The Harvest, July-August 2014

Page 1

Inside The Harvest Mystery worshippers Students from Tabor College attended services at St. James’, Wichita, recently, as part of a class on the development of Christian worship. What they experienced was a pleasant surprise. Page 2

Campus ministry Summer transitions bring a new campus intern at K-State, Ashley Petty, along with new adult volunteers on several important committees. Page 3

Youth help KC church Teens from across the country developed some rehab skills this summer at St. Paul’s, Kansas City, as their service through Youthworks helped prepare spaces at the church for a new program. Page 5

Property insurance policy The Council of Trustees has adopted a policy that sets the minimum level of coverage for a variety of aspects of property insurance for all congregations in the diocese. Page 5

Refugee ministry expands The Episcopal Wichita Area Refugee Ministry has expanded its staff and scope so it can help refugees from more countries and help resettle them in more cities. Page 6

Episcopal Social Services receives grant for new computer equipment Laptops will help adult job seekers and at-risk youth By Melodie Woerman Editor, The Harvest Episcopal Social Services of Wichita in June learned it had received one of 48 grants provided this year by the United Thank Offering. The agency will receive $9,645 for the purchase of computer equipment that will help adults who need a job and young people who have been referred for help after misdemeanor offenses. Dr. Barbara Andres, the agency’s executive director, said the money will outfit five different classrooms with a laptop, a wireless projector mounted on the ceiling and a retractable screen. Funds also will purchase a copy of the Microsoft Office suite of software for each computer. United Thank Offering received 83 applications for projects designed to address human needs and alleviate poverty. The 48 grants made totaled $1.525 million, given to a total of 36 dioceses in the U.S. and abroad. Andres said the UTO grant will provide computers in classes devoted to employment and educational support. ESS currently has no computers available for use in rooms where the agency offers adult and youth classes, which limits teaching to verbal instructions and a chalkboard. (Please see Grant, page 3)


Episcopal Social Services in Wichita has a computer lab, shown here, to help people seeking jobs, but they lack modern computers in classrooms to help with education. That soon will change, thanks to a grant from the United Thank Offering.


‘Second to none’

About 240 campers in grades 3-12, plus volunteers, experienced the joys of a week of summer camp, with the program focused on learning about God’s grace. Page 7

By Melodie Woerman Editor, The Harvest

support of the mission of the church in this part of the world.

The Rev. Don H. Compier took over the helm of the Bishop Kemper School of Ministry on July 1, when he became dean of the year-old school, a cooperative venture of the Dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas. Compier, who has a Ph.D. in Theological Studies from Emory University in Atlanta, has spent more than a decade in administration and more than 20 years teaching in theological institutions, most recently as dean and professor at Graceland University Seminary in Independence, Mo. He was ordained a transitional deacon on June 7 and is assisting at his home parish, St. Michael and All Angels in Mission. After he had been on the job a few weeks, The Harvest asked him to reflect on the school and his vision for it in the future.

What do you see as the greatest strength that the Bishop Kemper School brings to the Diocese of Kansas and the other three owning dioceses? I know of no other regional collaboration like this. Pooling the resources of our four dioceses allows us to do so much more than any of us could do alone. We bring together an amazing array of talents, experience and passion for many aspects of the church’s mission. I thoroughly enjoy seeing students from the four dioceses form friendships that will uphold and support them in ministry for the rest of their lives. In the past persons preparing to be deacons and persons in training to become priests usually were educated and formed separately. At BKSM we live out the reality that all ministry is done in teams; it is shared. All prepare for their respective ordinations together and form relationships of trust. We demonstrate that the same degree of serious study is needed for all types of ministry. Persons able to attend residential

Around the diocese Kansas churches aren’t experiencing any summer slump, with lots of activities happening everywhere. Read about a traveling mouse from Topeka, a Fourth of July float and much more. Page 8

Wichita award winners Two people from Good Shepherd, Wichita, recently received statewide awards that recognize the excellence they show in their jobs. Page 9

New clergy June ordinations and a reception on Pentecost mean new clergy for the diocese, who are serving in a variety of roles and places. Page 9

Christians in Iraq Canon Andrew White, vicar of St. George’s Church in Baghdad, reports on the plight of Christians in Iraq as they seek to escape from attacks by the Islamic State. Page 10

New dean lauds the Bishop Kemper School

Tell me what you envision for the coming academic year. Will there be many changes from last year? The previous dean, the Rev. Andrew Grosso, did a wonderful job of planning the 2014-2015 academic year well in advance, so the course offerings will continue as before. Students are pursuing three tracks:

The Rev. Don H. Compier, dean of the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

priestly studies, diaconal studies and Anglican studies (for those who completed ministerial training at schools outside of the Episcopal tradition). Our experienced and able faculty will continue to offer excellent instruction. One major change is that thanks to the careful planning of Dean Grosso and the Board of Directors, I can devote fulltime attention to the school. This will permit us to carefully review our existing programs and consider further development of our offerings in

(Please see Dean, page 3)

2 • The Harvest • July/August 2014

Students are surprised by their first Episcopal service Publisher: The Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe, Bishop Editor: Melodie Woerman A member of Episcopal News Service and Episcopal Communicators, The Harvest is published six times a year by the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas: February, April, June, August, October and December. Stories, letters and photos are welcome. They will be used on a space-available basis and are subject to editing. Send all material (preferably in electronic format or by email) to: Melodie Woerman, editor The Harvest 835 SW Polk St. Topeka, KS 66612-1688 phone: (800) 473-3563 fax: (785) 235-2449 Send address changes to: Receptionist 835 SW Polk St., Topeka, KS 66612-1688 Upcoming deadlines: September/October issue: Sept. 15 November/December issue: Nov. 15 Subscription rate: $1.50 annually Third class mailing Permit No. 601, Topeka, Kansas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Episcopal Diocese of Kansas 835 SW Polk St. Topeka, KS 66612-1688

The Anglican Communion A global community of 70 million Anglicans in 38 member churches/provinces in more than 160 countries. Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Reverend and Right Honorable Justin Welby Lambeth Palace, London WE1 7JU, United Kingdom Episcopal seat: Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, England

The Episcopal Church A community of 2 million members in 109 dioceses in 16 countries in the Americas and abroad. Presiding Bishop The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori 815 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017 (800) 334-7626 Episcopal seat: Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.

The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas A community of more than 11,000 members in 45 congregations, two diocesan institutions and one school in eastern Kansas. Bishop The Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, KS 66612-1688 (785) 235-9255 (800) 473-3563 Episcopal seat: Grace Episcopal Cathedral, Topeka

Guests describe a warm welcome and meaningful worship By Melodie Woerman Editor, The Harvest

Scripture was used frequently. I especially appreciated the longer length of some of the passages read. If there was any doubt about whether the Christian faith was defined, the Nicene Creed pretty much took care of that.”  “Overall I was most impressed with the overall quality with which the service was done. I felt like the people, both leading the service and participating in it, actually cared about what they were doing and really wanted to do a good job. Not only that, but they took the time to know what they were doing.”

The question of how young people view Episcopal liturgy got some interesting answers a few months ago, when students from Tabor College in Hillsboro, an institution founded by members of the Mennonite  “I found depth of content throughout the service accompanied by a sincere spirit in the people.” Brethren tradition, visited St. James’, Wichita, for a Sunday worship service. Dr. Bradley Vogel, a professor of choral music at  “People in the congregation seemed apologetic that were visiting on Youth Sunday. Despite the college and a sometime member of the congregapeoples’ misgivings, I thought the youth led the tion, asked the students to attend as part of a class congregation well.” he teaches that studies the development of Christian worship from its Old Testament “I thought the youth did a very sources through the New Testanice job. I think this can really “Walking to the ment period and Reformation to attest to the leadership that the modern era. altar and was happening at the church. None of them had ever atIf the youth are that way, it tended St. James’ before, and receiving the is probably because they had most were unfamiliar with the good leadership to teach them wafer with the style of Episcopal worship. Vogel what to do.” said that while two students were words, ‘The body Methodists, the others represented “I found the service to be rooted a mix of non-liturgical churches, of Christ, the in biblical truth and conducive including Independent Baptists, to leading people in worship. bread of heaven,’ Quakers, Pentecostals and NonThe way Eucharist was celdenominational Free churches. was moving. The ebrated was meaningful to They happened to attend on me. Walking to the altar and Youth Sunday, when young people hymn that was receiving the wafer with the played the organ prelude and read words, ‘The body of Christ, sung after the the lessons. the bread of heaven’ was Afterward, Vogel asked his Eucharist was moving. The hymn that was students to evaluate the services sung after the Eucharist was according to “biblical elements also uplifting and also uplifting and edifying. that are essential,” as well as the Seeing the respect paid for edifying.” “overall structure of revelation the cross and the Word were and our response,” which he called eye-opening to me.” “the epitome of worship.”

Comments describe powerful worship He shared some of the students’ answers with the congregation, and they were reprinted in the parish newsletter, “Seasons.” They reflect views of traditional worship that many might find surprising coming from collegeaged students.  “For some reason, despite my best efforts, I had the erroneous expectation that everything would be formal and somewhat intimidating, but the warmth of those who greeted us quickly erased those thoughts.”  “One interesting aspect of the service that stuck out to me was the time before the service began. Before services, I am used to people talking, laughing and children running amok. At St. James’, people sat in their seats and whispered before the service began. This may be because of the mind-set that Episcopalians have about worship space. The people probably understand that when they enter the sanctuary it is time to worship, not to chatter.”  “The role of the leaders served as a guide who comes alongside the worshippers, instead of the dominating figurehead and sole voice of the church. Therefore, the strength of their leadership style was in what appeared to me to be humility.”  “The sense that I was not just an individual worshipping God in a room full of people, but rather a part of a community, was the most refreshing part of this experience.”  “The entries service was rich with theology.

From a student who attends an inner-city Pentecostal church: “As I visited St. James Episcopal Church for the first time, I did not know what to expect. I was coming from more of a contemporary background so I definitely thought the Episcopal style was out of date, considering the music along with the heavy use of hymns. I thought the service was going to be long and not engaging at all. My view was rocked and challenged. The service was powerful and engaging.”

What about a mega-church? Vogel wrote to St. James’ that after his students’ visit to the Episcopal church, they attended “a highenergy, TV-modeled service, fully ‘contemporary’ in style; a service that is ostensibly designed for people the students’ age.” He said that they had barely left the door of the church’s theatre before students began “to express their dismay and disappointment. [It was] essentially no substance but lots of entertainment.” During the discussions that followed that visit, Vogel said the African-American student from a Pentecostal church compared it to what he had experienced at the Episcopal church. “I didn’t like or believe the service was very strong,” the young man said, “but I wonder if I would have recognized it if I hadn’t gone to St. James’ first and saw worship done as it ought to be done.” Vogel said he offered this comment not so the church would be “puffed up with pride” but to “rejoice that 20-22 year-olds recognize the difference between richness and entertainment, and long for richness and meaning. “There is research showing this, and churches that hold to a strong foundation in Word and prayer and Eucharist will be just fine!” 

July/August 2014 • The Harvest • 3

Dean: ‘This is your institution; it is our seminary’ (Continued from page 1) seminaries no doubt have a rich experience. But they may pay a high price for the privilege, often assuming a burden of debt. As Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori pointed out when she visited our diocese a couple of years ago, this means that the types of pastoral calls they can accept are limited, because those bills come due. We have seen many fine people raised up for ministry in our dioceses move into the service of other regions of the church. BKSM is able to keep costs low so that we have a better chance of retaining the services of fine ministers “back home.” BKSM makes theological education more accessible without sacrificing quality. Our instructors know how to prepare our students for the specific mission of the church in this part of the United States. They are involved in ministry here themselves, so they pass on much more than general academic knowledge of various subjects. Most of the students at the school currently are preparing for ordination. How can the school aid lay members of parishes in the diocese? This is the primary area in which I hope to grow BKSM further. The canons of the Episcopal Church have called all of us to pay just as much attention to the formation of lay ministers

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry dean the Rev. Don Compier gestures during an orientation session for new students in July. Compier took over the helm of the school on July 1. Photo by Bob Hirst

as we do to that of ordained ministers. Throughout the church we have been struggling to figure out how to fulfill this mandate. I believe that BKSM is on the cutting edge and will be a leader in this historic development. Right now lay persons are very welcome to enroll in our classes. Many would greatly enjoy and benefit from our offerings in Bible, church history, theology and other areas. As I now have time for strategic development, I have begun conversations about how BKSM can support and collaborate with Education for Ministry. I think there is a pressing need to educate people who will be involved in the formation of our children, teenagers and

Bishop forms advisory group to help search for a canon to the ordinary Bishop Dean Wolfe has diocesan staff coordination. established a search advisory Bishop Wolfe also ancommittee to assist nounced that rehim in finding a pertired priest the Rev. manent canon to the George Wiley will ordinary, following assist him as canon the completion of pastor with special service on July 23 needs during this by Canon Interim period. the Rev. Meghan When he anFroehlich. nounced Froehlich’s Bob Skaggs The committee departure, Bishop will be headed by Wolfe said that she Bob Skaggs of St. initially had agreed Michael and All Anto stay for three gels, Mission, who months but had exis president of the tended that to nearly Council of Trustees. a full year. The committee He said that she will be assisted by “showed immediate Dave Seifert Dave Seifert, dioccompetence in one esan missioner for of the most complex transitions, who has jobs in The Episcobeen serving as a pal Church,” and search consultant to that the diocese put parishes since Auher many gifts to gust of last year. He their fullest use.” is a member of St. The canon to the Paul’s, Clay Center. ordinary in this dioThe Rev. George Wiley Until a canon is cese is a priest, aphired, Seifert will continue pointed by the bishop with to help clergy and congrega- the consent of the Council tions in transition, and he also of Trustees, who assists the is assisting the bishop with bishop. 

young adults. We have excellent leaders in these areas in our dioceses, and I plan to listen to them carefully. Lay leaders often provide a great deal of pastoral care, and we have some exciting emerging ideas about how to offer appropriate preparation for this vital ministry. Together we will discern what is needed, and find ways to provide good education for all who serve the church. What are some of your dreams for the school as you begin your tenure as dean? I was born in this part of the world, and while I’ve been blessed to live in the Netherlands, California and Mexico, I always found my way back here. I’ve now lived here 27 years,

much longer than any other place. I believe in the Benedictine principle of stability, or what Kathleen Norris calls “geographical vocation.” I know that many others in our four dioceses share this sense of call to this time and this place. The heartland of the U.S. is a unique region, not quite like any other place on earth. It is high time that we develop our own robust center for theological education. No one else will be able to better prepare our ministers for the part of God’s mission entrusted to us here. Part of our reality is that our region is ever more culturally diverse. In particular, we witness rising numbers of Hispanic neighbors. How might BKSM help the church to be proactive in sharing the good news of God’s love with all? This really is my dream job. BKSM’s foundations were laid very well, and now it is time to build on them. We will offer a theological education second to none, but our standard is: how do we best prepare people to faithfully fulfill God’s call here, today? I think we will keep discerning, pressing to become the very best school for ministry in Nebraska, Kansas and West Missouri. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if other neighboring dioceses choose to partner with us also.

What can average people in the diocese do to support the school? First of all, please pray for us! We can do nothing without God’s strength and the direction of the Holy Spirit. I really appreciate daily intercessions for the work of BKSM. Second, realize that this isn’t a school in Topeka with no relationship to your congregation or your life. This is your institution; it is our seminary. It exists to help us all be more faithful in our lives of discipleship. Claim it, be proud of it, and please share your ideas, your questions and your concerns. People should consider taking a course with us, even if it’s as an auditor. If you know people who would benefit from our program, encourage them to check out BKSM. Please support our current students, and offer them your prayers and your encouragement. They have added rigorous, demanding study to all the other responsibilities they already carry. I have the highest respect for them. Remember that BKSM receives its financial support from the sponsoring dioceses. A part of our personal offerings is dedicated to the important work of ministerial formation. We are very grateful for the generosity of so many people and what it makes possible. And who knows what will yet unfold? With God you just never can tell! 

Grant: Classes soon will go multimedia (Continued from page 1) Laptops with current software will allow use of multimedia educational elements that not only will help present information in useful ways but also can help keep learners more interested, she said. Until now, for instance, instructors haven’t been able to use basic PowerPoint presentations to illustrate the concepts they are teaching. Andres said by purchasing laptops instead of desktop computers, they can be used to make presentations when she and other staff speak about ESS to outside groups in the community, helping to give a more complete and memorable picture of what the agency offers.

Help for unemployed adults Andres said many of their classes center on helping unemployed adults get a job, or to help those who may be employed find better ones. ESS not only helps job candidates learn how to write a resume and application letters but also teaches them the skills needed to complete a successful job interview. “We work to surround them with the support they need to get a job,” Andres said. An existing computer lab gives adults the chance to learn how to use computers and helpful programs, as well as to complete job applications that increasingly are available only online. Staff and volunteers provide “lots of one-on-one help,” Andres said, as a way to help make the lives of adults in the community better through employment.

Youth will be aided, too Andres said the new computer-enhanced classrooms also will benefit their programs at for at-risk youth, which serve those ages 12-17 who have been referred for misdemeanor-level conduct including theft, fighting, vandalism and underage drinking.

KEY DRIVES ARE NEEDED The United Thank Offering grant does not cover the needed purchase of 500 key drives for use by job-seeking clients. Most of these clients do not own or have access to personal computers, so they rely on computers at the library or other public spaces to apply for jobs. They can keep resumes, letters of reference and other documents with them on the portable computer storage devices. Episcopal Social Services welcomes donations toward the total purchase price of $1,615. Send checks, marked with “Key drive” in the memo line to: Episcopal Social Services, Inc. P.O. Box 607 Wichita, KS 67201

“We teach them to think before they react,” Andres said. “We offer them new coping skills.”Their youth program is so successful that 92 percent of participants have no further offenses, she said. Episcopal Social Services, which opened in 1983, is an official institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. Since its beginnings 31 year ago, it has become a broad-based social service agency to meet the needs of people in Wichita. In addition to its adult employment and youth at-risk programs, the agency provides healthy food, assists individuals with disabilities in managing their money, supports people with mental health challenges through the Breakthrough Club community and provides an environment where people can volunteer and serve others. 

4 • The Harvest • July/August 2014

Campus ministry sees summer transitions The summer months are a time of transition in the diocesan campus ministry program, and Campus Missioner the Rev. Stephanie Jenkins reports that this year it includes both good-byes and hellos. Caroline Howard, campus intern at the University of Kansas and a former campus peer minster, recently completed her year of service. During the years she was involved with the program, Jenkins said Howard participated in 207 Tuesday evening programs at KU’s Canterbury House. Taylor Mather completed two years as the intern at Kansas State University, but he will remain on campus as a student, pursuing a Master’s degree. Jenkins praised the two departing interns, who live in the Canterbury House at KU and K-State and help supervise the peer ministers who also live there. She said, “I continue to be thankful for the ministry both of these wonderful young adults offered the peer ministers, the diocese, the wider church and me during their years of service.”

New KSU intern Joining the ministry team this fall is Ashley Petty, who will be the campus intern at K-State. She was a peer minister for several years before graduating from Wichita State University, and she also is a postulant for ordination. She also was a longtime participant in diocesan youth programs. Returning K-State peer ministers Olivia Divish and Naomi Cunningham will be joined by


Interns and peer ministers from KU and K-State gather for a meal at the Lawrence Canterbury House during the past school year. Each fall brings changes as the campus ministry program says good-bye to those leaving and hello to newcomers on campus.

two new members, Sarah Haley and Molly Weaver. Returning as peer ministers at KU are Ben Allman, John Olson, Tyler Kerr and Alex Kezar. Jenkins said that during the past school year, “peer ministers offered a variety of conversations, experiences and worship styles to their fellow students who

have come to rely on Canterbury programs throughout their week.” She said that programs centered on a variety of topics. “We explored different styles of prayer, shared interfaith discussions, engaged in service to others, deepened our own spirituality through thoughtful discussions on scripture and theology, and shared

many meals together. There are always ways to grow deeper in our relationship with God in Christ and with each other.” She said that the campus ministry program encourages students on campuses across the diocese to connect. She said, “We welcome all students with a curiosity about a life of faith to join us on that journey … it’s a journey that will forever change them. It’s full of ‘hellos’ and ‘good-byes,’ but also a constant reminder that we are always connected by virtue of a life lived in Christ.” Jenkins, who became Campus Missioner in September 2013, said that the campus ministry program continues to refine and live into its mission and vision both at the congregational and diocesan level. She said, “It’s exciting work to be a part of shaping a ministry that seeks to serve college students as they encounter their daily lives. We are always asking the question, ‘How is my faith and values lived out in the day-to-day?’ Anchoring our students in a life of faith as shown to us through the life of Christ is the foundation of these natural questions as one moves into full adulthood. It’s worthy work, and not always easy, but worthy and ultimately incredibly life giving.”

New adult leaders added A number of new adult volunteers have joined the ranks of those who help advise various parts of the campus ministry program. The Bishop’s Advisory Committee at K-State welcomed three members of St. Paul’s, Manhattan

DO YOU HAVE A STUDENT HEADED TO A KANSAS COLLEGE? If so, the diocesan Campus Ministry program wants to know! They would like to connect Episcopal students with campus ministries that are in his or her area. You can share that information through a quick, online form: http:// edokcampusministry.wordpress. com/connect-a-college-student/

in June — Tom Synder, Marian Fuller and Jayson Sullivan The Campus Ministry Council, which is the advising council for campus ministry with equal representation from all convocations across the diocese, in June added several new members:  Betsy Barrett, St. Paul’s, Manhattan;  Donna Griffin, Trinity, Lawrence;  Tristan Holmberg, St. James’, Wichita;  Jan Moreland and the Rev. Foster Mays, Epiphany, Independence; and  John Olson, KU peer minister. Jenkins said the campus ministry program greatly appreciates the important role played by members of these advisory groups. “Our ministry wouldn’t be possible without folks such as these stepping in and giving of their time and talents,” she said, “and I’m aware they represent the larger effort and ministry connected to campus ministry in a variety of ways.” — Melodie Woerman 

Upcoming BKSM classes are open to all learners By Melodie Woerman Editor, The Harvest Lay people interested in delving deeper into aspects of their Christian faith are invited to attend one of the upcoming classes at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry as auditors. The school’s dean, the Rev. Don Compier, said he wants the Diocese of Kansas to know that the school exists for all its members, “to help us all be more faithful in our lives of discipleship.” Those who want to take any of the BKSM classes for personal enrichment and not because they are studying for ordination as a deacon or priest pay just $100 per weekend. This fee covers tuition, overnight accommodations in Upton Hall, and four meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday) while classes are in residence. The cost of books and other materials is not included. Classes take place in Topeka at the diocese’s Upton Hall and in Grace Cathedral, located next door to the diocesan center, Bethany Place. Assignments are made a month before the class meets, and students have a few weeks afterward to complete class assignments. For students studying for ordination, each weekend costs $180. It is suggested that the cost of tuition be shared between the student, his or her parish, and her or his diocese. The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry is a unique institution within the Episcopal Church with a mission to provide high quality theological education in a local setting. It was formed in July 2013 as a partnership between the Episcopal Dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas. Students and faculty are drawn from all four dioceses.

Upton Hall is one of the sites for classes at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry.

Members of the diocese who want to enroll in a class should contact Dean Compier at (816) 217-4053 or

2014-2015 courses Here are the dates when weekend classes take place, as well as course titles and the instructors leading each class: Aug. 9-10:  Catholic Tradition, the Rev. Dr. George Wiley  Christian Spirituality, the Rev. Virginia Dabney Brown  Doctrine of the Incarnation, the Rev. Dr. Don Compier Sept. 13-14:  Anglican Identity, the Rev. Chris Arnold  Educational Philosophy, the Rev. Dr. Bill Fasel

Oct. 11-12  British Christianity, the Very Rev. Dr. Bill Wolff  Diakonia, the Ven. Dr. Charles Pearce  Presbyterate, the Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin Thomas  Adult Formation, the Rev. Dr. Bill Fasel Nov. 8-9  History of the Episcopal Church, the Very Rev. Dr. Bill Wolff  Modernity and After, the Rev. Dr. George Wiley  Missional Ecclesiology, the Very Rev. Craig Loya Dec. 13-14  Old Testament Survey, Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya  Polity and Canons, Mr. Larry Bingham  Ecclesiology, the Rev. Dr. Don Compier Jan. 10-11  New Testament Survey, Dr. Jim Lewis  Liturgics, the Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin Thomas Feb. 14-15  Gospel Traditions, Dr. David May  Church History Survey, the Rev. Dr. George Wiley  Doctrine of God, the Rev. Dr. Don Compier March 14-15  Pauline Epistles, the Rev. Dick McCandless  Systematic Theology, the Rev. Ben Varnum  Doctrine of Salvation, Dr. Bill Stancil April 11-12  Christian Ethics, the Rev. Andrew O’Connor  Contemporary Ethics, the Rev. Dr. David Cox  Pastoral Theology, the Rev. Virginia Dabney Brown May 9-10  Homiletics, the Rev. George Pejakovich  Evangelism and Congregational Development, Dr. David Thompson  Parish Administration, the Rev. Gar Demo 

July/August 2014 • The Harvest • 5

Youth provide rehab skills at Kansas City church By Melodie Woerman Editor, The Harvest

Volunteers on youth summer mission trips at St. Paul’s, Kansas City, scrape wood floors (above) and polish handrails (left). Teams of teens volunteered through Youthworks, a Christian mission organization that sends youth to work sites across North America. Photos courtesy of St. Paul’s

Teenagers from six states spent part of their summer break doing work at St. Paul’s, Kansas City. They came from a variety of churches and were sponsored by Youthworks, a Christian organization that organizes mission trips for teens in 70 locations in North America. St. Paul’s was one of those sites. The Rev. Dixie Junk, St. Paul’s priest in charge, said groups of youth volunteers were on site over a span of eight weeks, usually for four days at a time. Two days were spent in service at the church’s food pantry, with another two days of work, including time in the parish garden or doing interior remodeling. She said many of the students helped with rehabbing rooms in the church that will house the congregation’s new Youth in Transitions program, slated to begin its pilot effort this fall, to help at-risk teens in the Kansas City area. Under the direction of St. Paul’s members Elvis and Joy Spearman, Youthwork volunteers removed all the wallpaper in the library and also scraped tile and other coverings from wood floors in several rooms. Junk said that the former library will become a space for tutoring those in the new after-school program, along with a space for a computer lab for math and science. The chapel will be used for quiet study. She said, “One of the wonderful things about our beautiful 90-year-

Council of Trustees defines minimum property insurance coverage for churches At its meeting in May, the diocesan Council of Trustees adopted a new policy that spells out for the first time the minimum level of insurance for church buildings and other church property. Episcopal Church canons require that church buildings and their contents “be kept adequately insured,” and the policy is the Council’s definition of what meets that canonical requirement. Bob Skaggs, president of the Council, said the body adopted the policy because “we have a canonical responsibility to protect our buildings and their contents.” He said the policy spells out the required level of coverage in “a plain and understandable format.” He noted that all churches in the diocese carry insurance but not all have the new required coverage. Those churches with coverage that meets the policy requirements will be asked to submit a certificate of insurance once a year. Churches with coverage that falls short must request from the Council an exemption from the minimum levels, going first through the

diocesan Finance Committee. The levels specified in the new policy are:

Commercial Package Policy  Buildings, Organs and Contents: Insured to Replacement Value, “All Risk” Coverage  Fine Arts/Stained Glass: $1,000,000  Flood Coverage: Insured to Replacement Value, “All Risk” Coverage  Comprehensive General Liability • Occurrence $1,000,000 • Aggregate $5,000,000  Pastoral Counseling Liability • Occurrence $1,000,000 • Aggregate $5,000,000  Employee Benefits Liability • Occurrence $1,000,000 • Aggregate $1,000,000  Medical Payments • Each person $15,000 • Occurrence $60,000  Sexual Misconduct Liability • Occurrence $1,000,000 • Aggregate $2,000,000  Crime/Employee Dishonesty • Occurrence $25,000 (minimum)

with these liability limits  Directors and Officers: $1,000,000  Employee Practices Liability: $1,000,000 (including sexual harassment)

as excess over Commercial General Liability, Pastoral Counseling, Sexual Misconduct, Directors and Officers, Owned Auto, Hired and Non-Owned Auto and Workers Compensation: • Occurrence $1,000,000 • Aggregate $1,000,000 The policy is posted on the Policies page of the Resources section of the diocesan website at http://www. documents/Congregationinsurance-coverage.pdf. — Melodie Woerman 

Junk said that the church has been a Youthworks site in previous years, so the church knew how to put this summer’s volunteers to their best use. She said the organization likes to send teens to St. Paul’s because they always can provide indoor work, which is helpful in case of rain or high summer heat. “They also need to have projects where students can see results after just a few days,” she said. “These are mostly 15-, 16- and 17-year-olds, and they sometimes are overwhelmed by how much they actually can do.” St. Paul’s often had teams from two churches working at the same time, Junk said. They represented Lutheran, Baptist, Roman Catholic, United Church of Christ and Christian Reformed congregations from Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Junk said it helped to have the Spearmans on site to explain to the youth volunteers St. Paul’s vision of providing hope to its neighborhood through its worship and programs. Because the congregation now offers a weekly Spanish-language Eucharist for an increasingly Latino neighborhood, volunteers usually had the chance to visit the Mexican consulate in Kansas City, Mo., to learn more about Latin American culture. 

The event will be a time of fellowship, worship and learning. The cost is $15 per person.

Workers Compensation Policy

Umbrella Policy, Excess Liability

A favored site

Grace Cathedral in Topeka will be the site of a special day for women of the diocese on Saturday, Sept. 27, sponsored by the Episcopal Church Women.

Directors and Officers Policy

(including supply clergy)  Bodily Injury by Accident: Each accident $500,000  Bodily Injury by Diocese: Policy limit $500,000

old building is that it was built with materials to last several lifetimes.” The newly cleaned floors in the library and the chapel will be sanded and refinished, and walls will be repainted.

Church Women plan special day at Grace Cathedral The board of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Kansas has planned a special day of fellowship, worship and learning for all women of the diocese. A “Day at the Cathedral” will take place on Saturday, Sept. 27, at Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka. Events will begin at 10:30 a.m., preceded by registration at 10 a.m. The event will include a worship service and tour of the cathedral, with a special emphasis on the stained glass windows and needlepoint kneelers. There also will be an organ presentation and a tour of the Bethany Place property. A short ECW meeting will also be part of the day. Lunch will be included.

The cost will be $15 per person. Checks to cover the cost of the event will serve as registration for all those attending. The deadline to sign up is Sept. 15. Checks for $15 per person should be made payable to “Episcopal Church Women” with “Cathedral Day” in the memo line. Mail them to: Sharon Atherton, Treasurer 10206 West 20th Street North Wichita, KS 67212 Please include your name, address, phone number, email address and the name of your church and its city. Questions about the event may be directed to ECW president Daria Condon at or (620) 784-2316. 

6 • The Harvest • July/August 2014

“Aunty Rita” (left), along with her two grandchildren (pictured) and her daughter and son-in-law, arrived in Wichita in June as refugees from Burma. Because she lost both legs to cancerous burn scar tissue, she needs a wheelchair and an accessible apartment, something EWARM was able to provide for her and her family.


Chris Ash (left) and Daniel Falk spent the summer working as interns in the diocesan youth program. This is the 10th summer the diocese has helped young adults learn more about youth ministry through serving as summer interns.

Two summer youth interns learn hands-on ministry Two college students spent the summer as interns in the diocesan youth program — Chris Ash, a member at St. Thomas, Overland Park and a student at the University of Kansas; and Daniel Falk, a member at St. James, Wichita and a student at Emporia State University. This is the tenth summer that students have served as youth interns, engaging in hands-on youth ministry and spending time in vocational discernment. As part of their internship, Ash and Falk attended MegaCamp and MissionPalooza, events they also helped plan under the direction of diocesan Youth Missioner Karen Schlabach. To further their experience with parish youth ministry, they spent a week helping St. Michael and All Angels in Mission with their Arts Camp and a week helping St. Thomas’, Overland Park, with their Reaching Out To the Community program. After each event, they had to write a verbatim about a conversation they had during the event. “My favorite part so far has been camp,” Ash said, “I was really happy with the way camp went with several new changes, and it made for a really good week.” Schlabach said the summer intern program is an important time for those who serve. “We believe this internship is a powerful instrument of spiritual formation as well as

a wonderful opportunity for vocational discernment,” she said. “We need more faithful, committed and talented leaders in both lay and ordained ministry. This internship seeks to equip and send a young disciple into the ‘harvest field’ of youth ministry.” Falk said, “The internship is a truly rewarding experience. I’m currently working on a teaching degree, and I think the things I’m learning and the experience I’m getting will be helpful in the future.” They also met with the Companions in Discernment group in the Northeast Convocation to review their spiritual autobiography and to discuss with them what God may be calling them to do. Schlabach said since the summer youth intern program began in 2005, several alumni have shown great leadership through their ministry in the diocese. She noted that two of them now work full-time in church jobs, and one recently graduated from seminary and was ordained. Another is leaving a full-time parish youth job to begin seminary this fall. Two former interns are working as parttime youth ministers while they are finishing college, and another volunteers as the coordinator for the diocesan peer ministry program. Two others have finished nursing school and have returned to serve as the nurse at diocesan youth events. 

Save the Date You are invited to

A Night to Remember A gala evening of dinner and dancing featuring dinner by Culinary Cornerstones (a ministry of Episcopal Community Services) and music by the Michael Beers Band

Friday, November 7 • 7 - 11 p.m. St. Thomas Episcopal Church Overland Park More details to come!


EWARM expands services to assist more refugees By Melodie Woerman Editor, The Harvest The Episcopal agency that helps to provide homes in Kansas for refugees is expanding its reach to provide additional support for even more people. Until recently EWARM — the Episcopal Wichita Area Refugee Ministry — has provided settlement help only to refugees from Burma, also known as Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia that for decades has been the scene of fighting and devastating persecution that drove tens of thousands of people in refugee camps. Refugees from Burma continue to arrive to start new lives in Wichita. But recently the agency received the first families coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa, which is suffering from a fierce, five-year war between government forces and rebels. Tens of thousands of refugees there now are in camps provided by the United Nations. These families and individuals enter the United States through a program to protect and settle political refugees from around the world. EWARM is an affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of the agencies that partners with the U.S. government to undertake this work. Shannon Mahan, EWARM’s executive director, said the agency so far in 2014 has resettled more than 50 refugees, which is more than it had helped since the agency started 18 months EWARM finds an apartment for each refugee family, provides furnishings and helps the refugees become familiar with American life and customs. The agency also helps adults find work they can do while they are settling into life in Kansas. Mahan said a recent refugee family provided not only some special challenges but also some special blessings. A family of five who arrived from Burma included the 61-year-old matriarch, who calls herself “Aunty Rita.” She lost both her legs to cancerous scar tissue that resulted from severe burns when her village was attacked by the military junta in 1988, in which her husband was killed. EWARM provided her with a wheelchair and helped the family find a fully

accessible apartment to accommodate her needs. The blessings have come from Aunty Rita’s comments to EWARM staff, thanking them for all they have done for her family. Mahan said in a letter to them she wrote, “I know the character of those who choose your line of work, and the strong sense of social justice that propels your cause.” Mahan said, “Several times she has said that while she knows this is our job, she also knows that we do this because we feel strongly about helping people.” Aunty Rita, Mahan said, “is a beautiful, feisty, spirited survivor with a personality to match.”

Expansion goes west In addition, EWARM recently has expanded to provide help for refugees in three new ways. A new case worker soon will be able to help Burmese refugees find homes in the western part of the state — Garden City, Dodge City and Liberal — where they have family living in growing Burmese communities there. Many are drawn to the meat packing plants in western Kansas, since jobs there are less reliant on English-language fluency. The agency also now is able to provide support services to refugee families for up to five years after their initial entry into the United States, thanks to the addition of a new staff member assigned to this effort. Until now support services normally lasted less than a year. That person also will assist a new group of refugees who have begun arriving in the Wichita area — people who originally settled in other areas of the United States but now are coming to Kansas to be nearer to family or others from their home country. So far plans indicate this will include people from the Democratic Republic of Congo and three other African nations: Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea. With a growing population of residents adjusting to new lives in the United States, EWARM also has expanded the educational assistance it offers. Classes now are offered daily in vocational English as a second language, cultural orientation, job readiness training and financial literacy, with childcare provided for each one. 

July/August 2014 • The Harvest • 7

MegaCampers spend a week exploring grace By Karen Schlabach Youth Missioner About 240 Episcopalians spent the week of June 1-7 at Camp Wood YMCA , southwest of Emporia, for the annual diocesan summer MegaCamp This is the fourth year that all there camps — elementary, junior high and senior high — of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas have come together into a combined experience dubbed MegaCamp. The theme for this year’s camps was “grace.” Campers spent an hour and a half each day learning more about their faith and having discussions or activities in small groups, led by volunteer counselors. Each age group had a variety of activities to engage the theme. Elementary campers had grace relays and a sinful snowball fight (with newspapers). Junior high students decorated grace boxes and tie-dyed grace bandanas to serve as visual reminders of what they were learning. Senior high campers talked about judgment, had a water balloon fight, shredded their sins and shared Post Secrets. Worship was an important part of the week of MegaCamp. Bishop Dean Wolfe officiated at an all-camp MegaEucharist on Wednesday night. Each age group also had its own chaplain, who offered campers a variety of worship experiences. Elementary and junior high students blessed the camp on Monday, similar to a house blessing or consecration of a worship space.

A senior high camper assists with a Eucharist, celebrated by Campus Missioner the Rev. Stephanie Jenkins. Daily worship experiences are a key part of MegaCamp.


Elementary campers spend a few minutes of quiet in the beauty of the Flint Hills.

Friendships develop easily at junior high camp.

Senior high students participated in an alternative experience on Tuesday that included praying for people across the world, journaling and walking a labyrinth. Junior high students closed the week by making written confessions and

burning them. Elementary students ended the week with a “Suesscharist,” a Eucharist using the language of Dr. Seuss. A special closing Eucharist for senior high campers included a time of good-bye for graduating seniors. They were presented with a special painted rock to help them remember the week of camp, and they also received a Disciples Cross as a farewell gift from the diocesan youth ministry program. There is also a lot of time at camp to have fun. Each age group had three hours of time programmed by the YMCA camp staff, where they picked from several offerings of traditional camp activities like swimming, canoeing, horseback riding, archery, arts and crafts, climbing tower, and sports. Campers also enjoyed a game night, movie night and talent show. One evening the older groups had a dance, while elementary campers had a beach party.

Run by volunteers MegaCamp is different from many other diocesan camps, since most of it is run by volunteers. All of the counselors, program leaders, chaplains, nurses and program directors volunteer their time for the week to make this a great experience for children and youth from Kansas churches. Parish support is also essential to make camp happen. Churches paid for about 37 percent of camp fees through scholarships to campers. Camp Wood has been working hard to improve their facilities and offerings. Since last summer they added a pavilion structure to the beach front to provide shade, and built stairs that lead down to the lake. They also are in the process of re-doing the camp’s water system to provide higher-quality water in more locations. They have plans in the works to replace the red cabins, build new bathhouses to service the quad and tents, and renovate Hutch Hall, one of main meeting spaces. They also hope to offer tiered camp-run activities, with different levels of activities for elementary, junior high and senior high, giving campers something to look forward to as they come back to camp year after year. 

All campers and adult volunteers gather for the MegaEucharist, bringing together nearly 240 Episcopalians for an outdoor worship service, with Bishop Dean Wolfe officiating.

8 • The Harvest • July/August 2014

Around the diocese  St. John’s, Abilene suffered storm damage this summer to one of the church’s stained glass windows and to the storm window covering it, but quick action by a Hutchinson stained glass company has returned it in better shape than ever.  Trinity, Atchison welcomed 35 guests to the church for a tour and refreshments during the city’s annual Ameliafest July 18-19. The event celebrates the life of Atchison native Amelia Earhart, who was baptized at Trinity.  St. Mark’s, Blue Rapids brings worship with some gospel music to residents at Blue Valley Senior Living every month in which there is a fifth Sunday.  St. Paul’s, Clay Center has made upgrades to its kitchen to support the church’s food ministry. Two new stoves were provided by a donation from members Bob and Donna Long.  St. Paul’s, Coffeyville supports its “baby blanket ministry” with fabric that members can use to make special coverings for newborns or pediatric patients at the local hospital.  St. Andrew’s, Derby members assembled 200 sack lunches on July 26 and distributed them to people in need through a ministry of St. John’s, Wichita.  St. Martin’s, Edwardsville continues to collect a variety of food, personal care and cleaning items for use by the clients of Vaughn-Trent, a local community services agency.  Trinity, El Dorado welcomed Minda Cox as a guest speaker on Aug. 3. Cox, who was born without arms or legs, spoke about her books and her upcoming mission trips to Central America.

 St. Paul’s, Leavenworth suffered some roof damage in recent storms. Because the $3,300 cost wasn’t in the budget, member donations quickly covered the expense.

pated in a parish-based mission opportunity, Reaching Out to the Community. Morning work served a variety of organizations, and afternoons were devoted to fun activities

 St. Paul’s, Manhattan members signed up for the Aug. 23 Speedy P.D. Run/Walk, a fundraiser for a local Parkinson’s disease fund. Races ranged from a 1K (.62 miles) through a 10K (6.2 miles).

 St. John’s, Parsons members provided food and support to teen Group Work Campers from across the U.S. and Canada who came to town to paint houses for folks who needed assistance. Parish member Jo Pontius was one recipient.

 St. Paul’s, Marysville members are exploring creation of welcome brochures and an outreach program to let community members know more about the church.

 Epiphany, Sedan members have been invited to participate in the Bible Reading Challenge, which provides a schedule to help people read and reflect on the Bible over the course of a year.

 St. Michael’s, Mission welcomed 72 campers for its weeklong Arts Camp, which this year featured a Haiti theme. Art experiences included music, theatre, painting, singing and short stories.

 St. Luke’s, Shawnee invited members who played any kind of musical instrument, or who sang, to provide the offertory during the summer.

 St. Matthew’s, Newton has 132 clients in its Payee Program, which provides money management for people who receive assistance and are deemed in need of help. The program helps keep them safe in a stable environment.  Grace, Ottawa has begun collecting loose change as “coins for Christ,” to benefit a variety of outreach projects. The first helped with expenses of a family with a sick infant.  St. Francis, Overland Park has begun planning for the church’s 40th anniversary celebration in September.  St. Thomas’, Overland Park children in grades 3-5 partici-

 Grace Cathedral, Topeka has begun renovation of its existing cloister building to provide a twostory entrance hall and gathering space. Entrances to other parts of the building will be much clearer, once labyrinthian hallways are removed.  St. David’s, Topeka planned an end-of-summer barbecue for all members after church on Aug. 17. The parish provided everything needed for the feast.  St. Luke’s, Wamego will provide the space needed for a new youth initiative in town, OUTLET (Opportunity Uniting Teen Leaders to Effect Tomorrow). Participants will meet in the parish’s Guild Hall basement from August 2014 through July 2015.


Pooraz, a church mouse from Grace Cathedral, Topeka, has accompanied several parishioners on summer travels, including this visit to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Topeka mouse spends the summer traveling across the country Pooraz, a church mouse of the stuffed variety, has been very busy with summer vacations, thanks to a number of parishioners of Grace Cathedral, Topeka. Members have been encouraged to have Pooraz (actually, one of three Poorazes) accompany them on their summer vacation and then submit photos of the mouse in some of the travel locations. Pictures then are shared on the cathedral’s Facebook page for others to see. So far Pooraz has been spotted on a golf course, at a baseball game in St. Louis, on a riverboat cruise along the Mississippi, crossing the Rocky Mountains, on the Oregon coast, in Seattle, at various spots in California, and in London and Paris. The goal is to see how far and wide the mouse, representing members of Grace Cathedral, can travel this summer. 

 St. Jude’s, Wellington for the past three years has welcomed a plot of hollyhocks that has ex-

 Good Shepherd, Wichita is preparing to celebrate the church’s 25th anniversary later this year. Co-chairs of the planning committee are Deacon Carmen Anderson and Gee Petrosky. The church was formed in 1989 by the merger of St. Mark’s and St. Matthias’.

 St. Andrew’s, Emporia members readied for three rounds of “Holy Conversation” in August, designed to help the congregation remember its past, discern members’ deepest values, and discover wishes and needs for the coming years.

 St. Bartholomew’s, Wichita continues its monthly clothing give-away, to benefit people who need it, on the first Saturday of the month.

 Epiphany, Independence planned a special “Back-to-School Fun Night” for Aug. 17, complete with grilled burgers and hot dogs, ice cream sundaes, games, and a blessing of the backpacks.

 St. James’, Wichita is helping clients of Episcopal Social Services by providing the agency with donated cases of bottled water, which can quench the thirst of those who walk or ride the bus there on hot summer days.

 St. Margaret’s, Lawrence has a monthly “Wine and Fellowship” group that gathers for tastings, snacks and conversation.  Trinity, Lawrence on Aug. 3 took a special collection for the Diocese of West Texas, to aid with expenses of churches in that diocese that are helping unaccompanied children who recently have crossed the country’s southern border.

panded each year as the plants spread, clustering around a cross near the sidewalk to the church.


St. Francis’, O.P., celebrates Independence Day Members of St. Francis of Assisi, Overland Park, entered a float in Stilwell’s annual 4th of July parade with the theme “Let Freedom Ring.” It featured a tower with a bell that the children rang during the parade, patriotic music played by Jerry Touslee on an organ at the front of the float, Betsy Ross and of course St. Francis himself with a squirrel to entertain the children along the parade route. Youngsters on the float threw out candy, along with red, white and blue strands of beads. 

 St. John’s, Wichita now has in hand almost all of the $1.2 million needed to begin restorative maintenance and improvements to the building and grounds. Some of the construction will begin soon.  St. Stephen’s, Wichita celebrates the Eucharist twice a month for residents of the Larksfield Place Retirement Community. 

July/August 2014 • The Harvest • 9



Bishop Dean Wolfe (center) stands with newly ordained clergy after a service June 7 at Grace Cathedral, Topeka. They are (from left) transitional deacons the Rev. Steven King, the Rev. Vivian Orndorff and the Rev. Don Compier, and new priest the Rev. Ted Blakley.

Cara Ledy (center), principal of Wichita South High School, on Aug. 5 was named the Kansas High School Principal of the Year by the Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals. She was joined by officials with the Association and the Wichita Public Schools, who made the presentation to her during an in-service day at school.

Ordinations and a reception Two from Good Shepherd, Wichita, welcome new clergy in June receive statewide awards At two services in early June, Bishop Dean Wolfe ordained and received five people as clergy in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas. On June 7 four people were ordained at a diocesan service at Grace Cathedral, Topeka. The Rev. J. Ted Blakley, who had been serving since August 2013 as a transitional deacon, was ordained as a priest. Three transitional deacons also were ordained in the service: the Rev. Don Compier, the Rev. Steven King and the Rev. Vivian Orndorff. The following day, during a service marking the feast of Pentecost, Bishop Wolfe received the priestly orders of the Rev. Jon Hullinger, who had served for 14 years as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church before becoming an Episcopalian. Blakley, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of St. Andrew’s in Scotland and studied at the Bishop Kemper School, serves as curate at St. John’s, Wichita. Compier, who has a Ph.D. in theology from Emory University and has been a seminary dean and professor for more than 20 years, began service July 1 as dean of the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. King, who graduated in May from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Va., began his ministry as an assistant rector at St. Thomas, Overland Park on July 1. Orndorff, who graduated in May from

Two people from Good Shepherd, Wichita, in recent weeks have been recognized by statewide organizations for outstanding performance in their jobs.

Cara Ledy, Kansas High School Principal of the Year Cara Ledy, the principal at Wichita South High School, on Aug. 5 was named the Kansas High School Principal of the Year by the Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals. Representatives of the association, along with officials of the local school district, surprised Ledy with the news in front of her faculty and staff during an in-service day Eugene Haydock, the association’s executive director, said that the award recognizes leadership qualities, school improvement, school and building culture, and overall support for a quality education. “Cara is an outstanding, exemplary principal,” he said. “She cares so much for her students. She is such a quality person.” She will be formally honored in November during the association’s fall conference, and in April she will be recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals in Washington, D.C.

Deacon Bob Hirst, Employee of the Year, Kansas Department for Children and Families The Rev. Jon Hullinger (left) was received as a priest of the Episcopal Church by Bishop Wolfe during a service at Grace Cathedral, Topeka on June 8. Hullinger previously had been a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.

the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas, is serving as curate at Trinity Church in The Woodlands, Texas. Hullinger, who graduated with a certificate in Anglican Studies from the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry in May, is assisting at Grace Cathedral while exploring other ministry opportunities. 

St. David’s member celebrates 103rd birthday Virginia Newell (far left) recently celebrated her 103rd birthday, making her the most senior member of St. David’s, Topeka. She lives in a retirement community, where she regularly is visited by Eucharistic Visitor Deb McGlohon (center), who takes the sacrament to Newell and others who are homebound or hospitalized. Also pictured is Dolores Lewis.

Deacon Bob Hirst in April was named the Outstanding Employee of the Year for 2013 by the Kansas Department for Children and Families, where he works as a human services supervisor. This follows his selection as the Employee of the Quarter in late 2013 for the Wichita region. He was selected from the 20 regional quarterly award winners selected during the year. He was called “a true team player who jumps at the opportunity to help his coworkers and clients. He is one of more than 2,500 employees of the agency, which provides a variety of child protective and family welfare services. Deacon Bob Hirst The award comes with a $1,000 cash prize. Hirst received the award from DCF Secretary Phyllis Gilmore, along with Wichita Regional Director Bill Gale and supervisor Jim Heiser. In addition to his diaconal duties at Good Shepherd, he serves as “innkeeper” for the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. He is in charge of physical arrangements during residential weekends. He also is a skilled photographer and regularly takes pictures during diocesan worship services and events. 

Clergy news The Rev. J. Ted Blakley has been named the full-time curate at St. John’s, Wichita, beginning Aug. 1. He most recently has been the part-time curate at the parish. The Rev. David Lynch is serving as a long-term supply priest at Trinity, Atchison, following the departure of their previous rector, the Rev. Andrew Grosso. Lynch recently completed two years’ of service as curate at St. James’, Wichita. The Rev. Philip Hubbard, who served at St. Clare’s, Spring Hill, until it closed in May, has been called as rector of the Episcopal Church of St. Mary in Hampton Bays, N.Y. in the Diocese of Long Island. His new ministry there began on Aug. 1. The Rev. John Goddard concluded his service as interim at St. Luke’s, Shawnee, on June 1. Alversa Milan, wife of retired Deacon Jesse Milan, died on April 5. She was 80. 

10 • The Harvest • July/August 2014

National and international news Anglican news briefs Episcopal News Service ERD responds to Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the Anglican Diocese of Bo in Sierra Leone and the Episcopal Church of Liberia in response to the Ebola epidemic that has killed hundreds of people since the current outbreak began in March 2014. Through its local partners, the organization is supporting awareness-raising efforts and providing personal protection equipment and disinfectants to under-resourced hospitals and clinics in the affected areas. Local dioceses are working with key community leaders on how to encourage prevention and treatment practices. TREC plans churchwide meeting for Oct. 2. The Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) will convene a churchwide meeting on Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m. Central time “to receive responses to the proposed recommendations to be brought forward to the 78th General Convention.” The meeting will be webcast live from Washington National Cathedral. Although the meeting will be open to the entire church, TREC encourages attendance from each diocese: a bishop, a lay deputy, a clerical deputy,and one person under the age of 35. There is no fee to attend in person or to watch the live webcast. However, registration for in-person attendance is requested. Registration is not required but is encouraged for viewing the webcast. Register online at kxlhsmu . Gaza’s Al Ahli Hospital provides aid during crisis. Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City struggled under difficult circumstances to provide critical health care services to anyone in need during recent Israeli air strikes targeting Hamas militants. It treated wounded patients, with staff working around the clock while experiencing shortages in medicine, fuel and food for both patients and those in the community who need help. The hospital is one of more than 35 institutions run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Anglicans, Oriental Orthodox prepare for theological breakthrough. Senior theologians in the Anglican Communion and Oriental Orthodox churches are to confirm an agreement on their understanding of Christ’s Incarnation. The statement considered the question of how the two natures, human and divine, were united in one human being: Jesus Christ. The Rev. Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan, director for unity, faith and order for the Anglican Communion, who said, “Such an agreement on the fundamental theological question about the Incarnation marks a breakthrough in over 1,600 years of division.”

Anglican ‘vicar of Baghdad’ describes plight of Christians Anglican Communion News Service

ish forces. ISIS, which has been called a “brutal, extremist group” and which claims to have fighters from across the world, announced the creation of a “caliphate” — an Islamic state — across its claimed territory in Iraq and Syria a month ago. The boy’s family, along with many other townspeople, has now fled to Erbil.

The five-year-old son of a founding member of Baghdad’s Anglican church was brutally murdered during an attack by the Islamic State on the Christian town of Qaraqosh. In an interview Aug. 8, an emotional Canon Andrew White told ACNS that he christened the boy Anglicans leading relief several years ago, and that the child’s The violent takeover of parts of parents had named the lad Andrew Iraq by the Islamic State is threatening after him. to bring about what the United Nations “I’m almost in tears because I’ve has said would be a “humanitarian cajust had somebody in my room whose tastrophe” in the beleaguered nation. little child was cut in half,” he said. White said that Anglicans there “I baptized his child in my church The Rev. Andrew White, have been working hard to provide a Canon of St. George’s in Baghdad. This little boy, they Church in Baghdad lot of support for the Christians who named him after me — he was called have fled Mosul and Nineveh to the Andrew.” The boy’s father had been a founder member of north, as well as the many other minority groups the church back in 1998 when the Canon had first targeted by the Islamic State. “Anglicans are literally at the forefront of bringing come to Baghdad. White added, “This man, before he retired north to join his family, was the caretaker help in this situation and there’s no one else,” he said adding that the church is supplying much-needed of the Anglican church.” Baghdad is part of the Diocese of Cyprus and the food, water, accommodation and other relief items Gulf, which is included in the Episcopal Church in thanks to financial contributions from supporters Jerusalem and the Middle East, a member church of overseas. The church’s activities are led by a Muslim, Dr. the Anglican Communion. Though the move north should have proved safer Sarah Ahmed. “We need two things: prayer and money. With for the Iraqi Christian family, the Islamic State made sure that it became a place of terror. “This town of those two we can do something. Without those we Qaraqosh is a Christian village so they knew every- can do nothing.” As regards prayer, White said, “I have three body there was part of their target group,” said White. “They [the Islamic State] attacked the whole of the ‘Ps’ that I always mention, which is for protection, provision and perseverance. We need protection, town. They bombed it, they shot at people.” The Islamic State group captured Qaraqosh we need to provide for those people and we need to overnight Aug. 6-7 after the withdrawal of Kurd- keep going.” 

Congo Anglicans reach out to Pygmy community. The Anglican Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is breaking new ground by bringing help and hope to a Pygmy community living in the country’s forests. Pygmy peoples live in several ethnic groups across the forests of central Africa. There are an estimated 250,000 to 600,000 living in the Congo rainforest alone. The Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo is seeking ways to meet their physical and spiritual needs. Presiding Bishop receives honorary degree from Oxford University. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was among five prominent figures from the worlds of science, the arts and religion to receive honorary degrees from the University of Oxford on June 25. Bishop Jefferts Schori, who received the Degree of Doctor of Divinity, said: “[Oxford] is a place where the life of the mind is honored, where creative thought and connection-making is the primary task of the human being: critical thinking, creative and artistic and beautiful thinking is a way of searching for truth.” Archbishop of Canterbury joins in World War I commemorations. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby joined members of the Royal Family and Britain’s Prime Minister at an event in Belgium the evening Aug. 3 to remember the entry of British soldiers into World War I in August 1914. The service, which recalled the sacrifices of British soldiers while giving thanks for the strong friendship between former foes, was held at St. Symphorien Military Cemetery, Mons. Leaders of Belgium, Germany, Ireland and other countries involved in the war were among the 500 people who attended, many with personal family links to soldiers buried in the cemetery. During the ceremony the archbishop prayed for reconciliation, asking that our “God of peace and justice” will strengthen people to “seek peace.” 


Among those attending a celebration in Philadelphia on July 26 celebration observing the 40th anniversary of the first ordination of women as priests in the Episcopal Church were six participants in that ordination service: (from left) the Rev. Alison Cheek, retired Bishop of Costa Rica Antonio Ramos, the Rev. Carter Heyward, the Rev. Merrill Bittner, the Rev. Marie Moorefield Fleischer and the Rev. Nancy Wittig.

‘Philadelphia 11’ recalled on 40th anniversary The 40th anniversary of the “irregular” ordination in Philadelphia of 11 women as priests of the Episcopal Church was marked by a special service July 26 at the Church of the Advocate, where the original service took place on July 29, 1974. Among those attending were five members of what has become known as the “Philadelphia 11,” as well as one of the bishops who laid hands on them during their ordination.

Preaching at the service was Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, the first woman to serve as primate of any of the member provinces of the Anglican Communion, as well as retired Bishop Barbara Harris of Massachusetts, who was the first woman ordained a bishop. The service was designed not only to mark the anniversary but also to celebrate the ministry of all women, lay and ordained, in the

past, present and future The 1974 ordination service took place slightly more than two years before General Convention gave its explicit permission for women to become priests. It was deemed irregular by the House of Bishops immediately afterward but was recognized as valid after General Convention took action in 1976 to permit women in all ordained orders of the church. 

July/August 2014 • The Harvest • 11

Episcopal churches respond Church of England says to needs on the southern border ‘yes’ to women bishops Episcopal News Service reports Episcopal churches in Texas and elsewhere have responded to the needs of the thousands of unaccompanied children crossing the southern border of the United States in recent months. Two parishes in the Diocese of West Texas — St. John’s, McAllen, and Christ Church, Laredo — are working in partnership with others in their communities to provide humanitarian relief to the children and families that have crossed the Rio Grande, often from Central American countries. With so many people entering the country through that route, these two cities have seen a special need for help from many organizations to make sure the basic needs of people are met. St. John’s, McAllen, with help from a $10,000 emergency grant provided by Episcopal Relief & Development, has joined the McAllen Faith Community for Disaster Recovery, a group of churches and government agencies that have come together to respond to the crisis, in assisting with meals and laundry for individuals and families sheltering inside and in tents around Sacred Heart Catholic Church. St. John’s began preparing backpacks of hygiene items, with travel-size soaps, shampoos and conditioners, a comb, a toothbrush, and other items, as well as packs of nutritional snacks, such as peanut butter crackers and cereal bars. “We will hold ‘packing parties’ at the church every Sunday and Wednesday and put together as many packs as we can, and we will assemble these packs as long as they are needed,” said the Rev. Nancy Springer, assistant rector of St. John’s. Similar efforts are taking place in Laredo, where parishioners at Christ Church are assembling backpacks, also containing hygiene and nutritional items, to deliver to the children and families flowing into their city.

By Matthew Davies Episcopal News Service


A boy stands with a stuffed animal he received at the refugee processing center in McAllen, Texas, hosted at Sacred Heart Catholic parish. St. John’s Episcopal Church in McAllen has provided volunteers and supplies to aid the thousands of families and unaccompanied minors who have entered the United States recently along the southern border.

Diocese appeals for aid Bishop Gary Lillibridge wrote to his diocese on July 3 in a letter posted on the diocesan website. In it he said, “Other needs will likely manifest themselves in the foreseeable future as this appears to be a situation that will not end in the short term.” He added, “This is an important opportunity for us to show Christ’s love in a tangible way. I urge each of you to wholeheartedly and sacrificially respond to this appeal; and I thank you for your generosity in responding to human need and suffering. As our Lord tells us, “I tell you the truth,

HOW TO HELP You can send financial aid to help this need in two ways: Episcopal Diocese of West Texas P.O. Box 6885 San Antonio, TX 78209 Episcopal Relief & Development US Disaster Fund P.O. Box 7058 Merrifield, VA 22116-7058

whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) 

Saint Francis Community Services names Robert Smith as new CEO In July, the Rev. Robert Nelson Smith — or, as he prefers, “Father Bobby” — began his tenure as the sixth president and chief executive officer of Saint Francis Community Services. Saint Francis is a non-profit, community-based child and family services provider founded in 1945 in Ellsworth as an expression of Christian mission by another Episcopal priest, the Rev. Bob Mize Jr. Its headquarters now is in Salina. Father Bobby brings to his new position nearly 20 years of health care administration experience in Wisconsin and Illinois.

After feeling a call that his ministry of healing would extend to ordination, he attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary and was ordained an Episcopal priest in 2011. Of his new responsibility he said, “This is a ministry that reaches out to help heal lives that are in pain, broken, in need of assistance.” He added, “I think I bring a recognition of that reality into this call, and I’m going to work hard every day to be good steward of this ministry and its resources so the story of Saint Francis can be told for generations to come.” 

The Rev. Robert Nelson, the new president and CEO of Saint Francis Community Services

The Church of England made history July 14 when its General Synod, meeting in York, approved legislation to enable women to serve as bishops, possibly by 2015. The vote ends centuries of tradition and follows more than a decade of often-emotional debate accompanied by various stages of legislative action. The legislation passed with 37 votes for, 2 against and 1 abstention in the House of Bishops; 162 votes for, 25 against and 4 abstentions in the House of Clergy; and 152 votes for, 45 against and 5 abstentions in the House of Laity. It required a twothirds majority to pass. Before the vote, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said to pass the legislation “is to commit ourselves to an adventure in faith and hope. Like all adventures it carries danger [and] uncertainties and for success requires perseverance, integrity and courage.” The legislation affirms the church’s commitment to “enabling women, as well as men, to be consecrated to the office of bishop if they otherwise satisfy the requirements of Canon Law as to the persons who may be consecrated as bishops.” The vote comes almost 20 months after the synod narrowly rejected similar, but more complex, legislation to accept women as bishops. While passed by the bishops and clergy, that November 2012 vote failed in the House of Laity by six votes. A vote by General Synod in February 2012 rejected a bid to provide greater concessions for those opposed to female bishops. Those concessions would have enabled two bishops to exercise episcopal functions within the same jurisdiction by way of “coordinating” their ministries. Various groups, including a steering committee and the House of Bishops, have since worked toward advancing as efficiently as possible a legislative package that could be supported by the required two-thirds majority in all three houses. The General Synod gave its assent to the new legislation when it last met in February. Since then, through an abbreviated process, a majority of the church’s 44 dioceses have given their assent to the legislation, a step required whenever synod is proposing a change to church and U.K. law. The measure now requires approval by the U.K. Parliament and royal assent, because the legislation effectively changes English law. (The Church of England is an officially established Christian church with Queen Elizabeth II as its supreme governor.) Following the failure of the

previous legislation, during parliamentary debate some U.K. politicians bemoaned the church’s decision and its drawnout journey toward acceptance of women bishops. It is expected that the U.K. Parliament will take up the matter before the end of 2014, which would mean the first female bishop could be appointed in 2015. On hearing the news, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, the first female primate in the Anglican Communion, said, “I am overjoyed for the Church of England as it has finally consented to the ordination and consecration of women as bishops. I believe that the inclusion of women in this order will bring new gifts and possibilities for its partnership in God’s mission in England. This represents one more step in the long transformation of church and society toward the Reign of God.”

Priests in 1992 The Church of England opened the priesthood to women in November 1992, five years after women first were ordained to the diaconate. More than 5,000 women have been ordained as priests in England since then, and today they represent nearly 40 percent of all clergy. In July 2005, 13 years after agreeing to ordain female priests, the General Synod began its steady course toward allowing them to become bishops when it passed a motion to remove the legal obstacles to ordaining women as bishops. A series of discussions, drafts and votes followed until the successful passage in July. The Episcopal Church passed legislation to enable women to become priests and bishops in 1976, although it would be another 13 years before Bishop Barbara Harris was consecrated as suffragan bishop of Massachusetts, becoming the Anglican Communion’s first female bishop. Bishop Penelope Jamieson made history in 1989 when she was elected bishop of the Diocese of Dunedin, New Zealand, and became the first woman to serve as a diocesan bishop in the Anglican Communion. Bishop Mary Adelia McLeod, became the first female diocesan bishop in the Episcopal Church when she was consecrated bishop of Vermont in 1993. Bishop Nerva Cot Aguilera became the first female Anglican bishop in Latin America when she was consecrated bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Church of Cuba in June 2007. Bishop Ellinah Ntombi Wamukoya on Nov. 17, 2012 was ordained as bishop of Swaziland and became the first female bishop in any of the 12 Anglican provinces in Africa. 

12 • The Harvest • July/August 2014

Reflections on faith and life

Sharing the Good News

Reclaiming a priestly call after a debilitating disability By the Rev. George Choyce I was preaching one August Sunday in 2009 when, to my embarrassment, I lost my place in the sermon. My perception of the event was that approximately 10 seconds had passed, but in reality, I was told, it was at least one and a half minutes. I had just experienced my first seizure and had begun my reluctant journey toward disability. As a first line of defense, I passed the whole episode off with humor. “The sermon was so boring,” I chuckled, “that even the preacher fell asleep.” It was not funny when it happened in the pulpit again just one month later. I am an Episcopal priest, living with the disability of a seizure disorder called epilepsy. Though my story about disability is my own, it has some similarities with those of other clergy who are also living with disability. It is our own struggle for clergy wellness.

Beyond physical wellness

From collar to civies For me the hardest part of healing is spiritual and vocational. I went from being a rector to wearing my “civies” to other Episcopal churches. Clean, crisp vestments that once hung in the church’s vesting room were now hanging in the closet, permeated with a musty, mothball smell. I placed my clerical collar on my dresser as an “outward and visible sign” of my priestly vocation, because sometimes I did not know who or what I was anymore. I experienced a depth of despair, difficult for others to understand, as my identity was being stripped away by my disability. I had to find a way to climb out of despondency but found I could not do it alone. The reclaiming of some of my priestly call came when the pity party ended, and I began to consider the possibility of something new emerging in my priestly call through the workings of the Holy Spirit. I needed others who would take the time to walk with me, and even though it was awkward at first, I began to reach out to colleagues. Another significant step in reclaiming my priestly identity came in a serendipitous moment

on Christmas Eve. Entering the narthex of St. Peter’s in Chattanooga with my family, the Rev. Carter Paden III spotted me and, with a huge grin, asked, “You want to ‘suit up’?” I turned to my spouse with a questioning look. She nodded, then in a quiet yet clear voice said, “Go on.” I needed her permission. She had walked the journey with me and had every right to be involved in the decision. It was now time for me to be at the altar again, even though I still have epilepsy. The “outward and visible sign” of my vocation, my clerical collar, is coming off the dresser and going back around my neck again as I continue to regain my identity. I cannot emphasize enough how other Episcopalians have a profound part in our healing when it feels that our dignity has been stripped from us, and in our nakedness of disability we are unintentionally separated from the church that once called us to exercise our gift of priesthood. We clergy who are on disability offer our gift of weakness to the church, to be a visible symbol of the wounded Christ in a world filled with millions of people living with disabilities. In the broadest interpretation of the word, you can “call” us to come back and participate. And in so doing, we can begin to explore a new call in the context of our community, the Episcopal Church. After all, calls to ministry are best discerned through the community. The Rev. George L. Choyce lives in Signal Mountain, Tenn., in the Diocese of East Tennessee. This article first appeared in Episcopal Journal and is reprinted with permission. 

August 2014

September 2014


Bishop Wolfe at St. Christopher’s Wichita


Classes at Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, Upton Hall and Grace Cathedral, Topeka (though Aug. 10)

6 Southeast Convocation meeting, St. John’s, Parsons (9 a.m.)

10 Bishop Wolfe at St. John’s, Abilene 16 Youth Commission meeting, St. Andrew’s, Emporia 19 Council of Trustees meeting, Upton Hall, Topeka 24 Bishop Wolfe at St. John’s, Parsons

Southwest Convocation meeting, Trinity, El Dorado (2 p.m.) 7

Bishop Wolfe at St. Stephen’s, Wichita

13 Northeast Convocation meeting, St. Margaret’s, Lawrence (9 a.m.) Northwest Convocation meeting, Grace Cathedral, Topeka (1 p.m.) Classes at Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, Upton Hall and Grace Cathedral, Topeka (through Sept. 14) 17 Bishop Wolfe at fall House of Bishops meeting in Taiwan (through Sept. 23) 20 Fall Fun Fest youth event, St. Thomas, Overland Park (through Sept. 21) 30 Council of Trustees meeting, Upton Hall, Topeka

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There is the obvious physical side to wellness. It includes, but is not limited to, going to numerous doctors’ appointments, availing oneself of physical therapy, undergoing surgery and taking medications hourly. But wellness goes significantly beyond the physical; it also includes multifaceted emotional components. I have had the pastoral care of my bishop, a therapist and a priest from East Carolina with whom I have a weekly telephone appointment. I have also talked with Barbara Ramnaraine, a deacon at the Episcopal Disabilities Network in Minneapolis, who has been

a remarkable source of both encouragement and education. However, finding other Episcopal clergy living with disabilities in order to share experiences has been an exercise in futility due to privacy regulations. This separation from one another diminishes our health. Do not underestimate the depressing influence that isolation brings to our complex journey toward wellness.

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The mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas is to gather, equip and send disciples of Jesus Christ to witness to God’s reconciling love.

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