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External Representations

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EPSA External Representation: Focus on collaboration

DIA Conference “Better Medicines for Children”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2019


During September 2019, EPSA had the chance to attend the DIA Conference on the topic: “Better Medicines for Children” in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The focus of this conference was on two major topics currently influencing Paediatric Drug Development - Innovative approaches to Drug Development and the impact of the current environment on the Regulatory and Research Infrastructure. Marko Ocokoljić, EPSA representative and Vice President of Education, had a chance to gain critical insights from Regulators and leading industry experts about the latest scientific innovations. This provided the opportunity to engage in lively discussions with the Paediatric Committee (PDCO) members and other industry experts involved in Paediatric Drug Development. The patient experience was voiced throughout the conference as well. Nevertheless, this experience helped to guide EPSA’s future path in “Child Healthcare” and bring such initiatives to the pharmaceutical youth.

European Youth Forum Council of Members, in Brussels, Belgium 12th - 13th of April 2019

The Global Vaccination Summit is a renowned event organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the 12th of September 2019, in Brussels. The overall objective was to give high-level visibility and political endorsement to vaccination and to issue a statement endorsing and promoting the benefits of vaccination as the most successful public health measure that saves millions of lives on a yearly basis. It was organised to demonstrate a global commitment to vaccination, boost political commitment towards eliminating vaccine-preventable diseases and engage leaders from different fields. The event was organised exceptionally in order to showcase the Commission’s trust in vaccines and commitment to keep vaccination on the agenda also in the next mandate of the Commission. As future healthcare professionals, EPSA was glad to be invited to the event as a member of the Coalition for Vaccination and to support European Commission in this initiative.

A Health Care Workforce for the Digital Age, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium November 2019

On the 5th of November, EPSA was able to be one of the panellists at “A Health Care Workforce for the Digital Age” event hosted by Health First Europe in the European Parliament. EPSA presented their work and results from the eHealth survey that proved the lack of digital skills and inclusion in the curricula. We called on stakeholders to recognise pharmaceutical students that penetrate in different areas of healthcare as a vital part of future implementation of healthcare digitalisation and not a cost or a burden, but rather as an investment for the future.

The EAAD launch event, Stockholm, Sweden, 18th November 2019

The European Antimicrobial Awareness Day is organised yearly by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which is a European Union agency aimed at strengthening Europe’s defences against infectious diseases. During the event, EPSA had a chance to engage with present high-level speakers such as Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis, outgoing Health Commissioner and point out the difficulties in bringing more engagement between students associations and European organisations in terms of joint work towards antimicrobial resistance (AMR). One of the main outcomes from the discussions was problematic and challenging education and lack of societal understanding of AMR and preventive measures. As future healthcare professionals, we shall be the ones stirring the discussions and educating patients.

Implementation of One Health in undergraduate education, Warsaw, Poland, December 2019

On December 4th, alongside the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union and together with the European organisations representing medical doctors (CPME), dentists (CED) and veterinarians (FVE) and their student organisations (EMSA, EDSA, IVSA), EPSA hosted the event “Implementation of One Health in undergraduate education” in Warsaw, Poland. The objective of the conference was to encourage an open discussion and exchange views on how to implement the One Health approach in undergraduate education and foster interdisciplinary education in eastern European countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia and promote the concept of One Health, where various healthcare professionals are working together from curricula to practice in order to achieve optimal outcomes for patients benefit.

Excellence in Pediatrics Conference and 4th Lifecourse Immunisation Focus Group Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 2019

From 5th to 7th of December, EPSA attended the 11th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference and 4th Lifecourse Immunisation Focus Group Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. The topics covered at the event were how to combat online misinformation related to vaccination, reach the excluded groups and pockets of low vaccine coverage, meningococcal vaccination and influenza vaccination. During the event, EPSA represented the views of European pharmaceutical students’ on vaccination and pharmacist-delivered vaccination. EPSA’s positions were very well accepted and stakeholders were glad to hear the perspective of the healthcare students and young professionals.

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