2018 Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival Sponsorship Package

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Dear Community Partner, The Honolulu Gay and Lesbian Cultural Foundation (HGLCF) invites you to align your company and brand with the LGBTQ community as a proud sponsor of the 29th Annual Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival (HRFF29). The Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival (HRFF) is a celebration of passion, creativity, and diversity through film, community events, and the arts. Each year it hosts over 2,000 LGBTQ filmmakers, actors, local residents, and visiting guests to revel in the best the LGBTQ film industry has to offer. We welcome you to embrace and support our broad selection of films and events for 2018 that represents a colorful array of unique stories from all around the globe that are exclusively premiered in Hawai’i. HRFF makes every effort to bring media exposure and attendee recognition to our sponsors. By associating your business with our respected and acclaimed event, you bring positive brand awareness and the opportunity to promote your products and services to the LGBTQ community with measurable impact on consumer sales and brand awareness. This packet gives you a detailed look at what our film festival has to offer. We look forward to welcoming you to the HRFF ‘ohana in 2018 as a gracious supporter of equality and the arts. Sincerely, K. Dylan Arrieta HGLCF Executive Director HRFF Director






Fifteen (15) films, special events, and exclusive appearances are scheduled for seven (7) days in August at the Honolulu Museum of Art. Plus, a whole day of women’s programming and mixer hosted by ClexaCon, and a shorts showcase hosted by the Asia Pacific Queer Film Festival Alliance!

Week 1 Opening Night Reception & Film Festival Showcase & Centerpiece HRFF + ClexaCon Programming ClexaCon Mixer Festival Showcase

August August August August August

09 10 11 11 12

Week 2 Festival Showcase & Closing Film August 17 Festival Showcase August 18 Red Carpet Event August 18 Festival Showcase August 19





$10,000 (CASH) // $15,000 (IN-KIND)

Prominent sponsor logo recognition in all event-related marketing and promotional collateral, including EXCLUSIVE FRONT COVER placement on festival program guide 1/2-page ad in premium position in festival program guide – special insert in Honolulu Magazine (with distribution to homes, newsstands, retailers, and offices on O’ahu, along with online distribution and 1,500 overrun copies distributed in LGBTQ-friendly businesses) Sponsor recognition and hyperlink from HRFF website and social media outlets Individual sponsor slide displayed on-screen prior to screening at Doris Duke Theatre, with an option to include 30-second promotion ad (provided by sponsor) Option to be presenting sponsor for an individual film screening and to give remarks during opening/closin g night ceremonies (based on availability) Ten (10) VIP passes for the entire festival, including all HRFF screenings and events

$7,500 (CASH) // $10,000 (IN-KIND)

Prominent sponsor logo recognition in all event-related marketing and promotional collateral 1/4-page ad in premium position in festival program guide – special insert in Honolulu Magazine (with distribution to homes, newsstands, retailers, and offices on O’ahu, along with online distribution and 1,500 overrun copies distributed in LGBTQ-friendly businesses) Sponsor recognition and hyperlink from HRFF website and social media outlets Individual sponsor slide displayed on-screen prior to screening at Doris Duke Theatre, with an option to include 30-second promotion ad (provided by sponsor) Six (6) VIP passes for the entire festival, including all HRFF screenings and events



$2,500 (CASH) // $5,000 (IN-KIND)

Prominent sponsor logo recognition in all event-related marketing and promotional collateral 1/3-page ad in premium position in festival program guide – special insert in Honolulu Magazine (with distribution to homes, newsstands, retailers, adn offices on O’ahu, along with online distribution and 1,500 overrun copies distributed in LGBTQ-friendly businesses) Sponsor recognition and hyperlink from HRFF website and social media outlets Two (2) VIP passes for the entire festival, including all HRFF screenings and events


$5,000 (CASH) // $7,500 (IN-KIND)

Prominent sponsor logo recognition in all event-related marketing and promotional collateral 1/3-page ad in premium position in festival program guide – special insert in Honolulu Magazine (with distribution to homes, newsstands, retailers, and offices on O’ahu, along with online distribution and 1,500 overrun copies distributed in LGBTQ-friendly businesses) Sponsor recognition and hyperlink from HRFF website and social media outlets Logo recognition on sponsor slide displayed on-screen prior to screening at Doris Duke Theatre Four (4) VIP passes for the entire festival, including all HRFF screenings and events

$800 (CASH) // $1,500 (IN-KIND)

Sponsor recognition and hyperlink from HRFF website and social media outlets Two (2) VIP passes for the entire festival, including all HRFF screenings and events

CUSTOM SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Let us build a custom PREMIER or SIGNATURE SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE that meets your marketing and branding goals AND fits your budget! We are taking an innovative approach to sponsorship “levels” so that your marketing and philanthropy dollars go further with sponsorship benefits that extend before, during, and after the festival!


$250 (CASH) // $500 (IN-KIND)

Company/individual name listed in festival program guide and HRFF website Recognition in post-festival email blast One (1) VIP pass for the entire festival, including all HRFF screenings and events

Custom in-kind sponsorship packages also available! For more information, contact Dylan Arrieta at dylan@hglcf.org or (808) 729-2879.


Please complete and return this form to confirm your support and sponsorship. For any questions, contact Dylan Arrieta, Executive Director, at dylan@hglcf.org or (808) 729-2879.


Contact Name


City, State, Zip Code

Contact Number

Contact Email

SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES: (Check a level then circle type) $10,000 Platinum Sponsor: Cash // In-Kind ($15,000) $ 7,500 Gold Sponsor: Cash // In-Kind ($10,000) $ 5,000 Silver Sponsor: Cash // In-Kind ($7,500) $ 2,500 Copper Sponsor: Cash // In-Kind ($5,000) $ 800 Visionary Sponsor: Cash // In-Kind ($1,500) $ 250 Benefactor Sponsor: Cash // In-Kind ($500) *CUSTOM SPONSORSHIP NOTES:

PAYMENT INFORMATION: Please send me an invoice I have enclosed a check made payable to the Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival (Send to: HGLCF at 1670 Makaloa St., Suite 204 PMB 370, Honolulu, HI 96814) I paid online at www.squareup.com/store/hglcf

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Once we receive your completed sponsorship form, HGLCF/HRFF staff will contact you to discuss event arrangements, sponsorship benefits, and recognition. Please send your high-resolution color ads and logos to dylan@hglcf.org upon submission. All materials will be sent for your approval before going to print.

HRFF28 was made possible by our amazingly generous supporters‌

The Honolulu Gay and Lesbian Cu ltural Fou nda tion is a self-support in g non- profit 501(c)3 wh ose main mission is t o educate an d rais e aware ness of the comm unit y-at- large about LGBTQ cult ure, arts, and lifest yle. All contribu tions are tax de du ctible (EIN 9 90327 540). Thank you so much for your generosity. We truly appreciate you and your support!

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