Top 3 Deadly Duck Decoy Spreads to Make Your Next Texas Coastal Duck Hunting Trip a Success
Duck hunters often tend to fall into duck hunting habits. But usually, it happens because those habits work wonders on your Texas Coastal duck hunting trips. Every duck hunter is the same, particularly when it comes to their duck decoy setups. In fact, in the past few years, both experienced and novice duck hunters tend to arrange their duck decoys in few of the tried-and-tested ways, over and over again. Those duck decoy setups put ducks into a simple shotgun range just as successfully as they did few years ago. So below mentioned, in no order, are the top three favorite duck decoy spreads to try in Texas Coastal. This presentation is brought to you by
Explore the Top 3 Deadly Duck Decoy Spreads to Make Your Next Texas Coastal Duck Hunting Trip a Success:
1.The Pothole Crab: Pond or pothole duck decoy spreads for puddlers do not need a lot of fuss. Generally, a natural and relaxed stool suffices. This duck decoy setup just filters and narrows down your kill hole. Place a lot of duck decoys and the total quantity of decoys will depend on the circumstances, but generally one or two-dozen are sufficient in a movable stool to one side of your boat or duck blind. Then, broaden an arm of 3 to 6 decoys for your next Texas Coastal duck hunting adventure, downwind off every side of the stool and somewhat close to shoreline cover, creating a movable crab shape. Those crab arms dispirit ducks from landing short and direct the ducks towards the hole. This presentation is brought to you by
2. Three-Blob Field Set: Field-hunting for ducks might be a game of numbers, but in a lot of situations, especially in the early seasons for locally raised honkers, farmers might not want you to drive on fields and that strictly limits the total number of full-body decoys you can arrange. If you and a partner can drag 3 to 4 dozen duck decoys to the X position then, you are surely in business. Divide them rather equally into 3 family groups, ensuring that every group has many feeders, a few loafers and one or two looker. Place a group between and just at the back your duck blinds, by making use of a few full-body duck decoys to assist with camouflage on your next Texas Coastal duck hunting trip. Arrange the other two groups at the left and right of your duck blinds, possibly towards 20 to 30 yards downwind. This forms a natural looking micro-spread with a perfectly defined hole.
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3. The Fat L: You will want 5 or 6 long lines of diver duck decoys for this decoy spread that is perfect for shoreline or island hunters. Place 4 to 5 lines upwind at one side of your hide and then run the other one or maybe two like a long tail, beginning from the closest within the duck decoy and broadening downwind. Leave a few loose in the tail lines, so that they bow in the waves. The tail, certainly, acts as your runway, because diver ducks love to fly over with their own kind on strategy. Duck decoys in the primary body are blockers. The wide space created amid the tail and blockers is basically your kill hole. You have possibly used some variations of these duck decoy spreads or perhaps you have tailored exceptional configurations. Go with whatever works the best to make your next Texas Coastal duck hunting trip successful. Then you can land the boat, admire the hunted ducks and think about how to place the duck decoys in the best possible manner.
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Bay Flats Lodge
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