Convention book 2010

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Information for Clergy and Delegates The 151st Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas October 22-23, 2010 Topeka, Kansas

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Table of Cont ents Contents Sc hedules and agendas Schedules Schedule of convocation meetings ..................................................................................................... 2 Proposed agenda for Diocesan Convention ........................................................................................ 3

Nominees ffor or General Con Convvention deputy Clergy nominees (elect 4 deputies and 4 alternates) ........................................................................ 4-5 Lay nominees (elect 4 deputies and 4 alternates) ............................................................................ 6-8

Nominees ffor or Council of TTrust rust ees rustees Clergy nominees (elect 1) ................................................................................................................... 9 Lay nominees (elect 1) ...................................................................................................................... 10

Nominees ffor or Ecclesiastical TTrial rial Cour t, une xpired tterm erm Court, unexpired Clergy nominees (elect 1) ................................................................................................................. 11

Con es tto o the Council of TTrust rust ees Convvocation representativ representatives rustees Election of lay representatives to be ratified by the convention ....................................................... 12

Debatable resolutions Proposed resolution .......................................................................................................................... 13

Changes tto o the canons of the diocese Proposed amendment to the canons.................................................................................................. 14

General Con Convvention resolutions 2009 resolutions to be received by Diocesan Convention ........................................................... 15-17

Pr oposed 20 11 mission plan Proposed 2011 Narrative ...................................................................................................................................... 18-22 Summary of the mission plan ........................................................................................................... 23 Line-item of income and expenses .............................................................................................. 24-30 Apportionment schedule ................................................................................................................... 31

Consent Calendar it ems items Bishop’s appointments and nominations ..................................................................................... 32-32 Convention committees ............................................................................................................... 34-35 Courtesy resolutions .................................................................................................................... 36-37

Other it ems items Proposed rules of debate for convention .......................................................................................... 38 Form for proposing amendments ...................................................................................................... 39 Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Sc hedule of Con tings Schedule Convvocation Mee Meetings Southeast Con Convvocation Saturday, Sept. 11, 10 a.m., St. John’s Church, 1801 Corning, Parsons

Southw est Con Southwest Convvocation Saturday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 400 W. Ash, El Dorado

Nor theast Con Northeast Convvocation Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 a.m., Trinity Church, 1011 Vermont, Lawrence

Nor thw est Con Northw thwest Convvocation Saturday, Sept. 25, 1 p.m., St. David’s Church, 3916 SW 17th St., Topeka

All delegates are urged to attend the meeting in their Convocation. Bishop Wolfe, members of the diocesan staff and members of the Council of Trustees will be present to provide information and answer questions.

Please bring this convention book with you to your Convocation meeting and to Diocesan Convention.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Pr oposed A genda ffor or Diocesan Con Proposed Agenda Convvention Thur sda ober 2 1, 20 10 Thursda sdayy, Oct October 21 201 4 – 7:30 p.m.

Early convention registration, Emerald Coat Check Room, Capitol Plaza Hotel

7 – 9 p.m.

Fundraiser for Campus Ministry, Emerald Ballroom

9 p.m.

Compline, Emerald Ballroom

Frida ober 22, 20 10 ridayy, Oct October 201 9 – 10:30 a.m.

Convention Eucharist, Grace Cathedral, 701 SW Eighth Ave. Bishop Dean Wolfe, celebrant; Bishop Michael Curry, preacher

11 a.m.

Convention registration, Sunflower Ballroom Foyer, Maner Conference Center


Lunch, Sunflower Ballroom

1 – 1:45 p.m.

Bishop Wolfe’s Address, Sunflower Ballroom

1:45 – 2 p.m.


2 – 4 p.m.

Opening business session, Sunflower Ballroom

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.

Church growth workshops, various rooms, Maner Conference Center

6 – 7 p.m.

Social hour, Shawnee Room and Sunflower Ballroom Foyer

7 – 9 p.m.

Convention banquet and awards, Sunflower Ballroom

9:15 p.m.

Taizé service, River Room

Saturda ober 23, 20 10 Saturdayy, Oct October 201 7:30 – 9 a.m.

Continental breakfast, Shawnee Room, Maner Conference Center

9 – 9:10 a.m.

Morning Prayer, Sunflower Ballroom

9:10 – 10 a.m.

Bishop Curry’s Address, Sunflower Ballroom

10 – 10:15 a.m.


10:15 – 11:45 a.m.

Business session resumes, Sunflower Ballroom

11:45 a.m. – noon

Noonday Prayers

Noon – 1 p.m.

Lunch, Sunflower Ballroom

1 – 2 p.m.

Business session and Adjournment, Sunflower Ballroom

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees ffor or election General Con ote ffor or 4) Convvention Deputy • Clergy nominees (v (vo The Rev. Matt Cobb Rector, St. Luke’s, Wamego Also serves as Director of Chaplaincy Care at Mercy Regional Health Center in Manhattan. Previously served in the dioceses of West Missouri and Iowa and as campus chaplain at Kansas State University. Has attended two General Conventions from the Diocese of Kansas, as deputy in 2006 and as first alternate in 2009. Previous member of the diocesan Council of Trustees and the Outreach and Ecumenical Ministries Commission.

The Rev. Betty Glover Rector, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield Currently serving as a convocation member of the Council of Trustees. Current member of the Commission on Ministry and chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee. Former member of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee. Will serve as chaplain for the Kansas School for Ministry and coordinator of Colloquium/KSM next year. Was camp chaplain for this summer’s Intermediate Camp.

The Rev. Gail Greenwell Rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Current member of the Commission on Ministry and the Steering Committee for ministry handbook revisions. Previously served as board member of Episcopal Community Services and the Steering Committee for strategic planning process in the Diocese of California. Member of Congregational Growth and Evangelism Ministry, Diocese of Oregon. Board member of the Center for Anglican Learning and Life at Church Divinity School of the Pacific. EFM mentor.

The Rev. Craig Loya Canon to the Ordinary, the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas Also serves as Transition Ministry Officer for the diocese. Serves on the faculty of the Kansas School for Ministry in church history. Current chaplain to the National Episcopal Student Leadership Team. Previously helped develop and implement a new model for campus ministry in the diocese as campus missioner. Has served small, rural parishes in South Dakota and a large urban parish in Massachusetts. Former board member of the Massachusetts Episcopal Clergy Association.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees ffor or election General Con ote ffor or 4) Convvention Deputy (continued) • Clergy nominees (v (vo Deacon Steve Segebrecht Deacon, Trinity, Lawrence Director of Kansas to Kenya (K2K) and chair of campus ministry endowment effort. Former chair of the Higher Education Committee. Received Archdeacons’ Award in 2009. Creator of “Pump and Pray” fellowship at Trinity. Assistant Scoutmaster for 13 years. Prior to ordination served the parish as senior warden, vestry member, stewardship chair and Sunday school teacher. Former president and vice president of the Douglas County Medical Society and has held a number of other offices in professional and hospital-related organizations. Is an otolaryngologist in practice with Lawrence Otolaryngology Associates.

The Rev. Mary Siegmund Priest in charge, St. Matthew’s, Newton Former canon to the ordinary for the Diocese of Kansas, including serving as transition ministry officer. Was staff liaison for the Commission on Ministry, the Congregational Development Commission, and the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee. Was staff advisor to the diocesan Council of Trustees and the Finance Committee. Instructor for “Constitution and Canons” at the Kansas School for Ministry. Attended the 2006 and 2009 General Conventions.

The Rev. Juli Sifers Rector, St. Aidan’s, Olathe Deputy to 2009 General Convention. Current member of the Council of Trustees; Congregational Development Commission; Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee; and the Cabinet for the Crossroads capital campaign. For six years was Vice President Operations for the Episcopal Community Service Board of Directors. Is a Benedictine Oblate at Conception Abbey. Previously served in the Diocese of West Missouri, including as canon missioner for four small congregations and chaplain at Bishop Spencer Place in Kansas City.

The Rev. Matt Zimmerman Rector, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Attended seminary from the Diocese of Kansas and after graduation served parishes in Sedalia, Mo., and Bastrop, Texas. Was active in police chaplaincy in previous positions and has played prominent roles in ministerial associations. Has also served on the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest alumni board. Is a graduate of the University of Kansas and before attending seminary was a commercial plumbing contractor with his own business; still holds journeyman and master plumbing licenses.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees ffor or election General Con ote ffor or 4) Convvention Deputy • La Layy nominees (v (vo Larry Bingham Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Six-time General Convention deputy, including deputation chair since 1997. Has been a member or chair of several General Convention Committees, including a member of the Program, Budget and Finance Committee in 2009. Currently serves as chair of the diocesan Crossroads capital campaign. Former member of the diocesan Council of Trustees, diocesan Treasurer and faculty member of the Kansas School for Ministry. Was chair of the Bishop Search Committee 2002-2003. Has been involved with adult formation in the parish, including serving as an Education for Ministry mentor since 1985. Attorney, Siegfried Bingham law firm.

Thomas Dials Member, St. Paul’s, Leavenworth Currently serves as diocesan delegate. Previous member of the vestry and chair of the recent successful capital campaign. Joined the Episcopal Church when he was assigned to an infantry battalion in Vietnam which had an Episcopal chaplain. Involved with a variety of Leavenworth-area charitable organizations, including the United Way, the Alliance Against Family Violence, Court Appointed Special Advocates, and Helping Our Own at Home, a veteran assistance organization. Chairman of Armed Forces Insurance Corporation (AFIC).

Harriet Duff Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Currently serves as a delegate, verger and lector coordinator. Was first alternate at the 2009 General Convention. Is immediate past president of the Northeast Convocation. Current member of the Congregational Development Commission and the Advisory Council for St. Clare’s, the diocese’s new church start. Chair of the Heartland Episcopal Cursillo Secretariat and member of the Kansas City Metro Cursillo Servant Community. Is president-elect of the Johnson County League of Women Voters. Recently retired, her career positions included Director of Volunteers at Kansas City Hospice, Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Association Kansas City Chapter and Executive Director of the Health Partnership Clinic.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees ffor or election General Con ote ffor or 4) Convvention Deputy (continued) • La Layy nominees (v (vo Steven King Member, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Peer minister at the University of Kansas and was campus ministry convention/ convocation delegate. Member, Campus Missioner search committee. Co-program director at senior high camp, camp director for intermediate camp and co-director of Miqra for junior high students. Diocesan summer youth intern (two summers). Was rector (director) of Happening. Served as a high school peer minister and member of the Youth Commission and was youth delegate and alternate to convention/ convocation. Postulant for the priesthood from the Diocese of Kansas. Worked as an intern in the diocesan office, summer 2010. Intern this year with the Episcopal Service Corps in New Haven, Conn., participating in the liturgy of Christ Church and working at Christian Community Action, a social agency serving the poor.

Joe Mitchell Member, Church of the Covenant, Junction City Current convocation member, Council of Trustees, Ecclesiastical Trial Court, and Outreach and Mission Committee. Past delegate to convocation/convention. Former senior and junior warden and Lay Eucharistic Minister; currently is a lector. Previously involved in Cursillo, Stephen Ministry, youth ministry and ALPHA. Is chair of the Family Support Committee of the Junction City/Geary County Habitat for Humanity board. Has served the local chapter of the Disabled American Veterans as commander, senior vice commander, junior vice commander, treasurer and chaplain. Is a contract specialist with the Directorate of Contracting (Ft. Riley) and is a co-owner/manager of Rimrock Boarding Stables and Storage Facilities.

Teresa Rogers St. James’, Wichita Member of the diocesan Youth Commission and the Province 7 Christian Formation Committee. Graduate of Education for Ministry and currently is an EFM co-mentor. Former member of diocesan Christian Formation Committee and campus ministry evaluation team. Has been a member of the vestry at St. James and at St. Christopher’s, Wichita, including a term as senior warden. Is the part-time director of youth ministry at St. James’, and as a registered nurse is the health services coordinator for the Wichita Children’s Home.

— Lay nominees continue on page 8.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees ffor or election General Con ote ffor or 4) Convvention Deputy (continued) • La Layy nominees (v (vo Bob Skaggs Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Deputy to 2009 General Convention. Currently serving as chair of the diocesan Finance Committee, member of the Council of Trustees and member of the Ecclesiastical Trial Court. Is president of the Northeast Convocation and member of the parish vestry. Formerly a member of the diocesan Task Force for Campus Ministry, Campus Ministry Search Committee and Task Force for Funding the Ministry of the Diocese. Former member of the vestry and senior warden at St. Francis, Overland Park. Retired Marine Corps officer with 26 years of service.

Mike Morrow Member, St. John’s, Wichita Three-time deputy to General Convention; member of the House of Deputies Canons Committee in 2009 that drafted the new Title IV disciplinary canons, and member of the House of Deputies Committee on Ecumenical Relations in 2006. Chair of the diocesan Adult Formation Committee and Education for Ministry coordinator. Was a member of the Council of Trustees for six years and Council president for three years. Currently is an EFM mentor and St. John’s adult education director. Served on the vestry at St. John’s, Wichita; St. Alban’s, Wichita; and St. Paul’s, Leavenworth. Served as convocation/diocesan delegate at St. John’s and St. Alban’s. Attorney employed as career law clerk since 1988, presently working for U.S. District Court Judge Sam A. Crow.

Natalie Vanatta Member, St. Luke’s, Wamego Served as a peer minister at Kansas State University the past two years and was campus ministry delegate to convention/convocation. Program director for junior and intermediate camp. Served as youth ministry intern for four summers. Served as a high school peer minister and member of the Youth Commission and was youth delegate and alternate to convention/convocation. Was rector (director) of Happening. Has volunteered at diocesan youth events including Happening, New Beginnings, Fall Fun Fest, summer camp and Miqra. Finishing her undergraduate degree at Kansas State University in Communication Studies this semester. Youth minister at St. Luke’s.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees ffor or election Council of TTrust rust ees, A t-large • Clergy nominees (v ote ffor or 1) rustees, At-large (vo The Very Rev. Jerry Adinolfi Rector, St. Paul’s, Coffeyville Dean of the Southeast Convocation. Was a deputy to General Convention in 2009. Member of the diocesan Constitution and Canons Committee. Former member of the diocesan Council of Trustees. Has served as president of the Coffeyville Ministerial Alliance and chairman of its Advocacy Committee. Currently serves as secretary of the Board of Directors for Genesis, Inc. of Coffeyville (an ecumenical outreach program for the needy) and is the chaplain for the Coffeyville Ministerial Alliance. Is a chaplain in the healing ministry of the International Order of St. Luke the Physician and has served on Cursillo and Happening teams. Member of the Coffeyville Rotary. Spent 30 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a full colonel.

The Rev. Gar Demo Rector, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Attended seminary from the Diocese of Kansas and was ordained here in 1997. Former member of the Council of Trustees. Was a two-year member of the Executive Council for the Diocese of Arkansas. Is a current member of the board of Episcopal Community Services of Kansas City; is a former member of the boards of Highlawn Montessori School and FEMA of Faulkner County, Ark. Recently completed an MBA degree from Friends University.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Nominees ffor or election Council of TTrust rust ees, A t-large • La ote ffor or 1) rustees, At-large Layy nominees (v (vo Harriet Duff Member, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Currently serves as a delegate, verger and lector coordinator. Was first alternate at the 2009 General Convention. Is immediate past president of the Northeast Convocation. Current member of the Congregational Development Commission and the Advisory Council for St. Clare’s, the diocese’s new church start. Chair of the Heartland Episcopal Cursillo Secretariat and member of the Kansas City Metro Cursillo Servant Community. Is president-elect of the Johnson County League of Women Voters. Recently retired, her career positions included Director of Volunteers at Kansas City Hospice, Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Association Kansas City Chapter and Executive Director of the Health Partnership Clinic.

Dick Coulter Member, Grace, Chanute Current two-term president of the Southeast Convocation. Has served as a convention/convocation delegate or alternate for 20 years and twice has been on the committee to approve minutes of Diocesan Convention. Is a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee. Is a parish usher, chalice bearer and acolyte. Was a vestry member for 20 years, including terms as senior and junior warden. Former member of the board of the Neosho Valley Cluster and the Holy Trinity Regional Ministry, including eight years as board president. Attended the 2000 General Convention as a volunteer and worked at the registration desk. Attended the National Youth Convention as an adult sponsor in 1996.

Joe Mitchell Member, Church of the Covenant, Junction City Current convocation member, Council of Trustees, Ecclesiastical Trial Court, and Outreach and Mission Committee. Past delegate to convocation/convention. Former senior and junior warden and Lay Eucharistic Minister; currently is a lector. Previously involved in Cursillo, Stephen Ministry, youth ministry and ALPHA. Is chair of the Family Support Committee of the Junction City/Geary County Habitat for Humanity board. Has served the local chapter of the Disabled American Veterans as commander, senior vice commander, junior vice commander, treasurer and chaplain. Is a contract specialist with the Directorate of Contracting (Ft. Riley) and is a co-owner/manager of Rimrock Boarding Stables and Storage Facilities.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Nominees ffor or election Ecclesiastical TTrial rial Cour t, une xpired clergy tterm erm • (v ote ffor or 1) Court, unexpired (vo The Rev. Marcus Cunningham Rector, Epiphany, Sedan Prior to ordination in 2006 spent 20 years as a youth minister. After graduation from the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., served as rector of St. Matthew’s in Brecksville, Ohio, before coming to Sedan.

The Rev. Bill Breedlove Assistant rector, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Also is Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries at St. Michael’s. Current member of the Higher Education Committee. Was ordained by Bishop Wolfe in December 2009, and before that was a college professor and program director. Holds a Ph.D. in sociology.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Elections tto o be ratif ied b ratified byy con convvention Council of TTrust rust ees • La ed b h con rustees Layy member memberss select selected byy eac each convvocation Linda Brown • Northeast Convocation Member, St. Paul’s, Leavenworth Currently completing a term as a convocation member of the Council of Trustees. Member of the diocesan Finance Committee and Presiding Judge of the diocesan Ecclesiastical Trial Court. Parish Eucharistic minister and visitor. Former vestry member and chair of the Leadership Development Committee. Graduate of Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Mo. Currently staff chaplain at Saint Francis Health Center in Topeka. Former professor at Purdue University and the University of Texas at Austin.

Gary Chubb • Southeast Convocation Member, St. John’s, Parsons Currently completing a term as a convocation member of the Council of Trustees. Member of the Crossroads capital campaign Building Committee and Steering Committee. Was two-term president of the Southeast Convocation. Former senior and junior warden and member of the vestry. Former delegate to convention/ convocation. Active as parish lector, chalice bearer, Sunday school teacher and member of the Finance Committee. Former member and chair of the Holy Trinity Regional Ministry Council. Former diocesan delegate to the Living Stones partnership. Two-time member of the Commission on Ministry. Professional engineer with Chubb Engineering, which he founded in 1997.

Felix Adams • Southwest Convocation Member, St. Stephen’s, Wichita Currently completing a term as a convocation member of the Council of Trustees, where he serves on the Executive Committee. Is a former two-term parish senior warden and has served on many parish committees and councils. Has taught General Psychology and Abnormal Psychology at Butler Community College for 41 years.

The lay representative from the Northwest Convocation will be selected at the Sept. 25 meeting. Information on that person will be available at Diocesan Convention.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Debatable resolution Debatable Resolution 1 Proposed by the Trinity Environmental Stewardship Team, Trinity, Lawrence

Resolved, that the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas pledges, as a priority, to promote environmental stewardship teams in all congregations of the Diocese, for the purposes of (1) educating parishioners in caring for the natural environment, and (2) encouraging ecologically sound practices in the daily lives of parishioners, in parish actions and in the maintenance of parish facilities and properties. RATIONALE: • Because by God’s design, humankind has been commissioned to be the stewards of God’s creation on earth; • Because the continuance of human existence and of human endeavor to further the Kingdom of God on earth requires the continuance of a thriving, healthy, well-sustained natural environment; • Because the continuance of the health and sustainability of the natural environment is seriously threatened on many levels by destructive practices and actions by humankind; • Because our baptismal vows include the pledge to “renounce the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God”; • Because our concern for all God’s creation and our commitment to its preservation are reflected in our Eucharistic Prayers, in our Prayers of the People and throughout our Book of Common Prayer; • Because the Diocese has pledged, at Convention in 2007, to uphold the Millennium Development Goals, #7 of which is to “Ensure environmental sustainability”; and • Because team action within parishes has been shown to be an effective, continued motivator for sound environmental practices.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Amendment tto o the canons of the diocese Note: New language is shown in italics. Language to be removed is shown in strikethrough.

Proposed amendment 1, canons Proposed by the Committee on Constitution and Canons CANON III.3 Of the Ecclesiastical Trial Court and the Presentation and Trial of a Priest or Deacon Of the Disciplinary Board and the Discipline of Members of the Clergy (effective July 1, 2011) Sec. 1. There is hereby established for the Diocese of Kansas a Court to be known as the Ecclesiastical Trial Court a court to be known as the Disciplinary Board, to consist of seven judges members, three of whom are lay persons, confirmed communicants in good standing in the Diocese, and four of whom shall be priests or deacons canonically resident in the Diocese. No member of the Council of Trustees shall serve as a member of the Disciplinary Board. They shall elect a Presiding Judge President from their own number within two months sixty (60) days following each annual Diocesan Convention. Sec. 2. Each annual Convention next following the General Convention shall elect the judges of the Ecclesiastical Trial Court members of the Disciplinary Board to serve for a period of three years; provided that the judges of the Ecclesiastical Trial Court shall be elected for a term of two years at the 1995 annual Convention in office at the 151st Diocesan Convention shall serve as members of the Disciplinary Board until the 153rd Convention. Sec. 3. Vacancies occurring in the Ecclesiastical Trial Court Disciplinary Board shall be filled by the Ecclesiastical Authority until the next annual Convention, at which time judges members shall be elected to fill out the unexpired terms. Sec. 4. Except as specifically provided in this Canon, The Ecclesiastical Trial Court the Disciplinary Board shall be governed by General Canons IV.4 and IV.14 Title IV of the General Canons. Sec. 5. Upon the filing of a charge against a priest or deacon with the Council of Trustees acting as the Standing Committee as contemplated by General Canon V.3, the Council of Trustees acting as the Standing Committee shall appoint a church attorney meeting the qualifications defined in General Canon IV.15. Sec. 5. The Bishop shall, at the annual Convention appoint one or more Intake Officers as defined by General Canon IV.2 to perform the functions described in General Canon IV.6. In addition, the Bishop shall at each annual Convention appoint, with the consent of the Convention, one or more independent Church Attorneys to perform functions as appropriate under Title IV of the General Canons. Sec. 6. All charges against a priest or deacon of this church cognizable in this Diocese shall be governed, except as herein set out, by the provisions of Title IV of the General Canons. RATIONALE: The proposed amendment brings the Canon into compliance with new Title IV of the General Canons, which is effective July 1, 2011. The Canon, if passed, would go into effect July 1, 2011, and the existing Ecclesiastical Court would become the Disciplinary Board under the new Canon. To the extent that it is necessary to fill vacancies in the Ecclesiastical Court at or after the 151st Convention but prior to July 1, 2011, they will be filled pursuant to existing Canon, and the provisions of Section 2 of the new Canon would make the conversion.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Resolutions tto o be receiv ed fr om General Con received from Convvention Note: The following resolutions were adopted by the 76th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in 2009. They constitute adoption on first reading of amendments to the constitution of The Episcopal Church. To be enacted, any constitutional amendment must be approved by votes in two successive General Conventions. In addition, Article XII of the constitution requires that the annual convention of every diocese be informed of all such constitutional changes after the measures have been adopted on first reading.

Resolution B 015 - Amend Constitution Article I.4 Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That lines 3 and 4 and 11 of Article I.4 of the Constitution (page 2) be amended to change the name of the “Convocation of the American Churches in Europe” to “Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe” as follows: Sec. 4. The Church in each Diocese which has been admitted to union with the General Convention, each area Mission established as provided by Article VI, and the Convocation of the American Episcopal Churches in Europe, shall be entitled to representation in the House of Deputies by not more than four ordained persons, Presbyters or Deacons, canonically resident in the Diocese and not more than four Lay Persons, confirmed adult communicants of this Church, in good standing in the Diocese but not necessarily domiciled in the Diocese; but the General Convention by Canon may reduce the representation to not fewer than two Deputies in each order. Each Diocese, and the Convocation of the American Episcopal Churches in Europe, shall prescribe the manner in which its Deputies shall be chosen. EXPLANATION: At a regular meeting on October 17, 2008 at All Saints Church in Waterloo, Belgium, the Convocation of the American Churches in Europe, with the consent of the Presiding Bishop, officially changed its name to the “Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.” The references to the Convocation in the Constitution are merely descriptive of the name; the General Convention did not create or name the Convocation.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Resolutions tto o be receiv ed fr om General Con received from Convvention Resolution B 029 - Consent to Episcopal Elections Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 76th General Convention amend Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution of The Episcopal Church as follows: Sec. 2. No one shall be ordained and consecrated Bishop until the attainment of thirty years of age; nor without the consent of a majority of the Standing Committees of all the Dioceses, and the consent of a majority of the Bishops of this Church exercising jurisdiction. But if the election shall have taken place within one hundred twenty days before the meeting of General Convention, the consent of the House of Deputies shall be required in place of that of a majority of the Standing Committees. No one shall be ordained and consecrated Bishop by fewer than three Bishops. EXPLANATION: The provision for consents to be sought through the House of Deputies for episcopal elections having taken place within one hundred twenty days of General Convention was reasonable and expedient in an era when communications were not as facile as today. In our time, Standing Committees are engaged in the consent process on an ongoing basis and develop consistent discernment practices whereby they respond to the dozen or so requests for consent they receive annually. General Convention deputies, because they answer such requests at only one time every three years, because their legislative committee responsibilities and other hearing commitments conflict with consent hearings during the General Convention, and because of the competing demands of legislation on their attention, do not have the luxury of a familiar process as do their colleagues on Standing Committees. As we continue to have higher numbers of episcopal elections each year, it would be good stewardship of leadership resources and would help the consent process to have it consistently carried out by those who exercise this responsibility on a regular basis. As well, it has been very beneficial in some recent episcopal elections to allow Standing Committees and their bishop colleagues to explore together the attendant issues when considering consent requests, something that is difficult to accomplish during the triennial conventions of The Episcopal Church.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Resolutions tto o be receiv ed fr om General Con received from Convvention Resolution D 029 - Amend Article VIII of the Constitution Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the last paragraph of Article VIII of the Constitution is amended by the addition of a final sentence as follows: No minister of such a Church ordained by other than a Bishop, apart from any such ministers designated as part of the Covenant or Instrument by which full communion was established shall be eligible for licensing to officiate under this Article. EXPLANATION: A small number of clergy in the ELCA since the commencement of full communion status with The Episcopal Church have chosen to be ordained by other pastors, rather than by bishops; the same may be true of some clergy of other churches with which the Episcopal Church enters into full communion in the future. The Covenants by which full communion relationships are established normally “grandfather” ministers already ordained, but do not address post-covenant exceptions. When this situation with the ELCA came to their attention, the House of Bishops agreed that they would not license such ministers to serve in The Episcopal Church on a temporary basis under Article VIII; however, there is no explicit language in the Constitution to prevent it. The present amendment would clarify how best to handle these anomalous situations. The amendment echoes the current language of Canon III.10.4.a., and would have no effect on present or planned full communion relationships.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Pr oposed 20 11 mission plan, narrativ e Proposed 2011 narrative

The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas Proposed 2011 Mission Plan Sour ce of R esour ces Source Resour esources The proposed 2011 mission plan for the Diocese of Kansas is funded primarily through apportionment. Apportionment accounts for 73 percent of the resources to fund the 2011 mission plan. The remainder of the funding is provided for by investment earnings and fees. The proposed apportionment for 2011 of $1,353,342 compares to previous years as follows: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

$1,357,596 $1,365,000 $1,329,562 $1,282,375 $1,194,484 $1,299,543 $1,299,205 $1,400,698 $1,307,276 $1,283,207 $1,306,787

The proposed effective apportionment rate for 2011 is 17.5 percent. From 2000 through 2010, the effective apportionment rate has ranged from a high of 19.55 percent in 2000 to a low of 16.47 percent in 2003.

Uses of R esour ces Resour esources Areas of emphasis reflected in the 2011 mission plan are church planting, youth ministry and campus ministry. In addition, we will continue our wider outreach by fully funding the Episcopal Church asking and the Millennium Development Goals. The 2011 mission plan continues to make use of the endowment to help fund the mission plan. For 2011, 18.2 percent of the mission plan will be funded by the endowment line item. However, with the substantial drop in the stock market in 2008, the Council of Trustees in late 2008 authorized the diocese to make use of a line of credit instead of selling off market assets at their low point. In 2009 the diocese did make use of the line of credit. In the first quarter of 2010, the diocese paid off the line of credit. For 2011 the diocese will try to avoid using the line of credit. The Finance Committee and the Council of Trustees will keep a close watch on market conditions and decide if the line of credit is to be used and when to sell market assets to fund the 2011 mission plan.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Pr oposed 20 11 mission plan, narrativ e Proposed 2011 narrative As the budgets for the prior years show, the 2011 mission plan is $63,880 less than 2010. Adjusted for inflation, the 1999 budget would be $1,710,694 in 2009 dollars. In inflation-adjusted dollars, the 2011 mission plan is 8 percent more than the 2000 budget. 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2003 2002 2001 2000 2000 1999

$1,798,885 $1,928,963 $1,797,338 $1,632,355 $1,402,178 $1,364,443 $1,360,205 $1,458,575 $1,379,835 $1,373,207 $1,386,788 $1,331,352

Adult Formation For 2011 there will be continued emphasis on Education for Ministry (EFM) training and mentoring. The Diocese of Kansas has been deeply involved in EFM and has as many or more graduates than many dioceses of comparable size or larger. In 2010 the diocese conducted two EFM mentor training sessions. Adult Formation also sponsors lay ministry training, spiritual development training, Via Media and Cursillo.

Bethany Place The diocese provides the 14-bed Bethany Place Conference Center in Topeka for the use, at nominal cost, to the Kansas School for Ministry, parish organizations, agencies and select community organizations screened by the diocesan office. Items associated with Bethany Place are the utilities, supplies, maintenance and upkeep of the grounds.

Church Planter In 2008, the Rev. Philip Hubbard was called to be the church planter in Johnson County. This new section of the mission plan includes money for the church planter’s travel, office and continuing education.

Campus Ministries Campus ministries is a high priority of our diocese. The campus missioners are working to establish an Episcopal presence on the colleges throughout the diocese. The Rev. Michael Bell recently joined the staff of the diocese as one of two campus missioners, to serve with the Rev. Susan Terry. Two interns are serving the diocese and assisting the campus missioners in their work. Efforts will continue to build the partnership between the parishes and campus ministry.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Pr oposed 20 11 mission plan, narrativ e Proposed 2011 narrative Clergy Support Clergy Support encompasses important functions of the clergy of the diocese. The functions under Clergy Support include: • Gathering of Presbyters • Deacons Retreat • Archdeacons • Convocation Deans • Chrism Mass

Commission on Ministry The Commission on Ministry (COM) is required by Title III of the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Church. The Commission on Ministry is charged with finding those persons who can best fill the ministerial needs of the diocese; thus a vocational discernment process and program has been established. COM works in the discernment process not only with candidates but also with the parishes as they go through the discernment process. As part of COM, the Examining Chaplains are responsible for reviewing the General Ordination Examinations of the seminarians.

Communications This area includes the cost of printing and mailing The Harvest, the diocesan newspaper, six times a year. This office is also responsible for the diocesan website, the bi-weekly electronic newsletter DioLog, and the diocese’s presence on Facebook and other social media. The director also oversees printed communications for the bishop’s office and is available to consult with parishes on communication issues including website development, printed publications and advertising.

Community Life This area includes items related to meetings that incorporate aspects of our common life as a community of faith. Diocesan office expenses for the annual Convention are here, as well as the escrow for General Convention delegates and the bishop’s attendance at the Lambeth Conference.

Congregational Development The Congregational Development committee shifted its emphasis in 2010. Plans are to sponsor a diocesanwide event, like the Magnetic Church and the Appreciative Inquiry seminars, that will focus on congregational growth. Congregational Development will continue working with individual parishes in the diocese to assist them in growth and development.

Council of Trustees This part of the 2011 mission plan provides for the monthly Council of Trustee meetings, the Trustees’ annual retreat and other Council expenses.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Pr oposed 20 11 mission plan, narrativ e Proposed 2011 narrative Kansas School for Ministry A revamped Kansas School for Ministry (KSM) started up in late 2008. The Rev. Andrew Grosso is the coordinator of KSM. A new curriculum has been developed, and new resources will be needed. This section of the mission plan provides resources necessary as KSM continues to evolve to meet the needs of the diocese.

Liturgy, Arts and Music The mission of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee is to support the congregations in the diocese, that we may better celebrate our life in Christ through worship. The commission continues to work with the bishop on ordination liturgies for priests and deacons, assists in planning the Chrism Mass, plans and coordinates worship for the Diocesan Convention, and consults with parishes in the diocese on liturgical matters.

Mission Management The salaries and benefits of all clergy and lay employees of the diocese have been grouped in this section. The operations and facilities expenses of the diocesan office are included in this area. Among major items in this area are retiree health insurance, computers, utilities, maintenance, property and liability insurance, and the annual audit.

Office of the Bishop Our bishop provides the vision, leadership and guidance for the diocese. This area of the 2011 mission plan provides for the support of the bishop in his work both in the Diocese of Kansas and in the wider church. Funding allows for the bishop to work together with the other bishops of the Episcopal Church through the House of Bishops and on other special committees on which Bishop Wolfe serves.

Office of the Canon to the Ordinary The Canon to the Ordinary is the chief administrative officer for the diocese. The Canon is the transition ministry officer for the Diocese of Kansas, assisting parishes in the clergy search process. The Canon to the Ordinary also works with Congregational Development and the Commission on Ministry.

Outreach and Mission The Diocese of Kansas continues to be a strong supporter of the wider church. Our diocese has participated at the full asking despite past difficulties. Once again, the 2011 mission plan provides for the full asking to support the work of the Episcopal Church. Full participation by the diocese in the Millennium Development Goals is included in the mission plan. Areas supported by Outreach and Mission are: • Episcopal Church Apportionment • Province VII Apportionment • Episcopal Community Services in Kansas City • Episcopal Social Services in Wichita • Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence • Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness Training • Millennium Development Goals Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Pr oposed 20 11 mission plan, narrativ e Proposed 2011 narrative Seminarian Support As part of investing in our future, the Diocese of Kansas provides assistance for future priests of the Episcopal Church. Twice a year the diocese provides grants to the seminarians from our diocese. Our diocese also partners with specific parishes to provide internship experience for clergy in the diocese. This partnership allows the new clergy to gain valuable parish experience, and the parishes benefit from their ministry.

Stewardship and Development Stewardship and Development assists parishes in planning and carrying out stewardship programs. Support for parish development efforts is also available. Planning for a diocesan capital campaign was a major focus in 2010 and will continue into 2011.

Youth Ministries The Diocese of Kansas has as one of its mission priorities the development of the youth program. The work performed in youth ministries helps lay the foundation for future priests and lay leaders in the Episcopal Church. These are some of the successful youth events planned for 2011: • Miqra • Happenings • MissionPalooza • New Beginnings • Summer Camp • Fall Fun Fest Participation in youth events continues to be at high levels.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas




2009 Actual 5,779 18,314 97,393 6,304 17,835 3,906 16,053 78,105 3,885 1,997 6,630 996 1,055,291 30,339 18,430 282,316 81,420 17,176 113,061 0 1,855,230

Expenses 2009 Proposed Adult Formation 11,500 Bethany Place 23,850 Campus Ministries 110,450 Church Planter 8,250 Clergy Support 13,350 Commission on Ministry 7,100 Communications 24,700 Community Life 22,300 Congregational Development 2,700 Council of Trustees 6,000 Kansas School for Ministry 12,000 Liturgy, Arts & Music 3,000 Mission Management 1,120,777 Office of the Bishop 37,850 Office, Canon to the Ordinary 25,350 Outreach & Mission 284,416 Seminarian Support 106,800 Stewardship & Development 22,870 Youth Ministries 98,450 Young Adult Ministries 2,500 Total Expenses 1,928,963

Net Income (Loss)

2009 Actual 1,289,585 35,000 60,000 344,000 127,236 1,855,821

Income 2009 Proposed Apportionment 1,365,000 Gift/Fundraising Campus Min. 75,000 Church Planter (Settlement) 60,000 Endowment Income 343,963 Fees - Youth & other 85,000 Total Income 1,928,963


2010 Proposed 11,500 21,450 92,025 7,175 11,650 6,200 20,695 20,600 9,100 5,400 11,000 2,000 1,052,689 34,850 20,800 277,031 92,000 15,800 86,500 400 1,798,865

2010 Proposed 1,357,596 75,000 60,000 221,269 85,000 1,798,865


2011 Proposed 10,250 21,450 91,925 6,550 11,650 6,200 20,695 20,600 7,000 5,400 8,500 2,000 1,118,491 34,450 20,300 291,984 82,000 15,400 87,900 0 1,862,745

2011 Proposed 1,353,342 75,000 0 339,403 95,000 1,862,745

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, summar Proposed 2011 summaryy

$ Change (1,250) 0 (100) (625) 0 0 0 0 (2,100) 0 (2,500) 0 65,802 (400) (500) 14,953 (10,000) (400) 1,400 (400) 63,880

$ Change (4,254) 0 (60,000) 118,134 10,000 63,880


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 2009 Actual 2007 3425 1756 11,126 18,314 2009 Actual 8,673 13,000 836 18,330 14,890 11,500 0 3,329 115 428 2,529 21,199 0 2,564 97,393

2009 Proposal 1,250 5,600 5,000 12,000 23,850

Bethany Place Supplies Utilities Building Services Contracts Maintenance Total Bethany Place

Campus Ministries 2009 Proposal Auto Expense 11,450 Auto Escrow 13,000 Lodging 1,000 Maintenance - Kansas University 18,000 Maintenance - Kansas State University 17,000 Campus Ministries - Parish Based 20,000 Commission Expense 1,500 Travel 2,000 Meetings/Gatherings 2,500 Office Supplies 2,500 Telecommunications 2,500 Campus Ministry Interns 9,000 Sexton at Canterbury House 10,000 0 Ministry Program Expenses Total Campus Ministries 110,450

2009 Actual 0 0 5279 0 500 0 0 5,779

2009 Proposal 150 1,600 6,650 500 500 600 1,500 11,500

Adult Formation Commission Expenses Travel Education For Ministry (EFM) Lay Ministry Training Cursillo Via Media Spiritual Development-Training Total Adult Formation

2009 Actual 1,289,585 35,000 60,000 344,000 127,236 1,855,821

2009 Proposal 1,365,000 75,000 60,000 343,963 85,000 1,928,963

Income Apportionment Campus Ministry Gift/Fund Raising Church Planter (Settlement) Endowment Proceeds/Line of Credit Fees - Youth & other Total Income

2010 Proposal 13,175 7,200 1,000 16,650 13,500 6,900 0 3,600 1,000 500 2,500 20,000 0 6,000 92,025

2010 Proposal 850 5,600 4,000 11,000 21,450

2010 Proposal 150 1,600 6,650 500 500 600 1,500 11,500

2010 Proposal 1,357,596 75,000 60,000 221,269 85,000 1,798,865

2011 Proposal 13,175 7,200 1,000 16,650 13,500 6,900 0 3,600 1,000 500 2,400 20,000 0 6,000 91,925

2011 Proposal 1,450 5,000 3,000 12,000 21,450

2011 Proposal 500 1,600 6,650 0 500 500 500 10,250

2011 Proposal 1,353,342 75,000 0 339,403 95,000 1,862,745

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item

$ Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -100 0 0 0 -100

$ Change 600 -600 -1,000 1,000 0

$ Change 350 0 0 -500 0 -100 -1,000 -1,250

$ Change -4,254 0 -60,000 118,134 10,000 63,880

% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -4.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -0.11%

% Change 70.59% -10.71% -25.00% 9.09% 0.00%

% Change 233.33% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% -16.67% -66.67% -10.87%

% Change -0.31% 0.00% -100.00% 53.39% 11.76% 3.55%

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


2009 Proposal 2,500 2,000 2,500 1,250 8,250 2009 Proposal 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 8,000 1,600 13,350 2009 Proposal 1,200 1,300 500 1,000 750 100 750 1,500 7,100 2009 Proposal 100 1,000 50 125 650 4,500 9,500 1,200 300

Church Planter Travel Office Supplies Telecommunications Continuing Education Total Church Planter

Clergy Support Gathering of Presbyters Archdeacons Clergy Gatherings Deacons Retreat Convocation Deans Chrism Mass Total Clergy Support

Commission on Ministry Commission Expense Travel (Seminarians) Supplies Conferences/Retreats Background Investigation Interview Expenses Ordination Services Ordination Examinations Total Commission on Ministry

Communications Committee Expense Travel Telephone Office Expenses Website Hosting Publication Circulation (Postage) Labeling Postage Return

2009 Actual 32 710 60 0 1,082 3,681 4,400 1,061 561

2009 Actual 283 681 0 0 2,023 0 919 0 3,906

2009 Actual 7,270 0 183 4,903 4,000 1,479 17,835

2009 Actual 532 3,792 1,325 655 6,304

2010 Proposal 250 1,000 360 0 1,060 4,500 8,100 1,200 400

2010 Proposal 1,000 1,200 200 1,000 500 100 700 1,500 6,200

2010 Proposal 500 750 500 500 8,000 1,400 11,650

2010 Proposal 1,750 1,500 2,000 1,925 7,175

2011 Proposal 150 1,000 360 0 1,060 4,500 8,100 1,200 400

2011 Proposal 1,000 1,200 200 1,500 500 100 700 1,000 6,200

2011 Proposal 500 750 500 500 8,000 1,400 11,650

2011 Proposal 1,250 3,000 1,300 1,000 6,550

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item

% Change -40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -33.33% 0.00%

% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

% Change -28.57% 100.00% -35.00% -48.05% -8.71%

— continued on page 26

$ Change -100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$ Change 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 -500 0

$ Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$ Change -500 1,500 -700 -925 -625


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 2009 Actual 0 1,997 0 1,997 2009 Actual 0 247 2,283 0 4,100 6,630

Council of Trustees 2009 Proposal Bishop’s Fund for Miscellaneous Task Force 1,000 Committee Expense 2,000 3,000 Retreat Total Council of Trustees 6,000

Kansas School for Ministry Travel Committee Expense Meals Lodging Faculty Honoraria Total Kansas School for Ministry

2009 Proposal 3,000 0 3,500 2,500 3,000 9,000

2009 Actual 0 0 90 0 0 3,795 0 3,885

2009 Proposal 200 400 100 0 1,000 0 1,000 2,700

Congregational Development Subscriptions Travel (Committee) Supplies Search Committee Consultants Continuing Education Conference Scholarships Total Congregational Development

2009 Actual 40,438 36,367 1,300 78,105

2009 Proposal 7,000 14,000 1,300 22,300

Community Life Convention Expense General Convention Deputies Anglican/Lambeth Conferences Total Community Life

2009 Actual 0 225 0 391 862 330 2,658 16,053

2009 Proposal 300 1,500 400 425 1,400 250 3,000 24,700

Communications (continued) Technology Upgrades (Software) Program Expense Continuing Education Equipment Episcopal Communicators Fees & Membership Diocesan Journal Total Communications

2010 Proposal 2,000 0 3,500 2,500 3,000 11,000

2010 Proposal 750 1,850 2,800 5,400

2010 Proposal 500 400 200 0 1,000 5,000 2,000 9,100

2010 Proposal 5,300 14,000 1,300 20,600

2010 Proposal 300 1,000 0 425 1,000 300 800 20,695

2011 Proposal 1,000 0 3,000 1,500 3,000 8,500

2011 Proposal 750 1,850 2,800 5,400

2011 Proposal 0 0 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 0 7,000

2011 Proposal 5,300 14,000 1,300 20,600

2011 Proposal 300 800 0 425 1,300 300 800 20,695

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item

$ Change -1,000 0 -500 -1,000 0 -2,500

$ Change 0 0 0 0

$ Change -500 -400 -200 1,000 1,000 -1,000 -2,000 -2,100

$ Change 0 0 0 0

$ Change 0 -200 0 0 300 0 0 0

% Change -50.00% 0.00% -14.29% -40.00% 0.00% -22.73%

% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

100.00% -20.00% -100.00% -23.08%

% Change -100.00% -100.00% -100.00%

% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

% Change 0.00% -20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 30.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


$ Change 4,130 11,035 743 9,020 640 -100 815 0 0 1,188 0 1,500 150 -250 3,701 0 360 1,000 0 -3,650 -1,500 2,020 200 -7,250 0 300 750 0 40,000 1,000 65,802

% Change 1.14% 11.22% 1.14% 2.76% 2.55% -0.39% 2.93% 0.00% 0.00% 6.00% 0.00% 150.00% 30.00% -100.00% 22.48% 0.00% 6.00% 13.33% 0.00% -100.00% -60.00% 420.83% 5.56% -100.00% 0.00% 3.33% 5.02% 0.00% 0.00% 6.25% 6.25%

% Change 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Lay salaries include the salaries for the Assistant to the Bishop, the Assistant to the Canon, the Director of Communications, the Director of Development and Stewardship, the Comptroller, the Youth Missioner, one part-time Receptionist and one part-time Custodian.

2011 Proposal 365,030 109,385 65,705 335,780 25,690 25,250 28,615 850 750 20,988 4,120 2,500 650 0 20,168 5,000 6,360 8,500 1,850 0 1,000 2,500 3,800 0 1,500 9,300 15,700 500 40,000 17,000 1,118,491

$ Change 0 0 0


2010 Proposal 360,900 98,350 64,962 326,760 25,050 25,350 27,800 850 750 19,800 4,120 1,000 500 250 16,467 5,000 6,000 7,500 1,850 3,650 2,500 480 3,600 7,250 1,500 9,000 14,950 500 0 16,000 1,052,689

2011 Proposal 1,000 1,000 2,000

Clergy salaries include the salaries for the Bishop, the Canon to the Ordinary, two Campus Missioners and a Church Planter.

2009 Actual 361,989 88,435 69,210 321,710 24,900 23,399 18,676 852 804 28,836 1,515 1,234 600 237 15,987 5,366 3,553 12,839 1,099 0 1,398 664 0 0 370 6,722 8,069 884 40,175 15,768 1,055,291

Mission Management 2009 Proposal 360,900 Salaries - Clergy1 Health Insurance - Clergy 89,780 Pension - Clergy 64,962 336,760 Salaries - Lay2 Payroll Taxes - Lay 25,820 Health Insurance - Lay 22,925 Pension - Lay 24,350 Life Insurance - Lay 850 Income Replacement Insurance - Lay 750 Health Insurance - Retirees 19,200 Workers’ Compensation Insurance 4,000 Travel 3,000 Continuing Education 2,500 Contract Labor 1,750 Computer Expense 15,500 Telecommunications 8,000 Postage 6,750 Office Supplies 8,500 Printing & Stationary 1,850 Other Maintenance Expenses 3,650 Maintenance-Equipment 2,500 Equipment Lease 1,480 Directors & Officers Liability Insurance 3,500 Fleet Auto Insurance 7,000 Building Services Contract 1,750 Utilities 8,250 Property & Liability Insurance 14,500 Miscellaneous Expenses 2,500 Operating Fund Reserve 65,000 15,000 Independent Audit Total Mission Management 1,123,277

2010 Proposal 1,000 1,000 2,000


2009 Actual 14 982 996

Liturgy, Arts and Music 2009 Proposal Diocesan Liturgies (Convent’n, Ordinat’n) 1,500 1,500 Workshops, Information & Consultation Total Liturgy, Arts and Music 3,000

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

2009 Actual 2,324 2,116 8,400 6,423 3,089 3,683 813 1,614 218 262 1,397 0 30,339 2009 Actual 648 163 0 1,682 7,034 6,500 769 1,309 50 0 275 18,430 2009 Actual 263,018 416 2,078 539 265 1,500 1,500 1,000 0 0 12,000 282,316

2009 Proposal 2,500 4,500 8,400 7,000 4,000 4,000 2,300 1,500 2,000 500 1,000 150 37,850

Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 2009 Proposal Travel 2,000 Professional Expenses 500 Fresh Start 300 Telecommunications 2,300 Auto Expense 7,000 Auto Escrow 6,500 Lodging 1,600 Meals 1,300 Dues & Memberships 100 Subscriptions 500 3,250 Professional Development Total Office of the Canon to the Ordinary 25,350

Outreach and Mission 2009 Proposal General Convention Assessment 263,016 Anti-Racism/Disability Awareness 300 Provincial Synod Assessment 2,100 Jubilee Outreach Ministries 1,000 Commission Expense 1,000 Episcopal Community Services-Kansas City 1,500 Episcopal Social Services-Wichita 1,500 Bishop Seabury Academy 1,000 Emergency Preparedness 500 Environmental Stewardship/Gulf Outreach 500 12,000 Millennium Development Goals Total Outreach and Mission 284,416

Office of the Bishop Telecommunications Lodging Auto Escrow Auto Expenses Air Travel Meals/Host House of Bishops Travel - Other Professional Development Subscriptions Conferences/Continuing Education Supplies Total Office of the Bishop

2010 Proposal 258,153 250 2,078 500 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 250 12,000 277,031

2010 Proposal 1,000 350 0 2,000 8,000 3,900 1,500 2,000 0 250 1,800 20,800

2010 Proposal 2,400 4,000 6,100 9,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 350 900 100 34,850

2011 Proposal 273,356 250 2,078 250 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 250 12,000 291,984

2011 Proposal 1,500 400 1,000 1,500 8,000 3,900 1,000 1,000 0 200 1,800 20,300

2011 Proposal 2,400 3,600 6,100 9,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 350 900 100 34,450

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item

$ Change 15,203 0 0 -250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,953

$ Change 500 50 1,000 -500 0 0 -500 -1,000 0 -50 0 -500

$ Change 0 -400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -400

% Change 5.89% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.40%

% Change 50.00% 14.29% 0.00% -25.00% 0.00% 0.00% -33.33% -50.00% 0.00% -20.00% 0.00% -2.40%

% Change 0.00% -10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -1.15%

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


2009 Actual 76,020 5,400 81,420 2009 Actual 851 2,892 7,000 1,353 1,239 1,461 0 2,061 319 17,176 2009 Actual 3,084 6,500 0 753 176 0 0 68,285 5,378 1,396 4,288 5,863 0 2,618 559 0 1,374 5,000 223 2,767 2,253 2,544 113,061

Seminarian Support 2009 Proposal Clergy Internship/Mentoring/Recruitment 96,000 10,800 Seminarian Support Total Seminarian Support 106,800 2009 Proposal 750 3,500 7,000 1,000 1,500 1,620 2,000 4,500 1,000 22,870

Stewardship and Development Travel Auto Expense Auto Escrow Meals Lodging Telecommunication Continuing Education Supplies & Resources Commission Expense Total Stewardship and Development

Youth Ministries 2009 Proposal Auto Expense 3,000 Auto Escrow 6,500 Youth Commission Expense 250 Resources 1,500 Peer Ministry Program 500 Continuing Education 1,000 Training for Youth Ministers 750 Camp Wood Expense 63,000 Happenings (Spiritual Renewal Program) 500 New Beginnings 500 Miqra 500 MissionPalooza 500 Diocesan Mission Trip 500 Fall Festival 500 Mustard Seeds Music 850 Background Checks 250 National & Provincial Youth Event 1,000 Summer Interns 6,000 Safe Guarding God’s Children 2,000 Telecommunications 1,600 Travel 2,000 5,250 Office Expenses Total Youth Ministries 98,450

2010 Proposal 3,000 3,400 250 1,000 500 500 500 63,000 250 250 250 250 0 250 500 250 1,000 3,000 500 2,850 1,500 3,500 86,500

2010 Proposal 750 3,000 3,400 1,000 1,000 1,650 2,000 2,000 1,000 15,800

2010 Proposal 84,000 8,000 92,000

2011 Proposal 3,000 3,400 0 1,000 500 500 500 63,000 250 250 250 250 0 250 500 250 3,000 3,000 500 2,500 1,500 3,500 87,900

2011 Proposal 1,000 3,000 3,400 1,000 1,000 1,300 500 1,500 2,700 15,400

2011 Proposal 72,000 10,000 82,000

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item

$ Change 0 0 -250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 -350 0 0 1,400

$ Change 250 0 0 0 0 -350 -1,500 -500 1,700 -400

$ Change -12,000 2,000 -10,000

% Change 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 200.00% 0.00% 0.00% -12.28% 0.00% 0.00% 1.62%

% Change 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -21.21% -75.00% -25.00% 170.00% -2.53%

% Change -14.29% 25.00% -10.87%


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 0

2009 Proposal 1,928,963


Net Income (loss)

2009 Proposal 1,000 500 1,000 2,500

Young Adult Ministries Committee Expenses Supplies & Resources Conference - Speaker Total Young Adult Ministries


2009 Actual 1,855,230

2009 Actual 0 0 0 0


2010 Proposal 1,798,865

2010 Proposal 100 100 200 400


2011 Proposal 1,862,745

2011 Proposal 0 0 0 0

Pr oposed 20 11 Mission Plan, line it em Proposed 2011 item

$ Change 63,880

$ Change -100 -100 -200 -400

% Change 3.55%

% Change -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00%

Pr oposed appor tionment sc hedule, 20 11 Proposed apportionment schedule, 2011 2006 REVENUE NORTHEAST CONVOCATION Atchison, Trinity 178,128 Edwardsville, St. Martin’s 48,049 Kansas City, St. Paul’s 187,374 Lawrence, St. Margaret’s 488,723 Lawrence, Trinity 430,345 Leavenworth, St. Paul’s 220,454 Mission, St. Michael’s 1,000,630 Olathe, St. Aidan’s 90,007 Ottawa, Grace 66,379 Overland Park, St. Thomas’ 361,223 Shawnee, St. Luke’s 179,474 Stilwell, St. Francis’ 47,806 Total 3,298,592 SOUTHEAST CONVOCATION Chanute, Grace Coffeyville, St. Paul’s Galena, St. Mary’s Independence, Epiphany Iola, St. Timothy’s Neodesha, Ascension Parsons, St. John’s Pittsburg, St. Peter’s Sedan, Epiphany Yates Center, Calvary Total

2007 REVENUE 194,131 39,895 174,507 435,593 479,503 243,089 1,147,288 118,029 77,912 453,307 198,233 53,063 3,614,550

2008 2009 REVENUE REVENUE 184,601 158,776 36,291 29,030 138,758 123,791 378,778 227,531 349,182 413,106 236,573 231,765 969,265 1,147,058 157,406 151,853 56,148 58,816 486,717 412,678 186,820 195,753 47,869 45,663 3,228,408 3,195,820



158,776 28,000 120,000 227,000 413,106 231,765 1,087,870 142,429 58,816 412,678 193,602 45,663 3,119,706

26,379 3,765 18,838 39,647 75,841 40,574 207,069 23,200 8,174 75,758 33,152 6,141 558,536

1.95% 0.28% 1.39% 2.93% 5.60% 3.00% 15.30% 1.71% 0.60% 5.60% 2.45% 0.45% 41.27%

16.61% 13.45% 15.70% 17.47% 18.36% 17.51% 19.03% 16.29% 13.90% 18.36% 17.12% 13.45%

75,646 128,632 18,520 71,595 28,229 15,960 36,120 91,193 134,567 8,650 609,112

75,646 128,632 18,520 68,728 27,830 15,460 36,120 91,193 126,158 8,650 596,937

10,942 20,516 2,491 9,804 3,743 2,079 4,857 13,499 20,035 1,163 89,130

0.81% 1.52% 0.18% 0.72% 0.28% 0.15% 0.36% 1.00% 1.48% 0.09% 6.59%

14.47% 15.95% 13.45% 14.27% 13.45% 13.45% 13.45% 14.80% 15.88% 13.45%

28,000 120,000 227,000

111,286 146,225 21,762 60,418 22,453 16,814 40,212 82,088 115,133 11,912 628,303

121,263 152,577 18,279 65,259 25,388 15,261 42,290 96,886 138,221 8,878 684,302

NORTHWEST CONVOCATION Abilene, St. John’s 42,537 Blue Rapids, St. Mark’s 10,147 Clay Center, St. Paul’s 77,822 Emporia, St. Andrew’s 149,893 Holton, St. Thomas’ 0 Junction City, Covenant 140,240 Manhattan, St. Paul’s 212,049 Marysville, St. Paul’s 13,815 Topeka, Grace Cathedral 764,168 Topeka, St. David’s 388,574 Wamego, St. Luke’s 57,124 Total 1,856,369

46,968 9,937 80,185 154,373 0 168,895 199,977 13,215 787,399 378,898 65,810 1,905,657

42,851 43,679 18,363 7,827 74,993 76,676 154,816 155,000 0 11,964 151,620 128,251 193,891 194,190 14,839 14,809 818,491 794,058 403,682 388,304 58,414 65,313 1,931,960 1,880,071

43,679 7,827 76,676 154,730 3,988 128,251 194,190 14,288 794,058 388,304 63,179 1,869,169

5,874 1,053 11,112 25,592 536 20,442 33,266 1,921 149,928 71,017 8,892 329,634

0.43% 0.08% 0.82% 1.89% 0.04% 1.51% 2.46% 0.14% 11.08% 5.25% 0.66% 24.35%

13.45% 13.45% 14.49% 16.54% 13.45% 15.94% 17.13% 13.45% 18.88% 18.29% 14.07%

SOUTHWEST CONVOCATION Arkansas City, Trinity 86,710 Derby, St. Andrew’s 66,205 El Dorado, Trinity 164,184 Newton, St. Matthew’s 119,340 Wellington, St. Jude’s 7,337 Wichita, Good Shepherd 285,538 Wichita, St. Bartholomew’s 54,404 Wichita, St. Christopher’s 80,724 Wichita, St. James’ 629,011 Wichita, St. John’s 330,518 Wichita, St. Stephen’s 325,227 Winfield, Grace 103,675 Total 2,252,873

95,509 71,807 145,591 126,203 12,017 361,445 49,949 63,623 668,034 447,500 353,460 97,297 2,492,435

63,356 79,536 57,840 92,207 180,116 168,831 119,476 108,692 14,457 15,374 224,322 388,619 52,821 53,420 80,422 40,044 629,227 614,881 338,112 305,167 308,778 289,832 99,911 103,693 2,168,838 2,260,296

79,467 73,951 164,846 108,692 13,949 324,795 52,063 40,044 614,881 305,167 289,832 100,300 2,167,989

11,571 10,664 27,559 16,638 1,876 58,666 7,063 5,385 115,082 54,849 51,867 15,006 376,226

0.85% 0.79% 2.04% 1.23% 0.14% 4.33% 0.52% 0.40% 8.50% 4.05% 3.83% 1.11% 27.80%

14.56% 14.42% 16.72% 15.31% 13.45% 18.06% 13.57% 13.45% 18.72% 17.97% 17.90% 14.96%


7,955,645 7,945,299






113,157 134,578 19,857 69,330 29,872 15,160 38,380 88,843 105,685 11,577 626,439


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Bishop’s appointments and nominations Episcopal appointments The Chancellors (Constitution, Article IV, B, Sec. 4) Chancellor, Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park Vice Chancellor, Mr. Michael Francis, St. David’s, Topeka Vice Chancellor, Mr. Kurt A. Harper, St. James’, Wichita The Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts (Canon III.8, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint a Commission on Church Architecture and Allied Arts, composed of clergy and professional lay persons qualified in one of the allied arts. Mr. Andrew Pitts, Trinity, Lawrence, Chair Mrs. Beth Ann Branden, St. David’s, Topeka The Reverend Dixie Junk, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka

Episcopal nominations The Treasurer of the Diocese (Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 3) The Treasurer of the Diocese shall be elected by convention for an initial term of one year. Thereafter the Treasurer may be elected for successive three-year terms if so determined by Diocesan Convention. Mr. Douglas Anning, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission — term ends at the conclusion of the 154th Convention The Registrar and Historiographer (Canon III.7, Sec. 1) At each Annual Convention the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint with the approval of Convention a Registrar and Historiographer. Registrar: Ms. Michele Moss, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Historiographer: Deacon Donald A. Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka The Commission on Ministry (Canon III.4, Sec. 1) At Diocesan Convention the Bishop shall nominate and the Convention shall confirm a Commission on Ministry to consist of not less than six (6) members, which shall include both clergy and lay persons, and their terms of office shall be three years. The Reverend Gail Greenwell, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission, Chair (2011) Deacon Susan Drury, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission (2011) The Reverend Betty Glover, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield (2012) Ms. Sue O’Brien, St. John’s, Wichita (2012) The Reverend Art Rathbun, St. Mark’s, Blue Rapids and St. Paul’s, Marysville (2012) Mrs. Beverly Winston, St. Paul’s, Coffeyville (2012) The Reverend William Wolff, St. Peter’s, Pittsburg (2012) The Reverend Andrew O’Connor, Good Shepherd, Wichita (2013) Mrs. Mary Novaria, St. Thomas, Overland Park (2013) 32

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Bishop’s appointments and nominations To assist the Commission on Ministry the Bishop appoints the following committees: The Kansas School for Ministry Oversight Committee The Reverend Andrew Grosso, Trinity, Atchison, Chair The Venerable R. Charles Pearce, St. Paul’s, Manhattan The Reverend William G. Wolff, St. Peter’s, Pittsburg Mr. Larry Bingham, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission The Reverend Catherine Caimano, St. John’s, Wichita Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya, Grace Cathedral, Topeka The Examining Chaplains The Reverend Catherine Caimano, St. John’s, Wichita, Chair The Reverend Richard McCandless, Retired, Parsons Deacon Deedee Evans, St. James’, Wichita Mr. Jim Lewis, St. James’, Wichita The Venerable R. Charles Pearce, St. Paul’s, Manhattan

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Con ees Convvention committ committees Bishop’s appointments tto o committ ees of the 15 1st con committees 151st convvention of the Episcopal Diocese of K ansas (20 10) Kansas (201 Secretary of the 151st annual convention Mrs. Karen Clowers, St. David’s, Topeka Parliamentarian of the 151st annual convention Mr. Mike Morrow, St. John’s, Wichita Committee to Approve the Minutes of Convention The Rev. Sharon Billman, St. John’s, Parsons Mrs. Melodie Woerman, Diocesan Staff, Topeka Pages Members of the Kansas Episcopal Youth

Bishop’s appointments tto o committ ees of the 152nd con committees convvention of the Episcopal Diocese of K ansas (20 11) Kansas (2011) (Terms, except where noted, run from adjournment of this convention until adjournment of the 152nd Annual Convention; Canon II.5., Sec. 1.a.) On Dispatch of Business Mrs. Carolyn Sturgeon, St. Aidan’s, Olathe, Chair Mrs. Kristi Baker, Grace, Ottawa Mrs. Nora Butler, Epiphany, Independence Mr. Jim Lawing, St. Stephen’s, Wichita On Constitution and Canons Mr. L. Franklin Taylor, Chancellor, St. Thomas the Apostle, Overland Park, Chair Mr. Michael Francis, Vice Chancellor, St. David’s, Topeka Mr. Kurt A. Harper, Vice Chancellor, St. James’, Wichita The Very Reverend Jerry Adinolfi, Jr., St. Paul’s, Coffeyville On Nominations and Elections The Reverend Betty Glover, Trinity, Arkansas City and Grace, Winfield, Chair\ The Reverend Michael Bell, Campus Missioner, Manhattan Mr. Oliver Bunker, Grace, Chanute Mr. Richard Coulter, Grace, Chanute The Venerable Monte Giddings, St. Michael’s, Mission On Debatable Resolutions The Reverend R. Shawn Streepy, Grace, Chanute, Chair Mr. Calvin Karlin, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence Mrs. Mary Larson, Grace Cathedral, Topeka Mrs. Marge Rine, St. James’, Wichita 34

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Con ees Convvention committ committees On Courtesy Resolutions Diocesan Staff On Arrangements Arrangements for the 152nd Annual Convention will be under the direction of the Diocesan Staff, working with volunteers selected to assist with needed tasks. The Administrative Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary will serve as the chair of this committee.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Cour Courttesy resolutions These courtesy resolutions have been suggested to the 151st Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. They will be presented to the Convention as consent calendar items, to be voted upon as a group. The separate courtesy resolutions will not be read. The proposed rules for debate allow for the removal of any item from the consent calendar by any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. Should this request be made, the item removed will be subject to debate or comment and will be voted on separately.

1. The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori and Mr. Richard Schori — This resolution ends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop and her spouse. 2. The Right Reverend and Mrs. William Smalley — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Eighth Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Carole. 3. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Richard F. Grein — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seventh Bishop of Kansas and his spouse, Ann. 4. The Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Seminarians, Postulants and Candidates of our diocese. 5. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Barry R. Howe and the Diocese of West Missouri — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Howe and the members of the Diocese of West Missouri and wishes the Howes Godspeed in their retirement. 6. Bishop-elect and Mrs. Michael Milliken and the Diocese of Western Kansas —This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop-elect and Mrs. Milliken and the members of the Diocese of Western Kansas and assures him of our prayers as he begins his episcopacy. 7. The Right Reverend and Mrs. Joe G. Burnett and the Diocese of Nebraska — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Burnett and the members of the Diocese of Nebraska. 8. The Right Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Konieczny and the Diocese of Oklahoma – This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our good neighbors Bishop and Mrs. Konieczny and the members of the Diocese of Oklahoma. 10. The Right Reverend Jean Zache Duracin and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Duracin and the people of the Diocese of Haiti and assures them of our continued prayers for the reconstruction and rebuilding of their country after this year’s devastating earthquake.


Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Cour Courttesy resolutions 11. The Most Reverend Eliud Wabukala and the Anglican Church of Kenya — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Archbishop Wabukala and the people of the Anglican Church of Kenya. 12. The Right Reverend Stephen Mwangi and the Diocese of Nakuru — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to our mission partners Bishop Mwangi and the people of the Diocese of Nakuru in Kenya. 13. Bishop and Mrs. Gerald Mansholt and the People of Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Mansholt and the people of the Central States Synod. 14. Bishop and Mrs. Scott Jones and the People of the Kansas East and West Conferences of the United Methodist Church – This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to Bishop and Mrs. Jones and the people of the United Methodist Church in Kansas. 15. Bishop Mark S. Hanson — This resolution sends greetings and best wishes to the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 16. Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee — This resolution sends the convention’s appreciation to the members of the Liturgy, Arts and Music Committee for their time in planning the convention liturgies. 17. The Commission on Youth—This resolution sends thanks to those who served as pages during the conduct of the business sessions of the convention.

Where the good way lies: Standing at the crossroads • The 151st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas


Pr oposed rules of debat e Proposed debate 1.

Whenever possible, speakers will be called in alternating order of their positions on the issue under consideration.


Speakers will be limited to two (2) minutes on an issue under consideration, except that: a) A speaker may speak again to any amendment, with a two (2) minute time limit again applying; and b) A speaker may answer questions of information.


While motions to call the previous question (close debate), limit debate, postpone to a set time, postpone indefinitely or commit are acceptable at any time, the motion will be effective only after all speakers already at the microphone have had an opportunity to speak.


Items such as courtesy resolutions may be placed on a consent calendar to be voted as a group. a) The consent calendar(s) shall be prepared by the Committee on Dispatch of Business and distributed to the Convention. b) The consent calendar is not subject to debate. c) An item or items may be removed from the consent calendar at the request of any delegate, providing that at least two other delegates join the request. The removal of one or more items from the consent calendar is not subject to a vote. d) Items so removed shall be voted upon separately and are subject to debate.

Explanation: A convention is a gathering of the community of the church in this place. Communities that are functional listen to one another and give each person an opportunity to speak. These proposed rules of debate are designed to advance our life at this “community reunion.� Some items will be judged by the Committee on Dispatch of Business to be items on which delegates are in full agreement. These items, such as courtesy resolutions, will be placed on a consent calendar. However, should a delegate feel that an item deserves either debate or comment, that item may be removed from the consent calendar as provided for above. In all our discussions, we seek to know Christ and make Christ known.


Amendment fform orm Debate and action on matters to come before this convention will take place Oct. 22-23, 2010, as shown on the proposed agenda. The process of the convention will be helped if additional actions or amendments to pre-filed actions are submitted in writing in advance. Please complete this form if you plan to introduce any of the actions listed below. If you know of such proposed action and it is received in the diocesan office no later than Friday, Oct. 8, it can be included in the packet given to each delegate at convention. Send it to Michele Moss, Convention Coordinator, in the diocesan office by:

Mail: 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, KS 66612-1688 Fax: (785) 235-2449 E-mail:

At the convention itself, give the completed form to a member of the diocesan staff or a member of the Dispatch of Business Committee.

Delegate’s name ____________________________________________________________________ Delegate’s parish ___________________________________________________________________ The proposed action is: _____ A resolution from the floor not submitted by the deadline (requires a 2/3 majority approval for consideration). _____ An amendment to the Constitution or Canons not submitted by the deadline (requires a 2/3 majority approval for consideration). _____ An amendment to or other action on Proposed Amendment #_____. _____ An amendment to or other action on Resolution #_____. _____ An amendment to the proposed 2011 mission plan on page _____. Please write the proposed action here, giving as specific a reference as possible. Use additional sheets, if needed. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 39

A publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas

Special thanks go to Ann Boughton, St. John’s, Abilene, for her production assistance with the convention logo.

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