My Rights, My Responsibility - Sinhala / Tamil / English

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udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


01 fuu ud¾f.damfoaY fmd;amxs p Tn fj; bÈßm;a lsÍug wmj fm,UjQfha l=ulao iy Tfí whs;j s dislï Tn oek.; hq;f a ;a wehs@ yeÈkaùu'

09 fmdÿ wdh;khla Tjqkf a .a fiajh Tng ,nd §u m%;l s f a Iam l<fyd;a fyda Tn fiajd ,nd .ekSug hk úg Tng w;jr l<fyd;a Tng l=ula l< yelso@ Tng wêlrKh u.ska .; yels l%h s d ud¾. fidhd n,kak'



hful= Tng ysßyer l<fyd;a Tng l=ula l< yelso@ Tnj kS;s úfrdaë f,i w;awvx.=jg .;af;a kï l=ula l< hq;o = @ Tn kS;h s fkdokafka kï" hful= Tng w;jr lsÍug kS;h s wksis f,i Ndú;d lrkafkao iy tjeks l%h s djla keje;aùug Tng .; yels mshjr fudkjdoehs Tn fkdokS' Y%S ,xldfõ LGBTIQ mqo. a ,fhl= f,i Tng n,mdk kS;s fudkjdo@

Tng wêlrKhg hdug wjYH ke;s kuq;a Tfí whs;j s dislï W,a,x>kh l< flfkl=g $ wêldßhlg tfrysj mshjr .ekSug Tn leu;s kï l=ula l< hq;o = @ Tng rcfha ks,Odßfhl= .ek meñ‚,s lsÍug wjYH kï hful=g Tng Woõ l< yelso@ Tng fï i|yd uqo,a jeh lsÍug wmyiq kï fkdñf,a fiajd ,nd.; yels l%u ;sfí' wêlrKhg fkdf.dia Tng .; yels l%h s dud¾. fidhd n,kak'

17 Tn LGBTIQ mqo. a ,fhl= neúka mjqf,a idudðlfhl= Tng w;jr" ysßyer fyda í,elafï,a lrkafka kï" Tfí , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh ieÕùug Tng n, flfrkafka kï" Tfí leue;af;ka f;drj Tnj újdy lsÍug ierfikafka kï" tjeks wjia:djl Tng .Dyia: ysxikhg tfrysj .; yels l%h s dud¾. fudkjdoehs oek.kak'

19 Tn LGBTIQ mqo. a ,fhl= neúka Tnf.a fiajd ia:dkfha§ Tng ysßyer j,g ,lajkak isÿù fyda fiajd ia:dkfhka b,a,d wiajk f,i wka wh Tfnka b,a,d ;sfío@ fiajd ia:dkfha§ Tng uqyK q §ug isÿjk fujeks .eg¿ ksrdlrKh lr .; yelafla flfiao hkak oek.kak'

21 mQckSh ia:dkhlg" fmdÿ ia:dkj,g iy m%io s O a /iaùïj,g we;=¿ùu" iyNd.S ùu iy$fyda fiajdjka ,nd .ekSfï§ Tnj m%;l s f a Iam fõo@ fujeks wjia:djl Tfí whs;k S a iqrlaI; s lr.; yels whqre oek.kak'

21 Tn fyda fjk;a wfhla jerÈ f,i w;awvx.=jg f.k" w;awvx.=fõ ;nd iy $ fyda Tjqkf a .a , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;S% mqreI iucNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh fya;f = jka l=ßre" wudkqIl s " my;a wdldrhlg i,lkq ,en ;sfío@ Tn fyda Tjqka YdÍßlj fyda udkislj jo ysxidjg ,lajj q fyd;a Tn l< hq;f a ;a l=ulao@

ye¢kaùu Tnf.a

whs;sjdislï iy kS;sh

ms<sn| Tn oek .; hq;af;a wehs@ udkj whs;j s dislï hkq fudkjdo@ Tfí uQ,l s whs;j s dislï fudkjdo@ Tng ,nd .; yels kS;u s h wdrlaIK fudkjdo@ Tfí , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh fjkia fldg ie,l+ úg Tng .; yels mshjr fudkjdo@ kS;s wdOdr i|yd Tn hd hq;f a ;a fld;ekgo@ fuu m%Yk a ia;S% mqreI iudkd;au;djh iy iudk whs;k S a ,nd.ekSu Wfoid ;ju;a W;aidy lrñka isák Y%S ,xldfõ LGBTIQ mqo. a ,fhl= f,i Tng ;sìh yel' ;ju;a iudk whs;j s dislï wysñ ù we;s tÈfkod Ôú; yd wjldYhkays ysßyer yd fjkialï lsÍï j,g ,laj isák m%cdjla jYfhka" kS;h s iy th wmg wod< jkafka flfiao hkak ms<n s |j wm oekqj;aj isàu jeo.;a fõ' ysßyer yd fjkialï lsÍï j,lajd .ekSu i|yd kS;s ms<n s | oekqu w;HjYH fõ' úfYaIfhka kS;h s l%h s d;aul lrkakka iy fjk;a wdh;k kS;h s wksis f,i Ndú;d lsÍfuka tfia lsÍug W;aidy l< yelsh' fuu fmd;a msxp uÕska Y%S ,dxlsl kS;h s iy tys kS;s moaO;sh ;=< ießieÍug Tng u. fmkaùula ,nd §u wruqKq lr f.k we;s w;r" Tfí uQ,l s whs;j s dislï m%;l s f a Iam lsÍu i|yd kS;h s wksis f,i Ndú;d lr we;s wjia:djkay§ s Tng .; yels m%;p s drd;aul l%h s dud¾. o we;=<;a fõ' fuu m%ldYkfha LGBTIQ hk wlaIrhkaf.ka oelafjkafka iußis ia;S% (Lesbian)" iußis mqreI 01

(Gay)" oaùßis (Bisexual)" ixl%dka;s iudcNdù ^Transgender&" wka;¾, (Intersex)" m%Yk a lsÍu (Questioning) iy$fydaa w;sld% ka; (Queer) h' wd.ñl" ckjd¾.sl" jd¾.sl" ia;S% mqreI iudcNdjh yd , ÈYdk;sh jeks mqo. a ,hskf a .a úúO wkkH;d Ôj úoHd;aulj ;SrKh lrk ,o fyda iudÔh jYfhka msyg s j q d we;s w;r fndfyda wjia:djkays th fï foflysu m%;M s ,hls" thska woyia jkafka fuu wkkH;d ;kslru Ôj úoHd;aul fyda iudc f.dvke.Sï fkdjk njhs' flfia fj;;a" fuu wkkH;d jHdl+, iy jerÈ f,i w¾:l:kh ù we;af;a m%Odk jYfhka ñksik q f a .a wOHdmk uÜgu iy iudc mlaI.%dyS;j a h fya;f = jks' ksoiqkla jYfhka" ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh iy , ÈYdk;sh hk ish,a,u tlu w¾:hla f,i jgydf.k we;' Y%S ,xld iudcfha nyq;rhla" ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh yqfola oaúuh ^msßñ iy .eyeKq muKla& fkdjk nj;a" iEu flfkl=u úIu, fkdjk nj;a oek fkdisá;s' tneúka" fuu fmdÿ ms<. s ekSug fyda oaùuhg fkd.e,fmk mqo. a ,hska flfrys jk ish¨ wdldrfha m%pKav;ajhka iy fjkia fldg ie,lSï keje;aùu i|yd úúO ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djhkaf.a yd , ÈYdk;Skf a .a iudÔh" wd¾Ól" ixialD;sl" foaYmd,k yd ffk;sl ;;a;j a hka ms<. s ekSu yd udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

wjfndaO lr .ekSu jeo.;afõ' tneúka úúO iudchl isák iEu mqo. a ,fhl=gu Tjqkf a .a ,;ajh" ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh iy , ÈYdk;sh fkd;ld ñksik q a f,i f.!rjfhka ie,lsh hq;h = ' tneúka iudkd;au;djh iy;sl lsÍu iy idrO¾uj,ska fmdfydi;a m%.;sY, S S Y%S ,dxlsl iudchla we;s lsÍug" m%cdjf.a oekqu oekqj;a lsÍu iy jeäÈhqKq lsÍu w;HjYH fõ' tn÷ wOHdmkhla ,nd§u hkq bÈß mrïmrdjkays LGBTIQ m%cdjg iudkd;au;djhg u. mE§u

i|yd ish¨ mqo. a ,hkag uqyK q fok iudk j.lSuls' LGBTIQ m%cdj" Tfí whs;j s dislï fjkqfjka igka lrkak' fuu jHdmdrh iy whs;j s dislï fjkqfjka igka lsÍu w;sYhska jeo.;a jk w;r Tnf.a y~ m%.;sY, S S fjkila i|yd Ndú;d l, yels fyd|u fuj,u hs' m%cdj ;=< y~la fkdue;s jQjka fjkqfjka ksrka;rfhka y~la k.k ixúOdkhla f,i" fuu m%ldYkh iy tys wka;¾.;h Tng m%fhdackj;a jkq we;ehs EQUAL GROUND úYajdi lrhs'

, ÈYdk;sh" ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh

w¾: oelaùu

iußis ia;%S - YdÍßlj" frdaudka;slj iy$fyda Ñ;a;fõ.Shj fjk;a ldka;djka fj; wdl¾IKh jk ldka;djka'

iußis msßñ - YdÍßlj" frdaudka;slj iy$fyda Ñ;a;fõ.Shj fjk;a msßñka fj; wdl¾IKh jk msßñka'

oaùßis - tlu yd m%;súreoaO ,sx.hg iy$fyda ia;%S mqreI Ndjhkag wh;a mqoa.,hska fj; ldhslj" frdaudka;slj iy$fyda Ñ;a;fõ.Shj wdl¾IKhka we;sjk mqoa.,fhls'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


ixl%dka;s iudcNdù - Wmf;a§ mjrd we;s ,;ajhg jvd fjkia ia;%S mqreI wkkH;djhla fyda m%ldYkhla we;s mqoa.,hska'

wka;¾, - fuu mqoa.,hska Wmf;a§ , wjhj fyda fyda¾fudak we;=¿ , ,laIKj, hï fjkialï iys;j Wm; ,enQ mqoa.,hska jk w;r msßñ fyda .eyeKq i|yd jk w¾: oelaùïj,g fkd.e,fma'

m%Yak lsÍu - Tyqf.a fyda wehf.a , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh ms<sn|j wúksYaÑ; mqoa.,fhla'

w;sl%dka; - úIu , fyda isiafckav¾ ^Wmf;a § ,eî we;s ,sx.h hful=f.a ia;S% mqreI iudcNdjh iu. iumd; jk mqoa.,hska& fkdjk ´kEu ,;ajhla fyda ia;S% mqreI iudcNdjhla ye¢kaùu i|yd fmdÿfõ Ndú;d lrk mohls'


udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

I fldgi

Tng n,mdk kS;s fudkjdo@

m%cd;ka;%jdoh iy iudkd;au;djh .ek mqridrï fodvk rgl" LGBTIQ m%cdfõ h:d¾:h ksrka;r miqnEïj,g iy m%;súfrdaOhkag uqyqKfokq ,nkakls' fndfyda LGBTIQ mqoa.,hska Tjqkaf.a wkkHh;djh Tjqkagu ndOdjla fyda Tjqka zfidndoyfï úldrhlaz hk u;fhka uq¿ ðú; ld,h mqru mSvd ú¢;s' furg mj;sk u¾okldÍ h, kS;s fya;=fjka fuu mqoa.,hskag Tjqkaf.a , ÈYdk;sh iy$fyda ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh fya;=fjka úúO .eg¿ iy wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK §ug isÿfõ' LGBTIQ m%cdj iïnkaOfhka we;s úúO ÿ¾u;j, m%;sM,hla f,i Tjqka ksrka;rfhka úkaÈ;hka njg m;afõ'

my; oelafjkafka ,xld§m m%ldYkhl Wmqgd .ekSuls ^fhduqj n,kak& 1 l=,S r: kej;=ïfmdf<a ;sî u< isrer yuqúh ^ldxpk l=udr wdßhodi& ñkSuereulg f.dÿre jQ mqoa.,fhl=f.a u< isrer wo ^05& w¨hu oUq,a, k.rfha l=,S r: kej;=ïfmd<l ;sìh§ fidhdf.k we;s nj oUq,a, fmd,sish mjihs' uQ,sl mÍlaIK j,ska fy<s ù ;sfnkafka fuu urKhg fya;=j uq.=re j,ska l, myr§ï njhs' fmd,Sish mjik wkaoug >d;khg ,lajQ mqoa.,hd ksrka;rfhka ldka;d we÷ñka ieriS m%foaYfha ijia ld,fha .ejfik njg f;dr;=re jd¾;d ù we;' fuu mqoa.,hd ñh hk wjia:dfõ§ iudk ldka;d we÷ï we| isá njg jd¾;d fõ'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

>d;khg fhdod.;a njg iel lrk ,S uq.=re" l=vhla iy úkaÈ;hdf.a njg iel lrk w;a Trf,daiqjla >d;kh isÿ jQ ia:dkfha isg fidhdf.k we;' úkaÈ;hd óg fmr wjia:d lsysmhl§u ia;S% we÷ñka ieriS isáh§ w;awvx.=jg f.k wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lr we;s nj fmd,sish m%ldY lr ;sfí' fuu >d;kfha fÉ;kdj fuf;la wkdjrKh ù fkdue;s w;r wmrdOh ms<sn| jeo.;a f;dr;=re lsysmhla fmd,sish úiska wkdjrKh lrf.k ;sfí'

wfkld fkdbjiSu fukau rfÜ kS;s moaO;sfha mj;sk wvq¨yq~qlï fuu m%cdj uqyqKfok .eg¨j,g m%Odk;u fya;= ù ;sfí' 04

LGBTIQ m%cdjg tfrys ysßyer lsÍug" í,elafï,a lsÍug" w;a;fkdau;slj w;awvx.=jg .ekSug iy fjkiafldg ie,lSug fhdod.kakd kS;s .ek fuys § idlÉPd flf¾' m<uqfjkau" Y%S ,xldfõ oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 365 iy 365w j.ka;s LGBTIQ idudðlhka wmrdOlrejka njg m;a lrkafka 1883 § ì%;dkH md,k iufha Y%S ,xldfõ ia:dms; lrk ,o j¾;udkfha h,amek we;s kS;s wkqjh' tlS j.ka;Skaj, oelafjk mßÈ" oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 365 jk j.ka;sh( —iajNd O¾uhg úreoaOj msßñfhla" .eye‚hla fyda if;l= iu. ,sx.slj yeisrekq ´kEu flfkl=g jir 10 olajd jk isr o~qjula iy ovhla o mekúh hq;=hs fuu jro jhi wjqreÿ 18g jeä mqoa.,fhl= úiska" jhi wjqreÿ 16g wvq mqoa.,fhl=g tfrysj isÿ lr we;s úg wjqreÿ 10lg fkdwvq" wjqreÿ 20lg fkdjeä nrm;, isr o~qjï iy ovhla o mekúh hq;=hs' tfiau Widúh úiska kshu lrk uqo,la je/oaog ,la jQ mqoa.,hdg isÿ jQ ydks fjkqfjka jkaÈ uqo,la jYfhka o f.ùug kshu l< hq;=hs'˜

365w( —lsishï mqoa.,fhl= ;j;a mqoa.,hl= iu. m%isoaêfha fyda wm%isoaêfha lsishï wdldrfha ;on, wfYdaNk l%shdjl ksr; ùu fyda fjk;a mqoa.,hl= tfia yeisrùug md¾Yajlrejl= fjk mqoa.,fhl= je/Èlrejl= úh hq;= w;r jir folla olajd jk isr ovqjula fyda ovhla fyda ta folu iy je/oao isÿ lr we;af;a wjqreÿ 16lg wvq mqoa.,fhl=g tfrysj kï wjqreÿ 10lg fkdwvq wjqreÿ 20lg fkdjeä isr ovqjula iy ovhla o tjeks mqoa.,hl=g jk ydks iïnkaOfhka Widúh úiska kshu lrk uqo,la jkaÈ jYfhka o f.úh hq;=h'˜


fuu kS;s fya;= .Kkdjla ksid iycfhkau .eg¿ iy.;h( th —iajNdj O¾uhg úreoaO˜ hkak meyeÈ<sj ks¾jpkh lsÍug wfmdfydi;a jk w;r" —;on, wfYdaNk ls%hd˜ f,i iqÿiqlï ,nk ls%hdjka y÷kd .ekSug uÕ fmkaùula olajd fkdisák w;r" —m%isoaêfha iy wm%isoaêfha˜ w;r fjki o w¾: oelaùug wfmdfydi;a fõ' ffk;sl w¾: ksrEmKhka fkdue;slu" kS;s iy tys wNsm%dhka ys;du;du jerÈ f,i w¾:l:kh lsÍfuka LGBTIQ m%cdfõ mqoa.,hska w;awvx.=jg .ekSu" r|jd ;nd .ekSu fyda ysßyer j,g ,laùu fuu kS;s u.ska u. mdok w;r Tjqkag ,nd § we;s n,;, wksis f,i Ndú;d lsÍug fuu kS;s u.ska bv ,nd foa' 365 iy 365w j.ka;s úfYaIfhka , iïnkaO;dj,g tlÕ ùu .ek jk w;r th lsishï iqúfYaIS , l%shdjkag muKla iSud fkdfõ' we;a; jYfhkau" fuu fldgi úIu, yd iu, l%shdjka hk folgu tl yd iudkj wod< jk w;r th ´kEu mqoa.,fhl= w;r isÿjk ´kEu , l%shdjlg wod< fõ' flfia fj;;a" fuu kS;s iußis mqoa.,hl= ùu fyda fjkhï , ÈYdk;shla fyda ixl%dka;s iudcNdù mqoa.,hl== ùu wmrdOhla njg m;a lr fkd;snqKo" fuu kS;s ;¾ckd;aulj fhdod .ksñka LGBTIQ mqoa.,hska fmdÿ ia:dkj, .ejiSfï § mjd fmd,Sish úiska w;awvx.=jg .kakd ,o isoaëka jd¾;d ù we;' oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 399 jk j.ka;sh fndfyda úg ixl%dka;s iudcNdù iy$fyda ixl%dka;s , mqoa.,hskaf.a whs;sjdislï lvlsÍug iy Tjqkag ysßyer lsÍug fhdod .kq ,nhs'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 399 jk j.ka;sh wfkfll= f,i fmkS isàfuka jxpd lsÍu( hful= fjk;a ;eke;a;l= f,i fndrejg yÕjñka fyda fjk;a ;eke;a;l= fjkqjg ;j;a ;eke;a;l= oekqj;a j fmkS isgqjñka" fyda tlS ;eke;a;d fyda fjk;a ;eke;a;l= kshu jYfhkau tlS ;eke;a;d fyda fjk;a ;eke;a;l= fkdj" wka ;eke;af;la hhs ksrEmKh lrñka rjgf;d;a" tu ;eke;a;d zz wfkfll= f,i fmkS isàfuka jxpd l< f,izz i,lkq ,efí' fuu j.ka;sh hgf;a wdfoaYkh l< mqoa.,hd i;Hh fyda uk#l,ams; mqoa.,fhl= jqjo jro isÿ lr we;'

meyeÈ,s lsÍu( fuys § wod< mqoa.,hd jHdc f,i fmkS isákq ,nkafka ienE wfhl= f,i jqjo ukxl,ams; wfhl= f,i jqjo jrola f,i i,lkq ,nhs' oKav kS;s ix.%yfha fuu fldgi fmd,sish úiska ixl%dka;s iudcNdù mqoa.,hska wmfhdackh lsÍug yd w;awvx.=jg .ekSug ks;r Ndú;d lrkq ,efí' fuhg fya;= jkafka Tjqkaf.a ia;%S mqreI Ndjh iy wkkH;djh Tjqkaf.a cd;sl ye÷kqïm;a f,aLkj, i|yka ia;%S mqreI Ndjh iu. fkd.e,mSuhs' tfukau th tu kS;sh l%shd;aul lsÍfï wNsm%dh yd w¾: oelaùug mgyeks fõ' fufy§ i;Hh jYfhkau isÿ jkafka 399 jk j.ka;sh jerÈ f,i w¾: l:kh lsÍfuka ixl%dka;s iudcNdù mqoa.,hska w;awvx.=jg .ekSuhs'

wkHkag ysßyer fkdjk f,i ;uka leu;s we÷ï we£ug we;s ksoyi udkj whs;sjdislula jk w;r th rdcHfhka fyda kS;sfhka md,kh ùula isÿ fkdúh hq;=h' tfukau meyer .ekSu iïnkaO oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 353 jk j.ka;sh iußis iïnkaO;dj, isák mqoa.,hskag tfrysj úfYaIfhka iußis ldka;djka b,lal lr .ksñka Ndú;d lrkq ,efí'

lrkq ,nkafka weh udIdg jvd jir lsysmhla jeäuy,a jk neúka udId fuys§ úkaÈ;fhl= njg m;a ù we;s nj Wml,amkh lsÍfuks' kuq;a we;af;kau fuys§ udId jeäysáfhl= f,i ish leue;af;ka Idks iu. f.dia we;'

oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 353 jk j.ka;sh ljqreka fyda lsishï ia:dkhlska bj;aj hdug mqoa.,fhl= n,y;aldrfhka fyda jxpksl Wml%uhlska fyda n,h whq;= f,i fhdod .ekSfuka fyda fjkhï Wml%uhlska fm<Uùu'

tA yd iudkj" 1841 wxl 4 orK whd, wd{d mk; LGBTIQ m%cd idudðlhskaj b,lal fldgf.k widOdrK f,i o~qjï lsÍu i|yd o fhdod .kS¦ fuu fm!rd‚l kS;sfha mrud¾:h jqfhaa jxpkslhska yd wl%uj;a f,i yeisfrk jxpkslhka iy i,a,d,hska f,i i,lk whg o~qjï lsÍu i|ydh 2^fhduqj n,kak&'

kso¾Yk( Ydks iy udId iußis ldka;djkaa fofofkls' udIdf.a fouõmshka fuu ldrKh wkdjrKh ùfuka miq" Ydks udIdj meyerf.k .sh njg fmd,Sishg meñ‚,s lr" Idks úiska udId wehf.a ksjfia n,y;aldrfhka r|jdf.k isák njg T;a;=jlao imhd isáhs' fuys§ fmd,Sish úiska Idksg tfrysj kS;sh l%shd;aul udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

whd, wd{d mkf;a 7 jk j.ka;sh LGBTIQ m%cdjg wh;a mqoa.,hska w;awvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd fhdod .efka' fndfyda úg Tjqkag úreoaOj f.dkq lrk fpdaokd i;Hh fkdjk w;r fuu fpdaokd fndfyda úg fmdÿ ia:dkj, wfYdaNk f,i yeisÍu iy , fiajd 06

iemhSu hk ielhla muKla u; mokï jQ tAjdh' fuu ;;a;ajh ksid LGBTIQ m%cdjg wh;a mqoa.,hskag fmdÿ nia kj;=ïfmd,j,a jeks ia:dkj, mjd .ejiSu iuyr wjia:dj,§ .eg¨iy.;h' Tjqkaj fmd,sish úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k ufyaia;%d;ajrhl= fj; bÈßm;a l< úg wksjd¾h reêr mÍlaIKhla i|yd hjkq ,efí' kuq;a" i;shlg fo;=ka j;djla w;awvx.=jg .;a úg fuu mÍlaIKh kej; isÿ l< hq;= njg jd¾;d ù we;s w;r th m%cd idudðlhskag ysßyer lsÍula fõ hehs ysgmq udkj ysñlï flduidßia wdpd¾hh m%;sNd uydkdufyajd mejiSh 3^fhduqj n,kak&' kso¾Yk( fld<U k.rhg wdikak fjr< ;Srhl kj;d ;snQ ish h;=re meÈh fj; hñka isáh§ iußis ldka;djla jk p;=ßld fmd,sish úiska kj;df.k m%Yak fldg ;sfnkafka wod, wd{d mk;g wkqj jk w;r tys§ wehf.a mqreIhl=g wkkH jk ndysr iajrEmh iy h;=re meÈhla meoùu iïnkaOfhka oeä f,i m%Yak lrñka meh mylg ld,hla r|jd .ekSfuka miq uqodyer we;' óg wu;rj Y%S ,xldfõ kS;sh n,d;aul lrk wdh;k w;a;fkdau;sl f,i w;awvx.=jg .ekSu iy r|jd ;nd .ekSu iïnkaOfhka

fukau by; oelajQ kS;s ys;du;d jerÈ f,i w¾:l:kh lsÍu ms,sn| m%isoaêhla Wiq,k w;r tu.ska LGBTIQ m%cdj úúO fjkia fldg ie,lSï j,g myiq b,lal njg m;a fõ' LGBTIQ m%cdj iy Y%S ,xld fmd,Sish w;r mj;sk úhjq,a iy.; iïnkaO;djh úoyd oelafjk ;j;a tla wjia:djla jkafka fmd,sia ks,OdÍka úiska m%isoaO ia:dkj,§ LGBTIQ m%cdfõ idudðlhskag úúO wmjdo t,a, lsÍuhs' ish¨ mqrjeishkaf.a iduh iy wdrlaIdj wdrlaId lsÍu i|yd jQ wdh;k úiskau fujeks wmfhdackhka isÿ lrk úg" LGBTIQ idudðlhska Tjqkag t,a, jk m%pKav;ajhka iy fjkia fldg ie,lSïj,g úreoaOj kS;sh bÈßhg hdug ue,sùu idudkHh ;;a;ajhla njg m;a ù ;sfí' ixlaIsma;j" LGBTIQ m%cdj Tjqkaf.a meje;au fkdbjik iy Tjqkag fjkia fldg i,lk fmd,Sisfha n,dêldrhg ìhla olajk w;r hqla;sh mis|,Su i|yd ia:dms; fldg we;s wdh;k úiskau ,;ajh" ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh iy , ÈYdk;sh mokï lrf.k mqoa.,hskaj wmfhdackh lrk iy fjkia fldg i,lk ;;a;ajhla ;=< wfkl=;a wdh;k iïnkaOfhka jeä hula mejiSug wjYH fkdjk nj meyeÈ,sh'

Tng we;s

kS;suh /ljrKhka fudkjdo@

LGBTIQ m%cdfõ whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍug iy Tjqkag /ljrKh ie,iSug iqúfYaIS kS;suh rduqjla fkdue;s w;r" fmdÿ kS;sh n,meje;a fõ' flfia fj;;a" Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavql%u jHjia:dj u.ska ish¨ mqrjeishkag uQ,sl whs;sjdislï (Fundamental Rights) ,nd fok w;r wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ i|yka lr we;s iqúfYaIS ;;a;ajhka hgf;a iy ksYaÑ; iSudjkag bv i,ik rfÜ yÈis kS;sh l%shd;aul jk wjia:dj,§ yer fuu whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh fkdúh hq;=h' 07

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ III jk mßÉfþoh u.ska ,ehsia;=.; lr we;s Tnf.a whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh jk ´kEu ls%hdjlg tfrysj fYa%IaGdêlrKfha uQ,sl whs;sjdislï (FR) fm;aiula f.dkq lsÍug yel' ^Google fijqula uÕska Tng jHjia:dfõ wka;¾cd, msgm;la isxy," fou< fyda bx.%Sis NdIdfjka ,nd .; yelsh'& my; oelafjk jHjia:d u.ska LGBTIQ mqoa.,hskaf.a by; oelajQ whs;sjdislï lvjk wjia:dj,§ hïlsis /ljrKhla ,nd .; yel' 10 jk jHjia:dj( iEu ;eke;af;l=gu ;uka wNsu; wd.ula weoySfï fyda je<| .ekSfï ksoyi o" ,íêhla fyda úYajdihla oeÍfï fyda ms<s.ekSfï ksoyi o we;=¿j is;Sfï ksoyig" yDo idlaIsfha ksoyig iy wd.ñl ksoyig ysñlï we;af;ah' 11 jk jHjia:dj( lsisu ;eke;af;l= jO ysxid j,g fyda lDDr" wudkqIsl fyda wjuka iy.; ie<ls,a,lg ke;fyd;a o~qjulg hg;a fkdl< hq;af;ah' 12 jk jHjia:dj( kS;sh ms<sme§u iy laßhd;aul lsÍu o" kS;sfha /ljrKh o" i¾j idOdrK úh hqf;ah' kso¾Yk( le¿ïg wjYH jQ <sms f,aLk lsysmhla ,nd .ekSug lsishï rdcHh wdh;khlg .sh úg tu wdh;kfha ks,OdÍka Tyqg fiajd iemhSu m%;slafIam lrkq ,enqfõ Tyq ixl%dka;s iudcNdù mqoa.,hl= hehss yeÕ=Kq neúks' fï wjia:dfõ§ le¿ïg ish uQ,sl whs;sjdislï lvùu iïnkaOfhka FR fm;aiula f.dkql< yel' 13 jk jHjia:dj( w;a;fkdau;slj isrNdrhg .ekSfuka" r|jd ;nd .ekSfuka iy o~qjï lsÍfuka ksoyig n,mdk oKavk kS;s mekùu ;ykï lsÍu' 13 ^1& jk jHjia:dj( kS;sfhka kshu lrkq ,enQ ld¾hh mámdáhg wkql+,j ñi lsisu ;eke;af;l= isrNdrhg .ekSu fkdl< hq;af;ah' hï ;eke;af;l= isrNdrhg .kq ,nkafka hï fya;=jla u; o tu fya;=j ta ;eke;a;dg oekaúh hq;af;ah' kso¾Yk( iußis mqreIfhl= jk wls, fidrlï lsÍula iïnkaOfhka w;awvx.=jg f.k we;' Tyq fmd,sia w;awvx.=fõ isáh§ fmd,sish úiska Tyqg ysßyer lr we;s w;r , w,a,ia ,nd §ug Tyqg n,mEï lr we;' Tyq ksoyia ùug fmr Tjqka Tyqj Èk lsysmhla isr lr ;nd o we;' 11" 12 iy 13 jk jHjia:d W,a,x>Kh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka wls,g fmd,sishg tfrysj FR fm;aiula f.dkql< yel' 14 jk jHjia:dj u.ska iEu mqrjeisfhl=gu ysñ NdIKfha" /iaùfï" iud.ufha" /lshdfõ iy hdï Bï hkdÈfha ksoyi ;yjqre lrhs' wmf.a uQ,sl whs;sjdislï i|yd mkjd we;s iSudjka oek .ekSu o jeo.;a jk w;r ksoiqkla jYfhka" 15 jk jHjia:dj u.ska cd;sl wdrlaIdj iy wd.ñl u; hï hï whs;sjdislï iSud l< yelsh' flfia fj;;a" 10 iy 11 jk jHjia:dj fï wdldrfhka iSud l< fkdyel'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


II fldgi wmf.a whs;sjdislï

m%j¾Okh iy wdrlaId lsÍu wm ish¨ fokdgu l, yel

Tnf.a fyda fjk;a wfhl=f.a whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh jk úg fyda W,a,x>Kh ùug w;Hdikak wjia:djl§ Bg úreoaOj wjYH l%shdud¾. .ekSu jeo.;a fõ' fuys§ .; hq;= ls%hd ud¾. ms<sn|j wjYH iyh ,nd .ekSug EQUAL GROUND ÿrl:k ud¾. Tiafia wmj iïnkaO lr.; yel' Tng wmj i;sfha Èkj, fm'j' 9'30 isg m'j' 5'30 olajd

076-0038380, 076-0038381 hk ÿrl:k wxl j,ska fyda hk úoHq;a ;emE, yryd iïnkaO lrf.k wjYH u.fmkaùu ,nd.; yel'

uQ,sl whs;sjdislï iy udkj whs;sjdislï

n,d;aul lsÍu wêlrK hdka;%K

1' wdKavql%u jHjia:dj 126 jk jHjia:dj hgf;a uQ,sl whs;sjdislï (FR) fm;aiula f.dkq lsÍu' 09

lsishï mßmd,kuh fyda úOdhl l%shdud¾.hla u.ska wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ III jk mßÉfþofha ,ehsia;=.; lr we;s ´kEu uQ,sl whs;sjdislï (FR) W,a,x>Kh ùula fyda W,a,x>Kh ùug w;Hdikak wjia:djl§ hful=g fm;aiula iy Èjqreï m%ldYhla u.ska fY%aIaGdêlrKfha uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiula f.dkq l< yelsh' udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

Tnf.a whs;Ska W,a,x>Kh ù udihla we;=<; fuu kS;suh mshjr .; hq;= nj isysfha ;nd.kak' flfia fj;;a" Tn udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdjg meñ‚,a,la l<fyd;a ^udi 3la we;=<;&" fuu udihl ld, iSudj wdrïN jkafka udkj ysñlï fldñifï úu¾Ykh wjika ùfuka miqj mu‚' fuu õh;sf¾lh wod< jkafka Tfí meñ‚,a, iïnkaOfhka udkj ysñlï fldñiu úu¾Ykhla wdrïN lr we;akï muKla jk w;r" Tn yqfola meñ‚,a,la lr ;sîu muKla m%udKj;a fkdjk nj i,lkak' ùrisxy tÈßj fma%ur;ak" fmd,sia ierhka iy fjk;a whf.a kvqj ^1998& 1 SLR127 hkq uQ,sl udkj whs;sjdislï ms<sn| mQ¾j úYaf,aIKhls" úfYaIfhka jOysxidfjka ksoyia ùu iy w;a;fkdau;sl f,i r|jd ;nd .ekSfï

ksoyig wod< jkakls' fuu kvqj Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï kS;sh l%shd;aul lsÍu fnfyúka mq¿,a l< w;r tys m%;sM,hla jYfhka rfÜ udkj ysñlï kS;sfha m%uqL kvqjla f,i i<lkq ,efí' fï wkqj" fuu kvqfõ lreKq ms<sn| .eUqre oekqula ksielju udkj ysñlï iïnkaOj kS;suh yd wêlrK l%shdj,Skays fh§ug WmldÍ jkq we;' fuu kvqfõ lreKq fláfhka fufia h( fm;aiïlre ùrisxy uy;dj w;awvx.=jg .kq ,enQ mkak, fmd,sish úiska r|jd ;nd .ekSfï§ Tyqg jO ysxidfldg we;' fuys§ .re úksiqre ërr;ak m%ldY lr isáfha fm;aiïlref.a jHjia:dkql+, whs;sjdislï 11 iy 13 ^2& jHjia:d hgf;a fmd,Sish úiska Tyqj ksrej;a fldg l=ßre yd wudkqIsl f,i myr §u u.ska W,a,x>Kh lr we;s njhs'

1& nrm;< wmrdOhla l< mqoa.,fhl=g mjd o~qjï l< hq;af;a Bg wkql+,j yd kS;sfhka kshu lr we;s mßÈ jk w;r uQ,sl udkj ysñlï u.ska ,nd fok /ljrKh Tyqg ysñfõ' 2& wjia:dkql+, idlaIs iudf,dapkh lsÍfï§" ysñlï mEula i|yd ffjoH idlaIs fkdue;s jqjo" mqoa.,fhl=g wudkqIsl f,i ie,lSu yd jOysxid muqKjd ;sfío hkak ms<sn|j ;Skaÿjla .; yelsh' iudkd;au;djhg we;s whs;sh ;yjqre lrk wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 12 ^1& jHjia:dj fï yd nef|k uQ,sl whs;sjdislïj,g wdrlaIdj i,ihs' /lshd ia:dk ;=< Wiiaùï iy úYaj úoHhd, m%fõY whÿïm;a i,ld ne,Su jeks l%shdj,Ska i|yd moku iudkd;au;djhhs' FR kvq j,§" fm;aiïlre" Tyqg $ wehg $ Tjqkag fjkia f,i ie,lSula lr we;s nj muKla fkdj" tu fjkia fldg ie,lSu Tyqf.a $ wehf.a $ Tjqkaf.a iu uÜgfï wh yd iei£fï§ widOdrKhla nj;a wêlrKh yuqfõ Tmamq l< hq;=h'

1& udihl ld, iSudj blaujd we;a o hkak' 2& udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj úiska lsishï iykhla ,nd § ;sfío hkak' 3& W,a,x>Kh lsÍu uQ,sl whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍulao hkak' 4& Tfí fm;aiu 12 ^1& j.ka;sh hgf;a f.dkq lrkq ,enqjfyd;a" fpdaokdjg ,lajQ l%shdj i;Hh jYfhkau Tfí iudkd;au;djhg we;s whs;sh W,a,x>Kh lrkjdo hkak iy tu l%shdj W,a,x>Kh lrk ,o md¾Yjh úiska idOdrŒlrKh l< yelso hkak'

FR kvqjla f.dkq lsÍfï§" mÍlaId lr ne,Sh hq;= lreKq(

^ksoiqkla jYfhka" hï wd.ula u; mokï jQ rdcHh fkdjk ixúOdkhlg fjk;a wd.ul

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


whÿïlrefjla" ld¾hHka j, iajNdjh fya;=fjka m%;slafIam l< yelsh' tA yd iudkj" hï idOdrK fya;=jla u; mokïj lsishï ia;%S mqreI Ndjhla wjYH lrk /lshd mqrmamdvqjlg úreoaO ,sx.fha whÿïlrefjl= m%;slafIam lsÍu idOdrŒlrKh l< yel&' óg wu;rj" uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiula f.dkq lsÍfï§" Tfí fm;aifï wka;¾.;h

ikd: lrk Èjqreï m%ldYhla o tA iu. f.dkq l< hq;=h' fm;aifï wdhdpkfha we;s b,a,Su Tfí fm;aifï olajd we;s lreKq wkqj uQ,sl whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh ù we;s nj fmkaúh hq;=h ^wdhdpkh hkq iykhla f,i Tn wêlrKfhka lrk b,a,Sug ffk;sl fhÿuls&' wdhdpkfha§ Tng ,eìh hq;= ish¨ iyk b,a,d isáh hq;=h'

m<mqreÿ kS;s{fhl=f.a Wmfoia ,nd .ekSu u.ska ;dlaI‚l fya;= u; fm;aiula wêlrKh úiska ksIam%Nd ùu j<lajd .; yelsh' uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiula f.dkq lsÍu iy kS;s Wmfoiaa ,nd .ekSu Tnf.a uQ,sl whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍu i|yd flakaøSh fõ' fkdñf,a kS;s fiajd ,nd .ekSu i|yd Tng Y%S ,xld kS;s wdOdr fldñIka iNdj iu. 011 243 3618 ÿrl:k ud¾.h Tiafia iy Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï fldñiu iu. iïnkaO úh yelsh'

2' uydêlrKhg fm;aiula fhduq lsÍu' ^2007 wxl 56 orK isú,a yd foaYmd,k whs;sjdislï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;sh (ICCPR) mk; hgf;a& úOdhl fyda mßmd,kuh l%shdjla u.ska" ICCPR mk; hgf;a Tng ysñlï we;s ´kEu udkj whs;sjdislula W,a,x>Kh lsÍula fyda W,a,x>Kh lsÍulg w;Hdikak wjia:djl§ Bg tfrysj Tng uydêlrKhg fm;aiula f.dkq l< yelsh' tjeks wjia:d" a. kS;sh bÈßfha mqoa.,fhl= f,i ms<s.ekSfï whs;sh" tkï kS;sh iEu flfkl=gu mqoa.,hska f,i iudkj n,meje;aúh hq;= njhs'


b. ´kEu ,sÅ; kS;shla hgf;a idmrdë jrola iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd ,en isák mqoa.,fhl=g ksis wêlrKhla úiska mj;ajkq ,nk idOdrK kvq úNd.hla" fm!oa.,slju fyda kS;s{fhl= u.ska lreKq mEug wdOdr ,nd §u" tu mqoa.,hdg f.ùug fkdyels kï lsisÿ f.ùulska f;drj kS;s wdOdr ,nd §u" Tyqg tfrys idlaIslrejka úNd. lsÍu fyda idlaIs úNd. lrùu" f;areï .ekSug fkdyels kï mßj¾;lfhl=f.a iydh ,nd §u iy pQÈ;hd úiska ;ukag tfrysj idlaIs §ug fyda mdfmdÉpdrKh lsÍug n,mEï fkdlsÍu' c. iDcqj fyda ´kEu ksfhdað;fhl= ud¾.fhka uyck lghq;=j,g iyNd.S ùug iy rch úiska uyckhdg imhkq ,nk fiajdjka i|yd m%fõYhg iEu mqrjeishl=gu whs;sh iy wjia:dj ysñ úh hq;=h'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

fjk;a hdka;%Khka

Y%S ,xld

udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj Y%S ,xld udkj ysñlï fldñIka fldñiug bÈßm;a l< yels iNdj úiska Tng iydh úh meñ‚,sj, iajNdjh l=ulao@ yelafla ljr wdldrfhkao@ Y%S ,xld wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ III jk fldñiug my; oE l< yelsh( mßÉfþoh hgf;a iEu mqrjeisfhl=gu iy;sl ²


uQ,sl whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍï fyda W,a,x>Kh ùug w;Hdikak wjia:d ms<sn| meñ‚,s úuiSu iy úu¾Ykh lsÍu' uQ,sl whs;sjdislï iy;sl lsÍu i|yd jk l%shd mámdá ms<sn| meñ‚,s úuiSu iy úu¾Ykh lsÍu'


´kEu wêlrKhl úNd. fjñka mj;sk uQ,sl whs;sjdislï lvùï iïnkaO wêlrK lghq;a;lg tu wêlrKfha wjirh u; ueÈy;a ùu'


/|jqï ia:dk mÍlaId lsÍfuka /|úhkaf.a iqNidOkh wëlaIKh lsÍu' ^tkï" w;awvx.=fõ $ nkaOkd.drfha isáh§ mqoa.,fhl=f.a $ isrlrefjl=f.a whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh ùu$fkdùu fidhd ms<sn| ne,sh yel&'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

lr we;s uQ,sl whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍï fyda W,a,x>Kh ùug w;Hdikak wjia:d iïnkaOfhka meñ‚,s f.dkq l< yelsh'

fldñiug meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelafla ldgo@ ² ² ²

´kEu w.;shlg m;a mqoa.,fhl=g' w.;shg m;a ´kEu mqoa., lKavdhulg' ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=g $ lKavdhulg w.;shg m;a mqoa., lKavdhula fjkqfjka meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelsh'

kso¾Yk( ixl%dka;s iudcNdù mqreIfhl= jk fcfrdaïj frday,l fyÈhka úiska ysßyerhg yd kskaodjg ,la lrk ,§' .eiag%hsáia frda.hg m%;sldr ,nñka isáh§" Tyqf.a ixl%dka;s iudcNdù wkkH;djh ffjoHjrhdg fy<s lsÍfuka wk;=rej Tyqj ldka;d jdÜgqjg we;=<;a lrk ,§' ldka;d jdÜgqfõ msßñ frda.sfhl= isákafka ukaoehs oek .ekSug ldka;d frda.Ska b,a,d isá úg" fyÈhla ldka;djkag fmkaùu i|yd fcfrdïf.a we÷ï 12

n,y;aldrfhka bj;a lf<ah' fuys§ fcfrdïg ;u whs;Ska W,a,x>Kh lsÍug tfrysj meñ‚,a,la f.dkq l, yel'


udkj ysñlï fldñiu .ek Tn oek.; hq;= foa"



meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍug Ndú;d l< yels NdId fudkjdo@ isxy," fou< fyda bx.%Sis Ndú;d l< yelsh'


lsisÿ meñ‚,a,la fkdue;sj mÍlaIKhla meje;aùug fldñiug n,h ;sfío@ Tõ' lsishï uQ,sl whs;sjdislula W,a,x>Kh jQ wjia:djl" fldñiug lsisÿ meñ‚,a,la fkdue;sj úu¾Ykhla lsÍug fyda ta ms<sn|j mÍlaIKhla meje;aúh yelsh'

iii) fY%aIaGdêlrKhg fldñifuka úu¾Yk jd¾;djla b,a,d isàug n,hla ;sfío@ Tõ' hï ;;ajhka hgf;a fYa%IaGdêlrKh úiska Wmfoia § we;s mßÈ wod< ldrKh iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIKhla mj;ajd fldñifuka jd¾;djla bÈßm;a lrk f,i b,a,d isàug fYa%IaGdêlrKhg n,h we;' iv) meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍug ld, rduqjla ;sfío@ W,a,x>Kh ù udi ;=kla we;=<; meñ‚,s bÈßm;a l< hq;=h'

meñ‚,a,lg we;=<;a l< hq;= f;dr;=re fudkjdo@ ² ² ²


W,a,x>Kh lr we;s whs;sh$whs;Ska fudkjdo@ W,a,x>Kh lr we;af;a ldf.a whs;Skao@ whs;sjdislï $ ysñlï W,a,x>Kh lsÍï iïnkaOfhka j.lsj hq;af;a ljqrekao@



whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lr we;af;a lskï wdldrfhkao@ W,a,x>Kh isÿ jQ Èkh yd ia:dkh l=ulao@ wfmalaId lrkakfka lskï wdldrfha iykhlao@ ^Wod¦ uq,Huh" fjk;a& meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍu i|yd Tn Y%S ,xld udkj ysñlï fldñiug meñfKk úg kS;s{fhl= iu. meñK isàu wksjd¾ho@ meñ‚,a,la lsÍug Tng kS;s{fhl= wjYH fkdfõ'

vi) meñ‚,a,la udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdfõ úIh m:hg wh;a fkdjkafka kï l=ula isÿfõo@ tjeks meñ‚,a,la úi£u i|yd rch úiska msysgqjk ,o wod< wdh;kh$n,Odßhd fj; th fhduq lrkq ,efí' vii) W,a,x>Kh isÿù udi ;=kla .;ù we;akï Tng fldñiug ;ju;a meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelso@ Tõ" tu ld, iSudj ;=< Tn meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍug wfmdfydi;a ùug idOdrK fya;=jla ;sfí kï udi ;=kla .;ù we;;a Tng ;ju;a meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelsh' kso¾Yk( ksi,a fmd,sia w;awvx.=fõ isáh§ oeä f,i ;=jd, ,nd frday,a.; lr udi 3 lg jvd jeä ld,hla isg we;s w;r Tyq fjkqfjka fldñiug meñ‚,s l< yels fjk;a lsisfjl= Tyq iu. isg fkdue;' m%udo ùug fya;=j idOdrŒlrKh lsÍu i|yd Tyqf.a ffjoH jd¾;d bÈßm;a l< yels kï Tyqg frdayf,ka msgj .sh miq ;ju;a meñ‚,a,la f.dkq l< yelsh'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

viii) Tng Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdfõ fiajh fkdñf,a ,nd .; yelso@

Tõ' Y%S ,xld udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdfõ m%Odk ld¾hd,fha iy wfkl=;a m%dfoaYSh YdLdj, ish¨u kS;s Wmfoia$fiajd fkdñf,a imhkq ,efí' udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdjg meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍu ie,lsh hq;= msßjehlska f;dr

ir, iy M,odhS l%shdud¾.hla jqjo" fuu wdh;khg fY%aIaGdêlrKh i;=j we;s n,;, j,g iudk n,hla fkdue;s nj ie,ls,a,g .; hq;=h'

udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdjg meñ‚,s lsÍu i|yd HOTLINE( 1996 or 0112 505575 udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdfõ m%dfoaYSh ld¾hd,j, iïnkaO;d f;dr;=re fhduqfjka fidhd.; yelsh'iv

idlaIslrejka iy úkaÈ;hka wdrlaId lsÍfï cd;sl wêldßh

2015 wxl 04 orK wmrdO úkaÈ;hskg a yd idlaIl s rejkag iydh ùu iy wdrlaId lsÍfï mk;' 2015 wxl 04 orK mk; wmrdOj,g f.dÿre jQjkaf.a iy idlaIslrejkaf.a whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍu" ;yjqre lsÍu i|yd iïu; lr we;'

fuu wêldßh wxl 428$11 ta" fvkais,a fldínElvqj udj;" n;a;ruq,a, hk ia:dkfha msysgd we;' fjk;a lreKq w;ßka" úkaÈ;fhl=g we;s whs;sjdislï( ²

úkaÈ;hdf.a f.!rjhg yd fm!oa.,sl;ajhg ydks fkdjk f,i iudkd;au;djfhka" idOdrKj iy f.!rjdkaú; f,i ie<lSu'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


lsishï mqoa.,fhl= wmrdOhlg f.dÿreù we;akï" kshu lr we;s ffk;sl l%shdmámdáhg wkql+,j Bg wod< jkaÈ f.ùu" ydksmQrKh iy m%;sia:dmkh lsÍu we;=¿ läkï" iqÿiq iy idOdrK úi÷ula ,nd §u'


;¾ck lsÍï" ìh .ekaùï" m<s.ekSï fyda m%;sysxidj we;=¿j isÿúh yels ydksj,ska ksis f,i wdrlaId ùu'


wmrdOhlg f.dÿre ùu ksid we;sjk udkisl fyda YdÍßl ;=jd," ydks" wdndO i|yd ffjoH m%;sldr ,nd .ekSu'

mkf;a we;s úkaÈ;hkaf.aa whs;sjdislï iy ysñlï ,ehsia;=j mßYS,kh lsÍug fhduqj n,kak'v 14

Tn lsishï wmrdOhl úkaÈ;fhl= fyda lsishï kS;suh mÍlaIKhl fyda úu¾Ykhl idlaIslrefjl= ùu ksid fyda hï wêlrK kvq úNd.hlg iyNd.S ùu fya;=fjka Tng hïlsis ydkshla isÿfõ hehs idOdrK ielhla we;akï Tnf.a wdrlaIdj iïnkaOfhka wod< wdh;khkaf.ka ish wdrlaIdj ;yjqre lrk fuka b,a,Sula isÿ l, yelsh'

iydh ùu iy wdrlaId lsÍu i|yd jk wxYh - Y%S ,xld fmd,sish' ²

lsishï wêlrK kvq úNd.hla wdrïN lsÍug kshñ; wod< wêlrKh fyda kvq úNd. fjñka mj;sk fyda mj;ajkq ,enQ wêlrKh'


fldñIka iNd - ^udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj" w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñIka iNdj iy úu¾Yk fldñIka iNd mk; hgf;a m;a lrk ,o úfYaI ckdêm;s fldñIka iNd&'


m%dfoaYSh fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s'

wod, wdh;k¦ ²

wmrdO idlaIslrejka iy úkaÈ;hska wdrlaId lsÍu i|yd jQ cd;sl wêldßh'


wmrdO idlaIslrejkag iy úkaÈ;hskag


fmd,sia fldñIka iNdj wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 155W ^2& jHjia:dj u.ska fmd,sia ks,Odßfhl=g fyda fmd,sia fiajhg tfrysj ´kEu w.;shg m;a mqoa.,hl=f.a uyck meñ‚,s úNd. lsÍu iy kS;sfhka imhd we;s mßÈ úi÷ï ,nd §u i|yd l%ufõohka ia:dms; lr we;' Tfí , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh" Tfí j¾;udk ;;a;ajh fyda fjk;a fm!oa.,sl ;;a;ajhla u; fmd,sia ks,Odßfhl= úiska hï wdldrhl fjkialula lsÍu fya;=fjka Tn w.;shg m;a mqoa.,fhl= kï" Tng tjeks ks,Odßfhl=g fyda wod< fmd,sia ia:dkhg tfrysj kS;sfhka imhd we;s mßÈ iyk wheoñka meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yel'


kso¾Yk( ixl%dka;s iucNdù mqreIfhl= jk frdIdka fmdÿ m%jdyk fiajhla Ndú;d lsÍug uyu. isáh§ fmd,Sish úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí' fmd,sish úiska Tyqj m%ldYhla ,nd .ekSulska f;drj r|jd ;nd .kakd ,o w;r Tyqf.a ixl%dka;s iudcNdù;ajh ksid , w;jrhka iy jdÑlj ysßyer isÿlr we;' wjidkfha§ Tyqj lsis÷ fpdaokdjlska f;drj ksoyia lrkq ,en we;' uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiula f.dkq lsÍug $ udkj ysñlï fldñiug meñ‚,s lsÍug wu;rj" frdIdkag tu fmd,sia ia:dkfha § Tyqg ysßyer lrk ,o tjeks ks,Odßfhl=g $ ks,OdÍkag tfrysj fyda fmd,sia ia:dkhg Tyqf.a whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka fmd,sia fldñiug meñ‚,s l< yelsh'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

Tng cd;sl fmd,sia fldñIka iNdfõ fjí wvúhg msúi yryd meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelsh' fuys§ Tnf.a fm!oa.,sl f;dr;=re fy<s fkdlr isàug Tng yelshdj ;sfnk w;r Tn óg fmr lsishï by< fmf<a fmd,sia ks,Odßfhl=g fï iïnkaOfhka meñ‚,s lr we;aoehs i|yka l< yelsh'

Tng ´kEu Y%jH $ oDYH $ f,aLkh udOHhlska idlaIs bÈßm;a l< yelsh'

cd;sl fmd,sia fldñiu( meñ‚,s i|yd wu;kak 1960 $ ^¬94& 0710361010 idudkH ÿrl:k ud¾. ^¬94& 11 510 7722 ,smskh( cd;sl fmd,sia fldñiu" BMICH mßY%h" wxl 09 f.dvke.s,a," fld<U 07" Y%S ,xldj

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


III fldgi

whs;sjdislï n,d;aul l< yels úúO ;;a;ajhka

1) 2005 wxl 34 orK .Dyia: ysxikh je<elaùfï mk; hgf;a whÿïm;la bÈßm;a lsÍu

^1& .Dyia: ysxikhla isÿ ù we;s" isÿjk fyda isÿ ùug bv we;s wjia:djl tjeks ysxikhlg tfrysj$je<elaùu i|yd wdrlaIK ksfhda.hla ,nd .ekSug ufyaia;%;a wêlrKfhka b,a,Sula l< yelsh'

.Dyia: ysxikh je<elaùfï mk; uÕska .Dyia: wmfhdackhg ,lajk ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=g ^Wod( jdÑl" udkisl" YdÍßl ysßyer" n,y;aldr újdy jeks& whÿïm;la u.ska ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKfhka iykhka ,nd .ekSug ud¾.hla i,id § we;'

kso¾Yk( udOù hkq iußis ldka;djls' wef.a fouõmshka úiska wehg myr § wehg wiNHh jpkfhka nek j§' Tjqka úiska wehj n,y;aldrfhka ux., fhdackdjla u.ska wehj msßñ wfhl=g újdy lr §ug ierfihs' weh újdy ùu m%;slafIam l<fyd;a ksjiska msgjk f,ig ;¾ckh lrhs' Tjqka úiska lrk l%shd .Dyia: ysxikhka iy ysßyerhka fõ' wehg iykhla b,a,d ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg b,a,Sula bÈßm;a l< yelsh'

Tn" Tfí ksji ;=< fyda msg;§ wod< mqoa.,fhl= úiska w.;shg m;ajk mqoa.,fhl= kï ^wmfhdackhg ,lajk mqoa.,hd& ^zwod< mqoa.,fhl=z f,i i,lkq ,nkafka ljqrekao $ l=uk wdldrfha iïnkaO;djhlao hkak iy z.Dyia: wmfhdackhz hkafkys w¾:h i|yd fhduqj n,kak&vi" iy Tn iy wod< mqoa.,hd w;r we;s fm!oa.,sl iïnkaO;djfhka tu wmfhdackh mek k.skafkakï" túg Tng my; i|yka l%shd mámdáh Ndú;d lr wod< ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg b,a,Sula l< yelsh ^fuys fláfhka i|yka lr we;s" mkf;a wvx.= iïmQ¾K f;dr;=re fj; fhduqfõ i|yka URL ine¢h u.ska m%fõY úh yelsh&vii'


^2& whÿïm;la¦ ^w& w.;shg m;a mqoa.,fhl= úiska ^Tn&¦ fyda ^wd& w.;shg m;a mqoa.,fhl= fjkqfjka fmd,sia ks,Odßfhl= úiska bÈßm;a l< yelsh' ^3& mkf;a II jk Wmf,aLkfha olajd we;s wdlD;s m;%h wkqj whÿïm;a folla bÈßm;a l< hq;=h ^lreKdlr wdlD;s m;%h i|yd fhduqj n,kak&' udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

whÿïm;a Tn fyda wod< mqoa.,hd Ôj;a jk m%foaYh ^;djld,slj fyda iaÓrj& fyda .Dyia: ysxikh isÿ jk $ jQ fyda isÿ ùug bv we;s m%foaYh ;=< ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l< hq;=h' ^4& Tng isÿ jQ $ jk fyda isÿ ùug bv we;s .Dyia: ysxikh ms<sn| fjk;a mqoa.,fhl=g $ mqoa.,hskag oekqula ;sfí kï" Tfí whÿïm;g iydh ùu i|yd tu mqoa.,hd $ mqoa.,hska úiska ,nd § we;s Èjqreï m%ldY wuqKkak' ^5& wêlrKh úiska wjYHh;djh ms,sn| iEySulg m;a jkafka kï" Tfí whÿïm; ms<sn| úu¾Ykh wjika jk ;=re w;=re wdrlaIK ksfhda.hla ksl=;a l< yelsh' w;=re wdrlaIK ksfhda.hla hkq Tfí wmfhdaclhdg tfrysj wêlrKh úiska ,nd fok we;s ;djld,sl ^Tfí kvqj iïmQ¾Kfhka úNd. ù wjikajk ;=re& ksfhda.hls'

^7& ufyaia;%d;ajrhd úiska lrkq ,nk ksfhda.hla ms<sn|j Tn iEySulg m;a fkdjkafka kï" Tng uydêlrKhg wNshdpkhla bÈßm;a l< yelsh'

2) n,y;aldrfhka újdy lsÍu fyda ldka;djkag tfrys .Dyia: ysxikh jeks wjia:d j,§ fndfyda iußis mqoa.,hka ;u mjqf,a wh fyda iylrejka w;ska ysxikhg yd ysßyerhg ,lafõ' LGBTIQ mqoa.,hskag" úfYaIfhka iußis ldka;djkag Tjqkaf.a fouõmshka úiska újdy ùug n, lrkq ,nk w;r" fndfyda úg Tjqkaf.a iylrejka w;ska Tjqka wmfhdackh ùfuka fuh fl<jr fõ' Tn iußis ldka;djla kï" ysßyerhg ,lajk iy $ fyda újdy ùug n, lrkq ,enqjfyd;a fyda .Dyia: wmfhdackhkag f.dÿre jqjfyd;a Tng Woõ ,nd.; yels ud¾.¦ ²

^6& w;=re ksfhda.hla ,nd § we;s úg" th iEySulg m;afõ kï" wêlrKh úiska( ^w& wod< md¾Yjhkag ^Tn iy wod< mqoa.,hdg& Wmfoia ,nd fok f,i iudc fiajlfhl=g fyda mjqf,a WmfoaYlfhl=g ksfhda. lr tjeks WmfoaYk ieisjdrj,g iyNd.S jk f,i wod< md¾Yjhkag ksfhda. l< yel' ^wd& w.;shg m;a mqoa.,hdg laI‚l wdrlaIdj iemhSu i|yd idOdrK wjYH;djhla we;akï" iudc fiajlfhl=g" mjq,a WmfoaYlfhl=g" mßjdi ks,Odßfhl=g" mjq,a fi!LH fiajlfhl=g tu wdrlaIK ksfhda.h ms<sme§u ms,sn| wëlaIKh lr jd¾;djla wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrk f,i ksfhda. l< yel' udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs



m<uqj" cd;sl ldka;d lñgqfõ ia;%S mqreI Ndjh u; mokï jQ meñ‚,s i|yd jQ uOHia:dkhg 1938 ldka;d iydh ÿrl:k ud¾.fhka iydh$Wmldr b,a,d meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍu' 0112186063$0112187038 ÿrl:k ud¾.hkaf.ka" úoHq;a ;emE," *elaia 0112187288 yryd fyda kS;s ks,Odß" ldka;d cd;sl lñgqj" 5 jk uy," fi;aisßmdh wÈhr II" n;a;ruq,a, hk ,smskhg o Tng meñ‚,s l< yelsh' fojkqj" 1938 ÿrl:k wxlhg meñ‚,s lsÍfuka miq" meñ‚,s l< Èk isg i;s 3 la we;=<; Tng meñ‚,s uOHia:dkfhka lsisÿ m%;spdrhla$úi÷ula fkd,enqfka kï" Tng ia;%S mqreI Ndjh mokï lr.;a meñ‚,s uOHia:dkfha kS;s ks,OdÍ 0112186063 $ 0112187038 u.ska weu;sh yel' tfukau úoHq;a ;emE, u.skao Tfí 18


meñ‚,a,g wod< mshjr $ l%shdud¾. fudkjdoehs úuish yel' úl,amhla f,i" Tng by; ,smskhg meñK kS;s ks,OdÍ iuÕ idlÉpd l< yelsh'

1938 i;sfha Èkj, fm'j' 8'30 isg m'j 5'00 olajd l%shd;aul fõ' ldka;d yd <ud lghq;= yd úh<s l,dm ixj¾Ok wud;HdxYh hgf;a ldka;d cd;sl lñgqfõ ia;%S mqreI iudcNdjh u; mokï jQ meñ‚,s i|yd uOHia:dkh l%shd;auljkq ,nk w;r idudkH ÿrl:k ud¾. iy yuqùï isÿl< yelafla rcfha jev lrk Èkj, ^i÷od isl=rdod& fm'j' 9(30 isg m'j' 4(00 w;r mu‚' meñ‚,s uOHia:dkh úiska ,eî we;s meñ‚,s úu¾Ykh lr tu meñ‚,s wod< wdh;k$WmfoaYk fj; fhduq lrkq we;'

meñ‚,s j, ryiHNdjh wdrlaId lsÍug ne£ isák w;r ish¨ fiajdjka fkdñf,a ,nd foa'

3) Tnf.a , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh u; mokï jQ ú/lshdj , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh u; mokï jQ w.;sh iy fjkia fldg ie<lSu fndfyda úg LGBTIQ m%cdfõ mqoa.,hskag iqÿiq /lshd wjia:d fidhd .ekSug wfmdfydi;a ùu fyda /lshd ia:dkj, ysßyerj,g ,laùu fya;=fjka /lshd úrys;j isàug fya;= fõ' my; oelafjkafka tjeks wjia:djkays§ .; hq;= mshjr lsysmhls' 19

iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu w.;sfhka fyda fjkia fldg ie,lSulska f;drj Tjqkaf.a wOHdmk yd fjk;a iqÿiqlï u; mokïj /lshd jl kshe<Su i|yd ysñlula we;' Tn ;rÕldÍ fhda.H;d$m%fõY úNd.hla fyda iïuqL mÍlaIKhla i|yd fmkS isg wjYHh ish¨ iqÿiqlï imqrd ;sìh§;a" Tfí , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh u; muKla mokï jQ widOdrK ie<lSula fya;=fjka Tnj lsishï /lshdjla i|yd f;dard fkd.;af;a kï wod< ;rÕldÍ fhda.H;d$m%fõY úNd.h fyda iïuqL mÍlaIKh ms,sn|" f;dr;=re oek .ekSfï mk; iy wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 14 w jHjia:dj hgf;a Tng ,nd § we;s whs;sjdislï wkqj tu /lshdj i|yd f;dard .ekSfï ks¾Kdhl iy mámdáh mÍlaId lsÍug iy Tng widOdrK f,i ie,lSula isÿ ù we;aoehs ;SrKh lsÍug wod< fiajdfhdaclhd fj; b,a,Sula l< yelsh' Tnf.a /lshdj widOdrK f,i wjika lrkq ,enqjfyd;a ^/lshd fldka;%d;a;=jg wkql+, fkdjk f,i fyda lïlre kS;s hgf;a fr.=,dis W,a,x>Kh lsÍula jk mßÈ& ksoiqkla jYfhka" úkh fyda fjk;a mÍlaIKhla fkdue;sj Tn Èk kshuhla fkdue;sj wksjd¾h ksjdvq hjkq ,enqjfyd;a fyda Tfí /lshdj widOdrK f,i wjika lrkq ,enqjfyd;a" Tng lïlre úksYaph iNdfjka iykhla ,nd .; yelsh' flfia fj;;a" widOdrKh fyda w;a;fkdau;sl f,i ie,lSu iïnkaOfhka uQ,sl whs;sjdislï b,a,Sula l< yels rdcH fiajfha ks,Odßfhl= f,i fiajh lrk lsisfjl=g fuu iykh wod< fkdfõ' kso¾Yk( iußis ldka;djl jk ud,s fj; weh fiajh lrk iud.fï udkj iïm;a l<uKdlrk wxYh úiska okajd we;af;a ;jÿrg;a wehj fiajfha kshqla; l< fkdyels njhs" óg fya;= f,i fiiq ldka;d fiaúldjka úiska wehg úreoaOj wehf.a iußisNdjh ms,sn| meñ‚,s lr we;s neúka fuu ;SrKh udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

.ekSug isÿ ù we;s nj okajd we;' wehf.a , ÈYdk;sh u; mokïj fjkia fldg ie,lSug tfrysj wehg lïlre úksYaph iNdjg iy udkj ysñlï fldñiug meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelsh' fmdÿfõ .;a l," my; i|yka mßÈ idudkHfhka ms<s.;a fya;+ka yer fjk;a fya;= ksid Tnf.a fiajh wjika lrkq ,efí kï ^mßmq¾K ,ehsia;=jla fkdfõ&( i.

fiajd fldka;%d;a;=j ia:djr ld, iSudjla i|yd kï" tu jdrh wjidka jQ miqj' ii. fiajdfhdaclhdf.a urKfhka $ wdh;k jid oeóu' iii. fiajlhd úY%du hk jhig t<öu u;' iv. fiajdfhdaclhd úiska oekqï§ulska' v. fiajlhd b,a,d wiaùfï oekaùulska fyda fiajh yer oud hdfuka' fiajfhka my lsÍug fmr fm!oa.,sl wxYfha fiajd fhdaclfhl= úiska wNHka;r úkh mÍlaIKhla meje;aùu wksjd¾h fkdfõ' flfia fj;;a" tjeks mÍlaIKhla meje;aùu u.ska w;a;fkdau;sl f,i wfhl= fiajfhka my lsÍu iïnkaO ielh ÿre jk ksid fuu ;;a;ajh fiajd fhdaclhdg jdisodhl jkq we;' flfia kuq;a rdcHh fiajfha§ wod< jkafka wdh;k ix.%yfha olajd we;s l%shd mámdáhs' fyda wjika lsÍug fya;=j idudkHfhka my; i|yka lreKq j,ska tlla fyda jeä .Kkla wvx.= jk zúIudpdrhlaZ f,i idOdrŒlrKh l< fkdyels kï ^,ehsia;=j mßmQ¾K fkdjk nj i,lkak&( i. wLKav$ks;r fiajhg jd¾;d fkdlsÍu' ii. nrm;, fkdie,ls,su;alu' iii. idOdrK ksfhda. j,g wlSlre ùu iy fkdms<sme§u' iv. by< ks,OdÍkag fyda fiiq fiajlhskag ysxid lsÍu" myr§u fyda ;¾ckh lsÍu' udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


fiajd fhdaclhdg tfrysj fndre fpdaokd lsÍu' vi. wúkS;lu" fínÿlu' vii. jxllu fyda jxpdj' viii. wka;¾cd, myiqlï wksis f,i Ndú;d lsÍu ^Wod( lduql o¾Yk" wiNH fyda ffjÍ úoHq;a ;eme,a heùu wdÈh&'

iykhka wfmalaIdfjka my; i|yka .eg¿ iy.; wjia:dj,§ lïlre úksYaph iNdjg whÿïm;la bÈßm;a lsÍu Tng fyda Tn fjkqfjka jD;a;Sh iñ;shlg jqjo isÿ l, yelsh" w& fiajdfhdaclhd úiska widOdrK f,i fiajdjka wjika lsÍu¦ wd& lsishï mdßf;daIslhla fyda fjk;a m%;s,dNhla fiajh wjika lsÍfuka miq ,eìh hq;=o hk m%Yakh¦ we& fr.=,dis u.ska kshu l< yels Y%u fiajd kshqla;s fldkafoaisj,g wod< lreKq' fiajdfhdaclhd úiska widOdrK f,i hful=f.a fiajh wjika lr we;s nj úksYaph iNdj úiska ;SrKh l, úg" tu mqoa.,hd kej; fiajfha msysgqùug fyda jkaÈ f.ùug ksfhda. l< yelsh' Tn kej; fiajfha msysgqùug fyda jkaÈ ,nd .ekSug wfmalaId lrkafkao hkak whÿïmf;a i|yka l< yelsh' flfia fj;;a" Tfí /lshdj fm!oa.,sl fyda ryiH iajNdjhlska hqla; jQ tlla kï úksYaph iNdj idudkHfhka kej; fiajfha msysgqùug ksfhda. fkdlrkq we;' wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 126 jk jHjia:djg wkqj" iudkd;au;djhg we;s Tfí whs;sh W,a,x>Kh lsÍfuka udihla we;=<; iykhla ,nd.ekSug fYa%IaGdêlrKhg FR fm;aiula f.dkq l, yel' fuys § fYa%IaGdêlrKfhka iykhla ,nd .ekSug fmr Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj iy Tïnqâiauka fj; meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lsÍu úplaIKYS,S h' 20

4) , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh u; mokï jQ lsishï fiajdjla m%;slafIam lsÍu fyda whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍu fmdÿ ia:dkj,§ , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh u; mokï jQ fjkiafldg ie,lSï j,ska wdrlaId ùug Tng whs;shla we;¦ mQckSh ia:dk" fmdÿ ia:dk iy m%isoaO /iaùïj,g we;=¿ùu yd iïnkaO ùu fuhg we;=<;a h' 12 iy 14 hk jHjia:dj, olajd we;s uQ,sl whs;sjdislïj,g wkqj" idudkHfhka uyckhdg ,nd .; yels fi!LH fiajd" ,Sisx" nexl= myiqlï" wjkay,a" fydag,a" mßmd,k ld¾hd, hkdÈh fyda úfkdaod;aul myiqlïj,g we;=¿ùu fyda /£ isàu jeks fiajdjka ,nd .ekSu i|yd by; i|yka moku u; Tn lsisÿ fjkia f,i ie,lSulg ,la fkdúh hq;=h' wka;¾cd;sl kS;sfha § iy udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úYaj m%ldYkfha 17 ^1& iy ^2& j.ka;s uÕska ms<sfj,ska foam< ysñlu iy foam< w;a;fkdau;sl f,i wysñ fkdlsÍfï whs;sh we;=<;a fõ' , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;%S mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh mokï lrf.k tjeks fjkialï lsÍï isÿ jqjfyd;a m%dfoaYSh fmd,sia ia:dkfha meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelsh' óg wu;rj" fuys i|yka wdldrhg udkj ysñlï fldñiug meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a l< yelsh'


5) w;a;fkdau;sl f,i w;awvx.=jg .ekSu" r|jd ;nd .ekSu iy /|jqï ld,h ;=< jOysxid meñKùu jOysxid meñKùu YdÍßl" udkisl iy$fyda jdÑl úh yelsh' j¾;udkfha§" LGBTIQ m%cdj úúOdlr jO ysxidj,g ,lafõ' fuh fndfyda úg Tjqka l=vd wjêfha isgu fkdbjikiq¿ mjq,aj, idudðlhska w;ska wdrïN fõ' fuu wudkqIsl ie,lSï Tjqkaf.a , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh iuÕ Rcqj fyda jl%j iïnkaO fõ' tÈfkod Ôú;fha§ m%cdjg tfrysj Ndú;d lrk jdÑl ysxikh iy iußis wmjdo oeä udkisl yd Ñ;a;fõ.S mSvdjkag fya;= úh yel' wka;jd§ wd.ñl lKavdhï $ ixúOdk iy .;dkq.;sl foaYmd,k mlaI iußis wmjdo Ndú;d lrkafka tys ixfõ§;dj iy LGBTIQ m%cdjg we;s wys;lr n,mEï fkdi,ld h' iudkd;au;djh iy udkj .re;ajhg .re lsÍu u; mokï jQ ixj¾ê; iudchl tjeks yeisÍu ms<s.; yels fohla fkdfõ' mqrjeishkaf.a whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lrk foaYSh iy cd;Hka;r m%Odk kS;s WmlrK folla ;sfí( 1' wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 11 jk jHjia:dj u.ska lsisu mqoa.,fhl=g jOysxid meñKùu fyda l=ßre" wudkqIsl fyda my;a f,i ie,lSu fyda o~qjulg ,lafkdùug we;s whs;sh iy;sl lrhs' 2' 1994 wxl 22 orK mk; u.ska n,d;aul lrk ,o jOysxid meñKùu iy fjk;a l=ßre" wudkqIsl fyda my;a fldg ie,lSfï o~qjï iïuq;sfha jOysxid f,i w¾: oelafjkafka fjk;a ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=g YdÍßl fyda udkisl fõjd oeä fõokdjla f.k fok ´kEu l%shdjla f,ih'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

^w& th my; i|yka wruqKq fjkqfjka úh yel¦ (i) fjk;a mqoa.,fhl=f.ka fyda f;jk md¾Yjhlska lsishï f;dr;=rla fyda mdfmdÉpdrKhla ,nd .ekSug fyda (ii) fjk;a mqoa.,fhl= fyda ;=kajk md¾Yjhla úiska isÿ lrk ,o fyda isÿ lrk ,oehs iel lrk jrola iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re ,nd .ekSug fyda (iii) tjeks fjk;a mqoa.,fhl= fyda ;=kajk md¾Yjhla ìh .ekaùu fyda n, lsÍu¦ fyda ^wd& fjkia fldg ie,lSu u; mokï jQ ´kEu fya;=jla ksid" iy iEu wjia:djl§u" rdcHh ks,Odßfhl=f.a

fyda ks, n,fhka lghq;= lrk fjk;a mqoa.,fhl=f.a leue;af;ka fyda tlÕ;djhlska fyda uq, msÍfuka lrk ,o l%shdjla' lsishï fjkiafldg ie<lSula fyda jerÈ f,i w;awvx.=jg f.k w;awvx.=fõ ;ndf.k isà kï iy$fydaa Tfí , ÈYdk;sh fyda ia;S% mqreI iudcNdù wkkH;djh iy$fyda m%ldYkh fya;=fjka Tng l=ßre" wudkqIsl f,i i,lkq ,enqjfyd;a" m%dfoaYSh fmd,sia ia:dkhg iy udkj ysñlï fldñiug meñ‚,a,la f.dkq l< yelsh' ;jo" tjeks ie<lSula isÿ lrk rdcHh ks,Odßfhl= kï" fuys by; i|yka wdldrhg Tng fY%aIaGdêlrKfha uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiula f.dkq l< yelsh'

ixl%dka;s iudcNdù mqoa.,hskag Tjqkaf.a cd;sl ye÷kqïm; jeks fm!oa.,sl ,shlshú,s j, ia;%S mqreI Ndjh fjkia lsÍug yels jk mßÈ pl%f,aLhla ksl=;a lrk f,i 2015 § udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj úiska fi!LHh wud;HdxYhg ks¾foaY lrk ,È' fuhska wk;=rej fi!LHh wud;HdxYh úiska 2016'06'16 Èke;s wxl 01-34 $ 2016 pl%f,aLh fi!LHh fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,a hgf;a ksl=;a lrk ,§' ia;%S mqreI iudcNdjh ms<s.ekSu i|yd jQ iy;slh (Gender Recognition Certificate - GRC) u; mokïj Wmamekak iy;slfha ia;S% mqreI Ndjh yd ku fjkia lrk f,i frðiagd¾ ckrd,a úiska 2016'07'28 Èke;s wxl 06$2016 pl%f,aLh u.ska ish¨ frðiagd¾ ld¾hd, j,g okajd we;'

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


fhduqj i. E0%B7%93-%E0%B6%BB%E0%B6%AE-


whd, wd{d mk;

iii. ysgmq udkj ysñlï flduidßia wdpd¾h m%;sNd uydkdufyajd

iv. udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdfõ m%dfoaYSh ld¾hd,j, iïnkaO;d f;dr;=re( nÿ,a, ,smskh

m%Odk ld¾hd,h ,smskh ( 14" R. A. o ue,a udj;" fld<U 04 ÿrl:k ( 011-2505580 *elaia ( 011-2505541

( wxl 19 $ whsî" nÿÆmsá mdr" nÿ,a, ÿrl:k ( 0703654907 úoahq;a ;emE, (

uykqjr ,smskh

l,auqfkhs ,smskh

jjqkshdj ,smskh

wkqrdOmqr ,smskh

hdmkh ,smskh

;s%l=Kdu,h ,smskh

( wxl 8$1" ms%ïfrdaia mdr" uykqjr' ÿrl:k ( 081-2205024 úoahq;a ;emE, (

( wxl 26$2" msg; rjqï mdr" jjqkshd ÿrl:k ( 024-2222029 úoahq;a ;emE, (

( wxl 1" 3 jk yria ùÈh" hdmkh ÿrl:k ( 021-2222021 úoahq;a ;emE, (


( wxl '161 $ 1" m%Odk ùÈh" l,auqkdhs ÿrl:k ( 067-2229728 úoahq;a ;emE, (

( wxl 623$20 B" *aÍuka udj;" wkqrdOmqr ÿrl:k ( 025-2234801 úoahq;a ;emE, (

( wxl 343" mj¾yjqia mdr" ;%sl=Kdu,h ÿrl:k ( 026-2222607 úoahq;a ;emE, (

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

ud;r ,smskh ( wxl 15" ld,sod mdr" ud;r ÿrl:k ( 041- 2226533 úoahq;a ;emE, ( uvl,mqj ,smskh mdr"

wïmdr ,smskh ( wxl 768$1" mKavqldNh udj;" wïmdr ÿrl:k ( 063-2222340 úoahq;a ;emE, (

( wxl 24" iskakd Wmafmdavhs

uvl,mqj ÿrl:k ( 065-2224420 úoahq;a ;emE, ( v.

2015 wxl 4 orK wmrdO idlaIslrejka iy úkaÈ;hskag Wmldr lsÍu iy wdrlaId lsÍu i|yd jk II jk fldgi" 3 iy 4 j.ka;s VICTIMS_OF_CRIME_AND_WITNESSES_ACT,_No._4_OF_2015.pdf

vi. 2005 wxl 34 orK .Dyia: ysxikh je<elaùfï mkf;a 23 jk j.ka;shg wkqj" w.;shg m;a mqoa.,fhl= iïnkaOfhka —wod< mqoa.,hd˜ hkafkka woyia jkafka" ^w& (i) l,;%hd¦ (ii) ysgmq l,;%hd¦ (iii) w.;shg m;a mqoa.,fhl=f.a iyldßh¦ ^wd& (i) mshd" uj" iShd" wdÉÑ" iq¿ mshd" iq¿ uj¦ (ii) mq;d" Èh‚h" uqkqnqrd" ñ‚ìßh" mq;=" iq¿ Èh‚h¦ (iii) ifydaorhd" ifydaoßh" w¾O ifydaorhd" w¾O ifydaoßh" iq¿ ifydaorhd" iq¿ ifydaoßh¦ (iv) fouõmshkaf.a ifydaor ifydaoßhka¦ (v) ifydaor ifydaoßhlf.a orejd¦ (vi) fouõmshkaf.a ifydaorfhl=f.a orefjl=" w.;shg m;a mqoa.,fhl=f.a fyda l,;%hdf.a" ysgmq l,;%hdf.a fyda w.;shg m;a mqoa.,hdf.a iylre' vii. violence_act_english.pdf

udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs


viii. wdo¾Y whÿïm;

b,a,Su ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ufyia;%d;a wêlrKfha § h' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''mÈxÑ tA' î' ^mSvdjg m;a ;eke;a;df.a ku" úia;rh iy ,smskh" iy Tyq hï ksfhdack ;;ajhlska kvq mjrkafka kï tA ;;ajh i`oyka lrkak' WodyrK w;Dma;shg m;a ;eke;a;d Tyqf.a Ndrlre fyda iydh ñ;=rl= u.ska fmkS isák nd,jhialrejl= fyda isysúl,a ;eke;a;l= jkafka kï fufia lshkak' —nd,jhialre Tyqf.a iydh ñ;%hd jk'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ys iS' ã' ud¾.fhka˜& ^mSvdjg m;a ;eke;a;d&' tfrysj ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''jhs







,smskh&''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''jk wod< ;eke;a;d 20'''''''''''''''''ui'''''''''''Èk § h' ^iajlSh ,shdmÈxÑ kS;s{ iS' tÉ' u.ska fmkS isák& by; kï i|yka mSvdjg m;a ;eke;a;df.a fyda ;eke;a;kaf.a meñKs,af,a fufia i|yka fõ (^fuys kvqj mejÍug fya;= jk lreKq i|yka lrkak'& tuksid 20'''''''''''''ui'''''''''''Èk isg n,mj;ajk mßÈ j.W;a;rlreg tfrysj wdrlaIl wd{djla mkjk f,i mSvdjg m;a ;eke;a;d ^fyda mSvdjg m;a ;eke;a;ka& .re wêlrKfhka wheo isà' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' w;aik mSvdjg m;a ;eke;a;d'


udf.a whs;Ska" udf.a j.lSuhs

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

01 ,e;j topfhl;bf; ifNal;bid ehq;fs; Vd; cUthf;FfpNwhk; kw;Wk; cq;fSila chpikfs; gw;wp ePq;fs; Vd; mwpe;J itj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;?

04 xUth; cq;fis Jd;GWj;jYf;F Mshf;Fk; NghJ mJ Fwpj;J cq;fshy; nra;af;$bait vd;d? cjhuzkhf - ,uT Neuj;jpy; ePq;fs; tPjpNahukhf epd;W nfhz;bUf;Fk; NghJ nghyp]hh; cq;fis ifJ nra;jhy;? rl;lk; gw;wp cq;fSf;F njhpahnjdpd; xUth; cq;fisj; J\;gpuNahfg; gLj;Jtjw;fhf rl;lj;ij jtwhfg; gad;gLj;Jk;NghJ> mJ gw;wp ePq;fs; mwpahjpUg;gNjhL mt;thwhdnjhU re;jh;g;gj;jpy; mjidj; jLg;gjw;F ePq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;ba eltbf;iffs; vit vd;gJ gw;wpAk; cq;fSf;Fj; njhpe;jpUf;fhJ. ,yq;ifapYs;s LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdu; vd;w tifapy; cq;fis ghjpf;Fk; rl;lq;fs; vit?

09 nghJ epWtdk; xd;W cq;fSf;fhd Nritia toq;f kWf;Fk;NghJ my;yJ Nritnahd;wpid ngw;Wf; nfhs;s ePq;fs; nrd;wpUf;Fk; Ntisapy; cq;fis J\;gpuNahfj;Jf;F cl;gLj;Jk; NghJ ePq;fs; nra;a Ntz;baJ vd;d? ePjpkd;wj;jpy; tof;F njhLg;gjw;F rpy topfs; cs;sd. mjw;fhd nrytpid cq;fshy; nrYj;j Kbahnjdpd; cq;fSf;fhd ,ytr rl;l Nritfis ePq;fs; ngw;Wf;nfhs;sTk; KbAk;. murpayikg;gpd; Clhf ePq;fs; Nkw;nfhs;sf;$ba eltbf;iffs; vit vd;gij njupe;J nfhs;Sq;fs;.

12 cq;fSila chpikia kPwp nraw;gl;l xU egUf;F my;yJ mjpfhhpf;F vjpuhf ePjpkd;wj;jpy; tof;Fj; njhLf;f ePq;fs; jahhpy;iy. Mdhy; mtUf;nfjpuhf eltbf;if vLf;f ePq;fs; tpUk;Gfpd;wPh;fs; vd;why; mj;jifa nghJ mjpfhhp xUtUf;F vjpuhf ePq;fs; Kiwg;ghL nra;a cq;fSf;F cjtf; $bath;fs; ahNuDk; cz;lh? ,jw;fhd nrytpid cq;fshy; nrYj;j Kbahnjdpd; cq;fshy; ,ytr Nritfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;.

17 ePq;fs; LGBTIQ egh; vd;w fhuzj;jpw;fhf cq;fsJ FLk;g cWg;gpdh; xUth; cq;fisj; Jd;GWj;jpdhy;> J\;gpuNahfg;gLj;jpdhy;> mr;RWj;jpdhy; my;yJ cq;fSila ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsj;jpid kiwf;fNth my;yJ jpUkzj;jpw;F tw;GWj;jpdhNyh> FLk;g td;Kiw nray; jLg;Gr; rl;lk;; kw;Wk; ngz;fs; njhlh;gpyhd Njrpaf; FOtpDila ghy;epiy mbg;gilapyhd Kiwg;ghLfSf;fhd epiyak; vd;gtw;wpd; %yk; cq;fSf;fhd epthuzj;jpid ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;. FLk;g td;Kiwf;F vjpuhf Nkw;nfhs;sf;$ba eltbf;iffs; gw;wp mwpe;J nfhs;Sq;fs;.

19 ePq;fs; LGBTIQ egh; vd;w fhuzj;jpdhy; cq;fis Ntiyia tpl;L tpyFkhW my;yJ ,uh[pdhkh nra;AkhW Nfl;Lf;nfhs;sg;gLfpwPh;fsh? nghJf; $l;lq;fs;> nghJ ,lq;fs;> tzf;f];jyq;fs; Mfpatw;wpy; cs; Eiotjw;Nfh> gq;Fgw;Wtjw;Nfh my;yJ Nritfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;Nfh mDkjp kWf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwPh;fsh?

22 ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;gLj;jy; fhuzkhf ePq;fs; my;yJ cq;fSf;Fj;; njhpe;j ahNuDk; xUth; jtwhf ifJ nra;ag;gl;L fhtypy;; itf;fg;gl;L my;yJ nfh^ukhd> kdpjhgpkhdkw;w kw;Wk; ,opthd Kiwapy; elhj;jg;gl;Nlh my;yJ jz;bf;fg;gl;Nlh ,Ue;jhy; ,t;thwhd cly;> cs hPjpahd rpj;jputijf;nfjpuhf ePq;fs; nra;aNtz;baJ vd;d?

23 cq;fsJ ghypdj;ij rl;lhPjpahf khw;wpf;nfhs;tJ vt;thW kw;Wk; ghypd mq;fPfhur; rhd;wpjio ngw;Wf;nfhs;tJ vt;thW? cq;fsJ ghypdj;Jld; nghUe;jf; $bathW cq;fsJ Ra Mtzq;fis rl;lhPjpahf khw;wpf;nfhs;tJ vt;thW?

mwpKfk; ePq;fs; Vd; cq;fSila

cupikfs; kw;Wk; rl;lq;fs;

gw;wp mwpe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;? kdpj cupik vd;why; vd;d? cq;fSila mbg;gil chpikfs; ahit? ePq;fs; ngw;Wf;nfhs;sf;$ba rl;lhPjpahd ghJfhg;Gfs; ahit? ghypay; ehl;lk; kw;Wk; ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspf;fhl;ly; vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ePq;fs; ghFghl;bw;F cl;gLj;jg;gLk;NghJ cq;fshy; vLf;fg;glf;$ba eltbf;iffs; vd;d? mj;jifa cjtpfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s vq;F nry;yyhk;? ghypd rkj;Jtj;jpw;fhfTk;> rk chpikf;fhfTk; ,d;Dk; Nghuhbf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; ,yq;ifapy; thOk; LGBTIQ egh; vd;w tifapy; cq;fSf;F vOk; Nfs;tpfspy; xU rpyNj Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;lit MFk;. md;whl tho;f;ifapy; kw;Wk; ,lq;fspy; rk chpikfs; kWf;fg;gLtNjhL Jd;GWj;jYf;Fk; ghFghl;bw;Fk;> cl;gLj;jg;gLk; r%fk; vd;w mbg;gilapy; rl;lk; gw;wpAk; mJ vk;kPJ vt;thW gpuNahfpf;fg;gLfpwJ vd;gJ gw;wpAk; mwpe;jpUj;jy; kpf Kf;fpakhdnjhd;whFk;. rl;lf;fy;tp vd;gJ Jd;GWj;jYf;F cs;shf;fg;gLjy; kw;Wk; ghugl;rkhf elhj;jg;gLjy; vd;gtw;wpypUe;J jtph;j;J nfhs;tjw;F kpf Kf;fpakhdnjhd;whFk;. Fwpg;ghf> rl;lj;jpid eilKiwg;gLj;Jk; epWtdq;fs; kw;Wk; Vida epWtdq;fs; rl;lj;jpid jtwhfg; gpuNahfpf;f KaYk; re;jh;g;gq;fspy; rl;lk; gw;wpa mwpT kpfTk; mtrpakhdJ MFk;. ,f;ifNalhdJ ,yq;ifr; rl;lk; kw;Wk; mjd; rl;l Kiwikia ifahs;tjw;F topfhl;bahf 01

miktNjhL mbg;gil chpikfis kWg;gjw;F rl;lj;jpid jtwhfg; gad;gLj;Jk; re;jh;g;gq;fspy; cq;fshy; vLf;fg;glf;$ba gjpy; eltbf;iffs; njhlh;ghd tplaq;fisAk; cs;slf;fpAs;sJ. ,e;j gjpg;gpy; ,lk;ngWk; LGBTIQ vd;gjd; tpsf;fk; ny];gpad; (Lesbian)> Nf (Gay)> ignrf;]{ty; (BiSexual)> l;uhd;];n[z;lu; (Transgender)> ,d;lu;nrf;]; (Intersex)> Fau; my;yJ Fnt];\dpq; (Queer and Questioning) vd;gjhFk;. kf;fspd; gy;tif milahsq;fshd kjk;> ,dk;> ghy;epiy> ghypay; ehl;lk; vd;gd caphpay;; hPjpahf my;yJ r%f hPjpahf jPu;khdpf;fg;gLfpwJ. ngUk;ghyhd milahsq;fs; Nkw;$wpa tifapy; caphpay; kw;Wk; r%f mbg;gil Mfpa ,uz;bYNk jPh;khdpf;fg;gLgitahf fhzg;gLfpd;wd. vJ vt;thwhapDk; Nkw;$wpa gy;tifik milahsq;fs;; kf;fSila mwpahikapdhYk;> r%f ghugl;rj;jpdhYk; vg;NghJk; jtwhfg; nghUs; toq;fg;gLtjhfTk;> Fog;gj;jpw;FhpajhfTk; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. cjhuzkhf ghypd milahsk;> ntspg;ghL kw;Wk; ghypay; ehl;lk; Mfpad xNu mh;j;jk; nfhz;ldthf fUjg;gLfpd;wd my;yJ Ghpe;Jf;nfhs;sg;gLfpd;wd. nghJthf> ngUk;ghd;ikahd ,yq;ifah;fs; ghypd vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

milahsk; vd;gJ> ,Utifikf;F (Mz; / ngz;) cl;gl;lJ my;y vd;gijAk;> my;yJ rfyUk; vjph;ghy; ehl;lk; nfhz;lth;fs; my;y vd;gijAk; mwp;e;jth;fs; my;yh;. MfNt> ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ghypay; ehl;lk; nefpo;Tj;jd;ik gw;wp r%f nghUshjhu fyhrhu murpay; kw;Wk; rl;l kl;lq;fspy; mwpTWj;jg;gl;bUj;jy; kw;Wk; tpsq;fpf; nfhz;bUj;jy; vd;gd rhjhuz my;yJ ,Utifik vDk; fUj;jpaYf;Fs; cs;slq;fhNjhh; kPJ fl;ltpo;j;J tplg;gLk; rfytbtpYkhd ghugl;rk; kw;Wk; td;Kiwfis epWj;Jtjw;F toptFf;Fk;. mt;thNw> gy;tifikahd r%fj;jpy; thOk; xt;nthU jdpegUk; mtUila ghy;> ghypd milahsk; / ntspg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; ghypay; ehl;lk; vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ghFgLj;jhky; fz;zpaj;NjhLk;> khpahijNahLk; rkkhf elj;jg;gLjy; Ntz;Lk;.

Mifahy; rkj;Jtj;ij cWjpg;gLj;jTk;> kjpg;gpy; cah;e;j Kd;Ndw;wfukhd xU ,yq;ifr; rKjhaj;ij cUthf;fTk; r%fk; gw;wpa mwptpid fw;gpj;jYk;> mjid Nkk;gLj;jYk; Kf;fpakhdnjhd;whFk;. vjph;fhyj;jpy; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdUf;F rkj;Jtj;jpw;fhd ghijia mikg;gjw;fhd nghWg;ig r%fk; gw;wpa mwpt+l;lyhdJ rfyh; kPJk; rkkhff; $WfpwJ. LGBTIQ r%f mq;fj;jth;fNs – cq;fSila chpikfSf;fhf NghuhLq;fs;. ,e;jg; Nghuhl;lk; cq;fSf;F mtrpakhdJ. nraw;jpwdhd Kd;Ndw;wfukhd xU khw;wj;jpw;F cq;fSila FuNy rpwe;j MAjk;. Fuyw;wth;fSf;F xU Fuyhf njhlh;r;rpahf nraw;gLk; xU epWtdk; vd;w tifapy; EQUAL GROUND ,d; ,e;j ntspaPLk; mjd; cs;slf;fKk; cq;fSf;F gaDs;sjhf mikAk; vd ehq;fs; ek;GfpNwhk;.

ghypay; rhh;Gj;jd;ik> ghy;epiy milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghL vd;gtw;wpd;


ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;fi ; fahsh; (Lesbian) - fhjy;> cly; kw;Wk; czu;T uPjpahf Vida ngz;fs; kPJ <u;gg ; pidf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; ngz;.

Mz; Xhpdr; Nrh;fi ; fahsh; (Gay) - fhjy;> cly; kw;Wk; czu;T uPjpahf Vida Mz;fs; kPJ <u;gg ; pidf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; Mz;.

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;


,Ughy; <h;gG ; ilath; (Bisexual) - fhjy;> cly; kw;Wk; czu;T uPjpahf jkJ ghypdk; kw;Wk; vjpug ; ; ghypdk; Mfpa ,uz;ilAk; Nru;ej ; egu;fs; kPJ <u;gg ; pidf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; xU egu;.

khw;Wg;ghypdj;jtu;/ jpUeu; (Transgender) - gpwg;gpdN ; ghJ toq;fg;gl;l ghypdj;Jld; nghUe;jhky;> NtWgl;l ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ghypd ntspgg ; hl;bidf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; egu;fis tptupgg ; jw;fhfg; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; xU nghJthd nrhy;yhFk;.

,ilapypqf ; j;jtu; (Intersex) - Mz; my;yJ ngz; Mfpa nghJthd ,U clyikg;GfSld; gpwe;j egu;fSf;F toq;fg;gLk; tiutpyf;fzj;Jf;Fs; mlq;fhj egu;fs; my;yJ ,tw;Wld; nghUe;jhj ,dg;ngUf;f cWg;GfSld; gpwe;jpUf;Fk; egu;fis tptupgg ; jw;fhfg; gad;gLk; xU nrhy;yhFk;. ,J ,aw;ifahfNt kdpjh;fspilNa ,lk;ngWk; khWghLfs; fhuzkhf Vw;gLk; xU epiyikNa jtpu kUj;Jt hPjpapyhd gpur;rpid my;y.

ghy;epiy epr;rag;gLj;jhjth; (Questioning) - xUth; jdJ ghypay; ehl;lk; / rhh;Gj;jd;ik Fwpj;Njh my;yJ ghy;epiy milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghL Fwpj;Njh epr;rakw;wtuhff; fhzg;gLk;NghJ mtiuf; Fwpf;Fk; gjkhFk;.

ghy;epiy Fah; (Queer) - vjph;g;ghy; <h;g;GilatNuh my;yJ gpwg;gpd; Nghjhd ghypd> ghy;epiy milahsq;fSld; nghUe;Jk; eguhfNth ,y;yhNjhiuf; Fwpf;fg; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; xU nghJg;gjk; / Filg;gjk; MFk;.


vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

gFjp I cq;fisg;

ghjpf;ff;$ba rl;lq;fs; ahit? [dehafk; kw;Wk; rkj;Jtk; gw;wp ngUik guhl;Lk; ,e;j ehl;by; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdhpd; cz;ik epiyikahdJ r%fk; kw;Wk; murpaypypUe;J njhlh;rr ; pahd Gwf;fzpg;gpw;Fk;> vjph;gg ; pw;Fk; cs;shf;fg;gLgth;fshfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ngUk;ghyhd LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; mth;fsJ tho;ehs; KOtJNk mth;fsJ milahskhdJ xU KiwNflhdJ my;yJ ,aw;iff;F KuzhdJ vd;w fUj;jpaYf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl;Nl tho;eJ ; tUfpd;wdh;. ,yq;ifapy; fhzg;gLk; mlf;FKiwahd rl;lq;fs; fhuzkhf LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; Kj;jpiu Fj;jg;gl;L jhf;FjYf;F cs;shf;fg;gLtJld; mth;fsJ ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsj;jpdhy; mth;fsJ FbAhpikAk; gadw;wjhf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. ,t;thwhd jtwhd fUj;jpay;fs; fhuzkhf LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; mbf;fb rKjhaj;jpd; Ntz;lg;glhj tpNuhjj;jpw;Fk; J\;gpuNahfj;jpw;Fk; cs;shf;fg;gLfpd;wdh;.

gpdt ; UtJ yq;fhjPg ntspal P b ; d; xU gFjpahFk;. 1(Jizf;Fwpgg ; pidg; ghu;ff ; Tk;) lf;]p jhpgg; plj;jpy; rlyk; xd;W fz;nlLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. (fhQ;rd Fkhu R+hpajh]) nfhiy nra;ag;gl;lthpd; rlykhdJ ,d;W (05) mjpfhiy jk;Gs;s efhpd; kj;jpapy; mike;Js;s lf;]p jhpgg; plj;jpy; fz;nlLf;fg;gl;Ls;sjhf jk;Gs;s nghyp]hh; njhptpjj ; dh;. Kjw;fl;l tprhuizfspdg; b Fwpjj ; kuzkhdJ gyh; jbfspdhy; jhf;fpajd; fhuzkhf epfo;eJ ; s;sJ vd njhpate;Js;sJ. nfhiy nra;ag;gl;lth; mbf;fb me;jg; gpuNjrj;jpy; ,uT Neuq;fspy; ngz;fs; mzpAk; Milfis mzpej ; thW fhzg;gl;ljhf nghyp]hh; njhptpjj ; dh;. nfhiy nra;ag;gl;l Neuj;jpYk; Fwpjj ; egh; ngz;fs; mzpAk; Milfis mzpej ; thNw fhzg;gl;Ls;shh;. ,f;nfhiyapid nra;tjw;F Fz;lhe;jbfNs MAjkhfg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sjhf vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

re;Njfpff ; g;gLfpwJ. mjNdhL> nfhiy nra;ag;gl;ltUilaitahf ,Uf;fyhk; vdf; fUjg;gLk; xU FilAk; iff;fbfhunkhd;Wk; nfhiy ,lk;ngw;w ,lj;jpypUe;J ifg;gw;wg;gl;Ls;sJ. nghyp]hhpd; jftypdg; b nfhiy nra;ag;gl;lth; ngz;fspd; Milfis mzpeJ ; elkhLtjw;fhf gy jlitfs; ifJ nra;ag;gl;L ePjp kd;wj;jpy; Kd;dpiyg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;shh;. ,f;Fw;wr; nray; njhlh;ghd gy Kf;fpakhd jfty;fis nghyp]hh; fz;Lgpbj;Js;s mNjNtis ,f;nfhiyf;fhd Nehf;fk; njhlh;gpy; ,d;Dk; Muha;eJ ; tUfpdw; dh;. ,t;thwhd r%f ntWg;gpwF ; Nkyjpfkhf ,e;ehl;bd; rl;lq;fSk; mit Mf;fg;gl;Ls;sjd; Nehf;fj;jpwF ; Kuzhf r%f ntWg;Gzh;TfSf;F gq;fspgG; nra;tNjhL LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdiu Nehf;fpa jtwhd elj;Jifia ,d;Dk; mjpfg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; fhzg;gLfpdw ; d. 04

,g;gFjpahdJ LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdiu Jd;GWj;jTk;> kpul;lTk; kw;Wk; milj;J itf;fTk; mbf;fb mth;fSf;nfjpuhf gad;gLj;jg;gLk; rl;lq;fs; Fwpj;J Muha;fpwJ. Kjyhtjhf ,yq;if jz;lidr; rl;lf;Nfhitapd; gphpTfs; 365 kw;Wk; 365m vd;gd LGBTIQ r%fj;jpd; cWg;gpdh;fis rl;lj;jpd; Kd; Fw;wr;nray; Ghpgth;fshff; fhl;LfpwJ. 1883k; Mz;L ,yq;ifapy; gphpjj ; hdpa Ml;rpahsh;fshy; mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;l kpfTk; njhd;ikahd jw;NghJ fhyhtjpahd rl;lq;fNs rl;lNk ,jw;fhd fhuzkhFk;. ,e;j tifapy; gphpTfs; 365 kw;Wk; 365m vd;gd gpdt ; UkhW $Wfpdw ; d. 365: ,aw;iff;F vjpuhf ve;jnthU Mz;> ngz; my;yJ kpUfj;Jld; clYwtpy; <LgLgth;fSf;F gj;J Mz;Lfs; tiu ePbf;ff;$ba (vspa my;yJ rpff ; yhd) rpiwj;jz;lid toq;fg;gLk;. ,j;jz;lidapd; NghJ Fw;wg;gzk; nrYj;jf;$ba epiyAk; Vw;glyhk;. ,j;jtwhdJ gjpdhW tajpwF ; f; Fiwe;j xUth; kPJ gjpndl;L tajpwF ; Nkw;gl;l xUthpdhy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLkplj;J Fw;wthspfF ; gj;J Mz;LfSf;F Fiwahj kw;Wk; ,UgJ Mz;LfSf;F Nkw;nry;yhj f^opa rpiwj;jz;lid toq;fg;gLtJld; Fw;wg;gzk; nrYj;jTk; NehpLk;. mNjNtis e\;l <lhf ghjpff ; g;gl;l egUf;F ePjpkd;wj;jpdhy; $wg;gLk; njhifapidr; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. 365m: ahNuDk; xU egu; ntspgg ; ilahfNth my;yJ jdpikapNyh ,d;DnkhU egUld; mehfuPfkhf ele;Jnfhz;lhNyh my;yJ mt;thwhd nraYf;F ,d;ndhUtiu J}z;bdhNyh> mtUf;F ,uz;L tUlq;fs; tiu ePbf;ff;$ba rpiwj;jz;lid my;yJ Fw;wg;gzk; nrYj;jy; my;yJ ,t;tpuz;L jz;lidfSk; toq;fg;gLk;. gjpdhW tajpwF ; f; Fiwe;j xUtu; kPJ gjpndl;L tajpwF ; Nkw;gl;l xUtupdhy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLkplj;J Fw;wthspfF ; gj;J Mz;LfSf;F Fiwahj kw;Wk; ,UgJ Mz;LfspwF ; Nkw;nry;yhj f^opa rpiwj;jz;lid toq;fg;gLtJld; 05

Fw;wg;gzk; nrYj;jTk; NeupLk;. mNjNtis ghjpff ; g;gl;l egUf;F e\;l<lhf ePjpkd;wj;jpdhy; $wg;gLk; njhifapid nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. Nkw;Fwpjj ; rl;lg; gphpTfs; ,ay;ghfNt jk;kfj;Nj Kuz;ghl;Lf;F chpadthff; fhzg;gLfpdw ; d. “,aw;iff;F Kuzhd” vDk; gjk; vjid tiutpyf;fzg;gLj;JfpwJ vd;gjid ,r;rl;lg;gphpTfs; njspthff; Fwpgg ; pltpyi ; y. NkYk; “nghJ” kw;Wk; “jdpgg ; l;l” vDk; gjq;fSf;fpilapyhd tpjj ; pahrk; gw;wpAk; Fwpgg ; plj; jtWfpdw ; d. Fwpjj ; rl;lg;gphpTfs; njhlh;gpy; Nghjpastpyhd> njspthd rl;l tpsf;fk; fhzg;glhikahdJ rl;lj;jpid eilKiwg;gLj;Jk; epWtdq;fSf;F Fwpjj ; rl;lg;gphpTfs; %yk; toq;fg;gl;Ls;s mjpfhuj;jpid J\;gpuNahfk; nra;J> LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdiu ifJ nra;aTk; jLj;J itf;fTk; my;yJ Jd;GWj;jTk; Fwpjj ; rl;lg;gphpTfisAk; mtw;wpd; Nehf;fj;ijAk; Ntz;Lnkd;Nw jtwhf gad;gLj;Jtjw;F toptFf;fpwJ vdyhk;. gphpT 365 kw;Wk; 365m vd;gd Fwpgg ; hf gu];gu tpUg;gj;Jldhd my;yJ rk;kjj;Jldhd ghypay; cwTfisg; gw;wpf; Fwpgg ; pLfpdw ; dNt jtpu Xhpd ghypay; elj;ijfis kl;Lk; Fwpgg ; pLtd my;y. cz;ikapy; ,e;jr; rl;l Vw;ghlhdJ vjphg ; hy; <h;gG ; ghypay; elj;ij kw;Wk; Xhpd <h;gG ; ghypay; elj;ij Mfpa ,uz;ilANk cs;slf;fp ,Ug;gJld; ve;j egh;fSf;Fkpilapyhd ve;jnthU ghypay; elj;ijAk; ,aw;iff;F KuzhdJ kw;Wk; mehfuPfkhdJ vDk; fUj;ijf;nfhz;Nl ,r;rl;lg;gpupTfs; gpuNahfpff ; g;gLfpdw ; d. vt;thwhapDk; ,r;rl;lg;gphpTfs; Mz; Xhpdr; Nrh;fi ; fahsh; my;yJ ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;fi ; fahsuhf ,Ug;gjid my;yJ Fwpjj ; Xh; ghypay; ehl;lj;jpid nfhz;bUg;gjid my;yJ khw;Wg;ghypduhf ,Ug;gij Fw;wg;gLj;jhj NghjpYk; nghyp]hh; nghJ ,lq;fspy; r%fj;Jld; $bg; goFtjw;F vjpuhf Fwpjj ; ,r;rl;l Vw;ghLfspd; vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

mr;RWj;jiyg; gad;gLj;jp LGBTIQ egh;fis ifJ nra;j re;jh;gg ; q;fs; gy ,lk;ngw;Ws;sd. ,uz;lhtjhf khw;Wg;ghypdiu/jpUeu;fis Jd;GWj;jTk; mr;RWj;jTk; ngUk;ghYk; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; rl;l Vw;ghlhd ,yq;iff; Fw;wtpay; rl;lf;Nfhitapd; gphpT 399 gpdt ; UkhW $WfpwJ. gphpT 399: Ms;khwhl;lk; %yk; Vkhw;Wjy;" : NtnwhUtiug; Nghy; ghrhq;F nra;jy; my;yJ njupeN ; j ,d;ndhUtu; mt;thW nra;tjw;F cjTjy; my;yJ jd;Dila Ra milahsj;jpid kiwj;jy; vd;gd Ms;khwhl;lk; vd tiuaiw nra;ag;gLk;.

khw;Wg;ghypdj;jtu;fsJ ghypd ntspgg ; hlhdJ mth;fsJ Njrpa milahs Mtzq;fspy; Fwpgg ; plg;gl;Ls;s ghypdj;Jld; Kuz;gl;Lf; fhzg;gLtjhy; Fwpjj ; rl;lg;gphptpdg ; b 'Ms;khwhl;lk; %yk; Nkhrb nra;jy;" vd;Dk; jtwhd tiutpyf;fzj;jpwf ; hf khw;Wg;ghypdiu Jd;GWj;jTk; ifJ nra;aTk; mr;rl;lg;gphpthdJ mbf;fb jtwhfg; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. NkYk; ,r;rl;l Vw;ghlhdJ cz;ikahd xU egiuNah my;yJ fw;gidahd xU egiuNah Ms; khwhl;lk; nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ vdf; fUj;jpwn ; fhs;shJ gphpT 399 ,d; mbg;gilapy; khw;Wg;ghypdiu ifJ nra;Ak; NghJ Fwpjj ; rl;lg;gphpthdJ Ntz;Lnkd;Nw jtwhfg;; nghUs;Nfhly; nra;ag;gLfpdw ; J.

Vidatu;fSf;F ghjfkpy;yhky;> Rje;jpukhf ehk; tpUk;gpa Milia mzptJk; mjw;Nfw;g jk;ik milahsg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;tJk; vkJ kdpj cupik MFk; vd;gNjhL mJ murpdhy; fz;fhzpg;Gf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl Ntz;banjhd;wy;y. %d;whtjhf flj;jYld; njhlh;Gila jz;lidr; rl;lf; Nfhitapd; gphpT 353 MdJ Xhpdr; Nrh;fi ; fahsh;fis Fwpgg ; hf ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;fi ; fahsh;fis ,yf;F itj;J mth;fSf;F vjpuhf gad;gLj;jg;gLk; rl;lg;gphpTfspy; xd;whFk;. gphpT 353 MdJ gpdt ; UkhW $WfpwJ. 353: ,jd;gb vtNuDk; xUtiu VNjDk; xU ,lj;jpid tplL ; r; nry;tjw;F tw;GWj;jpdhNyh kw;Wk; Vkhw;W topfspNyh my;yJ mjpfhuj;jpid J\;gpuNahfg;gLj;jpNah my;yJ NtW VNjDk; KiwfspD}lhfNth ,t;thwhd nraypid Nkw;nfhs;tJ "Ml;flj;jy;" vd tiutpyf;fzg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sJ. tptuz cjhuzk;: \hdpAk; kh\hTk; ny];gpad;fs;. ,jid mwpeJ ; f; nfhz;l kh\htpd; ngw;Nwhh; kh\htpidf; flj;jpajhf \hdp kPJ ngha;ahff; Fw;wQ;rhl;lj; jPhk ; hdpjJ ; \hdpapDila tPlb ; y; ,UtUk; jdpikapy; ,Uf;Fk; Neuj;jpy; nghyp]hUf;F jfty; nfhLf;fpdw ; dh;. kh\h xU guhakile;jth; kw;Wk; mtNu jd; tpUg;gj;Jld; \hdpapDila tPlb ; w;Fr; nrd;whh; vd;w NghjpYk; kh\h \hdpia tpl xU rpy tUlq;fs; taJ Fiwe;jth; vd;w vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

fhuzj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; kh\htpidg; ghjpff ; g;gl;lth; vd;W Fwpgg ; plL ; \hdpia gphpT 353 ,idg; gad;gLj;jp kh\htpd; ngw;Nwhh; Fw;wQ; rhl;Lfpdw ; dh;. ,Nj Nghd;Nw tPzhfTk; Kiwaw;w tifapYk; nraw;gLk; Nkhrbf;fhuh;fisAk; ehNlhbfisAk; jz;bg;gjid Nehf;fkhff; nfhz;like;j kpfTk; njhd;ikahd 1841 ,d; 4k; ,yf;f rl;lkhd ehNlhbfs; fl;lisr; rl;lKk; (Ntf;ud;l] ; ; fl;lisr;rl;lk;) LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdiu epahakw;w Kiwapy; ,yf;F itf;fTk; jz;bf;fTk; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. 2 (Jizf;Fwpgg ; pidg; ghu;ff ; ) ehNlhbfs; fl;lisr; rl;lj;jpd; gphpT 7 MdJ nghJ ,lj;jpy; mehfhpfkhf ele;Jf; nfhz;ljhfTk;> tpgr;rhuj;jpwF ; mioj;jjhfTk; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdiuf; ifJ nra;tjw;F nghJthfg; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; xU rl;lg; gphpthFk;. ngUk;ghYk; ,it ngha;ahd Fw;wr;rhl;Lfshff; fhzg;gLtJld; ,yf;F itf;fg;gLk; LGBTIQ egh;fs; ifJ nra;ag;gl;L tpLth; vd;w gaj;jpd; fhuzkhfNt nghJ g]; epWj;jq;fspy; miu kzp Neuj;jpwF ; mjpfkhf epwg ; J ,y;iy. Kd;dhs; kdpj chpikfs; Mizahsh; lhf;lh; gpujPgh k`hehkN`th ,f;ifJfs; FwpjJ ; f; $Wk;NghJ; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; ifJ 06

nra;ag;gl;L ePjthd; Kd;dpiyapy; epWj;jg;gLk;NghJ fl;lha ,uj;jg;ghpNrhjidf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLfpdw ; dh;. Mdhy;; xU fpoikapy; / thuj;jpy; ,uz;bypUe;J %d;W jlitfs; ifJ nra;ag;gLk;NghJk; Fwpjj ; ,uj;jg; ghpNrhjidf;F kPzL ; k; kPzL ; k; cl;gLj;jg;gLfpdw ; dh; vd mwpag;gl;l rpy rk;gtq;fSk; ,lk;ngw;Ws;sd. ,it Fwpjj ; r%fj;jpd; cWg;gpdh;fis Jd;GWj;Jtjhf mikfpwJ. 3(Jizf;Fwpgg ; pidg; ghu;ff ; ) tptuz cjhuzk;: rJhpfh xU ny];gpad;. mth; nfhOk;G efUf;F mUfpYs;s flw;fiuapy; jdJ Nkhl;lhh; irf;fpis Nehf;fpr; nrd;W nfhz;bUf;Fk; NghJ nghyp]hh; ifJ nra;J ehNlhbj; jphpej ; hh; (Ntf;fpud;]p) vd;W tof;Fg; gjpej ; dh;. nghyp]hh; rJhpff ; htpd; Njhw;wk; Mz;ikj; jd;ikAld; ,Ue;jijAk; mts; fhw;rl;il mzpeJ ; ,Ue;jijAk; tpkh;rpjJ ; mts; Nkhl;lhh; irf;fps; Xl;Ltjw;F jPhk ; hdpjj ; J gw;wpAk; gykhf tprhhpjj ; pUe;jdh;. rJhpff ; hit tpLjiy nra;tjw;F Kd;dh; mts; fpll ; j;jl;l Ie;J kzp Neuq;fs; jLj;J itf;fg;gl;bUe;jhs;. NkYk; rl;lj;jpid eilKiwg;gLj;Jk; epWtdq;fs; my;yJ myFfs; mtw;wpd; jd;dpri ; rahd epahakw;w ifJfSf;Fk; jLj;J itj;jYf;Fkhd fyhr;rhuj;jpwF ; kpfTk; mwpag;gl;litahFk; vd;gJld; Nkw;Fwpjj ; rl;l Vw;ghLfis Ntz;Lnkd;Nw jd;dpri ; rahf jtwhfg; nghUs;Nfhly; nra;tjhdJ LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdiu ,yFthf

,yf;F itf;f topaikj;Jf; nfhLf;fpwJ vd;gJk; Fwpgg ; plj;jf;fJ. nghyp]hh; ngUk;ghYk; nghJ ,lq;fspy; 'nghd;dah th ,q;Nf> rkdyah (tz;zj;Jg; g+rr ; p> Fah; my;yJ ngz;ikj;jd;ik nfhz;ltiu ,opTgLj;Jk; Nehf;fpy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; tof;Fr; nrhw;fs;) vq;Nf Nghfpwha;?" Nghd;w Xhpdr;Nrh;fi ; f ntWg;ghd ,op nrhw;fis LGBTIQ r%fj;jpd; cWg;gpdh;fis Nehf;fpg; gad;gLj;Jjy; MdJ nghyp]hUf;Fk;; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdUf;Fk; ,ilapyhd nfhe;jspgg ; hd cwT epiyf;fhd xU vLj;Jf;fhl;lhFk;. ,t;thwhd J\;gpuNahfkhdJ midj;Jg; gpui[fspdJk;> rkhjhdj;ijAk;> ghJfhg;igAk; Ngzpf; fhf;f Ntz;ba epWtdq;fspdhNyNa Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; NghJ LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; td;Kiwf;Fk; ghugl;rj;jpwF ; k; cl;gLj;jg;gLk; NghJ mit njhlh;gpy; Kiwg;ghL nra;aj; jaq;FtjhdJ Mr;rhpag;glf;$banjhd;wy;y. RUf;fkhf $wNtz;Lkhapd; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; jk;ik Nehf;fp ntWg;gpidf; fhl;LtJk; J\;gpuNahfj;jpwF ; cl;gLj;jg;gLtJkhd xU fyhrhuj;ij itj;jpUf;Fk; nghyp]; gilfs; kPJ gaj;JlNdNa fhzg;gLfpdw ; dh;. ePjpapid toq;Ftjw;fhf ];jhgpff ; g;gl;l epWtdq;fNs ,t;thwhfg; ghy;> ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ghypay; ehl;lk; Nghd;wtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ghugl;rk; kw;Wk; J\;gpuNahfj;jpwF ; cl;gLj;Jk; NghJ Vida mjpfhu epWtdq;fs; gw;wpf; $wNtz;bajpyi ; y.

cq;fSf;fhff; fhzg;gLk;

rl;lg; ghJfhg;Gfs; vit?

LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdhpd; chpikfs; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G vd;gtw;iw cWjpg;gLj;jf;$ba jdpahff; Fwpg;gpl;l rl;l Vw;ghL xd;W ,y;iy. vdNt> jPh;khdpf;fg;gl;l tof;Ffspd; mbg;gilapyhd nghJr; rl;lNk Nkw;Fwpj;j chpikfs; ghJfhg;G njhlh;gpy; gpuNahfg;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. vt;thwhapDk; ,yq;if murpayikg;ghdJ rfy gpui[fSf;Fk; mbg;gil chpikfis (Fundamental Rights) cWjpg;gLj;JfpwJ. ,t;tbg;gil chpikfs; murpayikg;gpy; tpNrlkhff; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s tpjptpyf;fhd re;jh;g;gq;fs; kw;Wk; ehl;bd; mtrufhy rl;lj;jpd; gpufhukhd rpy Fwpg;gpl;l fl;Lg;ghLfs; jtph;j;J kPwg;glyhfhJ. 07

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

cq;fSf;F murpayikg;gpd; 3k; mj;jpahaj;jpy; cWjpg;gLj;jpAs;s mbg;gil chpikfspy; VNjDk; xd;iw ve;jr; nraw;ghlhtJ kPWk; gl;rj;jpy; mJNt cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jpy; mbg;gil chpik(FR) kPwy; tof;F xd;iwj; jhf;fy; nra;a NghJkhdjhFk;. (google ,izaj;jsj;jpy; cq;fshy; ,yq;if murpayikg;gpd; rpq;fsk;> jkpo; my;yJ Mq;fpy gpujp xd;wpid ghh;itapl KbAk;). Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l ghjfkhd R+o;epiyfis ePq;fs; vjph;nfhs;Sk;NghJ gad;gLj;jpf;nfhs;sf; $ba murpayikg;gpd; cWg;Giufs; rpy gpd;tUkhW:


cWg;Giu 10: xt;nthUtUk; jhd; tpUk;Gk; kjj;ij my;yJ ek;gpf;ifia cilatuhapUj;jw;fhd my;yJ gpd;gw;Wtjw;fhd Rje;jpuKl;gl> rpe;jid nra;Ak; Rje;jpuk;> kdr;rhl;rpiag; gpd;gw;Wk; Rje;jpuk;> kj Rje;jpuk; vd;gtw;Wf;F chpj;Jilatuhjy; Ntz;Lk;. cWg;Giu 11: vtUk; rpj;jputijf;F> my;yJ nfh^ukhd my;yJ kdpjhgpkhdkw;w my;yJ ,opthd elhj;Jiff;F my;yJ jz;lidf;F cl;gLj;jg;glyhfhJ. cWg;Giu 12: rl;;lj;jpd; Kd;G Ml;fs; vy;NyhUk; rkkhdth;fs;. mj;Jld; mth;fs; rl;lj;jpdhy; ghJfhf;fg;gLtjw;F chpj;Jilath;fs;. tptuz cjhuzk;: nfYk; xU mur epWtdnkhd;wpy;; jdf;Fj; Njitahd Fwpg;gpl;l Mtzq;fs; rpytw;iwg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;fhf nrd;w NghJ mth; xU khw;Wg;ghypdh; vd;gij mwpe;Jf;nfhz;l mjpfhhpfs; mtUf;fhd Nritiag; toq;f kWj;jdh;. ,j;jifa re;jh;g;gj;jpy; nfYk; murpayikg;gpd; mj;jpahak; 3 ,d; cWg;Giu 12 ,d; fPo; mbg;gil chpik kPwy; tof;F xd;wpid jhk; rkkhf elhj;jg;gltpy;iy vd;w mbg;gilapy; jhf;fy; nra;ayhk;. cWg;Giu 11> 12 kw;Wk; 13 MdJ jd;dpr;irahd epahakw;w ifJ> jLj;J itj;jy; kw;Wk; jz;lid vd;gtw;wpypUe;J Rjje;jpukspg;gJld; ,y;yhnjhopf;fg;gl;l fle;jf;fhy jz;lidr; rl;lq;fs; vth; kPJk; gpuNahfpf;fg;gLtij jLf;fpwJ. tptuz cjhuzk;: Mz; Xhpdr; Nrh;f;ifahsh; vd mwpag;gl;l mfpy vd;gth; jpUbaikf;fhf ifJ nra;ag;gl;Ls;shh;. nghyp]; epiyaj;jpy; mth; nghyp]huhy; Jd;GWj;jg;gl;lJld; yQ;rkhf ghypay; hPjpahf jkf;F rhjfkhf ele;J nfhs;SkhWk; eph;g;ge;jpf;fg;gl;lhh;. mtiu tpLjiy nra;a Kd;dh; mfpy rpy jpdq;fSf;F tpsf;fkwpaypy; itf;fg;gLfpwhh;. ,jd;NghJ nghyp]hh; cWg;Giu 3 I kPwp ele;jikf;fhf mth;fSf;F vjpuhf mbg;gil chpik kPwy; tof;F xd;wpid tpz;zg;gpf;f KbAk;. cWg;Giu 14 MdJ rfy gpui[fSf;Fkhd Ngr;R Rje;jpuk;> xd;W $Ltjw;fhd Rje;jpuk; vd;gtw;iw cWjpg;gLj;JtJld; mJ rptpy; r%fj;jpd; mbg;gil chpikahff; fhzg;gLtJld; [dehafj;jpd; %yf;fy;yhf nfhs;sg;gLfpwJ. ,NjNtis vkJ mbg;gil kdpj chpikfs; kPJ Rkj;jg;gl;Ls;s fl;Lg;ghLfs; njhlh;gpYk; mwpe;J itj;jpUj;jy; mtrpakhdjhFk;. cjhuzkhf cWg;Giu 15 ,d; gpufhuk; Njrpa ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; rka xw;Wik vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; rpy chpikfs; kl;Lg;gLj;jg;glyhk;. MapDk; cWg;Giufs; 10 kw;Wk; 11 Mfpad ,e;j Kiwapy; / tifapy; kl;Lg;gLj;jg;glf; $bad my;y.

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;


gFjp II ehk; midtUk; vkJ chpikfis

Nkk;gLj;jpf; nfhs;sTk;> ghJfhj;Jf; nfhs;sTk; KbAk;

cq;fSilaNjh> my;yJ NtnwhUtUilaNjh> chpikfs; kPwg;gLk; NghNjh> my;yJ kPwg;gLtjw;fhd tha;g;Gfs; fhzg;gLk; NghNjh> cq;fSf;F fpilf;fpd;w topfspy; Kiwg;ghnlhd;iw Nkw;nfhs;tNjh my;yJ eltbf;if vLg;gNjh Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. cq;fSf;F vd;d nra;tJ> vt;thW nra;tJ vd;gJ njhlh;gpy; cjtpfs; mtrpakhapd; EQUAL GROUND ,d; cjtpr;Nritf;F njhlh;G nfhs;syhk;. Ntiy ehl;fspy; K.g 9.30 kzp Kjy; gp.g 5.30 kzptiuapy;

076-0038380, 076-0038381

Mfpa ,yf;fq;fspy; vq;fisj; njhlh;G nfhs;sNth my;yJ

vDk; kpd;dQ;ry; KftupapD}lhf mwptpj;jy; nra;aNth KbAk;. ehq;fs; cq;fis top elj;JNthk;.


chpikfis epiyehl;Ljy; ePjpkd;w Kiwikfs;:

i) murpayikg;gpd; cWg;Giu 126 ,d; fPo; mbg;gil chpik tpz;zg;gj;jpid jhf;fy; nra;jy; 09

NkNy Fwpg;gpl;lthW my;yJ murpayikg;gpd; ghfk; 3 ,y; gl;baw;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;s VNjDk; mbg;gil chpikfs; VNjDk; eph;thfj;Jiw my;yJ epiwNtw;Wj;Jiw eltbf;if xd;wpdhy; kPwg;gLkhapd; my;yJ> cldbahf kPwg;glf;$ba Mgj;J fhzg;gLkhapd; (chpik kPwg;glg; Nghfpd;wJ) xUth; vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

mbg;gil chpik tpz;zg;gj;jpid kD kw;Wk; rj;jpaf;$w;wpd; %yk; cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jpy; jhf;fy; nra;ayhk;. ,t;tof;fhdJ cq;fsJ chpik kPwg;gl;ljpypUe;J xU khjj;jpw;Fs; jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;gij epidtpw; nfhs;sTk;. vt;thwhapDk; ePq;fs; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpy; xU Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhz;bUe;jPh;fshdhy; (%d;W khjj;jpw;Fs;) Fwpj;j Kiwg;ghL njhlh;gpyhd tprhuiz kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; epiwT nra;ag;gLk; NghNj cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jpy; kD jhf;fy; nra;tjw;fhd Fwpj;j xU khj fhy vy;iy Muk;gpf;Fk;. ePq;fs; Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhz;bUj;jy; khj;jpuk; NghJkhdjd;W. kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; cq;fsJ Kiwg;ghL njhlh;gpyhd tprhuizfis Muk;gpj;jpUe;jhy; khj;jpuNk ,t;;tpjpKiw nry;YgbahFk;. tPurpq;f vjpu; gpNukul;d> nghyp]; rhh;[d;l; kw;Wk; VidNahh; (1998) 1 SLR127 vDk; tof;fpy; Fwpg;ghf rpj;jputij nra;ag;gLtjpypUe;jhd Rje;jpuk;>

Kiwaw;w Kiwapy; jLj;J itf;fg;gLtjpypUe;jhd Rje;jpuk; njhlh;gpyhd kdpj chpikfs; Fwpj;J Muhag;gl;lJ. ,t;tof;F ,yq;ifapd; kdpj chpikfspd; rl;lg;gad;ghL gue;j mstpy; ,lk; ngw;wNjhL> ehl;bd; kdpj chpik tof;Ffspy; Kd;ddpahd tof;fhf fhzg;gLfpwJ. ,jdhy; ,t;tof;fpd; epfo;Tfs; njhlh;gpyhd njspthd mwpT rl;l kw;Wk; ePjpkd;w eilKiwfspy; kdpj chpikfs; Kiwikapid nraw;gLj;j cjTk; vd;gJ re;Njfj;Jf;fplkpd;wp ep&gzkhfpAs;sJ. ,t;tof;fpd; epfo;Tfs; RUf;fkhfg; gpd;tUkhW: ,t;tof;fpd; kDjhuuhd tPurpq;f vd;gth; gd;dy nghyp]pdhy; ifJ nra;ag;gl;L jLj;J itf;fg;gl;bUe;j rkaj;jpy; rpj;jputij nra;ag;gl;lhh;. ,t;tof;fpy; ePjpgjp jPuuj;d NghyP]hu; kDjhuiu eph;thzg;gLj;jpaik> mtiu nfh^ukhfTk;> kdpjhgpkhdkw;w KiwapYk;> juf;FiwthfTk; elj;jpajd; %yKk; murpayikg;G cWg;Giu 11 kw;Wk; 13(2) ,d;gb kDjhuhpd; chpikfs; kPwg;gl;ljhf jPu;g;gspj;jhu;. ePjpgjp gpd;tUkhW toq;fpdhh;:



1) ghuJ}ukhd Fw;wj;ij nra;j egh; xUth; $l rl;lj;jhy; $wg;gl;Ls;s Kiwfspy; kl;LNk jz;bf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;gJld; mth; mbg;gil chpikfspd; fPohd ghJfhg;ig ngw chpj;Jilath;. 2) kUj;Jt rhl;rpaq;fs; ,y;yhj re;jh;g;gj;jpYk;$l R+o;epiy rhl;rpaq;fis nfhz;L> Fwpj;j jdpegh; juf;Fiwthd KiwapYk;> rpj;jpiutijf;Fk; cl;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;shh; vdj; jPh;khdpf;f KbAk;. murpayikg;Gr; rl;lj;jpd; cWg;Giu 12(1) rkj;Jtj;jpw;fhd chpikia typAWj;JfpwJ. ,J gy kdpj chpikfs; rk;ge;jkhd tof;FfSf;F mbg;gilahf mike;Js;sJ. rkj;JtkhdJ> Ntiytha;g;Gfs; kw;Wk;> gy;fiyf;fof mDkjpf;fhd tpz;zg;gq;fs; Nghd;w eltbf;iffspy; mbg;gilahf tpsq;Ffpd;wJ. ,J Nghd;w mbg;gil cupik tof;Ffspd;NghJ kDjhuh; mth;fsJ rkepiyiaf; fUj;jpw; nfhs;Sk;NghJ> jdf;F ghFghL fhl;lg;gl;ls;sJ vd;gjid kl;Lkpd;wp> mg;ghFghlhdJ jdf;F ,iof;fg;gl;l vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

mePjp vd;gjidAk; ep&gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mbg;gil cupikf;fhd tof;nfhd;wpidj; jhf;fy; nra;Ak; NghJ gpd;tUk; tplaq;fis Muha;jy; kpfTk; Kf;fpakhdJ. 1) xU khj fhy vy;iy Kbe;J tpl;ljh vd Muha;;jy; 2) kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;Fotpdhy; epthuzk; toq;fg;gl;L tpl;ljh vd Muha;jy; 3) Fwpj;j kPwyhdJ kdpj chpik kPwy; vd;gjid Muha;jy;. 4) cq;fSila kD cWg;Giu 12(1) ,d; 10

fPo; jhf;fy; nra;ag;gl;bUe;jhy; re;Njfj;jpw;fplkhd Fwpj;j eltbf;if cq;fSila rkj;Jtj;jpw;fhd chpikia kPwpapUf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gJld; kPwpa eguhy; mtuJ eltbf;ifia epahag;gLj;j Kbahjjhf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. (cjhuzk; xU rkak; rhh;e;j mur rhh;gw;w epWtdkhdJ NtnwhU rkaj;ijr; rhh;e;j egnuhUthpd; tpz;zg;gj;ij epuhfhpf;fyhk;. mNj Nghy; Fwpj;j ghy; ,dj;jtiu Fwpg;ghf Njitg;gLj;Jk; NghJ vjph;ghy;

,dj;jthpd; tpz;zg;gj;ij epuhfhpf;fyhk;.) Xu; mbg;gil cupik tpz;zg;gj;jpidj; jhf;fy; nra;Ak;NghJ> Nkyjpfkhf kDtpd; $w;Wf;fis cWjpg;gLj;Jfpd;w thf;F%yk; mjDld; ,izf;fg;gLjy; Ntz;Lk;. cq;fSila kDtpYs;s Nfhhpf;ifia (Nfhhpf;if vd;gJ ePq;fs; ePjpkd;wpypUe;J vjph;ghhf;Fk; jPh;tpw;fhd rl;lr;nrhy;yhFk;) Mjhpf;Fk; tpjj;jpYk;> cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tpjj;jpYk; kDtpd; cs;slf;fq;fs; fhzg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

cq;fsJ Nfhhpf;ifapy; cq;fSf;F chpj;Jila midj;J jPh;TfisAk; Nfl;f Ntz;Lk;. kDtpidj; jhf;fy; nra;tJ njhlh;gpy; xU mDgtk; tha;e;j rl;lj;juzpapd; MNyhridiag; ngWtjd; %yk; cq;fsJ kD njhopDl;g fhuzq;fshy; epuhfhpf;fg;gLtjpypUe;J jLf;fg;gLk;. cq;fsJ mbg;gil chpikfs; kDtpidj; jhf;fy; nra;tjw;Fk;> rl;l MNyhrizfisg; ngWtjw;Fk; cq;fSf;F chpj;Jz;L. ePq;fs; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FO kw;Wk; ,yq;if rl;l cjtp Mizf;FO vd;gtw;wplkpUe;J (Legal Aid sector) ,ytr rl;l MNyhridfisg; ngw KbAk;. 011-2433618 vDk; njhiyNgrp vz;zpidj; njhlu;G nfhs;tjd; %yk; ,tu;fsJ cjtpapidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;.

ii) cah; ePjpkd;Wf;F kDtpid jhf;fy; nra;jy; (r%f kw;Wk; murpay; chpikfs; njhlh;gpyhd rh;tNjr rkthaj;jpd; fPohd 2007 Mk; Mz;L 56k; ,yf;fr; rl;lk;.) ICCPR rl;lj;jpd; fPo; cq;fSf;F chpj;jhd kdpj chpikfs; VNjDk; Ml;rpj;Jiw my;yJ epUthfj; Jiwapduhy; kPwg;gLkhapd; my;yJ cldbahf kPwg;glf;$bajhf ,Uf;Fkhapd; cah; ePjpkd;wj;jpw;F kDtpid jhf;fy; nra;J epthuzq;fisf; Nfhu KbAk;.mitahtd> m. rl;lj;jpd; xU eguhf mq;fPfhpf;fg;gLtjw;fhd chpik vd;gjd; mh;j;jk; rl;lkhdJ xt;nthU egUf;Fk; rkkhf gpuNahfpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;gjhFk;. M. VNjDk; vOjg;gl;l xU rl;lj;jpd; fPo; xU egh; Fw;wk; Rkj;jg;gl;bUe;jhy; 11

mth; tpsf;fnkhd;wpw;F (ePjpkd;w tof;F tprhuiz) cl;gLj;jg;glNth> rl;l cjtpfs; %yk; jd;idg; ghJfhj;Jf; nfhs;sNth> mr;rl;l cjtpfSf;F mtuhy; gzk; nrYj;j KbahjpUg;gpd; fl;lzk; VJkpd;wp mt;Tjtpfisg; ngWtjw;F> tprhhpf;fg;gLtjw;F> jdf;F vjpuhd rhl;rpapid tprhhpg;gjw;F> tpsf;f nkhop Ghpahjtpbd; nkhopngah;g;ghsh; xUthpd; cjtpapidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;F> gyhj;fhukhf jdf;nfjpuhd xg;Gjy;fs;> rhd;Wfs; vjidAk; Nkw;nfhs;shjpUg;gjw;F chpj;Jilath;. ,. xt;nthU FbkfDk;> nghJ eltbf;iffspy; NeubahfNth my;yJ ahNuDk; gpujpepjpfspD}lfNth gq;Nfw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;Fk;> murhq;fj;jhy; nghJ kf;fSf;F toq;fg;gLk; Nritfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;Fk; chpj;Jilath;.

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

Vida nghwpKiwfs;


kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FO ,yq;if kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FO cq;fSf;F vd;d Kiwapy; cjt KbAk;? gpd;tUk; topfspy; cjt KbAk;. •

mbg;gil chpik kPwy;fs; kw;Wk; cldb kPwy;fs; njhlh;gpyhd Kiwg;ghLfis tprhuiz nra;jy;

mbg;gil chpikfis gpd;gw;wg;gLjiy cWjpnra;Ak; nghUl;L nrad;Kiwfs; njhlh;gpyhd Kiwg;ghLfis tprhuiz nra;jy;

ePjpkd;wj;jpd; mDkjpAld; VNjDk; xU ePjpkd;wj;jpy; jPh;f;fg;glhj kdpj chpik kPwy; njhlh;gpyhd tof;F eltbf;iffspy; jiyapLjy;.

jLj;J itf;fg;gl;lth;fspd; eyd;fis fz;fhzpj;jy;> jLj;J itf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,lq;fis njhlh;r;rpahf Nkw;ghh;it nra;jy;. (cjhuzk;: kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FO rpiwapNyh my;yJ jLg;gpNyh cs;s egh;fsJ my;yJ ifjpfspdJ chpikfs; kPwg;glhjtz;zk; ghh;j;Jf; nfhs;s KbAk;)

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

kdpj chpikfs; Mizf; FOtpy; vt;tifahd Kiwg;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;? ,yq;if murpayikg;G mj;jpahak; 3> ,d; fPo; xt;nthU FbkfDf;Fk; cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;s mbg;gil chpik kPwy; my;yJ cldb kPwy; njhlh;gpy; Kiwg;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;syhk;.

kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpy; ahh; Kiwg;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;? • • •

ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh; ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh;fisf; nfhz;l FO ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh;fisf; nfhz;l FO rhh;gpy; xU egh; my;yJ FOtpdh; Kiwg;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;.

tptuz cjhuzk;: n[Nuhk; vDk; khw;Wg;ghypd egh; itj;jparhiynahd;wpy; jhjpfspdhy; mtuJ rk;kjkpd;wp mtUila khw;Wg;ghypd epiyia ntspg;gLj;jp J\;gpuNahfk; kw;Wk;; mtkhdg;gLj;jg;gl;lhh;. ,iug;ig rhh;e;j Nehapw;fhf mth; rpfpr;irf;Fl;gLj;jg;gl;lNghJ mtUila khw;Wg;ghypd epiyia mwpe;J nfhz;ljd; gpd;dh;; ngz;fs; tpLjpapy; mDkjpf;fg;gl;lhh;. mr;re;jh;g;gj;jpy; ngz; Nehahsh;fs; jkJ tpLjpapy; xU Mz; 12

Nehahsh; mDkjpf;fg;gl;ljd; fhuzj;ijf; Nfl;l re;jh;g;gj;jpy; mg;ngz;fSf;F fhl;Ltjw;fhf gyhj;fhukhf n[Nuhkpd; Milapid fow;wpdhh;. ;. n[Nwhk; jdJ cupik kPwy;fSf;F vjpuhf Gfhu; xd;iw gjpT nra;a KbAk;.

kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FO njhlh;gpy; ePq;fs; njhpe;J nfhs;s Ntz;baJ vd;d? i)


vk; nkhopfspy; Kiwg;ghL Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;? rpq;fsk;> jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy nkhopfspy;. vt;tpj Kiwg;ghLk; ,y;yhky; tprhuizia Nkw;nfhs;tjw;F ,t;thizf; FOtpw;F mjpfhuk; cs;sjh? Mk;. kdpj chpik kPwnyhd;W ,lk;ngWk;NghJ vt;tpjkhd Kiwg;ghLfSk; ,y;yhky; tprhuiz nra;a KbAk;.

iii) cah; ePjpkd;wk; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpid tprhuizfs; mwpf;ifia ePjpkd;wj;jpw;F rku;g;gpf;FkhW Nfl;f KbAkh? Mk;> rpy re;jh;g;gq;fspy; cah; ePjpkd;wk;; ePjpkd;wj;jhy; mwpTWj;jy; toq;fg;gl;ljd; gpufhuk;>Fwpj;j tplak; njhlh;gpy; tprhuizia Nkw;nfhz;L mwpf;ifia rkh;g;gpf;FkhW Nfhuyhk;. iv) Kiwg;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;tjw;F fhy vy;iy cs;sjh? Kiwg;ghLfs; kPwnyhd;W ,lk;ngw;W %d;W khjq;fSf;Fs; nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;. v)


Kiwg;ghl;by; vd;ndd;d tplaq;fs; Fwpg;gplg;gl;bUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;? • vd;d chpikfs; kPwg;gl;Ls;sd? • ahUila chpikfs; kPwg;gl;Ls;sd? • Fwpj;j chpik kPwYf;F ahh; nghWg;Ngw;f Ntz;Lk;? • vd;d Kiwapy; chpikfs; kPwg;gl;Ls;sd?

• •

Fwpj;j chpik kPwy; ,lk;ngw;w jpfjpAk;> ,lKk;? vt;thwhd jPh;tpid ePq;fs; vjph;ghh;f;fpd;wPh;fs;?

vi) ,yq;if kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpw;F Kiwg;ghnlhd;iw Nkw;nfhs;tjw;fhf ePq;fs; tUk;NghJ rl;lg;gpujpepjp xUtiu mioj;J tUjy; fl;lhakhdjh? ,y;iy. Kiwg;ghnlhd;iw Nkw;nfhs;tjw;fhf rl;lj;juzpnahUtiu mioj;Jtu Ntz;ba mtrpak; ,y;iy. vii) cq;fshy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; Kiwg;ghL kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; tprhhpf;fg;gLk; Kiwg;ghLfSf;F mg;ghw;gl;ljhapd; vd;d elf;Fk;? Fwpj;j Kiwg;ghLfs; jPh;Tfisg; ngWtjw;fhf rhpahd my;yJ nghUj;jkhd mjpfhuq;fSf;F my;yJ murhq;fj;jhy; ];jhgpf;fg;gl;l mikg;GfSf;F mDg;gg;gLk;. viii) kdpj chpik kPwnyhd;W ,lk;ngw;W %d;W khjq;fspd; gpd;du; cq;fshy; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpw;F Kiwg;ghL Nkw;nfhs;s KbAkh? Mk;. cq;fSila Kiwg;ghl;bid rhpahd fhy vy;iyf;Fs; Nkw;nfhs;s KbahJ Nghdikf;fhd epahakhd fhuzk; fhzg;gLkhapd; cq;fshy; Mizf;FOtplk; Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;. tptuz cjhuzk;: eprhy; vd;gth; nghyp]; fhtypy; ,Uf;Fk; re;jh;g;gj;jpy; mbf;fg;gl;L ghuJ}ukhd fhaq;fs; Vw;gl;L %d;W khjq;fSf;Fk; Nkyhf itj;jparhiyapy; mDkjpf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwhh;. mth; rhh;gpy; Mizf;FOtpw;F Kiwg;ghL nra;tjw;F mtUf;F ahUk; fpilahJ. mth; jd;Dila Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhs;s Vw;gl;l fhy jhkjj;jpw;fhd epahakhd fhuzj;ij ep&gpf;Fk; nghUl;L kUj;Jtr; rhd;wpjio toq;fpdhy; mth; itj;jparhiyapy; ,Ue;J gpd;dh; Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhs;s KbAk;. vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

ix) cq;fshy; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;;FOtpd; Nritfisf; fl;lzkpd;wp ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAkh?

Mk;. kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpd; jiyikafk; kw;Wk; Vida gpuhe;jpa fpisfshy; toq;fg;gLk; midj;J rl;l MNyhridfs;/ NritfSk; fl;lzkpd;wp toq;fg;gLgitahFk;. ,Ue;jNghjpYk;> kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpy; Kiwg;ghnlhd;wpid Nkw;nfhs;tJ ,yFthdJk;> tpidj;jpwdhdJk; nryT mjpfkpyy ; hjJkhdjhFk;. fl;lis toq;Fk; mjpfhuk; ,t;thizf;FOtpwF ;

kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sjhYk;> cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jpwN ; f mt;tjpfhuk; fhzg;gLtjhYk;> ,t;thizf;FOthy; toq;fg;gLk; jPhT ; kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;ljhf fhzg;gLk; vd;gJld; cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jhy; toq;ff ; g;gLk; fl;lisiag; Nghd;wnjhU epiwT my;yJ ngWkjpAilajhff; fhzg;glhJ. kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpwF ; Kiwg;ghL nra;tjw;fhd njhiyNgrp ,yf;fk; : 1996 or 0112 505575 kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpd; mYtyh;fspd; njhlh;Gj; jfty;fs; ,f;ifNal;by; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. 4 (Jizf;Fwpg;gpidg; ghu;f;f)

Fw;wq;fs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfspy; ghjpff ; g;gl;Nlhu; ghJfhg;G Njrpa Mizak; Fw;wj;jhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;ltu;fs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfspd; cupikfisg; ghJfhf;f 2015 Mk; Mz;bd; 04 Mk; Mz;L rl;lk; ,aw;wg;gl;Ls;sJ.

Fwpj;j mjpfhu rigahdJ ,y.428/11A, nld;rpy; nfhg;NgfLt khtj;ij> gj;juKy;yapy; mike;Js;sJ. Fw;wnkhd;wpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l egnuhUtUf;fhd cupikfspy; gpd;tUtd Kf;fpakhditahFk;. • rkkhfTk;> epahakhfTk;> khpahijf;Fk; ,ufrpaj;jpw;Fk; kjpg;gspj;J elhj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

tpjpj;Jiuf;;fg;gl;l eilgbKiwfSf;F mikthf xU Fw;wj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;L mjd; tpisthf VNjDk; jPq;F> ,og;G my;yJ el;lk; Vw;gl;bUe;jhy; mt;tpog;gPl;ilr; rhpnra;jy;> kPl;lspj;jy; cs;slq;fyhf cldbahd> nghUj;jkhd> epahakhd jPh;tpidg; ngw;Wj;jUjy;. gopthq;fy;fs;> mr;RWj;jy;fs; cs;;slq;fshd Vw;glf;$ba jPq;FfspypUe;J nghUj;jkhd Kiwapy; ghJfhg;G toq;Fjy;. xU Fw;wj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;L cly; my;yJ cs hPPjpapyhd CW> jPq;F> cly; Cdk; Nghd;wit Vw;gl;bUe;jhy; mjw;F kUj;Jt rpfpr;irfisg; ngWjy;. 14

ghjpf;fg;gl;lthpd; Ntz;LNfhspd; mbg;gilapy; jfty; toq;Ftjw;F.

Fw;wnkhd;wpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l egnuhUtUf;Fhpa chpikfs; kw;Wk; chpj;Jfs; njhlh;gpy; mwpe;J nfhs;s Fwpj;j rl;lj;jpd; mUQ;nrhw;fs; Nfhitapidg; ghh;f;fTk;.5

ePq;fs; xU Fw;wnkhd;wpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l eguhfNth my;yJ rhl;rpahfNth fhzg;gl;L VNjDk; Fw;wk; my;yJ mbg;gil chpik kPwy; my;yJ kdpj chpik kPwy; njhlh;gpyhd ePjpkd;w tprhuizapy; gq;Nfw;gjdhy; my;yJ gq;Nfw;Fk; vz;zj;Jld; ,Ug;gjdhy; cq;fSf;F VNjDk; Mgj;J tuf;$Lk; vd ek;Gtjw;F epahakhd fhuzq;fs; fhzg;gLkhdhy; ePq;fs; gpd;tUk; mjpfhu epWtdq;fsplkpUe;J ghJfhg;gpidf; Nfhuyhk;.

Fw;wj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;lth;fs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfspd; ghJfhg;gpw;fhd Njrpa mikg;G Fw;wj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;lth;fs; kw;Wk; rhl;rpfSf;fhd cjtpg;gphpT - ,yq;if nghyp]; nghUj;jkhd ePjpkd;w eltbf;iffs; ,lk;ngWtjw;fhf epakpf;f;ggl;Ls;s my;yJ ePjpkd;w eltbf;iffs; Muk;gpf;fg;gl;Ls;s> epYitapy; cs;s ePjpkd;wq;fs;. Mizf;FOf;fs;. – (kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FO> ,yQ;r> Coy; Fw;wr;rhl;Lfs; njhlh;gpy; tprhuiz nra;Ak; Mizf;FO> tprhuiz Mizf;FO my;yJ rl;lj;jpd; fPo; epakdk; nra;ag;gl;Ls;s tpNrl [dhjpgjp Mizf;FO) gpuNjr nghyp]; mj;jpal;rfh;.


nghyp]; Mizf;FO cWg;Giu 155v (2)> MdJ ahNuDk; xU ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh; nghyp]; cj;jpNahfj;jh; my;yJ nghyp]; NritfSf;F vjpuhf nra;fpd;w Kiwg;ghLfs; kw;Wk; kf;fshy; nra;ag;gLk; Kiwg;ghLfs; vd;gtw;iw tprhuiz nra;Ak; eilKiwfis ];jhgpj;Js;sJld; rl;lj;jhy; Vw;ghL nra;ag;gl;Ls;s epthuzq;fis toq;FfpwJ. ,t;thizf;FO epthuzk; toq;Fk; re;jh;g;gj;jpy; nghyp]; mj;jpal;rfUf;F ,J Fwpj;J mwptpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ePh; xU nghyp]; cj;jpNahfj;juhy; ckJ ghypay;G> ghypd milahsk;> ghy;epiy ntspg;ghL> ck;Kila jw;fhy epiy my;yJ NtW VNjDk; jdpg;gl;l fhuzq;;fSf;fhf ghugl;rj;Jf;F cs;shfp ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh; xUtuhapd; rl;lj;jhy; Vw;ghL nra;ag;gl;Ls;s epthuzq;fis Ntz;b mt;Tj;jpNahfj;jh; my;yJ nghyp]; Nritf;F vjpuhf Kiwg;ghnlhd;iw Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. 15

tptuz cjhuzk;: nwhrhd; vDk; khw;Wg;ghypd egh; xUth; tPjpapy; thfdnkhd;wpw;fhf fhj;jpUe;j Ntisapy; ifJ nra;ag;gl;lhh;. nghyp]hh; mthplk; thf;F%yj;ijg; ngWtjid kWj;J mtiu ghypay; hPjpapy; Jd;GWj;jpAk;> mth; khw;Wg;ghypdj;jtuhf ,Ug;gij thh;j;ijfshy; $wp J\;gpuNahfg;gLj;jpAk; jLj;J itj;jpUe;jdh;. gpd;G mth; vt;tpj Fw;wr;rhl;Lkpd;wp tpLtpf;fg;gl;lhh;. ,r;re;jh;g;gj;jpy; nwhrhd; jdJ chpik kPwYf;F vjpuhf mbg;gil kdpj chpik kDtpid jhf;fy; nra;jy; kw;Wk; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpy; Kiwg;ghL nra;jYf;F Nkyjpfkhf mg;nghyp]; cj;jpNahfj;jUf;F vjpuhf Njrpa nghyp]; Mizf;FOtpYk; Kiwg;ghL nra;ayhk;.

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

ePq;fs; %yk; Md;iydpy; Njrpa NghyP]; Mizf;FOtpw;F Kiwg;ghbid Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. ePq;fs; cq;fsJ jdpg;gl;l jfty;fisj; juhkYk;> Fwpj;j tplak; njhlh;gpy; ahNuDk; xU nghyp]; caujpfhhpf;F Vw;fdNt Kiwg;ghL nra;jpUe;jhy; mijAk; Fwpg;gpl;L Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. mNjNghy; Mjhuq;fs; VJk; ,Ue;jhy; ePq;fs; my;yJ Mtzq;fisAk; juNtw;wyhk;.

xypg;gjpT / xspg;gjpT

Njrpa nghyp]; Mizf;FO Kiwg;ghLfSf;F 1960 / (+94) 0710361010 nghJ ,yf;fk; (+94) 11 510 7722 Kfthp Njrpa nghyp]; Mizf;FO BMICH fl;blk;> njhFjp 09, ngsj;jhNyhf;f khtj;ij> nfhOk;G – 07

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;


gFjp III tpj;jpahrkhd R+o;epiyfspy;

cupikfis mKy;gLj;jpf;nfhs;tJ vt;thW?

1) 2005 Mk; Mz;bd; 34 k; ,yf;f FLk;g td;Kiwr; nray; jLg;Gr; rl;lj;jpd; fPohd tpz;zg;gk;. FLk;g td;Kiwfspw;F (cjhuzkhf: tha; thh;j;ijahf cs hPjpahd> cly; hPjpahd Jd;GWj;jy;> tw;GWj;jg;gl;l jpUkzk; Nghd;wit) cl;gLj;jg;gl;l egnuhUth; FLk;g td;Kiw jLg;Gr; rl;lj;jpd; fPo; tpz;zg;gpg;gjd; %yk; jdf;fhd epthuzj;jpid ePjthd; ePjpkd;wplkpUe;J ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. jPPq;fpiof;fg;gl;l egh; (‘njhlu;Gila egu;’ kw;Wk; ‘FLk;g td;Kiw’ vd;gtw;wpw;fhd tpsf;fj;jpid Jizf;Fwpg;gpy; ngw;Wnfhs;syhk;.6) ePuhapd; FLk;g td;KiwahdJ ckJ tPl;bDs;Nsh my;yJ ntspapNyh ,lk;ngw;wpUg;gJld; ckf;Fk; ck;Kld; njhlh;Gila me;j egUf;Fk; ,ilapyhd jdpg;gl;l cwT Kiwapdhy; Vw;gl;ljhapd; ck;khy; ckJ gpuNjrj;jpd; ePjthd; ePjpkd;wpy; gpd;tUk; gbKiwfisg; gpd;gw;wp tpz;zg;gpf;f KbAk;. (gbKiw RUf;fkhf jug;gl;Ls;sJ. KOikahd tptuzj;jpid Jizf;Fwpg;gpy; jug;gl;Ls;s URL ,idg; gad;gLj;jp FLk;g td;Kiw jLg;Gr; rl;lj;jpypUe;J ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;7.)


(1) tPl;L td;Kiwf;F cs;shd> cl;gLj;jg;gLk; my;yJ cl;gLj;jg;glf;$ba tha;g;gpUf;Fk; egh; xUth; mj;jifa tPl;L td;Kiwia jLg;gjw;fhf ghJfhg;G fl;lis xd;iwf; Nfhhp ePjthd; ePjpkd;wj;jpy; tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;;. tptuz cjhuzk;: khjtp ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;f;ifahsh;. mtSila ngw;Nwhh; mtis mbg;gJld; ,opnrhw;fshYk; NgRth;. mtis xU Miz jpUkzk; nra;AkhW tw;GWj;jpdh;. mt;thW jpUkzk; nra;a mts; kWf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; mtis tPl;il tpl;L ntspNaWkhW $wpdh;. mbj;jy;> ,opnrhw;fshy; jpl;Ljy; kw;Wk; fl;lhaj;jpUkzk; vd;git Jd;GWj;jy; kw;Wk; FLk;g td;Kiwahff; nfhs;sg;gLk;. ,e;epiyapy; khjtp jdf;fhd epthuzk; Nfhhp ePjthd; ePjpkd;wpy; tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;. (2) xU tpz;zg;gkhdJ> (m) ghjpf;fg;gl;l eghpdhy; (ck;khy;)> my;yJ> (M) ghjpf;fg;gl;l egh; rhh;gpy; nghyp]; cj;jpNahfj;jh; xUthpdhy; tpz;zg;gpf;fg;glyhk;. (3) Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;l ,U KiwfspYkhd tpz;zg;gq;fs; FLk;g td;Kiw jLg;Gr; rl;lj;jpd; ml;ltizapy; jug;gl;Ls;s khjphp gbtj;jpd; gpufhuk; nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;. (Fwpj;j khjphp gbtj;ij mUQ;nrhw; Nfhitapy; ghh;f;fyhk;8.) vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

Fwpj;j tpz;zg;gq;fis ePh; my;yJ ck;Kld; njhlh;Gila Fwpj;j egh; jw;fhypfkhfNth my;yJ epue;jukhfNth tjpAk; gpuNjrj;jpw;F cl;gl;l my;yJ FLk;g td;KiwahdJ ,lk;ngw;w / ,lk;ngWfpd;w / ,lk;ngwf;$ba tha;g;Gs;sJ vdf; fUJk; xU gpuNjrj;jpw;F cl;gl;l ePjthd; ePjpkd;wj;jpdhy; rkh;g;gpf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. (4) cq;fSf;F ,lk;ngw;w / ,lk;ngWfpd;w / ,lk;ngwf;$ba FLk;g td;Kiw njhlh;gpy; ahNuDk; mwpe;jpUe;jhy; mthpdhy; toq;fg;gLk; rj;jpaf;fbjj;ijAk; ,izj;jyhdJ cq;fSila tpz;zg;gj;jpw;F tY Nrh;f;ff;$bajhf ,Uf;Fk;. (5) ePjpkd;wkhdJ> jpUg;jpgLk; gl;rj;jpy; ckJ tpz;zg;gk; njhlh;gpyhd tprhuizfs; KbAk;tiu ,ilf;fhyg; ghJfhg;Gf; cj;juT xd;wpid toq;Fk;. ,ilf;fhyg; ghJfhg;G cj;juT vd;gJ ck;ikj; J\;gpuNahfg;gLj;Jk; egh; njhlh;e;Jk; ck;kPJ td;Kiwia gpuNahfpg;gij my;yJ mt;thW ele;;J nfhs;tij jLg;gjw;fhf ePjpkd;wpdhy; jw;fhypfkhf (ckJ tof;F KOtJkhf Nfl;fg;gLk; tiu) toq;fg;gLk; xU fl;lis / cj;juT MFk;. (6) ,ilf;fhyj; jilAj;juT xd;W toq;fg;gl;bUf;Fk; NghJ ePjpkd;wkhdJ jpUg;jpgLk; gl;rj;jpy;> (m) jug;gpdUf;F (ckf;Fk; ck;Kld; njhlh;Gila egUf;Fk;) cstsj;Jiz / cstpay; MNyhrid toq;FkhW r%f cj;jpNahfj;jh; my;yJ FLk;g cstsj;Jizahsh; xUtUf;F fl;lisapLtJld; Fwpj;j csts MNyhrid mkh;TfSf;F fye;J nfhs;sTk; fl;lis ,Lk;. (M) ghjpf;fg;gl;l egUf;F cldbg; ghJfhg;ig toq;FtJ epahakhd Njitg;ghlhf fhzg;gLk; NghJ vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

r%f cj;jpNahfj;jh; FLk;g cstsj;Jizahsh; / MNyhrfh;> ed;dlj;ij cj;jpNahfj;jh; my;yJ FLk;g Rfhjhu cj;jpNahfj;jh; xUtiu Nkw;Fwpj;j ePjpkd;wf; fl;lisia fz;fhzpj;J ePjpkd;Wf;F mwpf;if rkh;g;gpf;FkhW fl;lis ,Lk;. (7) ePjthd; ePjpkd;wpdhy; toq;fg;gl;l fl;lis xd;W njhlh;gpy; ePq;fs; jpUg;jpailahj gl;rj;jpy; ePq;fs; Nky; ePjpkd;wj;jpy; Nkd;KiwaPL xd;iw Nkw;nfhs;syhk;.

2) ngz;fSf;nfjpuhd fl;lhaj; jpUkzk; my;yJ FLk;g td;Kiw fl;ltpo;f;fg;gLk; re;jh;g;gq;fspy; ngUk;ghyhd Xhpdr; Nrh;f;if egh;fs; jkJ FLk;gj;jpdhYk; jdJ tho;f;ifj; JizfspdhYNk Jd;GWj;jYf;F cs;shf;fg;gLfpd;wdh;. LGBTIQ egh;fspd; Fwpg;ghf ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;f;ifahsh;fspd; mwpf;iffspd;gb> mth;fsJ ngw;Nwhh;fshy; gyhj;fhukhf nra;J itf;fg;gl;l jpUkzq;fs; mNdfkhf mth;fsJ tho;;f;ifj; Jizfshy; J\;gpuNahfj;Jf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLtjidNa gydhff; nfhz;likfpwJ. ePh; Jd;GWj;jYf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLk; my;yJ jpUkzj;Jf;F tw;GWj;jg;gLk; xU ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;f;ifahsh; Mapd;> ck;khy; gpd;tUk; topapy; cjtpapidg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;s KbAk;. •

Kjyhtjhf ngz;fSf;fhd Njrpa FOtpd; ghypd mbg;gilapyhd Kiwg;ghLfSf;fhd ikaj;jpd; ngz;fs; mtru cjtp njhiyNgrp vz;zhfpa 1938 ,d; %yk; cjtp Nfhuy; my;yJ Kiwg;ghL xd;wpidg; gjpT nra;jy;. 011 2186063 / 0112 187038 vDk; njhiyNgrp vz;zpw;F mioj;Njh my;yJ vDk; kpd;dQ;ry; Kfthpa+lhfNth my;yJ 18

0112 187288 vDk; vz;zpw;F njhiyefy; mDg;GtjD}lhfNth my;yJ rl;l mjpfhhp> ngz;fSf;fhd Njrpaf; FO> 5k; khb> nrj;rpwPgha> jsk; 2> gj;juKy;y vDk; Kfthpf;F fbjk; Clhf ePq;fs; Kiwg;ghL xd;wpid Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. ,uz;lhtjhf 1938 vDk; mtru cjtp miog;gpd; Clhf ePh; nra;j Kiwg;ghL xd;wpw;F> ePh; Kiwg;ghL nra;j jpdj;jpypUe;J 3 fpoikf;Fs; gjpy; my;yJ ghpfhuk; VJk; fpilf;ftpy;iy vdpd;> ghypd mbg;gilapyhd Kiwg;ghLfSf;fhd ikaj;jpd; 0112 186063 / 0112 187038 vDk; njhiyNgrp vz; Clhf my;yJ vDk; kpd;dQ;ry; Clhfj; njhlh;G nfhz;L ckJ Kiwg;ghL ve;j epiyapy; cs;sJ kw;Wk; mJ njhlh;gpy; vd;d eltbf;iffs; vLf;fg;gl;bUf;fpd;wd vd;gJ njhlh;gpy; ePh; tprhhpf;fyhk;. khw;wPlhf Nkw;Fwpj;j Kfthpf;F ePh; Neubahfr; nrd;W rl;l mjpfhhpAld; ckJ tplak; njhlh;gpy; fye;Jiuahlyhk;.

1938 mtru cjtp njhiyNgrp ,yf;fkhdJ fpoik ehl;fspy; K.g 8.30 ,ypUe;J gp.g 5.00 kzptiu ,af;fj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk;. ngz;fSf;fhd Njrpa FOtpd; ghypd mbg;gilapyhd Kiwg;ghLfSf;fhd ikakhdJ> ngz;fs; kw;Wk; rpWth; tptfhuk; kw;Wk; tuz;ltya mgptpUj;jp mikr;rpd; fPo; ,aq;FfpwJ vd;gijAk; mjw;fhd nghJ njhiyNgrp ,yf;fq;fs; kw;Wk; Neubahf ghh;itaply; Neuq;fs; vd;gd murhq;f Ntiy ehl;fspy; (jpq;fs; - nts;sp) K.g 9.30 njhlf;fk; gp.g 4 kzp tiuapNyNa mZff;$baitahf ,Uf;Fk; vd;gjid ftdj;jpw; nfhs;f. Kiwg;ghLfs; ikakhdJ ngw;Wf;nfhz;l Kiwg;ghLfs; njhlh;gpy; tprhuiz nra;tNjhL mit njhlh;ghd epWtdq;fSf;F / cstsj;Jiz Nritf;F mtw;iw mDg;gp itf;Fk;.


,e;j Kiwg;ghLfs; ikaj;jpy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; Kiwg;ghLfs; njhlh;gpy; g+uz ,ufrpaj;jd;ik Ngzg;gLk; vd;gJld; ,k; ikaj;jpd; Nritfs; Kw;wpYk; ,ytrkhFk;.

3) ckJ ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghL fhuzkhf Ntiyaw;W ,Uj;jy; / Ntiyapd;ik. ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspgg ; Lj;Jif vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ,lk;ngWk; ghugl;rk; kw;wk; ghFghLfs; vd;gd ngUk;ghYk; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpd; cWg;gpdh;fs; jkf;Fg; nghUj;jkhd Ntiyapidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjpypUe;J jtWtjw;Fk; Ntiyj;jsq;fspy; ,lk;ngWk; Jd;GWj;jy;fs;; fhuzkhf Ntiyaw;NwhuhfNt fhzg;gLtjw;Fk; toptFf;fpdw ; d. ,t;thwhd re;jh;gg ; q;fspy; ck;khy; vLf;fg;glf;$ba eltbf;iffs; rpy gpdt ; UkhW:

xt;nthU egUk; vt;tpj ghugl;rKk; ghFghLk; ,d;wp jdJ fy;tp kw;Wk; Vida jifikfspd; mbg;gilapy; njhopypidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s chpj;Jilath; Mthh;. Nghl;bg; ghPl;ir cs;EioTg; ghPl;ir my;yJ ve;j tbtpYkhd Neh;fhzy; xd;wpw;F ePh; Kfq;nfhLj;j re;jh;g;gj;jpy; Fwpj;j ghPl;ir / Neh;fhzypy; Njitg;gLj;jg;gl;l ngWNgw;wpid ePh; ngw;wpUe;Jk; ckJ ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;gLj;Jif vd;gij kl;Lk; mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L epahakw;w Kiwapy; ck;ik Fwpj;j Ntiyf;F njupT vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

nra;;atpy;iy vdpd;> jftywpAk; chpikr; rl;lj;jpd; fPo; toq;fg;gl;Ls;s chpikapd; mbg;gilapy; murpayikg;gpd; 14m mj;jpahaj;jpd;gb Fwpj;j Ntiy jUehplk; Kiwahd Nfhhpf;if xd;wpid Kd;itg;gjd; %yk; Fwpj;j Ntiyf;fhd njhpT mbg;gil Njitfis ghprPypj;Jg; ghh;f;ff;$bajhf ,Ug;gJld; ePh; epahakw;w tifapy; elj;jg;gl;bUf;fpwPuh vd;gijAk; mwpe;J nfhs;syhk;. ck;Kila Ntiy mePjpahd Kiwapy; KbTWj;jg;gLk; re;jh;g;gj;jpy; (Ntiy xg;ge;jj;jpd; my;yJ njhopyhsh; rl;lj;jpd; fPohd xOq;F tpjpfs; kPwg;gl;ljd; mbg;gilapy; ,y;yhky;) cjhuzkhf ePh; vt;tpjkhd xOf;fhw;W tprhuiz / NtW ve;j tprhuizAk; ,y;yhky; fhytiuaiwapd;wpa fl;lha tpLKiwapy; mDg;gg;gl;bUe;jhy; ck;Kila Ntiy vf;fhuzKkpd;wp KbTWj;jg;gl;bUe;jhy; njhopyhsh; njhopy; epaharigfs; nrayhsu; mYtyfj;jpy; (Labour Tribunal) epthuzk; xd;wpid ck;khy; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;. ,Ug;gpDk; Fwpj;j ,e;epthuzkhdJ mePjpahd my;yJ jd;dpr;irahd elhj;Jif njhlh;gpy; nghJthd mbg;gil chpikfs; tpz;zg;gj;jpd; %yk; jPh;tpidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;ba nghJr; Nrit mjpfhhp xUtUf;F gpuNahfpf;fg;gl KbahjjhFk;. tptuz cjhuzk;: ngz; Xhpdr; Nrh;f;ifahsuhd khyp vd;gtiu mth; Ntiy nra;Ak; epWtdj;jpd; kdpjtsg; gphpthdJ Vida ngz; njhopyhsh;fs; khyp ngz; Xhpdr;Nrh;f;ifahsuhf ,Ug;gJ njhlh;gpy; Kiwg;ghL nra;Js;s fhuzj;jpdhy; khypia mtuJ Ntiyapy; njhlh;r;rpahf itj;jpUf;f KbahJ vd mwptpj;jJ. ,t;thwhd re;jh;g;gj;jpy; khyp njhopyhsh; epaharigaplk; kw;Wk; kdpj chpikfs; Mizafj;jpYk; ghypay; ehl;lj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; ghugl;rk; fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sjhf Kiwg;ghL nra;ayhk;. nghJthfr; nrhd;dhy;> rhjhuz Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;l fhuzq;fshd: (Fwpj;j gl;bay; KOikahdjy;y) i. xg;ge;jkhdJ xU epiyahd fhyj;jpw;Fhpajhapd;> Fwpj;j fhyg;gFjpapd; Kbtpy;> vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;


njhopy;jUehpd; ,wg;G/Fwpj;j epWtdk; %lg;gLk; epiyf;F tUjy; iii. njhopyhsp xa;TngWk; taij miljy;> iv. njhopy;jUehpdhy; xU mwptpg;gpd; %yk; my;yJ RUf;fkhf mwpaj;jUtjd; %yk;> v. njhopyhspapdhy; ,uh[pdhkh mwptpg;G %yk; my;yJ gjtp ntw;wplkhjy; Nghd;wit jtph;e;j Vida fhuzq;fspdhy; ck;Kila Ntiy KbTWj;jg;gLkhapd; jdpahh; Jiwiar; Nrh;e;j njhopy;jUeh; xUth; cs;sf xOf;fhw;W tprhuiz xd;wpid elj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ fl;lhakhdjy;y. ,Ug;gpDk; mt;thwhdnjhU tprhuizapid Nkw;nfhs;SjyhdJ jd;dpr;irahf my;yJ vNjr;rhjpfhukhf elj;jy; vDk; tplaj;ij mfw;Wtjw;F xU njhopy;jUeUf;F rhjfkhf mikAk;. ,NjNtis nghJr; Nritapy; ];jhgd eilKiw tpjpfs; gpuNahfpf;fg;gLk; my;yJ gpd;gw;wg;gLk;. my;yJ gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; (Fwpj;j gl;bay; KOikahdjy;y) xd;wpid my;yJ mjw;F Nkw;gl;ltw;iw mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L mjid "jtwhd elj;ij" vdf; fUjp gzp ePf;fk; nra;ayhk;. i. Ntiyf;F r%fkspf;fhik vd;gjid xU gof;fkhff; nfhz;bUj;jy;. ii. fLikahd myl;rpak; iii. epahakhd fl;lisfSf;F fPo;g;gbahik kw;Wk; xj;Jioahik iv. Nkyjpfhhpfs; my;yJ cld; Ntiy nra;Nthhpid J\;gpuNahfk; nra;jy; jhf;Fjy; my;yJ jPq;fpiog;gjhf kpul;Ljy;. v. njhopy; jUeUf;nfjpuhf ngha;ahff; Fw;wQ;rhl;Ljy; vi. mehfhpfkhf ele;J nfhs;Sjy; my;yJ FbntwpAld; fhzg;gly; vii. Neh;ikaw;W elj;jy; Nkhrb nra;jy; viii. ,iza trjpapid J\;gpuNahfg;gLj;jy; (cjhuzkhf: Mghr glq;fs; ghh;j;jy;> J\;gpuNahfg;gLj;jf;$ba> jhf;FjYf;Fl;gLj;jf;$ba kpd;dQ;ry;fs; mDg;Gjy; Nghd;wit) 20

,it jtpu;e;j NtW VNjDk; xd;wpid jtwhd elj;ij vd typAWj;jp gzpePf;fk; nra;ag;gbd; gpd;tUtd njhlh;gpy; epthuzq;fs; Ntz;b ePh; njhopyhsh; jPh;g;ghak; / epaharigf;F tpz;zg;gpg;gjd; %ykhfNth my;yJ ckJ rhh;gpy; njhopyhsh; rq;fk; xd;Wf;F tpz;zg;gpg;gjd; %ykhfNth eltbf;if vLf;fyhk;. (m) njhopy;jUehpdhy; Nrit KbTWj;jg;gl;likf;fhf (M) Ntiy KbTWj;jg;gl;l NghJ gzpf;nfhil my;yJ NtW VNjDk; gad;fs; nfhLf;fg;glhky; ,Uf;fpd;wjh vd Muha;jy; (,) xoq;Ftpjpfspdhy; ghpe;Jiu nra;ag;gl;Ls;s Ntiy tpjpKiwfs;> njhopyhsh; epge;jidfs; njhlh;gpyhd tplaq;fs; njhlh;gpy; njhopy;jUeh; xUth; mePjpahd tifapy;; gzpePf;fk; nra;Js;shu; vd;gjid njhopyhsh; jPh;g;ghak; fz;lwpAkhdhy;> kPsTk; gzpakh;j;JkhW my;yJ epthuzk; toq;FkhW fl;lis ,Lk;. ePh; kPsTk; gzpapykh;j;jg;gLtijah my;yJ epthuzj;ijah Ntz;LfpwPh; vd;;gij ckJ tpz;zg;gj;jpy; Fwpg;gpl;L tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;. ,Ug;gpDk; ckJ NtiyahdJ jdpg;gl;l my;yJ ,ufrpaj;jd;ikahdJ vdpd; jPh;g;ghakhdJ nghJthf kPsTk; gzpakh;j;JkhW fl;lis toq;fhJ. mNjNtis rkj;Jtj;Jf;fhd ckJ chpik kPwg;gl;L xU khj fhyj;jpw;Fs; ,yq;if murpayikg;gpd; cWg;Giu 126 ,d;gb cah; ePjpkd;wpy; mbg;gil chpik kPwy; kD xd;wpid tpz;zg;gpg;gjd; %yKk; eltbf;if vLf;fyhk;. cah; ePjpkd;wpy; epthuzk; NfhUk; Kd;G kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtplk;; my;yJ nghJ Gfhu;fSf;fhd ehlhSkd;w Mizahsuplk; Kiwg;ghL nra;tJ rpwe;jJ.


4) ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;gLj;Jifapd; mbg;gilapy; ve;jnthU NritapidAk; toq;f kWj;jy; my;yJ chpikfis kPwy;. ePh; ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghl;bd; mbg;gilapy; nghJ ,lq;fspy; ghugl;rj;Jf;F cs;shf;fg;gLtjpypUe;J ghJfhf;fg;gLfpwPu;. ,J tzf;f ];jyq;fs;> nghJ ,lq;fs; kw;Wk; nghJf; $l;lq;fs; vd;gtw;wpw;Fs; cs;EiotjidAk; ,ize;J nraw;gLjiyAk; cs;slf;FfpwJ. ,yq;if murpayikg;gpd; cWg;Giu 12 kw;Wk; 14 ,y; toq;fg;gl;Ls;s mbg;gil chpikapd; gpufhuk; Rfhjhuk;> Fj;jif / thlif> tq;fp trjpfs; cztfq;fs; N`hl;ly;fs; my;yJ nghOJ Nghf;F muq;Ffs; / trjpfs; eph;thf epWtdq;fs; Nghd;wtw;wpy; nghJthf nghJ kf;fshy; rhjhuzkhf ngw;Wf;nfhs;sf; $ba ve;jnthU NritapidAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjpy; Nkw;$wpatw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ck;ik ghugl;rj;Jf;Fl;gLj;jNth ckf;F Rfhjhu Nritfs; toq;f kWf;fNth my;yJ Nkw;Fwpj;j ,lq;fspy; ,Ue;J ck;ik ntspNaw;wNth KbahJ. rh;tNjr rl;lq;fspYk; Fwpg;ghf cyf / rh;tNjr kdpj chpikfs; gpufldj;jpd; cWg;Giu 17 (1) kw;Wk; (2) vd;gd KiwNa nrhj;Jlikf;fhd chpikia cWjpg;gLj;JtJld; nrhj;jhdJ vNjr;rhjpfhukhf ngw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;ljhf ,Uj;jy; $lhJ vd;gijAk; typAWj;JfpwJ. ,t;thwhf ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghL vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ghugl;rk; fhl;lg;gl;lik njhlh;gpy; gpuNjr / cs;Sh; nghyp]; epiyaj;jpy; Kiwg;ghL nra;ayhk;. NkYk; vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpYk; Vw;fdNt ,f;ifNal;by; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s Kiwapy; Kiwg;ghL xd;wpid Nkw;nfhs;syhk;.

5) vNjr;rhjpfhukhd ifJ nra;jy;> jLj;J itj;jy; kw;Wk; jLj;J itj;jpUf;Fk; NghJ rpj;jputij nra;jy;. rpj;jputij vd;gJ cly; hPjpahdjhf> kd hPjpahdjhf> tha; thh;j;ijahf my;yJ cstpay; hPjpahdjhf ,Uf;fyhk;. jw;fhyj;jpy; LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; eilKiw r%f tho;f;ifapy; gytifg;gl;l kw;Wk; gyjug;gl;l rpj;jputijfSf;F Kfk; nfhLf;fpd;wdh;. ,tw;wpy; ngUk;ghyhdit rfpg;Gj;jd;ikaw;w FLk;gq;fspy; kpf ,sk; tajpNyNa Muk;gpj;J tpLfpd;wd. ,j;jifa kdpjhgpkhdkw;w elhj;JifahdJ NeubahfNth kiwKfkhfNth LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdhpd; ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;ghl;Lld; njhlh;Ggl;ljhfNt fhzg;gLfpwJ. LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; kPJ md;whl tho;tpy; gpuNahfpf;fg;gLk; tha;nkhop J\;gpuNahfq;fs; kw;Wk; Xupdr;Nru;f;if ntWg;gpdhyhd ,opnrhw;fs; vd;gd ghuJ}ukhd cs kw;Wk; czh;T hPjpahd Ntjidf;F cl;gLj;Jk;. jPtpukhd kjthj FOf;fs; / mikg;Gfs; kw;Wk; goikthj murpaw; fl;rpfs; vd;gd LGBTIQ r%fj;jpdh; kPJ czh;ThPjpahf Vw;glf;$ba vjph;kiwahd jhf;fq;fs; gw;wp fUj;jpy; vLf;fhJ Xhpdr;Nrh;f;if ntWg;G nrhw;fisAk; td;nrhw;fisAk; gad;gLj;Jtjpy; gpugykhdit. ,j;jifa elj;ijahdJ rkj;Jtk; kw;Wk; kdpj fz;zpaj;jpw;fhd khpahij vd;gtw;wpd; mbg;gilapy; ];jhgpf;fg;gl;l tsh;r;rpaile;j xU r%fj;jpy; fhzg;glf;$baJ my;y. gpui[fSila chpikfis ghJfhf;Fk; rh;tNjr kw;Wk; cs;Sh; rl;lf; fUtpfs; ,uz;L fhzg;gLfpd;wd.

vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;



,yq;if murpayikg;gpd; cWg;Giu 11 MdJ ve;jnthU egUk; rpj;jputijf;Nfh my;yJ nfh^ukhd kdpjhgpkhdkw;w my;yJ ,opthd elhj;Jiff;F my;yJ jz;lidf;F cl;gLj;jg;glyhfhJ vd;gjid cWjpg;gLj;JfpwJ. 1994 Mk; Mz;bd; 22k; ,yf;f rpj;jputij kw;Wk; nfh^ukhd> kdpjhgpkhdkw;w my;yJ ,opthd jz;lidf;F vjpuhd rktha rl;lk; egh; xUtUf;F ghuJ}ukhd typia cly; hPjpahfNth my;yJ cs hPjpahfNth Vw;gLj;jf;$ba ve;jnthU nra;ifiaAk; rpj;jputij vd tiutpyf;fzg;gLj;JfpwJ. (m) mJ gpd;tUk; VNjDk; xU fhuzj;Jf;fhf ,lk;ngw;wpUg;gpd;> (i) Fwpj;j egh; xUthplkpUe;J my;yJ %d;whk; egh; xUthplkpUe;J VNjDk; jfty; my;yJ xg;Gjy;; thf;F%yk; xd;wpidg; ngw;wf;nfhs;Sjy;. my;yJ (ii) Fwpj;j egh; xUth; my;yJ %d;whk; egh; xUth; Ghpe;j nray; xd;wpw;fhf my;yJ Fwpj;j nraiy nra;jjhf re;Njfj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; jz;bj;jy;. my;yJ (iii) Fwpj;j egh; xUtiu my;yJ %d;whk; egh; xUtiu mr;RWj;jy; my;yJ kpul;Ljy; my;yJ eph;g;ge;jpj;jy.; my;yJ (M) cau; mjpfhup xUtu; ,t;thwhd VNjDk; xU fhuzj;jpw;fhf ghugl;rkhf ele;J nfhs;Sk;NghJ my;yJ mt;thwhd ghugl;r nranyhd;wpw;F cjTk;NghJ

Fwpj;j Kiwapy; ePh; ghugl;rkhf elhj;jg;gl;lhNyh my;yJ ck;Kila ghypay; ehl;lk; my;yJ ghypd milahsk; kw;Wk; ntspg;gLj;jy; fhuzkhf ePh; jtwhd tifapy; ifJ nra;ag;gl;L fhtypy; jLj;J itf;fg;gLtJld; / my;yJ nfh^ukhd Kiwapy; elhj;jg;gl;lhNyh mj;jifa re;jh;g;gq;fspy; gpuNjr nghyp]; epiyaj;jpy; kw;Wk; kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOtpy; ePh; mJ Fwpj;j Kiwg;ghl;bid Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. NkYk; 22

Nkw;Fwpj;jthwhd tiffspy; ck;ik elhj;JtJ xU nghJ mjpfhhp vDk; gl;rj;jpy; ePh; ,f;ifNal;by; NkNy

Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sthW. cr;r ePjpkd;wpy; mbg;gil chpik kPwy; kD xd;wpid rkh;g;gpf;fyhk;.

2015Mk; Mz;L ,yq;if kdpj chpikfs; Mizf;FOthdJ khw;Wg;ghypdh; jkJ Ra milahs Mtzq;fshd Njrpa milahs ml;il Nghd;wtw;wpy; jkJ ghypdj;ij rl;lhPjpahf khw;wpf;nfhs;sf; $ba tifapy; Rw;wwpf;if xd;wpid ntspapLkhW Rfhjhu mikr;rpw;F ghpe;Jiu nra;jJ. mjidj; njhlh;e;J 16.06.2016 jpfjpaplg;gl;l ,y.01-34/2016 vd;w Rw;wwpf;ifapid Rfhjhu Nritfspd; jiyik gzpg;ghshpd; / ,af;Fehpd; fPo; Rfhjhu mikr;R ntspapl;lJ. mt;thNw ghypd mq;fPfhu rhd;wpjopid (GRC) mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L gpwg;Gr; rhd;wpjopy; ngah; kw;Wk; ghypdj;ij khw;Wk;gb ehl;bd; rfy gjpthsh;fSf;Fk; mwpTWj;jp 28.07.2016 jpfjpaplg;gl;l ,y.06/2016 vDk; Rw;wwpf;ifapid ,yq;ifg; gjpthsh; ehafk; ntspapl;Ls;shh;.


vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;

Jizf;Fwpg;G 1. E0%B7%93-%E0%B6%BB%E0%B6%AE-


Vagrants Ordinance


Dr Prathiba Mahanamahewa, Former Human Rights Commissioner

4. ,yq;if kdpj cupikfs; Mizf;FOtpd; gpuhe;jpa fhupahyaq;fspd; jfty;fs; jiyik fhupahyak; Kftup : 14> Mu;.v.b nky; khtj;ij> nfhOk;G 04 njhiyNgrp : 0112 505 575 njhiyefy; : +94 011 2505541

fy;Kid Kftup

: ,y 161/1> gpujhd tPjp> fy;Kid njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 067-2229728 kpd;dQ;ry; :

fz;b Kftup

mEuhjGuk; Kftup : 623/20 E. gpwPkd; khtj;ij> mEuhjGuk; njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 025-2234801 kpd;dQ;ry; :

tTdpah Kftup

jpUNfhzkiy Kftup : 227> gpujhd tPjp> jpUNfhzkiy njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 026-2222607 kpd;dQ;ry; :

aho;g;ghzk; Kftup : 1> 3k; FWf;F tPjp> aho;g;ghzk; njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 021-2222021 kpd;dQ;ry; :

khj;jiw Kftup : 15> fhspjh]; tPjp> khj;jiw njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 041- 2226533 kpd;dQ;ry; :

: ,y 8/1> gpupk;Nuh]; rhiy> fz;b. njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy : 081-2205024 kpd;dQ;ry : : ,y 26/2> ntspr; Rw;W rhiy> tTdpah. njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 024-2222029 kpd;dQ;ry; :

gJis Kftup

: 19/1b> gJSgpl;ba tPjp> gJis njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 055-2223030 kpd;dQ;ry; :

kl;lf;fsg;G Kftup : 24> rpd;d cg;Nghil tPjp> kl;lf;fsg;G njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 065-2224420 kpd;dQ;ry; : mk;ghiw Kftup

: D 768/1 gz;Lfhga khtj;ij> mk;ghiw njhiyNgrp/njhiyefy; : 063-2222340 kpd;dQ;ry; : vdJ cupikfs;> vdJ nghWg;ghFk;



Part II, Section 3 and 4 of the Assistance To And Protection Of Victims Of Crime And Witnesses Act No. 4 of 2015 VICTIMS_OF_CRIME_AND_WITNESSES_ACT,_No._4_OF_2015.pdf


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25 violence_act_english.pdf

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RIGHTS AND LAWS What are human rights? What are your fundamental rights? What legal protections are available to you? What steps can you take when you are discriminated against on the basis of your sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression? Where do you go to for legal assistance? These are some of the questions you might have as a LGBTIQ person in Sri Lanka, where we are still striving for gender equality and equal rights. As a community that is still denied equal rights and is subjected to harassment and discrimination in everyday life and spaces, it is important that we are aware of the law and how it applies to us. Legal education is imperative to avoid being harassed and discriminated, especially in instances where law enforcement and other institutions may attempt to do so by misusing the law. This booklet aims to provide a guide to enable you to navigate Sri Lankan law and its legal system, and includes what responsive action you may take in situations where the law is misused to deny you your fundamental rights. The acronym LGBTIQ in this publication stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Questioning and/or Queer. 01

The diverse identities of people, such as religious, racial, ethnic, gender and sexual orientation are either biologically determined or socially constituted and in most of the cases it is a result of both, which means these identities are not solely biological or social constructs. However, these identities are confused and misinterpreted, mainly due to people’s lack of education and social biases. For example, gender identity, expression and sexual orientation are understood as all meaning the same. The majority of Sri Lankan society in general, are not knowledgeable of the fact that gender identity is not simply binary (male and female only) and that not everyone is heterosexual. Therefore, the fluidity of gender identity and sexual orientation must be acknowledged and understood at social, economic, cultural, political and legal levels in order to stop all forms of violence and discrimination directed towards people who do not fit in to this perceived ‘normal’ or the binary. Every individual of a diverse society therefore, should be equally treated with dignity and respect as humans, regardless of their sex, gender identity, expression and sexual orientation. MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

Therefore, to ensure equality and to create a progressive Sri Lankan society that is rich in values, educating and improving the knowledge of the community is vital. Such education is an equal responsibility that befalls all individuals in order to pave the way for equality for the LGBTIQ community in the generations to come.

To the LGBTIQ community – fight for your rights. This uphill battle requires you. Your voice is the best tool for effective, progressive change. As an organization that has consistently been a voice for the voiceless within the community, EQUAL GROUND hopes this publication and its contents will prove useful to you.


OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY AND EXPRESSION Lesbian - A woman who is physically, romantically and/or emotionally attracted to other women

Gay - A man who is physically, romantically and/or emotionally attracted to other men

Bisexual - A person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attractions to those of the same and opposite gender

Transgender - An umbrella term for people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from what is associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.



Intersex - A term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive, hormonal or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the typical binary definitions of female or male. A naturally occurring variation among humans and is not a medical problem.

Questioning - A person who is unsure of and questioning his/her sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.

Queer - an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender (the ones whose gender corresponds with the sex assigned at birth).





In a country that boasts of democracy and equality, the reality of the LGBTIQ community is one of constant pushbacks and resistance from the status quo. Most LGBTIQ people are burdened their whole life with the notion that their identity is illegitimate or that they are a ‘freak of nature.’ Due to the repressive laws in place in this country, they are labelled and attacked, and their citizenship is invalidated due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression. As a result of these misconceptions, LGBTIQ people often fall victim to unsolicited hostility and abuse by wider society.

The following is an excerpt from a Lankadeepa publication. 1 (See glossary) Dead body found in taxi stand (Kanchana Kumara Ariyadasa) The body of a murder victim has been discovered at the heart of Dambulla town taxi stand in the early hours of this morning (05), according to the Dambulla Police. Primary investigations have revealed the death has been committed by beating with multiple clubs. According to the Dambulla Police, the victim, had frequently been seen dressed in female attire in the area during late hours. The victim is said to have been dressed in similar feminine attire at the time of death.


Wooden clubs suspected to have been the murder weapons, an umbrella and a wristwatch presumed to have belonged to the victim have been found at the scene of the crime. The police has stated that the victim has previously been arrested and presented before the court on several occasions, for being clad in feminine attire. The motives for the murder are yet to be discovered while several vital details about the crime have been uncovered by the police. In addition to societal intolerance, the laws of the country ironically contribute to and exacerbate their ill treatment. 04

This section discusses the laws that are used against the LGBTIQ community frequently in order to harass, blackmail and incarcerate. Firstly, Sections 365 and 365A of the Penal Code of Sri Lanka criminalize members of the LGBTIQ thanks to an archaic law brought to Sri Lanka by the British in 1883 which reads as follows: 365: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman, or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be punished with fine and where the offence is committed by a person over eighteen years of age in respect of any person under sixteen years of age shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than ten years and not exceeding twenty years and with fine and shall also be ordered to pay compensation of an amount - determined by court to the person in respect of whom the offence was committed for injuries caused to such person. 365A: Any person who, in public or private, commits, or is a party to the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any person of, any act of gross indecency with another person, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be punished with imprisonment of either description, for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both and where the offence is committed by a person over eighteen years of age in respect of any person under sixteen years of age shall be 05

punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than ten years and not exceeding twenty years and with fine and shall also be ordered to pay compensation of an amount determined by court to the person in respect of whom the offence was committed for the injuries caused to such person. This law is inherently problematic for several reasons: it fails to define what amounts to “against the order of nature”, does not provide direction as to what qualifies as “gross indecency”, and fails to indicate the distinction between “public and private”. The lack of legal interpretations allow law enforcement to abuse the powers given to them by virtue of these laws to arrest, detain or harass persons of the LGBTIQ community by wilfully misinterpreting the laws and its intentions. Sections 365 and 365A specifically speak about consenting sexual relations and does not limit it to same sex acts. In fact, the section includes both heterosexual and same-sex acts alike and apply to any sexual act between any persons if such act falls within the interpretation of “against the order of nature and/or is grossly indecent”. However, despite the fact that these laws do not criminalise ‘being’ gay or lesbian or having any particular sexual orientation or being a transgender, there have been incidents reported where the police has MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

arrested LGBTIQ individuals using the threat of these laws, for socializing in public. Secondly, section 399 of the Penal Code which is mostly used to harass and violate Transgender persons in particular reads as follows: Section 399 of the Penal Code – ‘Cheating by personation’: A person is said to ‘cheat by personation’ if he cheats by pretending to be some other person, or by knowingly substituting one person for another, or representing that he or any other person is a person other than he or such other person really is.

Explanation: The offence is committed whether the individual impersonated is a real or imaginary person. This Section of the Penal Code is frequently misused to abuse and arrest transgender individuals by the police, because their gender expression do not match the gender stated on their national identification documents, wrongfully claiming that it is ‘cheating by personation’ which is a definition adopted by law enforcement contrary to the intention of and the definition in law. Additionally, the law does not consider whether or not the impersonation is of a real or imaginary person. Arrests of transgender individuals on the basis of Article 399 is a wilful misinterpretation of the law.

The freedom to dress is a human right, and one that should not be policed by the state or the law. Thirdly, Section 353 of the Penal Code relating to abduction is also used against individuals in same-sex relationships especially targeting lesbians. Section 353 of the Penal Code – Whoever by force compels, or by any deceitful means, or by abuse of authority or any other means of compulsion, induces any person to go from any place, is said to abduct that person. Illustrative Ex: Shani and Masha are two lesbians. Masha’s parents on discovering this fact, decide to falsely accuse Shani of abducting Masha and tip the police when they were spending time at Shani’s house. Masha’s parents use this section to accuse Shani (as Masha is few years younger to MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

Shani) of victimizing Masha, even though in reality Masha is an adult and went to Shani’s voluntarily. In a similar manner, the Vagrants Ordinance No. 4 of 1841 is also used to disproportionately target and punish community members; the intention of this archaic law is to punish those deemed to be ‘rogues and vagabonds’ behaving in an idle and disorderly manner. 2(See glossary) Section 07 of the Vagrants Ordinance is commonly used to arrest members of the community for soliciting and acts of public indecency. Often, these are false accusations and LGBTIQ individuals who are regularly targeted cannot even remain in a public bus stand for longer than half an hour due to fear of being arrested. “When 06

they are arrested by the police and produced before a magistrate, they are sent for a mandatory blood test. But, there are some reported cases when they are arrested two to three times for a week they have to repeat this test and it amounts to the harassment of the community members,” said Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa, former Human Rights Commissioner. 3(See glossary) Illustrative Ex: a lesbian, Chathurika was arrested and charged with vagrancy when the police found her walking back to her motorcycle on a beach near Colombo. The police commented on her supposedly masculine appearance and the fact that she was wearing pants, and she was heavily questioned for her decision to ride a motorcycle. Chathurika was detained for approximately five hours before the police released her. Additionally, law enforcement is known for its culture of arbitrary arrests and detention, and the wilful misinterpretation of these laws allow them to easily target

the LGBTIQ community. The tumultuous relationship between the police and the LGBTIQ community is also evident in the way police officers often hurl homophobic slurs at these individuals, often in very public places – “ponnaya (faggot) come here, samanalaya (butterfly, derogatively used to mean queer or pansy) where did you go!” When such abuse is perpetrated by the same institutions that are meant to protect the peace and security of all citizens, it is no surprise that LGBTIQ individuals hesitate to actually lodge complaints of the violence and discrimination they are subject to. In short – the LGBTIQ community remains fearful of a police force that is known for a culture of intolerance and abuse towards them. As such, if the institutions established to facilitate punitive justice are the same institutions that discriminate and abuse on the basis of sex, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, need we say more about the other institutions of authority?



There is no specific legal device to address the rights and protections of the LGBTIQ community and therefore, common law applies. However, the Sri Lankan Constitution grants Fundamental Rights (FR) to all citizens and these rights should not be violated other than in exceptional situations specifically mentioned in the Constitution and within the emergency laws of the country which allows specific restrictions.



Any action violating your rights in Chapter III of the Constitution which lists your Fundamental Rights, is grounds enough for you to file a FR Petition in the Supreme Court. (You can access an online copy of the Constitution in Sinhala, English or Tamil through a Google search.) Following are some of the Articles among many, you may utilise when faced with the types of adversity mentioned above: Article 10 - Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice. Article 11 - No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 12 - All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law. Illustrative Ex: When Kalum visited a government authority to obtain certain documents that he needed, the officials at that office refused to provide services because he was perceived to be transgender. In this instance Kalum can file a FR Petition under Article 12 for not being treated equally. Article 13 - grants the freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention and punishment, and prohibition of retrospective penal legislation to all persons. Illustrative Ex: Akila, who is known to be gay, is arrested for stealing. At the police station, the police harass him and demand sexual favours as bribes. They keep him locked up for several days before he is released. Akila can file a FR Petition against the police for violating Articles 11, 12 and 13. Article 14 - affirms that every citizen is entitled to freedom of speech, assembly, association, occupation, movement – a fundamental right of civil society and a cornerstone of democracy. It is also important that you are aware of the restrictions placed on our fundamental rights. Article 15, for example, may limit your rights on the basis of national security and religious harmony. Articles 10 and 11, however, cannot be restricted in this manner.





Making a complaint or taking action using the avenues available to you if you or someone else’s rights are violated or are about to be violated is important. If you are in need of assistance on how and what to do you can contact the HelpLine open to you at EQUAL GROUND. Call us and report via

076-0038380, 076-0038381 on weekdays from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. or email us on so we can guide you.


i) Filing a Fundamental Rights (FR) Petition under Article 126 of the Constitution 09

If the above mentioned or any FR listed in Chapter III of the Constitution, are infringed or are at imminent risk of being infringed (about to be infringed), by an administrative or executive action, one may file a Fundamental Rights Petition at the Supreme Court by a Petition and affidavit. MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

Please note that this legal action must be taken within one month from the infringement of your right. However, if you lodge a complaint at the Human Rights Commission (within a month), this one month’s time frame will only commence after the inquiry at the Human Rights Commission has been completed. Also note that this exception will only apply if the Human Rights Commission has commenced an inquiry on your complaint and the mere fact that you have made a complaint will not suffice. The case of Weerasinghe v. Premaratne, Police Sergeant and others (1998) 1 SLR127 is an early analysis of fundamental human rights, specifically pertaining to freedom from torture, and freedom from arbitrary detention. This case greatly broadened the

legal application of human rights law in Sri Lanka and consequently, serves as a leading case in human rights law in the country. Thus, a thorough knowledge of the facts of this case would undoubtedly prove helpful in the application of human rights law within the legal and judicial process. The facts of the case, in brief, are as follows: The petitioner, Mr. Weerasinghe, was arrested by the Pannala police who tortured him during detention. Judge Dheeraratne declared that the petitioner’s constitutional rights under Articles 11 and 13 (2) had been violated by the police stripping him naked and subjecting him to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The Judge made the following pronouncements:

1) Even a person who has committed a serious crime must only be punished in accordance and as afforded and prescribed by the law, and he is entitled to the protection granted by fundamental human rights. 2) On review of the circumstantial evidence, even if there is no medical evidence to support a claim, a ruling can be made as to whether an individual has undergone inhuman treatment and torture. Article 12 (1) of the constitution, which affirms the right to equality, forms the basis for most FR cases. Equality is the foundation for processes such as promotions within places of employment and consideration of university entrance applications. In FR cases, the Petitioner is required to prove before the court that not only has he/she/they been discriminated against, but that the act of discrimination is an unfair treatment to he/she/they in comparison to their equal peers. MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

When filing a FR case, it is important to check whether: 1) The time limit of one month has not lapsed 2) There has been any redress granted by the Human Rights Commission 3) The violation is an infringement of fundamental rights 4) If your Petition is filed based on Article 12(1), whether the alleged act is actually breaching your right to equality and that the said act is not justifiable by the breaching party. 10

(For example, a particular Religious NGO could refuse an applicant of a different religion. Similarly, jobs that justifiably require a specific gender can refuse an applicant of the opposite gender). Additionally, when filing an FR Petition, an affidavit affirming the contents of your

Petition must be filed along with your Petition. The facts in the Petition must support and affirm the prayer (a prayer is the legal term for what you request from court as relief) showing that your fundamental rights have in fact been violated. In the prayer you must ask for all the relief you are entitled to.

Obtaining the advice of an experienced attorney could avert a Petition from being dismissed by the court on technical grounds. Filing a FR Petition and obtaining legal advice is central to protecting your fundamental rights. You can reach out to Legal Aid Commission Sri Lanka on 011 243 3618 and the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka for free legal services.

ii) Petition addressed to the High Court.

(Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Act, No. 56 of 2007)

You can also file a Petition to the High Court, against any infringement or imminent infringement (about to happen) by executive or administrative action, of any human right to which you are entitled to under the ICCPR Act and ask for relief. These instances are; a. Right to be recognised as a person before the law meaning the law should be equally applied to everyone as a person.


b. A person charged of a criminal offence under any written law, is entitled; to have a trial, to defend himself or through legal assistance, be given legal assistance without any payment if he is unable to pay, to examine or to have examined the witnesses against him, to have help of an interpreter if he does not understand the trial language and not to be forced to testify against himself or to confess. c. Every citizen has the right and the opportunity to- take part in the conduct of public affairs, either directly or through any representative; and - have access to services provided to the public by the government.


Other Mechanisms


In what ways can the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka assist you? The commission can: •

Inquire into and investigate complaints regarding infringements or imminent infringements of fundamental rights.

Inquire into, and investigate complaints regarding procedures, with a view to ensuring compliance with respect for, and observing, fundamental rights.

Intervene in any court proceedings relating to violations of fundamental rights, pending before any court, with the permission of such court.

Monitor the welfare of detainees, by regular inspections of places of detention. (i.e. The commission can look into the welfare and ensure that a person’s/prisoner’s rights are not violated while in custody/prison.)


What is the nature of the complaints you can lodge at the commission? A complaint may be lodged regarding infringements or imminent infringements of fundamental rights guaranteed to every citizen under Chapter III of the Constitution of Sri Lanka.

Who can lodge a complaint to the commission? • • •

Any person aggrieved Any group of persons aggrieved Any person/group can lodge a complaint on behalf of a group of persons aggrieved.

Illustrative Ex: Jerome, a transgender man was harassed and humiliated by nurses in a hospital who exposed his transgender status without his consent. While being treated for gastritis, he was admitted to the female ward after revealing his transgender status to his doctor. When female patients demanded to know why a male patient was


in the female ward, a nurse forcibly removed Jerome’s clothing to show the women. Jerome can file a complaint for the violation of his rights.

• • •

What you should know of The Human Rights Commission i)

What languages can be used to lodge a complaint? Sinhala, Tamil or English can be used.


Does the commission have authority to probe an investigation without any complaint? Yes. In the event of any infringement of a fundamental right, the commission can probe an investigation without any complaint or conduct an inquiry into it.

iii) Can the Supreme Court demand for an investigation report be submitted by the commission? Yes. In certain circumstances the Supreme Court demands a report from the commission to be submitted after holding an investigation into the relevant matter as advised by the court. iv) Is there a time frame to submit a complaint? Complaints should be submitted within three months of the violation.

What Information should be included in a complaint? • • •


What right/s have been infringed? Whose right/s have been infringed? Who is responsible for the infringement of the rights/entitlements?


In what manner have the right/s been infringed? The date and place on which the infringement was caused. What forms of relief do you expect? (e.g. monetary or otherwise) Is it mandatory for a legal representative (lawyer) to be present when you visit The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka to lodge a complaint? No. You do not necessarily need a lawyer to make a complaint.

vi) What happens to a complaint if it does not fall within the purview of the Human Rights Commission? Such complaint will be referred/ forwarded to the relevant authority/ institution established by the government for redress. vii) Can you lodge a complaint to the commission if three months have passed since the infringement took place? Yes, you can still lodge a complaint after three months have passed if there is a justifiable reason for your failure to lodge the same within the time limit. Illustrative Ex: Nisal is heavily injured and admitted to the hospital for more than 3 months after being beaten in police custody and he doesn’t have anyone else who can file a complaint at the commission on his behalf. He still can file a complaint after being discharged from the hospital if he can produce his medical records to justify the reason for delay.


viii) Can you obtain the services of The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka free of charge?

Yes. All legal advice/services of The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka head office and regional branches are provided free of charge. Even though, lodging a complaint at the Human Rights Commission can be a simple yet effective mode of action without any significan cost, it must be

noted that this institution lacks the authoritative power that is possessed by the Supreme Court and therefore, any redress granted could be limited in its application and does not carry as much weight as an order of the Supreme Court.

HOTLINE for complaints to the Human Rights Commission: 1996 or 0112 505575 The contact information of the offices of the Human Rights Commission can be found in the glossary 4


VICTIMS OF CRIMES AND WITNESSES The Assistance To And Protection Of Victims Of Crime and Witnesses Act No.04 of 2015 has been passed in order to uphold, protect and enforce the rights of victims of crime and witnesses.

The Authority is located at No. 428/11A, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Battaramulla.

• A victim of crime has the right, amongst other things: • to be treated with equality, fairness and with respect to the dignity and privacy of such victim. MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

in accordance with procedure as may be prescribed, to receive prompt, appropriate and fair redress, including reparation and restitution, for and in consideration of any harm, damage or loss suffered as a result of being a victim of a crime; to be appropriately protected from any possible harm, including threats, intimidations, reprisals or retaliations. to be medically treated for any mental or physical injury, harm, impairment or disability suffered as a victim of a crime.


Please refer to the glossary for the Act which lists your rights and entitlements as a victim 5

• If you are a victim of crime or a witness who has reasonable grounds to believe that any harm may be inflicted on you due to your participation in, any investigation or inquiry into an offence or into the infringement of a fundamental right or the violation of a human right being conducted or your intended attendance/participation in any court or hearing, you can make a request for security at these authorities: •

Division for Assisting and Protecting Victims of Crime and Witnesses - Sri Lanka Police Court before which the relevant judicial proceedings are scheduled to commence or where proceedings are pending or have been conducted. Commissions - (Human Rights Commission, The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption and Commission to Inquiry or Special Presidential Commission appointed under the Commissions of Inquiry Act). Divisional Police Officer in Charge.

The National Authority for the Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses.


POLICE COMMISSION The Article 155G (2) of the Constitution, provides for the establishment of procedures to entertain and investigate public complaints and complaints of any aggrieved person made against a police officer or the Police Service and provide redress as provided by law. In the event of the Commission providing redress, the Commission shall forthwith inform the Inspector-General of Police. In the event you are an aggrieved person due to a discrimination of any form by a police officer based on your sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression, your current status or any other personal trait, you can lodge a complaint 15

against such officer or the Police Service seeking redress as provided by law. Illustrative Ex: Roshan, a transgender man has been arrested and taken into custody by the police while standing on the road to catch transport. The police refuse to take a statement and kept him in custody while sexually abusing him and verbally harassing him for being transgender. He is finally released with no charges. In addition to filing a FR Petition/complaining to the Human Rights Commission, Roshan can make a complaint against such officer/officers or in that police station to the Police Commission against the violation of his rights. MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

You can visit the official website of the commission and lodge an online complaint via You have the option of not revealing your personal details and also to mention if you have already complained regarding the matter to any high-ranking police officer before.

You can also upload/submit any audio/video/document etc. evidence if available.

The National Police Commission: Contact for complaints at 1960 / (+94) 0710361010 General (+94) 11 510 7722 ADDRESS: National Police Commission, BMICH Premises, Block 09, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.





UNDER DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES 1) Making an application under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act No. 34 of 2005. The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act gives any person who is being subjected to domestic abuse (ex: verbal, mental, physical harassment, forced marriages etc.) an avenue to seek relief from the Magistrate’s Court by way of an application. If you are an aggrieved person (person who is being abused) by a relevant person (definition of whom/what sort of relationship is considered as being a ‘relevant person’, and what amounts to ‘domestic abuse’ can be found in the glossary) within your home or outside and arising out of the personal relationship between you and the relevant person, then you can make an application to the Magistrate’s Court within your area using the following procedure (stated in brief. The full details in the Act can be accessed using the URL given in the glossary)7 (1) A person, in respect of whom an act of domestic violence has been, is, or is 17

likely to be, committed may make an application to the Magistrate’s Court for a Protection Order, for the prevention of such domestic violence. Illustrative Ex: Madhavi is a lesbian. Her parents hit her and talk to her in foul language. She is forcibly being made to marry a man through a proposal. She is asked to leave the house if she refuses to marry. The hitting, verbal abuse and forcing her into marriage amount to harassment and domestic abuse. She can file an application to the Magistrate’s court seeking relief. (2) An application may be made; (a) by an aggrieved person (you); or (b) by a police officer on behalf of an aggrieved person. (3) Two of the same applications should be made as per the sample form given in Schedule II of the Act (Please see glossary for the sample).8 The applications must be submitted to the Magistrate’s Court within the area you or the relevant person lives (temporarily or permanently), or the area where the domestic MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

violence has been, being or is likely to be committed. (4) If any other person/s has knowledge of domestic violence you have been subjected to, you may attach Affidavits given by that person/s to support your application. (5) If the court is Satisfied that it is necessary, the court may issue an Interim Protection Order, until the inquiry into your application is completed. An Interim Protection Order is a temporary (until your case is completely heard) order given by court to your abuser that prohibits him/her from committing or acting in a way that the violence to you continues. (6) When an Interim Order has been made, if it is satisfied, the Court may: (a) order a social worker or a family counsellor to counsel the parties (you and the relevant person) and order the parties to attend such counselling sessions. (b) if reasonably necessary to protect and provide for the immediate safety of the aggrieved person, order a social worker, family counsellor, probation officer, family health worker to monitor the observance of the Order and submit to Court a report. (7) If you are dissatisfied with an Order made by the Magistrate, you may make an appeal to the High Court.


2) In cases of forcible marriage or domestic violence against women Most gay and lesbian individuals face violence and harassment at the hands of their family or spouses. There have been many reports of LGBTIQ individuals especially lesbians - being coerced to enter into a marriage by their parents, often resulting in them being abused by their spouses. If you are a lesbian who is being harassed and/or coerced into marrying or are a victim of domestic abuse you can seek help by; •

First, asking for assistance/help or lodging a complaint via the Women’s Helpline hotline 1938 at the Center for Gender Based Complaints of National Committee on Women. You can also make a complaint via 0112186063/0112187038, E-mail -, Fax - 0112187288 or by a letter addressed to The Legal Officer, National Committee on Women, 5th Floor, Sethsiripaya Stage II, Battaramulla. Secondly, if after making a complaint at the hotline 1938, you have not received any response/redress from the Complaint Center within 3 weeks from the date of complaint, you can contact the Legal Officer of the Center for Gender Based Complaints via 0112186063/0112187038, E-mail - and inquire into what stage/action has been taken in respect of your complaint. 18


Alternatively, you can also visit and discuss your concerns with the Legal Officer at the above address.

1938 is operated on weekdays from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Please note that the Center For Gender Based Complaints of the National Committee on Women is conducted under the Ministry of Women & Child Affairs and Dry Zone Development and the general contact lines and visitations are only available during government working days (Monday - Friday) between 9.30 A.M. and 4.00 P.M. The Complaint Center will investigate the complaints received and forward those complaints to relevant institutions/ counselling.

Confidentiality of the complaints is seriously protected, and the services are free of charge.

3) Unemployment because of your sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression Prejudices and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression often lead to individuals of the LGBTIQ community failing to find suitable employment or remain unemployed due to harassment at workplaces. The following are some steps to be taken in such instances. 19

Every person is entitled to employment based on their academic and other qualifications without prejudice or discrimination. In an instance where you take a competitive aptitude/entry test or interview of any form and are not selected for the job due to unfair treatment based solely on your sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression, despite acquiring the required standard at such test/interview, you may formally make a request to the relevant employer as per the rights given under the Right to Information Act and Article 14A of the Constitution to examine the selection criteria for this specific job and to determine whether you have been subjected to unfair treatment. In the event your employment is unjustly terminated (not in accordance with the employment contract or in violation of the regulations under labour laws), for example, if you are sent on indefinite compulsory leave with no disciplinary or other inquiry held or your employment is unreasonably terminated, you can seek relief in the Labour Tribunal. This relief, however, is not applicable to anyone employed as an officer in the public service who usually should resort to fundamental rights application in respect of unjust or arbitrary treatment. Illustrative Ex: Mali, who is a lesbian, has been notified by the human resources division of the company in which she is employed that they are unable to have her continuing her employment as other female workers have made complaints MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

about her being a lesbian. She can lodge a complaint to the Labour Tribunal and Human Rights Commission against the discrimination based on her sexual orientation. Generally speaking, if you are terminated for reasons other than what is commonly accepted as stated below: i. if the contract is for a fixed term, at the end of that term ii. by the death of the employer/closure of organizations iii. upon the employee reaching retirement age iv. by the employer with notice v. by the employee, either with notice of resignation or by vacation of post It is not mandatory for an employer in the private sector to hold an internal disciplinary inquiry before termination. However, such an inquiry would favour an employer to eliminate the arbitrary termination factor. In the public service, Establishments Code procedures would be applicable. Or If the reason for termination cannot be justified as being a ‘misconduct’ which generally constitutes one or more of the following grounds (note that the list is not exhaustive): i. habitual absenteeism ii. grave negligence iii. insubordination and disobedience to reasonable orders iv. abuse, assaults or threats of harm to superiors or fellow employees v. false allegations against employer vi. indecency, drunkenness vii. dishonesty or fraud MY RIGHTS, MY RESPONSIBILITY

viii. abusive use of Internet facilities (ex: pornography, sending abusive or offensive emails etc.)

You can take steps to make an application to the Labour Tribunal or by a trade union on your behalf. For relief or redress in respect of; a)

the unjust termination of services by the employer; b) the question of whether any gratuity or other benefits are due on termination; c) matters relating to terms of employment and conditions of labour as may be prescribed by regulations. Where the Tribunal finds that the employer had unjustly terminated someone’s services, it can order either reinstatement or compensation. You may indicate in the application whether you are seeking reinstatement or compensation. However, the Tribunal will not normally order reinstatement if your employment was of a personal or confidential nature. At the same time, action may be taken as per Article 126 of the Constitution, to file a FR Petition in the Supreme Court within one month from such a violation of your right to equality. It is prudent to lodge a complaint at the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka and Ombudsman prior to seeking relief at the Supreme Court.


4) Refusal of any service or violation of rights based on sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression Similarly, you are protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression in the public sphere; this includes entry into and association within places of worship, public spaces and public gatherings. According to the fundamental rights granted in Articles 12 and 14, you should not be subjected to any discrimination on the aforementioned basis to obtain any services that would normally be available to the public in general such as healthcare, leasing, banking facilities, entering or remaining at restaurants/hotels or recreational facilities, administrative offices etc. and nor can you be denied healthcare or be evicted from a premises on the same basis. Even in international law, Article 17 (1) and (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights grants the right to own property and the right to not be arbitrarily deprived of property, respectively. In the event of such discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression, a complaint can be lodged at the local police station. Additionally, a complaint may be lodged at the Human Rights Commission in the manner mentioned herein.


5) In the event of arbitrary arrest, detention, and torture during detention Torture can be physical, mental, verbal and/or psychological torment. In the present day, the LGBTIQ community undergoes various types and levels of torture in practical and social life, most often starting at a young age at the hands of intolerant families. This inhuman treatment is directly or indirectly linked to their sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression. The verbal abuse and homophobic slurs used against the community in day-to-day life can lead to severe mental and emotional distress. Extremist religious groups/organisations and conservative political parties are known to use homophobic slurs and rhetoric with no regard to its sensitivity and the negative effects on the LGBTIQ community. Such behaviour is not typical of a developed society founded on equality and respect for human dignity. There are two main legal devices, domestic and international, that protect the rights of citizens: 1. Article 11 of the Constitution guarantees the right that no person shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 2. The Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Punishment given effect by the Act, No. 22 of 1994 defines torture as being any act which causes severe pain, whether physical or mental, to


any other person, (a) for any of the following purposes that is to say (i) obtaining from such other person or a third person, any information or confession; or (ii) punishing such other person for any act which he or a third person has committed, or is suspected of having committed; or (iii) intimidating or coercing such other person or a third person; or (b) done for any reason based on discrimination, and being in every case, an act which is done by, or at

the initiation of, or with the consent or agreement of, a public officer or other person acting in an official capacity. In the event of such discrimination or if you are wrongfully arrested and kept in custody and/or are being treated in a cruel, inhumane manner because of your sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression, a complaint can be lodged at the local police station and The Human Rights Commission. And, if it is a public officer that is causing such treatment, you can file a FR Petition in the Supreme Court in the manner mentioned above.

In 2015 the Human Rights Commission recommended to the Ministry of Health that they issue a circular to enable transgender persons to change their sex in their personal documentations, such as the National Identity Card (NIC). Following this, the Ministry of Health issued circular No. 01-34/2016 dated 16.06.2016 under the hand of the Director General of Health Services. The Registrar-General issued circular No 06/2016 dated 28.07.2016 instructing all registrars in the country to change the sex and name in the birth certificate based on the Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC).



GLOSSARY 1. E0%B7%93-%E0%B6%BB%E0%B6%AE-


Vagrants Ordinance


Dr Prathiba Mahanamahewa, Former Human Rights Commissioner

4. Contact information of the Regional offices of The Human Rights Commission: HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS : 14, R.A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 04 TELEPHONE : 011-2505580 FAX : 011-2505541



KALMUNAI ADDRESS : No.161/1, Main Street, Kalmunai TELEPHONE : 067-2229728 E MAIL :


ANURADHAPURA ADDRESS : No.623/20 E, Freeman Mawatha, Anuradhapura TELEPHONE : 025-2234801 E MAIL :

: No. 8/1, Primrose Road, Kandy. TELEPHONE : 081-2205024 E MAIL :

: No.26/2, Outer Circular Road, Vavuniya TELEPHONE : 024-2222029 E MAIL : JAFFNA ADDRESS

: No.1, 3rd Cross Street, Jaffna TELEPHONE : 021-2222021 E MAIL :


: No.19/IB, Badulupitiya Road, Badulla TELEPHONE : 0703654907 E MAIL :

TRINCOMALEE ADDRESS : No.343, Powerhouse Road, Trincomalee TELEPHONE : 026-2222607 E MAIL :



: No.15, Kalidasa Road, Matara TELEPHONE : 041- 2226533 E MAIL :


: No.D 768/1, Pandukabhaya Mawatha, Ampara TELEPHONE : 063-2222340 E MAIL :

BATTICOLOA ADDRESS : No.24, Sinna Uppodai Road, Batticoloa TELEPHONE : 065-2224420 E MAIL : 5.

Part II, Section 3 and 4 of the Assistance To And Protection Of Victims Of Crime And Witnesses Act No. 4 of 2015 VICTIMS_OF_CRIME_AND_WITNESSES_ACT,_No._4_OF_2015.pdf


As per Section 23 of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act No. 34 of 2005, “relevant person” in relation to an aggrieved person means, (a) (i) the spouse; (ii) ex-spouse; (iii) cohabiting partner, of an aggrieved person; (b) (i) the father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, stepfather, stepmother; (ii) the son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson, stepdaughter; (iii) the brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepbrother, stepsister; (iv) siblings of a parent; (v) the child of a sibling; (vi) child of a sibling of a parent, of an aggrieved person or of the spouse, former spouse or cohabiting partner of the aggrieved person.

7. violence_act_english.pdf




Sample Application

APPLICATION In the Magistrates Court of......................... ……….(name)....... of..........(address of the aggrieved person, or if you are being represented by someone, state their capacity eg., if the aggrieved person is a minor(less than age 18) or person of unsound mind (Ex: mentally ill) appearing through his/her guardian or friend, say “a minor, by C. D. of..............his/her next friend”)..........(Aggrieved person). Against ……….(name)....... of...............(name, and addresses of the relevant person who is your abuser/s)......................Respondent. of...................20............... The application of the above-named aggrieved person (and if the case is so add: appearing by C. H, his/her registered attorney) states as follows : (Here mention the circumstances of your case) Wherefore the aggrieved person (or aggrieved persons) prays for a Protection Order









........................................ Signature of Applicant





Tel: +94 114 334 279 | Fax: +94 112 075 414 Email: w w w . e q u a l - g r o u n d . o r g

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