Cross Reference Study EQAVET/EQUASS

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PRIME project

June 2012

Cross-reference study on EQAVET

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Result cross-reference study

The PRIME-project emphasizes the transfer of knowledge and experiences, the

on VET provider level

implementation and dissemination of the results of the of the former EQAVET -project (AGREEMENT 2006-4042/001-001 LE2 78 CQAF). The instrument for implementing the




Results cross-reference study on VET system level Results cross-reference study EQAVET indicators


requirements expressed in the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET (EQAVET) in the PRIME project is the EQUASS Assurance certification program. (EQUASS = European Quality in Social Services). In the Framework of the Prime project a cross-reference study is carried out between the EQAVET criteria and indicative descriptors and the quality assurance certification requirements of the European Quality Assurance in Social Services (EQUASS Assurance). This document describes the result of the cross-reference study at VET provider and at VET system level. The partners carried out an in-depth analysis of both Quality frameworks and they exchanged and discussed their findings in a meeting in which a final opinion has been composed.



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The results at VET provider level The EQAVET Quality Criteria and Indicative descriptors at VET system level aims to increase the transparency, market relevance, consistency and transferability of VET qualifications across Europe. It provides a common framework and tools to Member State VET systems and VET providers to improve, to monitor and to evaluate their quality assurance policies and practices in a manner appropriate to their institutional context.

EQAVET Quality Criteria 1

EQAVET descriptors at VET provider level

Planning reflects a strategic vision shared by the relevant stakeholders and includes explicit goals/objectives, actions and indicators

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1: European, national and regional VET policy goals/objectives are reflected in the local targets set by the VET providers Explicit goals/objectives and targets are set and monitored.

“EQUASS Assurance criteria comply with the EQAVET at VET provider level� Ron Reeuwijk, RCN-Pluryn, The Netherlands

The requirement setting policy goals and objectives can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principle of Leadership and Result orientation. The EQUASS criteria (no.6) and indicators (no. 11 and no.83) require carrying out an annual planning process in which objectives are set and monitored. The EQUASS criteria do not explicitly require to include strategic goals and to include European, national and regional objectives in the local targets. In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference in made to the EQAVET descriptor so the VET provider should address strategic goals in its annual planning process and link the objectives of annual planning to European, national and regional goals in the EQUASS indicators no.11. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: On-going consultation with relevant stakeholders takes place to identify specific local/ individual needs. The requirement for regular consultation with relevant stakeholders in order to identify specific local and individual


needs can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principles Staff, Partnership, Person Centred Approach and Continuous Improvement. Staff and service users are considered as internal stakeholders. Representatives of service users, social partners, funders, partners, policy makers (local, regional and national authorities) are considered as external stakeholders. The EQUASS criteria (no. 13, 27, 32, 33, 50) and the indicators (no. 25, 26, 53, 54, 56a, 64, 65) require consulting stakeholders in the process of identifying needs, planning, development and innovation. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: Responsibilities in quality management and development have been explicitly allocated. The requirement for allocating responsibilities in quality management and development can be found in the EQUASS Principle of Ethics, under Roles and Responsibilities. The EQUASS criteria (no. 25) and the indicators (no. 49) require determining and communicating the roles and responsibilities of management. In the manual a reference is made to the EQAVET descriptor so that quality management function is considered as a specific management role and therefore should be addressed in the indicator no. 49 EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4: There is an early involvement of staff in planning, including with regard to quality development The requirement to involve staff in planning and quality development in an early stage can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Staff. (Staff engagement) The EQUASS criteria (no. 13) and the indicators (no. 25, 26) emphasise the involvement of staff in planning, development and evaluation of the services. In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference is made to the EQAVET descriptor so that also the area of quality development should be addressed in the criteria 13 and the indicator 25.

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EQAVET Indicative descriptor 5: Providers plan cooperative initiatives with other VET providers The requirement to plan cooperative initiatives with other VET providers can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Partnership. The EQUASS criteria 26 and the indicator 51 require VET provider to built up and work in partnership with other organisations in the provision of services. The indicator 51 is more explicit on the type of organisations (funders, social partners and service user organisations). In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference is made to the EQAVET descriptor so that VET providers are considered to work in partnership with private and public organisation (Including other VET-providers) EQAVET Indicative descriptor 6: The relevant stakeholders participate in the process of analysing local needs. The requirement to include relevant stakeholders in the process of analysing local needs can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicator under the principle of Staff, Partnership, Participation and Continuous improvement. Representatives of service users, social partners, funders, partners, policy makers (local, regional and national authorities) are considered as external stakeholders. The EQUASS criteria (no. 27) and the indicators (no. 54) require the involvement of relevant stakeholders in the process of identifying needs. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 7: VET providers have an explicit and transparent quality assurance system in place. The requirement to have an explicit and transparent quality assurance system in place can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Leadership, Ethics, Person centred approach, Comprehensiveness, Result Orientation and Continuous Improvement. The EQUASS criteria (no. 2, 25, 32, 33, 34, 36, 46, 47 and 48) and the indicators (no. 3, 49,50, 63, 65, 67, 68, 71, 91, 92, 93 and 95) require to formulate an explicit quality policy, identifying customer needs and expectations, clarifying and communicating roles and responsibilities of staff and


monitoring the core delivery processes, operating a system of continuous improvement and showing transparency in customer satisfaction and results. EQAVET Quality Criteria 2 Implementation plans are devised in consultation with stakeholders and include explicit principles EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1; Resources are appropriately internally aligned/ assigned with a view to achieving the targets set in the implementation plans. The requirement to align and assign resources with the view to achieving the target set in the implementation plans can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principles Leadership and Person Centred Approach. The EQUASS criteria (no. 6 and 35) and the indicators (no. 11 and 69) require to formulate annual plan and an individual plan for the service users in which objectives are set, measures are identified, resources are allocated and results are reviewed and evaluated. Stakeholder should be involved in the establishment of the plans. (Indicator no. 54 and 70) Staff and clients are considered as internal stakeholders. Representatives of service users, social partners, funders, partners, policy makers (local, regional and national authorities) are considered as external stakeholders. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: Relevant and inclusive partnerships are explicitly supported to implement the actions planned.

Person Centred approach. The EQUASS criteria (no. 3, 13, 27,28) and the indicators (no.5, 6, 25, 53,54,58 and 69) require involving internal stakeholders (staff and service users) in the implementation of the action plans (i.e. Individual plan) and external stakeholders (partners, funders, policy makers) in the delivery of services. In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference in made to the EQAVET descriptor so the VET provider should address the involvement of stakeholders in the quality improvement projects. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: The strategic plan for staff competence development specifies the need for training for teachers and trainers. The requirement to specify the needs for teachers and trainers in the strategic plan for staff competences can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Staff (staff development). The EQUASS criteria (no. 11 and 12) and the indicators (no. 21, 22 and 23) require training of all staff based on a plan for learning and development. The competence requirements of staff should be identified, specified and documented. (Indicator 23) EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4: Staff undertake regular training and develop cooperation with relevant external stakeholders to support capacity building and quality improvement, and to enhance performance. The requirement of undertaking regular training and developing cooperation

The requirement to involve relevant and inclusive partnerships in the implementation of the actions planned can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Partnership, Staff, Participation and

“EQUASS Assurance certification is focussed on the core activities of VET providers� Birgit Grimbergen, RCN-Pluryn, The Netherlands

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with relevant external stakeholders to support the capacity building, quality improvement and enhance performance of staff cannot be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators. The cooperation with relevant external stakeholders in supporting the capacity building and the development of competence of staff are not explicitly mentioned in the EQUASS Assurance certification requirements. In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference in made to the EQAVET descriptor so the VET provider should address the involvement of external stakeholders in capacity building, enhancing personal performance and staff competences. This could be reflected in the formal and initial training by external stakeholders but also in informal training (internship, stage and practice). As well as formal and informal training measures could be valid evidence for meeting the requirements described in the criteria 11 and 12.

EQAVET Quality Criteria 3 Evaluation of outcomes and processes is regularly carried out and supported by measurement EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1: Self-assessment/self-evaluation is periodically carried out under national and regional regulations/frameworks or at the initiative of VET providers. The requirement to carry out selfassessment / self-evaluation can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principles Comprehensiveness (delivery process – continuum of services) and Result Orientation (measuring results). The EQUASS criteria (no. 37, 42 and 44) and the indicators (no. 73, 74, 75, 83 and 87) require reviewing the delivery process and maintaining controlling them by internal audits. Also an external independent review on performance and results is required. (Indicator 84) Additional to this the VET provider should evaluate its results in order to determine added value for its stakeholders. (Criteria 44) EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: Evaluation and review covers processes and results/outcomes of education including the assessment of learner satisfaction as well as staff performance and satisfaction.


The requirement to cover processes and results of education (services) including user satisfaction and staff performance and satisfaction in evaluation and review can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principles staff (engagement of staff) Comprehensiveness and Result orientation (measuring results). The EQUASS criteria (no. 14, 43 and 44) and the indicators (no. 27, 85, 86, 89, 90 74, 75, 83) require to measure satisfaction and performance of staff, satisfaction and benefits of service users and reviewing process and outcomes of service delivery (criteria 43 and 44) EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: Evaluation and review includes adequate and effective mechanisms to involve internal and external stakeholders. The requirement to include adequate mechanisms to involve internal and external stakeholders in evaluation and review can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principles Leadership, Staff, Participation and Result orientation. The EQUASS criteria (no. 3, 13, 26 and 27) and the indicators (no. 5, 6, 52, 53, 54) require involving staff, service users and external stakeholders (funders and purchasers) in the evaluation of the outcomes of the service and the services. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4: Early warning implemented.



The requirement to implement early warning systems can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principle of Ethics, Person centred approach and Comprehensiveness. The EQUASS criteria (no.21 and 37) and the indicators (no. 41, 42, 73 and 74) require measures with the intention to prevent abuse of service users and to keep control over the delivery process by internal auditing. In many indicators the VET providers is ask to establish

measures for measuring and collecting data. These measures are meant to inform the VET provider about the current performance and therefore they are considered as early warning systems. (i.e. Evaluation of working conditions (Indicator 19), evaluation of effectiveness of training (indicator no. 22a); performance review of staff (indicator 24); evaluation of respecting self-determination (indicator 36); evaluation of have access to support person (indicator 38). In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference in made to the EQAVET descriptor so the VET provider should consider all measurements and all collected information as part of a warning system so measures for improvement and/or corrective actions should be taken based on the collected information EQAVET Quality Criteria 4 Review Indicative descriptors at VET-provider level EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1: Learners’ feedback is gathered on their individual learning experience and on the learning and teaching environment. Together with teachers’ feedback this is used to inform further actions. The requirement to gather feedback of service users on their individual experiences and on their environment can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principles of Staff (engagement) and result orientation (measuring results). The EQUASS criteria (no. 13, 14, 30 and 43) and the indicators (no. 26, 27, 85, 89) require collecting feedback from

”Quality of the VET service provider cannot exceed the quality its teachers” Guus van Beek, EQUASS, The Netherlands

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service users (learners) and staff (teachers). In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference in made to the EQAVET descriptor so the VET provider should use this information for further actions.

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2:

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2:

The requirement to discuss the outcomes of the evaluation process with relevant stakeholders and to undertake appropriate action plans in place, can be found in the EQUASS criteria and Indicators under the principles Result orientation (reporting results). The EQUASS criteria (no. 44, 46 and 47) and the indicators (no. 87, 91, 93) require communicating results and outcomes in an accessible and understandable way (criteria 46) to internal and external stakeholders (criteria 47). The requirements to put action plan is in place is expressed in the cyclic character of the annual planning process (criteria 5 and 6) and the continuous improvement cycle (Indicator 95). In the manual for EQUASS Assurance certification a reference is made to the EQAVET descriptor so the VET provider should put appropriate actions based on all evaluations of the outcomes.

Information on the outcomes of the review is widely and publicly available

EQUASS certification: Tool for compliance with EQAVET

The requirement to make information on outcome of the review publicly available can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the Principle Result Orientation (reporting results). The EQUASS criteria (no. 46 and 47) and the indicators (no. 91, 92, 93 and 94) require showing transparency in results and outcomes and making these result available in a accessible and understandable way (criteria 46) and to disseminate this information to internal and external stakeholders. (criteria 47) EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: Procedures on feedback and review are part of a strategic learning process in the organisation

”Transparency is communicating the way of working and the results in an understandable way to all stakeholders” Isabella Cobelens, RCNHeliomare

The requirement to include procedures on feedback and review as part of the strategic learning process of the organisation can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principles of Staff (engagement), Participation (involvement of person served) and Result orientation (measuring results). The EQUASS criteria (no. 13, 28 and 42) and the indicators (no. 26b, 55, and 83) require establishing procedures for collecting feedback in order to review performance against business objectives (indicator 55) , procedures for evaluating services (indicator 55b) and utilising feedback for strategic and annual planning (indicator 26b)

Results/outcomes of the evaluation process are discussed with relevant stakeholders and appropriate action plans are put in place

Conclusion: EQUASS certification can be considered as an instrument to show compliance and satisfactory performance on all EQAVET criteria and underling indicative descriptors at the VET provider level. In three specific cases EQAVET indicative descriptors have additional clarification to the EQUASS criteria and indicators and may have a specific interpretation to context of the VET provider. In all cases there is substantial evidence that the EQUASS Assurance requirements for certification fully comply with the criteria and indicative descriptors of the EQAVET.

”There is substantial evidence for compliance with EQAVET criteria and descriptors” Cristina Rhibul, Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria


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The results at VET system level The EQAVET Quality Criteria and EQAVET Indicative descriptors at VET system level aims to increase the transparency, market relevance, consistency and transferability of VET qualifications across Europe. It provides a common framework and tools to Member State VET systems and VET providers to improve, to monitor and to evaluate their quality assurance policies and practices in a manner appropriate to their national context.

EQAVET descriptors at VET system level

The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements do not have the intention to contribute to the quality development and quality improvement at the VET system level. The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements have been set up to enhance quality in the social sector by engaging social service providers in quality development and quality improvement in order to guaranteeing quality in the provision or services. (See: Mission of EQUASS) EQAVET Quality Criteria 1 Planning reflects a strategic vision shared by the relevant stakeholders and includes explicit goals/objectives, actions and indicators EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1:

�All stakeholders should contribute to the quality of VET systems� Elja Reijntjes: , RCN Bartimeus The Netherlands

Goals/objectives of VET are described for the medium and long terms, and linked to European goals. The requirements to set out goals and objective for medium term can be found in the criteria and indicators under the Principle of Leadership. The EQUASS criteria (criteria1, 2, 5 and 6) and the indicators (no.1, 3 and 9,10 and 11) require setting out goals and objectives for annual planning. The EQUASS Assurance certification program does not require linking the goals and objective to European goals and EQUASS does not set out the requirement to differentiate long term and medium term goals. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: The relevant stakeholders participate in setting VET goals and objectives at the different levels. The requirement to involve relevant


stakeholders in setting goal and objectives at different levels can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Staff, Participation and Partnership. The EQUASS criteria (no. 13, 26, 27 and 28, 56, 58) and the indicators (no. 25,51,52,53,54,55) require including relevant stakeholders (internal and external stakeholders) in setting goals and objective at various levels. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: Targets are established and monitored through specific indicators (success criteria). The requirement to establish targets and monitor them through specific indicators can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Leadership, Staff and Result orientation. The EQUASS criteria (no. 7, 11, 42, and the indicators (no. 14, 21, 22, 88, 85a, 89 and 98b) require to set out targets and identify performance indicator in order to measure if target are met. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4: Mechanisms and procedures have been established to identify training needs. The requirement to establish mechanisms and procedures to identify training needs can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Person Centred Approach. The EQUASS criteria (no. 32, 33, 33) and the indicators (no. 56, 63, 65, 66 67 and 68) require establishing and applying mechanisms and procedures for individual needs assessment. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 5: An information policy has been devised to ensure optimum disclosure of quality results/outcomes subject to national/ regional data protection requirements. The requirement to devise an information policy to ensure optimum disclosure of quality results / outcomes which is subject to national / regional data protection requirements can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Ethics.

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The EQUASS criteria (no. 24) and the indicators (no. 47 and 48) require to define, document, monitor and evaluate procedures for assuring confidentiality of data regarding the persons served and the service provided to them. The requirement to establish an overall information / data protection policy however is not explicitly mentioned in the EQUASS assurance requirements for certification. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 6: Standards and guidelines for recognition, validation and certification of competences of individuals have been defined. The requirement to define standards and guidelines for recognition, validation and certification of competences of individuals (staff) can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Staff. The EQUASS criteria (no. 11, 12 14) and the indicators (no. 21, 22, 23, 24 and 28) require to define requirements for staff competences, roles and functions, learning and envelop plans and evaluate the staff development on effectiveness. The requirement to define standards and guidelines for recognition, validation and certification of competences of individuals (service users) can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Participation, Person oriented approach. The EQUASS criteria (no. 30, 32, 33) and the indicators (no. 60,61, 65, 66 and 28) require defining requirements for competences of service users and evaluating the service users developments on its effectiveness. The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements do not refer to specific qualification, diplomas and or specific qualification structure. EQAVET Quality Criteria 2 Implementation plans are devised in consultation with stakeholders and include explicit principles EQARF Indicative descriptor 1: Implementation plans are established in cooperation with social partners, VET providers and other relevant stakeholders at the different levels. The requirement to establish implementation plans in cooperation with social partners, VET providers and other relevant stakeholders at the different levels can be found in the


EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Staff, Partnership and Participation The EQUASS criteria (no. 10, 27 and 28) and the indicators (no. 53, 55 and 56 require to work in partnership with internal and external stakeholders in the development, planning and evaluation of services. The EQUASS assurance certification requirements do not explicitly mention the cooperation with VET providers in the establishment of implementation plans. This may be appropriate where there is a common curriculum, but this is not the methodology in the social sector. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: Implementation plans include consideration of the resources required, the capacity of the users and the tools and guidelines needed for support. The requirement to include consideration of the resources required, the capacity of the service user and the tools and guidelines needed for support in implementation plans can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Leadership and Staff. The EQUASS criteria (no. 6 and 28) and the indicators (no. 11, 12, 55, 56, 64, 69) require to include the consideration of resources, staff and service users in the implementation of the actions. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: Guidelines and standards have been devised for implementation at different levels.

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4: Implementation plans include specific support towards the training of teachers and trainers VET providers’ responsibilities in the implementation process are explicitly described and made transparent. The requirement to include specific support towards the training of various actors in the implementation process is not included in the EQUASS Principles, criteria and indicators. The requirement to include specific support towards the training of various actors in the implementation process are explicitly described and made transparent in the EQUASS document on implementation strategy. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 5: A national and/or regional quality assurance framework has been devised and includes guidelines and quality standards at VET-provider level to promote continuous improvement and self-regulation. The requirement addressed in descriptor number 5 of the EQAVET criteria 2 is not addressed in the requirements for EQUASS Assurance certification. The EQUASS Assurance certification is aiming to promote continuous improvement and compliance with European Frameworks for quality and therefore considered as complementary to National and/or Regional quality assurance frameworks.

The requirement to devise guidelines and standards for implementation at different is not included in the EQUASS Principles, criteria and indicators. The guidelines for implementation at macro (national) level and meso (organisational level) are described in the EQUASS document on implementation strategy.

EQUASS certification‌ engaging VET service providers in quality development and quality improvement...� Maurizio Chiappa, Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria

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EQARF Quality Criteria 3

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4:

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 7:

Evaluation of outcomes and processes is regularly carried out and supported by measurement

Systems are subject to self-evaluation, internal and external review, as appropriate.

EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1:

The requirement that systems are subject to self-evaluation, internal and external review can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Leadership, Rights, , Ethics, Partnership, Comprehensiveness and Participation. The EQUASS criteria (no. 5, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 29, 36, 37) and the indicators (no. 36,38, 42, 48, 52, 58, 71, 73, 74) require to evaluate system at service provider level by internal and/or external review on regular basis.

Relevant, regular and coherent data collection takes place, in order to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

A methodology for evaluation has been devised, covering internal and external evaluation. The requirement addressed in descriptor number 1 of the EQAVET criteria 2 is not addressed in the requirements for EQUASS Assurance certification. The EQUASS certification requirements address internal and external evaluation in the Principle of Result orientation and the underlying criteria (no. 42, 43, 44 and 45) and indicators (nr. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88). The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements do not prescribe a methodology for evaluation. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: Stakeholder involvement in the monitoring and evaluation process is agreed and clearly described. The requirement to involve stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluation process can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Leadership, Partnership and Participation The EQUASS criteria (no. 3, 13, 27 and 29) and the indicators (no. 5 ,6, 25, 53, 54 57 and 58) require to work in partnership with internal and external stakeholders in the evaluation of services. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: The national/regional standards and processes for improving and assuring quality are relevant and proportionate to the needs of the sector. The requirement addressed in descriptor number 3 of the EQAVET criteria 3 is addressed in the all requirements for EQUASS Assurance certification. The EQUASS Assurance certification is aiming to promote continuous improvement and compliance with European Frameworks for quality at the level of the service provider. The European frameworks incorporated the relevant and proportional needs of the sector at EU level. EQUASS certification considered as complementary to national and/or regional quality assurance frameworks.


EQAVET Indicative descriptor 5: Early warning systems are implemented The requirement that early warning systems are implemented can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principle of Ethics and Comprehensiveness. The EQUASS criteria (no. 21, 22, 37,38) and the indicators (no.41,43, 44, 74,76) require to implement early warning and prevention systems related to processes. (i.e. internal audits – measures for prevention - procedures) The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements do not refer to early warning system for evaluation of outcomes regular carried out and supported by measurements. The requirements for measuring and evaluating outcomes and result are mostly carried out on annual basis. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 6: Performance indicators are applied. The requirement that performance indicators are applied can be found in the all EQUASS criteria under all EQUASS principles. The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements are based on 100 operational performance indicators. The performance indicators refer to applied approaches, deployment and implementation and results / achievements. In the Principle of Result Orientation a specific criteria (no. 42, 43, 44, 45, 49) and indictors (no. 83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 27. 97 and 98) have been formulated in relation to the measuring business performance and results.

The requirement that relevant, regular and coherent data collection takes place, in order to measure success and identify areas for improvement can be found in the EQUASS criteria under the EQUASS principles of result orientation and Continuous improvement. In the EQUASS criteria (no. 42, 43, 44, 45) and indictors (no. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90) require systematic measuring results, achievement, satisfaction and outcomes. . The EQUASS criteria nr 5 and 6 (indicators 10 and 11) and the criteria nr 48 and 49 (indicators 95, 96 and 97) require a systematic review of performance and a systematic approach of continuous improvement. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 8: Appropriate data collection methodologies have been devised, e.g. questionnaires and indicators/metrics The requirement addressed in descriptor number 8 of the EQAVET criteria 8 is not addressed in such detail the requirements for EQUASS Assurance certification. The EQUASS Assurance certification requirements do not prescribe methodologies for data collection. The EQUASS system is set up as a non-prescriptive system so it can be applied in various national and cultural contexts and in various sectors.

“The EQUASS system is set up in a way so it can be applied in various national and cultural contexts” Michael Crowley: REHAB-Group Ireland

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The EQUASS criteria (no. 24) and the indicators (no. 47 and 48) require to define, document, monitor and evaluate procedures for assuring confidentiality of data regarding the persons served and the service provided to them. The requirement to establish an overall information / data protection policy however is not explicitly mentioned in the EQUASS assurance requirements for certification. EQAVET Quality Criteria 4 Review EQAVET Indicative descriptor 1:

EQUASS certification: Tool for compliance with EQAVET at VET provider level

Procedures, mechanisms and instruments for undertaking reviews are defined at all levels The requirement that procedures, mechanisms and instruments for undertaking reviews are defined at all levels can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the EQUASS principle of leadership, Rights, Ethics, Partnership, Participation, Comprehensiveness, Result Orientation. Procedures for annual planning, assuring confidentiality and participation of person served are subject of annual review. (Criteria 5 ,18 19, 21, 24, 29, 36, 37, 42 and 44; Indicator nr. 10, 36, 38, 42, 48, 58, 71, 73, 74, 75, 84, 88) Added value of partnership and results for stakeholders are subject of regular review. (criteria 26 and 44; Indicator 52, 87) Competences and skills of staff and working conditions should be regular and systematically reviewed. (Criteria 10, 11 and 41 Indicator 20,21, 82, 83) EQAVET Indicative descriptor 2: Processes are regularly reviewed and action plans for change devised. The requirement that processes are reviewed regularly and action plans for change are devised can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principles of Leadership, Participation and Comprehensiveness.

EQUASS certification aims compliance with European Frameworks for quality and therefore considered as complementary to National and Regional Frameworks�


Kristina Maciute-Stukane: , Vilnius Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation Lithuania

The EQUASS criteria (no. 5, 29, 36, 37) and the indicators (no 10, 58, 71, 72, 73, 74) require reviewing the annual planning process, the delivery process and processes for participation of service users. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 3: Systems are adjusted accordingly The requirement addressed in descriptor number 3 of the EQAVET criteria 4 is not addressed in the requirements for EQUASS Assurance certification. The EQUASS certification requirements refer to the performance of the service provider and do not has the intention to influence the VET system as such. EQAVET Indicative descriptor 4: Information on the outcomes of evaluation is made publicly available The requirement that Information on the outcomes of evaluation is made publicly available can be found in the EQUASS criteria and indicators under the principles of Rights and Result Orientation. The EQUASS criteria (no. 17, 46 and 47) and the indicators (no 43, .91, 92, 93, 94) require showing transparency on managing complaints and making information on outcomes of evaluation accessible and easily understandable for all relevant internal and external stakeholders. Conclusion: EQUASS Assurance certification requirements do not meet all the requirements set out in the EQAVET criteria at VET system level. The following requirements are not explicitly addressed: 1. to establish an overall information / data protection policy at VET system level 2. to refer to specific qualification, diplomas and or specific qualification structure. 3. to prescribe fixed methodology for evaluation and data collection at VET system level 4. to comply with National and/or Regional quality assurance frameworks. The EQUASS certification requirements refer to the performance of the service provider and do not has the intention to influence the VET system as such.

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EQARF indicators

Relationship between EQARF for VET indicators and EQUASS certification

“EQAVET Indicators are relevant for measuring quality at VET provider level� Vita Rulinskiene : , Vilnius Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation Lithuania The EQAVET proposes a comprehensive set of 10 selected quality indicators which can be used to support the evaluation and quality improvement of VET systems and/or VET providers. The indicators are categorised as follows: 1.

Overarching indicators for Quality Assurance


Indicators supporting quality objectives for VET policies


Context information

The performance on the EQAVET indicators can be used as evidence on meeting the EQUASS Assurance criteria. In the scheme below an overview is given between the relationship of the EQAVET indicators and the EQUASS criteria.


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Recommendations for the Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training

Respecting rights of service users

In the cross reference study between EQAVET and the EQUASS Assurance certification requirement the Prime partnership identified some issues, which could be considered to be important to address in quality assurance in Vocation Education and Training. These issues are not included in the European Reference Framework for VET. The issues emphasises the responsibilities of the VET provider in its relationship with the society and persons served. The recommendation are structured in the structure of the EQAVET criteria implementation, and results. Overview of the recommendations for quality assurance in VET EQAVET Quality Criteria 2

“Rights and Ethics are important responsibilities for VET providers” Tita Destovnik: , Centerkontura Slovenia

Implementation plans are devised in consultation with stakeholders and include explicit principles Rights of service users A key value in organisations providing services in the VET sector is that they are committed to protecting and promoting the rights of the service users in terms of equal opportunities, equal treatment and equal participation, providing informed choice and adopting non-discriminatory values. Rights of service users of VET providers could be expressed in the following three indicative descriptors: “The VET provider assures the rights of persons served outlined in a Charter of Rights that is based on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”.


“A complaint management system is operated”. “The VET provider respects the fundamental right to self-determination of the person served so they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”. Policy on ethics The policy on ethics refers to the professions in organisations providing VET services. It is a code of professional criteria containing aspects of fairness and duty to the profession and set of principles and values that govern behaviour in accordance with the notions of values such as confidentiality, accuracy, privacy, and integrity. Policy on ethics of the VET provider could be expressed in the following indicative descriptor: “The VET provider defines its policy on ethics that respects and assures the dignity of the persons served, protects them from undue risk and promotes social justice including a set of principles, values and procedures that govern behaviour in service delivery containing aspects of confidentiality, accuracy, privacy and integrity”. The VET services are provided in a safe system of working within a safe environment to ensure the physical security of persons served and operates mechanisms that prevent the physical, mental and financial abuse of persons served

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Involvement of the person served

Individual Planning

Facilitating and encouraging the involvement of persons served in all key aspects of their services is an essential and important factor to the success of the VET programme. VET providers facilitate the involvement of persons served by setting up procedures to encourage, foster and promote the empowerment of the person served. This in turns creates a culture where by the VET provider enables the selfadvocacy of the individual being served.

VET services are designed around the identified needs and desires of the persons receiving services. By analysing the needs, expectations and opportunities the organisation can design its services to be responsive to the expectations and the needs of the person served.

Involvement of service users could be expressed in the indicative descriptor: “Service users are included as active participants in planning and have set up appraisal made up of on-going of an on-going structured dialogue process in the management of the service, including the definition of the needs, the definition of the services, as well as of the evaluation of quality”. Empowerment of the person served Person served who have no opportunities for self-sufficiency become, at a minimum, dependent on charity or welfare. They lose their selfconfidence because they cannot be fully self-supporting. This can lead to psychological, social and even mental health problems. Empowerment is then the process of obtaining basic opportunities for persons served, either directly by those people, or through the help of others who share their own access to these opportunities. It also includes actively thwarting attempts to deny those opportunities. Empowerment also includes encouraging, and developing the skills for, self-sufficiency, with a focus on eliminating the future need for charity or welfare in the individuals of the group. This process can be difficult to start and to implement effectively, but there are many examples of empowerment projects, which have succeeded. Empowerment can be attained through many ways and is often considered as a condition for participation. Empowerment of service user could be expressed in the indicative descriptor: “The VET provider encourages the personal empowerment of the service user and the establishing an empowering environment”.

Individual planning could be expressed in the indicative descriptor: “The processes of VET provider are driven by the needs of the persons served and expressed in an Individual Plan for each service user”. Holistic approach Complementary VET services focus on holistic approach in the providing services concentrating on the development and improving of the individual performance rather than just professional skill training. The holistic VET services describes an approach in which the physical, mental, and social factors in the person served are taken into account. The service involves considering the entire person as a complex system rather than focusing only on particular parts of the person or systems. Person served will view outcomes from a holistic perspective, covering - for instance housing, transport, employment, income and benefits, and broader issues around discrimination and equality. The holistic approach could be expressed in the indicative descriptor: “VET services are characterized by a holistic approach based on the needs and expectations of the person served with the aim of contributing to the quality of life for the person served. Competences, skills and support for staff to enhance the quality of life for person served are identified”.

services, and practices to support market changes and service development. Innovation can be considered as a process of converting knowledge and ideas into better ways of doing business or into new or improved products and services that are valued by the community. An essential element of innovation is its successful implementation. Innovation is most often viewed at service or process level, where product innovation satisfies customers’ needs and process innovation improves efficiency and effectiveness. Innovation could be expressed in the indicative descriptor: “The VET provider operates innovative ways of working that have been identified based on the needs of stakeholders”. EQAVET Quality Criteria 3 Evaluation of outcomes and processes is regularly carried out and supported by measurement Contribution to the society VET services have an impact on society through the very nature of their primary business or statutory mandate. The results of the core activities can be manifested by the satisfaction of their customers, stakeholders, financers, community, and key performance results. Social responsibility of a service provider in the VET sector is considered to be an important concept and should be given special attention. The contribution of the VET provider to the society could be expressed in the indicative descriptor: “The VET provider demonstrates organisation’s success in satisfying the needs and expectations of the society and its social responsibility”.

Innovation Innovation introduction

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“Service users in VET should be included as active participants in planning and evaluation” Valentina Brecelj, Centerkontura Slovenia


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VET providers can use EQUASS certification to show compliance and satisfactory performance on the EQAVET criteria

“The Person Centred Approach should be the core of the VET service” Andreas Hollacher: Berufsbildungswerk Adolf Aich Germany

1. EQUASS assurance certification can be considered as an instrument to show compliance and satisfactory performance on all EQAVET criteria and underling indicative descriptors at the VET provider level. In three specific cases EQAVET indicative descriptors have additional clarification to the EQUASS criteria and indicators and may have a specific interpretation to context of the VET provider. In all cases there is substantial evidence that the EQUASS Assurance requirements for certification fully comply with the criteria and indicative descriptors of the EQAVET.

2. The performance on the 10 EQARF for VET indicators can be selected and used as evidence in showing compliance with the criteria for EQUASS assurance certification. The EQAVET indicators therefore are considered to be relevant for its purpose in evaluating quality at VET provider level.

3. EQUASS certification may not be considered as an instrument to influence / enhance the quality of the VET system at regional and national level. The EQUASS assurance certification requirements have been develop to enhance the performance on quality of the service provider and the services provision of the service provider. There are too many cases where the EQUASS Assurance requirements do not address to the descriptors at the VET system level.


EQAVET: a quality reference model. EQUASS certification: an instrument for VET provider” Christian Braun: Berufsbildungswerk Adolf Aich Germany

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PRIME stands for: PRoject IMplementation of Eqavet.


The PRIME project is granted by the Leonardo da Vinci Project (LDV) under the sub program: Transfer of Innovation (TOI) The instrument for implementing EQAVET in the PRIME project is the EQUASS certification program. (EQUASS = European Quality in Social Services). EQUASS certification program can be used for: 1. 1mplementing and certifying quality assurance for social services and 2. Implementing and certifying quality assurance in VET in the disability sector. Aims

PRIME: PRoject for IMplementation of Eqavet.

Prime-Project REA-College Pluryn Kerkenbos 1003, 6546 BB Nijmegen

1. To transfer expertise and experiences on quality assurance in VET services for PWD, to VET-providers who would like to implement the EQARF for VET criteria and indicators in their VET-services. In order to achieve this aim the consortium is characterized as follows: Rea College Nederland (RCN) is a VETprovider for individuals with a disability. RCN is an association with three partners: RCN-Bartimeus, RCNHeliomare and RCN-Pluryn. RCN-Pluryn has some practical experience in the implementation of the EQAVET with EQUASS certification. RCN is project promoter. European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR), as owner of the EQUASS certification program, brings in the knowledge and expertise of the Quality Assurance system and its strategy of implementation.

Other partners are: Opera Don Calabria (ODC) (Italy), Center Kontura (Slovenia), BerufsBildungswerke Adolf Eich (Germany) and Vilnius Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Lithuania) and REHAB (Ireland) as external evaluator. Expected outcomes 1. Cross reference study between EQUASS Assurance criteria / indicators and the EQAVET criteria and indicators for VET. Based on the cross-reference study recommendations for improving EQAVET / EQUASS criteria / indicators and guidelines for implementation for VET providers will be conducted. 2. Knowledge, expertise and experiences of implementing EQAVET and the application of tools and methodology for implementing this framework in VET-services for Persons With a Disability (PWD). 3. Competences and skills for staff to support VET-providers in the implementation of the EQAVET and to carry out peer review and internal audits on the performance on the EQAVET indicators, 4. Implementation of the EQAVET by a method of self-evaluation, detailed planning, sharing experiences and identification and exchange of good practice (bench learning) 4. Implementation of a system for internal auditing and peer review as method for preparing VET providers on external assessment 5. The project partner (VET-provider) will have the opportunity to obtain for external independent assessment via EQUASS certification.


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