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Transmission and Distribution
The number of substations in the kingdom has increased from 570 in 2007 to 1,134 by 2019, due to a surge in the demand. The quantity of transformers becomes double in 2019 from 2009.
Even the introduction of renewable especially Solar surge the need for the transformer capacity. As more than 3 GW of Solar PV projects is in the tenders and auctions pipeline along with wind projects, this will also create the demand for the transformer capacity.
Year Number of substations Number of Transformers Capacity of Transformers (MVA)
2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Source: WERA, Saudi Arabia 570 586
609 642 642 704 747 817 873 937 1,004 1,083 1,134 1,644 1,690 1,758 1,845 1,875 1,892 2,039 2,289 2,525 2,761 3,001 3,285 3,477 1,48,087 1,53,414 1,61,229 1,76,090 1,73,531 1,90,134 2,12,324 2,45,689 2,87,290 3,28,249 3,71,364 4,17,203 4,41,058
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