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Course Registration Guidelines
In April each year, students will go through the course registration process to request courses for the following academic year. For 9th and 10th grade students, though there is some variation based on placement, course requests generally follow the standard plans outlined below. As students move into the 11th and 12th grade years, they have more freedom to request elective courses and follow academic plans that are individualized according to a student’s interest and goals. The guidelines for course selection are outlined below, and we encourage students to work closely with their to determine the most appropriate personalized path through our extensive academic offerings.
Ninth Grade
All ninth graders take five core academic courses plus an Art in one or two semesters. Ninth graders may not take seven classes. Please read the guidelines below:
Art Elective S1 or S2 Chemistry Biology Art Elective
Health (Pass/Fail) S1 or 2
Req’d Senior Bib Theo. S1
All ninth graders take Fundamentals in Literature and Composition. Students who have completed ninth grade at another school and are concerned about NCAA eligibility may take our tenth grade English class, Genre Studies.
5 courses one semester
6 courses incl. art one semester
6 courses + health one semester
6 courses one semester
6 courses both semesters
Art, Music, Dance as possible 7th*
*A Social Studies course is required for 9th grade students unless they are taking two languages above level one.
5 or 6 courses one semester Art, Music, Dance, as possible 6th or 7th
Because course content varies from school to school, every new student must take the math placement test. The department head will review math placement tests together with transcripts, teacher recommendations, and standardized test scores, if available. Possible placements include Algebra 1, Geometry (Hon), Algebra 2/Trig (Hon), Precalculus (Hon).
Modern & Classical Language
Students choose from available language offerings. Because course content varies from school to school, every new student must take the language placement test. The department head will review placement tests together with transcripts and teacher recommendations to determine a student’s level.
The progression of laboratory sciences at EHS is Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, followed by advanced or elective courses. Ninth grade students enrolled in Algebra 1 will take Conceptual Physics. All other ninth graders will take Physics.
Social Studies
All ninth graders take Case Studies in World History in the fall and 21st Century Civics in the Spring, unless they have already completed a similar high school course.
Ninth grade students are required to take at least one semester of Art their freshman year, but they may choose to take an Art class both semes ters. Please see the course catalog for a full list of Art Courses.