3 minute read
Modern and Classical Languages (Cont.)
Latin 2 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Latin 1
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
As a continuation of Latin 1, students continue to develop their skills in the language, while using the Oxford Latin Course as a resource alongside other readings in Greek and Roman history and mythology. Students expand their knowledge of the Latin verb system beyond the present indicative, learning to recognize and produce the remaining indicative tenses in all active and passive forms. Students also encounter more sophisticated syntax, including subordinate clauses. Quintus’ story allows students to explore various aspects of Roman life and culture, from the large-scale historical events of his lifetime to the daily lives of ordinary Romans.
Honors Latin 2 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Latin 1, Department permission required
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Honors Latin 2, while similar to Latin 2 in many regards, incorporates additional work drawn from the Oxford Latin Course (OLC) and authentic ancient sources, such as inscriptions, papyri, and graffiti. The class often moves at a faster pace through the material covered in Latin 2. On finishing the second book of the OLC, the class focuses its energy on reading more challenging examples of classical Latin from a variety of ancient authors.
Latin 3 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Latin 2
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
After a brief review of grammar, students develop their grasp of complex Latin syntax by reading a range of authors and stories, including Classical myths and Roman history from the republic, and from the Vulgate Bible. Additionally, the students read excerpts from Caesar, Eutropius, Hyginus, and Livy, as well as from Medieval and Renaissance sources.
Honors Latin 3 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Latin 2/2H, Department permission required
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
While similar to Latin 3, the Honors section covers the material in greater depth and detail in preparation for the following year in Advanced Topics. In addition to reading Classical Latin, we examine Medieval and Renaissance texts, and exercise language skills through English to Latin composition.
Advanced Topics in Latin 1, 2 and 3 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Department permission required
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
In this class, students exclusively read authentic Latin poetry and prose literature by Classical and post-Classical authors, including Cicero, Caesar, Ovid, and Vergil, among others. They will also examine rare books and manuscripts culminating with a paper or oral presentation of their work. In addition, there will be readings from Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern Latin, as well as work in English to Latin composition.
Spanish 1 (1 credit, Full Year)
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Spanish 1 is an introductory course designed for students who are beginning a formal study of Spanish for the first time. At its completion, students should be able to read, write and converse in a variety of situational contexts using basic vocabulary and grammatical structures. They should also be able to manipulate a variety of regular and irregular present tense verbs, in both written and spoken Spanish.
Spanish 2 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Spanish 1 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Spanish 2 is a continuation of Spanish 1. The first semester focuses on review, assimilation and expansion of foundational verbs, vocabulary and grammar structures in all areas of expression in the present tense. The second semester is centered on the introduction and study of the preterit tense, then followed by an introduction to the imperfect tense, including how the 2 tenses work together. At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to read, write and converse in a variety of situational contexts using a richer context of vocabulary, in both the present and past tenses. (indicative mood only)
Spanish 2
(1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Spanish 1, Department permission required 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Spanish 2 Honors covers the same material as Spanish 2 and uses the same text, but it does go further into more complex grammar structures and using the vocabulary in relevant and real life situations in a more fast paced manner. There is a stronger emphasis on conversation, as the class is done in full immersion and the students are expected to speak only Spanish in class. The students will continue to learn about the Spanish speaking world with a more in depth view of cultural and historical understanding.
Spanish Language Fundamentals through Culture (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Spanish 2, Department permission required 11th, 12th
This is a full-year course open to juniors and seniors who have successfully completed Spanish 2. We will review basic Spanish language and grammar while studying a selection of topics and their connections to the Spanish-speaking world. Topics will vary and may include the story of the Spanish language, borders and migration, indigenous rights, magical realism, climate justice and others. This course will count as the third year of Spanish for our graduation requirement, and juniors who wish to continue with Spanish after successful completion of this course will move on to Spanish 3. The primary goal of this course is to develop empathy and appreciation for different cultures while improving foundational Spanish language skills.
Spanish 3 (1 credit, Full Year)
Prerequisite: Spanish 2
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Spanish 3 is an intermediate course designed for students who want to complete their study of Spanish or desire to prepare for the next level. While it is