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1. Promote access to energy with reliability and reasonable price by conducting research and development to increase efficiency and stability in electricity generation by renewable energy and transmission system development to support renewable energy. 2. Reduce the impact of climate change by improving the process of electricity generation by fossil fuel and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and pollution in the electricity generation process . 3. Promote continued and sustainable economic growth by developing the electricity generation system to be adequate for the demand and to be stable and reliable, developing and improving the electricity transmission system and smart grid, developing infrastructure, increasing local employment, developing EGAT dams and Power plants to become tourism spots and learning center, and promoting occupational health and safety management . 4. Promote energy and environmental conservation, including the support of sustainable production and consumption using the management of hazardous waste arising from the electricity generation process, circular economy development, demand-side management, and smart city development. 5. Conserve and restore the ecosystem, upgrade sustainable access to water resources, and promote sustainable agriculture by reduction of impact from electricity generation process, efficient water management, implementation of environmental projects to stop land degradation, and promotion of organic farming according to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to create biodiversity and food security. EGAT complies strictly with the law, regulations, standards, and requirements in the environment. EGAT has implemented environmental management system according to the international standards and the corporate social responsibility activities continuously to give knowledge of the organization and increase the understanding and acceptance of EGAT leading to sustainable development.
Thailand is moving towards a renewable source of electricity from natural gas, as the cost of generation from Solar has come down from the past few years. 2020 was a slow year for new projects from renewable sources especially Solar, but 2021 is showing the positive sign for Solar installation, already 45 MW of Solar hybrid projects at Sirindhorn Dam have been commissioned. The move towards Solar is the only way to reduce the import of electricity from a foreign country which constitutes more than 12% of the total installed generating capacity.