EPOQUE GRAPHI CS Thankyou f oryouri nt er est i n EpoqueGr aphi csand f orr eadi ng t hesef ew l i nes abouta dr eam comet r ue. Ar ound t wo yearago Ideci ded t ot akeup pai nt i ng agai n.Iam gl ad Idi di t ! EpoqueGr G aphi cswas bor n.I twas201 3. Ienj oycr eat i ng l ovi ng desi gnswi t h shadesofpast el and t endercol or s. Wi t ht hedel i cat eappearanceofwat ercol orand t heversati l i tyofgouache,Il i ket ot hi nkt hatmycr eati onsbri ng notonl y beautybutj oyt ot hepeopl et hatar ei nt ouch wi t ht hem. EpoqueGraphi csof f ersa l ovel yrangeofgr eeti ng cards,st ati onery,artpri ntsand pocketmi rrorswi t hi n whi ch you can f i nd coordi nati ng products.Iam al wayst hi nki ng i nt henext desi gn,so t hi sgr eatcol l ecti on i sal waysexpandi ng. Af t erexperi enci ng a wonderf ulr ecepti on ofmydesi gnssel l i ng t hem onl i ne,now Iam r eadyt o of f ert hesebeauti f ulproductswhol esal e. Ii nvi t eyou t ot akea l ookatwhatEpoqueGraphi cshavet o of f ert o yourdearcust omers.Iam conf i dentt hatt heseproductswi l lbea gr eataddi ti on t o yourshop and t hatyour cl i entswi l lbepl easantl ysurpri sed and happyt o havet hese l ovel ycr eati onsi nt hei rhands. Al ej andra Pi nango Desi gner/Owner
A6 f ol ded si ze-1 48 mm x1 05mm ( 5. 83”x4. 1 3“ )-Si ngl e-Pl aced i n a cel l o sl eeve W hi t eenvel opei ncl uded
Chri st mas
PeaceonEar t hcar d XMGC1 0
Bear ss i ngi ngcar d XMGC1 3
HaveaMer r yXmascar d XMGC1 6
NoelChr i st mascar d XMGC1 1
Joyt ot hewor l dcar d XMGC1 2
Bear st r eecar d XMGC1 4
Bear spr es ent scar d XMGC1 5
Xmasgr eet i ngs car d XMGC1 7
Bear si ces kat i ngcar d XMGC1 8 7
A6 1 48 mm x1 05mm ( 5. 83”x4. 1 3“ )-300gsm pri nt ed cover 36 bl ankpages-Pl aced i n a cel l o sl eeve
Fl oral/Sewi ng /Baki ng /Cakes
Fl or alr ednot ebook NOTB1 0
Fl or albl uenot ebook NOTB1 1
Vi nt ages ewi ngnot ebook NOTB1 2
Vi nt agebaki ngnot ebook NOTB1 4
Cakesnot ebook NOTB1 3 1 0
A51 48 x21 0 mm ( 8. 27”x5. 83” )-1 00 sheet sf ul lcol orpri nt ed Pl aced i n a cel l o sl eeve
Fl oral/Baki ng /Cakes
Fl or alr ednot epad NOTP1 0
Fl or albl uenot epad NOTP1 1
Vi nt agebaki ngnot epad NOTP1 2
Cakesnot epad NOTP1 3
A4 Si ze297mm x21 0 mm ( 1 1 . 70”x8. 30” )-Wi t h ar chi valpropert i es Pl aced i n a prot ect i vesl eevewi t h backi ng boar d
Fl or alhear t ARTP1 0
Fl or alJet ’ ai me ARTP1 1
L.M.Al cot tquot e ARTP1 2
Readbooks ARTP1 3
Sewi ng ARTP1 4
Phonogr aph ARTP1 5
Gi r lr eadi ng ARTP1 6
Pl acehome ARTP1 7
Baki ngcake ARTP1 8
Makecof f ee ARTP1 9
Cupcakes ARTP20
Par i sbi ke ARTP21 1 3
A4 Si ze297mm x21 0 mm ( 1 1 . 70”x8. 30” )-Wi t h ar chi valpr opert i es Pl aced i n a pr ot ect i v esl eev ewi t h a backi ng boar d
Cooki ng ARTP22
Gr ow quot e ARTP23
W hatwes ay ARTP26
Smi l et oday ARTP27
Fl or all ove ARTP29
1 4
Chai r s ARTP24
Y oul ookbeaut i f ul ARTP28
Doyourwor k ARTP25
T er msandc ondi t i ons
PLACI NG AN ORDER Pl ease,emai lusyouror dert oepoquegr aphi cs@gmai l . com al ong wi t hyourbi l l i ngandshi ppi ngaddr ess. Youcanuseouror derf or m oremai lust hename,t hecodeandt he quant i t yofeachpr oduct .I fyoupr ef ert ouset hef or mj ustl etus know andwewi l lsendi tt oyou. PAYMENT Al lor derpayment sar er equi r edpr i ort oshi ppi ng.WeacceptPaypal andBankTr ansf er s. TURNAROUNDTI ME Or der swi l lber eadyt oshi pwi t hi n2t o4weeks.Youwi l lr ecei vea conf i r mat i onemai laf t ert heor deri spl aced.Pl ease,not i f yusi fyou needt hei t emsf oranyspeci f i ct i me. MI NI MUM ORDER Openi ngor der s:£1 00 Mi ni mum r eor der s:£75 MI NI MUM ORDERPERSTYLE -Gr eet i ngcar ds-6 -Pr i nt s-2 -Not epads-6 -Not ebooks-6 -Pocketmi r r or s-6
1 6
RETURNS /EXCHANGES Wearehappyto returnorexchangedamaged i t emsi nshi ppi ng,i fwerecei vet henoti f i cati onwi t hi n5worki ng daysaf t er t hedel i very.Buyerwi l lberesponsi bl ef ort hereturni ng shi ppi ng f ee.A couri erwi t ht racki ng servi cei srequi red to send t hei t emsback.
SHI PPI NG Buyeri sresponsi bl ef ort heshi ppi ng costand wi l lbecal cul at ed and added att heti meofpayment.I t emsaresentbyt he st andard RoyalMai lora conveni entcouri erservi cewi t ht racki ng servi ce.
PACKAGI NG Si ngl ecards,pocketmi rrors,not epadsand not ebooksare packagi ng wi t hi na cl earcel l o sl eeve.Pri ntsareshi pped wi t h backi ng boardswi t hi na cl earcel l o sl eeve.Al lproductsmost bedi spl ayed and sol di nt hei rori gi nalpackagi ng.Setsmay notbebrokenup and sol di ndi vi dual l y.
1 7
EPOQUE GRAPHI CS www. epoquegraphi cs. com emai l :epoquegraphi cs@gmai l . com 1 89 FermeParkRoad N8 9BS London UK
Fol l ow us www. f acebook. com/ epoquegraphi cs ht t ps: / / t wi t t er . com/EpoqueGraphi cs ht t ps: / /i nst agram. com/ epoquegraphi cs www. pi nt er est . com/ epoquegraphi cs