Suicidal thoughts help reflecting upon the thoughts of dr jerry johnston (1)

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Suicidal Thoughts Help- Reflecting Upon the Thoughts of Dr. Jerry Johnston There is that other kind of murder that is increasing at an appalling rate among us - Suicide. There have been apostates in all ages that have touted and advocated suicide as a justifiable means of release from trial and difficulty. “When I analyze the question, Why suicide? Two words sum up the attitude of the suicidal person: hopelessness and helplessness. The suicidal person feels locked in a situation that is without hope and beyond help. Looking at the problem, the individual is convinced there is no way out. No hope. No possible solution. No way can that anything be really „normal‟ again. No way to ever really love again. No way to succeed in life. No way.” Excerpted from Jerry Johnston, Why Suicide? (Nashville: Oliver Nelson, 1987), 121. [See For More References: Why Suicide?] This presentation is brought to you by

Why suicide? Is a book written by Mr. Jerry Johnston that seamlessly communicates with clear lines on the controversial topic of suicide. This book is a pervasive expose of teenage culture in the U.S and it unveils the fatal factors behind the suicide epidemic and leaves the reader enlightened and unperturbed. This special edition by Dr. Johnston is devoted to parents, millennial and educators. This presentation is brought to you by

Moral Decision Making

So much is changing today in regard to the control of life, death and human sexuality. What does Bible say about Suicide? Scriptures set forth enough principles it is possible to evaluate contemporary practices in light of biblical teaching. What does bible has to say over Suicide letâ€&#x;s see: This presentation is brought to you by

What Does The Bible Teach About Suicide?

Hopelessness and helplessness are the hallmarks of suicidal thought, “No man has the right to take his own life from such motives any more than he has the life of another". From biblical perspectives, "The sanctity of human life is paramount in the sixth commandment, 'Thou shalt not kill' (Ex. 20:13). Human life is sacred, for man was made in the image of God (Gen. 9:6, where also this same sanctity is made the basis for capital punishment). Suicide negates God's estimate of life and violates the sixth commandment (Rom. 13:9). Suicides are staggering and makes mistakes without imminent sake. “There are certain demonic experieheartbreaking, when aboriginals commit themselves to suicide. And make no mistake; no one nces that start working in their life� says Jerry. This presentation is brought to you by

Factors That Lead to Teenage Suicide

Jim Cantelon speaks with Dr. Jerry Johnston about reasons that teenagers are feeling hopeless. Build on spiritual discernment; Jerry updated his earlier book Why Suicide? --Why They Die: Curing the Death Wish in Our Kids. With his highly regarded new edition on the growing epidemic of suicide. Statistically updated, and much more in depth, he reflects on his extensive expertise and activity with both mental health professionals and spiritual leaders as well as far too many families that have been devastated by suicide. This presentation is brought to you by

Suicidal Thoughts Help: Rescuing Someone with Suicidal Thought

Jim Cantelon speaks with Dr. Jerry Johnston about steps we need to take to rescue someone with suicidal thoughts. Watch here!Dr. Jerry Johnston in his long career by the medium of his book and interviews has deliberated much on being aware of suicidal warning signs and how to step in and help. While his deliberations with Jim Cantelon Dr. Jerry Johnston also shared about the reasons that teenagers are feeling hopeless. You may read it on here. [Related: Raising Our Kids in a Media Dominated World]

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Not Suicide: Helping You and Your Friends to Live

The reality is when a family member or a friend locks himself from depression, your support and encouragement can play a substantial role in his or her recovery. If someone you love is depressed, You might experience flurry of difficult emotions running in you that may involve helplessness, frustration, anger, fear, guilt or sadness. These feelings are just normal. It is not that easy dealing with a friend or family memberâ€&#x;s depression. This presentation is brought to you by

The Final Words: Jerry wrote this book, uniquely, for young people. In addition to special information arming youth on how to intervene in the life of a depressed or suicidal friend, a special section is devoted to cyber bullying in memory of Amanda Todd, 15, whose You Tube video prior to her death by suicide has been viewed over 13 million times. Given in the book are steps you can take to help your loved one.

The scriptures seem clear enough. The Demonic experiences or you may say “Those who walk in the paths of sin often find themselves at a dead end. In despair, they often contemplate and initiate suicide! So, what you can do is, just accept the "Gift of God, which is Eternal Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Live it, and take it as God‟s grace that you are amongst those who are taking their lives in Human form and living it to the fullest being a good soul that acts according to God‟s way.

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Dr. Jerry Johnston

Dr. Jerry Johnston is versatile, dynamic, frequently requested speaker/evangelist, author and media personality with strong stage presence and an unforgettable and convincing style that motivates and inspires audiences of all ages.

Contact Us Houston Baptist University 7502 Fondren Road Houston, Texas 77074-3298 USA

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