Convention book 2017

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Information for Clergy and Delegates The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas Hilton’s Double Tree Hotel at the Airport 2098 Airport Road Wichita, Kansas

Table of contents Schedules and Agendas

Schedule of convocation meetings........................................................................................................................2 Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention........................................................................................................3

Nominees for Council of Trustees

Lay nominees, 3-year term (elect 1)................................................................................................................... 4-5 Clergy nominees, 3-year term (elect 1)..................................................................................................................6

Nominees for General Convention/Provincial Synod

Lay nominees, 3-year term (elect 4 deputies and 4 alternates).................................................................... 7-10 Clergy nominees, 3-year term (elect 4 deputies and 4 alternates).............................................................11-16

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan

Narrative ...........................................................................................................................................................17-21 Summary of the mission plan..............................................................................................................................22 Line items of income and expenses..............................................................................................................23-28 Apportionment schedule.......................................................................................................................................29

Consent Calendar Items

Bishop’s appointments and nominations......................................................................................................30-31 Convention committees..................................................................................................................................32-33 Courtesy resolutions........................................................................................................................................34-35

Other Items

Proposed rules of debate......................................................................................................................................36

Note: No debatable resolutions or proposed amendments to diocesan canons or constitution were submitted for consideration.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Schedule of Convocation Meetings Southeast Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 10, 10 a.m., St. John’s Church, 1801 Corning, Parsons

Southwest Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 10, 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 400 W. Ash, El Dorado

Northeast Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m., St. Margaret’s Church, 5700 W. 6th St., Lawrence

Northwest Convocation

Saturday, Sept. 24, 1 p.m., Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka

All delegates are urged to attend the meeting in their Convocation. Members of the diocesan staff and the Council of Trustees will be present to provide information and answer questions.

Please bring this convention book with you to your Convocation meeting and to Diocesan Convention.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Proposed Agenda for Diocesan Convention All events will take place at the Hilton’s Doubletree Hotel at the Airport in Wichita with the exception of the Thursday evening event at Good Shepherd. This will be a joint event with the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas. Each diocese will have separate business meetings, but all other events will take place jointly.

Thursday, October 27, 2016 4 – 7:30 p.m.

Convention check-in for clergy, delegates and visitors, Hotel Foyer

6 p.m.

Dinner and entertainment, Good Shepherd, 8021 West 21st Street North, Wichita

Friday, October 28, 2016 9 – 10 a.m.

Convention check-in, Hotel Foyer

10 – 11:30 a.m.

Convention Eucharist, Emerald Ballroom

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Convention check-in, Hotel Foyer

Noon – 1 p.m.

Lunch, with the Diocese of Western Kansas, Emerald Ballroom

1 – 1:45 p.m.

Keynote address by Bishop Dean E. Wolfe, Emerald Ballroom

1:45 – 3:45 p.m.

Opening of business, Emerald Ballroom

3:45 – 4 p.m.

Break and refreshments, Hotel Foyer

4 – 5 p.m.

Workshops for all delegates and clergy, rooms to be announced

5 – 6 p.m.

Free time

6 – 7 p.m.

Social hour, Hotel Foyer

7 – 9 p.m.

Banquet and awards, with the Diocese of Western Kansas, Emerald Ballroom

9:15 p.m.

Taize service

Saturday, October 29, 2016 7:30 – 9 a.m.

Continental breakfast, with the Diocese of Western Kansas, Emerald Ballroom

9 – 9:45 a.m.

Morning Prayer, with the Diocese of Western Kansas, Emerald Ballroom

9:45 – 10 a.m.

Break, Hotel Foyer

10 – 11:45 a.m.

Business session, Emerald Ballroom

11:45 a.m. – noon

Noonday Prayers, Emerald Ballroom

Noon – 1 p.m.

Lunch, with the Diocese of Western Kansas, Emerald Ballroom

1 – 2 p.m.

Business continues (if needed) and adjournment, Emerald Ballroom

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — Council of Trustees Lay nominees • Council of Trustees, at-large member, 3-year term (vote for 1) Larry Hannan

Member, St. Luke’s, Wamego

Church leadership: Current at-large member of the Council of Trustees. Vestry member in two parishes, including serving as senior and junior warden. Active in Cursillo, including as lay rector. Former military officer with leadership responsibilities. Current position/occupation: Director of Operations, Wamego Public Schools Statement: I fully realize that there are different components to our church, from our individual relationships with God, our collective worship communities and the various levels of governance within the church. All of these components are separate but interlocked to create our polity, a tri-union as it were. I feel I’ve been asked to this mission by the Holy Spirit to enhance my sense of the Great Commission and its opportunity to provide for the structure that helps spread the Good News. These last three years serving on the Council have been illuminating to this end, as well as rewarding in knowing that the Spirit is at work through the Council of Trustees.

Scott Howard

Member, St. Peter’s, Pittsburg

Church leadership: Chair, diocesan Campus Ministry Council. Delegate and alternate to Diocesan Convention. Vestry member and senior warden, licensed Worship Leader, Eucharistic Minister, choir member. Current position/occupation: Vice-president, AFIX Technologies, Inc. Statement: As an at-large, lay member of the Council of Trustees, it is my hope to both learn more about the governance and operations of the Episcopal Church at the diocesan level, and to contribute to the support and advancement of that work. As we continue to face an ever-changing and challenging world, I hope to continue to seek those opportunities and to help provide voice for all the Episcopalians in the Diocese of Kansas.

Tim Korte

Member, St. Stephen’s, Wichita

Church leadership: Choir member, Vacation Bible School volunteer. In other parishes and dioceses have been member of the Vestry, Buildings and Grounds Committee and choir; Church School volunteer; youth group coordinator; acolyte director; Eucharistic Visitor; Eucharistic Minister; lector; Cursillo team member; member of a Bishop Search Committee. Certified Sexual Assault Advocate. Clergy spouse for more than 20 years. Current position/occupation: Retired training and education officer. Present volunteer with Great Plains Search & Rescue K9 in Wichita. Training consultant for Appreciative Way. Statement: I believe I am called to this position in order to bring my wealth of experience in group coordination and collaboration in working towards a common goal. I am not only a native Kansan, but I have lived in multiple communities throughout the United States and have traveled outside of the U.S. to many other countries. My background and my involvement with other parishes and Episcopal dioceses will bring additional perspective and ideas that would hopefully be of benefit to the Diocese of Kansas.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees for Election — Council of Trustees Lay nominees • Council of Trustees, at-large member, 3-year term (vote for 1) Joseph Mitchell

Member, Church of the Covenant, Junction City

Church leadership: Former member of the Council of Trustees from the Northwest Convocation. Alternate deputy to General Convention in 2012. Current and previous delegate to Diocesan Convention and Northwest Convocation. Vestry member, Eucharistic Minister, lector. Previously senior and junior warden; involved in Cursillo, Stephen’s Ministry, youth ministry and ALPHA. Current position/occupation: Retired contract specialist, Fort Riley Statement: I want to take a leadership role in the Episcopal Church, bringing all to the Word of Love (Christ Jesus), my Savior. I believe that I was called to “Love as Christ has Loved,” not to judge others, to accept others just as they are, to be an instrument of His love, to be Christ’s love to the world, and to bring the world to Christ. I believe I can best serve Christ by serving as pray lead voice of conscience and reason, a listening ear, tempered by a heart and soul in daily communication with my God. A lion of love and truth, working together to build a more Christ-like church on earth and around the world. I believe strongly in my abilities to serve you, the community, the world and my God, in this ministry that I believe He called me to.

Stanley Rowe

Member, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence

Church leadership: I have not previously been involved in church matters. Current position/occupation: Statement: I have difficulty in explaining my desire to become a part of the church beyond a simple member. I came to my faith very late in life and have a great deal to learn. I believe involvement to a greater degree is necessary for me to further my development. I do believe I have a great deal of valuable experience to bring. I was a Marine officer, a police officer and a chief of police, and finally as HR manager for the Kansas State Penitentiary in Lansing. I would like to be able, at this time in my life, to bring any benefit I might have available to me to aid the church and to thank Father Matthew Zimmermann for his assistance in bringing me to Christ.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — Council of Trustees Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, at-large member, 3-year term (vote for 1) The Rev. Sharon Billman Vicar, St. John’s, Parsons

Church leadership: Current member of the Council of Trustees and Assistant Clerk. Member of Convention Minutes Review Committee. Trainer for Safeguarding God’s Children and Safeguarding God’s People. Volunteer at General Convention in 2015. Recipient of Canon’s Award in 2010. Former member, Campus Ministry Council and Campus Missioner Search Committee. Current position/occupation: Vicar, St. John’s, Parsons Statement: Having completed my first full three-year term on the Council of Trustees, I would like to continue to serve the diocese in this capacity as part of my priestly call. I feel I bring a combination of skills and have a unique view into the life of small, rural parishes. I believe my perspective brings a distinct voice and understanding of the future of the Episcopal Church. I am excited to be a part of the church of the future in finding new ways of doing ministry in small, rural parishes, seeking to serve Christ in all persons.

Deacon Craig Klein

Deacon, St. David’s, Topeka

Church leadership: In a previous diocese served two terms as a member of Diocesan Council and the diocesan Board of Directors. In another diocese was a member of Diocesan Council and served on the Commission on Ministry, working on revising a diaconal handbook for ordination. Also assisted Board of Examining Chaplains and served as an alternate deputy to General Convention in 2003. Current position/occupation: Federal grant administrator, Washburn University Statement: I am a deacon in our diocese who serves St. David’s in Topeka. I am also a postsecondary administrator of many years. I understand basic governance, committee structures, consensus building, prioritization, succession planning, document review, fiscal oversight and master planning. I live and work in Topeka and would be able to attend meetings with minimal personal impact. I believe my skill set to be comprehensive and professionally suited to this role, one in which I have served well in other places.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Lay nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) Jennifer Allen

Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission

Church leadership: Postulant for Holy Orders. Episcopal delegate to the UN Commission on the Status of Women, 2015-2016. Alternate deputy to General Convention in 2015. Active in Kansas to Kenya as a member of the Steering Committee, Community and Medical teams, and Millennium Goal Development Leader for Major Diseases. Diocesan delegate, Eucharistic Visitor, Stephen Ministry leader, lector. Preciously Vestry member, youth leader, Sunday school teacher, parish blood pressure nurse, nurse for diocesan MissionPalooza and camp, Christmas pageant director, parish library assistant, children’s chapel leader. Current position/occupation: Senior Manager, Client Engagement, Express Scripts Statement: In 2015, I was elected as an alternate deputy to General Convention. As the fourth alternate, my attendance wasn’t required by the diocese. But because of the importance of the Convention, I chose to fully participate. As an alternate, I had the chance to see many different sessions, including the House of Deputies, the House of Bishops, and the Structure and Governance Committee. Seeing the Church at work shaping our polity, working for social justice and redefining ourselves to meet the needs of today was an exciting and spiritual experience. We have a great deal of work in front of us, and I’d like the chance to bring my knowledge of the process and my love of our church to the next General Convention.

Michael Funston

Member, St. Paul’s, Manhattan

Church leadership: Mega Camp Senior High Program Director in 2016; General Convention deputy in 2015. Previously interim diocesan Youth Missioner, vocationers’ retreat co-coordinator, diocesan youth peer ministry coordinator, peer minister at Kansas State University. Director of Youth Ministries at St. Columba’s, Washington, D.C. Current position/occupation: Statement: As a lay deputy to General Convention in 2015, I was honored to join my fellow Kansas deputies in representing our diocese. It was a busy couple of weeks, and I learned a lot. I enjoyed being a part of the legislative process for such a monumental General Convention and would be humbled to serve again in 2018. The theological and practical issues facing our Church continue to grow in complexity, and it behooves Kansas to have young but experienced voices as part of these national and international conversations. I believe that my long history of service to the Church (inside and outside the diocese) has prepared me well to offer an informed, Kansas voice to the deliberations of the Church.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Lay nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) Tyler Kerr

Member, Good Shepherd, Wichita

Church leadership: Adult volunteer, diocesan youth ministry. Recently completed four years as peer minister at KU Canterbury and youth director, Trinity, Lawrence. Peer minister at Episcopal Youth Event in 2009. Former diocesan youth peer minister, Youth Commission delegate and youth delegate to Diocesan Convention. Current position/occupation: Chemist/graduate student, University of Kansas Statement: I wish to serve in this position to bring a young, faithful and scientifically minded individual into the mix of deputies from the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. Over the last few years, I have served in various leadership positions within the church, and I feel that this has adequately prepared me to serve in this position in the fullest capacity. Being from a scientific background and actively conducting renewable energy research, I am well informed about environmental issues that face the world today. In addition, serving in multiple ministry positions has taught me the meaning of patience and compromise. Overall, I wish to serve in this position as a servant of God and to help guide the Church as we discern God’s path for us.

Ashley Mather

Member, St. James’, Wichita

Church leadership: Campus Ministry Intern at Kansas State University; deputy to General Convention in 2015; delegate to Diocesan Convention; chair and member of the Nominations and Elections Committee; team leader and missionary to Kenya (Kansas to Kenya); president and peer minister of Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita. In two parishes served on Search Committee and Vestry; communication intern, youth minister, Eucharistic Minister, acolyte coordinator, lector, member of Daughters of the King. Sacristan at Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, N.C.; intern at St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral in Jacksonville, Fla. Current position/occupation: Seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary Statement: It would be a privilege to serve as a lay deputy to General Convention on behalf of the Diocese of Kansas. I have been coming to our Diocesan Convention for more than 10 years and have enjoyed learning about the church on a deeper level. I have experience on a local and diocesan level, and I have been fortunate to witness the church on a national level as a lay deputy to the last General Convention, through the sacristan position at Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, N.C., and at the Episcopal Youth Event in 2008. After many years of formation from the diocese, I feel called to continue contributing more to the national church and the ongoing conversations that make the church what it is.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Lay nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) Joseph Mitchell

Member, Church of the Covenant, Junction City

Church leadership: Former member of the Council of Trustees from the Northwest Convocation. Alternate deputy to General Convention in 2012. Current and previous delegate to Diocesan Convention and Northwest Convocation. Vestry member, Eucharistic Minister, lector. Previously senior and junior warden; involved in Cursillo, Stephen’s Ministry, youth ministry and ALPHA. Current position/occupation: Retired contract specialist, Fort Riley Statement: I want to take a leadership role in the Episcopal Church, bringing all to the Word of Love (Christ Jesus), my Savior. I believe that I was called to “Love as Christ has Loved,” not to judge others, to accept others just as they are, to be an instrument of His love, to be Christ’s love to the world, and to bring the world to Christ. I believe I can best serve Christ by serving as pray lead voice of conscience and reason, a listening ear, tempered by a heart and soul in daily communication with my God. A lion of love and truth, working together to build a more Christ-like church on earth and around the world. I believe strongly in my abilities to serve you, the community, the world and my God, in this ministry that I believe He called me to.

Mike Morrow

Member, St. John’s, Wichita

Church leadership: Five-time deputy to General Convention; deputation chair in 2012 and 2015. Member of General Convention Committee on Constitution and Canons 2009, 2012 and 2015. Member of General Convention Committee on Ecumenical Relations 2006. Former member of Council of Trustees and Council president. Chair of diocesan Adult Formation Committee and diocesan Education for Ministry (EFM) coordinator. Former senior warden at St. John’s, Wichita and former Vestry member at St. John’s, Wichita; St. Alban’s, Wichita; and St. Paul’s, Leavenworth. Current position/occupation: Career law clerk, U.S. District Court Statement: As a lifelong Episcopalian, I have a deep love for the Episcopal Church. The church has nurtured and blessed both me and my family. I have had the honor and privilege of serving as a deputy to the last five General Conventions. While serving on the Constitution and Canons Committee, I was able to amend the new disciplinary canons in order to provide needed legal safeguards for clergy. I am proud of the work that General Convention has done since 2003 to bring LGBT people into full inclusion in the Episcopal Church. It is my hope that my experience and service at General Convention will benefit the members of our diocese and assist other deputies to General Convention.

Brent Nearhood

Member, Trinity, El Dorado

Church leadership: Southwest Convocation vice-president; parish treasurer, Vestry member, Sunday School teacher, lector Current position/occupation: Statement: I have been with Trinity Episcopal Church in El Dorado since October 2002. I now have time and I am interest in learning how our Church sets our policies. I hope to gain knowledge about the Episcopal Church by sharing my Episcopal Church experiences with other Episcopal Church members. I would use this knowledge to help build a great Church.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Lay nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) Timothy Phares

Member, Good Shepherd, Wichita

Church leadership: Former Vestry member; presenter at St. James’ speaker series. Liaison between Episcopal Social Services and Wichita Public Schools for donated goods. Current position/occupation: School Administrator Statement: I believe in serving the Episcopal Church and providing support and development of the church mission, including education, family support, faith enrichment and the creation of programs to combat poverty. My desire to seek a representative role on behalf of the diocese will allow networking with stakeholders in an effort to learn and dialogue with colleagues and help develop a path for church growth and spiritual fulfillment.

Robert Skaggs

Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission

Church leadership: Deputy to General Convention in 2009, 2012, and 2015. Member of the diocesan Disciplinary Board. Served 12 years as member of Council of Trustees, two years as president. Member of diocesan Finance Committee for 14 years. Former president of the Northeast Convocation. Current member of the Vestry and diocesan delegate. Senior warden and Vestry member, St. Francis’, Overland Park. Was a member of the Task Force for Funding the Diocese, diocesan Task Force for Campus Ministry and Campus Ministry Search Committee. Current position/occupation: Retired Lt. Colonel, United States Marine Corps Statement: I want to continue to serve my diocese and larger church as a deputy to General Convention. We still have not addressed all of the issues of Reimagining the Church and we have yet to hear the report on the Task Force on Marriage. I have served on the Episcopal Church Foundation Committee for the last two conventions, and I feel that continuity on that committee will be of benefit as we deal with issues of our endowment and health insurance over the next several years. I hope to help build a better church for future generations of Episcopalians.

Lyn Wattley

Member, Grace, Winfield

Church leadership: Lector and Eucharistic Minister. In other parishes in the United States and the Church of England was Vestry member, lector, Eucharistic Visitor, Eucharistic Minster, youth leader, Sunday school teacher and choir member. Created logo, print materials and design of processional cross for Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans. Current position/occupation: Parish Administrator, Grace, Winfield, and Trinity, Arkansas City Statement: As a lifelong Episcopalian and the daughter and granddaughter of priests (Rev. Canons James C. and Donald H. Wattley, both deceased) and godchild of the Rt. Rev. Robert C Witcher, retired, I have closely observed, participated in, appreciated and loved, and at times even struggled with, what our Church does and is capable of, for more than 50 years. I remain in awe of our possibilities! My life has been spent in service to and support of others – through my churches, various jobs around the world, 30+ years of volunteer work – including my parent’s final years. Such blessings abound in that service! I would be humbled to further serve our church as she grows with God’s love and grace!


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Very Rev. Don Compier

Dean, Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Church leadership: Diocesan Canon Theologian; associate priest for Hispanic Ministry at St. Paul’s, Kansas City; diocesan diversity team; board member, Episcopal Association of Deacons; member of Episcopal Church Foundation Team Ministry Task Force. Current position/occupation: Dean, Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Statement: As the Episcopal Church faces significant missional challenges, our diocese’s voice is vital, as in many ways our situation is a harbinger of things to come from the whole denomination. I am significantly involved in several key areas, namely emerging Latino/a ministries and “local formation” to equip bi-vocational priests, deacons and lay ministers for the needs of tomorrow’s church. I hope to forge more connections and learn lessons at the General Convention that will help me to serve more effectively our diocese and the broader church. I believe that the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry should have presence and voice there. We do not have our own funds to make this possible.

The Rev. Patrick Funston Rector, St. Paul’s, Manhattan

Church leadership: Deputy to General Convention 2015; member of General Convention legislative committee on Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation; member, Presiding Bishop’s Advisory Council on the Stewardship of Creation; member of the diocesan Council of Trustees and Council liaison to the Commission on Ministry; MegaCamp junior high program director; formerly Mega camp elementary chaplain; former member, diocesan Campus Ministry Council; former Campus Ministry intern at K-State. Current position/occupation: Rector, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Statement: I was honored to serve the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Kansas as a clergy deputy to the last General Convention and was additionally humbled to have been selected to serve on a legislative committee. Having poured myself into the work of committee and General Convention, I was noticed by leadership and appointed to serve as the Province VII representative on an advisory council to the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies. I am grateful to continue to bring a Kansas voice to these national and international conversations. Attending General Convention and serving the wider Church has been spiritually and professionally fulfilling, and I would like to continue to minister in this way.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Rev. Christine Gilson Rector, Trinity, El Dorado

Church leadership: Former member of diocesan Council of Trustees. Former member of Province 7 Network for Christian Formation. In the Diocese of West Missouri was a deputy to General Convention in 2012, and alternate in 2009 and 2006; dean of the Southern Deanery; member of Diocesan Council; member of Christian Formation Committee, Liturgics and Spiritual Formation Committee and Congregational Development Committee; lay member of Diocesan Councils in two previous dioceses. Current position/occupation: Rector, Trinity, El Dorado Statement: I want to serve as a deputy to General Convention for several reasons. First, I love the worship, polity and ethos of The Episcopal Church. However, there is sometimes an “urban bias” to church decisions, and the voices of congregations outside the cities need to be heard at the national level. I also value bringing the voice of the larger church to my own congregation. Parishioners in smaller congregations sometimes feel left out of the larger church. Deputy participation at the national level not only gives them a voice, but allows them to learn more directly how the Church functions. Finally, I enjoy participating in the worship and community that enfolds the convention. Those things, as well as our unique political process, enliven me and those with whom I share my experiences.

The Rev. Dixie Junk

Priest in Charge, St. Paul’s, Kansas City

Church leadership: Deputy to General Convention 2015; member of General Convention legislative committee on Evangelism and Communications; diocesan Jubilee officer; member of diocesan Commission on Architecture and Allied Arts; member of the Council of Advice for Latino/Hispanic Ministries of the Episcopal Church, including member of the New Camino Latino Ministry Conference team; workshop presenter and panelist at Nuevo Amanacer in 2012, 2014 and 2016; former member of Nuevo Amanacer design team; former member of Jubilee Ministry grant review team; former workshop presenter at New Community Clergy and Lay Conference, Kanuga Conference Center; former camp director and counselor at diocesan summer camp. Current position/occupation: Priest in Charge, St. Paul’s, Kansas City Statement: I have a passion for the Episcopal Church and believe the Jesus Movement embodied by our denomination has much to offer our fractured and hurting world. In particular I feel called to serve the historically marginalized voices of our St. Paul’s, Kansas City, community, our diocese and the wider church that this position affords. I am energized by the dynamic, diverse and talented leaders in the Episcopal Church – lay and clergy – that I work alongside whenever I am privileged to serve the wider church. I welcome the chance to debate the issues of the wider church, to represent our diocese, and to face the opportunities and challenges that will engage the 2018 General Convention as we continue to discern God’s call.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Rev. Steven King

Assistant Rector, St. Thomas’, Overland Park

Church leadership: Alternate to General Convention in 2012; member of diocesan Commission on Ministry; member of the Board of Directors of Episcopal Community Services in Kansas City. Current position/occupation: Assistant rector, St. Thomas’, Overland Park Statement: I am seeking election as a deputy to General Convention not only to continue to fulfill my vow to share in the councils of the Church but to do so in a way that makes a lasting impact on the life of the Church. The decisions made and the conversations shared at General Convention shape the immediate and long-term future of The Episcopal Church. Many of these decisions and conversations center around how the Church will be both relevant and mission-oriented in the 21st century. I feel called to be a part of this ministry, and to be able to represent the Diocese of Kansas in this would be both an honor and joy.

Deacon Craig Klein

Deacon, St. David’s, Topeka

Church leadership: In a previous diocese served two terms as a member of Diocesan Council and the diocesan Board of Directors. In another diocese was a member of Diocesan Council and served on the Commission on Ministry, working on revising a diaconal handbook for ordination. Also assisted Board of Examining Chaplains and served as an alternate deputy to General Convention in 2003. Current position/occupation: Federal grant administrator, Washburn University Statement: I am a deacon in our diocese who serves St. David’s in Topeka. I seek to attend the 2018 General Convention/Provincial Synod, and believe that a clergy deputation from our diocese would be enhanced by the presence of a deacon. No deacon represented our diocese in Salt Lake City last year. The diaconate is a unique ministry with a unique calling. As such, it brings a distinct and needed voice to such proceedings. I am called to serve in this way, have experience and believe I can offer a keen and discerning mind and heart.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Rev. Mary Korte

Rector, St. Stephen’s, Wichita

Church leadership: Chair, diocesan Board of Examining Chaplains; bishop’s representative to Episcopal Social Services, Wichita. Served other dioceses as consultant for parishes in transition, intern in an Episcopal campus ministry chaplaincy; member of an anti-racism committee; director of Religious Education; youth group director; hospice chaplain; disaster response team; Domestic Violence Task Force. Religious Studies teacher and dormitory head at the largest boarding school in the United States. Current position/occupation: Rector, St. Stephen’s, Wichita Statement: I’m able to produce results as well as help generate ideas based on my skill set and persistence. I positively influence the values, mission and vision of organizations and committees. I’m competent and responsible when fulfilling a requirement, and able to communicate in a variety of ways to cut through the clutter to help gets things accomplished. I try to learn something new every day and have a commitment to education and dedication to the church. I am flexible enough to work with a variety of people in changing environments, and I’m a problem solver. My lifetime within the Episcopal Church and from a family that has been part of the Church for generations is part of my DNA and helps me persist in many situations.

The Rev. Laurie Lewis

Rector, Trinity, Arkansas City, and Grace, Winfield

Church leadership: Deputy to General Convention in 2015; current member of the Council of Trustees; Council liaison to the Campus Ministry Council; co-mentor for Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita. Current position/occupation: Rector, Trinity, Arkansas City, and Grace, Winfield Statement: I served as a first-time deputy from this diocese to General Convention in 2015. As one of the members of our Kansas deputation who was not assigned to a committee, I attended the committee on Formation and Education for Ministry. I attended every meeting (even the 7 a.m. ones) and educated myself on the legislation being considered, and I testified on four issues. Earning a position to participate in the next General Convention will increase the likelihood of getting assigned to a committee where I can more directly contribute to the policies of the wider Episcopal Church. If elected I will bring the perspective and needs of small town parishes, as well as multiparish cities and diocesan needs.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Rev. Canon Torey Lightcap

Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Church leadership: Elected alternate to General Convention 2009 in another diocese; bishop’s office liaison to diocesan Commission on Ministry, Finance Committee and Congregational Development Committee; former blogger and adjunct editor for Episcopal Café; former parish priest serving congregations of various size and configuration in Texas, Colorado and Iowa. Current position/occupation: Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of Kansas Statement: This is a position requiring people of enormous commitment, faith, patience, prayer and tolerance. I believe I have some of these aptitudes to lend, as well as a sense of some of what God is up to, both in the Diocese of Kansas and in the wider Episcopal Church. I seek to serve Christ through things as deceptively ordinary as legislative process and committee work. My prayer is that through preparing for and participating in General Convention, I may bear a clear, strong and wise witness to how the Spirit is at work.

The Rev. Andrew O’Connor Rector, Good Shepherd, Wichita

Church leadership: Alternate deputy to General Conventions in 2015; member, diocesan Commission on Ministry; instructor at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry; MegaCamp junior high chaplain; former president and vice-president of the Southwest Convocation; team leader and member on two mission trips through Kansas to Kenya; exhibitor for St. Mark’s Press at General Conventions in 2012. Current position/occupation: Rector, Good Shepherd, Wichita Statement: From working with our youth at MegaCamp this summer, to helping form new deacons and priests as an instructor at BKSM, to building homes for refugees in Kenya with students from our campus ministries, to my ministry as rector of a dynamic Wichita parish, I have been profoundly blessed by my time in the Diocese of Kansas. Inspired by the commitment our diocese has for extending Jesus Christ’s work in the world, I know we are a vital part of what Presiding Bishop Curry calls the Jesus Movement. My enthusiasm for our diocese, combined with my previous experience as an alternate deputy in 2015, is what I will faithfully offer in service to the larger church as a deputy to General Convention and Provincial Synod.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees for Election — General Convention deputy Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy/Provincial Synod delegate, 3-year term (vote for 4) The Rev. Doreen Rice

Vicar, St. Francis’, Overland Park

Church leadership: Ten-year member of the diocesan Stewardship Committee, involved in grant writing, annual giving and capital projects; Bishop Kemper School for Ministry alumni association president and volunteer fundraiser; former two-term Vestry member; former junior warden; officer in Daughters of the King; member of parish stewardship committee; 20-year Eucharistic minister and visitor, and lector; choir member, Christian Education teacher and youth group volunteer. Current position/occupation: Vicar, St. Francis’, Overland Park Statement: As a graduate of the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry and a bivocational priest, I represent the future of ordained ministry within the Episcopal Church. My current focus and challenge is the sustainability of a congregation while also working full-time outside the church. I believe I offer a unique perspective. Additionally, as a professional fundraiser for the past 25 years, I see great need within the church to advance stewardship, especially with regard to estate giving. We should not in any way shy away from fundraising at the parish level and beyond. It is through our financial resources we are able to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world. Finally, I am a grateful and joyful Episcopalian and want to be of help to our wonderful faith!


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Narrative

The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas proposed 2017 mission plan Sources of Resources

The proposed 2017 mission plan for the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas is funded primarily through apportionment. Apportionment accounts for 76.4 percent of the resources to fund the mission plan. The remainder of the funding is provided by investment earnings (12.6 percent), and fees and other income (11 percent). The proposed apportionment for 2017 of $1,394,886 compares to previous years as follows: 2016 $1,411,314 2015 $1,404,568 2014 $1,403,737 2013 $1,380,577 2012 $1,317,321 2011 $1,353,342 2010 $1,357,596 2009 $1,365,000 2008 $1,329,562 2007 $1,282,375 The proposed effective apportionment rate for 2017 is 17.71 percent. The 2017 mission plan continues to make use of the endowment for funding. The projected draw on the endowment for 2017 will be 5 percent.

Uses of Resources

Expenses in the 2017 mission plan reflect a decrease of 0.3 percent from 2016. The proposed expenses compare to previous years as follows: 2017 $1,824,681 2016 $1,830,293 2015 $1,808,798 2014 $1,744,447 2013 $1,606,169 2012 $1,874,248 2011 $1,862,745 2010 $1,798,885 2009 $1,928,963 2008 $1,797,338 2007 $1,632,355

Adult Formation

For 2017 there will be continued emphasis on Education for Ministry (EFM) training and mentoring. The Diocese of Kansas has been deeply involved in EFM and has as many or more graduates than many dioceses of comparable size or larger. In 2016 the diocese conducted one EFM mentor training session. Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Narrative Bethany Place

Upton Hall Conference Center is being utilized more than in the past. The 22-bed conference center serves students enrolled in the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry from the dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas. It also hosts monthly meetings of the Council of Trustees and is available for use by parish organizations, agencies and select community organizations. Items associated with Bethany Place are the utilities, supplies, maintenance and upkeep of the grounds.

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Three years ago the Diocese of Kansas entered into a formal partnership with the dioceses of West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas to create the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. This initiative continues the diocese’s historic commitment to forming lay leaders, bi-vocational priests and deacons for ministry. BKSM is overseen by a board of directors with representatives from all four dioceses. The Diocese of Kansas is being asked to continue its commitment for 2017 in order to help pay the salary and benefits for a full-time dean, the Very Rev. Don Compier, as well as for partial tuition for students from the Diocese of Kansas, as determined by the dean of BKSM.

Campus Ministry

The Campus Missioner position currently is vacant. However, it is anticipated by the start of 2017 that a Campus Missioner will have been hired. Two interns will be serving the diocese and assisting the Campus Missioner.

Clergy Support

Clergy Support encompasses important functions for the clergy of the diocese. The functions under Clergy Support include: • Gathering of Presbyters • Deacons Gathering • Archdeacons • Convocation Deans • Chrism Mass

Commission on Ministry

The Commission on Ministry (COM) is required by Title III of the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church. The Commission on Ministry is charged with finding persons who can best fill the ministry needs of the diocese; thus, a vocational discernment process and program have been established. COM works in the discernment process not only with candidates but also with convocation discernment committees. As advisors to COM, the Examining Chaplains are responsible for reviewing the General Ordination Examinations of seminarians.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Narrative Communications

This area includes the cost of printing, labeling and mailing The Harvest, the diocesan quarterly magazine, as well as producing the diocesan Directory and Convention Journal provided to all clergy and parish offices. It also includes expenses related to the Office of Communications. This office also is responsible for the diocesan website and the biweekly electronic newsletter DioLog. The director also oversees diocesan social media channels, as well as printed communications for the bishop’s office, and is available to consult with parishes on communication issues, including website development, and print and digital publications.

Community Life

This area includes items related to meetings that incorporate aspects of our common life as a community of faith. Included are the expenses for the annual Diocesan Convention, as well as the escrow for the General Convention.

Congregational Development

In 2016, Debbie Kremers was hired as Missioner for Transitions. In that role she assist parishes in the search process. $20,000 has been allocated to assist St. Paul’s, Kansas City, with its Hispanic ministry. St. Paul’s offers a weekly service in Spanish and also is deeply involved in outreach to the Hispanic community. In 2013, in an effort to help St. Margaret’s, Lawrence, recover from its very high mortgage debt, the Council of Trustees authorized the diocese to take out a loan to pay off St. Margaret’s debt. In turn, St. Margaret’s has agreed to pay all their apportionment, plus pay the diocese back for this loan over a 30-year period. The amount the diocese is paying on the loan per year, $110,907, is listed under expenses of Congregational Development, while the amount St. Margaret’s is repaying the diocese, $24,155, is listed in the income section of the mission plan. The Congregational Development Committee plans and hosts one or two events per year for congregations to learn more about church growth, evangelism, stewardship, etc. The committee also is available to work with individual parishes in the diocese to assist them in growth and development.

Council of Trustees

This part of the 2017 mission plan provides for the monthly Council of Trustee meetings, the Trustees’ annual retreat and other Council expenses. A new item that appeared in 2016, strategic planning, once again appears in the 2017 mission plan.

Liturgy, Arts and Music

The mission of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Commission is to support the congregations in the diocese, that we may better celebrate our life in Christ through worship. The commission continues to work with the bishop on ordination liturgies for priests and deacons, and plans and coordinates worship for the Diocesan Convention.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Narrative Mission Management

The salaries and benefits of all clergy and lay employees of the diocese have been grouped in this section. The operations and facilities expenses of the diocesan office are included in this area. Among major items in this area are retiree health insurance, computers, utilities, maintenance, property and liability insurance, and the annual audit.

Mission and Outreach

The Diocese of Kansas continues to be a strong supporter of the wider church. Our diocese has participated at the full asking for many years. Once again, the 2017 mission plan provides for the full asking to support the work of The Episcopal Church. The asking for the wider church decreases for 2017 as the result of a phased-in decrease in diocesan askings that was approved by General Convention last year. Funding by the diocese to support the Sustainable Development Goals is included in the mission plan. Areas supported by Mission and Outreach are: • Episcopal Church Apportionment • Province VII Apportionment • Episcopal Community Services in Kansas City • Episcopal Social Services in Wichita • Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence • Episcopal Migration Ministries-Wichita • Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness Training • Sustainable Development Goals

Office of the Bishop

This area of the 2017 mission plan provides for the support of the bishop in his work, both in the Diocese of Kansas and in the wider church. Funding allows for the bishop to work together with the other bishops of the Episcopal Church through the House of Bishops and other special committees on which Bishop Wolfe serves. The Rev. George Wiley will continue to serve as Canon Pastor for 2017.

Office of the Canon to the Ordinary

The Canon to the Ordinary is the chief administrative officer for the diocese. The canon also serves as the deployment officer for the diocese.

Seminarian and Curate Support

As part of investing in our future, the Diocese of Kansas provides assistance for future priests of the Episcopal Church. Twice a year the diocese provides grants to those from our diocese attending a residential seminary. The diocese also partners with specific parishes to provide internship experience for clergy. This partnership allows newly ordained clergy to gain valuable parish experience as a curate, and the parishes benefit from their ministry.

Stewardship and Development

The Stewardship and Development Committee works to provide resources and services to the parishes of the diocese. The Rev. Art Rathbun is currently working in the area of stewardship and development.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Narrative Youth Ministries

Karen Schlabach has been faithfully serving the diocese as youth missioner. The work performed in this area of the mission plan helps lay the foundation for future lay leaders and priests in the Episcopal Church. For 2017 a new program, Mission Wichita, has been added. These are some of the youth events planned for 2017: • Miqra • Happening • New Beginnings • Summer MegaCamp • Fall Fun Fest • YouthTide • Girls Only/Guys Only Retreat • Summer Event Rotation

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas



Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

2015 Actual

2016 Proposal

2017 Proposal

$ Change

% Change

2015 Actual

2016 Proposal

2017 Proposal

$ Change

% Change

TOTAL EXPENSES........................................... 1,808,796 ..................1,748,931 ................ 1,830,293 ................. 1,824,681 .................(5,612)................... -0.3%

Adult Formation.................................................... 7,950 .........................5,313 ........................7,950 ........................ 7,950 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Bethany Place.................................................... 28,550 .......................27,851 ..................... 29,050 ...................... 29,350 ..................... 300 .................... 1.0% Bishop Kemper School for Ministry.................... 35,500 .......................27,054 ..................... 39,360 ...................... 39,360 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Campus Ministries.............................................. 74,950 .......................68,482 ..................... 74,950 ...................... 73,950 .................(1,000)................... -1.3% Clergy Support.................................................... 23,700 .......................25,599 ..................... 24,650 ...................... 24,750 ..................... 100 .................... 0.4% Commission on Ministry........................................ 5,800 .........................4,723 ........................9,400 ........................ 7,150 .................(2,250)................. -23.9% Communications................................................. 23,501 .......................20,621 ..................... 23,495 ...................... 23,599 ..................... 104 .................... 0.4% Community Life................................................... 55,300 .......................61,086 ..................... 56,000 ...................... 56,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Congregational Development........................... 147,007 .....................152,037 ................... 147,007 .................... 147,007 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Council of Trustees............................................... 4,500 .........................2,089 ........................8,850 ........................ 8,250 ....................(600)................... -6.8% Liturgy, Arts & Music................................................ 100 ..............................30 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Mission Management....................................... 917,203 .....................895,990 ................... 930,807 .................... 949,669 ................ 18,862 .................... 2.0% Mission and Outreach....................................... 248,749 .....................247,207 ................... 258,304 .................... 241,551 ...............(16,753)................... -6.5% Office of the Bishop............................................ 36,300 .......................37,955 ..................... 38,800 ...................... 38,800 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Office of the Canon to the Ordinary.................... 23,100 .......................26,102 ..................... 23,100 ...................... 23,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Seminarian and Curate Support......................... 45,218 .......................41,461 ..................... 19,200 ...................... 27,600 .................. 8,400 .................. 43.8% Stewardship and Development............................. 2,000 ................................0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Youth Ministries.................................................114,495 .....................105,331 ................... 122,395 .................... 124,495 .................. 2,100 .................... 1.7%

EXPENSES 2015 Proposal

TOTAL INCOME................................................. 1,808,798 ...................1,711,012 ................ 1,830,293 ................. 1,824,681 .................(5,612)................... -0.3%

Apportionment............................................... 1,404,568 .................. 1,324,391 .................1,411,314 ................. 1,394,886 ...............(16,428)................... -1.2% St. Margaret’s Loan Payment to Diocese ......... 21,299 ....................... 21,299 ..................... 22,682 ...................... 24,155 .................. 1,473 .................... 6.5% Endowment Proceeds...................................... 209,121 ..................... 209,000 ................... 217,302 .................... 230,370 ................ 13,068 .................... 6.0% Fees - Diocesan Convention.............................. 39,700 ....................... 33,264 ..................... 40,000 ...................... 40,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees - Conference Center....................................... 950 ............................ 920 ...........................975 ........................ 1,100 ..................... 125 .................. 12.8% Fees- Deacons’ Gathering................................... 6,200 ......................... 4,813 ........................6,200 ........................ 6,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees - Gathering of Presbyters............................ 8,500 ......................... 8,033 ........................8,500 ........................ 8,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees - Congregational Development Conf........... 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees - Youth Miqra............................................... 4,000 ......................... 3,889 ........................4,500 ........................ 4,250 ....................(250)................... -5.6% Fees - Youth Camp............................................. 80,100 ....................... 80,033 ..................... 75,000 ...................... 72,200 .................(2,800)................... -3.7% Fees - Youth High School Spiritual Retreat......... 3,100 ......................... 3,275 ........................3,400 ........................ 3,300 ....................(100)................... -2.9% Fees -Youth Junior High Spiritual Retreat............ 2,300 ......................... 1,953 ........................2,300 ........................ 2,000 ....................(300)................. -13.0% Fees - Youth Mission Wichita...................................... 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 2,000 .................. 2,000 Fees - Youth Recharge............................................ 250 .............................. 92 ...........................250 ............................... 0 ....................(250)............... -100.0% Fees - Youth Girls Only/Guys Only....................... 3,000 ............................ 297 ........................2,745 ........................ 2,745 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees - Youth Fall Fun Fest................................... 3,150 ......................... 2,052 ........................3,500 ........................ 3,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees - Youth Tide.................................................. 1,675 ............................ 903 ........................1,900 ........................ 1,750 ....................(150)................... -7.9% Fees - Youth Summer Event Rotation......................... 0 ......................... 1,259 ........................8,750 ........................ 6,750 .................(2,000)................. -22.9% Fees - Bishop Kemper School for Ministry......... 18,885 ....................... 15,538 ..................... 18,975 ...................... 18,975 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

INCOME 2015 Proposal

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Summary

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


2015 Actual

2016 Proposal

2017 Proposal

$ Change

% Change

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Student Support.................................................... 8,500 .............................. 54 ........................3,360 ........................ 3,360 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% School for Ministry Support................................ 27,000 ....................... 27,000 ..................... 36,000 ...................... 36,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Bishop Kemper School for Ministry...... 35,500 ....................... 27,054 ..................... 39,360 ...................... 39,360 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

Bethany Place 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Supplies................................................................ 2,550 ......................... 2,698 ........................3,550 ........................ 3,550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Utilities.................................................................. 6,500 ......................... 5,788 ........................5,500 ........................ 5,800 ..................... 300 .................... 5.5% Building Services Contracts.................................. 5,500 ......................... 4,384 ........................5,000 ........................ 5,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Maintenance....................................................... 14,000 ....................... 14,981 ..................... 15,000 ...................... 15,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Bethany Place.......................................... 28,550 ....................... 27,851 ..................... 29,050 ...................... 29,350 ..................... 300 .................... 1.0%

Adult Formation 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Commission Expenses............................................ 200 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Education For Ministry (EFM)............................... 7,250 ......................... 4,813 ........................7,250 ........................ 7,250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Cursillo..................................................................... 500 ............................ 500 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Adult Formation......................................... 7,950 ......................... 5,313 ........................7,950 ........................ 7,950 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%


Apportionment............................................... 1,404,568 .................. 1,324,391 .................1,411,314 ................. 1,394,886 ...............(16,428)................... -1.2% St. Margaret’s Loan Payment to Diocese ......... 21,299 ....................... 21,299 ..................... 22,682 ...................... 24,155 .................. 1,473 .................... 6.5% Endowment Proceeds...................................... 209,121 ..................... 209,000 ................... 217,302 .................... 230,370 ................ 13,068 .................... 6.0% Fees - Diocesan Convention.............................. 39,700 ....................... 33,264 ..................... 40,000 ...................... 40,000 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% Fees - Conference Center....................................... 950 ............................ 920 ...........................975 ........................ 1,100 ..................... 125 ........................ 12.8% Fees- Deacons’ Gathering................................... 6,200 ......................... 4,813 ........................6,200 ........................ 6,200 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% Fees - Gathering of Presbyters............................ 8,500 ......................... 8,033 ........................8,500 ........................ 8,500 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% Fees - Congregational Development Conf........... 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% Fees - Youth Miqra............................................... 4,000 ......................... 3,889 ........................4,500 ........................ 4,250 ....................(250)......................... -5.6% Fees - Youth Camp............................................. 80,100 ....................... 80,033 ..................... 75,000 ...................... 72,200 .................(2,800)......................... -3.7% Fees - Youth High School Spiritual Retreat.......... 3,100 ......................... 3,275 ........................3,400 ........................ 3,300 ....................(100)......................... -2.9% Fees -Youth Junior High Spiritual Retreat............ 2,300 ......................... 1,953 ........................2,300 ........................ 2,000 ....................(300)....................... -13.0% Fees - Youth Mission Wichita...................................... 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 2,000 .................. 2,000 Fees - Youth Recharge............................................ 250 .............................. 92 ...........................250 ............................... 0 ....................(250)..................... -100.0% Fees - Youth Girls Only/Guys Only....................... 3,000 ............................ 297 ........................2,745 ........................ 2,745 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% Fees - Youth Fall Fun Fest................................... 3,150 ......................... 2,052 ........................3,500 ........................ 3,500 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% Fees - Youth Tide.................................................. 1,675 ............................ 903 ........................1,900 ........................ 1,750 ....................(150)......................... -7.9% Fees - Youth Summer Event Rotation......................... 0 ......................... 1,259 ........................8,750 ........................ 6,750 .................(2,000)....................... -22.9% Fees - Bishop Kemper School for Ministry......... 18,885 ....................... 15,538 ..................... 18,975 ...................... 18,975 ......................... 0 .......................... 0.0% TOTAL INCOME................................................. 1,808,798 ...................1,711,012 ................ 1,830,293 ................. 1,824,681 .................(5,612)......................... -0.3%

INCOME 2015 Proposal

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Line item


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Campus Ministries 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Auto Expense....................................................... 6,750 ......................... 2,844 ........................5,550 ........................ 5,550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Auto Escrow......................................................... 3,400 ......................... 3,400 ........................3,400 ........................ 3,400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Lodging.................................................................... 500 ............................ 484 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Maintenance & Insurance - KU Canterbury........ 17,350 ....................... 17,168 ..................... 17,350 ...................... 17,350 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Maintenance & Insurance - KSU Canterbury..... 13,800 ....................... 13,445 ..................... 13,800 ...................... 13,800 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Campus Ministries - Parish Based....................... 3,600 ......................... 3,600 ........................3,600 ........................ 3,600 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Travel ................................................................... 2,000 ......................... 2,844 ........................2,500 ........................ 2,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Meetings/Gatherings............................................... 300 ............................ 592 ...........................300 ........................... 300 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Office Supplies........................................................ 350 ............................ 192 ...........................600 ........................... 600 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Telecommunications................................................ 900 ............................ 759 ...........................850 ........................... 850 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Campus Ministry Interns..................................... 20,000 ....................... 16,342 ..................... 20,500 ...................... 19,500 .................(1,000)................... -4.9% Ministry Program Expenses.................................. 6,000 ......................... 6,812 ........................6,000 ........................ 6,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Campus Ministries.................................. 74,950 ....................... 68,482 ..................... 74,950 ...................... 73,950 .................(1,000)................... -1.3% Clergy Support 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Gathering of Presbyters........................................ 8,500 ......................... 7,863 ........................8,500 ........................ 8,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Archdeacons............................................................ 500 ............................ 421 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Clergy Gatherings.................................................... 250 ......................... 2,213 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Deacons’ Gathering.............................................. 5,250 ......................... 5,193 ........................6,200 ........................ 6,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Convocation Deans.............................................. 8,000 ......................... 8,000 ........................8,000 ........................ 8,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Chrism Mass......................................................... 1,200 ......................... 1,909 ........................1,200 ........................ 1,300 ..................... 100 .................... 8.3% Total Clergy Support........................................ 23,700 ....................... 25,599 ..................... 24,650 ...................... 24,750 ..................... 100 .................... 0.4% Commission on Ministry 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Commission Expense........................................... 1,000 ............................ 924 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Travel (Seminarians)............................................ 1,200 ............................ 502 ........................1,200 ........................... 600 ....................(600)................. -50.0% Supplies....................................................................... 0 .............................. 25 ...............................0 ............................... 0 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Vocationers’ Retreat............................................. 1,500 ................................ 0 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Background Investigations...................................... 500 ............................ 285 ........................3,000 ........................... 300 .................(2,700)................. -90.0% Ordination Services................................................. 600 ......................... 1,637 ...........................700 ........................ 1,500 ..................... 800 .................114.3% General Ordination Examinations......................... 1,000 ......................... 1,350 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,250 ..................... 250 .................. 12.5% Total Commission on Ministry........................... 5,800 ......................... 4,723 ........................9,400 ........................ 7,150 .................(2,250)................. -23.9%

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Line item

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Liturgy, Arts & Music 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Diocesan Liturgies (Convent’n, Ordinat’n)............... 100 .............................. 30 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Liturgy, Arts & Music.................................... 100 .............................. 30 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

Council of Trustees 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Strategic Planning................................................... 500 ................................ 0 ........................5,000 ........................ 5,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Committee Expense............................................. 2,200 ......................... 2,089 ........................2,150 ........................ 2,000 ....................(150)................... -7.0% Retreat.................................................................. 1,800 ................................ 0 ........................1,700 ........................ 1,250 ....................(450)................. -26.5% Total Council of Trustees................................... 4,500 ......................... 2,089 ........................8,850 ........................ 8,250 ....................(600)................... -6.8%

Congregational Development 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Committee Expense................................................ 100 ................................ 0 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% St. Paul’s, K.C. Hispanic Ministry Initiative......... 20,000 ....................... 20,000 ..................... 20,000 ...................... 20,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Loan Payment - St. Margaret’s..........................110,907 ......................110,904 ....................110,907 .................... 110,907 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Conference........................................................... 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Missioner for Transitions..................................... 14,000 ....................... 21,133 ..................... 14,000 ...................... 14,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Congregational Development.............. 147,007 ..................... 152,037 ................... 147,007 .................... 147,007 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

Communications 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel....................................................................... 750 ............................ 372 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Telephone................................................................ 360 ............................ 360 ...........................360 ........................... 360 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Website Hosting....................................................... 480 ............................ 480 ...........................480 ........................... 480 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Publication.......................................................... 10,768 ......................... 9,258 ..................... 10,960 ...................... 11,064 ..................... 104 .................... 0.9% Circulation (Postage)............................................ 4,828 ......................... 3,760 ........................4,600 ........................ 4,800 ..................... 200 .................... 4.3% Labeling................................................................... 920 ......................... 2,026 ...........................950 ........................... 900 ......................(50)................... -5.3% Postage Returns...................................................... 200 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ............................. 50 ....................(150)................. -75.0% Technology Upgrades (Software)............................ 200 .............................. 95 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Parish Support/Online Resources........................... 550 ................................ 0 ...........................550 ........................... 550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Equipment............................................................... 425 ............................ 515 ...........................425 ........................... 425 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Episcopal Communicators.................................... 1,500 ......................... 1,448 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fees & Membership................................................ 320 ............................ 195 ...........................320 ........................... 320 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Diocesan Journal ................................................. 2,200 ..........................2,112 ........................2,200 ........................ 2,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Communications..................................... 23,501 ....................... 20,621 ..................... 23,495 ...................... 23,599 ..................... 104 .................... 0.4% Community Life 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Convention Expense.......................................... 40,000 ....................... 37,122 ..................... 40,000 ...................... 40,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% General Convention Deputies............................ 14,000 ....................... 22,664 ..................... 16,000 ...................... 16,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Anglican/Lambeth Conferences........................... 1,300 ......................... 1,300 ...............................0 ............................... 0 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Community Life....................................... 55,300 ....................... 61,086 ..................... 56,000 ...................... 56,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Line item


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Mission and Outreach 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change General Convention Assessment..................... 229,850 ..................... 229,850 ................... 238,754 .................... 222,001 ...............(16,753)................... -7.0% Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness........................... 250 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Provincial Synod Assessment.............................. 2,199 ......................... 1,100 ........................1,100 ........................ 1,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Jubilee Outreach Ministries..................................... 250 ............................ 257 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Commission Expense.............................................. 200 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Episcopal Migration Ministries-Wichita................. 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Episcopal Community Services-Kansas City........ 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Episcopal Social Services-Wichita....................... 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Bishop Seabury Academy.................................... 1,000 ......................... 1,000 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Sustainable Development Goals........................ 12,000 ....................... 12,000 ..................... 12,000 ...................... 12,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Mission and Outreach........................... 248,749 ..................... 247,207 ................... 258,304 .................... 241,551 ...............(16,753)................... -6.5%

Mission Management 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Salaries - Clergy 1............................................. 286,385 .....................263,358 ................... 291,757 .................... 298,845 .................. 7,088 .................... 2.4% Health Insurance - Clergy................................... 73,935 .......................65,276 ..................... 73,935 ...................... 73,935 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Pension - Clergy................................................. 51,550 .......................46,067 ..................... 52,516 ...................... 53,792 .................. 1,276 .................... 2.4% Salaries - Lay 2...................................................283,116 .....................282,855 ....................283,116 .................... 284,970 .................. 1,854 .................... 0.7% Payroll Taxes - Lay............................................. 22,091 .......................21,639 ..................... 22,091 ...................... 22,190 ....................... 99 .................... 0.4% Health Insurance - Lay....................................... 23,775 .......................27,408 ..................... 23,775 ...................... 23,775 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Pension - Lay...................................................... 24,904 .......................34,901 ..................... 24,904 ...................... 25,049 ..................... 145 .................... 0.6% Life Insurance - Lay................................................. 850 ............................390 ...........................850 ........................... 850 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Income Replacement Insurance - Lay..................... 750 ............................544 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Health Insurance - Retirees................................ 21,000 .......................17,705 ..................... 21,000 ...................... 21,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Workers’ Compensation Insurance....................... 4,120 .........................4,517 ........................3,700 ........................ 4,500 ..................... 800 .................. 21.6% Travel.................................................................... 2,600 .........................3,423 ........................2,600 ........................ 3,000 ..................... 400 .................. 15.4% Continuing Education........................................... 1,500 .........................1,049 ........................1,700 ........................ 1,500 ....................(200)................. -11.8% Computer Expense............................................. 19,427 .......................19,403 ..................... 21,233 ...................... 26,733 .................. 5,500 .................. 25.9% Telecommunications............................................. 6,000 .........................8,739 ........................6,000 ........................ 6,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Postage................................................................ 6,000 .........................3,170 ........................6,000 ........................ 5,000 .................(1,000)................. -16.7% Office Supplies....................................................11,000 ....................... 11,304 ......................11,000 ...................... 11,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Printing ................................................................... 600 .........................2,647 ...........................600 ........................ 1,500 ..................... 900 ................ 150.0% Maintenance-Equipment.......................................... 250 ................................0 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Equipment Lease.................................................. 2,500 .........................2,745 ........................2,500 ........................ 2,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Building Services Contract................................... 1,000 .........................1,261 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Utilities.................................................................. 9,000 .......................13,899 ........................9,000 ...................... 11,000 .................. 2,000 .................. 22.2% Property & Liability Insurance............................. 19,500 .......................19,598 ..................... 19,980 ...................... 19,980 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Bank Fees & Finance Charges................................ 300 ............................274 ...........................300 ........................... 300 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Miscellaneous Expenses......................................... 550 ............................431 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Operating Fund Reserve.................................... 25,000 .......................25,000 ..................... 30,000 ...................... 30,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Independent Audit............................................... 19,500 .......................18,387 ..................... 19,500 ...................... 19,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Mission Management............................ 917,203 .....................895,990 ................... 930,807 .................... 949,669 ................ 18,862 .................... 2.0%

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Line item

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Stewardship and Development 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel ...................................................................... 500 ................................ 0 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Program Development............................................. 500 ................................ 0 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Commission Expense........................................... 1,000 ................................ 0 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Stewardship and Development................ 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

Seminarian and Curate Support 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Clergy Internship/Mentoring............................... 36,000 ....................... 36,000 ..................... 12,000 ...................... 24,000 ................ 12,000 ................ 100.0% Seminarian Support.............................................. 9,218 ......................... 5,461 ........................7,200 ........................ 3,600 .................(3,600)................. -50.0% Total Seminarian and Curate Support............ 45,218 ....................... 41,461 ..................... 19,200 ...................... 27,600 .................. 8,400 .................. 43.8%

Office of the Bishop 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Telecommunications............................................. 2,400 ......................... 2,554 ........................2,400 ........................ 2,400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Lodging................................................................. 3,100 ......................... 5,693 ........................3,100 ........................ 3,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Auto Escrow......................................................... 8,200 ......................... 8,200 ........................8,200 ........................ 8,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Auto Expenses..................................................... 9,000 ......................... 8,141 ........................9,000 ........................ 9,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Air Travel............................................................... 2,250 ......................... 2,704 ........................2,250 ........................ 2,250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Meals/Host............................................................ 4,000 ......................... 5,449 ........................4,000 ........................ 4,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% House of Bishops................................................. 3,000 ............................ 984 ........................3,000 ........................ 3,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Travel - Other........................................................... 500 ......................... 3,049 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Professional Development.................................... 1,000 ................................ 0 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Subscriptions........................................................... 350 ............................ 145 ...........................350 ........................... 350 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Canon Pastor............................................................... 0 ................................ 0 ........................2,500 ........................ 2,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Staff Development................................................ 2,000 ................................ 0 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Conferences/Continuing Education......................... 400 ......................... 1,003 ...........................400 ........................... 400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Professional Expenses............................................ 100 .............................. 33 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Office of the Bishop................................ 36,300 ....................... 37,955 ..................... 38,800 ...................... 38,800 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel.................................................................... 1,500 ......................... 2,238 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Professional Expenses............................................ 400 ......................... 7,219 ...........................400 ........................... 400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fresh Start............................................................ 1,000 ......................... 1,728 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Telecommunications............................................. 1,500 ............................ 651 ........................1,500 ........................ 1,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Auto Expense....................................................... 8,200 ......................... 4,541 ........................8,200 ........................ 8,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Auto Escrow......................................................... 6,100 ......................... 6,100 ........................6,100 ........................ 6,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Lodging................................................................. 1,200 ......................... 1,552 ........................1,200 ........................ 1,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Meals.................................................................... 1,000 ..........................1,311 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Subscriptions........................................................... 200 ................................ 0 ...........................200 ........................... 200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Professional Development.................................... 2,000 ............................ 762 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Office of the Canon to the Ordinary...... 23,100 ....................... 26,102 ..................... 23,100 ...................... 23,100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0%

Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Line item


Proposed 2017 Mission Plan, Line item

Clergy salaries include the salaries for the Bishop, the Canon to the Ordinary and the Campus Missioner. Based on the Consumer Price Index for April 2015-March 2016, a cost of living increase of 0.6% is included.

Lay salaries include the salaries for the Assistant to the Bishop, the Assistant to the Canon, the Director of Communications, the Comptroller, the Youth Missioner, one part-time Receptionist and one part-time Custodian. Based on the Consumer Price Index for April 2015-March 2016, a cost of living increase of 0.6% is included



2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change TOTAL EXPENSES........................................... 1,808,796 .................. 1,748,931 ................ 1,830,293 ................. 1,824,681 .................(5,612)................... -0.3%

Youth Ministries 2015 Proposal 2015 Actual 2016 Proposal 2017 Proposal $ Change % Change Auto Expense....................................................... 3,750 ......................... 3,524 ........................3,750 ........................ 3,750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Auto Escrow......................................................... 3,400 ......................... 3,400 ........................3,400 ........................ 3,400 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Resources............................................................ 1,000 ............................ 698 ...........................750 ........................... 750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Peer Ministry............................................................ 500 .............................. 87 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Continuing Education.............................................. 500 ......................... 1,034 ...........................500 ........................... 500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Training for Youth Ministers..................................... 250 ................................ 0 ...........................250 ........................... 250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Camp Wood Expense......................................... 75,000 ....................... 76,332 ..................... 75,000 ...................... 75,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% High School Spiritual Retreat............................... 2,750 ......................... 2,441 ........................3,300 ........................ 3,300 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Junior High Spiritual Retreat................................. 2,000 ..........................1,110 ........................2,000 ........................ 2,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Miqra: A Public Reading of Scripture.................... 4,250 ......................... 3,670 ........................4,250 ........................ 4,250 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% MissionPalooza: Urban Ministry Experience........... 250 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ............................... 0 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Fall Fun Fest Evangelism Event........................... 3,250 ......................... 1,837 ........................3,500 ........................ 3,500 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Recharge: Youth Leaders Retreat........................... 550 ............................ 161 ...........................550 ........................... 550 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Youth Tide (Formerly ADVENTure)....................... 1,750 .............................911 ........................1,750 ........................ 1,750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Girls Only/Guys Only............................................ 2,745 ............................ 450 ........................2,745 ........................ 2,745 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Background Checks................................................ 100 ................................ 0 ...........................100 ........................... 100 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Nat’l/Provn’cl Youth Events (Summer Rotation)... 1,000 ............................ 436 ........................9,750 ........................ 9,750 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Mission Wichita............................................................ 0 ................................ 0 ...............................0 ........................ 2,000 .................. 2,000 Summer Interns.................................................... 4,000 ......................... 3,400 ........................4,000 ........................ 4,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Safeguarding God’s Children................................... 200 ................................ 0 ...........................100 ........................... 200 ..................... 100 ................ 100.0% Telecommunications............................................. 2,500 ......................... 2,273 ........................2,200 ........................ 2,200 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Travel.................................................................... 1,250 ......................... 1,308 ........................1,000 ........................ 1,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Office Expenses................................................... 3,500 ......................... 2,259 ........................3,000 ........................ 3,000 ......................... 0 .................... 0.0% Total Youth Ministries......................................114,495 ..................... 105,331 ................... 122,395 .................... 124,495 .................. 2,100 .................... 1.7%

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Proposed apportionment schedule, 2017 TRUSTEE ADJUSTED PERCENT 2017 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2017 OF EFFECTIVE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BASE BASE APPORT. TOTAL RATE NORTHEAST CONVOCATION Atchison, Trinity 197,256 193,371 182,112 186,077 186,077 32,023 2.30% 17.21% Edwardsville, St. Martin’s 31,120 29,638 28,960 31,158 29,919 4,077 0.29% 13.63% Kansas City, St. Paul’s 157,478 175,986 163,587 144,215 144,215 23,807 1.71% 16.51% Lawrence, St. Margaret’s 217,311 225,291 293,645 282,484 267,140 47,935 3.44% 17.94% Lawrence, Trinity 367,068 413,202 419,678 418,455 417,112 77,371 5.55% 18.55% Leavenworth, St. Paul’s 235,700 203,430 241,584 227,191 224,068 39,480 2.83% 17.62% Mission, St. Michael’s 1,233,713 1,221,497 1,212,889 945,551 945,000 945,000 180,986 12.97% 19.15% Olathe, St. Aidan’s 169,576 159,459 158,581 156,676 156,000 156,000 26,120 1.87% 16.74% Ottawa, Grace 48,472 26,772 38,270 28,853 28,853 3,932 0.28% 13.63% Overland Park, St. Thomas’ 626,212 494,208 523,904 547,957 522,023 97,963 7.02% 18.77% Shawnee, St. Luke’s 224,149 196,875 173,009 170,250 170,000 170,000 28,868 2.07% 16.98% Stilwell, St. Francis’ 50,154 47,295 61,220 95,001 67,839 9,780 0.70% 14.42% TOTAL 3,558,209 3,387,024 3,497,439 3,233,868 3,158,245 572,342 41.03% 18.12% NORTHWEST CONVOCATION Abilene, St. John’s 42,470 64,172 65,851 69,135 66,386 9,539 0.68% 14.37% Blue Rapids, St. Mark’s 8,531 7,511 7,511 13,450 9,491 1,293 0.09% 13.63% Clay Center, St. Paul’s 73,798 73,036 76,946 68,640 68,640 9,914 0.71% 14.44% Emporia, St. Andrew’s 171,305 138,117 159,818 163,700 153,878 25,703 1.84% 16.70% Holton, St. Thomas’ 13,961 9,467 2,288 6,822 6,192 844 0.06% 13.63% Junction City, Covenant 85,625 80,451 78,238 78,841 78,841 11,610 0.83% 14.73% Manhattan, St. Paul’s 208,347 210,800 207,331 222,193 213,441 37,394 2.68% 17.52% Marysville, St. Paul’s 12,248 12,248 12,364 16,221 13,611 1,855 0.13% 13.63% Topeka, Grace Cathedral 830,647 843,645 833,501 911,552 862,899 164,871 11.82% 19.11% Topeka, St. David’s 397,573 394,427 386,628 397,944 393,000 72,638 5.21% 18.48% Wamego, St. Luke’s 69,386 68,731 54,464 62,458 61,884 8,790 0.63% 14.20% TOTAL 1,913,891 1,902,605 1,884,940 2,010,956 1,928,264 344,451 24.69% 17.86% SOUTHEAST CONVOCATION Chanute, Grace 101,742 Coffeyville, St. Paul’s 78,678 Galena, St. Mary’s 29,283 Independence, Epiphany 61,247 Iola, St. Timothy’s 45,748 Neodesha, Ascension 22,246 Parsons, St. John’s 49,526 Pittsburg, St. Peter’s 115,332 Sedan, Epiphany 174,890 Yates Center, Calvary 15,490 TOTAL 694,182

99,774 87,140 19,510 70,672 36,844 17,041 35,197 105,592 174,056 19,932 665,758

SOUTHWEST CONVOCATION Arkansas City, Trinity 73,060 Derby, St. Andrew’s 113,380 El Dorado, Trinity 154,782 Newton, St. Matthew’s 122,477 Wellington, St. Jude’s 15,757 Wichita, Good Shepherd 363,025 Wichita, St. Bartholomew’s 43,292 Wichita, St. James’ 551,966 Wichita, St. John’s 353,137 Wichita, St. Stephen’s 282,696 Winfield, Grace 107,073 TOTAL 2,180,645 GRAND TOTALS


104,709 72,369 24,891 70,626 28,392 24,948 46,562 103,750 182,506 10,170 668,923

90,232 69,435 24,947 69,147 15,213 15,000 25,514 52,618 106,261 181,567 10,539 645,473

90,232 69,435 23,116 69,147 15,000 22,501 44,792 105,201 179,376 10,539 629,340

13,504 10,046 3,150 9,998 2,044 3,066 6,104 16,149 30,708 1,436 96,206

0.97% 14.97% 0.72% 14.47% 0.23% 13.63% 0.72% 14.46% 0.15% 13.63% 0.22% 13.63% 0.44% 13.63% 1.16% 15.35% 2.20% 17.12% 0.10% 13.63% 6.90% 15.29%

70,183 132,562 145,996 125,574 16,375 322,001 47,262 609,457 365,474 269,546 74,009 2,178,439

68,981 74,083 95,509 90,966 152,885 125,020 139,287 123,560 16,711 17,814 390,109 387,872 45,504 39,407 518,370 541,704 386,117 401,855 310,584 345,176 103,784 104,839 2,227,841 2,252,296

71,082 90,966 125,020 123,560 16,967 366,661 39,407 541,704 384,482 308,435 94,211 2,162,495

10,320 13,626 20,039 19,752 2,312 67,469 5,370 101,826 70,967 56,040 14,165 381,886

0.74% 14.52% 0.98% 14.98% 1.44% 16.03% 1.42% 15.99% 0.17% 13.63% 4.84% 18.40% 0.39% 13.63% 7.30% 18.80% 5.09% 18.46% 4.02% 18.17% 1.02% 15.04% 27.38% 17.66%


8,279,143 8,142,593



Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas



Bishop’s Appointments and Nominations Episcopal Appointments The Chancellors (Constitution, Article IV, B, Sec. 4) Chancellor, Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Vice Chancellor, Mr. Michael Francis, St. David’s, Topeka Vice Chancellor, Mr. Kurt A. Harper, St. James’, Wichita The Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts (Canon III.8, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint a Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts, composed of clergy and professional lay persons qualified in one of the allied arts. Mrs. Beth Ann Branden, St. David’s, Topeka, Chair The Reverend Dawn Frankfurt, St. James’, Wichita The Reverend Dixie Junk, St. Paul’s, Kansas City Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Diocesan Church Attorney (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) The Bishop shall at each annual Convention appoint, with the consent of the Convention, one or more independent Church Attorneys to perform functions as appropriate under Title IV of the General Canons. Mr. John Emerson, Trinity, Lawrence Diocesan Intake Officer (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita The Treasurer of the Diocese (Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 3) Mr. Douglas Anning, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission — term ends at the conclusion of the 157th Convention (2019)

Episcopal Nominations The Registrar and Historiographer (Canon III.7, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint with the approval of Convention a Registrar and Historiographer. Registrar: Mrs. Michele Moss, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Historiographer: Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Grace Cathedral, Topeka


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Bishop’s Appointments and Nominations The Commission on Ministry (Canon III.4, Sec. 1) At Diocesan Convention the Bishop shall nominate and the Convention shall confirm a Commission on Ministry to consist of not less than six (6) members, which shall include both clergy and lay persons, and their terms of office shall be three years. The Very Rev. Steve Lipscomb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka (2018), Chair The Rev. Andrew O’Connor, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2019), Vice-chair Mrs. Jeanine Blessant, St. Peter’s, Pittsburg (2018) Mr. Gary Chubb, St. John’s, Parsons (2018) The Rev. Kelly Demo, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park (2018) Deacon Peg Flynn, St. James’, Wichita (2017) The Rev. Betty Glover, St. David’s, Topeka (2018) Deacon Sandy Horton-Smith, St. Paul’s, Manhattan (2017) The Rev. Steven King, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park (2017) Ms. Diane MacCoy, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2018) Mrs. Debbie Oehmke, St. Andrew’s, Derby (2018) To assist the Commission on Ministry, the Bishop appoints the following committee: The Examining Chaplains The Rev. Dr. Mary Korte, St. Stephen’s, Wichita, Chair The Rev. David Cox, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Deacon Sandy Horton-Smith, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Deacon Rob Schwaller, Trinity, Lawrence Ex officio: The Reverend Dr. Don H. Compier, Dean, Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Convention committees Bishop’s appointments to committees of the 157th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2016) Secretary of the 157th annual convention Mrs. Karen Clowers, St. David’s, Topeka Parliamentarian of the 157th annual convention Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Committee to Approve the Minutes of Convention The Rev. Sharon Billman, St. John’s, Parsons Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Pages Members of the Kansas Episcopal Youth

Bishop’s appointments to committees of the 158th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2017) (Terms, except where noted, run from adjournment of the 157th Annual Convention (2016) until adjournment of the 158th Annual Convention (2017); Canon II.5., Sec. 1.a.) On Dispatch of Business Mrs. Carolyn Sturgeon, St. Aidan’s, Olathe, Chair Dr. Kristi Baker, St. David’s, Topeka On Constitution and Canons Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, Chancellor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park, Chair Mr. Michael Francis, Vice Chancellor, St. David’s, Topeka Mr. Kurt A. Harper, Vice Chancellor, St. James’, Wichita Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita On Nominations and Elections The Reverend Laurie Lewis, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield, Chair The Reverend Foster Mays, Epiphany, Sedan Mr. Bob Mossman, St. Luke’s, Shawnee Mrs. Myrline Winkler, St. Luke’s, Wamego On Debatable Resolutions Mr. Gary Chubb, St. John’s,Parsons, Chair Mr. Calvin Karlin, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Ms. Nancy Kelley, Trinity, Lawrence Ms. Diane MacCoy, Good Shepherd, Wichita


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Convention committees On Courtesy Resolutions Diocesan Staff On Arrangements Arrangements for the 158th Annual Convention will be under the direction of the Diocesan Staff, working with volunteers selected to assist with needed tasks. The Canon to the Ordinary will serve as the chair of this committee.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Courtesy resolutions These courtesy resolutions have been suggested to the 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. They will be presented to the Convention as consent calendar items, to be voted upon as a group. The separate courtesy resolutions will not be read. The proposed rules for debate allow for the removal of any item from the consent calendar by any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. Should this request be made, the item removed will be subject to debate or comment and will be voted on separately. 1. The Most Reverend and Mrs. Michael Curry — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop and his spouse, Sharon. 2. The Most Reverend and Right Honorable and Mrs. Justin Welby — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his spouse, Caroline. 3. The Right Reverend and Mrs. William Smalley — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Eighth Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Carole. 4. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Richard F. Grein — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seventh Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Ann. 5. The Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates of our diocese. 6. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Michael Milliken and the Diocese of Western Kansas —This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Milliken and the people of the Diocese of Western Kansas. 7. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Martin Field and the Diocese of West Missouri — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Field and the people of the Diocese of West Missouri. 8. The Right Reverend and Mrs. J. Scott Barker and the Diocese of Nebraska — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Barker and the people of the Diocese of Nebraska. 9. Bishops and people of the dioceses of Province VII — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the bishops and people of the dioceses of Province VII: the Right Reverend Larry R. Benfield and the people of the Diocese of Arkansas; the Right Reverend George Sumner people of the Diocese of Dallas; the Right Reverend James Scott Mayer and the people of the Diocese of Fort Worth and the Diocese of Northwest Texas; the Right Reverend Edward J. Konieczny and the people of the Diocese of Oklahoma; the Right Reverend Michael Louis Vono and the people of the Diocese of Rio Grande; the Right Reverend Gary Lillibridge, the Right Reverend David Reed and the people of the Diocese of West Texas; and the Right Reverend Jake Owensby and the people of the Diocese of Western Louisiana.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Courtesy resolutions 10. The Right Reverend Jean Zache Duracin and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Duracin and the people of the Diocese of Haiti. 11. The Most Reverend Jackson Ole Sapit and the Anglican Church of Kenya — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Archbishop Sapit and the people of the Anglican Church of Kenya. 12. The Right Reverend Joseph Muchai and the Diocese of Nakuru — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Muchai and the people of the Diocese of Nakuru in Kenya. 13. Bishop and Mrs. Roger R. Gustafson and the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — This resolution sends greetings to Bishop Gustafson and his spouse, the Rev. Susan Langhauser, and the people of the Central States Synod. 14. Bishop and Mrs. Ruben Saenz, Jr. and the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church – This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Jones and the people of the Great Plains Conference. 15. Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton and the Rev. T. Conrad Selnick — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and to her spouse. 16. Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee — This resolution sends the convention’s appreciation to the members of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee for their time in planning the convention liturgies. 17. The Commission on Youth — This resolution sends thanks to those who served as pages during the business sessions of the convention.

Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Proposed rules of debate 1. Whenever possible, speakers will be called in alternating order of their positions on the issue under consideration. 2. Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes on an issue under consideration, except that: a) A speaker may speak again to any amendment, with a two (2) minute time limit again applying; and b) A speaker may answer questions of information. 3. While motions to call the previous question (close debate), limit debate, postpone to a set time, postpone indefinitely or commit are acceptable at any time, the motion will be effective only after all speakers already at the microphone have had an opportunity to speak. 4. Items such as courtesy resolutions may be placed on a consent calendar to be voted as a group. a) The consent calendar(s) shall be prepared by the Committee on Dispatch of Business and distributed to the Convention. b) The consent calendar is not subject to debate. c) An item or items may be removed from the consent calendar at the request of any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. The removal of one or more items from the consent calendar is not subject to a vote. d) Items so removed shall be voted upon separately and are subject to debate. Explanation: A convention is a gathering of the community of the church in this place. Communities that are functional listen to one another and give each person an opportunity to speak. These proposed rules of debate are designed to advance our life at this “community reunion.� Some items will be judged by the Committee on Dispatch of Business to be items on which delegates are in full agreement. These items, such as courtesy resolutions, will be placed on a consent calendar. However, should a delegate feel that an item deserves either debate or comment, that item may be removed from the consent calendar as provided for above. In all our discussions, we seek to know Christ and to make Christ known.


Love your neighbor as yourself • The 157th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

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