EQUASS Excellence certified organisations may 2013

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EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations May 2013

The European Quality in Social Services (EQUASS) provides an integrated system of cer fica on specifically tailored for the social sector, and allows social service providers to enhance their performance. The EQUASS Excellence system requires an organisa on to carry out a self-assessment which is reflected in a report. In this self-assessment report the organisa on’s current compliance with the Principles for Quality are measured against criteria form three different perspec ves: approach, deployment and results. A team of two auditors

the scores the self-evalua on document. An organisa on which meets the EQUASS Excellence criteria is cer fied by the independent, interna onal Awarding Commi-ee for a period of three years. The organisa ons listed in this brochure have all been officially awarded with EQUASS Excellence.

Fundação AFID Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: Disability – Early interven on, Residen al Home, Occupa onal Ac vity Centre, Home Support Service, Therapeu cal Ac vi es, Professional Training, Inser on companies. Infancy – Nursery and Kindergarten Old Age – Home Help Service & Social Contact Centre. Educa on – Adult Training Centre – Centre for New Opportuni es. Health – Rehabilita on – Physical Medicine and Rehabilita on Centre – Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy

Address: Quinta do Paraiso, Alfragide 2720 - 520 Amadora Contact Person: Domingos Marques Alves Rosa domingos.rosa@fund-afid.org.pt www.fund-afid.org.pt

Certification period: 24 January 2011 to 24 January 2014 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Ins tute for rehabilita on (Voca onal Rehabilita on Centres) Slovenia Scope of the cer ďŹ ca on: Voca onal Rehabilita on Centre

Address: Linhartova 51 1000 Ljubljana Contact Person: Jurij Ĺ vajger jurij.svajger@ir-rs.si www.ir-rs.si

Certification period: 24 January 2011 to 24 January 2014

EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

APPACDM Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal

Scope of the cer fica on: Kindergarten—Socio-Educa onal Unit Occupa onal Ac vity Centre—Home care Voca onal Training—Resource Centre for Inclusion

Address: Rua Madre de Deus, 227 4430-138 Vila Nova de Gaia Contact Person: Dulce Maria Ferreira Coutinho servicos.administrativos@appacdm-gaia.org.pt www.appacdm-gaia.org.pt

Certification period: 10 February 2011 to 10 February 2014

EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Panagia Eleousa Greece

Scope of the cer ďŹ ca on: Rehabilita ve Training Social Rehabilita on Day Care Centres for People with special needs

Address: Kyprou and Arch. Damaskinou Street P.C. 30200 Messolonghi Contact Person: Maria Tsoutsou panael@otenet.gr ergpenel@otenet.grpt www.ergpanel.gr

Certification period: 17 May 2011 to 17 May 2014 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Centre de Réadapta on de Mulhouse France

Scope of the cer fica on: Unité d’Evalua on, de Réentraînement et d’Orienta on Sociale et professionnelle (UEROS)

Address: 57 rue Albert Camus, 68093 Mulhouse CEDEX Contact Person: Jean-Claude SCHREPFER Jean-Claude.SCHREPFER@arfp.asso.fr www.arfp.asso.fr

Certification period: 24 June 2011 to 24 June 2014 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Na onal Learning Network Ireland

Scope of the cer fica on: 28 sites Voca onal Training—Rehabilita ve Training Voca onal Assessment—Educa onal Assessment Social Assessment—Employment Services Rehabilita on Counselling & Planning Voca onal Educa on & Counselling Cer fica on—Health & Social Gain Assis ve Technology - Transport Social/Leisure/Cultural Disability Awareness Address: Roslyn Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 Contact Person: David Muldoon david.muldoon@nln.ie www.nln.ie

Certification period: 20 October 2011 to 20 October 2014 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Valakupiu - VRC Lithuania

Scope of the cer ďŹ ca on: Medical Rehabilita on Voca onal Rehabilita on Social Day Care Services Prac cal Driving Assessment Driving School Methodological centre for Voca onal Rehabilita on Wokplace Assessment Counseling Address: Vaidilutes str. 69, LT-10100, Vilnius Contact Person: Daiva Besagirskaite info@reabilitacija.lt www.reabilitacija.lt

Certification period: 03 November 2011 to 02 November 2014 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Josefsheim gGmbH Germany

Scope of the cer ďŹ ca on: Voca onal Rehabilita on Social Rehabilita on Sheltered Work Rehabilita on Care Rehabilita on Technology

Address: Heinrich-Sommer-Strasse 13 59939 Olsberg Contact Person: Winfried Henke w.henke@josefsheim-bigge.de www.josefsheim-bigge.de

Certification period: 02 December 2012 to 02 December 2015 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

CRPG - Centro de Reabilitação Profissional de Gaia Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: Rehabilita on and reintegra on of vic ms of labour accidents and occupa onal diseases Support to the qualifica on and employment of persons with disabili es Specialized consultancy Support to lifelong learning

Address: Avenida João Paulo II - Arcozelo 4410-406 Vila Nova de Gaia Contact Person: António Rilho antonio.rilho@crpg.pt www.crpg.pt

Certification period: 20 December 2012 to 20 December 2015 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

CRIA - Centro de Recuperação e Integração de Abrantes Portugal

Scope of the cer fica on: Educa onal services—Centre for Occupa onal Ac vi es Voca onal Training—Enterprise Integra on Residen al Home—Family Daycare Social Income — Early Interven on Resource Center for Inclusion Address: Quinta das Pinheiras, Zona Industrial de Alferrarede, 2204-906 Alferrarede Contact Person: Vanda Grácio cria-admin@mail.telepac.pt www.cria.com.pt

Certification period: 11 April 2013 to 11 April 2016 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

APCVC - Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Viana do Castelo Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: Rehabilita on services Physiotherapy, occupa onal therapy, speech therapy, psychology, social work and medical services

Address: Rua 25 de Abril nº 9 Santa Marta de Portuzelo, 4925-010 Viana do Castelo Contact Person: Filomena Araújo direcao@apcvc.pt www.apcvc.pt

Certification period: 26 April 2013 to 26 April 2016 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

CRIO - Centro de Recuperação Infan l Ouriense Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: OAC (Occupa onal Ac vi es Center), Residen al Home, Educa onal; Early interven on and Resource Centre for Inclusion (RCI).

Address: Praceta professor António Oliveira 2490-502 Ourém Contact Person: Vasco Nuno Henriques da Silva crio.ourem@gmail.com www.crio.pt

Certification period: 26 April 2013 to 26 April 2016

EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations


Scope of the cer ďŹ ca on: Occupa onal Ac vi es Centre

Address: Rua da Foufa,182, Apartado 45, 4630-011 Marco de Canaveses Contact Person: Paula Lima paula.lima@cercimarco.pt www.cercimarco.pt

Certification period: 26 April 2013 to 26 April 2016 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

APPC FARO - Associação Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral de Faro Portugal

Scope of the cer fica on: Early interven on unit—Func onal Rehabilita on unit Special Needs School—Ocupa onal Ac vi es unit Voca onal Rehabilita on unit—Support for Pregnancy Address: Rua de Moçambique, 8005-203 Faro Contact Person: Graciete Campos gracietec@appc-faro.org.pt http://appc-faro.org.pt/

Certification period: 26 April 2013 to 26 April 2016 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

APPC - Associação do Porto de Paralisia Cerebral Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: Occupa onal Ac vi es Centers Residen al Units Educa onal and Community Services

Address: Rua de Delfim Maia, nº. 276 4200 – 253 Porto Contact Person: Liliana Araújo nrn@appc.pt http://www.appc.pt/

Certification period: 26 April 2013 to 26 April 2016

EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

ASSOL- Associação de Solidariedade Social de Lafões Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: Early interven on—Integrated project Voca onal training—Job support CAO - Occupa onal Ac vi es Centre for disabled people FORUM Social Occupa onal (ac vi es centre) Sheltered home

Address: Largo da Feira 3680-076 Oliveira de Frades Contact Person: Mário Pereira assol@assol.pt www.assol.pt

Certification period: 26 April 2013 to 26 April 2016 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

APC Coimbra - Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra Portugal Scope of the cer fica on: Rehabilita on, Voca onal Training, Occupa onal Ac vi es, CAAPD (Pré-Voca onal Training and Rehabilita on Unit for Severely Disabled) and Residencies

Address: Rua Garcia D`Orta, Vale das Flores 3030-188 Coimbra Contact Person: Carlos Barata direccao@apc-coimbra.org.pt www.apc-coimbra.org.pt

Certification period: 13 May 2013 to 13 May 2016 EQUASS Excellence Certified Organisations

Last update on 30 May 2013

EQUASS Secretariat 15, rue de Spa, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 736 54 44; Fax: +32 2 736 86 22 Email: equass@equass.be Website: www.equass.be

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