Christians and demons an amazing compendium by dr jerry johnston to get armed and anchored for spiri

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Christians and Demons: An Amazing Compendium by Dr. Jerry Johnston --To Get Armed and Anchored For Spiritual Warfare‌ Spiritual









Factually, the minute you start living as a Christian, you are engaging in spiritual warfare. The invisible spiritual war is a battle which involves all men and women. Because the Kingdom of Satan is a spiritual kingdom‌ ..we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12) Spiritual warfare is not a natural battle between flesh and blood. It is not a battle of man against man. It is not a visible battle. It is an invisible struggle in the spirit world. It is a battle within and around man. It is not a visible war is because spirits are involved and we learn in Luke 24:39 that a spirit does not have flesh and bones. This presentation is brought to you by

Spiritual warfare is the analysis of and an active participation in the invisible spiritual war. It includes study of the opposing forces of good and evil, the strategies of Satan, and spiritual strategies for overcoming the enemy. Spiritual warfare is more than a mere analysis of spiritual principles. It includes active participation in warfare by application of these strategies in life and ministry. Jerry Johnston speaks on Ephesians 6:12 and teaches us how to be armed and anchored against spiritual warfare? Recognizing



Demonic Temptation is when a demon or the action of the evil is temporarily victorious upon our soul, successfully tempting a soul to induce to sin and hindering its ability to serve God with a strong testimony. The evil excites within us the concupiscence of the eyes, or the pride of life.

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All the saints were greatly tempted: St. Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble, was tempted to blaspheme; St. Francis of Sales was tempted to despair; St. Francis of Assisi was tormented by suggestions of impurity. Some saints experienced temptations against the faith; some temptations lasted for years. God tempted no man (Jas. i. 13); He simply permits man to be tempted. It is the devil who hammers at you when you are tempted.

"Our wrestling is against the spirits of wickedness in high places”-- (Eph. vi. 12). But for the Christian, the power for victory over and freedom from demonic oppression is always available. John declares, “The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). The power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9) is always available to overcome demonic oppression. No demon, not even Satan himself, can prevent a Christian from surrendering to the Holy Spirit and thereby overcoming any and all demonic oppression or temptation. Just to give you a little background – Listen to this insightful conversation in which, Jerry Johnston talks about the differences of good and evil and how we can differentiate between the flesh and demonic temptations. This presentation is brought to you by

References to the devil or demons are cited 227 times in the New Testament. Jesus' ministry repeatedly confronted demons who had to submit to His deity and power. Yet today, many are unaware about demons and their destructive work, and the consequences are devastating. That is why Crossroads has made it a ministry focus to teach about arming and anchoring Christians for spiritual warfare, an unseen battle in the spiritual realm. Crossroads has published a book titled Christians and Demons: Armed and Anchored for Spiritual Warfare, authored by Dr. Jerry Johnston. The book is a scriptural guide that enhances discernment and equips people with God's Word to arm them for spiritual battle. The hope is that the book points people to discover the peace of God, appropriate the power of the Bible, and enter into a new dimension of prayer and protection. Christians And Demons By Dr. Jerry Johnston: Armed And Anchored For Spiritual Warfare Addresses:

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•How demons work in our world; their history and future? •Specific strategies demons use to try and hinder us. •How to overcome demonic influences through prayer? •How to identify and eliminate demonic strongholds in our lives? •How to use the six pieces of spiritual amour in Ephesians 6? [See











Intrinsically, this book is an overview of Scripture that accurately describes the work of demons in our world. How do demons ensnare the lives of believers? Is it possible for a Christian to be demon possessed? And, what exactly is the meaning of being demonized according to the Bible? Dr. Jerry Johnston helps you navigate biblical truth and gives you the straight facts. One of the parables told by Jesus illustrates that all men are either part of the Kingdom of Satan or the Kingdom of God. Jesus compared the world to a field. The good seed in the field were children of the Kingdom of God. The bad seed, which resulted in the growth of tares (weeds), were children of the wicked one. SO, TO WHICH KINGDOM DO YOU BELONG? [Related: Jerry’s words on Authority of the Believer in Spiritual Warfare] This presentation is brought to you by

Dr. Jerry Johnston

Dr. Jerry Johnston is versatile, dynamic, frequently requested speaker/evangelist, author and media personality with strong stage presence and an unforgettable and convincing style that motivates and inspires audiences of all ages.

Contact Us Houston Baptist University 7502 Fondren Road Houston, Texas 77074-3298 USA

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