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Meds Disposal During the Annual Reception, the topic of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PiE) was discussed. As a joint Public Health and Social Service, students were familiarized with the topic by being asked to bring expired medicines and also with some messages. The participants were asked to bring expired medicines in order to promote proper disposal of medicines. Pharmaceuticals can end up in the environment in various ways and proper disposal of medicines can prevent this. In Brussels, you can bring your expired medicines to the pharmacy where they will be collected and destroyed. Thus, participants were doing what they can to prevent pharmaceuticals from entering the environment in this way and thus doing #TheirSliceofthePiE. After the collection, the Public Health and Social Services Coordinator went to the pharmacy to dispose of the medicines. Messages on Pharmaceuticals in the Environment were also introduced to participants and the LS’s to familiarize them with the topic. Michael Vranken Public Health and Social Services Coordinator 2019/2020