Dr. Jerry Johnston: All You Need To Know About an Awe-Inspiring Pastoral Coach & Profound Evangelist Dr. Jerry Johnston was least expected to accomplish something and in all probability, survive! His dad, John was a National Sales Director and his mom, Joyce was a famous Interior Decorator. His four brothers, each of them having first name starting with the alphabet “J,” including Dr. Jerry Johnston meant flocks of fun evolving up complete with engaging in football in the family room after we eliminated all the furniture and, certainly, his parents out for an evening dinner. Check Out This Amazing Video of Dr. Jerry Johnston Glimpsing 40-Years Ago Film Clip of Highlights of Evangelism, Watch here! Around 40 years back Dr. Jerry Johnston was questioned by Dr. Al Metsker to become the Evangelist-at-Large for today’s’ youth for Christ and finally the expedition started of reaching individuals of all genders and ages with the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. A dear friend set together a 3 and a half minutes of a video collage of 40 years of God’s touch enabling Dr. Jerry Johnston to share the pure love of God with thousands of people. What has become even more electrifying is the expedition making use of television media is about to start in a spanking new successful manner in the United States reaching internationally. Hope you enjoyed watching this clip which ends with Cristie Johnston’s successful teaching ministry. This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
A kid who resided close to our house crooked me on to drugs at the bus stop. Getting high, late night parties and disobedience to my parents illustrated the “Jerry” of those days. And this just got worst when everything culminated one night and I got very ill at a party and got hospitalized with bleeding ulcers. My family doctor prescribed me Valium and sleeping pills a devastating diagnosis for someone so young and directionless. I had to quit my school so my Dad had arranged tutors that come to my house not letting me fall behind. Daily I was quarantined in our country club house strengthening deeper in despair and losing my spirit to live. One historic day Dr. Jerry Johnston called his dad at his office and said, “I want to kill myself.” Rushed into the hospital, he ended up in a drug-provoked walking coma for around eight days and then checked out straight to go home. His brothers Johnny, Jay, Jeff, and Joel came right on the front steps and welcomed me back home on the Easter Sunday in the year 1973. This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
Dad had devised the entire scene and Dr. Jerry Johnston had just no hope and each day I wanted to breathe my last breath. This is probably the reason why I have always had an ardent interest in suicide, written widely on this subject, and interfered in scores of individual’s lives, just like me at that moment and had a strong death wish. After you have been through the deep valley of depression and survived, you tend to comprehend with other individuals, of all genders and ages, who struggle suicidal thoughts.
Dr. Jerry Johnston’s eldest brother Johnny got engaged to a girl named Teresa. To be gracious his dad insisted that we must let Teresa visit her to the church. He thought that Christians were Boy Scounts or grandmothers and had just no interest in attending. Dad in some way bribed me, through buying me a professional foosball table as my birthday gift on May 12 along with a warning: He assured to take it back if I attended Windermere Camp with the young group of Teresa’s church in June in the year 1973. He should have looked out of place with his long blond hair, jeans along with a marijuana patch sewed on it, and a miserable look on my face the day we were about to land for the three hour drive to the Lake-of-the-Ozarks, MO, and be present at what I thought would be a week of monastery. This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
Bob Werner was the camp speaker and Dr. Jerry Johnston sat on the last row till the last night. A dazzling high school girl named Cindy began walking down the long walkway headed straight to me. I had definitely observed her night-after-night and she was very pretty. Cindy came towards me and just reached out her hand and asked me, “Jerry, will you sit up with me tonight?” I garbled somewhat like, “Wherever you lead, I will follow!” obediently she led me to the second row to the front and just before Bob started his message she inclined over and said, “Now Jerry, listen, this can change your life.” Dr. Jerry Johnston though that why had Cindy approached and retrieved me? What if Cindy had ignored the thought to support a rebellious and young druggie on the back row that last night of camp? Then where would I be now? This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
Consequently, I listened and for the very first time I heard the Gospel or let me put it this way, a Good News that God loves me so much that he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for me. And when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he subjugated sin and exhibited the power to transform an individual who would put their belief and trust in him. One fine day Bob pulled out an invitation for the students to come up and make a private commitment of belief in Christ, I right away left my seat and headed directly to the front of that elongated auditorium. The memorable night was Thursday, June 21, 1973 truly, the best night of my life. Little did I have the idea about the plans God had to use me to address millions of individuals and point them to the similar hope I discovered in Christ. A few million students heard me in the public school assemblies and Dr. Jerry Johnston was honoured to observe literally thousands of students taking life-changing decisions. I have written 13 books and created 17 documentaries which have been filmed across the world. My wife, Dr. Cristie Jo and I have now started working on our most vital documentary and our audiences will hear everything about it in the days to come. Communicating with media has been a passion for Cristie and me. Because of the extraordinary technological advancements in trans-media, we have numerous highly innovative plans for the future. Join us on the expedition as it is going to be incredibly electrifying! This presentation is brought to you by Jerryjohnston.com
Dr. Jerry Johnston
Dr. Jerry Johnston is versatile, dynamic, frequently requested speaker/evangelist, author and media personality with strong stage presence and an unforgettable and convincing style that motivates and inspires audiences of all ages. jerryjohnston.com
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