3 reasons why you should switch from outbound marketing to inbound marketing

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3 Reasons Why You Should Switch From Outbound marketing to Inbound Marketing Making transitions in business tactics can be overwhelming. It can be particularly intimidating to make changes in conventional and deep rooted marketing strategies for your business. But over the last few years more and more companies are embracing the improved and progressive marketing method of inbound marketing in Houston.

Technological innovations such as Internet have brought significant changes in how information can be relayed to prospective consumers. Today the traditional outbound marketing techniques such as billboards, radio and TV commercials, print ads, emails have been largely superseded by digital marketing tools such as SEO, social media marketing, blogs, content marketing etc. Internet has changed the way people take in information. As per the marketing statistics by hubspot.com, 86% of consumers said that using a search engine helped them to learn about something new or important thereby increasing their knowledge and 61% of global internet users research products online. These numbers emphasize how Internet can be utilized as a potent marketing method. This presentation is brought to you by Industrialmarketingsteps.com

Still Have Reservations About This Big Switch, Read On Below To Compare The Two:

•Two Way Communication V/S One Way Communication: While outbound marketing is a monologue where business keeps throwing bunch of information at reluctant people, digital marketing is a dialogue between business and consumers opening up channels of communication between the two. Digital marketing permits consumers to engage and interact with the brand through blog posts, social media comments, emails, etc. This helps in building trust and good faith between the business and its customers. This presentation is brought to you by Industrialmarketingsteps.com

•Low Costs V/S High Costs: While outbound marketing involves expending a substantial amount in generating leads, the returns on those expenditures may not be substantial. Outbound uses expensive methods like billboards and ads to advertise, digital uses inexpensive methods like social media, blogs, vlogs, podcasts etc., to reach out to people. Hubspot’s 2015 report on inbound marketing and selling reveals that companies are thrice times more likely to see higher return on investment on digital marketing campaigns than on outbound.

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•Permissive V/S Disruptive Marketing: Outbound marketing interrupts a medium with large people following with its “push promotional tactics”. This can be counter effective as it may irk consumers instead of driving them away. Digital marketing uses “pull promotional tactics” by captivating people’s attention and giving them power and control to explore the brand. (Source: moz.com)

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What better way to learn about inbound marketing than to hear expert professionals work on it. If you’re keen on boosting your inbound marketing then, feel free to connect with Industrial Marketing Steps by Andyalagappan, a leading inbound marketing agency which offers and employs the most advanced inbound marketing strategies in Houston, visit them here for more info!

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Industrial Marketing Steps by Andyalagappan is a pioneering B2B marketing company in Houston that provides cost-effective and effective white hat SEO services and B2B marketing solutions in Houston, check here for more info! ServicesOffered PPC SEO CustomBlog/WebDesign SocialMediaMarketing WebVideoMarketing ContentMarketing This presentation is brought to you by Industrialmarketingsteps.com

Contact Andy Alagappan SEO Houston Web COO & VP marketing & business development USA 12454 Briar Forest Dr Houston,Texas- 77077, USA. Office : 281-556-8319 Cell : 281-570-5804 Skype : Smbhouston Gtalk : getseen@gmail.com Official website: https://www.industrialmarketingsteps.com/ Personal website: https://www.andyalagappan.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AndyAlagappancom https://plus.google.com/116729398054996295192/about https://www.linkedin.com/in/seoppcguru https://twitter.com/seoppcguru https://www.pinterest.com/andyalagappan/ http://www.seohoustonblog.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/epromotionz1

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