“Your Word Is a Lamp to Guide My Feet and a Light for My PathPsalm 119:105 (NLT)”
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To live life is to be related and in every relationship there are three factors, the subject, object, and their connection. If the relationship is harmonious, life is harmonious; if not life is disharmonious. Here relationship is a spiritual connection that swings from the ground of solid decision making. Every deed, situation and end products in human‟s life are culmination of their end decisions.
To reflect on this story that veers in our daily lives, Pastors and spiritual leaders like Dr. Jerry Johnston, who is blessed by Christ with the spiritual gifts of faith, leadership, evangelism, teaching, and discernment contends to put forward his biblical thoughts that spills out directly from the teachings of Christ by the means of books, blogs, interviews, films, and lectures. Apparently, Dr. Johnston’s efforts for preaching today‟s soul are stimulating. This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
But Our Spirits Are Sometimes Low And Sometimes High When Taking Decisions, Is It Not? When there is not a clear command that is to be obeyed, then God has given us principles in His Word that we should apply. The process of decisionmaking includes making a judgment about an attitude or action. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Decisions are an act of the will, and they are always influenced by the mind, the emotions, or both. The decisions we make actually reflect the desires of our heart” (Psalm 119:30). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Therefore, a key question before making a decision is “do I choose to please myself, or do I choose to please the Lord?”
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Obey God’s Word- God See “The Whole Picture”
According to Biblical teachings- “Our attitude towards decision-making should be that of Jesus Himself who affirmed, “Not My will, but yours be done”. Solid decision-making begins by discerning the will of God. But dismally, the teachings of bible are waning out. You don‟t believe? This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
Wheaton College professor Timothy Larsen comments that “it has been demonstrated that biblical literacy has continued to decline. … Gallup polls have tracked this descent to a current „record low.‟” In “The 9 Most Important Issues Facing the Evangelical Church,” theologian Michael Vlach cites “Biblical Illiteracy in the Church” as his final concern. He agrees with George Barna‟s assessment that “the Christian body in America is immersed in a crisis of biblical illiteracy.” Because we don't read God's Word, it follows that we don't know it.
But also let me make a remark my brothers and sisters in Christ:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“God delights in revealing his will to those who are eager to follow His precepts” (Psalm 33:18; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 147:11). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Overcoming Biblical illiteracy- A Book by “Dr. Jerry Johnston” Less than one out of every ten believers now possesses a Biblical worldview as the basis for his or her decision making or their behavior. When given 13 basic teachings from the Bible only 1% of adult‟s believers firmly embraced all 13 as being biblical perspectives. We have a crisis of Biblical illiteracy. And Dr. Jerry will help you overcome that problem by learning the 12 most important core Bible doctrines in his special notebook that contains all his manuscript sermonsreports George Barna- - the founder of The Barna Group, a market research firm specializing in studying the religious beliefs and behavior of Americans, and the intersection of faith and culture.
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The Pastor, evangelist, church-planter- “Mr. Jerry Johnston” who experience the glory of god in everything he do has recapture the awe, mystery, passion and power of scripture in his Book “Overcoming Biblical illiteracy”- where you will personally experience the impact of Bible doctrines working in our daily system. Get Your Hands on the Publications and Jerry filmed sermon series: Click here to download the PDF of Dr. Jerry Johnston This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
True Wisdom: It’s time to pull the Bible off the Bookshelves
Making a decision today? Look to Godâ€&#x;s Word for direction. Get engaged with the Bible, teachings of Christ. Take comfort in the peace which only He can provide (Philippians 4:7). Ask for wisdom; trust His promises and He will guide your path: This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths� (Proverbs 3:5-6; see also Isaiah 58:11; John 8:12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These are the words the point of which sting the heart through the course of a whole life. Many advanced seekers are gripped by the philosophy and has successfully attained the ultimate beatitude of spiritual enlightenment.
And this ultimate beatitude has the power to raise the state of unconscious mind. We appreciate Dr. Johnston and all the Pastors, mentors and spiritual preachers on the earth who selflessly show their willingness to contend for evangelism as enlightening posts or publications as the medium.
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Dr. Jerry Johnston is versatile, dynamic, frequently requested speaker/evangelist, author and media personality with strong stage presence and an unforgettable and convincing style that motivates and inspires audiences of all ages. jerryjohnston.com
Contact Us Houston Baptist University 7502 Fondren Road Houston, Texas 77074-3298 USA
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