries in our churches But there is hope if we approach the need for volunteers with creativity, and positivity, and move away from the mindset of “but we ’ ve always done it that way ” Ideas will be shared on how you can attract volunteers instead of them running away when they see you coming It can be done, with God’s help, if we remember it’s all about breaking the bread, praying, striving for justice and peace, and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Presenter: Jerusalem Greer, Chief Evangelism Officer, The Episcopal Church
Topic: Evangelism 101
Description: In our baptismal covenant, Episcopalians promise to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ through word and action, with God's help But what does this mean in a world that often sees Christianity through a clouded lens? How can we share Good News in ways that feel authentic and just?
Evangelism 101 is a not-so-basic, contextualized training designed to inspire a fresh, humble, effective, and Episcopal approach to the spiritual practice of evangelism The workshop includes a Participant Guide, and handouts consisting of resources for understanding the Jesus Movement, redefining evangelism, celebrating revival, sharing our stories, walking the neighborhood, improving hospitality, and more.
Presenter: Will Luera. Director of Improvisation at Florida Studio Theatre
Topic: Effective Communication Strategies with Improv
Description: Memorable and powerful communication is an art form Whatever your role, successful communication requires a new “live performance” every day This workshop is designed to give church leaders (both lay and clergy) dynamic new strategies that will immediately enhance their communication skills in-person and in the digital space.
Presenter: The Rev Canon Richard Norman, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Southwest Florida
Topic: Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet: Equipping Agents of Transformation
Description: Engaging God’s mission by a well-coordinated Body of Christ (clergy, vestry, and parishioners) who are “singing from the same hymn sheet” can be transformational transformational for the faith community engaged in the work and equally transformational for the community beyond the walls of the church During our time together we will explore methods and strategies that can assist in ensuring that all begin on the same page, remain on the same page, and (when necessary) return to the same page.
3:30-5:00 PM
Presenter: Matthew Bowers, Director of Youth Programming, Diocese of Southwest Florida
Topic: IntergenerationalMinistry
Description: With age demographics skewing older for many churches, Intergenerational ministry has sprung up in many congregations as a way to bridge the gap between the many generations found in the pews But what exactly is intergenerational ministry, what is it not, and can it actually work in your congregation?
Moderator: The Rev. Nikki Seger, Assistant Rector, St. Boniface, Siesta Key
Topic: Transformational Mission
Description: Join the Rev Nikki Seger as she facilitates conversation with a panel of ministry leaders doing incredibly transformative work in and around their neighborhoods and surrounding communities Learn how they have overcome challenges and leveraged opportunities to meet the felt and expressed needs of the mission fields in which God has placed them. All participants will have the chance to share how the Holy Spirit is moving in and through them. Come and be inspired to discern how to partner with your community in relevant and innovative ways
Presenter: Melissa Rau, Director of Formation & Engagement, St. Mark's, Venice
Description: It's no secret that many committed church folk are worried about the trends of decline across the church During this workshop, we'll investigate the current discipleship landscape, uncover contributing factors that have led us here, and identify potential components that will lead to positive change. In this workshop, participants will examine opportunities to reimagine ways we come alongside rising generations and their parents to better "support their lives in Christ "
The Very Rev. Alexander Andujar is the Rector of St. Vincent’s Episcopal Church in St Petersburg, Diocesan Coordinator for Hispanic and Latino Formation, and a certified spiritual director His work among diverse groups within and outside of the Church have given him the opportunity to build relationships across diverse constituencies and raise awareness of the spiritual and pastoral needs of the marginalized. Fr. Andujar is passionate about the study and practice of theology and spirituality as it relates to discerning the Church’s call to live out the dynamic love of Jesus Christ in a world that is hurting As Chaplain for Water and the Word he is committed to creating an environment of prayer and hospitality so that each person may encounter God’s loving embrace He loves to spend time with his wife, two teenage sons, two dogs, two cats, and the ocean whenever he gets the chance.
Peter Madpak is the Organist-Choirmaster of St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Venice In his capacity, he directs a rigorous music department that strives for excellence and quality. A New Jersey native, Madpak graduated Cum Laude from Drew University with a Master of Theological Studies in Sacred Music in 2004. For his thesis, he wrote a collection of songs/hymns that express an LGBTQ+ Christian identity Before moving to Florida, Madpak was the Minister of Music at St John’s United Methodist Church, Hazlet, NJ for twelve years There he directed a large music department including ten ensembles from adult and youth choirs, bell choirs, and a contemporary Praise Team and band. Madpak is the Artistic Director/Conductor of The Venice Chorale, a community chorus based in Venice, FL Madpak is also on the faculty and staff at Venice Theatre He is a recitalist, accompanist, conductor, and teacher
Take the spirit with you! Materials and continuing education from the conference can be found at www waterandtheword org
Sign up for Bishop Scharf's blog and get notifications about future events
Melissa Rau
Lindsey Nickel
The Very Rev. Alex Andujar
Mike Booher
Matthew Bowers
Jerry Buss
John Edgar
Carrie Greenberg
Angie Ford
Beth Gentry Gould
Debbi Huelsman
The Ven. Michael Kitt
Michelle Mercurio
Matthew Moore
The Rev Canon Richard Norman
Shannon Scharf
Lindsey Nickel
Melissa Rau
Evangeline Delao
Michael Booher
The Ven Michael Kitt
The Rev. Daniel Lemley, Drums & Cajon
Peter Madpak, Piano
Tom Ellison, Reeds
Isaac Mingus, Bass
Extravaganza Productions, Inc
Michelle Neal, Piano