QUBE - 002 SPRING 2020

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“Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.” - Blaise Pascal


SECONDS The goal posts of life shifted for a lot of people when our little blue sphere was hit by the effects of Covid19 worldwide. It also halted the further development of QUBE in its original form and has now been transformed into a showcase of Taranaki through my eyes as a visual artist, photographer, poet and author. QUBE will be a seasonal digital publication, still available for FREE on the ISSUU platform and it will be filled with locally created content that I hope will still capture the unique region that is Taranaki.

BUBBLE POETRY Playing with words Instead of friends Holding a tablet Instead of hands Popping old bits of bubble wrap Before having another daily nap Inside our little personal sphere Filled with paranoia and viral fear One thing becomes so crystal clear ‘Please keep this crisis short’ We all need more support

Insight outside

‌ Sometimes we need to lockdown, to look up - up to the stars At night. Seeing specks move across the dark night sky Giving us that needed spark, as satellites fly by Beaming instapics across the earth Wondering what it’s really worth Increased to more than double As a couple in a bubble

NOW NZ$1.75


- DOWN UNDER LOCKDOWN: Dealing with Anxiety in my 2020 bubble. Kindle Edition AVAILABLE FROM THE AMAZON KINDLE STORE FOR NZ$1.75 -

A selection of poems and short stories written during the 2020 New Zealand level 4 lockdown. Dedicated to all the people who stayed in their bubble, coped with their anxiety, and saved their world and ours. Our future might have changed but our kindness and love has grown, expanding our bubble of respect.

The first

St. Patrick’s


was built in 1880/81 on the seaward side of the present church. It was replaced by this church, which was designed by architect Patrick George Smith and built by Messrs Cumming

and Son.



blessed and


St Patrick’s on Sunday, March 29,


“Modern love gets me to the church on time (Church on time)” - David Bowie

St Patrick’s Church 36 Cumming Street, Okato, New Plymouth

“Take me to church. I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death. Good God, let me give you my life. Take me to church.” - Hozier

eRiQ’s first novel ‘CUL-DE-SHOCK’ has been getting positive reviews on Amazon.

The author has told a wonderful story “This book is a wonderful read. The author has told a wonderful story, set in small town New Zealand.I would highly recommend this book especially if you like a good thriller.” - Julie A.


A riddle that keeps you suspensed “Cul-de-Shock has all the elements - suspense, well defined characters, great observations of people and places, riddles, some science, great quotes and then the two seemingly separate stories (cul-de-sac murders and Bowie twins) linked together in a very clever way.” - Lyn O. ---Leading to unexpected paths “A fun read, well worth your time. I often find thrillers to be a little predictable but this was cleverly leading me to false conclusions again and again. Despite the intense happenings, it’s written in a more lighthearted way, a nice change of pace. If you’re looking for a mystery thriller, I’d highly recommend it.” - Michael D.

It’s available in both the print version plus as an eBook.

Without snacks I wouldn’t have the energy to deal with everything the universe throws at me :) So... why not do a little tribute to the one food item that helps us inbetween each square meal. By the way, did you know that the saying ‘a square meal’ originated from the Royal Navy practice of serving meals on square wooden plates. Such plates did exist so that is a plausible story, but there’s no other evidence to support it. In fact, the lateness of the first printed record pretty well rules this out as a credible theory.

“Love all snacks, trust a few, do wrong to none.” - William Snackspeare (All’s Well That Eats Well)

CHECK OUT eRiQ’s FREE SNACKFACE book online: www.issuu.com/home/published/new_snack_face_book_003

“There are three methods to gaining wisdom. The first is reflection, which is the highest. The second is limitation, which is the easiest. The third is experience, which is the bitterest.� - Confucius

If anything came out of the year 2020, I think it is the fact that it gave us all time to reflect upon what is most important in our lives. For me I found that I rediscovered the joy in writing. Having started the SHOCK Trilogy late last year it made me realise I want to pursue the telling of stories and during the lockdown I wrote not only a number of poems but concluded my second novel and have since started on my third in the series. I have also realised that I really depend on regular trips to the beach as they fully re-energise me, especially in these surreal times we live in. It also emphasised the importance of the motto “IT IS WHAT IT IS� - not always an easy way of thinking for someone dealing with anxiety but it has been a great tool.

“Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is the same flower, when rank and running to seed.� Desiderius Erasmus

Even when things in your life might feel upside-down, when you manage to change your perspective on things you will soon find a bridge to cross the troubled waters that have flooded your mind. Find your passion in life and make sure to fit in plenty of time for whatever makes you happy, whether is is reading, writing, watching a good movie or taking a walk at Kaupokonui Beach!

“Lonely trees are not lonely; they have their eternal companies: Songs of the birds; shadows of the clouds; lights of the Moon; whispers of the winds... Lonely trees are not lonely!� - Mehmet Murat Ildan

CUL-DE-SHOCK TRIVIA Stephen King’s stories often take place in the fictitious town of Castle Rock. I wanted to do a hommage to that and created the town of Kōwhatu, which is Māori for ‘rock’. Plus the fact that I love ROCKS. Throughout our home, you will find rocks everywhere. Collected from places around New Zealand mostly, but some from trips overseas. They feature in dioramas or just scattered around in different places. Whenever we go to a beach in Taranaki I will often find a special stone, rock or pebble. I always feel like they talk to me, that they have a special story to tell. I am known as the rock whisperer. PS I love stacking them!!!



There are so many great apps available for free for Android phones that can be so helpful for photographers and or visual artists who just like to play around with a random photo taken on a beach walk. I can spend quite some time just playing with an image using filters, changing settings - adding frames or just making a classic black and white version. Some of the apps I use are Snapseed (my favourite), PhotoDirector, MIX, Pixlr, ToolWiz Photos and Photo Studio. All freely available from the ‘PLAY STORE’ and if you have enough memory on your phone why not install them all, then next time when you are waiting around for something or just can’t go to sleep - just take one of your photos and have a bit of a play! Most of my images I post in Instagram (eriq_quaadgras) but I also have quite a large portfolio of photos on www. gurushots.com/eriq.quaadgras/photos

Another example of taking a boring photo, that I took on my phone as a passenger on the road home, that I’ve placed through some filters on the phone. All these versions were created just on a phone; if I had told that to my 16 year old self I would never ever have thought that could even be possible. Smart phones have practically replaced digital cameras and opened up a whole new world of creative possibilities for so many people who might never have had the chance back in the time that I grew up.



my 50+ years ? Well, in all What’s THIS s, comics, s loved book I have alway ure form any pop-cult movies and onwards a young age of art. From ooklets, b e my own I have mad ers and hool newspap worked for sc world r actual real later in life fo publications. dealing s I have been In recent year social d cases of with some ba above forms of the anxiety and ugh lped me thro ve media ha he es and dark tim some tough en ly 2020 has be days. Especial le op pe y an rm a tough year fo be ld ou w it t and I though some of the fun to share things that pop-culture ing some helped me br world l ea rr su joy in a seems es im et m that so up us to swallow er. st on m t like a gian


CHEMIST TREE Hey, you! Who, me? We have some chemistry Let’s get our branches in a twist If you insist I like our chances I always wanted a little acorn of my own Time to put down our roots.



Check out eRiQ’s book


Poetic photographic impressions of trees in New Zealand’ at www.eqube.co.nz.

The Aotea waka celebrates the settling of the Patea area by Turi and his hapu after they voyaged from Hawaiiki to Aotearoa in the 15th century. They landed at Kawhia and travelled overland to Patea naming many landmarks on the way including Tapuae, Oakura Waingongoro, Ingahape, Kaupokonui etc. The Aotea waka was unveiled 2 August 1933 by the Minister of Internal Affairs, J A Young.

Patea’s iconic Hunter Shaw building

If you are just passing through Patea or stop to fill up at the local petrol station - have a little break and enjoy the peaceful Memorial Gardens behind the iconic Hunter Shaw building and the Aotea waka. It’s a nice little corner to have a coffee or a snack escaping from the busy world.


Cul-De-Shock: A Novel

Published by eQuBe - Available on Amazon (print and eBook) www.eQube.co.nz Instagram: eriq_nz_author

By eRiQ Quaadgras

Kindle version

eRiQ’s first novel focuses on the people of Kõwhatu, a small rural town in Taranaki, who wake up to a terrible tragedy in their community. When they have recovered from the initial shock, they soon realise there is more to it. A local journalist and one of the new police officers find themselves working together in order to find out what’s really going on in the cul-de-sacs.

SHOCK-TEA: Book 2 the Future (Shock Trilogy 2) By eRiQ Quaadgras

Mystery, murder and a quest to deliver the mysterious ‘GITA’ USB stick. Tarquin and Maddy, the Taranaki duo, find themselves on another action-packed adventure that leads them to solving the riddles of life? The horrible events of the 2019 ‘Kõwhatu Killings had escalated Tarquin’s anxiety but with the events that unfold during this mystery, he has a chance to become more in tune with the ‘higher being’. He starts to reflect on that ‘secret’ power within. In the end, there is nothing like a cup of relaxing tea to settle your soul.


Letters to Titan By Justine J. Olckers

A young woman’s life is turned upside down as she stumbles across a mystery involving sketchy government agencies, friends with questionable motives, and even members of her family. Apart from the fact that she can no longer trust anyone, there still are a handful of those who want nothing more than to keep her safe, even though some of them aren’t human at all. She finds out hidden truths of who her family really were and why she hadn’t met her father before. With special forces involved and strange alien-like creatures from Titan; this book is sure to keep your suspense levels on a high.



A collection of poetry and short stories


By Justine J. Olckers



plus postage

A personal collection of poetry and short stories, inspired by Oscar Wilde. Poetry is the window to my soul and writing is the view Published by eQuBe - Available on Amazon or NZ orders for $7 + postage by emailing kiwiolckers@gmail.com Visit www.jjolckers.wordpress.com or Instagram: justineolckers


ONLY U$2.99!


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