Stop Buying Arsenal, Start Managing Information with Content lifecycle Management How much storage do you need going forward? Make a guess!
Now admit that your current content lifecycle information management systems can’t really provide a good answer to that question. Seldom are the cases when a company’s CIO could actually answer this question based on a thorough understanding of how much data is being created, how much data must be kept in fast forms of storage, or how rapidly each type of data must be archived, and the rate at which both fast and slower forms of storage are growing. Isn’t? Over the last decade, content management technology has completely transformed and nurtured the silos of information stored in the frameworks of an organization. Information management processes have started treating data as an asset, not just as a liability, a center of value and profit, not a cost center. Information management is complex but as a CIO, you need to understand its essence in this day and age for a myriad of reasons. This presentation is brought to you by
Information Helps in Solving Pressing Challenges: The good news for business executives is: your mission and the prioritized onus are to create the awareness, culture and conditions to capture, extract and leverage the value in the information of your business and ecosystem to start with. A holistic information management approach, as we strive to have in Enterprise Information Management, helps to fit the pieces of the information puzzle and all its parts – from Enterprise Content Management to data management and analytics, actions and – connected – outcomes. “If we see the big picture content lifecycle management produces a subtle information that turns out in managed enterprise information which encompasses the people, processes, and technologies which are required to create a consistent, value-oriented, proper and strategic handling of information across the enterprise” Related Reading: 4 Ways SaaS Can Make Entrepreneurs More Efficient and Competitive This presentation is brought to you by
The Face of Good Information Management System:
Profiling a good information management system, our talks can be easily narrowed down, that a well-managed data is a company’s asset. Perhaps, it is very important to protect and migrate data through its lifecycle. For that, the fundamental information management task is to make sure that our data is well protected and will not be lost due to a technology failure. This protection must eventually be provided and applied to active data as it moves through various stages of archiving. This presentation is brought to you by
The Contribution Of CLM Can Be Tapered Down To The Following Key Points: •Implementing sophisticated automation, policies, and workflows. •Removing duplication. Physical storage requirements can be cut by 50 percent or more with a powerful de-duplication technology. •Handling the scale of all types of data as it moves through each stage of the lifecycle. •Managing and exploiting heterogeneous storage devices. See Also: The Next Gen Lifecycle Marketing Automation: Robots, with Humans
A unified enterprise content lifecycle management platform provides the full array of content management functionality—including document and imaging management, Web content management, digital asset management, and records and retention management—on one platform. The unified approach yields a much greater return on investment (ROI) in just a few years, especially if more than one application is used. This presentation is brought to you by
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