2013 Summer Newsletter

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Fellowship of the Square SUMMER 2013

56th Grand Council Convention Edition Table of Contents Epsilon Mu Beach Clean-up 2 Hands on Orlando 3 GCC Summer Escape 4 Keep Calm & Kappa Psi On 5 134th Anniversary Banquet 6 Risk Management 7 Jennifer Carrillo 8 Grand Council Elections 9 Awards Banquet 10 The Retreat 12




By: Staci Hall

No better way to kick off the summer than with a

community service event at the beach! Brothers started the clean-up with empty buckets and garbage grabbers. The Brothers were told to keep an eye out for green, purple, and blue litter to donate for parts to a local whale sculpture. James Love used his eagle eyes to find the most of this highly coveted trash. As the cleaning moved from the parking lot to the beach, searching for colorful debris, hypodermic needles, and plastic that could potentially look tantalizing to an unsuspecting turtle. Wildlife was out and about, catching a couple of Brothers off guard, their high pitched screams filling the air, like the seagulls in Finding Nemo. They proclaimed that they were not scared, only surprised that crabs shuffled along the shore (right.) This wasn’t the only event being held on the beach that day, there was a surfing event for kids with autism.

Many Brothers stood on the beach and watched as the children learned to surf. It was an eye opening experience to witness their enthusiasm as they splashed through the crystal waves. As the Brothers gathered the last of the trash for a picture, we learned the photographer was not a gator fan. Gasp! She refused to take the picture if there was a gator chomp in view. So with some very strategic planning it was stealthy snuck in. Winning! Of course, a small Brother social ensued shortly after all the trash was removed. It was a beautiful day to lie out, and play some beach volleyball, which is completely out of the ordinary for Epsilon Mu Brothers. There was some catastrophic skimboarding, which did lead to a trip to the lifeguard station. All in all, it was a great trip filled with service and fellowship. Our attractive farmers tan will last for many months to come, however the memories of the time spent with the Brothers will last a lifetime.























Pictured: Ravi Bacchus, Timmy Do, Marissa McInnis, Pamela Vaval, Rubiel Alvarez By: Courtney Willis

On July 27th, Epsilon Mu took recycling to an entirely new horizon at the Mustard Seed of Central Florida in Orlando. The Mustard Seed's mission statement, "when you Plant the Seed of Hope with the Mustard Seed, it bears fruit immediately." The group disassembled mattresses by removing and separating various

components, including cotton, foam, wood and even steel. Epsilon Mu's efforts will help reduce landfill wastes as well as save energy to limit the use of natural resources. Recycling the mattresses ensures that they are not going back into the secondary market as well as, keeping the State of Florida clean and safe.

Epsilon Mu's philanthropy chair, Brother Ravi Bacchus explains, "I was so excited that our Chapter was granted the opportunity to take part in this event. The Mustard Seed is only one of two sites in the entire state that participates in this project." Before the Chapter parted their ways for the day, a staff member of the

Mustard Seed delivered a few inspiring words, "God Bless you all, we truly appreciate everything you've have done for us." Brother Bacchus states, "their gratitude toward us rekindled our spark and reminded us of our true purpose as a Fraternity; to pay it forward."




GCC Fellowship By Pamela Q. Nguyen

“During their stay at the TradeWinds Island Resort in sunny St. Petersburg for the 56th Grand Council Convention (GCC), the Brothers of Epsilon Mu had a truly memorable experience. Breathing in the cool salt breeze and watching the glimmering waves break on the frothy shore was refreshing and invigorating after a long year in pharmacy school. Brothers were happy to relax in cabanas and enjoy the slow pace of the beach, which included walks along the shore delighting in the warm sand underfoot while picking up seashells. Brothers also joined in on thrilling adventures, including plummeting down the High Tide Slide, a three-story, 200 foot long waterslide. GCC was a time of fun, relaxation, fellowship, and ultimately, the culmination of the chapter’s hard work as Epsilon Mu was named the top 9th international collegiate chapter of 2013."

GCC Volleyball Tournament

The competition was truly fierce and there were many casualties, including Epsilon Mu, in the By Ravi Bacchus opening rounds. In the end, it was the league of extraordinary free Tournament was a smashing agents that lifted the trophy. The success even though Epsilon Mu winning team consisted of didn’t bring home the trophy. With all Brothers from all over the country of the proceeds going towards the and was truly a testament to the Kappa Psi Foundation, it was truly for pillar of fellowship. Next GCC, a noble cause. The tournament you can bank on Epsilon Mu consisted of 16 teams duking it out bringing home the trophy.






By: Courtney Willis Keon Thomas, Financial Committee chair and Pamela Nguyen, treasurer of Epsilon Mu collaborated many summer months to design trendy Kappa Psi gear to market at the Grand Council Convention 2013 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Jennifer Orozco, from the Epsilon Mu Delta class pioneered and created a "Keep Calm and Kappa Psi On" t-shirt during her pledging process remodeling the "Keep Calm and Carry On"

motivational catchphrase that originally appeared on a World War II British public safety poster of 1939 to attempt to pacify Great Britain civilian fears' of an attack by the German Nazis in order to ransack European Domination. This uplifting buzz-slogan is fitting to the Fraternity's original founding heritage and historical struggles. The Epsilon Mu Chapter also designed Kappa Psi stylish beach totes; perfect for

the GCC Beach vacation. Keon Thomas explains, "I was astonished that we were able to completely sell out of the 'Keep Calm' shirts. I am proud to say that our Chapter well exceeded my original expectations for this committee. Pam and I wouldn't have been able to witness this success without the astounding support we received from our entire Chapter the day of the event. Our support is truly amazing."



By: Marissa McInnis


he 56th Grand Council Convention was held in St. Petersburg, FL this year from the dates June 30th, 2013 through August 4th, 2013. The date of August 3rd began with a Continuing Education Presentation on the topic of “Emerging Controlled Substances Practice Issues,” a presentation by Dr. Norman Campbell and ended on a good note with the 134th Chapter Anniversary Banquet, which included the installation of the new Executive Committee. The agenda for the banquet was packed with notable events and presentations, but Sirst beginning with the dinner portion; in which there was a beef, chicken or a vegetable option for the attendees. During the presentations, Brother Eric Gupta was recognized due to his hard work in planning the convention. There was also a special recognition to our very own, Karl Healy, due to his hard work and dedication in planning the volleyball tournament. Well along into the presentations portion of the night, the now Immediate Past Grand Regent, Dr. Kali Weaver gave a brief, yet very notable, speech to the Brothers as she prepared to step down from her post as

Regent; the ofSice that she’s held for the past 2 years. Dr. Kali Weaver has been succeeded by Dr. Eric Gupta as our new Grand Regent. Following the exciting events that took place during the presentations was the installment of the international ofSicers who were elected earlier that day during the Sixth General Session. The new Executive Committee is as follows: Eric Gupta as Grand Regent, Latha Radhakrishnan as the Grand Vice Regent, Robert Mancini as Grand Counselor, Christy Askew as Grand Historian, Harry Marcelin as Grand Ritualist, Jason Milton Graduate Member-­‐at-­‐large, and Grant McGuffey as Collegiate Member-­‐at-­‐large. This was then followed by the “Golden Bow Ceremony” which closed the ofSicial proceedings at the banquet and marked the end of the presentations. Following these events there was a short rafSle for those who had purchased tickets, in which many Brothers had gone home with winnings, some more lucky than others. The rest of the night was followed by dancing and socializing with other Chapters, and pictures to commemorate the event. In all, Epsilon Mu had a great time seeing old Brothers and meeting new ones.



While attending the Kappa Psi Summer Retreat on August 18th, 2013 Ravi Bacchus, from the Epsilon Mu Delta class was appointed by Grand Regent Eric Gupta, to serve as The Southeast Province's Representative on the National Publication’s Committee. Ravi explains, "I am so honored that I was

granted this opportunity from our Grand Regent and one day hope to follow in his footsteps. He is truly an inspiration to me."

Ravi Bacchus and Eric Gupta GCC 2013 St. Pete, Florida

Risk Management/Hazing Seminar with Judge Mitch Crane By. Jessica Wu

Judge Mitch Crane presented two seminars: Risk Management and Hazing at the Grand Counsel Convention 2013 in St. Petersburg Florida. Brother Crane entertained the crowed with stories to stress the importance of good Chapter risk management. He also warned the Brothers regarding the dangers of hazing. His advice about risk management was to “assume that things that will go wrong will happen and prevent it from happening.” His guidance regarding hazing, “hold Brother’s accountable for the actions of their own fraternity.”

F EL L O WS H I P O F TH E S QU A RE Jennifer Carrillo

By: Courtney Willis

Aside from staying up to the brink of dawn attending the festivities in

celebration of the all of the Chapter awards and accomplishments for the year, the Epsilon Mu Brothers were eager to wake up at the wee hours of morning to support Jenny Carrillo, the Orlando Graduate Chapter regent and an long standing, admirable mentor to Epsilon Mu. Jenny Carrillo presented a continuing education alongside Janice Louie on August 1st, 2013 at the Grand Council Convention titled, "Bloody Debate: Pros and Cons of the New Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets. Jenny explained that, "Warfarin, the oldest anticoagulant, used since the 1950s has proved its efficacy for reducing stroke and death however, it does have a lot of limiting factors associated with it, the frequent INR monitoring; associated to its long half life of about 20-60 hours, its numerous interactions; whether it be the dietary restriction, or drug-drug interactions. All of the limitations are what have led to the new marketing of anticoagulants." The three new anticoagulants that Jenny discussed were Dibigatran, Rivaroxiban, and Apixaban. The newer drugs contain notable advantages; a shorter half-life than Warfarin, no food-drug interactions, and all currently FDA approved for Atrial Fibrillation except for Rivaroxiban. Jenny states, "I believe a short half life is both a positive and a negative; a positive because if anticoagulant therapy needs to be stopped for any reason, reversing it would be quite rapidly done as compared to Warfarin however, it relies highly on patient

Epsilon Eta/Epsilon Mu Mini Golf Social

July 27th at Hollywood Drive-In Golf in Orlando, Florida self increasing their risk for stroke or VTE." The problem with the newer drugs is that Shout out to Brother David Chen & Melinda there is no reversal antidote. Cost also stands to be an concern with the newer agents due Buchanan from Epsilon Eta for coming out and hanging with our chapter! compliance because if at this point the patient doesn't take the medication then they are

to health providers not covering them. Warfarin however, is covered by all

insurance. So the long standing question that we all ask ourselves is which do we choose? Jenny states, "you have to look at a variety of different factors, first being patient specific parameters; for example, many patients are put on anticoagulant therapy when they are at low risk for stroke and there is a cost effective alternative such as aspirin. As pharmacists, we must make sure there is not another effective alternative." The Epsilon Mu Chapter was so proud of Jenny for her motivation and courage to stand up in front of an enormous stage of Brothers from all over the country to present. Jenny is truly an inspiration to the Epsilon Mu Chapter.

2013-2015 Grand Council Officers


After a long day of province

Harry was automatically going to

caucuses, the much anticipated voting

become the new Grand Ritualist, until

day was finally here. As everyone

numerous nominations for other just

filed into the Pavilion and sat down,

as qualified candidates were given.

you could sense exhaustion and

Nominations started with Brother

hunger. While the casting of the

Matthew Lacroix. Due to the fact that

ballots was

he already

in the hands

had two

of the



he was not

delegates, all

allowed to

Grand Vice Regent:

the other

accept the

Latha Radhakrishnan



could do was

Following a

Robert Mancini

wait. Since

five minute

Grand Historian:

this was my

caucus, four

Christy Askew

first time at


GCC, the


whole voting


Election Results Grand Regent: Eric Gupta

Grand Counselor:

Grand Ritualist: Harry Patrick Marclin

process intrigued me.

nominated: Brother Alexis Gaggini,

The voting was all very traditional

Eric Geyer, Mike Starvaggi, and

Collegiate Member at Large:

until it came to Grand Ritualist

Michael Cournoyer. Out of those four

Grant McGuffey

position. Brother Harry Patrick

nominees, Brothers Eric Geyer and

Marclin was the only name left on the

Michael Cournoyer declined. In the

ballot since Brothers Robert Mancini

end, Brother Harry Patrick Marclin

and Christy Askew had been

was announced the new Grand

announced as the new Grand

Ritualist. Finally after roughly four

Counselor and Historian,

hours, voting was complete and there


was a new Grand Council.

Graduate Member At Large: Jason Milton

Many people thought that Brother






















56th Grand Council Convention Awards Banquet The Relentless Determination Of Epsilon Mu By: Michael Walsh “The atmosphere was thick as it was tense, at least that’s what the mutual feeling was as it hovered over the three tables that Epsilon Mu occupied. The biting of fingernails, nervous leg bouncing and the shear look of nausea was displayed on each one of our faces. But upon looking around the giant, make-shift banquet hall, no one else seemed to share the same distress. However, the jovial feeling displayed by most of the 600 or so Brothers in attendance was of little concern for the Brothers of Epsilon Mu. You see for us, what was about to be announced by the Chapter Awards Committee in front of the entire Fraternity, would vindicate over a year’s worth of effort, sleepless nights, and relentless determination given by each and every Epsilon Mu Brother. Before any of those anxiety-filled minutes occurred at the 56th Grand Council Convention, events were set in motion over a

year and a half prior that culminated to that very moment, our moment. In January of 2012, the annual installment of the elected Epsilon Mu officers took place. With warm and optimistic guidance, the Immediate-Past Regent Karl Healy, pulled ambitions from a pledge essay he wrote and inspired his constituents to further their efforts to become a top ten collegiate chapter of Kappa Psi. His enthusiastic words did not fall on deaf ears. The newly appointed Regent, Tien Nguyen, made it his obligation and duty to turn Karl’s dream into a reality. Brother Tien made one of his charges as Regent to become a top ten collegiate chapter before his term was over. Over the next year, our young chapter continued forward on the path we set for excellence. This was no different from the principles that were instilled in us by our founding Alpha Class. We

held true in the belief that our pursuit of the top ten would not compromise our identity as Epsilon Mu. With the beginning of each fall semester comes with it the release of the top ten collegiate rankings. Much to our misplaced disappointment, Epsilon Mu was not among the ten chosen. Misplaced is appropriately termed because despite our considered short fallings, we grew exponentially and achieved immense personal success. Tien conveyed personal responsibility for our unmet charge, citing he “could’ve done more and sacrificed more for the chapter.” In reality, he provided all the knowledge and values that are becoming of a top ten chapter. Soon, Tien would realize that his failed objective was not attempted in vain, but would actually be considered the final catalyst in the making of history. The following semester, after a much needed winter break,

the election and installment of new officers occurred once again. However, new faces and new titles for Epsilon Mu held no influence in regards to old, unmet objectives. Newly elected Regent Timmy Do was headstrong in attempting to accomplish what his Big and Immediate-Past Regent had set a goal towards; the charge of ranking as a top ten collegiate chapter. With the passing of the torch, so too was its flame of determination, and was now being held by the capable hands of our new Regent. Feeding off the leadership of the Brothers before us, the Chapter’s Executive Officers utilized all available resources and committees to lay the blueprint towards the top ten. Created and led by Chaplain Michael Walsh, the Chapter Development Committee was formed for the sole purpose of addressing and improving all deficits found of Epsilon Mu. Continued on next page






















The Brotherhood of Epsilon Mu 56th Grand Council Convention St. Petersburg, Florida 2013 After weeks of careful selfexamination, painful record keeping, and immense effort put forth by all Brothers, we were able to submit the Chapter Progress Report Form. Once submitted, the countdown to GCC officially began. Butterflies filled our stomachs as the Collegiate Chapter Awards Ceremony began. Nervous laughter of some was complemented by pure silence from others as Epsilon Mu sat in anticipation for the release of the collegiate rankings. Several chapters were recognized for obtaining greater than 85% of the possible points and placing just outside the top ten. The number ten chapter was announced and it too was not Epsilon Mu. As each of our eyes fell on the podium and the speaker behind it, a collective breath was then held by each Brother. “The number nine collegiate chapter is… Epsilon Mu, University of Florida – Orlando.” The banquet room roared with applause from

corner to corner and was met with excited praise and cheer from Orlando Graduate, Southeast Province, and Brothers from all across North America. Each of those Brothers stood and cheered in affirmation of why Epsilon Mu earned the right to be called a top ten chapter. As he walked across the stage to accept our recognition, Timmy proudly looked back at his fellow Epsilon Mu Brothers, as we held each other in hugs of warm embrace. This moment was forced to be extended when it was also announced that Epsilon Mu was ranked as the number one collegiate chapter in the Southeast Province. Our joy was further lifted even higher when our very own Dr. Harry Patrick Marcelin deservingly received the GCD Certificate of Excellence. Without his guidance and knowledge, our success would not have occurred. We ended the ceremony with a group picture alongside Orlando Graduate Chapter as they humbly

displayed their awards that they received: Most Improved Graduate Chapter, Most Innovative Graduate Chapter Activity and ranked number four among all graduate chapters. At the time, that group picture held little significance other than a photograph of very attractive people holding up plaques and certificates. As we now know, that picture captured a moment in time that made history. As Brothers from across the country slowly made their way toward the exits at the conclusion of the event, a noticeable buzz could be heard from all directions in the venue. This buzz followed us out of the banquet hall, remained vibrant throughout the entire GCC week, and followed many chapters as they made their voyage home. Like a new song that you just can’t get stop singing, Epsilon Mu made a lasting impression at the 56th GCC as well as the entire fraternity. Our accomplishments have never been achieved by a chapter as

young as Epsilon Mu in the history of Kappa Psi. Despite our youth, we are constantly striving to improve and exceed expectation. We began this journey with an objective to be a top ten chapter. But it is not our pursuit to just merely meet the standard or make the top ten, but rather surpass it. Epsilon Mu has made it a goal to exist as a chapter of Kappa Psi that all other chapters attempt to model from. Each and every day, our Brothers put forth effort to become that very example. This is just a testament of our drive, determination, and integrity that each Brother of Epsilon Mu possesses. But our rapid success only strengthens our desire to improve in all aspects of being a Brother of Kappa Psi; fraternally, academically, professionally, and personally. It would be accurate to say that we have achieved so much in just a short amount of time. But trust us when we tell you, we’re not finished yet!



By: Jessica Wu

On the weekend of August 16 to August 18, 2013, Brothers of Epsilon Mu held their first Chapter Retreat. At this retreat, each committee presented their agenda for the upcoming school year. In between presentations, the Brothers strengthened their Brotherly bonds through team building


exercises. The exercises included “Mirror Image” where Brothers were partnered up and had to follow the lead of their partner. This game hoped to help the follower anticipate the moves of the leading Brother. Another exercise called “Helium Rod,” which stressed the importance of effective communication and teamwork.


The following day, Brothers gathered into groups for the team building exercise “Survivor” which proved that everyone has different ideas but each person needs to be able to compromise in order to achieve what is best for the group as a whole. Overall, the retreat was a productive weekend that allowed for the ties of Brotherhood to grow even stronger.


McInnis, Pamela Nguyen Michael Walsh Courtney Willis, and Jessica Wu. If you are interested in being a writer for the newsletter please contact anyone from the newsletter committee.

Calendar November 11th Gamma Class New Birthday

November 12th Epsilon Mu Chartering December 2nd

The Newsletter and Publications Committee would like to thank the following writers and editors: Ravi Bacchus, Cecily Edmond, Staci Hall, Emily Hill, Marissa

Delta Class New Birthday

December 7th-12th ASHP Midyear Meeting December 13th Last day of Fall classes

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