Convention book 2018

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Information for Clergy and Delegates The 159th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas October 19-20, 2018 Topeka, Kansas


Table of contents Schedules and agendas

Schedule of convocation meetings........................................................................................................................2 Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention........................................................................................................3

Nominees for Council of Trustees

Lay nominees, 3-year term (elect 1).......................................................................................................................4 Clergy nominees, 3-year term (elect 1)..................................................................................................................5

Nominees for Disciplinary Board

Lay nominees, 3-year term (elect 3).......................................................................................................................6 Clergy nominees, 3-year term (elect 4)..................................................................................................................7

Amendment to the canons of the diocese

“Of Restoring Congregational Health”.................................................................................................................. 8-9

Proposed 2019 mission plan

Narrative ...........................................................................................................................................................10-14 Summary of the mission plan..............................................................................................................................15 Line items of income and expenses..............................................................................................................16-22 Apportionment schedule.......................................................................................................................................23

Consent calendar items

Episcopal appointments and nominations...................................................................................................24-25 Convention committees........................................................................................................................................26 Proposed rules of debate......................................................................................................................................27 Courtesy resolutions........................................................................................................................................28-29

Other items

Schedule for the bishop election..........................................................................................................................30 Special Rule of Order for the election of the 10th bishop of Kansas..........................................................31 Schedule of bishop candidate walkabouts..........................................................................................................32

Note: No debatable resolutions were submitted for consideration.

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Schedule of convocation meetings Southeast Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 8, 10 a.m., St. John’s Church, 1801 Corning, Parsons

Southwest Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 8, 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 400 W. Ash, El Dorado

Northeast Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 15, 9 a.m., St. Margaret’s, 5700 West 6th St., Lawrence

Northwest Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 15, 1 p.m., Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka

All delegates are urged to attend the meeting in their Convocation. Members of the diocesan staff and the Council of Trustees will be present to provide information and answer questions.

Please bring this convention book with you to your Convocation meeting and to Diocesan Convention.


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention All events will take place at Grace Cathedral, the Capitol Plaza Hotel and the Maner Conference Center, Topeka.

Thursday, October 18, 2018 4 – 7 p.m.

Convention check-in, Emerald Coat Room, Capitol Plaza

6:30 p.m.

Chili cook-off, sponsored by Youth and Campus Ministries, All Saints Hall, Grace Cathedral

Friday, October 19, 2018 7:30 – 9 a.m.

Check-in and election registration, Grace Cathedral

9 a.m.

All delegates and clergy must have their voting credentials and be seated

9 a.m.

Convention opening and Morning Prayer, Grace Cathedral

10:30 a.m. (approx.)

Balloting begins to elect the 10th bishop of Kansas, Grace Cathedral

11:45 a.m.

Noonday prayers and lunch, Grace Cathedral

1:30 p.m.

Election balloting continues (if needed), Grace Cathedral

4 p.m.

Convention Eucharist, Grace Cathedral

6 p.m.

Social hour, Sunflower Ballroom Foyer, Capitol Plaza

7 p.m.

Banquet and awards, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

Following banquet

Compline, led by Campus and Youth Ministries, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

Saturday, October 20, 2018 7:30 – 9 a.m.

Check-in and continental breakfast, Shawnee Room, Capitol Plaza

9 – 9:15 a.m.

Morning Prayer, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

9:15 – 10:15 a.m.

Business session, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

10:15 – 10:30 a.m.


10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

Business session, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

11:45 a.m.

Noonday prayers and lunch, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

1 – 2:30 p.m.

Business session and adjournment, Sunflower Ballroom, Capitol Plaza

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Nominees for election — Council of Trustees Lay nominees • Council of Trustees, at-large member, 3-year term (vote for 1) Stephan Mann — ballot [ 1 ] Member, St. Luke’s, Shawnee

Church leadership: Current member of the Council of Trustees. Member of the Alleluia grant review and approval team. Lay reader and lay Eucharistic minster, Endowment Fund treasurer, men’s group member and assistant treasurer. Previously senior warden junior warden and treasurer. Current position/occupation: Retired from U.S. Department of Commerce Statement: I seek reelection to help provide the 10th bishop with a sense of diocesan continuity support. It is important to keep the many diocesan priorities in the forefront as we move through the changeover to the leadership of our next bishop. I bring almost three years of active involvement as a trustee. I have supported and helped the diocese’s Assisting Bishop and office staff to maintain our asset-based Episcopal community. I have the knowledge and ability to serve another 3-year term as directed by the Spirit.

Joseph Mitchell — ballot [ 6 ]

Member, Church of the Covenant, Junction City

Church leadership: Former member of the Council of Trustees from the Northwest Convocation. Alternate deputy to General Convention in 2012. Current and previous delegate to Diocesan Convention. Eucharistic Minister and lector. Former senior warden, junior warden and Vestry member. Current position/occupation: Retired Statement: I want a leadership role in the Episcopal Church, bringing all to the Word of Love (Christ Jesus), my Savior. I believe I can best serve Christ by serving as a prayer lead voice of conscience and reason, a listening ear, tempered by a heart and soul in daily communication with God. A lion of love and truth, working together with others to build a more Christ-like church on earth and around the world. I believe strongly in my abilities to serve you, the church and my God, in this ministry that I have been called to. I pledge to visit all four convocations at least once if elected to this ministry.


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Nominees for election — Council of Trustees Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, at-large member, 3-year term (vote for 1) The Rev. Casey Rohleder — ballot [ 16 ]

Rector, St. Luke’s, Wamego and Director of Communications, Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Church leadership: Co-chair of the Bishop Search Committee. Work with bishops and diocesan staff across four dioceses and one ELCA synod through BKSM. In the Diocese of Western Kansas served on the Commission on Ministry and the Youth and Young Adult Commission. Current position/occupation: Rector, St. Luke’s, Wamego and Director of Communications, Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Statement: Co-chairing the bishop search committee was a profound learning experience for me. Through conducting the listening sessions and survey, writing the diocesan profile, and spending countless hours with clergy and lay people serving on the team from all four convocations, I gained a much deeper “big picture” understanding about this diocese – not just how work gets done (which is vital), but our collective hopes, dreams and fears as well. I am excited about the future of the Diocese of Kansas, and I would like to make a meaningful contribution as a member of the Council of Trustees. I would bring a distinct perspective to the Council as a bivocational priest, BKSM graduate and professional communicator. It would be my deepest privilege to serve.

The Rev. Sarah Stewart — ballot [ 21 ] Associate rector, St. James’, Wichita

Church leadership: Responsible for ministries involving welcome; membership; families, children, youth and young adults; outreach and community engagement, small groups and lay leadership cultivation. In the Diocese of Washington was a Vestry member Sunday school coordinator, lector and Eucharistic minister. Current position/occupation: Associate rector, St. James’, Wichita Statement: Scripture helps us discern Jesus’s insistent call among life’s diverse invitations. Lately, a particular (Petrine) refrain keeps returning: stewards of divine grace, “serve one another with whatever gift each has received.” Becoming better acquainted with you this past year — through monthly gatherings for clergy new to our diocese, annual convention and liturgical life, and collaborating with a leadership team harnessing wisdom from “Project Resource” to deepen stewardship in our parishes — has awakened my desire to offer energies and skills honed during a prior business career in service of our life together. Should the good people of Kansas choose to elect me to the Council of Trustees, I will exercise gifts entrusted to me to build up the Body of Christ and grow God’s reign among us.

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Nominees for election — Disciplinary Board Lay nominees • Three members, 3-year term (vote for 3) Barry Carroll — ballot [ 31 ] Member, St. James’, Wichita

Church leadership: Vestry, Junior Warden, member of Nominating Committee, lector, chalice bearer and usher Current position/occupation: Semi-retired; landlord and contractor Statement: Since 1990, I have been mediating domestic, real estate, farmer/ lender and work place disputes. I am a Kansas Approved Mediator with the Supreme Court Administrative Division. In summary, I think I have the requisite training and temperament to serve on the Disciplinary Board. In addition, I have taken several classes with the Kansas Leadership Center here in Wichita. Thanks for your consideration.

James Lewis — ballot [ 36 ] Member, St. James’, Wichita

Church leadership: Senior warden Current position/occupation: Professor of New Testament, Gospel Tradition, 14th century English Mystics, Celtic Christianity Statement: I seek the office at the request of our Assistant Rector. I am always ready to serve the diocese.

David Littrell — ballot [ 41 ] Member, St. Paul’s, Manhattan

Church leadership: Vestry member, verger, delegate, former senior warden Current position/occupation: Retired music professor, Kansas State University Statement: It would be an honor to serve on a diocesan board to expand my interests and service beyond the local church. I’ve always served in many ways in my church since 1971, usually as the choir director or a Sunday School teacher. I was an Episcopalian from birth to 1971, and then returned to the Episcopal Church in 2007 after being a member of other denominations in the interim.

Joseph Mitchell — ballot [ 46 ]

Member, Church of the Covenant, Junction City


Church leadership: Former member of the Council of Trustees from the Northwest Convocation. Alternate deputy to General Convention in 2012. Current and previous delegate to Diocesan Convention. Eucharistic Minister and lector. Former senior warden, junior warden and Vestry member. Current position/occupation: Retired Statement: I want a leadership role in the Episcopal Church, bringing all to the Word of Love (Christ Jesus), my Savior. I believe I can best serve Christ by serving as a prayer lead voice of conscience and reason, a listening ear, tempered by a heart and soul in daily communication with God. A lion of love and truth, working together with others to build a more Christ-like church on earth and around the world. I believe strongly in my abilities to serve you, the church and my God, in this ministry that I have been called to. I pledge to visit all four convocations at least once if elected to this ministry.

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Nominees for election — Disciplinary Board Clergy nominees • Four members, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Rev. Kay Dagg — ballot [ 56 ] Rector, St. Paul’s, Clay Center

Church leadership: None Current position/occupation: Rector, St. Paul’s, Clay Center Statement: I haven’t taken this kind of position before and would like to be included.

The Rev. Doreen Rice — ballot [ 61 ] Vicar, St. Francis of Assisi, Overland Park

Church leadership: Member of the Bishop Search Committee, member of the board of Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Current position/occupation: Vicar, St. Francis of Assisi, Overland Park Statement: I love this diocese and want to give back for all it has given me.

The Very Rev. Patrick Funston — ballot [ 66 ] Rector, St. Paul’s, Manhattan

Church leadership: Dean of the Northwest Convocation, member of the Council of Trustees and Commission on Ministry, deputy to General Convention in 2015 and 2018, Advisory Council on the Stewardship of Creation. Current position/occupation: Rector, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Statement: The Disciplinary Board serves an important, but, thankfully, rarely used function in the church. I’m happy to offer my name to populate the board should its services ever be required. My experience at the local, diocesan and wider church level will be an asset to the board as it deliberates and supports the ministry of the bishop and the Intake Officer should they need to pursue Title IV proceedings.

The Rev. Kitty Shield — ballot [ 71 ] Vicar, St. Jude’s, Wellington

Church leadership: Member of the Bishop Transition Committee Current position/occupation: Vicar, St. Jude’s, Wellington Statement: As a newly ordained priest of this diocese, I feel that it is my responsibility to serve the diocese.

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Amendment to the canons of the diocese Note: Language to be removed is in strikethrough; language to be added is in italics.

Canonical amendment 1 Proposed by the Council of Trustees CANON IV.7 Of Restoring Congregational Health Sec. 1. The Rector and both Wardens, a majority of the Vestry of a parish, the Bishop, or the Council of Trustees acting as the Standing Committee of the Diocese by a vote of two-thirds of its members, may petition the Ecclesiastical Authority to initiate an inquiry into whether the continued health of a parish appears to be in jeopardy such that a degree of Episcopal intervention or oversight is needed as a means of restoring the health of the Congregation. Sec. 2. A plan for restoring congregational health may not be made except upon a finding, following inquiry, that one or more of the following conditions exist in the Parish: a. Failure to elect a Vestry or a Rector (where the parish is without a Rector). b. Failure to pay clergy compensation outlined in a Letter of Agreement, including Pension assessments and insurance premiums. c. Failure or neglect for three months or more to pay duly assessed diocesan apportionments without an explicit plan for payment of such. d. Persistent and significant instability or decline in the financial or temporal condition of the Parish including, but not limited to, the invasion of the principal portion of an endowment or trust fund. e. Persistent failure or neglect to conform to the Business Methods in Church Affairs required by the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church or of the Diocese, including those requirements relating to the bonding of treasurers or other custodians of funds, proper record keeping, proper maintenance of books of account, annual audit, and the maintenance of adequate insurance. f. Failure to complete and file audit reports per diocesan policy. g. Failure to complete and file parochial reports per diocesan and Episcopal Church policy. h. Persistent failure to provide for and fund health insurance through the denominational health plan for all eligible clergy and lay employees, according to the provisions in the Canons of the Episcopal Church. i. Persistent failure to keep all buildings, structures, tangible property of the Parish adequately insured against loss or to pay such insurance premiums. j. Failure to cooperate in an inquiry under this Canon, or in connection with any other canonical inquiry by the Ecclesiastical Authority or its designee, including the failure or refusal to provide full and accurate information on the state of the Parish and its affairs. k. Failure to implement in good faith any plan or arrangement agreed to by the Parish under this Canon. Sec. 3. If a plan for restoring congregational health is not implemented in accordance with this Canon, the Bishop, with the concurrence of two-thirds of the Council of Trustees acting as Standing Committee of the Diocese, may require the application of one or more of the actions below, anything in the articles of incorporation or bylaws of such congregation notwithstanding. The actions shall be considered independent actions with no requirement of exhaustion of certain actions before the application of others. a. A plan for the Parish to cure the conditions which led to the implementation of the inquiry, agreed to by the Parish within 90 days, and implemented thereafter in accordance with its terms.


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

b. Appointment by the Ecclesiastical Authority of five or more adult communicants temporarily to govern the affairs of the Parish as Warden and Vestry, notwithstanding any other canonical or other provision for such governance, until the Ecclesiastical Authority declares the end or sufficient amelioration of such conditions, or applies further measures under the Canons. c. Designation of the Rector or the Parish Clergy-in-charge, until the Ecclesiastical Authority declares the end or sufficient amelioration of such conditions, or applies further measures under the Canons. d. Conveyance of title of all real property of the Parish to the Diocese, which shall preserve and control such property in trust until the Ecclesiastical Authority declares the end or sufficient amelioration of such conditions, or applies further measures under the Canons. e. Declaration of the parish as a non-self-governing parish, in writing, with the Bishop assuming rectorship. f. Such other measures as the Ecclesiastical Authority shall determine with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Council of Trustees acting as the Standing Committee of the Diocese until the Ecclesiastical Authority declares the end or sufficient amelioration of such conditions, or applies further measures under the Canons. CANON IV.78 Of the Dissolution and Merging of Parishes Sec. 1. The articles of incorporation of each parish shall provide that: the Parish accedes to and is governed by the general Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese, including the provisions of this Canon IV.8. Sec. 2. a. When a parish has ceased to function: a. tThe Vestry, upon direction of the Bishop, with the advice and consent of the Council of Trustees in its role as the Standing Committee of the Diocese, shall take the necessary steps in accordance with state law to effect the dissolution of said corporation. b. Upon the dissolution of such corporation, the title to all its property, real and personal, shall pass and be transferred and conveyed to The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, Inc., a Kansas Corporation. Sec. 3. The Bishop, with the advice and consent of the Council of Trustees in its role as the Standing Committee of the Diocese, may direct the vestries of two or more parishes to take such steps as are necessary in accordance with state laws to legally effect the merger into one parish corporation upon terms satisfactory to the respective parishes. CANON IV.89 Of Filling a Vacant Cure CANON IV.910 Of the Use of Church Buildings CANON IV.1011 Of the Parish Register and Parochial Reports CANON IV.1112 Of Lay Employees CANON IV.1213 Of Campus Missions and Chaplaincies

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Proposed 2019 mission plan, narrative

The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas proposed 2019 mission plan Sources of Resources

The proposed 2018 mission plan for the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas is funded primarily through apportionment. Apportionment accounts for 75.87 percent of the resources to fund the 2019 mission plan. The remainder of the funding is provided by investment earnings (12.91 percent) along with fees and other income (10.15 percent). Last year an escrow account was set up for future bishop searches. It was decided to use $20,000 from that escrow to assist in funding the 2019 mission plan. That represents 1.07 percent of the mission plan. The proposed apportionment for 2018 of $1,394,467 compares to previous years as follows: 2018 $1,394,467 2017 $1,394,844 2016 $1,411,314 2015 $1,404,568 2014 $1,403,737 2013 $1,380,577 2012 $1,317,321 2011 $1,353,342 2010 $1,357,596 2009 $1,365,000 The proposed effective apportionment rate for 2019 is 17.85 percent. For 2018, the effective apportionment rate was 17.03 percent. The main reason for the increase is the expenses associated with the transition for the new bishop ($72,050).

Uses of Resources

The 2019 mission plan continues to make use of the endowment to help fund the mission plan. The projected draw on the endowment for 2019 will be 5 percent. 2019 $1,866,688 2018 $1,724,093 2017 $1,794,681 2016 $1,805,293 2015 $1,808,798 2014 $1,744,447 2013 $1,606,169 2012 $1,874,248 2011 $1,862,745 2010 $1,798,885 2009 $1,928,963


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Proposed 2019 mission plan, narrative Adult Formation

For 2019 there will be continued emphasis on Education for Ministry (EFM) training and mentoring. The Diocese of Kansas has been deeply involved in EFM and has as many or more graduates than many dioceses of comparable size or larger. In 2018 the diocese conducted one EFM mentor training session.

Bethany Place

Upton Hall Conference Center is being utilized more than in the past. The 22-bed conference center serves students enrolled in the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry from the dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas. It also hosts monthly meetings of the Council of Trustees and is available for use by parish organizations, agencies and select community organizations. Items associated with Bethany Place are the utilities, supplies, maintenance and upkeep of the grounds. Utilities and maintenance associated with the former diocesan offices are included under Bethany Place.

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Five years ago the Diocese of Kansas entered into a formal partnership with the dioceses of West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas to create the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. This initiative continues the diocese’s historic commitment to forming lay leaders, and bivocational priests and deacons for ministry. BKSM is overseen by a board of directors with representatives from all four dioceses. In the fall of 2017, BKSM began using newly renovated space in Grace Cathedral, which was provided by the diocese from funds raised through the Crossroads campaign. BKSM is overseen by a board of directors, comprised of representatives from all four dioceses. The Diocese of Kansas is being asked to continue its commitment for 2019 in order to help pay the salary and benefits for a full time director, the Very Rev. Don Compier. This section of the mission plan provides resources for the Bishop Kemper School and for students from the Diocese of Kansas as determined by the director of BKSM. With its move to the new facilities, other costs associated with BKSM can be tracked and are included in the 2019 mission plan.

Campus Ministry

The Rev. Betty Glover left in early 2018 as Campus Missioner. Karen Schlabach assumed the duties of interim Campus Missioner as well as Youth Missioner. To assist her, Michael Funston was hired to assist in Campus Ministry. Two interns will serve the diocese and assist Karen Schlabach in both Campus Ministry and Youth Ministry. There has been an increase in the intern’s salaries to reflect their additional duties.

Clergy Support

Clergy Support encompasses important functions for the clergy of the diocese. The functions under Clergy Support include: • Gathering of Presbyters • Deacons Gathering • Archdeacons • Convocation Deans • Chrism Mass

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Proposed 2019 mission plan, narrative Commission on Ministry

The Commission on Ministry (COM) is required by Title III of the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church. The Commission on Ministry is charged with finding persons who can best fill the ministry needs of the diocese; thus, a vocational discernment process and program have been established. COM works in the discernment process not only with candidates but also with convocation discernment committees. As advisors to COM, the Examining Chaplains are responsible for reviewing the General Ordination Examinations of seminarians.


This area includes the cost of printing, labeling and mailing The Harvest, the diocesan quarterly magazine, as well as producing the diocesan Directory and Convention Journal provided to all clergy and parish offices. It also includes expenses related to the Office of Communications. This office, headed by Director of Communications Melodie Woerman, also is responsible for the diocesan website and the biweekly electronic newsletter DioLog. The director also oversees diocesan social media channels, as well as printed communications for the bishop’s office, and is available to consult with parishes on communication issues, including website development, digital evangelism, and print and digital publications. Increased costs for 2019 include funds to redesign and relaunch the diocesan website, which was last updated in 2010.

Community Life

This area includes items related to meetings that incorporate aspects of our common life as a community of faith. Included are the expenses for the annual Diocesan Convention, as well as the escrow for the General Convention.

Congregational Development

Debbie Kremers serves as Missioner for Transitions and assists parishes in the search process. $20,000 has been allocated to assist St. Paul’s, Kansas City, with its Mission Enterprise Zone. The amount provided by the diocese will be matched by a grant from the Episcopal Church to help carry out ministry in Kansas City. In 2013, in an effort to help St. Margaret’s, Lawrence, recover from its very high mortgage debt, the Council of Trustees authorized the diocese to take out a loan to pay off St. Margaret’s debt. In turn, St. Margaret’s has agreed to pay all their apportionment, plus pay the diocese back for this loan over a 30-year period. The amount the diocese is paying on the loan per year, $110,907, is listed under expenses of Congregational Development, while the amount St. Margaret’s is repaying the diocese, $ 27,394, is listed in the income section of the mission plan.

Council of Trustees

This part of the 2019 mission plan provides for the monthly Council of Trustee meetings, the Council’s annual retreat and other Council expenses.


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Proposed 2019 mission plan, narrative Liturgy, Arts and Music

The mission of the Liturgy, Arts & Music Commission is to support the congregations in the diocese, that we may better celebrate our life in Christ through worship.

Mission Management

The operations and facilities expenses of the diocesan office are included in this area. Among major items in this area are retiree health insurance, computers, utilities, maintenance, property and liability insurance, and the annual audit. In early 2018 the diocesan office occupied space in the new building. The estimated additional costs of the new building have been reflected in this mission plan.

Mission and Outreach

The Diocese of Kansas continues to be a strong supporter of the wider church. Once again, the 2018 mission plan provides for the full asking to support the work of the Episcopal Church. Funding by the diocese to support the Sustainable Development Goals is included in the mission plan. Areas supported by Mission and Outreach are: • Episcopal Church Apportionment • Province VII Apportionment • NourishKC • Episcopal Social Services in Wichita • Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence • Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness Training • Sustainable Development Goals

Office of the Bishop

In 2018 we will elect our next bishop. All expenses associated with the search portion of the search for a new bishop have been expended in 2018. Some of the transition expenses were also expended in 2018. However, some transitions expenses will flow into 2019. These anticipated expenses are included under the Office of the Bishop ($72,050). This will be a one-time expense that will not appear in the mission plan for 2020. A full year’s salary and benefits, as well as expenses for the bishop, have been included under the Office of the Bishop. The Rev. George Wiley will continue to serve as Canon Pastor for 2019.

Office of the Canon to the Ordinary

The Canon to the Ordinary is the chief administrative officer for the diocese. The canon also serves as the deployment officer for the diocese.

Seminarian and Curate Support

As part of investing in our future, the Diocese of Kansas provides assistance for future priests of the Episcopal Church. Twice a year the diocese provides grants to those from our diocese attending a residential seminary. The diocese also partners with specific parishes to provide internship experience for new clergy. One curate position has been budgeted for in the 2019 mission plan. Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Proposed 2019 mission plan, narrative Stewardship and Development

The Stewardship and Development Committee will work to provide resources and services to the parishes of the diocese. The Rev. Art Rathbun is currently working in the area of stewardship and development.

Youth Ministries

In early 2018, Karen Schlabach assumed the additional duties as Interim Campus Missioner. She is still fully involved in the youth ministry for the diocese as she has been in former years. There has been no cut back in the programs or ministry for the youth of the diocese. These are some of the successful youth events planned for 2019: • Miqra • Happening • New Beginnings • Summer MegaCamp • MissionWichita • YouthTide • Gals Only/Guys Only Retreat • Summer Event Rotation


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


EXPENSES 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Adult Formation.................................................... 7,950 ......................... 4,460 ........................7,750 ........................ 7,950 ..................... 200 .................... 2.58% Bethany Place.................................................... 29,050 ....................... 26,127 ..................... 31,550 ...................... 32,150 ..................... 600 .................... 1.90% Bishop Kemper School for Ministry.................... 39,360 ....................... 39,360 ..................... 39,360 ...................... 53,389 ................ 14,029 .................. 35.64% Campus Ministries.............................................160,611 ..................... 141,983 ................... 156,680 .................... 150,512 .................(6,168)................... -3.94% Clergy Support.................................................... 24,750 ....................... 27,013 ..................... 24,750 ...................... 24,600 ....................(150)................... -0.61% Commission on Ministry........................................ 7,150 ......................... 4,343 ........................7,500 ........................ 7,250 ....................(250)................... -3.33% Communications................................................. 91,560 ....................... 87,253 ..................... 93,156 .................... 100,435 .................. 7,279 .................... 7.81% Community Life................................................... 56,000 ....................... 41,325 ..................... 56,000 ...................... 56,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Congregational Development........................... 147,007 ..................... 139,463 ................... 147,007 .................... 145,007 .................(2,000)................... -1.36% . Council of Trustees............................................... 8,400 ......................... 2,863 ........................3,100 ........................ 3,000 ....................(100)................... -3.23% Liturgy, Arts and Music............................................. 100 .............................. 15 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Mission Management....................................... 372,326 .....................366,917 ................... 391,000 .................... 395,910 .................. 4,910 .................... 1.26% Mission and Outreach....................................... 257,304 ..................... 255,870 ................... 224,725 .................... 215,400 .................(9,325)................... -4.15% Office of the Bishop.......................................... 259,840 ..................... 175,856 ................... 201,152 .................... 299,668 ................ 98,516 .................. 48.98% Office of the Canon to the Ordinary.................. 141,415 ..................... 138,616 ................... 145,348 .................... 148,404 .................. 3,056 .................... 2.10% Seminarian and Curate Support......................... 27,600 ......................... 3,600 ........................3,600 ...................... 14,700 ................ 11,100 ................ 308.33% Stewardship and Development............................. 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Youth Ministries................................................ 187,092 ..................... 183,394 ................... 186,330 .................... 210,713 ................ 24,383 .................. 13.09% TOTAL EXPENSES........................................... 1,794,681 .................. 1,638,458 ................ 1,724,093 ................. 1,866,688 .............. 142,595 .................... 8.27%

INCOME 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Apportionment............................................... 1,394,884 .................. 1,303,421 ................ 1,394,467 ................. 1,484,219 ................ 89,752 .................... 6.44% Allowance for Uncollectable Apportionment...... (30,000)...................... (77,631).................... (84,000)....................(68,050)................ 15,950 ................. -18.99% St. Margaret’s Loan Payments to Diocese*........ 24,155 ....................... 24,155 ..................... 25,724 ...................... 27,394 .................. 1,670 .................... 6.49% Endowment Proceeds...................................... 230,372 ..................... 200,000 ................... 220,707 .................... 241,000 ................ 20,293 .................... 9.19% Bishop Search Escrow................................................ 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ...................... 20,000 ................ 20,000 Fees - Diocesan Convention*............................. 40,000 ....................... 22,405 ..................... 40,000 ...................... 40,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Fees - Conference Center.................................... 1,100 ......................... 2,449 ........................1,200 ........................ 1,000 ....................(200)................. -16.67% Fees- Deacons Retreat*...................................... 6,200 ......................... 4,363 ........................5,500 ........................ 6,000 ..................... 500 .................... 9.09% Fees - Gathering of Presbyters*........................... 8,500 ......................... 8,278 ........................8,200 ........................ 8,600 ..................... 400 .................... 4.88% Fees - Congregational Development Conf. *........ 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ............................... 0 .................(2,000)............... -100.00% Fees - Youth Miqra*.............................................. 4,250 ......................... 3,518 ........................4,250 ........................ 4,000 ....................(250)................... -5.88% Fees - Youth Camp*........................................... 72,200 ....................... 77,586 ..................... 72,000 ...................... 82,000 ................ 10,000 .................. 13.89% Fees - Youth Happenings*................................... 3,300 ......................... 1,197 ........................3,300 ........................ 2,000 .................(1,300)................. -39.39% Fees - Youth New Beginnings*............................. 2,000 ......................... 1,605 ........................2,000 ........................ 1,750 ....................(250)................. -12.50% Fees - Youth Mission Wichita*.............................. 2,000 ............................ 589 ........................2,000 ........................ 1,000 .................(1,000)................. -50.00% Fees - Youth - Girls Only/Guys Only*................... 2,745 ............................ 457 ........................2,745 ........................ 1,000 .................(1,745)................. -63.57% Fees - Youth Fall Fun Fest*.................................. 3,500 ......................... 1,548 ........................3,500 ............................... 0 .................(3,500)............... -100.00% Fees - Youth Tide*................................................ 1,750 ............................ 488 ........................1,750 ........................ 1,200 ....................(550)................. -31.43% Fees - Summer Event Rotation*........................... 6,750 ......................... 2,102 ........................6,750 ........................ 6,750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Fees - Bishop Kemper School for Ministry*........ 18,975 ......................... 6,233 ..................... 12,000 ........................ 6,825 .................(5,175)................. -43.13% TOTAL INCOME................................................. 1,794,681 .................. 1,582,763 ................ 1,724,093 ................. 1,866,688 .............. 142,595 .................... 8.27% * Indicates an expense line item for which designated fees are paid.

Proposed 2019 mission plan, summary


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Bethany Place 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Supplies................................................................ 3,550 ......................... 3,214 ........................3,550 ........................ 3,550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Utilities.................................................................. 5,500 ......................... 6,320 ........................8,000 ........................ 8,500 ..................... 500 .................... 6.25% Building Services Contracts.................................. 5,000 ......................... 5,064 ........................5,000 ........................ 5,100 ..................... 100 .................... 2.00% Maintenance....................................................... 15,000 ........................11,529 ..................... 15,000 ...................... 15,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Bethany Place.......................................... 29,050 ....................... 26,127 ..................... 31,550 ...................... 32,150 ..................... 600 .................... 1.90%

Adult Formation 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Commission Expenses............................................ 200 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................... 200 ..................... 200 Education for Ministry (EFM)................................ 7,250 ......................... 3,960 ........................7,250 ........................ 7,250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Cursillo..................................................................... 500 ............................ 500 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Adult Formation......................................... 7,950 ......................... 4,460 ........................7,750 ........................ 7,950 ..................... 200 .................... 2.58%


INCOME 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Apportionment............................................... 1,394,884 .................. 1,303,421 ................ 1,394,467 ................. 1,484,219 ................ 89,752 .................... 6.44% Allowance for Uncollectable Apportionment...... (30,000)...................... (77,631).................... (84,000)....................(68,050)................ 15,950 ................. -18.99% St. Margaret’s Loan Payments to Diocese*........ 24,155 ....................... 24,155 ..................... 25,724 ...................... 27,394 .................. 1,670 .................... 6.49% Endowment Proceeds...................................... 230,372 ..................... 200,000 ................... 220,707 .................... 241,000 ................ 20,293 .................... 9.19% Bishop Search Escrow................................................ 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ...................... 20,000 ................ 20,000 Fees - Diocesan Convention*............................. 40,000 ....................... 22,405 ..................... 40,000 ...................... 40,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Fees - Conference Center.................................... 1,100 ......................... 2,449 ........................1,200 ........................ 1,000 ....................(200)................. -16.67% Fees- Deacons Retreat*...................................... 6,200 ......................... 4,363 ........................5,500 ........................ 6,000 ..................... 500 .................... 9.09% Fees - Gathering of Presbyters*........................... 8,500 ......................... 8,278 ........................8,200 ........................ 8,600 ..................... 400 .................... 4.88% Fees - Congregational Development Conf. *........ 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ............................... 0 .................(2,000)............... -100.00% Fees - Youth Miqra*.............................................. 4,250 ......................... 3,518 ........................4,250 ........................ 4,000 ....................(250)................... -5.88% Fees - Youth Camp*........................................... 72,200 ....................... 77,586 ..................... 72,000 ...................... 82,000 ................ 10,000 .................. 13.89% Fees - Youth Happenings*................................... 3,300 ......................... 1,197 ........................3,300 ........................ 2,000 .................(1,300)................. -39.39% Fees - Youth New Beginnings*............................. 2,000 ......................... 1,605 ........................2,000 ........................ 1,750 ....................(250)................. -12.50% Fees - Youth Mission Wichita*.............................. 2,000 ............................ 589 ........................2,000 ........................ 1,000 .................(1,000)................. -50.00% Fees - Youth - Girls Only/Guys Only*................... 2,745 ............................ 457 ........................2,745 ........................ 1,000 .................(1,745)................. -63.57% Fees - Youth Fall Fun Fest*.................................. 3,500 ......................... 1,548 ........................3,500 ............................... 0 .................(3,500)............... -100.00% Fees - Youth Tide*................................................ 1,750 ............................ 488 ........................1,750 ........................ 1,200 ....................(550)................. -31.43% Fees - Summer Event Rotation*........................... 6,750 ......................... 2,102 ........................6,750 ........................ 6,750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Fees - Bishop Kemper School for Ministry*........ 18,975 ......................... 6,233 ..................... 12,000 ........................ 6,825 .................(5,175)................. -43.13% TOTAL INCOME................................................. 1,794,681 .................. 1,582,763 ................ 1,724,093 ................. 1,866,688 .............. 142,595 .................... 8.27% * Indicates an expense line item for which designated fees are paid.

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Campus Ministries 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Salary1................................................................ 51,000 ....................... 51,000 ..................... 51,970 ...................... 46,220 .................(5,750)................. -11.06% Health Insurance................................................ 24,645 ......................... 9,880 ........................9,880 ............................... 0 .................(9,880)............... -100.00% Pension................................................................. 9,180 ......................... 9,180 ........................9,355 ........................ 4,160 .................(5,195)................. -55.53% FICA...................................................................... 1,836 ......................... 1,836 ........................1,375 ........................ 6,412 .................. 5,037 ................ 366.33% Auto Expense....................................................... 5,550 ......................... 2,639 ........................5,550 ........................ 3,500 .................(2,050)................. -36.94% Auto Escrow......................................................... 3,400 ......................... 3,400 ........................3,200 ........................ 3,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Lodging.................................................................... 500 ............................ 149 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Maintenance & Insurance - KU........................... 17,350 ....................... 16,754 ..................... 17,500 ...................... 17,820 ..................... 320 .................... 1.83% Maintenance & Insurance - K-State.................... 13,800 ....................... 13,800 ..................... 13,800 ...................... 13,200 ....................(600)................... -4.35% Campus Ministries - Parish Based....................... 3,600 ......................... 3,000 ........................3,600 ........................ 3,600 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Travel ................................................................... 2,500 ......................... 1,652 ........................3,700 ........................ 3,700 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Meetings/Gatherings............................................... 300 ............................ 449 ...........................300 ........................... 500 ..................... 200 .................. 66.67% Office Supplies........................................................ 600 ............................ 704 ...........................600 ........................ 1,000 ..................... 400 .................. 66.67% Telecommunications................................................ 850 ............................ 777 ...........................850 ........................ 2,700 .................. 1,850 ................ 217.65% Campus Ministry Program Assistants................. 19,500 ....................... 25,649 ..................... 28,500 ...................... 37,600 .................. 9,100 .................. 31.93% Ministry Program Expenses.................................. 6,000 ..........................1,114 ........................6,000 ........................ 6,400 ..................... 400 .................... 6.67% Total Campus Ministries.................................160,611 ..................... 141,983 ................... 156,680 .................... 150,512 .................(6,168)................... -3.94% Clergy Support 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Gathering of Presbyters*...................................... 8,500 ......................... 8,599 ........................8,500 ........................ 8,600 ..................... 100 .................... 1.18% Archdeacons............................................................ 500 ......................... 1,166 ...........................450 ........................... 400 ......................(50)................. -11.11% Clergy Gatherings.................................................... 250 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ........................... 250 ....................... 50 .................. 25.00% Deacons Retreat*................................................. 6,200 ......................... 7,274 ........................6,200 ........................ 6,000 ....................(200)................... -3.23% Convocation Deans.............................................. 8,000 ......................... 8,000 ........................8,000 ........................ 8,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Chrism Mass......................................................... 1,300 ......................... 1,974 ........................1,400 ........................ 1,350 ......................(50)................... -3.57% Total Clergy Support........................................ 24,750 ....................... 27,013 ..................... 24,750 ...................... 24,600 ....................(150)................... -0.61%

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Student Support*.................................................. 3,360 ......................... 3,360 ........................3,360 ........................ 8,400 .................. 5,040 ................ 150.00% School of Ministry Support.................................. 36,000 ....................... 36,000 ..................... 36,000 ...................... 36,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Utilities......................................................................... 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 6,768 .................. 6,768 Insurance..................................................................... 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 1,721 .................. 1,721 Maintenance................................................................ 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................... 500 ..................... 500 Total Bishop Kemper School for Ministry...... 39,360 ....................... 39,360 ..................... 39,360 ...................... 53,389 ................ 14,029 .................. 35.64%

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Congregational Development 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Committee............................................................... 100 ................................ 0 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% St. Paul’s KC Mission Enterprise Zone............... 20,000 ....................... 20,000 ..................... 20,000 ...................... 20,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Loan Payments - St. Margaret’s*.......................110,907 ......................110,907 ....................110,907 .................... 110,907 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Conference*.......................................................... 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ............................... 0 .................(2,000)............... -100.00% Missioner for Transitions..................................... 14,000 ......................... 8,556 ..................... 14,000 ...................... 14,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Congregational Development.............. 147,007 ..................... 139,463 ................... 147,007 .................... 145,007 .................(2,000)................... -1.36% .

Communications 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Salary1................................................................ 50,075 ....................... 50,075 ..................... 51,030 ...................... 52,075 .................. 1,045 .................... 2.05% Health Insurance.................................................. 9,550 ......................... 9,880 ........................9,880 ...................... 10,720 ..................... 840 .................... 8.50% Pension................................................................. 4,506 ......................... 4,506 ........................4,593 ........................ 4,687 ....................... 94 .................... 2.05% FICA...................................................................... 3,830 ......................... 3,831 ........................3,904 ........................ 3,984 ....................... 80 .................... 2.05% Travel....................................................................... 750 ............................ 244 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Telephone................................................................ 360 ............................ 360 ...........................360 ........................... 360 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Website Hosting....................................................... 480 ............................ 480 ...........................480 ........................ 5,480 .................. 5,000 .............. 1041.67% Publication...........................................................11,064 ......................... 8,533 ......................11,164 ...................... 11,384 ..................... 220 .................... 1.97% Circulation (Postage)............................................ 4,800 ......................... 3,314 ........................4,800 ........................ 4,800 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Labeling................................................................... 900 ......................... 1,830 ...........................900 ........................... 900 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Postage Return.......................................................... 50 ................................ 0 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Technology Upgrades (Software)............................ 200 .............................. 82 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Parish Support/Online Resources........................... 550 .............................114 ...........................550 ........................... 550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Equipment............................................................... 425 ................................ 0 ...........................425 ........................... 425 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Episcopal Communicators.................................... 1,500 ......................... 1,443 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Fees & Membership................................................ 320 ............................ 255 ...........................320 ........................... 320 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Diocesan Journal ................................................. 2,200 ......................... 2,306 ........................2,200 ........................ 2,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Communications..................................... 91,560 ....................... 87,253 ..................... 93,156 .................... 100,435 .................. 7,279 .................... 7.81% Community Life 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Convention Expense*......................................... 40,000 ....................... 26,608 ..................... 40,000 ...................... 40,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% General Convention Deputies............................ 16,000 ....................... 14,717 ..................... 16,000 ...................... 16,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Anglican/Lambeth Conferences.................................. 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ............................... 0 ......................... 0 Total Community Life....................................... 56,000 ....................... 41,325 ..................... 56,000 ...................... 56,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00%

Commission on Ministry 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Commission Expense........................................... 1,000 ............................ 147 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Travel (Seminarians)............................................... 600 ................................ 0 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Materials and Resources............................................. 0 .............................. 63 ...............................0 ........................... 250 ..................... 250 Vocationers’ Retreat............................................. 1,500 ................................ 0 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Background Investigations...................................... 300 ......................... 2,424 ........................3,000 ........................ 2,500 ....................(500)................. -16.67% Ordination Services.............................................. 1,500 ......................... 1,709 ...........................700 ........................... 700 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Ordination Examinations...................................... 2,250 ................................ 0 ...........................800 ........................... 800 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Commission on Ministry........................... 7,150 ......................... 4,343 ........................7,500 ........................ 7,250 ....................(250)................... -3.33%

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Mission Management 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Salaries2 ........................................................... 196,168 .....................196,168 ................... 199,004 .................... 202,725 .................. 3,721 .................... 1.87% Payroll Taxes ..................................................... 15,030 .......................15,029 ..................... 15,226 ...................... 15,510 ..................... 284 .................... 1.87% Health Insurance ................................................. 8,550 .........................8,184 ........................8,900 ........................ 9,450 ..................... 550 .................... 6.18% Pension .............................................................. 16,190 .......................16,190 ..................... 16,400 ...................... 15,840 ....................(560)................... -3.41% Life Insurance.......................................................... 850 ............................391 ........................1,675 ........................ 2,550 ..................... 875 .................. 52.24% Income Replacement Insurance ............................. 750 ............................545 ...........................975 ........................ 1,075 ..................... 100 .................. 10.26% Health Insurance - Retirees................................ 23,175 .......................26,227 ..................... 23,500 ...................... 24,500 .................. 1,000 .................... 4.26% Workers’ Compensation Insurance....................... 4,500 .........................1,665 ........................4,500 ........................ 4,250 ....................(250)................... -5.56% Travel.................................................................... 3,000 .........................2,604 ........................3,000 ........................ 3,550 ..................... 550 .................. 18.33% Continuing Education........................................... 1,500 ............................350 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Computer Expense............................................. 26,733 .......................20,832 ..................... 28,370 ...................... 28,000 ....................(370)................... -1.30% Telecommunications............................................. 6,000 .........................6,668 ........................6,000 ........................ 6,800 ..................... 800 .................. 13.33% Postage................................................................ 5,000 .........................2,692 ........................5,000 ........................ 4,200 ....................(800)................. -16.00% Office Supplies....................................................11,000 .......................10,009 ......................11,000 ...................... 11,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Printing ................................................................... 600 ............................591 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Maintenance-Equipment.......................................... 250 ............................254 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Equipment Lease.................................................. 2,500 .........................2,630 ........................2,500 ........................ 2,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Building Services Contract................................... 1,000 .........................1,144 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,300 ..................... 300 .................. 30.00% Utilities.................................................................. 9,000 .........................6,965 ..................... 14,250 ...................... 14,500 ..................... 250 .................... 1.75% Property & Liability Insurance............................. 19,980 .......................22,654 ..................... 24,500 ...................... 21,785 .................(2,715)................. -11.08% Bank Fees & Finance Charges................................ 300 ............................251 ...........................300 ........................... 375 ....................... 75 .................. 25.00% Miscellaneous Expenses......................................... 750 .........................1,347 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Independent Audit............................................... 19,500 .......................23,527 ..................... 20,900 ...................... 22,000 .................. 1,100 .................... 5.26% Total Mission Management............................ 372,326 .....................366,917 ................... 391,000 .................... 395,910 .................. 4,910 .................... 1.26%

Liturgy, Arts and Music 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Liturgies for the Diocese (Convent’n, Ordinat’n)...... 100 .............................. 15 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Liturgy, Arts and Music................................ 100 .............................. 15 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00%

Council of Trustees 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Strategic Planning................................................ 5,000 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ............................... 0 ......................... 0 Committee Expense............................................. 2,150 ......................... 2,863 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Retreat.................................................................. 1,250 ................................ 0 ........................1,100 ........................ 1,000 ....................(100)................... -9.09% Total Council of Trustees................................... 8,400 ......................... 2,863 ........................3,100 ........................ 3,000 ....................(100)................... -3.23%

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Office of the Bishop 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Bishop Search............................................................. 0 ....................... 74,122 ................... 153,230 ...................... 72,050 ...............(81,180)................. -52.98% Bishop Search Escrow................................................ 0 ....................... 40,000 ..................... 40,000 ............................... 0 ...............(40,000)............... -100.00% Salary1.............................................................. 168,470 ....................... 33,478 ...............................0 .................... 140,100 .............. 140,100 Health Insurance................................................ 24,645 ......................... 2,134 ...............................0 ...................... 28,050 ................ 28,050 Pension............................................................... 30,325 ......................... 6,026 ...............................0 ...................... 25,218 ................ 25,218 Telecommunications............................................. 2,400 ............................ 264 ...............................0 ........................ 1,800 .................. 1,800 Lodging................................................................. 3,100 .............................. 84 ...............................0 ........................ 3,100 .................. 3,100 Auto Escrow......................................................... 8,200 ......................... 8,200 ...............................0 ........................ 6,250 .................. 6,250 Auto Expenses..................................................... 9,000 ......................... 3,097 ...............................0 ........................ 8,250 .................. 8,250 Air Travel............................................................... 2,250 ............................ 274 ...............................0 ........................ 2,250 .................. 2,250 Meals/Host............................................................ 4,000 ............................ 207 ...............................0 ........................ 4,000 .................. 4,000 House of Bishops................................................. 3,000 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 3,000 .................. 3,000 Travel - Other........................................................... 500 ............................ 371 ...............................0 ........................... 500 ..................... 500 Professional Development/Cont Ed...................... 1,000 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 2,000 .................. 2,000 Subscriptions........................................................... 350 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................... 350 ..................... 350 Canon Pastor........................................................ 2,500 ......................... 7,599 ........................7,922 ........................ 2,500 .................(5,422)................. -68.44% Professional Expenses............................................ 100 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................... 250 ..................... 250 Total Office of the Bishop.............................. 259,840 ..................... 175,856 ................... 201,152 .................... 299,668 ................ 98,516 .................. 48.98%

Mission and Outreach 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change General Convention Assessment..................... 238,754 ..................... 238,754 ................... 206,175 .................... 196,850 .................(9,325)................... -4.52% Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness........................ 2,000 ......................... 1,016 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Provincial Synod Assessment.............................. 1,100 ......................... 1,100 ........................1,100 ........................ 1,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Jubilee Outreach Ministries..................................... 250 ................................ 0 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Commission Expense.............................................. 200 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% NourishKC (formerly ECS).................................... 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Episcopal Social Services-Wichita....................... 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Bishop Seabury Academy.................................... 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Sustainable Development Goals........................ 12,000 ....................... 12,000 ..................... 12,000 ...................... 12,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Mission and Outreach........................... 257,304 ..................... 255,870 ................... 224,725 .................... 215,400 .................(9,325)................... -4.15%

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Stewardship and Development 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel ...................................................................... 500 ................................ 0 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Program Development............................................. 500 ................................ 0 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Commission Expense........................................... 1,000 ................................ 0 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Stewardship and Development................ 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00%

Seminarian and Curate Support 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Clergy Internship/Mentoring............................... 24,000 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ...................... 12,000................. 12,000 Seminarian Support.............................................. 3,600 ......................... 3,600 ........................3,600 ........................ 2,700.....................(900)................. -25.00% Total Seminarian and Curate Support............ 27,600 ......................... 3,600 ........................3,600 ...................... 14,700 ................ 11,100 ................ 308.33%

Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Salary1................................................................ 79,380 ....................... 79,380 ..................... 80,880 ...................... 82,546 .................. 1,666 .................... 2.06% Health Insurance................................................ 24,645 ....................... 25,614 ..................... 26,958 ...................... 28,050 .................. 1,092 .................... 4.05% Pension............................................................... 14,290 ....................... 14,290 ..................... 14,560 ...................... 14,858 ..................... 298 .................... 2.05% Travel.................................................................... 1,500 ............................ 961 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Professional Expenses............................................ 400 ............................ 429 ...........................400 ........................... 400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Clergy Conversation Groups................................ 1,000 ............................ 796 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Telecommunications............................................. 1,500 ......................... 1,047 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Auto Expense....................................................... 8,200 ......................... 3,621 ........................7,500 ........................ 7,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Auto Escrow......................................................... 6,100 ......................... 6,100 ........................6,100 ........................ 6,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Lodging................................................................. 1,200 ......................... 1,673 ........................1,200 ........................ 1,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Meals.................................................................... 1,000 ......................... 2,912 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Subscriptions........................................................... 200 ................................ 0 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Professional Development.................................... 2,000 ......................... 1,793 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Office of the Canon to the Ordinary.... 141,415 ..................... 138,616 ................... 145,348 .................... 148,404 .................. 3,056 .................... 2.10%



Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

This salary formerly was included in a group of salaries under Mission Management. Based on the Consumer Price Index for April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018, a cost of living increase of 2.06 percent is included.

This includes the salaries for the Assistant to the Bishop, the Assistant to the Canon, the Comptroller, one part-time Receptionist and one part-time Custodian. Based on the Consumer Price Index for April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018, a cost of living increase of 2.06 percent is included.



2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change TOTAL EXPENSES........................................... 1,794,681 .................. 1,638,458 ................ 1,724,093 ................. 1,866,688 .............. 142,595 .................... 8.27%

* Indicates that fees paid are listed under Income for this event.

Youth Ministries 2017 Proposal 2017 Actual 2018 Proposal 2019 Proposal $ Change % Change Salary1................................................................ 45,475 ....................... 47,475 ..................... 46,340 ...................... 65,318 ................ 18,978 .................. 40.95% Health Insurance.................................................. 9,550 ......................... 9,880 ........................9,880 ...................... 10,720 ..................... 840 .................... 8.50% Pension................................................................. 4,093 ......................... 4,093 ........................4,170 ........................ 5,878 .................. 1,708 .................. 40.96% FICA...................................................................... 3,479 ......................... 3,479 ........................3,545 ........................ 4,997 .................. 1,452 .................. 40.96% Auto Expense....................................................... 3,750 ......................... 2,531 ........................3,500 ........................ 3,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Auto Escrow......................................................... 3,400 ......................... 3,400 ........................3,400 ........................ 3,400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Resources............................................................... 750 ............................ 942 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Servant Leader Program (Peer Ministers)............... 500 ............................ 365 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Continuing Education.............................................. 500 ............................ 360 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Training for Youth Ministers..................................... 250 ................................ 0 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Camp Wood Expense*....................................... 75,000 ....................... 83,036 ..................... 75,000 ...................... 85,000 ................ 10,000 .................. 13.33% High School Spiritual Retreat*.............................. 3,300 ............................ 993 ........................3,300 ........................ 2,000 .................(1,300)................. -39.39% Junior High Spiritual Retreat*............................... 2,000 ............................ 920 ........................2,000 ........................ 1,750 ....................(250)................. -12.50% Miqra: A Public Reading of Scriptures*................. 4,250 ......................... 2,446 ........................4,250 ........................ 4,000 ....................(250)................... -5.88% Fall Festival Evangelism Event*........................... 3,500 ......................... 2,296 ........................3,500 ............................... 0 .................(3,500)............... -100.00% Recharge: Youth Leaders Retreat........................... 550 ..........................1,211 ...........................550 ........................... 550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Youth Tide*........................................................... 1,750 ............................ 345 ........................1,750 ........................ 1,200 ....................(550)................. -31.43% Girls Only/Guys Only*........................................... 2,745 ............................ 874 ........................2,745 ........................ 1,000 .................(1,745)................. -63.57% Background Checks................................................ 100 ................................ 0 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Summer Event Rotation*...................................... 9,750 ......................... 5,042 ........................6,750 ........................ 6,750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% MissionWichita*.................................................... 2,000 ............................ 866 ........................2,000 ........................ 1,000 .................(1,000)................. -50.00% Summer Interns.................................................... 4,000 ......................... 4,000 ........................4,000 ........................ 4,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Safeguarding God’s Children................................... 200 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Telecommunications............................................. 2,200 ......................... 1,777 ........................2,200 ........................ 2,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Travel.................................................................... 1,000 ......................... 1,438 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Office Expenses................................................... 3,000 ......................... 5,625 ........................3,650 ........................ 3,650 ......................... 0 .................... 0.00% Total Youth Ministries..................................... 187,092 ..................... 183,394 ................... 186,330 .................... 210,713 ................ 24,383 .................. 13.09%

Proposed 2019 mission plan, line item

Proposed apportionment schedule, 2019 2018 2017 APPORTIONMENT BASE




NORTHEAST CONVOCATION Atchison, Trinity Edwardsville, St. Martin’s Kansas City, St. Paul’s Lawrence, St. Margaret’s Lawrence, Trinity Leavenworth, St. Paul’s Mission, St. Michael’s Olathe, St. Aidan’s Ottawa, Grace Overland Park, St. Thomas’ Shawnee, St. Luke’s Stilwell, St. Francis TOTAL

38,956 4,010 21,568 46,972 76,509 38,299 214,825 25,314 3,670 105,857 26,785 7,255 610,019

234,894 31,270 117,702 287,046 397,198 242,577 1,194,190 159,440 36,698 586,001 173,722 49,465 3,510,203

41,821 4,290 18,711 52,106 73,828 43,337 230,996 26,942 5,035 111,060 29,758 6,787 644,671

2.82% 17.80% 0.29% 13.72% 1.26% 15.90% 3.51% 18.15% 4.97% 18.59% 2.92% 17.87% 15.56% 19.34% 1.82% 16.90% 0.34% 13.72% 7.48% 18.95% 2.00% 17.13% 0.46% 13.72% 43.44% 18.37%

SOUTHEAST CONVOCATION Chanute, Grace Coffeyville, St. Paul’s Galena, St. Mary’s Independence, Epiphany Iola, St. Timothy’s Neodesha, Ascension Parsons, St. John’s Pittsburg, St. Peter’s Sedan. Epiphany Yates Center, Calvary TOTAL

12,173 8,227 4,141 10,231 5,861 2,822 8,986 16,072 22,705 1,525 92,745

72,640 64,416 35,245 60,248 46,605 25,199 69,687 87,890 140,217 14,174 616,321

10,646 9,270 4,836 8,574 6,394 3,457 10,152 13,195 23,151 1,945 91,620

0.72% 14.66% 0.62% 14.39% 0.33% 13.72% 0.58% 14.23% 0.43% 13.72% 0.23% 13.72% 0.68% 14.57% 0.89% 15.01% 1.56% 16.51% 0.13% 13.72% 6.17% 14.87%

NORTHWEST CONVOCATION Abilene, St. John’s Blue Rapids, St. Mark’s Clay Center, St. Paul’s Emporia, St. Andrew’s Holton. St. Thomas’ Junction City, Covenant Manhattan, St. Paul’s Marysville, St. Paul’s Topeka, Grace Cathedral Topeka, St. David’s Wamego, St. Luke’s TOTAL

7,131 1,812 8,146 25,618 386 11,370 32,263 2,211 149,568 58,077 9,658 306,241

61,782 13,136 67,623 176,519 9,178 77,011 198,668 17,701 857,790 353,041 54,190 1,886,639

8,830 1,802 9,807 30,310 1,259 11,376 34,678 2,429 164,657 65,120 7,561 337,829

0.59% 14.29% 0.12% 13.72% 0.66% 14.50% 2.04% 17.17% 0.08% 13.72% 0.77% 14.77% 2.34% 17.46% 0.16% 13.72% 11.09% 19.20% 4.39% 18.45% 0.51% 13.95% 22.76% 17.91%

SOUTHWEST CONVOCATION Arkansas City, Trinity 9,598 72,068 10,550 0.71% 14.64% Derby, St. Andrew’s 19,639 102,346 15,683 1.06% 15.32% El Dorado, Trinity 25,680 133,636 21,853 1.47% 16.35% Newton, St. Matthew’s 24,713 144,584 24,012 1.62% 16.61% Wellington, St. Jude’s 2,614 22,144 3,038 0.20% 13.72% Wichita, Good Shepherd 65,531 417,926 77,916 5.25% 18.64% Wichita, St. Bartholomew’s 5,497 40,447 5,549 0.37% 13.72% Wichita, St. James’ 90,130 654,741 124,616 8.40% 19.03% Wichita, St. John’s 69,978 264,804 47,720 3.22% 18.02% Wichita, St. Stephen’s 55,705 335,322 61,626 4.15% 18.38% Winfield, Grace 16,377 111,747 17,537 1.18% 15.69% TOTAL 385,462 2,299,765 410,099 27.63% 17.83% GRAND TOTALS 1,394,467 8,312,928 1,484,219 100.00% 17.85%

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Episcopal appointments and nominations Episcopal appointments The Chancellors (Constitution, Article IV, B, Sec. 4) Chancellor, Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Vice Chancellor, Mr. Michael Francis, St. David’s, Topeka Vice Chancellor, Mr. Kurt A. Harper, St. James’, Wichita The Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts (Canon III.8, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint a Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts, composed of clergy and professional lay persons qualified in one of the allied arts. Mrs. Beth Ann Branden, St. David’s, Topeka, Chair The Reverend Dawn Frankfurt, St. James’, Wichita The Reverend Dixie Junk, St. Paul’s, Kansas City Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Diocesan Church Attorney (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) The Bishop shall at each annual Convention appoint, with the consent of the Convention, one or more independent Church Attorneys to perform functions as appropriate under Title IV of the General Canons. Mr. John Emerson, Trinity, Lawrence Diocesan Intake Officer (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita The Registrar and Historiographer (Canon III.7, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint with the approval of Convention a Registrar and Historiographer. Registrar: Mrs. Michele Moss, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Historiographer: Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Grace Cathedral, Topeka


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Episcopal appointments and nominations Episcopal nominations The Treasurer of the Diocese Constitution Article IV, B. Sec. 3 The Treasurer of the Diocese shall be elected by convention for an initial term of one year. Thereafter the Treasurer may be elected for successive three-year terms if so determined by Diocesan Convention. Mr. Brian Geary, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park (2019) The Commission on Ministry (Canon III.4, Sec. 1) At Diocesan Convention the Bishop shall nominate and the Convention shall confirm a Commission on Ministry to consist of not less than six (6) members, which shall include both clergy and lay persons, and their terms of office shall be three years. The Reverend Andrew O’Connor, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2019), Chair The Reverend Tom Baker, non-parochial (2020) Mrs. Jeanine Blessant, St. Peter’s, Pittsburg (2021) Deacon Jim Cummins, St. Francis’, Overland Park (2020) The Reverend Kelly Demo, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park (2021) Deacon Sandy Horton-Smith, St. Paul’s, Manhattan (2020) Ms. Diane MacCoy, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2021) The Reverend Marc McDonald, St. Andrew’s, Emporia (2020) Mrs. Debbie Oehmke, St. Andrew’s, Derby (2021) To assist the Commission on Ministry: The Examining Chaplains The Reverend Dr. Mary Korte, St. Stephen’s, Wichita, Chair The Reverend David Cox, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Deacon Sandy Horton-Smith, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Deacon Rob Schwaller, Trinity, Lawrence The Reverend Vicki Smith, St. David’s, Topeka Ex officio: The Reverend Don H. Compier, Ph.D., Dean, Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Convention committees Episcopal appointments to committees of the 159th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2018) Secretary of the 159th annual convention Mrs. Karen Clowers, St. David’s, Topeka Parliamentarian of the 159th annual convention Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Committee to Approve the Minutes of Convention The Reverend Sharon Billman, St. John’s, Parsons Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Pages Members of the Kansas Episcopal youth

Episcopal appointments to committees of the 160th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2019)

(Terms, except where noted, run from adjournment of the 159th Annual Convention (2018) until adjournment of the 160th Annual Convention (2019); Canon II.5., Sec. 1.a.) On Dispatch of Business Mrs. Carolyn Sturgeon, St. Aidan’s, Olathe, Chair Dr. Kristi Baker, St. David’s, Topeka On Constitution and Canons Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, Chancellor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park, Chair Mr. Michael Francis, Vice Chancellor, St. David’s, Topeka Mr. Kurt A. Harper, Vice Chancellor, St. James’, Wichita Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita On Nominations and Elections The Very Reverend Laurie Lewis, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield, Chair Ms. Marsha Burris, St. Timothy’s, Iola Mr. Bob Mossman, St. Luke’s, Shawnee Mrs. Myrline Winkler, St. Luke’s, Wamego On Debatable Resolutions Deacon Oliver Bunker, St. Timothy’s, Iola, Chair Mr. Calvin Karlin, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Ms. Nancy Kelley, Trinity, Lawrence Ms. Diane MacCoy, Good Shepherd, Wichita On Courtesy Resolutions Diocesan Staff On Arrangements Arrangements for the 160th Annual Convention will be under the direction of the Diocesan Staff, working with volunteers selected to assist with needed tasks. The Canon to the Ordinary will serve as the chair of this committee. 26

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Proposed rules of debate 1. Whenever possible, speakers will be called in alternating order of their positions on the issue under consideration. 2. Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes on an issue under consideration, except that: a) A speaker may speak again to any amendment, with a two (2) minute time limit again applying; and b) A speaker may answer questions of information. 3. While motions to call the previous question (close debate), limit debate, postpone to a set time, postpone indefinitely or commit are acceptable at any time, the motion will be effective only after all speakers already at the microphone have had an opportunity to speak. 4. Items such as courtesy resolutions may be placed on a consent calendar to be voted as a group. a) The consent calendar(s) shall be prepared by the Committee on Dispatch of Business and distributed to the Convention. b) The consent calendar is not subject to debate. c) An item or items may be removed from the consent calendar at the request of any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. The removal of one or more items from the consent calendar is not subject to a vote. d) Items so removed shall be voted upon separately and are subject to debate. Explanation: A convention is a gathering of the community of the church in this place. Communities that are functional listen to one another and give each person an opportunity to speak. These proposed rules of debate are designed to advance our life at this “community reunion.� Some items will be judged by the Committee on Dispatch of Business to be items on which delegates are in full agreement. These items, such as courtesy resolutions, will be placed on a consent calendar. However, should a delegate feel that an item deserves either debate or comment, that item may be removed from the consent calendar as provided for above. In all our discussions, we seek to know Christ and to make Christ known.

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Courtesy resolutions These courtesy resolutions have been suggested to the 159th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. They will be presented to the Convention as consent calendar items, to be voted upon as a group. The separate courtesy resolutions will not be read. The proposed rules for debate allow for the removal of any item from the consent calendar by any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. Should this request be made, the item removed will be subject to debate or comment and will be voted on separately. 1. The Most Reverend and Mrs. Michael Curry — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop and his spouse, Sharon. 2. The Most Reverend and Right Honorable and Mrs. Justin Welby — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his spouse, Caroline. 3. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Dean Wolfe — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Ninth Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Ellen. 4. The Right Reverend and Mrs. William Smalley — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Eighth Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Carole. 5. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Richard F. Grein — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seventh Bishop of Kansas. 6. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Michael Milliken and the Diocese of Western Kansas — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our assisting bishop and good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Milliken and the people and staff of the Diocese of Western Kansas, and wishes Bishop Milliken God’s blessings in his upcoming retirement. 7. The Reverend and Mrs. Mark Cowell — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the bishop-elect of Western Kansas and his spouse, Julie, and their children Gabriel, Cathleen and Gryffin, praying God’s blessings on them as he is ordained and consecrated on December 1. 8. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Martin Field and the Diocese of West Missouri — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Field and the people and staff of the Diocese of West Missouri. 9. The Right Reverend and Mrs. J. Scott Barker and the Diocese of Nebraska — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Barker and the people and staff of the Diocese of Nebraska.


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Courtesy resolutions 10. Bishops and people of the dioceses of Province VII — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the bishops and people of the dioceses of Province VII: the Right Reverend Larry R. Benfield and the people of the Diocese of Arkansas; the Right Reverend George Sumner and the people of the Diocese of Dallas; the Right Reverend J. Scott Mayer and the people of the Diocese of Fort Worth and the Diocese of Northwest Texas; the Right Reverend Edward J. Konieczny and the people of the Diocese of Oklahoma; the Right Reverend Michael Vono, Bishop-elect Michael Hunn and the people of the Diocese of Rio Grande; the Right Reverend David Reed, the Right Reverend Jennifer BrookeDavidson and the people of the Diocese of West Texas; and the Right Reverend Jacob Owensby and the people of the Diocese of Western Louisiana. 11. The Right Reverend Jean Zache Duracin and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Duracin and the people of the Diocese of Haiti. 12. The Most Reverend Jackson Ole Sapit and the Anglican Church of Kenya — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Archbishop Sapit and the people of the Anglican Church of Kenya. 13. The Right Reverend Joseph Muchai and the Diocese of Nakuru — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Muchai and the people of the Diocese of Nakuru in Kenya. 14. The Right Reverend Griselda Delgado del Carpio and the Diocese of Cuba — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our sisters and brothers in the Diocese of Cuba, newly restored as a diocese of the Episcopal Church, with thanksgiving for the leadership of Bishop Delgado. 15. Bishop and Mrs. Roger R. Gustafson and the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — This resolution sends greetings to Bishop Gustafson and his spouse, the Rev. Susan Langhauser, and the people of the Central States Synod. 16. Bishop and Mrs. Ruben Saenz, Jr. and the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Saenz and the people of the Great Plains Conference. 17. Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton and the Rev. T. Conrad Selnick — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and to her spouse. 18. The Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates of our diocese. 19. The Campus and Youth Ministry Council — This resolution sends thanks to the youth and young adults who volunteered to serve as pages during the business sessions of the convention.

Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Schedule for the bishop election The election of the 10th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas will take place on Friday, Oct. 19, the first day of the 159th Annual Diocesan Convention, in the nave of Grace Cathedral in Topeka. Before the election can begin, the convention must get organized and undertake some preliminary business. Here is the schedule for the election:

Friday, October 19, Grace Cathedral

7:30 – 9 a.m.: check-in and election registration 9 a.m.: All delegates and clergy must have their voting credentials and be seated 9 a.m.: Convention opening and Morning Prayer, Grace Cathedral 10:30 a.m. (approximately): Balloting begins to elect the 10th bishop of Kansas 11:45 a.m.: Noonday prayers and lunch 1:30 p.m.: Election balloting continues (if needed)

Because of limited seating, these are the people who can be present in the cathedral during the election: Lay parish delegates Clergy who are canonically resident Lay ex officio office holders entitled to vote Officers of Convention Lay parish alternates who have registered for convention Others who have registered and paid for convention Members of the Search Committee and Transition Committee Those invited to be present to support the work of the convention Plans call for the election to be broadcast live online. The link will be posted on the diocesan website, Results of each ballot will be posted on the diocesan website, as well as on the three diocesan social media accounts: Facebook – EpiscopalDioceseofKansas Twitter – @EpiscoKs Instagram – @EpiscoKs If you share the results on social media, please be sure to use these hashtags: #EpiscoKsBp10 #KsDioCon


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

Special Rule of Order for the election of the 10th bishop of Kansas Sec. 1. This rule shall supplement Article VII of the Constitution of the Diocese of Kansas with respect to the election of the 10th bishop of Kansas. Sec. 2. Per Article VII, this election shall take place during the scheduled 159th Diocesan Convention, October 19-20, 2018. Sec. 3. Per Article VII, seat and vote on the voting floor of the Convention is restricted to members of the Convention; seat on the voting floor is granted to Officers of Convention not otherwise members of Convention; others invited to seat in the gallery include registered alternate delegates, lay members of the Search Committee and the Transition Committee not otherwise entitled to vote, lay members of the diocesan staff certified by the President of the Convention, and other registered guests. Tellers, pages and other assistants may come onto the voting floor to carry out their assigned duties. Sec. 4. Following the Call to Order and before the first ballot, the names of the candidates for 10th bishop of Kansas shall be placed before Convention. Nominations from the floor are not in order. Sec. 5. The election of the 10th Bishop of Kansas is a prayer-filled and connected experience of the Body of Christ in Kansas; therefore, no form of campaigning for or against a candidate from the floor or gallery will be in order. Likewise, no printed campaign materials may be distributed except those provided by the Council of Trustees. Delegates and guests shall be mindful of and limited in their use of electronic communication during balloting. Sec. 6. In accordance with Article VII of the Constitution of the Diocese of Kansas, the Convention shall vote concurrently by orders. Sec. 7. Before each ballot, and at other times as requested by members of Convention, the President of Convention will invite periods of prayer and/or silence. Sec. 8. Before the results of each ballot are announced, sufficient time will be allowed for communication of the results to the candidates. Sec. 9. When each ballot’s results are announced, demonstrations of approval or disapproval are not in order unless invited by the President of Convention. Sec. 10. No motion to terminate balloting will be recognized until after the eighth ballot; this question shall be decided by a majority of those present and voting unless a vote by orders is requested pursuant to Article IV, Section E of the Constitution. A motion to terminate balloting is in order after any subsequent ballot. Sec. 11. A candidate may withdraw her name from consideration at any time during the balloting. The withdrawing candidate shall communicate her wish to withdraw to the President of Convention who shall report the withdrawal to the Secretary of the Convention, and that candidate shall be excluded from subsequent ballots. Sec. 12. Immediately after an election has occurred, the President of the Council of Trustees shall notify the bishop-elect of her election and shall ascertain whether she accepts. Following the election and acceptance, sufficient time shall be provided for a constitutional majority in each order to sign the required canonical testimonial. If the bishop-elect declines election, there shall be no further balloting and the Convention shall proceed to other business. Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention


Schedule of bishop candidate walkabouts Tuesday, October 2: Northeast Convocation

Noon ­– 2 p.m.: Lunch with clergy; St. Paul’s, 1300 North 18th St., Kansas City (prior registration required) 5 – 6 p.m.: Dinner with college students and youth; St. Michael and All Angels, 6630 Nall Ave., Mission (prior registration required) 7 – 8:30 p.m.: Question-and-Answer session; St. Thomas’, 12251 Antioch Rd., Overland Park. This session is open to everyone.

Wednesday, October 3: Southeast Convocation

Noon – 2 p.m.: Lunch with clergy; St. John’s, 1801 Corning, Parsons (prior registration required) 7 – 8:30 p.m.: Question-and-Answer session; Epiphany, 400 East Maple, Independence. This session is open to everyone.

Thursday, October 4: Southwest Convocation

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.: Lunch with clergy; Episcopal Social Services, 1010 North Main, Wichita (prior registration required) 5 – 6 p.m.: Dinner with college students and youth; St. James’, 3750 East Douglas, Wichita (prior registration required) 7 – 8:30 p.m.: Question-and-Answer session; St. Stephen’s, 7404 East Killarney, Wichita. This session is open to everyone.

Friday, October 5: Northwest Convocation

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Lunch with clergy; St. Paul’s, 601 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan (prior registration required) 6 – 7 p.m.: Dinner with college students and youth; Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka (prior registration required) 7:15 – 8:45 p.m.: Question-and-Answer session; Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka. This session is open to everyone.


Unity of the Spirit • The 159th Annual Convention

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