Information for Clergy and Delegates The 154th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas October 25-26, 2013 Topeka, Kansas
Table of contents Schedules and agendas
Schedule of convocation meetings........................................................................................................2 Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention..........................................................................................3
Nominees for Council of Trustees
Clergy nominees, 3-year term (elect 1).................................................................................................4 Clergy nominee, 1-year unexpired term (elect 1).................................................................................5 Lay nominees, 3-year term (elect 1).....................................................................................................6
Nominees for General Convention Deputy/Provincial Synod Delegate
Clergy nominees, 3-year term (elect 4 plus 4 alternates)................................................................ 7-11 Lay nominees, 3-year term (elect 4 plus 4 alternates).................................................................. 12-15
Proposed 2014 mission plan
Narrative ...................................................................................................................................... 16-20 Summary of the mission plan.............................................................................................................21 Line items of income and expenses.............................................................................................. 22-27 Apportionment schedule.....................................................................................................................28
Consent Calendar items
Bishop’s appointments and nominations...................................................................................... 29-30 Convention committees................................................................................................................ 31-32 Courtesy resolutions...................................................................................................................... 33-34
Other items
Proposed rules of debate.....................................................................................................................35 Form for proposing amendments........................................................................................................36
Note: No debatable resolutions or proposed amendments to diocesan canons or constitution were submitted for consideration.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Schedule of convocation meetings Southeast Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 7, 9 a.m., St. John’s Church, 1801 Corning, Parsons
Southwest Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 7, 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 400 W. Ash, El Dorado
Northeast Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 14, 9 a.m., Trinity Church, 1011 Vermont St., Lawrence
Northwest Convocation
Saturday, Sept. 14, 1 p.m., Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka
All delegates are urged to attend the meeting in their Convocation. Members of the diocesan staff and the Council of Trustees will be present to provide information and answer questions.
Please bring this convention book with you to your Convocation meeting and to Diocesan Convention.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention All events take place at the Capitol Plaza Hotel or adjacent Maner Conference Center except the Friday morning Eucharist, which is at Grace Cathedral. All venues are in Topeka.
Thursday, October 24, 2013 4 – 7:00 p.m.
Check-in, Emerald Coat Room
6:30 – 9 p.m.
Thursday Evening Event (To Be Determined)
Friday, October 25, 2013 10 a.m.
Convention Eucharist, Grace Cathedral, with opening address by Bishop Dean E. Wolfe
11:30 – 1 p.m.
Check-in, Sunflower Foyer
Noon – 1 p.m.
Lunch, Sunflower Ballroom
1 – 1:45 p.m.
Keynote address by Bishop Stacy Sauls with the theme “Frontiers of Faith,” Sunflower Ballroom
1:45 – 2 p.m.
2 – 4 p.m.
Opening of Business, Sunflower Ballroom
4 – 4:15 p.m.
Break with refreshments, Sunflower Foyer
4:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Workshops, breakout rooms
5:15 – 6 p.m.
Free time
6 – 7 p.m.
Social Hour, Sunflower Ballroom and Shawnee Room
7 – 9 p.m.
Banquet and Awards, Sunflower Ballroom
9:15 p.m.
Taizé Service, Wheat Room
Saturday, October 26, 2013 7:30 – 9 a.m.
Continental breakfast, Shawnee Room
9 – 9:10 a.m.
Morning Prayer, Sunflower Ballroom
9:10 – 10 a.m.
Keynote address by Bishop Stacy Sauls with the theme “Frontiers of Faith,” Sunflower Ballroom
10 – 10:15 a.m.
10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Business Continues and School for Ministry Graduation, Sunflower Ballroom
11:45 – Noon
Noonday Prayers, Sunflower Ballroom
Noon – 1 p.m.
Lunch, Sunflower Ballroom
1 – 2 p.m.
Business Continues and Adjournment, Sunflower Ballroom
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member, 3-year term (vote for 1) The Rev. Sharon Billman Vicar, St. John’s, Parsons
Church leadership: Current member of the Council of Trustees and deputy clerk. Member of the Campus Ministry Council and Campus Missioner Search Committee. Recipient of the Canon’s Award. Council of Trustees liaison to the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee. Convention Minutes Review Committee. Safeguarding God’s Children & People trainer. General Convention volunteer. Parsons Ministerial Association Secretary, Parsons CROP Hunger Walk Co-chair, Labette Health Daily & Emergency Chaplain Current position: Vicar, St. John’s, Parsons, and small business owner Statement: Having served as the Vicar of St. John’s for almost 10 years, I have seen how the Holy Spirit continues to be alive and working at the parish and diocesan levels and throughout the Anglican Communion. I am a strong supporter of Total Team Ministry and am working with the laity in becoming stakeholders of Total Team Ministry as a small but vibrant church of the future. I bring a combination of skills, and have a unique view into the life of small rural parishes. I believe my perspective brings a distinct voice and understanding of the future of the Episcopal Church. I am excited to be a part of the church of the future and would like the opportunity to continue serving on the Council of Trustees.
The Rev. Christine Gilson Rector, Trinity, El Dorado
Church leadership: Current member of the Council of Trustees. Deputy and Alternate Deputy to General Convention from Diocese of West Missouri. Diocesan Council, West Missouri. Dean of the Southern Deanery and member of the Liturgy Committee, Diocese of West Missouri. Former lay member of Diocesan Councils in the Diocese of Springfield and the Diocese of Western Kansas. Member of bishop Search Committees in those two dioceses. Member of vestries in Illinois and Western Kansas, and on rector search committees in those two dioceses. Current position: Rector, Trinity, El Dorado Statement: I have appreciated my time on the Council of Trustees since I was appointed. I think that as I come to know more about the workings of this diocese, I can make a positive contribution to the diocese as a whole. I do have experience with church councils, and I believe I am called to this work.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member, 1-year unexpired term (vote for 1) The Rev. Laurie Lewis
Priest in charge, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield
Church leadership: Member of the Campus Ministry Council since 2009. Co-leader of the Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita. As assistant rector at St. Stephen’s, Wichita, was responsible for liturgy and music, Christian formation, seniors’ ministry and newcomer connections. Current position: Priest in charge, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield Statement: In my five years of ordained ministry in the Diocese of Kansas, I have watched the decisions of the Council of Trustees from afar. I am committed to the mission of this diocese and am seeking to take this step in leadership as a part of my priestly call. I will seek to serve Christ, the diocese and my congregations through my thoughtful participation in this council of the church.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • Council of Trustees, At-large Member, 3-year term (vote for 1) Richard P. (Dick) Coulter Member, Grace, Chanute
Church leadership: Current member, Council of Trustees. Trustees’ representative to the Mission and Outreach Committee. Two-term past president of the Southeast Convocation. Alternate or delegate to Diocesan Convention for 20 years. 20 years of experience as a member of the Vestry, including service as senior and junior warden. Lector, acolyte and Eucharistic minister. Former member of the Neosho Valley Cluster and the Holy Trinity Regional Ministry, including eight years as board president. Attended the 2000 General Convention as a volunteer. Was adult sponsor for the 1996 national Youth Convention. Current position: Retired Statement: I wish to run for a second term to see several project on which the Council is working come to fruition, as well as to start other projects the Council has discussed.
Lawrence (Larry) Hannan Member, St. Luke’s, Wamego
Church leadership: Member, diocesan Stewardship and Development Committee. Three terms on parish vestries, in Wamego and Hays. Served as senior and junior warden. Parish Stewardship Committee member. Current position: Transportation director for USD 320. Retired colonel, U.S. Army. Statement: Frank Connizzo’s call to me, asking if I would be interested, caused me to prayerfully consider this as a ministry. After a week of deliberation, I believe the Spirit is calling me to use my gifts in this capacity for the benefit of the diocese and our small part of his Kingdom.
Joseph Miller
Member, St. Paul’s, Coffeyville
Church leadership: Three terms of service on the Vestry. Second term as committee member of St. Paul’s Trust. Liaison to the diocese for Habitat for Humanity. Former counselor at Camp Wood and Episcopal Young Churchmen president at the parish, convocation and diocesan level. Current position: None Statement: I believe the Diocese of Kansas has done a number of things most admirably, particularly the founding and development of the Kansas School for Ministry, now expanding into the Bishop Kemper School for clergy and lay personnel. I desire to serve to assist in developing channels to further its development and solidify its financial foundation. In addition, I believe the Council of Trustees is sometimes shortsighted in their efforts to respond to shortfalls in actual income and how it can and does affect their actual budget and operating expense. I believe my experience in operating several personal businesses throughout my professional career will be a helpful guide when such actions are required. I further believe that my experience as a licensed clinical social worker and mental health community development and organizer specialist (now retired) provides me with excellent credentials and experience to serve on and assist the Council of Trustees in their difficult and challenging tasks.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) The Rev. Matthew Cobb Rector, St. Luke’s, Wamego
Church leadership: Deputy to General Convention in 2006 and Alternate Deputy in 2009 and 2012. Retreat leader and chaplain for the Episcopal Church’s Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Current President of the Assembly of Episcopal Hospitals and Chaplains. Former campus minister, new church missioner and foundation director. Current position: Rector, St. Luke’s, Wamego Statement: Over 17 years of versatile service in ordained ministry of The Episcopal Church, which brought my family and me to the Diocese of Kansas in 2001. After 12 years of continuous active leadership in collaborative ministries throughout the life of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Kansas, I recently recognized that I have the third longest tenure of any canonically resident presbyter in the diocese. During the last 5 years and 7 months, I have been serving a family-size parish in Wamego, a small town of 5,182 people. Our average Sunday attendance is 35-40 with 3-5 children in Sunday school. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is a beautiful and resilient parish without walls whose worship and outreach are excellent.
The Rev. Gar Demo
Rector, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park
Church leadership: Current member of the Council of Trustees as Northeast Convocation representative. Member of the Diocesan Finance Committee. General Convention Deputy in 2009 and 2012. Former member of the board of Episcopal Community Services-Kansas City. Former member of the Province 7 Court of Appeals. Current position: Rector, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Statement: General Convention is an exciting moment in the life of the broader church every three years. Many decisions and actions of this body have implications for local congregations as well as the diocese. This next convention will make important decisions on the reform and restructuring of the national and provincial elements of our great church. If elected I hope to bring the hopes and concerns of our diocese to convention as well as bringing ideas to the table that might lead to further renewal of the church.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) The Rev. Dawn Frankfurt Rector, St. James’, Wichita
Church leadership: Member of the diocesan Disciplinary Board and part of the team that offered the first-ever Womens’ Summit this spring. Previously served as interim rector of two churches in Oklahoma and associate rector of a church in Staunton, Va. Was member of the Executive Board in the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia and of the Outreach Committee, Education Consortium and Council Resolutions Committee in that diocese. Current position: Rector, St. James’, Wichita Statement: I love the Episcopal Church, what we believe, how we worship, our history and our way of conducting the business of the church. I am very interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church at large and taking part in General Convention. Your selection of me to represent you at General Convention would be an honor and a pleasure. The variety of my professional experience in the church and in secular positions has afforded me the opportunity to develop my skills as a leader and an organizer. I have an interest in effective administration, purpose-driven budgeting and efficient management, all in the service of God and striving to see God’s will for mercy, justice and love fulfilled.
The Rev. Patrick Funston Rector, St. Paul’s, Manhattan
Church leadership: Current member of the Council of Trustees and Trustees liaison to the Commission on Ministry. Member of the diocesan Campus Ministry Council. Team leader for the K2K College Team mission trip to Kenya. Previously was chaplain at Bishop Seabury Academy, Lawrence and Campus Ministry Intern at K-State. Current position: Rector, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Statement: Election to Kansas’ clergy deputation for General Convention 2015 would be a privilege and an honor. I believe that in the midst of this critical time in the life of our church, Kansas has a unique leadership role. We are both the past and the future of the church. As somebody who has been educated and shaped by this diocese, I feel as though I can help bring a Kansas voice to the business of the Convention. My experience in local and diocesan leadership has prepared me to serve Kansas and the larger church at General Convention. I am excited about the opportunity to work with the church at the business of establishing God’s Kingdom.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) The Rev. Gail Greenwell
Rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission
Church leadership: Chair of the diocesan Commission on Ministry. Alternate deputy to General Convention 2012. Member of the General Convention Task Force on the Study of Marriage. Current position: Rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Statement: The 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will consider many issues of importance, in particular, issues related to church structure and our theology of what makes a marriage “Christian.” We need a cohesive narrative that will help us make our church relevant in a 21st century context. My work with the diocesan Commission on Ministry has given me helpful insight into the need for ministry discernment for all members of our church, from youth to seniors. We need to learn how to thrive and not just survive by encouraging the ministry of all. Marriage equality will be a hot button issue at our next GC gathering. How will the church respond to those churches in dioceses where marriage between same-sex couples is now legal? We have a great opportunity to have a clear articulation of our theology of love, blessing and life-long fidelity. My work on both local and national committees has given me a helpful perspective for discussing these issues.
The Rev. Dixie Junk
Priest in charge, St. Paul’s, Kansas City
Church leadership: Diocesan Jubilee Officer, chair of the diocesan Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts. Former Intermediate Camp program director and camp counselor and Junior High camp counselor. Current position: Priest in charge, St. Paul’s, Kansas City Statement: As diocesan Jubilee Officer and priest at St. Paul’s, I have had the privilege to interact with dynamic, diverse and talented clergy and lay ministers from across the spectrum of our Episcopal Church — small and large parishes, and Episcopal Church leaders. It has afforded me a glimpse into an energized, innovative future. Yes, the church faces challenges. But it is an inspiring time in our history where we are called to do new things for God, to be daring and fearless as we discern the role of the church in the world. I welcome the opportunity to engage in the issues of the wider church and to represent the diocese as we guide and prepare The Episcopal Church to move boldly forward in our walk with God.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) The Rev. Laurie Lewis
Priest in charge, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield
Church leadership: Member of the Campus Ministry Council since 2009. Co-leader of the Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita. As assistant rector at St. Stephen’s, Wichita, was responsible for liturgy and music, Christian formation, seniors’ ministry and newcomer connections. Current position: Priest in charge, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield Statement: I chose the Episcopal Church as an adult, and I am committed to maintaining its unity. Participating in the councils at the national level is an important addition to a priestly call. I have a passion for maintaining dialogue with and between members of the Episcopal Church who may seem to be miles apart on the spectrum of theological or political understandings. I believe respectful discourse is crucial to keeping all members together at the table. When vitriol leads to anyone leaving the table, the entire church suffers and becomes out of balance. I feel called to participate in General Convention to contribute to the evolution of our understanding of God’s revelation to the church in a unifying way.
The Rev. Andrew O’Connor Rector, Good Shepherd, Wichita
Church leadership: Current president and former vice-president of the Southwest Convocation. Member of the diocesan Commission on Ministry. Instructor at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. Team leader for trips to Kenya through Kansas to Kenya in 2010 and 2011. Hosting rector for Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita during the past academic year. Exhibitor for St. Mark’s Press General Convention in 2012. Current position: Rector, Good Shepherd, Wichita Statement: From building homes for refugees in Kenya with college students from our campus ministries, to participating in the formation of new deacons and priests as an instructor at Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, I have experienced the tremendous vitality of the Diocese of Kansas. Deeply impressed and inspired by the commitment our people have for Jesus Christ’s work in the world, I believe that our diocese will be and already is a leader in the emerging renewal of the Episcopal Church’s mission and ministry. My enthusiasm for our amazing diocese combined with my experience as the rector of a dynamic and thriving Wichita parish is what I will faithfully offer in service to the larger church as a deputy to General Convention and Provincial Synod.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Clergy nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) The Rev. Benedict Varnum
Assistant Rector, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park
Church leadership: Consultant for Youth, Young Adult, Summer Camp and Campus Ministries in the Diocese of Chicago. Resident chaplain for neuroscience ICU and floors, Rush Medical Center, Chicago Current position: Assistant Rector, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Statement: I’ve been interested in the wider governance of the Episcopal Church since my time in youth programming, through formation and seminary, and in my present ordained duties. I followed the last several conventions, and my seminary thesis was on the good, bad and ugly of General Convention. I’ve been in touch with a number of broader church voices, including several from the recent “Acts 8” group, staff at Forward Movement, the Structural Revision Task Force and the Episcopal Café. I’m seeking this office because I believe that I can help the Diocese of Kansas delegation speak for strong, Gospel-based, process-oriented conversations that are the healthiest course for our church in a time both anxious and opportunity-laden. I believe I also can begin building a career of service to our national conversations over the coming decades.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) Jennifer Allen
Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission
Church leadership: Vestry member and diocesan Vestry liaison. Kansas to Kenya Community Team member, 2012 and 2013. Three-time nurse at diocesan summer camp and also at MissionPalooza. Former parish youth minister. Current position: Senior Manager, Operational Alignment, Express Scripts Statement: The future of the Episcopal Church is dependent on participation of its members in common discourse regarding initiatives to address the ever-changing dynamics of the Episcopal Church and her relationship with the global church. We are at a critical crossroads in determining whether we will be leaders or followers as Christ’s hands in the world. I have seen my church become divided over many issues, including ordination of women, acceptance of LGBT clergy/laity and corporate structure. I am deeply committed to the prayerful discernment of our future course. As the daughter of a priest, I have grown up in the church, learner her doctrines and seen positions change that have prepared me to offer guidance that will positively affect and influence the church in Kansas.
JoAnne Chapman
Member, St. Paul’s, Clay Center
Church leadership: Current senior warden and convention delegate. From 2001-2007 served on the staff of the Episcopal Church Center as United Thank Offering Coordinator in the Office of Anglican and Global Relations. Attended General Convention in 2003 and 2006. In the Diocese of Spokane was a member of Diocesan Council, diocesan EFM coordinator, member of the School for Ministry board and member of the diocesan Futures Committee. Current position: Retired Statement: I care deeply about the work of The Episcopal Church at the local, diocesan and national levels, and our place in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Due to my work at the Episcopal Church Center, I have a unique understanding of the structure of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, as well as the defining issues in the church over the past decade. I have worked closely with representatives from the nine provinces of The Episcopal Church, including many lay people, priests and bishops. I have been fortunate to travel widely throughout the Anglican Communion, and I believe my experience would help me to make a knowledgeable contribution to the work of General Convention.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) Michael Funston
Member, St. Paul’s, Manhattan
Church leadership: Vocationers’ Retreat Co-coordinator. Youth Peer Ministry Coordinator. Former Interim Youth Missioner, three-time youth delegate to Diocesan Convention. Peer Minister at 2005 Episcopal Youth Event. Former Director of Youth Ministries, St. Columba’s Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C. Current position: Statement: It would be a great honor to serve the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas as a deputy to General Convention. As a life-long Episcopalian who has been involved at parish, diocesan, provincial and national levels, I understand and respect the work that goes into the governance of our church. This is a pivotal time for the church, and we need strong and relevant leadership; my leadership experience in Kansas has shaped me for this time. I will bring an informed Kansas voice to the conversation. Most of my leadership has been with youth, which is and will continue to be an important part of the church. I am excited to bring my Kansas roots and my youth leadership experience to Salt Lake City in 2015.
Mike Morrow
Member, St. John’s, Wichita
Church leadership: Four-time deputy to General Convention and deputation chair, 2012. Member of two General Convention legislative committees. Former member, Council of Trustees (two terms) and one term as Council president. Chair of diocesan Adult Formation Committee and Education for Ministry coordinator. Former chair of diocesan Ecumenical Relations Committee. EFM mentor. Former senior warden. Former Vestry member at St. John’s, Wichita; St. Alban’s, Wichita; and St. Paul’s, Leavenworth. Parish adult education director. Current position: Career law clerk, U.S. District Court Statement: As a life-long Episcopalian, I have a deep love for the Episcopal Church. The church has nurtured and blessed both me and my family, and I want to serve the church in thanksgiving for the many riches it has given me. I have had the honor and privilege of serving as a deputy to the last four General Conventions. I have had the opportunity to help shape legislation in the canons committee. In particular, I was able to amend the new disciplinary canons in order to provide needed legal safeguards for clergy. It is my hope that my experience and service at General Convention will benefit the members of our diocese and assist new deputies to General Convention.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) Ashley Petty
Member, St. James’, Wichita
Church leadership: Chair and member of diocesan Nominations and Elections Committee. Missionary to Kenya with K2K. Diocesan delegate to convention. President and peer minister of Episcopal Campus Ministry of Wichita. Parish communication intern, youth minister, member of rector Search Committee, Vestry, Eucharistic Minister, acolyte coordinator, lector, member of the Daughters of the King. Summer employee as sacristan, Kanuga Conference Center. Current position: Senior at Wichita State University and Administrative Clerk at the U.S. Attorney’s Office Statement: It would be a privilege to serve as a lay deputy to General Convention on behalf of the Diocese of Kansas. I have been coming to our diocesan convention for nearly 10 years and have enjoyed learning about the church on a deeper level. I not only have experience on a local and diocesan level, but I also have been fortunate to witness the church on a national level at the Episcopal Youth Event and through the sacristan position at Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, N.C. After many years of formation from the diocese, I feel called to contribute more to the Episcopal Church and the ongoing conversations that make the bigger church what it is.
Teresa Rogers
Member, Good Shepherd, Wichita
Church leadership: Second alternate deputy, 2012. Education for Ministry mentor. Province 7 Christian Formation Representative. Former member of Campus Ministry evaluation and model development team. Former senior warden and Vestry member. Current position: Director of Children and Youth Ministries, St. Stephen’s, Wichita; Administrative Assistant, Good Shepherd, Wichita; and registered nurse. Statement: I have always been interested in the workings of our church at all levels. The many different issues that are discussed and decided at General Convention are important issues to all of us in the church. As second alternate for the last General Convention, I learned a great deal in preparing for the convention, even though I wasn’t needed to attend. It would be a privilege to be a part of the diocesan deputation for our upcoming General Convention.
Dale Shipps
Member, St. Paul’s, Manhattan
Church leadership: Current senior warden. Two terms on the Vestry. Usher. Member of the Bishop’s Committee for St. Francis Canterbury at K-State. Former member, diocesan Campus Ministry Commission. Current position: Retired from Kansas State University Statement: As new issues face the church nationally, regionally and locally, I would like to have a part in those discussions and provide input from the local level. I would make a commitment to report on those proceedings to parishes in our diocese as requested.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Nominees for election Lay nominees • General Convention deputy and Provincial Synod delegate (vote for 4) Bob Skaggs
Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission
Church leadership: Two-time deputy to General Convention. Chair of diocesan Finance Committee. Member of the Council of Trustees. Former president of the Northeast Convocation. Former member, diocesan Ecclesiastical Court, Task Force for Campus Ministry, Campus Ministry Search Committee and Task Force for Funding the Ministry of the Diocese. Former Vestry member at St. Michael’s, Mission and St. Francis, Overland Park. Current position: Retired Marine Corps officer with 26 years of service. Statement: It gives me great pleasure to serve our church, and I want to continue in the challenging times in which we find ourselves. There are many unresolved issues facing the church, and I feel that I have the institutional and corporate memory to assist in our attempts to resolve these issues. Future finances of the church and the structure of the church are two such issues that will be addressed at the 2015 General Convention, and I feel that my experience and background will be of value in those discussions.
Sydney Webb
Member, St. David’s, Topeka
Church leadership: Member of the diocesan Youth Commission, Mustard Seeds lead guitar and vocalist, youth peer minister, campus peer minister. Member, parish Youth Advisory Group, lead acolyte, acolyte team captain. Current position: Statement: I am always seeking a way to be more active in the church. I have had the opportunity to work behind the scenes in parish and diocesan youth programs, but I would love to see the planning that goes into the Episcopal Church as a whole. I am very interested in the advancements of the church in the years to come. Being 19, I am still working to establish myself as an adult and individual member of the Episcopal Church. Serving at General Convention would be a great opportunity for me to build my own understanding of the church and mature in my faith.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2014 mission plan, narrative
The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas proposed 2014 mission plan Sources of Resources
The proposed 2014 mission plan for the Diocese of Kansas is funded primarily through apportionment. Apportionment accounts for 80.5 percent of the resources to fund the 2014 mission plan. The remainder of the funding is provided by investment earnings (11 percent) and fees (8.5 percent). The proposed apportionment for 2014 of $1,403,737 compares to previous years as follows: 2013 $1,380,577 2012 $1,317,321 2011 $1,353,342 2010 $1,357,596 2009 $1,365,000 2008 $1,329,562 2007 $1,282,375 2006 $1,194,484 2005 $1,299,543 2004 $1,299,205 2003 $1,400,698 2002 $1,307,276 2001 $1,283,207 The proposed effective apportionment rate for 2014 will remain at 17.5 percent. From 2000 through 2012, the effective apportionment rate has ranged from a high of 19.55 percent in 2000 to a low of 16.47 percent in 2003.
Uses of Resources
The 2014 mission plan continues to make use of the endowment to help fund the mission plan. However, for several years the endowment was used at a rate that was unsustainable over the long term. For 2013 the Council of Trustees recommend a reduction in the mission plan and a reduction in the usage of the endowment fund. For 2013 the draw on the endowment was 1.77 percent. There will be increased use of the endowment for 2014, but it still will be significantly below 2012 levels. The projected draw on the endowment for 2014 will be 4.1 percent.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2014 mission plan, narrative Adjusted for inflation, the 2014 mission plan would be $1,307,610 in 2001 dollars. In inflation adjusted dollars, the 2014 mission plan is $65,597 less than the 2001 budget. 2013 $1,380,577 2012 $1,874,248 2011 $1,862,745 2010 $1,798,885 2009 $1,928,963 2008 $1,797,338 2007 $1,632,355 2006 $1,402,178 2005 $1,364,443 2004 $1,360,205 2003 $1,458,575 2002 $1,379,835 2001 $1,373,207
Adult Formation
For 2014 there will be continued emphasis on Education for Ministry (EFM) training and mentoring. The Diocese of Kansas has been deeply involved in EFM and has as many or more graduates than many dioceses of comparable size or larger. In 2013 the diocese conducted two EFM mentor training sessions. Adult Formation also sponsors lay ministry training, spiritual development training, Via Media and Cursillo.
Bethany Place
The beautifully remodeled Bethany Place Conference Center is being utilized more than in the past. The 22-bed conference center serves students enrolled in the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry from the dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas. The conference center also will be available for use by parish organizations, agencies and select community organizations. Items associated with Bethany Place are the utilities, supplies, maintenance and upkeep of the grounds.
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry
This year, the Diocese of Kansas entered into a formal partnership with the dioceses of West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas to create the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. This new initiative builds on and expands the Kansas School for Ministry and will continue its historic commitment to forming lay leaders, bi-vocational priests and deacons for ministry. BKSM will be overseen by a board of directors comprised of representatives from all four dioceses. The Rev. Andrew Grosso remains the director of the school. This section of the mission plan provides resources for the Bishop Kemper School and for students from the Diocese of Kansas.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2014 mission plan, narrative Church Planter
In 2008, the Rev. Philip Hubbard was called to be the Church Planter in Johnson County. St. Clare’s paid for one-third of his salary and benefits, plus all program expenses, in 2013. For 2014, St. Clare’s will pay for two-thirds of his salary and benefits, as well as all other expenses. This is a further step by St. Clare’s on their path to becoming a self-supporting parish of the diocese. One-third of the salary and benefits for the Church Planter are included under clergy salaries and benefits in the Mission Management section.
Campus Ministry
The Reverend Stephanie Jenkins has been called as the new Campus Missioner, and she will work with the Campus Ministry Council to configure and carry out campus ministry in the Diocese of Kansas. Two interns will be serving the diocese and assisting the Campus Missioner. Efforts will continue to build the partnership between the parishes and campus ministry.
Clergy Support
Clergy Support encompasses important functions for the clergy of the diocese. The functions under Clergy Support include: • Gathering of Presbyters • Deacons Retreat • Archdeacons • Convocation Deans • Chrism Mass
Commission on Ministry
The Commission on Ministry (COM) is required by Title III of the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church. The Commission on Ministry is charged with the task of finding those persons who can best fill the ministry needs of the diocese; thus, a vocational discernment process and program have been established. COM works in the discernment process not only with candidates but also with convocation discernment committees. As part of COM, the Examining Chaplains are responsible for reviewing the General Ordination Examinations of seminarians.
This area includes the cost of printing and mailing The Harvest, the diocesan newspaper, six times a year. This office is also responsible for the diocesan website and the biweekly electronic newsletter DioLog, as well as the Directory and Convention Journal provided to all clergy and parish offices. The director also oversees diocesan social media channels as well as printed communications for the bishop’s office and is available to consult with parishes on communication issues, including website development, and print and digital publications.
Community Life
This area includes items related to meetings that incorporate aspects of our common life as a community of faith. Included are the diocesan office expenses for the annual Convention, as well as the escrow for the General Convention, which next will be held in Salt Lake City in 2015, and the bishop’s attendance at the every-10-year Lambeth Conference. 18
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2014 mission plan, narrative Congregational Development
Two new items for 2014 appear under Congregational Development. $24,000 has been allocated to assist St. Paul’s, Kansas City, with its Hispanic ministry. Earlier this year St. Paul’s began offering a service in Spanish and also is deeply involved in outreach to the Hispanic community. $45,138 has been budgeted for a loan for St. Margaret’s, Lawrence. In 2013 the Council of Trustees, in an effort to help St. Margaret’s recover from its very high mortgage debt, authorized the diocese to take out a loan to pay off St. Margaret’s current debt. In turn, St. Margaret’s has agreed to pay all their apportionment for 2014, plus begin paying the diocese back for this new loan, over a 30-year period. The line item of $45,138 represents the different between what the diocese will receive from St. Margaret’s in apportionment and loan repayment, and the amount the diocese will pay in principal and interest on the new loan. The Congregational Development Committee plans and hosts one or two events per year for congregations to learn more about church, growth, evangelism, stewardship, etc. The committee also is available to work with individual parishes in the diocese to assist them in growth and development.
Council of Trustees
This part of the 2014 mission plan provides for the monthly Council of Trustee meetings, the Trustees’ annual retreat and other Council expenses.
Liturgy, Arts and Music
The mission of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Commission is to support the congregations in the diocese, that we may better celebrate our life in Christ through worship. The commission continues to work with the bishop on ordination liturgies for priests and deacons, and plans and coordinates worship for the Diocesan Convention.
Mission Management
The salaries and benefits of all clergy and lay employees of the diocese have been grouped in this section. The operations and facilities expenses of the diocesan office are included in this area. Among major items in this area are retiree health insurance, computers, utilities, maintenance, property and liability insurance, and the annual audit.
Mission and Outreach
The Diocese of Kansas continues to be a strong supporter of the wider church. Our diocese has participated at the full asking despite past difficulties. Once again, the 2014 mission plan provides for the full asking to support the work of The Episcopal Church. Full participation by the diocese in the Millennium Development Goals is included in the mission plan. Areas supported by Mission and Outreach are: • Episcopal Church Apportionment • Province VII Apportionment • Episcopal Community Services in Kansas City • Episcopal Social Services in Wichita (This section continues on page 20)
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed 2014 mission plan, narrative • • • •
Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence Kansas Ecumenical Ministries Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness Training Millennium Development Goals
Office of the Bishop
This area of the 2014 mission plan provides for the support of the bishop in his work, both in the Diocese of Kansas and in the wider church. Funding allows for the bishop to work together with the other bishops of the Episcopal Church through the House of Bishops and other special committees on which Bishop Wolfe serves.
Office of the Canon to the Ordinary
The Canon to the Ordinary is the chief administrative officer for the diocese. The canon also is the transition ministry officer for the Diocese of Kansas, assisting parishes and clergy in the search and call process. The Canon to the Ordinary also consults with parishes in the areas of growth and congregational development. The Canon serves as the bishop’s chief of staff and is his liaison to the Congregational Development Commission; the Liturgy, Arts and Music Commission; and the Commission on Ministry.
Seminarian Support/Internships
As part of investing in our future, the Diocese of Kansas provides assistance for future priests of the Episcopal Church. Twice a year the diocese provides grants to the seminarians from our diocese. Our diocese also partners with specific parishes to provide internship experience for clergy in the diocese. This partnership allows newly ordained clergy to gain valuable parish experience, and the parishes benefit from their ministry.
Stewardship and Development
The Stewardship and Development Committee will work to provide resources and services to the parishes of the diocese. Increases include diocesan membership in The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), as well as resources to provide parishes with stewardship assistance.
Youth Ministries
In 2013, Karen Schlabach became the new Youth Missioner. The work performed in this area of the mission plan helps lay the foundation for future priests and lay leaders in the Episcopal Church. These are some of the successful youth events planned for 2014: • Miqra • Happenings • MissionPalooza • New Beginnings • Summer Camp • Fall Festival
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
2012 Actual 1,222,433 441,427 169,123 1,832,983
2012 Actual 5,200 20,781 13,223 90,644 0 25,444 4,542 23,202 82,436 3,607 2,647 180 1,005,762 299,689 37,444 17,178 57,400 8,814 106,830 1,805,023
Income 2012 Proposal Apportionment 1,317,321 Endowment Proceeds/Line of Credit 441,427 Fees - Youth & other 115,500 Total Income 1,874,248
Expenses 2012 Proposal Adult Formation 9,700 Bethany Place 21,450 Bishop Kemper School for Ministry 8,500 Campus Ministries 91,925 Church Planter 0 Clergy Support 11,400 Commission on Ministry 6,100 Communications 22,635 Community Life 20,600 Congregational Development 7,100 Council of Trustees 4,750 Liturgy, Arts & Music 2,000 Mission Management 1,123,420 Mission and Outreach 306,868 Office of the Bishop 34,200 Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 20,300 Seminarian Support 82,000 Stewardship & Development 15,400 Youth Ministries 85,900 Total Expenses 1,874,248
2013 Proposal 9,350 21,450 8,500 71,135 0 10,550 6,100 22,635 20,300 7,100 4,680 1,000 944,992 305,877 28,100 16,400 46,000 250 81,750 1,606,169
2013 Proposal 1,380,577 78,042 147,550 1,606,169
2014 Proposal 9,350 24,750 30,500 74,535 0 10,950 6,100 22,635 20,300 76,238 4,500 500 948,310 313,929 38,300 22,500 52,000 2,000 87,050 1,744,447
2014 Proposal 1,403,737 190,710 150,000 1,744,447
Proposed 2014 mission plan, summary
$ Change 0 3,300 22,000 3,400 0 400 0 0 0 69,138 -180 -500 3,318 8,052 10,200 6,100 6,000 1,750 5,300 138,278
$ Change 23,160 112,668 2,450 138,278
3.79% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 973.77% -3.85% -50.00% 0.35% 2.63% 36.30% 37.20% 13.04% 700.00% 6.48% 8.61%
% Change 0.00% 15.38% 258.82% 4.78%
% Change 1.68% 144.37% 1.66% 8.61%
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
2012 Proposal 250 1,400 6,650 500 400 500 9,700 2012 Proposal 1,450 5,000 3,000 12,000 21,450
Adult Formation Commission Expenses Travel Education For Ministry (EFM) Cursillo Via Media Spiritual Development-Training Total Adult Formation
Bethany Place Supplies Utilities Building Services Contracts Maintenance Total Bethany Place
2012 Actual 2,145 2,683 1,312 14,641 20,781
2012 Actual 0 39 4,661 500 0 0 5,200
2012 Actual 1,222,433 441,427 169,123 1,832,983
2013 Proposal 2,450 4,500 2,500 12,000 21,450
2013 Proposal 200 1,200 6,650 500 300 500 9,350
2013 Proposal 1,380,577 78,042 147,550 1,606,169
2014 Proposal 2,750 6,500 2,500 13,000 24,750
2014 Proposal 250 1,000 6,850 500 250 500 9,350
2014 Proposal 1,403,737 190,710 150,000 1,744,447
$ Change 300 2,000 0 1,000 3,300
$ Change 50 -200 200 0 -50 0 0
$ Change 23,160 112,668 2,450 138,278
% Change 12.24% 44.44% 0.00% 8.33% 15.38%
% Change 25.00% -16.67% 3.01% 0.00% -16.67% 0.00% 0.00%
% Change 1.68% 144.37% 1.66% 8.61%
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Student Support 0 0 0 8,500 8,500 School for Ministry Support 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 Travel 1,000 138 0 0 0 Meals 3,000 4,726 4,000 0 -4,000 -100.00% Lodging 1,500 694 1,500 0 -1,500 -100.00% Faculty Honorariums 3,000 7,665 3,000 0 -3,000 -100.00% Total Bishop Kemper School for Ministry 8,500 13,223 8,500 30,500 22,000 258.82% Campus Ministries 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Auto Expense 13,175 9,743 6,750 6,500 -250 -3.70% Auto Escrow 7,200 7,200 0 3,400 3,400 Lodging 1,000 1,739 500 1,250 750 150.00% Maintenance - University of Kansas 16,650 16,650 16,650 16,650 0 0.00% Maintenance - Kansas State University 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 0 0.00% Campus Ministries - Parish Based 6,900 7,800 3,785 3,000 -785 -20.74% Travel 3,600 2,142 1,800 2,000 200 11.11% Meetings/Gatherings 1,000 720 500 500 0 0.00% Office Supplies 500 1,431 250 250 0 0.00% Telecommunications 2,400 2,143 1,400 1,285 -115 -8.21% Campus Ministry Interns 20,000 21,217 20,000 20,000 0 0.00% Ministry Program Expenses 6,000 6,359 6,000 6,200 200 3.33% Total Campus Ministries 91,925 90,644 71,135 74,535 3,400 4.78%
2012 Proposal 1,317,321 441,427 115,500 1,874,248
Income Apportionment Endowment Proceeds/Line of Credit Fees - Youth & other Total Income
Proposed 2014 mission plan, line item
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Communications 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel 750 518 750 750 0 0.00% Telephone 360 360 360 360 0 0.00% Website Hosting 450 455 480 480 0 0.00% Publication 6,300 6,262 6,300 6,300 0 0.00% Circulation (Postage) 7,750 7,300 7,750 7,750 0 0.00% Labeling 1,200 1,152 1,200 1,400 200 16.67% Postage Returns 400 2,778 300 200 -100 -33.33% Technology Upgrades (Software) 300 0 200 200 0 0.00% Online enhancements and parish support 800 214 750 650 -100 -13.33% Equipment 425 499 425 425 0 0.00% Episcopal Communicators 1,300 1,232 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Fees & Membership 300 365 320 320 0 0.00% Diocesan Journal 2,300 2,067 2,300 2,300 0 0.00% Total Communications 22,635 23,202 22,635 22,635 0 0.00%
Church Planter 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Travel 0 0 0 0 0 Telecommunications 0 0 0 0 0 Continuing Education 0 0 0 0 0 Total Church Planter 0 0 0 0 0 Clergy Support 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Gathering of Presbyters 500 11,007 250 500 250 100.00% Archdeacons 500 200 500 500 0 0.00% Clergy Gatherings 500 0 250 250 0 0.00% Deacons Retreat 500 4,588 250 500 250 100.00% Convocation Deans 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0.00% Chrism Mass 1,400 1,649 1,300 1,200 -100 -7.69% Total Clergy Support 11,400 25,444 10,550 10,950 400 3.79% Commission on Ministry 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Commission Expense 1,000 873 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Travel (Seminarians) 1,200 652 1,200 1,200 0 0.00% Supplies 200 0 200 200 0 0.00% Conferences/Retreats 1,500 911 1,500 1,500 0 0.00% Background Investigations 500 2,060 500 500 0 0.00% Ordination Services 700 46 700 700 0 0.00% Ordination Examinations 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Total Commission on Ministry 6,100 4,542 6,100 6,100 0 0.00%
Proposed 2014 mission plan, line item
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Community Life 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Convention Expense 5,300 41,453 5,000 5,000 0 0.00% General Convention Deputies 14,000 39,683 14,000 14,000 0 0.00% Anglican/Lambeth Conferences 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 0.00% Total Community Life 20,600 82,436 20,300 20,300 0 0.00% Congregational Development 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Committee Expense 100 733 100 100 0 0.00% St. Paul’s KC Hispanic Ministry Initiative 0 0 0 24,000 24,000 Loan Payments - St. Margaret’s 0 0 0 45,138 45,138 Continuing Education 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 0.00% Conference 4,000 2,150 4,000 4,000 0 0.00% Search Committee Consultants 1,000 724 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Total Congregational Development 7,100 3,607 7,100 76,238 69,138 973.77% Council of Trustees 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Bishop’s Fund for Miscellaneous Task Force 500 250 500 500 0 0.00% Committee Expense 1,850 1,484 1,980 1,900 -80 -4.04% Retreat 2,400 913 2,200 2,100 -100 -4.55% Total Council of Trustees 4,750 2,647 4,680 4,500 -180 -3.85% Liturgy, Arts & Music 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Diocesan Liturgies (Convent’n, Ordinat’n) 1,000 180 500 250 -250 -50.00% Workshops, Information & Consultation 1,000 0 500 250 -250 -50.00% Total Liturgy, Arts & Music 2,000 180 1,000 500 -500 -50.00% Mission Management 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change Salaries - Clergy 1 375,430 357,266 309,470 298,405 -11,065 -3.58% Health Insurance - Clergy 95,535 80,388 77,774 78,105 331 0.43% Pension - Clergy 67,577 65,125 55,706 53,715 -1,991 -3.57% Salaries - Lay 2 344,231 297,627 271,626 279,520 7,894 2.91% Payroll Taxes - Lay 26,334 19,495 20,857 21,380 523 2.51% Health Insurance - Lay 26,665 9,832 29,496 27,300 -2,196 -7.45% Pension - Lay 29,400 18,510 18,815 23,415 4,600 24.45% Life Insurance - Lay 850 390 850 850 0 0.00% Income Replacement Insurance - Lay 750 594 750 750 0 0.00% Health Insurance - Retirees 20,000 26,109 20,000 21,000 1,000 5.00% Workers’ Compensation Insurance 4,120 4,488 4,120 4,120 0 0.00% Travel 2,500 2,489 2,500 2,600 100 4.00% Continuing Education 650 800 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Computer Expense 20,168 14,064 20,168 21,750 1,582 7.84%
Proposed 2014 mission plan, line item
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
4,922 6,365 9,699 574 95 1,968 758 6,552 18,094 347 40,000 19,211 1,005,762
5,000 5,500 10,310 1,600 750 2,500 1,000 9,000 18,700 500 40,000 17,000 944,992
5,000 6,000 10,550 1,600 500 2,500 1,000 9,000 19,000 500 40,000 18,750 948,310
0 500 240 0 -250 0 0 0 300 0 0 1,750 3,318
Clergy salaries include the salaries for the Bishop, the Canon to the Ordinary, one Campus Missioner and one-third of the salary of a Church Planter.
5,000 6,360 8,500 1,850 1,000 2,500 1,500 9,300 15,700 500 40,000 17,000 1,123,420
0.00% 9.09% 2.33% 0.00% -33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.60% 0.00% 0.00% 10.29% 0.35%
Lay salaries include the salaries for the Assistant to the Bishop, the Assistant to the Canon, the Director of Communications, the Comptroller, the Youth Missioner, one part-time Receptionist and one part-time Custodian. Mission and Outreach 2012 Proposal 2012 Actual 2013 Proposal 2014 Proposal $ Change % Change General Convention Assessment 288,240 288,240 286,128 294,180 8,052 2.81% Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness 250 0 250 250 0 0.00% Provincial Synod Assessment 2,078 2,199 2,199 2,199 0 0.00% Jubilee Outreach Ministries 250 250 250 250 0 0.00% Commission Expense 800 0 800 800 0 0.00% Kansas Ecumenical Ministries 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Episcopal Community Services-Kansas City 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Episcopal Social Services-Wichita 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Bishop Seabury Academy 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.00% Environmental Stewardship 250 0 250 250 0 0.00% Millennium Development Goals 12,000 6,000 12,000 12,000 0 0.00% Total Mission and Outreach 306,868 299,689 305,877 313,929 8,052 2.63%
Telecommunications Postage Office Supplies Printing & Stationary Maintenance-Equipment Equipment Lease Building Services Contract Utilities Property & Liability Insurance Miscellaneous Expenses Operating Fund Reserve Independent Audit Total Mission Management
Proposed 2014 mission plan, line item
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 2012 Actual 1,330 380 1,026 909 6,567 3,900 925 672 0 1,469 17,178 2012 Actual 52,000 5,400 57,400
Seminarian Support 2012 Proposal Clergy Internship/Mentoring/Recruitment 72,000 Seminarian Support 10,000 Total Seminarian Support 82,000
2012 Actual 3,427 4,559 6,100 11,638 1,819 4,532 1,885 2,111 100 399 0 467 407 37,444
Office of the Bishop 2012 Proposal Telecommunications 2,400 Lodging 3,600 Auto Escrow 6,100 Auto Expenses 9,000 Air Travel 2,750 Meals/Host 4,000 House of Bishops 3,000 Travel - Other 1,000 Professional Development 1,000 Subscriptions 350 Staff Development 0 Conferences/Continuing Education 900 Supplies 100 Total Office of the Bishop 34,200 Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 2012 Proposal Travel 1,500 Professional Expenses 400 Fresh Start 1,000 Telecommunications 1,500 Auto Expense 8,000 Auto Escrow 3,900 Lodging 1,000 Meals 1,000 Subscriptions 200 Professional Development 1,800 Total Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 20,300 2013 Proposal 36,000 10,000 46,000
2013 Proposal 1,500 400 1,000 1,500 8,000 0 1,000 1,000 200 1,800 16,400
2013 Proposal 2,400 3,600 0 9,000 2,750 4,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 350 0 900 100 28,100
2014 Proposal 42,000 10,000 52,000
2014 Proposal 1,500 400 1,000 1,500 8,000 6,100 1,000 1,000 200 1,800 22,500
2014 Proposal 2,400 3,600 8,200 9,000 2,750 4,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 350 2,000 900 100 38,300
Proposed 2014 mission plan, line item
$ Change 6,000 0 6,000
$ Change 0 0 0 0 0 6,100 0 0 0 0 6,100
$ Change 0 0 8,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 10,200
% Change 16.67% 0.00% 13.04%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 37.20%
% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 36.30%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
% Change 0.00% 0.00%
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 1,874,248
2012 Actual
2012 Proposal
2012 Actual 3,359 3,400 723 1,280 500 401 0 76,801 2,076 1,792 6,549 250 0 0 0 2,877 0 0 205 3,180 0 1,375 441 1,621 106,830
Youth Ministries 2012 Proposal Auto Expense 3,000 Auto Escrow 3,400 Resources 1,000 Recharge: Youth Leader Retreat 0 Peer Ministry 500 Continuing Education 500 Training for Youth Ministers 500 Camp Wood Expense 63,000 High School Spiritual Retreat 250 Junior High Spiritual Retreat 250 Miqra: A Public Reading of Scripture 250 MissionPalooza: Urban Ministry Experience 250 ADVENTure: Retreat about Advent 0 Wilderness Backpack Camping Trip 0 Girls Only/Guys Only 0 Fall Festival Evangelism Event 250 Mustard Seeds Music 500 Background Checks 250 National & Provincial Youth Event 1,000 Summer Interns 3,000 Safe Guarding God’s Children 500 Telecommunications 2,500 Travel 1,500 Office Expenses 3,500 Total Youth Ministries 85,900
2012 Actual 0 2,323 1,415 579 106 748 1,817 1,009 817 8,814
2013 Proposal
2013 Proposal 3,000 0 1,000 250 500 500 250 63,000 250 250 250 250 0 0 0 250 0 250 1,000 3,000 500 2,500 1,250 3,500 81,750
2013 Proposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 250
2014 Proposal
2014 Proposal 3,000 3,400 1,000 250 500 500 250 63,000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0 100 3,000 3,000 200 2,500 1,250 3,500 87,050
2014 Proposal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000
Proposed 2014 mission plan, line item 2012 Proposal 1,000 3,000 3,400 1,000 1,000 1,300 500 1,500 2,700 15,400
Stewardship & Development Travel Auto Expense Auto Escrow Meals Lodging Telecommunication Continuing Education Supplies & Resources Commission Expense Total Stewardship & Development
$ Change
$ Change 0 3,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 -50 -50 -50 -50 200 200 200 -50 0 -150 2,000 0 -300 0 0 0 5,300
$ Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,750 1,750
% Change
-60.00% 200.00% 0.00% -60.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 6.48%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -20.00% -20.00% -20.00% -20.00%
% Change 0.00%
700.00% 700.00%
% Change
Proposed apportionment schedule, 2014 TRUSTEE ADJUSTED 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2014 2014 2014 EFFECTIVE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BASE BASE APPORT. PERCENT RATE NORTHEAST CONVOCATION Atchison, Trinity 158,776 203,819 179,172 197,256 193,416 33,072 2.36% 17.10% Edwardsville, St. Martin’s 29,030 31,415 34,274 31,120 31,120 4,176 0.30% 13.42% Kansas City, St. Paul’s 123,791 98,698 132,298 157,478 129,491 20,660 1.47% 15.95% Lawrence, St. Margaret’s 227,531 230,633 205,741 217,311 217,311 37,728 2.69% 17.36% Lawrence, Trinity 413,106 368,622 325,846 367,068 353,845 64,248 4.58% 18.16% Leavenworth, St. Paul’s 231,765 228,920 246,361 235,700 235,700 41,292 2.94% 17.52% Mission, St. Michael’s 1,147,058 1,183,032 1,256,691 1,233,713 1,224,479 233,412 16.63% 19.06% Olathe, St. Aidan’s 151,853 153,004 162,638 169,576 161,739 26,928 1.92% 16.65% Ottawa, Grace 58,816 52,791 28,971 48,472 43,411 5,820 0.41% 13.41% Overland Park, St. Thomas’ 412,678 517,347 535,040 626,212 559,533 104,208 7.42% 18.62% Shawnee, St. Luke’s 195,753 203,625 186,299 224,149 204,691 35,268 2.51% 17.23% Stilwell, St. Francis’ 45,663 48,761 47,104 50,154 48,673 6,540 0.47% 13.44% TOTAL 3,195,820 3,320,667 3,340,435 3,558,209 3,403,410 613,352 43.69% 18.02% SOUTHEAST CONVOCATION Chanute, Grace 75,646 Coffeyville, St. Paul’s 128,632 Galena, St. Mary’s 18,520 Independence, Epiphany 71,595 Iola, St. Timothy’s 28,229 Neodesha, Ascension 15,960 Parsons, St. John’s 36,120 Pittsburg, St. Peter’s 91,193 Sedan, Epiphany 134,567 Yates Center, Calvary 8,650 TOTAL 609,112
0.94% 0.81% 0.24% 0.59% 0.37% 0.21% 0.47% 1.15% 2.09% 0.11% 6.98%
14.73% 14.52% 13.41% 13.92% 13.43% 13.43% 13.42% 15.20% 16.84% 13.39% 14.97%
NORTHWEST CONVOCATION Abilene, St. John’s 43,679 62,850 125,623 42,470 42,470 5,700 0.41% Blue Rapids, St. Mark’s 7,827 7,233 11,386 8,531 8,531 1,146 0.08% Clay Center, St. Paul’s 76,676 77,685 82,678 73,798 73,798 10,620 0.76% Emporia, St. Andrew’s 155,000 157,076 165,170 171,305 164,517 27,456 1.96% Holton, St. Thomas’ 11,964 13,923 16,627 13,961 13,961 1,872 0.13% Junction City, Covenant 128,251 115,096 84,172 85,625 85,625 12,564 0.90% Manhattan, St. Paul’s 194,190 189,942 195,917 208,347 198,069 33,984 2.42% Marysville, St. Paul’s 14,809 12,764 14,609 12,248 12,248 1,644 0.12% Topeka, Grace Cathedral 794,058 808,280 789,746 830,647 809,558 152,796 10.88% Topeka, St. David’s 388,304 225,935 408,437 397,573 343,982 62,340 4.44% Wamego, St. Luke’s 65,313 71,780 66,109 69,386 69,092 9,840 0.70% TOTAL 1,880,071 1,742,564 1,960,474 1,913,891 1,821,850 319,962 22.79%
13.42% 13.43% 14.39% 16.69% 13.41% 14.67% 17.16% 13.42% 18.87% 18.12% 14.24% 17.56%
SOUTHWEST CONVOCATION Arkansas City, Trinity 79,536 70,003 67,784 73,060 70,282 10,044 0.72% Derby, St. Andrew’s 92,207 106,595 123,765 113,380 113,380 17,520 1.25% El Dorado, Trinity 168,831 127,126 171,542 154,782 151,150 24,864 1.77% Newton, St. Matthew’s 108,692 114,936 123,429 122,477 120,281 18,864 1.34% Wellington, St. Jude’s 15,374 15,534 17,008 15,757 15,757 2,112 0.15% Wichita, Good Shepherd 388,619 350,358 381,417 363,025 363,025 66,036 4.70% Wichita, St. Bartholomew’s 53,420 49,236 44,728 43,292 42,000 42,000 5,640 0.40% Wichita, St. Christopher’s 40,044 37,522 37,516 16,542 16,000 16,000 2,148 0.15% Wichita, St. James’ 614,881 603,743 650,806 551,966 551,966 102,744 7.32% Wichita, St. John’s 305,167 301,082 303,646 353,137 319,288 57,540 4.10% Wichita, St. Stephen’s 289,832 270,037 273,478 282,696 275,404 49,008 3.49% Winfield, Grace 103,693 102,736 104,909 107,073 104,906 15,888 1.13% TOTAL 2,260,296 2,148,908 2,300,028 2,197,187 2,143,439 372,408 26.53%
14.29% 15.45% 16.45% 15.68% 13.40% 18.19% 13.43% 13.43% 18.61% 18.02% 17.79% 15.14% 17.37%
82,590 101,273 19,561 69,084 29,380 22,543 43,592 99,680 166,376 8,806 642,885
84,493 117,223 24,965 67,206 39,349 28,370 61,269 103,857 180,352 10,394 717,478
101,742 78,678 29,283 61,247 60,000 45,748 22,246 49,526 115,332 174,890 15,490 694,182
89,608 78,678 24,603 60,000 38,159 22,246 49,526 106,290 173,873 11,563 654,546
13,200 11,424 3,300 8,352 5,124 2,988 6,648 16,152 29,280 1,548 98,016
7,945,299 7,855,024 8,318,415 8,363,469 8,023,244 1,403,737
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Bishop’s appointments and nominations Episcopal appointments The Chancellors (Constitution, Article IV, B, Sec. 4) Chancellor, Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Vice Chancellor, Mr. Michael Francis, St. David’s, Topeka Vice Chancellor, Mr. Kurt A. Harper, St. James’, Wichita The Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts (Canon III.8, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint a Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts, composed of clergy and professional lay persons qualified in one of the allied arts. The Rev. Dixie Junk, St. Paul’s, Kansas City, Chair Mrs. Beth Ann Branden, St. David’s, Topeka Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Diocesan Intake Officer (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Diocesan Church Attorney (Canon III, 3, Sec. 5) Mr. John Emerson, Trinity, Lawrence The Treasurer of the Diocese (Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 3) Mr. Douglas Anning, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission — term ends at the conclusion of the 157th Convention (2016)
Episcopal nominations The Registrar and Historiographer (Canon III.7, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint with the approval of Convention a Registrar and Historiographer. Registrar: Ms. Michele Moss, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Historiographer: Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Bishop’s appointments and nominations The Commission on Ministry (Canon III.4, Sec. 1) At Diocesan Convention the Bishop shall nominate and the Convention shall confirm a Commission on Ministry to consist of not less than six (6) members, which shall include both clergy and lay persons, and their terms of office shall be three years. The Reverend Gail Greenwell, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission, Chair (2014) Deacon Robert Hirst, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2014) Ms. Jeanine Blessant, St. Peter’s, Pittsburg (2015) Deacon Beth Drumm, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission (2015) Dr. Preston Gilson, Trinity, El Dorado (2015) The Very Reverend Steve Lipscomb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka (2015) The Reverend Antoinette Tackkett, St. Paul’s, Coffeyville (2015) The Reverend Andrew O’Connor, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2016) To assist the Commission on Ministry, the Bishop appoints the following committee: The Examining Chaplains The Reverend Benedict Varnum, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park, Chair The Reverend David Cox, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Deacon Deedee Evans, St. James’, Wichita The Reverend Canon Andrew Grosso, Trinity, Atchison The Venerable R. Charles Pearce, St. Paul’s, Manhattan
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Convention committees Bishop’s appointments to committees of the 154th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2013) Secretary of the 154th annual convention Mrs. Karen Clowers, St. David’s, Topeka Parliamentarian of the 154th annual convention Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Committee to Approve the Minutes of Convention The Rev. Sharon Billman, St. John’s, Parsons Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Pages Members of the Kansas Episcopal Youth
Bishop’s appointments to committees of the 155th convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (2014)
(Terms, except where noted, run from adjournment of this convention until adjournment of the 155th Annual Convention; Canon II.5., Sec. 1.a.) On Dispatch of Business Mrs. Carolyn Sturgeon, St. Aidan’s, Olathe, Chair Mrs. Kristi Baker, Grace, Ottawa Mr. Jim Lawing, St. Stephen’s, Wichita On Constitution and Canons Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, Chancellor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park, Chair Mr. Michael Francis, Vice Chancellor, St. David’s, Topeka Mr. Kurt A. Harper, Vice Chancellor, St. James’, Wichita Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita On Nominations and Elections Miss Ashley Petty, St. James’, Wichita, Chair Mr. Frank Connizzo, St. Paul’s, Manhattan Ms. Roxie Drautz, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission On Debatable Resolutions The Reverend Jan Chubb, St. Timothy’s, Iola, Chair Mr. Calvin Karlin, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Ms. Nancy Kelley, Trinity, Lawrence Ms. Diane MacCoy, Good Shepherd, Wichita
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Convention committees On Courtesy Resolutions Diocesan Staff On Arrangements Arrangements for the 155th Annual Convention will be under the direction of the Diocesan Staff, working with volunteers selected to assist with needed tasks. The Canon to the Ordinary will serve as the chair of this committee.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Courtesy resolutions These courtesy resolutions have been suggested to the 154th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. They will be presented to the Convention as consent calendar items, to be voted upon as a group. The separate courtesy resolutions will not be read. The proposed rules for debate allow for the removal of any item from the consent calendar by any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. Should this request be made, the item removed will be subject to debate or comment and will be voted on separately. 1. The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori and Mr. Richard Schori — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop and her spouse. 2. The Most Reverend and Right Honorable and Mrs. Justin Welby — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his spouse, Caroline. 3. The Right Reverend and Mrs. William Smalley — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Eighth Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Carole. 4. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Richard F. Grein — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seventh Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Ann. 5. The Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates of our diocese. 6. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Michael Milliken and the Diocese of Western Kansas —This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Milliken and the members of the Diocese of Western Kansas. 7. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Martin Field and the Diocese of West Missouri — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Field and the members of the Diocese of West Missouri. 8. The Right Reverend and Mrs. J. Scott Barker and the Diocese of Nebraska — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Barker and the members of the Diocese of Nebraska. 9. The Right Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Konieczny and the Diocese of Oklahoma — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Konieczny and the members of the Diocese of Oklahoma. 10. The Right Reverend Jean Zache Duracin and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Duracin and the people of the Diocese of Haiti and assures them of our continued prayers for the reconstruction and rebuilding of their country. Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Courtesy resolutions 11. The Most Reverend Eliud Wabukala and the Anglican Church of Kenya — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Archbishop Wabukala and the people of the Anglican Church of Kenya. 12. The Right Reverend Joseph Muchai and the Diocese of Nakuru — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Muchai and the people of the Diocese of Nakuru in Kenya. 13. Bishop and Mrs. Roger R. Gustafson and the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — This resolution sends greetings to Bishop Gustafson and his spouse, the Rev. Susan Langhauser, and the people of the Central States Synod. 14. Bishop and Mrs. Gerald Mansholt — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Mansholt, with affectionate thanks for the special relationships formed during his 12 years of service as Bishop of the Central States Synod. 15. Bishop and Mrs. Scott Jones and Kansas East and West Conferences of the United Methodist Church – This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Jones and the people of the United Methodist Church in Kansas. 16. Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 17. Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee — This resolution sends the convention’s appreciation to the members of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee for their time in planning the convention liturgies. 18. The Commission on Youth — This resolution sends thanks to those who served as pages during the conduct of the business sessions of the convention.
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Proposed rules of debate 1. Whenever possible, speakers will be called in alternating order of their positions on the issue under consideration. 2. Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes on an issue under consideration, except that: a) A speaker may speak again to any amendment, with a two (2) minute time limit again applying; and b) A speaker may answer questions of information. 3. While motions to call the previous question (close debate), limit debate, postpone to a set time, postpone indefinitely or commit are acceptable at any time, the motion will be effective only after all speakers already at the microphone have had an opportunity to speak. 4. Items such as courtesy resolutions may be placed on a consent calendar to be voted as a group. a) The consent calendar(s) shall be prepared by the Committee on Dispatch of Business and distributed to the Convention. b) The consent calendar is not subject to debate. c) An item or items may be removed from the consent calendar at the request of any del- egate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. The removal of one or more items from the consent calendar is not subject to a vote. d) Items so removed shall be voted upon separately and are subject to debate. Explanation: A convention is a gathering of the community of the church in this place. Communities that are functional listen to one another and give each person an opportunity to speak. These proposed rules of debate are designed to advance our life at this “community reunion.� Some items will be judged by the Committee on Dispatch of Business to be items on which delegates are in full agreement. These items, such as courtesy resolutions, will be placed on a consent calendar. However, should a delegate feel that an item deserves either debate or comment, that item may be removed from the consent calendar as provided for above. In all our discussions, we seek to know Christ and to make Christ known.
Frontiers of faith• The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Amendment form Debate and action on matters to come before this convention will take place Oct. 25-26, 2013, as shown on the proposed agenda. The process of the convention will be helped if additional actions or amendments to pre-filed actions are submitted in writing in advance. Please complete this form if you plan to introduce any of the actions listed below. If you know of such proposed action and it is received in the diocesan office no later than Friday, Oct. 11, it can be included in the packet given to each delegate at convention. Send it to Michele Moss, Convention Coordinator, in the diocesan office by: Mail: 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, Fax: (785) 235-2449 E-mail:
KS 66612-1688
At the convention itself, give the completed form to a member of the diocesan staff or a member of the Dispatch of Business Committee.
Delegate’s name ____________________________________________________________________ Delegate’s parish ___________________________________________________________________ The proposed action is: _____ A resolution from the floor not submitted by the deadline (requires a 2/3 majority approval for consideration). _____ An amendment to the Constitution or Canons not submitted by the deadline (requires a 2/3 majority approval for consideration). _____ An amendment to or other action on Proposed Amendment #_____. _____ An amendment to or other action on Resolution #_____. _____ An amendment to the proposed 2014 mission plan on page _____. Please write the proposed action here, giving as specific a reference as possible. Use additional sheets, if needed. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 36
Frontiers of faith • The 154th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas