JCSA Yearling Auction 2023 Salebook (English)

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FOREWORD It is with great pleasure the Jockey Club of Saudi Arabia present the 2023 annual yearling sale. We are very excited about the sale and the opportunities this sale presents for the purchaser. Numbers are extensive comprising 505 yearlings, with blood lines for all interests. We were delighted with the outcome of last years sale and the very high percentage of yearlings sold, each day was different and interesting and the sale prices were very pleasing and the new catalogue order worked very well and ensured an interesting sale. We would very much like to congratulate the consigners on the quality of the yearlings in this year’s auction, indeed there are some super stars for the future as well as something for all tastes and budgets, there are also a larger percentage of imported yearlings with different bloodlines. The sale will be catalogued evenly this year with the ages being mixed each day to be fair to all consigners and to keep the auction interesting and exciting for all concerned. Each sale day will have even quantities of quality and diversity of ages. The sale will be held over seven days and around 70 yearlings per day will be offered. The yearlings can be viewed on the day of the sale and there is adequate space to walk the yearlings to perform inspections. The Equine Hospital will be in attendance enabling potential purchasers to have their chosen lots vet checked post sale. There is a wonderful selection of superb pedigrees throughout the catalogue The Jockey Club of Saudi Arabia is very excited about this year’s auction, offering a platform to promote the genetics that we have in Saudi Arabia. We encourage everyone to attend and view the tremendous quality being offered in this year’s sale! The potential again this year is huge and there are some amazing yearlings to purchase! We look forward to welcoming you to the auction centre which promises to be an exciting auction. SALE CONTACTS WhatsApp +966 53 249 2836 Email enquiries: auction@jcsa.sa


NOTES Please can we ensure that all yearlings are stabled by 2:30 pm each sale day to ensure that potential purchasers have adequate time to inspect the lots prior to the sale. The stables will be bedded down but we ask vendors to provide their own feed if needed. Water points at the stables are available. A vet box and the vets will be in attendance to provide a vetting prior to sale if needed. We ask that all horses are stabled at all times when not being inspected for safety reasons, new walk areas are in place for this year’s sale so adequate areas to show yearlings when requested are available.

FOR POTENTIAL PURCHASERS We have introduced a new inspection area to allow potential purchasers to see the yearlings walked and have a close-up look. The yearlings will be available to view from 3.00pm onwards each sale day. Please remember that each day includes a selection of ages and breeding. We ask all purchasers to pre-register to bid prior to the auction.


The Equine Hospital of the Jockey Club of Saudi Arabia will be available to provide different packages of pre-purchase examinations during the auction: • • • •

Pre-purchase examination 1: identification, clinical examination, locomotion, and upper airway endoscopy. (Price: SAR 800) Pre-purchase examination 2: Pre-purchase examination 1, and radiography. (Price: SAR 2,800) Pre-purchase examination 3: Pre-purchase examination 2, and tendon ultrasonography. (Price: 3,300) Genetic Testing: Advanced genetic testing in collaboration with Victory Genomics to decode the full genome sequence of the horse and give easy to understand reports with recommendation of diseases, performance, and breeding customised for each horse. (Price: SAR:12,000)

A team of highly qualified veterinarians, including specialist in Equine Sport Medicine, will perform these pre-purchase examinations. For more information, or to make an appointment for one of the above services, please contact us at the following: Phone: 920007227 Ext:6 WhatsApp: 966555034614 Email: Client@teh.sa


Welcome to The Equine Hospital in Riyadh The Hospital offers advanced care for horses in a resourceful setting. Our board-certified specialists, dedicated and skilled vets and nurses work together to provide the best available emergency care, diagnostic procedures, treatment, and hospitalization for equine patients. We are open around-the-clock every day of the year for emergency and critical care cases. Routine and specialized health care services are readily available. Services are supported by upto-date diagnostic imaging procedures, which include ultrasound, various types of endoscopy and and high-resolution radiography. The Equine Hospital facilities are designed to accommodate horses and their specific needs, including large and well-ventilated stalls, safe and comfortable flooring and bedding, an equipped and air-conditioned intensive care unit, two (2) fully equipped exam rooms and state-of-the art surgical facilities.

To be the centre of excellence in equine care worldwide.

‫ﺗﻢ ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻣﺮاﻓﻖ ﻣﺴتﺸﻔﻰ الخﻴﻞ ﻹﺳتﻴﻌﺎب ﻋﺪد‬ ً ‫ ﻣﻦ الخﻴﻮل واﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎ…†ﺎ ﻣﺘﻀﻤﻨﺎ إﺳﻄﺒﻼت‬PK‫ﻛﺒ‬ ‫ وأرﺿﻴﺎت ﻣﺮيﺤﺔ وآﻣﻨﺔ ﻣﺠهﺰﻩ‬،‫ة وﻣﻜﻴﻔﺔ‬PK‫ﻛﺒ‬ ‫ن ﻓﺤﺺ‬K‫ﺑﻮﺣﺪات ﺗﻜﻴﻴﻒ ﻣﺮﻛﺰي ويﻮﺟﺪ ﻏﺮﻓﺘ‬ ‫ﻣﺠهﺰة ﺑﺎﻟكﺎﻣﻞ ويﻮﺟﺪ ﻣﺮاﻓﻖ ﺟﺮاﺣﻴﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻴﺔ‬ .‫وﺣﺪﻳﺜﺔ اﻟﻄﺮاز‬

.‫ى ﻣﺴﺘﻮى اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ‬f‫ي رﻋﺎﻳﺔ الخﻴﻞ ﻋ‬9 •K‫اﻟﺘﻤ‬




‫ي‬9 ‫ﻳ ﻘ ﺪ م ﻣ ﺴ تﺸ ﻔ ﻰ ال خ ﻴ ﻞ ا ﻟ ﻌ ﻨ ﺎ ﻳ ﺔ اﳌﺘ ﻘ ﺪ ﻣ ﺔ ﺑ ﺎل خ ﻴ ﻞ‬ ً َ ‫ن ﻣﻌﺎ‬K‫ يﻌﻤﻞ اﻷﻃﺒﺎء واﳌﻤﺮﺿ‬،‫ﻣﺤﻴﻂ ُﻣﺆَهﻞ‬ ‫ اﺟﺮاء ﻓﺤﻮﺻﺎت‬،‫أﻓﻀﻞ رﻋﺎﻳﺔ ﻃﺎرﺋﺔ ﻣﺘﺎﺣﺔ‬PK‫ﻟﺘﻮﻓ‬ ‫وتشخﻴﺼﺎت ﺷﺎﻣﻠﺔ واﻟﻌﻼج واﻟﻌﻨﺎﻳﺔ ﺑﺎلخﻴﻮل‬ ‫ي ﺟﻤﻴﻊ أﻳﺎم‬9 ‫ى ﻣﺪار اﻟﺴﺎﻋﺔ‬f‫ ﻧﺤﻦ نﻌﻤﻞ ﻋ‬.‫اﳌﺮيﻀﺔ‬ ‫ وﻧﻮﻓﺮ‬.‫اﻟﺴﻨﺔ ﳌﻌﺎلجﺔ الحﺎﻻت اﻟﻄﺎرﺋﺔ والحﺮﺟﺔ‬ ً .‫اﻳﻀﺎ ﺧﺪﻣﺎت روﺗﻴنﻴﺔ ورﻋﺎﻳﺔ صحﻴﺔ ﺧﺎﺻﺔ‬ tsr‫الخﺪﻣﺎت ﻣﺪﻋﻮﻣﺔ ﺑﺈﺟﺮاءات اﻟﺘﺼﻮيﺮ اﻟتشخﻴ‬ ،‫ ﺗﺘﻀﻤﻦ اﺷﻌﺔ اﳌﻮﺟﺎت ﻓﻮق ﺻﻮﺗﻴﺔ‬tv‫الحﺪﻳﺜﺔ و اﻟ‬ ‫ي و اﻟﺘﺼﻮيﺮ‬f‫ اﻟﺪاﺧ‬PK‫وأﻧﻮاع ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘﻨﻈ‬ .‫اﻻﺷﻌﺎ{ي ﻋﺎ|ي اﻟﺪﻗﺔ‬


Our Vision:


ً ‫ي اﻟﺮيﺎض‬+ ‫ي ﻣﺴتﺸﻔﻰ الخﻴﻞ‬+ ‫ﻣﺮﺣﺒﺎ ﺑﻜﻢ‬

Surgical services: Emergency Services Sport Medicine Internal Medicine Laboratory and Imaging Diagnostic services Pharmacy


:‫الخﺪﻣﺎت الجﺮاﺣﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺧﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﻄﻮارئ‬ 876‫اﻟﻄﺐ اﻟﺮيﺎ‬ 8;‫اﻟﻄﺐ اﻟﺒﺎﻃ‬ 87D‫املخﺘ>? واﻟﺘﺼﻮيﺮ اﻟتشخﻴ‬ ‫ اﻟﺼﻴﺪﻟﺔ‬-


Sale Conditions 1- The introduction and the above-mentioned definitions are an integral part of this document. 2- The owner undertakes to submit proof of ownership of each horse designated for sale by auction, including all documents related to production, breed, and the original passport of the horse, which shall be free from any claims or rights of third parties whatsoever, except for those notified by the owner to the auction department in writing before commencing the sale process. 3- The owner is fully responsible for the correct identity of each horse designated for sale and for the accuracy of any information for each horse registered in the sales lists, and the owner must contact the registration department to ensure the information are correct. 4- The owner shall pay a registration fee to the Jockey Club to get into the auction. The fee is (1500 riyals) for each horse, and it is not refundable. 5- The owner has the right to withdraw any horse registered for sale if it is not suitable for sale due to veterinary reasons deemed acceptable to the auction management. An approved veterinary certificate stating the horse's condition should be submitted. 6- Each owner has the right to set a reservation price for the horse participating in the auction. According to the detail shown below, the owner shall pay to the Jockey Club an amount for this reservation over their horse price. This amount is not refunded unless the horse is withdrawn before entering the auction hall. (Less than 100 thousand riyals - no fees), (from 100 thousand to 299 thousand - 1000 riyals) (from 300 thousand and more - 3000 riyals). 7- The owner agrees to send their horse / horses to the sale premises on the day of the auction before the scheduled time for bidding, provided that any horse will remain under the care and responsibility of the owner until it is received by the buyer. The auction department will not bear any responsibility for taking care of the horse, including the provision of veterinary care. 8- Each owner must contact the auction department to find out the pike number assigned to the horse on the auction day well before the start of the auction. 9- The auction department has the right to: (1) justifiably refuse any horse sent for sale at any time prior to the start of the auction. (2) Decide on the sale. (3) Designate or change the pike. (4) Change the date or place of sale. (5) Make advertisements for any horse at the time of sale. 10- Each owner/ or agent must disclose the following defects - if any -: (a) snoring

(b) rotation of the pike

(c) suction of air

(d) one egg (testicle).


11- The buyer has the right to return the horse to the owner (within 3 working days from the time of purchase) if it is found that the horse has one of the defects that contradict the owner's disclosure data, unless it is publicly mentioned by the owner at the time of the auction and the buyer agrees to it in writing. A medical objection must be submitted together with the medical reports that show the type of problem for the auction department within the specified period. If the veterinary medical committee approved by the Jockey Club accepts the submitted report, the buyer has the right to return the horse to its owner. The sale will be null and the said horse will be returned to the original owner and the purchase money will be returned to the original owner. Other than that, the sale is considered valid. The auction department has the right not to accept any medical objection after the specified period has passed. 12- (For non-Arabian mares) In the case of registering fertile mares, the owner must submit to the auction department a veterinary certificate (approved by a certified doctor) in this regard and it should be delivered to the office well before the start of the auction with a certificate signed by the owner of the stallion. If it is found after birth within a period not exceeding three months that (the colt /filly) does not conform to the owner’s declaration submitted at the time of registration in the auction, or that it is not from the mentioned stallion, the buyer has the right to return the mare with its offspring to the seller and demand a refund of the purchase value as well as all the expenses incurred by the mare and its offspring. 13- Information related to selling prices and contingent selling expenses or resulting from the sale and final payment of accounts for buyers, sellers, breeders and agents sending horses is not considered confidential. All parties agree that the Auction Department may, without being asked to do so, disclose this information without bearing the responsibility of the buyer. 14- The buyer has the right to examine the horse, in agreement with the owner, for traces of oil needles, within a maximum of two weeks from the end of the auction by submitting a request to the veterinary medical committee to take the sample in preparation for sending it according to the followed procedure after paying the costs. Therefore, the auction department or the Jockey Club will not bear any costs related to drawing or sending the sample. If the results of the analysis prove the existence of such substance, the buyer has the right to return the horse to its owner and the sale will be considered void. 15- In case the sale was cancelled or the Auction Department did not obtain the correct data about the horse- the Auction Department or the club will not bear any responsibility for any damages resulting from that. 16- The auction department receives a cheque to the order of the owner of the horse from the buyer stating the purchase amount, minus the amount of the guarantee plus the auction commission, in addition to the fees of the attorney appointed by the auction department, which is estimated at 2.5% of the cheque value. The payment shall be made within a month from the date of the auction. If the buyer pays the full amount of the purchase during this period, the cheque is returned to the order of its issuer immediately. In case of delay in payment, the department retains the passport of the sold horse until the amount/ amounts due are paid. The auction department is also obligated to hand over the cheque issued by the buyer to the after the owner pays the auction percentage, provided that the owner issues a power of attorney to the auction lawyer to proceed with regular procedures. -6-

17- The auction department is not responsible and is not obligated to pay the value of any horse to the seller until after collecting its value from the buyer. Therefore, the auction department commits to pay the sellers after collecting the value of the horses sold from the buyers within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of collection. 18- In case the owner appoints another person to act on their behalf in all matters relating to registration and sale procedures, a recent power of attorney for the auction must be provided. 19- The owner appoints the auction department as their agent to sell each horse delivered for this purpose, and it has full authority to transfer the ownership of the horse and receive the sale price on behalf of the owner, and inform the Jockey Club of the transfer of ownership.


Location Map

1- Main Gate 2- Parking 3- Auction Hall 4- review yard 5- stables area 6- Horse upload and download area 7- Horse Hospital stable


Stallion Order Owner Name






Yousef Mohammed Abdulrahman Altareef

Grace Almighty

Army Mule


























Mohammed Fawaz Sttaam Alfanadeel Hamad Nanser H Alkhatani Faisal Nasser Shanber Aldalbahi Jeyad Alhejaz Stable Dakhal Alih H. Alotaibi

Piper Jade Trucanini Bint Alsafeer Classic Tiara Princess Light

Munef Abdullah M. Almunef




Faisal Faris R Alsubiei

Tiz Da Biz

Always Dreaming




Abdullah bin Saleh bin Sulaiman Al-Hamad


Always Dreaming




Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel

Sweet Bon Bon

American Guru




Sama Stabil

Holiday Magic

American Pharoah




The Line Racing Stable


Assez Clair




Mohammed Obaid Alotaibi


Assez Clair




Altameez Steble

Hadiyat Ahmed

Assez Clair




Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi


Assez Clair




Salauel Stable

Deo Favente

Assez Clair




Mohammed Khalid M. Alhirabi


Assez Clair




Suliman M. Aldahaam

Sa Eyah

Assez Clair




Pretty Fancy





Hadi Jabran Al-Rasheed






Munef Abdullah M. Almunef

Denim N’ Motion





Ghassan Ahmad Merza Alsaid










































Battle Force




Battle Force






Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab

Ibrahim Khalil S Alanazi Abdullah Awadh .A. Alahmari Alseeh Stable hamed Ali Naser Qaban Al Fadil Khaled Abdulrahman Salem Alharbi Mohammed Saeed M. Alwadani Dakhel Mohammed Dakhel Aldakhil Yahya Moh. Almagedy Sons Abdulrahman Abdullah A. Almakhdoob Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi

Snowdust Bahjat Aedah Zahrat Aljabal Farq Elm Mahzoomah Insist Wasseli Shiblat Saqlaan Kitty's Pearl House Of Grace Original Kitten Felissa



Sutur Stable

Saratoga Music

Big Brown




Fahad Bin Nasser Bin Muhammad Alquraini

All Mine Tonight

Big Brown




Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel


Bird Song




Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani


Bird Song




Sama Stabil


Bird Song




Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani


Bird Song




Sama Stabil


Bird Song




Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani


Bird Song




Sama Stabil


Bird Song




Assaf Motlak Alassaf Alsehali



Bird Song




Daham Jlyl Bin Mezal Bin Twalah

Storm Cry

Bird Song




Ibrahim Khalil S Alanazi

Giftie Gie

Biz Blitz




Abdulaziz Shaher M Albaqami

Go Go Burns

Biz Blitz




Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi

Bint Al Osool

Biz Blitz




Abdullah bin Saleh bin Sulaiman Al-Hamad

Heading North

Bobby's Kityen




Faisal Bin Muhammad Aljadhai Alqahtani

Show Hostess

Bolt D'oro




Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons


Brother Derek




Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons

Arcadian Sunrise

Brother Derek




Brother Derek




























Casino Host




Cat Dreams




Catalina Cruiser




Catalina Cruiser






Sama Stabil

Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons Ehab Abdulfattah Ibrehim Hassan Aldiriyah Stebel Abdulaziz Musaed Salem Al-Salem Faisal Bin Muhammad Aljadhai Alqahtani Abdullah bin Saleh bin Sulaiman Al-Hamad Al Nahda Stable Faisal Saeed Albqumi Abdullah Fraaj Alaejmee Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Ibrahim Muhammad Rashid

Red Kitty Blaze Brightly Alert In Class Guessing Winning Point Truly Mine Beyound Our Reach Sukhothai Jadaara(GB) Interest Free Bioterp

Al Nahda Stable

My Magic Moment

Catalina Cruiser


Fahad Mohammed Ayesh Al , Tayyar

Room To Finish

City Of Light





Classic Empire




Fahad Nasser M. Algeraini

Southern Jewel

Classic Empire




Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Tawil

Miss Larkspur

Classic Empire




Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif

Miss Catalyst

Closing Bell




Abdulaziz Ali M Alarjani


Closing Bell





Closing Bell




Lady In Question

Closing Bell




Candy Ore

Closing Bell




Nayil Basheer M Alshammari

Sanabel Alkheir

Closing Bell




Khalid Hammad H. Althajafi Sons


Cobalt Blue




Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran

Divine County





Munef Abdullah M. Almunef






Beyareq Alkhil Stable






Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi

Sister Kate





Divine Lorretta













































Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab

Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons

Sutur Stable Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Talal Ahmed Zainy Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Khalid Abdullah A. Aljumaiah Bander Awad M. Alwadei Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab

Filwa Al Otaishiyah Having Abig Middle Faihaa Najd Miss Ribot Mahboobat Anood Rakeezah Jonathan's Girl Moghrimah Brynford

- 10 -

All On The Table





Khalid Miteb Bin Amira

Tiger Silk





Salman Fahad Alothayanei

Kate C





Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons

My Sydney Girl





Athbah Racing Stable

Eastern Aria





Abdulrahman Abdullah A. Almakhdoob

Miss Da Point





Fawaz Muhareb H. Almshrafi

Midnight Hope





Fahad Khalid Dh Alsubaie Sons






Qamar Alzian



















































Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab

Moutib Thwab A. Almluah Sama Stabil Fuad Mohammed Fahd Bin Gheshayan Sultan Mislat Alazma Sons Alfarah Stable Fahd Muneer Aladhayani Sons Moutib Thwab A. Almluah Alsadah Stable Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Moutib Thwab A. Almluah Moutib Thwab A. Almluah Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman

Ta Ebah Qidrat Allah Jasoorah Rajeedah Wake The Dawn La Hai Wahbat Alwahab Bint Forestry Oh So Merci Ramsah

Saad Ben Rezaiq Alshebani

Mal Hha



Moutib Thwab A. Almluah






Moutib Thwab A. Almluah

Mo Athirah





Sama Stabil

Street Crew





Ahmed Abdulla Rashed Alabdullatif

My Jolie





Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem

Bint Cojo





Whom Shall I Fear

Creative Causa




Mohammed Jameel A Aljameel

Psychic Elaine





Hussain Dhuwaihi Hussain Aldossari

Nurse Gladys

Dance With Ravens




Jeyad Alhejaz Stable






Eiz Alassail Stable


Desert Party




Abdulrahman Abdullah A. Almakhdoob

Rose Gloria

Desert Party




Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan

Back To Class

Desert Party




Ayidh Sannat S Alshibani

Perfectly Pleasant

Desert Party




Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani


Desert Party




Sultan Shakhbot I Alsultan


Desert Party




Alghamaah Stable

Hoor Al Aen

Desert Party




Desert Party




Desert Party




Desert Party




Desert Party




Desert Party




Desert Party




















Yousef Mohammed Abdulrahman Altareef

Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Abdullah Munayjil Abdullah Alsubaie Ghenim Rejaa Al Sa'adooni Ayidh Sannat S Alshibani Gilyil Daham Bin Twalah Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Mohammed Sunaid Rashed Alfunaysan Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali

Aethra Alriyadh Qimmat Najd Katrina Pure And Simple Aljahraa Call Ahead Quality Kitten Ana Al Amyaz Wass Tat Aljamea Zohbah

- 11 -






Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali






Tamken Racing Stable


Dialed In




Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan

Tale Of Mona

Dialed In




Ayman Nasser Hamad Alrajhi


Dialed In




Faisal Mohammed Aljadhai Alqahtani

Sweet Daddio

Dialed In




Saad Ali Badan Alsubaie

To The Morning

Distorted Humor




Grey Seal

Dr. Noaymaat

























Dubai Destination




Dubawi Fun




Dubawi Fun




Echo Town




Else Approach














Sultan S. I. Alghofeili

Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Ahmad Mosaid Alfanesaan Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Abdulaziz Abdullah Z. Aluthman Faisal Bin Muhammad Aljadhai Alqahtani Hamod Salman Sail Al Shamri Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Mohammed Fawaz Sttaam Alfanadeel

Feather It Jonesy Blabbermouth She Sparxz BESO GRANDE Lae Yoon Hawra'a Gown Dhamrah Mizz Cat C S Night Poetry IN A CLOUD Easamiyah Bay Of Puck

First Samurai


Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir

Conquest Whiplash

Flashy Bull




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

Jamie's Catch

Flashy Bull




Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman

Sho Eylah





Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi

Kissy Missy

Flashy Bull




Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir


Flashy Bull




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

Snow Diamond

Flashy Bull




Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons

Badirat Kheir

Flashy Bull




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons


Flashy Bull




Aeyesh Safar A. Albqomi


Flashy Bull




Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari


Flashy Bull




Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons


Flashy Bull




Mohammed Abdullah A Almasudi


Flashy Bull




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons


Flashy Bull




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

Entirely Honest

Flashy Bull





Flashy Bull













Force The Pass




















Frozen Power




Frozen Power




Frozen Power




Game Winner




Aljiad Stable

Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Barjes N. B. Alnasser Ahmad Bander Abdullah Aljaber Aljiad Stable Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons Athbah Racing Stable Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Al Tawil Aljiad Stable

Lae Oyoun Shathan Kilasiki Ghoul's Night Out GLADIOLA Look Into My Eyes Meetmeonline Bint Meqdaamah Naajlah Suafiyah Samandah

- 12 -

Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi

Weekend Connection

Get Stormy




Abdulaziz Mubarak Faraj Al Faraj

Deep Red





Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani






Ayman Nasser Hamad Alrajhi

Chelsea Road

Gift Box




Yousef Mohammed Abdulrahman Altareef

Shamrock Star

Gift Box




Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani






Ibrahim Muhammad Rashid

Patience Love

Global Campaign




Aldiriyah Stebel

Cookie Cutter





Fahad Nasser M. Algeraini

Bamboo Dream









Good Samaritan




Good Samaritan








Great White Eagle






























Abdulaziz Ahmed Alyahya Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel Aljiad Stable Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Ali Ibrahim Mohammed Al Wulayi Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Nasser Abdurahman Alrashed Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons Sultan Odaib Aldhufairy Manea Yahya Saleh Al Zamanan

Solo Artist Little Sweet Fight Girl FUNNY MONEY Lae Oyoun Alhadhan Ana Misk Waed Alshamal Thumamah (Usa) Frosted Candy Lady Shama Sally Red

Abdulaziz Ahmed Alyahya

Touch Of Grace

Hard Spun


Aljiad Stable

She's A Rainbow

Hard Spun




Faris Yassin Mubarrad Alshammari

Waterway Run

Hard Spun




Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem


Harry Angel




Adil Masfer Alatawi

Eden's Storm





Adil Masfer Alatawi






Farees Robaah Aldahasai

Wish Keeper





Bakr Abdullah S. Alotaibi

Saxa Gogo





Adil Masfer Alatawi

Gold Indy





Regal Melody





Lady Najd





Tamken Racing Stable

Grand Portege

Higher Power




Faisal Mohammed Aljadhai Alqahtani

Unreal Baby

Higher Power




Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi

Chick Chascr

Higher Power




Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan


Hit It A Bomb




Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel

Love To Gamble

Honest Mischief




Unique Ride

Honor A P




Honor A.P.
























Instilled Regard












Invincible Army




Jameel A/Kareem Ghassal Mohamad Ibrahim Al-Rasheed

Saad Ben Hamad Al-Sulaiman Sons Faisal Bin Muhammad Aljadhai Alqahtani Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Faisal Abdul Karim Mufdi Alajmi Faisal Abdul Karim Mufdi Alajmi Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Majid Mohammed Abdullah Alabdulkarim Ibrahem M. Alhazaa Azz Alnshama Stable Yousef Mohammed Abdulrahman Altareef

E Classic Split It Hatoof Keep It A Secret Walking Path Money For Mama Hung The Moon Ghayat Aljood Zeyaadah Poplar Close

- 13 -

Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Royal Moses





Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Dixie Stamp





Crystal Avalanche

Jimmy Creed




Heir Apparent










Vegas Palace










Khalid Saud H. Alqurashi

Bint Moonbow





Mohd Saami Alhoraabi


































Keen Ice




Kitten's Joy



Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani

Lovely Island Erin Enchanted Erin Enchanted

209 150



Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani

Fine Linen





Alfudai Mubarak M. Alsubai

Girl Code





Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi

Top Trick





Ali Ibrahim Mohammed Al Wulayi


Lahad (Usa)




Faisal Abdul Karim Mufdi Alajmi

Leah's Secret





Bandar Nasser M Alajmi


Life Imitates Art




Snytan Dari Alferm Sons

Queen Of Jumeirah

Macho Macho




Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi


Macho Macho




Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem

Sing Dixie Sing

Macho Macho




Faisal Hilal Alshaibani

Najmat Najd

Macho Macho




Faisal Faris R Alsubiei

Wynning Is Sweet

Macho Macho




Mohammed Abdullah A Almasudi

Lioness Lahr

Macho Macho




Hatim Zaben Alselais


Macho Macho




Alexander Loyalty

Macho Macho




Macho Macho




Macho Macho




Macho Macho




Maclean ' S Music




Magna Grecia






























Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Saad Madhesh M. Alsaube Alsahaly Alghamaah Stable Sultan Barman F. Alajmi Salauel Stable

Khalil Ibrahim Ali Padrun Sons Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel Ahmad Abdullah Alabdullatif Aljiad Stable Sutur Stable Faisal Abdul Karim Mufdi Alajmi Sultan S. I. Alghofeili Sama Stabil

Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Judaya Zaal M. Aljohani Mohammad I. H. Almutawa Hadi Jabran Al-Rasheed Sama Stabil Saad Ali Badan Alsubaie Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif Abdulrahman Nasser Abdulrahman Aljahlan Ahmad Abdullah Abdurahman Aloty Faisal Faris R Alsubiei Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel Galayed Alkheel Stable

Almaidiyah Assembly Queen In Waiting Tiztalented Cumbria Trustee Just A Look FROST BITE

Arden Natalie MACADAMIA Maqaased Hanalei Hailey Sagacious Tell Me Everything It Justhithe Write Be My Kitten Fevered Kiss Last Kiss Minesave


Soul Navigator



Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif






Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif

Total Knockout





Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman

- 14 -

Sitka Song

Maximum Security




Safar Of Dhaifallah Sultan Al-Nefaie

Gateway To Gold

Maximus Mischief




Fahad Mohammed Fahad Al-Oraini


Maximus Mischief




Salem Mosaad S. Alsaleem






Faisal Mohammed Aljadhai Alqahtani

Field Of Miracles





Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif

Expect A Kitten





Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif






Ibrahim Muhammad Rashid

Stella Stellina





Muhammad Ibrahim Rashid

Fire On High









Midnight Storm








































Exchange Funds










Mohd Yahya Mohammad Alzamanan

Zhabi Alhijaaz





Khaled Abdulrahman Salem Alharbi

Lisselan Tigress










Khalid Saud H. Alqurashi

Artists Model





Ahmed Abdulla Rashed Alabdullatif

Sister Chelsey

Mo Town




Alkhlaibisse Stable

Gwendalyn Sue

Mo Town




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Sail Away Home

Moon Colony




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Conquest Sorceror

Moon Colony




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh


Moon Colony




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Sweet Baby Jeepers

Moon Colony




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Music Score

Moon Colony




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh


Moon Colony




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh


Moon Colony




Abdullah Bin Saleh Bin Sulaiman Al-Hamad

Perfect Nodouble

More Than Ready




Ann's Gold





Mucho Gusto




Mucho Gusto




Mucho Gusto




Mucho Gusto




Mucho Gusto




Mucho Gusto




Mucho Macho Man




Mucho Macho Man








New Line




Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran

Abdulrahman Nasser Abdulrahman Aljahlan Aljiad Stable Nayef Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Saeed Faisal Abdul Karim Mufdi Alajmi Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif Tamken Racing Stable Adil Masfer Alatawi Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman Nayef Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Saeed Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Satam Abdullah M. Amizani

Alghamaah Stable

Abdullah Fares A. Al Mansour Farees Robaah Aldahasai Faisal Faris R Alsubiei Abdullah A'aydh Almasa'oodi Sons Hamad Mohd. Ibrahim Al-Motawi Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani Nayef Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Saeed Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Saad Farraj G.Alsbaiy

Singavictorysong Coed Kate Taste Of Paradise Bella Joy Our Conquistadora Honey Lake Honeywhiskeynwine Darajah Harlan's Panther Messina Ultimate Prize

Sohaad Slow Gin GREEN GLORY Natetwa Include Edition Alqebtiyah Cat's Garden Speechifying Bella Aurelia Borooq Almajd

- 15 -

Hamad Mohammed S. Al Hawkash


New Line




Saad Mohammed S. Alhamed


New Line




Abdullah Fares A. Al Mansour

Haybat Najraan

New Line




Abdullah Saleh Suleiman Alhamad

Golden Muscade

Not This Time




Fahad Dhaidan Grace Alotaibi

Tough N Trashy





Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi

Fort Afleet





Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem






Yousef Mohammed Abdulrahman Altareef

Mining Gold





Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman

Proud English



















































Abdulrahman Abdullah A Aljebreen Jameel A/Kareem Ghassal Fahd Bin Faihan Almindeel Zayd Jandel Aljandel Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons Fahad Saleh Alghofaili Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan Eiz Alassail Stable Marzoug Nassah H Albogami Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Aldiriyah Stebel

Sahara Lady Invoke Turn By Turn Hajeerah Zahrat Alrabiae Aruban Sandwich Zanoobia Kanani Humble Song Red Velour Passing Shot Tar Hheeb



Strike The Light





Safar Dhaifallah S. Alnefaie


Palace Malice




Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

Divina Luz

Palace Malice




Sama Stabil

Ana Luisa

Palace Malice




Malak Saad A Alabadalmanam

Ready Express

Patriot Act




Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons

She's Stella Marie

Patriot Act




Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons

J Z Now

Patriot Act




Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons

Insiide Retreat

Patriot Act





Patriot Act




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

Premium Flame

Patriot Act




Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani

American Megan





Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir

Suva Harbor





Salman Abdullah R Alsahli

Wooden Nickel





Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir






Adil Masfer Alatawi

Credit Quality

Power Broker




Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan

Granny Ramsey

Power Broker




Power Broker












Premium Tap




Promises Fulfilled
























Aeydi Bin Saad Albqomi Marzouq Naseh Hadri Almarzouqi

Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari

Aeyesh Safar A. Albqomi Radmana Stabie Radmana Stabie Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Abdulaziz Mubarak Faraj Al Faraj Sultan S. I. Alghofeili Aldiriyah Stebel Khaled Assad Joher Aljiad Stable Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif

Martinas Delight Smile Jubilee Diamond Black Tunic Bestpersonalregard BOW TAC Mahbobat Rehaam Bint Lama Safarjal Onza

- 16 -

Abdulaziz Musaed Salem Al-Salem






Saad Farraj G.Alsbaiy

Candy Pass

Roaring Fever




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

Salsa Star

Roaring Fever




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons


Roaring Fever




Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir


Roaring Fever




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

On The Map

Roaring Fever




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons


Roaring Fever




Bandar Nasser M Alajmi

Astorgs Galaxy

Roaring Fever




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons

Lady Bugatti

Roaring Fever




Roaring Fever




Rokon Almeedan




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Rookie Sensation




Omi Diamond

Rookie Sensation









Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab

Sally Grain

Rookie Sensation




Alanoud Ahmed Rajis Alsharafi


Saint Anddan




Abdullah A'aydh Almasa'oodi Sons






Aldiriyah Stebel






Aldiriyah Stebel

Dansetta Light





Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab

Quickie Bird










Musaab Khalid I Alsayari






Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi

Bint Baarqah

Searing Heat




Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi


Searing Heat




Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi


Searing Heat




Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi

Jenaih Althahab

Searing Heat




Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons

Unbridled Birthday

Semper Fortis




Abdulrahman Abdullah Alsaeed Sons


Semper Fortis




Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi


Semper Fortis




Semper Fortis




Semper Fortis




Spanish Steps








Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Nasser Abdurahman Alrashed Abdulrahman Abdullah Alsaeed Sons Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Aja Racing Stabel Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran Sutur Stable Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Hamad A. Alabdullwahab

Saud. Abdurhman. Althanyn

Aljemaheer Stable Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Al Tawil Bander Awad M. Alwadei Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani The Line Racing Stable Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Salman Fahad Alothayanei Mohammed Fawaz Sttaam Alfanadeel Ahmed Alnasir Alshodookhi Sons

I'm So Excited Alkaasrah Hatteras Yes Sir Carlotta Del Sol Quickandquietqueen All Time High Silent Kitty Regal Nurse North Sky Quite Honestly

Our Queenie Oum Alnoor Nasmat Reeh Curl The Pearl Sky Bird Shaleek (Gb) Guelta Active Imagination Bint Indian Blosom Iltimas

- 17 -

Sama Stabil

Smart'n Special

Spring At Last




Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani

Bob's Obsesslon

Spring At Last




Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani

All American Flyer

Spring At Last





Spring At Last




Abdullah Saaleh Saeed Al Mansor


Spring At Last




Hatim Zaben Alselais

Oukht Fajhaan

Spring At Last




Fahd Bin Faihan Almindeel

Side Hill

Spring At Last




Ayidh Sannat S Alshibani


Spring At Last




Shiblat Alsabiyah

Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spring At Last




Spun To Run




Stratford Hill






Sama Stabil

Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi Murdhi Mohammed Muqbil Alshammari Ahmed Sager Alseheel Fahd Muneer Aladhayani Sons Alamthal Estebal Daham Jlyl Bin Mezal Bin Twalah Fahd Muneer Aladhayani Sons Judaya Zaal M. Aljohani Dhaifallah Sultan Bin Omirah Muhammad Ibrahim Rashid The Line Racing Stable

Medium Of Exchange Ma Tataaf Al Bejaadiyah Ghayat Alrooh Ghewailebah Najmt Alhaakim Scarlette Rah Glam Gram Okht Layzoom Infinite Hope Shehanat Abeer

Turki Saleh A. Alotaibi

Thunder Roaring

Stratford Hill


Faisal Saeed Albqumi


Stratford Hill




Jawharat Swiss

Stratford Hill




Musaab Khalid I Alsayari

Champagne Launch

Stratford Hill




Hadi Jabran Al-Rasheed

Bint Mordefah





Muath Fahad S.Alaftan


Sweet Return




Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman

First In Time

Take Charge Indy




Khalid Miteb Bin Amira

Awesome Wild Girl

Tale Of Ekati




Ayman Nasser Hamad Alrajhi

Once Around





Alfudai Mubarak M. Alsubai

Glencoe Girl





Sultan Saleh Saif Al , Atawi

Von Rosenberg





Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi

Viola Blew By





Ahmad Abdullah Alabdullatif

Lil Red Cozette





Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran

Moon Philly





Abdulrahman Abdullah Alsaeed Sons






Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh

My Miss Kallie


























Temple City








The Admiral




The Admiral




The Factor




Time Test




Ehab Abdulfattah Ibrehim Hassan

Alkafeej Stabal Hamad Mohd. Ibrahim Al-Motawi Mohammad I. H. Almutawa Daham Jlyl Bin Mezal Bin Twalah Jameel A/Kareem Ghassal Castle Racing Stable Sama Stabil Sultan Barman F. Alajmi Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani Bander Awad M. Alwadei

Radhiyah Ransy Concealing Zensational Bunny Stormy Exchange Readyandaway Honeypenny Albrowniyah Molly O'shea Summer Bilberry

- 18 -

Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel


Tom's D'etat




Sultan Muhammad Bajran Bin Khayyat


Tom's D'etat




Khaled Abdulrahman Salem Alharbi


Top Music





Top Music





Tranquil Manner




Piazza Navona

Twilight Son




Tamken Racing Stable

Hot N Sour

Twirling Candy




Hamad A. Alabdullwahab






Ibrahim Khalil S Alanazi

Jail House Money

Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa








Two Step Salsa




Two Step Salsa








Union Rags







Jamal Aeied Surour Alotaibi Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem

Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif Hamad A. Alabdullwahab Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Abdullah Ibrahym Alabdalwahab Moutib Thwab A. Almluah Abdulrahman Nasser Abdulrahman Aljahlan Abdulrahman Abdulla Abdulaziz AlMakhdoub

Sterling J Consuela Fate The Pocket Dot Chenin Blanco Linda TAP N AWAY Five Bells Dynaqueen Red Turban Cruzin On In Engaginglee

Union Rags

Mohammad Jafin M. Alsobaie Sons

Lead Along

Union Rags




Abdulaziz Ahmed Alyahya

Coco Cookics

Union Rags




Adil Masfer Alatawi

Forever Discreet

Vino Rosso




Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan

Starlight Magic

Vino Rosso




Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani

Beth Ann's Kitten

Vino Rosso




Sultan Saleh Saif Al , Atawi


Vino Rosso




Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani






Abdullah Saleh Suleiman Alhamad


War Of Will




Salman Fahad Alothayanei

Ten K Cat

West Coast




Adil Masfer Alatawi

Honey Ride

West Coast




Faisal Mohammed A Alqahtani

Bill's Presence

World Of Trouble




Ra Aebiyat Makkah





























Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani Abdulrahman Khalid A. Alfarhan Stibul Alfakar Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Marzouq Naseh Hadri Almarzouqi

Siba Al Aez Arraaqah Aebeer Alshooq Shaksiah Obooq Smittenwithkitten

- 19 -

- 20 -



Uearlings numbers






















- 21 -

- 22 -

Day One Commencing 5:00pm Lots 1-74

Sunday 26th November

- 23 -



Into Mischief (USA) A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) February 19th, 2022


Owner: Aldiriyah Stebel

Goldencents (USA) Golden Works (CAN) Cookie Cutter (USA) (2013)

Cowtown Cat (USA) Sanibel Sole (USA)

Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Banker's Gold (USA) Body Works (CAN) Distorted Humor (USA) Tom's Cat (USA) Miswaki (USA) Sole (USA)

GOLDENCENTS (USA), 2010. Won 7 races, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.2, Sham Stakes, Gr.3 and Delta Downs Jackpot Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GOING TO VEGAS (USA), (Gr.1), PHANTOM CURRENCY (USA), (Gr.2), BY MY STANDARDS (USA), (Gr.2), THAT'S RIGHT (USA), (Gr.3), WILDMAN JACK (USA), (Gr.3), MR MONEY (USA), (Gr.3), DR G (USA), (L.), LATOUR CENT (CHI), (L.), NOCENTSINKENTUCKY (USA), (L.), NEWSTOME (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam COOKIE CUTTER (USA), placed 4 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizTWO COOKIE RULE (USA) (2018 c. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £71,820 and placed 16 times. TAKE CHARGE LISA (USA) (2019 f. by Will Take Charge (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £16,296 and placed 3 times. 2nd Dam SANIBEL SOLE (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSWEET BELLE (USA) (f. by Deputy Commander (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £159,636 including Swingtime Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Paseana Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Las Madrinas Handicap, Fairplex Park, L. and third in Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of winners. FACT FINDING (USA), won Smooth Air Stakes, Gulfstream Park. SOLE OF THE CITY (USA) (f. by Salt Lake (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. and £152,530 including Prairie Rose Stakes, Prairie Meadows, placed second in Hoist Her Flag Stakes, Canterbury Downs and third in Saylorville Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.; dam of winners. House of Sole (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pan Zareta Stakes, Fair Grounds and Dream Supreme Stakes, Churchill Downs. Sanibel Sunset (USA) (f. by Islefaxyou (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £87,939 and placed second in Pleasanton Senorita Stakes, Pleasanton; dam of winners. 3rd Dam SOLE (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingRELATO DEL GATO (USA) (c. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Phoenix Gold Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, L., placed second in Morvich Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Pirate's Bounty Handicap, Del Mar, L.R.; sire. EXPENSIVE SLEW (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Suthern Accent Stakes, Louisiana Downs, American Beauty Handicap, Oaklawn Park and San Felipe Handicap, Sam Houston; dam of a winner. Remiss (USA) (f. by Summer Squall (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Gold Rush Casey (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Cleveland Kindergarten Stakes, Thistledown, R. and Hoover Stakes, River Downs, R. The next dam GLISK (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingGLOW (USA) (c. by Northern Dancer), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Saranac Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Ryland Group Maryland Turf Handicap, Laurel, L., placed second in Arlington Classic Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1 and Lexington Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. LUSTRA (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Thanksgiving Day Handicap, Hawthorne, L.; sire. Wink (USA) (f. by Forli (ARG)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Ebbisham Handicap, Epsom, L.; dam of winners. Dwell (USA), 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Remembrance Day Stakes, Doncaster, L.; dam of MISRAAH (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years including Porcelanosa Sprint, Sandown, L., placed third in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, DOOWALEY (IRE), 7 races in Italy including Premio W. W. F., Rome, L.; sire, QUICK ACTION (IRE), Champion sprinter in Hong Kong in 1996-97, 8 races in Hong Kong including Chairman's Prize, Sha Tin, L. and Centenary Cup, Sha Tin, L. Glister (USA), unraced; dam of GLEAMING SKY (SAF), won The Oaks, Scottsville, Gr.2, Sharp Electronics Trial, Clairwood, Gr.3.




Owner: Farees Robaah Aldahasai Mucho Macho Man (USA) Mucho Gusto (USA) Itsagiantcauseway (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 2nd, 2022 Sohaad (KSA) (2011)

Official Visit (USA) Bint Alharraq (KSA)


Macho Uno (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Countervail (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Blue Burner (USA) Lucy's Glory (USA)

MUCHO GUSTO (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Gr.3, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Gr.3 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SOHAAD (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 3 times; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age(2021 f. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam BINT ALHARRAQ (KSA), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSHA AEM (KSA) (c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £181,112. AL AETAM (KSA) (c. by Kappa (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £42,479. SOHAAD (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam LUCY'S GLORY (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Astoria Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, third in Gardenia Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.2, Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and fourth in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizCadillac Mountain (USA) (f. by Trempolino (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Frances Slocum Stakes, Hoosier Park, R.; dam of winners. JUSTICIADOR (USA), winner abroad. BOOTSCUTENBOGE (USA), winner in U.S.A. VALUETEMPO (USA), winner in U.S.A. SPRINT TO GLORY (USA) (f. by Fast Gold (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. JOHN WILLIAM (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. FOUR SOCKS (USA), winner in U.S.A. LUCY'S MONARCH (USA) (f. by Wavering Monarch (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. ROCKLAND HARBOR (USA) (f. by Trempolino (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Shelby (USA) (f. by Mining (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. MR DIAMOND (USA), winner in U.S.A. The next dam ROTARY GAL (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 6 foals of racing age vizLUCY'S GLORY (USA) (f. by Minstrel Glory (USA)), see above.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 1st, 2022

Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA) Latenightrequest (GB) (2011)

Major Cadeaux (GB) Love Quest (GB)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Cadeaux Genereux Maine Lobster (USA) Pursuit of Love (GB) Sky Red (GB)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam Latenightrequest (GB), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years and £70,870 and placed 5 times including second in Gillies Stakes, Doncaster, L.; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizDarnaah (KSA) (2021 c. by Haynesfield (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam LOVE QUEST (GB), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLatenightrequest (GB) (f. by Major Cadeaux (GB)), see above. LA ZAMORA (GB) (f. by Lujain (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. PERFECT QUEST (GB) (f. by Bushranger (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years and £16,252 and placed 6 times; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam SKY RED (GB), won 3 races at 3 years and placed 4 times; Own sister to SHOALHAVEN (GB) and Night Haven (GB); dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingOrpen Grey (IRE)/Able Grey (IRE) (g. by Orpen (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed second in July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. 4th Dam NOBLE HAVEN, won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSHOALHAVEN (GB) (c. by Night Shift (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in France and in U.A.E. including Prix de la Vallée d'Auge, Deauville, L. Night Haven (GB) (f. by Night Shift (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Summer Stakes, York, L.; dam of winners. ROSA GRACE (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Ballymacoll Stud Stakes, Newbury, L., second in Lake Placid Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; dam of Jewel In My Crown (GB), 6 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 and third in Rothesay Stakes, Ayr, L. Secret Night (GB), 4 races, second in Eternal Stakes, Warwick, L.; grandam of Tacarib Bay (GB), 2 races and placed second in Superior Mile, Haydock, Gr.3. EASTERN DESTINY (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years; dam of Montatham (GB), 5 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Fortune Stakes, Sandown, L., Troubador (IRE), 4 races at 2 years and placed second in Two Year Old Trophy, Redcar, L. The next dam INTO HARBOUR, ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingNIGHT AT SEA (f. by Night Shift (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Trafalgar House Sprint, Sandown, L.; dam of winners. Vikings Bay (GB), 2 races at 2 years and second in Hill Rise Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Midnight Angel (GB), unraced; dam of DARK ANGEL (IRE), 4 races at 2 years including Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2; sire, ANGEL'S PURSUIT (IRE), 5 races at 2 to 4 years including Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2. Capitainerie (c. by Captain James), won 7 races in France and placed third in Gran Premio Citta di Torino, Turin, Gr.3. Majestic Monarch (g. by Ballad Rock), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years and placed third in Ballymacoy Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Ballysnip (f. by Ballymore), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. BALLYLOOP (IRE), won MacDonagh Boland Stakes, Curragh, L. Bally Pride (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Rockingham Stakes, York, L. and third in Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2. RINCE ABHANN (IRE), 2 races at 4 years; grandam of ILDIR BEYI (IRE), 11 races abroad including Tyay Ve Sah Der, Veliefendi, L. and Tay Deneme, Veliefendi, L.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif Tapit (USA) Closing Bell (USA) Rehear (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 3rd, 2022 Miss Catalyst (USA) (2006)

Mr Greeley (USA) Key to the Cat (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chief Appeal (USA) Gone West (USA) Long Legend (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Key To Paradise (CAN)

CLOSING BELL (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dueling Grounds Derby, second in Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Bryan Station Stakes and third in Muniz Memorial Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MAHBOBAT HUSSAIN (KSA), ALFRAYNY (KSA), ATSHAH (KSA). 1st Dam MISS CATALYST (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £122,441 including Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed 5 times including second in Riskaverse Stakes, Saratoga; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBATTLE READY (USA) (2014 g. by Union Rags (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £111,921 and placed 12 times. FOREVERNOA (USA) (2017 f. by Constitution (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £88,683 and placed 4 times. SUIT OF ARMOR (USA) (2018 g. by Frosted (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £49,621 and placed 7 times. LAND AND SEA (USA) (2016 f. by Declaration of War (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed once. Queen Pauline (USA) (2013 f. by Tapit (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner vizQUEEN OF CLASS (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Ten Coins (USA) (2012 f. by Indian Charlie (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,482; dam of 2 winners vizCOLOROFACLOUD (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. GRAND MANNER (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. (2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)). 2nd Dam KEY TO THE CAT (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £76,460 including Katy Stakes, Sam Houston, placed second in Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park, L. and third in Marie P Debartalo Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L.; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMISS CATALYST (USA) (f. by Mr Greeley (USA)), see above. KEYSONG (USA) (f. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £16,950; dam of winners. EDIT (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Our Circle of Love (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Garland of Roses Stakes, Aqueduct, L. 3rd Dam Key To Paradise (CAN), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingFOR PETE'S SAKE (CAN) (g. by Clever Trick (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Kentuckiana Stakes, Ellis Park, L., Elgin Stakes, Woodbine, L. (twice), Paterson Handicap, Meadowlands, placed second in Eclipse Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, Elgin Stakes, Woodbine, L., Durham Cup Handicap, Woodbine, L. and third in Kelso Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Autumn Handicap, Woodbine, L. (twice) KEY TO THE CAT (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), see above. Dixie Paradise (USA) (f. by Dixie Union (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Flagship Shine (AUS)/Win Dixie (AUS), winner in Hong Kong and placed third in BOCHK Management Jockey Club Sprint, Sha Tin, Gr.2. DIXIE'S COMET (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of GOLDEN MONKEY (AUS), won Singapore Derby, Kranji, L., Stewards' Cup, Kranji, L., Singapore 3yo Classic, Kranji, L., Singapore 3yo Sprint, Kranji, L., second in Lion City Cup, Kranji, L., Ew Barker Trophy, Kranji, L., Silver Bowl, Kranji, L. and third in Lion City Cup, Kranji, L. The next dam PAM'S PARADISE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSHINY KEY (CAN) (g. by Key To The Moon (CAN)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Niagara Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Connaught Cup Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R., Jockey Club Cup Handicap, Woodbine, L., Bunty Lawless Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Eden Ridge (CAN) (f. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; grandam of PARADISE DANCER (USA), won Kenny Noe Jr. Handicap, Calder, Gr.3.




Awesome Again (CAN) ALSULTAN (USA) April 1st, 2022 A Bay or Brown Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Paynter (USA) Tizso (USA) American Megan (USA) (2005)

Quiet American (USA) Megan's Leprechaun (USA)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Primal Force (USA) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Cee's Song (USA) Fappiano (USA) Demure (USA) Green Dancer (USA) Alyfable (USA)

PAYNTER (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, second in Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, San Diego Handicap, Gr.2 and The Cliff's Edge Derby Trial Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of KNICKS GO (USA), (Gr.1), MISS LESLIE (USA), (Gr.2), LAZY DAISY (USA), (Gr.2), HARPERS FIRST RIDE (USA), (Gr.3), MS PEINTOUR (USA), (Gr.3), PAYNTDEMBLUESAWAY (USA), (L.), FIGURE IT OUT (USA), (L.R.), DOLCE ISA (USA), (L.), QUEEN OF GOD (USA), (L.), RING LEADER (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam AMERICAN MEGAN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,083 and placed 4 times; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizSECRET ROSE (USA) (2015 f. by Justin Phillip (USA)), won 22 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and abroad including Clasico Vuelve Candy B, Camarero Race Track, Gr.3 placed 18 times including second in Clasico Dia de la Raza, Camarero Race Track, Gr.3. and Clasico Vuelve Candy B, Camarero Race Track, Gr.3. CURIOUSNCURIOUSER (USA) (2014 f. by Trappe Shot (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £126,760 and placed 6 times. MAJESTIC MEGAN (USA) (2013 f. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £58,580 and placed 5 times. AMERICAN BIZ (USA) (2016 f. by Fed Biz (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £26,882 and placed 7 times. ITS MY BAG BABY (USA) (2017 c. by Fed Biz (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £55,955 and placed 6 times. C F V WICKED RED (USA) (2018 c. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £33,661 and placed 6 times. PAPA CHARLES (USA) (2019 c. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £26,114 and placed 11 times. QUIET RULER (USA) (2011 c. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £84,625 and placed twice. MEGHAN W (USA) (2010 f. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £16,782 and placed once; dam of 3 winners. Nelly Too (USA) (2020 f. by Klimt (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Lisa's The Boss (USA) (2012 f. by Street Boss (USA)), placed once at 4 years in U.S.A. 2nd Dam MEGAN'S LEPRECHAUN (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £61,713 including Lakeway Stakes, Retama Park, second in Walmac International Lone Star Oaks, Lone Star Park, L.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingBELLA CANTU (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Boyett (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Longacres Mile H., Emerald Downs, Gr.3. 3rd Dam ALYFABLE (USA), unraced; Own sister to Haiati (USA); dam of six winners from 6 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMEGAN'S LEPRECHAUN (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), see above. The next dam NORTHERN FABLE (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Palomar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Torrey Pines Stakes, Del Mar, placed second in Linda Vista Handicap, Oak Tree, Gr.3 and third in Las Palmas Handicap, Oak Tree, Gr.3 and El Encino Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingHaiati (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 4 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.2, Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of winners. HALEAKALA (IRE), 3 races at home and in U.S.A. including Bug Brush Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; third dam of INTI (JPN), won February Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.1. OIL FABLE (USA) (f. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CARA RAFAELA (USA), won Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of BERNARDINI (USA), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2006, won Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1; sire; grandam of LOVE AND PRIDE (USA), won Zenyatta Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Personal Ensign Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1.




Owner: Salman Fahad Alothayanei War Front (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 10th, 2022

Commend (USA) Praise (USA) Kate C (USA) (2006)

Mineshaft (USA) Cecilia's Crown (USA)


Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Wild Applause (USA) A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Chief's Crown (USA) Chief Mistress (USA)

COMMEND (USA), 2013. Won 3 races and second in Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint Stakes, Gr.3 and Quick Call Stakes, L. Sire of FAKHR ALENAYA (KSA), DIJITAL (KSA), MOSSTAWOEABAH (KSA), HOUR ALENAYA (KSA). 1st Dam KATE C (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £50,476 and placed 9 times; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizSAMBROOK EDGE (USA) (2013 g. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and abroad and £66,635 and placed 12 times. TRAPPED AT SEA (USA) (2015 f. by Trappe Shot (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £67,876 and placed 8 times. NATIVE CROSS (USA) (2017 c. by Verrazano (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in Dominican Republic. GIA MAMA MIA (USA) (2014 f. by Gio Ponti (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £28,758 and placed 4 times. Mazaareq Altayeb (KSA) (2020 c. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,697. (2021 f. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam Cecilia's Crown (USA), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £110,128 and placed third in Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPRINCESS CECILIA (USA) (f. by Sharp Humor (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £110,501 including Div. of Tourism Breeders' Classic Stakes, Charles Town, L.R., Eleanor Casey Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R., WV Triple Crown Nutrition Classic Stakes, Charles Town, R., placed second in Sylvia Bishop Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R.; dam of winners. Capital Attraction (USA) (g. by Speightstown (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 7 years at home and in U.A.E. and £199,054 and placed second in Emirates Holidays Burj Nahaar, Meydan, Gr.3 and third in Emirates Holidays Burj Nahaar, Meydan, Gr.3 and Jebel Ali Mile, Jebel Ali, Gr.3. 3rd Dam CHIEF MISTRESS (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Truly Bound Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBarney's Mistress (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Lady Hallie Handicap, Hawthorne, L. and third in Prairie Meadows Oaks, Prairie Meadows, L.; dam of winners. DEPUTIFORMER (CAN), won Cup and Saucer Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., John Henry Stakes, Evangeline Downs, third in Coronation Futurity Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Secret Union (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Road Princess Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of Longclaw (USA), winner to 2023 and placed third in Gainesway Juvenile Stakes, Kentucky Downs. Chief Meadowlake (USA) (c. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 8 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Prairie Bayou Stakes, Turf Paradise, L. Daisy Mountain (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), won 3 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Winnipeg Sun Stakes, Assiniboia Downs; dam of winners. COURTING DELILAH (USA) (f. by Flower Alley (USA)), 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Avanti Leah (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs. Tricky Mistress (USA) (f. by Clever Trick (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SHKSPEARE SHALIYAH (USA), won Pilgrim Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Montserrat Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and third in Sunshine Millions Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R. The next dam MAIN CHANCE (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMAIN QUEST (USA) (c. by Norquestor (CAN)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Maryland Million Starter Handicap, Laurel, placed third in Jennings Handicap, Pimlico, L.R. (twice), Loser Weeper Stakes, Pimlico and Montbrook Stakes, Laurel.




Owner: Sultan Odaib Aldhufairy City Zip (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 5th, 2022

Hailstone (USA) Weekend Storm (USA) Lady Shama (FR) (2010)

Linngari (IRE) Freak Out (FR)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Weekend Surprise (USA) Indian Ridge Lidakiya (IRE) Bering Aegina (USA)

HAILSTONE (USA), 2007. Won 2 races and second in Pan American Stakes, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Sky Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Nijinsky Stakes, Gr.2 and John's Call Stakes, L.R. Sire of MOJTAHAH (KSA), ALFOHAYDY (KSA), LA'AJL THATEE (KSA), WAHBAT ALMANNAN (KSA), SHIBLAT HAILSTONE (KSA), OUM ALNAYASHEEN (KSA), HAYEB (KSA), BENDAAR (KSA), KANNAAN (KSA), ENAYAT ALDAYM (KSA), REDA ALBARI (KSA). 1st Dam LADY SHAMA (FR), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2020 c. by Bandini (USA)). 2nd Dam FREAK OUT (FR), won 3 races at 3 years in France and £34,039 and placed 10 times; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizLaygirl (FR) (f. by Layman (USA)), won 5 races at 4, 5 and 7 years in France and abroad and £75,850 and placed second in Prix Bertrand du Breuil Longines, Chantilly, Gr.3. POLIAKOVA (IRE) (f. by Poliglote (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and £44,013 and placed 7 times; dam of a winner. PRINCESSE POLIA (FR), 1 race at 3 years in France and £16,034 and placed 6 times. HIGH FREQUENCY (IRE) (g. by Grand Lodge (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years and placed 8 times. SPERY DAY (FR) (f. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in Italy; dam of a winner. SPERY VALLEY (ITY), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 11 times. LODGINA (IRE) (f. by Grand Lodge (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France. 3rd Dam AEGINA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizCAPTAIN BEEFHEART (FR) (g. by Take Risks (FR)), won 3 races at 4 years in France. FREAK OUT (FR) (f. by Bering), see above. 4th Dam Trojan Miss, won 1 race at 2 years and placed 5 times including third in Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L.; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingTROJAN SEA (USA) (c. by Bering), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in France including Prix Jacques de Brémond, Vichy, L., placed second in Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix Altipan, Saint-Cloud, L. and third in Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3. Chronos (IRE) (c. by Spectrum (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France and placed 7 times including third in Prix du Lys, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. True Bearing (USA) (c. by Bering), won 6 races in France and placed second in G.P.du Conseil General de Seine et Marne, Fontainebleau, L., Prix Lovelace, Evry, L., Prix de Saint Patrick, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Prix de Tourgéville, Deauville, L. Infiltrate (IRE) (f. by Bering), placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of winners. Celtus (FR), 1 race at 2 years in France and placed once; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years viz third in Dovecote Novices' Hurdle, Kempton, Gr.2 and placed once over fences at 4 years; also 3 races over jumps at 3 and 4 years in France. The next dam SALLY ROSE, won 3 races at 3 years; Own sister to DEMETRIUS; dam of eight winners from 14 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingPRAIRIE (c. by Posse (USA)), won 8 races in France, in Italy and in Sweden including Premio Alessandro Sambruna, Milan, L., placed second in SARA Open Sprint - Veckans Komb, Taby, L. and third in Taby Open Championship, Taby, L. (twice); sire. Trojan Miss (f. by Troy), see above. Rose Tint (IRE) (f. by Salse (USA)), ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. ROSE HIP (IRE), 5 races at 4 to 6 years including Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed 11 times including third in D.C. Lavarack & Lanwades Stud Stakes, Gowran Park, Gr.3 and Amethyst Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Isabella Rose (IRE), unraced; dam of Strong Johnson (IRE), 7 races at 3 to 7 years, 2023 and placed 12 times including third in Mercury Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3.




Owner: Sultan Muhammad Bin Khayyat Smart Strike (CAN)

TOM'S TOO (USA) April 8th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Tom's d'Etat (USA) Julia Tuttle (USA) Saritta (USA) (2013)

Indygo Shiner (USA) Hard Lesson (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Giant's Causeway (USA) Candy Cane (ARG) A P Indy (USA) Navarra (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Hard to Copy (USA)

TOM'S D'ETAT (USA), 2013. Won 11 races, Norton Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Stephen Foster Stakes, Gr.2, Hagyard Fayette Stakes, Gr.2, Alydar Stakes, L.R., Oaklawn Mile Stakes, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SARITTA (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £54,461 including Happy Ticket Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMANDREW (USA) (2018 c. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £20,051 and placed 5 times. Fantasist (USA) (2020 c. by Always Dreaming (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2022. Rita's Revenge (USA) (2021 f. by Always Dreaming (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam HARD LESSON (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSARITTA (USA) (f. by Indygo Shiner (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam HARD TO COPY (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingAndover Lady (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Pebbles Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. CALLED TO SERVE (USA), won Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Broad Brush Stakes, Laurel, L., placed third in Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. LOOKALIKE (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wolfof Vancouver (CAN), winner to 2022 in Sweden and placed second in Spring Mile, Jagersro, L. and third in Pramms Memorial, Jagersro, L. Zarzuela (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FREE AND READY (USA), winner in Argentina and in U.S.A.; dam of VOY POR VOS (ARG), won Clasico Jose Pedro Ramirez, La Plata, Gr.3. FAST READ (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Agilion (USA), winner in U.S.A.,second in East View Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Joseph A Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Aristie Stakes, Saratoga, L.R., third in Our Shopping Spree Stakes, Aqueduct, L. Teton National (USA) (f. by Forestry (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. BRIDGEHAMPTON (USA), won My Juliet Stakes, Parx Racing, L., placed second in Victory Ride Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of AMUNDSON (USA), won Hollie Hughes Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Winners Laugh (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Commentator Stakes, Belmont Park, R. STORMY NOVEL (USA), won Miss Woodford Stakes, Monmouth Park. Spoken Not Broken (USA), unraced; dam of Eloquent Speaker (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in La Verdad Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Ederle (USA) (f. by English Channel (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TIO GANGUE (USA), won C. Agustin Mercado Reveron, Camarero Race Track, L. The next dam HOT NOVEL (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, B Thoughtful Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Moccasin Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBEHRENS (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 9 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 (twice), Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, second in Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. Delius (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed third in September Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3; sire. NOVEL ENCOUNTER (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HYDROGEN (USA), won Stymie Handicap, Aqueduct, L. Texas Tammy (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. COWBOY CAL (USA), won Oak Tree Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Pasqual Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali A P Indy (USA) Worldly (USA) Urbane (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 29th, 2022 Ra Aebiyat Makkah (KSA) (2014)

Ahraar (USA) Carillon (IRE)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Gulch (USA) Saffaanh (USA) Desert Prince (IRE) Steeple (GB)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam RA AEBIYAT MAKKAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 2 foals of racing age(2020 c. by Qaatef (IRE)). (2021 c. by Olmodavor (USA)). 2nd Dam CARILLON (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and £14,676 and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingABO LAAH (KSA) (c. by Worldly (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £115,640. 3rd Dam STEEPLE (GB), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed 5 times; dam of five winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingROYAL PUCK'R (FR) (g. by Bering), won 4 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in France and placed 18 times. ARTURIUS (IRE) (g. by Anabaa (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years and placed twice. POSITIVE VIBES (GB) (g. by Nayef (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times. HUNTING COUNTRY (GB) (g. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 5 times. The next dam CONTRALTO, won 2 races at 2 years and placed once; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingENHARMONIC (USA) (c. by Diesis), won 7 races at home, in West Germany and abroad including Diomed Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3, Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Ostermann Pokal, Cologne, Gr.3, City of York Stakes, York, L., Premio Gobierno Vasco, Lasarte, L., placed second in Grosser Preis der Dortmunder Wirtschaft, Dortmund, Gr.3; sire. SOPRANO (f. by Kris), won 3 races including Atalanta Stakes, Sandown, L., International Fillies Stakes, Kempton, L., second in Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, L. and third in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of winners. ZENITH (GB), 1 race at 2 years; dam of Spinning Top (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L., from only 3 starts; grandam of MUSICAL COMEDY (GB), 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, L. and Woodlands Stakes, Naas, L.; third dam of KING'S LYNN (GB), 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2022 including Temple Stakes, Haydock, Gr.2, Wentworth Stakes, Doncaster, L., Achilles Stakes, Haydock, L., placed second in Bengough Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, COLLINSBAY (GB), 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in Italy including Premio Tudini, Rome, Gr.3, Criterium Di Pisa, Pisa, L. Son Et Lumiere, ran a few times at 3 years; dam of Sonatina (GB), 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Thoroughbred Stakes, Goodwood, L. Shamisen (GB) (f. by Diesis), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2; dam of winners. MEMBERSHIP (USA), won Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Guisborough Stakes, Redcar, L., placed second in King Charles II Stakes, Newmarket, L., International Trial Stakes, Lingfield, L., Harry Rosebery Stakes, Ayr, L. and third in Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2. CREAM TEASE (GB) (f. by Pursuit of Love (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. Treat (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1. French Flirt (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of Symbolize (IRE), 2 races and placed third in Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2 and Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3.




Owner: Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran

Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 6th, 2022 Divine County (USA) (2011)

Divine Park (USA) Henderson Band (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Chester House (USA) High In The Park (USA) Chimes Band (USA) Miss Henderson Co (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam DIVINE COUNTY (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizSHE'S DIVINE (USA) (2016 f. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £155,251 and placed 14 times. MRS NUSHI (USA) (2019 f. by Mark Valeski (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £62,485 and placed 8 times. LAND OR SEA (USA) (2015 f. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,796 and placed 4 times. (2020 f. by American Freedom (USA)). 2nd Dam HENDERSON BAND (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingCASH INCLUDED (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £178,398 including Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, placed third in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. Great Family (USA) (f. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. DONA MUSSETTA (USA), won Clasico Isaac y Samuel Jimenez, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., C.Francisco Arias Paredes y A. Espinosa, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., placed second in Clasico Dia de la Madre, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Clasico Bartolome Mafla Herrera, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. and third in Clasico Dia de la Madre, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. and Clasico Isaac Sam Jimenez, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. BACKTOHISROOTS (USA), won Atlantic Beach Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Lucky Coin Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. and Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, L. Alcindoro (USA), winner abroad and placed second in C.Alfredo Benavides y A. B. Diez Canseco, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. and third in Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2 (twice), Clasico Independencia, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico La Copa, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Enrique Meiggs, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2. Turtle Trax (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Suncoast Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and third in Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. West Kentucky (USA) (f. by Yankee Victor (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FOREVER JUANITO (USA), won Desert Code Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Clocker's Corner Stakes, Santa Anita, R., Wickerr Stakes, Del Mar, R., Uniformity Stakes, Santa Anita and third in Affirmed Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Faccia Bella (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Christiana Stakes, Delaware Park. 3rd Dam MISS HENDERSON CO (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to LIKE A HAWK (USA); dam of five winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLORD FLASHEART (USA) (c. by Blush Rambler (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2, Prix de Condé, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L. and third in Sunset Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Bouche Bee (USA) (f. by Naevus (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years and placed second in Prix de Saint Georges, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and third in Prix Jacques de Brémond, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of winners. King Dan (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, Evangeline Mile Handicap, Evangeline Downs, L. Lake Lugano (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Green Oaks, Delta Downs, L. AFFIRM MISS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; third dam of VICTORINE (FR), won Prix Mélisande, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L. HITCH VILLAGE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of THE IMPORTANT ONE (USA), won Iroquois Stakes, Belmont Park, R.




Boundary (USA) A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 20th, 2022


Owner: Sutur Stable

Big Brown (USA) Mien (USA) Saratoga Music (USA) (2014)

Maclean's Music (USA) Mystery Girl (USA)

Danzig (USA) Edge (USA) Nureyev (USA) Miasma (USA) Distorted Humor (USA) Forest Music (USA) Stormy Atlantic (USA) A B C Amanda (USA)

BIG BROWN (USA), 2005. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008. Won 7 races, Haskell Invitational, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, Florida Derby, Gr.1 and Monmouth Stakes, L. Sire of DORTMUND (USA), (Gr.1), SOMELIKEITHOTBROWN (USA), (Gr.2), KISS TO REMEMBER (USA), (Gr.2), COACH INGE (USA), (Gr.2), SEND IT IN (USA), (Gr.3), NANCY (AUS), (Gr.3), DAWNIE PERFECT (AUS), (Gr.3), BIG WILDCAT (USA), (Gr.3), DARWIN (USA), (Gr.3), BROWN BEN (AUS), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SARATOGA MUSIC (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizFULL AHEAD (USA) (2019 c. by Astern (AUS)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £19,014 and placed once. Saratogabattlecry (USA) (2018 c. by War Dancer (USA)), placed once at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. U Two M B (USA) (2021 c. by Mitole (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam Mystery Girl (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £78,993 and placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and third in Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizArgyle Cut (USA) (c. by Harlington (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £110,298 and placed second in Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate, L., Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, R. and Singletary Stakes, Santa Anita. HARLOT'S MYSTERY (USA) (f. by Harlington (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,485. WOODSTOCK MEMORY (USA) (c. by Misremembered (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £52,296. 3rd Dam A B C AMANDA (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizMystery Girl (USA) (f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), see above. MOMENTS NOTIZ (USA) (c. by Tiznow (USA)), won 27 races in U.S.A. ITSNOTTHERIGHT (USA) (c. by Johannesburg (USA)), won 10 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. PUT UP OR (USA) (c. by Put It Back (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. COW CREEK CAT (USA) (f. by Three Wonders (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. SPELL CHECK (USA) (f. by Put It Back (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. JULIET FOXTROT (USA) (f. by Paddy O'Prado (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. AMERANCE FASHION (USA) (f. by Old Fashioned (USA)), won 2 races in Republic of Korea. Pass That Bottle (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TIDDLY (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. SUSPECT THE WORST (USA), winner in U.S.A. TALE OF TRUTH (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 4th Dam Amandari (USA), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; dam of 1 runner from 4 living foals of racing ageA B C Amanda (USA) (f. by Alphabet Soup (USA)), see above. The next dam AMAPOLA (BRZ), won 4 races in Brazil and in U.S.A. including Country Queen Stakes, Hollywood Park, placed second in Grande Premio Jose Guathemozin Nogueira, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAmandari (USA) (f. by Saratoga Six (USA)), see above.




Owner: Saad Farraj G.Alsbaiy Storm Cat (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 8th, 2022

Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Candy Pass (USA) (2008)

Candy Ride (ARG) Fortunate Pass (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Fortunate Prospect (USA) Pass The Mums (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam CANDY PASS (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,868 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTAFTAKHER (KSA) (2015 f. by Article of Faith (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,221 and placed 3 times. Ghala Reema (KSA) (2020 f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam FORTUNATE PASS (USA), won 15 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £139,415; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingMr Jareb (USA) (c. by Yankee Gentleman (USA)), won 10 races abroad and placed third in Clasico Antinoo, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. 3rd Dam PASS THE MUMS (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of fifteen winners from 16 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingFREEZING DOCK (USA) (c. by It's Freezing (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including San Joaquin Invitational Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.R., Labor Day Handicap, Longacres, placed second in Arlington Classic, Arlington, Gr.2. COLDALLTHETIME (USA) (f. by It's Freezing (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DANCINGONICE (USA), won Fiji Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Las Palmas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of She's Included (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; grandam of HE'S IN LOVE (JPN), won Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, Nakayama, Gr.3, SUNDAY WIZARD (JPN), won Niigata Daishoten, Niigata, Gr.3. IMPERIAL PASS (USA), won Great Lakes Stakes, Thistledown. KARA'S HEART (USA) (f. by American Legion (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ELUSIVE CHRIS (USA), won James C Ellis Juvenile Stakes, Ellis Park, L., placed second in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.3; sire. 4th Dam MUM (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFREE SPIRIT (USA) (f. by Avatar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Political Profit (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Riggs Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Laurel Turf Cup Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3. The next dam No Comment, won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland and Selima Stakes, Laurel; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingHEDGE (USA) (c. by Bagdad), won 8 races in South Africa including Dunlop Gold Cup, Greyville, Gr.2 and Lonsdale Stirrup Cup Handicap, Greyville, L.; sire. Incommunicado (USA) (f. by Double Jay), won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Liberty Belle Handicap, Aqueduct; dam of winners. KOLUCTOO BAY (USA), won Young America Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.1, placed second in Flamingo Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.1; sire. Sunshine Law (USA), unraced; grandam of IMMIGRATION (USA), won Captain Condo Stakes, Emerald Downs, R., Northwest Stallion Strong Ruler Stakes, Emerald Downs, R., SHADY DEAL (USA), won Idaho Centennial Futurity, Boise. In Absentia (USA), unraced; dam of FROST FREE (USA), won Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, DEFREEZE (USA), won Bungalow Handicap, Fairmount Park; grandam of CODIGO DE HONOR (ARG), won Polla de Potrillos (2000 Gns)-R.A.C.Rey, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1.


13 BOX

Owner: Hamad A. Al Abdullwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 11th, 2022 Lifting the Veil (USA) (2000)

Quiet American (USA) Secret Advice (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Fappiano (USA) Demure (USA) Secreto (USA) Jellapore (CAN)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam Lifting the Veil (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £43,257 and placed 5 times including third in Claire Marine Stakes, Arlington; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizSPANISH ARCH (USA) (2014 f. by Dialed In (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £59,642 and placed 8 times. COWGIRL QUEEN (USA) (2012 f. by Cowboy Cal (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £17,270 and placed 9 times. EBONY RUN (USA) (2007 f. by El Corredor (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years in U.S.A. and £54,724 and placed 5 times; dam of 3 winners includingPickens (USA) (g. by Goldencents (USA)), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Louisiana Cup Sprint Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R., Kip Deville Stakes, Remington Park and Louisiana Cup Juvenile Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. URLOVEISASYMPHONY (USA) (2009 f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £10,310 and placed twice; dam of 5 winners. MASTER LIFT (USA) (2011 c. by Master Command (USA)), won 1 race abroad. PHANTOM RISING (USA) (2006 f. by Mr Greeley (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,419; dam of 4 winners includingPHANTOM CURRENCY (USA) (g. by Goldencents (USA)), won Mac Diarmida Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Appleton Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. 2nd Dam SECRET ADVICE (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £85,237 including Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed third in Martha Washington Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3 and Budweiser Arlington Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, L.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingRAHY'S SECRET (USA) (c. by Rahy (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £203,416 including Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., second in Awad Stakes, Arlington, L., Canterbury Park Breeders' Cup Derby, Canterbury Downs, L., Fair Grounds Sales Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. and third in Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3; sire. SECRET ADVICE R N (USA) (f. by Hansel (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,396 including Palo Alto Stakes, Bay Meadows; dam of winners. Lifting the Veil (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), see above. COLONIAL MISTRESS (USA) (f. by Colonial Affair (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £19,012; dam of winners. Storm By You (USA), winner, second in Glacial Princess Stakes, Beulah Park, R. Mistress Winny (USA), unraced; dam of Canadian Mistress (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Nancy's Glitter Handicap, Calder, L. and third in Rampart Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Midnight Ruler (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Bosselman Pump/Pantry Gus Fonner Stakes, Fonner Park. Jayhawk Judy (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Morsel (USA), winner and placed second in Matron Stakes, Assiniboia Downs. 3rd Dam JELLAPORE (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingSECRET ADVICE (USA) (f. by Secreto (USA)), see above. Storm Ring (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 1 race and second in Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. and third in Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners. Ghost Ring (USA), winner, placed second in Pennsylvania Derby, Parx Racing, Gr.3. Rajas Secret (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. KIMBERLITE PIPE (USA), won Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Robert F Carey Memorial Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3; sire. MARASCA (USA), won Aventura Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. CRY CRY CRY (USA), won Ladies Express Stakes, Hastings Park.




Owner: Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Hamad Scat Daddy (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) March 21st, 2022 (first foal)

Caravaggio (USA) Mekko Hokte (USA) Truly Mine (USA) (2018)

Mineshaft (USA) In Truth (USA)


Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Aerosilver (USA) A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Quiet American (USA) Quite Honestly (USA)

CARAVAGGIO (USA), 2014. 3rd top rated 2yr old colt in Ireland in 2016. Top rated 3yr old sprinter in Ireland in 2017. Won 7 races, Commonwealth Cup, Gr.1, Phoenix Stakes, Gr.1, Flying Five Stakes, Gr.2, Coventry Stakes, Gr.2, Lacken Stakes, Gr.3, etc. Sire of PORTA FORTUNA (IRE), (Gr.1), WHITEBEAM (GB), (Gr.1), TENEBRISM (USA), (Gr.1), MALJOOM (IRE), (Gr.2), AGARTHA (IRE), (Gr.2), MALTESE FALCON (IRE), (Gr.3), TIBER FLOW (IRE), (Gr.3), AGURI (JPN), (Gr.3), VIAREGGIO (IRE), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam TRULY MINE (USA), unraced. She also has a 2023 colt by Yaupon (USA). 2nd Dam IN TRUTH (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMR PALMER (USA) (g. by Pulpit (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £427,688 including Private Terms Stakes, Laurel, second in Harrison E Johnson Memorial Stakes, Laurel. Beasley (USA) (c. by Shackleford (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £146,148 and placed third in Bold Ruler Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Conspiracy (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £204,248, second in Clasico Dia de los Padres, Camarero Race Track, L.; sire. 3rd Dam QUITE HONESTLY (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingHOT NOVEL (USA) (f. by Mari's Book (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. BEHRENS (USA), won Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 (twice); sire. HARD TO COPY (USA), winner; grandam of CALLED TO SERVE (USA), won Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, third in Santa Anita H’cap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. NOVEL ENCOUNTER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HYDROGEN (USA), won Stymie Handicap, Aqueduct, L., Valedictory Handicap, Woodbine, L. Texas Tammy (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of COWBOY CAL (USA), won Oak Tree Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Pasqual Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, second in Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire; grandam of MISSISSIPPI DELTA (USA), won Intercontinental Stakes, Belmont, Gr.3. LEGISLATOR (USA) (g. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 14 races in U.S.A. including Crown Royal American Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. MAKINANHONESTBUCK (USA) (c. by Spend A Buck (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Mr Prime Minister Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. Dontstealmyroses (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MALMAISON (AUS), winner in South Africa; dam of ROSIER (SAF), won The Debutante Stakes, Scottsville, Gr.2 and East Cape Fillies Nursery, Fairview, L. Honest Cause (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Synesthesia (USA), unraced; dam of JUSTIN (JPN), won Capella Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.3, Tokyo Hai, Ohi, L.R. and Tokyo Sprint, Oi, L.R. True Grit (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. COGBURN (USA), won Rutgers Handicap, Meadowlands, Spend A Buck Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Continental Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and third in Jersey Derby, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Outsource (USA), unraced; dam of COMMENTATOR (USA), won Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1 (twice), Richter Scale Sprint Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Massachusetts Handicap, Suffolk Downs, L., Perryville Stakes, Keeneland, L., placed second in Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, SAVVY SUPREME (USA), won Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Believability (USA) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LEMONETTE (USA), won Gaily Gaily Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Glens Falls Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3. Wild Crazy Lady (USA) (f. by Touch Gold (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MUPPET MAN (USA), won Meadowlake Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.3.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Storm Cat (USA) Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 5th, 2022 Salsa Star (USA) (2006)

Giant's Causeway (USA) Miss Salsa (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Unbridled (USA) Oscillate (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam Salsa Star (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A., £18,738 and placed 4 times including third in Harry Rosebery Stakes, Ayr, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizBLAMED (USA) (2015 f. by Blame (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £465,450 including Royal Delta Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L., El Paso Times Stakes, Sunland Park, placed 4 times including second in Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Shine Again Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. and third in Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2. Chubby Star (USA) (2014 f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £109,819, placed 3 times including second in James W Murphy Stakes, Pimlico, L. NEST OF PIRATES (USA) (2011 c. by Tiznow (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,592 and placed 3 times. BESHT ALHAKEM (KSA) (2021 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,892 and placed twice, from only 4 starts. CHASE GREATNESS (USA) (2016 c. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £27,953 and placed once. 2nd Dam MISS SALSA (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPACIFIC OCEAN (USA) (g. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £156,222 including James Marvin Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Vernon O Underwood Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, second in Hanshin Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3. Brave Michelle (USA) (f. by Mr Greeley (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of winners. Sense of Bravery (USA), winner, second in Groupie Doll Stakes, Ellis Park, Gr.3. Salsa Diavola (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), ran in Canada at 3 years; dam of a winner. LITIGATE (USA), won Sam F. Davis Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3. 3rd Dam OSCILLATE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMUTAKDDIM (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years including John of Gaunt Stakes, Haydock, L., placed second in Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 and third in Sandown Mile, Sandown, Gr.2; sire. Smooth Charmer (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. SEA CHANTER (USA), won Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Epitome Breeders's Cup Juvenile Turf (2yof), Monmouth Park, L., Pearl Necklace Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed third in Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1. QUAESTIO (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. KAVANAGH (SAF), won Hawaii Stakes, Turffontein, Gr.2, The South African Nursery, Turffontein, Gr.2, second in Premier's Champion Stakes, Greyville, Gr.1. Takesmybreathaway (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), ran twice at 2 years; dam of winners. FROST GIANT (USA), won Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. SHAKEYOURBODY (USA), 1 race in France; dam of SIYOUSHAKE (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years in France including Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, second in Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.1, SKYWARD (FR), won Prix de Reux, Deauville, Gr.3. Prospectora (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Settlement (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. Amonistar (USA), ran once in France; dam of PLAYWRIGHT (NZ), won C S Hayes Debonair Stakes, Flemington, Gr.3, third in Australian Guineas, Flemington, Gr.1. Oregon Trail (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. OREGON LADY (IRE), 5 races including My Charmer Handicap, Calder, Gr.3; dam of GOLDEN HIND (JPN), won Sankei Sports Sho Flora Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.2.





Owner: Ibrahem M. Alhazaa More Than Ready (USA) Intabih (USA) Lookaway Dixieland (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 20th, 2022 Ghayat Aljood (KSA) (2010)

Charango (USA) Maqna (KSA)

Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Isle Go West (USA) Danzig (USA) Nidd (USA) Be My Guest (USA) Addie Pray (IRE)

INTABIH (USA), 2005. Won 5 races. Sire of THARF (KSA). 1st Dam GHAYAT ALJOOD (KSA), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 4 foals of racing age including(2020 c. by Moshaagib (USA)). 2nd Dam MAQNA (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizHHALAAB (KSA) (c. by Mr Shoeshine (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,318. 3rd Dam ADDIE PRAY (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizBIBLE BOX (IRE) (f. by Bin Ajwaad (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years and placed 7 times; dam of winners. BOUNTY BOX (GB), 6 races at 2 to 5 years including Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L., Kilvington Stakes, Nottingham, L., placed 7 times; dam of Fuente (GB), 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed 18 times including third in Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3. Bahamian Box (GB), 2 races at 2 years in France and placed 3 times including third in Prix Delahante, MarseilleBorély, L. Vive Les Rouges (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed once viz second in Dick Poole Stakes, Salisbury, L.; dam of ROHAAN (IRE), 9 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 including Sandy Lane Stakes, Haydock, Gr.2, Bengough Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed 3 times including third in Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1. BLESSING BOX (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of PONNTOS (IRE), 5 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 in France, in Italy and abroad including Prix de Saint Georges, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed 4 times including second in Prix du Petit Couvert, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and third in Dubai Dash, Meydan, L. CHARITY BOX (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice. CHOCO BOX (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice. 4th Dam GREEN WINGS, won 2 races at 4 years and placed 4 times; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDAP DAP GIRL (IRE) (f. by King's Theatre (IRE)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years abroad. The next dam KENTUCKY GREEN (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingGolden Green (g. by Godswalk (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years and placed 6 times including second in King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. INISFAIL (f. by Persian Bold), won 1 race at 4 years and placed 5 times; dam of winners. GEORGE DE HAREB (IRE), 2 races at 3 years abroad; also 12 races over jumps in Germany and abroad including Altes Badener Steeplechase, Baden-Baden, L., Markgraf Berthold Steeplechase, Baden-Baden, L., Zlaty Pohar Paramo Chase, Pardubice, L., placed second in Iffezheimer Steeplechase, Baden-Baden, L. and third in Iffezheimer Steeplechase, Baden-Baden, L. and Preis vom Rhein Steeplechase, Baden-Baden, L.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Candy Ride (ARG) Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) February 26th, 2022 Maybellene (USA) (2012)

Lookin At Lucky (USA) Greathearted (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) Private Feeling (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam MAYBELLENE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £171,366 including Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L., placed 3 times including second in Desi Arnaz Stakes, Del Mar, L. and third in Starlet Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.1; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizPURITY (USA) (2019 f. by Violence (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £90,844 and placed 4 times. Ezhalah (USA) (2020 c. by Mendelssohn (USA)), unraced to date. (2021 c. by Omaha Beach (USA)). She also has a 2023 colt by Gormley (USA). 2nd Dam GREATHEARTED (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMAYBELLENE (USA) (f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam TOUCH OF GREATNESS (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingROSSINI (USA) (c. by Miswaki (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years at home and in France including Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2, Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2; sire. ELUSIVE QUALITY (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Poker Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, second in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, third in Tom Fool Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; champion sire. Seeking Greatness (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in My Friend Russ Stakes, Delaware Park; sire. The next dam IVORY WAND (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and third in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingGOLD AND IVORY (USA) (c. by Key To The Mint (USA)), Champion 3yr old in Germany and Italy in 1984, won 6 races at home, in Italy and in West Germany including Grosser Preis von Baden, Gr.1, Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1, G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d'Oro, Milan, Gr.1, second in Puma Preis Von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1; sire. Land of Ivory (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 3 races and placed second in Ben Marshall Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L., Premio Allevamento, Rome, L. and fourth in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners. HEART OF DARKNESS (GB), won National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. GHANA (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in France; grandam of AKUA'DA (GER), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany including German 1000 Guineas, Dusseldorf, Gr.2. Ivory Coast (FR), unraced; dam of INDIA (GER), Champion older mare in Germany in 2022, 8 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in France and in Germany including Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1, Prix Allez France, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Waldpfad-Trophy, Hannover, Gr.3 and Furstenberg-Rennen, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3, IVORY LAND (FR), 9 races at 2 to 5 years in France including Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix d'Hédouville, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Leap of The Heart (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Garden City Handicap, Belmont Park; dam of winners. RADIANT (USA) (f. by Foolish Pleasure (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. POOLESTA (IRE), won Affectionately Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Interborough Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, third in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. HOME OF THE FREE (USA), won Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Laurel Dash Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3 and Knickerbocker Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. DESERT FOX (GB), 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Hong Kong including Sha Tin Trophy, Sha Tin, L., placed third in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire.


18 BOX

Owner: Satam Abdullah M. Amizani Elzaam (AUS) Mjjack (IRE) Docklands Grace (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 24th, 2022 Ankara (KSA) (2014)

Tranquil Manner (USA) Caprivi (IRE)


Redoute's Choice (AUS) Mambo In Freeport (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Afarel (USA) A P Indy (USA) Composure (USA) Cape Cross (IRE) Joharra (USA)

MJJACK (IRE), 2014. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ANKARA (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizFAARET (KSA) (2020 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,693 and placed once. De'ejah (KSA) (2019 f. by Roaring Fever (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam CAPRIVI (IRE), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £62,882 and placed 9 times; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age includingBint Orpa (KSA) (f. by Shaniko (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam JOHARRA (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in U.A.E. and in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingRoyal Bengali (USA) (c. by Tiger Hill (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix Frédéric de Lagrange, Vichy, L. FORWA'E (KSA) (c. by Patriot Act (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The next dam COLOUR CHART (USA), won 4 races in France including Prix de l'Opéra, Paris Longchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix de la Nonette, Paris Longchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Beverly D Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and third in Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; Own sister to ALWAYS A RAINBOW (CAN); dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingTEMPERA (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2001, won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. EQUERRY (USA) (c. by St Jovite (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Prix du Prince d'Orange, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix des Chênes, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Critérium du Fonds Européen de l'Elevage, Deauville, L., placed third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1; sire. ECOLE D'ART (USA) (g. by Theatrical), won 3 races at home and in France including Prix de Suresnes, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Prix Le Fabuleux, ParisLongchamp, L. and Prix Pelléas, Chantilly, L. Barbican (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in West Virginia Governors Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L.; sire. Kumait (USA) (g. by Danzig (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years and placed third in City of York Stakes, York, L. Interior Design (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. CITY PLAN (USA), won Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate, placed second in El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, L. MODERN (USA), won Pacific Columbia Cup Classic Handicap, Hastings Park, Lieutenant Governor's Cup Handicap, Hastings Park, George Royal Stakes, Hastings Park (3 times), John Longden 6000 Handicap, Hastings Park, Sir Winston Churchill Handicap, Hastings Park. Classicism (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. Blackberry Wine (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Louisiana Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3. Shade Dance (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CHHAYA DANCE (USA), won Mt Rainier Handicap, Emerald Downs, placed second in Seattle Handicap, Emerald Downs and third in Governor's Handicap, Emerald Downs and Fox Sports Network Handicap, Emerald Downs; sire. Convocation (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. INDIAN VALLEY (USA), 2 races at 3 years; dam of Splashy Kisses (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Gone West (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 19th, 2022

Istan (USA) Ronda (GB) Royal Moses (USA) (2009)

Cahill Road (USA) Miss Wagon Lode (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Secrettame (USA) Bluebird (USA) Memory's Gold (USA) Fappiano (USA) Gana Facil (USA) Wagon Limit (USA) Kaaaching (USA)

ISTAN (USA), 2002. Won 9 races, Ack Ack Handicap, Gr.3, Turfway Park Fall Championship Stakes, Gr.3, Artax Handicap, L., Governor's Handicap and Budweiser Challenger Stakes. Sire of STREET BAND (USA), (Gr.1), ISTANFORD (USA), (Gr.2), TURKISH (USA), (Gr.3), ALBANO (USA), (Gr.3), MR BOWLING (USA), (Gr.3), PATH OF DAVID (USA), (L.), KEEP CROSSING (USA), (L.), LAND BATTLE (USA), (S), CHIEF ISTAN (USA), (S), Atigun (USA), (Gr.1), Alcindoro (USA), (Gr.2), Myositis Dan (USA), (Gr.3). 1st Dam Royal Moses (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £72,440 and placed 10 times including second in Irish Day Handicap, Emerald Downs, Seattle Handicap, Emerald Downs, Angie C Stakes, Emerald Downs and third in Pegasus Training Center Stakes, Emerald Downs, R.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizTATAJAM'MAL (KSA) (2019 f. by Astrology (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. 2nd Dam MISS WAGON LODE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,977; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingRoyal Moses (USA) (f. by Cahill Road (USA)), see above. LODE THE GOLD (USA) (g. by Harbor The Gold (USA)), won 15 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £103,098. 3rd Dam KAAACHING (USA), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFOLLOW THE LITE (USA) (f. by Lite The Fuse (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Esplanade Stakes, Fair Grounds, Adena Springs Matchmaker Turf Sprint, Remington Park, second in Dr A B Leggio Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.; dam of winners. MISS SCATALICIOUS (USA), won Phil D Shepherd Stakes, Fairplex Park. Flat Out Gittin It (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Prairie Gold Lassie Stakes, Prairie Meadows. Kaabraaj (USA) (g. by Abraaj (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Governor's Stakes, Emerald Downs. 4th Dam Saratoga Success (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Althea Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingGLITTER STAR (USA) (f. by Glitterman (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Shakopee Stakes, Canterbury Downs, Minnesota Distaff Classic Ch'ship Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R. (3 times), Princess Elaine Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R., Minnesota Oaks, Canterbury Downs, R.; dam of winners. Spring Again (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Wait a While Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of Bourbon Tiger (USA), third in Angie C. Stakes, Emerald Downs. The next dam PRINCESS HATTAB, unraced; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingCELESTIAL PATH (f. by Godswalk (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; dam of winners. PRETTY SECRETARY (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 4 races in France including Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. Good Secretary (USA), unraced; grandam of DOUBLE SECRET (USA), won Lightning City Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L. POWER BOAT (USA) (c. by Sauce Boat (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Edina Stakes, Canterbury Downs, Gulf Shores Stakes, Birmingham, Shelby Stakes, Birmingham, placed third in Jefferson Stakes, Birmingham; sire. FOR YOU (USA) (f. by Mt Livermore (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Foryoumylove (USA), winner, third in Ontario Debutante Stakes, Woodbine, L. Pretty General (USA) (f. by General Assembly (USA)), unraced; grandam of BEAU BRASS (CAN), won Speed to Spare Stakes, Northlands Park, L. (twice) and BINGO (CAN), won Ontario Damsel Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.


20 BOX

Speightstown (USA) A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 22nd, 2022


Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi

Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN) Eden's Storm (USA) (2006)

Stormy Atlantic (USA) Paradise River (USA)

Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Storm Cat (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Irish River (FR) North of Eden

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S). 1st Dam EDEN'S STORM (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £18,890 and placed 3 times; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizSeeking Paradise (USA) (2012 f. by Blame (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £136,420 and placed 10 times including second in Minnesota BPA Distaff Stakes, Canterbury Downs; dam of a winner vizMASTERWORK (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. BALLINSKELLIGS (USA) (2013 f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £73,586 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner vizYO NESSROUNDONKERN (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. CROI MOR (USA) (2017 g. by Honor Code (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £68,587 and placed 7 times. FAY DAN (USA) (2016 g. by Curlin (USA)), won 2 races at 5 and 6 years, 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £38,886 and placed twice. EDEN GOT EVEN (USA) (2014 g. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £22,183 and placed twice. Mazh'noony (KSA) (2020 c. by Haynesfield (USA)), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PARADISE RIVER (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; Own sister to PARADISE CREEK (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingDAVID JUNIOR (USA) (c. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), Jt Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2005 (9.5-10.5f.), Champion older miler in Europe in 2006, won 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.A.E. and £2,368,154 including Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, Select Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Gala Stakes, Sandown, L., Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Rose of Lancaster Stakes, Haydock, Gr.3; sire. 3rd Dam NORTH OF EDEN, placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingPARADISE CREEK (USA) (c. by Irish River (FR)), won 14 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Early Times Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Arlington Million, Arlington, Gr.1, Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Early Times Dixie Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.2; sire. FORBIDDEN APPLE (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (twice), Belmont Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed second in Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Mile, Belmont, Gr.1; sire. WILD EVENT (USA) (c. by Wild Again (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Early Times Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, W L McKnight Handicap, Calder, Gr.2, Arlington H'cap, Arlington, Gr.2; champion sire. I'M VERY IRISH (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Smoke Screen Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Forerunner Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and third in Jamaica Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. EDEN'S CAUSEWAY (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. EDEN'S MOON (USA), won Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Clemente Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed third in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Celestial Bliss (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), ran twice; grandam of BOBBY'S KITTEN (USA), won Breeders' Cup Turf Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Pilgrim Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Cork Stakes, Cork, L., Penn Mile Stakes, Penn National, placed third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Mohammed Sunaid Alfunaysan Giant's Causeway (USA) Destin (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) January 16th, 2022 Quality Kitten (USA) (2010)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Intrinsic Value (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Johannesburg (USA) Making Up (USA)

DESTIN (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, TAA Marathon Stakes, Gr.2, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of DESTIN HOOFMAN (USA), GHAR ALMA'ALEE (KSA). 1st Dam QUALITY KITTEN (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,131; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTUFF DUFF (USA) (2016 g. by Stay Thirsty (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £37,825 and placed 6 times. DEMOSTENES (USA) (2018 c. by Paynter (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Mexico. PUKALANI (USA) (2017 f. by Paynter (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed once; dam of a winner. Crypto (KSA) (2020 c. by Free Drop Billy (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. (2021 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)). 2nd Dam INTRINSIC VALUE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingHOLLYWOOD TALENT (USA) (g. by Talent Search (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and £335,090 including Marshall Jenney Handicap, Parx Racing, R., placed second in Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Forego Stakes, Turfway Park (twice) and third in Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Turf Monster Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3. 3rd Dam MAKING UP (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMIMI'S KIDS (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. The next dam QUARREL (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingLETS DONT FIGHT (USA) (c. by Drone (USA)), won 5 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.1, Arch Ward Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2. FUZZY (USA) (c. by It's Freezing (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed third in Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Washington Park Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2 and fourth in Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. FIGHT OVER (USA) (c. by Grey Dawn II), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Aqueduct Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Roamer Handicap, Aqueduct, Juvenile Stakes, Belmont Park, placed third in Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2 and fourth in Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; sire. WISE COUNSELLOR (USA) (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years including Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.2 and fourth in Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. Quarrel Over (USA) (f. by One For All (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Lamb Chop Handicap, Belmont Park and fourth in Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; dam of winners. SUIVI (USA), won Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of SUFFRAGETTE (USA), won Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park, L. Have It Out (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Revidere Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of CAMELLA (USA), won New Castle Handicap, Delaware, L., Robert G Dick Mem. Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware, L. and Rosenna Stakes, Delaware, L., STONE CANYON (USA), won Ruidoso Thoroughbred Championship Stakes, Ruidoso Downs, second in Jersey Derby, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. QUARREL OVER HALO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of QUITTANCE (USA), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Timely Quarrel (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of MR NIGHTLINGER (USA), won Aegon Turf Sprint Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Ibrahim Khalil S Alanazi Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 25th, 2022 Snowdust (USA) (2014)

The Factor (USA) Dancing Trieste (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) War Front (USA) Greyciousness (USA) Old Trieste (USA) La Promenade (ARG)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SNOWDUST (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizBERNIE LOMAX (USA) (2019 g. by Bernardini (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £44,435 and placed 5 times. Lily's Home (USA) (2020 f. by Mendelssohn (USA)), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £32,542. (2021 c. by Mendelssohn (USA)). 2nd Dam DANCING TRIESTE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGIOVANNI BOLDINI (USA) (c. by War Front (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Sweden and £279,721 including Star Appeal Stakes, Dundalk, L., Celebration Stakes, Curragh, L., Tattersalls Nickes Minneslopning, Taby, L., placed second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. MAGIC MADISON (USA) (f. by Ghostly Minister (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,116; dam of winners. LUCKY STRIDE (USA), won Clasico Dia del Veterano, Camarero Race Track, L.R., Clasico Roberto Clemente, Camarero Race Track, L., Nellie Morse Stakes, Laurel. 3rd Dam La Promenade (ARG), won 1 race in Argentina and placed third in Gran Premio Jorge de Atucha, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1 and Gran Premio Saturnino J Unzue, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1; Own sister to GOUACHE (ARG) and LA GALERIE (ARG); dam of four winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCHICKABUNNY (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. NINJA DO IGUASSU (BRZ), won Classico Ciro Frare, Taruma, L. The next dam AQUARELLE (ARG), won 5 races in Argentina including Clasico Omnium, San Isidro, L., placed third in Clasico Canada, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3; Own sister to Alsacia (ARG); dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingGOUACHE (ARG) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 9 races in Argentina including GP. Ciudad de Buenos AiresInternacional, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, Gran Premio Saturnino J Unzue, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1; dam of winners. GUERNIKA (ARG), Champion older mare in Argentina in 2001-02, won Gran Premio Palermo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, G. P. Carrera de las Estrellas Distaff, San Isidro, Gr.1, G.P. 1000 Guineas-Consagracion Potrancas, San Isidro, Gr.1, G. P. Polla de Potrancas (1000 Guineas), Hip. Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1. APELES (ARG) (c. by Senor Pete (USA)), won 4 races in Argentina and in South Africa including Gran Premio Palermo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1. LA GALERIE (ARG) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 7 races in Argentina and in U.S.A. including Gran Premio Saturnino J Unzue, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, Clasico Carlos Casares, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2; dam of winners. ART DECO (ARG) (f. by Lookinforthebigone (USA)), won 3 races in Argentina; dam of a winner. Arteba (ARG), placed twice in Argentina; dam of ART SHOW (ARG), won Gran Premio Maipu, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, ARTE POP (ARG), won Gran Premio de Honor, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, Gran Premio Santiago Luro, Hip. Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, Clasico Uberto F Vignart, La Plata, Gr.2. Bellas Artes (ARG), unraced; dam of ART NOUVEAU (ARG), won Clasico Polla de Potrancas(1000 Guineas), Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Augusto Mostajo Barrera, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3.


23 BOX

Owner: Faisal Saad H. AlSuliman A P Indy (USA) Take Charge Indy (USA) Take Charge Lady (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 19th, 2022 First in Time (USA) (2010)

Broken Vow (USA) Moon Maven (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Dehere (USA) Felicita (USA) Unbridled (USA) Wedding Vow (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Meteor Colony (USA)

TAKE CHARGE INDY (USA), 2009. Won 3 races, Florida Derby, Gr.1, Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, second in Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3 and Arlington Washington Futurity, Gr.3. Sire of LONG RANGE TODDY (USA), (Gr.2), NOBLE INDY (USA), (Gr.2), TAKE CHARGE PAULA (USA), (Gr.3), EL SANTO (MEX), (L.), A G INDY (USA), (L.), AIKON (VEN), (L.), MOTION EMOTION (USA), (L.), ONE WAY (VEN), (L.). 1st Dam FIRST IN TIME (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizSurf And Turf (USA) (2016 c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £145,773, placed 12 times including third in Kent Stakes, Delaware, Gr.3. KRAMDEN (USA) (2017 g. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £63,749 and placed 12 times. DULCIA (USA) (2020 f. by Palace (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £78,533 and placed fifth in Jessamine S. presented Gr.2 2nd Dam MOON MAVEN (USA), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £35,111; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingPROMISSORY NOTE (USA) (f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £50,255. SPEED SCORE (USA) (g. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £16,538. 3rd Dam METEOR COLONY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to PLEASANT STAGE (USA), COLONIAL PLAY (USA) and STAGE COLONY (USA); dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingCHANGEINTHEWEATHER (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Grey Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Gate Dancer Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Baltimore Breeders' Cup Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Dominion Day Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3; sire. Space City (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ANOTHER WORLD (USA), won Red Bud Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. The next dam METEOR STAGE (USA), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingPLEASANT STAGE (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1991, won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. viz Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1. COLONIAL PLAY (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, placed third in Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. MARSH SIDE (USA), won Northern Dancer Turf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Pattison Canadian International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Sky Classic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Valedictory Stakes, Woodbine, L.; sire. STAGE COLONY (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Fort Marcy Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Rutgers Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Royal Palm Handicap, Hialeah Park, L.; sire. FULL STAGE (USA) (c. by Full Partner (USA)), won 8 races abroad including Clasico Copa Jorge Washington, El Comandante, L.; sire. SOLAR COLONY (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. REFORM ACT (USA), won Give Thanks Stakes, Cork, L., placed third in Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2. Soul Search (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and third in Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of JOURNEY HOME (USA), won Jimmy Durante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. Ascending Angel (USA), placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of NADAL (USA), won Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2 and San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Matchoftheday (IRE) (f. by Hawk Wing (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LET US BE GLAD (USA), won Dixie Poker Ace Stakes, Fair Grounds, R.




Owner: Ahmed Abdullah Al-Abdullatif Candy Ride (ARG)

HWURIYA (USA) February 19th, 2022 A Bay Filly

Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA) Tell Me Everything (USA) (2009)

Giant's Causeway (USA) Confessional (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Whisper Who Dares (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam TELL ME EVERYTHING (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,883 and placed twice; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizVerboten (USA) (2015 c. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Canada and £68,400 and placed 3 times including second in Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L. TALK DIRTY (USA) (2018 f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £48,701 and placed 15 times. MAKE AMENDS (USA) (2014 f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £91,102 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner vizBLAME CATALAYA (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. STORY TIME (USA) (2016 f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £71,362 and placed twice. EL DE CHIMI (USA) (2020 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £62,859 and placed twice. SWEET TALKED (USA) (2019 f. by Flatter (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £27,200 and placed once. 2nd Dam CONFESSIONAL (USA), won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £517,108 including Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Royal North Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3 (twice), A P Indy Stakes, Keeneland, L., The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L., Stravinsky Stakes, Keeneland, L., Park Heights Stakes, Laurel, Searching Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Lake Placid Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Boiling Springs Breeders' Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Kentucky Cup Ladies' Turf Handicap, Kentucky Downs, L.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingREADY TO CONFESS (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £271,765 including She's All In Stakes, Remington Park, second in Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L. and third in Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; dam of a winner. NO CONFESSION (USA), won Rittenhouse Square Stakes, Parx Racing. Timely Advice (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £95,450, placed second in Mr Prospector Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; sire. Fun Filled (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada and £37,149 and placed third in Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of a winner. Lorettine (USA) (f. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £43,096 and placed third in Goldfinch Stakes, Prairie Meadows; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam WHISPER WHO DARES (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGOSSIP (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Margarita Breeders' Cup Handicap, Retama Park; dam of a winner. LITANY (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of a LADY ALIDA (USA), won Treasure Coast Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Word to the Wise (USA) (f. by Diesis), unraced; dam of winners. WHISPER TO ME (USA), won Lyrique Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., third in Alywow Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of OVERHEARD (USA), won Dance Smartly Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Pin Oak Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Alywow Stakes, Woodbine, placed second in Violet Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Japan Racing Assoc. Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Miss Liberty Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., La Lorgnette Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Athenia Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Let's Forget It (CAN), winner in Canada, third in Victoriana Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Alphagram (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of ANTIPODAS (CHI), won P. Carlos Valdes Izquierdo Vina Indomita, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.3, placed second in Premio Luis Davila Larrain, Club Hipico de Santiago, L. and third in Premio Geoffrey Bushell, Club Hipico de Santiago, L.




Owner: Abdulrahman Nasser A. Aljahlan Candy Ride (ARG)

SUHAYL (USA) February 14th, 2022 A Bay Colt (first foal)

Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA) It Justhitthe Wire (USA) (2016)

Bernardini (USA) C J's Leelee (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Mizzen Mast (USA) Fight To Love (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam IT JUSTHITTHE WIRE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,719 and placed twice. She also has a 2023 filly by McKinzie (USA). 2nd Dam C J's Leelee (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £87,588 and placed second in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizC J's Awesome (USA) (c. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £209,804 and placed third in Maxxam Gold Cup Stakes, Sam Houston, L. A ROD AGAIN (USA) (c. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £69,128. WORST BEHAVIOUR (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £57,291. PRAY FOR LESLIE (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £54,089; dam of a winner. Alys Beach (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. SPEIGHT (USA) (c. by Speightstown (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £16,865. IT JUSTHITTHE WIRE (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), see above. C J's Gal (USA) (f. by Awesome Again (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. HIDDEN CONNECTION (USA), won Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Houston Ladies Classic Stakes, Sam Houston, Gr.3, Doubledogdare Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Groupie Doll Stakes, Ellis Park, L. 3rd Dam Fight To Love (USA), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Broadway Handicap, Aqueduct, L.R.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCAPO BASTONE (USA) (c. by Street Boss (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Foxwoods King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed second in Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and third in Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Frontrunner Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. C J's Leelee (USA) (f. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), see above. Street Love (USA) (f. by Street Boss (USA)), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Chiringo (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., third in Palisades Stakes, Keeneland, L. 4th Dam LOVE IS LOVE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizFight To Love (USA) (f. by Fit To Fight (USA)), see above. The next dam STEPHANIE LEIGH (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Nellie Bly Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed third in Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing ageVarsity Girl (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Varsity Gold (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in New York Stallion Park Avenue Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Lady Fingers Stakes, Finger Lakes, L. and third in Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of Pinky Freud (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Leon Reed Memorial Handicap, Finger Lakes, R. (twice) and Ontario County Stakes, Finger Lakes, R.; grandam of ARTHUR'S HOPE (USA), won Say Florida Sandy Stakes, Aqueduct, R., third in Russell Road Stakes, Charles Town. Thnkhvnforltlgirls (USA), unraced; dam of Cachorro (USA), winner abroad, placed second in Clasico Augustin Mercado Reveron, El Comandante, L.


26 BOX


Owner: Saad Farraj G.Alsbaiy First Defence (USA) New Line (USA) Introducing (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 8th, 2022 Borooq Almajd (KSA) (2010)

Ahraar (USA) Loving And Giving (GB)

Unbridled's Song (USA) Honest Lady (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Interim (GB) Gulch (USA) Saffaanh (USA) Sharpo Pretty Poppy (GB)

NEW LINE (USA), 2010. Won 10 races and second in Trippi Stakes. Sire of FIRST LINE (KSA), ALA'A ALRAHMAN (KSA), MAHBOBAT ALA'A (KSA), ZHAWABET (KSA), ALMOATAZER (KSA). 1st Dam BOROOQ ALMAJD (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 4 foals of racing age(2020 f. by Lataam (USA)). (2021 f. by New Line (USA)). 2nd Dam LOVING AND GIVING (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 2 runners from 6 foals of racing age includingHazaabah (KSA) (f. by Mortlock (FR)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of a winner. MAHFOUZ ALKHEIR (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Merzefah (KSA) (f. by Hans Anderson (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ASAA'EB (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. SAIF HASHIM (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. SALIL AL AHRAR (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOJAKARAH (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALKAWAKIBEE (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam PRETTY POPPY (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of eleven winners from 16 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingKYLLACHY (GB) (c. by Pivotal (GB)), Champion older sprinter in Europe in 2002, won 6 races at 2 to 4 years including Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, Temple Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2, Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed second in Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L. and third in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Borders (GB) (g. by Selkirk (USA)), won 3 races and placed second in La Table Sterne-Dortmunder Fliegerpreis, Dortmund, L. and third in Achilles Stakes, Kempton, L. DUBAI CELEBRATION (GB) (g. by Dubai Destination (USA)), won 5 races, placed 13 times. HIGH CURRAGH (GB) (g. by Pursuit of Love (GB)), won 4 races and placed 20 times. SPEED ON (GB) (g. by Sharpo), won 4 races at 3, 5 and 6 years and placed 14 times. TADLIL (GB) (g. by Pivotal (GB)), won 3 races at 4 years and placed 9 times. PRETTY MISS (GB) (f. by Averti (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. FAR FROM A RUBY (GB), 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2022 and placed 11 times. WILD DANCER (GB), 3 races at 3 and 5 years and placed 6 times. MISS ICON (GB), 2 races at 2 and 5 years and placed 8 times. POPPY'S SONG (GB) (f. by Owington (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of a winner. FOLLOW FLANDERS (GB) (f. by Pursuit of Love (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. VEERAYA (GB), 2 races at 2 and 6 years and placed 15 times. FEVER (GB), 2 races at 3 years and placed 5 times. BLESS YOU (GB), 1 race at 3 years; dam of YULONG BAOBEI (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Tipperary Stakes, Tipperary, L., placed second in Naas Juvenile Sprint Stakes, Naas, L. and third in Curragh Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Wings of The Rock (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Scurry Stakes, Sandown, L. Throne (GB) (f. by Royal Applause (GB)), ran twice at 2 years; dam of winners. KRAKEN POWER (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 5 years, 2023 and placed 15 times. 4th Dam MOONLIGHT SERENADE, placed twice at 3 years; Own sister to Blackbird; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingAPPLIANCEOFSCIENCE (g. by Bairn (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 6 years. The next dam MARCH MOONLIGHT, won 1 race and placed once; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBlackbird (c. by Crooner), won 5 races at home, in Denmark and in Sweden and placed second in Windsor Castle Stakes, Ascot, L., Hamburger Fliegerpreis, Hamburg, L., Andresens Bank Pokallop, Ovrevoll, L. and third in Duke of York Stakes, York, Gr.3 and Hamburger Fliegerpreis, Hamburg, L.




Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi Eskendereya (USA) Mitole (USA) Indian Miss (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 6th, 2022 Darajah (CAN) (2010)

Hard Spun (USA) Tell Seattle (USA)


Giant's Causeway (USA) Aldebaran Light (USA) Indian Charlie (USA) Glacken's Gal (USA) Danzig (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA) A P Indy (USA) Won't She Tell (USA)

MITOLE (USA), 2015. Won 10 races, Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1, Encore Bistro Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Runhappy Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, twinspires.com Churchill Downs Stakes, Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Gr.3, etc. Sire of V V'S DREAM (USA), (Gr.3), Stormcast (CAN), (L.), BLACK HOLE (USA). 1st Dam DARAJAH (CAN), unraced; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizHERMIONA (USA) (2016 f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in France and £30,136 and placed 6 times. PENTHOUSE KITTEN (USA) (2017 c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 4 times. HEY GOOD LOOKIN (USA) (2015 f. by Uncle Mo (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed once. 2nd Dam TELL SEATTLE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPARIS VEGAS (USA) (g. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in France and in U.S.A. and £235,594 including Prix Policeman, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., placed second in Bernard Baruch Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2. 3rd Dam WON'T SHE TELL (USA), won 9 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Blush With Pride Stakes, Louisiana Downs, third in Old South Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., Budweiser River Cities Breeders Cup H'cp, Louisiana Downs, L. and fourth in Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingDRILLING FOR OIL (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Louisville Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Fifth Third Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Pan American Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Prairie Bayou Stakes, Turf Paradise and third in Fifth Third Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. WHITE CROWN (USA) (c. by Secreto (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years including Solario Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, placed second in Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, L.; sire. DR CATON (USA) (c. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., second in Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1 and third in Foster City Mile Stakes, Bay Meadows, L.; sire. Wind Cheetah (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Leicestershire Stakes, Leicester, Gr.3 and third in Criterion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and Chipchase Stakes, Newcastle, L. Confidante (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed second in Rosemary Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of winners. CONFIDENTIAL LADY (GB), 5 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3, Star Stakes, Sandown, L., placed second in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1 and Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of RED BOX (GB), 3 races at 3 years including Valiant Stakes, Ascot, L., placed second in Eternal Stakes, Carlisle, L., Untold Secret (GB), 9 races to 2022 in France and in U.A.E. and placed second in Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2; grandam of PRIVATE MATTER (GB), 4 races at home and in France including Prix Zeddaan, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L. Between Us (GB), 2 races, placed third in Pontefract Castle Stakes, Pontefract, L. MUTAMAKIN (USA) (c. by Red Ransom (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, his only start. Honolua Bay (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. HONOLUA STORM (USA), won Eclipse Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, second in Seagram Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, third in Marine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. DR D'S ARCHANGEL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PAREN LA MUSICA (CHI), won Premio Luis Davila Larrain, Club Hipico de Santiago, L., placed second in Premio Criadores-Dorama, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.2 and third in Premio Arturo Lyon Pena, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1; grandam of ON THE MUSIC (CHI), won Premio Ignacio Urrutia de la Sotta, Club Hipico de Santiago, L. and Premio Luis Larrain Prieto, Club Hipico de Santiago, L.




Owner: Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan City Zip (USA) Hailstone (USA) Weekend Storm (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 15th, 2022 Ana Misk (KSA) (2013)

Freud (USA) Stop The Vice (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Weekend Surprise (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Stop The Music (USA) Adorable Vice (CAN)

HAILSTONE (USA), 2007. Won 2 races and second in Pan American Stakes, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Sky Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Nijinsky Stakes, Gr.2 and John's Call Stakes, L.R. Sire of MOJTAHAH (KSA), ALFOHAYDY (KSA), LA'AJL THATEE (KSA), WAHBAT ALMANNAN (KSA), SHIBLAT HAILSTONE (KSA), OUM ALNAYASHEEN (KSA), HAYEB (KSA), BENDAAR (KSA), KANNAAN (KSA), ENAYAT ALDAYM (KSA), REDA ALBARI (KSA). 1st Dam ANA MISK (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age vizLayla Albadr (KSA) (2020 f. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. (2021 c. by Salute The Sarge (USA)). 2nd Dam STOP THE VICE (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £93,204; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingProphet's Cat (USA) (g. by Utopia (JPN)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £186,033 and placed third in New York Stallion Series Stakes, Saratoga, R. BUDDHA WAY (USA) (f. by Buddha (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years abroad. LUCA'S WIFE (USA) (f. by Buddha (USA)), won 7 races at 2 and 3 years abroad. 3rd Dam Adorable Vice (CAN), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Campanile Invitational Handicap, Golden Gate; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizBURNIN' MEMORIES (USA) (f. by Lit de Justice (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including San Jacinto Stakes, Sam Houston, R.; dam of winners. In Some Respect (IRE)/Dragon Fighter (IRE), 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in Hong Kong and placed second in Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. ADORABLE CHOICE (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of ICONIC CHOICE (GB), 6 races at 2 and 4 years including Radley Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. GLEBE QUEEN (IRE), 1 race at 3 years; dam of GRAND ACCORD (IND), won The A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L., placed third in Pune City Gold Cup, Pune, L., The Eve Champion Trophy, Pune, L.R. and Rusi Patel Trophy, Mumbai, L.R. 4th Dam Love You, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr.2, Premio Baggio, Milan, L., Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLOOKING FOR (c. by High Top), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy including Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1, Coppa d'Oro di Milano, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Campobello, Milan, L., Premio Volta, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1, Cumberland Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3 and third in Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1 and Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr.1; sire. LIFE ON MARS (c. by Jaazeiro (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in Italy including Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr.2, Premio Miradolo, Milan, L. (twice), Premio Trenno, Milan, L., Premio del Giubileo, Milan, L., Premio del Dado, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Tevere, Rome, Gr.2, Gran Premio Citta di Torino, Turin, Gr.3, Premio Lazio, Rome, Gr.3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L., Premio Trofeo Cino del Duca, Milan, L., Premio Sergio Cumani, Milan, L., third in Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L. and fourth in Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr.2; sire. Long Road (c. by Rio Carmelo (FR)), won 18 races in Italy and placed second in Corsa dell'Arno, Florence, L. and third in Premio Aldo Ricchi, Rome, L. Adorable Vice (CAN) (f. by Vice Regent (CAN)), see above. The next dam TOI (FR), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLET IT BE (FR) (c. by Claude), won 6 races in Italy including Premio Naviglio, Milan, L., Premio Gian Giacomo, Milan, L., placed fourth in Premio Principe Amedeo, Turin, Gr.2 and Premio Lazio, Rome, G r.3.




Owner: Snytan Dari Alferm Sons Macho Uno (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 8th, 2022

Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA) Queen of Jumeirah (IRE) (2016)

Casamento (IRE) Money Spider (IRE)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Shamardal (USA) Wedding Gift (FR) Danehill Dancer (IRE) Regal Darcey (IRE)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam QUEEN OF JUMEIRAH (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 years; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 c. by No Advantage (USA)). 2nd Dam MONEY SPIDER (IRE), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years and £28,865 and placed 9 times; also won 2 races over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and £14,401 and placed twice; dam of 2 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingQueen of Jumeirah (IRE) (f. by Casamento (IRE)), see above. 3rd Dam REGAL DARCEY (IRE), placed once at 4 years; Own sister to TALAASH (IRE); dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizRASSELAS (IRE) (g. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), won 8 races and placed 15 times. MONEY SPIDER (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), see above. IRIDESCENT (IRE) (g. by Touch of Land (FR)), won 2 races over hurdles to 2023 and placed 4 times and won 2 races over fences to 2023 and placed once. RHONDA (IRE) (f. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)), won 1 race at 5 years abroad and placed 9 times. 4th Dam ROYAL BALLET (IRE), ran twice at 3 years; Own sister to KING'S THEATRE (IRE); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizTALAASH (IRE) (c. by Darshaan), won 2 races at 3 years at home and in France including Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine, L., placed 3 times; sire. Carpanetto (IRE) (c. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed once viz second in Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; sire. Battle Warning (GB) (g. by Warning), won 3 races at 6 and 7 years and placed 10 times; also won 4 races over hurdles and placed 4 times including second in Classic Novices' Hurdle, Uttoxeter, Gr.2. The next dam REGAL BEAUTY (USA), ran twice at 3 years; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingKING'S THEATRE (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in Ireland in 1994, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1, Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed second in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1 and third in Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1; sire. HIGH ESTATE (c. by Shirley Heights), Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1988, won 6 races at 2 and 3 years including Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Solario Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed once viz third in Scottish Classic, Ayr, Gr.3; sire. KING'S LOCH (IRE) (c. by Salmon Leap (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Foundation Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed second in Autumn Stakes, Ascot, L. Regal Portrait (IRE) (f. by Royal Academy (USA)), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. King's Ivory (IRE), 10 races at 2 to 6 years in Italy and placed 7 times including second in Premio Capannelle Ltd. Handicap, Rome, L. and third in Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. Atarama (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed 3 times including third in Newbury Fillies Trial, Newbury, L. and Montrose Stakes, Newmarket, L.


30 BOX

Owner: Hamod Salman Sail Al Shamri Dawn Approach (IRE)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 9th, 2022 (first foal)

Else Approach (GB) Elle Shadow (IRE) Night Poetry (IRE) (2014)

Sea The Stars (IRE) Aquila d'Oriente (ITY)


New Approach (IRE) Hymn of The Dawn (USA) Shamardal (USA) Elle Danzig (GER) Cape Cross (IRE) Urban Sea (USA) Dubawi (IRE) Fanofadiga (IRE)

ELSE APPROACH (GB), 2015. Unraced. Sire of ALOYOUQ (KSA). 1st Dam NIGHT POETRY (IRE), placed once at 3 years, from only 2 starts. 2nd Dam AQUILA D'ORIENTE (ITY), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £65,124 including Criterium Aretuseo, Siracusa, L., placed 6 times including third in Premio Mario Incisa della Rocchetta, Milan, Gr.3 and Criterium Femminile, Rome, L.; dam of 2 runners from 6 foals of racing ageTor di Quinto (IRE) (f. by Sea The Stars (IRE)), unraced; dam of a winner. SHIGERU PREMIUM (JPN), winner to 2023 in Japan. 3rd Dam FANOFADIGA (IRE), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy and placed 11 times; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingAQUILA D'ORIENTE (ITY) (f. by Dubawi (IRE)), see above. FIGLI FANESI (IRE) (c. by Tiger Hill (IRE)), won 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy including Premio Duca d'Aosta, Milan, L., Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. 4th Dam Gift of The Night (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France and second in Prix Hérod, Evry, L.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingFALBRAV (IRE) (c. by Fairy King (USA)), Champion older horse in Italy in 2002, Champion older horse in Europe in 2003 (9.5-10.5f.), won 13 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France, in Hong Kong, in Italy and in Japan including Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix d'Ispahan, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Premio Presidente della Repubblica-SIS, Rome, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1, Japan Cup, Nakayama, Gr.1, Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, placed second in Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1, Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.2 and third in Prix Ganay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, John Deere Breeders' Cup Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Fattsota (GB) (g. by Oasis Dream (GB)), won 6 races at 3 to 7 years at home and in Italy and placed third in James Seymour Stakes, Newmarket, L. FAFINTA (IRE) (f. by Indian Ridge), won 2 races at 4 years in Italy; dam of winners. PRETEND (IRE), 7 races including Hever Sprint Stakes, Lingfield, L., placed second in Chipchase Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3. FIULIN (GB), 3 races including Further Flight Stakes, Nottingham, L., placed second in Noel Murless Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, Gr.3. Bella Nostalgia (IRE), 1 race at 3 years, placed third in Distaff Stakes, Sandown, L. FURBESETA (GB), 1 race at 3 years; dam of FANOULPIFER (GB), 6 races in Italy including Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L., second in Premio Carlo d'Alessio, Rome, Gr.3, Filona (IRE), placed 8 times at 2 and 3 years in Italy including second in Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L.; grandam of Filmet (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in Italy and placed third in Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. Queen of The Night (GB) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. JACKSON HEIGHTS (USA), won Bertram F. Bongard Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, R., placed second in Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R. The next dam LITTLE NANA (FR), won 10 races at 2 and 4 years in France including Prix François André, Deauville, L., placed fourth in Yerba Buena Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3; Own sister to LITTLE LAKE (FR); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingAnanas (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Lagniappe Stakes, Jefferson Park; third dam of DASH DOT DASH (USA), won Our Dear Peggy Stakes, Calder, Emergency Nurse Stakes, Calder, Take d'Tour Stakes, Calder, Black Swan Stakes, Fairplex Park, ROYAL REGAN (USA), won Lightning City Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and Buckland Stakes, Colonial Downs, Rapid Runner (USA), winner in U.S.A. and abroad and placed third in Clasico Wiso G., Camarero Race Track, L., Players Lil Girl (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Cincinnatian Stakes, Beulah Park, R.; fourth dam of Code Red (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Seeking the Ante Stakes, Saratoga, R.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 5th, 2022 Sail Away Home (USA) (2009)

Kingmambo (USA) Sequoyah (IRE)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Brigid (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings 1st Dam SAIL AWAY HOME (USA), unraced; Own sister to HENRYTHENAVIGATOR (USA) and QUEEN CLEOPATRA (IRE); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizAULD CUP (USA) (2015 g. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and abroad and £33,097 and placed 12 times. TIZABOUTIME (USA) (2016 g. by Tiznow (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,842 and placed 5 times. RETURN VOYAGE (USA) (2019 f. by Street Boss (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 abroad and placed twice. KOOKABURRA (USA) (2014 f. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,586 and placed once. Cappy (USA) (2018 f. by Hard Spun (USA)), placed 6 times at 3 to 5 years, 2023 at home, in Canada and in U.S.A., £42,153. (2021 f. by Istan (USA)). 2nd Dam SEQUOYAH (IRE), won 2 races at 2 years and £105,739 including Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, placed 5 times including second in Debutante Stakes, Curragh, L. and third in Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; Own sister to LISTEN (IRE); dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingHENRYTHENAVIGATOR (USA) (c. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years and £1,384,598 including 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, second in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. QUEEN CLEOPATRA (IRE) (f. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and £144,294 viz Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3, placed third in Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1; dam of winners. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (IRE), 5 races at 2, 3 and 6 years at home and in Australia and £230,103 including Jayco Bendigo Cup, Bendigo, Gr.3, Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Flemington, Gr.3, Knockaire Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed twice. LOOK AT ME (IRE), 2 races and £70,152 including Navigation Stakes, Cork, L., second in Kilternan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Oh So Sharp Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and third in Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; dam of KIND OF MAGIC (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and £30,330 viz Flame of Tara EBF Stakes, Curragh, L. WAVE (IRE), 1 race at 2 years; dam of CLIFFS OF MOHER (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years and £1,020,343 including Mooresbridge Stakes, Naas, Gr.2, Dee Stakes, Chester, L., placed second in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1 and third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1. 3rd Dam BRIGID (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France; Own sister to OR VISION (USA) and Litani River (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingLISTEN (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 2007, won 2 races at 2 years viz Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1, Saoire Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of winners. TOUCHING SPEECH (JPN), won Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.2, placed third in Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Kyoto, Gr.1. OYSTER CATCHER (IRE) (f. by Bluebird (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years including Belgrave Stakes, Fairyhouse, L., third in Concorde Stakes, Cork, Gr.3; dam of a winner. Lady Windermere (IRE) (f. by Lake Coniston (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. ABSOLUTELYFABULOUS (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years including Cork Stakes, Cork, L., placed third in Ballyogan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of MAGICIAN (IRE), Champion older horse in Ireland in 2014, Jt Champion 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2013, 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Mooresbridge Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Dee Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, placed second in Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Abdulaziz Musaed Salem Al-Salem Kingman (GB)

FAREGAH (IRE) April 13th, 2022 A Bay Filly

Calyx (GB) Helleborine (GB) Guessing (USA) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated.

Kingmambo (USA) Imagine (IRE) B.C. Nominated.


Invincible Spirit (IRE) Zenda (GB) Observatory (USA) New Orchid (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Doff The Derby (USA) IRE Qualified

CALYX (GB), 2016. Won 3 races, Coventry Stakes, Gr.2, Pavilion Stakes, Gr.3, second in Sandy Lane Stakes, Gr.2, all his starts. Sire of CLASSIC FLOWER (GB), (Gr.2), PERSIAN DREAMER (USA), (Gr.2), Malc (GB), (Gr.2), Eben Shaddad (USA), (Gr.3), Angiolleta (IRE), (L.), HOT FUSS (IRE), GRAND SON OF CALYX (IRE), NELLIE LEYLAX (IRE), ZONA VERDE (IRE), LUNAFLOR (IRE), ACCUMULATE (GB), PROJECT GEOFIN (GB), EVER SO SWEET (IRE), HOW'S THE GUVNOR (IRE), GOLDEN STRIKE (IRE) etc. 1st Dam GUESSING (USA), ran once at 3 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizINDICATION SPIRIT (IRE) (2021 f. by Magna Grecia (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 years, 2023 and £14,410 and placed once, from only 5 starts. INVINCIBLE SOLDIER (IRE) (2018 g. by The Gurkha (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years and £11,149 and placed 5 times. WILD GUESS (IRE) (2017 c. by Zoffany (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years in Japan and £14,211 and placed 4 times. 2nd Dam IMAGINE (IRE), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 2001, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and £381,972 including Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Park Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed 6 times including second in Rockfel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L., all her starts; Own sister to STRAWBERRY ROAN (IRE); dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingHORATIO NELSON (IRE) (c. by Danehill (USA)), won 4 races at 2 years at home and in France and £284,236 including Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. VAN GOGH (USA) (c. by American Pharoah (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years at home and in France and £161,682 including Critérium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, placed 4 times including third in Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1. VISCOUNT NELSON (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.A.E. including Al Tayer Motors Al Fahidi Fort Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, Coolmore Hurricane Run Stakes, Tipperary, L., Silver Stakes, Curragh, L., placed third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1 and Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. KITTY MATCHAM (IRE) (f. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years and £51,786 including Rockfel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed 3 times; dam of winners. ARATORI (IRE), 1 race at 3 years, 2022 and placed once, all her starts. POINT PIPER (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 5 races at home and in U.S.A. including Longacres Mile Handicap, Emerald Downs, Gr.3, Harry F Brubaker Stakes, Del Mar, placed second in Native Diver Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3 and third in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2 and Mineshaft Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3; sire. Red Rock Canyon (IRE) (c. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)), won 1 race at 5 years and placed 14 times including second in Meld Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 and third in Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. ADESTE FIDELES (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Shamwari (USA), 1 race at 3 years, 2023, second in Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L. MONA LISA'S SMILE (USA) (f. by War Front (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of a winner. PRIME ART (IRE), 2 races at 2 years, 2023 including Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3. 3rd Dam DOFF THE DERBY (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingGENEROUS (IRE) (c. by Caerleon (USA)), Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1991, won 6 races including King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, second in Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, third in Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; sire. WEDDING BOUQUET (f. by Kings Lake (USA)), won 6 races at home and in U.S.A. including Park Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr.3, placed second in National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and third in Phoenix Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr.1; dam of winners.




Owner: Muhammad Ibrahim Rashid Hard Spun (USA)

DOUBLE HOPE (USA) February 2nd, 2022 A Black Colt

Spun To Run (USA) Yawkey Way (USA) Infinite Hope (USA) (2009)

Dynaformer (USA) Shared Dreams (GB)


Danzig (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA) Grand Slam (USA) Is Kylie Good (USA) Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Coretta (IRE)

SPUN TO RUN (USA), 2016. Won BAF Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, Smarty Jones Stakes, Gr.3, M.P Ballezzi Appreciation Mile Stakes, second in Cigar Mile Handicap, Gr.1 and third in tvg.com Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam INFINITE HOPE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 4 foals of racing age vizBROTHERLY LOVE (USA) (2019 c. by Klimt (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £30,567 and placed 6 times. Austin Kid (USA) (2021 c. by Enticed (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam SHARED DREAMS (GB), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Waya Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed 7 times including third in John Musker Stakes, Yarmouth, L.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingBROTHER O'CONNELL (USA) (g. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £195,175 including Mohawk Stakes, Belmont Park, R. Single Verse (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £136,000 and placed second in Shesastonecoldfox Stakes, Finger Lakes, R. and Lady Finger Stakes, Finger Lakes, R. 3rd Dam CORETTA (IRE), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2 (twice), Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 and Flower Bowl Invitational Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSHARED DREAMS (GB) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), see above. 4th Dam FREE AT LAST, won 7 races at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Countess Fager Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, L., Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, L., Carmel Handicap, Bay Meadows, L., placed third in Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCORETTA (IRE) (f. by Caerleon (USA)), see above. MIKADO (GB) (g. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Diamond Stakes, Curragh, L. and Eyrefield Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Rosa Parks (GB) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Galtres Stakes, York, L., Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of winners. SILK FOREST (IRE), 2 races at 3 years including Garnet Stakes, Naas, L., second in Athasi Stakes, Naas, Gr.3 and third in Ridgewood Pearl Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. Trumpet Sound (IRE) (c. by Theatrical), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Steventon Stakes, Newbury, L. The next dam BROCADE, won 5 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France including Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, L., second in Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3; Own sister to Cause Celebre; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingBARATHEA (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Mile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, placed second in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 (twice), Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1 and 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. GOSSAMER (GB) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 2002, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1, Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners. IBN KHALDUN (USA), won Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. Veil of Silence (IRE), unraced; dam of MISCHIEF MAGIC (IRE), won Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf Sprint, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3. ZABAR (GB) (g. by Dancing Brave (USA)), won 7 races in France and in West Germany including Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Oettingen-Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr.3.




Owner: Sultan Saleh Saif Al Atawi Curlin (USA) Vino Rosso (USA) Mythical Bride (USA)

A BLACK FILLY (USA) February 6th, 2022 Tizcool (USA) (2014)

Tiznow (USA) Win McCool (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Flaming Heart (USA) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Cee's Song (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Win Crafty Lady (USA)

VINO ROSSO (USA), 2015. Won 6 races, Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, NYRA Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.2, Stymie Stakes, L., second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of THE WINE STEWARD (USA), (Gr.3), Wine Me Up (USA), (Gr.1), Dancing Groom (USA), (Gr.1), Next Level (USA), (Gr.1), April Vintage (USA), (L.), Zaino (USA), (S), VINO ROUGE (USA). 1st Dam TIZCOOL (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,189; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizMoon Over Dubai (USA) (2020 c. by Malibu Moon (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £10,834. She also has a 2023 filly by Independence Hall (USA). 2nd Dam WIN MCCOOL (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £125,419 including Floral Park Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Nassau County Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCool Beans (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £200,848 and placed second in W.Virginia Senate President's Cup Stakes, Mountaineer Park, Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, Hatoof Stakes, Arlington and third in Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Pin Oak Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. Smart Win (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Clearly Unhinged (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Chillingworth Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Dazzling Song (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MAGNUM MOON (USA), won Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 and Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2. 3rd Dam WIN CRAFTY LADY (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Interborough Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Terlingua Stakes, Hollywood Park, Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Correction Handicap, Aqueduct, L., Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Morris County Stakes, Meadowlands and third in Busher Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Berlo Handicap, Aqueduct, L.; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingHARMONY LODGE (USA) (f. by Hennessy (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Ballerina Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Gallant Bloom Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, First Lady Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 (twice), Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Sweet Briar Too Stakes, Woodbine, L., Little Silver Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Genuine Risk Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Vinery Madison Stakes, Keeneland, L., Hurricane Bertie Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L. and third in Ballerina Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Prioress Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Princess Rooney Handicap, Calder, Gr.2 and Genuine Risk Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. STRATFORD HILL (USA), won Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire. ARMISTICE DAY (USA), won Toronto Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Autumn Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Ontario Derby, Woodbine, Gr.3. Letchworth (CAN), unraced; dam of WE THE PEOPLE (USA), won Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, second in West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.3. GRAEME HALL (USA) (c. by Dehere (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Eclipse Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, Stuyvesant Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire. WIN'S FAIR LADY (USA) (f. by Dehere (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Bimini Flyer Stakes, Calder, Wayward Lass Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Calder Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. FIRST PASSAGE (USA), won Azalea Stakes, Calder, Gr.3, Leave Me Alone Stakes, Calder, L., U Can Do It Handicap, Calder, Snurb Stakes, Calder, placed third in Ema Bovary Stakes, Calder and Harmony Lodge Handicap, Gulfstream Park; dam of BERNED (USA), won Molly Pitcher Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Safely Kept Stakes, Laurel, L., placed second in Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Royal Delta Stakes, Belmont Park, R.




Owner: Faisal Saad H. AlSuliman City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 23rd, 2022 Proud English (USA) (2010)

English Channel (USA) Debit Account (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) Belva (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Awesome Account (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam PROUD ENGLISH (USA), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., £23,000 and placed 6 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizABO SHAIBAH (KSA) (2017 c. by Girolamo (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £108,881 and placed 5 times. (2021 c. by Canadian Frontier (USA)). 2nd Dam DEBIT ACCOUNT (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £42,500; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLOMAKI (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), won 4 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and £129,944 including Endeavour Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. DR LARGE (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £139,984 including Capital City Stakes, Penn National, L., third in Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3; sire. Global Force (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £45,894 and placed third in Native Dancer Stakes, Laurel; sire. Charlie B (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. UNCASHED (USA), won Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, L. 3rd Dam Awesome Account (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Convenience Stakes, Meadowlands and third in Nicosia Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingANGUILLA (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Canadian Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of winners. KASHGAR (USA) (c. by Secretariat (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including International Turf Cup, Fort Erie, L., placed third in Toronto Cup Handicap, Woodbine, L.R.; sire. Alive With Hope (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Cardinal Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. AMERICA ALIVE (USA), won Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, River City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. DEMI MONDE (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. Gallant Dreamer (USA), winner, second in Stonerside Stakes, Lone Star Park, L.; grandam of PROUD EMMA (USA), won Bayakoa Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.3. Closure (USA) (f. by Alysheba (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. SALUTE HIM (USA), won Alex M Robb Handicap, Aqueduct, L.R. The next dam SPECIAL ACCOUNT (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to NUMBERED ACCOUNT (USA), CUNNING TRICK (USA), HOW CURIOUS (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGALLANT SPECIAL (USA) (c. by Gallant Romeo (USA)), won 9 races at 2, 5 and 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2. GALLANT SISTER (USA) (f. by Vigors (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. including Daddy's Datsun Invitational Handicap, Golden Gate; grandam of HERITAGE OF GOLD (USA), won Go For Wand Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Louisville Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Bank On Love (USA) (f. by Gallant Romeo (USA)), unraced; fourth dam of ALCOHOL FREE (IRE), 6 races including Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Kemp (USA) (f. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. HEAR THE BELLS (CAN), won Maryland Turf Handicap, Pimlico, L.; grandam of HARVEY WALLBANGER (USA), won Holy Bull Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. Time Deposit (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TRESORIERE (USA), won Gallorette Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3.




Owner: Ahmad Abdullah Abdurahman Aloty Candy Ride (ARG) Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 31st, 2022 Be My Kitten (USA) (2010)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Unfold the Rose (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Catienus (USA) Bail Out Becky (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam BE MY KITTEN (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to STEPHANIE'S KITTEN (USA); dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizRAPID TRANSIT (USA) (2015 f. by Bullet Train (GB)), won 8 races at 4, 6 and 7 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £101,133 and placed 5 times. GOODTIME ARTIE (USA) (2018 c. by We Miss Artie (CAN)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £44,666 and placed 11 times. STRAND OF GOLD (USA) (2020 f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £48,284 and placed twice. 2nd Dam UNFOLD THE ROSE (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSTEPHANIE'S KITTEN (USA) (f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £2,699,708 including Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf, Keeneland, Gr.1, Flower Bowl Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), Longines Just A Game Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Longines Churchill Distaff Mile Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Woodford Reserve Lake Placid Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Hillsborough Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Beverly D Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1 (twice), Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, TVG Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and third in Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of a winner. HEYWOODS BEACH (USA) (c. by Speightstown (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £326,373 including Cougar II Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, Tokyo City Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Alliance Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Let It Ride Stakes, Del Mar, R. and third in San Antonio Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 3rd Dam BAIL OUT BECKY (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, Nijana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Mint Julep Handicap, Churchill Downs, L., Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, L., Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Beverly Hills Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingRANSOM THE KITTEN (CAN) (f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and abroad including Clasico Prensa Hipica, Camarero Race Track, L.; dam of winners. Bail Out The King (USA) (g. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 9 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Bob Harding Stakes, Monmouth Park. Becky Loves Silver (USA) (f. by Silver Charm (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FLY LEXIS FLY (USA), won Clasico Derby Nacional, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Ricardo Ortis de Zevallos, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1. The next dam BECKY BE GOOD (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBENELLI (USA) (g. by Danzig Connection (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Lew Miles Derby Trial Stakes, Assiniboia Downs. Lear Flight (USA) (g. by Lear Fan (USA)), placed 3 times in U.S.A. including second in Locust Stakes, Parx Racing. WOODMAN'S GIRL (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MORE THAN READY (USA), won King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Tremont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, second in Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. ALWAYS READY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of SHERIFF PETE (USA), won Clasico Gustavo Prado Heudebert, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2. Nascat (USA) (f. by Hennessy (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. BEARCATT (USA), won Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L.




War Front (USA) TOUFFAN (USA) March 4th, 2022 A Grey/Roan Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

The Factor (USA) Greyciousness (USA) Molly O'Shea (USA) (2013)

Cape Blanco (IRE) Seauxbelle (USA)

Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Miswaki (USA) Skatingonthinice (USA) Galileo (IRE) Laurel Delight (GB) Dynaformer (USA) Marshesseaux (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated. THE FACTOR (USA), 2008. Won 6 races, Malibu Stakes, Gr.1, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.1, San Carlos Stakes, Gr.2, Rebel Stakes, Gr.2 and San Vicente Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of CISTRON (USA), (Gr.1), NOTED AND QUOTED (USA), (Gr.1), BOUND FOR NOWHERE (USA), (Gr.2), CHARMAINE'S MIA (USA), (Gr.2), FACTOR THIS (USA), (Gr.2), MI CHICA BONITA (USA), (Gr.3), CHIEFDOM (USA), (Gr.3), BANDUA (USA), (Gr.3), FUN FACT (AUS), (Gr.3), MULTIPLIER (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam MOLLY O'SHEA (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £56,085 and placed 3 times; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age vizSupe (USA) (2019 c. by Verrazano (USA)), placed twice at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. The Motto (USA) (2020 c. by Munnings (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Vintage Vino (USA) (2021 c. by Vino Rosso (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam SEAUXBELLE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingVANDELAY (USA) (c. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. FIONA (USA) (f. by Honor Code (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam Marshesseaux (USA), won 13 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Hibiscus Stakes, Hialeah Park and third in Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingLEFT BANK (USA) (c. by French Deputy (USA)), Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2002, won 14 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Tom Fool Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Bold Ruler Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Forego Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1. MARSHESLEW (USA) (f. by Houston (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Bassinet Stakes, River Downs, L., placed third in Wilma C Kennedy Stakes, Ellis Park, L. and Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of winners. CODE BLUM (USA) (f. by Lost Code (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Miss Woodford Breeders' Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of winners. Because I Like It (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in J J's Dream Stakes, Calder. FLAG ON THE PLAY (USA) (g. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Holiday Cheer Handicap, Turfway Park, third in Turfway Prevue Stakes, Turfway Park, L. Stenka Rasin (USA) (c. by Pulpit (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in Japan and placed second in Ritto Stakes, Kyoto, L. Saphiria (USA) (f. by Touch Gold (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. BRYAN'S JEWEL (USA), won Obeah Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3. BLUSHING TOUCH (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Blessed Touch (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Desi Arnaz Stakes, Del Mar, L. and third in Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. JUGNI (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Amidships (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. second in WV V. Moscarelli Breeders' Classic, Charles Town, R., Navy Band (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. third in Rachel's Turn Stakes, Charles Town, R. Breathless Charm (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Stayton (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Gateway to Glory Stakes, Fairplex Park, L. LADUE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of LUCIFER'S STONE (USA), won Garden City Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, LILLY LADUE (USA), won Texas Stallion Stakes (3yo fillies), Lone Star Park, L.R.; grandam of NINETY ONE ASSAULT (USA), won Louisiana Champions Day Turf Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. (twice), Holiday Stone (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Keeneland Select Transylvania Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; third dam of Nono Zeide (BRZ), winner in Brazil third in Grande Premio A.B.C.P.C.C., Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. Spinner (USA) (f. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BRITTSKER (USA), won Lazer Show Stakes, Arlington, L.; grandam of TIZ THE ARGUMENT (USA), won Jameela Stakes, Aqueduct, L. FAYREGAMMO (USA), won Mountain Valley Stakes, Oaklawn Park; sire.




Owner: Nawader Stable Silver Deputy (CAN)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 23rd, 2022

Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA) Sky Bird (USA) (2011)

Birdstone (USA) Comanche Star (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Grindstone (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Saint Ballado (CAN) Deceit Princess (CAN)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SKY BIRD (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,322; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizPRECISE DANCER (USA) (2017 c. by Verrazano (USA)), won 5 races at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2023 abroad and £59,862 including Clasico Bold Forbes, Camarero Race Track, L., placed 5 times including second in Clasico Jose de Diego, Camarero Race Track, L. and Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa Memorial, Camarero Race Track, L. SKY TEMPLE (USA) (2018 c. by Temple City (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £66,799 and placed 8 times. (2021 f. by Goldencents (USA)). 2nd Dam COMANCHE STAR (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,924; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDECLAN'S WARRIOR (USA) (c. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £260,322 including Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Gygistar Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Woody Stephens Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Westchester Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire. CANONIZE (USA) (c. by Aldebaran (USA)), won 5 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £177,345 including Santana Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, second in Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, third in Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam DECEIT PRINCESS (CAN), unraced; Own sister to DECEIT DANCER (CAN); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingALHESN (USA) (g. by Woodman (USA)), won 8 races at 4 to 6 years and placed 11 times. The next dam DECEIT (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Acorn Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.1, Colleen Stakes, Monmouth, Astarita Stakes, Belmont, Fashion Stakes, Aqueduct, second in Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.1; Own sister to Pondelli (USA); dam of six winners from 10 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingDECEIT DANCER (CAN) (f. by Vice Regent (CAN)), won 7 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R., Fury Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, third in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, Gr.1R. and Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R. NAGURSKI (CAN) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Canadian Maturity Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R., Jockey Club Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Woodlawn Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3; sire. DIANA DANCE (CAN) (f. by Northern Dancer), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in West Germany including Neuss Stuten Preis der Gunnewig Hotels, Neuss, Gr.3, second in Schwarzgold Rennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2, Preis der Niedersachsischen Sparkassen, Hannover, Gr.3, third in Preis der Diana, Mulheim, Gr.2; dam of winners. DIANA'S QUEST (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in Germany; dam of DEVA (GER), 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Germany and in Italy including Baden-Wurttemberg-Trophy, Baden-Baden, Gr.3; grandam of DSCHINGIS SECRET (GER), Champion older horse in Germany in 2017, 7 races at 3 to 5 years in France, in Germany and in Italy including Longines Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.1, Prix Foy, Chantilly, Gr.2, Grosser Hansa Preis, Hamburg, Gr.2 (twice); sire, DESTINO (GER), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany including Fritz Henkel Stiftung Rennen, Dusseldorf, Gr.3, placed second in Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1; sire. ACCOMPLICE (USA) (c. by Graustark), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Ashford Castle Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, L. and third in Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. Slight Deception (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), unraced; dam of winners. COOL HALO (CAN), won King Edward Gold Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3R.; sire.




Owner: Mohammad Yahya Mohammad Alzamanan Elzaam (AUS) Mjjack (IRE) Docklands Grace (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 20th, 2022 Zhabi Alhijaaz (KSA) (2008)

Iftitah (USA) Kontifain (FR)


Redoute's Choice (AUS) Mambo In Freeport (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Afarel (USA) Gone West (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Zilzal (USA) Time of Trouble (FR)

MJJACK (IRE), 2014. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ZHABI ALHIJAAZ (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 5 foals of racing age vizTHAT ALWESHAH (KSA) (2018 f. by Worldly (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,227 and placed twice. (2020 c. by Montiridge (IRE)). 2nd Dam KONTIFAIN (FR), unraced; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizNAJM GHAIHAB (KSA) (c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £17,888. 3rd Dam TIME OF TROUBLE (FR), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in France and in U.A.E.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingMa Adour (FR) (c. by In The Wings), won 2 races at 4 years in France and placed third in Premio del Circo Massimo, Rome, L. 4th Dam INVITE, won 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winners from 14 runners and 15 living foals of racing age includingWIN KLUGER (JPN) (c. by Taiki Shuttle (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Japan including NHK Mile Cup, Tokyo, L., Arlington Cup, Hanshin, L., placed third in Mainichi Broadcast Swan Stakes, Kyoto, L. and Hankyu Hai, Hanshin, L.; sire. Reserve Seat (JPN) (f. by Creator), placed 8 times in Japan; dam of winners. SOLID PLATINUM (JPN), won Mermaid Stakes, Kyoto, L. The next dam Burghclere, won 1 race, placed fourth in Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWIND IN HER HAIR (IRE) (f. by Alzao (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Germany viz Aral-Pokal, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, Gr.1, Newbury Fillies Trial, Newbury, L., Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1 and third in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of winners. DEEP IMPACT (JPN), Champion 3yr old colt in Japan in 2005, Champion older horse in Japan in 2006, won Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1, Takarazuka Kinen, Hanshin, Gr.1, Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2 and Arima Kinen, Nakayama, L.; champion sire. VEIL OF AVALON (USA), won De La Rose Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Solo Haina Handicap, Calder, placed third in Winstar Galaxy Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. LADY BLOND (USA), winner in Japan; dam of GOLD BLITZ (JPN), won Antares Stakes, Kyoto, Gr.3 (twice); grandam of REY DE ORO (JPN), Champion 3yr old colt in Japan in 2017, Champion older horse in Japan in 2018, won Tokyo Yushun (Derby), Tokyo, Gr.1, Tenno Sho (Autumn Emperor's Cup), Tokyo, Gr.1; sire. Glint In Her Eye (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of JEREMY (USA), won Sandown Mile, Sandown, Gr.2, Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, King Charles II Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire. CAPO DI MONTE (f. by Final Straw), won 5 races at home and in U.S.A. including Vineland Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., Virginia Stakes, Newcastle, L.; dam of winners. DREAM TICKET (USA), 1 race at 3 years; dam of MAGIC MISSION (GB), 4 races in France and in U.S.A. including Royal Heroine Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed third in Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; grandam of TALISMANIC (GB), 8 races in France and in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Turf, Del Mar, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3; sire. Bella Vitessa (IRE) (f. by Thatching), ran a few times at 3 years; dam of winners. YEHUDI (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Eyrefield Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed second in Critérium de SaintCloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1; sire. Loch Clair (IRE) (f. by Lomond (USA)), ran 3 times; grandam of MEDICINE JACK (GB), 5 races at 2, 4 and 7 years including Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Waterford Testimonial Stakes, Navan, L., placed third in Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1.




Owner: Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani

Mucho Gusto (USA) A BAY FILLY (UNK) January 1st, 2022 Alqebtiyah (KSA) (2007)

Mucho Macho Man (USA) Itsagiantcauseway (USA) Delius (USA) One Rich Lady (USA)


Macho Uno (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Giant’s Causeway (USA) Countervail (USA) A P Indy (USA) Hot Novel (USA) Air Forbes Won (USA) Rich Lady (USA)

MUCHO GUSTO (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Gr.3, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Gr.3 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ALQEBTIYAH (KSA), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £32,500 and placed 9 times; dam of 4 runners from 8 foals of racing age vizNajwa (KSA) (2016 f. by Astrology (IRE)), placed twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Fah'ham (KSA) (2018 c. by Assez Clair (USA)), winner once at 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and palced 3 times from 4 starts. Mantooqat Aljeed (KSA) (2019 f. by Frozen Power (IRE)), winner once at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 3 times from 4 stats only. Yeda'hemhom (KSA) (2020 c. by Teletext (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. Bint Alqebtiyah (KSA) (2014 f. by Bonnard (IRE)), unraced; dam of a winner vizMOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by Hakam (KSA)). 2nd Dam ONE RICH LADY (USA), won 12 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.S.A. and £330,197 including Charon Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L., placed second in Louisville Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Fleur de Lis Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and third in Personal Ensign Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDAANAT AEQAAB (KSA) (f. by Delius (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,083; dam of a winner. XTREME RUSH (USA) (g. by Wekiva Springs (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. 3rd Dam RICH LADY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingONE RICH LADY (USA) (f. by Air Forbes Won (USA)), see above. KENTUCKY BRIDE (USA) (f. by American Standard (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. WHIRLAWAY LAD (USA) (c. by Island Whirl (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam WOODBINE LADY (CAN), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingILEFETCHIT (USA) (c. by Grey Dawn II), won 14 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including City of Miami Beach Handicap, Calder, fourth in W L McKnight Handicap, Calder, Gr.3. SYLVAN MISS (USA) (f. by Swift Pursuit (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. KERYGMA (USA), won Jacob France Handicap, Pimlico, L., My Juliet Handicap, Pimlico, L., Straight Deal Handicap, Laurel, L., Pinafore Handicap, Pimlico, L., Francis Scott Key Stakes, Laurel, Miss Spin Stakes, Laurel, Primonetta Handicap, Pimlico, Dahlia Stakes, Laurel, Cover Girl Handicap, Laurel, placed second in Budweiser Garden State Breeders' Cup Hcp, Garden State, Gr.3 and third in Budweiser Garden State Breeders' Cup Hcp, Garden State, Gr.3, Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; dam of CAMACTHMAGNIFICENT (USA), won New Jersey Futurity (c&g), Meadowlands, R.; grandam of TRAVESURA (USA), won Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Touchdown Trojans (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Permian Basin Stakes, Zia Park. LADY ANALIA (USA), won Clasico Copa Seguro La Previsora, Panama, L. The next dam IRISH PRINCESS, won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingPrincess Hammer (CAN) (f. by Hammerhead), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Whimsical Stakes, Greenwood, Gr.3R.; dam of winners. Bara Prince (USA) (c. by Barachois (CAN)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Novelty Stakes, Belmont Park; sire.




Owner: Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi Stormy Atlantic (USA) Get Stormy (USA) Foolish Gal (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) March 14th, 2022 Weekend Connection (USA) (2005)

Pulpit (USA) Fortuitous (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Kiri's Clown (USA) Galaxy North (USA) A P Indy (USA) Preach (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Vermont Connection (USA)

GET STORMY (USA), 2006. Won 11 races, Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap, Gr.1, Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Gr.1, Maker's Mark Mile, Gr.1, Bernard Baruch Handicap, Gr.2, Fourstardave Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of GOT STORMY (USA), (Gr.1), GET SMOKIN (USA), (Gr.2), GETMOTHERAROSE (USA), (Gr.3), STORM THE HILL (USA), (Gr.3), GO NONI GO (USA), (Gr.3), FIFTY FIVE (USA), (Gr.3), I GET IT (USA), (L.), GET WESTERN (USA), (L.R.), RAINTREE STARLET (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam WEEKEND CONNECTION (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A., £10,248 and placed 3 times; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizKAVOD (USA) (2019 g. by Lea (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £424,465 including Advent Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed 6 times including second in Tremont Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and Ring The Bell Stakes, Oaklawn Park. Gran Brandy (USA) (2017 f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £21,717 and placed twice including third in Our Dear Peggy Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Shrilanka (USA) (2010 f. by Pleasantly Perfect (USA)), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £19,975 including second in Oak Tree Juvenile Fillies Turf Stakes, Del Mar, L.; dam of a winner vizAnother Hot Mess (USA) (f. by Hard Spun (USA)), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Opelousas Stakes, Evangeline Downs. NIGHT OUT (USA) (2012 c. by Include (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £48,561 and placed 15 times. UNEXPECTED VISIT (USA) (2015 f. by Include (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £33,298 and placed 3 times. WEEKEND MADNESS (USA) (2016 f. by Include (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £33,301 and placed 5 times. 2nd Dam FORTUITOUS (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £98,430 including Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed second in Via Borghese Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizWEEKEND CONNECTION (USA) (f. by Pulpit (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam VERMONT CONNECTION (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to Houston Connection (USA); dam of thirteen winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingFORTUITOUS (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), see above. DINAH LEE (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. My Dinah Lee (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Brookmeade Stakes, Laurel, R. The next dam LASSIE CONNECTION (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingWINNING CONNECTION (USA) (g. by St Jovite (USA)), won 21 races in U.S.A. including West Virginia Governors Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. Thrilla In Manila (USA) (g. by Manila (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Laurel Futurity, Laurel, Gr.3. Houston Connection (USA) (c. by Alysheba (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Pilgrim Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire. Bankruptcy Court (USA) (c. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3. Unbridled Lassie (USA) (f. by Unbridled (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in National Jockey Club Oaks, Sportsmans Park, L. and third in Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1; grandam of CARRIBEAN CAPER (USA), won Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Audobon Oaks, Ellis Park; third dam of PLANETA AZUL (BRZ), won Classico Imprensa, Gavea, L. GREAT CONNECTION (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GREAT NEWS (FR), 4 races in France including Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L. LORD SINCLAIR (USA), won Prix Montenica, Deauville, L. GUANA (FR), won Flawlessly Stakes, Arlington, second in Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3 and Critérium de l'Ouest, Craon, L.; grandam of AMMIRATA (AUS), won Gosford RSL Belle of the Turf Stakes, Gosford, Gr.3.


42 BOX


Owner: Sama Stable Pioneerof The Nile (USA) American Pharoah (USA) Littleprincessemma (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 19th, 2022 Holiday Magic (USA) (2011)

Congrats (USA) Harliday (USA)

Empire Maker (USA) Star of Goshen (USA) Yankee Gentleman (USA) Exclusive Rosette (USA) A P Indy (USA) Praise (USA) Harlan's Holiday (USA) Meadow Sunlight (USA)

AMERICAN PHAROAH (USA), 2012. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2014. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2015. Won 9 races, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, etc. Sire of MARKETSEGMENTATION (USA), (Gr.1), AMERICAN THEOREM (USA), (Gr.1), ABOVE THE CURVE (USA), (Gr.1), AS TIME GOES BY (USA), (Gr.1), CAFE PHAROAH (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam HOLIDAY MAGIC (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £118,009 including Stonehedge Farm Sophomore Stakes (f), Tampa Bay Downs, R., Brave Raj Stakes, Calder, placed 4 times including second in Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, R. and third in Ocala Breeders Sales Championship (f), Ocala T.C., R.; dam of 2 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingMiss Jessel (CAN) (2020 f. by Ghostzapper (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2022 in Canada and £12,339. Magic Cen (USA) (2021 f. by Street Sense (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam HARLIDAY (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHOLIDAY MAGIC (USA) (f. by Congrats (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam MEADOW SUNLIGHT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingBound Light (USA) (c. by Boundary (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Rumon, Rome, L. 4th Dam ORCHESIS (USA), unraced; Own sister to REAL COURAGE (USA) and I REALLY WILL (USA); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizMajestic Sunlight (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, L. and third in Nijana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of winners. Swoop City (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bourbonette Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of winners. Natkeeta (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Ada Handicap, Remington Park; dam of winners. BARONESS THATCHER (USA), won Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. INTERMINABLE GOLD (USA), won Riley Allison Futurity, Sunland Park, L. The next dam GRACEFUL GAL (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDULUTH (USA) (c. by Codex (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Knickerbocker Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Daryl's Joy Stakes, Saratoga, L., Gallant Man Stakes, Saratoga, placed third in Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. REAL COURAGE (USA) (c. by In Reality), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Envoy Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; sire. I REALLY WILL (USA) (c. by In Reality), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including City of Miami Beach Handicap, Calder; sire. RYTHMICAL (USA) (f. by Fappiano (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Newtown Handicap, Parx Racing; dam of winners. CAPOTE BELLE (USA), won Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Prioress Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Humana Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; grandam of UP TO THE MARK (USA), won Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Manhattan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, CATAPULT (USA), won Del Mar Mile Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2. CRUISIE (USA) (f. by Assert), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WINDWARD ISLANDS (USA), won Nijinsky Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 (twice).




Owner: Faisal Faris R Alsubiei Bodemeister (USA)

RITAJ (USA) January 30th, 2022 A Bay Filly

Always Dreaming (USA) Above Perfection (USA) Tiz Da Biz (USA) (2014)

Tizway (USA) Storm Mesa (USA)


Empire Maker (USA) Untouched Talent (USA) In Excess Something Perfect (USA) Tiznow (USA) Bethany (USA) Sky Mesa (USA) Narjis Flower (USA)

ALWAYS DREAMING (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, xpressbet.com Florida Derby, Gr.1, second in Gulfstream Park Hardacre Mile Stakes, Gr.2 and third in NYRA Bets Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SAUDI CROWN (USA), (Gr.1), GRAND ISLE (USA), (S), D'Ont Lose Cruz (USA), (S), GIACOMETTI (USA), SISTER'S DUTY (USA), AGNELLO'S DREAM (USA), ALWAYS ANGELS (USA), STARSHIP AGENDA (USA), GENTLE TOUCH (JPN), HARRINGTON (USA), DREAMY BREEZE (USA), DREAMING OF TOGA (USA). 1st Dam TIZ DA BIZ (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £34,584 and placed 5 times; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizDream Time (USA) (2021 c. by Always Dreaming (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam STORM MESA (USA), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £169,171 including San Clemente Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Cinemine Stakes, Lone Star Park, L.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizTIZ DA BIZ (USA) (f. by Tizway (USA)), see above. PIPPAS POPPY (USA) (f. by Soldat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,563. Crooked Answer (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Strike That (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Kona Gold Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. 3rd Dam NARJIS FLOWER (USA), ran twice at 2 years; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizSTORM MESA (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), see above. SHE BE CLASSY (USA) (f. by Toccet (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including John W Rooney Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of winners. PRINCESS THUMB (USA) (f. by Stravinsky (USA)), won 2 races abroad. CAUSIN COMMOTION (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada; dam of winners. SHYSTERMEISTER (USA) (g. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. HARDTENONTHEHOP (USA) (g. by Eurosilver (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Paper Kite (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Laoban's Legacy (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Seeking the Ante Stakes, Saratoga, R. The next dam FLOWING (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years including Flying Five Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 (twice), Tipperary Sprint, Tipperary, L. (twice), placed second in Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3 and third in Ballyogan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Topaz Sprint Stakes, Tipperary, L. and Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLady Shannon (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and placed third in Rockingham Handicap, Curragh, L.; dam of a winner. Garmoucheh (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Radley Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of winners. Vanguard Dream (GB), 3 races at 2 years, placed third in Spring Cup, Lingfield, L. DUBAI POWER (GB), 2 races at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of Flora of Bermuda (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, 2023 and placed second in Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Power of Light (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Montrose Stakes, Newmarket, L.; grandam of POWERFUL BREEZE (GB), 2 races at 2 years including May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, placed second in Fillies' Mile, Newmarket, Gr.1, all her starts. Lavender Sea (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Blessed Immaculata (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Elge Rasberry Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L.R., Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint, Fair Grounds, R., Magnolia Stakes, Delta Downs, R. and Louisiana Legends Mademoiselle Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. Danny T (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in A L Red Erwin Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R.




Owner: Marzouq Naseh Hadri Almarzouqi A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 1st, 2022

Worldly (USA) Urbane (USA) Smittenwithkitten (USA) (2010)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Blush (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Menifee (USA) Cerise (USA)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam SMITTENWITHKITTEN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £27,139 and placed twice; Own sister to DERBY KITTEN (USA) and WILLIAM'S KITTEN (USA); dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBlanket of Roses (USA) (2017 g. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £131,053 and placed 7 times including second in Rushaway Stakes, Turfway Park. Magical Charm (USA) (2018 f. by Tapizar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A., £29,836 and placed 5 times, under both rules including third in Randolph D. Rouse Hurdle, Colonial Downs, L. UNION OBSESSION (USA) (2015 f. by Union Rags (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,590 and placed 5 times. (2021 c. by Lord Nelson (USA)). 2nd Dam BLUSH (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £37,023; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDERBY KITTEN (USA) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 6 races at 3, 5 and 7 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £298,832 including Coolmore Lexington Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Ontario Derby, Woodbine, L., Cliff Guilliams Handicap, Ellis Park, placed second in W. V. House of Delegates Speakers Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Alligator Alley Stakes, Gulfstream Park and third in American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, J K Self Shelby County Boy/Girls Stakes, Indiana Downs, L., Lone Star Derby, Lone Star Park, L. and First Responder Stakes, Parx Racing. WILLIAM'S KITTEN (USA) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £141,873 including Sunday Silence Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., placed second in Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Holy Bull Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; sire. Flush (USA) (f. by Violence (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £75,716 and placed third in Franklin Square Stakes, Aqueduct, R. BLUSH AGAIN (USA) (f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Orb's Joy (USA), unraced; dam of Classic Rick (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Kip Deville Stakes, Remington Park. Starship Kitten (USA) (f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of a winner. Ropers N Wranglers (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Seattle Stakes, Emerald Downs. 3rd Dam CERISE (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCHERRY POINT (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Gigi Jean (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Ross McLeod Stakes, Hastings Park. The next dam CHERRY JUBILEE (USA), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed fourth in Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1 and Bed O'Roses Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 15 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingTRAVERSE CITY (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Interborough Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Correction Handicap, Aqueduct, L., La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Four Winds Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of winners. Jubilant Lady (USA), ran at 3 years; dam of FLOWER PARTY (IRE), 6 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including Premio Verziere - Memorial Aldo Cirla, Milan, Gr.3.


45 BOX


Owner: Sama Stable Distorted Humor (USA) Maclean's Music (USA) Forest Music (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 10th, 2022 Hanalei Hailey (USA) (2011)

Malibu Moon (USA) Miz United States (USA)

Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Defer West (USA) A P Indy (USA) Macoumba (USA) Valid Appeal (USA) Stolen Skates (USA)

MACLEAN'S MUSIC (USA), 2008. Won 1 race. Sire of JACKIE'S WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.1), DRAIN THE CLOCK (USA), (Gr.1), COMPLEXITY (USA), (Gr.1), CLOUD COMPUTING (USA), (Gr.1), MOMMASGOTTARUN (CAN), (Gr.3), DANCE TO THE MUSIC (USA), (Gr.3), ESTILO TALENTOSO (USA), (Gr.3), CLASSIC ROCK (USA), (Gr.3), ALL IN SYNC (USA), (L.), FIRECROW (USA), (L.), MUSICAL HEART (USA), (L.), CALIFORNIA MUSIC (USA), (L.), SHARE THE UPSIDE (CAN), (L.) etc. 1st Dam HANALEI HAILEY (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £29,412 and placed once; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizKupuna (USA) (2019 c. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £246,159 and placed 7 times including second in Knicks Go Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs, R. 2nd Dam MIZ UNITED STATES (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £180,278 including Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L., Princess Mora Handicap, Calder; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingEXAGGERATED (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £141,494 including Giant's Causeway Stakes, Keeneland, L., Oakley Stakes, Laurel, R. (twice), placed third in The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L.; dam of winners. Murky (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A., second in Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park. Scampering (USA) (f. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £185,667 and placed third in Suwannee River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Lady Baltimore Stakes, Laurel, L. and Glens Falls Stakes, Saratoga, L.; dam of winners. IN A HURRY (USA), won All Along Stakes, Pimlico, L., placed second in Dahlia Stakes, Laurel and third in Gallorette Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Suwannee River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. Romp (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A., placed third in Sir Barton Stakes, Pimlico, R. Ameribelle (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £77,446 and placed second in Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, John Franks Juvenile Fillies Turf Stakes, Calder, L.R. and Suncoast Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs. AMERICAN ASSET (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Pistolina (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Gin Talking Stakes, Laurel. 3rd Dam STOLEN SKATES (USA), won 21 races in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSTOLEN PRAYER (USA) (f. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Three Ring Stakes, Calder, L., Ema Bovary Stakes, Calder, Kimscountrydiamond Stakes, Calder, Snurb Stakes, Calder, placed second in Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, L. and third in Hurricane Bertie Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of a winner. United States (USA) (c. by Copelan (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Lord Avie Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. and Super Bowl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. Miss Annie Bea (USA) (f. by Diablo (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and second in Ocala Breeders Sales Championship (f), Ocala T.C., L.R.; dam of winners. FINVARRA (USA) (f. by Valid Expectations (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Druids Mound (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Clarendon Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. 4th Dam STOLEN TITLE (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Celestial Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingOSWEGATCHIE (USA) (g. by Stalwart (USA)), won 23 races in U.S.A. The next dam TITLED (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFIT FOR A QUEEN (USA) (f. by Fit To Fight (USA)), won 13 races at home and in U.S.A. including Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Budweiser Turfway Park Breeders' Cup Hp., Turfway Park, Gr.2, Louisville Budweiser Breeders' Cup H'cp, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; third dam of A P INDIAN (USA), won Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Phoenix Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah Alsaeed Sons


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Sooni (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Stormy Atlantic (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Summer Wind Dancer (USA) Native Wind Dancer (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA)

Rookie Sensation (USA) A GREY COLT (KSA) February 28th, 2022 Hatteras (USA) (2010)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam HATTERAS (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizWARDAT ALMAYADEEN (KSA) (2020 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £328,190 and placed 5 times. DYNAMO KID (USA) (2017 g. by Daredevil (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £24,135. DATA STORM KITTY (USA) (2016 f. by Data Link (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £37,342 and placed twice. INVERTED (USA) (2015 g. by Gemologist (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,400 and placed once. 2nd Dam SUMMER WIND DANCER (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £534,410 including Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Hawthorne Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, XTRA California Cup Juvenile Stakes (f), Santa Anita, L.R., Cover Gal Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in B Thoughtful Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., Santa Lucia Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R., California Cup Matron Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R., Solana Beach Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. and third in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBahama Bound (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £135,457 and placed second in Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct and third in Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of winners. Bahama Halo (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Our Dear Peggy Stakes, Gulfstream Park. MANDA BAY (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Voting Control (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pilgrim Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Del Mar, Gr.1. 3rd Dam NATIVE WIND DANCER (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSUMMER WIND DANCER (USA) (f. by Siberian Summer (USA)), see above. Indian Jones (USA) (g. by Smarty Jones (USA)), won 6 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Greenwood Cup Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3. WINDY (USA) (f. by Wild Rush (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PASS THE BUCK (USA), won Zia Park Derby, Zia Park, L.; sire. SUMMERTIME (USA) (f. by Siberian Summer (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wyfire (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A., second in Speakeasy Stakes, Santa Anita. Into Summer (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds. 4th Dam RICH INDIAN (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingTELLS INDIAN MAID (USA) (f. by Tell (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. The next dam TRILLIONAIRE (USA), won 5 races at 3 years including Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed fourth in Queen Charlotte Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLOCK'S DREAM (USA) (f. by Youth (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Spring Fiesta Cup Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of winners. BIG BROWN BEAR (USA), won Demaloot Demashoot Stakes, Fort Erie. LOCK'S HEATH (CAN), winner; dam of AKANTI (IRE), 9 races at home and in U.S.A. including Rochestown Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; grandam of A CASE OF YOU (IRE), 7 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 at home, in France and in U.A.E. including Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Al Quoz Sprint, Meydan, Gr.1.





Owner: FMQ Stables Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Higher Power (USA) Alternate (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) April 7th, 2022 Unreal Baby (USA) (2014)

Flatter (USA) Flowerette (USA)

El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Strike A Balance (USA) A P Indy (USA) Praise (USA) Victory Gallop (CAN) Princess Olivia (USA)

HIGHER POWER (USA), 2015. Won 5 races, TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Gr.1, second in Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Wickerr Stakes, L.R. and third in Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam UNREAL BABY (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,828 and placed once; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing agePalace Bell (USA) (2021 c. by Palace Malice (USA)), ran once at 2 years, 2023 abroad. Sensor (USA) (2020 f. by Connect (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam FLOWERETTE (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRUN TIME (USA) (c. by Gio Ponti (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £162,907 including H. Allen Jerkins Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Arraignment (USA) (g. by Include (USA)), won 7 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and £123,018 and placed third in British Columbia Derby, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Richmond Derby Trial Handicap, Hastings Park and Chris Loseth Handicap, Hastings Park. Street Tease (IRE) (f. by Street Boss (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 7 years abroad and placed once viz second in Yang di Pertua Negeri Gold Cup, Penang, L. 3rd Dam PRINCESS OLIVIA (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTOSEN RA (JPN) (c. by Deep Impact (JPN)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Japan including Mile Championship, Kyoto, Gr.1, Kyoto Kinen, Kyoto, Gr.2, Kisaragi Sho, Kyoto, Gr.3, placed second in Tenno Sho (Spring Emperor's Cup), Kyoto, Gr.1; sire. SPIELBERG (JPN) (c. by Deep Impact (JPN)), won 6 races in Japan including Tenno Sho (Autumn Emperor's Cup), Tokyo, Gr.1, placed third in Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1; sire. FLOWER ALLEY (USA) (c. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Lane's End Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2, second in Breeders' Cup Classic, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. Blooming Alley (JPN) (f. by Symboli Kris S (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in Japan and placed third in Sankei Sports Sho Flora Tokubetsu, Tokyo, Gr.2; dam of winners. RAMBLING ALLEY (JPN), won Laurel R.C.Sho Nakayama Himba Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.3, placed second in Victoria Mile, Tokyo, Gr.1. 4th Dam DANCE IMAGE (IRE), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingINTERNET COMMANDER (USA) (f. by Deputy Commander (USA)), won 6 races abroad. The next dam DIAMOND SPRING (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDROITURE (USA) (f. by Far North (CAN)), won 4 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de Pontchartrain, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. STONE GOLD (USA), won Clasico Dia Del Trabajo, Hippo Presidente Remon, L. Depute (USA) (c. by Irish River (FR)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix de Courcelles, ParisLongchamp, L. Didwana (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races in France and placed third in Prix des Tuileries, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of a winner. DIAMANTAIRE (FR) (f. by Irish River (FR)), won 1 race at 2 years in France; dam of winners. DEVIKA (GB), 3 races in Germany; dam of DONATELLO (GER), won Prix Contessina, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2; sire. DIAVOLINA (USA) (f. by Lear Fan (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. GO BOLDLY (IRE), 2 races in France including Grand Prix de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L. POLISH SPRING (IRE), 7 races at home and in U.S.A. including Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.; grandam of RUZGAR ETO (TUR), won Ertugrul Gazi, Bursa, L. GOLDEN WAY (IRE), 2 races at 3 years; dam of ASHKAL WAY (IRE), won Citation Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, SENTIERO ITALIA (USA), won Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; grandam of SANTIN (USA), won Arlington Million Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1.




Owner: Saad Ben Hamad Al-Sulaiman Sons Honor Code (USA)

RIYADH HEART (USA) April 13th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Honor A P (USA) Hollywood Story (USA) Unique Ride (USA) (2012)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Daisyago (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Serena's Cat (USA) Wild Rush (USA) Wife for Life (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Yarn (USA) Affirmed (USA) Ladyago (USA)

HONOR A P (USA), 2017. Won 2 races, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, second in San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Shared Belief Stakes, L. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam UNIQUE RIDE (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £28,721 and placed once; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizPORTSMOUTH (USA) (2019 c. by Twirling Candy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £63,612 and placed 9 times. COPPER MISSILE (USA) (2021 c. by Copper Bullet (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £85,000 and placed once. 2nd Dam Daisyago (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £172,454 and placed second in Hopemont Stakes, Keeneland, L. and third in Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingVictory Nor Defeat (USA) (c. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £55,333 and placed third in Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2 and Cherokee Run Stakes, Gulfstream Park. MY CURLINA (USA) (f. by Belong To Me (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,265; dam of winners. Minwah (USA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed second in UAE 1000 Guineas, Meydan, L. and third in UAE Oaks, Meydan, Gr.3. 3rd Dam LADYAGO (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park, placed second in American Beauty Stakes, River Downs and third in Budweiser Ellis Park Breeders' Cup H'cap, Ellis Park and Lieutenant Governor Stakes, Ellis Park; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDaisyago (USA) (f. by Affirmed (USA)), see above. MY FAST LADY (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Sunny Disposition (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in CTT & T.B. Owners of California Handicap, Del Mar, L. Its a Girl (USA) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. CHESTNUT LADY (USA), won Barbara Shinpoch Stakes, Emerald Downs, L., Kent Handicap, Emerald Downs, placed second in Washington Breeders' Cup Oaks, Emerald Downs, L., Irish Day Handicap, Emerald Downs and U S Bank Stakes, Emerald Downs. Hardcore Candy (USA), winner in Canada, second in Freedom of the City Stakes, Northlands Park; dam of DORTH VADER (USA), won Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Juvenile Fillies Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Soft Pine (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SPECIAL DINNER (JPN), winner in Japan; dam of TAGANO BEAUTY (JPN), won Oasis Stakes, Tokyo, L., Coral Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Kashiwa Kinen, Funabashi, L.R., Hyacinth Stakes, Tokyo, L. and third in Negishi Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3 and Green Channel Cup, Tokyo, L., AITHON (JPN), won Wakaba Stakes, Hanshin, L.R., placed third in Shirayuri Stakes, Kyoto, L.R., Tagano Burg (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in NHK Mile Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1. Go for It Lady (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SPRING MEADOW (USA), won Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Stonerside Stakes, Lone Star Park, L., Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park, R., Local Thriller Stakes, Delaware Park, second in La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Prioress Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; grandam of PLENTIFUL (USA), won Manitoba Derby, Assiniboia Downs, L. Its Mr Slew to You (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in John Henry Stakes, Evangeline Downs. Miss Rangoon (USA), unraced; dam of PLATINUM KINGDOM (AUS), won Grinders Fred Best Classic, Doomben, Gr.3, Mcgrath South Pacific Classic, Randwick, L., ILT Ascot Park Hotel Southland Guineas, Ascot Park, L., Metalon Dunedin Guineas, Wingatui, L., Berkley Stud Champagne Stakes, Riccarton Park, L. Our Fan Allie (USA) (f. by Lear Fan (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. OUR LADY ALLIE (USA), won Crescent City Oaks, Fair Grounds, R.




Owner: Saad Ali Badan Alsubaie Invincible Spirit (IRE)

QARM (IRE) February 6th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Magna Grecia (IRE) Cabaret (IRE) Sagacious (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated.

Dalakhani (IRE) Sadima (IRE) B.C. Nominated.


Green Desert (USA) Rafha Galileo (IRE) Witch of Fife (USA) Darshaan Daltawa (IRE) Sadler's Wells (USA) Anima (GB) IRE Qualified

MAGNA GRECIA (IRE), 2016. 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2019. Top rated 3yr old miler in Ireland in 2019. Won 3 races, 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Vertem Futurity Trophy Stakes, Gr.1, second in Autumn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MYCONIAN (IRE), (L.), Thekingofmyheart (IRE), (L.), VENTO DA SUD (IRE), INDICATION SPIRIT (IRE), MINI MAGNA (IRE), MISTER SALVO (IRE), LOADED GUN (IRE), MS BRIGHTSIDE (IRE), NEAPOLITAN (FR). 1st Dam SAGACIOUS (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years, from only 2 starts; Own sister to SHREYAS (IRE); dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizBIFF JOHNSON (IRE) (2012 g. by Dansili (GB)), won 3 races at 4 years and placed 5 times. Ciallmhar (IRE) (2020 f. by Burwaaz (GB)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam SADIMA (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingYOUMZAIN (IRE) (c. by Sinndar (IRE)), Champion 3yr old in Germany in 2006, Jt Champion older horse in Europe in 2009, won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home, in France and in Germany and £3,395,844 including Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, IVG Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1, Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2, Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L., placed 19 times including second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1 (twice), Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Gr.1 (3 times) and Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1; sire. CREACHADOIR (IRE) (c. by King's Best (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and £587,998 viz Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Joel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed 8 times including second in Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1; sire. SHREYAS (IRE) (f. by Dalakhani (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and £122,701 including D.C. Lavarack & Lanwades Stud Stakes, Gowran Park, Gr.3, Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L., Glencairn Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed third in Kilternan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of winners. Hazel Bay (IRE) (f. by Iffraaj (GB)), won 1 race at 4 years and placed 5 times including second in Salsabil Stakes, Navan, L. and Devoy Stakes, Naas, L.; dam of a winner. TAMRAT (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, 2023, from only 2 starts. Hotter Than Hades (IRE) (f. by Make Believe (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 and £17,563 and placed twice including second in Yeats Stakes, Navan, L. SPONTANEOUS (IRE) (f. by Sinndar (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Makram (IRE), 6 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022/23 at home and in Australia and £213,508, placed 6 times including second in Herbert Power Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.2. 3rd Dam ANIMA (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingVECCHIA DOGANA (CHI) (f. by Roy (USA)), won 1 race in Chile; dam of winners. POP DIVA (CHI), winner in Chile; dam of Quitralman (CHI), winner in Chile and placed second in Premio Nacional Ricardo Lyon, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1 and Premio Alvaro Covarrubias Pardo, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.3. The next dam Cocotte, won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Prix de Psyché, Deauville, Gr.3, Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, L. and fourth in Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingPILSUDSKI (IRE) (c. by Polish Precedent (USA)), Champion older horse in Germany in 1996, Champion older horse in Europe in 1997, won 10 races at home, in Germany, in Japan and in U.S.A. including Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Woodbine, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Gr.1, Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1; sire. GLOWING ARDOUR (GB) (f. by Dancing Brave (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Silken Glider Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of winners. BRIOLETTE (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 2 races including Trigo Stakes, Leopardstown, L., second in Princess Royal Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Tawil Pioneerof The Nile (USA)

ALHARITH (USA) April 26th, 2022 A Black Colt

Classic Empire (USA) Sambuca Classica (USA) Miss Larkspur (USA) (2013)

More Than Ready (USA) Gasia (USA)


Empire Maker (USA) Star of Goshen (USA) Cat Thief (USA) In Her Glory (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Silver Deputy (CAN) Gaslight (USA)

CLASSIC EMPIRE (USA), 2014. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2016. Won 5 races, Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Claiborne Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, Bashford Manor Stakes, Gr.3, second in Preakness Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of ANGEL OF EMPIRE (USA), (Gr.1), INTERSTATEDAYDREAM (CAN), (Gr.2), CLASSY EDITION (USA), (Gr.3), MORELLO (USA), (Gr.3), EMPRESS TIGRESS (USA), (L.), BEAUTIFUL EMPIRE (USA), (L.), FIRST EMPIRE (CAN), (L.) etc. 1st Dam MISS LARKSPUR (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizALWABEL (USA) (2019 c. by Exaggerator (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,319 and placed once, from only 3 starts. Grace's Gift (USA) (2020 f. by Exaggerator (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 3 years, 2023. Miss Escapade (USA) (2021 f. by Practical Joke (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. She also has a 2023 filly by Silver State (USA). 2nd Dam GASIA (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £244,936 including Bayakoa Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Susan's Girl Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Instant Racing Breeders' Cup Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed second in Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park and third in Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Martha Washington Breeders' Cup Stakes, Laurel, L. and Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBLUE VIOLET (USA) (f. by Curlin (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £146,083 including Lady's Secret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Winter Melody Stakes, Delaware Park and third in Hilliard Lyons Doubledogdare Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Rachel Alexandra Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Lighthouse Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and She's All In Handicap, Remington Park; dam of winners. DAZZLING BLUE (USA), won Letellier Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, second in Victory Ride Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, third in Prioress Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. SHARECROPPER (USA), winner in U.S.A. LONG ON LUCK (USA) (c. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £99,797. ETANA (USA) (f. by Super Saver (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £51,538. 3rd Dam GASLIGHT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizGASIA (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), see above. Harbour Light (AUS) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in South Africa and placed third in Queen Palm Handicap, Scottsville, L. 4th Dam ANGELA'S STARFISH (USA), ran in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingSHOAL CREEK (USA) (c. by Demons Begone (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed third in Brown & Williamson Kentucky J. C. Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Alysheba Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3 and Cradle Prelude Stakes, River Downs. Stars n' Bars (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. AMERICAN PRIZE (USA), won Silver Spur Breeders' Cup Stakes, Lone Star Park, placed second in Princess Stakes, Louisiana Downs and third in Donnie Wilhite Memorial Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L.; dam of Sammy's Smile (USA), winner abroad, placed third in Governor's Buckeye Cup Stakes, Thistledown, R. and Best of Ohio Green Carpet Stakes, Belterra Park, R.; grandam of EMANUEL R (USA), won Clasico Copa 4 de Julio, Camarero Race Track, L. The next dam Jane's Harbour (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, L. and Tizna Handicap, Bay Meadows; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing ageAngela's Starfish (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), see above.




Owner: Safar of Dhaifallah Sultan Al-Nefaie Into Mischief (USA)

BORN A KING (USA) February 25th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Maximus Mischief (USA) Reina Maria (USA) Gateway to Gold (USA) (2013)

Arch (USA) Girl of Gold (USA)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Songandaprayer (USA) Maria's Pride (USA) Kris S (USA) Aurora (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Fantastic Girl (USA)

MAXIMUS MISCHIEF (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2, third in Fasig-Tipton Holy Bull Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of GLENGARRY (USA), (S), LET THEM WATCH (USA), (S), Raging Torrent (USA), (Gr.3), Cel's Star (USA), (S), VELVET VIXEN (USA). 1st Dam GATEWAY TO GOLD (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed twice; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizFANTASTIC RIVA (USA) (2018 f. by Shackleford (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,460 and placed twice. Highlander's Edge (USA) (2020 f. by Competitive Edge (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam GIRL OF GOLD (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingHEART BUTTE (USA) (c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £141,147 including Auld Lang Syne Stakes, Parx Racing, L., Evening Attire Stakes, Aqueduct, placed third in John B Campbell Handicap, Laurel, L. Golden Pulpit (USA) (f. by Pulpit (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of: Bella Barlovia (VEN), unraced; dam of PAOMI POLICE (VEN), won Clasico Bambera, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Gustavo Avila, La Rinconada, L., placed third in Clasico Armada Nacional Bolivariana, La Rinconada, L. Egeria (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), ran in Japan at 3 years; dam of winners. SHURI (JPN), won Tanigawadake Stakes, Niigata, L., Rigel Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Sekiya Kinen, Niigata, Gr.3. Great Charter (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Yukan Fuji Hai Opal Stakes, Kyoto, L. and third in Sankei Sho Centaur Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.2. 3rd Dam FANTASTIC GIRL (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, placed third in Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park; Own sister to Dynamic Lady (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFANTASTIC LOOK (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Silver Belles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Miss America Handicap, Golden Gate, L., second in Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and third in Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. DESIGNED FOR LUCK (USA), won Shoemaker Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Oak Tree Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Ascot Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3 and Live The Dream Handicap, Del Mar, L. ABSOLUTE HARMONY (USA), won Doonesbury Handicap, Golden Gate; sire. CLASSY PROSPECTOR (USA), won Pleasanton Handicap, Pleasanton; sire. DAZZLING CONTRAST (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MACHO MACHO (USA), won West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.2; sire. FANTASTIC WAYS (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Honey Fox Handicap, Del Mar, L. and third in California Oaks, Golden Gate, L.; dam of winners. WORLDLY WAYS (GB), 6 races in U.S.A. including All American Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Cinema Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Wearin 'o The Green Handicap, Bay Meadows, second in Primeco American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2; sire. MISS FORTUNATE (USA), won Turfway Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3, Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, L., HBPA Handicap, Ellis Park, L. TRIAL BY JURY (USA), won Dallas Turf Cup Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3; sire. River Swan (GB), unraced; grandam of SWEYNESSE (AUS), won Gloaming Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3, second in Randwick Guineas, Randwick, Gr.1 and third in Moet & Chandon Spring Champion Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1; sire, RIMRAAM (NZ), won Vanity Stakes, Flemington, Gr.3, placed third in Surround Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1. MAJESTIC STYLE (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including La Puente Stakes, Santa Anita, L., second in Pirate Cove Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; sire. BRAVO FOX (USA) (c. by Northern Baby (CAN)), won 3 races including Barronstown Stud Stakes, Phoenix Park, L., placed fourth in Leopardstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. La Barberina (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), placed 3 times in France; dam of winners. LE ROSSIGNOL (USA), 8 races in Italy including Premio Trattato di Roma, Rome, L.


52 BOX

Owner: Ahmad Bander Abdullah Aljaber Speightstown (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 20th, 2022

Force the Pass (USA) Social Queen (USA) Kilasiki (IRE) (2010)

Pivotal (GB) Chaquiras (USA)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Dynaformer (USA) Gal On The Go (USA) Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival Seeking The Gold (USA) Colorado Dancer

FORCE THE PASS (USA), 2012. Won 5 races, Belmont Derby Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.3, Cliff Hanger Stakes, L., second in Poker Stakes, Gr.3, Forbidden Apple Stakes, L., etc. First crop now 2 year olds. 1st Dam KILASIKI (IRE), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizKareva (GB) (2015 f. by Oasis Dream (GB)), placed 4 times at 2 years. 2nd Dam CHAQUIRAS (USA), unraced; Own sister to DUBAI MILLENNIUM (GB); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTHREADING (IRE) (f. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and £321,308 including Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2, Michael Seely Memorial Fillies' Stakes, York, L., placed 3 times including second in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. 3rd Dam COLORADO DANCER, won 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2, Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr.3, second in Prix de Malleret, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and third in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 13 living foals of racing age includingDUBAI MILLENNIUM (GB) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), Jt Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1999, Champion older horse in Europe in 2000, won 9 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in France and in U.A.E. including Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, Prix Eugène Adam, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2; sire. Denver County (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix Greffulhe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. Ragsah (IRE) (f. by Shamardal (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3; dam of winners. Dubai Sunrise (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DEE EX BEE (GB), 4 races at 2 and 4 years including Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Sagaro Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed second in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Goodwood Cup, Goodwood, Gr.1 and Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1; sire. The next dam FALL ASPEN (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Prioress Stakes, Aqueduct, fourth in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; Own sister to Mccracken (USA); dam of thirteen winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingTIMBER COUNTRY (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 1994, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Moet Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Balboa Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3; sire. NORTHERN ASPEN (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 6 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. including Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Prix d'Astarté, Deauville, Gr.2, B Thoughtful Stakes, Santa Anita; dam of winners. HAMAS (IRE) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races including July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Duke of York Stakes, York, Gr.3, Bentinck Stakes, Newmarket, L.; sire. FORT WOOD (USA) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 3 races in France including Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. ELLE SEULE (USA) (f. by Exclusive Native (USA)), won 3 races in France including Prix d'Astarté, Deauville, Gr.2, Prix des Tuileries, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. MEHTHAAF (USA), Champion 3yr old filly in England in 1994, won Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2. ELNADIM (USA), Jt Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 1997, Champion older sprinter in Europe in 1998, won July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. BIANCONI (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years including Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed second in Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire. MAZZACANO (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years including Goodwood Cup, Goodwood, Gr.3, placed second in Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1; sire. Dance of Leaves (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MEDAALY (GB), 3 races including Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; sire.


53 BOX

Owner: Dakhal Alih H. Alotaibi Elusive Quality (USA) Al Samha (USA) Dubian

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 22nd, 2022 Princess Light (GB) (2005)

Fantastic Light (USA) Princess Manila (CAN)


Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) High Line Melodina Rahy (USA) Jood (USA) Manila (USA) Halo's Princess (CAN)

AL SAMHA (USA), 2005. Won 4 races. Sire of SHAR AE (KSA), BAH BAAH (KSA), SEIF ALSHAMAAL (KSA), GHALA LOLOH (KSA), SHIBL ALSHEIB (KSA), POWER (KSA), NAJMAT ALSHEYB (KSA), ALMARLIN (KSA), SHAKHBOUT (KSA). 1st Dam PRINCESS LIGHT (GB), placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years in Italy; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizZAHRATI (KSA) (2017 f. by Olmodavor (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam PRINCESS MANILA (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingPRINCE KIRK (FR) (c. by Selkirk (USA)), won 7 races in France and in Italy and £277,523 including Prix d'Ispahan, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Premio Andred, Pisa, L., Premio Gardone, Milan, L., placed second in Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, Premio Parioli (2000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2 and third in Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Deauville, Gr.2; sire. KHOR SHEED (GB) (f. by Dubawi (IRE)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £149,609 including Premio Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr.3, Eternal Stakes, Warwick, L., Empress Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Kilvington Stakes, Nottingham, L. and third in Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. WITHOUT A FIGHT (IRE), 9 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022/23 at home and in Australia and £704,292 including The Q22, Eagle Farm, Gr.2, Silver Cup Stakes, York, Gr.3, Lord Mayor's Cup, Eagle Farm, Gr.3, Grand Cup, York, L., Godolphin Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Dubai City of Gold Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, John Porter Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3 and third in Aston Park Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. Sharja Princess (GB), unraced; dam of AVENUE DE FRANCE (FR), won John C. Mabee Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Osunitas Stakes, Del Mar, R., Golden Poppy Stakes, Golden Gate, Miss America Stakes, Golden Gate, Luther Burbank Stakes, Golden Gate, placed second in Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2. 3rd Dam HALO'S PRINCESS (CAN), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R., placed fourth in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, Gr.1R.; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingHAILSHAM (CAN) (c. by Riverman (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy including Derby ItalianoTrofeo Mercedes Benz, Rome, Gr.1, Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3, placed second in Dante Stakes, York, Gr.2; sire. Royal Minister (USA) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Fairmount Derby, Fairmount Park, Gr.3; sire. Princess Skippie (USA) (f. by Skip Away (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. PENTAGONO (IRE), 8 races at 2 to 5 years in Italy including Premio Villa Borghese Mem. F. Cadoni, Rome, L. The next dam TABERET (CAN), won 1 race in U.S.A.; Own sister to High Table (CAN); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingHALO'S PRINCESS (CAN) (f. by Halo (USA)), see above. Parkpasser (CAN) (g. by Buckfinder (USA)), won 15 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Nearctic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R. Perfect Connection (CAN) (f. by Tentam (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R.; dam of winners. LOVE CONNECTION (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of HEBBRONVILLE (USA), won Jersey Shore Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Perryville Stakes, Keeneland; third dam of MISCHEVIOUS ALEX (USA), won Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Gotham Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; sire. Curator (CAN) (f. by Assert), unraced; dam of winners. VOILE D'OR (AUS), won Vinery South Australian Oaks, Morphettville, Gr.1, Western Australian Derby, Ascot, Gr.1, Mornington Cup, Mornington, L., placed third in South Australian Derby, Morphettville, Gr.1. CURATA STORM (AUS), won Mercedes Classic, Rosehill, Gr.1; sire. IMPERATRIX (AUS), won Belle of the Turf Stakes, Gosford, L.




Owner: Safar Dhaifallah S. Alnefaie Curlin (USA)

ATHAL (USA) May 11th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Palace Malice (USA) Palace Rumor (USA) Carinhosa (USA) (2013)

Sky Mesa (USA) Lovely Regina (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Royal Anthem (USA) Whisperifyoudare (USA) Pulpit (USA) Caress (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Cara Rafaela (USA)

Own brother to BEAN AND THE BUG (USA) PALACE MALICE (USA), 2010. Won 7 races, Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gr.2, Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of STRUCTOR (USA), (Gr.1), MR MONOMOY (USA), (Gr.2), LIKE THE KING (USA), (Gr.3), FLY ON ANGEL (USA), (Gr.3), CRYSTALLE (USA), (L.), PRINCE ABU DHABI (USA), (S), MISS BRAZIL (USA), (S), ICE PRINCESS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam CARINHOSA (USA), unraced; Own sister to THISKYHASNOLIMIT (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBEAN AND THE BUG (USA) (2017 c. by Palace Malice (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £32,817 and placed 6 times. CHALLANGER BARS (USA) (2019 c. by Will Take Charge (USA)), won 3 races abroad. PHRASEOLOGISM (USA) (2018 c. by Will Take Charge (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,647. MAYFIELD STRONG (USA) (2020 c. by Will Take Charge (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £48,933. Pure Connection (USA) (2021 f. by Connect (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam LOVELY REGINA (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTHISKYHASNOLIMIT (USA) (c. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £496,517 including Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Louisiana Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., Smarty Jones Stakes, Parx Racing, L.R., Matt Winn Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Indiana Derby, Hoosier Park, Gr.2 and third in Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. 3rd Dam CARA RAFAELA (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Pio Pico Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Belmont Park, Gr.1; Own sister to Tall Story (USA); dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingBERNARDINI (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2006, won 6 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, second in Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. Ile de France (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. LOVE AND PRIDE (USA), won Zenyatta Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Personal Ensign Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Obeah Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3; dam of BELLA RUNNER (USA), won Zia Park Oaks, Zia Park, L. BURGUNDY ICE (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. SUNSET WISH (USA), won Take Charge Brandi Stakes, Delta Downs. The next dam OIL FABLE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingABAGINONE (USA) (c. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Los Angeles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Potrero Grande Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Daly City Handicap, Bay Meadows; sire. Spindletop (USA) (c. by Explodent (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Old Ironside Handicap, Suffolk Downs and Bob Harding Stakes, Monmouth Park. Tall Story (USA) (c. by Quiet American (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Proud Appeal Stakes, Aqueduct; sire. Port Isabel (USA) (f. by Time To Explode (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PORTSIDE (USA), won Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L. Nogalus (USA) (f. by Trempolino (USA)), unraced; grandam of SECRET GARDEN (PER), won Clasico Polla de Potrancas(1000 Guineas), Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Gone West (USA) Istan (USA) Ronda (GB)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 17th, 2022 Dixie Stamp (CAN) (2007)

Dixie Union (USA) Prized Stamp (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Secrettame (USA) Bluebird (USA) Memory's Gold (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Prized (USA) Native Rights (USA)

ISTAN (USA), 2002. Won 9 races, Ack Ack Handicap, Gr.3, Turfway Park Fall Championship Stakes, Gr.3, Artax Handicap, L., Governor's Handicap and Budweiser Challenger Stakes. Sire of STREET BAND (USA), (Gr.1), ISTANFORD (USA), (Gr.2), TURKISH (USA), (Gr.3), ALBANO (USA), (Gr.3), MR BOWLING (USA), (Gr.3), PATH OF DAVID (USA), (L.), KEEP CROSSING (USA), (L.), LAND BATTLE (USA), (S), CHIEF ISTAN (USA), (S), Atigun (USA), (Gr.1), Alcindoro (USA), (Gr.2), Myositis Dan (USA), (Gr.3). 1st Dam DIXIE STAMP (CAN), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £13,212 and placed once; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizBELLOWS (USA) (2014 g. by Hansen (USA)), won 8 races to 2022 in U.S.A. and £114,347 and placed 23 times. JOUNIGA (USA) (2016 f. by Goldencents (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years abroad and £131,412 and placed 4 times. RISING OUTLAW (USA) (2019 g. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £23,372. UNION CONQUEROR (USA) (2013 f. by Sky Conqueror (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada and £22,831 and placed 3 times. (2020 f. by Constitution (USA)). 2nd Dam PRIZED STAMP (USA), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £285,315 including Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2, Lady Dean Stakes, Laurel, L., Gold Digger Stakes, Pimlico, placed second in Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2 and third in Cotillion Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.2, Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.2; Own sister to The Queen's Stamp (CAN); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTOWN PRIZE (USA) (c. by Speightstown (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £117,987 including Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Spectacular Bid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. and Colin Stakes, Woodbine, L.; sire. Hammerstein (CAN) (g. by Bernstein (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £77,273 and placed third in Queenston Stakes, Woodbine, R. 3rd Dam NATIVE RIGHTS (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCLASSIC STAMP (CAN) (f. by Regal Classic (CAN)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Canadian Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2 (twice), Carotene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., third in E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; dam of winners. REGAL CONQUEROR (CAN), won Ontario Damsel Stakes, Woodbine, R. and Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, R.; dam of English Conqueror (CAN), winner in Canada and placed second in Singspiel Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. NATIVE LEGEND (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada including Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L. The Queen's Stamp (CAN) (f. by Prized (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Carotene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. The next dam POSTAGE STAMP (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPoppa's Big Lil (USA) (f. by Big Burn (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Post-Deb Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. FIRST CLASS GAL (CAN) (f. by Geiger Counter (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ONE WAY LOVE (CAN), Champion older horse in Canada in 2000, won Autumn Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, Vigil Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed third in Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. FIRST QUARTER (CAN), won Carotene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; grandam of SALLY'S CURLIN (USA), won Hurricane Bertie Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed third in Derby City Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1. RUNAWAY LOVE (CAN), won Shepperton Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Steady Growth Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Deputy Minister Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.




Owner: Nawader Stable Pleasant Tap (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 8th, 2022

Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA) Yamoona (KSA) (2016)

Kantharos (USA) Our Tune (USA)


Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) Lion Heart (USA) Contessa Halo (USA) Concorde's Tune (USA) Uppa Hughie (USA)

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam YAMOONA (KSA), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by No Advantage (USA)). 2nd Dam OUR TUNE (USA), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £142,567 including Numbered Account Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizLasso From El Paso (USA) (f. by Smoke Glacken (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £79,983 and placed third in Phil D Shepherd Stakes, Fairplex Park; dam of winners. ABI GEZUNT (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. BULLY FOR ERIC (USA), winner in U.S.A. KANTUNE (USA) (c. by Kantharos (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £202,053. EL TUNE (USA) (c. by El Corredor (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £48,799. CAPE QUAY (USA) (f. by Circular Quay (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,634. 3rd Dam UPPA HUGHIE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizOUR TUNE (USA) (f. by Concorde's Tune (USA)), see above. Secret Flag (USA) (c. by Personal Flag (USA)), won 37 races abroad and placed second in Clasico Bandit Bomber, El Comandante, L. UPPA TUNE (USA) (c. by Concorde's Tune (USA)), won 14 races at 3 to 8 years abroad. WHAT A PRINCE (USA) (c. by Concorde's Tune (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. GOTAHEARTOFGOLD (USA) (f. by Gottcha Gold (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. PRETTY TUNE (USA) (f. by Concorde's Tune (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.




Owner: Abdulaziz Ahmed Alyahya Danzig (USA) Hard Spun (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) April 2nd, 2022 Touch of Grace (USA) (2015)

Tiznow (USA) Sealy Hill (CAN)


Northern Dancer Pas de Nom (USA) Turkoman (USA) Darbyvail (USA) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Cee's Song (USA) Point Given (USA) Boston Twist (USA)

HARD SPUN (USA), 2004. Won 7 races, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Kentucky Cup Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Lane's End Stakes, Gr.2, Lecomte Stakes, Gr.3, Pennsylvania Nursery Stakes, R., etc. Sire of ALOHA WEST (USA), (Gr.1), SILVER STATE (USA), (Gr.1), HARD NOT TO LOVE (CAN), (Gr.1), SPUN TO RUN (USA), (Gr.1), GATTING (AUS), (Gr.1), OUT FOR A SPIN (USA), (Gr.1), LE ROMAIN (AUS), (Gr.1), SMOOTH ROLLER (USA), (Gr.1), HARD NOT TO LIKE (CAN), (Gr.1), HARD ACES (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam TOUCH OF GRACE (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizCreation of Adam (USA) (2020 c. by Connect (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Palace Malice (USA)). She also has a 2023 filly by Kantharos (USA). 2nd Dam SEALY HILL (CAN), Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 2007, won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £853,657 including Bourbonette Oaks, Turfway Park, Gr.3, Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, L., Labatt Woodbine Oaks, Woodbine, L.R., Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Emirates Airlines Breeders' Cup f&m Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Canadian Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and third in E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1 and Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCAMBIER PARC (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £663,193 including Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, The J.C. Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, Wonder Again Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Canadian Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and third in Belmont Oaks Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. HILLABY (CAN) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 4 races at 4 years in Canada and £180,173 including Bessarabian Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, placed second in Sweet Briar Too Stakes, Woodbine; dam of winners. Willakia (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A., second in All Along Stakes, Pimlico, L. BELLE HILL (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A., £117,094 including Autumn Miss Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs, Kent Handicap, Emerald Downs, Irish Day Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of a winner. GALE FORCE (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £98,472 including Mazarine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Eleven Central (USA) (g. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £148,096 and placed third in Danger's Hour Stakes, Aqueduct, L. 3rd Dam BOSTON TWIST (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A. including Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizSEALY HILL (CAN) (f. by Point Given (USA)), see above. 4th Dam CHOU CHOU (USA), won 10 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingBOSTON TWIST (USA) (f. by Boston Harbor (USA)), see above. KEEP IT STRAIT (USA) (g. by Country Pine (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Garden State Stakes, Garden State, placed third in Jersey Derby, Garden State, Gr.2. The next dam CHOU A LA CREME (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingCOUNTRY SKY (USA) (c. by Country Pine (USA)), won 20 races in U.S.A. including Benjamin Franklin Stakes, Garden State, L., second in Sentinel Stakes, Parx Racing. CAFE CREME (USA) (c. by Great Above (USA)), won 19 races in U.S.A. including Pennyslvania Fair Handicap, Parx Racing, Kendall Stakes, Hialeah Park, placed second in Sam McCracken Memorial Handicap, Rockingham Park, L., Old Ironsides Handicap, Suffolk Downs and third in Columbus Day Handicap, Rockingham Park, L. CREMIEST (USA) (f. by Regal And Royal (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Poppy Handicap, Parx Racing, City of Hialeah Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of winners.




Owner: Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel Smart Strike (CAN)

COLONIAL WABEL (USA) April 7th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Tom's d'Etat (USA) Julia Tuttle (USA) Elizabits (USA) (2005)

Forestry (USA) Sunday Morning (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Giant's Causeway (USA) Candy Cane (ARG) Storm Cat (USA) Shared Interest (USA) Sunny's Halo (CAN) Great Finesse (USA)

TOM'S D'ETAT (USA), 2013. Won 11 races, Norton Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Stephen Foster Stakes, Gr.2, Hagyard Fayette Stakes, Gr.2, Alydar Stakes, L.R., Oaklawn Mile Stakes, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ELIZABITS (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizQUAD ARCH (USA) (2013 c. by Archarcharch (USA)), won 9 races to 2022 in Japan and £103,554 and placed 17 times. CRIMSON ROCKET (USA) (2019 c. by Constitution (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £59,852 and placed 5 times. TENSAS CARLOS (USA) (2011 c. by Half Ours (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,101 and placed 3 times. THURSDAYS ANGEL (USA) (2015 f. by Biondetti (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,044 and placed twice; dam of a winner vizCLOUD MUSIC (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. GUM TREE LANE (USA) (2016 c. by He's Had Enough (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £25,730 and placed once. 2nd Dam SUNDAY MORNING (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 living foals of racing age includingErhu (USA) (f. by Tactical Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £90,953 and placed third in Early Times Mint Julep Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. ONLYFORYOU (USA), won Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. DRESS THE PART (USA), won Wayward Lass Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs. AL KHAZAALIYA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BELLHARBOUR MUSIC (USA), 3 races at 3 years in France and £75,308 including Prix Daphnis, Deauville, Gr.3. Deep Shadow (USA) (c. by Cape Town (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £37,332 and placed second in Transylvania Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. 3rd Dam GREAT FINESSE (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingGLARING (USA) (c. by Known Fact (USA)), won 13 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Bosselman Gus Fonner Handicap, Fonner Park, L. (twice), Arapahoe Park Handicap, Arapahoe Park, L., Remington Green Handicap, Remington Park, L., placed second in John B Connally Jr Turf Club Handicap, Sam Houston, L. and third in Ak-SarBen Cornhusker Handicap, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3; sire. VAL D'ENCHERE (USA) (c. by Val de L'Orne (FR)), won 8 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Americana Handicap, Calder, L., Palm Beach Handicap, Calder, L., placed second in Christmas Day Handicap, Calder, Gr.3. GREAT ESCAPE (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Tuscarora Handicap, Parx Racing, Primrose Stakes, Garden State, Bristol Handicap, Parx Racing, Bayberry Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of winners. JUST CALL ME CARL (USA), won Wilmington Handicap, Delaware Park, L., Chesapeake Stakes, Pimlico, L., Ben Cohen Stakes, Pimlico, L., Dancing Count Stakes, Laurel, L., second in Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash, Laurel, Gr.1. Escape The Storm (USA), unraced; dam of UNFURL THE FLAG (USA), won Triple Bend Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Tiznow Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed third in Triple Bend Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Paragram (USA) (c. by Miswaki (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Brandywine Turf Handicap, Delaware Park, L. Wavelength (USA) (c. by Tsunami Slew (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Edmond Handicap, Remington Park. Greeter (USA) (f. by L'Emigrant (USA)), unraced; grandam of AL KADIR (USA), Champion older horse in Peru in 200809, won Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2. Careful Approach (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SHAKY TOWN (USA), won Evangeline Mile Handicap, Evangeline Downs, L. and Bob Johnson Memorial Stakes, Lone Star Park, L.




Owner: Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif Scat Daddy (USA) Mendelssohn (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) April 15th, 2022 Expect a Kitten (USA) (2014)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Exceedexpectations (USA)


Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Tricky Creek (USA) Crystal Lady (CAN) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Capote Laday (USA)

MENDELSSOHN (USA), 2015. Top rated 3yr old in U.A.E. in 2018 (9.5-11f.). Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2018. Won 4 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2, Patton Stakes, L., second in Dewhurst Stakes, Gr.1 and Travers Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of DELIGHT (USA), (Gr.2), COMMITTEE OF ONE (USA), (L.), AUSTERE (USA), (L.), CLASSICAL CAT (USA), (L.), OPUS FORTY TWO (USA), (S), Miracle (USA), (Gr.2), Ngannou (USA), (Gr.3), Midnight Rising (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam EXPECT A KITTEN (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £74,180 and placed 8 times; Own sister to POLITICALLYCORRECT (USA); dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizLast Attack (USA) (2021 c. by Mendelssohn (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam EXCEEDEXPECTATIONS (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £36,957; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPOLITICALLYCORRECT (USA) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 14 races in U.S.A. including Damascus Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, L., placed second in James Marvin Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.3 and third in Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and Easy Goer Stakes, Belmont Park, L. 3rd Dam CAPOTE LADAY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingEXCEEDEXPECTATIONS (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), see above. 4th Dam LADAY (USA), placed twice in France; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingBIG SUR (USA) (c. by Alydar (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed second in Withers Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. DAY JEWELS (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Mayme Dotson Handicap, Stockton, Santa Clara Handicap, Bay Meadows, R., Watch Wendy Handicap, Golden Gate, placed second in Luther Burbank Handicap, Santa Rosa, Golden Gate State Lottery Handicap, Golden Gate; dam of winners. TRUE BLUE STORY (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wild Lies (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Holiday Cheer Stakes, Turfway Park. Day Trading (USA) (f. by Capote (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Bretton Woods (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in N. Y. Stallion Statue of Liberty Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. The next dam SALE DAY (USA), won 12 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, placed second in Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park; Own sister to HURRY TO MARKET and Buvette (USA); dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSPORTING YANKEE (USA) (c. by Vaguely Noble), won 3 races including Futurity Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, placed second in Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and third in John Porter Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2; sire. AMAZER (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de Royallieu, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Yellow Ribbon Stakes, Santa Anita, placed third in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. DELIGHTER (USA), won Yellow Ribbon Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, placed third in Rothman's International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; grandam of DREAMED A DREAM (USA), won First Episode Stakes, Suffolk Downs, R., John Kirby Stakes, Suffolk Downs, R., Louise Kimball Stakes, Suffolk Downs, R. OAKMEAD (IRE), won Lingfield Oaks Trial, L., third in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1. Lake Victoria (IRE), placed 3 times including second in Entrepreneur Stakes, Cork, L.; grandam of CORINTHIA KNIGHT (IRE), 17 races at 2 to 7 years, 2022 at home, in France and in Sweden including Prix Montenica, Chantilly, L. Amazing Sister (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), won 2 races in France and in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners.


60 BOX

Owner: Ahmad Abdullah Alabdullatif Tapit (USA) Tapwrit (USA) Appealing Zophie (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 19th, 2022 Lil Red Cozette (USA) (2010)

Henny Hughes (USA) Lil Cozette (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Successful Appeal (USA) Zophie (USA) Hennessy (USA) Meadow Flyer (USA) Kris S (USA) Lily La Belle (USA)

TAPWRIT (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, NYRA Bets Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Pulpit Stakes, second in Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of DON ICO T (USA), (L.), VICTORY FORMATION (USA), (L.), AMSTRONG (USA), (S), Taylors Tap (USA), (S), SAWEETIE GIRL (USA), WINNEMAC AVENUE (USA), ALULA (USA), PROCTOR PHANTOM (USA), CHA CHA TAP (USA). 1st Dam LIL RED COZETTE (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A., £53,931 and placed once; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTHE GRAY DEHERE (USA) (2016 c. by Graydar (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £45,667 including Prairie Gold Juvenile Stakes, Prairie Meadows, placed twice. LIL RED VETTE (USA) (2017 f. by Constitution (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £66,735 and placed 12 times. ELDON'S SAMURAI (USA) (2019 c. by First Samurai (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £32,737 and placed 5 times. Little Tap Dancer (USA) (2021 f. by Tapwrit (USA)), placed twice at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam LIL COZETTE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCOSMIC KRIS (USA) (g. by Storm Creek (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £131,931 including Paradise Creek Stakes, Arlington, Come Summer Stakes, Canterbury Downs, placed second in Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3 and third in Arlington Classic Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and Forerunner Stakes, Keeneland, L. Foret (USA) (f. by Forest Camp (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,911 and placed second in Gasparilla Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs; dam of winners. Savio (USA), winner in U.S.A. and abroad and placed second in Clasico Copa 4 de Julio, Camarero Race Track, L. 3rd Dam LILY LA BELLE (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Venus Stakes, River Downs, Vallejo Stakes, Golden Gate, R., second in Curious Clover Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.R., Azalea Stakes, Birmingham and third in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingFINAL FLING (USA) (f. by Bertrando (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed third in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. Doc Wild (USA) (c. by Wild Again (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. The next dam PROUDEST CAGEY (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCAGEY EXUBERANCE (USA) (f. by Exuberant (USA)), won 18 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Interborough Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. BURBANK (USA), won Retama Park Turf Cup Handicap, Retama Pk, L., Remington Green Handicap, Remington Pk, L. (twice), Independence Breeders' Cup Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L. and Dallas Turf Cup Handicap, Lone Star Park, L.; sire. GRACEFUL MINISTER (USA), won Wishing Well Stakes, Turfway Park, L. NIMBLE (USA) (g. by Afleet (CAN)), won 32 races in U.S.A. including E William Furey Memorial Handicap, Laurel and Endless Surprise Stakes, Laurel. Wise And Happy (USA) (f. by Exuberant (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Coconut Grove Stakes, Hialeah Park, L.; dam of winners. KILLING ME (USA), won Junius Delahoussaye Memorial Sprint Stakes, Evangeline Downs, L.R. Michele Royale (USA), winner, second in Doylestown Handicap, Parx Racing; dam of ROYALE MICHELE (USA), won Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2. PROUD ENTRANCE (USA) (f. by At The Threshold (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PROUD MAN (USA), won Hill Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Everglades Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.3, Palm Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 1st, 2022

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Yes Sir (USA) (2010)

Scat Daddy (USA) Misty Light Air (CAN)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Miswaki (USA) One More Breeze (CAN)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam YES SIR (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £54,666 and placed 5 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizTESTING ONE TWO (USA) (2015 f. by Star Guitar (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £310,126 including Treasure Chest Stakes, Delta Downs, L., Louisiana Legends Soiree Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Crescent City Oaks, Fair Grounds, R., Take Charge Brandi Stakes, Delta Downs, Louisiana Jewel Stakes, Delta Downs, R., placed twice including second in La Bred Premier Night Distaff Stakes, Delta Downs, R. AESH'QEENACK (KSA) (2018 c. by Sleeping Indian (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Cuador (KSA) (2020 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MISTY LIGHT AIR (CAN), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,218; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizYES SIR (USA) (f. by Scat Daddy (USA)), see above. THERION (USA) (c. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,907. 3rd Dam ONE MORE BREEZE (CAN), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Belle Mahone Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Fury Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Maple Leaf Stakes, Greenwood, L.R., Tattling Stakes, Greenwood, L.R., La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Victoriana Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Budweiser Woodbine Breeders Cup Handicap, Woodbine, L., Selene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDR KASHNIKOW (CAN) (g. by El Gran Senor (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Fourstardave Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Cliff Hanger Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, River City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 (twice), placed third in Belmont Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Bernard Baruch Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2. Quintessa (CAN) (f. by Touch Gold (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GALLANT (CAN), won Prince of Wales Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R. Sweet Tessa Marie (USA), unraced; dam of BIRDACIOUS (USA), won Vivacious Handicap, Belterra Park, R., second in Vivacious Handicap, Belterra Park, R. The next dam ROB ROY'S BREEZE (CAN), placed 8 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHOPE FOR A BREEZE (CAN) (f. by Briartic (CAN)), Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 1992, won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Mazarine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R., Bison City Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R., Woodbine Sales Stakes (3yo fillies), Woodbine, L., placed second in Victoriana Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. VENABLES (USA), 2 races at 2 years including Rose Bowl Stakes, Newbury, L. WHAT A BREEZE (CAN), won Ontario Lassie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Dixie And A Breeze (CAN), ran in Canada; dam of GIGANTIC BREEZE (CAN), won Autumn Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Presque Isle Mile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L.. Wish She Were Mine (USA), unraced; grandam of SPEEDY DRAGON (USA), won New Year Cup, Kranji, L. Gran Senorita (CAN), unraced; dam of GILDED GOLD (USA), won The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L., placed second in Endine Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.3, PANCAKE (USA), won Juvenile Filly Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R., Key West Breeze (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Colin Stakes, Woodbine, L.; grandam of THIEVES GUILD (USA), won Caress Stakes, Saratoga. ONE MORE BREEZE (CAN) (f. by Mythical Ruler (USA)), see above. NO NINE MOM (CAN) (f. by Baederwood (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MOM'S STAR (CAN), won H A Hindmarsh Stakes, Woodbine, placed third in Ontario Lassie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.




Owner: Tamken Racing Stable Candy Ride (ARG)

DESERT GOLD (USA) April 10th, 2022 A Grey/Roan Filly

Twirling Candy (USA) House of Danzing (USA) Hot N Sour (USA) (2016)

Tapit (USA) Egg Drop (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Chester House (USA) Danzing Crown (USA) Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Alphabet Soup (USA) Rehocracy (USA)

TWIRLING CANDY (USA), 2007. Won 7 races, Malibu Stakes, Gr.1, Californian Stakes, Gr.2, Strub Stakes, Gr.2, Del Mar Derby, Gr.2 and Oceanside Stakes, L.R. Sire of EXAULTED (USA), (Gr.1), BEYOND BRILLIANT (USA), (Gr.1), PINEHURST (USA), (Gr.1), ROMBAUER (USA), (Gr.1), COLLUSION ILLUSION (USA), (Gr.1), CONCRETE ROSE (USA), (Gr.1), GIFT BOX (USA), (Gr.1), FINLEY'SLUCKYCHARM (USA), (Gr.1), GEAR JOCKEY (USA), (Gr.2), EVVIE JETS (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam HOT N SOUR (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age vizSour Patch Girl (USA) (2020 f. by Kantharos (USA)), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 3 years, 2023. Sweet Miss (USA) (2021 f. by Palace Malice (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. She also has a 2023 filly by Volatile (USA). 2nd Dam EGG DROP (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £328,442 including Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Goldikova Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Royal Heroine Mile Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSCRAMBLED (USA) (c. by Tapit (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £13,885. EGGSLUT (JPN) (c. by Just A Way (JPN)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Japan and £65,428. 3rd Dam REHOCRACY (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to REDOUBLED MISS (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMACRON (USA) (g. by Frosted (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. including Iowa Sprint Stakes, Prairie Meadows. Recoded (USA) (f. by Honor Code (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Groupie Doll Stakes, Ellis Park, L. 4th Dam REDOUBLED (USA), unraced; Own sister to Vikadontis (USA); dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingREDOUBLED MISS (USA) (f. by Adhocracy (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Shocker T Handicap, Calder, L., Stage Door Betty Handicap, Calder, L., My Melanie Stakes, Calder, Express Star Handicap, Calder, Judy's Red Shoes Stakes, Calder, placed second in Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of a winner. The next dam WAKAN TANKA (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A. including City of Minneapolis Stakes, Canterbury Downs, Burnsville Handicap, Canterbury Downs, School Days Invitational Handicap, Canterbury Downs, second in Prior Lake Stakes, Canterbury Downs, President's Cup Handicap, Canterbury Downs, City of Minneapolis Stakes, Canterbury Downs; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing ageVikadontis (USA) (c. by Prospector's Halo (USA)), placed third in Wild Event Stakes, Calder, L., The Vid Stakes, Calder, L. and Needles Stakes, Calder, L. Graziano (USA) (c. by Fit To Fight (USA)), placed third in Clasico Dia de Reyes, El Comandante, L. and Clasico Copa 4 de Julio, El Comandante, L. Ennuhway (USA) (f. by Notebook (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CARILIMPIO (USA), won Clasico Jorge I Ameglio, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., placed second in Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz Ramon, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. LISA'S BOOBY TRAP (USA), won Loudonville Stakes, Saratoga, R.; dam of NOT THAT BRADY (USA), won Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Withers Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and New York Derby, Finger Lakes, R., Lisa's Legacy (USA), second in Presque Isle Debutante Stakes, Presque Isle Downs. Nerve (USA), placed second in Hollywood Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Eva London (USA), placed third in Musical Romance Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R.; dam of London Ghost (USA), placed second in Clasico 4 de Julio, Camarero Race Track, L.




Owner: Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel Harlan's Holiday (USA)

ADMIRAL WABEL (USA) March 23rd, 2022 A Bay Colt

Good Samaritan (USA) Pull Dancer (USA) Little Sweet (USA) (2014)

Candy Ride (ARG) Monday Valentine (USA)


Harlan (USA) Christmas In Aiken (USA) Pulpit (USA) Mayhavebeentheone (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Smart Strike (CAN) Perfectly Pretty (USA)

GOOD SAMARITAN (USA), 2014. Won 2 races, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, NYRA Bets Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2, Summer Stakes, Gr.2, second in Norton Healthcare Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Ram Trucks American Turf Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of YAHSHUA (CHI), (Gr.1), SECRET MONEY (USA), (Gr.3), ENTERA GOOD (CHI), (Gr.3), ITAMUT (USA), (L.), GOOD SAM (USA), (L.), Vestida Preciosa (CHI), (Gr.1), Good Runner (CHI), (Gr.1), Sabalenka (USA), (Gr.2), Nice Neighbor (USA), (S), Bonne Chance (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LITTLE SWEET (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizKERNS NOT KEARNS (USA) (2019 c. by Tourist (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £13,796. (2021 c. by Keen Ice (USA)). 2nd Dam MONDAY VALENTINE (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizChroma (CAN) (f. by California Chrome (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Canada and £12,730 and placed third in Algoma Stakes, Woodbine, R. SIR CHUBBY (USA) (c. by Tiznow (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £34,059. DEMOCRATIC (USA) (c. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £27,275. SMART SKY (CAN) (g. by Dynamic Sky (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Canada and £23,388. 3rd Dam PERFECTLY PRETTY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingIDIOT PROOF (USA) (c. by Benchmark (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Ancient Title Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, placed second in TVG Breeders' Cup Sprint, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, Green Flash Handicap, Del Mar, L., Phoenix Gold Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, L., Sunshine Millions Dash Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.R. and third in El Conejo Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Real Good Deal Stakes, Del Mar, L.R.; sire. MALIBU MOGUL (USA) (c. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 8 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. SCARF IT DOWN (USA) (c. by Twirling Candy (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. HIGH INTELLECT (USA) (c. by Benchmark (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. PERFECTLY NICE (USA) (f. by Benchmark (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. WAVE ON WAVE (USA) (c. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. DESIGNATED (USA) (c. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. PRETTY AMAZING (USA) (f. by Benchmark (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Collusionist (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Gold Rush Futurity, Arapahoe Park and third in Budweiser Special Handicap, Albuquerque. 4th Dam LASTING BEAUTY (CAN), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingEXQUISITE BEAUTY (USA) (f. by Bertrando (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Serbian Syclone (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in San Pedro Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and third in Albany Stakes, Golden Gate. The next dam WITH STYLE (CAN), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingAll Slew (CAN) (f. by Slew City Slew (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of a winner. SKY DREAMS (USA), won Alameda County Fillies & Mares Handicap, Pleasanton, placed second in Yerba Buena Breeders' Cup Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and Hillsborough Handicap, Bay Meadows. Oak Hill (CAN) (c. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), placed third in Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds, L.




Owner: Eng. Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 27th, 2022 (first foal)

Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA) Alqatemah (KSA) (2016)

Tajaaweed (USA) Forante (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Uforia (USA) Forty Niner (USA) Danzante (USA)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam ALQATEMAH (KSA), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam FORANTE (USA), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingALSAAEQAH (KSA) (f. by Dynever (USA)), won 8 races at 4 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.A.E. and £113,356; dam of a winner. AAJEAL (KSA) (c. by Alamocitos (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £34,225. SEATTLE SOVEREIGN (USA) (c. by Chief Seattle (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,220. 3rd Dam DANZANTE (USA), won 3 races in France and in U.S.A. including Critérium d'Evry, Evry, L., placed second in Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Matinee Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R. and third in Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3 and Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMONZANTE (USA) (g. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 8 races at home and in U.S.A. including Eddie Read Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santana Mile Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Charles Whittingham Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Windy Sands Handicap, Del Mar, L. and third in Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. ALPHA PLUS (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Tentative (USA) (f. by Distant View (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years and placed third in Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, L.; dam of winners. Leaf Storm (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), placed 3 times in France; dam of winners. GOLDEN LEAF (ARG), won Clasico Derby Nacional, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Ricardo Ortis de Zevallos, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Enrique Meiggs, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, placed third in C. Polla de Potrillos-R. A. Calderon Rey, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1. Firedrake (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in France; grandam of SALUTE THE SOLDIER (GER), won Al Maktoum Challenge Round 3, Meydan, Gr.1 (twice), Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Meydan, Gr.2, Emirates Holidays Burj Nahaar, Meydan, Gr.3, placed third in Al Maktoum Challenge Round 1, Meydan, Gr.2. The next dam BOLD CAPTIVE (USA), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Liberation Handicap, Keystone Race Track; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSKYWALKER (USA) (c. by Relaunch (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Mervyn Leroy Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Longacres Mile Handicap, Longacres, Gr.2, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed second in San Felipe Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. PAC MANIA (USA) (c. by Ramsinga), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in San Carlos Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. NIDD (USA) (f. by Known Fact (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Safely Kept Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners. FIFTEEN LOVE (USA), won Maxxam Gold Cup Handicap, Sam Houston, L., placed third in Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3; sire. ROYAL CAPTIVE (USA) (c. by Royal Ski (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Spotlight Handicap, Hollywood Park, placed second in C B Afflerbaugh Memorial Stakes, Pomona, Cabrillo Handicap, Del Mar, R.




Violence (USA) ALMORTJIL (USA) February 17th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Volatile (USA) Melody Lady (USA) Quay (USA) (2010)

Tapit (USA) Skipper Tale (USA)

Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Violent Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Lady Tak (USA) Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Pretty 'n Smart (USA)

VOLATILE (USA), 2016. Won 5 races, Alfred G. Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1 and Aristides Stakes, L. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam QUAY (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £129,760 and placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizV V'S DREAM (USA) (2021 f. by Mitole (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £248,004 including Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed twice viz second in Ellis Park Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park, L, second at darley Alcibiades Stakes Gr.1. MORNING ADDICTION (USA) (2017 f. by Carpe Diem (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £95,220 and placed 6 times. AMARYLLIS (USA) (2020 f. by Always Dreaming (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £43,644 and placed once, from two starts only. 2nd Dam SKIPPER TALE (USA), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £52,967; Own sister to ASHLEY'S KITTY (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingQuaver (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £54,124 and placed second in Crank It Up Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of a winner. KATHLEEN O (USA), won Gulfstream Park Oaks, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Cash Run Stakes, Gulfstream Park, second in Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Royal Delta Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam Pretty 'n Smart (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Manhattan Beach Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingCUPID (USA) (c. by Tapit (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.2, Indiana Derby, Indiana Grand, Gr.2, Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; sire. HEART ASHLEY (USA) (f. by Lion Heart (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Adena Stallions' Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and My Juliet Stakes, Parx Racing, L.; dam of winners. FIANO ROMANO (AUS), won Keihan Hai, Hanshin, Gr.3, Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, Nakayama, Gr.3, placed second in Hanshin Cup, Hanshin, Gr.2 and Hankyu Hai, Hanshin, Gr.3. Ameristralia (AUS), placed third in mypunter.com Geoffrey Bellmaine Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3; dam of AIN'T EASY (USA), won Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed third in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. ASHLEY'S KITTY (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Desert Stormer Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in Pine Tree Lane Stakes, Santa Anita, R.; dam of winners. INDIANAPOLIS (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including San Pedro Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Country Cafe (USA) (f. by Lion Heart (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Glacial (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. LAQUESTA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of OPUS FORTY TWO (USA), won Gasparilla Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, second in Delaware Oaks, Delaware, Gr.3. The next dam CHARGE D'AFFAIRES (CAN), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingHOSTESS (USA) (f. by Chester House (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Glens Falls Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Destiny Dance Stakes, Belmont Park and third in New York Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (twice), Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (twice) and Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Giant Zinger (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Orchid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3.




Danzig (USA) THEKRA ALGHALI (USA) April 19th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt


Owner: Aljiad Stable

Hard Spun (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA) She's a Rainbow (USA) (2011)

Giant's Causeway (USA) Rainbow's Song (USA)

Northern Dancer Pas de Nom (USA) Turkoman (USA) Darbyvail (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Rainbow Promise (USA)

HARD SPUN (USA), 2004. Won 7 races, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Kentucky Cup Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Lane's End Stakes, Gr.2, Lecomte Stakes, Gr.3, Pennsylvania Nursery Stakes, R., etc. Sire of ALOHA WEST (USA), (Gr.1), SILVER STATE (USA), (Gr.1), HARD NOT TO LOVE (CAN), (Gr.1), SPUN TO RUN (USA), (Gr.1), GATTING (AUS), (Gr.1), OUT FOR A SPIN (USA), (Gr.1), LE ROMAIN (AUS), (Gr.1), SMOOTH ROLLER (USA), (Gr.1), HARD NOT TO LIKE (CAN), (Gr.1), HARD ACES (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam SHE'S A RAINBOW (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizTWO SIXTYONE (USA) (2016 f. by Atreides (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £150,292 and placed 6 times. Malibu Brad (USA) (2021 c. by Malibu Moon (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Rainbow's Song (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £81,934 and placed third in Kalookan Queen Handicap, Santa Anita; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingEL GRANDE O (USA) (c. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £170,000 including Bertram F. Bongard Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, R., placed second in Funny Cide Stakes, Saratoga, R. and Skidmore Stakes, Saratoga. Meal Ticket (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £230,634 and placed second in Royal Heroine Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 3rd Dam RAINBOW PROMISE (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingCLASS ABOVE (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Bourbonette Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, L. and Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of winners. SUENO (USA), won Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate, placed second in Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Sham Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in twinspires.com Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. Praising (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of CAMP HOPE (USA), won Bryan Station Stakes, Keeneland. LEAH'S PROMISE (USA) (f. by Fit To Fight (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; grandam of PROMISE ME SILVER (USA), won Eight Belles Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and BULLY GOOD (USA), won Houston Turf Stakes, Sam Houston, R. The next dam ALL THINGS NEW (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingTRY SOMETHING NEW (USA) (f. by Hail The Pirates (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, placed second in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Delaware Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. SOMETHINGDIFFERENT (USA), Champion 2yr old in Germany in 1989, won Moet & Chandon Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr.2, Manila Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.; sire. Something Mon (USA), unraced; dam of RAYMI COYA (CAN), won Oh So Sharp Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and Michael Seely Memorial Fillies' Stakes, York, L.; grandam of RAISE YOU (IRE), 6 races at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2022 including Ballycullen Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, L.; third dam of TACTICAL (GB), 3 races including July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. UNCLE HO (USA) (c. by French Colonial (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Hallandale Handicap, Gulfstream Park, third in A Phenomenon Stakes, Saratoga, L. Dynamite Blond (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HEAVENLY VALLEY (CAN), won Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Vandal Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Ontario Lassie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Things Pending (USA) (f. by Vigors (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FORTUNE PENDING (USA), won Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L.; dam of PALMEIRO (USA), won All American Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3; grandam of DYNASLEW (USA), won Ballston Spa Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, SHOTSKI (USA), won Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2.


67 BOX

Owner: Mohammed Fawaz Sttaam Alfanadeel Lookin At Lucky (USA)

MELAAF (USA) February 10th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Accelerate (USA) Issues (USA) Piper Jade (USA) (2011)

Harlan's Holiday (USA) County Fair (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Private Feeling (USA) Awesome Again (CAN) Darlin Echo (USA) Harlan (USA) Christmas In Aiken (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Ten Cents A Kiss (USA)

ACCELERATE (USA), 2013. Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2018. Won 10 races, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Gr.1, etc. Sire of HAL (USA), (L.), SUPER ACCELERATE (USA), (S), Quick To Accuse (USA), (S), Timely Conquest (USA), (S), Exponential Star (USA), (S), Winters Lion (USA), (S), For Harper (USA), (S). 1st Dam PIPER JADE (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTORIN (USA) (2017 g. by Flashback (USA)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £63,245 and placed 6 times. JADE GIRL (USA) (2015 f. by Power Broker (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Mexico. Smiles For David (USA) (2019 f. by Tiznow (USA)), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Canada and £30,771. Sharp Pippa (USA) (2020 f. by Sharp Azteca (USA)), placed 3 times at 3, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam COUNTY FAIR (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSTEAMING HOME (USA) (f. by Salt Lake (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and £51,290 including Round Tower Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. STEAMING KITTEN (USA)/TOP ACE (USA), won Premio Del Giubileo, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. EDEN GREY'S KITTEN (USA), won Need for Speed Stakes, Evangeline Downs, Costa Rising Stakes, Fair Grounds, R., placed second in Louisiana Legends Turf Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. and Costa Rising Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. BACKSEAT MEMORIES (USA), won Showing Up Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Mambo Meister Stakes, Calder, placed second in The Vid Stakes, Gulfstream Park. FULL STEAM AHEAD (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ADMIRALTY PIER (USA), Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 2017, won Tampa Bay Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Display Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Highlander Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, King Edward Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and third in Northern Dancer Turf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1. 3rd Dam TEN CENTS A KISS (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 15 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingCORPORATE REPORT (USA) (c. by Private Account (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed second in Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1 and Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1; sire. DRACHMA (USA) (c. by Damascus (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Gallant Man Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Lamplighter Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and third in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1. Swiss Affair (USA) (g. by Private Account (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2. DANCE HALL MISS (USA) (f. by Bold Forbes (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. D'S DANCING SOPHIE (USA), won Minnesota Oaks, Canterbury Downs, Minnesota Distaff Classic Championship, Canterbury Downs, MTA Stallion Auction Stakes (fillies), Canterbury Downs, placed third in Northern Lights Debutante Handicap, Canterbury Downs, L. DANCING PRIZE (USA), won Minnesota Oaks, Canterbury Downs; grandam of BERT'SLITTLESISTER (USA), won Minnesota Oaks, Arlington, R. VEIL DANCE (USA) (f. by Damascus (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MAJOR SUCCESS (USA), won Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. MAYBE A KISS (USA) (f. by Damascus (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CENTURN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CIENTO (USA), won New Mexico State University Handicap, Sunland Park, L.R. (twice), City of Sunland Park Handicap, Sunland Park, L.R., Johnie L Jamison Handicap, Sunland Park, L. (twice), Viva El Paso Handicap, Sunland Park, L.R. and Dine's Derby, Sunray Park, L. Kiss It Better (AUS), placed once in Australia; grandam of MOOZOON (NZ), won Tiger Prawn Desert Gold Stakes, Trentham, Gr.3.




Owner: Eng. Salman Fahad Alothayanei Flatter (USA) West Coast (USA) Caressing (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 26th, 2022 Ten K Cat (USA) (2009)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Jeanne's Honor (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Praise (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Lovin Touch (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Yarn (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Jeanne Jones (USA)

WEST COAST (USA), 2014. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2017. Won 6 races, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.1, NYRA Bets Travers Stakes, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3, Easy Goer Stakes, L., second in Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, etc. Sire of SALLY'S SASSY (USA), (S), MARZ EXPRESS (USA), (S), West Coast Cowboy (USA), (Gr.3), Live Is Life (USA), (L.), Circling The Drain (USA), (L.), Fit To Fly (USA), (S), MICHELE M (USA), SWAGGISH (USA), TATHAGATA (JPN), WESTERN COMMAND (USA). 1st Dam Ten K Cat (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £76,795 and placed 6 times including third in Ocala Breeders Sales Championship (f), Ocala T.C., L.R.; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizWEST WARPATH (USA) (2017 g. by Flashback (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £91,905 and placed 9 times. BENNY (USA) (2016 g. by Flashback (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £57,224 and placed 7 times. ELITE FORCES (USA) (2020 c. by American Freedom (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £69,117. SHOW OFF (USA) (2021 f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £75,000. 2nd Dam JEANNE'S HONOR (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada and £26,801; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingGOING TO KUKARO (USA) (f. by Speightstown (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £111,466 including Genuine Devotion Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Tellike Stakes, Evangeline Downs; dam of winners. Praise And Honor (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Satin and Lace Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. 3rd Dam JEANNE JONES (USA), won 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingROMAN TREASURE (USA) (f. by Roman Ruler (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Chaldea Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Positive Gal Stakes, Belmont Park, Miss Royal Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Classy Mirage Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. and third in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. Beautiful Gem (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A., placed second in Vacaville Handicap, Solano, Powder Room Handicap, Golden Gate, Luisant Handicap, Golden Gate and third in Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; dam of winners. Max Jones (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Legal Light Stakes, Delaware Park, L. Jennie Song (JPN), unraced; dam of SAN DIEGO CITY (JPN), won Capital Stakes, Tokyo, L., Sapporo Nisai Stakes, Sapporo, L., Clover Sho, Sapporo, L. Hot Match (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BELLE OF PERINTOWN (USA), won Silverbulletday Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed third in Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2; dam of STRIKE IT RICH (USA), won Boiling Springs Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Little Silver Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., TOMLIN (USA), won Camilla Urso Stakes, Golden Gate, Golden Gate Debutante Stakes (f), Golden Gate, placed second in Unbridled Sidney Stakes, Churchill Downs and third in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, ARI OAKLEY (USA), won Bold Ego Handicap, Sunland Park; grandam of GREAT STUFF (USA), won Toboggan Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed third in Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Tom Fool Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire, SEA FOAM (USA), won Alex M. Robb Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Evan Shipman Handicap, Saratoga, R., Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R., New York Derby, Finger Lakes, R., Notebook Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Bogangles (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds. Lady Is A Lioness (USA) (f. by Leroidesanimaux (BRZ)), unraced; dam of a winner. Jordan's Leo (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L.




Owner: Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir Storm Cat (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) February 12th, 2022 (first foal)

Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Candy (KSA) (2017)

Candy Ride (ARG) Conquest Whiplash (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Hear No Evil (USA) Saint Sammi (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam CANDY (KSA), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years. 2nd Dam CONQUEST WHIPLASH (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada and £68,779 viz Victoria Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of 5 runners from 6 foals of racing age includingMidraak (KSA) (c. by Roaring Fever (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam SAINT SAMMI (USA), unraced; Own sister to FLAME THROWER (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizCONQUEST WHIPLASH (USA) (f. by Hear No Evil (USA)), see above. IT'S TOUCH AND GO (USA) (g. by Touch Gold (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. HEAVEN'S SAINT (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. SUMMERLONG (USA) (f. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam METROMANE (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Darling Nellie Gray Handicap, Thistledown, placed second in Spring Step Stakes, River Downs and Tomboy Handicap, River Downs, R.; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFLAME THROWER (USA) (c. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.2, Best Pal Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed second in Riva Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Maryland Breeders' Cup Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; sire. The next dam MOMMA MAE (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingMETROMANE (USA) (f. by Metrogrand (USA)), see above.




Unbridled's Song (USA) A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 12th, 2022


Owner: Aja racing Stabel

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Carlotta Del Sol (CAN) (2008)

Holy Bull (USA) Withoutapproval (USA)

Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) With Approval (CAN) River Boogie (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam CARLOTTA DEL SOL (CAN), won 4 races at 3 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £21,916 and placed 20 times; Own sister to SIN TORO (USA); dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd Dam Withoutapproval (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,453 and placed third in British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hastings Park, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSIN TORO (USA) (g. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 13 races in Canada and £117,922 including Canadian Juvenile Stakes, Northlands Park, L., Western Canada Handicap, Northlands Park, placed second in Ky Alta Handicap, Northlands Park, L., Ladnesian Stakes, Hastings Park and third in Ascot Graduation Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hastings Park, L. and President's Handicap, Stampede Park. CARLOTTA DEL SOL (CAN) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), see above. THE EDGE OF TIME (CAN) (c. by Gilded Time (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and £23,126. SAINT APPROVED (CAN) (g. by Saint Stephen (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in Canada. OFFICER'S APPROVAL (USA) (c. by Officer (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in Canada. 3rd Dam RIVER BOOGIE (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingWithoutapproval (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), see above. MATTEEN (KSA) (c. by Alamocitos (USA)), won 3 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The next dam RIVER CHANT (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCommon Threads (USA) (f. by Key To The Kingdom (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Sandcastle Handicap, Del Mar, L. and Chris Evert Breeders' Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of winners. Cajole (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Bob Johnson Memorial Stakes, Lone Star Park. NILE CHANT (USA) (f. by Val de L'Orne (FR)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ORNATE (USA), won Pleasant Temper Stakes, Kentucky Downs; dam of ON FIRE BABY (USA), won La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Honeybee Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, placed second in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Smarty Jones Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., HIGH HEELS (USA), won Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Gardenia Handicap, Ellis Park, Gr.3, Honeybee Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Anna M Fisher Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park and third in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, FRENCH KISS (USA), won Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed third in Azeri Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and Anna M Fisher Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park; grandam of SOLIDIFY (USA), won Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Nanyehi (USA), ran twice in U.S.A.; grandam of Public Safety (USA), placed second in Northern Lights Futurity, Canterbury Downs, R. and third in Minnesota Derby, Canterbury Park, R. and Victor S Myers Stakes, Canterbury Park, R. RIVER DYNA (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. King's Silver Son (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2. RENEGADE RIVER (USA), won Willowdale Chase, Willowdale, L. (twice). Heaven's Song (USA) (f. by Septieme Ciel (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Moon Scamper (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Norman Hall Stakes, Suffolk Downs, R.




Owner: Ali Ibrahim Mohammed Al Wulayi Distorted Humor (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 8th, 2022 (first foal)

Lahad (USA) Starlight Dreams (USA) Tadawena (KSA) (2017)

Roaring Fever (USA) Taheyat Al Alam (KSA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Black Tie Affair Reves Celestes (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Delham (IRE) Al Aebidiyah (KSA)

LAHAD (USA), 2013. Placed once. First crop now 4 year olds. 1st Dam TADAWENA (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam TAHEYAT AL ALAM (KSA), won 1 race at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing ageTadawena (KSA) (f. by Roaring Fever (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam AL AEBIDIYAH (KSA), placed 3 times at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizHANOOFAH (KSA) (f. by Fire Wall (ARG)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TAHEYAT AL ALAM (KSA) (f. by Delham (IRE)), see above. 4th Dam PERFECT PRODUCTION (USA), unraced; dam of 4 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingAl Aebidiyah (KSA) (f. by Royal Arcade (USA)), see above. The next dam Franca (ITY), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed third in Las Madrinas Handicap, Fairplex Park; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingFRANKLY PERFECT (USA) (c. by Perrault), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including San Luis Rey Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hollywood Turf Cup, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Golden Gate Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Chantilly, Gr.3, San Luis Obispo Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Carleton F Burke Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Antonio Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Sunset Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Budweiser International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, third in Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, San Luis Rey Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2 and fourth in San Juan Capistrano Invitation Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. FRANC ARGUMENT (USA) (f. by Argument (FR)), won 3 races in France including Prix des Tourelles, ParisLongchamp, L., Prix Joubert, Evry, L., placed second in Flower Bowl Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Prix Charles Laffitte, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Long Island Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. Admire C'Est Lavie (JPN), placed once in Japan; dam of Hikaru Kazabue (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2 and third in Copa Republica Argentina, Tokyo, Gr.2, Admire Dino (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Sapporo Nikkei Open, Sapporo, L.; grandam of Amati (JPN), winner in Japan, placed third in The Saudi Arabia Royal Cup, Tokyo, Gr.3. PERFECT SISTER (USA) (f. by Perrault), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. SIBLING RIVAL (USA), won Prix de la Porte de Madrid, Saint-Cloud, L., placed second in Grand Prix de Deauville, Deauville, Gr.2, Grand Prix de Chantilly, Chantilly, Gr.2 and Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion-d'Angers, L. PRINCESS SPEEDFIT (FR), 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of IMPERIAL GUEST (GB), 6 races including Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L., placed 13 times; grandam of DUBAI STATION (GB), 4 races at 2 to 6 years, 2023 including Pavilion Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3, placed 11 times including third in Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3 and Leisure Stakes, Windsor, L. Sense of Urgency (USA) (f. by Quest For Fame), unraced; dam of winners. TAKE IT EASY (TUR), winner abroad; dam of Bullet Proof (TUR), winner abroad and placed second in Yunus Emre, Bursa, L.




Owner: Fawaz Muhareb H. Almshrafi A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) March 23rd, 2022 Midnight Hope (USA) (2014)

Midnight Lute (USA) Cauy's Humor (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Real Quiet (USA) Candytuft (USA) Distorted Humor (USA) Cauy (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MIDNIGHT HOPE (USA), unraced; Own sister to KELLY'S HUMOR (USA); dam of 2 foals of racing age including(2021 f. by Frozen Power (IRE)). 2nd Dam Cauy's Humor (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £66,599 and placed third in Girls Inc. ofk Shelbyville County Stakes, Indiana Downs, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizKELLY'S HUMOR (USA) (f. by Midnight Lute (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £201,214 including Ellis Park Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park, placed second in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Keeneland Select Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and third in Longines Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Indiana Oaks, Indiana Grand, Gr.3. HAZARDOUS HUMOR (USA) (f. by Classic Empire (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £91,012. BIZ STAR (USA) (c. by Biz Blitz (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £25,231. LINDA (KSA) (f. by Point of Entry (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. LOST HUMOR (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 1 race in Canada; dam of winners. WE B THREE (CAN), won Monashee Handicap, Hastings Park, placed second in Sadie Diamond Futurity (fillies), Hastings Park, R., Delta Colleen Handicap, Hastings Park and third in Delta Colleen Handicap, Hastings Park. 3rd Dam CAUY (USA), won 12 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Miller Lite Stakes, Lone Star Pk, second in Wooden Star Stakes, Hawthorne; Own sister to MARIA'S MIRAGE (USA); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingCauy's Humor (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), see above. SHIVE'S SUCCESS (USA) (c. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. The next dam PERFECT EXCHANGE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMARIA'S MIRAGE (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Woodside Handicap, Bay Meadows, Cactus Flower Handicap, Turf Paradise, placed second in The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L.; dam of winners. CHIPS ALL IN (USA), won Eddie D Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, San Simeon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Eddie Logan Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Gold Rush Futurity, Arapahoe Park, L., Albany Stakes, Golden Gate, Pasadena Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in American Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., Alcatraz Stakes, Golden Gate, L., third in La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2. CAUY (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), see above. JAN'S PERFECT STAR (USA) (f. by Imperialism (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Arkansas Breeders' Stakes (fillies), Oaklawn Park, R.; dam of winners. ROAD BLOC (USA), won Jebel Ali Sprint, Jebel Ali, L. HONEYCOMB GUS (USA) (f. by Is It True (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HONEYCOMB ALLIE (USA), won Orleans Stakes, Delta Downs, R. PERFECT MARIA (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Perfect Kay (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Cassidy Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Copelan's Exchange (USA) (f. by Copelan (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Tigerheat (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Jim Coleman Province Stakes, Hastings Park. Kitty (USA) (f. by Forsythe Boy (USA)), unraced; grandam of GATO GO WIN (USA), won Pirate's Bounty Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., placed second in Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Vernon O Underwood Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Faisal Saeed Albqumi Dynaformer (USA) Casino Host (USA) Ensenada (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) March 1st, 2022 Sukhothai (USA) (2008)

Maria's Mon (USA) Succession (GB)


Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Desert Stormer (USA) Wavering Monarch (USA) Carlotta Maria (USA) Groom Dancer (USA) Pitcroy (GB)

CASINO HOST (USA), 2008. Won 4 races, Del Mar Handicap, Gr.2, Mervin Muniz Jr Memorial Handicap, Gr.2, third in Eddie Read Stakes, Gr.1 and Virginia Derby, Gr.2. Sire of INTERLAKAN (KSA), URSULA (KSA), NASHE'AH (KSA), SULTAN ALENAYA (KSA), SHIBL ALENAYA (KSA), SAWAM (KSA), YOBHEJ (KSA), TASEED (KSA), NABAE ALSAAD (KSA), WAED ALGHAREEB (KSA), FALEJ (KSA), LAOYOON ALI (KSA), JABAL ALNA'YER (KSA), SAWAHEEJ (KSA), ALMASH'SHASH (KSA), DOA'A ALTHAKREEN (KSA), MOHHELAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam SUKHOTHAI (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of 5 runners from 7 foals of racing age includingIqunt Alareen (KSA) (2020 c. by Patriot Act (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. (2021 f. by Harlington (USA)). 2nd Dam SUCCESSION (GB), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Germany and £37,561 including Black Sam BellamyStutenpreis, Cologne, L., second in Japan Racing Association Trophy, Baden-Baden, L. and third in Buchmacher Albers Bremer Stuten Meile, Bremen, L.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizAMERICAN CURRENCY (USA) (g. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £50,926. SUCCESSFULDEBUT (USA) (f. by Proud Citizen (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years abroad and £27,798. OLYMPIC SUCCESS (USA) (g. by Arch (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam PITCROY (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingSUCCESSION (GB) (f. by Groom Dancer (USA)), see above. SUCCINCT (GB) (f. by Hector Protector (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years including Ballymacoll Stud Stakes, Newbury, L., from only 3 starts; dam of winners. Taloubet (GB), 2 races in France and placed third in Winterfavorit-Trial, Cologne, L. STARRY SKY (GB), 1 race at 2 years; dam of Musawaat (GB), 4 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Emirates Holidays Burj Nahaar, Meydan, Gr.3 (twice). The next dam REUVAL, won 2 races at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingARDKINGLASS (GB) (c. by Green Desert (USA)), won 4 races including Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in City of York Stakes, York, L. and third in Fortune Stakes, Kempton, L. and Heron Stakes, Kempton, L.; sire. Jura (GB) (g. by Rousillon (USA)), won 3 races, second in Festival Stakes, Goodwood, L. Ruse (GB) (f. by Diktat (GB)), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. Rowan Brae (GB), 1 race in France second in Wettenleip-Junioren-Preis, Dusseldorf, L. Skerray (GB) (f. by Soviet Star (USA)), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. Secret Asset (IRE), 10 races and placed second in Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Kris Flyer International Sprint, Kranji, Gr.1. Fetlar (f. by Pharly (FR)), unraced; dam of winners. Be Mindful (GB), 8 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Diomed Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3 and third in Horris Hill Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. Staffin (GB), 4 races at home and in U.S.A., second in Solario Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, L., La Habra Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Mythic (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Atalanta Stakes, Sandown, L. and third in Severals Stakes, Newmarket, L.; grandam of MINOTAUR (IRE), 7 races in France including Grand Prix de la Ville de CraonMayenne, Craon, L. INCREDULOUS (FR), 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of SIR GERRY (USA), won Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, Cathedral Stakes, Salisbury, L., Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, L., placed third in Golden Jubilee Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, IONIC (USA), won Cellars Shiraz Stakes, Gulfstream Park West; grandam of INVOLUNTARY (USA), won Drumtop Stakes, Suffolk Downs, Flaming Page Stakes, Woodbine, placed second in Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; third dam of PHILIP MY DEAR (CAN), won Soaring Free Stakes, Woodbine, L., Cup and Saucer Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed third in Summer Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1.


74 BOX

Owner: Sultan Barman F. Alajmi Giant's Causeway (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 14th, 2022

The Admiral (USA) Sassy Pants (USA) Honeypenny (USA) (1999)

Royal Academy (USA) Millie's Choice (IRE)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Saratoga Six (USA) Special Portion (USA) Nijinsky (CAN) Crimson Saint (USA) Taufan (USA) Salagangai

THE ADMIRAL (USA), 2011. Won 6 races. Sire of NAJM ALMEDHMAR (KSA), ALDHAREBAH (KSA), AFNAN ALMOGHTARRAH (KSA), DOUMA (KSA). 1st Dam Honeypenny (USA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £81,254 and placed 6 times including third in Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizHOOVERGETTHEKEYS (USA)/FLYING MOOCHI (USA) (2011 g. by Henrythenavigator (USA)), won 8 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Hong Kong and in Italy and £401,463 including Criterium di Pisa, Pisa, L., placed 10 times including third in Premio Parioli 2000 Gns-Sisal Matchpoint, Rome, Gr.3. UNLASHTHEKRAKEN (USA) (2012 c. by Desert Party (USA)), won 7 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Italy and £30,774 and placed 11 times. SEIF ALBAYAN (KSA) (2014 c. by First Defence (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £167,968 and placed 14 times. MADRE LUNA (USA) (2008 f. by Rahy (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £55,614 and placed 6 times; dam of 4 winners includingCORAL CAT (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam MILLIE'S CHOICE (IRE), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years and £65,328 including MacDonagh Boland Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Platinum Stakes, Fairyhouse, L. (twice), Knockaire Stakes, Leopardstown, L., Beamish Stout Stakes, Tralee, L. and third in Garnet Stakes, Naas, L. and Minstrel Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMILLIE'S QUEST (USA) (f. by Quest For Fame), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £105,094 including Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed third in Garden City Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Lake Placid Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Sands Point Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Millie's Trick (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £32,937 and placed third in Silver Spur Stakes, Lone Star Park, L.; dam of winners. ACE OF KAY (USA) (f. by Stravinsky (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of NICE ACE (USA), won Hard Spun Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, R. (twice). Platinum Choice (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Choose the Right (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Scottsdale Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of Perfect Fit (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Trapeze Stakes, Remington Park. Da Choice (USA) (f. by Dehere (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DIGGER (USA), won Fire Plug Stakes, Laurel, Gravesend Handicap, Aqueduct, Jennings Handicap, Laurel, R., Northern Dancer Stakes, Laurel, R., Deputed Testamony Stakes, Laurel, R., second in General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2. 3rd Dam SALAGANGAI, unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 living foals of racing age includingMILLIE'S CHOICE (IRE) (f. by Taufan (USA)), see above. LOGICA (IRE) (f. by Priolo (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. DOCTOR DINO (FR), won Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1 (twice), Grand Prix de Chantilly, Chantilly, Gr.2, Prix André Baboin, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, Gr.3, placed third in Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1 and Prix Ganay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. BANDE (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Japan including Sapporo Nikkei Open, Sapporo, L., placed third in Kikuka Sho (St Leger), Kyoto, Gr.1 and Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2; sire. Isaure (FR), placed twice in France; dam of Oasis Rose (AUS), winner in New Zealand, second in New Zealand 2000 Guineas, Riccarton Park, Gr.1; grandam of AL HASA (NZ), won Barneswood Farm Welcome Stakes, Riccarton Park, L. The next dam MALAGANGAI (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMANCHESTER FIELDS (FR) (c. by Comrade In Arms), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Pelléas, Evry, L.



Day Two Commencing 5.00pm Lots 75-145

Monday 27th November





Owner: Aldiriyah Stebel A P Indy (USA) Quarto (USA) Octave (USA)

A BLACK FILLY (KSA) February 19th, 2022 Mahbobat Reeham (KSA) (2007)

Bonnard (IRE) Twilight Cat (USA)

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Belle Nuit (USA) Nureyev (USA) Utr (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Rainy Night (USA)

QUARTO (USA), 2009. Won 1 race. Sire of HELMEE (KSA), THARWEE (KSA), ALMASHLOOF (KSA), ALTHAHAB ALASHQAR (KSA), ABO SHAIKHAH (KSA), LUFFY (KSA), THABAT ALAEQL (KSA). 1st Dam MAHBOBAT REEHAM (KSA), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizLAE OYOUN MARAAM (KSA) (2017 f. by Saint Anddan (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £80,624 and placed 5 times. BAHR (KSA) (2019 c. by Biz Blitz (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,695 and placed twice. 2nd Dam TWILIGHT CAT (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSTATELY KITTY (USA) (f. by Honour And Glory (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Zane (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Miesque's Approval Stakes, Gulfstream Park. 3rd Dam RAINY NIGHT (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizSTONE RAIN (USA) (g. by Grindstone (USA)), won 9 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Sam J Whiting Memorial Handicap, Pleasanton. CITY RAIN (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Rain Town (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Louisiana Stallion Stakes (fillies), Louisiana Downs, L.R. FOREST CAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SILENT STALK (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of STALKING SHADOW (USA), won California Derby, Golden Gate, L., STALK THE WILDCAT (USA), won Golden Nugget Stakes, Golden Gate. The next dam Made In America (USA), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and second in Imperatrice Handicap, Belmont Park and third in Hydrangea Handicap, Meadowlands; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingZOONAQUA (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Countess Fager Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, Harold C Ramser Sr Handicap, Santa Anita, L., second in River Cities Breeders Cup Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Gr.3, Golden Poppy Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, third in Yellow Ribbon Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of winners. TOKAI TRICK (JPN), won Sports Nippon Sho Stayer's Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.2, Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2, placed second in Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2 and third in Tenno Sho (Spring Emperor's Cup), Kyoto, Gr.1, Sports Nippon Sho Stayer's Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.2 (twice), Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2. DIABLO AMIGO (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including His Majesty's Council Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben. Gwedda (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dr A B Leggio Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of winners. OUT OF GWEDDA (USA), won Tremont Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed third in Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. GATAP (USA) (f. by Buckfinder (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. JENNY'S PROSPECTOR (USA), won Hoosier Debutante Stakes, Hoosier Park, L. Midway Holiday (USA), winner, third in Bourbonette Oaks, Turfway Park, Gr.3. Daring Derek (USA), winner and second in King Charles II Stakes, Newmarket, L. AFTERNOON TRICK (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of TRICKMEISTER (USA), won Vanlandingham Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed third in Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Shawaatee (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SECRETA (USA), winner in Argentina; dam of SEA BRAVA (ARG), won Clasico Francisco J Beazley, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2, placed second in Gran Premio Criadores, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1.




Speightstown (USA) A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 18th, 2022


Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi

Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN) Branding (USA) (2010)

Street Sense (USA) Awesome (USA)

Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Street Cry (IRE) Bedazzle (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Pure Profit (USA)

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S). 1st Dam BRANDING (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £71,255 and placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizGRANADA FLAVOR (USA) (2018 g. by Air Force Blue (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £63,690 and placed 6 times. SENSING MISCHIEF (USA) (2017 f. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,976. LUCKY RUNS NORTH (USA) (2016 g. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £40,590 and placed 4 times. Mojaz'zez (KSA) (2020 c. by Mendelssohn (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam AWESOME (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,913; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSO EXPLOSIVE (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £39,383; dam of winners. Gloria's Angelo (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Auburn Handicap, Emerald Downs. 3rd Dam PURE PROFIT (USA), won 4 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingINSIDE INFORMATION (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1995, won 14 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Distaff, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. SMUGGLER (USA), Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2005, won Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Illicit (USA), unraced; dam of GONE ASTRAY (USA), won Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.2, Pennsylvania Derby, Parx Racing, Gr.2 and Salvator Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; sire; third dam of KESSAAR (IRE), 3 races at 2 years including Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2 and Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3; sire. EDUCATED RISK (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Virginia Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, placed second in Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 and Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. CONSEQUENCE (USA), won American 1000 Guineas Stakes, Arlington, L. STRATEGY (USA), won Real Prize Stakes, Aqueduct. PERILOUS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of EVILASIO (ARG), won GP Estrellas Mile - Copa Revista Palermo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1; sire. DIAMOND (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Skip Trial Stakes, Meadowlands, L.; sire. Hidden Reserve (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Bed O'Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. RELOAD (USA), won Tampa Bay Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3 and Canadian Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; sire. DEFER (USA), won Laurel Futurity, Pimlico, Gr.3; sire. PHILANTHROPIST (USA), won Queens County Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire.





Owner: FMQ Stables Tale of Ekati (USA) Girvin (USA) Catch the Moon (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 15th, 2022 C d'Cat (USA) (2011)

D'Wildcat (USA) Unbridled Grace (USA)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Silence Beauty (JPN) Malibu Moon (USA) Catch My Fancy (USA) Forest Wildcat (USA) D'Enough (USA) Unbridled Jet (USA) Tax Dodge (USA)

Own sister to FANCEE GRACE C (USA) GIRVIN (USA), 2014. Won Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, twinspires.com Louisiana Derby, Gr.2, Risen Star Stakes, Gr.2, second in Steve Sexton Mile Stakes, Gr.3 and Ohio Derby, Gr.3. Sire of FAIZA (USA), (Gr.1), DAMON'S MOUND (USA), (Gr.2), DORTH VADER (USA), (Gr.2), CLOSETHEGAME SUGAR (USA), (L.), SWIRVIN (USA), (S), POWER IN NUMBERS (USA), (S), ATOMICALLY (USA), (S), DEVIOUS DAME (USA), (S). 1st Dam C d'Cat (USA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £109,896 and placed 6 times including third in River Cities Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizFANCEE GRACE C (USA) (2020 f. by Girvin (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £61,609 and placed 5 times. NYMPH (USA) (2019 f. by Dominus (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £25,496 and placed once. (2021 f. by Girvin (USA)). 2nd Dam Unbridled Grace (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £49,724 and placed second in Shine Again Stakes, Pimlico, R. and third in Maryland Million Oaks, Laurel, L.R.; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age incudingWUDDA U THINK NOW (USA) (g. by Fast Anna (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £422,501 including John Morrissey Handicap, Saratoga, R., Say Florida Sandy Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Alex M Robb Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Hollie Hughes Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Affirmed Success Stakes, Belmont Park, R. James Jingle (USA) (c. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £101,663 and placed second in Super Mario Stakes, Aqueduct, L. 3rd Dam TAX DODGE (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Royal Heroine Stakes, Aqueduct, Budweiser Suffolk Downs Breeders' Cup Hp, Suffolk Downs, placed second in Miss Universe Handicap, Bay Meadows, L., Leixable Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Manta Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita and third in Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; Own sister to Synastry (USA); dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingUnbridled Grace (USA) (f. by Unbridled Jet (USA)), see above. Double Down Eleven (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Onda Ray (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Prairie Meadows Debutante Stakes, Prairie Meadows. Cover Letter (USA) (f. by Kingmambo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. AMERICAN ALL STAR (USA), won Bull Dog Stakes, Fresno. The next dam Municipal Bond (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Meadow Queen Stakes, Meadowlands, Maywood Stakes, Meadowlands and third in Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMR NICKERSON (USA) (c. by Slewpy (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including True North Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Boojum Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Roseben Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Bold Ruler Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Sporting Plate Handicap, Aqueduct, L., A Phenomenon Stakes, Saratoga, L., Bombay Duck Stakes, Garden State, placed second in Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and third in Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Synastry (USA) (c. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, L., Hialeah Sprint Championship Handicap, Hialeah Park, third in Roamer Handicap, Aqueduct, L., Winter Quarters Handicap, Meadowlands, L. and fourth in San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3; sire. Gold Muni (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; grandam of BIG CITY MAN (USA), won Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1 and Al Shindagha Sprint, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. Raise The Market (USA) (f. by Raise A Native), unraced; grandam of STAUCH (USA), won My Friend Russ Stakes, Delaware Park, L.R.




Owner: Abdulrahman Nasser A. Aljahlan Dixie Union (USA)

DAYM ALFAWZ (USA) April 13th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt

Union Rags (USA) Tempo (USA) Cruzin On In (USA) (2012)

Stormy Atlantic (USA) Mystic Chant (USA)


Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Gone West (USA) Terpsichorist (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Mystic Rhythms (USA)

UNION RAGS (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Saratoga Special Stakes, Gr.2, second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of EXPRESS TRAIN (USA), (Gr.1), FREE DROP BILLY (USA), (Gr.1), PARADISE WOODS (USA), (Gr.1), DANCING RAGS (USA), (Gr.1), UNION STRIKE (USA), (Gr.1), DYNAMIC ONE (USA), (Gr.2), CARAMEL SWIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPIELBERG (USA), (Gr.2), CATALINA CRUISER (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam CRUZIN ON IN (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £57,702 and placed 5 times; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizNieuwendyk (USA) (2020 c. by Nyquist (USA)), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £38,091. Whiskey Or Wine (USA) (2021 c. by Arrogate (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by Vekoma (USA). 2nd Dam MYSTIC CHANT (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £40,491 including Open Mind Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingVOODOO SONG (USA) (c. by English Channel (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Fourstardave Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Saranac Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Forbidden Apple Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Virg.Equine Allowance Commonwealth Derby, Laurel, Gr.3, Mohawk Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Ashley T Cole Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and third in Poker Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Singapore Trader (USA) (g. by Flatter (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £199,781 and placed third in Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R. 3rd Dam MYSTIC RHYTHMS (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Maryland Million Lassie Stakes, Laurel, L., Jersey Jumper Stakes, Meadowlands, placed third in Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; Own sister to Graze (USA); dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMYSTIC SOUL (USA) (f. by Bahri (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Golden Poppy Stakes, Golden Gate, L., placed second in Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Miss Grillo Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and third in Honeymoon Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. ENCRYPTION (USA), won Bayern Stakes, Parx Racing, placed second in Pegasus Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Hagyard Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Skip Away Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Majestic Light Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. Biorhythm (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Mizdirection Stakes, Santa Anita. Mystical Woman (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. MYSTIC SKY (USA), won Soldier's Dancer Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R. In Awe (USA) (f. by Came Home (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. Sunnysammi (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L. and third in Turf Amazon Stakes, Parx Racing, L. The next dam TIMEANDAWORD (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMYSTIC RHYTHMS (USA) (f. by Citidancer (USA)), see above. Graze (USA) (g. by Citidancer (USA)), won 16 races in U.S.A., second in Accordant Handicap, Meadowlands, R. and third in Jersey Breeders' Handicap, Monmouth Park, R. CASTLESINTHESAND (USA) (f. by Castle Guard (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BARRACOUTA (USA), won Blue Mountain Futurity, Penn National, L.R. and Crank It Up Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of SEYCHELLES (USA), won Mrs Penny Stakes, Parx Racing, L.R., Just Don (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Mr Jenney Handicap, Parx Racing, L.R., Rockinonthewater (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Power by Far Handicap, Parx Racing, R. Shoobie (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pa-Tha Juvenile Handicap, Parx Racing and third in Sidney Baer Memorial Handicap, Delaware Park, L.




Owner: Abdulaziz Ali M Alarjani Tapit (USA) Closing Bell (USA) Rehear (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 17th, 2022 Randomizer (USA) (2004)

Elusive Quality (USA) Slow Jazz (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chief Appeal (USA) Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Chief's Crown (USA) Blue Note (FR)

CLOSING BELL (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dueling Grounds Derby, second in Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Bryan Station Stakes and third in Muniz Memorial Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MAHBOBAT HUSSAIN (KSA), ALFRAYNY (KSA), ATSHAH (KSA). 1st Dam RANDOMIZER (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizJOKES N JAZZ (USA) (2009 f. by It's No Joke (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £139,112 including Iowa Breeders' Oaks, Prairie Meadows, L.R., Donna Reed Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., placed 8 times including third in Iowa Sorority Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.R.; dam of 3 winners includingTHE VERESDALE (AUS), winner to 2022/23 in Australia. PICK YOUR BRAIN (USA) (2014 g. by Jafmil (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £46,795 and placed twice. WEAK MOMENT (USA) (2010 g. by It's No Joke (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £34,878 and placed 3 times. THALEEK (KSA) (2019 c. by Biz Blitz (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £61,111 and placed 7 times. Harbat Almeydan (KSA) (2021 f. by Bandini (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SLOW JAZZ (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Petite Etoile, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Critérium de l'Ouest, Craon, L.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingMISTER CAVERN (GB) (c. by Lion Cavern (USA)), won 9 races in Italy and £96,439 including Premio Eupili, Milan, L., Premio d'Estate, Milan, L., placed 15 times including second in Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3 and third in Premio Nearco, Rome, L. Zoola (IRE) (f. by Iffraaj (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years and £15,751 and placed twice viz second in Harry Rosebery Stakes, Ayr, L. and third in Tipperary Stakes, Tipperary, L. MAGADAR (USA) (f. by Lujain (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. MISS O CONNOR (IRE), 4 races at 4 years at home and in France and £75,325 including Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and Dick Hern Fillies Stakes, Haydock, L. Irish Admiral (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years and £32,669 and placed 3 times including third in Knockaire Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Jazz Up (GB) (f. by Cadeaux Genereux), unraced; dam of winners. BOUNCE THE BLUES (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 5 years, 2022 at home and in Italy and £240,794 including Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.2, Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Whitehead Memorial Stakes, Naas, L., placed 7 times. JAZZ PRINCESS (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 4 years and £123,982 including Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Park Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed 3 times including second in Ridgewood Pearl Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. 3rd Dam BLUE NOTE (FR), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.2, Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Critérium d'Evry, Evry, L., Prix de l'Obélisque, ParisLongchamp, L., fourth in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingZIETEN (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in France including Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Prix de Fontainebleau, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix d'Arenberg, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix La Flèche, Evry, L., placed third in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. BLUE DUSTER (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1995, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed second in Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1; dam of winners. BLUE SYMPHONY (GB), 1 race at 3 years; grandam of HIGHLAND CHIEF (IRE), 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2022 at home and in U.S.A. including Man O' War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Sycamore Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. Blue Lustre (IRE) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), unraced; grandam of MER DE GLACE (JPN), won Stella Artois Caulfield Cup, Caulfield, Gr.1, Kokura Kinen, Kokura, Gr.3, Naruo Kinen, Hanshin, Gr.3 and Niigata Daishoten, Niigata, Gr.3.





Owner: Sama Stable Curlin (USA) Connect (USA) Bullville Belle (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 12th, 2022 Street Crew (USA) (2009)

Street Cry (IRE) Critical Crew (USA)

Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Barkerville Belle (USA) Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Dr Blum (USA) Sounding Off (CAN)

CONNECT (USA), 2013. Won 6 races, Cigar Mile Handicap, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Westchester Stakes, Gr.3 and Curlin Stakes. Sire of RATTLE N ROLL (USA), (Gr.1), HIDDEN CONNECTION (USA), (Gr.3), THE ALYS LOOK (USA), (L.), IMPLICATED (USA), (L.), HIGH CONNECTION (USA), (L.), APPLE PICKER (USA), (S), GRANNYS CONNECTION (USA), (S), HAYES STRIKE (USA), (S), NOSILVERSPOONSHERE (USA), (S), KNEESNHIPS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam STREET CREW (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,131 and placed 3 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizGRIJALVA (USA) (2020 f. by Uncle Mo (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years, 2023 abroad and £13,997 and placed 7 times. STREET SHADOW (USA) (2018 f. by The Factor (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £70,968 and placed 10 times. SWEET DADDIO (USA) (2015 f. by Scat Daddy (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £44,922 and placed 4 times. STREET GIANT (USA) (2016 c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,695. 2nd Dam CRITICAL CREW (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £48,997; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCRITICAL EYE (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 14 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £683,244 including Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Honey Bee Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, placed second in Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Ticonderoga Handicap, Belmont Park, L. and third in Delta Air Lines Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Turnback The Alarm Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. SEE THE FOREST (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CRITICAL VALUE (USA), won Bouwerie Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed third in Biogio's Rose Stakes, Aqueduct, R., LOOMS BOLDLY (USA), won Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed third in Mike Lee Stakes, Belmont Park, R. Green Eyed Cat (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of LITTLE KANSAS (USA), won Brickyard Stakes, Indiana Grand, R., Headline Report (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. Glamorista (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £88,911, placed third in A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of a winner. Hayworth (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Purple Violet Stakes, Arlington, R. Personable Pete (USA) (c. by Personal Flag (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £157,575 and placed second in Count Fleet Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, L. CRITICAL CAT (USA) (f. by Tactical Cat (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; grandam of SHANE'S GIRLFRIEND (USA), won Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Delta Downs Princess Stakes, Delta Downs, Gr.3, third in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. VANQUISHED (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £28,794; dam of winners. TAKEOVER TARGET (USA), won Longines Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; sire. LADIES' PRIVILEGE (USA), won Hall of Fame Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of MORE THAN LOOKS (USA), won Manila Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed third in Nat. Museum Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. CRITICAL CHANT (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Turbo Drive (USA), second in New York Stallion Series Stakes, Saratoga, R.. 3rd Dam Sounding Off (CAN), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R. and Selene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTIME OFF (USA) (c. by Time For A Change (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Hill Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi Pulpit (USA) Power Broker (USA) Shop Again (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 10th, 2022 Credit Quality (USA) (2006)

Elusive Quality (USA) A P Interest (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Preach (USA) Wild Again (USA) Shopping (USA) Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) A P Indy (USA) Shared Interest (USA)

POWER BROKER (USA), 2010. Won 4 races, Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Indiana Derby, Gr.2, Easy Goer Stakes, second in William Hill Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1 and Oak Tree Juvenile Turf Stakes, L. Sire of AMERICAN POWER (USA), (Gr.3), SYDSTER (USA), (S), POWER JET (USA), (S), C V'S Powerpak (USA), (S), Exactly (USA), (S), Pulpit's Purrfect (USA), (S), Showmethemagic (USA), (S). 1st Dam CREDIT QUALITY (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizREFINANCE (USA) (2013 c. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £59,433 and placed 9 times. RESTRUCTURE (USA) (2015 f. by Blame (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £75,539 and placed 5 times. BAYANO (USA) (2016 g. by Blame (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £31,258 and placed 4 times. AMEERAT CALIFORNIA (KSA) (2019 f. by California Chrome (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £40,191 and placed 4 times, all her starts. SNEER (USA) (2017 f. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £34,830 and placed 3 times. REPAYMENT (USA) (2011 f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £12,958; dam of a winner vizS MUFFIN (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Alamirah Alkhadra (KSA) (2020 f. by Harlington (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. Irish Debt (USA) (2014 f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner vizBlue Royal (USA) (c. by Air Force Blue (USA)), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in City of Brotherly Love Stakes, Parx Racing. (2021 c. by Power Broker (USA)). 2nd Dam A P INTEREST (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,505; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGOLDEN SPIKES (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £197,514 including Carry Back Stakes, Calder, Gr.2, Unbridled Stakes, Calder, L., placed second in Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.2; sire. AL MUHTASIB (USA) (c. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £158,828 including Buddy Diliberto Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds. STREET INTEREST (USA) (f. by Street Cry (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,494; dam of winners. BELLA AURORA (USA), won Interborough Stakes, Aqueduct, L. 3rd Dam SHARED INTEREST (USA), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, First Flight Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Burlington County Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingFORESTRY (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, San Pedro Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. CASH RUN (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. GREAT WAR EAGLE (USA), won Star Appeal Stakes, Dundalk, L., placed second in Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire. Coin Broker (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of DONNA VELOCE (USA), won Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Starlet Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Shared Hope (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. WHITE FLAG (USA), won Aqueduct Turf Sprint Championship Stakes, Aqueduct, Allied Forces Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3 and third in Highlander Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Unbridled's Song (USA) Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 1st, 2022 Quickandquietqueen (USA) (2004)

Quiet American (USA) St Diva (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Fappiano (USA) Demure (USA) Devil's Bag (USA) Bonnie's Poker (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam QUICKANDQUIETQUEEN (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A. and £29,675 and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizCHEPONERA (USA) (2015 f. by Flat Out (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £45,961. PRINCE HANSEN (USA) (2014 c. by Hansen (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,777 and placed once. Ana Alhaybah (KSA) (2019 c. by Istan (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam ST DIVA (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingEL DIVO (CHI) (g. by Dance Brightly (CAN)), won 6 races in Chile. STREET MARIE (CHI) (f. by Dance Brightly (CAN)), won 5 races in Chile. 3rd Dam BONNIE'S POKER (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSILVER CHARM (USA) (c. by Silver Buck (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 1997, won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. including Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, San Pasqual Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Goodwood Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. DOLLAR POKER (USA) (f. by Silver Buck (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Bada Bam Bada Boom (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Northern Dancer Stakes, Laurel, L.R. and Maryland Million Sweepstakes Stakes, Pimlico. Bet Me Up (USA), unraced; dam of OLMOSTA (USA), won JEH Stallion Station Stakes, Lone Star Park, R., Fiesta Mile Stakes, Retama Park, R. SILVER SPIRIT (USA) (f. by Silver Buck (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CRAFTY SPIRIT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of VERONICA COTTO (PR), won Clasico Camarero, Camarero Race Track, L. Elrose (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SUPER FREAKY (USA), won Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, La Habra Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Honeymoon Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and third in Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1. RIGHT THERE (USA), won Landaluce Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. FAIR ROSE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of FAIR POINT (USA), won Senator Ken Maddy Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Smart N Fancy Stakes, Saratoga. Mahee (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of Exit Soul (USA), placed third in Santa Barbara Stakes, Santa Anita, L. The next dam WHAT A SURPRISE (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSUNNY GRAPEFRUIT (USA) (f. by Winged T (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Vital Ruler (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Chief Illiniwek Stakes, Hawthorne, R. T'ANG EMPRESS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ROBERTO RETORNO (USA), won Milwaukee Avenue Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L., TEDDY BEAR TEARS (USA), won Governor's Stakes, Arlington, L.; grandam of AWALKINTHEMOONLITE (USA), won Gold Digger Stakes, Hawthorne, Holy Thursday (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Chicagoland Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R.; third dam of SWEET LUCA (USA), won Kentucky Downs Turf Dash Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L. and Sun Power Stakes, Hawthorne, L.R., YO CARM (USA), won Bruce D Memorial Stakes, Arlington.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Unbridled's Song (USA) Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 8th, 2022 All Time High (USA) (2008)

Awesome Again (CAN) Oh What a Windfall (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Primal Force (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Oh What A Dance (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam ALL TIME HIGH (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizFANAR (USA) (2012 c. by Congrats (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £36,170 and placed 7 times. MUNHAK SUN (USA) (2018 c. by Gemologist (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Korea. B SKY HIGH (USA) (2016 f. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,197 and placed 6 times. GO BABY RUN (USA) (2014 f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £18,249 and placed twice. OH WHAT A PRIZE (USA) (2013 f. by Blame (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £25,024 and placed twice. TWO HUNDRED PROOF (USA) (2015 f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed once. 2nd Dam OH WHAT A WINDFALL (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £220,686 including Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Nassau County Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; Own sister to HEAVENLY PRIZE (USA), Hunting Hard (USA) and Dancinginmydreams (USA); dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPick Six (USA) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £194,038 and placed second in Mervin H Muniz Jr Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2 and Buddy Diliberto Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds. Conservative (USA) (c. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £150,239 and placed second in Coolmore Lexington Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. 3rd Dam OH WHAT A DANCE (USA), unraced; Own sister to DANCING SPREE (USA) and DANCING ALL NIGHT (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingHEAVENLY PRIZE (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1994, won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, John A Morris Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Go For Wand Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. GOOD REWARD (USA), won Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Storm Cat Stakes, Keeneland, L., placed second in Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; sire. PURE PRIZE (USA), won Kentucky Cup Classic Handicap, Turfway Park, Gr.2; sire. ENHANCING (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of INSTILLED REGARD (USA), won Manhattan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fort Marcy Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; sire. JUST REWARD (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PERSISTENTLY (USA), won Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed second in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; grandam of STAYS IN VEGAS (USA), won Senorita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Surfer Girl Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Starlet Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.1 and third in Matriarch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; third dam of QUEEN GODDESS (USA), won American Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Dancinginmydreams (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. DANCING FOREVER (USA), won Woodford Reserve Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fifth Third Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; sire. Castanet (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of CARRUMBA (USA), won Top Flight Invitational Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed third in Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Eng. Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Silver Deputy (CAN)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 23rd, 2022

Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA) Shaleek (GB) (2009)

Pivotal (GB) Dorrati (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival Dubai Millennium (GB) Bahr (GB)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SHALEEK (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 8 times, all her starts; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSHEFNACK (KSA) (2018 f. by Treble Jig (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £49,118 and placed twice. Ro'ya Alkareem (KSA) (2020 c. by Fire Wall (ARG)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by Battle Force (USA)). 2nd Dam DORRATI (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingDORRAAR (IRE) (f. by Shamardal (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. FAR ABOVE (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France and £58,123 including Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Prix Kistena, Deauville, L., placed once, all his starts; sire. 3rd Dam BAHR (GB), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3, Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1 and third in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1 and Flower Bowl Invitational Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingNAHRAIN (GB) (f. by Selkirk (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Flower Bowl Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Distaff Stakes, Sandown, L., second in Breeders' Cup F&M Turf, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, third in Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; dam of winners. BENBATL (GB), Champion older miler in Europe in 2019, 11 races at 3 to 7 years at home, in Australia, in Germany and in U.A.E. including Grosser Dallmayr Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1, DP World Dubai Turf, Meydan, Gr.1, Ladbrokes Caulfield Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1, Joel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 (twice), Mubadala Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Meydan, Gr.2, Longines Singspiel Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, Jebel Ali Port Al Rashidiya Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, Hampton Court Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Singspiel Stakes, Meydan, Gr.3, placed second in Ladbrokes WS Cox Plate, Moonee Valley, Gr.1, Emirates Airline Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1. Fooraat (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Snowdrop Stakes, Kempton, L., third in Rosemary Stakes, Newmarket, L. and Lyric Stakes, York, L. BAHARAH (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years including Valiant Stakes, Ascot, L., Fleur de Lys Stakes, Lingfield, L.; dam of winners. IN DUBAI (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. GO BEARS GO (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf Sprint, Del Mar, Gr.2, Hackwood Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3 and third in Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and Twin Spires Turf Sprint Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. The next dam LADY OF THE SEA, won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCLERIO (GB) (f. by Soviet Star (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Matron Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; dam of winners. ALAMER (NZ), won Trevor Eagle Memorial Stakes, Ellerslie, L. Clerihew (GB), unraced; dam of OUR ROKKII (NZ), won IG Markets Toorak Handicap, Caulfield, Gr.1, TJS Frank Packer Plate, Randwick, Gr.3. NO COMMENT (TUR) (f. by Thunderbolt (TUR)), won 4 races abroad; dam of winners. MAXIMUS BOY (TUR), won Bosphorus Cup, Veliefendi, Gr.2.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) May 5th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Jamie's Catch (USA) (2011)

Hal's Image (USA) Caught Speeding (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Halo's Image (USA) Mia's Hope (USA) Saint Ballado (CAN) Evelani

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam JAMIE'S CATCH (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizAramco (KSA) (2018 c. by Awesome Again (CAN)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)). 2nd Dam CAUGHT SPEEDING (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingJOANIE'S CATCH (USA) (f. by First Tour (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £370,885 including Elmer Heubeck Distaff Handicap, Calder, L.R., Brave Raj Stakes, Calder, placed second in Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Stage Door Betty Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Old Hat Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Joe O'Farrell Juvenile Stakes, Calder, L.R., Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L.R., Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, L.R. and third in Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Boyd Gaming's Delta Princess Stakes, Delta Downs, Gr.3; dam of a winner. Speedy Leon (USA) (c. by Sir Leon (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £48,080 and placed second in What A Pleasure Stakes, Calder, L. 3rd Dam EVELANI, placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingHAZ PIZAZZ (USA) (f. by Hazaam (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. The next dam MOUNTAIN LODGE, won 5 races at 3 and 4 years including Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Cesarewitch Handicap, Newmarket, L., placed third in Doncaster Cup, Doncaster, Gr.3 and fourth in Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 15 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingCOMPTON ACE (GB) (c. by Pharly (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years including Gordon Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, placed third in Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1 and Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3. TURBINE BLADE (c. by Kings Lake (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years at home and abroad including Grand Handicap International d'Ostende, Ostend, L. CLARA HOUSE (GB) (f. by Shirley Heights), won 1 race at 3 years in Italy and placed once; dam of winners. CAPE MARTIN (IRE), 10 races in Italy including P.Mediterraneo-Memorial Francesco Faraci, Siracusa, L. and Premio Coppa d'Oro di Siracusa, Siracusa, L. COCKAYNE (IRE), 4 races in Italy including Premio Andred, Pisa, L.; dam of TIGER TOPS (IND), won The Villoo Poonawalla Indian Oaks, Mumbai, L.R., The Calcutta Oaks, Kolkata, L.R. and Forbes Breeders' Juv. Championship (f), Mumbai, L.R. Beacon (f. by High Top), unraced; dam of winners. MAYCOCKS BAY (GB), 2 races at 4 years including Silver Cup Stakes, York, L.; dam of SARISKA (GB), Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 2009, 5 races at 2 to 4 years including Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Middleton Stakes, York, Gr.2, Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3, placed second in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1, GULL WING (IRE), 3 races including Further Flight Stakes, Nottingham, L.; grandam of EAGLE TOP (GB), 2 races including King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire, THE LARK (GB), 2 races including Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, placed third in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, WINGS OF DESIRE (GB), 2 races at 3 years including Dante Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Altareef Giant's Causeway (USA) Creative Cause (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A GREY COLT (USA) April 6th, 2022 Whom Shall I Fear (USA) (2006)

Soto (USA) Leh She Run (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) Dehere (USA) Subtle Fragrance (USA) Pulpit (USA) Frisson (USA)

CREATIVE CAUSE (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Norfolk Stakes, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, second in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1 and Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1. Sire of PAVEL (USA), (Gr.1), SIGNIFICANT FORM (USA), (Gr.2), PACKS A WAHLOP (USA), (Gr.3), KING CAUSE (USA), (Gr.3), IDENTIFIER (USA), (Gr.3), MY BOY JACK (USA), (Gr.3), SKYLER'S SCRAMJET (USA), (Gr.3), SORPRENDENTE (USA), (L.), PERSONAL CAUSE (USA), (L.), THEONEWEWAITEDFOR (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam WHOM SHALL I FEAR (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizFEAR THE COWBOY (USA) (2012 c. by Cowboy Cal (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £1,320,575 including Harlan's Holiday Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, West Virginia Governor's Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Evangeline Mile Stakes, Evangeline Downs, Three Chopt Road Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed 12 times including second in Michael G Schaefer Memorial Stakes, Indiana Grand, L., Maxxam Gold Cup Stakes, Sam Houston, L., Evangeline Mile Stakes, Evangeline Downs and third in San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Charles Town Classic Stakes, Charles Town, Gr.2, Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3 and Swatara Stakes, Penn National, L. WAIT YOUR TURN (USA) (2013 f. by Warrior's Reward (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £90,011 and placed once; dam of 2 winners vizMARVELOUS MAUDE (USA) (f. by Slumber (GB)), won Mount Vernon Stakes, Belmont Park, R., second in John Hettinger Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, R. JET SET JULIET (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. FEAR NO ONE (USA) (2015 c. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.. (2020 f. by Maclean's Music (USA)). 2nd Dam LEH SHE RUN (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingO'PRADO AGAIN (USA) (c. by El Prado (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £119,795 including Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; sire. Medicine Tail (USA) (c. by Kantharos (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £140,635 and placed second in Ellis Park Juvenile Stakes, Ellis Park. First Romance (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £88,874 and placed second in Keertana Stakes, Churchill Downs; dam of winners. Rapids (USA) (f. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of a winner. Dufresne (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., third in Woodbine Cares Stakes, Woodbine, L., Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and Suzie O'Cain Stakes, Saratoga, R. 3rd Dam FRISSON (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSKY BLUE PINK (USA) (f. by Strawberry Road (AUS)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. Air Marshall (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Queen Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of Vivo Per Lei (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Goldikova Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2; grandam of Pipeline (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Monmouth Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. IMPRESSIONISM (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MY IMPRESSION (USA), won Virg. Equine Allowance Commonwealth Oaks, Laurel, Gr.3; grandam of SCARLETT SKY (USA), won Transylvania Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. FREDDIE FRISSON (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Queen H’cap, Turfway Park, L., Holiday Inaugural Stkes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of winners. FIRST SAMURAI (USA), won Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; sire. IN THE GHETTO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Enchantress (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Chun Tosaigh (USA), winner in U.A.E. placed third in Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. Audacious (USA) (f. by Manila (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of a winner. AUDACIOUS CHLOE (USA), won Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, L.




Owner: Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A BAY COLT (UNK) January 1st, 2022 Webside (USA) (2005)

War Chant (USA) West Brooklyn (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Danzig (USA) Hollywood Wildcat (USA) Gone West (USA) Brooklyn's Dance (FR)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam WEBSIDE (USA)/MUNALIZA (USA), placed 6 times in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 7 runners from 11 foals of racing age includingAlmetn (KSA) (2020 c. by No Advantage (USA)), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £37,589. (2021 f. by Brother Derek (USA)). 2nd Dam WEST BROOKLYN (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCampanillas (IRE) (f. by Montjeu (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and £58,189 and placed 3 times including second in Prix de Malleret, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, from only 5 starts; dam of winners. Cote Quest (USA) (f. by Green Desert (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and £28,406 and placed 8 times including third in Hoppings Stakes, Newcastle, L. and Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam BROOKLYN'S DANCE (FR), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Cléopâtre, Evry, Gr.3, placed second in Prix de Royallieu, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; dam of twelve winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSOLEMIA (IRE) (f. by Poliglote (GB)), Champion older mare in France in 2012, won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Joubert, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix Lord Seymour, ParisLongchamp, L., third in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. PROSPECT WELLS (FR) (g. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in France viz Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Pontefract Castle Stakes, Pontefract, L., placed second in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. PROSPECT PARK (GB) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in France including La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Prix du Lys, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix de Courcelles, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1. BROOKLYN'S GOLD (USA) (g. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Suresnes, ParisLongchamp, L. GOLD DODGER (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France including Prix de la Pépinière, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. CHINTZ (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Park Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; dam of THE GURKHA (IRE), Jt Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2016, 3 races at 3 years at home and in France including Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Deauville, Gr.1, second in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1; sire. FLEECE (GB), 2 races at 5 and 6 years in New Zealand and placed 6 times; dam of NEEDLE AND THREAD (AUS), won Royal Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr.2. NEVER GREEN (IRE) (f. by Halling (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Occitanie, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L.; dam of winners. GALIPAD (GB), 2 races in France including Coupe des Trois Ans, Lyon-Parilly, L. MATHEMATICIENNE (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of SOUSTRACTION (IRE), 1 race at 2 years in France viz Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed third in Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. BROOKLYN'S STORM (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A.; dam of winners. POLLARA (IRE), 2 races in France including Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3. STORMINA (USA), won Indian Maid Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, L., Summer Finale Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Firecracker Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L.; dam of SILASOL (IRE), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in France in 2012, 3 races in France including Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix SaintAlary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, third in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1.




Owner: Nayef Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Saeed Macho Uno (USA)

MUCHO BISOU (USA) April 14th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Mucho Macho Man (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Cat's Garden (USA) (2011)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Garden Secrets (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) Ponche (CAN) Perfect And Proud (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Yarn (USA) Time For A Change (USA) Rokeby Rose (USA)

MUCHO MACHO MAN (USA), 2008. Won 9 races, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gr.2, Risen Star Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of MUCHO UNUSUAL (USA), (Gr.1), MUCHO GUSTO (USA), (Gr.1), CITY MAN (USA), (Gr.2), TIZ A MACHO GIRL (USA), (S), CARMELITA'S MAN (USA), (S), ARMSTRONG (CAN), (S), A MAN'S MAN (USA), (S), MUCHO DEL ORO (USA), (S), MONGOLIAN WIND (USA), (S), MUCHO AMOR (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam CAT'S GARDEN (USA), ran a few times in Canada at 2 years; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizELDON'S PRINCE (CAN) (2019 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £80,271 viz Proud Man Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Armed Forces Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed once. JAMMIN STILL (CAN) (2016 c. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 7 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £135,846 and placed 14 times. PALIO (CAN) (2018 c. by Twirling Candy (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £117,365 and placed 4 times. CAT'S J N J (CAN) (2017 f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,681 and placed 7 times. PIRANO (CAN) (2015 f. by Point of Entry (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada and £29,941 and placed 4 times. Mo Blooms (USA) (2020 f. by Mo Town (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Hedge My Bet (USA) (2021 f. by Bernardini (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam GARDEN SECRETS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,424; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizFOREST SECRETS (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, second in Churchill Downs Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Sabin Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Forest Command (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2 and Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. RUMOR HAS IT (USA) (g. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £168,682 including Kentucky Cup Turf Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3, Rossi Gold Stakes, Arlington, Polar Expedition Stakes, Arlington, John Henry Stakes, Meadowlands. Bajan Tryst (USA) (g. by Speightstown (USA)), won 13 races at home and in France and £221,471 and placed 24 times including third in Hever Sprint Stakes, Lingfield, L. Secret Wildcat (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BIG WILDCAT (USA), won Grande Premio Presidente Vargas, Gavea, Gr.3, placed third in Grande Premio Presidente da Republica, Gavea, Gr.1. Out Post (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Jenny Wade Handicap, Penn National, L.; dam of JACE'S ROAD (USA), won Gun Runner Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. La Suena (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. ENSTONE (CAN), won Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE (CAN), won Rushaway Stakes, Turfway Park. Total Knockout (USA), unraced; dam of MAIN EVENT (USA), won Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3, Cutler Bay Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Secret Thyme (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Secret Vega (AUS), winner in Australia, third in Springtime Stakes, Flemington, L. Cat Dance (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Be Nimble (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Tawee Stakes, Indiana Grand. 3rd Dam ROKEBY ROSE (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Flower Bowl Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Susan's Girl Handicap, Arlington; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSILVERBULLETDAY (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), Champion 2yr old filly in USA in 1998, Champion 3yr old filly in USA in 1999, won 15 races in U.S.A. including Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners.




Owner: Eiz Alassail Stable Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 13th, 2022 Silsilah (KSA) (2006)

Freequent (GB) Muthafizah (KSA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Rainbow Quest (USA) Free Guest Peintre Celebre (USA) Limoges (USA)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc 1st Dam SILSILAH (KSA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age vizAl Lowayseq (KSA) (2017 c. by Blue Burner (USA)), placed once at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mukhtassah (KSA) (2013 f. by Premium Tap (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Heelz (KSA) (2021 f. by Hailstone (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MUTHAFIZAH (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizSILSILAH (KSA) (f. by Freequent (GB)), see above. 3rd Dam LIMOGES (USA), ran in France at 2 and 3 years; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizALNAJIM ALHAASEM (KSA) (c. by Torrey Canyon (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. AEQABAH (KSA) (f. by Voleris (FR)), won 3 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. MODARESAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MORABEHAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. BADER ALTAMAM (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOTAIM (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Limoges Hall (KSA) (f. by Halling (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MOSLAT (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOBALEG (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. AEBID (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. HABAAS (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The next dam Louve Bleue (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix SaintAlary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, L.; Own sister to LASCAUX (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLOUVE MYSTERIEUSE (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Madame Jean Couturié, Vichy, L.; dam of winners. TRUE QUALITY (USA), won General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2, Paumonok Handicap, Aqueduct, placed second in Gravesend Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Woody Stephens Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. DISCERNABLE (GB), 2 races at 2 years at home and in France including Prix Six Perfections, Deauville, L., placed 3 times; dam of IDEAL BEAUTY (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de Saint Georges, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, second in Prix Ronde de Nuit, Chantilly, L. and third in Prix Sigy, Chantilly, Gr.3. Long Face (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and Le Cle Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of BIG EVEREST (GB), 7 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. including Artie Schiller Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Cliff Hanger Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Danger's Hour Stakes, Aqueduct, L. Satin Smooth (USA), unraced; grandam of Spin A Yarn (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in New York Stallion Series Stakes (3yof), Saratoga, R. LUPA ROMANA (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France; grandam of Liwanu (FR), winner in France and in Hong Kong and placed second in Prix Le Fabuleux, Chantilly, L. and third in Grand Prix du Nord, Chantilly, L.




Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons Benchmark (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 8th, 2022 (first foal)

Brother Derek (USA) Miss Soft Sell (USA) Alwajjna (KSA) (2017)

Flashy Bull (USA) Grand September (USA)


Alydar (USA) Winters' Love (USA) Siyah Kalem (USA) Solamente Un Vez (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Grand Slam (USA) Balinese (USA)

BROTHER DEREK (USA), 2003. Won 6 races, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Hollywood Futurity, Gr.1, Santa Catalina Stakes, Gr.2, San Rafael Stakes, Gr.2 and Norfolk Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SAM'S SISTER (USA), (Gr.1), ZEE BROS (USA), (L.), DEREK'S SMILE (USA), (S), SASSY MISS OFFICER (USA), (S), COPINGAWAY (USA), (S), SIBLING WAR (USA), (S), MISS DEREK (USA), (S), Brother Soldier (USA), (Gr.3), Derek's Girl (USA), (Gr.3), Oh Derek (USA), (L.), Forever Spring (ARG), (L.). 1st Dam ALWAJJNA (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years. 2nd Dam GRAND SEPTEMBER (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGRADE (USA) (g. by Overanalyze (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £54,226. ALLTHATANDZENSOME (USA) (f. by Zensational (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £17,824. MISTRESS OFTHEDARK (USA) (f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £35,248. 3rd Dam BALINESE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to MASHAALLAH (USA), FOLK ART (USA), SPORTIN' LIFE (USA) and Barefoot Ballerina (USA); dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingLERICI (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AVENGE (USA), won Rodeo Drive Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (twice), John C Mabee Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Ultrafleet Stakes, Santa Anita, third in Gamely Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1. LIGURIA (USA), won Jimmy Durante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. LIRA (USA), won Ginger Brew Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. Grass Skirt (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GRASSHOPPER (USA), won Mineshaft Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, placed second in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2 and third in Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. TURF WAR (USA), won Boyd Gaming's Delta Jackpot Stakes, Delta Downs, Gr.3 and Swynford Stakes, Woodbine, L.; sire. STRAW HAT (USA), won Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds. The next dam Homespun (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in San Clemente Stakes, Del Mar, R. and third in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate; Own sister to DUMBWAITER (USA) and SPHERE (USA); dam of eight winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingMASHAALLAH (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years at home, in France, in Italy, in U.S.A. and in West Germany including Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1; sire. FOLK ART (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Oak Leaf Stakes, Oak Tree, Gr.1, placed second in Torrey Pines Stakes, Del Mar and third in Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland; dam of a winner. SPORTIN' LIFE (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including William du Pont Jr. Handicap, Delaware Park, Leonard Richards Stakes, Delaware Park, Philmont Stakes, Keystone Race Track, Allegheny Stakes, Keystone Race Track, placed second in Pennsylvania Derby, Keystone Race Track, Gr.3; champion sire. Home Love (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), unraced; dam of winners. LOCAL TALENT (USA), won Prix Jean Prat, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed fourth in Grand Critérium, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. LOCAL SUITOR (USA), 2 races at 2 years including Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, placed third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Homage (GB), unraced; dam of MARK OF ESTEEM (IRE), Champion 3yr old in England in 1996, Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1996, 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2; sire.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah Alsaeed Sons Empire Maker (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 21st, 2022 (first foal)

Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB) Samerine (KSA) (2015)

Will He Shine (USA) Maw Soo Aeh (KSA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) Silver Deputy (CAN) Christmas Star (USA) Fun Galore (USA) Royale Queen (FR)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam SAMERINE (KSA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £63,902 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam MAW SOO AEH (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizSAMERINE (KSA) (f. by Will He Shine (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam ROYALE QUEEN (FR), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMENAWEKH (KSA) (c. by Sadian (GB)), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam REDDEN QUEEN (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingRAPHAELA (FR) (f. by Octagonal (NZ)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. MR GOTHAM (GB), 8 races in Italy including Premio Circo Massimo, Rome, L. Royale Revue (FR) (f. by Octagonal (NZ)), ran in France at 3 years; dam of winners. Royal Force (ITY), 14 races in Italy, placed third in Premio Tullio Righetti, Rome, L. Scialla (ITY), 2 races in Italy, placed third in Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L. Romora (FR) (f. by Sillery (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. CLIFDEN (IRE), 3 races at home and in Italy including Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3. The next dam RIVERQUEEN (FR), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, second in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingRIVIERE DOREE (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Coronation, SaintCloud, L.; dam of winners. RIVE DU SUD (USA), winner in France; dam of COMILLAS (FR), 3 races in France including Prix des Réservoirs, Deauville, Gr.3; grandam of ROUVRES (FR), won Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix de Guiche, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. ROSA NAY (FR), winner in France; grandam of ROSENKREUZ (JPN), won Kinko Sho, Chukyo, Gr.2; third dam of ROSE KINGDOM (JPN), Champion 2yo colt in Japan in 2009, won Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1, Kyoto Daishoten, Kyoto, Gr.2; sire. Reve de Reine (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France and placed second in Prix Vanteaux, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of winners. ROI DE ROME (USA), won Prix de Guiche, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Rose de Thai (USA), winner in France, second in Prix d'Automne, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of D'ANJOU (GB), 7 races at home and in U.A.E. including Al Fahidi Fort Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, TRUTH OR DARE (GB), 6 races at home and in France including Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire. RESQUILLEUSE (USA), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed 5 times; grandam of BATTLE FORCE (SAF), won Golden Horse Sprint, Scottsville, Gr.1. Cas Royaux (USA), unraced; grandam of IRESINE (FR), 12 races to 2023 in France including Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Ganay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Foy, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. Minya (USA) (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)), won 1 race at 3 years in France, third in Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix de Saint Cyr, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. ALTIERI (GB), 16 races at 3 to 7 years in France and in Italy including Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr.1 (twice), Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr.2; sire. KALDOUNYA (GB), 1 race in U.S.A.; grandam of ZAAKI (GB), 15 races to 2022/23 at home and in Australia including LKS Mackinnon Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1 (twice), Underwood Stakes, Sandown-Hillside, Gr.1, Doomben Cup, Doomben, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdullah Saleh Suleiman Alhamad War Front (USA) War of Will (USA) Visions of Clarity (IRE)

A BLACK COLT (USA) March 7th, 2022 Escampette (USA) (2011)

Smart Strike (CAN) Alchemilla (USA)


Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Imperfect Circle (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Deputy Minister (CAN) Aquilegia (USA)

WAR OF WILL (USA), 2016. Won 5 races, Preakness Stakes, Gr.1, Maker's Mark Mile Stakes, Gr.1, Lamarque Risen Star Stakes, Gr.2, Lecomte Stakes, Gr.3, second in Summer Stakes, Gr.1. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ESCAMPETTE (USA), ran 3 times in France at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizAmerican Admiral (USA) (2018 g. by American Pharoah (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £199,636 and placed 10 times including second in Los Alamitos Special Stakes, Los Alamitos, R. ALWAZIR (USA) (2020 c. by American Pharoah (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £48,258 and placed twice, from only 6 starts. THAHABY (USA) (2016 g. by Declaration of War (USA)), won 2 races at 5 and 6 years, 2022 abroad and placed 3 times. NOBLE ORDER (USA) (2017 c. by Union Rags (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. She also has a 2023 filly by War of Will (USA). 2nd Dam ALCHEMILLA (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £137,063 including Affirmed Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingARTISAN (USA) (f. by Smarty Jones (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of: Flora Gambo'a (BRZ), winner abroad, placed second in Gran Premio Seleccion, Hipo Maronas, L. and Gran Premio Polla de Potrancas, Hipo Maronas, L. Imbatikovic (BRZ), winner abroad, placed once abroad viz third in Clasico Asamblea General Legislativa, Hipo Maronas, L. 3rd Dam AQUILEGIA (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including New York Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3, placed second in Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in New York Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3 and Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; Own sister to ALTHEA (USA) and AISHAH (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingBERTOLINI (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years viz July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, European Free Handicap, Newmarket, L., placed second in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1, Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2 and third in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. AMELIA (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Frances A Genter Stakes, Calder, L.; dam of winners. RAINHA DA BATERIA (USA), won Dance Smartly Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Canadian Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, JP Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, second in Churchill Distaff Turf Mile Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. RABBIT RUN (USA), won Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.2, Breeders' Gold Cup, Mombetsu, L.R., second in JBC Ladies' Classic, Kyoto, L. and third in Ladies' Prelude, Ohi, L.R., Tokyo City Keiba Jo-O Hai, Oi, L.R. ASAKUSA GENKI (USA), won Kokura Nisai Stakes, Kokura, Gr.3, placed second in Chunichi Sports Sho Falcon Stakes, Chukyo, Gr.3, Rigel Stakes, Hanshin, L. KINDERGARDEN KID (USA), won Sycamore Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Pay the Butler Stakes, Aqueduct, placed third in Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Inv. Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kentucky Cup Turf Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3, Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Three Coins Up Stakes, Belmont Park. ASSATEAGUE (USA), won Dr James Penny Memorial Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.3, De La Rose Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Finney Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of EXPLORATIONIST (USA), won Tom Ridge Stakes, Presque Isle Downs. He's Had Enough (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1, third in Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Alittlebitearly (USA) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BAYERN (USA), won Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, William Hill Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, second in Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and third in Awesome Again Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 10th, 2022 Conquest Sorceror (USA) (2014)

Pure Prize (USA) Kuhlu (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Heavenly Prize (USA) Ghostzapper (USA) Golden Antigua (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam CONQUEST SORCEROR (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £81,102 and placed 15 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)). 2nd Dam KUHLU (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £16,076; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingCHEERMEISTER (USA) (f. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £198,077 including Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Sweetest Chant Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Wait a While Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Perfect Sting Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and Sanibel Island Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. 3rd Dam GOLDEN ANTIGUA (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in Italy and in U.S.A. including Nicole Stakes, Hawthorne (twice), placed second in Top Corsage Stakes, Arlington, L., Premio Torricola, Rome, L. and third in Endeavour Handicap, Tampa Bay Downs, L.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingTABLEAUX (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France viz Prix Hocquart, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2. EONS (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. including Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3, Prince George's County Stakes, Laurel, L. (twice), Buckland Stakes, Colonial Downs, Bensalem Match Series Stakes, Parx Racing, Stanton Stakes, Delaware Park. GIANT GIZMO (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3 and Alysheba Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. 4th Dam GREINETTE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGOLDEN ANTIGUA (USA) (f. by Hansel (USA)), see above. Manette (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. CROTONE (VEN), won Clasico Hylander, La Rinconada, L., Copa Don Fabian, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Grano de Oro, La Rinconada, L. and Copa Jib Dancer, La Rinconada, L. COMPADRE PECHE (VEN), won Clasico Gradisco, La Rinconada, L. The next dam RIBONETTE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingMI SELECTO (USA) (c. by Explodent (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Meadowlands Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.1, Pan American Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Lamplighter Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Dominion Day Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3R.; sire. BAR DEXTER (USA) (c. by True Knight (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Gallant Fox Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Roamer Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Queens County Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire. TAIBHSEACH (USA) (f. by Secreto (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years viz Blenheim Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. Quck Sting (USA) (c. by Quack (USA)), won 8 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Pietro Palmieri, Rome, L., third in Criterium di Roma, Rome, Gr.3 and fourth in Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, Gr.2. Leaf Spring (USA) (f. by Torsion (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. BLOSSOMING FIELDS (SAF), Champion 2yr old colt in South Africa in 1995-96, won Empress Club South African Nursery Plate, Turffontein, Gr.1, Smirnoff Sprint, Scottsville, Gr.1, London News Handicap, Newmarket, L., placed second in Germiston November Handicap, Gosforth Park, Gr.1.


20 BOX

Owner: Faisal Saad H. AlSuliman Eskendereya (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (UNK) January 1st, 2022

Mitole (USA) Indian Miss (USA) Harlan's Panther (CAN) (2009)

Harlan's Holiday (USA) Allison's Pride (USA)


Giant's Causeway (USA) Aldebaran Light (USA) Indian Charlie (USA) Glacken's Gal (USA) Harlan (USA) Christmas In Aiken (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Mrs Highness (USA)

MITOLE (USA), 2015. Won 10 races, Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1, Encore Bistro Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Runhappy Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, twinspires.com Churchill Downs Stakes, Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Gr.3, etc. Sire of V V'S DREAM (USA), (Gr.3), Stormcast (CAN), (L.), BLACK HOLE (USA). 1st Dam HARLAN'S PANTHER (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in Canada and £60,446 and placed 5 times; Own sister to CONQUEST HARLANATE (CAN); dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBAD NEWS (USA) (2018 g. by Exaggerator (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £16,826 and placed twice. VOL PANTHERE (USA) (2015 f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Japan and placed 4 times. Cambiaso (USA) (2020 c. by Exaggerator (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £23,470. 2nd Dam ALLISON'S PRIDE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCONQUEST HARLANATE (CAN) (f. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 2014, won 3 races at 2 years in Canada and £170,411 including Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Mazarine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of winners. Penobscot Bay (USA) (c. by Is It True (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £100,333 and placed second in Federico Tesio Stakes, Pimlico, L., Miracle Wood Stakes, Laurel and third in Sir Barton Stakes, Pimlico, L. and Count Fleet Stakes, Aqueduct, L. 3rd Dam Mrs Highness (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Genuine Risk Stakes, Laurel, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingLindero (USA) (c. by Boundary (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Derby Trial Stakes, Fairplex Park. The next dam FAMED PRINCESS (USA), won 15 races in U.S.A. including A C E Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, Four Winds Handicap, Arlington, Pan Zareta Stakes, Fair Grounds, Portage Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Kentucky Cardinal Handicap, Churchill Downs, placed second in Bayou Handicap, Fair Grounds, R. and third in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCLEAR CHOICE (USA) (c. by Raise A Native), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Swaps Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Withers Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and fourth in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1; sire. FAMED DEVIL (USA) (g. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 17 races in U.S.A. including Tenacious Handicap, Fair Grounds, Autumn Classic Breeders' Cup Handicap, Remington Park, placed second in Essex Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3. ENCHILADA (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BURRITO (AUS), won Qantas Bill Stutt Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, Weetwood Handicap, Toowoomba, L. and Tattersall's Mile, Eagle Farm, L. NAVIDAD (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of POSADAS (AUS), won Nivea Visage Star Kingdom Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3. CALFREE (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of COLLATE (AUS), won Frederick Clissold Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3 and Cameron Handicap, Newcastle, Gr.3; sire. Diamonds And Dust (AUS), unraced; dam of PETROL POWER (AUS), won Sir Ernest Lee Steere Classic, Ascot, Gr.3 and Miller-Placid Ark Stakes, Ascot, L. Lady of Choice (AUS), unraced; dam of DIRECT CHARGE (AUS), won Hong Kong Jockey Club Maribyrnong Plate, Flemington, Gr.3; sire. FAIR MAID OF KENT (USA) (f. by Diesis), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Primavera (GB), placed once at 2 years; dam of GOOSELEY LANE (GB), 3 races at 2 and 4 years in Germany including Oppenheim-Rennen, Cologne, L.; third dam of GOKEN (FR), 5 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Prix du Bois, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Texanita, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, placed third in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire.


21 BOX

Tapit (USA) MANAAF (USA) March 18th, 2022 A Bay Colt (first foal)


Owner: Aljiad Stable

Frosted (USA) Fast Cookie (USA) Ghoul's Night Out (USA) (2014)

Ghostzapper (USA) Amie's Legend (USA)

Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fleet Lady (USA) Awesome Again (CAN) Baby Zip (USA) Not For Love (USA) Lunar's Legend (USA)

FROSTED (USA), 2012. Won 6 races, Whitney Stakes, Gr.1, Mohegan Sun Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2 and EGA Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Gr.2. Sire of TRAVEL COLUMN (USA), (Gr.2), JASPER KRONE (USA), (Gr.3), INGRATIATING (AUS), (Gr.3), FROST POINT (USA), (Gr.3), ICE DANCING (USA), (Gr.3), FROSTED OVER (USA), (Gr.3), CLOUDY (AUS), (Gr.3), SISTER LOU ANN (USA), (L.R.), LADY FROSTED (USA), (L.). 1st Dam GHOUL'S NIGHT OUT (USA), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £206,150 including Jameela Stakes, Laurel, R., placed 12 times including second in All Brandy Stakes, Laurel, R. and third in Maryland Million Ladies Stakes, Laurel, R. She also has a 2023 filly by Munnings (USA). 2nd Dam AMIE'S LEGEND (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £69,416 including Shine Again Stakes, Pimlico, R., placed third in All Brandy Stakes, Laurel, R.; Own sister to Legendary Journey (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGHOUL'S NIGHT OUT (USA) (f. by Ghostzapper (USA)), see above. SUPER CASSIE GIRL (USA) (f. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £47,539. FRECHETTE (USA) (f. by El Padrino (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £58,881; dam of a winner. Top Attraction (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. TOP QUEEN (CHI), won Premio Arturo Lyon Pena, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1. 3rd Dam LUNAR'S LEGEND (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCELESTIAL LEGEND (USA) (f. by City Zip (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Wide Country Stakes, Laurel, Marshua Stakes, Laurel, Toddler Stakes, Laurel, Holly Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. ITS GONNA HURT (USA), won Speakeasy Stakes, Santa Anita. Speed Demon (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Par Four Stakes, Delaware Park and third in Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Silver Galaxy (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Louisiana Champions Day Sprint Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. and Louisiana Cup Turf Classic Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. Legendary Journey (USA) (f. by Not For Love (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Little Silver Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of a winner. UNDISPUTED LEGEND (USA) (f. by Domestic Dispute (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WHERESHETOLDMETOGO (USA), won Dave's Friend Stakes, Laurel, L., Frank Y Whiteley Stakes, Laurel, Alapocas Run Stakes, Delaware Park (twice), Not For Love Stakes, Laurel, R. (twice), Howard and Sondra Bender Memorial Stakes, Laurel, R., Star De Naskra Stakes, Laurel, R., Concern Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Gallant Bob Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3. Pam'ssummerwind (USA) (f. by Rodeo (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MISS CHARM CITY (USA), won Maryland Million Lassie Stakes, Laurel, L.R., Gin Talking Stakes, Laurel, R., placed third in Conniver Stakes, Laurel, L.R. JIM'S PROSPECT (USA), won Wide Country Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Marshua Stakes, Laurel and third in Maryland Million Lassie Stakes, Laurel, L.R. Lizzie's Legend (USA) (f. by City Zip (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SPARTIANOS (USA), won Maryland Million Turf Stakes, Laurel, R., placed second in Marshall Jenney Stakes, Parx Racing, R., Maryland Million Turf Stakes, Laurel, R. 4th Dam LUNAR HALO (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingBella Luna (USA) (f. by Talc (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Lady Fingers Stakes, Finger Lakes; dam of winners.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Pioneerof The Nile (USA) Classic Empire (USA) Sambuca Classica (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 25th, 2022 Cafetiere (USA) (2012)

Elusive Quality (USA) Frisk Her (USA)


Empire Maker (USA) Star of Goshen (USA) Cat Thief (USA) In Her Glory (USA) Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Officer (USA) Divine Honor (USA)

CLASSIC EMPIRE (USA), 2014. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2016. Won 5 races, Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Claiborne Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, Bashford Manor Stakes, Gr.3, second in Preakness Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of ANGEL OF EMPIRE (USA), (Gr.1), INTERSTATEDAYDREAM (CAN), (Gr.2), CLASSY EDITION (USA), (Gr.3), MORELLO (USA), (Gr.3), EMPRESS TIGRESS (USA), (L.), BEAUTIFUL EMPIRE (USA), (L.), FIRST EMPIRE (CAN), (L.) etc. 1st Dam CAFETIERE (USA), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,835; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizOLLIEMEISTER (USA) (2018 g. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £95,724 and placed 3 times. TRIPLE AMERICANO (USA) (2017 c. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £41,362 and placed 4 times. MORNING CUP (USA) (2019 g. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £39,744 and placed twice. Dare Dream Do (USA) (2020 c. by Sharp Azteca (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2022. (2021 f. by Hard Spun (USA)). 2nd Dam FRISK HER (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £72,487 including Raise Heck Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Holly Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Lady Tak Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of four winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTakeoff (USA) (c. by Arch (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £67,054 and placed third in Lecomte Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3. LIQUID ALOHA (USA) (c. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £69,372. FRISKY JANELLE (USA) (f. by Henny Hughes (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £16,375; dam of winners. MIGHTY FRISKY (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada. 3rd Dam DIVINE HONOR (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingFRISK HER (USA) (f. by Officer (USA)), see above. 4th Dam SCARLET DARLING (USA), ran in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingEXPLOSIVE SCARLET (USA) (f. by Explodent (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Forget Me Not Stakes, Fairmount Park, placed second in Gold Digger Stakes, Hawthorne, Windy City Stakes, Arlington; dam of winners. SWEET BABY JAMES (USA), won Cicero Stakes, Hawthorne, L., Hangover Stakes, Hawthorne, placed second in Lightning Jet Stakes, Hawthorne. R Little Redhead (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Milwaukee Avenue Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L.R. and third in Milwaukee Avenue Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L.R. The next dam PROVE IT DARLING (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingEXPLOSIVE DARLING (USA) (g. by Explodent (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Stars and Stripes Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2, Swoon's Son Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Cliff Hanger Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3R., Round Table Handicap, Hawthorne, L., W H Bishop Handicap, Hawthorne, R., placed second in Stars and Stripes Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2, third in Laurance Armour Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2, fourth in Budweiser Arlington Million, Arlington, Gr.1. IMPROVE IT (USA) (c. by I'm For More), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3. Like An Explosion (USA) (f. by Explodent (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ABBY GIRL (USA), won Santa Paula Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, third in Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1.


23 BOX

Owner: Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 5th, 2022 Guelta (GB) (2015)

Oasis Dream (GB) Canada Water (GB)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Green Desert (USA) Hope (IRE) Dansili (GB) Docklands (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc 1st Dam GUELTA (GB), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2020 c. by Dutch Art (GB)). 2nd Dam CANADA WATER (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years in France; Own sister to RAIL LINK (GB); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingCherry Blossom (IRE) (f. by No Nay Never (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 and £282,468 and placed twice including second in Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2. Lawmaking (GB) (g. by Zamindar (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years at home and in France and £73,041 and placed second in Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. 3rd Dam DOCKLANDS (USA), won 5 races at 4 years in France; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingRAIL LINK (GB) (c. by Dansili (GB)), Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2006 (11-13f.), Champion 3yr old colt in France in 2006, won 5 races at 3 years in France including Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Niel, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Prix du Lys, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. CROSSHARBOUR (GB) (c. by Zamindar (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in France including Prix du Conseil de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3, La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. CHELSEA MANOR (GB) (c. by Grand Lodge (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in France including La Coupe de MaisonsLaffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, placed second in Prix d'Harcourt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and third in Prix d'Ispahan, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Ganay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. MAINSAIL (GB) (c. by Oasis Dream (GB)), won 3 races in France including Prix Bertrand du Breuil Longines, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Matchem, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Prix Daphnis, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Prix Messidor, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3; sire. The next dam DOCKAGE (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix d'Automne, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Prix de Saint Cyr, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingWHARF (USA) (c. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Darley Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, San Bernardino Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. MOORING (GB) (f. by Zafonic (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. HEATHER (IND), won Golconda Oaks, Hyderabad, L. FONAGE (GB) (f. by Zafonic (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ZAFONICAL STORM (USA), 2 races at 2 years including El Gran Senor Stakes, Tipperary, L. COLZA (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. LINDA'S LAD (GB), 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France viz Critérium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Lingfield Derby Trial, Lingfield, Gr.3, Prix de Condé, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Galley (GB) (f. by Zamindar (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of winners. PORTAGE (IRE), 4 races at 2 to 4 years including Silver Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Meld Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire. CAPE MAGIC (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France and in Italy including Premio Conte Felice Scheibler, Rome, L. Mojo Star (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1. Trading Places (GB) (f. by Dansili (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. VONA (IRE), 2 races at home and in Qatar including Marygate Stakes, York, L.




Owner: Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif Candy Ride (ARG)

MALAKY (USA) February 14th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt

Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA) Total Knockout (USA) (2010)

Unbridled's Song (USA) La Suena (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Garden Secrets (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam TOTAL KNOCKOUT (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMAIN EVENT (USA) (2019 c. by Bernardini (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £212,765 including Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3, Cutler Bay Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed once viz second in Palm Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. BOXING GLOVE (USA) (2015 c. by Alternation (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £33,849 and placed twice. WARRIOR'S BLADE (USA) (2017 f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £26,830 and placed 5 times. COME GETCHA SOME (USA) (2016 f. by Revolutionary (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,128 and placed 3 times. CULTURED (USA) (2018 f. by Tiznow (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,529 and placed once. Voy Y Vengo (USA) (2020 g. by Mor Spirit (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam LA SUENA (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingENSTONE (CAN) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £305,250 including Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, Fury Stakes, Woodbine, R., second in Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE (CAN) (c. by Tiznow (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £60,460 including Rushaway Stakes, Turfway Park. 3rd Dam GARDEN SECRETS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizFOREST SECRETS (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Forest Command (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2 and Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. RUMOR HAS IT (USA) (g. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Kentucky Cup Turf Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3, Rossi Gold Stakes, Arlington. Bajan Tryst (USA) (g. by Speightstown (USA)), won 13 races at home and in France and placed third in Hever Sprint Stakes, Lingfield, L. Secret Wildcat (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BIG WILDCAT (USA), won Grande Premio Presidente Vargas, Gavea, Gr.3, placed third in Grande Premio Presidente da Republica, Gavea, Gr.1. Out Post (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Jenny Wade Handicap, Penn National, L.; dam of JACE'S ROAD (USA), won Gun Runner Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. Cat's Garden (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), ran in Canada at 2 years; dam of winners. ELDON'S PRINCE (CAN), won Proud Man Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Secret Thyme (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Secret Vega (AUS), winner in Australia, third in Springtime Stakes, Flemington, L. Cat Dance (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Be Nimble (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Tawee Stakes, Indiana Grand. The next dam ROKEBY ROSE (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Flower Bowl Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Susan's Girl Handicap, Arlington; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSILVERBULLETDAY (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), Champion 2yr old filly in USA in 1998, Champion 3yr old filly in USA in 1999, won 15 races including Gazelle Handicap, Belmont, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; grandam of SHAKIN IT UP (USA), won Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire.


25 BOX

Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi Curlin (USA) Vino Rosso (USA) Mythical Bride (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 26th, 2022 Forever Discreet (AUS) (2010)

Bernardini (USA) She's Discreet (AUS)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Flaming Heart (USA) A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Euclase (AUS) Halo Again (AUS)

VINO ROSSO (USA), 2015. Won 6 races, Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, NYRA Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.2, Stymie Stakes, L., second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of THE WINE STEWARD (USA), (Gr.3), Next Level (USA), (Gr.1), Zaino (USA), (S). 1st Dam FOREVER DISCREET (AUS), won 1 race in Australia viz Express Colour Morphettville Guineas, Morphettville, L., placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSHE'S FOREVER (USA) (2018 f. by Temple City (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £25,714 and placed twice. Don't Say It (USA) (2021 f. by Jimmy Creed (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. (2020 c. by Bolt D'oro (USA)). 2nd Dam SHE'S DISCREET (AUS), won 4 races in Australia including Dermody Stakes, Cheltenham Park, Gr.3; Own sister to BE DISCREET (AUS); dam of thirteen winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingVERY DISCREET (AUS) (f. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), won 6 races in Australia and $356,955 including Crompton Oakbank Hills Railway Stakes, Oakbank, L., Crown Promenade Mares Trophy, Flemington, L., Patricks/Dunes Durbridge Stakes, Morphettville, L., Betfair W H Wylie Handicap, Morphettville, L., placed third in Distinctive Homes Goodwood Handicap, Morphettville, Gr.1; dam of winners. Highly Discreet (AUS), winner in Australia and placed second in MV Champagne Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.3. Naafer (AUS), placed second in South African Nursery, Turffontein, Gr.1 and World Sports Betting Merchants, Turffontein, Gr.2. I'M DISCREET (AUS) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 7 races in Australia and $402,485 including South Australisa Laelia Stakes, Morphettville, L., H C Nitschke Stakes, Morphettville, L., second in TBV Mannerism Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3; dam of winners. SERENELY DISCREET (AUS), won TAB Edward Manifold Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2. Truly Discreet (AUS) (f. by Teofilo (IRE)), won 5 races in Australia, placed third in Mitchelton Winery Bendigo Guineas, Bendigo, L. 3rd Dam HALO AGAIN (AUS), won 3 races in Australia including Queen Adelaide Stakes, Morphettville, L., placed second in Balcrest Stakes, Victoria Park, L., Foundation Morphettville Plate, Morphettville, L. and third in Computerland South Australia Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3; Own sister to Secrets (AUS); dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGILDED ANGEL (AUS) (f. by Made of Gold (USA)), won 1 race in Australia viz Bloodhorse Breeders' Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3, placed second in Queen of the Turf Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2 and third in Edward Manifold Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2 and Moet & Chandon Champagne Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2; dam of winners. BE DISCREET (AUS) (f. by Euclase (AUS)), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Australia in 1996-97, won 8 races in Australia including Dermody Stakes, Cheltenham Park, Gr.3, Cinderella Stakes, Victoria Park, L., William Crockett Super VOBIS Stakes, Moonee Valley, L., placed second in Caulfield Blue Diamond Prelude (f), Sandown, Gr.3 and third in Chirnside Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.2. MY ADVOCATOR (AUS) (c. by At Talaq (USA)), won 10 races in Australia including Classic Mile, Victoria Park, L. and Tattersall's Cup, Victoria Park, L. (twice). OAHU (AUS) (g. by Favorite Trick (USA)), won 8 races in Australia including Hills Railway Oakbank Clipsal Stakes, Oakbank, L., placed third in W H Wylie Handicap, Morphettville, L. Oh So Discreet (AUS) (f. by Bluebird (USA)), won 3 races in Australia and placed second in W H Wylie Handicap, Morphettville, L.; dam of winners. MAYBE DISCREET (AUS), won Schweppes Australasian Oaks, Morphettville, Gr.1, TAB Edward Manifold Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2, Holdfast Ins. City of Adelaide Handicap, Morphettville, L. and Veolia Morphettville Guineas, Morphettville, L. JUST DISCREET (AUS), won Adelaide Galavanising Spring Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3 and Sloan Sands Matrice Stakes, Morphettville, L.


26 BOX

Owner: Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan Pulpit (USA) Power Broker (USA) Shop Again (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 19th, 2022 Granny Ramsey (USA) (2007)

Empire Maker (USA) Changing World (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Preach (USA) Wild Again (USA) Shopping (USA) Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Spinning World (USA) Reach The Top (USA)

POWER BROKER (USA), 2010. Won 4 races, Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Indiana Derby, Gr.2, Easy Goer Stakes, second in William Hill Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1 and Oak Tree Juvenile Turf Stakes, L. Sire of AMERICAN POWER (USA), (Gr.3), SYDSTER (USA), (S), POWER JET (USA), (S), C V'S Powerpak (USA), (S), Exactly (USA), (S), Pulpit's Purrfect (USA), (S), Showmethemagic (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam GRANNY RAMSEY (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £19,826; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizKITTEN FOR GRANNY (USA) (2013 g. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £30,883 and placed 7 times. KENTUCKY KITTEN (USA) (2015 c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £30,519 and placed 5 times. GRANNY MAKES CENTS (USA) (2019 c. by Goldencents (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £15,196 and placed once. Aldakheliyah (KSA) (2021 f. by Power Broker (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, her only start. (2020 f. by Goldencents (USA)). 2nd Dam CHANGING WORLD (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £226,005 including Violet Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Frances A Genter Stakes, Calder, L., placed second in Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in My Charmer Handicap, Calder, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLATEEN (USA) (f. by Henrythenavigator (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LE GRIFFON (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Worldly Heiress (USA) (f. by Wildcat Heir (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. She's Lookin Lucky (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Seneca Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs. HENRY'S WORLD (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. ENSIGN PARKER (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. HEIR TO GREATNESS (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam REACH THE TOP (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3, Sweetest Chant Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, L., placed second in Miss Grillo Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; Own sister to GRAB THE GREEN (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSTAR CHANNEL (USA) (r. by English Channel (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Dayton Andrews Sophomore Stakes (c&g), Tampa Bay Downs, L.R., Florida Sunshine Millions Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R. Our Exploit (USA) (f. by Exploit (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Frances A Genter Stakes, Calder, L. and Deauville Stakes, Calder; dam of winners. FLASHY FLIRT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of GO JO JO GO (USA), won Desert Vixen Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., placed third in FTBOA Florida Sire Susan's Girl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R. WAR AT THE TOP (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Changing The Rules (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Black Gold Stakes, Fair Grounds. The next dam REACH FOR IT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingGRAB THE GREEN (USA) (f. by Cozzene (USA)), won 9 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Buckram Oak Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Nijana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, L., Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, L., Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, L.R., Consort Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of winners. Nanton (USA), winner and placed second in Jockey Club Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and Pontefract Castle Stakes, Pontefract, L. CHANNEL THE GREEN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MY GIRL SKY (CAN), won Thunder Bay Stakes, Woodbine, R., Over The Channel (USA), placed third in Turf Classic Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, R.




Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Macho Uno (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 9th, 2022

Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA) Sing Dixie Sing (USA) (2009)

Dixie Union (USA) Canaryinacage (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Megans Bluff (USA)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam SING DIXIE SING (USA), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £148,848 including Arctic Queen Handicap, Finger Lakes, R., placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizQUICK TEMPO (USA) (2018 g. by Tapizar (USA)), won 11 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £297,940 including Sugar Bowl Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Rumson Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Nyquist Stakes, Keeneland, Iowa Sprint Stakes, Prairie Meadows and third in St. Matthews Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs, R. SING DIXIE CHARGE (USA) (2015 f. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £45,496 and placed 3 times. ABA ALAWAYED (KSA) (2019 c. by Constitution (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,255 and placed once. Sing Sing Dixie (USA) (2016 f. by Into Mischief (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner vizMotown Mischief (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park. (2020 c. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)). 2nd Dam CANARYINACAGE (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizSING DIXIE SING (USA) (f. by Dixie Union (USA)), see above. Belt Parkway (USA) (c. by Mendelssohn (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £52,581 and placed third in Future Stars Stakes, Parx Racing. EIGHTH COMMANDMENT (USA) (f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £101,100. Tweet Street (USA) (f. by Quality Road (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. STEERAGE (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. HIGHWAY HARMONY (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. Beantown Bunny (USA) (f. by Mucho Macho Man (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. TINSELTOWN TINA (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam MEGANS BLUFF (USA), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Earlytimes Mint Julep Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 (twice), Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3, placed second in Modesty Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, My Charmer Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Hillsborough Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., Endeavour Handicap, Tampa Bay Downs, L., Indiana Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hoosier Park, L., Cleveland Oaks, Thistledown, L. and third in Locust Grove Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Sixty Sails Handicap, Sportsmans Park, Gr.3; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingELUSIVE BLUFF (USA) (c. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Pilgrim Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire. The next dam Cozzena (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Yankee Fashion Stakes, Suffolk Downs; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMEGANS BLUFF (USA) (f. by Pine Bluff (USA)), see above. WANDERING WAYS (USA) (f. by Polish Numbers (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Cotton Pickin (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Stonehedge Farm Sth Sophomore Stakes(f), Tampa Bay Downs, R. PRINCESS WENDY (USA) (f. by Labeeb (GB)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; grandam of UNO EMAYO (USA), won New York Stallion Series Stakes, Saratoga, R. By the Belle (USA) (f. by Geri (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LATTIN DEVIL (USA), won Rajun Cajun Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Inaugural Stakes, Evangeline Downs, second in Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.R., third in Louisiana Legends Mile Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R.




Owner: Munef Abdullah M. Almunef Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 5th, 2022 Tiber (USA) (2007)

Roman Ruler (USA) Timeleighness (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Silvery Swan (USA) Sir Raleigh (USA) Pleasure Moment (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam TIBER (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 4 and 5 years; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMKAR THE FAST (USA) (2018 g. by Verrazano (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £93,711 and placed 19 times. UNCLE PAPPY (USA) (2015 c. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £16,848 and placed 4 times. MARCO NUMBER ONE (USA) (2014 g. by Spring At Last (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,564 and placed 6 times. ALKATHEEB (KSA) (2019 c. by Shackleford (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. (2021 c. by Biz Blitz (CAN)). 2nd Dam TIMELEIGHNESS (USA), unraced; Own sister to TIMELESSLEIGH (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingBEHAVING BADLY (USA) (f. by Pioneering (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £424,765 including Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Genuine Risk Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3 (twice), Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Bug Brush Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Humana Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; dam of winners. LAVISH NUMBERS (USA) (f. by Polish Numbers (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £63,349 including Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of winners. Beer Baroness (USA), ran 3 times in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of RIA ANTONIA (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 2013, won Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Santa Anita, Gr.1, placed second in Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, CROSS THE LINE (USA), won California Derby, Golden Gate, L., placed second in El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3; grandam of RIA AMELIA (JPN), won Kansai Tel. Corp. Sho Rose Stakes, Chukyo, Gr.2 and Artemis Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3, Blue Messina (USA), winner abroad, placed second in Clasico Ernesto y Ramon Navarro Diaz, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. Light Up The Town (USA) (g. by Citidancer (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £160,854 and placed third in Mister Diz Stakes, Laurel, L., Skip Trial Stakes, Meadowlands. Not Enough Time (USA) (f. by Freud (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of a winner. Time And Tides (USA), winner, second in Wine Country Stakes, Santa Rosa. Chick Flick (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of Flowmotion (USA), winner in U.S.A. and Canada, placed second in Display Stakes, Woodbine, L. 3rd Dam PLEASURE MOMENT (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingTIMELESSLEIGH (USA) (f. by Sir Raleigh (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Miss Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park; dam of winners. 4th Dam PLEASURE LADY (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizPLEASURE FULL (USA) (c. by Full Out (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. The next dam MONEY TO BURN, won 10 races in U.S.A. including Cinderella Stakes, Arlington, Lassie Trial Stakes, Arlington, Miss Chicago Stakes, Arlington; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingBurn The Money (USA) (f. by Ack Ack (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds; dam of winners. Princess of Money (USA), winner in U.S.A. placed second in Genuine Risk Stakes, Turf Paradise; dam of I'M A LIL PRINCESS (USA), won Bam's Penny Stakes, Bay Meadows, L., placed third in Emeryville Stakes, Golden Gate, L. Falstaff's Dancer (USA), winner, third in Scarlet Carnation Handicap, Thistledown.




Owner: Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 4th, 2022

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Silent Kitty (USA) (2013)

Discreet Cat (USA) La Riviera (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Forestry (USA) Pretty Discreet (USA) Affirmed (USA) Riverjinsky (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam SILENT KITTY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizDURRAT TEWAIQ (KSA) (2019 f. by Uncle Lino (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. WIND SPREE (KSA) (2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from only 2 starts. 2nd Dam LA RIVIERA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,637; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFRENCHGLEN (USA) (f. by Forestry (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £74,408 including Jersey Girl Stakes, Belmont Park, placed third in Stonerside Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. Dr Nick (USA) (c. by Authenticate (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £60,698 and placed second in Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. El Sensor (USA) (g. by Hansen (USA)), won 12 races in Puerto Rico, placed second in Clasico George Washington, Camarero Race Track, L. 3rd Dam Riverjinsky (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMAY NIGHT (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including P G Johnson Stakes, Saratoga, placed second in Dance Smartly Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Virginia Oaks, Colonial Downs, L., Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, L., third in Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. RED RIFLE (USA), won Bowling Green Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2, Dominion Day Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Maxxam Gold Cup Stakes, Sam Houston, L., Yankee Affair Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Sword Dancer Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. NOTTE D'ORO (USA), won Marie G Krantz Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds, placed second in Powder Break Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Lady Canterbury Stakes, Canterbury Downs, Minnesota BPA Distaff Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R. SANGAM (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Pinellas Handicap, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Reeve Schley Jr. Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Calder Oaks, Calder, L.; dam of winners. Zaahy (USA), winner and placed second in International Trial Stakes, Lingfield, L. SILVER CLIPPER (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SILVER CLOUD (USA), won Bob Umphrey Turf Sprint Stakes, Calder, L., placed second in Turf Dash Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L. and Kaiser Handicap, Calder. Piloting (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Millions Classic Preview Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R. SHE'S A KETCH (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MONFORTE (USA), won Bear's Den Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Showing Up Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, placed second in Not Surprising Stakes, Gulfstream Park. LONI GIRL (USA) (f. by Future Storm (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LONI'S APPEAL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CAMINO DEL PARAISO (USA), won Joseph T Grace Stakes, Golden Gate (twice), Rolling Green Stakes, Golden Gate (twice), placed second in Berkeley Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3 (twice), San Luis Rey Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Thunder Road Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. The next dam COLOPHON (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBUZZING B'S (USA) (f. by Hazaam (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Helena Stakes, Suffolk Downs, placed second in Rockingham Park Oaks, Rockingham Park, My Fair Lady Stakes, Suffolk Downs and third in Ocala Breeders Sales Championship (f), Ocala T.C., L.R.; dam of winners.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Eskendereya (USA)

METWALLY (USA) March 31st, 2022 A Bay Colt

Mitole (USA) Indian Miss (USA) Ultimate Prize (USA) (2012)

Smart Strike (CAN) Queens Full (USA)


Giant's Causeway (USA) Aldebaran Light (USA) Indian Charlie (USA) Glacken's Gal (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Indian Charlie (USA) Puestera (USA)

MITOLE (USA), 2015. Won 10 races, Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1, Encore Bistro Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Runhappy Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, twinspires.com Churchill Downs Stakes, Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Gr.3, etc. Sire of V V'S DREAM (USA), (Gr.3), ICE COLD (USA), (S), Stormcast (CAN), (L.), BLACK HOLE (USA), AIR CAV (USA). 1st Dam ULTIMATE PRIZE (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBoltage (USA) (2021 c. by Bolt D'oro (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £51,833 and placed once viz third in Del Mar Juvenile Turf Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. Mr Loooch (USA) (2019 c. by Speightster (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £134,747 and placed 7 times including second in Honey Jay Stakes, Thistledown, R. DUCHESS BUBBLES (USA) (2018 f. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £69,901 and placed 6 times. OMNI DIVA (USA) (2017 f. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £30,139 and placed 3 times. She also has a 2023 colt by Omaha Beach (USA). 2nd Dam QUEENS FULL (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,978; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGOIN TO THE WINDOW (USA) (f. by Tapit (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £79,771 including Angie C Stakes, Emerald Downs; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam PUESTERA (USA), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingREGAL ENGAGEMENT (USA) (f. by Cat Thief (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2; dam of winners. Miss Hellie (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. The next dam TOO CHIC (USA), won 4 races including Maskette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, second in Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; Own sister to LORD FLOREY (USA); dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingQUEENA (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1991, won 10 races in U.S.A. including Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Maskette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. BRAHMS (USA), won Early Times Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. LA REINA (USA), won Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of CHIEF HAVOC (USA), won Swaps Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. CHIC SHIRINE (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. WALDOBORO (USA), won True North Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. TARA ROMA (USA), won Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of SERRA LAKE (USA), won Go For Wand Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1. FLYING PASSAGE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of OLYMPIAD (USA), won Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Stephen Foster Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Alysheba Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and New Orleans Classic Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, PRESERVATIONIST (USA), won NYRA Bets Woodward Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Suburban Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Enchanted Rock (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of VERRAZANO (USA), won William Hill Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.2, Pegasus Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, placed second in Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire. Chic Corine (USA), unraced; dam of SOMALI LEMONADE (USA), won TVG Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed second in Garden City Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Mayan Maiden (USA), unraced; grandam of HARMONIZE (USA), won The Jockey Club Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, Glens Falls Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, JP Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and P G Johnson Stakes, Saratoga, L.




Owner: Nayef Abdulrahman A. Al-Saeed Unbridled's Song (USA)

A BAY COLT (UNK) February 18th, 2022 (first foal)

Midshipman (USA) Fleet Lady (USA) Taste of Paradise (IRE) (2015)

Zoffany (IRE) Bounty Star (IRE)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Avenue of Flags (USA) Dear Mimi (USA) Dansili (GB) Tyranny (GB) Fasliyev (USA) Ribot's Guest (IRE)

MIDSHIPMAN (USA), 2006. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008. Won 5 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, second in Norfolk Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1. Sire of FORTINO (CHI), (Gr.1), SUCCESO (CHI), (Gr.1), TANGANYKA (BRZ), (Gr.1), ROYAL SHIP (BRZ), (Gr.1), TWEET (BRZ), (Gr.1), GERMANICUS (CHI), (Gr.2), SPECIAL RESERVE (USA), (Gr.2), MAXI PICCOLINO (CHI), (Gr.2), CAMPELANDA (BRZ), (Gr.2), PRINCESS WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam TASTE OF PARADISE (IRE), ran once at 3 years. 2nd Dam BOUNTY STAR (IRE), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingLESVOS (GB) (c. by Territories (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 abroad. 3rd Dam RIBOT'S GUEST (IRE), ran in Italy at 3 years; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingKINNAIRD (IRE) (f. by Dr Devious (IRE)), won 6 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in France including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, placed second in Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, Gr.3 and third in Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; dam of winners. BERKSHIRE (IRE), 4 races viz Royal Lodge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Darley Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Chesham Stakes, Ascot, L., August Stakes, Windsor, L.; sire. ABDON (GB), 4 races at home and in Australia including Wagga Wagga Gold Cup, L., second in PFD Doncaster Prelude Royal Parma Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3. Ben Vrackie (GB), 1 race at 3 years, second in March Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. KEENES ROYALE (GB), 3 races at 3 years; dam of IVAWOOD (IRE), 3 races at 2 years including Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed second in Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and third in 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. MICKDAAM (IRE) (c. by Dubawi (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.A.E. including Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3, Emirates Al Bastakiya, Meydan, L. Invisible Quest (IRE) (f. by Intikhab (USA)), ran in France at 3 years; dam of winners. EMPEROR'S BANQUET (AUS), won Fortune Bowl, Kranji, L. Warshah (IRE) (f. by Shamardal (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FANTASY LADY (IRE), 1 race at 2 years viz Silken Glider Stakes, Curragh, L. VOLITION (IRE), 2 races at 3 years; dam of Undertake (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Empress Stakes, Newmarket, L., from only 3 starts. The next dam RAYSIYA, won 3 races at 3 years and placed once; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRAYSIZA (IRE) (f. by Alzao (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Italy including Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L.; dam of winners. RYAN (IRE), 20 races in Italy and abroad including Premio Duca d'Aosta, Milan, L. (twice), Coppa d'Oro di Milano, L., second in Premio St Leger Italiano, Gr.3; sire. Highland Daughter (IRE), 1 race at, third in Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3; dam of HIGHLAND BEAT (AUS), won A R Creswick Series Final Stakes, Flemington, L. Razana (IRE) (f. by Kahyasi), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France and placed second in G.P. Conseil General de Loire Atlantique, Nantes, L.; dam of winners. SALFORD MILL (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Hong Kong including Newmarket Stakes, Newmarket, L., Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L.; sire. Ovambo (IRE), 3 races at 3 years, second in Fred Archer Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3 and Serlby Stakes, Doncaster, L. RECAMBE (IRE), 2 races in France; dam of LAURENS (FR), 8 races at home and in France including Fillies' Mile, Newmarket, Gr.1, Matron Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Rothschild, Deauville, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. PROFIT ALERT (IRE) (f. by Alzao (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. SHIFTING POWER (GB), 4 races including Royal Windsor Stakes, Windsor, L., European Free Handicap, Newmarket, L., second in Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, third in Sandown Mile, Sandown, Gr.2; sire.




Owner: Ibrahim Khalil S Alanazi Petionville (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 14th, 2022

Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA) Jail House Money (USA) (2010)

Awesome Again (CAN) Irish Cherry (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Primal Force (USA) Irish Open (USA) Eston (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam JAIL HOUSE MONEY (USA), unraced; Own sister to SPUN SUGAR (USA) and DAAHER (CAN); dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMONEYMEISTER (USA) (2014 g. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 8 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £109,401 and placed 11 times. JAIL HOUSE CODE (USA) (2018 f. by Honor Code (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £84,414 and placed 7 times. Millioneyah (KSA) (2020 f. by Connect (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. (2021 f. by Stratford Hill (USA)). 2nd Dam IRISH CHERRY (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £88,712 including La Voyageuse Handicap, Woodbine, L., George C Hendrie Handicap, Woodbine, L., placed second in Whimsical Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; Own sister to TAFT LIL QUEEN (USA); dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSPUN SUGAR (USA) (f. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £513,790 including Go For Wand Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, placed second in Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. CAIRO SUGAR (USA), won Maddie May Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Abraqat (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of BEST ACTOR (USA), won Smarty Jones Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3, placed second in Indiana Derby, Horseshoe Indianapolis, Gr.3 and third in Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, Gr.3. DAAHER (CAN) (c. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £227,461 including Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. MARASCHINO RED (CAN) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £58,670; dam of winners. ARREST ME RED (USA), won Twin Spires Turf Sprint Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Belmont Turf Sprint Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Aqueduct Turf Sprint Championship, Aqueduct, L., Mahony Stakes, Saratoga, L., Atlantic Beach Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. HIDDEN TREAT (USA), won Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed third in Indiana Grand Stakes, Indiana Downs, L. and Stormy Blues Stakes, Pimlico, L. 3rd Dam ESTON (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTAFT LIL QUEEN (USA) (f. by Irish Open (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Cy-Fair Stakes, Sam Houston, placed second in Southern Accent Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Monique Rene Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of winners. KISS TO REMEMBER (USA), won Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Monroe Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, Battle of New Orleans Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. PETE'S PLAY CALL (USA), won Gravesend Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Bonapaw Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Toboggan Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. EL VIENTO (USA), won Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron, El Comandante, L., Clasico Fanatico Hipico, El Comandante, L. and Clasico Jose Coll Vidal, El Comandante, L. FOR ROYALTY (USA), won Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L.; dam of CONSTELLATION (USA), won La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Ruthless Stakes, Aqueduct, L., second in Madison Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1.




Owner: Nawader Stable A P Indy (USA) Stratford Hill (USA) Harmony Lodge (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 23rd, 2022 Shehanat Abeer (KSA) (2011)

Petit Paris (CHI) Miss Kistler (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Hennessy (USA) Win Crafty Lady (USA) Hussonet (USA) Petite France (CHI) Pleasant Colony (USA) Dance Review (USA)

STRATFORD HILL (USA), 2007. Won 4 races, Shakertown Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MASAABEEH (KSA), MALAFEKH (KSA), BOSTON BOB (USA), AFINDAR (KSA), ANSARY (KSA), NAJMAK AALI (KSA), SOUPERY DUPERY (USA), RAD'DAH (KSA), LAZARDI (KSA), AEJWAH (KSA), RAINBOW (KSA), SEDQ (KSA), LOGINA (KSA), BAREEQ ALFOOZ (KSA), TEJTAH'HOM (KSA). 1st Dam SHEHANAT ABEER (KSA), placed twice at 2 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMEHLAW'WAH (KSA) (2019 f. by Cat Thief (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £59,652 and placed 4 times. MAFSALYH (KSA) (2018 f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,221 and placed once. Unbraa (KSA) (2020 c. by Worldly (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam MISS KISTLER (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £17,878; Own sister to DANCE COLONY (USA) and Colonial Review (USA); dam of 2 runners from 6 foals of racing agePlie (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Rock Band (KOR), winner abroad and third in Owners' Cup, Busan Gyeongnam, L. 3rd Dam DANCE REVIEW (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of thirteen winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingNO REVIEW (USA) (f. by Nodouble (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Gorgonio Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.3, Miss Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Atlantic City Oaks, Atlantic City, Freesia Stakes, Parx Racing, placed third in Beverly Hills Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Yellow Ribbon Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. ANOTHER REVIEW (USA) (c. by Buckaroo (USA)), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Mervyn Leroy Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, San Bernardino Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, third in Hollywood Gold Cup Handicap, Hollywood, Gr.1; sire. DANCE COLONY (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed second in Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; grandam of BLUESKIESNRAINBOWS (USA), won San Pasqual Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Swaps Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Native Diver Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, third in Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Pleasant Review (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and second in River Memories Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. SPARKLING REVIEW (USA), won Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Giant Review (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of BLUEBIRDS OVER (USA), won Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Rap And Dance (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Holly Beach Stakes, Laurel; grandam of RATTLE N ROLL (USA), won Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.1, Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, Gr.3. BALLET COLONY (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Dance City (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1. PROMENADE COLONY (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PROMENADE GIRL (USA), won Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, third in Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of CAVORTING (USA), won Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, MOON COLONY (USA), won Penn Mile Stakes, Penn National, Gr.2; sire; grandam of CLAIRIERE (USA), won Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 and Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice).




Owner: Tamken Racing Stable Medaglia d'Oro (USA)

KAREEM WALLAH (USA) May 16th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Higher Power (USA) Alternate (USA) Grand Portege (USA) (2002)

Grand Slam (USA) Oatsee (USA)


El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Strike A Balance (USA) Gone West (USA) Bright Candles (USA) Unbridled (USA) With Every Wish (USA)

HIGHER POWER (USA), 2015. Won 5 races, TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Gr.1, second in Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Wickerr Stakes, L.R. and third in Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam GRAND PORTEGE (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A., £56,441 and placed twice; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizFLORIDA WON (USA) (2011 g. by Birdstone (USA)), won 10 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and £404,449 including Seagram Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Ontario Derby, Woodbine, Gr.3, Presque Isle Mile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., placed 16 times including second in Durham Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Dominion Day Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and third in Seagram Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Charlie Barley Stakes, Woodbine. Grand Journey (USA) (2015 g. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 8 races to 2023 in U.S.A., £216,022, placed 8 times including second in Mr Steele Stakes, Gulfstream Park. TRAVEL AGENT (USA) (2016 c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,123 and placed 5 times. Tizasong (USA) (2013 f. by Tiznow (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £16,351; dam of 2 winners includingSpicy Marg (USA) (f. by Into Mischief (USA)), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Sensible Lady Turf Dash Stakes, Pimlico. Silo Ridge (USA) (2020 c. by Ghostzapper (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam Oatsee (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £65,871 and placed third in Supertrack Racing Series Stakes (f), Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingSHACKLEFORD (USA) (c. by Forestry (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £1,984,561 including Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Churchill Downs Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, placed second in Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 and third in Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1; sire. LADY JOANNE (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £516,299 including Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Banshee Breeze Stakes, Saratoga, L.R., placed second in Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. AFLEETING LADY (USA) (f. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 7 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £304,582 including Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Turnback The Alarm Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Lady's Secret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Fleur de Lis Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; dam of winners. BAGHDARIA (USA) (f. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £409,916 including Indiana Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hoosier Park, Gr.3, Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Silverbulletday Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Gr.3, Sweetheart Stakes, Delta Downs, L., placed third in Louisville Breeders' Cup Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2; dam of winners. Dancing Brave Bear (USA), 2 races at 2 and 3 years and £30,261 and placed once viz second in Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3. DILGA (USA), winner in Japan; dam of Libyan Glass (JPN), winner to 2023 in Japan and placed third in Kyoto Shimbun Hai, Kyoto, Gr.2. FINNIE MAC COOL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of FINAL DANCE (TUR), Champion 3yr old colt in Turkey in 2022, won Cumhurbaskanligi Stakes, Ankara, L. Bagh of Jewelz (USA), unraced; dam of MOHS (USA), won Hawthorne Derby; grandam of MAGIC CROSS (USA), won P. G. Johnson Stakes, Saratoga. STEPHANOATSEE (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £224,746 including Barbaro Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire. Haysee (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. UNCLE LINO (USA), won California Chrome Stakes, Los Alamitos, placed second in Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, third in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi Tapit (USA)

VERTICAL AVENGER (USA) March 23rd, 2022 A Bay Colt

Tapiture (USA) Free Spin (USA) Viola Blew By (USA) (2007)

Omega Code (USA) Mighty Rose (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Olympio (USA) Spin N Win (USA) Elusive Quality (USA) Tin Oaks (USA) Mighty Appealing (USA) Medaille D'rose (USA)

Own brother to VERTICAL THREAT (USA) TAPITURE (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Gr.2, Ack Ack Handicap, Gr.3, Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3 and Southwest Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of REPO ROCKS (USA), (Gr.3), HOPEFUL GROWTH (USA), (Gr.3), JESUS' TEAM (USA), (L.), GO SOLDIER GO (USA), (L.), LI'L TOOTSIE (USA), (L.), ALWAY'S COMERIO (USA), (L.), VERTICAL THREAT (USA), (L.), TAP GALORE (USA), (S), LILY POO (USA), (S), TAP DANCE FEVER (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam VIOLA BLEW BY (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizVERTICAL THREAT (USA) (2017 c. by Tapiture (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £201,352 including Steel Valley Sprint Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, L. and Russell Road Stakes, Charles Town. Perpetual Novena (USA) (2012 f. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £28,309 and placed 3 times including second in Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of a winner vizINCESSANT (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. EL EQUALIZER (USA) (2018 c. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,224 and placed once. 2nd Dam MIGHTY ROSE (USA), won 6 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £77,148 including Francis Scott Key Stakes, Laurel, L., placed third in Contary Rose Stakes, Laurel; Own sister to Devil's Glen (USA); dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBEE CEE CEE (USA) (c. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £110,390 including Ocala Breeders' Sales Sophomore Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L.R., placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (Dr Fager), Calder, L.R., Select Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Spectacular Bid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. Mighty David (USA) (c. by End Sweep (USA)), won 10 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £197,319 and placed second in Harry Henson Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. and Sutter Stakes, Golden Gate, L. Lily's Hope (USA) (f. by Proud Accolade (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £69,196 and placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L.R.; dam of winners. Amazer (USA) (f. by Quaker Ridge (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £37,975 and placed third in Forward Gal Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of winners. Sing That Song (USA) (f. by Songandaprayer (USA)), placed 5 times at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,174; dam of winners. BRAVE DAVE (USA), won Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Jack Price Juvenile Stakes, Calder, L.R., John McSorley Stakes, Monmouth Park, Birdonthewire Stakes, Calder, placed second in Big Drama Stakes, Calder and third in Chick Lang Stakes, Pimlico, L.; sire. 3rd Dam MEDAILLE D'ROSE (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMIGHTY ROSE (USA) (f. by Mighty Appealing (USA)), see above. Devil's Glen (USA) (f. by Mighty Appealing (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Singing Beauty Stakes, Laurel; dam of winners. The next dam FRESH ROSE (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 9 foals of racing ageFresh Invader (USA) (f. by Smarten (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. Bonita (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed third in Clasico Omnium, San Isidro, L. Fresh 'n Valid (USA) (f. by Prince Valid (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LOVE NOT WAR (USA), won Kayla's A Gem Stakes, Suffolk Downs.


36 BOX

Owner: Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Dubawi (IRE) Dubawi Fun (GB) Arabian Treasure (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 14th, 2022 Gown (IRE) (2011)

Excellent Art (GB) Chehalis Sunset (GB)


Dubai Millennium (GB) Zomaradah (GB) Danzig (USA) Very Confidential (USA) Pivotal (GB) Obsessive (USA) Danehill Dancer (IRE) Totham

DUBAWI FUN (GB), 2011. Won 1 race and fourth in Winkfield Stakes, L. Sire of SEIF ALFALAH (KSA), HASNA'A ALENAYA (KSA), BARQ ALENAYA (KSA), LYLIA ALENAYA (KSA). 1st Dam GOWN (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and £16,187 and placed 7 times; dam of 2 foals of racing age including(2021 c. by Footbridge (GB)). 2nd Dam CHEHALIS SUNSET (GB), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingVEGAS ROCKS (IRE) (g. by Elusive City (USA)), won 7 races at 4, 6 and 7 years abroad and £140,770 and placed 30 times. 3rd Dam TOTHAM, won 2 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCOUNTRY GARDEN (GB) (f. by Selkirk (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. including Honeymoon Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., Ridgewood Pearl Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Yerba Buena Breeders' Cup Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Hidden Light Handicap, Santa Anita, L. and third in Beverly D Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; dam of winners. Country Again (USA), unraced; dam of Can Do It Again (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Diamond Jubilee Stakes, Santa Rosa. Country Way (USA), unraced; dam of Country Minister (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Governor's Stakes, Indiana Downs, R. GREENSAND (GB) (f. by Green Desert (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; grandam of TARDIS (GB), 2 races at 2 years including St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L. 4th Dam Susanna (USA), placed 6 times at 3 years including second in Fern Hill Handicap, Ascot, L.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSue Grundy (f. by Grundy), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed third in Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.3 and fourth in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3; dam of a winner. The next dam FULL DRESS II, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years viz 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Ascot 1000 Guineas Trial, Ascot and Crookham Stakes, Newbury; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFairly Hot (USA) (f. by Sir Ivor (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3 and Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. HOT TOUCH, won Dante Stakes, York, Gr.2, Clairwood Gold Vase, Clairwood, Gr.2, Hessen-Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr.3, placed second in Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Westbury Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, September Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3 and third in Champion Stakes, Greyville, Gr.1, Prix Dollar, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. Warm Welcome, 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Blue Seal Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of Bunting (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, second in Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield, L. and third in Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1; grandam of MOT JUSTE (GB), 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Glens Falls Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3 and third in Flower Bowl Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, PARASOL (IRE), 7 races at home and in U.A.E. including Winter Derby, Lingfield, L., Huxley Stakes, Chester, L., Magnolia Stakes, Kempton, L., placed second in Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3 and third in Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2. Home Address (f. by Habitat), won 1 race at 3 years and placed fourth in Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3; dam of winners. Homely Touch, placed 11 times at 2 and 3 years including third in Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Epsom, L. Highland Ball (f. by Bold Lad (IRE)), placed 3 times; grandam of COSMIC EXPLORER (IND), won Nilgiris 2000 Guineas, Udhagamandalam, L.


37 BOX

Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 22nd, 2022 Enticing (USA) (2005)

Service Stripe (USA) Charming Performer (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Wedding Picture (USA) Rare Performer (USA) Classic Silence (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ENTICING (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; Own sister to Motel Dancing (USA); dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizCOACH ADAMS (USA) (2015 g. by Alternation (USA)), won 13 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £284,249 and placed 28 times. MAJERUS (USA) (2011 g. by Unbridled Energy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £33,343 and placed 10 times. ENTICING EVENING (USA) (2014 f. by Hansen (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,184 and placed 4 times. Tantaawy (KSA) (2020 c. by Istan (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam CHARMING PERFORMER (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to SCREEN PROSPECT (USA); dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMotel Dancing (USA) (f. by Service Stripe (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £100,972 and placed second in Get Lucky Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and third in Mazarine Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Lively Spirit (USA) (f. by Storm Boot (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Spirit of Winter (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ralph Hayes Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.R. and Iowa Breeders' Derby, Prairie Meadows, R. 3rd Dam CLASSIC SILENCE (USA), unraced; dam of thirteen winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSCREEN PROSPECT (USA) (f. by Rare Performer (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 (twice), La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Prima Donna Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. SCREEN YOUR FRIEND (USA), won Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Classic Quickie (USA) (g. by To The Quick (USA)), won 16 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Santa Fe Derby, Santa Fe. ARMALIGHT (USA) (f. by Native Uproar (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of XIRIUS (USA), won Claisco Presidente de la Republica, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. and Clasico Sociedad de Duenos de Caballos, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. The next dam RAKAHANGA, won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingEFF-DEE-AR (c. by Dark Star), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Swaps Handicap, Arlington, placed second in Meadowland Handicap, Arlington; sire. Oratorical (USA) (c. by Elocutionist (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Rockaway Stakes, Aqueduct. OUR JACKIE (f. by Crafty Admiral), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. OUR NATIVE (USA), won Flamingo Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.1, Monmouth Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.2, Hawthorne Juvenile Stakes, Hawthorne, Gr.3, placed second in Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and third in Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1 and Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. SALUD (USA), won Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of GIVE A TOAST (USA), won Beaugay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; third dam of ARMY MULE (USA), won Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1; sire. Hang On For Effer (USA) (f. by Effervescing (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BANZHAF (USA), won Per-Erik Pramms Minneslopning, Jagersro, L. (twice) and Nickes Minneslopning, Taby, L. Triple Rak (USA) (f. by Triple Bend (USA)), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WINNING RX (USA), won Gator Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed third in Barksdale Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L. Hang One On (USA) (f. by Dewan (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GALLANTS GEM (USA), won Mill Springs Stakes, Churchill Downs.


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Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif Dansili (GB) Requinto (IRE) Damson (IRE)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 4th, 2022 Onza (USA) (2009)

Empire Maker (USA) Chili Cat (USA)


Danehill (USA) Hasili (IRE) Entrepreneur (GB) Tadkiyra (IRE) Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Matlacha Pass (USA)

REQUINTO (IRE), 2009. Won 4 races, Flying Childers Stakes, Gr.2, Molecomb Stakes, Gr.3 and Tipperary Stakes, L. Sire of GREAT SCOT (GB), (Gr.3), ONLY TIME (IRE), (L.), MILD ILLUSION (IRE), (L.), Broken Stones (IRE), (Gr.2), Cerrado (IND), (L.R.), Howyoulikethat (IRE), (L.), Chocquinto (IRE), (L.), Usra (IRE), (L.), Offline (IRE), (L.), GEE REX (IRE), KODA (IRE), BANDOLA (IRE), SPANISH STAR (IRE), BRAVE DISPLAY (IRE), HAVEONEYERSELF (IRE), MY MOTIVATE GIRL (IRE), LEQUINTO (IRE) etc. 1st Dam ONZA (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizDOMENICO (USA) (2014 g. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 2 races at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £22,273 and placed 14 times. LEMON CHILL (USA) (2016 f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £93,333 and placed 10 times. LITTLE VICKY (USA) (2018 f. by Flintshire (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. Onzaway (USA) (2013 f. by Arch (USA)), placed 5 times at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A., £27,036. Aysoon (KSA) (2019 c. by Not This Time (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Stratford Hill (USA)). (2021 c. by Scipion (USA)). 2nd Dam Chili Cat (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £53,760 and placed third in A Wild Ride Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCAT'S CLAW (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £114,440 including Fasig-Tipton Waya Stakes, Saratoga, L.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam MATLACHA PASS (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to PLEASANT HOME (USA) and COUNTRY HIDEAWAY (USA); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPOINT OF ENTRY (USA) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Inv. Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. PINE ISLAND (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Gazelle Stakes, Belmont, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, second in Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont, Gr.1 and Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont, Gr.1. BOKEELIA ISLAND (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Veterans Stakes, Zia Park, second in Downs At Albuquerque Handicap, Albuquerque. Sail Ahoy (USA) (g. by Bernardini (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2. Voyage (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GREAT ISLAND (USA), won Matchmaker Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Suwannee River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., second in Flower Bowl Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. VAGABOND (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SURPRISINGLY (USA), won Endeavour Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3. The next dam OUR COUNTRY PLACE (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingPLEASANT HOME (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Distaff, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; grandam of GUARANA (USA), won Madison Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Saratoga, Gr.1, Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. COUNTRY HIDEAWAY (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2 (twice), placed second in Ballerina Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1 (twice); dam of winners. BOCA GRANDE (USA), won Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Darley Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. VACATION (USA), won Hanshin Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah Almakhdoob Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 7th, 2022 Rose Gloria (IRE) (2011)

Haatef (USA) Western Sky (GB)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Danzig (USA) Sayedat Alhadh (USA) Barathea (IRE) Western Heights (GB)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam ROSE GLORIA (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years in Qatar and placed 3 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizAEWAALY NAJD (KSA) (2020 f. by Bandini (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £106,883 and placed 3 times. Ghadaaq (KSA) (2021 f. by Roaring Fever (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam WESTERN SKY (GB), placed once at 3 years, from only 2 starts; Own sister to BARATHEA GUEST (GB); dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDJUMAMA (IRE) (f. by Aussie Rules (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Germany in 2010, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany and £211,536 including Coolmore Stud Preis der Winterkonigin, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, K.Baronin von Ullmann Schwarzgold Rennen, Cologne, Gr.3, racebets.com - Diana-Trial, Dusseldorf, L., placed 3 times including second in Henkel Preis der Diana - Stuten Derby, Dusseldorf, Gr.1; dam of winners. SAMAHRAM (FR), 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in France and £76,060 including Prix Volterra, ParisLongchamp, L., placed 5 times including second in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L. and third in Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, Gr.3, all her starts. Djukon (GB), 4 races at 3 and 6 years in Australia and in Germany and £124,935 and placed second in Racebets Deutsches St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.3, Colin Stephen Quality Handicap, Rosehill, Gr.3 and third in City Tatts Club Cup, Randwick, L. Duchess of Danzig (GER), 2 races at 3 years in France and £51,451 and placed 5 times including second in Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L. Djumay (GER), 1 race at 2 years in Germany and £11,353 and placed 3 times including third in Preis de Degussa Goldhandel Stutenpreis, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L. 3rd Dam WESTERN HEIGHTS (GB), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingBARATHEA GUEST (GB) (c. by Barathea (IRE)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Greenham Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Critérium du Fonds Européen de l'Elevage, Deauville, L., placed second in Grand Critérium, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1; sire. The next dam Western Star, won 2 races, second in Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingSTARTINO (f. by Bustino), won 3 races at 3 years including Galtres Stakes, York, L., placed third in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2 and fourth in Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners. My Greatest Star (f. by Great Nephew), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. STAR VEGA (GB), 3 races at home and in U.S.A. including Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Some Sensation Stakes, Santa Anita, L. STAR WELCOME (GB), 2 races and placed 6 times; dam of MYPLACELATER (GB), 5 races at 3 years including Godolphin Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Pride Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Huxley Stakes, Chester, Gr.3 and Lyric Stakes, York, L.; grandam of MAYSTAR (IRE), 6 races at 2, 3 and 6 years, 2023 at home, in France, in Qatar and abroad including Prix Moonlight Cloud, Deauville, L. Trim Star (GB) (f. by Terimon), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. New Star (TUR), winner abroad, third in Kemal Sahir Kurutluoglu, Veliefendi, L. DINARA (TUR), winner abroad; dam of SHARPA (TUR), won France Galop FRBC Int. Anatolia Trophy, Veliefendi, L. (3 times), Marmara Stakes, Veliefendi, L. (twice), Byerley Turk Stakes, Veliefendi, L., Mimar Sinan Stakes, Veliefendi, L.




Owner: Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons Distorted Humor (USA) Semper Fortis (USA) Rebridled Dreams (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 2nd, 2022 Unbridled Birthday (USA) (2009)

Unbridled's Song (USA) Hardy Har Har (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Key Cents (USA) Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Delray Delight (USA)

SEMPER FORTIS (USA), 2013. Won 2 races and second in Los Alamitos Derby Stakes, Gr.2, Zia Park Derby, L., Shared Belief Stakes, L. and third in Curribot Handicap. Sire of DECEMBER (KSA), ROLAN (KSA), NOOR ALENAYA (KSA), TAJ ALENAYA (KSA), NOWH (KSA). 1st Dam UNBRIDLED BIRTHDAY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 5 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSALUTE SONG (KSA) (2020 c. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. (2021 c. by Hailstone (USA)). 2nd Dam HARDY HAR HAR (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,916; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHARGILL (USA) (g. by El Corredor (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £71,665. RIDIN' HARD (USA) (g. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £37,865. HARPOON HATTIE (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £60,186. 3rd Dam DELRAY DELIGHT (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingRUTH'S PROTEGE (USA) (c. by Irish River (FR)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. The next dam OLE LIZ, won 6 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Lassie Trial Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Arlington Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington; dam of seven winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingKITTIWAKE (USA) (f. by Sea Bird II), won 18 races in U.S.A. including Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah, Gr.2, Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2, Firenze Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Margate Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr.3 (twice), Princeton Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; dam of winners. MISS OCEANA (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1983, won Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Maskette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1. KITWOOD (USA), won Prix Jean Prat, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Matchem, Evry, L., placed second in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. LARIDA (USA), won Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Hill Prince Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1 and fourth in Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1; dam of MAGIC OF LIFE (USA), 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2. OILFIELD (USA) (c. by Hail To Reason), won 7 races in France and in U.S.A. including Brighton Beach Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Knickerbocker Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Dixie Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.2, Hialeah Turf Cup Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2 and Niagara Handicap, Fort Erie, Gr.2. BEACONAIRE (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), won 3 races in France including Prix des Tourelles, Deauville, L., Prix du Nabob, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. SABIN (USA), won Yellow Ribbon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.2. BINYA (GER), won The Very One Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; grandam of SADLER'S JOY (USA), won Sword Dancer Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. NADMA (USA), winner at home and in Italy; grandam of SAKHEE'S SOLDIER (NZ), won Ronald McDonald NZ 2nd Century Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr.1. BLANCHE DU BOIS (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of FILM MAKER (USA), won Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2, placed second in VO5 Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf, Lone Star Park, Gr.1 (twice).




Owner: Abdullah Saleh Suleiman Alhamad Giant's Causeway (USA) Not This Time (USA) Miss Macy Sue (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) April 20th, 2022 Golden Muscade (USA) (2013)

Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Kinda Spicy (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Trippi (USA) Yada Yada (USA) El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) A P Indy (USA) Isola Piu Bella (CHI)

Own brother to Love Me Not (USA) NOT THIS TIME (USA), 2014. Won 2 races, Iroquois Stakes, Gr.3, second in Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of UP TO THE MARK (USA), (Gr.1), SIBELIUS (USA), (Gr.1), EPICENTER (USA), (Gr.1), JUST ONE TIME (USA), (Gr.1), PRINCESS NOOR (USA), (Gr.1), ARZAK (USA), (Gr.2), GIGANTE (USA), (Gr.2), NEXT (USA), (Gr.2), SIMPLIFICATION (USA), (Gr.2), COGBURN (USA), (Gr.3), MIDNIGHT STROLL (USA), (Gr.3), EASY TIME (USA), (Gr.3), YES THIS TIME (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam GOLDEN MUSCADE (USA), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizLove Me Not (USA) (2020 c. by Not This Time (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £87,445 and placed twice including second in Bear's Den Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Gold Watch (USA) (2019 f. by Not This Time (USA)), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £46,260. Gold Search (USA) (2021 c. by Liam's Map (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by McKinzie (USA). 2nd Dam KINDA SPICY (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £40,000; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingAVERY ISLAND (USA) (c. by Street Sense (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £286,569 including Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Withers Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; sire. 3rd Dam ISOLA PIU BELLA (CHI), won 9 races in Chile and in U.S.A. including P. Haras de Chile-Mauricio Serrano Palma, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1, Premio St Leger Cristal, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.1, Premio Alberto Solari Magnasco, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.1, Premio Mil Guineas (1000 Guineas), Hipodromo Chile, Gr.1, Sixty Sails Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3 and Sabin Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age includingKINDA SPICY (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), see above. 4th Dam SWEET MUSIC (CHI), won 3 races in Chile; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingISOLA PIU BELLA (CHI) (f. by Rich Man's Gold (USA)), see above. EL SOMBRA (CHI) (c. by Roy (USA)), won 9 races abroad including P. Juan Handicap, Valparaiso, Gr.2, P.Asoc.de Propietarios de F. S. Carreras, Valparaiso, L., second in P. Municipal de Vina del Mar, Valparaiso, Gr.1, P. Fernando Moller Bordeu, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.2 and third in Premio Municipal de Vina del Mar, Valparaiso, Gr.1; sire. LA CROISETTE (CHI) (f. by Great Regent (CAN)), won 3 races abroad including Premio Lisimaco Jaraquemada, Club Hipico de Santiago, L.; dam of winners. Todo Es Posible (USA), winner abroad, placed third in Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz Ramon, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. SWEET TUNE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MISS ELLA (USA), won Adena Springs Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Buffalo Trace Franklin County Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Caress Stakes, Saratoga (twice) and Christiecat Stakes, Belmont Park, LASTING LEGACY (USA), won Mr Prospector Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. The next dam SEGESTA (CHI), won 2 races in Chile; Own sister to STELITA (CHI) and STRONG (CHI); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSpencer (CHI) (c. by Gentleman Time (USA)), won 2 races in Chile and placed second in Premio Seleccion de Potrillos, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3. SYRACUSE (CHI) (f. by Sharp-Eyed Quillo (CAN)), won 2 races in Chile; dam of winners. SANTONA (CHI), won Premio Las Oaks, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1; dam of GRAND HOMBRE (USA), won Pennsylvania Derby, Parx Racing, Gr.3; grandam of LAGO EN EL CIELO (CHI), won P. Thompson Matthews, Valparaiso, Gr.3.




COSMIC MAJESTY (USA) March 19th, 2022 A Bay Filly (first foal)

Owner: Fahad Mohammed Ayesh Al Tayyar Quality Road (USA) City of Light (USA) Paris Notion (USA) Room to Finish (USA) (2015)

Giant Oak (USA) Can't Roll a Seven (USA)


Elusive Quality (USA) Kobla (USA) Dehere (USA) Fabulous Notion (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Crafty Oak (USA) Victory Gallop (CAN) Northside Star (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated. CITY OF LIGHT (USA), 2014. Won 6 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, Triple Bend Stakes, Gr.1, Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Oaklawn Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MIMI KAKUSHI (USA), (Gr.3), EYE WITNESS (USA), (L.), GASLIGHT DANCER (USA), (L.), CHOP CHOP (USA), (L.), LIGHTS OF BROADWAY (USA), (S), SENDERO (USA), (S), Benedetta (USA), (Gr.3), Battle of Normandy (USA), (Gr.3), Victory Way (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam ROOM TO FINISH (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £236,622 including Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Turf Stakes, Fair Grounds, R., placed 10 times including second in Marie G Krantz Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Turf, Fair Grounds, R. and third in Louisiana Cup Distaff Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. She also has a 2023 colt by Gun Runner (USA). 2nd Dam CAN'T ROLL A SEVEN (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingROOM TO FINISH (USA) (f. by Giant Oak (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam NORTHSIDE STAR (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingTemple Street (USA) (f. by Street Cry (IRE)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; dam of winners. CON TE PARTIRO (USA), won Coolmore Legacy Queen of the Turf Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, Coolmore Classic, Rosehill, Gr.1, Coolmore Dark Jewel Classic, Scone, Gr.3 and Sandringham Handicap, Ascot, L. DONWORTH (USA), won Stanton Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in TVG San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2 and third in Charles Town Classic Stakes, Charles Town, Gr.2 and San Antonio Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 4th Dam NORTH COLONY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingINFORMATIVE STYLE (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LI'L TOOTSIE (USA), won Groupie Doll Stakes, Ellis Park, L., Anchorage Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs, third in Prioress Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Winning Colors Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. WATCH THIS CAT (USA), won Las Cienegas Stakes, Santa Anita, L. STYLISH CITIZEN (USA), won Charlie Barley Stakes, Woodbine, L. MY WISH LIST (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SHE'S FIRE (USA), won Fitz Dixon, Jr. Memorial Juvenile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs. The next dam NORTHERN METEOR (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including California Oaks, Golden Gate, placed fourth in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingA PHENOMENON (USA) (c. by Tentam (USA)), won 6 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Vosburgh Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1. SEATTLE METEOR (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Astoria Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. METEOR MIRACLE (USA) (f. by Twining (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Sweetheart Stakes, Delta Downs, placed second in Ellis Park Breeders' Cup Handicap, Ellis Park, L.; dam of winners. METEORE (USA), won La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2. Meteor Stage (USA) (f. by Stage Door Johnny (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PLEASANT STAGE (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1991, won Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1.




Owner: Faisal Faris R Alsubiei Candy Ride (ARG)

MILAD (USA) May 7th, 2022 A Bay Filly

Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA) Fevered Kiss (USA) (2010)

Smart Strike (CAN) Raging Fever (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Storm Cat (USA) Pennant Fever (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam FEVERED KISS (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMIAMI MUMBLES (USA) (2016 c. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £100,101 and placed 10 times. EXCESSIVE FORCE (USA) (2017 c. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years abroad. LIPLOCK (USA) (2020 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in Canada and £26,221. TIK TOKABLE (USA) (2019 c. by Union Rags (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £13,033 and placed twice. (2021 c. by Unified (USA)). 2nd Dam RAGING FEVER (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £941,594 including Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 (twice), First Lady Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Garland of Roses Handicap, Aqueduct, L., Astoria Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Ballerina Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1; Own sister to STORMIN FEVER (USA) and ROARING FEVER (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingRaging Town (USA) (f. by Jersey Town (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £64,155 and placed second in Flashy Lady Stakes, Remington Park; dam of a winner. Fourfiftyfour (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada and placed third in Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, R. 3rd Dam Pennant Fever (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSTORMIN FEVER (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Sport Page Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), Philip H Iselin Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2; sire. ROARING FEVER (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Alysheba Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Cowdin Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; sire. The next dam Letty's Pennant (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Peach Blossom Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingR ASSOCIATE (USA) (g. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Lieutenant Governor's Cup Handicap, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Budweiser Emerald Handicap, Emerald Downs, L., Lord Juban Stakes, Calder. Hollywood Heidi (USA) (f. by Blushing John (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Drink a Toast (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Cherokee River Stables Turf Classic Stks, Tampa Bay Downs, L. and Flying Pidgeon Handicap, Calder, L. SISTER NICOLLE (USA), winner in Chile; dam of NOBLE GUERRERO (CHI), won P. General Jose Miguel Carrera Verdugo, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3, Premio Comparacion, Hipodromo Chile, L. (twice), placed second in Gran Premio Visa Hipodromo Chile, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.1; sire. Pennant Winner (USA) (f. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SECRET LIAISON (USA), won Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Sacramento Handicap, Golden Gate, second in A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of Souper Knight (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in City of Laurel Stakes, Laurel and third in General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah Alsaeed Sons Distorted Humor (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 9th, 2022

Semper Fortis (USA) Rebridled Dreams (USA) Horticulture (USA) (2005)

Forest Wildcat (USA) Substance (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Key Cents (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Victoria Beauty (USA) Diesis Miss Manon (FR)

SEMPER FORTIS (USA), 2013. Won 2 races and second in Los Alamitos Derby Stakes, Gr.2, Zia Park Derby, L., Shared Belief Stakes, L. and third in Curribot Handicap. Sire of DECEMBER (KSA), ROLAN (KSA), NOOR ALENAYA (KSA), TAJ ALENAYA (KSA), NOWH (KSA). 1st Dam HORTICULTURE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,408 and placed once; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMONOOTEE (KSA) (2014 f. by Tizway (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £68,926 and placed 6 times. NAOMI (USA) (2012 f. by Ecclesiastic (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £74,585 and placed 11 times; dam of a winner. STORM CELL (USA) (2013 f. by Haynesfield (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £86,010 and placed 5 times. POMELIA (USA) (2010 f. by Purge (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A., placed 3 times. MOSTAWHEE (KSA) (2018 c. by Rule of Life (GB)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. YOSREYAH (KSA) (2017 f. by E H Indy (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Da'aweyah (KSA) (2020 f. by Assez Clair (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam SUBSTANCE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingDEMONSTRATE (USA) (c. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years and £80,910 including Leisure Stakes, Windsor, L. 3rd Dam Miss Manon (FR), won 3 races in France and placed fourth in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLYDIAN (FR) (c. by Lyphard (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France, in Italy and in West Germany including Grosser Preis von Berlin, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1, Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. BALLINDERRY (f. by Irish River (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years including Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed third in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of winners. SANGLAMORE (USA), Champion older horse in England in 1991, won Prix d'Ispahan, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Dante Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1; sire. Danilova (USA), unraced; dam of SILK AND SCARLET (GB), 2 races at 2 years viz Debutante Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Silver Flash Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; grandam of MASTER OF HOUNDS (USA), won Emirates Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1 and International Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, Gr.2; sire, SECOND STEP (IRE), 8 races including Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.1, EISHIN APOLLON (USA), won Mile Championship, Kyoto, Gr.1; sire, MINORETTE (USA), won Belmont Oaks Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. MOT D'OR (FR) (c. by Rheingold), won 2 races in France including Prix Hocquart, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, third in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. SHARPMAN (c. by Sharpen Up), won 3 races in France including Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix des Yearlings, Deauville, L., placed second in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Lupin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1; sire. MISS SUMMER (f. by Luthier), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Saint Cyr, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. MOST PRECIOUS (USA), won Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix de la Salamandre, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of MATIARA (USA), won Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Ramona Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, MARATHON (USA), won Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3; sire, PYRUS (USA), won Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2; sire; grandam of UNFORGOTTEN (AUS), won James Boag's Premium Australian Oaks, Randwick, Gr.1; third dam of INDONESIENNE (IRE), 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1.




Owner: Khalid Miteb Bin Amira City Zip (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (USA) April 18th, 2022

Collected (USA) Helena Bay (GB) Tiger Silk (AUS) (2015)

All American (AUS) Star Pupil (AUS)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Johannesburg (USA) Josette (IRE) Red Ransom (USA) Milva (USA) Starcraft (NZ) Ain't Seen Nothin' (AUS)

COLLECTED (USA), 2013. Won 8 races, TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Gr.1, Californian Stakes, Gr.2, Precisionist Stakes, Gr.3, Lexington Stakes, Gr.3, Sham Stakes, Gr.3, etc. Sire of CONCLUDE (USA), (Gr.2), KALIK (CAN), (Gr.2), TAXED (USA), (Gr.2), FREEDOM TRAIL (USA), (L.), NORTHERN INVADER (CAN), (S), TRANCHE (USA), (S), COLLECTORATE (USA), RESTRICT (USA), GEM COLLECTION (USA), LOVE RHAPSODY (USA), LADY SHYLOCK (USA), COLLECTANEA (USA), COLLECT REDEMPTION (USA) etc. 1st Dam Tiger Silk (AUS), won 3 races in New Zealand and placed twice including third in Mufhasa Fasttrack Stakes, Ellerslie, L.; dam of 1 foal of racing ageDashingly (USA) (2021 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 colt by Twirling Candy (USA). 2nd Dam STAR PUPIL (AUS), won 1 race in Australia; Own sister to AIN'TNOFALLENSTAR (AUS); dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingSTRONGER (AUS) (c. by Not A Single Doubt (AUS)), won 6 races in Australia and in Hong Kong including The Centenary Sprint Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Ken Russell Mem. Classic, Gold Coast, Gr.3, second in The Sprint Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.2, The Sha Tin Vase Handicap, Sha Tin, Gr.3, Bauhinia Sprint Trophy Handicap, Sha Tin, Gr.3, third in The Premier Bowl Handicap, Sha Tin, Gr.2, Bowermans Pago Pago Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3. 3rd Dam AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' (AUS), won 8 races in Australia including National Sprint Handicap, Canberra, L., Let's Elope Stakes, Flemington, L., Keith F Nolan Classic, Kembla Grange, L., placed second in Matriarch Stakes, Flemington, Gr.3 and third in Underwood Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1 and Queen of the Turf Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingBACHMAN (AUS) (c. by All American (AUS)), won 4 races in Australia including T L Baillieu Handicap, Rosehill, Gr.3, Goldmarket Handicap, Gold Coast, L., second in Queensland Guineas, Doomben, Gr.2, third in Maurice McCarten Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3. STEPITUP (AUS) (g. by Hussonet (USA)), won 15 races in Singapore including Raffles Cup, Kranji, L., Kranji Mile, Kranji, L., Chairman's Trophy, Kranji, L., Yew Tree Classic Stakes, Kranji, L., Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Kranji, L., Fortune Bowl, Kranji, L. AIN'TNOFALLENSTAR (AUS) (f. by Starcraft (NZ)), won 4 races in Australia including Darley Laelia Stakes, Morphettville, L., H C Nitschke Stakes, Morphettville, L., placed second in Schweppes Adelaide Guineas, Morphettville, L.; dam of winners. AIN'TNODEELDUN (AUS), won Batman Trophy, Flemington, L. 4th Dam ICECAPADE (AUS), won 3 races in Australia; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingAIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' (AUS) (f. by Nothin' Leica Dane (AUS)), see above. UNDERCOVER (AUS) (f. by Covetous (AUS)), won 3 races in Australia; dam of winners. Wedgie (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Carlton Draught Keith F Nolan Classic, Kembla Grange, Gr.3. GIBRALTAR MOON (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of Star Genius (AUS), winner in Singapore and abroad, second in Penang Sprint Trophy, Penang, L. American Genius (AUS), winner in Australia, third in Maribyrnong Trial Stakes, Flemington, L. The next dam POLAR MAID (NZ), ran in Australia; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingPatou (AUS) (f. by Covetous (AUS)), won 8 races in Australia and placed second in Angst Quality Handicap, Randwick, L.; dam of winners. POLAR SUCCESS (AUS), won Golden Slipper Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1; dam of LILLEMOR (AUS), won Gai Waterhouse Classic, Ipswich, L. Eau de Joie (AUS), winner in Australia, second in City of Adelaide Handicap, Morphettville, L.; dam of SAMBRO (AUS), won Queensland Guineas, Doomben, Gr.2 and Blacktown Workers Hawkesbury Guineas, Hawkesbury, Gr.3. Arctic Success (AUS), ran once in Australia; dam of ROOTS (AUS), won Emancipation Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, placed second in Tattersall's Tiara, Eagle Farm, Gr.1.




Scat Daddy (USA) EZZ AL RAFIQ (USA) May 26th, 2022 A Colt


Owner: Al Nahda Stable

Caravaggio (USA) Mekko Hokte (USA) Beyond Our Reach (IRE) (2006)

Danehill Dancer (IRE) Bluebell Wood (IRE)

Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Aerosilver (USA) Danehill (USA) Mira Adonde (USA) Bluebird (USA) Jungle Jezebel

CARAVAGGIO (USA), 2014. 3rd top rated 2yr old colt in Ireland in 2016. Top rated 3yr old sprinter in Ireland in 2017. Won 7 races, Commonwealth Cup, Gr.1, Phoenix Stakes, Gr.1, Flying Five Stakes, Gr.2, Coventry Stakes, Gr.2, Lacken Stakes, Gr.3, etc. Sire of PORTA FORTUNA (IRE), (Gr.1), WHITEBEAM (GB), (Gr.1), TENEBRISM (USA), (Gr.1), MALJOOM (IRE), (Gr.2), AGARTHA (IRE), (Gr.2), MALTESE FALCON (IRE), (Gr.3), TIBER FLOW (IRE), (Gr.3), AGURI (JPN), (Gr.3), VIAREGGIO (IRE), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam Beyond Our Reach (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A., £34,223 including third in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingNASAIYM (USA) (2017 f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, placed twice. POWER MODE (USA) (2021 c. by Speightstown (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 and £12,453, also fourth in Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3. Nafas (USA) (2020 f. by Cairo Prince (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.A.E. She also has a 2023 filly by Vekoma (USA). 2nd Dam BLUEBELL WOOD (IRE), won 3 races at 3 years and £15,868 and placed 7 times; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing ageBeyond Our Reach (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), see above. Blue Siam (GER) (f. by Excellent Art (GB)), ran in Germany at 2 years; dam of winners. Blue Dream (GER), 2 races at 3 years in Germany and £17,691 and placed 7 times including second in Grosser Metallbau Burckhardt Stuten Preis, Hannover, L., Hannoverscher Stutenpreis, Hannover, L. and third in Grosser Sommerpreis, Dresden, L., Leipzig Cup, Leipzig, L. and Brummerhof-Cup, Hannover, L. 3rd Dam Jungle Jezebel, won 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, L.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLady Lindsay (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L., Conqueror Stakes, Goodwood, L. and third in Criterion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. 4th Dam DONNA SABINA, unraced; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingJungle Jezebel (f. by Thatching), see above. The next dam LADY CAPULET (USA), won 1 race at 3 years viz Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, placed second in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and third in Pretty Polly Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; Own sister to SIR WIMBORNE (USA); dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingEL PRADO (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), Jt Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 1991, won 4 races including National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, second in Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; champion sire. ENTITLED (c. by Mill Reef (USA)), Champion 3yr old in Ireland in 1987, won 2 races including Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, second in Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr.1; sire. Portrait Gallery (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 3 races and placed second in Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Saval Beg Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; sire. All Ashore (f. by Nureyev (USA)), ran twice at 2 years; dam of winners. ALMANTE (IRE), won Stewards' Cup, Sha Tin, L. and Sha Tin Trophy, Sha Tin, L. September Tide (IRE), placed twice at 3 years; dam of Gallery Girl (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 4 years and placed second in Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3 and Bosra Sham Fillies' Stakes, Newmarket, L.; grandam of Puerto Princesa (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in Italy and placed second in Premio Citta' Di Napoli, Naples, L. Gedy All (USA), unraced; dam of Tipetto Ganzo (ITY), 9 races in Italy and placed second in Premio Principe Amedeo, Turin, L. Valnerina (IRE) (f. by Caerleon (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MISS SERENA (GB), 2 races at 3 years; dam of Olympic Farm (BRZ), winner in Brazil, placed third in G. P. Presidente Hernani Azevedo Silva, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2.




Owner: Nayef Abdulrahman A. Al-Saeed Eskendereya (USA)

CITOLE (USA) March 29th, 2022 A Black Colt (first foal)

Mitole (USA) Indian Miss (USA) Messina (USA) (2017)

War Front (USA) Pine Needles (USA)


Giant's Causeway (USA) Aldebaran Light (USA) Indian Charlie (USA) Glacken's Gal (USA) Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Meridiana (GER)

MITOLE (USA), 2015. Won 10 races, Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1, Encore Bistro Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Runhappy Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, twinspires.com Churchill Downs Stakes, Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Gr.3, etc. Sire of V V'S DREAM (USA), (Gr.3), ICE COLD (USA), (S), Stormcast (CAN), (L.), BLACK HOLE (USA), AIR CAV (USA). 1st Dam MESSINA (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 3 years. 2nd Dam Pine Needles (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £87,792 and placed second in Little Silver Stakes, Monmouth Park, Memories of Silver Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Boiling Springs Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Wonder Again Stakes, Belmont Park; Own sister to Center Divider (USA); dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTULCHAN (USA) (c. by Curlin (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £50,392. She also has a 2022 colt by Into Mischief (USA) and a 2023 colt by Tacticus (USA). 3rd Dam MERIDIANA (GER), won 7 races in Germany, in Italy and in U.S.A. including Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1, Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L., Kolner Fruhjahrs Stuten Preis, Cologne, L., placed third in Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; Own sister to Margarita (GER); dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSORPRENDENTE (USA) (c. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years abroad viz Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron, Camarero Race Track, L. CHAMOIS (USA) (c. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Duluth Stakes, Aqueduct, Stanton Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Danger's Hour Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Hill Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. INFINITE WISDOM (USA) (g. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including John's Call Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Laurel Turf Cup Stakes, Laurel, L. Center Divider (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. 4th Dam Monbijou (GER), won 2 races at 3 years in Germany and placed third in Munchener Auktionsrennen, Munich, L. and G.P. Spielbank Hohensyburg Auktionsrenn., Dortmund, L.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingMONAMI (GER) (f. by Sholokhov (IRE)), Champion 2yr old filly in Germany in 2011, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany including Diana Trial Rennen mit Super-Dreierwette, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.2, Preis der Winterkonigin Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, placed third in Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1; dam of winners. MISS YODA (GER), 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Germany including Preis de Diana - German Oaks, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, Lingfield Oaks Trial Stakes, Lingfield, L. Margarita (GER) (f. by Lomitas (GB)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Germany and placed third in Hanshin-Cup, Hamburg, L.; dam of winners. MEMPHIS (GER), won Hoppegartener Steher-Preis, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L., second in Oleander Rennen, BerlinHoppegarten, Gr.2, Premio Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2. MA COEUR (FR) (f. by Sholokhov (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. Mystic Sunshine (GER), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix de Lutèce, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L. Monclaire (GER) (f. by Sholokhov (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. Gis A Sub (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, placed second in Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2. The next dam MEERDUNUNG (EG), won 2 races at 3 years abroad; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMAITRE LEVY (GER) (g. by Monsun (GER)), won 3 races in Germany including Abu Dhabi Cup, Baden-Baden, L., Stall Lowenherz-Grosser 3yo Herbstpreis, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L., second in Buchmacher Kottkamp Silbernes Band Ruhr, Mulheim, L. MONTSERRAT (GER) (f. by Zilzal (USA)), won 4 races in Germany; dam of winners. MOUETTE (GER), 1 race at 3 years in Germany; dam of MEERGORL (GER), 2 races at 3 years in Germany including Diana Trial, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.2.




Owner: Abdulaziz Ahmed Alyahya Into Mischief (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) February 8th, 2022 (first foal)

Goldencents (USA) Golden Works (CAN) Solo Artist (USA) (2016)

Lemon Drop Kid (USA) Traveling Alone (USA)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Banker's Gold (USA) Body Works (CAN) Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Tempo (USA)

GOLDENCENTS (USA), 2010. Won 7 races, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.2, Sham Stakes, Gr.3 and Delta Downs Jackpot Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GOING TO VEGAS (USA), (Gr.1), PHANTOM CURRENCY (USA), (Gr.2), BY MY STANDARDS (USA), (Gr.2), THAT'S RIGHT (USA), (Gr.3), WILDMAN JACK (USA), (Gr.3), MR MONEY (USA), (Gr.3), DR G (USA), (L.), LATOUR CENT (CHI), (L.), NOCENTSINKENTUCKY (USA), (L.), NEWSTOME (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SOLO ARTIST (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years. She also has a 2023 colt by Caravaggio (USA). 2nd Dam TRAVELING ALONE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,895; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFIRSTCLASSTRAVELER (USA) (g. by Consolidator (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £37,804. SEATTLE TEMPO (USA) (c. by Friends Lake (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years abroad. LOOKOUT SISTER (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £52,047; dam of winners. SISTER MIMI (USA) (f. by Henny Hughes (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam TEMPO (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingUNION RAGS (USA) (c. by Dixie Union (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Three Chimneys Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed second in Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and third in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. Geefour (USA) (g. by Dixie Union (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Le Grande Pos Handicap, Parx Racing, L. TEMPO WEST (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DECLARATION OF WAR (USA), Jt Champion older horse in Europe in 2013 (9.5-10.5f.), Jt Champion older horse in Ireland in 2013, won Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Diamond Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3, placed second in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1 and third in QIPCO Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. WAR CORRESPONDENT (USA), won Miami Mile Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Appleton Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, second in Autumn Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and third in Gulfstream Park Turf H’cap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 (twice); sire. VERTIFORMER (USA), won Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, L., placed second in Pan American Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and third in W L McKnight Handicap, Calder, Gr.2 and John B Connally Turf Cup Stakes, Sam Houston, Gr.3; sire. War Pact (USA), 2 races in France, second in Prix de Suresnes, Maisons-Laffitte, L. BRIDES FOLLY (USA), winner in France; dam of Anantara (IND), winner abroad and placed third in The Bangalore 1000 Guineas, Bangalore, L.R. The next dam TERPSICHORIST (USA), won 11 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Violet Handicap, Meadowlands, Athenia Handicap, Belmont Park, Rutgers Handicap, Meadowlands, placed third in Diana Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; Own sister to GORYTUS (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMARRY ME DO (USA) (g. by Blushing Groom (FR)), won 19 races in U.S.A. including Hoover Handicap, Laurel, L., Chieftain H’cap, Laurel, L., Bowie Stakes, Laurel, Chase Me Stakes, Laurel, third in Budweiser Maryland Breeders' Cup Hcp., Pimlico, Gr.3. Dancing Devlette (USA) (f. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in New York Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. SATANS QUICK CHICK (USA), won Lexus Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed third in Beldame Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Lady's Secret Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. PRATELLA (USA), won Cardinal Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. SATAN'S CODE (USA), won Goshen Farm Punch Line Stakes, Colonial Downs, R.




Owner: Dr. Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani A P Indy (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 22nd, 2022 (first foal)

Worldly (USA) Urbane (USA) Siba Al Aez (KSA) (2016)

Premium Tap (USA) Raseemah (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Pleasant Tap (USA) Premium Red (USA) Dynever (USA) Luna Piena (USA)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam SIBA AL AEZ (KSA), placed 2 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 4 and 5 years. 2nd Dam RASEEMAH (KSA), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBLAQAH (KSA) (f. by Take Turns (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £67,133; dam of 2 winners ; TAYBAH FAIL (KSA), winner 3 tmes 2023 in Kingdom of Saudia Arabia including Taif Cup HARSS (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOHADD (KSA) (c. by Pluto (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £58,491. HAY HA ALSHOOF (KSA) (f. by Seeking A Home (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,414. LILAELEM (KSA) (c. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £25,442 and placed twice, all his starts. 3rd Dam LUNA PIENA (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMOWAFIQAT KHEIR (KSA) (f. by Wiorno (GB)), won 15 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. ALMOSHTMEL (KSA) (c. by Freequent (GB)), won 4 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. EZDAD (KSA) (c. by Delius (USA)), won 3 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam KNIGHTLY JET (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingWild Forest (USA) (c. by Green Forest (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Miami Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, Gr.3 and third in Calder Handicap, Calder, L. Dawandeh (USA) (f. by My Gallant (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of winners. The next dam MISS JET HOLME (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; Own sister to GETAJETHOLME (USA) and JET'S KINGDOM; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingHIGH POINT LADY (CAN) (f. by Knightly Dawn (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Capriola (USA), unraced; dam of SABANA PERDIDA (IRE), 10 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in Italy including Windsor Forest Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Chartwell Fillies Stakes, Lingfield, Gr.3, Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L., Premio Seregno, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Coolmore, Milan, L. and third in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Windsor Forest Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Premio Regina Elena-Emirates Airline -1000Gns, Rome, Gr.2 and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L., Salumee (IRE), 14 races in Italy and placed second in Premio Toscana, Florence, L., Criterium Varesino Mem. Virginio Curti, Varese, L., Duerin (SPA), winner in France and abroad and placed third in Premio Derby Espanol, Lasarte, L., Alta Sociedad (SPA), winner abroad and placed third in Premio Ricardo Ruiz-Benitez de Lugo, Zarzuela, L.; grandam of Caribbean Gold (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Shion Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.3, Rakuyo Stakes, Kyoto, L., Sweetpea Stakes, Tokyo, L.R. and third in Hokkaido Shimbun Hai Queen Stakes, Sapporo, Gr.3; third dam of DERMA LOUVRE (JPN), won Nagoya Grand Prix, Nagoya, L.R., Hyogo Junior Grand Prix, Sonoda, L.R., placed second in The Leopard Stakes, Niigata, Gr.3, Saga Kinen, Saga, L.R. and Japan Dirt Derby, Ohi, L.R.


50 BOX

Owner: Mohammed Fawaz Sttaam Alfanadeel Flower Alley (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 29th, 2022

Federali (KSA) Jubilous Millie (USA) Easamiyah (KSA) (2015)

Judge (USA) Jawharat Alkhaleej (KSA)


Distorted Humor (USA) Princess Olivia (USA) Salute The Sarge (USA) Jin Mill (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Autumn Leaf (USA) Mengaab (USA) Four Gloves (USA)

FEDERALI (KSA), 2015. Won 7 races. Sire of IBN ALAREEN (KSA). 1st Dam EASAMIYAH (KSA), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Lataam (USA)). 2nd Dam JAWHARAT ALKHALEEJ (KSA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,301; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age includingEasamiyah (KSA) (f. by Judge (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam FOUR GLOVES (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSWEEPING MOTION (USA) (g. by End Sweep (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam MORE GLOVES (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSaverton (USA) (c. by Dike (USA)), won 20 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3. Bear Creek Dam (USA) (c. by Dike (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and fourth in Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2. Over The Dam (USA) (f. by Dike (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Wayward Lass Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and Lassie Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs; dam of winners. BUCKSKIN GLOVES (USA) (f. by Buckaroo (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Chocolate Crunch (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park, L. Lord Bates (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Suave Prospect Handicap, Calder and Survivor Stakes, Pimlico, R. Fancy Gloves (USA) (f. by Creme Dela Creme), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Fancy Friend (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Florida Breeders Sales Company Futurity, Tampa Bay Downs, R. The next dam RUSHMORE MISS (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of thirteen winners from 16 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingHOLME ON TOP (USA) (c. by Noholme II), won 7 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Primer Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.1; sire. One Son (USA) (c. by Solo Landing), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Hutcheson Handicap, Gulfstream Park. Mon Vitesse (USA) (c. by Vitriolic (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Don Leon Stakes, Hawthorne. Rushawk (USA) (c. by Groshawk (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (Dr Fager), Calder, L. MORE HILARIOUS (USA) (f. by Fast Hilarious (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of TOURNADOES (USA), won Little Lion Stakes, Meadowlands. GEORGIA MORE (USA) (f. by George Lewis (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MOUNT GEORGE (USA), won Alydar Stakes, Rockingham Park and Blues Alley Stakes, Rockingham Park. Chattahoochee (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of CHATTA CODE (USA), won Sham Say Stakes, Pimlico; grandam of DESERT CODE (USA), won Daytona Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Affirmed Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and Baldwin Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; sire, FOREST CODE (USA), won Giant's Causeway Stakes, Keeneland, L.; third dam of DISCREET LOVER (USA), won Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Excelsior Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulla Rashed Alabdullatif Uncle Mo (USA) Mo Town (USA) Grazie Mille (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) February 27th, 2022 Sister Chelsey (USA) (2006)

Chelsey Cat (USA) Master Print (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Bernardini (USA) Molto Vita (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Chelsey Dancer (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Screened (USA)

MO TOWN (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Hollywood Derby, Gr.1, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2, third in Danger's Hour Stakes. Sire of KEY OF LIFE (USA), (Gr.2), ACCIDENTAL HERO (USA), (Gr.3), MO STASH (USA), (Gr.3), MOLLY'S TOWN (USA), (S), MAZING MARK (USA), (S), Magico Town (CHI), (Gr.2), Por El Mundo (CHI), (L.), Smart Mo (USA), (L.), Itzel (USA), (L.), February (CAN), (S), Cholly (USA), (S), Mo Trump (USA), (S), MISS WINTOWN (USA), ZEFZAF (USA), HIGHWAY HARMONY (USA), KELL'S BELLS (USA) etc. 1st Dam SISTER CHELSEY (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizIncremental (USA) (2012 c. by Flatter (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £90,689 and placed 11 times including third in Jean Lafitte Stakes, Delta Downs, L. DANZ A REBEL (USA) (2016 c. by Revolutionary (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 7 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £87,717 and placed 13 times. COMMANDER'S INTENT (USA) (2017 c. by Strong Mandate (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £24,672 and placed 8 times. MIDNIGHT TAKE (USA) (2019 f. by Upstart (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada. Sister Time (USA) (2020 f. by Not This Time (USA)), unraced, died at 3 years. 2nd Dam Master Print (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £50,469 and placed third in Morris County Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSKIP THE PRINT (USA) (f. by Skip Trial (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £133,531 including Late Bloomer Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Sweet & Sassy Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Skipat Stakes, Pimlico and third in Stormy Blues Breeders' Cup Handicap, Pimlico, L.; dam of a winner. MIA CAT DANCER (USA) (f. by Tactical Cat (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in Canada and £53,808 including Lilac Handicap, Stampede Park, placed second in Ken Pearson Memorial Handicap, Stampede Park and third in Penny Ridge Stakes, Stampede Park, L. and Freedom of the City Stakes, Northlands Park; dam of winners. WOULDNT IT BE NICE (AUS), won Concorde Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3, Powhf Tommy Raudonikis Oam June Stakes, Randwick, L., placed second in Canterbury Classic, Canterbury, L. and third in Premiere Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, Strathayr Cameron Handicap, Newcastle, Gr.3 and Winter Stakes, Rosehill, L. 3rd Dam SCREENED (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingFARMONTHEFREEWAY (USA) (c. by Talc (USA)), won 17 races in U.S.A. including Best Turn Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Newitt Clinton Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Who Doctor Who Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed third in Withers Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. SCARLET RAGE (USA) (c. by Scarlet Ibis (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Mike Lee Handicap, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Screen King Stakes, Saratoga, L. WARDROBE TEST (USA) (c. by Over Arranged (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Kingland Handicap, Meadowlands, second in Bergen County Stakes, Meadowlands; sire. PERFECTLY STUNNING (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MATCHLESS ORINDA (USA), won What a Summer Stakes, Belmont Park, second in Sabin Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, third in Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2. The next dam VOICE OVER (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTRAVELLING MUSIC (USA) (c. by Spring Double), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, second in Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park; sire. LOGO (USA) (f. by P R Man (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MISTIC (PER), won Clasico Ricardo Ortiz de Zevallos, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1, placed second in Clasico Derby Nacional, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1. WHY BE NORMAL (USA), won Princess Rooney Stakes, Meadowlands, placed third in Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2. CASSETTE (USA) (f. by Over Arranged (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AUDIO CASSETTE (USA), won Albany Handicap, Saratoga, L.R.




Owner: Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Hamad Kitten's Joy (USA) Bobby's Kitten (USA) Celestial Woods (USA)

A BAY COLT (GB) April 3rd, 2022 Heading North (GB) (2010)

Teofilo (IRE) Round The Cape (GB)


El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Forestry (USA) Celestial Bliss (USA) Galileo (IRE) Speirbhean (IRE) Cape Cross (IRE) Rock The Boat (GB)

Own brother to SILVESTRIS (GB) E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. BOBBY'S KITTEN (USA), 2011. Won 6 races, Breeders' Cup Turf Sprint, Gr.1, Pilgrim Stakes, Gr.3, Cork Stakes, L., Penn Mile Stakes, second in Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SANDRINE (GB), (Gr.2), Monaasib (GB), (Gr.2), Kitty Kitana (GB), (Gr.3), Pallapannocchiesch (IRE), (L.), Fighting King (GB), (L.), BEAUTIFUL EYES (GB), ALDABRA (GB), KATS BOB (GB), CECIL STREET LAD (AUS), DERON KIT (GB), BOBBY ON THE BEAT (IRE), NEW ELA (GB), EL PRADOS'S JOY (GB) etc. 1st Dam Heading North (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and £19,927 and placed 7 times including second in Height of Fashion Stakes, Goodwood, L.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizEFTIRAATH (GB) (2015 c. by Poet's Voice (GB)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £57,166 and placed 12 times, also fourth in Dansk Polkallob, Copenhagen, L. SILVESTRIS (GB) (2018 g. by Bobby's Kitten (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years, 2022 at home and abroad, £20,684 and placed 10 times. SHORTER SKIRT (GB) (2016 f. by Showcasing (GB)), won 2 races at 3 years and £18,589 and placed 4 times. Melanies Joy (GB) (2021 g. by Time Test (GB)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 colt by Time Test (GB). 2nd Dam ROUND THE CAPE (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingHeading North (GB) (f. by Teofilo (IRE)), see above. 3rd Dam ROCK THE BOAT (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 living foals of racing age includingHEAVENLY WHISPER (IRE) (f. by Halling (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Masaka Stakes, Kempton, L., placed second in Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and third in Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3; dam of winners. GIPSY MOTH (GB) (f. by Efisio), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Germany including Kolner Flieger Preis, Cologne, L.; dam of winners. ILLUSTRIOUS BLUE (GB), won Goodwood Cup, Goodwood, Gr.2, Glorious Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Sagaro Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Festival Stakes, Goodwood, L.; sire. MULLEIN (GB), 5 races at 3 and 4 years including Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L., placed third in Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of TARBOOSH (GB), 12 races at 3 to 7 years including Scarbrough Stakes, Doncaster, L., TIPPY TOES (GB), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Chelmer Stakes, Chelmsford City, L. The next dam RIMOSA'S PET, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3, Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3, placed third in Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingROCK CITY (c. by Ballad Rock), won 7 races at 2 and 3 years including Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, Criterion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed second in St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. KERRERA (f. by Diesis), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Sandy Lane Stakes, Haydock, L., placed second in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2; dam of winners. FIRTH OF LORNE (IRE), 3 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L., second in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of MASTER OF THE SEAS (IRE), 7 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 at home, in Canada and in U.A.E. including Ricoh Woodbine Mile Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Summer Mile, Ascot, Gr.2, Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Zabeel Mile, Meydan, Gr.2, placed second in 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; grandam of CASCADIAN (GB), 11 races to 2022/23 in Australia and in France including Australian Cup, Flemington, Gr.1, Doncaster Mile Handicap, Randwick, Gr.1.




Owner: Farees Robaah Aldahasai Speightstown (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 11th, 2022

Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN) Wish Keeper (USA) (2009)

Hard Spun (USA) Wacky Patty (USA)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Danzig (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA) Formal Dinner (USA) As a Day in June (USA)

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S). 1st Dam WISH KEEPER (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £34,070 and placed 9 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMACUCO’S CHOICE (USA) (2018 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in Puerto Rico. BIN RAMTHAN (KSA) (2019 c. by Constitution (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £37,715 and placed twice. BLANCA J (USA) (2017 f. by Danza (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Puerto Rico. Lae Oyounak (KSA) (2021 f. by Power Broker (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam WACKY PATTY (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £183,588 including Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Chargedupsycamore Stakes, Delta Downs, L., Nursery Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., Lakeway Stakes, Retama Park, Genesis Stakes, Delta Downs, placed second in Ocala Stud Oaks Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.R. and New Braunfels Stakes, Retama Park; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMAGIC HOLIDAY (USA) (c. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £47,305. WACKY INDIAN (USA) (c. by Indian Charlie (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £41,157. SELFLESS (USA) (c. by Forestry (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £22,036. CHAMPIONS DINNER (USA) (c. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,212. Wags Empire (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. WEST SIDE GIRL (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam AS A DAY IN JUNE (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingWACKY PATTY (USA) (f. by Formal Dinner (USA)), see above. VIVA LA KID (USA) (c. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. SINISTER SISTER (USA) (f. by Formal Dinner (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Sinister Tale (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Three Ring Stakes, Calder. CUTE N SASSY (USA) (f. by Consolidator (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. 4th Dam WHATSORAIRE (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTHREE PEAT (USA) (c. by Magesterial (USA)), won 6 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Riva Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Pat O'Brien Breeders' Cup Stakes, Del Mar, L. and Bolsa Chica Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Whatsaname (AUS) (f. by Ascot Knight (CAN)), placed 3 times in Australia; dam of winners. Emvoss (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Carlton Mid Bernborough Handicap, Doomben, L. Raire Hope (USA) (f. by Marfa (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Raire Standard (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Laurel Futurity, Laurel, Gr.3, HBPA City of Ranson Handicap, Charles Town, L. (twice), Sir Barton Stakes, Pimlico, L. and third in Horatius Stakes, Laurel, L., Frugal Doc Maryland Million Stakes, Laurel and Bobby Hale Stakes, Timonium. Poppy's Image (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Princeton Stakes, Meadowlands and third in Restoration Stakes, Monmouth Park.




Owner: Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel Into Mischief (USA)

CAPTAIN WABEL (USA) February 28th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Honest Mischief (USA) Honest Lady (USA) Love To Gamble (USA) (2004)

Brahms (USA) Pettit (USA)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Toussaud (USA) Danzig (USA) Queena (USA) A P Indy (USA) Undeniably (USA)

HONEST MISCHIEF (USA), 2016. Won 4 races, Force the Pass City of Laurel Stakes, L., second in Aristides Stakes, L. and third in Amsterdam Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam LOVE TO GAMBLE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizLove to Score (USA) (2010 f. by Even the Score (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £58,626 and placed 8 times including second in Crystal Rail Stakes, Calder and third in Cellars Shiraz Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of 2 winners. Quality Bet (USA) (2019 f. by Klimt (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £41,193 and placed 6 times including third in Tah Dah Stakes, Belterra Park, R. THE BIG GAMBLER (USA) (2014 c. by Even the Score (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £49,681 and placed 8 times. GAMBLER’S LEAP (USA) (2016 g. by Can The Man (USA)), won 1 race in Puerto Rico. Bet The Palace (USA) (2021 c. by Palace Malice (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam PETTIT (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingI'm So Lucky (USA) (c. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £175,579 and placed third in Netjets King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Perryville Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and J K Self Shelby County Boy/Girls Stakes, Indiana Downs, L. Meetmeinthemiddle (USA) (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LASCIATI ANDARE (VEN), won Clasico General Joaquin Crespo, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Andres Bello, La Rinconada, L., placed second in Clasico Cruz del Avila, La Rinconada, L., Copa Ramon Alfredo Dominguez, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Ciudad de Caracas, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Edgar Ganteaume, La Rinconada, L., Copa Julian Abdala, La Rinconada, L. TEQUILA (VEN), Champion 2yr old filly in Venezuela in 2022, won Clasico Andres Bello, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Ciudad de Caracas, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Edgar Ganteaume, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Lanzarina, La Rinconada, L., placed second in Clasico Prensa Hipica Nacional, La Rinconada, L. 3rd Dam UNDENIABLY (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCONCERTO (USA) (c. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Jim Beam Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2, Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Federico Tesio Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Brown & Williamson Kentucky J. C. Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Congressional Handicap, Laurel, L., Brandywine Turf Handicap, Delaware Park, L., second in Saratoga Breeders' Cup Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2; sire. SWEET FERVOR (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Shirley Jones Breeders Cup Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, West Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gasparilla Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in First Flight Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. ILLUSIONED (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Carry Back Stakes, Calder, L., placed second in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2. Wondertross (USA) (c. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. Granting (USA) (c. by Cozzene (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Gr.3. The next dam PAST FORGETTING (USA), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 (twice), Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, California Miss Sires Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., La Centinela Stakes, Santa Anita, placed third in Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCODIFIED (USA) (c. by Lear Fan (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Affirmed Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Hollywood Prevue Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and third in Swaps Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire.




Owner: Faisal Faris R Alsubiei Mucho Macho Man (USA) Mucho Gusto (USA) Itsagiantcauseway (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 6th, 2022 Slow Gin (USA) (2012)

Pulpit (USA) Mamselle Nanette (USA)


Macho Uno (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Countervail (USA) A P Indy (USA) Preach (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Targa (USA)

MUCHO GUSTO (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Gr.3, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Gr.3 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SLOW GIN (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizFREE SPEECH (USA) (2016 g. by Street Sense (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 7 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £66,477 and placed 11 times. MAXIMUM IMPACT (USA) (2019 c. by New Year's Day (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £123,109 and placed 7 times. SPEED ZONE (USA) (2018 f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £40,139 and placed 5 times. Lucky Gin (USA) (2020 f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MAMSELLE NANETTE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £28,615; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAspire (USA) (c. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £94,703 and placed second in Three Chimneys Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and third in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. MAMMA SAYS (USA) (f. by Guilt Trip (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £14,458. Bidding War (USA) (f. by Grand Slam (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SOMEBODY (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. BID FOR POWER (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. NOT TO BE DENIED (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam TARGA (USA), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Sixty Sails Handicap, Sportsmans Park, Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's Handicap, Ak-Sar-Ben, Matinee Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., placed third in San Gorgonio Handicap, Santa Anita, Busch Stakes, Fairmount Park, Silver Belles Handicap, Hollywood Park and fourth in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingMAMSELLE BEBETTE (USA) (f. by Copelan (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Las Cienegas Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Monrovia Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Las Flores Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 and third in Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. Patience Pays (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Anna M Fisher Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park, L. Miss Evans (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France and placed second in Prix Charles Laffitte, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Grand Prix de Compiègne, Compiegne, L. and Prix de la Porte de Passy, Chantilly, L.; dam of winners. ILHA GRANDE (USA), won Hillsborough Handicap, Bay Meadows. Si Seductor (USA), winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3, La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. Corsican Sunset (USA), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Premio FIA Breeder's Fund, Varese, L. and third in Premio Memorial Mario Incisa, Milan, Gr.3. Secretamente (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Forty Nine Sunsets Handicap, Calder. Actrice (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A.; dam of GRAN NONO (VEN), won Clasico Jockey Club de Venezuela, La Rinconada, L. Brown Eyed Lass (USA) (f. by Known Fact (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Frances A Genter Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. Songwriter (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; grandam of CHICKIENESS (USA), won Maryland Million Lassie Stakes, Laurel, R. Try Harder (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Try Good (CHI), winner in Chile and placed third in Premio Julio Subercaseaux Browne, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.3. Shivereen (USA), unraced; dam of SHIVAREEN SKY (USA), won Merial California Cup Distaff Starter Hp, Santa Anita, L.




Tapit (USA) RAHEEB WALLAH (USA) May 14th, 2022 A Bay or Brown Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Frosted (USA) Fast Cookie (USA) Gladiola (USA) (2016)

Shackleford (USA) Million Gift (JPN)

Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fleet Lady (USA) Forestry (USA) Oatsee (USA) Sunday Silence (USA) Maplejinsky (USA)

FROSTED (USA), 2012. Won 6 races, Whitney Stakes, Gr.1, Mohegan Sun Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2 and EGA Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Gr.2. Sire of TRAVEL COLUMN (USA), (Gr.2), JASPER KRONE (USA), (Gr.3), INGRATIATING (AUS), (Gr.3), FROST POINT (USA), (Gr.3), ICE DANCING (USA), (Gr.3), FROSTED OVER (USA), (Gr.3), CLOUDY (AUS), (Gr.3), SISTER LOU ANN (USA), (L.R.), LADY FROSTED (USA), (L.). 1st Dam GLADIOLA (USA), ran twice in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizLeola (USA) (2020 c. by Street Boss (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Street Boss (USA)). 2nd Dam MILLION GIFT (JPN), placed once at 3 years in Japan; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMILLION SELLER (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £103,219 including Rosenna Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of winners. INDY'S MILLION (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £40,346; dam of winners. Barsabas (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Cecil B. DeMille Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. Sunday Affair (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. YORKTON (CAN), won Bold Venture Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 (twice); sire. WEYBURN (CAN), won Gotham Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. 3rd Dam MAPLEJINSKY (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, fourth in Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSKY BEAUTY (USA) (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1994, won 15 races in U.S.A. including Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Go For Wand Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. HURRICANE CAT (USA), 2 races at 2 years including Horris Hill Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3; sire. STORMING BEAUTY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of VIOLENCE (USA), won Cashcall Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; sire. Silence Beauty (JPN) (f. by Sunday Silence (USA)), placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. TALE OF EKATI (USA), won Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. TALE OF SILENCE (USA), won Westchester Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Our Country Place (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. PLEASANT HOME (USA), won Breeders' Cup Distaff, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; grandam of GUARANA (USA), won Madison Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. COUNTRY HIDEAWAY (USA), won First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2 (twice), Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Vagrancy Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Ballerina Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1 (twice); dam of BOCA GRANDE (USA), won Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Darley Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and third in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. MATLACHA PASS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of POINT OF ENTRY (USA), won Woodford Reserve Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Inv. Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire, PINE ISLAND (USA), won Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1.




Owner: Alkhlaibisse Stable Uncle Mo (USA)

TAYIB AGULO (USA) March 30th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Mo Town (USA) Grazie Mille (USA) Gwendalyn Sue (USA) (2014)

Forestry (USA) Royal Leah (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Bernardini (USA) Molto Vita (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Shared Interest (USA) Royal Academy (USA) Princess Lea (USA)

MO TOWN (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Hollywood Derby, Gr.1, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2, third in Danger's Hour Stakes. Sire of KEY OF LIFE (USA), (Gr.2), ACCIDENTAL HERO (USA), (Gr.3), MO STASH (USA), (Gr.3), MOLLY'S TOWN (USA), (S), MAZING MARK (USA), (S), Magico Town (CHI), (Gr.2), Por El Mundo (CHI), (L.), Smart Mo (USA), (L.), Itzel (USA), (L.), February (CAN), (S), Cholly (USA), (S), Mo Trump (USA), (S), MISS WINTOWN (USA), ZEFZAF (USA), HIGHWAY HARMONY (USA), KELL'S BELLS (USA) etc. 1st Dam GWENDALYN SUE (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £70,902 and placed 8 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Street Boss (USA)). 2nd Dam ROYAL LEAH (USA), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £103,525 including Lincoln Heritage Handicap, Arlington, L.R., second in Lincoln Heritage Handicap, Arlington, L.R.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSING ONE SONG (USA) (f. by Kitalpha (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £115,856. ONE EM (USA) (f. by Alluvial (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,812. 3rd Dam PRINCESS LEA (USA), unraced; Own sister to STALWARS (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingROYAL LEAH (USA) (f. by Royal Academy (USA)), see above. The next dam JOY RETURNED (USA), won 6 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Queen City Oaks, River Downs, R.; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSTALWARS (USA) (c. by Stalwart (USA)), won 17 races in U.S.A. including National Jockey Club Handicap, Sportsmans Park, Gr.3 (twice), Budweiser Sportsmans Park Breeders' Cup, Sportsmans Park, L., Jack R Johnston Memorial Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L. (twice), Bradbury Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 and Silver Screen Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. JOY OF GLORY (USA) (c. by General Holme (USA)), won 10 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de Montretout, ParisLongchamp, L., Paradise Mile Stakes, Turf Paradise, L., Turf Paradise Handicap, Turf Paradise, placed second in Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr.2, All American Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and third in Tanforan Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3 (twice). General Chanel (USA) (f. by General Holme (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BUCKAROO ZOO (USA), won Las Madrinas Handicap, Fairplex Park, L., Woodside Handicap, Bay Meadows, placed second in Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3 and third in Linda Vista Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of KUDU (USA), won Docent Handicap, Parx Racing, L.R.; grandam of THE LUMBER GUY (USA), won Vosburgh Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Jerome Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Miracle Wood Stakes, Laurel, L.; sire, BOLD DEED (USA), won Packett's Landing Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed third in Westchester Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, MAGICAL SOLUTION (USA), won Niagara Stakes, Finger Lakes, R., POINT FINISH (USA), won Forego Stakes, Turfway Park, Crazy Sweet (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Satin and Lace Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. and third in Presque Isle Downs Masters Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, Gr.2; third dam of EDGEWAY (USA), won Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3 (twice), Las Flores Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint, Del Mar, Gr.1. RIGHT CHANEL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of BREAK EVEN (USA), won Eight Belles Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Coronation Cup Stakes, Saratoga, L., Jersey Girl Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and Purple Martin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Run For The Crown (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; grandam of NO SOX FOX (CAN), won CTHS Sales Stakes (c&g), Hastings Park, R. Nature's Magic (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TOUGH SPEED (USA), won White Rose Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, placed third in Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; sire. ASYOUWISH (USA), won Iowa State Fair Stakes, Prairie Meadows.


58 BOX

Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Exceed And Excel (AUS)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 2nd, 2022 (first foal)

Correspondent (GB) Indian Love Bird (GB) Bint Cojo (KSA) (2014)

Take The Points (USA) Cojo (IRE)


Danehill (USA) Patrona (USA) Efisio Indian Love Song Even the Score (USA) Ginger Ginger (USA) Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Love Excelling (FR)

CORRESPONDENT (GB), 2010. Won 4 races and fourth in Greenham Stakes, Gr.3 and City Plate, L. First crop now 5 year olds. 1st Dam BINT COJO (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years. 2nd Dam COJO (IRE), won 3 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £28,544 and placed 9 times; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingLAE OYOUN HASAN (KSA) (c. by Ron The Greek (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £41,602. 3rd Dam LOVE EXCELLING (FR), ran once at 4 years; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDUNBOYNE EXPRESS (IRE)/DAN EXCEL (IRE) (g. by Shamardal (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 7 years at home, in Hong Kong and in Singapore including Singapore Airlines International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1 (twice), The Champions Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3, placed second in Singapore Airlines International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1 and third in The Champions Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1 (twice). Sissoko (IRE)/Packing Sissoko (IRE) (c. by Australia (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Futurity Trophy Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1. ANGELS STORY (IRE) (f. by Galileo (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. BEAR STORY (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 including Diamond Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3, Diamond Stakes, L., second in Mooresbridge Stakes, Gr.2. The next dam La Sky (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years and placed second in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 13 living foals of racing age includingLOVE DIVINE (GB) (f. by Diesis), won 2 races at 3 years viz Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L., second in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of winners. SIXTIES ICON (GB), Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 2006, 8 races at 3 to 5 years including St Leger Stakes, York, Gr.1, Jockey Club Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Glorious Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; sire. Native Ruler (GB), 1 race and second in Jockey Club Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. Hamelin (IRE), 4 races at 3, 5 and 7 years and placed second in Wild Flower Stakes, Kempton, L. and Floodlit Stakes, Kempton, L. KISSING (GB), 1 race at 3 years; grandam of INTELLO KISS (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including Premio Nogara, Milan, L., Bell'imbusto (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Campobello, Milan, L. and third in Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.3. FLOREEDA (GB) (f. by Linamix (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years including Chalice Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3. DARK PROMISE (GB) (f. by Shamardal (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years including Rosemary Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Superior Mile, Haydock, L.; dam of winners. CAROLINA REAPER (GB), 2 races at 2 years, 2023 at home and in Germany including Zukunfts-Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr.3. Solar Sky (GB) (g. by Galileo (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3. Laurentine (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)), won 1 race in France and placed third in Grand Prix Inter-Régional des 3 Ans, La Teste de Buch, L.; dam of winners. Goblet of Fire (USA), 2 races at 3 years and third in Winter Derby, Lingfield, L. Dulcify (IRE), unraced; dam of Dulciboy (GB), 10 races at 2 to 5 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Gardone, Milan, L. and Premio Campobello, Milan, L. EASY TO LOVE (USA) (f. by Diesis), won 1 race and placed twice; dam of winners. Easy Lover (GB), 2 races at 2 years and placed third in Radley Stakes, Newbury, L. Moonshadow (GB) (f. by Diesis), placed 4 times at 3 years; dam of winners. Wo de Xin (GB), unraced; dam of AL AABIR (IRE), 5 races at 4 years, 2022/23 in Australia including Winter Cup, Rosehill, L. Lyrical (GB) (f. by Shirley Heights), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. Wells Lyrical (IRE), 4 races and placed third in Esher Stakes, Sandown, L.


59 BOX

Owner: Abdullah A'aydh Almasa'oodi Sons Mucho Macho Man (USA) Mucho Gusto (USA) Itsagiantcauseway (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 15th, 2022 Green Glory (USA) (2006)

Omega Code (USA) Raise Fee (USA)


Macho Uno (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Countervail (USA) Elusive Quality (USA) Tin Oaks (USA) Menifee (USA) Raise Heck (USA)

MUCHO GUSTO (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Gr.3, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Gr.3 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam GREEN GLORY (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £94,101 and placed 6 times; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizFLYING EMERALD (USA) (2015 f. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,126 and placed 7 times. GASSAD (KSA) (2018 c. by Saint Anddan (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £33,898 and placed 4 times. CHARISMA (KSA) (2016 f. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tashow'woq Alaeyn (KSA) (2021 f. by Life Imitates Art (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam RAISE FEE (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizHaddenfield (USA) (g. by Greenwood Lake (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £80,021 and placed second in Par Four Stakes, Delaware Park. GREEN GLORY (USA) (f. by Omega Code (USA)), see above. TRUST ISSUES (USA) (g. by Trust n Luck (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £58,961. RAISE THE CODE (USA) (g. by Omega Code (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £26,991. OUR JANE (USA) (f. by Trippi (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £42,991. THE HANS SUM ONE (USA) (c. by Hansen (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam RAISE HECK (USA), won 14 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Budweiser Meadowlands Breeders' Cup Hcp., Meadowlands, Gr.3, placed second in Interborough Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Sport Page Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMORE HECK (USA) (c. by Mt Livermore (USA)), won 6 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. RAISE DEVIL (USA) (f. by Devil His Due (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. RAISE YOUR L UP (USA), winner in U.S.A. TROOPER THORN (USA), winner in U.S.A. ARTISTIC AB (USA), winner in U.S.A. LADY HECK (USA) (f. by Gentlemen (ARG)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. SATAN'S PURSE (USA) (c. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. D'HECK RAISER (USA) (f. by D'Wildcat (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam RAISE A BELLE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingRAISE HECK (USA) (f. by Buckaroo (USA)), see above. Ready To Prove (USA) (c. by Prove Out (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Christmas Day Handicap, Calder, Gr.3 and fourth in Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. The next dam Little Red Belle, placed third in Astarita Stakes, Aqueduct; Own sister to RED BELLE; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDRAWS A CROWD (USA) (f. by Peace Corps (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AXEDENTALLY (USA), won Lou Smith Memorial Handicap, Rockingham Park. Red Minx (USA) (f. by Sawbones (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Real Minx (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Toboggan Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Giant's Causeway (USA) Destin (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 29th, 2022 Ana Al Amyaz (KSA) (2010)

Iftitah (USA) Tarheebah (KSA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) Gone West (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Royal Arcade (USA) Bikhitah (KSA)

DESTIN (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, TAA Marathon Stakes, Gr.2, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of DESTIN HOOFMAN (USA), GHAR ALMA'ALEE (KSA). 1st Dam ANA AL AMYAZ (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 4 foals of racing age(2020 c. by Worldly (USA)). (2021 c. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)). 2nd Dam TARHEEBAH (KSA), placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of six winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age vizARNAAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 5 races at 4 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £122,331; dam of a winner. SATA (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. LO LO AT JEDDAH (KSA) (f. by Pietro Siena (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £45,587; dam of a winner. OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ZOHBAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £19,170; dam of a winner. AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMARQAB ALAALI (KSA) (c. by Ahraar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,305. MONHAMERAH (KSA) (f. by Hans Anderson (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. INBEHAAR (KSA) (f. by Delius (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alshaahmah (KSA) (f. by Iftitah (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. MOSTAKMAL (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMOKHTER (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KHANDAMAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam BIKHITAH (KSA), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizFAKH RAAN (KSA) (c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TIRHAAB (KSA) (c. by Minshaanshu Amad (USA)), won 4 races at 5 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALBA SSEER (KSA) (c. by Modhish (IRE)), won 1 race at 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; sire. 4th Dam FOWL PLAY, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 8 foals of racing ageBikhitah (KSA) (f. by Tabayaan (FR)), see above. The next dam MILAIRE, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizAbsheer (c. by Double Form), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times including third in Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3.




Owner: Ahmed Abdullah Rashid Al-Abdullatif Scat Daddy (USA) Mendelssohn (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA)

A BAY FILLY (USA) May 16th, 2022 Cana (AUS) (2012)

Fastnet Rock (AUS) Scattered (AUS)


Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Tricky Creek (USA) Crystal Lady (CAN) Danehill (USA) Piccadilly Circus (AUS) Tale of The Cat (USA) Fragmentation (AUS)

MENDELSSOHN (USA), 2015. Top rated 3yr old in U.A.E. in 2018 (9.5-11f.). Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2018. Won 4 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2, Patton Stakes, L., second in Dewhurst Stakes, Gr.1 and Travers Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of DELIGHT (USA), (Gr.2), COMMITTEE OF ONE (USA), (L.), AUSTERE (USA), (L.), CLASSICAL CAT (USA), (L.), OPUS FORTY TWO (USA), (S), Miracle (USA), (Gr.2), Ngannou (USA), (Gr.3), Midnight Rising (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam Cana (AUS), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Australia and £96,848 and placed twice including third in Kevin Hayes Borinia Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMY TOMMY LEE (USA) (2018 f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £57,536 and placed 13 times. DIVINE WINE (USA) (2019 f. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £30,517. Scatlie (USA) (2020 f. by Mendelssohn (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. The Closer (USA) (2021 c. by Bolt D'oro (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by Authentic (USA). 2nd Dam SCATTERED (AUS), unraced; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingINTERSPERSED (AUS) (f. by Sebring (AUS)), won 2 races at 3 years in Australia and £85,288 including Group One Canberra Guineas, Canberra, L. Cana (AUS) (f. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)), see above. 3rd Dam FRAGMENTATION (AUS), won 4 races in Australia including Australian Cup Carnival Festival Stakes, Flemington, L., second in C S Hayes Red Anchor Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWANTED (AUS) (c. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)), won 3 races in Australia including Newmarket Handicap, Flemington, Gr.1, Kindergarten Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3, placed second in Pulse Pharmacy William Reid Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.1, Coolmore Lightning Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1, Patinack The Age Vic. Racing Club Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1, Danehill Rory's Jester Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2 and third in PFD Food Services Schillaci Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.2 and Canonbury Stakes, Randwick, L.; sire. SHRAPNEL (AUS) (c. by Charge Forward (AUS)), won 3 races in Australia including Yallambee Classic, Morphettville, Gr.2, Marsh Breeders' Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3, placed third in Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1; sire. Fracture (AUS) (f. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)), unraced; dam of a winner. SNAPPED (AUS), won Proud Miss Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3. 4th Dam SOUTHERN SPRINTER (AUS), won 5 races in Australia; Own sister to IN THE MIST (AUS); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingFRAGMENTATION (AUS) (f. by Snippets (AUS)), see above. The next dam CERES MIST (AUS), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingIN THE MIST (AUS) (f. by Southern Appeal (USA)), won 8 races in Austrailia including John D Lee Stakes, Cheltenham Park, L. (twice), Johnnie Walker Classic, Morphettville, L., O J Smith Challenge Stakes, Cheltenham Park, L.; dam of winners. DE LAGO MIST (AUS), won Sires' Produce Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2 and Marsh Breeders' Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3; dam of SHROUDED IN MIST (AUS), won Queen of the South Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.2, INTO THE MIST (AUS), won Hughes Limos Queen of the South Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.2, INSTINCTION (AUS), won BMW Weekend Hussler Stakes, Caulfield, L., Sportingbet Zeditave Stakes, Caulfield, L. and Springtime Stakes, Flemington, L.; sire; grandam of Islandsinthestream (IRE), 2 races at 2 years, 2023 at home and in France, second in National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and Futurity Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. Granma Gertey (AUS), placed second in Blue Diamond Preview (fillies), Caulfield, Gr.3 and Vietnam Veterans Quezette Stakes, Caulfield, L.




Owner: Hussain Dhuwaihi Hussain Aldossari A P Indy (USA) Dance With Ravens (CAN) Dance Smartly (CAN)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 8th, 2022 Nurse Gladys (GB) (2006)

Dr Fong (USA) Flossy (GB)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Danzig (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Kris S (USA) Spring Flight (USA) Efisio Sirene Bleu Marine (USA)

DANCE WITH RAVENS (CAN), 2002. Won 3 races, Grey Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gr.2, Plate Trial Stakes, L.R., second in Summer Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING DANCE (USA), (L.R.), RELAY BILL (USA), (L.), PHIL DANCER (USA), (L.), DARN THAT RAVEN (USA), (L.R.), ANN'S SMART DANCER (USA), (L.R.), PRENDIMI (USA), (S), RAVENHEART (USA), (S), CORVUS (USA), (S), DANCING ROY (USA), (S), MADDY'S DANCE (USA), (S), I STAND ALONE (USA), (S), BAYONNE (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam NURSE GLADYS (GB), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizDAME GLADYS (GB) (2016 f. by Mukhadram (GB)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and abroad, £18,423 and placed 11 times. THORNDYKE (GB) (2014 g. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in Qatar, £36,920 and placed 6 times. CYRIL (GB) (2012 g. by Rail Link (GB)), won 2 races at 3 years, £19,371 and placed 8 times, under both rules. Ruby Wonder (GB) (2017 f. by Swiss Spirit (GB)), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years. (2020 f. by Pablo (USA)). 2nd Dam FLOSSY (GB), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years and £113,392 including Chester Stakes, Chester, L., placed 18 times including second in Virginia Stakes, Newcastle, L. and third in Dahlia Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizAPPLAUDE (GB) (g. by Royal Applause (GB)), won 6 races at 4, 5 and 7 years and £25,461 and placed 12 times. MAUD (GB) (f. by Halling (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in France and £26,215 and placed 5 times; dam of a winner. ELLA (GB) (f. by Pivotal (GB)), won 2 races at 4 years and £36,714; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam SIRENE BLEU MARINE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingFLOSSY (GB) (f. by Efisio), see above. 4th Dam SAMIRA (GER), won 2 races in West Germany; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 9 foals of racing ageSainte Adresse (USA) (f. by Steinlen), unraced; grandam of SANJII DANON (GER), won Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L., second in Excelsior Hotel Ernst-Meile, Cologne, L., third in Grosser Preis der Landeshauptstadt Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr.3, Hamburger Meile, Hamburg, Gr.3, Grosser Preis des Volkswagen Zentrum Nordrhein, Dusseldorf, Gr.3. The next dam SEMIRAMIS (GER), won 1 race at 3 years in West Germany; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSANKT JOHANNA (GER) (f. by High Game), won 3 races in West Germany; dam of winners. SCHWARZMEER (GER), won Grosser Stutenpreis der Dreijahrigen, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L.; grandam of SELKIS (GER), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany including Diana Trial, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.2, Steuben (GER), 2 races at home and in Germany, third in Heel - Baden-Wurttemberg-Trophy, Baden-Baden, Gr.3; third dam of VELOX (JPN), won Wakaba Stakes, Hanshin, L.R., Wakagoma Stakes, Kyoto, L., second in Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas), Nakayama, Gr.1, third in Kikuka Sho (St Leger), Kyoto, Gr.1, Tokyo Yushun (Derby), Tokyo, Gr.1, SCHABAU (GER), won 3AW Roy Higgins Quality, Flemington, L. Silent Lake (GER), winner in Germany and placed second in Ammerschlager Frankfurt - Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr.3. Sureyya (GER), 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France and second in Prix Scaramouche, Chantilly, L.; dam of LIGHT STARS (FR), won Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L., Soriano (GB), 4 races in France and second in Prix Denisy, Saint-Cloud, L. Silver Blade (FR), winner, second in Preis der Stadt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L. Safin (GER), winner at home, in France, in Germany, in Italy and abroad and placed second in Preis der Firma Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hannover, L.




Owner: Saad Farraj G.Alsbaiy Storm Cat (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 8th, 2022

Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Candy Pass (USA) (2008)

Candy Ride (ARG) Fortunate Pass (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Fortunate Prospect (USA) Pass The Mums (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam CANDY PASS (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,868 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTAFTAKHER (KSA) (2015 f. by Article of Faith (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,221 and placed 3 times. Ghala Reema (KSA) (2020 f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam FORTUNATE PASS (USA), won 15 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £139,415; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingMr Jareb (USA) (c. by Yankee Gentleman (USA)), won 10 races abroad and placed third in Clasico Antinoo, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. 3rd Dam PASS THE MUMS (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of fifteen winners from 16 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingFREEZING DOCK (USA) (c. by It's Freezing (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including San Joaquin Invitational Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.R., Labor Day Handicap, Longacres, placed second in Arlington Classic, Arlington, Gr.2. COLDALLTHETIME (USA) (f. by It's Freezing (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DANCINGONICE (USA), won Fiji Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Las Palmas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of She's Included (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; grandam of HE'S IN LOVE (JPN), won Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, Nakayama, Gr.3, SUNDAY WIZARD (JPN), won Niigata Daishoten, Niigata, Gr.3. IMPERIAL PASS (USA), won Great Lakes Stakes, Thistledown. KARA'S HEART (USA) (f. by American Legion (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ELUSIVE CHRIS (USA), won James C Ellis Juvenile Stakes, Ellis Park, L., placed second in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.3; sire. 4th Dam MUM (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFREE SPIRIT (USA) (f. by Avatar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Political Profit (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Riggs Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Laurel Turf Cup Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3. The next dam No Comment, won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland and Selima Stakes, Laurel; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingHEDGE (USA) (c. by Bagdad), won 8 races in South Africa including Dunlop Gold Cup, Greyville, Gr.2 and Lonsdale Stirrup Cup Handicap, Greyville, L.; sire. Incommunicado (USA) (f. by Double Jay), won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Liberty Belle Handicap, Aqueduct; dam of winners. KOLUCTOO BAY (USA), won Young America Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.1, placed second in Flamingo Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.1; sire. Sunshine Law (USA), unraced; grandam of IMMIGRATION (USA), won Captain Condo Stakes, Emerald Downs, R., Northwest Stallion Strong Ruler Stakes, Emerald Downs, R., SHADY DEAL (USA), won Idaho Centennial Futurity, Boise. In Absentia (USA), unraced; dam of FROST FREE (USA), won Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, DEFREEZE (USA), won Bungalow Handicap, Fairmount Park; grandam of CODIGO DE HONOR (ARG), won Polla de Potrillos (2000 Gns)-R.A.C.Rey, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh M. Al Tawil Oasis Dream (GB)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 25th, 2022

Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat (IRE) Suafiyah (KSA) (2014)

Suave (USA) Grey Dawn Grey (USA)


Green Desert (USA) Hope (IRE) Royal Academy (USA) Mountain Ash (GB) A P Indy (USA) Urbane (USA) Grindstone (USA) Magnificent Dawn (USA)

FROZEN POWER (IRE), 2007. Won 5 races, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen (2000 Guineas), Gr.2, Prix du Haras de la Huderie, L., second in Sakhee Shadwell Estate UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3. Sire of FROZEN JUKE (IRE), (L.), TRITICUM VULGARE (IRE), (L.), Madrinho (IRE), (L.), Ice Age (IRE), (L.), CHANCHE THE LIFE (IRE), SHEILA'S TREAT (IRE), SPY STORY (IRE), ATHOLLBLAIR BOY (IRE), YUBRIS (GB), TOUDUSSAC (IRE), PRETZEL LOGIC (IRE), OFFSIDER (IRE), PEPPE'S ISLAND (IRE), SOUTHERN GAILES (IRE), POWERFUL DREAM (IRE) etc. 1st Dam SUAFIYAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizLaheeb Alshoq (KSA) (2019 c. by Smoking Sun (USA)), placed once at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by Teletext (USA)). 2nd Dam GREY DAWN GREY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingNOBLE COURT (USA) (c. by Doneraile Court (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £280,430 including San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Ack Ack Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Joe Hernandez Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed second in Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Captain Squire Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. and third in Triple Bend Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Vernon O Underwood Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and San Miguel Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; sire. SEATTLE GREY (USA) (f. by Friends Lake (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DIVINE MISS GREY (USA), won Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Heavenly Prize Invitational Stakes, Aqueduct, L. (twice), Dr James Penny Memorial Stakes, Parx Racing, L., Lady's Secret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Interborough Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. Divine Dawn (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Adena Springs Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and Allen Lacombe Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds. 3rd Dam MAGNIFICENT DAWN (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; Own sister to Beautiful Dawn (USA); dam of five winners from 7 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingREAL CASH (USA) (c. by Tank's Prospect (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, San Felipe Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.2 and Jersey Derby, Garden State, Gr.2; sire. PROMISING DAWN (USA) (f. by Tank's Prospect (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Promising Dancer (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Kingarvie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. DAWN OF PROMISE (USA) (f. by Tank's Prospect (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. NIKKI'SGOLDENSTEED (USA), won Turf Paradise Derby Stakes, Turf Paradise, L., placed third in Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. Real Precious (USA) (f. by Torsion (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FOLLY DOLLAR (USA), won Proud Puppy Handicap, Finger Lakes, second in Distaff Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Miss Indy Anna Stakes, Suffolk Downs; dam of SPRINGSIDE (USA), won Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; grandam of COMPLEXITY (USA), won Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed second in Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire, VALADORNA (USA), won Hilliard Lyons Doubledogdare Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Tiffany Lass Stakes, Fair Grounds, second in 14Hands Winery Breeders' Cup Juv.Fillies, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Kentucky Downs Ladies Turf Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3 and third in Rachel Alexandra Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. He's For Real (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in California Sires' Stakes (3yo c&g), Bay Meadows, L. Corwyns Special (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of WHISPER'S SISTER (USA), won Enchantress Stakes, Sunland Park, L.R. Now My Precious (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of WARREN'S KNOCKOUT (USA), won Bill Thomas Memorial Stakes, Sunland Park, placed second in Premier Cup Handicap, Zia Park, L. and Bill Thomas Memorial Stakes, Sunland Park.




Owner: Salem Mosaad S. Alsaleem Invincible Spirit (IRE)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 10th, 2022 (first foal)

Mayson (GB) Mayleaf (GB) Josephine (GB) (2017)

Champs Elysees (GB) Puya (GB)


Green Desert (USA) Rafha Pivotal (GB) Bayleaf (GB) Danehill (USA) Hasili (IRE) Kris Pervenche

E.B.F. Nominated. MAYSON (GB), 2008. Won 5 races, July Cup, Gr.1, Palace House Stakes, Gr.3, Abernant Stakes, L., second in Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr.1, Wentworth Stakes, L., etc. Sire of OXTED (GB), (Gr.1), ROHAAN (IRE), (Gr.2), HONEY GIRL (GB), (Gr.3), LAUGH A MINUTE (GB), (L.), MAYSTAR (IRE), (L.), SAKURA (IND), (L.), GLOBAL APPLAUSE (GB), (L.), DANCE DIVA (GB), (L.), RAYDIANCE (GB), (L.), PRIVATE MATTER (GB), (L.), ROSIE BRIAR (GB), (L.), True Mason (GB), (Gr.1), Ainsdale (GB), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam JOSEPHINE (GB), placed once at 3 years. 2nd Dam PUYA (GB), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and £19,143 and placed 5 times; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizCHAIN OF DAISIES (GB) (f. by Rail Link (GB)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years and £191,221 including Winter Hill Stakes, Windsor, Gr.3, Upavon Stakes, Salisbury, L. (twice), Pride Stakes, Newmarket, L. (twice), placed 6 times including second in Hoppings Stakes, Newcastle, L. and third in Winter Hill Stakes, Windsor, Gr.3. HERBALIST (GB) (g. by Haafhd (GB)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years at home and abroad and £10,158 and placed 14 times. LONICERA (GB) (f. by Lethal Force (IRE)), won 1 race at 5 years abroad and placed 8 times. PANDOREA (GB) (f. by Diktat (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. DANNY K (SWE), winner in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden. RUSSELL (SWE), winner in Sweden. MY DREAM (SWE), winner in Sweden. DANNY'S ROOP (SWE), winner in Norway. 3rd Dam PERVENCHE, ran at home and in U.S.A. at 2 and 4 years; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizGORSE (GB) (g. by Sharpo), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years at home, in France and in Germany including Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3, Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr.3 (twice), BenazetRennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Wentworth Stakes, Doncaster, L., placed 8 times including second in Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr.3 and third in Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Benazet-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3 and Abernant Stakes, Newmarket, L. (twice); sire. PUYA (GB) (f. by Kris), see above. KIRK MICHAEL (GB) (g. by Selkirk (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times. DANAE (GB) (f. by Dansili (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners. MIND (GB), 8 races at 3 to 6 years in France and abroad and placed 27 times. MAIDEN CASTLE (GB), 2 races at 4 and 5 years and placed 7 times. Rochea (GB) (f. by Rock City), placed 11 times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. BIENHEUREUX (GB), 10 races and placed 33 times. BEAUTY ANGEL (TUR), winner abroad. SOUND OF SUCCESS (TUR), winner abroad. MOONLIGHT SHADOW (TUR), winner abroad. Sweet Briar (GB) (f. by Common Grounds), ran a few times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. IMCO ORIAR (ITY), 3 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 11 times. IMCO STRATEGIC (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in Italy and placed 3 times. The next dam ZANTEDESCHIA, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCUT THROAT (c. by Sharpen Up), won 5 races at 2 years including Salisbury Stakes, Salisbury, L., New Ham Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed 9 times including second in Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., third in John of Gaunt Stakes, Haydock, L. and fourth in 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; sire. HEMLOCK CUP (f. by Sweet Revenge), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. ZAIDE, won Memorial Day Invitational Handicap, Golden Gate, placed second in Country Queen Stakes, Hollywood Park.




Fahad Khalid Dh Alsubaie Sons A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 2nd, 2022 Laiqah (KSA) (2014)

Field Event (SAF) Madaoumah (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Western Winter (USA) Field Princess (SAF) Race Leader (USA) Pianola (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LAIQAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing agePerleet 2021 f. by Assez Clair (USA)), placed once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years. 2nd Dam MADAOUMAH (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of 2 runners from 7 foals of racing age includingMoltazmah (KSA) (f. by Historic (USA)), placed once at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam PIANOLA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizALLEGRINA (IRE) (f. by Barathea (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. BOOMSHACKERLACKER (IRE), 5 races at home, in France and in Germany including Prix Saraca, MaisonsLaffitte, L., Prix Jacques de Brémond, Vichy, L., Hessen Pokal, Frankfurt, L., second in G.P. der Landeshauptstadt Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr.3 and third in Critérium de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2. Pink Moon (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of RAJINSKY (IRE), 8 races at 2 to 7 years, 2023 including Further Flight Stakes, Nottingham, L. Habbat Reeh (IRE), unraced; dam of Dhabab (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 and placed third in Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. 4th Dam POPULAR TUNE (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Peach Blossom Stakes, Delaware Park and Capital City Stakes, Penn National; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingTOP HIT (USA) (c. by Twining (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, Gr.3R., Christmas Futurity, Turf Paradise, L.; sire. CRAFTY STAR (USA) (c. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Fair Grounds Sales Derby, Fair Grounds, L. VERY POPULAR (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SEATTLESPECTACULAR (USA), won Valedictory Handicap, Woodbine, L. GREENSTREET (USA), won Polly's Jet Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of SECOND SUMMER (USA), won Californian Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. The next dam POPULI (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingVANLANDINGHAM (USA) (c. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 1985, won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Pk, Gr.2; sire. JENKINS FERRY (USA) (c. by True Colors (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Gertrudes Handicap, Santa Anita, placed second in San Juan Capistrano Invitation Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. MUSICANTI (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. DISTANT MUSIC (USA), won Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, International Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. New Orchid (USA), 1 race at 3 years and second in Aphrodite Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3; dam of AFRICAN ROSE (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Doncaster, Gr.1. Kamkova (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), placed twice; grandam of TERMAGANT (IRE), Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 2009, won Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. Fun Crowd (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FUNNY MOON (USA), won Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Faisal Hilal Alshaibani Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 13th, 2022 Najmat Najd (KSA) (2013)

Official Visit (USA) Reida (KSA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Robin's Song (USA) Neatfoot

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam NAJMAT NAJD (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizABO HADID (KSA) (2018 c. by Olmodavor (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £59,562 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam REIDA (KSA), unraced; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGHARTHOOB (KSA) (c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 12 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £248,326. NADA RODHWAAN (KSA) (c. by Wavian (GB)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £61,447. 3rd Dam NEATFOOT, won 1 race at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingNEATSTEP (GB) (f. by Rousillon (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years; dam of winners. Happy Bride (IND), winner abroad and placed third in Manjri Nilgriris Fillies' Trial Stakes, Udhagamandalam, L. CANONIZE (IND), winner abroad; dam of Divine Spirit (IND), winner abroad and placed second in Nilgiris 2000 Guineas, Udhagamandalam, L. The next dam WHITEFOOT, won 2 races at 3 years viz Musidora Stakes, York and Golden Hind Stakes, Newmarket; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSWIFTFOOT (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1982, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr.3, placed second in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; grandam of ZARFOOT (GB), 2 races at 3 years including New Stakes, Ascot, L., placed second in Prix du Conseil de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2. SANTARELLE (f. by Jim French (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. WELSH FANTASY, 2 races including Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; grandam of LADY'S PURSE (GB), 3 races in France including Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3; third dam of MASEKELA (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Denford Stakes, Newbury, L., second in Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, VENTURA MIST (GB), 3 races at 2 years including Two Year Old Trophy, Redcar, L. Try Sympathy, ran twice in U.S.A.; dam of SKYTRIAL (USA), won Canadian Handicap, Woodbine, L., placed second in Dance Smartly Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, TRAY MY FORCE (ITY), 3 races at 3 years in Italy including Premio Tullio Righetti, Rome, L., Darien Deacon (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and third in Cowdin Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; grandam of TRICKEY TREVOR (USA), won Churchill Downs Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; sire, GLEAM OF HOPE (USA), won Jefferson Cup Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, CHRISTMAS SHIP (USA), won Luther Burbank Handicap, Santa Rosa, FOREST PRINCESS (CAN), won Navajo Princess Stakes, Meadowlands; third dam of SASKAWEA (CAN), won Avowal Stakes, Woodbine, L. (twice), Zadracarta Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Ruling Angel Stakes, Woodbine, L. and Fury Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., CORONADO PARK (VEN), won Clasico Canonero, La Rinconada, L. and Clasico Alberto H Cipriani, La Rinconada, L., REAL ONOFRE (VEN), won Copa Catire Bello, La Rinconada, L. and Copa Jib Dancer, La Rinconada, L., HECTORENRIQUE (VEN), won Copa Invitacional del Caribe, La Rinconada, L., MANNSCHAFT (VEN), won Clasico Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, La Rinconada, L. NEENAH (f. by Bold Lad (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. N C Owen, 2 races at 3 years and placed third in Gordon Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3.




Owner: Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir Storm Cat (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 23rd, 2022

Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Ornellia (USA) (2009)

Broken Vow (USA) Baby Love (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Unbridled (USA) Wedding Vow (USA) Not For Love (USA) Serenity Jane (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ORNELLIA (USA), won 4 races at 3, 4 and 7 years in U.S.A. and £100,799 and placed 10 times; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age includingAlbaghsh (KSA) (2021 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam BABY LOVE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,561; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBONUS POINTS (USA) (c. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £444,353 including John B Campbell Stakes, Laurel, Maryland Million Classic Stakes, Laurel, R., Parx Derby, Parx Racing, placed second in Jerome Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Caveat Stakes, Laurel, R., Maryland Juvenile Futurity, Laurel, R. and third in Discovery Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Harrison E Johnson Memorial Stakes, Laurel and Awad Stakes, Belmont Park. CANDID DESIRE (USA) (c. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £382,318 including Hollie Hughes Stakes, Aqueduct, R. She's All Love (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. KANT HURRY LOVE (USA), won Dancin Renee Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed second in Union Avenue Handicap, Saratoga, R. 3rd Dam SERENITY JANE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMojodajo (USA) (c. by Allen's Prospect (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Maryland Stallion Station Stakes, Pimlico, L.R. Man in Grey (USA) (c. by Two Punch (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Maryland Million Nursery Stakes, Laurel, L.R. WHOLE LOTTA LOVE (USA) (f. by Not For Love (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SHE'S ORDAINED (USA), won Willa on the Move Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Regret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and third in Skipat Stakes, Pimlico, L. The next dam ILLERIA (CAN), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Ontario Fashion Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Fanfreluche Stakes, Woodbine, L., Brown & Williamson Kentucky J. C. Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed second in First Lady Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingINCLUDE (USA) (c. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.1, Massachusetts Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Gr.2, New Orleans Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Jennings Handicap, Pimlico, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., Vincent A Moscarelli Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Massachusetts Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Gr.2, Meadowlands Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2 and Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. MAGIC BROAD (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3, Cleveland Oaks, Thistledown, L., Maryland Juvenile Championship (fillies), Laurel, L.; dam of winners. ENCAUSTIC (USA) (c. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. including Golden Bear Stakes, Indiana Downs, L., Mountaineer Mile Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Labor Day Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Joseph French Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, Native Dancer Stakes, Laurel, third in Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Pk, Gr.3; sire. BROAD RULE (USA) (g. by Dixie Union (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Fire Plug Stakes, Laurel (twice), placed third in General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3. MAGICAL BROAD (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Squan Song Stakes, Laurel, R., second in Twixt Stakes, Laurel, L.R.; dam of winners.




Owner: Ahmad Mosaid Alfanesaan Kingmambo (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 20th, 2022 (first foal)

Dubai Destination (USA) Mysterial (USA) Kappa (USA)

Lae Yoon Hawra'a (KSA) (2014)

Qaabdha (KSA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Alleged (USA) Mysteries (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Coup de Genie (USA) Piccolo (GB) Shining Cloud (GB)

DUBAI DESTINATION (USA), 1999. Jt 2nd top rated 2yr old colt in England in 2001. Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2001. Won 4 races, Queen Anne Stakes, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Gr.2, second in Predominate Stakes, L. Sire of IBN KHALDUN (USA), (Gr.1), SAMPSON (NZ), (Gr.2), MULAAZEM (AUS), (Gr.2), TOP TRIP (GB), (Gr.2), FAMILY ONE (FR), (Gr.2), DANCER DESTINATION (GB), (Gr.3), FARRAAJ (IRE), (Gr.3), DHAAMER (IRE), (Gr.3), ALANZA (IRE), (Gr.3), YULALONA (AUS), (Gr.3). 1st Dam LAE YOON HAWRA'A (KSA), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years. 2nd Dam QAABDHA (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizLae Yoon Hawra'a (KSA) (f. by Kappa (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam SHINING CLOUD (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 living foals of racing age vizSOL ROJO (GB) (g. by Efisio), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years and placed 13 times. MONTE URPINU (GB) (c. by Vettori (IRE)), won 6 races in Italy and placed 29 times. VENGEROV (GB) (g. by Piccolo (GB)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years at home and abroad and placed 9 times. KEY TO SUCCESS (GB) (c. by Mujahid (USA)), won 2 races at 5 and 6 years abroad and placed 8 times. DMITRI (GB) (g. by Emperor Jones (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 6 times. 4th Dam HARDIHEROINE, won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizSHINING CLOUD (GB) (f. by Indian Ridge), see above. The next dam HARDIRONDO, won 7 races at 3 to 5 years and placed 15 times; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingBELLE POITRINE (f. by Dominion), won 8 races at 3, 5 and 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Virginia Stakes, Newcastle, L.; dam of winners. CATACLYSMIC (f. by Ela-Mana-Mou), won 2 races at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners. WANNAPLANTATREE (GB), 2 races at 4 and 5 years and placed 7 times; dam of BLAZING BAILEY (GB), 2 races at 3 and 6 years and placed once; also 7 races over hurdles at 4 to 6 years including Tipperkevin Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr.1, Liverpool Hurdle, Aintree, Gr.2, Cleeve Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.2, placed 13 times including second in Cleeve Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.2, Mersey Novices' Hurdle, Aintree, Gr.2, Relkeel Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.2, Adonis Juvenile Hurdle, Sandown, Gr.2 and third in World Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.1 and Triumph Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.1 and 3 races over fences and placed 3 times; grandam of Sassy Yet Classy (IRE), 1 N.H. Flat Race at 4 years and placed once; also 4 races over hurdles at 5 to 7 years and placed 4 times including second in Tara Handicap Hurdle, Navan, Gr.2.




Owner: Khaled Abdulrahman Salem Alharbi Elzaam (AUS) Mjjack (IRE) Docklands Grace (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) March 31st, 2022 Lisselan Tigress (IRE) (2007)

Fasliyev (USA) Fire West (USA)


Redoute's Choice (AUS) Mambo In Freeport (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Afarel (USA) Nureyev (USA) Mr P's Princess (USA) Academy Award (USA) Fire Valley (USA)

MJJACK (IRE), 2014. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings 1st Dam LISSELAN TIGRESS (IRE), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £61,523 and placed 9 times; dam of 4 runners from 4 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam FIRE WEST (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,741; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCute Connie (USA) (f. by Struggler (GB)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £72,278 and placed second in Lenta Stakes, Calder and third in Sambacarioca Stakes, Calder and Soft Parade Stakes, Calder; dam of a winner. Lisselan Firefly (IRE) (f. by Monashee Mountain (USA)), ran abroad; dam of winners. TO MY VALENTINE (FR), won Kentucky Downs Ladies Sprint Stakes, Kentucky Downs, placed second in Prix du Bois, Chantilly, Gr.3, Allen Lacombe Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds and third in Prix La Flèche, Maisons-Laffitte, L. 3rd Dam FIRE VALLEY (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingFirey Ridge (USA) (c. by Many A Wish (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. 4th Dam HARP (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to RHOMAN RULE (USA); dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingANGRY ANGEL (USA) (f. by Cut Throat), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Spring Bonnet Stakes, River Downs, placed third in Martha Washington Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L., Magnolia Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. and Louisiana Downs Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L.; dam of winners. The next dam MORNING BIRD (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingRHOMAN RULE (USA) (c. by Stop The Music (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Everglades Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, placed third in Wood Memorial Invitational Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1; sire. Ready Axe (USA) (c. by The Axe II), won 10 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Pennsylvania Futurity, Keystone Race Track, R. PAULA J T (USA) (f. by L'Enjoleur (CAN)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. P J EXTRAVAGANZA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PORTISTA (BRZ), won Grande Premio Mario Azevedo Ribeiro, Gavea, Gr.3; grandam of PRA SEMPRE (BRZ), won Grande Premio Mariano Procopio, Gavea, Gr.3, ADDAE DO JAGUARETE (BRZ), won Grande Premio Presidente Julio Mesquita, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, ON THE BRINK (BRZ), won Classico Eurico Solanes, Gavea, L.; third dam of WIL MYERS (BRZ), won Grande Premio Jockey Club de Sao Paulo, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, LIONEL THE BEST (BRZ), won Grande Premio Ipiranga, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1 and IENE FORTUNE (BRZ), won Grande Premio Jockey Club de Sao Paulo, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. PALM BEACH DEB (USA) (f. by Akureyri (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TEMPEST MORN (AUS), won Australasian Oaks, Morphettville, Gr.1, Ansett Australia Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1, placed second in Queensland Derby, Eagle Farm, Gr.1, Queensland Oaks, Eagle Farm, Gr.1 and Vinery South Australian Oaks, Morphettville, Gr.1; grandam of GOOD STANDING (AUS), won Pro-Ride Skyline Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, Ladbrokes N. Robinson Caulfield Classic, Caulfield, Gr.3, TEMPT ME NOT (AUS), won Dilmah Tea P J Bell Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3, SMART METEOR (AUS), won Ipswich Cup, Ipswich, L. PALM BEACH BABE (AUS), won Brian Crowley Stakes, Randwick, L. and Sir Douglas Wadley Handicap, Eagle Farm, L. Vain Deb (AUS), ran twice in Australia; dam of PASIKATERA (AUS), won Sydney City Lexus Breeders' Classic, Randwick, Gr.3; grandam of ATTENTION (AUS), won Mitavite BRC Sires' Produce Stakes, Doomben, Gr.2.




Owner: Hadi Jabran Al-Rasheed Galileo (IRE)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 26th, 2022 (first foal)

Astrology (IRE) Ask For The Moon (FR) Senador (KSA) (2016)

Discreetly Mine (USA) Gabby's Miracle (USA)


Sadler's Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Dr Fong (USA) Lune Rouge (IRE) Mineshaft (USA) Pretty Discreet (USA) Officer (USA) Elusive Melody (USA)

ASTROLOGY (IRE), 2009. Won 2 races, Dee Stakes, Gr.3, third in Derby Stakes, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Gr.2 and Autumn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of AKHO MOBAARY (KSA), RASMAAL (KSA), FADHAYEL (KSA), AENOOD ALGHADA (KSA), YA MOJEEB (KSA), MOTASAMEH (KSA), ALAHMADAN (KSA), MOSAK'KAR (KSA), KAHELAT DELMON (KSA), MONAWASHAH (KSA), MOKASH'SHER (KSA), TATAJAM'MAL (KSA), ABO JANA (KSA), MAN'AE (KSA), ABOU RAAKAN (KSA). 1st Dam SENADOR (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £15,867, placed 3 times. 2nd Dam GABBY'S MIRACLE (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £21,635; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizSENADOR (KSA) (f. by Discreetly Mine (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam ELUSIVE MELODY (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingHUNGARO (MEX) (c. by Impervious (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years abroad. ONCE AGAIN (MEX) (f. by Rule (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 abroad. The next dam D'YOUVILLE NURSE (USA), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Contessa Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Francis Scott Key Stakes, Laurel; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingUNBRIDLED HOPE (USA) (f. by Unbridled (USA)), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed third in Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.3 and Pimlico Distaff Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; dam of winners. Raesunbridledfaith (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in R H Walter California Cup Juvenile Stakes (f), Santa Anita, L.R. and Barretts Debutante Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R. UNABASHED CHARM (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ANDRIETTE (JPN), won Mermaid Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.3, placed second in Tulip Sho, Hanshin, Gr.3. Gentleman's Hope (USA), unraced; dam of Coach Bob (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in D. Valpredo California Cup Sprint Stakes, Santa Anita, R., Casual Lies Handicap, Pleasanton and third in Livermore Valley Wines Stakes, Pleasanton. Enthusiastically (USA), unraced; dam of SUGAR SHOCK (USA), won Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, American Beauty Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Panthers Stakes, Prairie Meadows, placed second in Honeybee Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; grandam of LAGOM (JPN), won Kisaragi Sho, Chukyo, Gr.3, Andromeda Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Radio Nikkei Hai Kyoto Nisai Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.3, Urawa Kinen, Urawa, L.R., Hakusan Daishoten, Kanazawa, L.R., Ivy Stakes, Tokyo, L. and third in Nagoya Grand Prix, Nagoya, L.R. FORESTIER (USA) (f. by Forestry (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Classy Mirage Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Jameela Stakes, Laurel, L.R., Marshua Stakes, Laurel and third in Skipat Stakes, Pimlico and Our Dear Peggy Stakes, Calder, R.; dam of winners. Don't Blame Me (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Jimmy Durante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. Silent Fred (USA) (g. by Louis Quatorze (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2. Gauze (USA) (f. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Conquest Lemonraid (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Toronto Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L., Achievement Stakes, Woodbine, R. Loose On The Town (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Lucky Coin Stakes, Saratoga, R., Tale of the Cat Stakes, Saratoga, R. WELLINGTON BEAUTY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Colors of The Wind (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Distaff Stakes, Lone Star Park and Wasted Tears Stakes, Lone Star Park. Song 'n Silk (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BEARPATH (USA), won Pan American Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Louisville Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 (twice).


Day Three Commencing 5.00pm Lots 146-218

Tuesday 28th November




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 22nd, 2022 Sterling J (USA) (2011)

Noble Causeway (USA) Do The Wekiva (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Mimi's Golden Girl (USA) Wekiva Springs (USA) We Say Do (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam STERLING J (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizL A STAR (USA) (2017 f. by Astrology (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £66,838 and placed 13 times. DIALED J (USA) (2018 f. by Dialed In (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,584 and placed 4 times. NOT SO STERLING (USA) (2016 c. by Archarcharch (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,465 and placed 11 times. Takemyshot (USA) (2019 c. by El Deal (USA)), placed 5 times at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £17,108. 2nd Dam DO THE WEKIVA (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years in U.S.A. and £12,752; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizIL VILLANO (USA) (c. by Pollard's Vision (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £367,661 including Dave's Friend Stakes, Laurel, L., Chick Lang Stakes, Pimlico, L., Southampton Stakes, Parx Racing, Lord Henribee Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Laurel, L., Red Legend Stakes, Charles Town, L. and third in Woody Stephens Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Count Fleet Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; sire. ALEXIS GIRL (USA) (f. by Distant View (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. S S MINNOW (USA) (c. by Pollard's Vision (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £97,156. DOTHEROYALHUSTLE (USA) (f. by Royal Anthem (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. 3rd Dam WE SAY DO (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizAlpler (USA) (g. by Swiss Yodeler (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in El Joven Stakes, Retama Park, L. Yes We Do (USA) (f. by Sharp Victor (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Work The Crowd Handicap, Golden Gate, L.; dam of a winner. 4th Dam DAISY DO (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A. including Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingANSWER DO (USA) (c. by To-Agori-Mou), won 15 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including San Carlos Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Phoenix Gold Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, Gr.3 (twice), Hollywood Turf Express Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. (3 times), CHBPA California Cup Sprint Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Ak-Sar-Ben Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, L., River City Roundup Handicap, Ak-Sar-Ben, placed second in San Simeon Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, CHBPA California Cup Sprint Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Handicap, Woodlands, Edmond Handicap, Remington Park, His Majesty's Council Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, Fast Hilarious Stakes, Turf Paradise and third in San Pasqual Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, California Cup Sprint Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Budweiser Remington Pk.Breeders Cup H'cp, Remington Park, L. and Ak-Sar-Ben President's Cup Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, L. The next dam DELIGHTFUL DAISY (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingDAISY DO (USA) (f. by Bold Combatant), see above.




Owner: Bander Awad M. Alwadei Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 26th, 2022

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Regal Nurse (USA) (2007)

Monarchos (USA) Staff Nurse (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Maria's Mon (USA) Regal Band (USA) Arch (USA) Medicine Woman (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam REGAL NURSE (USA), won 20 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £189,604, placed 12 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizEMPIRE EXPRESS (USA) (2017 c. by Big Brown (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £33,123. FLATTER ME SYDNEY (USA) (2016 f. by Flatter (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £23,137 and placed 9 times. REGAL RUN (USA) (2018 c. by Dialed In (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed once. OXBOW KID (USA) (2019 c. by Oxbow (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam STAFF NURSE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in France and £16,385; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGREAT MINDS (USA) (g. by Stroll (USA)), won 7 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £303,867 including Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, placed second in Delta Mile Stakes, Delta Downs, L., Evangeline Mile Stakes, Evangeline Downs and third in Presque Isle Mile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. 3rd Dam MEDICINE WOMAN (USA), won 7 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Brown & Williamson Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Candy Eclair Breeders' Cup Handicap, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Queen Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park and third in Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingINTERN (USA) (g. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. including Sea O Erin Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Arlington, L., Mister Gus Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Louisiana Handicap, Fair Grounds, L. LOVE MEDICINE (USA) (f. by Mining (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including West Long Branch Handicap, Monmouth Park, R., placed second in Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. I'M THE TIGER (USA), won Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Bold Venture Handicap, Woodbine, L., placed second in Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2. LAKESHORE (USA), winner abroad; dam of ABUSYVA (PAN), won Clasico J.A.y B. Perez Franchiol, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R. HOT LEAR (USA) (f. by Lear Fan (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Clara Handicap, Bay Meadows, R., Courtship Stakes, Bay Meadows, R., Bay Meadows Debutante Stakes, Bay Meadows; dam of winners. FLAMING HEART (USA), won Hill 'n' Dale Stakes, Woodbine, L., Strolling Belle Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of COMMISSIONER (USA), won Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire, LAUGH TRACK (USA), won Vigil Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed second in Xpressbet Breeders' Cup Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and third in Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; sire; grandam of VINO ROSSO (USA), won Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, NYRA Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; sire. Dash For Money (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of NO SPIN (USA), won Arapahoe Park Classic Stakes, Arapahoe Park, Royal Glint Stakes, Hawthorne, SO LONESOME (USA), won Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R., Virgo Libra Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; grandam of PRACTICAL MOVE (USA), won Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Los Alamitos Futurity, Los Alamitos, Gr.2. Willow Point (USA) (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GIANT SAMURAI (USA), won Macau Summer Trophy, Taipa, L.




Owner: Khaled Abdulrahman Salem Alharbi Unbridled's Song (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 3rd, 2022 (first foal)

Top Music (GB) Top Order (USA) Taheli (KSA) (2013)

Agol Lack (USA) Rebecca Mon Amour (FR)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Dayjur (USA) Victoria Cross (USA) Gulch (USA) Garvin's Gal (USA) King's Best (USA) I Wich (FR)

TOP MUSIC (GB), 2007. Won 5 races and third in Prix Sigy, L. Sire of MOR'EDAH (KSA), LAE OYOUN TARFAH (KSA), ASHOOS ALKHEIL (KSA), ALZAHLOOL (KSA), NAQ'QAASH (KSA), NASAYEM ALRIYADH (KSA), NFAEEL (KSA), TANHEDAH (KSA). 1st Dam TAHELI (KSA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £136,197 and placed 35 times. 2nd Dam REBECCA MON AMOUR (FR), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTAHELI (KSA) (f. by Agol Lack (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam I WICH (FR), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France; Own sister to VOLERIS (FR); dam of five winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingIlion (USA) (c. by Septieme Ciel (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 6 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed third in Cardmania Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Kjetil (USA) (g. by King of Kings (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix du Lion d'Angers, SaintCloud, L. Italienne (USA) (f. by Distant View (USA)), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of winners. Politeo (FR), 2 races in France, third in Derby du Midi, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L. 4th Dam BAISER VOLE (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1985, won 5 races in France including Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.1, Prix de la Salamandre, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, third in Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingVOLERIS (FR) (c. by Kris), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Prix du Rond-Point, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Palais-Royal, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, second in Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; sire. BASSE BESOGNE (IRE) (f. by Pursuit of Love (GB)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix d'Angerville, Chantilly, L., placed second in Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. Bis Repetitas (USA), winner in France and in U.S.A., placed second in Bay Meadows Derby, Bay Meadows, Gr.3 and Cinema Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. EXPRESS AMERICAN (FR), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed 3 times; dam of EXPRESSIY (FR), won Prix Occitanie, La Teste de Buch, L. BOUTHAN (FR) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 4 races in France including Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L., placed second in Grand Prix de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L.; sire. The next dam RIVER ROSE (FR), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix des Rêves d'Or, Vichy, L., placed third in Prix de l'Obélisque, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizSQUILL (USA) (c. by Stop The Music (USA)), Champion older miler in France in 1989, won 6 races in France and in Italy including Prix Dollar, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr.2, second in Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. TENUE DE SOIREE (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix du Gros-Chêne, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix de Saint Georges, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, third in Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. NEVERNEYEV (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in France including Prix de Montretout, ParisLongchamp, L., Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. MINISTERIAL (USA) (c. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 2 races at 2 years including Hyperion Stakes, Ascot, L., placed second in Dee Stakes, Chester, Gr.3; sire. Rio Verde (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix du Point du Jour, ParisLongchamp, L.; sire. Rosyphard (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), placed once at 3 years in France; grandam of ORCADIAN (GB), 3 races at 2 to 4 years including St Simon Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, RAPSCALLION (GER), 4 races including Horris Hill Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. Chaussons Roses (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), unraced; third dam of TOO MUCH BLING (USA), won Carry Back Stakes, Calder, Gr.2, San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed third in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Nasser Abdurahman Alrashed City Zip (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 1st, 2022

Hailstone (USA) Weekend Storm (USA) Waed Alshamal (KSA) (2011)

High Demand (USA) Ssaebah (KSA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Weekend Surprise (USA) Danzig (USA) Jasmina (USA) K J's Appeal (USA) Idrisiyah (KSA)

HAILSTONE (USA), 2007. Won 2 races and second in Pan American Stakes, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Sky Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Nijinsky Stakes, Gr.2 and John's Call Stakes, L.R. Sire of MOJTAHAH (KSA), ALFOHAYDY (KSA), LA'AJL THATEE (KSA), WAHBAT ALMANNAN (KSA), SHIBLAT HAILSTONE (KSA), OUM ALNAYASHEEN (KSA), HAYEB (KSA), BENDAAR (KSA), KANNAAN (KSA), ENAYAT ALDAYM (KSA), REDA ALBARI (KSA). 1st Dam WAED ALSHAMAL (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 5 foals of racing age vizSaanehah (KSA) (2020 f. by Stratford Hill (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £13,370. (2021 f. by Saint Anddan (USA)). 2nd Dam SSAEBAH (KSA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £25,012; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizINTAZHIROONI (KSA) (c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £70,365. WAJH ALRIYADH (KSA) (c. by Bandini (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £70,054. SHAFLOONAH (KSA) (f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £71,587. FAIHAA NAJD (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,721. 3rd Dam IDRISIYAH (KSA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSSADA (KSA) (c. by Souvenir Copy (USA)), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; sire. 4th Dam ANNETTES FANCY (USA), unraced; dam of 4 foals of racing age includingIdrisiyah (KSA) (f. by Lake Coniston (IRE)), see above. The next dam APRIL FANCY, won 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAPRIL RUN (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), Champion older mare in Europe in 1982, Champion turf filly in U.S.A. in 1982, won 8 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Turf Classic, Aqueduct, Gr.1 (twice), Prix Foy, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of winners. SPRING BREAK, 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of WEEKEND MADNESS (IRE), won Saratoga Budweiser Breeders' Cup H'cap, Saratoga, Gr.3. Desert Run (USA), unraced; dam of SIR CAT (USA), won Appleton Hcp, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 sire. NORTHERN VIEW (c. by Northfields (USA)), won 9 races at home and in Italy including Madrid Free Handicap, Curragh, L., second in Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. SCHEZERADE (USA) (f. by Tom Rolfe), won 2 races in France including Prix de la Porte de Passy, Chantilly, L., third in Prix des Tourelles, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. PHILANTHROP (FR), won Prix La Moskowa, Chantilly, L., Prix du Carrousel, Maisons-Laffitte, L., third in Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. LE ZELE (GB), 3 races including TV Tokyo Hai Aoba Sho (Derby Trial), Tokyo, L. SWIFT SPRING (FR), 1 race at 3 years; dam of SWING WING (GB), won Prix du Carrousel, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. Cement Creek (f. by General Assembly (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bay Meadows Debutante Stakes, Bay Meadows; dam of winners. Becky Branch (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. HONOR GLIDE (USA), won Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Bowling Green Handicap, Belmont, Gr.2; sire. Kelly Kerr (USA), unraced; grandam of MR WOLVERINE (USA), won TVG Khaled Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R.





Owner: FMQ Stables Quality Road (USA) Klimt (USA) Inventive (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 5th, 2022 Erin Enchanted (USA) (2009)

Lion Heart (USA) Gold 'n Sugar (USA)

Elusive Quality (USA) Kobla (USA) Dixie Union (USA) Original (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Satin Sunrise (USA) Java Gold (USA) Sugar Slew (USA)

KLIMT (USA), 2014. Won 3 races, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, second in Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3 and third in Shared Belief Stakes, L. Sire of BUTTERBEAN (USA), (Gr.3), KATONAH (USA), (S), TWIN CITY (CAN), (S), VIETNAM VICTORY (USA), (S), COSMIC TRAIN (USA), (S), Royal Keeper (USA), (L.), An Agent Mistake (USA), (L.), Klint Colors (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam Erin Enchanted (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £104,072 and placed 5 times including second in Shot Berry Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizCHARGING LION (USA) (2016 c. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £167,812 and placed 29 times. TEMPUS (USA) (2017 c. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £63,561 and placed 13 times. Alhazem (USA) (2020 c. by Mor Spirit (USA)), Placed once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. Miss Enchanted (USA) (2021 f. by Maximus Mischief (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam Gold 'n Sugar (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £137,520 and placed second in Montauk Handicap, Aqueduct, L. and Grecian Flight Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingErin Enchanted (USA) (f. by Lion Heart (USA)), see above. Sweet Ober Melissa (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CRONINTHEBARBARIAN (USA), won Kentucky Downs Juvenile Stakes, Kentucky Downs, placed second in Paradise Creek Stakes, Belmont Park, Pulpit Stakes, Gulfstream Park West and third in Dania Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam SUGAR SLEW (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to CYRANO (USA); dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGold 'n Sugar (USA) (f. by Java Gold (USA)), see above. CHRISTINA B (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Coleman Barricks (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Tri-State Futurity, Charles Town, L.R. and W.Virginia Vincent Moscarelli Mem.Stakes, Charles Town, L.R. Sugar Lane (USA) (f. by Known Fact (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SLAM N' SUGAR (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of RON (USA), won Crown Ambassador Stakes, Indiana Grand, R. The next dam SUE BABE (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Fashion Stakes, Belmont Park, Domino Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; Own sister to NORTHERN PROSPECT (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSIR HARRY LEWIS (USA) (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Dee Stakes, Chester, L., placed second in John Porter Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, third in International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Rothman's International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3 and fourth in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; sire. SIR RICHARD LEWIS (USA) (c. by Carr de Naskra (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including New York Stallion Stakes (2yo c&g), Aqueduct, L., New York Stallion Stakes (c&g), Aqueduct, L., placed second in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., third in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and fourth in Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. CYRANO (USA) (c. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Bertram F Bongard Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., placed third in Hollywood Juvenile Championship Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. Champagne Babe (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CHAMPAGNEFORASHLEY (USA), won Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Dewitt Clinton Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, L., Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., placed third in Wood Memorial Invitational Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1; sire.





Owner: FMQ Stables Uncle Mo (USA) Caracaro (USA) Peace Time (USA)

A BLACK FILLY (USA) March 9th, 2022 Winning Point (USA) (2004)

Point Given (USA) Bibical Sense (USA)

Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) War Front (USA) Santa Catarina (USA) Thunder Gulch (USA) Turko's Turn (USA) Blushing Groom (FR) Star In The North (USA)

CARACARO (USA), 2017. Won 1 race and second in Travers Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam WINNING POINT (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £204,794 including Am Capable Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed 7 times including second in Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Next Move Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Susan's Girl Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, L. and third in New York Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMAGIC CARPET (USA) (2017 c. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £64,351 and placed 14 times. WINNING CAUSEWAY (USA) (2011 c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 4 races at 5 and 7 years in U.S.A. and £53,666 and placed 11 times. FOREVER JIMMY (USA) (2018 c. by Jimmy Creed (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2022 in Canada and £10,206 and placed 3 times. Seven P'S (USA) (2020 f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years, 2023. Chasing Chayse (USA) (2021 c. by Goldencents (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by Basin (USA). 2nd Dam BIBICAL SENSE (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSENSE OF DUTY (USA) (c. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £198,441 including Forego Stakes, Turfway Park. Gilded Wings (USA) (f. by Gilded Time (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £117,174 and placed second in Stonerside Stakes, Lone Star Park, L., Wafare Farm Stakes, Lone Star Park, L., Martha Washington Stakes, Oaklawn Park; dam of winners. Fairing (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Dean Kutz Stakes, Canterbury Downs and Prairie Mile Stakes, Prairie Meadows. EVOLUTIONARY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Good Runner (CHI), winner to 2023 abroad, placed third in Premio dos Mil Guineas, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.1. BIBLICAL POINT (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TALK VEUVE TO ME (USA), won Indiana Oaks, Indiana Grand, Gr.3, placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Presque Isle Downs Masters Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, Gr.2 and Eight Belles Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Tiffany Case (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in West Virginia Secretary of State Stakes, Mountaineer Park; dam of LOVE TO SHOP (USA), won Toronto Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Being Anna (USA) (f. by Aldebaran (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of winners. War Tocsin (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in General George Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3 and third in True North Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. 3rd Dam Star In The North (USA), won 2 races at 3 years, third in Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingCOOL (USA) (c. by Bold Bidder), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Appleton Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed third in United Nations Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr.1; sire. MOUNTAIN KINGDOM (USA) (c. by Exceller (USA)), won 6 races at home and in U.S.A. including Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr.2, Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, Chester Stakes, Chester, L., placed second in St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1. HEAVEN AND EARTH (USA) (c. by Stop The Music (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Wiley Post Handicap, Remington Park. ALLATUM (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. LA TOUNDRA (USA), winner in France; dam of GOTDREAM (FR), won Hidden Light Stakes, Santa Anita, R. Lookatmewinning (USA), unraced; grandam of EMPEROR CAT (BRZ), won Grande Premio Jockey Club de Sao Paulo, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. Seaward (USA) (f. by Irish River (FR)), unraced; dam of winners. BEAUTY BRUSH (USA), won Cicero Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L.




Owner: Ayman Nasser Hamad Alrajhi Mineshaft (USA)

EANAIG (USA) May 3rd, 2022 A Bay Filly

Dialed In (USA) Miss Doolittle (USA) Dillingham (USA) (2008)

Pleasant Tap (USA) Northern Destiny (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Eliza (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Crafty Prospector (USA) Northern Dynasty (USA)

DIALED IN (USA), 2008. Won 3 races, Florida Derby, Gr.1 and Holy Bull Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of DEFUNDED (USA), (Gr.1), SUPER STOCK (USA), (Gr.1), GET HER NUMBER (USA), (Gr.1), MS LOCUST POINT (USA), (Gr.2), GUNNEVERA (USA), (Gr.2), MR WIRELESS (USA), (Gr.3), MUGARITZ (USA), (Gr.3), THE TABULATOR (USA), (Gr.3), MY OPINION (IND), (L.R.), EL DINAMICO (USA), (L.), PAPETU (USA), (L.), STRIVE FOR GLORY (USA), (L.), CHALON (USA), (L.), IT'S YOUR NICKEL (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam DILLINGHAM (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,949 and placed 3 times; Own sister to PLEASANT HILL (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMISS DILLINGHAM (USA) (2016 f. by Jump Start (USA)), won 16 races at 3 to 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £361,547 and placed 20 times. MISS PINK (USA) (2014 f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), won 8 races at 4 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £94,000 and placed 13 times. SPEED SLOT (USA) (2019 c. by Speightster (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £21,113 and placed once. MR MATTIS (USA) (2015 c. by Super Saver (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Jeongsang Factor (USA) (2021 c. by The Factor (USA)), unraced to date. (2020 c. by Warrior's Reward (USA)). 2nd Dam NORTHERN DESTINY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPLEASANT HILL (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £93,797 including Gardenia Handicap, Ellis Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Heavenly Hill (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Ontario Fashion Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Chicago Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3. Willow Hills (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Roxelana Stakes, Churchill Downs. Heartbroken Hill (USA), unraced; dam of Twin Farms (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Inaugural Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs; grandam of Schifty's Haloid (USA), winner in U.S.A.., placed third in Turfway Prevue Stakes, Turfway Park. MY DESTINY (USA) (f. by Majesticperfection (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £225,952 including Orleans Stakes, Delta Downs, placed second in Minaret Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and third in Minaret Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs. WALLOON (USA) (f. by Alphabet Soup (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £47,152 including Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of winners. Commander Khai (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Eddie Logan Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and third in Cecil B DeMille Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. 3rd Dam NORTHERN DYNASTY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of fourteen winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingDIGITAL DAN (USA) (c. by Ogygian (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Alberta Derby, Stampede Park, Gr.3R., Richmond Derby Trial, Hastings Park, Inaugural Stakes, Hastings Park, Province Stakes, Hastings Park; sire. DYNASTY (USA) (f. by Time For A Change (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, L., placed second in Athenia Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Just A Game Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Astoria Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of winners. HARISSA (USA), won Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2. AMERICAN DYNASTY (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including My Charmer Stakes, Turfway Park, L., Lieutenant Governor Stakes, Ellis Park, L., Likely Exchange Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Lady Hallie Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L., Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park, L.; dam of winners. ARISTOCRATIC LADY (USA), winner in France and in U.S.A.; dam of WESTERN ARISTOCRAT (USA), won Jamaica Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire, ZINDAYA (USA), won Goldikova Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; grandam of CARL SPACKLER (IRE), 3 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. including Nat. Museum Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Saranac Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. EVERHEART (USA) (f. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Wafare Farm Stakes, Lone Star Park.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab A P Indy (USA) Scipion (USA) Strawberry Reason (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 14th, 2022 Quickie Bird (USA) (2013)

Birdstone (USA) Quick Town (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Strawberry Road (AUS) Pretty Reason (USA) Grindstone (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Cape Town (USA) Quick Start (USA)

SCIPION (USA), 2002. Won 2 races, Risen Star Stakes, Gr.3, second in Point Given Stakes and third in Miller Genuine Draft Cradle Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of KEEP MOMMA HAPPY (USA), (L.R.), PITCH N ROLL (USA), (L.R.), SPEED IS LIFE (USA), (S), Grandiflora (USA), (L.), Outhaul (USA), (L.), Won The War (USA), (L.R.), In Arrears (USA), (S), SCIP'S SONATA (USA), SIPPY CUP (USA), ABSOLUTE ANSWER (USA), MORE REUBENS (USA), VALENTINE CHARM (USA), HANDSOME HARLEY (USA). 1st Dam QUICKIE BIRD (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizITS A BIRDIE (USA) (2019 f. by Congrats (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada and £16,702 and placed once. Ayat Almuhamadia (KSA) (2021 f. by Tapwrit (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam QUICK TOWN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,117; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSUPER QUICK (USA) (f. by Super Saver (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £311,864 including Allaire duPont Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, placed second in Fleur de Lis Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. VIVA MAJORCA (USA) (c. by Tiago (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £201,513 including Kelly's Landing Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed second in Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and third in Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. QUICK QUICK QUICK (USA) (f. by Tiago (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 7 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £383,716 including Chicken Fried Stakes, Lone Star Park. 3rd Dam QUICK START (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTAPIT QUICK (USA) (c. by Tapit (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam SING AND SWING (CAN), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Ontario Fashion Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Etobicoke Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, L., Fanfreluche Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingS S STONE (USA) (c. by Birdstone (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Skip Away Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. Precious Duke (USA) (g. by Toccet (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Sophomore Sprint Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L. Got That Swing (CAN) (c. by With Approval (CAN)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Expedite Plus Stakes, Fort Erie. The next dam SUN AND SNOW (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed third in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingWINDANSEA (USA) (f. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Davona Dale Handicap, Fair Grounds, placed second in Coca-Cola Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.3; dam of winners. BELONG TO SEA (USA), won Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3. TRUMAN C (USA), won Turfway Prevue Stakes, Turfway Park, L. SEA JAMIE WIN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of NEREID (USA), won American Oaks Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. SWEET SNOW (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. CHILLY BILLY (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. viz Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2 and Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, L.R.; sire. SISPRE (FR), winner in Italy; dam of FISICH (GB), 10 races in Italy including Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.2, placed third in Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1; sire. Silver Peak (USA) (f. by Bold Bidder), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. IN THE ZONE (USA), won Bachelor Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; sire.




Owner: Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi Arch (USA) Instilled Regard (USA) Enhancing (USA)

A BAY FILLY (USA) January 13th, 2022 Hung The Moon (USA) (2010)

Malibu Moon (USA) Storm Breaking (USA)


Kris S (USA) Aurora (USA) Forestry (USA) Heavenly Prize (USA) A P Indy (USA) Macoumba (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Sigrun (USA)

INSTILLED REGARD (USA), 2015. Won 5 races, Manhattan Stakes, Gr.1, Fort Marcy Stakes, Gr.2, Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gr.2, Lecomte Stakes, Gr.3, second in Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam HUNG THE MOON (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £103,650 including Wild Rose Stakes, Prairie Meadows, placed 5 times including third in Marie G Krantz Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBRILL (USA) (2016 f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £180,238 including Lady of Shamrock Stakes, Santa Anita, placed 3 times including third in Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3. MAGNIFICENT MILE (USA) (2020 c. by Quality Road (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £85,976 and placed 6 times. LAOBAN FUREN (USA) (2018 f. by Laoban (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,127 and placed twice. 2nd Dam Storm Breaking (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £54,517 and placed second in Lady's Secret Stakes, Remington Park; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingHUNG THE MOON (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), see above. Dulcify (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Deputy Jane West Stakes, Woodbine; dam of winners. Sweet Gracie (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A., second in Miss Disco Stakes, Laurel, R. and third in Dashing Beauty Stakes, Delaware Park, Maryland Million Distaff Stakes, Laurel, R. and Maryland Juvenile Fillies Championship, Laurel, R. Lucky Trinity (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Warrior's Reward Smart Halo Stakes, Laurel. 3rd Dam SIGRUN (USA), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Chris Evert Handicap, Hialeah Park, L.R., Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Boca Raton Handicap, Calder, L., Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, L.R., Chris Evert Breeders' Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, second in Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, Gr.3; Own sister to Elk River (USA); dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingWHIMSY (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Panthers Stakes, Prairie Meadows; dam of winners. Storm Breaking (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), see above. SIRA (USA) (f. by Capote (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ALEXANDRA RYLEE (USA), won Brandywine Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of CLAPTON (USA), won Lukas Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. GOLD PLATED (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of GOLDEN BANDIT (USA), won Canterbury Derby, Canterbury Park, L. DRIFA (USA) (f. by Tabasco Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MINDY SUE (USA), won Dashing Beauty Stakes, Delaware Park, Winter Melody Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Instant Racing Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. DRIFT TO THE LEAD (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CATCH MY DRIFT (USA), won Summer Colony Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Turnback The Alarm Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Ron's Girl (USA), unraced; dam of RESURRECTOR (USA), won Clasico George Washington, Camarero Race Track, L. The next dam APRIL DAWN MARIE (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Begonia Stakes, Calder and Convenience Stakes, Calder; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSPECTACULAR APRIL (USA) (f. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Office Queen Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, placed second in Budweiser Calder Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L., Toga Toga Stakes, Calder; dam of winners. Muskoka Dawn (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Bala (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Truly Bound Handicap, Fair Grounds, L.; dam of BAY TO BAY (USA), won Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2.




Speightstown (USA) AL BATTAR (USA) April 18th, 2022 A Bay Colt


Owner: Aljiad Stable

Qurbaan (USA) Flip Flop (FR) Safarjal (IRE) (2009)

Marju (IRE) Wijdan (USA)

Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Zieten (USA) Flaponny (USA) Last Tycoon Flame of Tara Mr Prospector (USA) Height of Fashion (FR)

E.B.F. Nominated. QURBAAN (USA), 2013. Won 7 races, Bernard Baruch Handicap, Gr.2 (twice), Prix Saonois, L., Prix Luthier, L., second in Old Forester Turf Classic Stakes, Gr.1, Ft Lauderdale Stakes, Gr.2, etc. First crop now 2 year olds. 1st Dam SAFARJAL (IRE), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to ORIENTAL FASHION (IRE); dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizKARAMA (USA) (2016 f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £92,109 including Stormy Blues Stakes, Laurel, L., placed twice viz second in Boiling Springs Stakes, Monmouth Park and Game Face Stakes, Gulfstream Park. IYWAAN (USA) (2015 c. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 17 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £278,682 and placed 17 times. MUNTHANY (USA) (2014 g. by Raven's Pass (USA)), won 12 races to 2022 at home and in Italy, £66,101 and placed 22 times. BAAGY (USA) (2019 c. by Tamarkuz (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £99,071 and placed 8 times. MOHASSANA (USA) (2018 f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £19,833 and placed 4 times. NAWAFETH (USA) (2017 f. by The Factor (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice. (2020 c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)). (2021 f. by English Channel (USA)). 2nd Dam Wijdan (USA), won 2 races at 3 years and £24,822 and placed 3 times including second in Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L.; Own sister to SARAYIR (USA), Bashayer (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMAKDERAH (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £134,109 including New York Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, October Stakes, Ascot, L., placed third in Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of a winner. ORIENTAL FASHION (IRE) (f. by Marju (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home, in France and in Italy and £54,270 including Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr.2, Prix de la Cochère, Chantilly, L., placed second in Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. ST JEAN (IRE), 6 races at 3, 4 and 7 years at home, in Australia and in New Zealand and £170,299 including Auckland Cup, Ellerslie, Gr.3; sire. Green Coast (IRE), 4 races at 3, 5 and 7 years at home and in U.A.E. and £324,337 and placed 12 times including second in Godolphin Mile, Meydan, Gr.2; sire. Bulbul (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and £22,339 and placed twice including second in Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. Famous Warrior (IRE), 6 races at home and in U.A.E. and £144,672 and placed 11 times including third in Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Fatanah (IRE) (f. by Green Desert (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, second in Newbury Fillies Trial, Newbury, L.; grandam of SHARP STAR (IRE)/CITY GOLD (IRE), 9 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 abroad and £160,095 including Macau Guineas, Taipa, L. MOHAFAZAAT (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Mutebah (IRE), 1 race at 4 years in France, placed third in Prix des Tourelles, Chantilly, L.; dam of Albasheer (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 5 years, 2023 and £76,267 and placed twice including second in Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2. 3rd Dam HEIGHT OF FASHION (FR), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1981, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years viz Princess of Wales' Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.3, May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L. and Acomb Stakes, York, L.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingNASHWAN (USA), Champion 3yr old in England in 1989 (9.5-11f.), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years including Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Autumn Stakes, Ascot, L., placed third in Prix Niel, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. NAYEF (USA) (c. by Gulch (USA)), won 9 races at home and in U.A.E. including Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Sheema Classic, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1; sire.




Unbridled's Song (USA) A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 26th, 2022


Owner: Sama Stable

Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA) Damsah (USA) (2010)

Mr Greeley (USA) Modeeroch (IRE)

Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Gone West (USA) Long Legend (USA) Mozart (IRE) Majinskaya (FR)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam DAMSAH (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £55,617 and placed 6 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizSPRINKLEHEAD (USA) (2018 c. by Mshawish (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £84,306 and placed 3 times. MEHLEK (USA) (2020 c. by Mshawish (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £41,200 and placed twice. PHARSALUS (USA) (2017 c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Japan. ALOBRAH (USA) (2019 f. by Mshawish (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £14,731 and placed twice. (2021 c. by Mshawish (USA)). 2nd Dam MODEEROCH (IRE), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and £166,614 including Fairy Bridge Stakes, Tipperary, L., Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, L., Knockaire Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed 10 times including second in Debutante Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 and third in Ridgewood Pearl Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Brownstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 (twice) and International Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMoteo (IRE) (f. by Teofilo (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and £47,802 and placed 7 times including second in Stanerra Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Victor McCalmont Memorial Stakes, Gowran Park, L. and third in Munster Oaks Stakes, Cork, Gr.3 and Navigation Stakes, Cork, L. 3rd Dam MAJINSKAYA (FR), won 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix des Tuileries, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix de Psyché, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMODEEROCH (IRE) (f. by Mozart (IRE)), see above. Danaskaya (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 2002, won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2 and third in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Blenheim Stakes, Curragh, L. and Belgrave Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. BELARDO (IRE), Champion 2yr old colt in Europe in 2014, 5 races at 2 and 4 years including Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Doncaster Mile, Doncaster, L., Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and third in Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. BERLING (IRE), 7 races at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden including Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr.3, Hesteforsikring Scandinavian Open C'ship, Copenhagen, Gr.3, Chester Handicap, Chester, L., Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L. Diamond Sky (IRE), placed twice at 2 years including third in Debutante Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, from only 3 starts. Chinese Whisper (IRE) (c. by Montjeu (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Prix La Force, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, El Gran Senor Stakes, Tipperary, L. and third in Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1 and Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. MASKAYA (IRE) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. CALIFORNIA (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years including Lillie Langtry Fillies' Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, placed second in River Eden Stakes, Lingfield, L. and third in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2. Drumbeat (IRE)/My Drumbeat (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in Singapore and placed second in Critérium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Feilden Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Dee Stakes, Chester, Gr.3. Shapes (IRE), placed twice at 2 years including third in Naas Juvenile Sprint Stakes, Naas, L.




Owner: Mohammed Jameel A Aljameel Tapit (USA)

A GREY/BAY COLT (KSA) April 1st, 2022

Cupid (USA) Pretty 'n Smart (USA) Psychic Elaine (USA) (2011)

Sightseeing (USA) Pamric (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Beau Genius (CAN) Charge d'Affaires (CAN) Pulpit (USA) Resort (USA) Woodman (USA) La Spia (USA)

CUPID (USA), 2013. Won 6 races, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Indiana Derby, Gr.2, Rebel Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry F Brubaker Stakes. Sire of CARSON'S RUN (USA), (Gr.1), DESERT DAWN (USA), (Gr.2), DUKE OF LOVE (CAN), (Gr.3), GOD OF LOVE (CAN), (Gr.3), CUPIDS CRUSH (USA), (S), THE SKY IS FALLING (USA), (S), STERLING SILVER (USA), (S), Minwah (USA), (Gr.3), Key To Success (USA), (S), Tonka Warrior (USA), (S), A P's Secret (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam PSYCHIC ELAINE (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizSAX (USA) (2019 f. by Jimmy Creed (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £81,154 and placed 5 times. FANTASTIC COMBI (USA) (2015 c. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Korea. Strange Joy (USA) (2021 f. by Jack Milton (USA)), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PAMRIC (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHEADACHE (USA) (g. by Tapit (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £526,768 including Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2, Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Handicap, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3. White She Devil (USA) (f. by Vicar (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £75,210 and placed second in Czaria Handicap, Sunland Park, Richland Hills Farm Stakes, Lone Star Park and third in Caprock Stakes, Zia Park; dam of winners. ROYAL G G (USA) (f. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Big Rock (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Lucky Coin Stakes, Saratoga, R. Limerick (USA) (f. by Black Minnaloushe (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. Lunastorta (USA), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £29,505 and placed 7 times including third in Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.3. Wicked Finn (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Red Bank Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. 3rd Dam LA SPIA (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and third in Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 11 foals of racing ageLa Sila (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), ran once at 3 years; dam of a winner. Short Circuit (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Tremont Stakes, Belmont Park, L. Viligent (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. MI VIGIA (ARG), won Clasico Olavarria, San Isidro, Gr.3; dam of Ramses (ARG), placed second in Copa de Plata Italo Traverso Pasqualetti, Valparaiso, Gr.2, Senor Dan (ARG), placed second in Clasico Pedro Chapar, San Isidro, Gr.3. 4th Dam BEWARE (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingLA SPIA (USA) (f. by Capote (USA)), see above. The next dam MISS BETTY (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPATCHES (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., second in Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and third in Princess Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Balboa Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3; dam of winners. RED ATTACK (USA) (c. by Alydar (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Equipoise Mile Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, L., second in American Derby, Arlington, Gr.1; sire. EXIT FIVE B (USA) (c. by Best Turn (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Balmoral Handicap, Balmoral Park, placed third in Cowdin Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. HICKMAN CREEK (USA) (c. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. including Los Feliz Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., third in San Felipe Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire.


13 BOX

Owner: Saleh Abdulrahman S. Alwabel Candy Ride (ARG)

MAJOR WABEL (USA) April 26th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA) Last Kiss (USA) (2013)

Lemon Drop Kid (USA) Carafe (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Devil's Bag (USA) Bottle Top (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam LAST KISS (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £65,871 and placed 7 times; Own sister to KITTY WINE (USA); dam of one winner from 1 runner and 3 foals of racing age vizDOUBLE DEALER (USA) (2019 c. by Blame (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £36,813 and placed twice. It’s Phenomenal (USA) (2020 c. by Lea (USA)), unraced to date. Rural Juror (USA) (2021 f. by First Samurai (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam Carafe (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £142,874 and placed second in Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, L. and third in Miss Woodford Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingKITTY WINE (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £162,658 including Lady Canterbury Stakes, Canterbury Downs, placed third in South Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of winners. Atwell (USA) (g. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £53,771 and placed second in Jersey Derby, Monmouth Park, L. FLASK (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £59,043; dam of winners. TIPSY TALES (USA), won Canadian Juvenile Stakes, Century Mile. 3rd Dam BOTTLE TOP (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed third in Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1 and Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSTRODES CREEK (USA) (c. by Halo (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. including J O Tobin Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., second in Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and third in Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. CANTEEN (USA) (c. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. including El Segundo Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., placed second in San Fernando Breeders' Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Corker (USA) (c. by Festin (ARG)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Gethsemani (USA) (c. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in San Miguel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Bottled Memory (USA) (f. by Raise A Native), unraced; dam of winners. BLUEGRASS BEAT (USA), won William Almy Jr Handicap, Suffolk Downs. The next dam RHUBARB, won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gala Fete Handicap, Hawthorne, First Lady Handicap, Laurel; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBOTTLE TOP (USA) (f. by Topsider (USA)), see above. Raise Old Glory (USA) (f. by Hoist The Flag (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Cotillion Stakes, Keystone Race Track, Gr.2; dam of winners. QUARREL (USA) (f. by Raise A Native), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LETS DONT FIGHT (USA), won Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.1. FUZZY (USA), won Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, third in Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Washington Park H’cap, Arlington, Gr.2; sire. FIGHT OVER (USA), won Aqueduct Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Roamer Handicap, Aqueduct, placed third in Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1; sire. WISE COUNSELLOR (USA), 2 races at 3 years including Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.2; sire. Quarrel Over (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and fourth in Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; dam of SUIVI (USA), won Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1.




Twirling Candy (USA) ALKHAIR (USA) January 25th, 2022 A Grey/Roan Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Gift Box (USA) Special Me (USA) Turning Tide (USA) (2016)

Malibu Moon (USA) Calm Water (USA)

Candy Ride (ARG) House of Danzing (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Delta Danielle (CAN) A P Indy (USA) Macoumba (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Soothing Touch (USA)

GIFT BOX (USA), 2013. Won 6 races, San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Gr.1, San Antonio Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), second in Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, Curlin Stakes and third in Remsen Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam TURNING TIDE (USA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizNorth End Lady (USA) (2020 f. by Violence (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Book On Tape (USA) (2021 f. by Audible (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam CALM WATER (USA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,945; Own sister to EMOLLIENT (USA); dam of two winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingLAUREL RIVER (USA) (c. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £231,840 including Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. 3rd Dam SOOTHING TOUCH (USA), placed 3 times at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingEMOLLIENT (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Rodeo Drive Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, American Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, placed second in Gamely Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. RACLETTE (GB), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in France including Prix de Malleret, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Prix Mélisande, ParisLongchamp, L. COURTIER (USA) (c. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. including Centaur Stakes, Indiana Downs, L., placed second in Kitten's Joy Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. and third in Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; sire. HOFBURG (USA) (c. by Tapit (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Curlin Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Xpressbet Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 and third in Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. 4th Dam GLIA (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Imprudence, Maisons-Laffitte, L., Pebbles Handicap, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; Own sister to SNAKE MOUNTAIN (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing ageDream of Genie (FR) (f. by Pivotal (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. FAN DII NA (JPN), won Flower Cup, Nakayama, Gr.3. The next dam COUP DE GENIE (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in France in 1993, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France viz Prix de la Salamandre, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, placed third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; Own sister to MACHIAVELLIAN (USA) and OCEAN OF WISDOM (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingDENEBOLA (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in France in 2003, won 2 races at 2 years in France viz Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, placed second in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; grandam of SENGA (USA), won Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1. LOVING KINDNESS (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 2 races in France including Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, third in Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; dam of winners. SNAKE MOUNTAIN (USA) (g. by A P Indy (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Aqueduct Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Queens County Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. Moonlight's Box (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BAGO (FR), Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2003, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2004, won Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Critérium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix Ganay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1; sire. MAXIOS (GB), 8 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in France including Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix d'Ispahan, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Aldiriyah Stebel Fun Galore (USA) Sawjaan (KSA) Amal Aerdhah (KSA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 24th, 2022 Saarodah (KSA) (2014)

Alnajim Althakeb (KSA) Tawarif (KSA)


Gone West (USA) Ma Petite Jolie (USA) Blue Burner (USA) Aerdhah (KSA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Hurry Home Hillary (USA) Freequent (GB) Martha's Music (USA)

SAWJAAN (KSA), 2014. Won 1 race. First crop now 2 year olds. 1st Dam SAARODAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd Dam TAWARIF (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMEDY HA (KSA) (f. by Kreem (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam MARTHA'S MUSIC (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.S.A. including Anne Arundel Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3, Martha Washington Breeders' Cup Stakes, Laurel, L. and Nellie Morse Stakes, Laurel; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingAQEEDAH (KSA) (f. by Alamocitos (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. MONTAKHEBAH (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam DANZIG KEY (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMARTHA'S MUSIC (USA) (f. by Sultry Song (USA)), see above. Camp Girl (USA) (f. by Forty Niner (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CAMPIN' GIRL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of Mudinator (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada, placed third in Birdcatcher Stakes, Century Mile. Meet the Girl (USA), unraced; dam of Misty Do It (CAN), winner in Canada and placed third in R K Red Smith Handicap, Northlands Park. The next dam CLEF D'ARGENT (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed second in La Centinela Stakes, Santa Anita; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingNINE KEYS (USA) (f. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Monmouth Park Breeders' Cup Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Honey Bee Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3; grandam of Desert Key (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Amsterdam Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; sire; third dam of GIRONA FEVER (URU), won Gran Premio Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, Clasico Juana Mautone, Hipo Maronas, Gr.3, DOG VALIENTE (URU), won Clasico Peru, Hipo Maronas, L. SILVER VOICE (USA) (c. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Survivor Stakes, Pimlico, L.R.; sire. Combination (USA) (f. by Topsider (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. DANS L'ARGENT (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; grandam of BLOOD MONEY (ARG), won Clasico Eduardo Casey, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2, second in G. P. Joaquin V Gonzalez-Internacional, La Plata, Gr.1, MISS FLEETFOOT (USA), won Primonetta Stakes, Pimlico; third dam of KING FOR A DAY (USA), won Pegasus Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; sire; fourth dam of MIND CONTROL (USA), won Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, H. Allen Jerkins Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and John A. Nerud Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. Foxey's Finest (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Cariboo Prospector (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Canadian Derby, Northlands Park, Gr.3 and Burnaby Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hastings Park. French Line (USA) (f. by Boundary (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SONG WARRIOR (USA), won HBPA Jefferson Cty Commission Hcap, Charles Town. Lastofthsummerwine (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of CONQUEST PANTHERA (USA), won Play the King Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, placed third in Maker's 46 Mile Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, HAPPY LIKE A FOOL (USA), won Adena Springs Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, HAWAIIAN NOISES (USA), won Mayers Animal Kingdom Stakes, Turfway Park.




Owner: Faisal Saad H. AlSuliman Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 17th, 2022 Sho Eylah (KSA) (2012)

Iftitah (USA) Mabroorah (KSA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Gone West (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Diesis Azimah (GB)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SHO EYLAH (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 3 runners from 3 foals of racing age includingAmal Alhosaam (KSA) (2020 f. by Qaatef (IRE)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MABROORAH (KSA), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age vizSho Eylah (KSA) (f. by Iftitah (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam AZIMAH (GB), placed 4 times at 3 years; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAEBAQ ALHIJAAZ (KSA) (f. by Iftitah (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. 4th Dam RAFIF (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingPRESSING (IRE) (c. by Soviet Star (USA)), won 13 races at 3 to 7 years in Germany, in Italy and abroad including Grosser Dallmayr Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1, Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1, Premio Carlo Vittadini, Milan, Gr.2 (twice), Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr.2, Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, Gr.2 (twice), Premio Ambrosiano, Milan, Gr.3, placed second in Grosser Dallmayr Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1; sire. Rajam (GB) (g. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 6 years and placed second in Prix Roland de Chambure, Deauville, L. The next dam REVES CELESTES (USA), won 3 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMATAHIF (IRE) (g. by Wassl), won 9 races at home and abroad including Zetland Stakes, Newmarket, L., Milka Steher Cup, Baden-Baden, L., Dansk Eclipse Stakes, Copenhagen, L., placed third in Stockholms Cup International, Taby, Gr.3. Keswa (f. by Kings Lake (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed third in Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of winners. MAZUNA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years including Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed second in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2; dam of BEAUTIFUL ROMANCE (GB), 5 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in Australia and in U.A.E. including Middleton Stakes, York, Gr.2, Quayclean Zipping Sandown Classic, Sandown, Gr.2, placed third in British Champions Fillies/Mare Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. COMPRADORE (GB), 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years; dam of BEYOND DESIRE (GB), 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in France including Prix de Saint Georges, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; grandam of STARLUST (GB), 3 races at 2 years, 2023 including Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3, QUEEN OF DESIRE (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years including Lansdown Stakes, Bath, L. STARLIGHT DREAMS (USA) (f. by Black Tie Affair), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MASTERCRAFTSMAN (IRE), Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2008, 7 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. GENUINE DEVOTION (IRE), 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Locust Grove Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; grandam of ZOFFARELLI (IRE), 2 races at home and in U.S.A. including La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3. Famous (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, second in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of SHERBET LEMON (USA), 2 races including Lingfield Oaks Trial Stakes, L., Il Paradiso (USA), winner and third in Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1.




Owner: Faisal Abdul karim Mufdi Alajmi Bernstein (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (USA) April 6th, 2022

Karakontie (JPN) Sun Is Up (JPN) Just a Look (USA) (2016)

Lookin At Lucky (USA) Charming N Lovable (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) La Affirmed (USA) Sunday Silence (USA) Moon Is Up (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) Private Feeling (USA) Horse Chestnut (SAF) St Lucinda (CAN)

E.B.F. Nominated. KARAKONTIE (JPN), 2011. 4th top rated 2yr old colt in Europe in 2013. Won 5 races, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Mile, Gr.1, Prix La Rochette, Gr.3, second in Prix de Fontainebleau, Gr.3, etc. Sire of SHE FEELS PRETTY (USA), (Gr.1), SPENDARELLA (USA), (Gr.1), NONE ABOVE THE LAW (USA), (Gr.2), PRINCESS GRACE (USA), (Gr.2), FOREIGN RELATIONS (USA), (Gr.3), SOLE VOLANTE (USA), (Gr.3), KENZAI WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam JUST A LOOK (USA), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £16,946; dam of 1 foal of racing ageChange Your Name (USA) (2021 c. by Blame (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 colt by Mo Town (USA). 2nd Dam CHARMING N LOVABLE (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £85,023 including Flawlessly Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., third in Marie P Debartalo Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingFAULT (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £472,179 including Santa Margarita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Adoration Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, second in Tawee Stakes, Indiana Grand and third in Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. Betweenhereandcool (USA) (g. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 23 races in U.S.A. and £276,945 and placed second in Iowa Derby, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3. Congenial (USA) (g. by Pulpit (USA)), won 7 races at 4, 5 and 7 years in U.S.A. and £157,587 and placed second in Veteran Stakes, Zia Park. Nagambie (USA) (f. by Flatter (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. JUJU'S MAP (USA), won Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, placed second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Del Mar, Gr.1 and third in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam St Lucinda (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Palisades Stakes, Keeneland, L. and third in Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, L.; dam of ten winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMANANAN MCLIR (USA) (c. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 9 races at home and in U.S.A. including American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, second in Hollywood Derby, Gr.1. BIG SUR (USA) (g. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Majestic Light Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., second in Salvator Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. CHARMING N LOVABLE (USA) (f. by Horse Chestnut (SAF)), see above. Sandra's Rose (USA) (f. by Old Trieste (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Senator Ken Maddy Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Daisycutter Handicap, Del Mar, L. and third in Las Cienegas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of winners. SOUTH BEND (USA), won Street Sense Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed second in Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.3, Harlan's Holiday Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. HE'S THE REASON (USA), won S W Randall Plate Handicap, Hastings Park, Lieutenant Governors' Handicap, Hastings Park, placed second in Derby British Columbia Cup Classic, Hastings Park and Chris Loseth Handicap, Hastings Park. Sandra's Day (USA), unraced; dam of Kandoo (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ocala Breeders Sales Sprint (fillies), Ocala T.C., R. Composition (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Desert Vixen Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of a winner. MOVE CLICKLY (USA) (f. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FIORETTI (USA), won Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. LOUISVILLE FIRST (USA), won New York Stallion Stakes (3yo fillies), Belmont Park, R., placed second in New York Stallion Series Stakes (3yof), Saratoga, R. Laffina (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. BAST (USA), won Starlet Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.1, Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Santa Anita, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Curlin (USA) Palace Malice (USA) Palace Rumor (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 1st, 2022 Divina Luz (BRZ) (2013)

Wild Event (USA) Ohneguinha (BRZ)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Royal Anthem (USA) Whisperifyoudare (USA) Wild Again (USA) North of Eden Vettori (IRE) Court Lady (BRZ)

PALACE MALICE (USA), 2010. Won 7 races, Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gr.2, Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of STRUCTOR (USA), (Gr.1), MR MONOMOY (USA), (Gr.2), LIKE THE KING (USA), (Gr.3), FLY ON ANGEL (USA), (Gr.3), CRYSTALLE (USA), (L.), PRINCE ABU DHABI (USA), (S), MISS BRAZIL (USA), (S), ICE PRINCESS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam DIVINA LUZ (BRZ), unraced; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizDIVINAS CONNECTION (USA) (2019 c. by Connect (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £22,231 and placed 4 times. Divine Choice (USA) (2018 f. by Street Boss (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A. Luz Divina (USA) (2021 f. by Palace Malice (USA)), placed twice at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £30,500. Divina Dulce (USA) (2020 f. by Sharp Azteca (USA)), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Ohneguinha (BRZ), won 1 race in Brazil and placed second in Grande Premio Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, Gavea, Gr.3 and third in Grande Premio Juliano Martins, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingANTHONY QUINN (BRZ) (c. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 8 years in Brazil. 3rd Dam COURT LADY (BRZ), won 11 races in Brazil including Org.Sulamericana Fomento P.S. de Corrida, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, Grande Premio 25 de Janeiro, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, Grande Premio Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3 (twice), Grande Premio Imprensa, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, Grande Premio C. C. C. C. N., Cidade Jardim, Gr.3; Own sister to REMEMBER (BRZ) and EXACT IMAGE (BRZ); dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingONEFORTHEROAD (BRZ) (f. by Ghadeer (FR)), won 5 races in Brazil including Grande Premio Diana (Oaks), Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, G.P. C. Telles e C. Gilberto Rocha Faria, Gavea, Gr.2, GP. Joao Adhemar,Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gavea, Gr.3, placed second in Grande Premio Diana, Gavea, Gr.1; dam of winners. FLYMETOTHEMOON (BRZ), Champion 3yr old colt in Brazil in 2008-09, won Grande Premio Sao Paulo-Rede Globo, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, Grande Premio Linneo de Paula Machado, Gavea, Gr.1, Classico Justica do Trabalho-Regiao, Gavea, L., placed second in Grande Premio Brasil, Gavea, Gr.1 and third in Grande Premio Derby Paulista, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1; sire. EISSOAI (BRZ), won Grande Premio Diana (Oaks), Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, placed third in G. P. Barao de Piracicaba (1000 Guineas), Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. AY CARAMBA (BRZ), won GP Asoc.Bras.Criadores Cavalo de Corrida, Gavea, Gr.1, Oceanport Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gavea, Gr.3; sire. Bye Bye Caroline (BRZ), unraced; dam of PIMPER'S PARADISE (BRZ), Champion older horse in Brazil in 202021, won Grande Premio Brasil, Gavea, Gr.1, Copa A.B.C.P.C.C. Matias Machline, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. Cherie Gigi (BRZ), unraced; dam of NOSTALGIE (BRZ), won Grande Premio Margarida Polak Lara, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. I'm A Lady (BRZ), unraced; dam of PERIGOOSA (BRZ), won G.P. Roberto e Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, Gavea, Gr.1. RUNFORTHEDOE (BRZ) (c. by Our Emblem (USA)), won 3 races in Argentina and in U.S.A. including Gran Premio Montevideo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1 and Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; sire. MOLENGAO (BRZ) (c. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years in Brazil and in U.S.A. including Mervyn Leroy Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, San Antonio Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, second in Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. NEW ROCHELLE (BRZ) (f. by Ghadeer (FR)), won 3 races in Brazil including Grande Premio Joao Cecilio Ferraz, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2; dam of winners. Route Sixty Six (BRZ) (f. by Ghadeer (FR)), unraced; dam of winners. DOUBLE TROUBLE (BRZ), won Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, G.P. C. Telles e C. Gilberto Rocha Faria, Gavea, Gr.2, placed third in Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1.




Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Kyllachy (GB)

DOMOOK (IRE) March 4th, 2022 A Chesnut Filly (first foal)

Twilight Son (GB) Twilight Mistress (GB) Piazza Navona (GB) (2017) E.B.F. Nominated.

Dutch Art (GB) Field of Miracles (IRE) B.C. Nominated.


Pivotal (GB) Pretty Poppy (GB) Bin Ajwaad (IRE) By Candlelight (IRE) Medicean (GB) Halland Park Lass (IRE) Galileo (IRE) Landmark (USA) IRE Qualified

TWILIGHT SON (GB), 2012. Won 6 races, Diamond Jubilee Stakes, Gr.1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr.1, second in QIPCO British Champions Sprint Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of ARIA IMPORTANTE (GB), (Gr.3), TWILIGHT JET (IRE), (Gr.3), TWILIGHT SPINNER (GB), (Gr.3), BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND (GB), (L.), VETIVER (GB), (L.), WICKLOW (IRE), (L.), TOIMY SON (FR), (L.), BAGHED (GB), (L.), LITTLE O' KELLY (GB), (L.), Twilight Calls (GB), (Gr.1), Khunan (GB), (Gr.2), Whoputfiftyinyou (IRE), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam PIAZZA NAVONA (GB), unraced. She also has a 2023 colt by Sottsass (FR). 2nd Dam Field of Miracles (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and £32,859 and placed 3 times including second in Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield, L.; Own sister to CAMERON HIGHLAND (IRE); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizEARLSWOOD (GB) (c. by Pivotal (GB)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Australia and £179,073 including Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, T S Carlyon Cup, Caulfield, Gr.3, placed twice including third in Dee Stakes, Chester, L. MAKING MIRACLES (GB) (g. by Pivotal (GB)), won 9 races at 3 to 7 years, 2022 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £1,770,563 and placed 9 times. MIRACLE SPIN (GB) (c. by Pivotal (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022/23 in Australia and £116,960 and placed 6 times. LITIGIOUS (GB) (f. by Lawman (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years and £24,722 and placed twice, from only 5 starts. 3rd Dam LANDMARK (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to ARRAVALE (USA); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSOLID STONE (IRE) (g. by Shamardal (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 6 years, 2022 including Huxley Stakes, Chester, Gr.2, Legacy Cup, Newbury, Gr.3, Winter Hill Stakes, Windsor, Gr.3, Royal Windsor Stakes, Windsor, L., placed second in August Stakes, Windsor, L. and third in Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Wolferton Stakes, Ascot, L. and Steventon Stakes, Newbury, L. CAMERON HIGHLAND (IRE) (c. by Galileo (IRE)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years including August Stakes, Windsor, L. (twice); sire. Stor Mo Chroi (IRE) (f. by Montjeu (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. Fierospeed (IRE), 4 races at 4 years at home and in Qatar and placed second in Qatar Gold Trophy, Al Rayyan, L. 4th Dam Kalosca (FR), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix de Liancourt, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Lady's Secret Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Matiara Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingARRAVALE (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Alywow Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in American Oaks Invitational Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Nancy O (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in Canada and placed third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; dam of ZECHARIAH (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. HOLLYWOOD HIDEAWAY (USA) (g. by Zensational (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 6 years in Canada including Victoria Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L. Hollywood Critic (USA) (g. by Blame (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 7 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Display Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Carmel Beauty (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), placed twice in Canada; dam of winners. SENOR TESTAFERRO (USA), won Clasico Angel T Cordero Jr, Camarero, L.


20 BOX

Owner: Saad madhesh M. Alsaube Alsahaly Mizzen Mast (USA) Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) March 29th, 2022 Heir Apparent (USA) (2014)

Old Fashioned (USA) She'll Heir (USA)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Collect Call (USA) Wildcat Heir (USA) The Tricks On Me (USA)

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam HEIR APPARENT (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £50,890, placed 3 times; dam of 2 foals of racing age including(2021 f. by The Admiral (USA)). 2nd Dam SHE'LL HEIR (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £49,540 including Cinderella Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingVertrazzo (USA) (f. by Trappe Shot (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £148,989 and placed second in West Virginia Secretary of State Stakes, Mountaineer Park and third in Gin Talking Stakes, Laurel and Smart Halo Stakes, Laurel. 3rd Dam THE TRICKS ON ME (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSHE'LL HEIR (USA) (f. by Wildcat Heir (USA)), see above. ONE IN THE CHAMBER (USA) (f. by Red Bullet (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GUNS LOADED (USA), won San Simeon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Joe Hernandez Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in Best Pal Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2. 4th Dam PEACEFUL ROAD (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. viz Santa Paula Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Corte Madera Stakes, Golden Gate, L., placed second in La Habra Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSERENITY TRAIL (USA) (c. by El Corredor (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. The next dam FIELD POINT ROAD (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingD'YOUVILLE NURSE (USA) (f. by Dr Blum (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Contessa Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Francis Scott Key Stakes, Laurel; dam of winners. UNBRIDLED HOPE (USA), won Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of Raesunbridledfaith (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in R H Walter California Cup Juv.Stakes (f), Santa Anita, L.R. and Barretts Debutante Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R.; grandam of SUGAR SHOCK (USA), won Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and American Beauty Stakes, Oaklawn Park, ANDRIETTE (JPN), won Mermaid Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.3; third dam of LAGOM (JPN), won Kisaragi Sho, Chukyo, Gr.3 and Andromeda Stakes, Hanshin, L. FORESTIER (USA), won Classy Mirage Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Jameela Stakes, Laurel, L.R.; dam of Don't Blame Me (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Jimmy Durante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. Silent Fred (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2. Song 'n Silk (USA), unraced; dam of BEARPATH (USA), won Pan American Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. SUMMER STORM (USA) (f. by Peace For Peace (USA)), won 9 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. D'WILD RIDE (CAN), won West Virginia Secretary of State Hcp, Mountaineer Park, L., Cornucopia Stakes, Parx Racing, L. and Regret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of Wild N Ready (USA), winner in Canada and placed second in P G Johnson Stakes, Saratoga, L. Warm Rain (USA), winner in Canada, second in Hill 'n' Dale Stakes, Woodbine, L. Seeking Shelter (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Simcoe Stakes, Woodbine, R. Diva Girl (USA) (f. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. Petecarol (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Maryland Million Nursery Stakes, Laurel, L.R.


21 BOX

Owner: Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran Tapit (USA) Tapwrit (USA) Appealing Zophie (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 12th, 2022 Moon Philly (USA) (2009)

Malibu Moon (USA) Astor Place (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Successful Appeal (USA) Zophie (USA) A P Indy (USA) Macoumba (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Araadh (USA)

TAPWRIT (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, NYRA Bets Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Pulpit Stakes, second in Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of DON ICO T (USA), (L.), VICTORY FORMATION (USA), (L.), AMSTRONG (USA), (S), Sola Bella (PR), (L.), Taylors Tap (USA), (S), TAP IT UP (USA), SAWEETIE GIRL (USA), WINNEMAC AVENUE (USA), ALULA (USA), PROCTOR PHANTOM (USA), CHA CHA TAP (USA). 1st Dam MOON PHILLY (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £222,630 including Justakiss Stakes, Delaware Park, Maryland Racing Media Stakes, Laurel, Nellie Morse Stakes, Laurel, placed 7 times including second in Jameela Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Cat Cay Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Lady Charles Town Stakes, Charles Town, L. and Wintergreen Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizAddilyn (USA) (2017 f. by Palace Malice (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £123,196 and placed 13 times including third in Game Face Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Icy Calm (USA) (2016 f. by Curlin (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,286 and placed once viz third in Unbridled Essence Stakes, Monmouth Park. DUNVEGAN DOLL (USA) (2019 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £94,549 and placed 5 times. Moontap (USA) (2020 f. by Tapwrit (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Tapwrit (USA)). 2nd Dam ASTOR PLACE (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMOON PHILLY (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), see above. PUTTHEHAMMERDOWN (USA) (c. by Guilt Trip (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £84,689. 3rd Dam ARAADH (USA), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing ageNaughty Gal (USA) (f. by Diesis), unraced; dam of winners. Sugar Mammy (USA), placed third in Clasico Rafael y Rafy Fernandez, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. The next dam IDLE GOSSIP (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Lakewood Stakes, Meadowlands, placed third in Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; Own sister to Banker's Favorite (USA); dam of four winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingIDLE SON (USA) (c. by Sharpen Up), won 6 races at 3 to 6 years in France, in Italy and in U.S.A. including How Now Handicap, Del Mar, L., Premio Nearco, Rome, L.; sire. Incha (GB) (f. by Nashwan (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. SOLVIG (USA), won Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, second in Winstar Galaxy Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; grandam of NAVICELLO (BRZ), won G.P. Roberto Gabizo e Adhemar de Faria, Gavea, Gr.3. LADY CARLOCK (USA), won Suwannee River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Old Red Stakes, Saratoga, L. and third in Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Lady Canterbury Stakes, Canterbury Downs, L. and Belle-Meade Kentucky Cup Ladies Turf Stk, Kentucky Downs. SWING THAT CAT (USA), won Svenskt Derby, Jagersro, L.; sire. MILA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of NO DOZING (USA), won Bold Ruler Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Concern Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, LG&E and Ku Pat Day Mile Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Good Magic Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, Hockessin Stakes, Delaware Park and third in Stonestreet Lexington Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; third dam of BIZ NIPPER (USA), won Clasico Jorge Ameglio, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., VERYLITTLECENTS (USA), won Ellis Park Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park, placed second in Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park and third in Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L. and Myrtlewood Stakes, Keeneland, Bold Thirst (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., second in Jean Lafitte Stakes, Delta Downs.




Owner: Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons City Zip (USA) Hailstone (USA) Weekend Storm (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 11th, 2022 Thumamah (USA) (2010)

Half Ours (USA) Regal Point (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Weekend Surprise (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Zing (USA) Point Given (USA) Regal Pennant (CAN)

HAILSTONE (USA), 2007. Won 2 races and second in Pan American Stakes, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Sky Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Nijinsky Stakes, Gr.2 and John's Call Stakes, L.R. Sire of MOJTAHAH (KSA), ALFOHAYDY (KSA), LA'AJL THATEE (KSA), WAHBAT ALMANNAN (KSA), SHIBLAT HAILSTONE (KSA), OUM ALNAYASHEEN (KSA), HAYEB (KSA), BENDAAR (KSA), KANNAAN (KSA), ENAYAT ALDAYM (KSA), REDA ALBARI (KSA). 1st Dam THUMAMAH (USA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £29,875 and placed 7 times; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizKareebo (KSA) (2021 c. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam REGAL POINT (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingHER MAJESTY'S FLAG (USA) (f. by Midshipman (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £98,773 including Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, L., third in Wayward Lass Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and Etobicoke Stakes, Woodbine; dam of a winner. REPREIVE (USA) (f. by Successful Appeal (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £100,932; dam of winners. CARTWHEELIN LULU (USA), won Joseph A Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed third in Niagara Stakes, Finger Lakes, R. and New York Stallion Series Stakes (2yof), Aqueduct, R. 3rd Dam REGAL PENNANT (CAN), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Ontario Debutante Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R.; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingREGALLY APPEALING (USA) (f. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Turfway Park, L., placed second in Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L. and third in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. APPEALING BRIDE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of APPEALING TALE (USA), won Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Triple Bend Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, San Pasqual Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, COLERFUL BRIDE (USA), won Bob Bryant Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., placed second in Iowa Breeders' Oaks, Prairie Meadows, R. REGAL MISS COPELAN (USA) (f. by Copelan (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of winners. ROCKPORT HARBOR (USA), won Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Essex Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; sire. SONG OF SOLOMON (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of A A AZULA'S ARCH (USA), won Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Queen Brianna (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A.; grandam of KISSES FOR EMILY (USA), won Society Hill Stakes, Parx Racing. Patti's Regal Song (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Wild Rose Stakes, Prairie Meadows; dam of winners. MARACUJA (USA), won Coaching Club American Oaks, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed second in Gazelle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. Royal Sweep (USA) (f. by End Sweep (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. IN THE FAIRWAY (USA), won W.Virginia Vincent Moscarelli Mem.Stakes, Charles Town, L.R., Frank Gall Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R., Confucius Say Stakes, Charles Town, R. (twice), TB Breeders Asscociation Classic Stakes, Charles Town, R., Coin Collector Stakes, Charles Town, R., Tri-State Futurity, Charles Town, Henry P Mercer Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R. Exit Now (USA) (f. by Wild Again (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; grandam of Filly Joel (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Tiger (USA), placed second in Limehouse Stakes, Gulfstream Park.




Owner: Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons City Zip (USA) Hailstone (USA) Weekend Storm (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) January 24th, 2022 Frosted Candy (USA) (2012)

Macho Uno (USA) Fortune Candy (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Weekend Surprise (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) Milwaukee Brew (USA) Freedom Come (CAN)

HAILSTONE (USA), 2007. Won 2 races, second in Pan American Stakes, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Sky Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Nijinsky Stakes, Gr.2 and John's Call Stakes, L.R. Sire of MOJTAHAH (KSA), ALFOHAYDY (KSA), LA'AJL THATEE (KSA), WAHBAT ALMANNAN (KSA), SHIBLAT HAILSTONE (KSA), OUM ALNAYASHEEN (KSA), HAYEB (KSA), BENDAAR (KSA), KANNAAN (KSA), ENAYAT ALDAYM (KSA), REDA ALBARI (KSA). 1st Dam FROSTED CANDY (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizTARRAHAH (KSA) (2016 f. by Sligo Bay (IRE)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 7 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £66,162 and placed 12 times. Ma Tadry (KSA) (2018 f. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), placed 3 times at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Salute Macho (KSA) (2021 c. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from only 2 starts. (2020 f. by Hailstone (USA)). 2nd Dam FORTUNE CANDY (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizART G IS BACK (USA) (c. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £203,028 including Benny The Bull Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., Thirsty Fish Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Millions Classic Preview Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R., Not Surprising Stakes, Gulfstream Park, English Channel Stakes, Gulfstream Park and third in Cutler Bay Stakes, Gulfstream Park. FRANK FIRST (USA) (c. by Lea (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £75,626. CAFE FLAVOR (CAN) (c. by Einstein (BRZ)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £65,822. 3rd Dam Freedom Come (CAN), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Zadracarta Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Adena Springs Matchmaker Stakes, Fort Erie; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingHARLEM ROCKER (CAN) (c. by Macho Uno (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Withers Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Prince of Wales Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R., placed second in Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1 and third in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. FREEDONIA (USA) (c. by Oxbow (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. ELITISM (USA) (f. by Macho Uno (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VERY UNDERSTATED (USA) (f. by Macho Uno (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DEL RAYO (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 4th Dam ZEE LADY (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Astoria Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Valley Stream Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingBOOMZEEBOOM (USA) (c. by Explosive Red (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Affirmed Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed third in Swaps Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. The next dam TRY TO BE A LADY (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingZEE LADY (USA) (f. by Unreal Zeal (USA)), see above. Iln'estpaspossible (USA) (f. by Hubble (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. Santo Rosso (PAN), winner abroad and placed second in Clasico Augusto Samuel Boyd Paredes, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R., Clasico Navidad, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R. Injusta (USA), unraced; dam of MONJUST (USA), won Copa Sprinters (fillies), La Rinconada, L. and Clasico Rafael y Rafy Fernandez, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. Luv U Lady (USA) (f. by Hubble (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. AMOR DE PALACIO (USA), won Clasico Dia de la Madre, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. and Copa Sprinters (fillies), La Rinconada, L.


24 BOX

Owner: Abdullah Awadh. A. Alahmari Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 16th, 2022 (first foal)

Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA) Bahjat Aedah (KSA) (2015)

Official Visit (USA) Musical Score (GB)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Blushing Flame (USA) Music In My Life (IRE)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam BAHJAT AEDAH (KSA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £39,086 and placed 8 times. 2nd Dam Musical Score (GB), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Italy and £95,232 and placed 10 times including second in Premio Memorial Mario Incisa, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Archidamia, Rome, L. and Premio Baggio, Milan, L.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTEFAAQAH (KSA) (f. by Sleeping Indian (GB)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £53,081. GOUDERIAN (IRE) (c. by Celtic Swing (GB)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years abroad and £17,157 and placed 5 times. 3rd Dam MUSIC IN MY LIFE (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMusical Score (GB) (f. by Blushing Flame (USA)), see above. Galleon Beach (GB) (g. by Shirley Heights), won 4 races at 2 and 5 years and placed second in Zetland Stakes, Newmarket, L. REDDENING (GB) (f. by Blushing Flame (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once, from only 3 starts; dam of winners. Pivotal Flame (GB), 3 races at 2 years and placed second in Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and third in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3 and King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Red Planet (GB), unraced; dam of Aspire Tower (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Glasgow Stakes, Hamilton, L.; also 3 races over hurdles including WKD Hurdle, Down Royal, Gr.2, Dr Planet (IRE), 6 races in Italy and placed third in Criterium del Mediterraneo, Siracusa, L., Miss Avonbridge (IRE), 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in Sweden and second in Lanwades Stud Stakes, Taby, L. 4th Dam Music And Dance (USA), won 2 races, second in Philips Electrical Handicap, Curragh, L.; dam of four winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing agePosta Vecchia (USA) (f. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. GLEN'S DIAMOND (GB), 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years including Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr.2 and Dee Stakes, Chester, Gr.3. The next dam PRODUCER (USA), won 10 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, placed second in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBACH (IRE) (c. by Caerleon (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years including Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, placed second in Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. DANCING GODDESS (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 years including Pearl Sprint, Phoenix Park, L., second in Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; grandam of AIR EMINEM (IRE), 8 races in Japan including Sapporo Kinen, Sapporo, L.; sire. Las Flores (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield, L. and third in Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1; dam of winners. SLEEPING INDIAN (GB), 6 races at 3 to 5 years including Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3;sire. AIKEN (GB), 6 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France including Grand Prix de Chantilly, Chantilly, Gr.2 and Buckhounds Stakes, Ascot, L.; sire. FELICITY (IRE), 2 races including Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, Gr.3; dam of GATEWOOD (GB), 8 races at home, in Australia and in France including Prix de Reux, Deauville, Gr.3 and Centrebet Geelong Cup, Geelong, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 1st, 2022

Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA) Qamar Alzain (KSA) (2011)

Songandaprayer (USA) Lord Remember Me (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Alizea (USA) Lord At War (ARG) Mo Wolf (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam QAMAR ALZAIN (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizESTIJDAD (KSA) (2019 c. by Chief Havoc (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. Tozer (KSA) (2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam LORD REMEMBER ME (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; Own sister to MO DINERO (USA); dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCALENDAR GIRL (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £37,208 including Mount Royal Handicap, Stampede Park, placed second in Northlands Oaks, Northlands Park, L.R., Supernaturel Handicap, Hastings Park and third in Penny Ridge Stakes, Stampede Park, L.; dam of winners. Always in a Tiz (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Traskwood Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Smarty Jones Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Kalistoga Girl (USA), unraced; dam of Miss Shipman (USA), placed third in Letellier Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds. NSTANTGRATIFICATON (USA) (f. by Toccet (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £27,086. LORD IN COMMAND (USA) (c. by Deputy Commander (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £22,797. WAHBAT ALRAHMAN (KSA) (f. by Sleeping Indian (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £31,048. 3rd Dam MO WOLF (USA), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMO DINERO (USA) (g. by Lord At War (ARG)), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Island Whirl Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Catchmeifyoucan Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in King's Court Stakes, Louisiana Downs. The next dam BRUSHLY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingJourneytoafantasy (USA) (f. by Great Charmer (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and abroad, placed third in Clasico Augusto N Wiese, Hipo Monterrico, L.; dam of winners. Fadwa (USA), winner abroad and placed second in Clasico Frau Astrid, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. Ransomforafantasy (USA), winner abroad and placed second in C. Roberto Alvarez Calderon Granados, Hipo Monterrico, L. Lightotouch (NZ) (f. by Iades (FR)), unraced; dam of winners. Gold Class (NZ), winner in New Zealand and placed third in Windsor Park Sprint, Te Rapa, L.; dam of UPHAM (NZ), won Mullins Lawyers Grand Prix Stakes, Doomben, Gr.3, placed second in The Centenary Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.3, Mitty's Rough Habit Plate, Doomben, Gr.3 and Surfers Paradise RSL Gunsynd Classic, Gold Coast, Gr.3, INTIMATE MOMENT (NZ), won Percy Sykes Tribute Epona Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3, placed third in Aspiration Quality Handicap, Randwick, Gr.3, BONNIE MAC (NZ), won Centrebet Proud Miss Stakes, Morphettville, L., GOLD RUM (NZ), won Linepower 4yo Classic, Pukekura Raceway, L.; grandam of EXCEEDANCE (AUS), won Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1, Sky San Domenico Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3, placed third in De Bortoli Golden Rose Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1; sire, OXLEY ROAD (AUS), won Caulfield Sprint, Caulfield, Gr.2, Zeditave Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3, placed third in Oakleigh Plate, Caulfield, Gr.1 and MAC 'N' CHEESE (AUS), won Oaklands Plate, Morphettville Parks, L., Clare Lindop Stakes, Morphettville, L.




Invincible Spirit (IRE) ALARSH (GB) April 13th, 2022 A Bay Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Mayson (GB) Mayleaf (GB) Field of Miracles (IRE) (2008)

Galileo (IRE) Landmark (USA)

Green Desert (USA) Rafha Pivotal (GB) Bayleaf (GB) Sadler's Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Arch (USA) Kalosca (FR)

E.B.F. Nominated. MAYSON (GB), 2008. Won 5 races, July Cup, Gr.1, Palace House Stakes, Gr.3, Abernant Stakes, L., second in Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr.1, Wentworth Stakes, L., etc. Sire of OXTED (GB), (Gr.1), ROHAAN (IRE), (Gr.2), HONEY GIRL (GB), (Gr.3), LAUGH A MINUTE (GB), (L.), MAYSTAR (IRE), (L.), SAKURA (IND), (L.), GLOBAL APPLAUSE (GB), (L.), DANCE DIVA (GB), (L.), RAYDIANCE (GB), (L.), PRIVATE MATTER (GB), (L.), ROSIE BRIAR (GB), (L.), True Mason (GB), (Gr.1), Ainsdale (GB), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam Field of Miracles (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and £32,859 and placed 3 times including second in Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield, L.; Own sister to CAMERON HIGHLAND (IRE); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizEARLSWOOD (GB) (2018 c. by Pivotal (GB)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Australia, £181,333 including Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, T S Carlyon Cup, Caulfield, Gr.3, placed twice including third in Dee Stakes, Chester, L., also fourth in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1. MAKING MIRACLES (GB) (2015 g. by Pivotal (GB)), won 9 races including The Custodian Of The Two Holy Mosques Cup (Saudi Cup Qualifier) Gr.1, The Crown Prince Cup Gr.1 (twice) at 3 to 7 years, 2022 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £1,770,563 and placed 9 times including fourth in Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, also fourth in Saudi Cup, King Abdulaziz, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L. MIRACLE SPIN (GB) (2019 c. by Pivotal (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022/23 in Australia and £116,960 and placed 6 times. LITIGIOUS (GB) (2016 f. by Lawman (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years and £24,722 and placed twice, from only 5 starts. Eleanor Cross (GB) (2020 f. by Pivotal (GB)), placed at 2 years, 2022, from only 2 starts. She also has a 2023 colt by Mayson (GB). 2nd Dam LANDMARK (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to ARRAVALE (USA); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSOLID STONE (IRE) (g. by Shamardal (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 6 years, 2022 including Huxley Stakes, Chester, Gr.2, Legacy Cup, Newbury, Gr.3, Winter Hill Stakes, Windsor, Gr.3, Royal Windsor Stakes, Windsor, L., placed 12 times including second in August Stakes, Windsor, L. and third in Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3. CAMERON HIGHLAND (IRE) (c. by Galileo (IRE)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years and £107,462 including August Stakes, Windsor, L. (twice), placed 6 times; sire. Stor Mo Chroi (IRE) (f. by Montjeu (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. Fierospeed (IRE), 4 races at 4 years at home and in Qatar and £60,301 and placed 10 times including second in Qatar Gold Trophy, Al Rayyan, L. 3rd Dam Kalosca (FR), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix de Liancourt, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Lady's Secret Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Matiara Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingARRAVALE (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Alywow Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in American Oaks Invitational Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Nancy O (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in Canada and placed third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; dam of ZECHARIAH (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. HOLLYWOOD HIDEAWAY (USA) (g. by Zensational (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 6 years in Canada including Victoria Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L. Hollywood Critic (USA) (g. by Blame (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 7 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Display Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Carmel Beauty (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), placed twice in Canada; dam of winners. SENOR TESTAFERRO (USA), won C. Angel T Cordero Jr, Camarero Race Track, L.




Owner: Fahad Dhaidan Grace Alotaibi Uncle Mo (USA)

SHIEKH (USA) February 11th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Outwork (USA) Nonna Mia (USA) Tough N Trashy (USA) (2012)

Blame (USA) Garden District (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Holy Bubbette (USA) Arch (USA) Liable (USA) Dixie Union (USA) Brisquette (USA)

OUTWORK (USA), 2013. Won 3 races, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, second in Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2. Sire of BRIGHTWORK (USA), (Gr.1), LEAVE NO TRACE (USA), (Gr.1), UNCLE CHARLIE (USA), (L.), OUTADORE (USA), (L.), ABROGATE (USA), (L.), TROJAN TALE (USA), (S), FINEST WORK (USA), (S), SHARAPOVA (USA), (S), EL PANDO (USA), (S), AT THE SPA (USA), (S), SAMBORELLA (USA), (S), Manorelli (USA), (Gr.3), Malloy (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam TOUGH N TRASHY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,116 and placed once; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizTOUGH ENOUGH (USA) (2019 f. by Strong Mandate (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £17,585 and placed twice. Lucky Hanul (USA) (2021 f. by Will Take Charge (USA)), ran twice at 2 years, 2023 in Republic of Korea. 2nd Dam GARDEN DISTRICT (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A., £78,720 including Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, second in Kentucky Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingHeartspoke (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £56,458 and placed third in Bolton Landing Stakes, Saratoga. OFFALY FAST (USA) (f. by Will Take Charge (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. JULIE NAPP (USA) (f. by Curlin (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Speed Pass (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Palos Verdes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Tom Fool Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. GARDEN BELLE (USA) (f. by Outwork (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam Brisquette (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Manhattan Beach Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. and third in Pine Tree Lane Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and Cascapedia Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMEDAL COUNT (USA) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Transylvania Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, placed second in Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, third in Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. GARDEN DISTRICT (USA) (f. by Dixie Union (USA)), see above. 4th Dam Pirate's Glow (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A., second in Oak Leaf Stakes, Oak Tree, Gr.1 and Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; Own sister to FEARLESS PIRATE (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAmorously (USA) (f. by Roberto (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Golden Poppy Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3; dam of winners. Quake (USA) (c. by Capote (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Henry P Russell Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R., third in Bel Air Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Early Glow (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Overseas Market (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in NATC Futurity (fillies), Monmouth Park, L.R. The next dam RADIANT GLOW (CAN), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingFEARLESS PIRATE (USA) (g. by Pirate's Bounty (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Sensational Star Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Earline McCabe Derby, Sacramento, L. Table Glow (USA) (c. by Never Tabled (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Silky Sullivan Invitational Handicap, Golden Gate, L.R. Northerly Glow (USA) (f. by Pass The Glass (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dahlia Handicap, Hollywood Park; dam of winners. Spark a Glow (USA) (f. by Pirate's Bounty (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. WATCHTHESPARKSFLY (USA), won Prescott Downs Futurity, Prescott Downs; dam of Red Spark (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Sandra Hall Grand Canyon Handicap, Turf Paradise, R. Franks Eldorado (USA), winner, second in Winsham Lad Handicap, Sunland Park.




Owner: Ayman Nasser Hamad Alrajhi Tapit (USA)

SHAGRAN (USA) January 25th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt

Tapiture (USA) Free Spin (USA) Once Around (CAN) (1999)

You and I (USA) Persimmon Hill (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Olympio (USA) Spin N Win (USA) Kris S (USA) La Chaposa (PER) Conquistador Cielo (USA) Rose O'Riley (USA)

TAPITURE (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Gr.2, Ack Ack Handicap, Gr.3, Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3 and Southwest Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of REPO ROCKS (USA), (Gr.3), HOPEFUL GROWTH (USA), (Gr.3), JESUS' TEAM (USA), (L.), GO SOLDIER GO (USA), (L.), LI'L TOOTSIE (USA), (L.), ALWAY'S COMERIO (USA), (L.), VERTICAL THREAT (USA), (L.), TAP GALORE (USA), (S), LILY POO (USA), (S), TAP DANCE FEVER (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ONCE AROUND (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £56,535 viz Junior Champion Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Revidere Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed 3 times including second in Twin Lights Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDECKED OUT (USA) (2013 f. by Street Boss (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £331,404 including American Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed 5 times including second in The Jockey Club Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, Astoria Stakes, Belmont Park and third in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3 and Sweet Life Stakes, Santa Anita. MORROW COVE (USA) (2009 f. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £117,496 including Raging Fever Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Serena's Song Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed 3 times including second in Sarcastic Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and third in Cat Cay Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of 4 winners. ONCE A GULCH (USA) (2005 c. by Gulch (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £45,970 and placed 12 times; sire. KNIGHT ERRANT (USA) (2014 c. by The Factor (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. FACTOR AROUND (USA) (2016 f. by The Factor (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £28,859 and placed 6 times. DUCE DADDY (USA) (2010 c. by Scat Daddy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. FASHION RULES (USA) (2017 f. by Constitution (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. She also has a 2023 filly by Cloud Computing (USA). 2nd Dam PERSIMMON HILL (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £37,897; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingODYSSEUS (USA) (c. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £138,731 including Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3. ONCE AROUND (CAN) (f. by You and I (USA)), see above. Persimmon Honey (USA) (f. by Colonial Affair (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Cimarron Stakes, Remington Park; dam of winners. CTIMENE (USA) (f. by Consolidator (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. KATONAH (USA), won Pleasanton Mile Stakes, Pleasanton. Vanetta Hill (CAN) (f. by Crown Attorney (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Keino West (CAN), winner in Canada, placed second in Elgin Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Twice Around (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Any Limit Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. 3rd Dam ROSE O'RILEY (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France; Own sister to UPPER NILE (USA) and DE LA ROSE (USA); dam of five winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDayton Flyer (USA) (c. by Honour And Glory (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 7 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Westchester Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. FIG TREE DRIVE (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. MARBUSH (IRE), 5 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. including Derrinstown Stud Burj Nahaar, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. SUBLIMITY (FR), 4 races at 3 to 5 years including Alleged Stakes, Curragh, L., Doncaster Mile, Doncaster, L., placed third in Saval Beg Stakes, Leopardstown, L. PANDORO DE LAGO (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of Poised To Strike (AUS), winner in Australia and in Hong Kong and placed third in Ladbrokes Manfred Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3. Cherry Tree Lane (IRE), ran twice in South Africa; dam of RED MAPLE (SAF), won Spook Express Stakes, Turffontein, L., placed second in Oaks Trial, Turffontein, L.




Owner: Malak Saad A Alabadalmanam A P Indy (USA) Patriot Act (USA) Classic Value (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 2nd, 2022 Ready Express (USA) (2010)

More Than Ready (USA) Boston Express (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Copelan (USA) Queen Pat (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Boston Harbor (USA) American River (USA)

PATRIOT ACT (USA), 2002. Won 4 races, Jim Rasmussen Memorial Stakes, second in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Mineshaft Handicap, Gr.3 and Tenacious Handicap. Sire of EMPIRE DREAMS (USA), (S), Coalition (USA), (L.R.), Riot Worthy (USA), (S), Secured Position (USA), (S), National Defence (USA), (S), Patriot Star (USA), (S), One More Act (USA), (S), Social Rebellion (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam READY EXPRESS (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £54,599 and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizSEIF TURKY (KSA) (2018 c. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £42,158 and placed 5 times. Elite (KSA) (2021 f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, her only start. (2020 c. by Patriot Act (USA)). 2nd Dam BOSTON EXPRESS (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £102,894 including Valid Expectations Stakes, Lone Star Park, L., Dixie Miss Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Carousel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Wafare Farm Stakes, Lone Star Park and third in Azalea Breeders' Cup Stakes, Calder, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMADE FOR MORE (USA) (f. by Papa Clem (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £27,640. READY EXPRESS (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)), see above. MAYDAY MARIA (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,791; dam of winners. Ripple (CAN), winner in Canada and placed third in Alberta Premier's Futurity, Northlands Park, R. Great Mom (USA) (f. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. THIS GREAT NATION (USA), won W.T.B.O.A Lads Stakes, Emerald Downs. ASK ALICE (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. I'M TELLING MOM (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam AMERICAN RIVER (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingBOSTON EXPRESS (USA) (f. by Boston Harbor (USA)), see above. DEFENDED (USA) (f. by Vindication (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. The next dam RUTLEDGE PLACE (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFIRM PLEDGE (USA) (c. by Affirmed (USA)), won 7 races at home and in U.S.A. including Tanforan Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3, placed second in San Francisco Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3 and third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Golden Eagle Farm Handicap, Bay Meadows. Omnia (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, placed second in Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L., third in Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, L.; grandam of SPECIALGOL (VEN), won Copa Gran Estefania, La Rinconada, L., second in Copa Cantaura, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Eduardo Larrazabal Eduardo, La Rinconada, L. SUR LA TETE (USA) (g. by Sky Classic (CAN)), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A.; also won 9 races over jumps in U.S.A. including Iroquois Handicap Hurdle, Percy Warner, L. (twice), Royal Chase for the Sport of Kings Hdle, Keeneland, L., Carolina Cup Handicap Hurdle, Camden, L., Somerset Medical Center Awareness Hurdle, Meadowlands, L., Meadow Brook Hurdle, Belmont Park, L.R., Georgia Cup Hurdle, Atlanta, L.R., Foxbrook Supreme Hurdle, Far Hills, L.R. STELLAR EMPRESS (USA) (f. by Star de Naskra (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed once; dam of winners. Welsh Queen (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. SUMMERWOOD (USA) (f. by Boston Harbor (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Leceile (USA), 3 races, placed second in Alice Keppel Handicap, Goodwood, L.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel Unbridled's Song (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 30th, 2022 (first foal)

American Guru (USA) Camargue (USA) Sweet Bon Bon (CAN) (2017)

Silver Max (USA) Intangaroo (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Lyphard's Delta (USA) Badge of Silver (USA) Kissin Rene (USA) Orientate (USA) Tasso's Magic Roo (USA)

AMERICAN GURU (USA), 2014. Won 4 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SWEET BON BON (CAN), ran twice in Canada and in U.S.A. at 3 years. 2nd Dam INTANGAROO (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £313,671 including Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, placed third in Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizIntanga Rose (CAN) (f. by Animal Kingdom (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Canada and £123,224 and placed second in Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, L., Ontario Damsel Stakes, Woodbine, R. and third in Carotene Stakes, Woodbine, R. and Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, R. SILENT GUROO (USA) (f. by Silent Name (JPN)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 in Canada and £91,509. LITTLE NO WAY (USA) (c. by Discreet Cat (USA)), won 4 races to 2022 in U.S.A. and £95,415. LITTLE DUME (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £59,264. PESO (USA) (c. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £35,562. MEMENTO D'ORO (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £25,680; dam of winners. HEALY'S HOPE (USA), winner in U.S.A. SEAHORSE D'ORO (USA), winner in U.S.A. SALSA A PARTE (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. Gold Ribbon (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GRAB THE GOLD (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. SPEIGHTSTER'S GOLD (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. MOXIE MOMENTUM (USA), winner in U.S.A. 3rd Dam TASSO'S MAGIC ROO (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Suncoast Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gasparilla Handicap, Tampa Bay Downs, Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Hollywood Wildcat Stakes, Calder, L. and Hibiscus Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizINTANGAROO (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), see above. MONZINO (USA) (g. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 6 races at 4, 5 and 7 years and placed 16 times. QUEENOKINGSEQUINE (USA) (f. by Exploit (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. Tessarini (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), ran twice at 2 years; dam of winners. SMUDGE THE CAT (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. THERESA'S BOY (USA), winner in U.S.A. Brilliant Roo (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. ROO LA LA (USA), winner in U.S.A. Roo Dew (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. DEW DAT (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. The next dam AROOGALA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTASSO'S MAGIC ROO (USA) (f. by Tasso (USA)), see above.


31 BOX

Owner: Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 30th, 2022 Back To Class (USA) (2010)

Montbrook (USA) Cut Class Leanne (USA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Buckaroo (USA) Secret Papers (USA) Cutlass (USA) Silk Lilly (USA)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam Back To Class (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £45,625 and placed third in Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; Own sister to CHAPEL ROYAL (USA); dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizBRUTUS (CAN) (2016 c. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £165,762 and placed 10 times. SILENT MAMBA (CAN) (2018 f. by Silent Name (JPN)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £32,486. Mucho Qarasees (KSA) (2021 c. by Mucho Macho Man (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam CUT CLASS LEANNE (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £71,675; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCHAPEL ROYAL (USA) (c. by Montbrook (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £309,014 including Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Flash Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and third in Bessemer Trust Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. 3rd Dam SILK LILLY (USA), unraced; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSILKY SWEEP (USA) (c. by End Sweep (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Skip Trial Stakes, Meadowlands, second in Bold Ruler Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire. Silken Moment (USA) (f. by Timeless Moment (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. MAKE CONTACT (USA), won Belle Roberts Handicap, Emerald Downs, L.; grandam of GO FOR GUINNESS (CAN), won Brit.Columbia Cup Stellar's Jay Hcap, R. BEAU GENTLEMAN (CAN), won Benburb Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R. LILLY'S PLEASURE (USA) (f. by What A Pleasure (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of. LILLYCUT (USA), won Topsider Stakes, Suffolk Downs, placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (Dr Fager), Calder, L. RICH SILK (USA) (f. by Rizzi (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Smooth Return (AUS), unraced; dam of TOORAK AFFAIR (AUS), won Ladbrokes Hobart Cup, Hobart, Gr.3, Tasmanian Stakes, Launceston, L. and Conquering Stakes, Launceston, L., HELA (AUS), won Strutt Stakes, Hobart, L. CRUSADING LIL (USA) (f. by Crusader Sword (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MOTSPUR (AUS), won Prydes Easifeed Scone Quality, Scone, L. SILK ENDING (USA) (f. by End Sweep (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Silk Pins (NZ), placed second in Karaka Million Super Bonus Classique, Ellerslie, L.R., third in Haunui Fm. Diamond Sires' Produce Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr.1. GYPSY TUCKER (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of GYPSY DIAMOND (AUS), won Jeep Don't Hold Back Fillies Classic, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, Carbine Club Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3, second in Queen of the Turf Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1. Darook Park (AUS), unraced; dam of FINANCE TYCOON (AUS), won Zeditave Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3 and Maribyrnong Plate, Flemington, Gr.3. Silky Pleasure (USA) (f. by Honest Pleasure (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. GENIAL (SAF), won Basil Starke Stakes, Kenilworth, Gr.3. Sovereign Lilly (USA) (f. by Sovereign Dancer (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. VALID FIXATION (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of BENWILL (USA), won Unbridled Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., ROUGE (PER), won Clasico Batalla de Ayacucho, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L., THE PICKETT FACTOR (USA), won Super Derby Prelude Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L.; third dam of RAINE ELIZABETH (PER), won Clasico Polla de Potrancas, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, C. Roberto Alvarez Calderon Granados, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L.





Owner: Sama Stable Invincible Spirit (IRE) Territories (IRE) Taranto (GB)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 1st, 2022 Readyandaway (USA) (2010)

More Than Ready (USA) Staraway (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated.

Green Desert (USA) Rafha Machiavellian (USA) Magna Graecia (IRE) Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Star de Naskra (USA) Iceaway (USA)

B.C. Nominated.

TERRITORIES (IRE), 2012. Won 3 races, Prix Jean Prat, Gr.1, Prix de Fontainebleau, Gr.3, second in 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1 and Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère, Gr.1. Sire of REGIONAL (GB), (Gr.1), ROUGIR (FR), (Gr.1), NAVAJO PEAK (AUS), (Gr.2), BERKELEY SQUARE (AUS), (Gr.2), LIVE TO TELL (AUS), (Gr.3), HOO YA MAL (GB), (Gr.3), GEOLOGIST (GB), (L.), SADALSUUD (IRE), (L.), TERESA MENDOZA (IRE), (L.), ALDAARY (GB), (L.), FULGENTIA (GB), (L.) etc. 1st Dam READYANDAWAY (USA), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizKISSOFFIRE (IRE) (2014 c. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 6 years in Canada, £44,838 and placed 9 times. PADEREWSKI (IRE) (2018 c. by The Gurkha (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years abroad. LINA'S STAR (IRE) (2015 f. by Lawman (FR)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 4 times. Ourdefence (IRE) (2020 f. by National Defense (GB)), ran a few times at 3 years, 2023. Bulmer Bank (GB) (2021 g. by National Defense (GB)), ran a few times at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam STARAWAY (USA), won 20 races in U.S.A. and £294,833 including Edmonton Distaff Handicap, Northlands Park, L. (twice), Sonoma Handicap, Northlands Park, L., Matron Handicap, Assiniboia Downs, Duchess of York Handicap, Stampede Park (3 times), Ken Pearson Memorial Handicap, Stampede Park (twice), Rio Terrace Handicap, Northlands Park (twice), placed second in City of Edmonton Distaff Handicap, Northlands Park, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSANDER CAMILLO (USA) (f. by Dixie Union (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and £84,911 viz Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Albany Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed twice including second in Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. SQUARE PANTS (USA) (f. by King of Kings (IRE)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Beat of The Drum (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home, in U.S.A. and abroad and £108,058 and placed third in Kathryn Crosby Stakes, Del Mar, R. MONA QUITA (USA) (f. by El Corredor (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. OPPORTUNISTIC (USA), won Emerald Downs Derby, Emerald Downs, Sir W. Churchill Derby Trial Handicap, Hastings Park, Chris Loseth Handicap, Hastings Park. Miss Delila (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), ran twice at 2 years; dam of winners. ASHADIHAN (GB), 3 races at 2 to 4 years and £88,923 including Chartwell Fillies Stakes, Lingfield, Gr.3, placed twice. BEAUTY FILLY (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years and £55,899 including City Plate, Chester, L., placed 5 times. 3rd Dam ICEAWAY (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSTARAWAY (USA) (f. by Star de Naskra (USA)), see above. Forlaway (USA) (c. by Broadway Forli (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Hello Gorgeous Stakes, Curragh, L., Shanbally House Stud Stakes, Phoenix Park, L. BOJO RO (USA) (f. by Carr de Naskra (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FUN IN EXCESS (USA), won Pro or Con Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Run For The Roses Stakes, Santa Anita, L., California Cup Matron Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Hawthorne Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Avide (USA) (f. by Wall Street Dancer (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. MONASHEE (USA), won Ballerina Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hastings Park, Gr.3 (twice), British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hastings Park, Gr.3. The next dam Gayway, won 2 races in U.S.A., placed third in Roseanna Stakes, Delaware; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingROBALEA (USA) (f. by Roberto (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Magnolia Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Villager Stakes, Keystone Race Track, Gr.3; dam of winners.




Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons Unbridled's Song (USA) Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 21st, 2022 North Sky (USA) (2012)

Northern Afleet (USA) Peaceful Sky (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Afleet (CAN) Nuryette (USA) Sky Mesa (USA) Dame Avie (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam NORTH SKY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,114 and placed 5 times; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizGETCHA (USA) (2018 g. by Astrology (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £43,552 and placed 8 times. ROHEEDA (KSA) (2019 f. by Algorithms (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. Ana Alsaef (KSA) (2021 c. by Brother Derek (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 f. by Brother Derek (USA)). 2nd Dam PEACEFUL SKY (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSKY AND SEA (USA) (f. by Latent Heat (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £141,624 including Lady Slipper Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R., Bella Notte Distaff Sprint Championship, Canterbury Downs, R., Frances Genter Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R.; dam of winners. Hell of The North (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Frances Genter Stakes, Canterbury Park, R. Lew And Mike (USA) (g. by Lewis Michael (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £59,812 and placed third in Turfway Prevue Stakes, Turfway Park. 3rd Dam DAME AVIE (USA), unraced; Own sister to HARRIMAN (USA); dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingPRIMITIVE HALL (USA) (g. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 14 races in U.S.A. including Norristown Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3, Yankee Affair Handicap, Parx Racing, Iroquois Handicap, Parx Racing, second in Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1. EARTH TO JACKIE (USA) (f. by Polish Numbers (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Lady Baltimore Handicap, Laurel, L., Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, L., Montclair State College Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in All Brandy Handicap, Laurel, L.R., Maryland Million Ladies Handicap, Laurel, L. and third in Gallorette Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; dam of winners. STRENGTH AND HONOR (USA) (g. by Carson City (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Distorted Humor Handicap, Churchill Downs (twice). NORTHLAND BELLE (USA) (f. by Carnivalay (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Foxy J G Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of winners. Starship Dame (USA) (f. by Favorite Trick (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Little Sister Stakes, Calder. Listen Missy (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), placed 4 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of ALWAYS KITTEN (USA), won Happy Ticket Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L. The next dam Averell (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A., placed third in Heirloom Stakes, Keystone Race Track, R. and Lady Baltimore Handicap, Bowie; Own sister to JOLLY JOHU (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingHARRIMAN (USA) (c. by Lord Gaylord (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Duck Dance Handicap, Pimlico, L., Goss L Stryker Handicap, Laurel, L.R., Cherry Hill Mile Stakes, Garden State, L.; sire. DIXIE ACCENT (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Queen Isabella Handicap, Laurel, L.; third dam of DOUBLE CROWN (USA), won Kelso Handicap, Belmont at The Big A, Gr.2. FULL FIGURE (USA) (f. by Polish Numbers (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VENTANA (USA), won Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Maryland Sprint Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; sire. Skat Girl (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ELLAFITZ (USA), won Santa Maria Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Bayakoa Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Paseana Handicap, Santa Anita, L.




Owner: Salman Fahad Alothayanei Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 23rd, 2022 Active Imagination (USA) (2007)

Cee's Tizzy (USA) Interactive (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Relaunch (USA) Tizly (USA) Slewpy (USA) So Smooth (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ACTIVE IMAGINATION (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizAWESOME AMANDA (USA) (2015 f. by Awesome Gambler (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £63,099 and placed 10 times. NERVOUS NELLIE (USA) (2016 g. by Desert Code (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £14,821 and placed 4 times. Kawaaderadu (KSA) (2021 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam INTERACTIVE (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £188,102 including Splendid Girl Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., Reminscing Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Torrey Pines Stakes, Del Mar, L., placed second in Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Street Dancer Handicap, Santa Anita, L. and third in La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Silver Belles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBELLA BELLA BELLA (USA) (f. by Soft Gold (BRZ)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £87,632 including Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Golden Ballet Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; grandam of MIDNIGHT CELLO (USA), won Hanshin Cup Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, placed second in Miami Mile Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Presque Isle Mile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., Eight Miles West Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, Elkwood Stakes, Monmouth Park, Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Needles Stakes, Calder. Interaction (USA) (f. by Hansel (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. HE'S THE RAGE (USA), won California Cup Juvenile Stakes (c&g), Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Tiznow Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R. and third in California Dreamin' Handicap, Del Mar, L.R. and Alamedan Handicap, Pleasanton. 3rd Dam SO SMOOTH (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 17 runners and 18 foals of racing age includingMUTARJJAM (USA) (c. by Stop The Music (USA)), won 6 races at home and in West Germany including Toto/Lotto Sprint Preis, Hannover, L., placed third in Krefelder Sprint Cup, Krefeld, L. Double Smooth (USA) (f. by Overskate (CAN)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Miss Grillo Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. KNOCKADOON (CAN), won Ben Ali Handicap, Keeneland, Gr.3, Risen Star Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., second in Washington Park Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2; sire. PLAY THE CORNERS (CAN), won Woodbine Sales Stakes (3yo c&g), Woodbine, L. and Second Wind Stakes, River Downs. Nur Jahan (USA) (f. by Raja Baba (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Mohawk Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; dam of winners. HUNDRA (USA), won Dee Stakes, Chester, L. I'm Angelic (USA), unraced; dam of PIEL ROJA (VEN), won Clasico Gobernador Distrito Federal, La Rinconada, L. and Clasico Francisco D Miranda, La Rinconada, L., BELLA FABIANA (VEN), won Clasico Tapatapa, La Rinconada, L. and Clasico Edgar Ganteaume, La Rinconada, L.; grandam of BAMBERA (VEN), Champion 3yr old filly in Venezuela in 2009, won Clasico Internacional del Caribe, Camarero Race Track, L., Clasico Simon Bolivar, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Hipica Nacional, La Rinconada, L., Copa Cruz del Avila, La Rinconada, L., C. Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, La Rinconada, L., Clasico General Joaquin Crespo, La Rinconada, L., Premio Prensa Hipica Nacional, La Rinconada, L. So Sure (USA) (f. by Heavenly Plain), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. RECOGNITION (USA), won Dust Commander Stakes, Turfway Park.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulla Rashed Alabdullatif Curlin (USA)

AL DANAH (USA) April 12th, 2022 A Bay Filly

Connect (USA) Bullville Belle (USA) My Jolie (IRE) (2011)

Oratorio (IRE) Sixty Secrets (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Barkerville Belle (USA) Danehill (USA) Mahrah (USA) Louis Quatorze (USA) Secret Form

CONNECT (USA), 2013. Won 6 races, Cigar Mile Handicap, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Westchester Stakes, Gr.3 and Curlin Stakes. Sire of RATTLE N ROLL (USA), (Gr.1), HIDDEN CONNECTION (USA), (Gr.3), THE ALYS LOOK (USA), (L.), IMPLICATED (USA), (L.), HIGH CONNECTION (USA), (L.), APPLE PICKER (USA), (S), GRANNYS CONNECTION (USA), (S), HAYES STRIKE (USA), (S), NOSILVERSPOONSHERE (USA), (S), KNEESNHIPS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MY JOLIE (IRE), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in Italy and in U.S.A. and £37,220 and placed 3 times including fourth in Prix Rose de Mai, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizNASHVILLE SKYLINE (USA) (2020 c. by Tamarkuz (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £19,646 and placed once. Lolas Beau (USA) (2019 c. by Lea (USA)), placed once at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Jolie Jour (USA) (2021 f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 colt by Yoshida (JPN). 2nd Dam SIXTY SECRETS (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingMY JOLIE (IRE) (f. by Oratorio (IRE)), see above. 3rd Dam SECRET FORM, won 3 races in France including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, second in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing ageSecrecy (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Secretern (FR), 3 races at 2 years in France and placed third in Prix Matchem, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and Prix Maurice Caillault, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Secret Music (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SECRET MELODY (FR), 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France and in Germany including Oppenheim Stuten Meile, Cologne, Gr.3 and Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L.; dam of PEARL FLUTE (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France viz Prix des Chênes, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix du Palais-Royal, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L., placed third in Premio Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, SECRET PURSUIT (IRE), 3 races at 3 years at home and in France including Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L., Milord's Song (FR), 2 races at 2 and 5 years in France and placed second in Prix Texanita, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Prix Matchem, Saint-Cloud, L.; grandam of Secret Solace (GB), 1 race at 2 years, 2022 and placed third in Height of Fashion Stakes, Goodwood, L. The next dam SECRETIVE (FR), ran in France at 2 years; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSECRET FORM (f. by Formidable (USA)), see above. Siderant (GB) (c. by Kris), won 17 races in France and in Italy and placed second in Prix Phil Drake, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and third in Grand Prix d'Agen La Garenne, Agen, L. SERVIA (f. by Le Marmot (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of winners. Creepshow (FR), winner in France and in U.S.A., second in Warden Stakes, Del Mar, L. Sefiros (GB), winner in France, third in Derby du Midi, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L. Seranda (IRE), winner in France and placed third in Prix de la Cochère, Evry, L.; third dam of SEE YOU IN HEAVEN (AUS), won Sandown Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.2, Ottawa Stakes, Flemington, Gr.3, Behemoth Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3. DJENANNE (FR), 1 race at 4 years in France and placed 8 times; dam of DALARUA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Psyché, Deauville, Gr.3. SERAFICA, winner in France; dam of SHAKA (GB), won Critérium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2, Grand Critérium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L., third in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, SERALIA (GB), 1 race at 2 years in France viz Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L.; Secret Dancer (FR) (f. by Fabulous Dancer (USA)), placed 3 times in France; dam of winners. SECRET QUEST (GB), 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix Vanteaux, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed third in Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1.


36 BOX

Owner: Ibrahim Khalil S Alanazi Lemon Drop Kid (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 29th, 2022

Biz Blitz (CAN) Collect The Cash (USA) Giftie Gie (USA) (2010)

Master Command (USA) Citi Pearl (USA)


Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Worldly Possession (USA) A P Indy (USA) Lady Lochinvar (USA) Citidancer (USA) Oystercatcher (USA)

BIZ BLITZ (CAN), 2010. Unraced. Sire of KATHEER (KSA), BA'EEDAT ALMARAMI (KSA), BIZ STAR (USA), THALEEK (KSA), FARAE (KSA), BAHR (KSA), SHEBR (KSA). 1st Dam GIFTIE GIE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,249; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizGOLDEN VALE (USA) (2015 f. by Jersey Town (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £70,484 and placed 11 times. BETTER BIZ (USA) (2016 f. by Fed Biz (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £59,486 and placed 5 times. PACKER GIRL (USA) (2019 f. by Connect (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £16,689 and placed twice. (2020 c. by Collected (USA)). (2021 f. by Mr Speaker (USA)). 2nd Dam CITI PEARL (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £12,795; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWORKIN FOR HOPS (USA) (g. by City Zip (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £458,458 including American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, Hanshin Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Arlington Classic Stakes, Arlington, L., Grindstone Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Maker's Mark Mile Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Colonial Turf Cup Stakes, Colonial Downs, Gr.2, Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3 and third in Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Washington Park Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3 and Swoon's Son Stakes, Arlington. Cryptocandiac (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £88,965 and placed third in Mardi Gras Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of winners. OIL MONEY (USA), won Manitoba Derby, Assiniboia Downs, L., Highland Ice Stakes, Will Rogers Downs, Zia Park Juvenile Stakes, Zia Park, placed third in Iowa Sprint Stakes, Prairie Meadows. 3rd Dam Oystercatcher (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Salem County Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingPuncher (USA) (c. by Two Punch (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Jonathan Dayton Stakes, Meadowlands. CATCH A WARNING (USA) (f. by Caveat (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Catch the Glory (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Saranac Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3. The next dam REGAL LOOKING, unraced; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSunny Looking (USA) (c. by Sunny Clime (USA)), won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A., second in Floridian Handicap, Garden State, third in What A Pleasure Stakes, Calder. Byappointmentonly (USA) (f. by Dr Carter (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A., third in Lakes And Flowers Breeders' Cup H'cap, Golden Gate; dam of a winner. REGAL ZEAL (USA) (f. by Unreal Zeal (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Secret Look (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in M Tyson Gilpin Stakes, Delaware Park, R. GOLD ON THE ROCKS (USA) (f. by Sunny Clime (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GREY VELVET (USA), won Satan's Poppy Handicap, Hawthorne, placed third in Hawthorne Juvenile Stakes, Hawthorne, L. and Thanksgiving Day Handicap, Hawthorne. CLEARANCE CODE (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Governor's Cup Handicap, Laurel, L.; also won Royal Chase for the Sport of Kings Hurdle, Keeneland, L., Foxbrook Supreme Hurdle, Far Hills, L. Cryptocrystalline (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of QUADRIBALL (BRZ), won G. P. Linneo Eduardo de Paula Machado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, placed second in Grande Premio Joao Borges Filho, Gavea, Gr.2 (twice) and third in Grande Premio Sao Paulo-Rede Globo, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Empire Maker (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 15th, 2022

Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB) My Miss Kallie (USA) (2014)

Paddy O'Prado (USA) Irish Party (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) El Prado (IRE) Fun House (USA) Twining (USA) Bookaparty (USA)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam My Miss Kallie (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £58,793 and placed twice including second in Iowa Breeders' Oaks, Prairie Meadows, R.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizLAST LEAF (USA) (2019 f. by Not This Time (USA)), won 7 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £374,337 including Audobon Oaks, Ellis Park, Azalea Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Game Face Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Melody of Colors Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Hollywood Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Roxelana Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs, Holiday Inaugural Stakes, Turfway Park and third in Winning Colors Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. AELAALEE (KSA) (2020 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £18,701 and placed once. Khissam (KSA) (2021 c. by The Admiral (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam IRISH PARTY (USA), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £162,091 including Mamie Eisenhower Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., Bob Bryant Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., Goldfinch Stakes, Prairie Meadows, Iowa Sorority Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., ITBOA Sales Futurity, Prairie Meadows, R., placed second in Iowa Breeders' Oaks, Prairie Meadows, R.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMy Miss Kallie (USA) (f. by Paddy O'Prado (USA)), see above. JACK'S PARTY GIRL (USA) (f. by Paddy O'Prado (USA)), won 9 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £126,250. 3rd Dam BOOKAPARTY (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGO MILAN GO (USA) (f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Donna Reed Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.R., Hawkeyes Handicap, Prairie Meadows, R., placed second in Mamie Eisenhower Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., Iowa Breeders' Oaks, Prairie Meadows, R.; dam of winners. TIMETOBOOK (USA) (g. by Gilded Time (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Iowa Cradle Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., third in Gray's Lake Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R. 4th Dam Victory Party (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Titalating Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingBELIEVE IN VICTORY (USA) (g. by Believe It (USA)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. The next dam PROUD VICTORIA (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingVictorian Double (USA) (c. by Nodouble (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; sire. Proud Irishman (USA) (c. by Irish Open (USA)), won 11 races in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and placed second in Jebel Ali Sprint, Jebel Ali, L. ANGIE'S STAR (USA) (f. by Lord Rebeau (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SEAN'S FERRARI (USA), won Business Express Maryland Nursery, Pimlico, L. One Last Salute (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Our Mims Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of HOMEBOYKRIS (USA), won Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; grandam of SOUL OF AN ANGEL (USA), won Mari Hulman George Memorial Handicap, Horseshoe Indianapolis. IRISH VINEGAR (USA) (f. by Irish Tower (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Celtic Meal (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Tall Ships Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L.




Owner: Ayman Nasser Hamad Alrajhi Twirling Candy (USA)

NAHAR (USA) January 19th, 2022 A Grey Colt

Gift Box (USA) Special Me (USA) Chelsea Road (CAN) (2010)

Speightstown (USA) Lambert Point (USA)


Candy Ride (ARG) House of Danzing (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Delta Danielle (CAN) Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Charismatic (USA) Turko's Turn (USA)

GIFT BOX (USA), 2013. Won 6 races, San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Gr.1, San Antonio Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), second in Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, Curlin Stakes and third in Remsen Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam CHELSEA ROAD (CAN), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £94,529 and placed 9 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizGo Big Blue Nation (USA) (2017 f. by Animal Kingdom (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £200,550 and placed 7 times including third in Kentucky Downs Ladies Marathon Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L. BETWEEN DREAMS (USA) (2018 f. by Super Saver (USA)), won 6 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £57,464 and placed 3 times. MAOTAI (USA) (2019 f. by Cupid (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £71,563 and placed twice. Alsahirah (USA) (2020 f. by Good Magic (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. (2021 f. by Mineshaft (USA)), died as a foal. 2nd Dam LAMBERT POINT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingAces High (USA) (g. by Flower Alley (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £226,931 and placed third in Evangeline Mile Stakes, Evangeline Downs. 3rd Dam TURKO'S TURN (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Juan Gonzalez Memorial Stakes, Pleasanton, placed third in Hidden Light Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 17 living foals of racing age includingPOINT GIVEN (USA) (c. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2001, won 9 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Deher's Turn (USA) (c. by Dehere (USA)), won 4 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in HBPA Classic Handicap, Canterbury Downs. Point Gained (USA) (f. by Hennessy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Miss Houston Stakes, Sam Houston; dam of winners. Sarcasm (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of HY RIVERSIDE (USA), won Big Red Stakes, Gulfstream Park and Sunshine Millions Classic Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., Lintlaw (USA), winner in Canada and placed second in Birdcatcher Stakes, Northlands Park. Live for Now (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), placed 5 times in U.S.A. including second in Summertime Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of a winner. PERFECT STORY (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STREET STORY (USA), won Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Winning Colors Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Victory Ride Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. PAIGE (USA), won Via Borghese Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in All Along Stakes, Laurel, L. and third in Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. Medjool (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sir Beaufort Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in Lane's End Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2, Sky Classic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and Tokyo City Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3. The next dam TURBO LAUNCH (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Canterbury Debutante Stakes, Canterbury Downs, L.; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 living foals of racing age includingU R UNFORGETABLE (USA) (f. by Affirmed (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Hialeah Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hialeah Park, L., second in Just A Game Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of a winner. TURKO'S TURN (USA) (f. by Turkoman (USA)), see above. American Jewel (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AWSUGAHNOW (USA), won West Virginia Secretary of State Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L. and Ada Stakes, Remington Park.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Distorted Humor (USA) Dramedy (USA) She's A Winner (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 1st, 2022 Talha (KSA) (2012)

Friends Lake (USA) Blonde Executive (CAN)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) A P Indy (USA) Get Lucky (USA) A P Indy (USA) Antespend (USA) Bold Executive (CAN) Dream Smartly (CAN)

DRAMEDY (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Dixiana Elkhorn Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of MIGHTY HEART (CAN), (Gr.2), MAGIC MICHAEL (USA), (Gr.3), OUT OF SORTS (USA), (S), SOUTHGATE (USA), (S), He's A Mess (USA), (L.), MASSKOOBAH (KSA), KYEMBEA (USA). 1st Dam TALHA (KSA), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,103; dam of 3 foals of racing age including(2021 f. by Istan (USA)). 2nd Dam BLONDE EXECUTIVE (CAN), Champion sprinter in Canada in 2004, won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £354,137 including Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Passing Mood Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Lady Angela Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed third in Fanfreluche Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; Own sister to MAIN EXECUTIVE (CAN); dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBLONDE BREEZE (CAN) (f. by Posse (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in Canada and £61,454; dam of winners. OL' BLONDIE (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada. JIM'S HOPE (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada. SHAMAASHIL (KSA) (c. by Arch (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,390. ANA'A (KSA) (f. by Friends Lake (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £24,306. BLONDESSILVERDREAM (CAN) (g. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 1 race at 4 years in Canada and £11,676. 3rd Dam DREAM SMARTLY (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizBLONDE EXECUTIVE (CAN) (f. by Bold Executive (CAN)), see above. MAIN EXECUTIVE (CAN) (g. by Bold Executive (CAN)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in Canada including New Providence Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. (twice), Shepperton Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Kennedy Road Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Shepperton Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Overskate Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Mt Sassafras Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Overskate Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Cool Selection (CAN) (g. by War Deputy (USA)), won 20 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Shepperton Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Overskate Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. MISS DEPUTY (CAN) (f. by War Deputy (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ON RAINBOW BRIDGE (CAN), won Lady Angela Stakes, Woodbine, R., Nandi Stakes, Woodbine, R., Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed second in Muskoka Stakes, Woodbine, R. and third in Etobicoke Stakes, Woodbine, Eternal Search Stakes, Woodbine, R. and Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, R. CLEVER EXECUTIVE (CAN) (g. by Bold Executive (CAN)), won 3 races at 3, 6 and 7 years in Canada and in U.S.A. TRAJECTORY'S DREAM (CAN) (g. by Trajectory (USA)), won 2 races in Canada. FLEETS DREAM (CAN) (g. by A Fleets Dancer (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada. 4th Dam Durham's Dream (CAN), won 11 races in Canada and placed third in Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing ageClassic Blonde (CAN) (f. by Regal Classic (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Opening Meet (CAN), winner in Canada and placed third in Elgin Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. The next dam KATE'S ANSWER (CAN), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingDurham's Dream (CAN) (f. by Lord Durham (CAN)), see above.




Owner: Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 24th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Kissy Missy (USA) (2004)

Kissin Kris (USA) Pterygium (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Kris S (USA) Toes Forward (USA) Winged T (USA) Top Dare (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam KISSY MISSY (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £10,309 and placed 4 times; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizMaritza A (USA) (2010 f. by Badge of Silver (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years abroad and £50,470 and placed 24 times including second in Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua, Camarero Race Track, L. NASHE'AH (KSA) (2016 f. by Casino Host (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 5 and 6 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £46,496 and placed 8 times. NOBLE GIANT (USA) (2011 c. by Noble Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years abroad. AS'AEDY (KSA) (2018 f. by Finest Artisan (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £21,007 and placed twice. GOVERNMENT ROAD (USA) (2009 g. by Point Given (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times. Saas (KSA) (2021 f. by Brother Derek (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. (2020 c. by Stratford Hill (USA)). 2nd Dam PTERYGIUM (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,975; Own sister to Ohio Royal T (USA); dam of fourteen winners from 15 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSTAR OF THE NIGHT (USA) (c. by Star Choice (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and £139,769 including Best of Ohio Endurance Championship Hcp., River Downs, L., Governor's Buckeye Cup Handicap, River Downs, L.R., Western Reserve Handicap, Thistledown, placed third in Best of Ohio Endurance Championship Hcp., Beulah Park, L., Buckeye Handicap, Thistledown, Rainbow Handicap, River Downs, R. DELT HOUSE (USA) (g. by Killarney Road (USA)), won 14 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £102,582 including Buckeye Handicap, Thistledown, placed second in Rainbow Handicap, River Downs, R. and third in Governor's Buckeye Cup Handicap, River Downs, L.R. and Best of Ohio Endurance Championship Hcp., Thistledown, L. KEEPYOURWITSABOUTU (USA) (f. by Torrential (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £45,343 including John W Galbreath Memorial Stakes, Beulah Park, R., placed third in Miss Ohio Stakes, Thistledown, R.; dam of winners. Harris Tweed (USA) (c. by I'll Raise You One (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £54,226 and placed second in Ohio Breeders' Futurity, Beulah Park, L. Mount Vesuvius (USA) (f. by I'll Raise You One (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £17,140 and placed third in Tougaloo Stakes, Thistledown and Cincinnatian Stakes, River Downs; dam of winners. 3rd Dam TOP DARE (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingOhio Royal T (USA) (f. by Winged T (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., second in Best of Ohio Distaff Championship H'cap, Thistledown, L.; dam of winners. ALMA MATER OHIO (USA), won Annie Oakley Handicap, Thistledown, placed second in John W Galbreath Memorial Stakes, Beulah Park, L.; dam of AWESOME ALEXANDRA (USA), won Ema Bovary Stakes, Calder. BENGALINE (USA), won Loyalty Stakes, Thistledown, R. JUMP RAISE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of RAISE THE REWARD (USA), won Best of Ohio Endurance Stakes, Thistledown, R., George Lewis Memorial Stakes, Thistledown, R., Michael F Rowland Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, R. (twice), Horizon Stakes, River Downs, R., Hoover Stakes, River Downs, R., PAT'S KARMA (USA), won Joshua Radosevich Memorial Stakes, Mahoning Valley, R. Top Mechanic (USA) (c. by Lord Rebeau (USA)), won 4 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Western Reserve Handicap, Thistledown, R.




Owner: Ahmed Abdullah Al-Abdullatif Any Given Saturday (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (USA) March 21st, 2022

Hoppertunity (USA) Refugee (USA) Split It (USA) (2012)

Curlin (USA) Yoursmineours (USA)


Distorted Humor (USA) Weekend In Indy (USA) Unaccounted For (USA) Polish Maid (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Belong To Me (USA) Polly Adler (USA)

HOPPERTUNITY (USA), 2011. Won 9 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Brooklyn Invitational Stakes, Gr.2, San Antonio Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), San Pasqual Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of NOTICE OF ACTION (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT PARADE (USA), (S), Sirani (USA), (S), Pachelbel (USA), (S), Lucky Opportunity (USA), (S), GOODAFTERNOONOSCAR (USA). 1st Dam SPLIT IT (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £19,173 and placed once; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizBOUND FOR BROADWAY (USA) (2017 f. by Golden Lad (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £58,612 and placed 6 times. ALLA BREVE (USA) (2020 f. by Mendelssohn (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £53,328. BREWSTER FLATS (USA) (2018 f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £16,579 and placed once. 2nd Dam YOURSMINEOURS (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £80,786 including Honeybee Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Lorelei Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Honeymoon Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Chapel Belle Stakes, Louisiana Downs and third in Martha Washington Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSHARED PROPERTY (USA) (g. by Scat Daddy (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £113,855 including Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.3, placed third in Lecomte Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3. WHISKEY ROMEO (USA) (c. by Forestry (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Marylander Stakes, Laurel, L., James F Lewis III Stakes, Laurel, L. SEND THE LIMO (USA) (f. by Tiz Wonderful (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Send The Boss (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Texas Thoroughbred Association Derby, Sam Houston, L., Oklahoma Classics Juvenile Stakes, Remington Park, R. and Don C McNeill Stakes, Remington Park, R. Conquest Rampage (USA) (f. by Quality Road (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Fraudulent Charge (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., second in Safely Kept Stakes, Laurel, L., Gin Talking Stakes, Laurel, Beyond The Wire Stakes, Laurel. 3rd Dam POLLY ADLER (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingYOURSMINEOURS (USA) (f. by Belong To Me (USA)), see above. RAHAB (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Angel's South (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Ten Palms Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Rahab Your Soul (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Assiniboia Oaks, Assiniboia Dwns. Belle Watling (USA) (f. by Pulpit (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LAND OVER SEA (USA), won twinspires.com Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, placed second in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. WAR STORY (USA), won Brooklyn Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Harlan's Holiday Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Monmouth Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, third in Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1. Tiz Fate (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Superior (USA), winner in U.A.E., second in emirates.com Al Bastakiya, Meydan, L. The next dam HONEST AND TRUE (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, placed third in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 and Pontalba Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingEPITOME (USA) (f. by Summing (USA)), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1987, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, R., placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. ESSENCE OF DUBAI (USA), won Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2, Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, UAE Derby, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2; sire.




Owner: Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (USA) April 27th, 2022

Midshipman (USA) Fleet Lady (USA) Our Conquistadora (USA) (2015)

Wilburn (USA) Spree (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Avenue of Flags (USA) Dear Mimi (USA) Bernardini (USA) Moonlight Sonata (USA) Conquistador Cielo (USA) Itstimetocelebrate (USA)

MIDSHIPMAN (USA), 2006. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008. Won 5 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, second in Norfolk Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1. Sire of FORTINO (CHI), (Gr.1), SUCCESO (CHI), (Gr.1), TANGANYKA (BRZ), (Gr.1), ROYAL SHIP (BRZ), (Gr.1), TWEET (BRZ), (Gr.1), GERMANICUS (CHI), (Gr.2), SPECIAL RESERVE (USA), (Gr.2), MAXI PICCOLINO (CHI), (Gr.2), CAMPELANDA (BRZ), (Gr.2), PRINCESS WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam OUR CONQUISTADORA (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizCHANISA (USA) (2020 f. by Dortmund (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £40,417 and placed twice. Brunacini (USA) (2021 c. by Dortmund (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by Mo Town (USA). 2nd Dam SPREE (USA), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £66,320; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizAugment (USA) (c. by Aptitude (USA)), won 18 races in U.S.A. and £221,709 and placed second in Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2. CHARACTER WITNESS (USA) (f. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,791. MAMBOO (USA) (f. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,140. OUR CONQUISTADORA (USA) (f. by Wilburn (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam ITSTIMETOCELEBRATE (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Juvenile Stakes (fillies), Woodbine, L., placed third in Ontario Debutante Stakes, Fort Erie, L.R.; Own sister to CONI BUG (USA); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizROXELANA (USA) (f. by Boundary (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Dwns, Gr.3, third in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of a winner. Lemondropontherox (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of Ladies Night (USA), winner in Canada, placed third in Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. TIGER (USA) (g. by Storm Boot (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Bold Ruler Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, second in True North Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2. PARADISE POND (USA) (f. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ATOMIC RAIN (USA), won Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2. The next dam PRINCESS CARRIE (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCONI BUG (USA) (f. by Timeless Native (USA)), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Curley Reeves Stakes, Fairmount Park, L., Violet Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L.R., Governor's Stakes, Arlington, L., Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.R., Illinois Breeders' Debutante Stakes, Arlington, L., Windy City Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Rattlemark Stakes, Arlington; dam of winners. MR MISCHIEF (USA), won Black Tie Affair Handicap, Arlington, L.R., placed second in Springfield Stakes, Arlington, L.R., third in Arlington Classic Stakes, Arlington, L. CHIEF THIEF (USA), won Come Summer Stakes, Canterbury Downs, placed third in Ocala Sales Sophomore Stakes (c&g), Tampa Bay Downs, L. Prima Donna Pirate (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Indiana Downs Distaff Stakes, Indiana Downs, L. SHEZASMITTENKITTEN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Timeless Rose (USA), winner in U.S.A, placed second in Peony Stakes, Indiana Grand, R. and third in Peony Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, R. (twice). EYES OF A CHILD (USA) (f. by Vencedor (USA)), won 17 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Inaugural Stakes, Ellis Park, placed second in Imp Handicap, Thistledown, L. and third in Lady Mannequin Stakes, Thistledown, L., Scarlet Carnation Handicap, Thistledown and Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky Stakes, Ellis Park; dam of a winner. Savin Eyes (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ohio Breeders' Futurity, Beulah Park, L.; sire.




Owner: Abdulaziz Mubarak Faraj Al Faraj Shackleford (USA)

FARZAN CASPER (USA) May 12th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Promises Fulfilled (USA) Marquee Delivery (USA) Bestpersonalregard (USA) (2012)

Candy Ride (ARG) Sincerely (USA)


Forestry (USA) Oatsee (USA) Marquetry (USA) Fast Delivery (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Meadowlake (USA) Up Sail (USA)

PROMISES FULFILLED (USA), 2015. Won Runhappy H. Allen Jerkins Stakes, Gr.1, John A Nerud Stakes, Gr.2, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix Stakes, Gr.2, xpressbet.com Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2 and Amsterdam Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam BESTPERSONALREGARD (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizRESVALON (USA) (2020 c. by Cloud Computing (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. (2021 c. by Always Dreaming (USA)). 2nd Dam SINCERELY (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £197,435 including Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.3, Go For Wand Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Smart Halo Stakes, Pimlico, placed second in Primonetta Stakes, Pimlico, L. and Susan's Girl Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; Own sister to Native Sailor (USA); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSILVER EDITION (USA) (c. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £214,820 including Hot Springs Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Woody Stephens Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Maryland Sprint Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Jersey Shore Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Hirsch Jacobs Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Hard Spun Stakes, Delaware Park and third in True North Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and King Cotton Stakes, Oaklawn Park. 3rd Dam UP SAIL (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Everett Handicap, Longacres, Rhododendron Handicap, Longacres, Cuyahoga Lassie Handicap, Thistledown, Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Lace Garter Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L. and Clipsetta Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSINCERELY (USA) (f. by Meadowlake (USA)), see above. Native Sailor (USA) (c. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Comet Stakes, Meadowlands. MERCENARY HAWK (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Thunder Days (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. The next dam FURL SAIL, Jt Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1967, won 17 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Acorn Stakes, Aqueduct, Mother Goose Stakes, Aqueduct, Betsy Ross Stakes, Garden State, Liberty Belle Handicap, Aqueduct, La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, placed second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingUP SAIL (USA) (f. by Herculean (USA)), see above. WEDGEWOOD BLUE (USA) (f. by Sir Ivor (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Vasarelli (IRE), winner at home and in U.S.A., third in Premio Villa Borghese, Rome, L. MINSTREL GUEST, 3 races at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of Minstrel Runner (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Groovy Stakes, Sam Houston, R. SPODE'S BLUE, 2 races at 3 years and placed 9 times; grandam of Kitano Octopus (JPN), winner to 2022 in Japan and placed third in Japan Dirt Derby, Oi, L.R. BRIGHTSIDE (IRE), 1 race at 2 years; dam of DAVE'S BEST (GB), 8 races in Hong Kong including Cathay Pacific International Mile Trial, Sha Tin, L., Juvenile Sprint Trophy, Sha Tin, L., placed third in Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1, MISS GEORGE (GB), 8 races including Fleur de Lys Stakes, Lingfield, L.; grandam of SKHILLING SPIRIT (GB), won Sandy Lane Stakes, Haydock, L. Beliz (TUR), placed 7 times abroad; grandam of OBIWAN (TUR), won Tyay Ve Sah Der, Veliefendi, L., Tay Deneme, Veliefendi, L., QUEEN AMIDALA (TUR), won I Inonu Fillies Stakes, Veliefendi, L. and Sadun E G Atig, Veliefendi, L. Laylitna (USA) (f. by Key To The Mint (USA)), placed once in France; dam of winners. GREEN LINE EXPRESS (USA), won Duke of York Stakes, York, Gr.3, Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, placed second in Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1 (twice); sire. MY CHERIE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of WONDERFUL DAYS (USA), won Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup, Nakayama, L., My Lovely Lesley (USA), winner and placed third in Empress Stakes, Newmarket, L.




Owner: Ayidh Sannat S Alshibani Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) January 18th, 2022 Perfectly Pleasant (USA) (2006)

Pleasantly Perfect (USA) Beaux Arts Ball (USA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Regal State (USA) Black Tie Affair Jonowo (USA)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam PERFECTLY PLEASANT (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,167; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizINHIMR (KSA) (2020 c. by Pomeroy (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £34,043 and placed once. SCREAMIN EARLIENNE (USA) (2011 f. by Zensational (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,184 and placed twice. ATSHAH (KSA) (2021 c. by Closing Bell (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from only 2 starts. Tasstalee (KSA) (2018 f. by Cat Dreams (USA)), placed 4 times at 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam Beaux Arts Ball (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A., £79,800 and second in Zippy Do Handicap, Calder, Ribbon Stakes, Arlington and third in Miss Jealski Handicap, Calder; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingNIGHTMARE AFFAIR (USA) (c. by Out of Place (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £629,784 including Smile Sprint Handicap, Calder, Gr.2, Groomstick Handicap, Calder, L., Ponche Handicap, Calder, L., Hilton Garden Inn Sprint Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., Champali Stakes, Calder, Ponche Handicap, Calder, Hilton Garden Inn Sprint Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Major Moran Stakes, Calder, placed third in Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, TVG Breeders' Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Smile Sprint Handicap, Calder, Gr.2. Off the Richter (USA) (f. by Richter Scale (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,136 and placed third in Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Another Silver Oak (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. 3rd Dam JONOWO (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Rambling Rose Stakes, River Downs; Own sister to STOLIE (USA); dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingBeaux Arts Ball (USA) (f. by Black Tie Affair), see above. The next dam YOUPICKEM (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSTOLIE (USA) (f. by Navajo (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Bourbonette Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of winners. STOLEN GOLD (USA), won Precisionist Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. SOMETHING LIGHT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of WANNA CUDDLE (USA), won Louisiana Stallion Stakes (fillies), Louisiana Downs, L.R. Soar (USA) (g. by Flying Chevron (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Swynford Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. RADICAL CHICK (USA) (f. by Danzig Connection (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Radical Sabbatical (USA), winner, third in Bernard Baruch H’cap, Saratoga, Gr.2. RA HYDEE (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Jack Junior (USA), winner and placed second in UAE Derby, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2. Perfect Paula (USA), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of TAKE CHARGE PAULA (USA), won Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and House Party Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Risk (USA) (f. by Wavering Monarch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. RISKY PROPOSITION (USA), won Let it Ride Stakes, Del Mar, R. Dave In Dixie (USA), winner, second in Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Sweet Anthem (USA), unraced; dam of SWEETONRICH (USA), won Richmond Stakes, Hoosier Park, L.R.




Owner: Bakr Abdullah S. Alotaibi Speightstown (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 13th, 2022

Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN) Saxagogo (GB) (2014)

Dutch Art (GB) Injaaz (GB)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Medicean (GB) Halland Park Lass (IRE) Sheikh Albadou (GB) Ferber's Follies (USA)

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SAXAGOGO (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of 2 foals of racing age(2020 c. by Montiridge (IRE)). (2021 c. by Assez Clair (USA)). 2nd Dam Injaaz (GB), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years and £50,870, placed third in Silver Trophy, Ascot, L.; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingTop Boy (GB) (g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), won 9 races and £152,934 and placed 43 times including second in National Stakes, Sandown, L. 3rd Dam Ferber's Follies (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Miss America Stakes, Atlantic City and third in Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHardball (USA) (c. by Opening Verse (USA)), won 13 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Maryland Million Nursery, Laurel, L. CORNDAVON (USA) (f. by Sheikh Albadou (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 8 times; dam of winners. NEVISIAN LAD (GB), 2 races at 2 years including July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. Woodnook (GB), 3 races at 2 to 4 years and second in Cleves Stakes, Lingfield, L. WINDERMERE ISLAND (GB), 2 races at 3 years; dam of Lady Ro (GB), 1 race at 2 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi, Rome, L. Gazebo (GB) (f. by Cadeaux Genereux), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. PYMAN'S THEORY (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including National Stakes, Sandown, L., placed third in Prix du Bois, Chantilly, Gr.3. FORTHEFIRSTIME (GB), 1 race at 2 years viz Flame of Tara Stakes, Curragh, L. Singitta (GB) (f. by Singspiel (IRE)), ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. Singeur (IRE), 10 races and placed second in Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L. SAMASANA (IRE), 3 races at 3 years; dam of SIMMY'S TEMPLE (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Pike Place Dancer Stakes, Golden Gate. The next dam JONES TIME MACHINE (USA), won 13 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Correction Handicap, Aqueduct, Interborough Handicap, Aqueduct, Autumn Days Handicap, Oak Tree, Terlingua Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingBLUE JEAN BABY (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Crowning Glory Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed fourth in Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. DENIM YENEM (USA), won Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Crimson Saint Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., C.E.R.F. Stakes, Del Mar, L. I AM THE WINNER (USA), winner in Japan; dam of I AM KAMINO MAGO (JPN), won Sankeisports Hai Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu, Hanshin, Gr.2, Oro Cup, Tokyo, L., I AM ACTRESS (JPN), won Unicorn Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3; grandam of DANON FACE (JPN), won Subaru Stakes, Kyoto, L., Shimotsuki Stakes, Tokyo, L. Dixieland Blues (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of LIMEHOUSE (USA), won Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed third in Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; sire, BLUES AND ROYALS (USA), won UAE Derby, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2; third dam of NEVER SURPRISED (USA), won Tropical Park Derby, Gulfstream Park, L., placed second in Pegasus World Cup Turf Invitational, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1. SMART START (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. RULE BY FORCE (USA), won Yavapai Downs Futurity, Yavapai Downs.


46 BOX

Owner: Alghamaah Stable Elzaam (AUS) Mjjack (IRE) Docklands Grace (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) January 14th, 2022 Espressa (USA) (2015)

Gemologist (USA) Coffee (USA)


Redoute's Choice (AUS) Mambo In Freeport (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Afarel (USA) Tiznow (USA) Crystal Shard (USA) El Corredor (USA) Shufflin n Seatle (USA)

MJJACK (IRE), 2014. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam Espressa (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £26,537 and placed twice including third in Arlington Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, L.; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizSahm Sara (KSA) (2019 f. by Fort Larned (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam COFFEE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizMorning Fix (USA) (f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,648 and placed third in Senorita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Espressa (USA) (f. by Gemologist (USA)), see above. JAVA FOR TWO (USA) (c. by Bob And John (USA)), won 8 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £64,933. JITTER JUICE (USA) (c. by Carpe Diem (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £40,483. BIG JAVA (USA) (f. by Exaggerator (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £77,254. JEWELED (USA) (f. by Sidney's Candy (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £42,571. MOCHA CHIP (USA) (f. by Trappe Shot (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,603; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam SHUFFLIN N SEATLE (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHere I Go (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and third in Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. SUMMERLY (USA), won Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Silverbulletday Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Ashado Stakes, Saratoga, placed second in Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of Kentucky Reign (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Capital City Stakes, Penn National, L., Allez Marie (USA), placed second in G.P. Presidente Roberto Alves de Almeida, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3; grandam of WORKAHOLIC (USA), won Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Cincinnati Trophy Stakes, Turfway Park, Tomato Bill (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Fouette (USA), placed third in Willa On the Move Stakes, Laurel, L. Let 'Em Go (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Kimberlite Pipe Stakes, Kentucky Downs. JACKPOT JOANIE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Taxable (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Totality (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Remington Springboard Mile Stakes, Remington Park, L., Goddard (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Bill Thomas Memorial Stakes, Sunland Park, Veterans Stakes, Zia Park, Inaugural Stakes, Sunray Park, Synkros (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Island Fashion Stakes, Sunland Park, Charge Back (USA), placed third in Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L.; grandam of FLAP JACK (USA), won Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, L. Touch Here (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; grandam of ROYAL APPROVAL (USA), won Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Terrifee (USA), unraced; grandam of Right To Freedom (USA), placed third in Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L. Proud Indian (USA) (f. by Indian Charlie (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Kaling (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. Gold Gilded (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FEEL WHAT'S REAL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dokdo Jigi (KOR), placed second in President's Cup, Seoul, L.R.




Owner: Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 27th, 2022 Pulitzer (USA) (2010)

Bernardini (USA) Jood (USA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Nijinsky (CAN) Kamar (CAN)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam PULITZER (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizTHELIFEOFTHEPARTY (USA) (2015 g. by Street Sense (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £16,566 and placed 4 times. FERBER (USA) (2017 f. by Curlin (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,968. SWOPE (USA) (2016 g. by Super Saver (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A., £14,712. ABRAJ DUBAI (USA) (2014 f. by Street Cry (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of 2 winners includingStar of Lady M (GB) (f. by Havana Grey (GB)), 4 races at 2 years, 2022 and £53,952 and placed 4 times including third in Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L. Tata'allaq (KSA) (2020 f. by Cairo Prince (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Stratford Hill (USA)). 2nd Dam JOOD (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingFANTASTIC LIGHT (USA) (c. by Rahy (USA)), Champion older horse in Ireland in 2001, won 12 races at home, in Hong Kong, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £4,880,349 including Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1; sire. HI DUBAI (GB) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and £114,143 viz Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed 5 times including second in Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; dam of winners. Hawsa (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and £55,632 and placed third in Grosser Preis der AWD Holding AG, Hannover, L.; dam of winners. WANICE (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. ANEES (ARG), won Clasico Manuel Anasagasti, San Isidro, L. and Clasico Antartida Argentina, San Isidro, L. ZEMBU (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of YOUR SONG (AUS), won Bundaberg Distilling Company BTC Cup, Eagle Farm, Gr.1; sire. Daanet Al Dunya (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. TARQUIN (AUS), won Pago Pago Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, placed third in Moet & Chandon Champagne Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1. MONOGRAM (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of CHARACTER (AUS), won Queensland Guineas, Eagle Farm, Gr.2, Tulloch Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.2. 3rd Dam KAMAR (CAN), Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 1979, Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 1978, won 7 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Duchess Stakes, Fort Erie, L., Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R., placed second in Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R.; Own sister to LOVE SMITTEN (CAN); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGORGEOUS (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, placed second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Distaff, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. KEY TO THE MOON (CAN) (c. by Wajima (USA)), Champion 3yr old in Canada in 1984, won 13 races including Queen's Plate Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Dominion Day Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3R., Marine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R., second in Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Fahad Mohammed Fahad Al-Oraini Forty Niner (USA) Distorted Humor (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) April 15th, 2022 To the Morning (USA) (2016)

More Than Ready (USA) Anyhow (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) File (USA) Danzig (USA) Sweetest Chant (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Tiznow (USA) Charlotte Augusta (USA)

Own brother to ICE SHARD (USA) DISTORTED HUMOR (USA), 1993. Won 8 races, Churchill Downs Handicap, Gr.2, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gr.2, Ack Ack Stakes, Gr.3, Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and Screen King Stakes, L. Sire of SANTIN (USA), (Gr.1), VARDA (USA), (Gr.1), RESTLESS RIDER (USA), (Gr.1), JOKING (USA), (Gr.1), CURSORY GLANCE (USA), (Gr.1), BOISTEROUS (USA), (Gr.1), JIMMY CREED (USA), (Gr.1), AESOP'S FABLES (USA), (Gr.1), DROSSELMEYER (USA), (Gr.1), PATHFORK (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam TO THE MORNING (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizICE SHARD (USA) (2020 c. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £28,808 and placed twice. (2021 c. by Ghostzapper (USA)). 2nd Dam ANYHOW (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingNOBLE BIRD (USA) (c. by Birdstone (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £913,930 including Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Hagyard Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Lukas Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Alysheba Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Ben Ali Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire. BROTHER PAT (USA) (c. by Any Given Saturday (USA)), won 16 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and abroad including Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa, Camarero Race Track, L. Dido (USA) (f. by Bernstein (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £104,907 and placed second in CTT & T.B. Owners of California Handicap, Del Mar, River Memoires Stakes, Belmont Park and third in Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of winners. 3rd Dam Charlotte Augusta (USA), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Roseanna Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMYTHICAL GEM (USA) (c. by Jade Hunter (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Lexington Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Honor Guard Handicap, Pimlico, L., placed second in Nick Shuk Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L. APPLE CHARLOTTE (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Red Carpet Stakes, Penn National, L., placed second in Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Edward P Evans All Along Stakes, Colonial Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. Lottie (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Fasig-Tipton Waya Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. Multitudinous (USA) (f. by Numerous (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Junior Champion Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of winners. Claremont (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Anna M Fisher Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park; dam of winners. Accept (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Happy Ticket Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of Colosi (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Baffle Stakes, Santa Anita. RELAXING GREEN (USA) (f. by Formal Gold (CAN)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MARLEY'S FREEDOM (USA), won Ketel One Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Great Lady M Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.2 (twice), Santa Monica Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Go for Wand Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Beholder Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. NOBLE CHARLOTTE (USA), won H.B.P.A. Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. Airship (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Edmonton Juvenile Stakes, Northlands Park. INDIAN CARLIE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of NOBLE COMMANDER (USA), won Woodchopper Stakes, Fair Grounds and Ocala Breeders' Sales Sophomore Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, R.




Owner: Eng. Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Unbridled's Song (USA) Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 18th, 2022 Mayakoba (USA) (2009)

War Chant (USA) Child Bride (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Danzig (USA) Hollywood Wildcat (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chapel of Dreams (USA)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam MAYAKOBA (USA), ran twice in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizPRICE TALK (USA) (2017 g. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £285,439 including Remington Green Stakes, Remington Park, West Virginia House of Delegates Speaker's Cup, Mountaineer Park, placed 8 times including third in Colonel E. R. Bradley Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., Gio Ponti Stakes, Aqueduct and Prairie Bayou Stakes, Turfway Park. WIN FOR THE MONEY (USA) (2019 g. by Mohaymen (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £156,576 and placed 4 times, including second in autmn stakes Gr.2, fifth in Arlington milion stakes Gr.1. Rahamaat (KSA) (2021 f. by Haynesfield (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Animal Kingdom (USA)). 2nd Dam CHILD BRIDE (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingJUNIPER PASS (USA) (g. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £241,378 including San Juan Capistrano Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Luis Rey Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed third in Hollywood Derby, Gr.1. Charming Kid (GB) (g. by Charm Spirit (IRE)), won 4 races at 2 to 6 years, 2022 and £53,468 and placed 8 times including third in July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. CHILDISH (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 4 races in Argentina; dam of winners. CHIQUIBABY (ARG), won Clasico Augusto Mostajo Barrera, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L., second in Clasico Enrique Ayulo Pardo, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1. CHOCOLOCA (ARG), won Clasico Francia, San Isidro, L. SINGITA (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LEMOONA (USA), won Possibly Perfect Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. 3rd Dam CHAPEL OF DREAMS (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Palomar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Golden Poppy Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Budweiser Calder Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L., placed second in Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Ramona Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingIF ANGELS SANG (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TALE OF A CHAMPION (USA), won Charles Whittingham Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Bob Umphrey Turf Sprint Stakes, Calder, L.; sire. BANDUA (USA), won Arlington Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, placed third in Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1 and Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1. MR ROARY (USA), won Eddie D Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. BRIDAL TEA (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. POSTPONED (USA), won Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Wiener Wald (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. CROWDED HOUSE (GB), won Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; sire. Argent du Bois (USA), placed 5 times in France; dam of BRANDO (GB), 9 races at 3 to 7 years at home and in France including Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, TICKER TAPE (GB), 8 races at home and in U.S.A. including American Oaks Invitational, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; grandam of RECKLESS ABANDON (GB), Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2013, Jt Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2012, 5 races at 2 years including Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Vienna Affair (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of DARING DANCER (USA), won Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. Fair Daughter (GB), unraced; dam of TRIBALIST (GB), 5 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in France including Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, placed third in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1.




Owner: Khalid Hammad H Althajafi Sons Golden Missile (USA) Cobalt Blue (USA) Prado Star (CAN)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 30th, 2022 Mostahiddah (KSA) (2012)

Frondoso (ARG) Champion Jay (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Santa Catalina (USA) El Prado (IRE) Eastern Star (CAN) Fitzcarraldo (ARG) La Carmagnole (ARG) Clever Champ (USA) Dancer's Protege (USA)

COBALT BLUE (USA), 2004. Won 4 races, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2, Select Stakes, L., second in Alydar Stakes, L. and third in Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of MOTABAY YEN (KSA), MOTAWAAJID (KSA), EIDHAH (KSA), ALSAFINAAT (KSA), SHIBLAT ALSABIYAH (KSA), LAE OYOUN MASHA'EL (KSA), ALWARDA ALMAKMALIA (KSA), LAMMA AEH (KSA), ASSLEM WA SALLEM (KSA), MOZ'ELHOM (KSA), DALFINE (KSA), KAWEEHOM (KSA). 1st Dam MOSTAHIDDAH (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizMASAHLA (KSA) (2017 f. by Lightning Flash (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £41,576 and placed 8 times. 2nd Dam CHAMPION JAY (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £95,817 including Maryland Million Oaks, Laurel, L., Silver Ice Stakes, Laurel; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizBLACKTON (USA) (c. by Slew City Slew (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £16,918. KASOOB (KSA) (f. by Frondoso (ARG)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £67,217. CASBAH (KSA) (f. by Mudallel (GB)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £83,244. GRANDFIGHT (USA) (f. by Fit To Fight (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £31,700. SLICK TRICK (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,399; dam of winners. ANTELOPE (USA), winner in U.S.A. ZENDON (USA), winner in U.S.A. ZIARITA (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £24,394; dam of winners. Red La Rosa (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Acadiana Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. and Equine Sales Oaks, Evangeline Downs, R. KEYNER VELOZ (USA), winner in U.S.A. CHAMP CARSON (USA) (g. by Lord Carson (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. AL LATHIAE (KSA) (c. by Hans Anderson (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. HASH SHAAR (KSA) (c. by Agol Lack (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam DANCER'S PROTEGE (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCHAMPION JAY (USA) (f. by Clever Champ (USA)), see above. Lord of The Dance (USA) (c. by Polish Numbers (USA)), won 7 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Happy Trails Handicap, Calder. The next dam TEMPLE BELLS (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAPPEALING GIRL (USA) (f. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. viz Virginia Belle Stakes, Laurel, Politely Stakes, Pimlico, R., Bowie Kindergarten Stakes, Bowie, R., placed second in Flirtation Stakes, Pimlico; dam of winners. FASTY AND NASTY (USA), won Mockingbird Stakes, Lone Star Park, L., Satin And Lace Stakes, Sam Houston, placed second in Ruffian Handicap, Trinity Meadows and third in Buffalo Bayou Stakes, Sam Houston. HOPEFUL APPEAL (USA), won Friendship Stakes (fillies), Louisiana Downs, L.R. ANNIE'S APPEAL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of E Cee Mister (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Assault Handicap, Lone Star Park, L. MISSY DEAR (USA) (f. by Deerhound (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Summertime Promise Stakes, Laurel, placed third in Miss Liberty Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of winners. SIRRAH (USA), won Northbound Pride Stakes, Canterbury Downs. Only Keren (USA) (f. by Pas Seul (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Virginia Stallion Stakes, Laurel; dam of winners. King Ludwig (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Star de Naskra Handicap, Pimlico, L.


51 BOX

Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi Speightstown (USA) Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 3rd, 2022 Gold Indy (USA) (2006)

A P Indy (USA) Girl of Gold (USA)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Fantastic Girl (USA)

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S). 1st Dam GOLD INDY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,203 and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizCANDY CARLOS (USA) (2014 g. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and £172,906 and placed 18 times. GOLDRUSHCAT (USA) (2013 f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £52,999 and placed 10 times. MIGHTY SOO (USA) (2017 c. by Super Saver (USA)), won 2 races in Korea. La Tahaddaha (KSA) (2020 f. by Haynesfield (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 f. by Teletext (USA)). 2nd Dam GIRL OF GOLD (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingHEART BUTTE (USA) (c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £141,147 including Auld Lang Syne Stakes, Parx Racing, L., Evening Attire Stakes, Aqueduct, placed third in John B Campbell Handicap, Laurel, L. Egeria (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), ran in Japan at 3 years; dam of winners. SHURI (JPN), won Tanigawadake Stakes, Niigata, L., Rigel Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Sekiya Kinen, Niigata, Gr.3. 3rd Dam FANTASTIC GIRL (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, placed third in Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park; Own sister to Dynamic Lady (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFANTASTIC LOOK (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Silver Belles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Miss America Handicap, Golden Gate, L., placed second in Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. DESIGNED FOR LUCK (USA), won Shoemaker Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Oak Tree Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Ascot Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3 and Live The Dream Handicap, Del Mar, L. ABSOLUTE HARMONY (USA), won Doonesbury Handicap, Golden Gate; sire. CLASSY PROSPECTOR (USA), won Pleasanton Handicap, Pleasanton; sire. DAZZLING CONTRAST (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MACHO MACHO (USA), won West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.2; sire. FANTASTIC WAYS (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Honey Fox Handicap, Del Mar, L. and third in California Oaks, Golden Gate, L.; dam of winners. WORLDLY WAYS (GB), 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including All American Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Cinema Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Primeco American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2 and third in Citation Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. MISS FORTUNATE (USA), won Turfway Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3, Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, L., HBPA Handicap, Ellis Park, L., placed third in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 (twice) and Chilukki Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. TRIAL BY JURY (USA), won Dallas Turf Cup Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3; sire. MAJESTIC STYLE (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including La Puente Stakes, Santa Anita, L., second in Pirate Cove Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; sire. BRAVO FOX (USA) (c. by Northern Baby (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Barronstown Stud Stakes, Phoenix Park, L., placed fourth in Leopardstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah A Aljebreen City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 5th, 2022 Sahara Lady (IRE) (2004)

Lomitas (GB) Sagamartha (GB)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Niniski (USA) La Colorada (GER) Rainbow Quest (USA) Lovealoch (IRE)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SAHARA LADY (IRE), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £32,215 and placed 4 times including fourth in Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizGABRIAL'S GIFT (IRE) (2009 g. by Verglas (IRE)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years and £15,735 and placed 6 times. IN A GADDA DA VIDA (FR) (2013 f. by Tamayuz (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £19,701 and placed 6 times. FATAT SOHEIL (KSA) (2014 f. by Harbour Watch (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £37,941 and placed 5 times. MARZOOQ ALFOZ (KSA) (2017 c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,454 and placed once. Alhermes (KSA) (2021 c. by Belgravia (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SAGAMARTHA (GB), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingDarley Sun (IRE) (g. by Tiger Hill (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 years and £159,695 and placed second in Doncaster Cup, Doncaster, Gr.2 and third in Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2. New Plays (IRE) (f. by Oratorio (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. EPONA PLAYS (IRE), 4 races at 3 and 4 years and £153,676 including Ridgewood Pearl Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Park Express Stakes, Naas, Gr.3, D.C. Lavarack & Lanwades Stud Stakes, Gowran Park, Gr.3, placed 5 times including third in Snow Fairy Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. DOLCE STREGA (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years and £54,630 including Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Silken Glider Stakes, Curragh, L. Bumbasina (IRE), 2 races at 3 years and £32,495, second in Ruby Stakes, Killarney, L.; dam of AMELIA'S JEWEL (AUS), won Northerly Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Western Australian Guineas, Ascot, Gr.2, Karrakatta Plate, Ascot, Gr.2, Let's Elope Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2, Roma Cup, Ascot, Gr.3, Gimcrack Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. 3rd Dam Lovealoch (IRE), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and third in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFLASHY WINGS (GB) (f. by Zafonic (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in England in 2005, won 4 races at 2 years including Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2, Queen Mary Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed second in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and third in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Matron Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1; dam of winners. The Mediterranean (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2, Loughbrown Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, King George V Cup Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L. and third in St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1. The next dam Civility, won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Galtres Stakes, York, L. and fourth in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCivilynn (USA) (f. by Lost Code (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A. and second in Salem County Stakes, Meadowlands, third in Miss Grillo Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Civility Cat (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Salem County Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of winners. High Grounds (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and third in Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3. LAURA MARGARET (f. by Persian Bold), won 1 race at 2 years in Italy; dam of winners. ACCOUNT EXPRESS (IRE), Champion 2yr old colt in Scandinavia in 1997, 12 races at 2 to 5 years in Sweden including Kapplopningssallskapets Stora Prijs, Taby, L.




Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons A P Indy (USA) Patriot Act (USA) Classic Value (USA)

A BAY COLT (UNK) January 1st, 2022 She's Stella Marie (USA) (2009)

Leroidesanimaux (BRZ) Stellarina (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Copelan (USA) Queen Pat (USA) Candy Stripes (USA) Dissemble (GB) Pleasant Colony (USA) Star Pastures

PATRIOT ACT (USA), 2002. Won 4 races, Jim Rasmussen Memorial Stakes, second in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Mineshaft Handicap, Gr.3 and Tenacious Handicap. Sire of EMPIRE DREAMS (USA), (S), Coalition (USA), (L.R.), Riot Worthy (USA), (S), Secured Position (USA), (S), National Defence (USA), (S), Patriot Star (USA), (S), One More Act (USA), (S), Social Rebellion (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SHE'S STELLA MARIE (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £45,315 and placed 8 times; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMARIES MELODY (USA) (2017 f. by Point of Entry (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £77,454 including Miss Gracie Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed 7 times. BLUE MAX (USA) (2018 g. by Silver Max (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in Canada and £103,733 and placed 9 times. SILENT GHOST (CAN) (2019 f. by Shaman Ghost (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in Canada and £79,421 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam STELLARINA (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £342,243 including Ontario Matron Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Valedictory Handicap, Woodbine, L., Tattling Handicap, Woodbine, L.R., Victoria Park Stakes, Woodbine, L., Bessarabian Stakes, Woodbine, placed second in Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Arlington Heights Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingPOSSE POWER (USA) (c. by Posse (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £143,551 including Auburn Stakes, Emerald Downs, placed second in Seattle Slew Handicap, Emerald Downs, Pepsi Cola Handicap, Emerald Downs and third in Longacres Mile Handicap, Emerald Downs, Gr.3, El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3. STELLAR VALENTINE (USA) (f. by Belong To Me (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,297; dam of winners. DARK MAGIC (TUR), won Yunus Emre, Bursa, L., placed third in Tali Calbatur, Veliefendi, L. Hurry Regina (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. RUTINI (BRZ), won Grande Premio Dezesseis de Julho, Gavea, Gr.2 and Grande Premio Professor Nova Monteiro, Gavea, Gr.3. 3rd Dam STAR PASTURES, won 7 races at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Child Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Palomar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed second in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Yellow Ribbon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingESPRIT D'ETOILE (USA) (g. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years including Concorde Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr.3, Silver Stakes, Phoenix Park, L., placed second in Silver Stakes, Phoenix Park, L. and third in Ballysax Stakes, Curragh, L. Monza (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Hong Kong and placed second in Prix de Condé, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Lord Justice (USA) (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. The next dam Spirit In The Sky, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, third in Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3 and fourth in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingPIXIE ERIN (f. by Golden Fleece (USA)), won 3 races including Matron Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, third in Grand Metropolitan Stakes, Ascot, L.; grandam of AMOR DE CISNE (BRZ), won Grande Premio General Couto de Magalhaes, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2. Skaramanga (c. by Shirley Heights), won 4 races at 3 years and placed fourth in Gordon Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. RIVIERE BLEUE (f. by Riverman (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. PRINCE BOBBY B (USA), won Sierra Madre Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., second in Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. Notley Park (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of KNOT IN WOOD (IRE), 11 races at 3 to 7 years including Chipchase Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan Curlin (USA) Vino Rosso (USA) Mythical Bride (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) February 18th, 2022 Starlight Magic (USA) (2009)

Marino Marini (USA) Star's Millennium (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Flaming Heart (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Halo America (USA) General Meeting (USA) Star Eighty Eight (USA)

VINO ROSSO (USA), 2015. Won 6 races, Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, NYRA Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.2, Stymie Stakes, L., second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of THE WINE STEWARD (USA), (Gr.3), Next Level (USA), (Gr.1), Zaino (USA), (S). 1st Dam STARLIGHT MAGIC (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £215,664 including Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., R H Walter California Cup Juv.Stakes (f), Santa Anita, L.R., placed 3 times viz second in Evening Jewel Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R. and third in Torrey Pines Stakes, Del Mar, L. and Melair Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMISS SOPHIA'S STAR (USA) (2015 f. by Congrats (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £42,846 and placed 3 times. GREY CHARMER (USA) (2019 c. by Temple City (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £56,465 and placed 3 times. RAPID FIRE (USA) (2016 g. by Cross Traffic (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Singapore. Storming Gray (USA) (2020 f. by Gormley (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Star's Millennium (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £102,347 and placed third in Maiden Handicap (fillies), Hollywood Park, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSTARLIGHT MAGIC (USA) (f. by Marino Marini (USA)), see above. SILVER STARLIGHT (USA) (f. by Marino Marini (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £35,358. STAR DIVA (USA) (f. by Unusual Heat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £13,181. 3rd Dam Star Eighty Eight (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Sunset Stakes, Calder; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingReno Hightower (USA) (g. by Debonair Roger (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Barretts Juvenile Stakes, Fairplex Park, L. and third in Don B Stakes, Bay Meadows, L. and Graduation Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. Star's Millennium (USA) (f. by General Meeting (USA)), see above. SHESOURSTAR (USA) (f. by Saros), won 16 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. SOME LUCKY STAR (USA) (g. by Something Lucky (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. FIVE STAR MEETING (USA) (f. by General Meeting (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. 4th Dam SWEET PIANO (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingStar Eighty Eight (USA) (f. by Star de Naskra (USA)), see above. PROUD MUSIC (USA) (f. by Proud Truth (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Seven Anns (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sam Houston Oaks, Sam Houston. Spirit of Oklahoma (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Oklahoma Classics Juvenile Stakes, Remington Park, R. The next dam SWEET RAPPORT (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingKNIGHTLY RAPPORT (USA) (c. by Inverness Drive (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including El Camino Real Derby Stakes, Bay Meadows, Atherton Stakes, Bay Meadows; sire. TSUAMI (USA) (f. by Don B (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Newshound (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Free Press Stakes, Assiniboia Downs and third in Inaugural Handicap, Assiniboia Downs. Sweet Tomboy (USA) (f. by Tom Rolfe), unraced; grandam of YBBS (USA), won Beacon Hill Handicap, Suffolk Downs, third in Thomas F Moran Stakes, Suffolk Downs, R.





Owner: FMQ Stables Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Bolt D'oro (USA) Globe Trot (USA)

A BLACK FILLY (USA) April 1st, 2022 Show Hostess (USA) (2016)

Mineshaft (USA) Starseeker (USA)

El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) A P Indy (USA) Trip (USA) A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Rock Hard Ten (USA) Topliner (USA)

BOLT D'ORO (USA), 2015. Won 4 races, Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2, second in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1 and third in Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of TAMARA (USA), (Gr.1), MAJOR DUDE (USA), (Gr.2), INSTANT COFFEE (USA), (Gr.2), BOPPY O (USA), (Gr.3), RUBY NELL (USA), (L.), THIRTY THOU KELVIN (USA), (L.), BOLD DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), CORONA BOLT (USA), (S), IT'S BOBS BUSINESS (USA), (S), MOUNSIEUR COCO (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SHOW HOSTESS (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizFast Service (USA) (2020 c. by Fast Anna (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Show Master (USA) (2021 c. by Mastery (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam STARSEEKER (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizCAMINO DE ESTRELLA (USA) (g. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 7 races to 2022 in U.S.A. and £157,191. DIGITAL STAR (USA) (c. by The Factor (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £58,167. TOP STAR (USA) (c. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £19,720. 3rd Dam TOPLINER (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSTAR BILLING (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Senorita Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Clement L Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, third in American Oaks Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. SCREEN GODDESS (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. American Face (USA), winner in Japan, placed second in Saga Kinen, Saga, L.R. The next dam To The Hunt (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSTELLAR JAYNE (USA) (f. by Wild Rush (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Dogwood Breeders' Cup Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., second in Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Nexte Breeders' Cup Distaff, Lone Star Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Cosmic Girl (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Gasparilla Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs. SO FAR (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of My Galina (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Soaring Softly Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. STARRER (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Bayakoa Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 (twice), Princess Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Santa Paula Stakes, Santa Anita, L., second in Overbrook Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and third in Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Movie Moment (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Senorita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Star Act (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in CTT & T.B. Owners of California H’cap, Del Mar; dam of JUST F Y I (USA), won Frizette Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, Gr.1. Celebrity Cat (USA), unraced; dam of UNCLE BENNY (USA), won Allied Forces Stakes, Belmont Park, L., second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Churchill Dwns, Gr.1. TALLY HO ANNIE (USA) (f. by Capote (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Tally Ho Dixie (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Goldfinch Stakes, Prairie Meadows; dam of KYRIAKI (USA), won Treasure Chest Stakes, Delta Downs, L. EMERGING GLORY (USA) (f. by Smarten (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. THE MAILET (USA), won Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. Cinnamon Kisses (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of DONTMESSWITHJOANNE (USA), won Red Camelia Stakes, Fair Grounds, R.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Tapit (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 25th, 2022 (first foal)

Closing Bell (USA) Rehear (USA) Monootee (KSA) (2014)

Tizway (USA) Horticulture (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chief Appeal (USA) Tiznow (USA) Bethany (USA) Forest Wildcat (USA) Substance (USA)

CLOSING BELL (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dueling Grounds Derby, second in Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Bryan Station Stakes and third in Muniz Memorial Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MAHBOBAT HUSSAIN (KSA), ALFRAYNY (KSA), ATSHAH (KSA). 1st Dam MONOOTEE (KSA), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £68,926 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam HORTICULTURE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,408; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingNAOMI (USA) (f. by Ecclesiastic (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £74,585; dam of a winner. STORM CELL (USA) (f. by Haynesfield (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. and £86,010. 3rd Dam SUBSTANCE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingDEMONSTRATE (USA) (c. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years including Leisure Stakes, Windsor, L. The next dam Miss Manon (FR), won 3 races in France and placed fourth in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizLYDIAN (FR) (c. by Lyphard (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France, in Italy and in West Germany including Grosser Preis von Berlin, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1, Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, placed second in Prix de Courcelles, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Prix Niel, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. BALLINDERRY (f. by Irish River (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years including Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed third in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1 and fourth in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. SANGLAMORE (USA), Champion older horse in England in 1991, won Prix d'Ispahan, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Dante Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1; sire. Danilova (USA), unraced; dam of SILK AND SCARLET (GB), 2 races at 2 years viz Debutante Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Silver Flash Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; grandam of MASTER OF HOUNDS (USA), won Emirates Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1; sire, SECOND STEP (IRE), 8 races at home and in Germany including Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.1, EISHIN APOLLON (USA), won Mile Championship, Kyoto, Gr.1; sire, MINORETTE (USA), won Belmont Oaks Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. MOT D'OR (FR) (c. by Rheingold), won 2 races in France including Prix Hocquart, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, third in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. SHARPMAN (c. by Sharpen Up), won 3 races in France including Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix des Yearlings, Deauville, L., placed second in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Lupin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1; sire. MISS SUMMER (f. by Luthier), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Saint Cyr, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. MOST PRECIOUS (USA), won Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix de la Salamandre, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of MATIARA (USA), won Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Ramona Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, MARATHON (USA), won Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3; sire, PYRUS (USA), won Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Fort Marcy Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire; grandam of UNFORGOTTEN (AUS), won James Boag's Premium Australian Oaks, Randwick, Gr.1; third dam of INDONESIENNE (IRE), 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. PRIVATE LINE (USA), won Atalanta Stakes, Sandown, L. and Avigaition Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; third dam of EPICURIS (GB), 3 races at 2 years in France including Critérium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1.


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Owner: Mohammed Fawaz Sttaam Alfanadeel Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 6th, 2022 Bint Indian Blosom (KSA) (2013)

Even the Score (USA) Indian Blossom (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Ashtabula (USA) Mutakddim (USA) Indianhanna (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam BINT INDIAN BLOSOM (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizAEFAF (KSA) (2018 f. by Makani (GER)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £45,029 and placed 3 times. Ehtefaadh (KSA) (2020 f. by Macho Macho (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam INDIAN BLOSSOM (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £60,588; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 5 foals of racing age vizCOTTONWOOD CANYON (USA) (g. by Zanjero (USA)), won 12 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £94,664. 3rd Dam INDIANHANNA (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingINDIAN MOONSHINE (USA) (g. by Evansville Slew (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Pete Condellone Memorial Handicap, Fairmount Park, R. Rathleen (USA) (f. by Tour d'Or (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Peach Of It Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R. and third in Purple Violet Stakes, Arlington, L.R. ECHOTA (USA) (g. by Sefapiano (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. FREEDOM HIGHWAY (USA) (g. by Tour d'Or (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. CHOCOLATE BLISS (USA) (f. by Tenpins (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. INDIAN BLOSSOM (USA) (f. by Mutakddim (USA)), see above. GATLIN (USA) (g. by Luhuk (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam Ah Sweet Jamie (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Sixty Sails Handicap, Fair Grounds and third in Indian Maid Handicap, Hawthorne; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 3 foals of racing age vizNAMJONG SUCCESS (USA) (c. by Sheikh Albadou (GB)), won 1 race in Hong Kong. The next dam A SLICK CHIC (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingA SLIM CHIC (USA) (f. by Angle Light (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Illinois Oaks, Fairmount Park, Silent Beauty Stakes, Hawthorne, R., placed second in Windy City Stakes, Arlington and third in Illinois Breeders' Debutante Stakes, Hawthorne; dam of winners. ANT'S IN HER PANTS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SIR FIDGITY (USA), won Jim Edgar Illinois Futurity, Hawthorne, L.R., placed second in Sun Power Stakes, Hawthorne, L.R.; grandam of THE BEAUTY'S TALE (USA), won Florence Henderson Stakes, Indiana Grand, R., placed second in Miss Indiana Stakes, Indiana Grand, R. Slim Gold (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of Helmsgold (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Montclair Stakes, Golden Gate. A Big Kahuna (USA) (c. by Bates Motel (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Balmoral Derby, Balmoral Park, L. and third in Don Leon Handicap, Hawthorne. Ah Sweet Jamie (USA) (f. by Diesis), see above. SLICK CITY CHIC (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Slick City Nites (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Texas Heritage Stakes, Sam Houston.




Unbridled's Song (USA) A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 1st, 2022


Owner: Sama Stable

Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA) Abashed (USA) (2017)

Ghostzapper (USA) Flashing (USA)

Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Awesome Again (CAN) Baby Zip (USA) A P Indy (USA) Morning Pride (IRE)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam ABASHED (USA), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 c. by Midshipman (USA)). 2nd Dam FLASHING (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £434,789 including Gazelle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Nassau County Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed third in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingFLOODLIGHT (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £74,817 including Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion-d'Angers, L., placed second in Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr.3. Strobe (USA) (c. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £288,693 and placed second in Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Iowa Sprint Stakes, Prairie Meadows and third in True North Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. 3rd Dam MORNING PRIDE (IRE), won 3 races in France including Prix du Bois, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 living foals of racing age includingFLASHING (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), see above. 4th Dam WILAYIF (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingMORNING PRIDE (IRE) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), see above. Wilawander (GB) (c. by Nashwan (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Sagaro Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; sire. Whaleef (GB) (g. by Darshaan), won 3 races, placed third in Churchill Stakes, Lingfield, L. The next dam KAMAR (CAN), Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 1979, Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 1978, won 7 races in U.S.A. including Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Duchess Stakes, Fort Erie, L., Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R., placed second in Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R.; Own sister to LOVE SMITTEN (CAN); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGORGEOUS (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; grandam of MUSIC SHOW (IRE), 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Rockfel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. KEY TO THE MOON (CAN) (c. by Wajima (USA)), Champion 3yr old in Canada in 1984, won 13 races in U.S.A. including Queen's Plate Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Dominion Day Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3R.; sire. SEASIDE ATTRACTION (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; dam of winners. GOLDEN ATTRACTION (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1995, won Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. CAPE TOWN (USA), won Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. HIAAM (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 3 races viz Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Bet With The Tote Stakes, Lingfield, L. and Wallis Stakes, Sandown, L.; dam of winners. Jood (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. FANTASTIC LIGHT (USA), Champion older horse in Ireland in 2001, won Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1; sire.


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Pioneerof The Nile (USA) ESWA (USA) February 6th, 2022 A Bay or Brown Filly


Owner: Aljiad Stable

Midnight Storm (USA) My Tina (USA) Coed Kate (USA) (2011)

Flower Alley (USA) Cambridge Belle (CAN)

Empire Maker (USA) Star of Goshen (USA) Bertrando (USA) Ask Directions (USA) Distorted Humor (USA) Princess Olivia (USA) Dixie Union (USA) Brittan Lee (USA)

MIDNIGHT STORM (USA), 2011. Won 10 races, Shoemaker Mile Stakes, Gr.1, San Pasqual Stakes, Gr.2, Del Mar Mile Handicap, Gr.2, Eddie Read Stakes, Gr.2, Seabiscuit Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of GREAT ESCAPE (USA), (Gr.3), SENOR TESTAFERRO (USA), (L.), Yesternight (USA), (Gr.3), Runaway Storm (USA), (Gr.3), Sol Prospecto (USA), (L.), Drenched (USA), (S), Cashier Check (USA), (S), Parfait (USA), (S). 1st Dam COED KATE (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £28,353 and placed 6 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizTAKE ME AS I AM (USA) (2018 f. by Carpe Diem (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £63,973 and placed 8 times. DOMITIA LUCILLA (USA) (2019 f. by Carpe Diem (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £53,230 and placed 4 times. SOUTHERNER (USA) (2017 c. by Flashback (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £46,497 and placed twice. KALINSKAYA (USA) (2021 f. by Midnight Storm (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Mexico. 2nd Dam CAMBRIDGE BELLE (CAN), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,424; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingSUDDEN FORTUNE (USA) (c. by Latent Heat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years abroad. 3rd Dam BRITTAN LEE (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSOUTH CENTRAL (USA)/ELITE OF CHIU TON (USA) (c. by Forest Camp (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years including Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, all his starts. BRUSHED BEAUTY (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; grandam of B C Z MIDDLETON (USA), won Washington State Legislators Stakes, Emerald Downs. 4th Dam OVERTURNED (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3, placed second in Next Move Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Snow Goose Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCAPSIZED (USA) (c. by Summer Squall (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Fourstardave Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, Steinlen Handicap, Arlington, L., placed second in Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Appleton Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. The next dam TURN N' SEE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSQUALL VALLEY (USA) (c. by Summer Squall (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Kentuckiana Stakes, Ellis Park, L., placed second in Aristides Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. IN FULL VIEW (USA) (f. by Full Out (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Bassinet Stakes, River Downs and Mademoiselle Stakes, Arlington; dam of winners. NICE ASSAY (USA), won Linda Vista Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Honorable Miss Stakes, Saratoga, L., placed third in Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of CAME HOME (USA), won Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire, A P ASSAY (USA), won A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. TURN A PHRASE (USA) (f. by Wavering Monarch (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of READY'S IMAGE (USA), won Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed second in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. SEEN AND SILENT (USA) (f. by Silent Screen (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FLICKER QUEEN (USA), won Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, L. WAVERING SCENE (USA), won Turf Paradise Derby, Turf Paradise. SEEN DANCING (USA), won Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park. DESERT QUEEN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MARYLEBONE (USA), won Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Hamad Southern Halo (USA) More Than Ready (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) April 9th, 2022 Perfect Nodouble (USA) (2010)

Perfect Soul (IRE) Classic Slew (CAN)


Halo (USA) Northern Sea (USA) Woodman (USA) Becky Be Good (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Ball Chairman (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) No Class (CAN)

MORE THAN READY (USA), 1997. Won 7 races, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Hutcheson Stakes, Gr.2, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Tremont Stakes, Gr.3, Flash Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HIT THE ROAD (USA), (Gr.1), SAY THE WORD (CAN), (Gr.1), UNI (GB), (Gr.1), RUSHING FALL (USA), (Gr.1), ROY H (USA), (Gr.1), CATHOLIC BOY (USA), (Gr.1), FUNTASTIC (USA), (Gr.1),DAREDEVIL (USA), (Gr.1), ROOM SERVICE (USA), (Gr.1), VERRAZANO (USA), (Gr.1), REGALLY READY (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam PERFECT NODOUBLE (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizAVALINA (USA) (2016 f. by Tale of Ekati (USA)), won 8 races at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.S.A. and £336,474 including Parx Spring Oaks, Parx Racing, placed 10 times. Sermononthemount (USA) (2018 c. by Tale of Ekati (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £164,075 and placed 7 times including second in Indiana Derby, Indiana Grand, Gr.3 and third in Ellis Park Derby, Ellis Park, L. and Prairie Mile Stakes, Prairie Meadows. MORTAL STORM (USA) (2015 f. by Tale of Ekati (USA)), won 6 races at 4 and 7 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £128,042 and placed 15 times. Omniyat (USA) (2020 c. by Tale of Ekati (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam CLASSIC SLEW (CAN), unraced; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSURGING RIVER (CAN) (c. by Gone West (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £188,932 including With Approval Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; sire. Ford Every Stream (CAN) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £174,022 and placed third in Marine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; sire. Comet Kris (CAN) (c. by Kris S (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £80,028 and placed third in Breeders' Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Well Traveled (USA) (f. by Perfect Soul (IRE)), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Don Samy (USA), winner abroad and placed third in Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz Ramon, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. Classic Soul (USA) (f. by Perfect Soul (IRE)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. SPEEDY SOUL (CAN), won Passing Mood Stakes, Woodbine, R., Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, R., Fury Stakes, Woodbine, R., Ballycroy Training OLG Muskoka Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed second in Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. SACRED DANCER (CAN), won Zadracarta Stakes, Woodbine, R. Go First Class (CAN) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SILVER TICKET (CAN), won King Edward Breeders' Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, Toronto Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3. FIRST WITH CLASS (CAN), winner in Canada; dam of Spring in the Wind (CAN), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Satin and Lace Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. SILVER ADVENTURE (CAN), winner in Canada; dam of Shaft of Light (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A., second in Salvator Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Souper Classy (CAN), winner in Canada, third in Ontario Racing Stakes. Renaissance Found (CAN), ran once in U.S.A.; grandam of T M SOUTH DAN (JPN), won Negishi Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3, Hyogo Gold Trophy, Sonoda, L.R., Subaru Stakes, Chukyo, L., placed second in February Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.1. Meandering Stream (CAN) (f. by Gone West (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SKYWIRE (CAN), won Autumn Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2. 3rd Dam No Class (CAN), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R., third in Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R. and fourth in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSKY CLASSIC (CAN) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 1989, Champion older horse in Canada in 1991, won 15 races in U.S.A. including Turf Classic Invitational Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Rothman's International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, second in Breeders' Cup Turf, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Arlington Million, Gr.1; sire.




Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 16th, 2022 (first foal)


Owner: Alseeh Stable

Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA) Zahrat Aljabal (KSA) (2015)

Kamaal (KSA) Jaheerah (KSA)

Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Dr Fong (USA) Light Wind (GB) Mousof (USA) Zomoom (KSA)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ZAHRAT ALJABAL (KSA), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £24,506 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam JAHEERAH (KSA), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizWALAD AKHEEL (KSA) (c. by Akheel (KSA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £362,940. ZAHRAT ALJABAL (KSA) (f. by Kamaal (KSA)), see above. NAJAWEE (KSA) (c. by Dubai Destination (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam ZOMOOM (KSA), won 7 races at 4 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizROOI (KSA) (c. by Simpatico Bribon (CHI)), won 3 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. RAWAABEH (KSA) (f. by Judge T C (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. YA MOJEEB (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOEJEBNEE (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOSAK'KAR (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam DAWN BIRD (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingZAM ZAM (KSA) (f. by Mirror Black), won 10 races at 4 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The next dam ORDINARY FARE (USA), unraced; Own sister to JOY BAR (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSPECIAL PLEASURE (f. by Saulingo), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Drop Me A Note S, Monmouth Park, placed third in Milky Way Stakes, Meadowlands, R.; dam of a winner. SECRET DINNER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Giddy Up Girl (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Temptress Stakes, Great Lakes Downs, R., Missy G (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Fair Star Stakes, Laurel. Startrack (c. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), won 14 races in Norway and in Sweden and placed third in Major Chr. F. Michelets Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L. and Norsk Kriterium, Ovrevoll, L. Marketplace (IRE) (c. by Runnett), won 3 races at 3 years abroad; also placed once over fences at 6 years; also won 5 races over jumps abroad and placed second in Velka Pardubicka Ceske Pojistovny Chase, Pardubice, L. and third in Velka Pardubicka Ceske Pojistovny Chase, Pardubice, L. and Zlaty Pohar Paramo Chase, Pardubice, L. (twice). ORDINARY DANCER (f. by What A Guest), won 4 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. XORDINARY DANCER (USA), won Full Steam Ahead Stakes, Charles Town, placed third in HBPA Governor's Cup Handicap, Charles Town. Haggis (f. by Crofter (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MINIMUM EFFORT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Shesabopper (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Oakley Stakes, Colonial Downs, R.


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Owner: Dr. Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani Tapit (USA)

MISHRAQ (USA) February 24th, 2022 A Grey/Roan Colt

Frosted (USA) Fast Cookie (USA) Look Into My Eyes (USA) (2012)

City Zip (USA) Burnished Miss (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fleet Lady (USA) Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Wild Again (USA) Burnished Bright (USA)

FROSTED (USA), 2012. Won 6 races, Whitney Stakes, Gr.1, Mohegan Sun Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2 and EGA Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Gr.2. Sire of TRAVEL COLUMN (USA), (Gr.2), JASPER KRONE (USA), (Gr.3), INGRATIATING (AUS), (Gr.3), FROST POINT (USA), (Gr.3), ICE DANCING (USA), (Gr.3), FROSTED OVER (USA), (Gr.3), CLOUDY (AUS), (Gr.3), SISTER LOU ANN (USA), (L.R.), LADY FROSTED (USA), (L.). 1st Dam LOOK INTO MY EYES (USA), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £212,394 including Louisiana Legends Mademoiselle Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Louisiana Cup Filly & Mare Sprint Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R., Tellike Stakes, Evangeline Downs, placed 7 times including second in Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint, Fair Grounds, R.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizHORIZON MOON (USA) (2019 f. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. OPEN CARRY (USA) (2020 c. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £77,556 and placed once. Sharp Eyes (USA) (2021 f. by Sharp Azteca (USA)), won twice in U.S.A. at 2 years 2023 from 3 starts only and 64.600 £ 2nd Dam BURNISHED MISS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £33,075; Own sister to BRIGHT VALOUR (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingLOOK INTO MY EYES (USA) (f. by City Zip (USA)), see above. Eye Luv U Two (USA) (f. by After Market (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Sam Sez (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Northern Lights Futurity, Canterbury Park, R. 3rd Dam BURNISHED BRIGHT (USA), won 5 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., American Beauty Stakes, River Downs, Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBRIGHT LAUNCH (USA) (c. by Relaunch (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed third in Riva Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Huntington Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; sire. BRIGHT VALOUR (USA) (c. by Wild Again (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Hanshin Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Hanshin Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, placed second in Arlington Sprint Handicap, Arlington, L.; sire. BURNISH (USA) (f. by Menifee (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Adena Stallions' Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3; grandam of TONI TOOLS (USA), won New York Stallion Series Stakes (2yof), Aqueduct, R. SECRETARIAT LASS (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Film Critic (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Hidden Light Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; dam of TRUTH RULES (USA), won Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. The next dam SYNTACTIC (USA), ran in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBURNISHED BRIGHT (USA) (f. by Well Decorated (USA)), see above. Divine Law (USA) (f. by Assert), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Waterford Candelabra Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Prominent Miss (USA) (f. by Advocator), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bay Meadows Oaks, Bay Meadows; dam of winners. Theater Of War (USA) (c. by Theatrical), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Citation Stakes, Hialeah Park. PRINCESS ABLA (USA) (f. by Nodouble (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MISS ENDICOTT (USA), won Tijuana Handicap, Agua Caliente. Litigant Ms (USA) (f. by Tank's Prospect (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. MYNAMEISPANAMA (USA), won Forward Gal Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of BLESSINK (USA), won Clasico dia de la Madre, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., SIPHONICA (USA), won C. Ruben Orillac Alfaro y Ruben Orillac, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.




Owner: Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi Distorted Humor (USA) Semper Fortis (USA) Rebridled Dreams (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 6th, 2022 Sackbah (KSA) (2016)

Hailstone (USA) Albaadriyah (KSA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Key Cents (USA) City Zip (USA) Weekend Storm (USA) Free Fact Clare Heights (GB)

SEMPER FORTIS (USA), 2013. Won 2 races and second in Los Alamitos Derby Stakes, Gr.2, Zia Park Derby, L., Shared Belief Stakes, L. and third in Curribot Handicap. Sire of DECEMBER (KSA), ROLAN (KSA), NOOR ALENAYA (KSA), TAJ ALENAYA (KSA), NOWH (KSA). 1st Dam SACKBAH (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 to 4 years; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 c. by Footbridge (GB)). 2nd Dam ALBAADRIYAH (KSA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,789; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizASIAAH (KSA) (c. by Hans Anderson (USA)), won 7 races at 4 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £55,306. HALLAABAH (KSA) (f. by Kappa (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,782. RAWAABI ALJANOOB (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam CLARE HEIGHTS (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of two winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizALBAADRIYAH (KSA) (f. by Free Fact), see above. ALSABEELI (KSA) (c. by Dihistan), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam CLARE ISLAND, won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3, placed once viz second in May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingIsland Lake (f. by Kalaglow), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times including third in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3; dam of winners. BLADE OF GRASS (f. by Kris), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners. Warning Star (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years and placed second in Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3 and third in Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2, Chipchase Stakes, Newcastle, L. and Advanced Micro Devices Sprint, Sandown, L. Brindle (GB), 5 races in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 25 times including second in Prix Daphnis, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3. Iles Piece (GB) (f. by Shirley Heights), unraced; dam of winners. THE MYTH (IND), won Mysore 1000 Guineas, Mysore, L.R. The next dam Island Lore, won 1 race and placed 3 times including fourth in Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCALIBAN (c. by Ragusa), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years viz Coronation Cup, Epsom, Blue Riband Trial, Epsom, Clarence House Stakes, Ascot, placed second in Prix Lupin, ParisLongchamp; champion sire. ALONSO (c. by Ragusa), won 13 races at home and in U.S.A. including Crookham Stakes, Newbury, L., placed third in Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. SPANISH ELM (f. by Matador), won 2 races at 2 years and placed once; dam of winners. OUTSPAN (SAF), winner in South Africa; dam of SHADY WOOD (SAF), won Saldanha Stakes, Milnerton, L., placed second in Champagne Stakes, Milnerton, L. and Thoroughbred Breeders Fillies Futurity, Kenilworth, L., ROUGH ROPE (SAF), won Michaelmas Handicap, Greyville, L., placed third in Basil Jenman Handicap, Scottsville, L., Acumen (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed third in Durban Nursery Stakes, Greyville, L. ELMIRA (SAF), winner in South Africa; dam of Santa Gloria (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed second in Hibiscus Nursery Plate, Greyville, L. and third in Allan Robertson Fillies Championship, Scottsville, Gr.2; grandam of FULL DISCLOSURE (SAF), won Premier Wire Homburg Stakes, Kenilworth, Gr.3. New Providence (f. by Busted), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. Silver Snow (AUS), placed 6 times in Australia; grandam of LORD HATRAS (AUS), won Aquanita Stakes, Ascot, L., third in Schweppes T J Smith Trophy, Ascot, L.


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Owner: Sama Stable El Prado (IRE) Kitten's Joy (USA) Kitten's First (USA)

A Bay FILLY (KSA) April 9th, 2022 Lovely Island (USA) (2012)

Arch (USA) Lovely Isle (USA)

Sadler's Wells (USA) Lady Capulet (USA) Lear Fan (USA) That's My Hon (USA) Kris S (USA) Aurora (USA) Double Honor (USA) Eleven Islands (USA)

Own sister to ALOHA KITTEN (USA) KITTEN'S JOY (USA), 2001. Won 9 races, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Inv. Stakes, Gr.1, Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Firecracker Breeders' Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Virginia Derby, Gr.3, Crown Royal American Turf Stakes, Gr.3, etc. Sire of GENDARME (USA), (Gr.1), TRIPOLI (USA), (Gr.1), KAMEKO (USA), (Gr.1), HENLEY'S JOY (USA), (Gr.1), ROARING LION (USA), (Gr.1), OSCAR PERFORMANCE (USA), (Gr.1), HAWKBILL (USA), (Gr.1), SADLER'S JOY (USA), (Gr.1), DIVISIDERO (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam Lovely Island (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £32,837 and placed once viz second in Purple Violet Stakes, Arlington, R.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizG Laurie (USA) (2020 f. by Oscar Performance (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £56,277 and placed once viz third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1. ALOHA KITTEN (USA) (2017 f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £127,211 and placed 11 times. SANDPIPER MEMORIES (USA) (2019 f. by Mohaymen (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £68,776 and placed 5 times. 2nd Dam LOVELY ISLE (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £153,860 including Kalookan Queen Handicap, Santa Anita, placed second in Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Flanders Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. and third in Hurricane Bertie Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and Hill n Dale Sunshine Millions F&M Sprint, Gulfstream Park, L.R.; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 living foals of racing age vizLovely Island (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), see above. CRESCENT (USA) (g. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £48,190. 3rd Dam ELEVEN ISLANDS (USA), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLOVELY ISLE (USA) (f. by Double Honor (USA)), see above. ISLAND MISS (USA) (f. by Fortunate Prospect (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. LOVELY VALLEY (USA) (f. by Peaks and Valleys (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. LUCKY ELEVEN (USA) (f. by Fortunate Prospect (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. LIGHTNING'S KISS (USA) (f. by Fortunate Prospect (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. The next dam HURRY MARIE (USA), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of eleven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFAST LANE GAL (USA) (f. by Rajab (USA)), won 10 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Linda Stakes, Suffolk Downs; dam of winners. Milady Marie (USA) (f. by Medieval Man (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Cleveland Oaks, Thistledown; dam of a winner. JAMESTOWN LADY (USA) (f. by Colony Light (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BOND QUEEN (USA), won Supernaturel Stakes, Hastings Park, placed second in Langley Handicap, Hastings Park and third in Mount Royal Handicap, Stampede Park; dam of DOUBLE STAR (USA), won Louisiana Legends Cheval Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Equine Sales Derby, Evangeline Downs, R., MY QUEEN OLIVIA (USA), won Elge Rasberry Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. Virtuous Lady (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Emerald Downs Handicap, Hastings Park and Supernaturel Handicap, Hastings Park. MARIE'S FAST LASS (USA) (f. by Ramsinga), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Clever Chatter (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in TTBA Sale Futurity (fillies), Retama Park. CORDUROY KNICKERS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of Santaquin (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Charlie Iles Handicap, Albuquerque. MARIE'S FAST HALO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Maries H and H (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Copper Top Futurity, Sunland Park, R.




Owner: Tamken Racing Stable Mineshaft (USA)

LANA ROSE (USA) April 16th, 2022 A Bay or Brown Filly

Dialed In (USA) Miss Doolittle (USA) Ladysgotgame (USA) (2011)

Street Sense (USA) Lady Gamer (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Eliza (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Bedazzle (USA) Game Plan (USA) Mariah Reyna (USA)

DIALED IN (USA), 2008. Won 3 races, Florida Derby, Gr.1 and Holy Bull Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of DEFUNDED (USA), (Gr.1), SUPER STOCK (USA), (Gr.1), GET HER NUMBER (USA), (Gr.1), MS LOCUST POINT (USA), (Gr.2), GUNNEVERA (USA), (Gr.2), MR WIRELESS (USA), (Gr.3), MUGARITZ (USA), (Gr.3), THE TABULATOR (USA), (Gr.3), MY OPINION (IND), (L.R.), EL DINAMICO (USA), (L.), PAPETU (USA), (L.), STRIVE FOR GLORY (USA), (L.), CHALON (USA), (L.), IT'S YOUR NICKEL (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam LADYSGOTGAME (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMARQUISE BIRD (USA) (2018 f. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years, 2022 abroad and placed 5 times. EXTREMELY WICKED (USA) (2017 g. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 1 race at 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £14,990 and placed 5 times. (2020 f. by Midnight Storm (USA)). She's A Gold Lady (USA) (2021 f. by Goldencents (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam LADY GAMER (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £157,349 including Playa del Rey Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., Valkyr Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed second in Senator Ken Maddy Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, California Cup Distaff Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R. and third in Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizNOSPEIGHTINTENDED (USA) (f. by Speightstown (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £41,963; dam of winners. FLASH TOWN (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. STOTLAND (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. ANTHONYSGOTGAME (USA) (c. by Henrythenavigator (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £30,519. CAT GAMER (USA) (c. by Cat Burglar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £38,364. ARCHARCH FIRES (USA) (c. by Archarcharch (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam MARIAH REYNA (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizLADY GAMER (USA) (f. by Game Plan (USA)), see above. Comoros (USA) (c. by Comic Strip (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in California Dreamin' Handicap, Del Mar, L.R. LADY SHAZZAM (USA) (f. by Comic Strip (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. EL TOVAR (USA) (c. by Decarchy (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. MARISHEK (USA) (g. by Madraar (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. BARON VON RED (USA) (g. by Freespool (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam MAMA NEGRA (USA), ran in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingDEAN ALICIA (USA) (f. by Dean Dill (USA)), won 16 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Fair Queen Handicap, Albuquerque; dam of winners. The next dam GAY MISSUS (USA), unraced; dam of three winner from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingBernie G (USA) (c. by Dansons (USA)), won 19 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Joe Souza Memorial Stakes, Louisiana Downs and third in Folklore Stakes, Louisiana Downs.


66 BOX

Owner: Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons Oasis Dream (GB) Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat (IRE)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 6th, 2022 Bint Meqdaamah (KSA) (2016)

Dubai Destination (USA) Meqdaamah (KSA)


Green Desert (USA) Hope (IRE) Royal Academy (USA) Mountain Ash (GB) Kingmambo (USA) Mysterial (USA) Soviet Star (USA) Wavey (GB)

FROZEN POWER (IRE), 2007. Won 5 races, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen (2000 Guineas), Gr.2, Prix du Haras de la Huderie, L., second in Sakhee Shadwell Estate UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3. Sire of FROZEN JUKE (IRE), (L.), TRITICUM VULGARE (IRE), (L.), Madrinho (IRE), (L.), Ice Age (IRE), (L.), CHANCHE THE LIFE (IRE), SHEILA'S TREAT (IRE), SPY STORY (IRE), ATHOLLBLAIR BOY (IRE), YUBRIS (GB), TOUDUSSAC (IRE), PRETZEL LOGIC (IRE), OFFSIDER (IRE), PEPPE'S ISLAND (IRE), SOUTHERN GAILES (IRE), POWERFUL DREAM (IRE) etc. 1st Dam BINT MEQDAAMAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizMadd Alra'oof (KSA) (2020 f. by Teletext (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MEQDAAMAH (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizFARQ ELM (KSA) (f. by Manifest (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,337. 3rd Dam WAVEY (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L.; Own sister to REBUFF (GB); dam of one winner from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizBuoyant (IRE) (f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix de Malleret, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2 and Prix de Liancourt, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. She's A Queen (IRE) (f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), placed 3 times; dam of winners. PRINCE ROCK (IRE), 5 races at 4 to 7 years, 2022 and placed 28 times. CONTACTLESS (IRE), 1 race at 3 years, 2022 and placed twice. Making Waves (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), ran a few times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. Wave of Applause (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Blue Norther Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; dam of Waven (USA), winner in Chile and placed third in Premio Victor y Carlos Raby, Valparaiso, L. The next dam THROW AWAY LINE (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 13 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingREBUFF (GB) (f. by Kris), won 3 races at 3 years in France and abroad including Prix Panacée, Toulouse, L., placed second in Prix Occitanie, Toulouse, L.; dam of winners. WAVEY (GB) (f. by Kris), see above. HESPERIA (GB) (f. by Slip Anchor), won 2 races at 3 years in France and in Italy including Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of winners. Lucky Date (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and second in Masaka Stakes, Kempton, L. LA HORQUELA (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in Germany and placed 5 times; dam of Lord of Gracie (FR), winner in France and abroad and placed second in Grand Prix de Marseille, Marseille-Borély, L. and third in Prix Max Sicard, Toulouse, L. Hesperian (IRE), unraced; dam of NARCOS (FR), 7 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Grand Prix de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L., placed second in Prix de la Porte de Madrid, Saint-Cloud, L. and third in G.P.du Departement 06, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., Prix Max Sicard, Toulouse, L. and Prix Bédel, Lyon-Parilly, L. Swordplay (GB) (g. by Kris), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times; also won 3 races over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and placed 7 times including second in Galway City Tribune Handicap Hurdle, Galway, L. and won 3 races over fences at 6 and 7 years and placed 3 times including third in Dairygold Light Handicap Chase, Cork, L. Cut And Run (GB) (f. by Slip Anchor), ran a few times at 3 years; dam of winners. Ski Run (GB), 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed third in Lonsdale Stakes, York, Gr.3 and Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3. Debutante (GB) (f. by Medicean (GB)), ran twice at 3 years; dam of winners. VEUVELICIOUS (AUS), won Adina Hotels Fernhill Handicap, Randwick, L., placed third in Schweppervescence T L Baillieu Handicap, Rosehill, Gr.3. Few Words (GB) (f. by Fraam (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. ROZENE (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years and placed 5 times; dam of ENABLER (IND), won The S A Poonawalla Million, Pune, L.R.




Owner: Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 10th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Medabuck (CAN) (2008)

Philanthropist (USA) Opening Line (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Kris S (USA) Hidden Reserve (USA) Bet Big (USA) Peace Line (USA)

Own brother to TAL'AET ALBADR (KSA) FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MEDABUCK (CAN), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £148,684 including Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed 5 times including third in Passing Mood Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMega Monster (CAN) (2015 f. by Silent Name (JPN)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £50,113 and placed 4 times including second in Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, R. TAL'AET ALBADR (KSA) (2017 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £54,789 and placed 5 times. TATBEEQ (KSA) (2016 c. by Macho Uno (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £22,698 and placed 7 times. (2021 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)). 2nd Dam OPENING LINE (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £60,355; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMEDABUCK (CAN) (f. by Philanthropist (USA)), see above. SWAMP LINE (CAN) (c. by Swamp King (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £104,629 including Frost King Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Achievement Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. HEADSTART (CAN) (c. by Jump Start (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and £127,460 including Sportsman's Paradise Stakes, Delta Downs, L. QUEEN ON LINE (CAN) (f. by Bold Executive (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and £121,635; dam of winners. YUKON BELLE (CAN), won Fantasy Stakes, Hastings Park, L., CTHS Sales Stakes (fillies), Hastings Park, R., placed second in British Columbia Oaks, Hastings Park, L., Monashee Handicap, Hastings Park, Strawberry Morn Handicap, Hastings Park. 3rd Dam PEACE LINE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFrosty Peace (USA) (f. by Frosty The Snowman (USA)), won 12 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and third in Claiming Crown Tiara Stakes, Canterbury Downs, L.; dam of winners. HOPE FOR PEACE (USA), won Charles Taylor Derby, Albuquerque. TWO PEACE (USA) (f. by Bet Big (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LITTLEMISSGOGO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Bold Valor (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Henry Mercer Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R. The next dam MISS K L ROMAN (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingPASS THE LINE (USA) (c. by Pas Seul (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Arlington Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.1, Bougainvillea Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Robert F Carey Memorial Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3, Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3, Newmarket Stakes, Arlington, placed third in Hialeah Turf Cup Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.1 and fourth in Turf Classic, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. MS K L TAYLOR (USA) (f. by Taylor's Falls (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WHERE'S TAYLOR (USA), won Robert F Carey Memorial Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3, Mardi Gras Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., second in Shadwell Keeneland Turf Mile Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and third in Firecracker Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Meadowlands Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2. YOU'RE A LADY (USA), won Claiming Crown Glass Slipper Stakes, Canterbury Downs, L.




Owner: Athbah Racing Stable Oasis Dream (GB)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 10th, 2022

Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat (IRE) Naajlah (KSA) (2011)

Henny Hughes (USA) Turn Me Loose (USA)


Green Desert (USA) Hope (IRE) Royal Academy (USA) Mountain Ash (GB) Hennessy (USA) Meadow Flyer (USA) Kris S (USA) Adoradancer (USA)

FROZEN POWER (IRE), 2007. Won 5 races, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen (2000 Guineas), Gr.2, Prix du Haras de la Huderie, L., second in Sakhee Shadwell Estate UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3. Sire of FROZEN JUKE (IRE), (L.), TRITICUM VULGARE (IRE), (L.), Madrinho (IRE), (L.), Ice Age (IRE), (L.), CHANCHE THE LIFE (IRE), SHEILA'S TREAT (IRE), SPY STORY (IRE), ATHOLLBLAIR BOY (IRE), YUBRIS (GB), TOUDUSSAC (IRE), PRETZEL LOGIC (IRE), OFFSIDER (IRE), PEPPE'S ISLAND (IRE), SOUTHERN GAILES (IRE), POWERFUL DREAM (IRE) etc. 1st Dam NAAJLAH (KSA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £21,211 and placed 8 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizJODIA (KSA) (2020 f. by Assez Clair (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £13,877. MEERAM (KSA) (2018 f. by Casino Host (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam TURN ME LOOSE (USA), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingPearl Turn (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £114,243 and placed third in Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of winners. GRETZKY THE GREAT (CAN), Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 2020, won Summer Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Soaring Free Stakes, Woodbine, L. 3rd Dam Adoradancer (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Klassy Briefcase Stakes, Monmouth Park; Own sister to Rare Opportunity (USA); dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSAINT ANDDAN (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Churchill Downs Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; sire. JUMEIRAH BEACH (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 4 races in Japan; dam of winners. GANGES (JPN), won Galaxy Stakes, Hanshin, L., Perseus Stakes, Tokyo, L., placed second in The Negishi Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3, Chunichi Sports Hai Musashino Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3 and third in Procyon Stakes, Chukyo, Gr.3. The next dam ANDORA (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingLUFTIKUS (USA) (c. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, Tokyo City Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. SENSITIVITY (USA) (f. by Blushing John (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Grand Prix de Compiègne, Compiegne, L., placed second in Prix Chloé, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, third in Prix Fille de l'Air, Toulouse, Gr.3 (twice); dam of winners. CATCH THE MOON (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of LIGHTNING MOON (IRE), 3 races at 3 years including Bengough Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; sire, SONG OF MY HEART (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Blenheim Stakes, Curragh, L. DIVERSA (USA) (f. by Tabasco Cat (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Busher Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and third in Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. LOVE THEWAY YOUARE (USA), won Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of SUMMER IN SARATOGA (USA), won Dowager Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. Rare Opportunity (USA) (f. by Danzig Connection (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2; dam of winners. TOWER OF TEXAS (CAN), won Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, King Edward Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, second in Woodbine Mile Stakes, Gr.1. STREET SOUNDS (CAN), won Stonerside Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. SILVER HIGHLIGHT (CAN), won Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. HIDDEN PLEASURE (USA) (f. by Proper Reality (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DOCTOR DECHERD (USA), won Aventura Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. Toccet Over (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of OVERTURE (USA), won Indiana Oaks, Indiana Grand, Gr.3, MEXIKOMA (USA), won Sunshine Millions Classic Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., placed third in Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Giant's Causeway (USA) Destin (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 23rd, 2022 Wass Tat Aljamea (KSA) (2013)

Teapot Row (IRE) Garrucha (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) Generous (IRE) Secrage (USA) Ghazi (USA) Clouhalo (USA)

DESTIN (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, TAA Marathon Stakes, Gr.2, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of DESTIN HOOFMAN (USA), GHAR ALMA'ALEE (KSA). 1st Dam WASS TAT ALJAMEA (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age vizGharyafah (KSA) (2019 f. by Badr Alkawakib (KSA)), placed once at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Aqataar Alsama'a (KSA) (2020 f. by Badr Alkawakib (KSA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Garrucha (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 6 years in Italy and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £115,972 and placed second in Premio Seregno, Milan, L.; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingLAA MAJAAL (KSA) (c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,307. 3rd Dam Clouhalo (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A., third in Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGarrucha (USA) (f. by Ghazi (USA)), see above. The next dam CLOUD HO (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingM A'S DATE (USA) (c. by Quid Pro Quo (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Lansdale G Sasscer Stakes, Bowie, R. SALEM HO (USA) (f. by Salem (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Blue Mountain Futurity, Penn National, R.; dam of winners. Clouhalo (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), see above. PRINCESS MET (USA) (f. by Mehmet (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FRIGIDETTE (USA), won Belle Isle Stakes, Detroit, third in Alabama Oaks, Birmingham, L.; dam of WINDSOR CASTLE (USA), won Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; sire, NORTH COAST LTD (USA), won Burlingame Stakes, Bay Meadows. CRY ME A RIVER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of WARM BREEZE (USA), won Happy Ticket Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Winning Colors Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, MINT SLEWLEP (USA), won Da Hoss Stakes, Colonial Downs. MISTICAL MIST (USA) (f. by Mehmet (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MISTICAL BEL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MISTICAL PLAN (USA), won Princess Rooney Handicap, Calder, Gr.1, Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Sunshine Millions Oaks, Santa Anita, L.R., Cover Gal Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed third in Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, ELEGANT BEL (USA), won Luther Burbank Handicap, Santa Rosa. Kay Ho (USA) (f. by Quid Pro Quo (USA)), placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. KAYLEM HO (USA), won Begonia Stakes, Calder; dam of PRIVATE PERSUASION (USA), won Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, placed third in Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, WISHFUL SPLENDOR (USA), won Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L., SOUND WISDOM (USA), won Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L.; grandam of DA' TARA (USA), won Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire, JUANITA (USA), won La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; third dam of DENIS OF CORK (USA), won Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, placed second in Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Yum Brands Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. Toot Sweet (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Boo La Boo Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; dam of SIERRA SUNSET (USA), won Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, California Cup Juvenile Stakes (c&g), Santa Anita, L.R.; sire. HALO HO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of TEMPERED HALO (USA), won Jean Lafitte Futurity, Delta Downs, Budweiser Kentucky Breeders' Cup H'cap, Churchill Downs, placed second in Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Leallah M (USA) (f. by Big Spruce (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BEAU'S PRINCESS (USA), won Heartland Oaks, Prairie Meadows.




Owner: Mohammed Obaid Alotaibi Pleasant Tap (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 6th, 2022

Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA) Basoom (KSA) (2012)

Judge (USA) Londonnet (IRE)


Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Autumn Leaf (USA) Catrail (USA) Society Ball

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam BASOOM (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age(2021 f. by Pietro Siena (USA)). 2nd Dam LONDONNET (IRE), ran once at 2 years; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSUPER ROYAL (IRE) (c. by Royal Applause (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Italy. 3rd Dam SOCIETY BALL, won 1 race at 3 years; also won 1 race over hurdles at 5 years; dam of four winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingKeld (IRE) (f. by Lion Cavern (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, L. and third in Brown Bess Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and Dahlia Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of winners. The next dam MARIAKOVA (USA), placed twice; Own sister to ZAIZAFON (USA); dam of four winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingWELL BEYOND (IRE) (f. by Don't Forget Me), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including October Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of winners. OUT OF REACH (GB), 4 races at home and in U.S.A. including Brown Bess Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3; dam of INORDINATE (USA), won San Juan Capistrano Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; grandam of LYRICAL (GB), 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 at home and in Italy including Premio Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa, L., third in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.2, GREY BRITAIN (GB), 5 races including Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, L., Full of Beauty (GB), 2 races in Germany and second in Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2; third dam of WALLY (IRE), 12 races at 2 to 6 years, 2023 in France and in Italy including Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.2, Prix GontautBiron, Deauville, Gr.3 (twice), second in Prix d'Ispahan, Gr.1. Well Warned (GB), 1 race at 2 years and third in Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3; dam of PROHIBIT (GB), 9 races at home, in France and in U.A.E. including King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix du Petit Couvert, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed third in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, EMERGENCY (GB), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Amandine, Deauville, L., PRIOR WARNING (GB), 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including Prix Sigy, Chantilly, L.; grandam of BELLE MEADE (IRE), 3 races at home and in Italy including Premio Chiusura, Milan, L., Hot Sauce (IRE), 1 race and second in Ballymacoll Stud Stakes, Newbury, L. TAROT CARD (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of MY REWARD (GB), 6 races including Chester Stakes, Chester, L.; grandam of COPPER KNIGHT (IRE), 14 races to 2023 including City Walls Stakes, York, L. Over Rating (GB), placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of Abbakova (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Tipperary Stakes, Tipperary, L.; grandam of Sziget (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Park Express Stakes, Naas, Gr.3. Eye Witness (IRE) (f. by Don't Forget Me), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. Hasanat (GB), 3 races and second in Concorde Stakes, Tipperary, Gr.3; dam of Takrice (GB), 1 race at 2 years and second in Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. and third in Killavullan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Indigo Blue (FR), 1 race in France and third in Prix Djebel, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Black Meyeden (FR), ran twice at 3 years; dam of HAVE A GOOD DAY (IRE), 3 races at 2 years in France including Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3. Pigeon Blood (IRE) (f. by Thatching), unraced; dam of winners. Prism (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in National Stakes, Sandown, L. My Micheline (GB) (f. by Lion Cavern (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Sues Surprise (IRE), 1 race and placed second in Montrose Stakes, Newmarket, L.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed Altareef Invincible Spirit (IRE) Invincible Army (IRE) Rajeem (GB)

A BAY FILLY (IRE) April 4th, 2022 Poplar Close (IRE) (2013)

Canford Cliffs (IRE) Magena (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated.


Green Desert (USA) Rafha Diktat (GB) Magic Sister (GB) Tagula (IRE) Mrs Marsh (GB) Kingmambo (USA) Vingt Et Une (FR)

B.C. Nominated.

INVINCIBLE ARMY (IRE), 2015. Won 6 races, Duke of York Stakes, Gr.2, Pavilion Stakes, Gr.3, Chipchase Stakes, Gr.3, Sirenia Stakes, Gr.3 and Cammidge Trophy, L. Sire of KITTY ROSE (GB), (L.), INVINCIBLE MOLLY (GB), CHATURANGA (IRE), LOVE BILLY BOY (IRE), MISS MACH ONE (IRE), JAMES'S DELIGHT (IRE), VANTHEMAN (IRE), PALS BATTALION (IRE), INVINCIBLE TIGER (IRE), TREFOR (IRE). 1st Dam POPLAR CLOSE (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizYEAR OF THE DRAGON (IRE) (2018 g. by Dragon Pulse (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £67,116 and placed 11 times. MIAO MIAO (IRE) (2019 f. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Italy and placed 3 times. PARADISE ROW (IRE) (2020 f. by Zoffany (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023, placed once. Joan of Pimlico (IRE) (2017 f. by Free Eagle (IRE)), placed once over hurdles at 4 years. (2021 f. by El Kabeir (USA)). 2nd Dam MAGENA (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 living foals of racing age includingIRISH ACTION (IRE) (g. by Zoffany (IRE)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in Denmark and in Sweden and £111,312 including Zawawi Cup, Jagersro, L., Jagersro Sprint, Jagersro, L., placed 9 times including third in Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Hoppegartner Flieger-Preis, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L. and Polar Cup, Ovrevoll, L. 3rd Dam VINGT ET UNE (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France; Own sister to JOHANN QUATZ (FR) and WALTER WILLY (IRE); dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCOCONUT SHOW (GB) (f. by Linamix (FR)), won 3 races in France; dam of winners. THAI HAKU (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix La Sorellina, La Teste de Buch, L., South Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Bab al Shams Cape Verdi Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, Prix André Baboin, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, Gr.3 and Noble Damsel Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. ALBARAAH (IRE), 3 races in France including Prix Le Fabuleux, Maisons-Laffitte, L., second in Prix de Flore, SaintCloud, Gr.3; dam of ALRAHMA (GB), 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, second in Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, EFAADAH (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix des Lilas, ParisLongchamp, L. The next dam WHAKILYRIC (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in France including Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix de la Hézière, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Prix d'Arenberg, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and third in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix de la Salamandre, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingHERNANDO (FR) (c. by Niniski (USA)), Jt Champion older horse in France in 1994, Jt Champion older horse in Europe in 1994 (11-13.5f.), won 7 races in France including Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Lupin, Gr.1, Prix Niel, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3 (twice), second in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. JOHANN QUATZ (FR) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 6 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Lupin, Gr.1, second in Breeders' Cup Mile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. RES JUDICATA (GB) (c. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 5 races in France including Grand Prix de Lyon, L., second in Carleton F Burke Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; sire. WALTER WILLY (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 4 races in France including Grand Prix de Compiègne, Compiegne, L., Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L.; sire. Wells Whisper (FR) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of winners. WELLS PRESENT (GER), 2 races in Germany including Grosser Hoppegartener 3yo Stutenpreis, BerlinHoppegarten, L.; dam of WELL TIMED (GER), 4 races in Germany including Henkel Preis der Diana - German Oaks, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, Diana Trial, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.2, Preis Dusseldorf Niederlassungen, Dusseldorf, L.


72 BOX

Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Storm Cat (USA) Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 14th, 2022 On the Map (USA) (2010)

Eddington (USA) Guide (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Unbridled (USA) Fashion Star (USA) Pulpit (USA) Tour (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ON THE MAP (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £19,399 and placed 6 times; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingMontherhom (KSA) (2017 c. by Blame (USA)), placed twice at 3 and 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Shabib (KSA) (2021 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. (2020 c. by Roaring Fever (USA)). 2nd Dam GUIDE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £28,089; Own sister to LAITY (USA); dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingTHE GREAT WAR (USA) (c. by War Front (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £227,941 including Blenheim Stakes, Curragh, L., 96Rock Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Curragh Stakes, Curragh, L., Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, L. and third in Nearctic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; sire. She Stays Rollin (USA) (f. by War Front (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. U S Army (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Zia Park Juvenile Stakes, Zia Park. 3rd Dam TOUR (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Curious Clover Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed second in Very Subtle Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., Bold Jill Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; Own sister to FLIGHT FORTY NINE (USA); dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTRIP (USA) (f. by Lord At War (ARG)), won 11 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Turfway Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3 (twice), Chicago Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Fairway Fun Stakes, Turfway Park, L., Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, L., placed second in Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.3 and third in Churchill Downs Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; dam of winners. PASSPORT (USA), won Miller Lite Cradle Stakes, River Downs, L. GLOBE TROT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BOLT D'ORO (USA), won Frontrunner Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire, GLOBAL CAMPAIGN (USA), won Woodward Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Monmouth Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed third in Breeders' Cup Classic, Keeneland, Gr.1; sire, SONIC MULE (USA), won Mucho Macho Man Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., placed third in Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. Need (USA), unraced; dam of RECRUITING READY (USA), won Gulfstream Park Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Gravesend Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Chick Lang Stakes, Pimlico, L. and Bachelor Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. JOKE (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Vallejo Stakes, Golden Gate, L., Fairfield Stakes, Solano; dam of winners. ZENSATIONAL (USA), won Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Bing Crosby Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 and Triple Bend Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. Pun (USA), unraced; dam of CUTTING HUMOR (USA), won Sunland Park Derby, Sunland Park, Gr.3; sire, IRISH YOU WELL (USA), won Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed third in Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. LAITY (USA) (g. by Pulpit (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including John Battaglia Memorial Stakes, Turfway Park, L., Miller Lite Cradle Stakes, River Downs, L. Leave (USA) (f. by Pulpit (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. DEPARTING (USA), won Firecracker Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.2, Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3, third in Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1.




Owner: Hamad Mohd. Ibrahim Al-Motawi Mucho Macho Man (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 9th, 2022

Mucho Gusto (USA) Itsagiantcauseway (USA) Natetwa (USA) (2011)

Tiznow (USA) Princess Janie (USA)


Macho Uno (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Countervail (USA) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Cee's Song (USA) Elusive Quality (USA) Petite Princess (USA)

MUCHO GUSTO (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Gr.3, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Gr.3 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam NATETWA (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizPEQUENA TORMENTA (USA) (2018 f. by Dialed In (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £67,504 and placed 3 times. JUAN DONES (USA) (2019 c. by Dialed In (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 abroad and placed 8 times. BAREEQ ALFOOZ (KSA) (2021 c. by Stratford Hill (USA)), won 2 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £85,716 and placed once, from only 3 starts. Mr Big City (USA) (2016 g. by Temple City (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years in U.S.A. Badr Alhosaam (KSA) (2020 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PRINCESS JANIE (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £93,285 including Mongo Queen Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Just Smashing Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Dearly Precious Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Seton Hall University Stakes, Meadowlands and Blue Sparkler Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingLundy (GB) (c. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)), won 1 race at 2 years and £18,542 and placed twice including second in Rochestown Stakes, Naas, L. LAZULITE (USA) (f. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Auditora (USA), winner to 2022 abroad and placed third in Clasico Versets Jet, Camarero Race Track, L. 3rd Dam Petite Princess (USA), won 2 races at 2 years and third in Curragh Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; dam of twelve winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingRAYLENE (USA) (f. by Tabasco Cat (USA)), won 16 races in Canada and in U.S.A. including British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Canadian Derby, Northlands Park, Gr.3, City of Edmonton Distaff Handicap, Northlands Park, L., Matron Breeders' Cup Stakes, Assiniboia Downs, Duchess of York Stakes, Stampede Park, Ken Pearson Memorial Handicap, Stampede Park, Northlands Oaks, Northlands Park, Penny Ridge Stakes, Stampede Park, Lilac Handicap, Stampede Park, Mount Royal Handicap, Stampede Park, Freedom of the City Stakes, Northlands Park; dam of winners. Ruck (USA), winner in Canada and second in Manitoba Derby, Assiniboia Downs, L. Remebel (CAN), winner in Canada and third in Ruling Angel Stakes, Woodbine. Grand Mere (USA) (f. by Bob And John (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Beru Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; dam of winners. GRAND ISLE (USA), won Best of Ohio Juvenile Stakes (2yoc&g), Mahoning Valley Race Course, R., placed second in Cleveland Kindergarten Stakes, Thistledown, R. Brief Encounter (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Tah Dah Stakes, Belterra Park, R. PETITE FUEGO (USA) (f. by Smoke Glacken (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. OWEN'S MO (USA), won WV V. Moscarelli Mem. Breeders Classic, Charles Town, R. The next dam CLASSY WOMEN (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Hillsborough Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3R., placed third in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingAD VALOREM (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), Jt Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 2004, won 4 races at 2 and 4 years including Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, placed second in St James's Palace Stakes, York, Gr.1; sire. Designer (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 7 races at home and abroad and placed third in Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Kid Lemonade (USA) (c. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Stanton Stakes, Delaware Park. Laureldean Dream (USA) (f. by Stravinsky (USA)), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. OUR MATE ART (AUS), won Matchem Stakes, Durbanville, Gr.3.


Day Four Commencing 5.00pm Lots 219-292

Wednesday 29th November




Owner: Ahmed Alnasir Alshodookhi Sons Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 14th, 2022 Iltimas (KSA) (2012)

Jump Start (USA) Contagious Smile (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) A P Indy (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Halo (USA) Willassert (CAN)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ILTIMAS (KSA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age vizShammam (KSA) (2020 c. by Fun Galore (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. Masmoo'a (KSA) (2021 c. by Fun Galore (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam CONTAGIOUS SMILE (USA), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGLORIOUS SMILE (USA) (f. by Honour And Glory (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £59,034 viz Eavesdrop Stakes, Parx Racing, L.R., Blue Mountain Juvenile Stakes, Penn National, L.R.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam WILLASSERT (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to WILLA ON THE MOVE (USA) and Sweet Willa (USA); dam of one winner from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing agePersonality Counts (USA) (f. by Personal Hope (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TYPE A PERSONALITY (USA), won Green Carpet Stakes, River Downs, R. All She Loves (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Desire And Fire (CAN), winner in Canada, placed second in Victoriana Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. The next dam WILLAMAE (CAN), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Mill Race Handicap, Keystone Race Track, placed third in Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Bowie, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingWILLA ON THE MOVE (USA) (f. by Assert), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Caesar's Wish Handicap, Pimlico, L., Gay Matelda Stakes, Laurel, L., Moccasin Stakes, Pimlico, L., Marshua Stakes, Laurel, second in Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. WILL'S WAY (USA) (c. by Easy Goer (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. LADY REIKO (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Budweiser Calder Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. CHOPPER WON (USA), won Cape Henlopen Stakes, Delaware Park; sire. Lady Terulo (USA), unraced; dam of NOVEMBER RAIN (NZ), won Lady Norrie Stakes, Te Rapa, Gr.2, placed second in New Zealand Oaks, Trentham, Gr.1. Citidancer (USA) (c. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. Sweet Willa (USA) (f. by Assert), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Tanya Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and third in Cameo Stakes, Laurel, L.; dam of winners. HOLBERG (UAE), won Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, Tapster Stakes, Goodwood, L. UNDERMINE (USA), won Anne Arundel Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3. Ms Teak Wood (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ACCEPTABLE (USA), won Kentucky Cup Classic Handicap, Turfway Park, Gr.3, placed second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. MILITARY MAJOR (USA), won Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, L. Willa Joe (IRE) (f. by El Gran Senor (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. WILLA ON THE MOVE (USA), won Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Bethany (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TIZWAY (USA), won Whitney Invitational Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. TICKET TO SEATTLE (USA), won Peach Blossom Stakes, Delaware Park, L.




Owner: Ali Ibrahim Mohammed Al Wulayi Elusive Quality (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 2nd, 2022 (first foal)

Great White Eagle (USA) Gender Dance (USA) Lae Oyoun Alhadhan (KSA) (2014)

Midshipman (USA) Object of Virtue (USA)


Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Miesque's Son (USA) Gender War (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Fleet Lady (USA) Partner's Hero (USA) City Life (USA)

GREAT WHITE EAGLE (USA), 2011. Won 2 races, Round Tower Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of YESABEQ ALREEH (KSA). 1st Dam LAE OYOUN ALHADHAN (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 4 and 5 years. 2nd Dam OBJECT OF VIRTUE (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £54,505 including Maryland Million Lassie Stakes, Pimlico, L.R.; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingROMAN ALONG (USA) (c. by Roman Ruler (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £36,473. 3rd Dam CITY LIFE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingURBAN GUY (USA) (c. by Marquetry (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Francis Jock Labelle Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Mountain Valley Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Huntington Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and third in Hirsch Jacobs Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3. SEE ROCK CITY (USA) (f. by Tapit (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. One More (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of GRAND AVE GIRL (USA), won Wintergreen Stakes, Turfway Park and Monroe Stakes, Gulfstream Park. 4th Dam SOUNDS OF SECRET (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingZaibaq (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3 and fourth in Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Queen of Bermuda (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), placed once in France; dam of winners. QUEEN OF TEE (USA), won City of Anderson Stakes, Hoosier Park, L.R. Fabulous Babs (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. NITRO CHIP (USA), won Lagnipappe Classic Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L.R., Louisiana Premier Night Championship, Delta Downs, L.R. and Louisiana Breeders' Derby, Louisiana Downs, L.R. The next dam NATURAL SOUND (USA), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, Signature Stakes, Liberty Bell Park, Gr.3, Polly Drummond Stakes, Delaware Park, third in Miss Woodford Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHOIST EMY'S FLAG (USA) (f. by Hoist The Flag (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed second in Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Bowie, Gr.3; dam of winners. STAR STANDARD (USA), won Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.1, Lexington Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, placed second in Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. SUMMER TIME MUSIC (USA) (f. by What A Pleasure (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. EYJA (USA), won Mel Hash Stakes, Suffolk Downs. STAY WITH BRUCE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of DANTHEBLUEGRASSMAN (USA), won Golden Gate Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and Northern Dancer Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. EMY'S A NATURAL (USA) (f. by Coastal (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DANCING NATURALLY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of INDIAN WAR DANCE (USA), won Kelly Kip Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed third in Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, BARE DANCER (USA), won Wide Country Stakes, Laurel. WHATANATURAL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of WHATAFLASHYACTOR (USA), won Old Hickory Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., King's Court Stakes, Louisiana Downs. Dachi (USA) (f. by Coastal (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. DACHI'S FOLLY (USA), won Pomona Derby, Fairplex Park, L.




Owner: Beyareq Alkhil Stable Giant's Causeway (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 24th, 2022 (first foal)

Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA) Remanah (KSA) (2017)

Competitive Edge (USA) Precious Brownie (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Super Saver (USA) Magdalena's Chase (USA) Golden Missile (USA) Stephie Brown Eyes (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam REMANAH (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam PRECIOUS BROWNIE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingLANGFUHR'S STAR (USA) (g. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 years in Canada. MUNNY MUNNINGS (USA) (c. by Munnings (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam STEPHIE BROWN EYES (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of twelve winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingDANCING WITH RUTH (USA) (f. by Thorn Dance (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Prom Stakes, Meadowlands. BROWN EYED BEAUTY (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Spring Fever Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Clark County Stakes, Keeneland, L. and third in Dr A B Leggio Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds and Carousel Stakes, Oaklawn Park; dam of winners. More Than Beauty (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of More Graytful (USA), placed second in Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and third in Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R. BROWN EYED BABY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of OURS TO RUN (USA), won Carousel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Louisiana Legends Mademoiselle Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. (twice), La Bred Premier Night Matron Stakes, Delta Downs, R. (twice), Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint, Fair Grounds, R., placed third in Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2. Sweet Ransom (USA) (f. by Red Ransom (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Frances A Genter Stakes, Calder, Gr.3; dam of winners. Brown Eyed Major (USA) (g. by Major Impact (USA)), won 14 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Nureyev Stakes, Keeneland, L. A Bimp in the Bye (USA) (f. by Silent Screen (USA)), won 9 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Safely Kept Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of winners. R LADY DEPUTY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Gata Negra (PR), placed second in Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Camarero Race Track, L. D' Elegance (USA) (f. by El Corredor (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bold Ego Handicap, Sunland Park; dam of winners. MALPAIS (USA), won Robert Hilton Memorial Stakes, Charles Town. PLACE D'ITALIE (USA) (f. by Green Forest (USA)), won 4 races in Chile; dam of winners. Sal de Mare (CHI), winner in Chile, placed second in Premio Lisimaco Jaraquemada, Club Hipico de Santiago, L. The next dam Donna Chere (USA), won 7 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSEPARATE BEDROOMS (USA) (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SUE GAIL (USA), won Chapel Belle Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of D C STORM (USA), won Richard King Handicap, Sam Houston, L.R. Val Chere (USA) (f. by Val de L'Orne (FR)), unraced; dam of winners. TRICK CARD (USA), won Lafayette Stakes, Keeneland, L. Stellar Rival (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Savage Stakes, Canterbury Downs and third in Early Times Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. GLEN CARA LASSIE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of SHAMROCK GIRL (USA), won Lasenora Handicap, Sunland Park, L.R. and Dessie & Fern Sawyer Futurity, Albuquerque, R. VALGRAVYA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Mystery Code (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; grandam of LOST APTITUDE (USA), won Grand Canyon Handicap, Churchill Downs, placed second in Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons A P Indy (USA) Patriot Act (USA) Classic Value (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 20th, 2022 J Z Now (USA) (2007)

Tiznow (USA) Ticky Tacky (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Copelan (USA) Queen Pat (USA) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Cee's Song (USA) Conquistador Cielo (USA) Castle Eight (USA)

PATRIOT ACT (USA), 2002. Won 4 races, Jim Rasmussen Memorial Stakes, second in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Mineshaft Handicap, Gr.3 and Tenacious Handicap. Sire of EMPIRE DREAMS (USA), (S), Coalition (USA), (L.R.), Riot Worthy (USA), (S), Secured Position (USA), (S), National Defence (USA), (S), Patriot Star (USA), (S), One More Act (USA), (S), Social Rebellion (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam J Z NOW (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizTIZ SIRIUS (USA) (2013 c. by Zensational (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,458 and placed twice. SO'OOD (KSA) (2019 c. by Paynter (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £38,907 and placed 6 times. LETHAL LEVY (USA) (2016 c. by Paynter (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,872 and placed once. SPEEDY NOW (USA) (2015 g. by Fast Bullet (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Zaakeyat Alwod (KSA) (2021 f. by Brother Derek (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam TICKY TACKY (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingMoka Jumbie (USA) (g. by Aptitude (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada and £39,283 and placed second in Toronto Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Charley Barley Stakes, Woodbine, L. CALL THE MARINES (USA) (c. by Yankee Victor (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £112,875. PARALLAX (USA) (g. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £94,392. Toast to Ashley (USA) (f. by First Defence (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. NOT ON HERB (USA), won Joseph R. Peluso Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. 3rd Dam CASTLE EIGHT (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizPOWIS CASTLE (USA) (c. by Rare Brick (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Vernon O Underwood Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Rich Cream Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., Turfway Prevue Stakes, Turfway Park, L., placed second in Jim Beam Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2, San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in General George Stakes, Laurel, Gr.2, Del Mar Invitational Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2. STAR OF GOSHEN (USA) (f. by Lord At War (ARG)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of winners. PIONEEROF THE NILE (USA), won Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Cashcall Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, second in Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and third in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.1; sire. Forefathers (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; sire. REGALA DI TRIESTE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of My Lady Lauren (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Hallowed Dreams Stakes, Evangeline Downs; grandam of Fifth Anniversary (USA), winner to 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A., placed second in Woodbine Cares Stakes, Woodbine, L., Lady Valentine (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., second in Opelousas Stakes, Evangeline Downs. Mezinka (USA), unraced; dam of Harlocap (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Texas Derby, Lone Star Park. Queen's Castle (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of a winner. Baby Lexi (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of Lady Haddassah (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Chaves County Stakes, Zia Park and Rick's Memorial Stakes, Remington Park; grandam of HADDASSAH (CAN), won Prince of Wales Stakes, Fort Erie, R., placed third in King Edward Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and Marine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3.




Owner: Faisal Abdul karim Mufdi Alajmi Into Mischief (USA) Instagrand (USA) Assets of War (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) April 17th, 2022 Keep It a Secret (USA) (2007)

Thunder Gulch (USA) Don'tellmichelle (CAN)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Lawyer Ron (USA) Added Asset (USA) Gulch (USA) Line of Thunder (USA) Regal Classic (CAN) L'Insatiable (CAN)

INSTAGRAND (USA), 2016. Won 2 races, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, third in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1 and Gotham Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam KEEP IT A SECRET (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A., £40,219 and placed 3 times; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingYOUR SECRET'S SAFE (USA) (2014 c. by Tapizar (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £119,185 and placed 15 times. CATAUGA COUNTY (USA) (2015 c. by Violence (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £70,051 and placed 13 times. SECRET ZAR (USA) (2016 f. by Tapizar (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £85,694 and placed 13 times. HELLCAT WARRIOR (USA) (2018 f. by Vancouver (AUS)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. SECRET THUNDER (USA) (2020 c. by Bolt D'oro (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £24,957 and placed twice. Taylor Field (USA) (2021 c. by Tapiture (USA)), ran once in Canada at 2 years, 2023. Secret Congrats (USA) (2013 f. by Congrats (USA)), unraced; dam of 2 winners vizSecretly Wicked (USA) (f. by Wicked Strong (USA)), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Cincinnati Trophy Stakes, Turfway Park. Tiz Mandate (USA) (r. by Strong Mandate (USA)), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Miracle Wood Stakes, Laurel. She also has a 2023 colt by Beau Liam (USA). 2nd Dam DON'TELLMICHELLE (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingHIGHTAP (USA) (f. by Tapit (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £205,573 including Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed third in Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Iowa Distaff Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L. and Wild Rose Stakes, Prairie Meadows; dam of winners. HALLADAY (USA), won Fourstardave Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Tropical Park Derby, Gulfstream Park, L., Sunshine Forever Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed third in Gio Ponti Stakes, Aqueduct and English Channel Stakes, Belmont Park. 3rd Dam L'INSATIABLE (CAN), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingLODGE HILL (CAN) (c. by Cozzene (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and third in Canadian International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. Rage Au Coeur (CAN) (g. by Le Danseur (CAN)), won 21 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Valedictory Handicap, Woodbine, L. Winterwish (CAN) (f. by Shotiche (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Piedra Foundation Handicap, Del Mar, L.; dam of a winner. The next dam DRAMA SCHOOL (CAN), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Selene Stakes, Woodbine and Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingNORCLIFFE (CAN) (c. by Buckpasser), Champion 3-y-o colt in Canada in 1976, Champion older horse in Canada in 1977, won 14 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Carling O'Keefe Invitational Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.1 (twice), Prince of Wales Stakes, Fort Erie, Gr.1R., Queen's Plate Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Coronation Futurity Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Canadian Maturity Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R.; sire. Stagetime (CAN) (f. by Victorian Era), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R.; dam of winners. TAMWORTH (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of LADY TAMWORTH (USA), won Donna Reed Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L. (twice), Hawkeyes Handicap, Prairie Meadows, L., FAR TOO LOUD (CAN), won La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. VAGUELY DRAMATIC (CAN) (f. by Vaguely Noble), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DAM DRAMATIC (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of EL SULTAN (ARG), Champion 2yr old colt in Argentina in 1994, won G. P. Montevideo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, G. P. Santiago Luro, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 15th, 2022 Sweet Baby Jeepers (USA) (2006)

Favorite Trick (USA) Magic Marquesa (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Phone Trick (USA) Evil Elaine (USA) Marquetry (USA) Crimson Orchid (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SWEET BABY JEEPERS (USA), won 11 races in U.S.A. and £56,393 and placed 27 times; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizMARYOMAH (KSA) (2020 f. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from only 2 starts. Inda (KSA) (2017 c. by Northern Afleet (USA)), placed 6 times at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Aljerfalia (KSA) (2021 f. by Dramedy (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MAGIC MARQUESA (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCOTTON KINGDOM (USA) (f. by High Cotton (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £26,435. ROMAN MAGIC (USA) (g. by Burning Roma (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £19,702. VAGUELY AMUSING (USA) (f. by Semoran (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam CRIMSON ORCHID (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Charles L Triplett Stakes, Ellis Park, Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky Stakes, Ellis Park, Coca-Cola Summer Festival Handicap, Ellis Park, placed third in Louisiana Downs Oaks, Louisiana Downs; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingROGLEE (USA) (c. by Naevus (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Inaugural Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Turfway Prevue Stakes, Turfway Park, L. 4th Dam CATTLEYA (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCRIMSON ORCHID (USA) (f. by Restivo (USA)), see above. The next dam Cymbidium, won 2 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Nursery Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizKASKASKIA (USA) (c. by Catullus), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Juvenile Stakes, Aqueduct, Youthful Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Joliet Stakes, Arlington; sire. MISS ALABASTER (f. by Beau Max), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Counselor Bruce (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Saul Silberman Memorial Handicap, Tropical Park and fourth in John B Campbell Handicap, Bowie, Gr.2; sire. Funny Alabaster (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of Talc's Girl (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Don Riley Handicap, Canterbury Downs (twice), Lucky Lucky Lucky Stakes, Canterbury Downs, White Chalk (USA), placed second in Lisa Stakes, Suffolk Downs; grandam of LUNA LLENA (PAN), won P. Eduardo y Carolina Mendez de Chiari, Panama, L. BIMBO BAY (f. by Beau Max), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BIMBO CAT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of OUR GARY (USA), won Gallant Bob Handicap, Keystone Race Track and Patriot Stakes, Keystone Race Track; sire, Jon Ian (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Donut King Stakes, Belmont Park; sire, Champion Charley (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in World Appeal Stakes, Meadowlands; grandam of DO IT AGAIN DAN (USA), won New Hampshire Sweepstakes Handicap, Rockingham Park, Gr.3, Norristown Stakes, Parx Racing, L., placed third in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire, CRIMINAL SUIT (USA), won Count Fleet Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Danny's Keys (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. OUR RAINY DAY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ARTIC RAINDROP (USA), won Excalibur Stakes, Louisiana Downs.





Owner: Sama Stable A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 1st, 2022 Ta Ebah (KSA) (2013)

Fong's Thong (USA) Midnight Blue (GB)

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Dr Fong (USA) Bacinella (USA) Be My Chief (USA) Guyum (GB)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam TA EBAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizIbn Badees (KSA) (2021 c. by Bandini (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MIDNIGHT BLUE (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and £14,076 and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingAEOMAIRAH (KSA) (c. by Agol Lack (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £86,341. 3rd Dam GUYUM (GB), unraced; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingYOUNG PRECEDENT (GB) (g. by Polish Precedent (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years. 4th Dam LADY OF CHALON (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingEnchantment (c. by Habitat), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3; sire. Wongchoi (c. by Bustino), won 2 races at home and in Hong Kong and placed second in Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, L. Royal Obligation (g. by Busted), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Duke of Edinburgh Stakes, Ascot, L. The next dam CONSTANT NYMPH (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingEQUANIMITY (USA) (f. by Sir Ivor (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. FABRINA (USA), won Truly Bound Stakes, Fair Grounds. Calm Dancer (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in My Charmer Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of Mighty Meadow (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Heartland Derby, Prairie Meadows; grandam of ABSOLUTELY AIDEN (USA), won Good Lord Stakes, Ellis Park, Special Jo (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Calm Princess (USA), placed 10 times in U.S.A.; dam of Twilight Affair (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Berkeley Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3; grandam of BRASS HAT (USA), won Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; third dam of GOOD SHINE (USA), won Clasico America, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2 and Clasico Velocidad, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3. Tongue Tied Muse (USA) (f. by Stage Door Johnny (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix du Duc d'Aoste, Chantilly, L.; dam of winners. STORM TALKER (USA), won Pleasanton Handicap, Pleasanton. DON'T BE JEALOUS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of DANCERLLON (ARG), won Clasico Ramon Biaus, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2, POTRO CELOSO (ARG), won Clasico Julio Felix Penna, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, L.; grandam of TUTANKHAMUN (IND), won The Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Cup, Bangalore, L., DECATHLON (IND), won KR R. Singh Mem. Juv. Golconda Million, Hyderabad, L., Setembrino (ARG), placed second in Gran Premio Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1. GAYLORD PRINCESS (USA) (f. by Lord Gaylord (USA)), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of DEAREST QUEEN (USA), won Hatoof Stakes, Arlington.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Storm Cat (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 19th, 2022 (first foal)

Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Taame'aeh (KSA) (2017)

Bernardini (USA) Mountain Lady (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Stormy Atlantic (USA) Promenade Colony (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam TAAME'AEH (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 and 4 years. 2nd Dam MOUNTAIN LADY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 4 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingJehaanah (KSA) (f. by Flashy Bull (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam PROMENADE COLONY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to DANCE COLONY (USA) and Colonial Review (USA); dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 18 foals of racing age includingPROMENADE GIRL (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Golden Sylvia Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Nellie Morse Stakes, Laurel, L., Geisha Handicap, Laurel, L.R., Twixt Stakes, Laurel, L.R., placed third in Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. CAVORTING (USA), won Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Ruffian Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of CLAIRIERE (USA), won Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Cotillion Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.1, Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont, Gr.1 (twice), LA CRETE (USA), won Silverbulletday Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. MOON COLONY (USA), won Penn Mile Stakes, Penn National, Gr.2; sire. Thirstforlife (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Mineshaft Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3 and third in Best Pal Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2 and Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. DATTTS AWESOME (USA) (f. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including All Brandy Stakes, Laurel, R., placed second in Twin Lights Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of winners. Southern Strike (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FILA PRIMERA (USA), won Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in JP Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of Saucy Lady T (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. Gypsy Swap (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SEEYOUBYCHANCE (USA), won Steward Mitchell Stakes, Pimlico. The next dam DANCE REVIEW (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of thirteen winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingNO REVIEW (USA) (f. by Nodouble (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. ANOTHER REVIEW (USA) (c. by Buckaroo (USA)), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. DANCE COLONY (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Astarita Stakes, Belmont, Gr.2; dam of winners. Cho Cho San (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of BLUESKIESNRAINBOWS (USA), won San Pasqual Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Pleasant Review (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 3 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in River Memories Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. SPARKLING REVIEW (USA), won Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Rap And Dance (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Holly Beach Stakes, Laurel; dam of winners. JAZZ TUNE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of RATTLE N ROLL (USA), won Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.1, Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons War Front (USA) Commend (USA) Praise (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) January 22nd, 2022 My Sydney Girl (USA) (2008)

Tapit (USA) Proper Dress (USA)


Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Wild Applause (USA) Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Copelan (USA) Regal Princess (USA)

COMMEND (USA), 2013. Won 3 races and second in Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint Stakes, Gr.3 and Quick Call Stakes, L. Sire of FAKHR ALENAYA (KSA), DIJITAL (KSA), MOSSTAWOEABAH (KSA), HOUR ALENAYA (KSA). 1st Dam MY SYDNEY GIRL (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £14,574 and placed twice; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizRASAAS (KSA) (2016 c. by Silver City (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £70,834 and placed 9 times. FALWAT NAIF (KSA) (2018 f. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Qashashah (KSA) (2021 f. by Hailstone (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PROPER DRESS (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSTRATEMATIC (USA) (g. by Tactical Advantage (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £167,910. ELABORATION (USA) (f. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £46,860; dam of winners. 3rd Dam REGAL PRINCESS (USA), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, R., placed third in Melaleuca Stakes, Calder; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingREGAL APPROVAL (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Bal Harbour Stakes, Hialeah Park, placed second in Angelo Testa Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of winners. MR MAYBE (USA), won Red Smith Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, John's Call Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed third in Mac Diarmida Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. REGAL APPROACH (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SHIPSATIONAL (USA), won Sleepy Hollow Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Bertram F. Bongard Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed second in Sam F. Davis Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3 and third in Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.2. MISS LISTO (USA) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Miss Houston Stakes, Sam Houston, placed second in Sam Houston Oaks, Sam Houston; dam of winners. With a Princess (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Powder Break Handicap, Calder, L. and Frances A Genter Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. WITH A CITY (USA), won Lane's End Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2. THE DADDY (USA), won Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2; sire. BLUE LASER (USA), won Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. The next dam ZENITH STAR (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingYU WIPI (USA) (c. by Dr Fager), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Longacres Mile Handicap, Longacres, Gr.3, placed fourth in Los Angeles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. Bespangle (USA) (f. by Dr Fager), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. GUADERY (USA), won Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed third in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of MINORITY DATER (USA), won Real Delight Handicap, Arlington, placed third in Arlington Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.2 and Arlington Heights Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3. GAY RIGHTS (USA), won Colin Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed third in Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. HELLO MOON (USA), won Belle Isle Stakes, Detroit; dam of WILZADA (USA), won Interborough Handicap, Aqueduct, L., Half Moon Stakes, Meadowlands, placed third in Nassau County Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; third dam of WILLY BOI (USA), won Smile Sprint Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., placed third in Alfred G. Vanderbilt Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Alabdali Giant's Causeway (USA) Destin (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 15th, 2022 Zohbah (KSA) (2009)

Teapot Row (IRE) Tarheebah (KSA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) Generous (IRE) Secrage (USA) Royal Arcade (USA) Bikhitah (KSA)

DESTIN (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, TAA Marathon Stakes, Gr.2, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of DESTIN HOOFMAN (USA), GHAR ALMA'ALEE (KSA). 1st Dam ZOHBAH (KSA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £19,170 and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizAZIZ ALMANAL (KSA) (2018 c. by Worldly (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £22,900 and placed once. Alrodaineyah (KSA) (2019 f. by Worldly (USA)), placed twice at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 f. by Qaatef (IRE)). 2nd Dam TARHEEBAH (KSA), placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of six winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age vizARNAAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 5 races at 4 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £122,331; dam of a winner. SATA (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. LO LO AT JEDDAH (KSA) (f. by Pietro Siena (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £45,587; dam of a winner. OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ZOHBAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), see above. ALMARQAB ALAALI (KSA) (c. by Ahraar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,305. MONHAMERAH (KSA) (f. by Hans Anderson (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. INBEHAAR (KSA) (f. by Delius (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alshaahmah (KSA) (f. by Iftitah (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. MOSTAKMAL (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMOKHTER (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KHANDAMAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam BIKHITAH (KSA), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizFAKH RAAN (KSA) (c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TIRHAAB (KSA) (c. by Minshaanshu Amad (USA)), won 4 races at 5 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALBA SSEER (KSA) (c. by Modhish (IRE)), won 1 race at 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; sire. 4th Dam FOWL PLAY, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 8 foals of racing ageBikhitah (KSA) (f. by Tabayaan (FR)), see above. The next dam MILAIRE, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizAbsheer (c. by Double Form), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times including third in Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3.




Honor Code (USA) CLASSIC A P (USA) March 20th, 2022 A Black Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Honor A P (USA) Hollywood Story (USA) E Classic (USA) (2008)

E Dubai (USA) Classic Touch (USA)

A P Indy (USA) Serena's Cat (USA) Wild Rush (USA) Wife for Life (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Words of War (USA) Dehere (USA) Desiderosa (USA)

HONOR A P (USA), 2017. Won 2 races, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, second in San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Shared Belief Stakes, L. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam E CLASSIC (USA), won 2 races at 6 years in U.S.A. and £11,831 and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizE Rated (USA) (2016 c. by Special Rate (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £61,844 and placed 7 times including second in Texas Thoroughbred Futurity (2yoc&g), Lone Star Park, R. REFI NOW (USA) (2018 c. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 8 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £86,398 and placed 8 times. XTRA SPICY (USA) (2019 f. by Gormley (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £52,034 and placed 4 times. Classically Wicked (USA) (2020 f. by Wicked Strong (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam CLASSIC TOUCH (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizHACIENDA (USA) (g. by Limehouse (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. SHESBLONDELIKEME (USA) (f. by Naevus (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. E CLASSIC (USA) (f. by E Dubai (USA)), see above. BACHELOR PAD (USA) (c. by Limehouse (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam Desiderosa (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSTRIFE DAWN (JPN) (c. by Pilsudski (IRE)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in Japan. SILK GAINER (JPN) (c. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in Japan. The next dam DESIREUX (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDesiderosa (USA) (f. by Mt Livermore (USA)), see above. SMILE MAKER (USA) (f. by Capote (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MARGARITA FRIDAY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of STRAIGHT NO CHASER (USA), won Maryland Sprint Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, HANGOVER SATURDAY (USA), won Juvenile Filly Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R. Miss Peyote (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Jill's A Hot Mess (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in New York Stallion Series Stakes (2yof), Aqueduct, R. Cajun Cat (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Miss Norman (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2. Our Mariah (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Klassy Briefcase Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of SOMETHING EXTRA (USA), won Highlander Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 (twice), Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Mt Sassafras Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Jaipur Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, CIURI (CAN), won Lady Angela Stakes, Woodbine, R., second in La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, R., Entwistle (CAN), winner in Canada, second in OLG Simcoe Stakes, Woodbine, R.; grandam of ISLAND COMMISH (USA), won Kitten's Joy Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Franklin-Simpson Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3 and third in Oceanport Stakes, Monmouth Park. HOT CHIPOTLE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of NICOLE H (USA), won Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Daylily Stakes, Penn National, L., Endine Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Correction Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Interborough Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Princess Rooney Handicap, Calder, Gr.1. Pop I Top (USA) (f. by Stephen Got Even (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Lio de Faldas (PER), winner abroad and placed second in Clasico Hipodromo de Santa Beatriz, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L.




Owner: Sultan S. I. Alghofeili Curlin (USA) Keen Ice (USA) Medomak (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) April 20th, 2022 Frost Bite (USA) (2012)

Pulpit (USA) Shesasurething (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Awesome Again (CAN) Wiscasset (USA) A P Indy (USA) Preach (USA) Prospectors Gamble (USA) Nona's Moment (USA)

KEEN ICE (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Travers Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Stakes, Gr.2, second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Whitney Stakes, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, etc. Sire of RICH STRIKE (USA), (Gr.1), MANO DURA (USA), (L.), BOLD LEADER (USA), (L.), KING ICE (USA), (S), Underdressed (USA), (L.), She's Pure Silver (USA), (L.), Keen Princess (USA), (L.), Auditora (USA), (L.), Who Hoo Thats Me (USA), (S), Keen Cat (USA), (S), Majestic Frontier (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam FROST BITE (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizALVERNIA (USA) (2016 f. by Violence (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £100,071 and placed 4 times. LAKE TAHOE (USA) (2019 c. by Oxbow (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £46,261 and placed 4 times. CARTOGRAPHER (USA) (2020 c. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Happy Road (USA) (2017 f. by Quality Road (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Ransom the Moon (CAN)). 2nd Dam SHESASURETHING (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,616; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBUSTIN STONES (USA) (c. by City Zip (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £242,240 including Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2, New York Stallion Times Square Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Promonroe Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and Screenland Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; sire. I LOVE VEGAS (USA) (c. by Personal Flag (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £28,096. SHE'S STONES SIS (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £97,864; dam of winners. ISABELLAS WAY (USA) (f. by City Zip (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Hello Texas (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Dessie & Fern Sawyer Futurity, Albuquerque, R. Stone Maker (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Stone Creator (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in East View Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and Maddie May Stakes, Aqueduct, R. 3rd Dam NONA'S MOMENT (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRYAN'S MOMENT (USA) (g. by Recognized (USA)), won 20 races in U.S.A. including Minnesota Sprint Championship Handicap, Canterbury Downs (twice), placed second in Northern Lights Futurity, Arlington. Jessica's Moment (USA) (f. by Danski (USA)), placed once in U.S.A. viz third in MTA Stallion Auction Lassie Stakes, Arlington. 4th Dam No No Nona (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A., placed third in Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing ageNight Boat (USA) (f. by Sauce Boat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Victory Boat (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Minnesota Distaff Sprint Ch'ship Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R. The next dam SPLIT SILK (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSPLIT THE TAB (USA) (f. by Al Hattab (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, second in Mademoiselle Stakes, Arlington; dam of winners. BE GOT BEGONE (USA), won Azalea Stakes, Birmingham. Fast Lane's Best (USA), unraced; grandam of MY HONEY BUNNY (USA), won Juan Gonzalez Memorial Stakes, Pleasanton, SWISS ADDRESS (USA), won Barretts Stakes, Hollywood Park. SILK SPLITTER (USA) (f. by Hatchet Man (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BEST SECRET (USA), won Needles Stakes, Calder, L.


13 BOX

Owner: Athbah Racing Stable War Front (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 7th, 2022

Commend (USA) Praise (USA) Eastern Aria (UAE) (2006)

Halling (USA) Badraan (USA)


Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Wild Applause (USA) Diesis Dance Machine Danzig (USA) Gold Sunrise (USA)

COMMEND (USA), 2013. Won 3 races and second in Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint Stakes, Gr.3 and Quick Call Stakes, L. Sire of FAKHR ALENAYA (KSA), DIJITAL (KSA), MOSSTAWOEABAH (KSA), HOUR ALENAYA (KSA). 1st Dam EASTERN ARIA (UAE), won 10 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France, £258,010 including Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Lillie Langtry Fillies' Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Aphrodite Stakes, Newmarket, L., Prix Joubert, SaintCloud, L., placed 8 times including fourth in Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2 and Gerling Preis, Cologne, Gr.2; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizNAJM ALENAYA (KSA) (2018 c. by Alnajim Althakeb (KSA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £113,096 and placed 6 times. ATHBAT (KSA) (2017 c. by Official Flame (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 3 times. MOBAHER (KSA) (2015 c. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)). 2nd Dam BADRAAN (USA), won 3 races at 4 years in U.A.E. and £15,750; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingSHIVALIK STAR (IND) (g. by Shamardal (USA)), won 12 races abroad and £117,722 including Chief Minister's Cup, Bangalore, L., The Bangalore Turf Club Trophy, Bangalore, L., The Mysore Dasara Sprint Championship, Mysore, L.R., The Bangalore City Gold Cup, Bangalore, L.R., placed second in The New Year Cup, Bangalore, L., The Mysore Dasara Sprint Championship, Mysore, L.R. (twice), Chief Minister's Cup, Bangalore, L., The Abaran Bangalore 2000 Guineas, Bangalore, L.R. SHIVALIK STORM (IND) (g. by Dancing Forever (USA)), won 6 races abroad including A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L., Poonawalla Breeders' Multi-Million, Mumbai, L.R., Gool S Poonawalla Million, Mumbai, L.R., placed third in The Calcutta Champions' Sprint Trophy, Kolkata, L. (twice) and Nanoli Stud Pune Derby, Pune, L.R. NARYA (IRE) (f. by Halling (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years abroad; dam of winners. El Ingrato (FR), winner to 2023 in France and abroad and placed second in Critérium de l'Ouest, Craon, L. 3rd Dam GOLD SUNRISE (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed third in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingT S Eliot (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Tony Gatto Dream Big Stakes, Atlantic City. ARGENTINA (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Bernasconi (USA), winner at home, in Japan and in U.S.A. and placed third in Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. Talampaya (USA), unraced; dam of LA RIOJA (GB), 2 races at 2 years including Dick Poole Stakes, Salisbury, Gr.3; grandam of LIBERTY BEACH (GB), 6 races including Temple Stakes, Haydock, Gr.2, Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Cecil Frail Stakes, Haydock, L., Dragon Stakes, Sandown, L., placed third in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Rhythm Master (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 4 years, 2022 and placed second in Guisborough Stakes, Redcar, L. and third in Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1. GOLDEN SPHINX (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TRY YOUR LUCK (USA), won Dueling Grounds Oaks, Kentucky Downs, placed third in La Prevoyante Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. High Quality (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Langhorne Stakes, Parx Racing, L. The next dam SEATTLE DAWN (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Snow Goose Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Gala Lil Handicap, Laurel, L., Tuscarora Handicap, Parx Racing; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingGOLD SUNRISE (USA) (f. by Forty Niner (USA)), see above.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 1st, 2022 Music Score (USA) (2007)

Storm Cat (USA) Musicanti (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Nijinsky (CAN) Populi (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam MUSIC SCORE (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizUNTRUTHFUL SONNET (USA) (2014 f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £51,031 and placed 11 times. MY MUSIC (USA) (2013 f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £48,569 and placed 5 times. Alrye Alsadeed (KSA) (2019 c. by Unified (USA)), placed twice at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 f. by Istan (USA)). 2nd Dam MUSICANTI (USA), won 1 race in France and £19,670; dam of four winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDISTANT MUSIC (USA) (c. by Distant View (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years and £336,260 including Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, International Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, White Rose Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, placed third in Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. New Orchid (USA) (f. by Quest For Fame), won 1 race at 3 years and £17,508 and placed twice viz second in Aphrodite Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3; dam of winners. AFRICAN ROSE (GB), 3 races at home and in France and £210,119 including Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Doncaster, Gr.1, Prix du Pont-Neuf, ParisLongchamp, L., second in Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1; dam of FAIR EVA (GB), 2 races at 2 years and £88,060 including Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. HELLEBORINE (GB), 3 races at 2 years in France and £144,836 including Prix d'Aumale, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix Six Perfections, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of CALYX (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years and £154,958 including Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; sire. Needleleaf (GB), unraced; dam of NATIVE TRAIL (GB), Champion 2yr old colt in Europe in 2021, 6 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 and £1,033,383 including Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed 3 times. Apticanti (USA) (f. by Aptitude (USA)), ran twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. War Rooms (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, 2023 and £10,128 and placed once viz third in Flying Scotsman Stakes, Doncaster, L., all his starts. Allegro Viva (USA) (f. by Distant View (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CANTICUM (GB), 2 races at 3 years in France and £131,750 including Prix Chaudenay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, placed 3 times, all his starts. ALLEGREZZA (GB), 1 race in France; dam of EBEKO (IRE), 2 races at 2 years at home and in U.S.A. and £92,259 including Zuma Beach Stakes, Santa Anita, L. 3rd Dam POPULI (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingVANLANDINGHAM (USA) (c. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 1985, won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, placed second in Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Marlboro Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Whitney Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Hollywood Turf Cup, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. JENKINS FERRY (USA) (c. by True Colors (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Gertrudes Handicap, Santa Anita, placed second in San Juan Capistrano Invitation Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Fun Crowd (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FUNNY MOON (USA), won Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed third in Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1.


15 BOX

Owner: Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Elusive Quality (USA) Highlander (GB) Highland Ceilidh (IRE)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 3rd, 2022 Grey Seal (IRE) (2009)

Cape Cross (IRE) Mundus Novus (USA)


Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Scottish Reel Savage Love Green Desert (USA) Park Appeal Unbridled's Song (USA) Wild Planet (USA)

Own sister to MOSHAGHEBAH (KSA) HIGHLANDER (GB), 2003. Won 9 races. Sire of ANT ALFAKHR (KSA), TAFTEESH (KSA), HOWLAN (KSA), SEIF ALNO AYMAT (KSA), SHATFAH (KSA), MOSTAJAAR (KSA), FARZ (KSA), ALTOOBAD (KSA), LIL AEZ MIQDAM (KSA), AELM WA KHABAR (KSA), MOSHAGHEBAH (KSA), ALSHAHED ALLAH (KSA), ASAS ALMAJD (KSA), AJMAL ALAMANEE (KSA), MOTAZA'EMAH (KSA), SASS ALTEEB (KSA), QABBA (KSA), SAW'WAAK (KSA), KARIM ALKHISAL (KSA), HIGH'FOON (KSA). 1st Dam GREY SEAL (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMOSHAGHEBAH (KSA) (2016 f. by Highlander (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £71,877 and placed 10 times. MOWADEA (KSA) (2015 c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £22,127 and placed 6 times. Foja'eyah (KSA) (2018 f. by Highlander (GB)), placed 3 times at 2 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Quality Path (KSA) (2020 c. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), placed twice at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moqaddam Bealkheir (KSA) (2021 c. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MUNDUS NOVUS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France and £11,490 and placed twice; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCONSORT (IRE) (c. by Lope de Vega (IRE)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and £299,036 including Heron Stakes, Sandown, L., placed second in Steventon Stakes, Newbury, L. and third in St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. HER WORLD (IRE) (f. by Caravaggio (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £120,576 including Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed twice including third in Limestone Stakes, Keeneland, L. Wico (IRE) (c. by No Nay Never (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £67,258 and placed 4 times including second in King Corrie Stakes, Woodbine. STEER BY THE STARS (IRE) (f. by Pivotal (GB)), won 2 races at 2 years; dam of winners. NEVER BACK DOWN (IRE), 5 races at 2, 3 and 6 years and £89,560 including Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L., placed 8 times. 3rd Dam WILD PLANET (USA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Coronation, MaisonsLaffitte, L., placed second in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSURYA (USA) (f. by Unbridled (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Dahlia Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Royal Heroine Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Ballston Spa Breeders' Cup Handicap, Saratoga, L.; dam of winners. ARUNA (USA), won Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. HOOP OF COLOUR (USA), won Santa Ana Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. WIND SILENCE (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. HONOURED GUEST (IRE), 2 races at 3 years including Loughbrown Stakes, Curragh, L., third in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. Turbulent Times (USA), unraced; dam of FRONT POCKET MONEY (USA), won Jersey Shore Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Hokey Okey (USA) (f. by Lonhro (AUS)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. RED KNOBS (USA), won Manitoba Derby, Assiniboia Downs, L., second in Canadian Derby, Century Mile, Gr.3 and third in Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. The next dam IVORY WINGS (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix des Tuileries, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1 and fourth in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1 and Prix de Psyché, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingWILD PLANET (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), see above.


16 BOX

Quality Road (USA) MRODN (USA) March 27th, 2022 A Bay Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Klimt (USA) Inventive (USA) Fine Linen (USA) (2010)

Henny Hughes (USA) Refinement (USA)

Elusive Quality (USA) Kobla (USA) Dixie Union (USA) Original (USA) Hennessy (USA) Meadow Flyer (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Stella Madrid (USA)

KLIMT (USA), 2014. Won 3 races, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, second in Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3 and third in Shared Belief Stakes, L. Sire of BUTTERBEAN (USA), (Gr.3), KATONAH (USA), (S), TWIN CITY (CAN), (S), VIETNAM VICTORY (USA), (S), COSMIC TRAIN (USA), (S), Royal Keeper (USA), (L.), An Agent Mistake (USA), (L.), Klint Colors (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam FINE LINEN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,392 and placed twice; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizRUBY ROUND HERE (USA) (2018 f. by Gemologist (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,318 and placed 4 times. SEVEN CHARMS (USA) (2017 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £69,438 and placed 3 times. THREAD COUNT (USA) (2020 f. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £28,737 and placed 3 times. SO REFINED (USA) (2015 f. by Tapizar (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A. and placed once, fourth in suncoast stakes. (2021 c. by Palace Malice (USA)). 2nd Dam REFINEMENT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingLILACS AND LACE (USA) (f. by Flower Alley (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £223,707 including Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, California Oaks, Golden Gate, L.; dam of winners. LUCKY LILAC (JPN), Champion 2yr old filly in Japan in 2017, won Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Kyoto, Gr.1 (twice), Osaka Hai, Hanshin, Gr.1, Hanshin Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.1, Tulip Sho, Hanshin, Gr.2, placed second in Longines Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Oka Sho (1000 Guineas), Hanshin, Gr.1. SERRALADA (USA) (f. by El Corredor (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Sentmenat (CHI), winner in Chile, third in Premio Carlos Allende Navarro, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3 and Premio Constancio Silva Mandiola, Hipodromo Chile, L. (twice). Social Savvy (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STELLA MARK (USA), won Tiznow Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed third in Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3. Word Association (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Cat's Cradle Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.R. Figurehead (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Danny Q (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Barretts Juvenile Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R. 3rd Dam STELLA MADRID (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Bridgework Stakes, Belmont Park, placed third in Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; Own sister to TIS JULIET (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingISLE DE FRANCE (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3, Hillsborough Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3R., Critérium de l'Ouest, Craon, L., placed second in Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Palomar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3; dam of winners. JABBARA (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years; dam of EUCHEN GLEN (GB), 12 races including Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, St Simon Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Cumberland Lodge Stakes, York, Gr.3 and Gala Stakes, Sandown, L. STAR ISLE (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in Japan; dam of MIKKI ISLE (JPN), Champion sprinter & miler in Japan in 2016, won Mile Championship, Kyoto, Gr.1, NHK Mile Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1, Mainichi Broadcast Swan Stakes, Kyoto, Gr.2; sire. Asterix (JPN), ran once in Japan; dam of AEROLITHE (JPN), won NHK Mile Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1, Mainichi Okan, Tokyo, Gr.2. DIAMOND BIKO (JPN) (f. by Sunday Silence (USA)), Champion older mare in Japan in 2002, won 7 races in Japan including Sankeisports Hai Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu, Hanshin, L., Fuchu Himba Stakes, Nakayama, L., Laurel R.C. Sho Nakayama Himba Stakes, Nakayama, L., Sho Rose Stakes, Hanshin, L.; dam of winners.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) February 11th, 2022 Snow Diamond (USA) (2008)

El Prado (IRE) Fort Pond (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Lady Capulet (USA) Fortunate Prospect (USA) Silver Pond (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SNOW DIAMOND (USA), unraced; Own sister to FORT PRADO (USA); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizCOMING UP ACES (USA) (2017 g. by Shanghai Bobby (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £45,603 and placed 5 times. SNOW MESA (USA) (2012 f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £55,378 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner vizSNOW CANDY (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. WAR DIAMOND (USA) (2013 f. by War Front (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A. and £37,699 and placed 4 times. Ibn Almolhib (KSA) (2021 c. by Roaring Fever (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. (2020 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)). 2nd Dam FORT POND (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Blue Sparkle Stakes, Monmouth Park, Prom Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Thirty Zip Handicap, Calder; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingFORT PRADO (USA) (c. by El Prado (IRE)), won 18 races in U.S.A. and £671,892 including John B Connally Breeders' Cup Turf Hcp., Sam Houston, Gr.3, Fair Grounds Breeders' Cup Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Gr.3, Black Tie Affair Handicap, Arlington, L.R. (4 times), Woodford Stakes, Keeneland, L., Tampa Bay Breeders' Cup Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., Sea O Erin Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Arlington, L., Springfield Stakes, Arlington, L.R., Kentucky Cup Turf Dash Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Mister Gus Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Robert F Carey Memorial Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3, third in Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire. CAMMACK (USA) (g. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 16 races in U.S.A. and £429,310 including Black Tie Affair Handicap, Arlington, R., placed second in Black Tie Affair Handicap, Arlington, R. (twice) and third in Black Tie Affair Handicap, Arlington, R. MURKY WATERS (USA) (f. by Storm Creek (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. RED VINE (USA), won Majestic Light Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Salvator Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Las Vegas Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Keeneland, Gr.1 and TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; sire. BREAKTHROUGH (USA), won Wolf Hill Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed third in Rainbow Heir Stakes, Monmouth Park. Summerlin (USA) (f. by Lost Soldier (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TRAIL RIDGE ROAD (USA), won Illini Princess Stakes, Hawthorne, R., placed second in Indian Maid Handicap, Hawthorne, R. and third in Albert M. Stall Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. and Romacaca Handicap, Hawthorne. Beyond Proper (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Sharon N. Kirby Memorial Stakes, Arlington, R. 3rd Dam SILVER POND (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingFORT POND (USA) (f. by Fortunate Prospect (USA)), see above. Grainsup (USA) (c. by Bet Big (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Windfields Handicap, Pimlico. The next dam PASSIONIST (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPATRICIA (USA) (f. by Assert), won 4 races at 3 years at home and in France including Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2, Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3, placed second in Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of winners.




Owner: Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Hamad Bodemeister (USA) Always Dreaming (USA) Above Perfection (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) April 16th, 2022 Taperge (USA) (2014)

Tapit (USA) Jera (USA)


Empire Maker (USA) Untouched Talent (USA) In Excess Something Perfect (USA) Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Jeblar (USA) Mavera (USA)

ALWAYS DREAMING (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, xpressbet.com Florida Derby, Gr.1, second in Gulfstream Park Hardacre Mile Stakes, Gr.2 and third in NYRA Bets Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SAUDI CROWN (USA), (Gr.1), GRAND ISLE (USA), (S), D'Ont Lose Cruz (USA), (S), GIACOMETTI (USA), SISTER'S DUTY (USA), AGNELLO'S DREAM (USA), ALWAYS ANGELS (USA), STARSHIP AGENDA (USA), GENTLE TOUCH (JPN), HARRINGTON (USA), DREAMY BREEZE (USA), DREAMING OF TOGA (USA). 1st Dam Taperge (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £107,656 and placed 4 times including second in Virg. Equine Allowance Commonwealth Oaks, Laurel, Gr.3 and third in Sanibel Island Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizMAKE 'EM TAP (USA) (2020 c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £24,929 and placed twice. El Tunupa (USA) (2021 c. by Yoshida (JPN)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 colt by Audible (USA). 2nd Dam JERA (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Pinellas Handicap, Tampa Bay Downs, third in Christiana Stakes, Delaware Park, L. and Egret Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingJERANIMO (USA) (c. by Congaree (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and £962,277 including Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Shoemaker Mile Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, San Gabriel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 (3 times), Citation Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, San Gabriel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Francisco Mile Stakes, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and third in Frank E Kilroe Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Mile Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Arcadia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Wealthy Aviator (USA) (c. by Henny Hughes (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £50,982 and placed third in Barretts Juvenile Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R. Tizthen (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £32,017 and placed second in Anoakia Stakes, Santa Anita; dam of winners. Tizgale (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Jameela Stakes, Laurel, R. Global Citizen (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Jimmy Winkfield Stakes, Aqueduct. 3rd Dam MAVERA (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingJERA (USA) (f. by Jeblar (USA)), see above. Jill of All Trades (USA) (f. by Codex (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, L.R.; dam of winners. QUEEN OF SAVOY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CLEVER IDEA (USA), won Michigan Oaks, Pinnacle Race Course, R. and Sickle's Image Stakes, Great Lakes Downs, R.; grandam of KANTHAROS (USA), won Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; sire, IKIGAI (USA), won Mr Prospector Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and Kaiser Stakes, Calder; third dam of KEY OF LIFE (USA), won Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Purple Martin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Logistical (USA) (c. by Baldski (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Florida Stallion Stakes (Affirmed), Calder, R. VERABALD (USA) (f. by Baldski (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. A HUEVO (USA), won Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1. Vera Belle (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Opelousas Stakes, Evangeline Downs; dam of READY PROSPECTOR (USA), won Evangeline Downs Prince Stakes, Evangeline Downs and D S Shine Young Futurity (c&g), Evangeline Downs, R. Frisson (USA) (f. by Fappiano (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SKY BLUE PINK (USA), won Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Pan Zareta Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.; grandam of MY IMPRESSION (USA), won Virg. Equine Allowance Commonwealth Oaks, Laurel, Gr.3. FREDDIE FRISSON (USA), won Queen Handicap, Turfway Park, L.; dam of FIRST SAMURAI (USA), won Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Marzouq Naseh Hadri Almarzouqi City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 21st, 2022 Strike the Light (USA) (2008)

Smart Strike (CAN) Mexican Moonlight (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) El Prado (IRE) Nellie Custis (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam STRIKE THE LIGHT (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizVIOLET BLUE (USA) (2014 f. by Americain (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £165,011 and placed 9 times. VANDROSS (USA) (2017 c. by Smarty Jones (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £31,520 and placed 7 times. BIRDIE (USA) (2016 f. by Birdstone (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,280 and placed once. (2020 c. by Ransom the Moon (CAN)). 2nd Dam MEXICAN MOONLIGHT (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £117,415 including Old South Handicap, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Margarita Breeders' Cup Handicap, Retama Park; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCOACH ROCKS (USA) (f. by Oxbow (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £422,156 including Gulfstream Park Oaks, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, placed second in Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Molly Pitcher Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.3. O'Prado Ole (USA) (c. by English Channel (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £149,721 and placed second in Stars and Stripes Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 (twice). 3rd Dam NELLIE CUSTIS (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. including April Run Stakes, Pimlico; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMEXICAN MOONLIGHT (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), see above. 4th Dam NALDANI (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingNELLIE CUSTIS (USA) (f. by Val de L'Orne (FR)), see above. The next dam NIGHT LETTER (GER), won 3 races in West Germany; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingNIGHT FAX (USA) (f. by Known Fact (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Nobilary Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Nellie Morse Handicap, Laurel, L., Lady Dean Stakes, Pimlico, L. and third in Maryland Racing Writers Handicap, Laurel, L.; dam of winners. MISS GOODNIGHT (USA), won Blue Hen Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; grandam of PICA FLOR V (PAN), Champion 3yr old filly in Panama in 2022, won C. Carlos y Fernando Eleta Almaran, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R., C. T.G.Duque y T.A. Duque, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R., C. Temistocles Diaz Q, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., second in C. Sociedad de Duenos de Caballos, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. an Proven (USA), winner at home and in U.A.E. and placed third in Prix Le Fabuleux, L. FOREST FAWN (USA), winner in South Africa; dam of Earl Of Derby (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed second in Victory Moon Stakes, Turffontein, Gr.2 and third in South African Derby, Turffontein, Gr.1. NIGHT GREEN (GER) (f. by Green Forest (USA)), won 1 race in Germany; dam of winners. N'OUBLIEZ JAMAIS (GER), won RWE Rhein Ruhr AG Derby Trial, Mulheim, L., Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, L., placed second in G.P. von DSW21 Deutsches St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.3 and third in Grafenberger SteherPreis, Dusseldorf, L. Night Power (FR), 2 races at 3 years in France and placed second in G. P. von German Tote Herbst Stutenpreis, Hannover, Gr.3.


20 FARZAN GHOST (CAN) April 28th, 2022 A Bay Colt (first foal)


Owner: Abdulaziz Mubarak Faraj Al Faraj Awesome Again (CAN) Ghostzapper (USA) Baby Zip (USA) Deep Red (USA) (2015)

Algorithms (USA) Miss Charades (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Primal Force (USA) Relaunch (USA) Thirty Zip (USA) Bernardini (USA) Ava Knowsthecode (USA) Mizzen Mast (USA) Silver Charades (USA)

GHOSTZAPPER (USA), 2000. Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2004. Won 9 races, Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Gr.1, Vosburgh Stakes, Gr.1, Tom Fool Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of GOODNIGHT OLIVE (USA), (Gr.1), MYSTIC GUIDE (USA), (Gr.1), GUARANA (USA), (Gr.1), NUCKY (USA), (Gr.1), PAULASSILVERLINING (USA), (Gr.1), SHAMAN GHOST (CAN), (Gr.1), GREENZAPPER (USA), (Gr.1), MOLLY MORGAN (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam Deep Red (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £240,309 and placed 13 times including second in Wide Country Stakes, Laurel, L. and Maryland Juvenile Championship (fillies), Laurel, R. She also has a 2023 colt by Shaman Ghost (CAN). 2nd Dam MISS CHARADES (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £20,517; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizDeep Red (USA) (f. by Algorithms (USA)), see above. FIVECOMMATWO (USA) (f. by Irish War Cry (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £68,972. NINE MAST (USA) (f. by Super Ninety Nine (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam SILVER CHARADES (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including All Along Breeders' Cup Stakes, Colonial Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Auntie Mame Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and third in Charlie Barley Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMISS CHARADES (USA) (f. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), see above. 4th Dam DON'T READ MY LIPS (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Queen To Conquer Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Meagher Farm Handicap, Bay Meadows, second in Hillsborough Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.3R., third in Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Las Palmas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Lady Morvich Handicap, Bay Meadows; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingHOTSTUFANTHENSOME (USA) (g. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 13 races in U.S.A. including Mac Diarmida Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Cliff Hanger Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Tampa Bay Breeders' Cup Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., John Henry Stakes, Meadowlands, Elkwood Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Bulleit Bourbon Pan American Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Red Bank Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Oceanport Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 (twice). TACIT AGREEMENT (USA) (g. by Unbridled (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Bob Umphrey Turf Marathon Handicap, Calder, L., Maryland My Maryland Stakes, Calder, My Old Kentucky Home Stakes, Calder, placed second in Mataji Stakes, Calder. The next dam OUR DEAR SUE (USA), unraced; Own sister to SUNSHINE FOREVER (USA); dam of eight winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingDON'T READ MY LIPS (USA) (f. by Turkoman (USA)), see above. Sunshine Again (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wicklow Sunshine (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of Catharsis (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Nicole's Dream Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Super Minnie (USA), unraced; dam of Cowboysandindians (USA), placed third in Henry P Mercer Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R. Miss Emmy (USA) (f. by Buddha (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. TWO EMMYS (USA), won Mr. D. Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Muniz Memorial Classic Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Fair Grounds Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Outbound Ike Stakes, Hawthorne, placed second in Muniz Memorial Classic Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Sycamore Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Arlington Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, Colonel E. R. Bradley Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. and third in Colonel E. R. Bradley Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. California Sunset (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. V E DAY (USA), won Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Curlin Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Brooklyn Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire.





Owner: Sama Stable Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 17th, 2022 Smart 'n Special (USA) (2009)

Smart Strike (CAN) Daily Special (USA)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Dayjur (USA) Nafees (USA)

Own brother to MARZOUQ (USA) SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SMART 'N SPECIAL (USA), placed once at 3 years in Canada; Own sister to SHADOW CAST (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizSetna The Wise (USA) (2019 c. by Cairo Prince (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £53,942 and placed twice including third in Caesars Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, L. MARZOUQ (USA) (2014 c. by Spring At Last (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong, £201,783 and placed 11 times. CONOLOWAY (USA) (2017 f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £11,569 and placed twice. HAIAH (KSA) (2021 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once, from only 3 starts. ATLANTIC ROAD (USA) (2018 c. by Quality Road (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,599. Benton Crossing (2020 c. by Nyquist (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam DAILY SPECIAL (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSHADOW CAST (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £494,363 including Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Louisville Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Silverbulletday Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Bayou Breeders' Cup Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Truly Bound Handicap, Fair Grounds, Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2; dam of winners. CAST CALL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Home Base (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and second in King Cotton Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. and Good Lord Stakes, Ellis Park. OVERPREPARED (USA) (f. by Quality Road (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £81,370 including Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, placed third in Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and Smart Halo Stakes, Laurel; dam of a winner. Queen Marge (USA) (f. by Grindstone (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,405 and placed second in Cactus Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of winners. 3rd Dam NAFEES (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Rare Perfume Stakes, Aqueduct, second in Affectionately Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Level Best Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCAMILLA BLU (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 4 races in Italy and in U.S.A. including Convenience Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed third in Premio Baggio, Milan, Gr.3. PERSISTENCE (USA) (c. by Arctic Tern (USA)), won 4 races abroad including Premio Alberto Pinin de Obarrio, Panama, L. SNOWY OWL (USA) (c. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 2 races at 2 years including Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L. Ground Force (USA) (c. by Gulch (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. REALLY WILD (USA) (f. by Wild Again (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wild Tickle (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pine Tree Lane Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and third in Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3. GOLD BABA (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Babala (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of HELLO AGAIN (USA), won Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park, MISS KICK (USA), won Illinois T.B.Breeders' & Owners Sales Stakes, Hawthorne, R.


22 BOX

Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 29th, 2022

Mineshaft (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Honey Lake (USA) (2010)

Dynaformer (USA) Kelly Pond (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Up The Flagpole (USA) Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Water Lily (FR)

MINESHAFT (USA), 1999. Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2003. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.1, Pimlico Special Handicap, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of TRUE TIMBER (USA), (Gr.1), WEEP NO MORE (USA), (Gr.1), EFFINEX (USA), (Gr.1), BOND HOLDER (USA), (Gr.1), IT'S TRICKY (USA), (Gr.1), DIALED IN (USA), (Gr.1), DISCREETLY MINE (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam HONEY LAKE (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £165,505 including CTT & T.B. Owners of California Handicap, Del Mar, placed 6 times; Own sister to Clear Pond (USA); dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizHARD KNOCKING (USA) (2018 c. by Noble Mission (GB)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £51,447 and placed 4 times. PURE COUNTRY (USA) (2019 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £59,961 and placed 3 times. Orbi One (USA) (2020 c. by Orb (USA)), placed 4 times at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A., £40,647. Dove At Dawn (USA) (2021 f. by Astern (AUS)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam KELLY POND (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,669; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingWOLF MAN ROCKET (USA) (g. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £109,506 including Northern Spur Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Clear Pond (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,103 and placed third in Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of winners. Clear The Mine (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Santana Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, L. 3rd Dam WATER LILY (FR), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix des Réservoirs, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, third in Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingTALINUM (USA) (c. by Alydar (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Flamingo Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.1, Stuyvesant Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Bold Reason Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, third in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. Gharam (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of winners. ASALEEB (GB), 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times, from only 6 starts; dam of TAJMEEL (AUS), won Betting World Gold Circle Oaks, Clairwood, Gr.2. NIYABAH (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of CROC VALLEY (SAF), won Prix du Cap, Kenilworth, Gr.3; grandam of THIRD RUNWAY (SAF), won Western Cape Fillies Championship, Kenilworth, Gr.2. Mamma Morton (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of MAMMAS GIRL (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 including Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. GARDEN FLOWER (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Rosa Carolina (USA), unraced; grandam of ATLANTE (AUS), won Sothys New Zealand 2000 Guineas, Riccarton Park, Gr.1. Noble Lily (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of winners. SIMEON (GB), 7 races at home and in U.S.A. including Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3, placed third in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1. NOBLE ROSE (IRE), 3 races including Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Galtres Stakes, York, L., placed second in Prix de Royallieu, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; dam of NOTABILITY (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Germany including Darley Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, placed second in Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, SIMON DE MONTFORT (IRE), 6 races at 2 to 5 years in France and in U.A.E. including Prix La Force, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. Hamaya (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. WAQUAAS (GB), 17 races in Norway and in Sweden including Polar Million Cup, Ovrevoll, Gr.3, Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, Gr.3.





Owner: Sama Stable Curlin (USA) Palace Malice (USA) Palace Rumor (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 7th, 2022 Ana Luisa (BRZ) (2010)

Elusive Quality (USA) New Regina (BRZ)

Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Royal Anthem (USA) Whisperifyoudare (USA) Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Royal Academy (USA) Charm Us (BRZ)

PALACE MALICE (USA), 2010. Won 7 races, Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gr.2, Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of STRUCTOR (USA), (Gr.1), MR MONOMOY (USA), (Gr.2), LIKE THE KING (USA), (Gr.3), FLY ON ANGEL (USA), (Gr.3), CRYSTALLE (USA), (L.), PRINCE ABU DHABI (USA), (S), MISS BRAZIL (USA), (S), ICE PRINCESS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ANA LUISA (BRZ), Champion 2yr old filly in Brazil in 2012-13, won 3 races in Brazil including Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, Classico Emerald Hill, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, placed second in Grande Premio Margarida Polak Lara, Gavea, Gr.1; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizWILD LOVE (USA) (2017 f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £54,048 and placed twice. Meu Amor (USA) (2016 f. by Bernardini (USA)), ran 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of a winner vizBAYTOWN LOVELY (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. Piangere (USA) (2021 f. by Palace Malice (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam NEW REGINA (BRZ), won 2 races in U.S.A. and Brazil including Grande Premio Joao Cecilio Ferraz, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing ageANA LUISA (BRZ) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), see above. Dragonfly (USA) (g. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 4 races in Singapore, placed third in Longines Singapore Gold Cup, Kranji, L. 3rd Dam CHARM US (BRZ), placed twice in Brazil; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingISTBESTAND (BRZ) (c. by Much Better (BRZ)), won 5 races in Brazil including Grande Premio ABCPCC - Matias Machline, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, Grande Premio Joao Borges Filho, Gavea, Gr.2, Grande Premio Presidente Vargas, Gavea, Gr.2, Grande Premio Antonio da Silva Prado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, placed second in Grande Premio Brasil, Gavea, Gr.1, Grande Premio Consagracao, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. VALIENTE Y GUAPO (BRZ) (c. by Dubai Dust (USA)), won 4 races in Brazil including Grande Premio Antenor Lara Campos, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2 and G. P. Presidente Jose de Souza Queiroz, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3. Beautifull Black (BRZ) (c. by Our Emblem (USA)), won 4 races in Brazil, placed second in G. P. Presidente Arthur da Costa e Silva, Gavea, Gr.3. Our Charm (BRZ) (f. by Spend A Buck (USA)), placed twice in Brazil; dam of winners. OLYMPIC IMPACT (BRZ), won GP Antonio Joaquim Peixoto de Castro Jr, Gavea, Gr.2 (twice), Grande Premio Joao Borges Filho, Gavea, Gr.2, GP Prefeitura Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gavea, Gr.3, Grande Premio Sandpit, Gavea, Gr.3, placed second in Grande Premio Brasil, Gavea, Gr.1. OLYMPIC BULLET (BRZ), won Grande Premio Nestor Jost, Gavea, Gr.3, Presidente J Antonio Pamplona de Andrade, Cidade Jardim, L., Classico Ano Novo, Cidade Jardim, L., placed second in Grande Premio Proclamacao da Republica, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2. The next dam GAY CHARM (BRZ), won 6 races in Brazil including Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gavea, Gr.1, G. P. Henrique Possollo (1000 Guineas), Gavea, Gr.1, Grande Premio Oswaldo Aranha, Gavea, Gr.2, Grande Premio Mariano Procopio, Gavea, Gr.2, G. P. Presidente Arthur da Costa e Silva, Gavea, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingEINSTEIN (BRZ) (c. by Spend A Buck (USA)), won 11 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 (twice), Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Mervin H Muniz Jr Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2; sire. Feiticeira Regina (BRZ) (f. by Roi Normand (USA)), ran in Brazil; dam of winners. THUNDERDOME LUIZ (BRZ), won Grande Premio Jose Buarque de Macedo, Gavea, Gr.3, second in Grande Premio Ipiranga (2000 Gns), Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. MARIA MOLE (BRZ), won Grande Premio Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, Gavea, Gr.3.


24 BOX

Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons Benchmark (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 12th, 2022

Brother Derek (USA) Miss Soft Sell (USA) Arcadian Sunrise (USA) (2016)

Point of Entry (USA) Elloluv (USA)


Alydar (USA) Winters' Love (USA) Siyah Kalem (USA) Solamente Un Vez (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Matlacha Pass (USA) Gilded Time (USA) Currency Quest (USA)

BROTHER DEREK (USA), 2003. Won 6 races, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Hollywood Futurity, Gr.1, Santa Catalina Stakes, Gr.2, San Rafael Stakes, Gr.2 and Norfolk Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SAM'S SISTER (USA), (Gr.1), ZEE BROS (USA), (L.), DEREK'S SMILE (USA), (S), SASSY MISS OFFICER (USA), (S), COPINGAWAY (USA), (S), SIBLING WAR (USA), (S), MISS DEREK (USA), (S), Brother Soldier (USA), (Gr.3), Derek's Girl (USA), (Gr.3), Oh Derek (USA), (L.), Forever Spring (ARG), (L.). 1st Dam ARCADIAN SUNRISE (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizAez Latifah (KSA) (2020 f. by Shaman Ghost (CAN)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam ELLOLUV (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £820,202 including Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Piedra Foundation Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., placed second in Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in Lady's Secret Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTIZ BOBBY (USA) (g. by Tiznow (USA)), won 10 races in Canada and in U.S.A., £140,382. 3rd Dam CURRENCY QUEST (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including American Beauty Breeders' Cup Stakes, River Downs; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingELLOLUV (USA) (f. by Gilded Time (USA)), see above. 4th Dam CRYSTAL BLAZE (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSAARLIGHT (USA) (f. by Saarland (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Wide Country Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Nassau County Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Blue Sparkler Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of winners. Lunar Gaze (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Orleans Stakes, Delta Downs, R. TE PAPA CRYSTAL (USA) (f. by Roy (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PAPA TIME (USA), won Count Lathum Stakes, Northlands Park, L. Fleet Mama (USA), winner in Canada, placed second in Duchess of York Handicap, Northlands Park, third in City of Edmonton Distaff Handicap, Northlands Park, L. The next dam STIFF BREEZE (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; Own sister to PREVAILING (USA); dam of twelve winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingWINDS OF WINTER (USA) (c. by Prince John), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Oceanport Handicap, Monmouth Park, placed second in Larkspur Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire. Parasail (USA) (f. by In Reality), won 2 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Virginia Belle Stakes, Bowie; dam of winners. PEDRO THE COOL (USA), won Week of Fame Derby, Fair Grounds, L., placed third in Early Times Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. RUSSIAN LEGEND (USA) (f. by Czaravich (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Celeste Cielo (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Astarita Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2. SOIE DE ROSE (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. MIDTOWN (IRE), 6 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in Japan including Kochi Stakes, Nakayama, L. and New Year Stakes, Nakayama, L.; sire. COASTAL BREEZE (USA) (f. by Coastal (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Windy Surf (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. SEATTLE SURF (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of RAIL TO SEATTLE (USA), won Fantasia Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. Graceful Manor (USA) (f. by Cure The Blues (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TALE OF A DREAM (USA), won Las Madrinas Handicap, Fairplex Park, L.




Owner: Abdulrahman Khalid A. Alfarhan A P Indy (USA) Worldly (USA) Urbane (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 20th, 2022 Arraaqah (KSA) (2016)

Iftitah (USA) Monhamerah (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Gone West (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Hans Anderson (USA) Tarheebah (KSA)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam ARRAAQAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 c. by Olmodavor (USA)). 2nd Dam MONHAMERAH (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 2 runners from 6 foals of racing age includingAladd Alrahawee (KSA) (c. by Ahraar (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam TARHEEBAH (KSA), placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of six winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age vizARNAAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 5 races at 4 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. SATA (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. LO LO AT JEDDAH (KSA) (f. by Pietro Siena (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ZOHBAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMARQAB ALAALI (KSA) (c. by Ahraar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MONHAMERAH (KSA) (f. by Hans Anderson (USA)), see above. INBEHAAR (KSA) (f. by Delius (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alshaahmah (KSA) (f. by Iftitah (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. MOSTAKMAL (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMOKHTER (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KHANDAMAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.




Owner: Hamad Mohammed S. Al Hawkash First Defence (USA) New Line (USA) Introducing (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 12th, 2022 Mahaarah (KSA) (2003)

Mutakallam (USA) Fancy Goods (IRE)


Unbridled's Song (USA) Honest Lady (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Interim (GB) Fappiano (USA) Stark Drama (USA) Coquelin (USA) Salmas (FR)

NEW LINE (USA), 2010. Won 10 races and second in Trippi Stakes. Sire of FIRST LINE (KSA), ALA'A ALRAHMAN (KSA), MAHBOBAT ALA'A (KSA), ZHAWABET (KSA), ALMOATAZER (KSA). 1st Dam MAHAARAH (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 and 4 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMOTAWARIYAH (KSA) (2016 f. by Fong's Thong (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £294,304 and placed 15 times. SHAMS ALMEEDAAN (KSA) (2010 c. by Fong's Thong (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £64,695 and placed 14 times. AMIRI (KSA) (2019 c. by Article of Faith (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 f. by Fong's Thong (USA)). (2021 c. by Closing Bell (USA)). 2nd Dam FANCY GOODS (IRE), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizMahaarah (KSA) (f. by Mutakallam (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam SALMAS (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing agePrecious Gift (f. by Prince Tenderfoot (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. I Love Petriolo (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 4 years in Italy and placed second in Criterium di Roma, Rome, L. 4th Dam JASSEEM, unraced; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingSALMAS (FR) (f. by Right Royal V), see above. The next dam GINETTA, Jt Champion 2yr old filly in France in 1958, won 6 races in France including Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Prix d'Arenberg, ParisLongchamp, Prix des Foals, Deauville; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingGrand Roi (c. by Charlottesville), won 4 races in France and placed second in Prix La Bourse, ParisLongchamp and Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp; sire. NASREEN (f. by Charlottesville), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. NAASIRI, won Prix Greffulhe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2. Naamiri, winner in France and placed third in G.P. Conseil General des Alpes Maritimes, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. and fourth in Prix Exbury, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; sire. NILMEEN (FR), winner in France; dam of NEDIYM, won Rolling Green Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, second in Sword Dancer Stakes, Belmont, Gr.1; sire, NAISHAKAR, won Prix de Ris-Orangis, Evry, Gr.3, NAWAZISH, won Prix Belle de Nuit, Evry, L.; grandam of NANGARAR (USA), won Stockholms Stora Pris, Taby, L. SHARMEEN (FR), winner in France; dam of SHERGAR, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1981, won Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; sire, SHERNAZAR, won Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2; sire, SHARAMANA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr.3; grandam of SHAMADARA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Malleret, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, second in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, GIANT SANDMAN (IRE), Champion sprinter in Scandinavia in 2013, won Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2; sire, SHEMARAN (IRE), 3 races at 3 years including Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; third dam of SHAMDALA (IRE), won Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1, CHOC ICE (IRE), 4 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, SHALANAYA (IRE), 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, SHANKARDEH (IRE), won Prix Chaudenay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, placed third in Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, ROYAL OATH (USA), won King Edward Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, SHANAWI (IRE), won San Luis Obispo Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire, GOLDEN NEPI (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2.




Owner: Saad Ali Baden AL-Subaie

Into Mischief (USA) WAHED (USA) April 5th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Maximus Mischief (USA) Reina Maria (USA) Animalistic (USA) (2015)

Animal Kingdom (USA) Misty Sixes (USA)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Songandaprayer (USA) Maria's Pride (USA) Leroidesanimaux (BRZ) Dalicia (GER) Summer Squall (USA) Double Sixes (USA)

MAXIMUS MISCHIEF (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2, third in Fasig-Tipton Holy Bull Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of GLENGARRY (USA), (S), LET THEM WATCH (USA), (S), Raging Torrent (USA), (Gr.3), Cel's Star (USA), (S), VELVET VIXEN (USA). 1st Dam ANIMALISTIC (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £25,936 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizCOULD BE A COUGAR (USA) (2020 f. by Weigelia (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £15,800. Passive Aggressive (USA) (2021 c. by Force the Pass (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam MISTY SIXES (USA), won 9 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £268,353 including Obeah Handicap, Delaware Park, L., Summer King Stakes, Delaware Park, Lighthouse Stakes, Monmouth Park, Brookmeade Stakes, Colonial Downs, R., placed second in Lady's Secret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Cordially Stakes, Delaware Park and third in Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2 and Affirmed Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMiss Dolce (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £90,284 and placed second in Pink Ribbon Stakes, Charles Town, L. and third in El Diario Stakes, Sunland Park; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam DOUBLE SIXES (USA), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Pimlico Distaff Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, second in Carousel Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; Own sister to Land Grant (USA); dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingBROADWAY VIEW (USA) (c. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Commonwealth Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. Pretty Dicey (USA) (f. by Cherokee Run (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; grandam of EPIC LUCK (USA), won Kitten's Joy Stakes, Colonial Downs. Dixie Sixes (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), unraced; grandam of DIXIE'S GAMBLE (CAN), won Overskate Stakes, Woodbine, R. Pier Sixty Six (USA) (f. by Cozzene (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. PACO SMART (USA), won West Virginia Lottery Breeders' Classic, Charles Town, L.R., W.Virginia Vincent Moscarelli Mem.Stakes, Charles Town, L.R. The next dam CAST THE DIE (USA), won 14 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Liberation Handicap, Keystone Race Track, Regret Handicap, Monmouth Park, Three Pigeons Handicap, Meadowlands, First Lady Handicap, Laurel, Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Egret Handicap, Meadowlands and fourth in Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Bowie, Gr.3; Own sister to HAGLEY (USA) and DR RIDDICK (USA); dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingDEVIL'S ORCHID (USA) (f. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Bed O'Roses Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, June Darling Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park, second in Santa Monica H’cap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. UNIFICATION (CAN), won Grey Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. MOUNTAIN ORCHID (CAN), won Apelia Stakes, Woodbine, L. Tussac (USA) (c. by Miswaki (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; sire. Land Grant (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Japan Racing Association Handicap, Laurel, L.; sire. Judy's Halo (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bill Veeck Stakes, Suffolk Downs; dam of winners. After The Show (USA) (f. by Stage Door Johnny (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bourbonette Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of winners. FATE'S REWARD (USA) (f. by Key To The Mint (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Happenchance (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Moonlight Jig Stakes; grandam of FROSTED GRACE (USA), won Steve Sexton Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3. FATEFUL (USA), 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of POINTS OF GRACE (USA), won Dance Smartly Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 and River Memories Stakes, Woodbine, L.




Owner: Radma Stable Elusive Quality (USA) Pradesh (IRE) Pleione (FR)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 1st, 2022 Smile (KSA) (2015)

Quick To Charm (USA) Bint Alnajaah (KSA)


Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Whakilyric (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) Grand Charmer (USA) Treasurer (GB) Al Najah (USA)

PRADESH (IRE), 2013. Placed 5 times. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SMILE (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizDelmar (KSA) (2019 c. by Hockney (GB)), placed 4 times at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam BINT ALNAJAAH (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 2 runners from 6 foals of racing ageSmile (KSA) (f. by Quick To Charm (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam AL NAJAH (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingAND BEYOND (IRE) (c. by Darshaan), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France including Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3 and Prix La Moskowa, Chantilly, L.; sire. TABOOK (IRE) (c. by Cadeaux Genereux), won 3 races at home and abroad. FAIR IMPRESSION (IRE) (f. by Arazi (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 6 times; dam of winners. 4th Dam PERSONAL ATTENTION (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTHE NEW YORK MAN (USA) (c. by Topsider (USA)), won 4 races at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. The next dam B THOUGHTFUL (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Hollywood Lassie Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Princess Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Anoakia Stakes, Oak Tree, Gr.3, El Encino Stakes, Santa Anita, Nursery Stakes, Hollywood Park, placed second in Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.3, Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita and third in Ramona Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Pasadena Stakes, Santa Anita and La Potranca Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingSelect Few (USA) (c. by Summing (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A., second in Hollywood Prevue Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and third in El Cajon Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. Emergency Fund (USA) (c. by Secretariat (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Forego Handicap, Turf Paradise. Honest And Legal (USA) (f. by Sharpen Up), placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. THE BILL (NZ), won Tulloch Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, second in Logan Insurance Derby Trial, Te Rapa, L. and third in NZI Life Avondale Guineas, Avondale, Gr.2. BEATS CRYING (NZ), winner in Australia; dam of Empress of Ozz (AUS), winner in South Africa and placed second in WPOTA Cape Fillies' Guineas, Kenilworth, Gr.1; grandam of LAZER STAR (SAF), won World Sports Joburg Spring F/M Challenge, Turffontein, Gr.2, Magnolia Handicap, Turffontein, Gr.3, second in Senor Santa Stakes, Turffontein, Gr.2, Hawaii Stakes, Turffontein, Gr.2; third dam of Aranjuez (SAF), winner in South Africa, second in Glenlair Trophy, Fairview, L. REGAL HONESTY (AUS), winner in South Africa; dam of LAST REGAL (SAF), won Winter Guineas, Kenilworth, Gr.3, second in Winter Classic, Kenilworth, Gr.3. Sensitive Nerve (USA) (f. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. EN RAPPORT (NZ), won Centurion Trophy, Sha Tin, L., placed second in Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L. Dear France (USA) (f. by Affirmed (USA)), unraced; grandam of Mac River (IRE), 13 races in Italy and third in Premio Gardone, Milan, L. and Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. Outside Observer (USA) (f. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MY BID (USA), won Clasico Independencia, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico La Copa, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Enrique Meiggs, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.3, placed second in Clasico Derby Nacional, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1; sire. HERE'S KITTY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of In My Glory (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Miss America Stakes, Golden Gate, L., third in Dahlia Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Suwannee River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Castle Racing Stable Dynaformer (USA)

SAUDI KING (USA) January 25th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Temple City (USA) Curriculum (USA) Stormy Exchange (USA) (2010)

Exchange Rate (USA) Hot Storm (USA)


Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Danzig (USA) Macoumba (USA) Danzig (USA) Sterling Pound (USA) Stormy Atlantic (USA) Forgotten Secret (USA)

TEMPLE CITY (USA), 2005. Won 4 races, Cougar II Handicap, Gr.3, second in Hollywood Turf Cup Stakes, Gr.1, American Handicap, Gr.2 and third in Del Mar Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of ANNALS OF TIME (USA), (Gr.1), BOLO (USA), (Gr.1), MISS TEMPLE CITY (USA), (Gr.1), DU JOUR (USA), (Gr.2), TEMPLE (USA), (Gr.2), ISAFORMER (USA), (Gr.2), KIMBEAR (USA), (Gr.2), STARTUP NATION (USA), (Gr.2), TEMPLE CITY TERROR (USA), (Gr.3), ANOTHER MYSTERY (USA), (Gr.3), VALEDICTORIAN (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam STORMY EXCHANGE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £31,882 and placed 6 times; Own sister to A SHIN GORGEOUS (USA); dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizELI'S COMING (USA) (2016 c. by Twirling Candy (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £18,729 and placed 6 times. Larry's Joy (USA) (2021 c. by Mr Speaker (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam HOT STORM (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £464,382 including West Virginia Secretary of State Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Saylorville Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L., Sunshine Millions Fillies & Mares Sprint, Santa Anita, L.R., Sunshine Millions Oaks, Santa Anita, L.R., Wishing Well Stakes, Turfway Park, Holiday Inaugural Stakes, Turfway Park, Weekend Delight Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Queen Stakes, Turfway Park, Letellier Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds and third in Princess Rooney Handicap, Calder, Gr.1, Stonerside Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Stonerside Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Adena Stallions' Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Sunshine Millions Fillies & Mares Sprint, Gulfstream Park, L.R., Emirates Airline Very Subtle Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Spring Fever Stakes, Oaklawn Park and Weekend Delight Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingA SHIN GORGEOUS (USA) (f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Japan and £392,001 including Ritto Stakes, Kyoto, L.; dam of winners. A SHIN SCAMP (JPN), winner to 2022 in Japan. HIDINGINPLAINSIGHT (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £96,256 including Camilla Urso Stakes, Golden Gate. STORMY EXCHANGE (USA) (f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), see above. MONTATHAM (USA) (c. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 1 race in U.S.A. and £71,661. Cincy (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), unraced; dam of a winner. TAP THE BANK (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam Forgotten Secret (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Katy Handicap, Sam Houston; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingHOT STORM (USA) (f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), see above. UNFORGOTTEN (USA) (f. by Northern Afleet (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Treasure Chest Stakes, Delta Downs, L., Goddess Stakes, Delta Downs, L., placed second in Allaire du Pont Distaff Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Kentucky Cup Distaff Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3 (twice), Chicago Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Daily Racing Form Distaff Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., Treasure Chest Stakes, Delta Downs, L., Golden Sylvia Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Chou Croute Handicap, Fair Grounds, Truly Bound Handicap, Fair Grounds and third in Gardenia Handicap, Ellis Park, Gr.3, H.B.P.A. Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., New Orleans Ladies Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., Sunshine Millions Distaff Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R. and Inaugural Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L.; dam of winners. AUDREY'S TIME (USA), won Joseph E Spanky Broussard Mem. Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Falls City Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Houston Ladies Classic Stakes, Sam Houston, Gr.3. Silverpocketsfull (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. Heavenly Pride (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Hendrie Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and third in Sweet Briar Too Stakes, Woodbine.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Distorted Humor (USA) Dramedy (USA) She's A Winner (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 23rd, 2022 Feather It Jonesy (USA) (2005)

Silver Deputy (CAN) Favorite Feather (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) A P Indy (USA) Get Lucky (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Capote (USA) In My Cap (CAN)

DRAMEDY (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Dixiana Elkhorn Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of MIGHTY HEART (CAN), (Gr.2), MAGIC MICHAEL (USA), (Gr.3), OUT OF SORTS (USA), (S), SOUTHGATE (USA), (S), He's A Mess (USA), (L.), MASSKOOBAH (KSA), KYEMBEA (USA). 1st Dam FEATHER IT JONESY (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizTRACK ROCKER (USA) (2010 c. by Rock Hard Ten (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £16,738. WARRIOR JONESY (USA) (2014 c. by Majestic Warrior (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A. 2nd Dam FAVORITE FEATHER (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingFEATHERBED (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £120,616 including Weekend Surprise Stakes, Saratoga, L.R., placed second in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. DYNAMIC IMPACT (USA), won Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3; sire. MO STRIKE (USA), won Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Bachelor Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Little Cliff (USA) (c. by Gulch (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £112,277 and placed third in Leonard Richards Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3. Dynamical (USA) (c. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £120,683 and placed third in John Battaglia Memorial Stakes, Turfway Park, L. 3rd Dam IN MY CAP (CAN), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Maple Leaf Stakes, Greenwood, Gr.2R., Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R., Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R., La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Ontario Lassie Stakes, Greenwood, L.R., placed second in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, Gr.1R. and fourth in Belle Mahone Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R. and Queen's Plate Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R.; Own sister to TRUMPET'S BLARE (USA) and PASSING VICE (USA); dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingMarie J (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. MARIE'S RIGHTS (USA), 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of MARIE D'ARGENT (FR), 4 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Prix Saonois, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. Mama Bear (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; grandam of NIGHT OPS (USA), won Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Handicap, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3 and MAGIC MICHAEL (USA), won Greenwood Cup Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3. Autumnal (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of RUSHING FALL (USA), won Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Coolmore Jenny Wiley Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 (twice), Just A Game Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Del Mar, Gr.1. Bright Feather (CAN) (f. by Fappiano (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. ALBERT THE GREAT (USA), won Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed second in Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.1; sire. SHEER BLISS (USA), won Aspidistra Handicap, Calder, L. WATCH THE BIRD (USA), won Whirlaway Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; sire. In On The Secret (CAN) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Ontario Lassie Stakes, Greenwood, L.R.; dam of winners. ASK ME NO SECRETS (USA), won Oaklawn Breeders' Cup Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, placed third in La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. ALLEYNEDALE (USA) (f. by Unbridled (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. JAMES STREET (USA), won Autumn Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Durham Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Seagram Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Faisal Abdul karim Mufdi Alajmi Uncle Mo (USA) Laoban (USA) Chattertown (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) May 2nd, 2022 Leah's Secret (USA) (2003)

Tiger Ridge (USA) Lady Cruella (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Speightstown (USA) Chatter Chatter (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Capote (USA) Mary's Spirit (USA)

LAOBAN (USA), 2013. Won 1 race, Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2, second in Gotham Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Sham Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of SIMPLY RAVISHING (USA), (Gr.1), UN OJO (USA), (Gr.2), KEEPMEINMIND (USA), (Gr.2), TODAY'S FLAVOR (USA), (L.), DREAMER'S DISEASE (USA), (S), BOSSMAKINBOSSMOVES (USA), (S), BARESE (USA), (S), YO CUZ (USA), (S), KEKE KIMONO (USA), (S), A BIT O'IRISH SASS (USA), (S), THE KING CHEEK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LEAH'S SECRET (USA), won 9 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £666,242 including Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Lexus Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Chicago Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Sunshine Millions Distaff Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., Anne Arundel Stakes, Laurel, L., Lazer Show Handicap, Churchill Downs, placed 6 times including second in Louisville Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Allaire du Pont Breeders' Cup Distaff H., Pimlico, Gr.2, Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3 and third in Vinery Madison Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizNICODEMUS (USA) (2015 c. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £227,265 including Westchester Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed 4 times including second in Toboggan Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Curlin Stakes, Saratoga, R. Silence (USA) (2019 g. by Exaggerator (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A., placed 5 times including third in Governor's Buckeye Cup Stakes, Thistledown, R. TWELVE TRIBES (USA) (2011 c. by Street Cry (IRE)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £71,612 and placed 8 times. ATTRIBUTE (USA) (2014 c. by Tapit (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £102,158 and placed 4 times. SECRETS UNTOLD (USA) (2020 f. by National Flag (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £48,387 and placed 3 times. NIKKI BEACH (USA) (2016 f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £90,382 and placed 3 times. Yolo (USA) (2021 f. by Yoshida (JPN)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam LADY CRUELLA (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £70,440; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLEAH'S SECRET (USA) (f. by Tiger Ridge (USA)), see above. BEAR TOUGH GUY (USA) (c. by Roar of The Tiger (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Canada and £107,375 including Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. DONNIE'S SECRET (USA) (f. by Tiger Ridge (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SO CONFLATED (USA), won California Derby, Golden Gate, L. Cold Blooded (USA) (f. by Tiger Ridge (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. IRON ROB (USA), won San Pedro Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Tigerbeach (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., third in Victoria Stakes, Woodbine, L. 3rd Dam MARY'S SPIRIT (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMorphe de Spector (USA) (c. by Dehere (USA)), won 4 races in Japan and placed second in Shimpu Stakes, Niigata, L.; sire. The next dam GREAT LADY M (USA), won 14 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Las Cienegas Handicap, Santa Anita, Orange Coast Handicap, Los Alamitos, La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Mission Viejo Stakes, Los Alamitos, R.; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingLADY'S SECRET (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), Jt Champion 3yr old filly and Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1985/86, won 25 races in U.S.A. including Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), Maskette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Shuvee H’cap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ruffian H’cap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Margarita Invitational H’cap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Whitney H’cap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. MISSY SLEW (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Philadelphia Handicap, Parx Racing; dam of winners.




Owner: Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan War Front (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 17th, 2022 (first foal)

Hit It A Bomb (USA) Liscanna (IRE) Unapologetically (USA) (2016)

Too Much Bling (USA) General Reunion (USA)


Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Lahinch (IRE) Rubiano (USA) Rose Colored Lady (USA) General Meeting (USA) Annual Reunion (USA)

HIT IT A BOMB (USA), 2013. 2nd top rated 2yr old colt in Ireland in 2015. Won 3 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, Star Appeal Stakes, L., third in Solonaway Stakes, Gr.2 and Desmond Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of HIT EMERIT (ARG), (Gr.1), TIZ THE BOMB (USA), (Gr.2), WESTON (USA), (Gr.2), HIT TIFON (ARG), (Gr.3), HIT IT DUBAI (ARG), (Gr.3), ROBERTS HIT (ARG), (L.), HIT TIME (ARG), (L.), HIT EMPENOSO (ARG), (L.), CONFORMIST (USA), (S). 1st Dam UNAPOLOGETICALLY (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £29,872 and placed twice; Own sister to NUBLADO BLING (USA). 2nd Dam GENERAL REUNION (USA), unraced; Own sister to Daiwa Falcon (USA) dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingNUBLADO BLING (USA) (c. by Too Much Bling (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £87,955 including Sam's Town Stakes, Delta Downs, R., placed second in Kip Deville Stakes, Remington Park, L. and TTA Sales Futurity (c&g), Lone Star Park, R. (twice). 3rd Dam ANNUAL REUNION (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Alameda County Fillies & Mares Handicap, Pleasanton, L., Luther Burbank Handicap, Santa Rosa, L., Allez France Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Moraga Handicap, Golden Gate, L., Soft Copy Stakes, Golden Gate, placed second in Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, third in Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizAnnual Rainfall (USA) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Wild Rose Handicap, Prairie Meadows, L. and Canterbury Oaks, Canterbury Downs; dam of a winner. Daiwa Falcon (USA) (c. by General Meeting (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Japan and placed third in Daily Hai Nisai Stakes, Kyoto, L. Gather The Group (USA) (f. by Nashwan (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GN GROUP MEETING (USA), won Cat's Cradle Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.R., C.T.B.A. Marian Stakes, Fairplex Park, R., placed second in Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. and third in Irish O'Brien Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; dam of Generally Lucky (USA), placed second in Golden Nugget Stakes, Golden Gate. Gather de Justice (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Richmond Derby Trial Handicap, Hastings Park. The next dam LOVE FOR LIFE (USA), placed 5 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingANNUAL REUNION (USA) (f. by Cresta Rider (USA)), see above. The Good Life (USA) (c. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bold Reason Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; sire. SOFT CHARM (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FULL MOON MADNESS (USA), won Robert K Kerlan Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. (twice), Answer Do Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. (twice), Valiant Pete Handicap, Santa Anita, L. (twice), D. Valpredo California Cup Hcp Sprint, Santa Anita, L., Radar Ahead Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Bay Meadows Express Handicap, Bay Meadows, L., Real Good Deal Stakes, Del Mar, L., placed third in Pat O'Brien Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2. Tesio's Love (USA) (f. by Tom Rolfe), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. CAT AFFAIR (USA), won Queen City Oaks, River Downs, L.R.; grandam of MR HINX (USA), won Real Good Deal Stakes, Del Mar, R., Echo Eddie Stakes, Santa Anita, R., second in Santa Anita Sprint Championship Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. ZAMINDARLING (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of NIKKI MY DARLING (USA), won Pay the Man Stakes, Thistledown, R., Norm Barron Queen City Oaks, Belterra Park, R. and Southern Park Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, R. Thiscatsforcaryl (USA), ran in U.S.A.; dam of BE LIKE MIKE (USA), won West Virginia Governors Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L.; sire; grandam of THE CAT IS OUT (ARG), won Clasico Saturnino J Unzue, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2, placed third in Gran Premio Jorge de Atucha, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1.


33 BOX

Owner: Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 1st, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Badirat Kheir (KSA) (2013)

Bellamy Road (USA) Trust Fund Kid (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Concerto (USA) Hurry Home Hillary (USA) Lemon Drop Kid (USA) Careless Heiress (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam BADIRAT KHEIR (KSA), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizMONTAHERAH (KSA) (2019 f. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £19,536 and placed twice. Alsayeek (KSA) (2021 c. by Macho Macho (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam TRUST FUND KID (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,383; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizBADIRAT KHEIR (KSA) (f. by Bellamy Road (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam CARELESS HEIRESS (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Sweetest Chant Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Twin Lights Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, L. and third in Reeve Schley Jr. Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, De La Rose Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; Own sister to Dubai (USA); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizYOU GO WEST GIRL (USA) (f. by Mr Greeley (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Ticonderoga Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. (twice), John Hettinger Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Hey Baba Lulu Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., placed second in Cardinal Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Yaddo Handicap, Saratoga, L.R. (twice), Ticonderoga Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., Hatoof Stakes, Arlington, third in Mount Vernon Stakes, Belmont, L.R.; dam of a winner. CHICAGO STYLE (USA), won Hollywood Turf Cup Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Hollywood Turf Cup Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2 and third in John B Connally Turf Cup Stakes, Sam Houston, Gr.3. Schatzeli (USA) (f. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, L. TIFFANY TOUCH (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of. SUNRISE MAJOR (JPN), won Capital Stakes, Tokyo, L., Yonago Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Keio Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, Gr.2, Yomiuri Milers Cup, Kyoto, Gr.2, Mainichi Broadcast Swan Stakes, Kyoto, Gr.2 and third in Kakitsubata Kinen, Nagoya, L.R., Oro Cup, Tokyo, L. and Port Island Stakes, Hanshin, L. Pretty Pretty (USA) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Make the Moment (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Dancin Renee Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and third in Broadway Stakes, Aqueduct, R. The next dam DUTY FREE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingA Girl Needs Cash (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Autumn Leaf Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of winners. Dubai (USA) (f. by Runaway Groom (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Turfway Park, L. Smuggle (USA) (f. by Lord Avie (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. ONE AND TWENTY (USA), won Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed third in Miss Grillo Stakes, Aqueduct, L. CODE OF ETHICS (USA), won Summertime Promise Stakes, Hawthorne; dam of Crespano (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Punkin Pie Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Ethical (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Juvenile Mile Stakes, Prairie Meadows; grandam of ONCE ON WHISKEY (USA), won Los Alamitos Derby, Los Alamitos, Gr.3, COPPELIA (USA), won Dream Supreme Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., third in Sugar Swirl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3.




Mucho Macho Man (USA) A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 12th, 2022


Owner: FMQ Stables

Mucho Gusto (USA) Itsagiantcauseway (USA) Include Edition (USA) (2016)

Include (USA) Bridge Edition (USA)

Macho Uno (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Countervail (USA) Broad Brush (USA) Illeria (CAN) Editor's Note (USA) Bridge To Cross (USA)

MUCHO GUSTO (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Gr.3, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Gr.3 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam Include Edition (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £30,883 and placed once viz second in Ellis Park Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizAL KUWEIT (KSA) (2020 c. by Street Boss (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £103,346, all his starts. (2021 f. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam BRIDGE EDITION (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £16,843; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingInclude Edition (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam BRIDGE TO CROSS (USA), unraced; Own sister to PINK SHOES (USA); dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPurgatory (USA) (f. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Stormy But Valid Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; dam of winners. Bridge to Gold (USA) (f. by Malabar Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Lindsay Frolic Stakes, Calder; dam of winners. The next dam FUN FLIGHT (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Martha Washington Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingTOUR (USA) (f. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Curious Clover Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.R.; dam of winners. TRIP (USA), won Turfway Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3 (twice), Chicago Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, placed third in Churchill Downs Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; grandam of BOLT D'ORO (USA), won Frontrunner Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.1 and San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire, GLOBAL CAMPAIGN (USA), won Woodward Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Monmouth Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire, RECRUITING READY (USA), won Gulfstream Park Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. JOKE (USA), won Vallejo Stakes, Golden Gate, L. and Fairfield Stakes, Solano; dam of ZENSATIONAL (USA), won Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Bing Crosby Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 and Triple Bend Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. LAITY (USA), won John Battaglia Memorial Stakes, Turfway Park, L. and Miller Lite Cradle Stakes, River Downs, L. Leave (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of DEPARTING (USA), won Firecracker Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.2, Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3, placed third in Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1. PINK SHOES (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Martha Washington Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L., Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park, L., placed second in Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of winners. PROM SHOES (USA), won Essex Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L., Fifth Season Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed second in Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. WILDCAT SHOES (USA), won Lost Code Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hawthorne, L.; sire. ISABELL'S SHOES (USA), won Martha Washington Stakes, Oaklawn Park. SERMON (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CLEARLY FOXY (USA), won Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, third in American Oaks Invitational Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; grandam of COLADA (AUS), won Stan Fox Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2. FLIGHT FORTY NINE (USA) (c. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Bachelor Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. and Bold Reason Stakes, Arlington; sire. Special One (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AGELESS (USA), won Royal North Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 (twice). SPECIAL WARRIOR (USA), won Clasico George Washington, Camarero, L.




Owner: Aeyesh Safar A. Albqomi Pulpit (USA) Power Broker (USA) Shop Again (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 21st, 2022 Martinas Delight (USA) (2010)

Johannesburg (USA) Lerici (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Preach (USA) Wild Again (USA) Shopping (USA) Hennessy (USA) Myth (USA) Woodman (USA) Balinese (USA)

POWER BROKER (USA), 2010. Won 4 races, Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Indiana Derby, Gr.2, Easy Goer Stakes, second in William Hill Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1 and Oak Tree Juvenile Turf Stakes, L. Sire of AMERICAN POWER (USA), (Gr.3), SYDSTER (USA), (S), POWER JET (USA), (S), C V'S Powerpak (USA), (S), Exactly (USA), (S), Pulpit's Purrfect (USA), (S), Showmethemagic (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MARTINAS DELIGHT (USA), won 2 races at 4 years, £15,708 and placed 9 times; dam of 2 runners from 4 foals of racing age(2021 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)). 2nd Dam LERICI (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,809; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAVENGE (USA) (f. by War Front (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £614,404 including Rodeo Drive Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (twice), John C Mabee Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Ultrafleet Stakes, Santa Anita, placed third in Gamely Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of a winner. LIGURIA (USA) (f. by War Front (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £184,379 including Jimmy Durante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, Wild Applause Stakes, Belmont Park, L. LIRA (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £108,777 including Ginger Brew Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Wait a While Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, placed second in Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of a winner. LIA MARINA (USA), won Wait a While Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Pistoletto (USA) (g. by War Front (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 6 years, 2023 and £118,424 and placed second in Cornwallis Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. 3rd Dam BALINESE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to MASHAALLAH (USA), FOLK ART (USA), SPORTIN' LIFE (USA) and Barefoot Ballerina (USA); dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing ageItsoeasy (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. Easy Grades (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Grass Skirt (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GRASSHOPPER (USA), won Mineshaft Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, placed second in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. TURF WAR (USA), won Boyd Gaming's Delta Jackpot Stakes, Delta Downs, Gr.3 and Swynford Stakes, Woodbine, L.; sire. STRAW HAT (USA), won Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds. The next dam Homespun (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in San Clemente Stakes, Del Mar, R. and third in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate; Own sister to DUMBWAITER (USA) and SPHERE (USA); dam of eight winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingMASHAALLAH (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years at home, in France, in Italy, in U.S.A. and in West Germany including Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1; sire. FOLK ART (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Oak Leaf Stakes, Oak Tree, Gr.1; dam of a winner. SPORTIN' LIFE (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including William du Pont Jr. Handicap, Delaware Park, Leonard Richards Stakes, Delaware Park, Philmont Stakes, Keystone Race Track, Allegheny Stakes, Keystone Race Track; champion sire. Home Love (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), unraced; dam of winners. LOCAL TALENT (USA), won Prix Jean Prat, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. LOCAL SUITOR (USA), 2 races at 2 years including Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, placed third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Homage (GB), unraced; dam of MARK OF ESTEEM (IRE), Champion 3yr old in England in 1996, Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1996, 4 races including Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire.


36 BOX

Owner: Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 28th, 2022 Bob's Obsession (USA) (2008)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Gem Pop (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Yarn (USA) Exclusive Gem (USA) Poly Pop (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam BOB'S OBSESSION (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMAXIMUS OBSESSION (USA) (2014 g. by Albertus Maximus (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,274 and placed 3 times. BE MY DOCTOR (USA) (2016 g. by Albertus Maximus (USA)), won 2 races at 6 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £20,747 and placed 5 times. SULTANAT ALSEDRAH (KSA) (2018 f. by Northern Afleet (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £24,341 and placed 3 times. Blue One (KSA) (2020 c. by Casino Host (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Bandini (USA)). 2nd Dam GEM POP (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,200; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizBOB'S JAWBREAKER (USA) (f. by Tiger Ridge (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and £112,775 including Runaway Marcie Stakes, Calder. Pop Goes The Tiger (USA) (c. by Tiger Ridge (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £130,891 and placed second in Criterium Stakes, Calder, L. and third in Ambehaving Stakes, Calder. SANDLOT SUE (USA) (f. by Line In The Sand (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,225; dam of winners. FLYIN TREY (USA), winner in U.S.A. RED HOT CANDY (USA), winner in U.S.A. RYAN'S TEUF ONE (USA), winner in U.S.A. POLY POP A TOP (USA) (f. by Devongate (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £17,593; dam of winners. SHADOW RUNNER (USA), won Pomona Derby, Fairplex Park, placed third in Ralph M Hinds Handicap, Fairplex Park, L. DANCE FOR ZACK (USA), winner in U.S.A. POLYNESIAN SUNSET (USA), winner in U.S.A. TREASURE RUN (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. NELSON'S LADY (USA) (f. by Nelson (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £26,033. 3rd Dam POLY POP (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A. including Sunny Isles Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizBLUE CODE (USA) (c. by Codex Jr. (USA)), won 8 races at 2, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. POLLY PATCH (USA) (f. by Holli Spect (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. GEM POP (USA) (f. by Exclusive Gem (USA)), see above. 4th Dam LOVE THAT BLUE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingPOLY POP (USA) (f. by Never Hi (USA)), see above. The next dam LISA II, unraced; dam of 2 foals of racing age includingLisaridge (USA) (f. by Greek Chief), unraced; dam of a winner. GRACEFUL LANDING (USA), won Suthern Accent Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Chou Croute Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Pan Zareta Stakes, Fair Grounds and Portage Stakes, Louisiana Downs. Landing Chief (USA), placed third in Minstrel Stakes, Louisiana Downs and Texas Open Futurity, Louisiana Downs, R.




Owner: Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Higher Power (USA) Alternate (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) March 30th, 2022 Chick Chaser (USA) (2013)

Elusive Quality (USA) Tiz To Dream (USA)


El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Strike A Balance (USA) Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Tiznow (USA) Littelfuse (USA)

HIGHER POWER (USA), 2015. Won 5 races, TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Gr.1, second in Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Wickerr Stakes, L.R. and third in Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam CHICK CHASER (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £27,482 and placed 6 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizHeffner (USA) (2019 g. by American Freedom (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £132,514 and placed 12 times including third in Miracle Wood Stakes, Laurel. King's Mistress (USA) (2020 f. by Palace Malice (USA)), unplaced in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Tiz To Dream (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £94,174 and placed third in La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizBLAME THE DREAM (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 7 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £60,384. ESKENDEREYAS DREAM (USA) (c. by Eskendereya (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £23,718. KILLER CROSSOVER (USA) (c. by Indian Charlie (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £60,761. CHICK CHASER (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), see above. LA CHEPIS (USA) (f. by Super Saver (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £20,163; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam LITTELFUSE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingTiz To Dream (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), see above. Eyes Aglow (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TATY'S GOLD (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of GOLDEN ROCKET (USA), won New York Stallion Series Stakes (3yof), Saratoga, R., placed second in Port Washington Stakes, Belmont Park, R. The next dam GILDED LILLY (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of fourteen winners from 17 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingGILDED TIME (USA) (c. by Timeless Moment (USA)), Champion 2yr old in U.S.A. in 1992, won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.2, Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, placed third in Breeders' Cup Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.1; champion sire. Valid Advantage (USA) (c. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3. LILL'S CUTLASS (USA) (f. by Cutlass (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DAVEY'S CUTLASS (USA), won White Oak Handicap, Arlington, L.R. and Zip Pockets Stakes, Arlington. MILE (USA), won Leader of the Band Stakes, Delaware Park. LILLYBUSTER (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HARDEST CORE (USA), won Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1. Calla Lily (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Chelsey Flower Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. and third in Foresta Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Marshua's River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. and Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of CRITTENDEN (USA), won Let it Ride Stakes, Del Mar, R., P D J F Stakes, Indiana Grand, second in American Derby, Arlington, Gr.3, Side Road (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; sire. GILDED MOMENT (USA) (f. by Timeless Moment (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GILDED DIABLO (USA), won Fashion Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of Ten Devils (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Eddie Logan Stakes, Santa Anita, L. VALID WARNING (USA), won Birmingham H’cap, Detroit and Scarlet Carnation H’cap, Thistledown; dam of ELUSIVE WARNING (USA), won Muhtathir Burj Nahaar, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, Vincent A Moscarelli Mem. Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; sire.




Owner: Aljiad Stable Harlan's Holiday (USA)

AL HAJIR (USA) April 21st, 2022 A Bay or Brown Colt

Good Samaritan (USA) Pull Dancer (USA) Fight Girl (USA) (2003)

Fit To Fight (USA) Religious Colony (USA)


Harlan (USA) Christmas In Aiken (USA) Pulpit (USA) Mayhavebeentheone (USA) Chieftain Hasty Queen II Cherokee Colony (USA) Runabout (USA)

GOOD SAMARITAN (USA), 2014. Won 2 races, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, NYRA Bets Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2, Summer Stakes, Gr.2, second in Norton Healthcare Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Ram Trucks American Turf Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of YAHSHUA (CHI), (Gr.1), SECRET MONEY (USA), (Gr.3), ENTERA GOOD (CHI), (Gr.3), ITAMUT (USA), (L.), GOOD SAM (USA), (L.), Vestida Preciosa (CHI), (Gr.1), Good Runner (CHI), (Gr.1), Sabalenka (USA), (Gr.2), Nice Neighbor (USA), (S), Bonne Chance (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam FIGHT GIRL (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £62,968 including Queen City Oaks, River Downs, L.R., placed 3 times including second in Miss Ohio Stakes, Thistledown, R. and Tah Dah Stakes, River Downs, R.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizPUGILIST (USA) (2015 f. by Get Stormy (USA)), won 12 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £229,110 and placed 22 times. FIGHTING XENA (USA) (2009 f. by Noble Causeway (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £103,518 and placed 10 times; dam of a winner. STEMCELL (USA) (2010 f. by Noble Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,419 and placed 12 times. FIGHTINGJOEWHEELER (USA) (2014 g. by Run Away And Hide (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,474 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam RELIGIOUS COLONY (USA), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £32,201; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingFIGHT GIRL (USA) (f. by Fit To Fight (USA)), see above. St Maximus Gato (USA) (c. by Tactical Cat (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £182,298 and placed second in Senator Robert C Byrd Memorial Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Buck's Boy Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R. and third in Indiana Derby, Hoosier Park, Gr.2. 3rd Dam RUNABOUT (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingRUN SMART (USA) (f. by Smarten (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LAND RUNNING (USA), won Jameela Handicap, Laurel, L.; dam of EL SANCHO (USA), won T T A Sales Colts & Gelding Futurity Hcp, Lone Star Park, L.; sire. Nimble Tread (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Valley Stream Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of Cherry Forever (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Louisiana Champions Day Ladies Sprint, Fair Grounds, L.R. The next dam RUNNING JULIET (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingFULL OUT (USA) (c. by Never Bend), won 11 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Assault Handicap, Belmont Park, Gravesend Handicap, Aqueduct, Preston M Burch Handicap, Bowie, Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed third in Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. Full Partner (USA) (c. by Never Bend), won 2 races in U.S.A., placed second in Patriot Stakes, Keystone, Gr.3 and fourth in Heritage Stakes, Keystone, Gr.2; sire. Karelina (USA) (f. by Sea Bird II), won 2 races at 3 years and placed third in Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners. Karelia (USA), winner and placed third in Prix de Royallieu, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of SNOW PRINCESS (IRE), 6 races at home and in Italy including Premio Duca d'Aosta, Milan, L., placed second in Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; grandam of SNOW RIDGE (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed second in 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. Running Around (USA) (f. by What A Pleasure (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A., second in Queenstown Stakes, Bowie; grandam of SILVER STOCKINGS (USA), won Manatee Stakes, Tampa Bay, L., COMARCTIC (CAN), won Autumn Handicap, Woodbine, L. Run Roberta (USA) (f. by Roberto (USA)), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SOUTHERN RUN (USA), won Junior Champion Stakes, Monmouth Park. Running Eagle (USA) (f. by Bald Eagle), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; grandam of WINNETOU (USA), won Longfellow Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Choice Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Silver Deputy (CAN)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 25th, 2022

Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA) All American Flyer (USA) (2008)

Quiet American (USA) Highland Flyer (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Fappiano (USA) Demure (USA) Highland Park (USA) Marigo Bell's (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ALL AMERICAN FLYER (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £29,492 and placed 8 times; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizCAGEY (USA) (2017 f. by Gemologist (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in Canada and £13,105 and placed 5 times. MOHOR MAH (KSA) (2019 f. by Outwork (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,661 and placed 3 times. AMERICAN BUDDHA (USA) (2018 g. by Shanghai Bobby (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,925 and placed 7 times. AMERICAN RHIANNON (USA) (2014 f. by Calimonco (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,834 and placed 7 times. CALIMONCO FLYER (USA) (2015 g. by Calimonco (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times. Ana Alkayed (KSA) (2020 c. by Commend (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. Aemaheej (KSA) (2021 f. by Haynesfield (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam HIGHLAND FLYER (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBully Hayes (USA) (g. by Sultry Song (USA)), won 3 races at 5 years in U.S.A. and £77,235 and placed second in Native Diver Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. Flaxen Flyer (USA) (f. by Muhtafal (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £138,029 and placed second in Madison Stakes, Keeneland, L. YANKEE GLIDER (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and £19,773; dam of winners. Natalia Lorena (USA), placed second in Clasico Jorge I Ameglio, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Clasico Benemerito Cuerpo de Bomberos, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. Brahms Top Shelf (USA) (f. by Brahms (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Grand Ginjo (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Hoosier Breeders Sophomore Stakes (c&g), Indiana Grand, R. 3rd Dam MARIGO BELL'S (USA), unraced; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingGALA DING A LING (USA) (f. by Temperence Hill (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Ring Them Bells (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in G. Vickers Mem. W. Virginia Breeders Cl., Charles Town, third in West Virginia Futurity, Charles Town. WAR BELLE (USA) (f. by Lord At War (ARG)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ELLA BELLE (USA), won Likely Exchange Stakes, Turfway Park, Wintergreen Stakes, Turfway Park. The next dam MARIGO (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingAshikaga (USA) (c. by Star Envoy (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 6 and 7 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Lexington Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Lamplighter Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Jay Birdie (USA) (f. by Lt Stevens), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Furl Sail Handicap, Fair Grounds, Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs; dam of winners. On The Run Again (USA) (f. by Bailjumper (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Miss Woodford Stakes, Monmouth Park.




Owner: Khalid Miteb Bin Amira Tale of The Cat (USA)

MOTAMAIZ (USA) March 23rd, 2022 A Black Colt

Tale of Ekati (USA) Silence Beauty (JPN) Awesome Wild Girl (IRE) (2016)

Awesome Again (CAN) Danish Wildcat (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Yarn (USA) Sunday Silence (USA) Maplejinsky (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Primal Force (USA) Danehill (USA) Hollywood Wildcat (USA)

TALE OF EKATI (USA), 2005. Won 5 races, Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile Handicap, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, Jerome Handicap, Gr.2, Futurity Stakes, Gr.2, second in Sanford Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of QUINTA NOTA (USA), (Gr.1), GIRVIN (USA), (Gr.1), EKATI'S PHAETON (USA), (Gr.2), VERVE'S TALE (USA), (Gr.3), TALE OF ANGEL (USA), (L.), TIVIS (USA), (S), PEPPER SPRAY (USA), (S), THE BEAUTY'S TALE (USA), (S), BUDRO TALKING (USA), (S), TOTALLY OBSESSED (USA), (S), AVALINA (USA) etc. 1st Dam AWESOME WILD GIRL (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,397 and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizWild Recruit (USA) (2021 c. by Nyquist (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. She also has a 2023 filly by Perfect Timber (CAN). 2nd Dam DANISH WILDCAT (USA), ran in U.S.A.; Own sister to IVAN DENISOVICH (IRE); dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingDANISH DYNAFORMER (CAN) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £529,949 including Singspiel Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Breeders' Stakes, Woodbine, R., Plate Trial Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed second in Red Smith Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Queen's Plate Stakes, Woodbine, R.; sire. 3rd Dam HOLLYWOOD WILDCAT (USA), Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1993, won 12 races in U.S.A. including Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Del Mar Invitational Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.2, Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Little Brianne Stakes, Santa Anita, L., second in Beverly Hills Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Ramona Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingWAR CHANT (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Mile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Oak Tree Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. IVAN DENISOVICH (IRE) (c. by Danehill (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Solonaway Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; sire. MINISTERS WILD CAT (USA) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 6 races in Canada and in U.S.A. including Jacques Cartier Stakes, Woodbine, L., Golden State Mile Stakes, Golden Gate, second in Affirmed Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and third in Bold Venture Handicap, Woodbine, L.; sire. DOUBLE CAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Queen of The Green Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of winners. NEWSTOUSE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of NEWSTOME (USA), won Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L., James F Lewis III Stakes, Laurel and Mark McDermott Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, R., MISS YOU ELLA (USA), won Cellars Shiraz Stakes, Gulfstream Park, third in Sweetest Chant Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. FONTANNE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Kielbasa (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in El Joven Stakes, Retama Park. Shintoh (USA) (r. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in International Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; sire. Bold Warrior (USA) (c. by Bernardini (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Chief Tamanaco Stakes, Belmont Park; sire. SPINNING WILDCAT (USA) (f. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DANON SMASH (JPN), won The Hong Kong Sprint, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Takamatsunomiya Kinen, Chukyo, Gr.1, placed second in Sprinters Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.1. The next dam MISS WILDCATTER (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingHOLLYWOOD WILDCAT (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), see above. Bald Cat (USA) (f. by Baldski (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Office Queen Stakes, Calder, L. and third in Azalea Stakes, Calder, L.; dam of winners. Hollywood Baldcat (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; grandam of CASABLANCA FIGHTER (ARG), won P.Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3.




Owner: Faisal Abdul karim Mufdi Alajmi Into Mischief (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 27th, 2022

Instagrand (USA) Assets of War (USA) Walking Path (USA) (2009)

Bernardini (USA) Flowers and Vines (USA)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Lawyer Ron (USA) Added Asset (USA) A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Blushing John (USA) Lilac Garden (USA)

INSTAGRAND (USA), 2016. Won 2 races, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, third in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1 and Gotham Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam WALKING PATH (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMISTER NOFTY (USA) (2013 c. by Scat Daddy (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £105,143 including Grover Buddy Delp Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, placed 4 times. GRAN RUNNER (USA) (2018 c. by Runhappy (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £129,473 and placed 12 times. BOWIE TWO STEP (USA) (2019 c. by Speightstown (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £70,890 and placed 9 times. MR ASH (USA) (2020 c. by Mastery (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 abroad. She also has a 2023 filly by Beau Liam (USA). 2nd Dam FLOWERS AND VINES (USA), unraced; Own sister to BLUSHING K D (USA); dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingUn Fino Vino (USA) (c. by Demidoff (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £214,068 and placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Laurel Futurity, Laurel, Gr.3. Ketchikan (USA) (c. by Mr Greeley (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £102,690 and placed second in Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. VINES OF JUSTICE (USA) (f. by Judge T C (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £106,611; dam of winners. BELLE OF THE HALL (USA), won Valor Lady Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Jostle Stakes, Parx Racing, L., placed third in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of SHARE THE RIDE (USA), won General George Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3. Said and Done (USA), unraced; dam of WOODS N WATER (USA), won Louisiana Legends Turf Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Louisiana Cup Turf Classic Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R., Bebo Lucky Road (USA), winner abroad and placed second in Clasico Jose Coll Vidal, Camarero Race Track, L. Sage Mist (USA) (f. by Henny Hughes (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MASTER PLAN (USA), won Stanton Stakes, Delaware Park, Ocala Breeders Sales Championship (c&g), Ocala T.C., R., placed second in Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3 and third in The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Meydan, Gr.2. HIGHWAY BOSS (USA), won Everett Nevin Stakes, Pleasanton, R. My Holy Belle (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SARAH'S PASSION (USA), won D S Shine Young Futurity (fillies), R. Sarah's Holy Belle (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in La Bred Premier Night Starlet Stakes, Delta Downs, R., Louisiana Champions Day Lassie Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. 3rd Dam LILAC GARDEN (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 15 foals of racing age vizBLUSHING K D (USA) (f. by Blushing John (USA)), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2. AMBITIOUS CAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 5 races in Canada and in U.S.A. including Dance Smartly Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, placed second in Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2 (twice), third in E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; dam of winners. ELECTRONIC UNICORN (USA) (g. by Housebuster (USA)), won 11 races in Hong Kong including Queen's Silver Jubilee Cup, Sha Tin, L., Champions' Mile, Sha Tin, L., The Chairman's Trophy, Sha Tin, L., Stewards' Cup, Sha Tin, L. (twice), placed second in Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1 (twice), The Sha Tin Futurity Trophy, Sha Tin, L. (twice). FEBRUARY STORM (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Storm Cat Stakes, Keeneland, L., third in Exceller Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; sire. SHARAIJI BLOSSOM (USA) (f. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of winners. DOTHRAKI QUEEN (USA), won Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Lilac Lane (USA) (f. by Bahri (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FIFTH PETAL (JPN), won Keisei Hai Autumn Handicap, Nakayama, Gr.3.




Owner: Ahmad Abdullah Alabdullatif Lion Heart (USA) Kantharos (USA) Contessa Halo (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) February 13th, 2022 Tiztalented (USA) (2012)

Tiznow (USA) Untouched Talent (USA)


Tale of The Cat (USA) Satin Sunrise (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Queen of Savoy (USA) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Cee's Song (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Parade Queen (USA)

KANTHAROS (USA), 2008. Won 3 races, Saratoga Special Stakes, Gr.2 and Bashford Manor Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of WORLD OF TROUBLE (USA), (Gr.1), X Y JET (USA), (Gr.1), BAY STORM (USA), (Gr.2), LADY GRACE (USA), (Gr.2), BUCCHERO (USA), (Gr.2), ANCIENT SECRET (USA), (Gr.2), LADY RADLER (USA), (Gr.3), JACKSON (USA), (Gr.3), MR JORDAN (USA), (Gr.3), HARLAN ESTATE (CAN), (L.R.) etc. 1st Dam TIZTALENTED (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £46,780 and placed twice; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 4 foals of racing age vizMY MAGGIE MOO (USA) (2018 f. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £66,759 and placed 5 times. Chabeso (USA) (2017 f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner vizLOW MILEAGE (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won Jamestown Stakes, Colonial Downs, R. (2021 f. by Audible (USA)). She also has a 2023 filly by Hard Spun (USA). 2nd Dam UNTOUCHED TALENT (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £141,599 viz Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, Juan Gonzalez Memorial Stakes, Pleasanton, placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 and Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBODEMEISTER (USA) (c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £841,806 including Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, placed second in Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. UNDER THE STARS (USA) (f. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £267,616 including Summertime Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Chillingworth Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Fascinating (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £102,107 and placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 and third in Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. Iberville (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Black Gold Stakes, Fair Grounds. Himiko (USA) (f. by American Pharoah (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £131,384 and placed third in Iowa Distaff Stakes, Prairie Meadows. 3rd Dam PARADE QUEEN (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Joe Namath Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Green River Stakes, Keeneland, L., Staten Island Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Rare Perfume Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Jenny Wiley Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingKING GULCH (USA) (g. by Gulch (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. including Clever Trevor Stakes, Remington Park, placed second in Middleground Stakes, Lone Star Park. Top Billing (USA) (c. by Curlin (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. KYDD GLOVES (USA) (f. by Dubai Millennium (GB)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of winners. SHE'S A JULIE (USA), won Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Chase La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Bayakoa Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, Gr.3, placed second in Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and third in Lia Infiniti Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. TACTFULLY (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of AMBASSADORIAL (USA), won Star Appeal Stakes, Dundalk, L. Front and Center (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Fujairah (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Blue Sparkler Stakes, Monmouth Park, Sharp Susan Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Queensway (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. EXTRAVAGANCE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of EXTRAVAGANTE (USA), won Clasico German Ruiz, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.


43 BOX

Owner: Bandar Nasser M Alajmi Storm Cat (USA) Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 28th, 2022 Astorgs Galaxy (GB) (2010)

Galileo (IRE) Astorg (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Lear Fan (USA) Action Francaise (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ASTORGS GALAXY (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizCARDANO (USA) (2016 g. by Oasis Dream (GB)), won 7 races at 3, 5 and 7 years, 2023 and £118,863 and placed 15 times. CONQUEROR GALACTUS (IRE) (2015 c. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in Canada and £60,206 and placed 3 times. (2020 f. by Flatter (USA)), died. (2021 c. by Unified (USA)). 2nd Dam ASTORG (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in France and £28,080 including Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., placed twice; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingASTI (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £163,632 including Athenia Handicap, Belmont Park, L., placed 11 times including second in Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Vanteaux, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix de la Cochère, Chantilly, L.; dam of a winner. Marine Officer (USA), winner in France and placed second in Prix Delahante, Marseille-Borély, L. Amazon Beauty (IRE) (f. by Wolfhound (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £28,611 and placed 5 times including third in Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3; dam of winners. RONALD R (IRE), 9 races to 2023 at home and in U.S.A. and £177,319 including Lure Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed 6 times. MISS BRAZIL (IRE), 1 race at 3 years; dam of ELAIRE NOIRE (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £78,671 including Premio Vittorio Riva, Milan, L., Premio Gardone, Milan, L., placed third in Premio Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.2. Peter Anders (GB) (c. by Pivotal (GB)), won 10 races at home and in Qatar and £296,651 and placed second in His Highness The Emir's Trophy, Al Rayyan, L. (twice). Azalee (IRE) (f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Azaelia (FR), winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Vanteaux, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of FORT WASHINGTON (USA), won Tale of the Cat Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Woodhaven Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Canadian Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam ACTION FRANCAISE (USA), won 2 races in France including Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingANDROID (USA) (c. by Riverman (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de la Jonchère, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Deauville, Gr.2, Prix du Prince d'Orange, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. ARTICLE RARE (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix des Réservoirs, Deauville, Gr.3, second in Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix de la Nonette, Deauville, Gr.3 and Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of winners. AIRLINE (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de la Cochère, Chantilly, L.; dam of winners. ARGENTINA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Rose de Mai, Saint-Cloud, L., placed second in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. ART MODERNE (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 4 races in France and in U.S.A. including Franklin Stakes, Kentucky Downs, placed second in Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and third in Prix de Guiche, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) March 27th, 2022 Sister Kate (USA) (2008)

Benchmark (USA) Miss Soft Sell (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Alydar (USA) Winters' Love (USA) Siyah Kalem (USA) Solamente Un Vez (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam SISTER KATE (USA), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £177,007 including California Governor's Cup Handicap, Sacramento, Santa Lucia Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed 8 times including third in B Thoughtful Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., Cat's Cradle Handicap, Hollywood Park, R. and L A Woman Stakes, Santa Anita; Own sister to BROTHER DEREK (USA) and DON'TSELLMESHORT (USA); dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizBE GONE DADDY (CAN) (2015 c. by Scat Daddy (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £126,006 and placed 10 times. MILLENNIUM FORCE (CAN) (2017 f. by Declaration of War (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £152,984 and placed 5 times. WANDA SUSIE DOOZY (CAN) (2018 f. by Runhappy (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam MISS SOFT SELL (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBROTHER DEREK (USA) (c. by Benchmark (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £900,634 including Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Catalina Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Goodwood Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Fernando Breeders' Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. DON'TSELLMESHORT (USA) (c. by Benchmark (USA)), won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £244,315 including California Breeders' Chmpn Stakes (c&g), Santa Anita, L.R., Barretts Juvenile Stakes (c&g), Fairplex Park, L.R., Graduation Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., placed second in Snow Chief Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., I'm Smokin Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. and third in Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. Swissle Stick (USA) (c. by Swiss Yodeler (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £70,702 and placed third in Charles Town Dash Invitational Handicap, Charles Town, L.; sire. MISS CONTINENTAL (USA) (f. by Flying Continental (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £46,228; dam of winners. COMPROMETIDO (USA), won Clasico America, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, placed third in Clasico Velocidad, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3. Imforeal (USA) (f. by In Excess), placed 4 times in U.S.A. and £21,676; dam of winners. SISTER PEACOCK (USA), won Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L., William D Graham Memorial Stakes, Woodbine, third in Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. 3rd Dam SOLAMENTE UN VEZ (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Burlingame Stakes, Bay Meadows, Bay Meadows Lassie Stakes, Bay Meadows and Senorita Stakes, Exhibition Park; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingREGINA GRIGIA (USA) (f. by Secreto (USA)), won 12 races in Italy; dam of winners. The next dam GAVEL GERTIE (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCUCHILLO (USA) (c. by Blade (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Allegheny Stakes, Keystone Race Track, fourth in Laurel Futurity, Laurel, Gr.1; sire. TENEDORA (USA) (f. by Knoll (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CINEFILA (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in Mexico in 1995, won Clasico Anahuac, Hipodromo de Las Americas, L. and Clasico Cuauhtemoc, Hipodromo de Las Americas, L. LOOKIN LIKE A LADY (USA), won Alki Breeders' Cup Handicap, Longacres; dam of SHAY (USA), won King County Handicap, Emerald Downs and Arches of Gold Handicap, Golden Gate; grandam of DEPUTY G (USA), won Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; third dam of SHAMAN GHOST (CAN), Champion 3yr old colt in Canada in 2015, won San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire.


45 BOX

Owner: Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Unbridled's Song (USA) Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 17th, 2022 Blasted (USA) (2007)

Dynaformer (USA) Shooting Party (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Sky Classic (CAN) Ayanka (USA)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam BLASTED (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £24,525 and placed once; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCHOEGANG PLUS (USA) (2012 f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years abroad and £76,533 and placed twice. BLASTED BOSS (USA) (2014 f. by Street Boss (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £95,215 and placed 5 times. RIDDY SALAMI (KSA) (2016 f. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £14,045 and placed 4 times. HAVING A BLAST (USA) (2011 f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and £18,999 and placed twice; dam of 4 winners includingLe Tabou (GB) (c. by Charm Spirit (IRE)), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in France and £43,627 and placed third in Prix du Pont-Neuf, ParisLongchamp, L. Hooreyat Albahr (KSA) (2020 f. by Stratford Hill (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Power Broker (USA)). 2nd Dam Shooting Party (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £217,265 and placed second in Garden City Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ballston Spa Breeders' Cup Handicap, Saratoga, L., Boiling Springs Breeders' Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, L., third in Nassau County Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Pebbles Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 living foals of racing age includingBREAKING LUCKY (CAN) (c. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £891,316 including Seagram Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed second in Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Eclipse Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, third in Whitney Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. QUAKE LAKE (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. COUNTRY HOUSE (USA), won Woodford Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, placed second in Lamarque Risen Star Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2 and third in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1; sire. MITCHELL ROAD (USA), won Gallorette Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, My Charmer Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., placed second in Three Chimneys Ladies Turf Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3 (twice), Athenia Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. DOUBLE GUNS GIRL (CAN) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 1 race in Canada; dam of winners. GUN SOCIETY (CAN), won South Ocean Stakes, Woodbine, R. 3rd Dam AYANKA (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Moonlight Jig Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Cincinnati Trophy Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingShooting Party (USA) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)), see above. Happily (CAN) (f. by Belong To Me (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. ISAIAS FOREVER (VEN), won Copa My Own Business, La Rinconada, L. Arroyo Cottage (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ARCATA (USA), won Harrison E Johnson Memorial Handicap, Laurel. The next dam AL'S CHARM (USA), ran in U.S.A.; Own sister to HERECOMESTHEBRIDE (USA), Toby Too (USA) and Acharmer (USA); dam of six winners from 11 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingAYANKA (USA) (f. by Jade Hunter (USA)), see above. STRAWBERRY'S CHARM (USA) (f. by Strawberry Road (AUS)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STRAWBERRY MORN (CAN), won Metrotown Distaff Stakes, Hastings Park, L.; dam of STRAWBERRYDAIQUIRI (GB), 6 races at 3 and 4 years including Windsor Forest Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, third in Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1.




Owner: Al Nahda Stable Union Rags (USA)

MONASSER (USA) February 25th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt

Catalina Cruiser (USA) Sea Gull (USA) My Magic Moment (USA) (2006)

Forest Wildcat (USA) Sari (USA)


Dixie Union (USA) Tempo (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Exclusive Bird (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Victoria Beauty (USA) Cozzene (USA) Yamuna (USA)

CATALINA CRUISER (USA), 2014. Won 7 races, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), San Diego Handicap, Gr.2 (twice) and True North Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now 2 year olds.Latte Lizzie (USA), (L.), Stellamaris (USA), (S). 1st Dam MY MAGIC MOMENT (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £84,065 including Missy Moo I Love You Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed 6 times including second in Dam Little Stakes, Belmont Park and third in Miss Grillo Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Little Silver Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizRUN CURTIS RUN (USA) (2019 c. by Summer Front (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £234,317 including Carle Place Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, Rick Violette Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed 5 times including second in Franklin-Simpson Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.2, Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in William Walker Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. BOLD BID (USA) (2012 c. by Pulpit (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,641. CANDY FOR KISSES (USA) (2013 f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. The Couples Girl (USA) (2020 f. by Accelerate (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam SARI (USA), placed once at 3 years; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMY MAGIC MOMENT (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), see above. SOPHIE GERMAIN (USA) (f. by Algorithms (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam Yamuna (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Atalanta Stakes, Sandown, L.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCOACHELLA VALLEY (CAN) (f. by Even the Score (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada including Jammed Lovely Stakes, Woodbine, R. The next dam NIMBLE FEET (USA), won 1 race at 2 years; Own sister to CONTREDANCE (USA) and OLD ALLIANCE (USA); dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingELTISH (USA) (c. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, placed second in Philip H Iselin Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, San Pasqual Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. FOREST GAZELLE (USA) (c. by Green Forest (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Los Angeles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Dayjur Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Icecapade Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and third in Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; sire. SOUPLESSE (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France viz Prix Madame Jean Couturié, Le Lion-d'Angers, L.; dam of winners. COMFY (USA), 2 races at 2 and 4 years including Acomb Stakes, York, L.; sire. Albasou (USA), unraced; dam of Elm Grove (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Summit Silver Cup Handicap, Thistledown, R., Sheikh and Awe (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Miss Ohio Stakes, Thistledown, R., Me Son (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Hoover Stakes, River Downs, R. LIGHT STEP (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years including Virginia Stakes, Newcastle, L.; dam of winners. NOVA STEP (GB), 3 races in France including Critérium de l'Ouest, Craon, L., Prix Ronde de Nuit, Deauville, L., placed third in Prix des Réservoirs, Deauville, Gr.3. Lady Bering (GB), unraced; dam of Neguev (IRE), 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in France and placed third in Prix Daphnis, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3. Grey Anatomy (GB), unraced; dam of ZAGREY (FR), won Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, second in Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Graignes (FR), winner to 2023 at home and in France and placed second in Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix Djebel, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and third in Critérium International, Chantilly, Gr.1, Anatiya (FR), 3 races at home and in France and placed third in Grosser Preis der VGH Versicherungen, Hannover, L.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdulla Al-Makhdoub Dixie Union (USA) Union Rags (USA) Tempo (USA)

A BAY FILLY (USA) February 9th, 2022 Engaginglee (USA) (2011)

Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Lee Gage (USA)


Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Gone West (USA) Terpsichorist (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Fit To Fight (USA) Starry Flag (USA)

UNION RAGS (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Saratoga Special Stakes, Gr.2, second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of EXPRESS TRAIN (USA), (Gr.1), FREE DROP BILLY (USA), (Gr.1), PARADISE WOODS (USA), (Gr.1), DANCING RAGS (USA), (Gr.1), UNION STRIKE (USA), (Gr.1), DYNAMIC ONE (USA), (Gr.2), CARAMEL SWIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPIELBERG (USA), (Gr.2), CATALINA CRUISER (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam ENGAGINGLEE (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £223,999 including Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed 10 times including second in La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and third in Fleur de Lis Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Inside Information Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMIGHTY GEE (USA) (2018 c. by Goldencents (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 abroad and £150,394 and placed 9 times. SAGE HILL (USA) (2019 f. by Arrogate (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £13,220 and placed 3 times. Pineapple Cruise (USA) (2021 f. by Catalina Cruiser (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam LEE GAGE (USA), won 15 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £86,270; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizENGAGINGLEE (USA) (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), see above. GRAY HOPE (USA) (g. by Paddy O'Prado (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £83,935. TWENTY GAUGE (USA) (g. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), won 4 races at 5 and 7 years in U.S.A. and £59,204. TIMEHASCOME (USA) (c. by Not This Time (USA)), won 4 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £39,958. MARCH REWARD (USA) (g. by Grand Reward (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £73,930. POINTEDLEE (USA) (f. by Point of Entry (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,032. 3rd Dam STARRY FLAG (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to HONEST ENSIGN (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizLEE GAGE (USA) (f. by Fit To Fight (USA)), see above. GO FOR GINNIE (USA) (f. by Go For Gin (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STOP THE NONSENSE (USA), winner in U.S.A. AUNT M (USA), winner in U.S.A. CAMPERDOWN (USA) (c. by Forest Camp (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. NATIONAL STANDARD (USA) (g. by Strong Contender (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. The next dam VALID AND TRUE (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingHONEST ENSIGN (USA) (c. by Admiral's Flag (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Broward Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Widener Handicap, Hialeah Park, L., placed second in Jamaica Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Tropical Park Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Colin Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Creme Fraiche Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. and Seminole Handicap, Hialeah Park, L.; sire. Whinheny (USA) (f. by Great Above (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Lady's Secret Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of winners.




Owner: Saud. Abdurhman. Althanyn A P Indy (USA) Scipion (USA) Strawberry Reason (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 19th, 2022 Forest Patch (USA) (2006)

Forestry (USA) Rezzy (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Strawberry Road (AUS) Pretty Reason (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Shared Interest (USA) Unbridled (USA) Rezagante (ARG)

SCIPION (USA), 2002. Won 2 races, Risen Star Stakes, Gr.3, second in Point Given Stakes and third in Miller Genuine Draft Cradle Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of KEEP MOMMA HAPPY (USA), (L.R.), PITCH N ROLL (USA), (L.R.), SPEED IS LIFE (USA), (S), Grandiflora (USA), (L.), Outhaul (USA), (L.), Won The War (USA), (L.R.), In Arrears (USA), (S), SCIP'S SONATA (USA), SIPPY CUP (USA), ABSOLUTE ANSWER (USA), MORE REUBENS (USA), VALENTINE CHARM (USA), HANDSOME HARLEY (USA). 1st Dam FOREST PATCH (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizDREAM FEVER (USA) (2015 f. by Midshipman (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £131,790 and placed 17 times. PRAYER FOR DA BRIC (USA) (2010 c. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £36,736 and placed 8 times. DEBRIYN (USA) (2014 c. by Interactif (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £44,524 and placed 10 times. SAY IT'S NOT SO (USA) (2016 f. by Line of David (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £32,732 and placed 4 times. ZENDAI (USA) (2012 c. by Zensational (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £42,948 and placed 4 times. MILE R MEAUX (USA) (2013 g. by Interactif (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,481 and placed once. PATCH OF MIDNIGHT (USA) (2011 f. by Midnight Lute (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A. 2nd Dam REZZY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizKenza (USA) (f. by Menifee (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £22,013 and placed third in Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. 3rd Dam REZAGANTE (ARG), unraced; Own sister to RELUMBRANTE (ARG) and Rechinante (ARG); dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 living foals of racing age vizRE TOSS (ARG) (f. by Egg Toss (USA)), won 9 races in Argentina and in U.S.A. including Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, G.P. 1000 Guineas-Consagracion Potrancas, San Isidro, Gr.1, Dahlia Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Run For The Roses Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Desert Law Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Ramona Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, Gran Premio Eliseo Ramirez, San Isidro, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of a winner. Coin Toss (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Kyoto Daishoten, Kyoto, Gr.2, Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2, Nikkei Shinshun Hai, Kyoto, L., Copa Republica Argentina, Nakayama, L., Mainichi Hai, Hanshin, L. REACH MY HARBOR (USA) (f. by Boston Harbor (USA)), won 2 races in Japan; dam of winners. CALIBURN (JPN), won Shirafuji Stakes, Tokyo, L., placed third in Sankei Sho All Comers Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.2. Bridge Climb (JPN), winner in Japan, placed second in Shion Stakes, Nakayama, L. Rezister (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Against The Tide (USA), winner in Canada and placed second in Sun Sprint Championship Handicap, Northlands Park and third in Speed to Spare Stakes, Northlands Park, L. Napinowaan (USA), winner in Canada and placed third in Hoofprint On My Heart Handicap, Stampede Park. 4th Dam REZUMBA (ARG), placed once in Argentina; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingRELUMBRANTE (ARG) (f. by Practicante (ARG)), won 15 races in U.S.A. and abroad including Clasico Callao, Hipo Monterrico, L.




RIYADH CENTRAL (USA) March 29th, 2022 A Black Colt (first foal)


Owner: FMQ Stables Mineshaft (USA) Dialed In (USA) Miss Doolittle (USA) Sweet Daddio (USA) (2015)

Scat Daddy (USA) Street Crew (USA)

A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Eliza (USA) Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Critical Crew (USA)

DIALED IN (USA), 2008. Won 3 races, Florida Derby, Gr.1 and Holy Bull Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of DEFUNDED (USA), (Gr.1), SUPER STOCK (USA), (Gr.1), GET HER NUMBER (USA), (Gr.1), MS LOCUST POINT (USA), (Gr.2), GUNNEVERA (USA), (Gr.2), MR WIRELESS (USA), (Gr.3), MUGARITZ (USA), (Gr.3), THE TABULATOR (USA), (Gr.3), MY OPINION (IND), (L.R.), EL DINAMICO (USA), (L.), PAPETU (USA), (L.), STRIVE FOR GLORY (USA), (L.), CHALON (USA), (L.), IT'S YOUR NICKEL (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SWEET DADDIO (USA), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £44,922 and placed 4 times. 2nd Dam STREET CREW (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,131; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizGRIJALVA (USA) (f. by Uncle Mo (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years, 2023 abroad. STREET SHADOW (USA) (f. by The Factor (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £70,968. SWEET DADDIO (USA) (f. by Scat Daddy (USA)), see above. STREET GIANT (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam CRITICAL CREW (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCRITICAL EYE (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 14 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Honey Bee Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, placed second in Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Ticonderoga Handicap, Belmont Park, L. and third in Delta Air Lines Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of winners. SEE THE FOREST (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CRITICAL VALUE (USA), won Bouwerie Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, R., LOOMS BOLDLY (USA), won Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Green Eyed Cat (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of LITTLE KANSAS (USA), won Brickyard Stakes, Indiana Grand, R., Headline Report (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. Glamorista (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of a winner. Hayworth (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Purple Violet Stakes, Arlington, R. Personable Pete (USA) (c. by Personal Flag (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Count Fleet Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, L. CRITICAL CAT (USA) (f. by Tactical Cat (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; grandam of SHANE'S GIRLFRIEND (USA), won Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Delta Downs Princess Stakes, Delta Downs, Gr.3, third in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. VANQUISHED (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TAKEOVER TARGET (USA), won Longines Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Hill Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, second in Danger's Hour Stakes, Aqueduct, Pennine Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park and third in Fasig-Tipton Lure Stakes, Saratoga, R.; sire. LADIES' PRIVILEGE (USA), won Hall of Fame Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of MORE THAN LOOKS (USA), won Manila Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed third in Nat. Museum Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. CRITICAL CHANT (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Lemme (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of Turbo Drive (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in New York Stallion Series Stakes, Saratoga, R. The next dam Sounding Off (CAN), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R. and Selene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTIME OFF (USA) (c. by Time For A Change (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Hill Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Tyler's Tops (USA) (f. by You and I (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Es Mia (USA), placed 4 times in U.S.A. including second in N. Y. Stallion Statue of Liberty Stakes, Saratoga, L.R.




Owner: Turki Saleh A. Alotaibi A P Indy (USA) Stratford Hill (USA) Harmony Lodge (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) February 15th, 2022 Thunder Roaring (USA) (2009)

Roaring Fever (USA) Trustees Gray (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Hennessy (USA) Win Crafty Lady (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Flying Chevron (USA) Esquisite Diamond (USA)

STRATFORD HILL (USA), 2007. Won 4 races, Shakertown Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MASAABEEH (KSA), MALAFEKH (KSA), BOSTON BOB (USA), AFINDAR (KSA), ANSARY (KSA), NAJMAK AALI (KSA), SOUPERY DUPERY (USA), RAD'DAH (KSA), LAZARDI (KSA), AEJWAH (KSA), RAINBOW (KSA), SEDQ (KSA), LOGINA (KSA), BAREEQ ALFOOZ (KSA), TEJTAH'HOM (KSA). 1st Dam THUNDER ROARING (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £16,552 and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizKOBE'S TRAFFIC (USA) (2016 f. by Itsmyluckyday (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,521 and placed 3 times. MIGUEL (USA) (2015 g. by Horse Greeley (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,073 and placed 7 times. ABA ALDHAWARI (KSA) (2017 c. by Gemologist (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)). (2021 c. by Spring At Last (USA)). 2nd Dam TRUSTEES GRAY (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £66,652; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingHEAD HEART HOOF (USA) (g. by Intidab (USA)), won 18 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £323,518 including Toboggan Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Hollie Hughes Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R. and third in Tom Fool Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. Myrtle's Gray (USA) (f. by Oratory (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £120,229 and placed third in East View Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; dam of winners. GRAY'S FABLE (USA), won Appleton Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Opening Verse Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Turf Mile Stakes, Ellis Park, L.. O'Babe (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. third in Debutante Stakes, Canterbury Park, R. 3rd Dam ESQUISITE DIAMOND (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingVICKI VALLENCOURT (USA) (f. by Regal Classic (CAN)), won 6 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Ellis Park Breeders' Cup Handicap, Ellis Park, L., Indian Summer Stakes, Keeneland, L., Top Flight Stakes, Arlington, L., placed third in Stonerside Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of winners. Follow Me Crev (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, third in San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Magic Norman (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Bert Allen Stakes, Colonial Downs, R. and third in Punch Line Stakes, Colonial Downs, R. Cute Caboose (USA) (f. by Marquetry (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Jack Hardy Stakes, Assiniboia Downs; dam of a winner. The next dam GORGEOUSLY DIVINE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingREISSAURUS (USA) (f. by Country Pine (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Candy Eclair Stakes, Monmouth Park, Blue Sparkler Stakes, Monmouth Park; grandam of RED HOT N GOLD (USA), won Ralph Hayes Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.R. (twice). Go Country (USA) (c. by Country Pine (USA)), won 15 races abroad, second in Premio Junta de Control de Juegos, Panama, L. and Premio Felipe E Motta, Panama, L.; sire. Carols Inheritance (USA) (f. by Sovereign Dancer (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (Susan's Girl), Calder, L.R.; dam of winners. Stuteously (USA) (f. by Stutz Blackhawk (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Juan Gonzalez Memorial Stakes, Pleasanton; dam of winners. Miss University (USA) (f. by Beau Genius (CAN)), ran twice at 3 years; dam of winners. THREE DEGREES (IRE), won Honeymoon Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hollywood, Gr.2, second in Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1. MEHRONISSA (GB), 6 races at 2 to 4 years including Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L., placed second in Bengough Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. Exempt (GB), ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of LOLA SHOWGIRL (IRE), 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 including Chartwell Fillies Stakes, Lingfield, Gr.3.




Owner: Assaf Motlak Alassaf Alsehali Lope de Vega (IRE)

OROUB (IRE) March 6th, 2022 A Chesnut Filly

Belardo (IRE) Danaskaya (IRE) Felissa (GER) (2014) E.B.F. Nominated.

Soldier Hollow (GB) Felina (GER) B.C. Nominated.


Shamardal (USA) Lady Vettori (GB) Danehill (USA) Majinskaya (FR) In The Wings Island Race (GB) Acatenango (GER) Fireglow (FR) IRE Qualified

BELARDO (IRE), 2012. Champion 2yr old colt in Europe in 2014. Won 5 races, Dewhurst Stakes, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Gr.1, Doncaster Mile, L., Washington Singer Stakes, L., second in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Gr.1, etc. Sire of GOLD PHOENIX (IRE), (Gr.1), BELLABEL (IRE), (Gr.2), ISABELLA GILES (IRE), (Gr.2), BELARDO BOY (NZ), (Gr.3), VERONA (NZ), (Gr.3), LULLABY MOON (GB), (Gr.3), ELYSIUM (IRE), (Gr.3), BELLOCCIO (FR), (L.), AVONALLO (NZ), (L.), Fonsalette (NZ), (Gr.2). 1st Dam FELISSA (GER), won 2 races at 3 years in Germany and £10,555 and placed 3 times; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age vizFakhra (IRE) (2020 f. by Zoustar (AUS)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023, from only 3 starts. Siobhanbrogan (IRE) (2021 f. by Starspangledbanner (AUS)), ran once at 2 years, 2023. She also has a 2023 colt by Zoustar (AUS). 2nd Dam FELINA (GER), won 2 races at 3 years in Germany and £31,212 including IDEE Festa Rennen, Baden-Baden, L., placed third in BMW Vertragspartner Berlin & Brandenburg, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L.; Own sister to FRECCIA D'ORO (GER); dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingFELICITY (GER) (f. by Inchinor (GB)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany and £88,914 including Bild Pokal-Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3, Grosser Preis der VGH Versicherungen, Hannover, L., placed 5 times including second in Betbull Benazet-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3; dam of winners. FELICIAN (GER), 9 races in Germany and in Italy and £181,059 including G.P. der SWK Stadtwerke Meilen Trophy, Krefeld, Gr.2, Badener Meile, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, Gr.3, placed second in Darley Oettingen Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, Grosser AudiQ7 Zentrums Meilen Trophy, Hannover, Gr.2, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, Gr.3 and third in G.P. der Landeshauptstadt Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr.3, Bayerische Hausbau Grosse Europa Meile, Munich, Gr.3, Preis der Sparkassen Finanzgruppe, Baden-Baden, Gr.3. FLY FIRST (GB), 8 races in Germany and £80,126 including Dallmayr Prodomo Trophy, Munich, L., placed second in Sparkasse Holstein Cup Flieger Trophy, Hamburg, Gr.3 and third in Grosser Preis der Sparkasse Dortmund, Dortmund, L. Felino (GB) (g. by Generous (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in Germany and in Qatar and £53,102 and placed 13 times including second in Grosser Freiberger Premium-Preis, Dresden, L. and G. P. der Hannoverschen Volksbank, Hannover, L. Fashion (GER) (f. by Anabaa (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Germany and placed twice including second in Danedream Iffezheimer Diana-Trial, Baden-Baden, L., from only 4 starts; dam of winners. ZOUSTYLE (AUS), won George Moore Stakes, Doomben, Gr.3, Pages Gold Edition Plate, Doomben, L., placed second in Ian McEwen Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, Century Stakes, Flemington, L., Testa Rossa Stakes, Caulfield, L. and third in A J Moir Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.1, Schillaci Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.2. 3rd Dam FIREGLOW (FR), ran in France and in West Germany; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFRECCIA D'ORO (GER) (f. by Acatenango (GER)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Germany including Grosser Stutenpreis der Dreijahrigen, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L., placed third in Grosser Stutenpreis der Stadt Krefeld, Krefeld, L.; dam of winners. LORD CHAPARRAL (IRE), 4 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy including Premio Villa Borghese Mem.F. Cadoni, Rome, L. (twice), placed second in Gran Premio del Jockey Club, Milan, Gr.1, Premio Carlo d'Alessio, Rome, Gr.3 and third in Gran Premio del Jockey Club, Milan, Gr.1; sire. LORD NASH (GB), 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy including Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L. Fly Queen (GB), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in Italy; dam of TIASPETTOFUORI (ITY), 7 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in Italy including Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. Fighting Johan (GER) (g. by Johan Cruyff (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Germany and placed second in Rennstall Gestut Hachtsee Derby-Trial, Mulheim, L.


52 BOX

Owner: Fuad Mohammed Bin Gheshayan A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 12th, 2022 Qidrat Allah (KSA) (2015)

Blue Burner (USA) Honey Eyed (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) French Deputy (USA) Haiati (USA) Lite The Fuse (USA) Bees 'n' Honey (CAN)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam QIDRAT ALLAH (KSA), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £26,090 and placed 7 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Premium Tap (USA)). 2nd Dam HONEY EYED (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £115,405 including Roamin Rachel Stakes, Parx Racing, placed second in John A Damico Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. and third in Peach Blossom Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; Own sister to Sweet Dynamite (USA); dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSWEET GLADYS (USA) (f. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £51,991 including Queen Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of: Grand Gladys (VEN), placed third in Clasico Tapatapa, La Rinconada, L. PROWLING TIGER (CAN) (c. by Alphabet Soup (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £34,863. 3rd Dam BEES 'N' HONEY (CAN), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Jammed Lovely Stakes, Greenwood, L., Lady Angela Stakes, Greenwood, L., placed second in Ontario Fashion Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Detroit Miss Stakes, Detroit; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingHONEY EYED (USA) (f. by Lite The Fuse (USA)), see above. Sweet Dynamite (USA) (f. by Lite The Fuse (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Nellie Morse Stakes, Laurel; dam of winners. YODELMAN (CAN) (c. by Mt Livermore (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. HOPER (USA) (f. by Lite The Fuse (USA)), won 2 races in Canada and in U.S.A. FOREST CHAPEL (CAN) (f. by Forest Camp (USA)), won 2 races in Canada. START STINGING (USA) (f. by Siphon (BRZ)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BLACK HORNET (CAN), won Vigil Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, OLG Kenora Stakes, Woodbine, R., Achievement Stakes, Woodbine, R., Queenston Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed second in Nearctic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Sophomore Sprint Stakes, Mountaineer Park, Kenora Stakes, Woodbine, R. and third in Kennedy Road Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Gallant Bob Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3, Bold Venture Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Traskwood Stakes, Aqueduct. 4th Dam ERANS SURPRISE (CAN), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizBEES 'N' HONEY (CAN) (f. by Geiger Counter (USA)), see above. The next dam DREAMS O'GLORY (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMISSED THE GATE (CAN) (f. by Semi-Pro), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Calling Distance (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sadie Hawkins Courtship Classic No.3, Finger Lakes, Sadie Hawkins Courtship Classic No.1, Finger Lakes and third in Sadie Hawkins Courtship Classic No 1, Finger Lakes and Monroe Stakes, Finger Lakes; grandam of MARGIES SMILE (USA), won Ruby Rubles Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed third in New York Stallion Park Avenue Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R. and Personal Girl Stakes, Aqueduct, R.; third dam of SALTAMONTES (USA), won Friendly Beauty Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed second in New York Stallion Series Stakes (3+f), Aqueduct, L.R., Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Swirlaway Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Dixie Dreamer (CAN) (f. by Seaneen), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Lady Krishna (PAN), placed second in Premio Ruben Orillac Alfaro, Panama, L.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 24th, 2022 Consuela (USA) (2010)

Stonesider (USA) Zarzuela (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Added Gold (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Hard to Copy (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam CONSUELA (USA), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £82,412 and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizCOCO BRAVADO (USA) (2017 c. by Conveyance (USA)), won 3 races at 4 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £55,075 and placed 14 times. ALBASTRO (KSA) (2019 c. by Conveyance (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,903 and placed 3 times. 2nd Dam ZARZUELA (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFREE AND READY (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 3 races in Argentina and in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. VOY POR VOS (ARG), won Clasico Jose Pedro Ramirez, La Plata, Gr.3, placed second in Clasico Polla de Potrillos, La Plata, Gr.2, C. Criadores del Pura Sangre de Carrera, La Plata, L. and third in Clasico Agustin B Gambier, La Plata, Gr.3. FAST READ (USA) (f. by Touch Gold (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Agilion (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in East View Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Joseph A Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Aristie Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. 3rd Dam HARD TO COPY (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingAndover Lady (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Pebbles Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. CALLED TO SERVE (USA), won Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Broad Brush Stakes, Laurel, L., placed third in Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. LOOKALIKE (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wolfof Vancouver (CAN), winner to 2022 in Sweden and placed second in Spring Mile, Jagersro, L. and third in Pramms Memorial, Jagersro, L. Teton National (USA) (f. by Forestry (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. BRIDGEHAMPTON (USA), won My Juliet Stakes, Parx Racing, L. STORMY NOVEL (USA), won Miss Woodford Stakes, Monmouth Park. Hard Lesson (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. SARITTA (USA), won Happy Ticket Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L. Ederle (USA) (f. by English Channel (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TIO GANGUE (USA), won Clasico Agustin Mercado Reveron, Camarero, L. The next dam HOT NOVEL (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, B Thoughtful Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Moccasin Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBEHRENS (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 9 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 (twice), Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Massachusetts Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Gr.2, Buick Pegasus Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2, Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Delius (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed third in September Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3; sire. NOVEL ENCOUNTER (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HYDROGEN (USA), won Stymie Handicap, Aqueduct, L. Texas Tammy (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. COWBOY CAL (USA), won Oak Tree Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Strub Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Pasqual Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire.





Owner: FMQ Stables Speightstown (USA) Echo Town (USA) Letgomyecho (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) April 30th, 2022 Mizz Cat C S (USA) (2014)

Mizzen Mast (USA) Tales of Gold (NZ)

Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Menifee (USA) Echo Echo Echo (USA) Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Yankee Gold (NZ)

ECHO TOWN (USA), 2017. Won 4 races, H Allen Jerkens Stakes, Gr.1, second in Woody Stephens Stakes, Gr.1, Bachelor Stakes, L. and third in Phoenix Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam MIZZ CAT C S (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £18,458 and placed 5 times; dam of 2 foals of racing ageMizz Factor (USA) (2020 f. by The Factor (USA)), unraced to date. Mizz Hope (USA) (2021 f. by Funtastic (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam TALES OF GOLD (NZ), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizSKYANGLE (USA) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)), won 2 races at 5 years in U.S.A. and £15,461. MIZZ CAT C S (USA) (f. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam YANKEE GOLD (NZ), won 4 races in Australia including Hill-Smith Stakes, Cheltenham Park, L.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingJOAN'S BEST (AUS) (f. by Gold Brose (AUS)), won 5 races in New Zealand including Coupland's Bakeries Breeders' Stakes, Wingatui, L., Ray Coupland Stakes, Ashburton, L., Islington Tavern Canterbury Belle Stakes, Riccarton Park, L., placed second in Ebony Grosve Canterbury Stakes, Rangiora, L.; dam of winners. Shafty Lady (NZ) (f. by Last Tycoon), unraced; dam of winners. MARKUS MAXIMUS (NZ), won Schweppes WATC Derby, Ascot, Gr.1, placed second in The Prop House Grand Prix Stakes, Eagle Farm, Gr.3. NANJARA (NZ), won L J Hooker Manawatu Cup, Awapuni, Gr.3, placed second in First Sovereign Trust Feilding Cup, Awapuni, L. GOLD CIRCLE (NZ), winner in New Zealand; dam of Asadauskaite (NZ), winner in New Zealand, third in H Harvey Prestige Gold Coast Bracelet, Gold Coast, L. The next dam SHAGOLVIN (NZ), won 7 races in New Zealand including Royal Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr.2, Byerley Thoroughbred Stakes, Hastings, L., placed second in Lion Avondale Cup, Avondale, Gr.1, Racing Personalities Stakes, Tauranga, L. and third in Great Northern Breeders Oaks, Ellerslie, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizYANKEE GOLD (NZ) (f. by Western Symphony (USA)), see above. Be Cool (NZ) (f. by Grosvenor (NZ)), won 5 races in Australia and placed third in Lady of the Turf Stakes, Doomben, L., Sandown Park UK Stakes, Caulfield, L. and Mercedes Benz Stakes, Sandown, L.; dam of winners. ZUPACOOL (AUS), won Jayco Bendigo Cup, Bendigo, L. Cool And Chic (NZ), unraced; grandam of Sir Barnabus (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Member's Cup, Sunshine Coast, L. MY KUGEL (NZ) (f. by Grosvenor (NZ)), won 1 race in South Africa; dam of winners. BEAMER (SAF), won Queens Nursery Stakes, Clairwood, L. Western Night (SAF), winner abroad, second in Byerly Turk Plate, Clairwood, Gr.3. OTEHI DIAMOND (NZ) (f. by Otehi Bay (AUS)), won 1 race in New Zealand; dam of a winner. Diamond Duke (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Leslie Froggatt Plate, Moonee Valley, L. Guinness (AUS), placed abroad; dam of Beejay Belle (NZ), winner in New Zealand and placed second in J S Contractors Matamata Breeders Stakes, Matamata, Gr.2. Rock The Kasbar (NZ) (f. by Straight Strike (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Rocksinga (NZ), winner in Austrailia, placed second in Wyong Cup, Wyong, L. and third in Canberra Cup, Canberra, L. Race Empress (AUS), unraced; dam of KALI (NZ), won Barneswood John Grigg Stakes, Ashburton, Gr.3, Royal Dominance (NZ), winner in New Zealand, placed third in New Zealand Bloodstock Royal Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr.2. Shades of The Past (NZ) (f. by Star Way), unraced; dam of winners. Blowfish Baby (NZ), unraced; dam of Premier Lady (NZ), winner in New Zealand, placed second in Berkley Stud Welcome Stakes, Riccarton Park, L.


55 BOX

Owner: Bandar Nasser M Alajmi More Than Ready (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 20th, 2022 (first foal)

Life Imitates Art (USA) Habiboo (USA) Arfalone (KSA) (2012)

Apremont (USA) Oum Aljamaajem (KSA)


Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Blushing Ogygian (USA) Silver Deputy (CAN) Choose a Crown (USA) Mirror Black La Faisanderie (FR)

LIFE IMITATES ART (USA), 2013. Won 3 races, Dania Beach Stakes, Gr.3, Sophomore Turf Stakes, second in Pulpit Stakes. First crop now 2 year olds. 1st Dam ARFALONE (KSA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £37,988 and placed 7 times. 2nd Dam OUM ALJAMAAJEM (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £17,306; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizARFALONE (KSA) (f. by Apremont (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam La Faisanderie (FR), won 3 races in France, second in Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L.; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing ageTinkerbell (FR) (f. by Fairy King (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ZERYAAB (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam MIRACLE OF LOVE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSACRED FIRE (GB) (c. by Saumarez), won 8 races in France including Prix des Pays de Loire, Le Lion-d'Angers, L., placed third in Prix René Bédel, Lyon-Parilly, L. Thorium (IRE) (c. by Kris), won 6 races in France and placed second in Derby du Midi, La Teste de Buch, L. and third in Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L. La Faisanderie (FR) (f. by Baillamont (USA)), see above. The next dam Untitled, won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Sandleford Priory Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingJUNGLE PIONEER (USA) (c. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 7 races at home, in France and in U.S.A. including Santa Gertrudes Handicap, Santa Anita, L. Private View (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 1 race in France and placed second in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1; dam of winners. Ionio (USA), 3 races at 2 to 4 years and placed second in Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2 and Glorious Stakes, Goodwood, L. PRIVATE ACADEMY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Super Academy (BRZ), winner in Brazil, placed second in C. Presidente Joao Tobias de Aguiar, L. (twice). SOIREE RUSSE (USA), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed 5 times; dam of TAZEEZ (USA), won Earl of Sefton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Darley Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed third in Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. GOLDEN STRIKE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of CHAGUARAMAL (VEN), won Copa Gran Abuelo, La Rinconada, L. (twice), PASO ALEGRE (VEN), won C. Nuestra Senora de la Chiquinquira, Santa Rita, L. Dili (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 1 race in France and placed second in Grand Prix de Villeurbanne, Lyon-La Soie, L.; dam of winners. MISTS OF AVALON (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France; dam of winners. KIERKEGAARD (GB), won Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L. (twice), Premio del Piazzale-Memorial E. Camici, Milan, L., Premio del Giubileo Limited Handicap, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1 (twice); sire. MISTITLED (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Magic of Love (GB), 3 races at 2 years and placed third in Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2 and Surrey Stakes, Epsom, L.; dam of Exclusive Love (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A., second in Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. La Adelita (USA) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. LA TIA (USA), won Matriarch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Athenia Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Arlington Matron Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3. Classy Woman (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Distaff Turf Stakes, R. Enfant d'Amour (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LOVE SHACK (FR), won Prix de la Vallée d'Auge, Deauville, L.




Owner: Sultan Mislat Alazma Sons A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 21st, 2022 Jasoorah (KSA) (2010)

Razor (GB) Alraamiyah (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Warning Smarten Up El Florista (ARG) Smasher (GB)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam JASOORAH (KSA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £101,843 and placed 19 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizNFAEEL (KSA) (2021 f. by Top Music (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. Sha'aat (KSA) (2020 c. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam ALRAAMIYAH (KSA), placed 3 times at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of two winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingJAASOOR (KSA) (c. by Mortlock (FR)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £20,858. 3rd Dam SMASHER (GB), unplaced at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizINSHERAAH (KSA) (f. by Another Review (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam STAR FACE, won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of seven winners from 14 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingLORD OF THE FIELD (c. by Jalmood (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 6 years including Meld Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, September Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3, Feilden Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed third in Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1; sire. Stratford East (c. by Tyrnavos), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Champagne Stakes, Salisbury, L. The next dam SUEMETTE, unraced; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingNISNAS (c. by Tap On Wood), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2, Alycidon Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed second in Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.2, Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, third in King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and fourth in Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. SALETTE (f. by Sallust), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Fasig-Tipton CTBA Stakes, Curragh, L., placed third in Cornelscourt Stakes, Leopardstown, L., Goff's Stakes, Curragh, L. and fourth in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of winners. Skisette, placed once in France; dam of SWEET LUDY (IRE), 5 races in Italy and in U.S.A. including San Clemente Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Honeymoon Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Premio Repubbliche Marinare, Rome, L., placed third in Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, LATE PARADE (IRE), 23 races in France and in Italy including Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3 (3 times), Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L., Premio Certosa, Milan, L., Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L.; sire; grandam of BEAUTY ONLY (IRE), 11 races in Hong Kong and in Italy including Longines Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1, The Chairman's Trophy, Sha Tin, Gr.2, BOCHK Wealth Management Jockey Club Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.2, placed second in The Champions Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1 and third in Queen's Silver Jubilee Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, CONFUCHIAS (IRE), 4 races at 2 to 4 years including Killavullan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Chipchase Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3, placed second in 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire, DEE DEE D'OR (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in Italy including Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L., placed second in Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.2, BERAN (TUR), won H Basri Karabucak Stakes, Adana, L.; third dam of FULLNESS OF LIFE (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including P. Regina Elena 1000 Guineas Shadwell, Rome, Gr.3.




Owner: Jameel A/Kareem Ghassal Speightstown (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 1st, 2022

Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN) Regal Melody (USA) (2010)

Songandaprayer (USA) Regal Approach (USA)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Unbridled's Song (USA) Alizea (USA) Thunder Gulch (USA) Regal Approval (USA)

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam REGAL MELODY (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £53,394 and placed 6 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 5 foals of racing age vizSAAD ALKHEWIY (KSA) (2017 c. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. (2021 f. by Power Broker (USA)). 2nd Dam REGAL APPROACH (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £64,271; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizSHIPSATIONAL (USA) (c. by Midshipman (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £294,526 including Sleepy Hollow Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Bertram F. Bongard Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed second in Sam F. Davis Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3 and third in Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.2. REGAL SPEAKER (USA) (c. by Mr Speaker (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £139,942. REGAL FORCE (USA) (g. by Bernstein (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £81,314. FIRST APPEAL (USA) (f. by First Defence (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £261,063. RAIN FOREST (USA) (f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £70,112; dam of winners. CHICA CHULA (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. SPRING FROST (USA) (f. by Frost Giant (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £22,777. NASHVILLE (USA) (g. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam REGAL APPROVAL (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Bal Harbour Stakes, Hialeah Park, placed second in Angelo Testa Stakes, Hialeah Park; Own sister to With a Princess (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMR MAYBE (USA) (c. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Red Smith Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, John's Call Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed third in Mac Diarmida Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. Regal Ballet (USA) (f. by Stravinsky (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Sweetnessngoodness (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park and third in Cincinnati Trophy Stakes, Turfway Park. The next dam REGAL PRINCESS (USA), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, R., placed second in Coral Gables Handicap, Calder; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMISS LISTO (USA) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Miss Houston Stakes, Sam Houston, placed second in Sam Houston Oaks, Sam Houston; dam of winners. Lubango (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Henry S Clark Stakes, Pimlico. With a Princess (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Powder Break Handicap, Calder, L. and Frances A Genter Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. WITH A CITY (USA), won Lane's End Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2. THE DADDY (USA), won Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2; sire. BLUE LASER (USA), won Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. REGAL N READY (USA) (f. by Copelan (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Royal Moro (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in San Miguel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3.





Owner: Sama Stabil Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 26th, 2022 Proclivity (USA) (2012)

Candy Ride (ARG) Alternate (USA)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Seattle Slew (USA) Strike A Balance (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam PROCLIVITY (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 living foals of racing age vizCONDUCIVE (USA) (2016 g. by First Samurai (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £74,272 and placed 14 times. Dial Away (USA) (2020 c. by Dialed In (USA)), unraced to date. (2021 f. by Munnings (USA)). 2nd Dam ALTERNATE (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £350,518 including Robert G Dick Mem. Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, L. (twice), Go For Wand Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingHIGHER POWER (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £1,237,349 including TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, placed second in Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Awesome Again Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. ALTERNATION (USA) (c. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £684,516 including Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, Remington Park, L.; sire. INTERRUPTED (USA) (f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £156,488 including Lady Baltimore Stakes, Laurel, L., Penn Oaks Stakes, Penn National, L., placed third in Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. TRANSPORTATION (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,741; grandam of Runtoday (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Prairie Meadows Freshman Stakes, Prairie Meadows. 3rd Dam STRIKE A BALANCE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingPEAKS AND VALLEYS (USA) (c. by Mt Livermore (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in Canada in 1995, won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Meadowlands Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.1, Molson Export Million Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr.2, Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. COUNTERPOISE (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TIP TAP TAPIZAR (USA), won Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. BALANCING ACT (USA) (f. by Spectacular Bid (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ELEUSIS (USA), won Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2. TIP THE SCALE (USA), won Highland Happening Stakes, Suffolk Downs. Countervail (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. ITSAGIANTCAUSEWAY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MUCHO GUSTO (USA), won Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Affirmed Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; sire, Go With Gusto (USA), placed 2023, third in Summer Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1. Equilibrate (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. EQUALITY (USA), won Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3; sire. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (USA), won Awad Stakes, Arlington. Equitable (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Commonwealth Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and third in United Nations Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. Hopes and Fears (USA) (f. by Mt Livermore (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CRYPTOGRAPH (USA), won Woodbine Slots Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, Durham Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, Round Table Stakes, Arlington, L.; sire.


59 BOX

Owner: Jamal Aeied Surour Alotaibi Unbridled's Song (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) February 1st, 2022 (first foal)

Top Music (GB) Top Order (USA) Ma'aleeha (KSA) (2017)

Flashy Bull (USA) River Nore (CAN)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Dayjur (USA) Victoria Cross (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Archers Bay (CAN) First Prom (USA)

TOP MUSIC (GB), 2007. Won 5 races and third in Prix Sigy, L. Sire of MOR'EDAH (KSA), LAE OYOUN TARFAH (KSA), ASHOOS ALKHEIL (KSA), ALZAHLOOL (KSA), NAQ'QAASH (KSA), NASAYEM ALRIYADH (KSA), NFAEEL (KSA), TANHEDAH (KSA). 1st Dam MA'ALEEHA (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam RIVER NORE (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £101,404 including Fury Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., third in Jammed Lovely Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMOBRIDGE (USA) (c. by Indygo Shiner (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £281,369. MISSISSIPPI DUEL (USA) (c. by Bernstein (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £97,340. MINSKY MOMENT (USA) (c. by Flatter (USA)), won 3 races in Canada and U.S.A., £141,827. RENWICK (USA) (c. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., £58,488. 3rd Dam FIRST PROM (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingRIVER NORE (CAN) (f. by Archers Bay (CAN)), see above. First Corsage (CAN) (f. by Grindstone (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Takiddm (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Vandal Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Clarendon Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. 4th Dam FAT EMMA (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Rose Debartolo Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, L., Hunting Valley Handicap, Thistledown, Ohio Matron Handicap, Thistledown, second in Best of Ohio Endurance Championship Handicap, River Downs, L.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWITH HOLLANDAISE (USA) (f. by Brocco (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HOLD THE SALT (USA), won Kentucky Cup Turf Dash Stakes, L. (twice). Emma Loves Marie (USA) (f. by Wild Again (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DUST ME OFF (USA), won Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. DAT YOU MIZ BLUE (USA), won Vagrancy Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Garland of Roses Handicap, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Prioress Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of Amigo (USA), placed third in Tropical Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park West, Gr.3; grandam of Genghis (USA), placed second in Smooth Air Stakes, Gulfstream Park, third in Juvenile Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R., Freak (USA), placed third in Desert Vixen Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., Merlin (USA), placed third in Sophomore Turf Stakes (3yo), Tampa Bay Downs, R. Alwayswithapproval (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Grand Prairie Turf Challenge Stakes, Lone Star Park. LOVE AND KRIS'S (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Paris By Night (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Winnipeg Futurity, Assiniboia Downs. The next dam BRIGHT REPLY (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to WRITIN' MAMA (USA); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingTOUGALOO (USA) (f. by Lot O' Gold (USA)), won 13 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Rose Debartolo Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, L. (3 times), Best of Ohio Endurance Championship Hcp., Beulah Park, L.; dam of a winner. Private Stash (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Vivacious Handicap, River Downs; dam of MY KITTY (USA), won East View Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Toogie Pine (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of Wollemi Pine (USA), winner in Canada and placed second in Play the King Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2. Toogie Too (USA), ran once at 3 years; dam of Farewell My Lovely (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Salem County Stakes, Meadowlands, L. Sheikh Rattle (USA) (c. by Sheikh Albadou (GB)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Pilgrim Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. Monte Echo (USA) (f. by Monteverdi), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Music Affair (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed second in Clasico Juan Pedro Artigas, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, L.


60 BOX

A P Indy (USA) GHASSANA (USA) February 17th, 2022 A Bay Filly (first foal)


Owner: Tamken Racing Stable

Mineshaft (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Honeywhiskeynwine (USA) (2017)

Noble Mission (GB) Dying To Dance (USA)

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Up The Flagpole (USA) Galileo (IRE) Kind (IRE) Street Cry (IRE) Domludge (USA)

MINESHAFT (USA), 1999. Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2003. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.1, Pimlico Special Handicap, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of TRUE TIMBER (USA), (Gr.1), WEEP NO MORE (USA), (Gr.1), EFFINEX (USA), (Gr.1), BOND HOLDER (USA), (Gr.1), IT'S TRICKY (USA), (Gr.1), DIALED IN (USA), (Gr.1), DISCREETLY MINE (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam HONEYWHISKEYNWINE (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A. She also has a 2023 filly by Audible (USA). 2nd Dam DYING TO DANCE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingENCUMBERED (USA) (g. by Violence (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £109,510 including Del Mar Juvenile Turf Stakes, Del Mar, L. Your Only Man (USA) (g. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £149,972 and placed second in Tropical Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. YES SHE'S A DANCER (USA) (f. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,577. 3rd Dam DOMLUDGE (USA), ran once at 3 years; Own sister to Cadeaux d'Amie (USA); dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingALVA GLEN (USA) (g. by Gulch (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.A.E. including March Stakes, Goodwood, L. LYPHARD'S HONOR (FR) (c. by Highest Honor (FR)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Montenica, Evry, L. Shrewd Idea (GB) (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and abroad and placed second in Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3 and third in Aral-Pokal, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, Gr.1, Grosser Preis der Wirtschaft, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, Grosser Hertie-Preis von Deutschland, Munich, Gr.2; sire. TANGO QUEEN (USA) (f. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Tanguista (FR), winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed third in Prix La Sorellina, La Teste de Buch, L.; dam of BAILEYS SHOWGIRL (FR), 2 races at 2 years at home and in France including Prix Roland de Chambure, Chantilly, L., placed third in Prix La Rochette, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3, TRIBUNE (FR), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Ronde de Nuit, Deauville, L.; grandam of DEEMSTER (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix du Pont-Neuf, ParisLongchamp, L. VASSIA (USA) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in France; dam of winners. VILLADOLIDE (FR), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix d'Arenberg, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, placed second in Prix Eclipse, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3. VICTORIEUX (FR), 4 races at 3 years in France including Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L. and Prix Hampton, Chantilly, L.; sire. Vassiana (FR), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of GIROUETTE (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years including Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Sweet Mimosa Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Renaissance Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Prince d'Alienor (IRE), 8 races at 2 to 4 years in France and placed second in Prix Messidor, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3; sire, Paraphernalia (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Garnet Stakes, Naas, L.; grandam of MAX VEGA (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 5 years, 2022 including St Simon Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, John Porter Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Zetland Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed second in St Simon Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3; third dam of BLACKBEARD (IRE), Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2022, Jt Champion 2yr old colt in England in 2022, 6 races at 2 years, 2022 at home and in France including Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, Chantilly, Gr.2, Marble Hill Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, First Flier Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, KAIRYU (IRE), 2 races at 2 years, 2023 including Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, all her starts.


61 BOX

Owner: Alghamaah Stable Mizzen Mast (USA) Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 21st, 2022 Hoosaa (KSA) (2009)

Official Visit (USA) Crepusculaire (FR)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Hernando (FR) Guest Performer

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam HOOSAA (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSAMAR ALQENA (KSA) (2016 f. by Misu Bond (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Paris Perfect (SAF)). 2nd Dam CREPUSCULAIRE (FR), won 3 races at 3 years in France and £12,399 and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingRAFIQ ALSHADAAIED (KSA) (c. by Fun Galore (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £55,827; sire. GORILLAKOS (IRE) (c. by Danetime (IRE)), won 2 races at 4 years abroad and £26,720 and placed 23 times. 3rd Dam GUEST PERFORMER, won 2 races at 3 years including Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, placed third in City of York Stakes, York, L.; Own sister to SOJOURN; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingGLOBAL PLAYER (GB) (c. by Tirol), won 5 races in Germany including Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr.3, placed second in Erdgas Trophy, Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3 and third in Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, BadenBaden, Gr.2; sire. 4th Dam MELODY (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Tipperary Stakes, Limerick, L., placed second in Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and fourth in Mulcahy Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr.3; Own sister to Castlemaine; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSOJOURN (f. by Be My Guest (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Honey Bee Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3; dam of winners. Savoia (USA), ran once in France; grandam of EVER RIDER (ARG), won Clasico General Belgrano, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2. Philharmonia (f. by Caerleon (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed second in James Seymour Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of winners. CHORUS MUSIC (USA), won Irish Linnet Stakes, Saratoga, L. Note (f. by Bold Lad (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. AVATAR'S NOTE (USA), won Jockey Hollow Handicap, Meadowlands. The next dam Mettle (USA), won 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Ebbisham Handicap, Epsom, L.; dam of seven winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingPOLISHED SILVER (c. by Try My Best (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed fourth in Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3. Castlemaine (f. by Lord Gayle (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed third in Athasi Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and Mooresbridge Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. SORCERER (USA) (f. by One For All (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BLACK SORCERERESS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of TIFONE (CHI), won Gran Clasico Coronacion, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.2, placed third in Premio Club Hipico de Santiago-Falabella, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1; third dam of PIPPA (BRZ), Champion older mare in Brazil in 2012-13, won Grande Premio Major Suckow, Gavea, Gr.1. UNMISTAKABLE (f. by Hello Gorgeous (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Italy; dam of a winner. CORN MAIZCAY (AUS), won Perth Quality Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of SWEET CORN (AUS), won Matriarch Plate, Flemington, Gr.3. BLUE GUITAR (f. by Cure The Blues (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. DIME BAG (GB), 4 races at 3 and 4 years; dam of GUYS AND DOLLS (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, third in Critérium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Musaab Khalid I Alsayari A P Indy (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 25th, 2022 (first foal)

Scipion (USA) Strawberry Reason (USA) Taftanaaz (KSA) (2015)

New Year's Day (USA) Chic Thief (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Strawberry Road (AUS) Pretty Reason (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Justwhistledixie (USA) Cat Thief (USA) Vogueing (USA)

SCIPION (USA), 2002. Won 2 races, Risen Star Stakes, Gr.3, second in Point Given Stakes and third in Miller Genuine Draft Cradle Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of KEEP MOMMA HAPPY (USA), (L.R.), PITCH N ROLL (USA), (L.R.), SPEED IS LIFE (USA), (S), Grandiflora (USA), (L.), Outhaul (USA), (L.), Won The War (USA), (L.R.), In Arrears (USA), (S), SCIP'S SONATA (USA), SIPPY CUP (USA), ABSOLUTE ANSWER (USA), MORE REUBENS (USA), VALENTINE CHARM (USA), HANDSOME HARLEY (USA). 1st Dam TAFTANAAZ (KSA), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam CHIC THIEF (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDark And Chic (USA) (c. by Aptitude (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years abroad and £29,616 and placed third in Clasico Fanatico Hipico, Camarero Race Track, L. 3rd Dam VOGUEING (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of seven winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingRADICAL RILEY (USA) (g. by Wheaton (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Holy Bull Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, What A Pleasure Stakes, Calder, Gr.3. Brick Home (USA) (f. by Homebuilder (USA)), placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wheaton Home (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Chuck Taliaferro Memorial Stakes, Remington Park, Temperence Hill Stakes, Louisiana Downs. Native Brick (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Matron Handicap, Evangeline Downs. Cost and Effect (USA) (f. by Artie Schiller (USA)), placed twice in Canada; dam of winners. SILENT MISTAKE (CAN), won Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, R. The next dam STRIKE A POSE (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingTONKA WAKHAN (USA) (c. by Big Spruce (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Minstrel Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed third in Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2 and fourth in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2. WEDDING PICTURE (USA) (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Revidere Stakes, Saratoga, R., Pinafore Stakes, Suffolk Downs; dam of winners. WINGED VICTORY (USA), won Fort Lauderdale Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, July Trophy, Haydock, L., placed second in King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and third in Early Times Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. Wedded Bliss (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Fairway Fun Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; grandam of BELLA VELLA (AUS), won Sangster Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.1, Ian McEwen Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2. WEDDING VOW (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BROKEN VOW (USA), won Philip H Iselin Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Ben Ali Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, placed third in Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. With This Ring (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of I THEE WED (USA), won Nearctic Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2. Constant Companion (USA), unraced; dam of FOREVER TOGETHER (USA), won Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 (twice), Emirates Airlines Breeders' Cup f&m Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, First Lady Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. STRIKE A BALANCE (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PEAKS AND VALLEYS (USA), Champion 3yr old colt in Canada in 1995, won Meadowlands Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.1, Molson Export Million Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr.2; sire. ALTERNATE (USA), won Robert G Dick Mem. Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, L. (twice), Go For Wand Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of HIGHER POWER (USA), won TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, second in Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire, ALTERNATION (USA), won Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Countervail (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; grandam of MUCHO GUSTO (USA), won Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Manea Yahya Saleh Al Zamanan Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Hakam (KSA) Last Romance (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 12th, 2022 Sally Red (USA) (2015)

Giant's Causeway (USA) Sally Forth (GB)


El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Wild Rush (USA) Fond Romance (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Dubai Destination (USA) Daralbayda (IRE)

HAKAM (KSA), 2010. Unraced. First crop now 6 year olds. 1st Dam SALLY RED (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizYEMKEN (KSA) (2019 c. by Night of Thunder (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £139,937 and placed 5 times. (2021 c. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam SALLY FORTH (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizFORTH BRIDGE (GB) (g. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and £5496 and placed 3 times; also won 2 races over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and £38,800 including Scottish Triumph Trial Hurdle, Musselburgh, L., placed 3 times and won 1 race over fences at 6 years and £50,183 and placed 12 times. DIABLO DADDY (USA) (c. by English Channel (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £44,753. 3rd Dam Daralbayda (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDARKARA (IRE) (f. by Halling (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in France including Prix des Tourelles, Chantilly, L.; dam of winners. Dardiza (IRE), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in France; dam of GUILDSMAN (FR), won Franklin-Simpson Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3, Tom Ridge Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, placed second in Round Tower Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and third in Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Lucky Coin Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. Darkova (USA), unraced; dam of ALMANZOR (FR), Champion 3yr old colt in Europe in 2016, 8 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including QIPCO Champion Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, QIPCO Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Deauville, Gr.2, Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr.3, Grand Critérium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L., placed third in Prix de Fontainebleau, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire, Another Sky (FR), 2 races at 3 and 5 years, 2022 in France and placed third in Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr.3, from only 4 starts, Troarn (FR), 2 races at 3 years in France and placed second in Derby du Midi, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L., Natasha (GB), 2 races at 2 years and placed third in Prix Petite Etoile, Deauville, L. Darkazinia (USA), unraced; dam of DARZAN (FR), 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix Vulcain, Deauville, L., placed third in Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L., Dabawa (FR), 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in France and placed second in Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, Gr.3 and Prix de Bagatelle, Chantilly, L. Darinska (IRE) (f. by Zilzal (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix des Tourelles, MaisonsLaffitte, L. and third in Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of winners. DARJINA (FR), Champion 3yr old filly in France in 2007, Champion older mare in Europe in 2008, won Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix d'Astarté, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix de la Grotte, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Rothschild, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix d'Ispahan, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1 and third in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1. DARIENA (FR), 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of Duque (FR), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and placed third in Prix de la Californie, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. Darbaza (FR), placed 5 times at 3 years in France; dam of DARBUZAN (FR), won Prix de Lutèce, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L., placed third in Prix Chaudenay, Chantilly, Gr.2. Darinski (IRE) (c. by Mark of Esteem (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 years in France and placed third in Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine, L.




Owner: Abdullah Saaleh Saeed Al Mansor Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 15th, 2022 Motakhatrefah (KSA) (2015)

Blue Burner (USA) Aqmaar (KSA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) French Deputy (USA) Haiati (USA) Proud Citizen (USA) Takem and Leavem (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam MOTAKHATREFAH (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 to 4 years; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizRivera (KSA) (2021 f. by Roaring Fever (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam AQMAAR (KSA), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £35,093; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingALNAJIM ALWADHAH (KSA) (c. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,772. 3rd Dam TAKEM AND LEAVEM (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMOATHER (KSA) (c. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam LOVE THEM ALL (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSIERRA DIABLO (USA) (g. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Baldwin Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Moet Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. WORK TILL DAWN (USA) (c. by Grey Dawn II), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Overnight Invitational Stakes (c&g), Bay Meadows, placed third in Golden Bear Stakes, Golden Gate, L. SENOR CIELO (USA) (g. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 22 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. including William Livingston Stakes, Meadowlands. Love On The Hill (USA) (f. by Temperence Hill (USA)), unraced; dam of: Obediente (VEN), third in Clasico Gobernador Distrito Federal, La Rinconada, L. The next dam ALLOFTHEM, won 4 races in U.S.A.; Own sister to SABER MOUNTAIN; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTWO RINGS (USA) (f. by Round Table), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Nassau Stakes, Fort Erie, L., second in Nettie Handicap, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. NORTHERN BABY (CAN), won Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Dollar, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix de la Côte Normande, Deauville, Gr.3, placed third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; sire. BAYFORD (CAN), Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 1980, won Coronation Futurity Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R. and Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R. NORTHERN RINGER (USA), won Sun Beau Handicap, Hawthorne; sire. The Accomodator (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pilgrim Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and fourth in Summer Stakes, Fort Erie, Gr.2R. CAMPANA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years; dam of Mejiro Sandra (JPN), winner in Japan and placed third in Sapporo Nikkei Open, Sapporo, L.; third dam of KAFUJI OCTAGON (JPN), won Leopard Stakes, Niigata, Gr.3. Jellapore (CAN), ran a few times in U.S.A.; dam of SECRET ADVICE (USA), won Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Storm Ring (USA), winner and placed second in Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. and third in Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; grandam of KIMBERLITE PIPE (USA), won Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Robert F Carey Memorial Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3; sire, RAHY'S SECRET (USA), won Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds, L.; sire, MARASCA (USA), won Aventura Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., CRY CRY CRY (USA), won Ladies Express Stakes, Hastings Park, SECRET ADVICE R N (USA), won Palo Alto Stakes, Bay Meadows.


65 BOX

Owner: Altameez Steble A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 25th, 2022 (first foal)

Saint Anddan (USA) Adoradancer (USA) Haarezah (KSA) (2010)

Official Flame (USA) Khabeerah (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Danzig Connection (USA) Andora (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fire The Groom (USA) Multicoloured (IRE) Bravo Sheba (USA)

SAINT ANDDAN (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Churchill Downs Handicap, Gr.2, Duncan F Kenner Breeders' Cup Stakes, L., third in Phoenix Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ST JOE BAY (USA), (Gr.2), ANOTHER ROMANCE (USA), (Gr.3), THEGREATCOLLECTION (USA), (L.), COQUETO DEL OCHO (PAN), (L.R.), SAINT D'AROAK (USA), (L.R.), STAND AND SALUTE (USA), (S), HAPPY TO GO (USA), (S), BLEU DARLING (USA), (S), Savio (USA), (L.), Kodiack Kutie (USA), (L.), Saint of Saints (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam HAAREZAH (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,060 and placed 4 times. 2nd Dam KHABEERAH (KSA), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £19,262; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTHARA RAH (KSA) (f. by Alamocitos (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £78,298; dam of winners. 3rd Dam BRAVO SHEBA (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizKHABEERAH (KSA) (f. by Multicoloured (IRE)), see above. 4th Dam BRAVA (GER), won 2 races in West Germany; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSIMPLY BRAVE (USA) (c. by El Baba (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Grady Madden Memorial Stakes, Louisiana Downs. Belle Brava (USA) (f. by El Baba (USA)), won 2 races in France and placed second in Prix Belle de Nuit, Evry, L. and third in Prix Joubert, Evry, L.; dam of winners. BRAVO MARGOT (FR), winner in France; grandam of Margot On Stage (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed second in Swallow Stakes, Turffontein, L. and third in Three Troikas Stakes, Turffontein, Gr.3, Friendly Tibbs (SAF), placed third in Woolavington Handicap, Kenilworth, L., Settlers Trophy, Durbanville, L. and Cape Premier Sales Jet Master Stakes, Kenilworth, L. The next dam BRIGIDA (GER), won 4 races in West Germany including Schwarzgold-Rennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingBUENO (GER) (c. by Lombard (GER)), won 6 races in West Germany including Allianz-Pokal, Munich, L., Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L., placed second in Preis der Stadtsparkasse Mulheim, Mulheim, L.; sire. Bahia Blanca (GER) (f. by Dalsaan), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany and fourth in ARAG Schwarzgold-Rennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2; dam of winners. BACCARA (GER), won Preis der Berliner BMW Vertragspartner, Hoppegarten, L. BEJARIA (GER) (f. by Konigsstuhl (GER)), won 2 races in Germany; dam of winners. BERNARDON (GER), 8 races at 2 to 4 years in Germany including Grosse Eurocar Meile, Cologne, Gr.2, Darley Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3. BUDAI (GER), won Preis der Sparkassen Finanzgruppe, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Grand Prix de Compiègne, Compiegne, L., second in Prix Dollar, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2. BASALIOS (IRE), 4 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in Germany including P. der MM Management 3yo Fruhjahrszucht, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L. BELLACOOLA (GER), 1 race at 3 years in Germany and placed once; dam of BELCARRA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany viz Schwarzgold-Rennen, Cologne, Gr.3 and Sea The Moon-Rennen, Hannover, L. Bassistin (f. by Shareef Dancer (USA)), ran in West Germany; dam of winners. BESTEN DANK (GER), 9 races in Germany including Robert Pferdmenges-Rennen, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L. BELLA MONICA (GER), 1 race at 3 years in Germany; dam of BOCCASSINI (GER), Champion 2yr old in Germany in 2006, 2 races at 2 years in France and in Germany including Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2; grandam of WHAT ABOUT CARLO (FR), 7 races including Steventon Stakes, Newbury, L., BASTILLE (GER), 2 races in Germany and in Italy including Premio Royal Mares, Milan, L.




Owner: Hamed Ali Naser Qaban Al Fadil Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 26th, 2022 Farq Elm (KSA) (2014)

Manifest (GB) Meqdaamah (KSA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Rainbow Quest (USA) Modena (USA) Soviet Star (USA) Wavey (GB)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam FARQ ELM (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,337; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Ron The Greek (USA)). 2nd Dam MEQDAAMAH (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizFARQ ELM (KSA) (f. by Manifest (GB)), see above. 3rd Dam WAVEY (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L.; Own sister to REBUFF (GB); dam of one winner from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizBuoyant (IRE) (f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix de Malleret, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2 and Prix de Liancourt, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. Making Waves (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), ran a few times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. Wave of Applause (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Blue Norther Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; dam of Waven (USA), winner in Chile and placed third in Premio Victor y Carlos Raby, Valparaiso, L. The next dam THROW AWAY LINE (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 13 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingREBUFF (GB) (f. by Kris), won 3 races at 3 years in France and abroad including Prix Panacée, Toulouse, L., placed second in Prix Occitanie, Toulouse, L.; dam of winners. HESPERIA (GB) (f. by Slip Anchor), won 2 races at 3 years in France and in Italy including Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of winners. Lucky Date (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, placed second in Masaka Stakes, Kempton, L. HOLLOW TREE (GB), 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; also 3 races over hurdles at 3 years including Future Champions Finale Juvenile Hurdle, Chepstow, Gr.1, placed 13 times including second in Prestbury Juvenile Novices' Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.2 and third in Finesse Juvenile Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.2. LA HORQUELA (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in Germany and placed 5 times; dam of Lord of Gracie (FR), winner in France and abroad and placed second in Grand Prix de Marseille, Marseille-Borély, L. and third in Prix Max Sicard, Toulouse, L. and Grand Prix de Compiègne, Compiegne, L. Hesperian (IRE), unraced; dam of NARCOS (FR), 7 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Grand Prix de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L., placed second in Prix de la Porte de Madrid, Saint-Cloud, L. and third in G.P.du Departement 06, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., Prix Max Sicard, Toulouse, L. and Prix Bédel, Lyon-Parilly, L. Swordplay (GB) (g. by Kris), won 2 races at 3 years; also won 3 races over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and placed second in Galway City Tribune Handicap Hurdle, Galway, L. and won 3 races over fences and placed third in Dairygold Light Handicap Chase, Cork, L. Cut And Run (GB) (f. by Slip Anchor), ran a few times at 3 years; dam of winners. Ski Run (GB), 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed third in Lonsdale Stakes, York, Gr.3 and Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3. Debutante (GB) (f. by Medicean (GB)), ran twice at 3 years; dam of winners. VEUVELICIOUS (AUS), won Adina Hotels Fernhill Handicap, Randwick, L., placed third in Schweppervescence T L Baillieu Handicap, Rosehill, Gr.3. Few Words (GB) (f. by Fraam (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. Maria Magdalena (IRE), 1 race at 3 years; also 3 races over hurdles at 3 years and placed second in Wensleydale Juvenile Hurdle, Wetherby, L. ROZENE (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years; dam of ENABLER (IND), won The S A Poonawalla Million, Pune, L.R.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 26th, 2022 Fate (USA) (2016)

Alternation (USA) Heart of Destiny (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Distorted Humor (USA) Alternate (USA) Lion Heart (USA) Doc's Destiny (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam FATE (USA), unraced; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age vizFaat (KSA) (2021 c. by Cat Dreams (USA)), placed twice at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, all his starts. Taqnee (KSA) (2020 c. by Tapiture (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam Heart of Destiny (USA), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £154,279 and placed second in Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMEET THE BEAUTY (USA) (f. by Frosted (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £80,325. 3rd Dam Doc's Destiny (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dr James Penny Memorial Handicap, Parx Racing, L.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBrother Bobby (USA) (g. by Out of Place (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2 and Philip H Iselin Breeders' Cup Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Hard Headed Temper (USA) (f. by Hard Spun (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. Undervalued Asset (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Charles Town Oaks, Charles Town, Gr.3 and Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. 4th Dam VENTURED (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of fourteen winners from 15 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingDoc's Destiny (USA) (f. by Doc's Leader (USA)), see above. CRITICS ACCLAIM (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ROSALIND (USA), won Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed second in Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Santa Anita, Gr.1. American Diva (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Double Delta Stakes, Arlington; grandam of CITY PARK (USA), won Louisiana Cup Turf Classic Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. HIGH DRAW (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SPOOLED (USA), won Miss Indiana Stakes, Indiana Downs, R., Indiana Stallion Stakes (2yo fillies), Indiana Grand, R. The next dam TIM MARIE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLIFE'S HOPE (USA) (c. by Exclusive Native (USA)), won 15 races in U.S.A. including Amory L. Haskell Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Jersey Derby, Garden State, Gr.1, Native Diver Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, New Orleans Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr.3. LITTLE HAPPINESS (USA) (f. by Raise A Native), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Monrovia Handicap, Santa Anita, San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; grandam of A LITTLE KISS (NZ), won Queensland Oaks, Eagle Farm, Gr.1, Flight Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1. Heart A Dancer (USA) (f. by Raise A Native), unraced; grandam of BRAVE WARRIOR (AUS), won Phar Lap Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, Peter Pan Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, Gloaming Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2; sire; third dam of SHAMEKHA (AUS), won All Aged Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, Blackmores T J Smith Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, Tad Kennedy Coolmore Classic, Rosehill, Gr.1 and Tea Rose Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Altareef Twirling Candy (USA) Gift Box (USA) Special Me (USA)

A BAY FILLY (USA) April 9th, 2022 Shamrock Star (USA) (2014)

Star Guitar (USA) Indian Treaty (USA)


Candy Ride (ARG) House of Danzing (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Delta Danielle (CAN) Quiet American (USA) Minit Towinit (USA) Eugene's Third Son (USA) Carr Star (USA)

GIFT BOX (USA), 2013. Won 6 races, San Manuel Santa Anita Handicap, Gr.1, San Antonio Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), second in Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, Curlin Stakes and third in Remsen Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam Shamrock Star (USA), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £122,292 and placed 5 times including third in La Bred Premier Night Matron Stakes, Delta Downs, R.; dam of 2 foals of racing ageGreat Britten King (USA) (2020 f. by Girvin (USA)), unraced to date. A Touch of Hail (USA) (2021 f. by Girvin (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by Game Winner (USA). 2nd Dam INDIAN TREATY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £30,335; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingShamrock Star (USA) (f. by Star Guitar (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam CARR STAR (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingTHERE GOES ROCKET (USA) (c. by Valid Expectations (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Texas Stallion Stakes (c&g), Sam Houston, L., Texas Stallion Handicap (c&g), Sam Houston, L., Texas Stallion Stakes (2yo c&g), Lone Star Park, L., placed third in Ketel One El Joven Stakes, Retama Park, L. Barnacle Steve (USA) (c. by Open Forum (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Hialeah Juvenile Stakes, Hialeah Park, L. 4th Dam COLD AS A WITCH'S (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingBlum Gone (USA) (c. by Dr Blum (USA)), won 18 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Hudson Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R. Furia (PAN) (c. by Ziggy's Boy (USA)), won 5 races abroad and placed second in Clasico Cerveza Panama, Panama, L. The next dam BELLE POULE, won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingEMBASSY ROW (USA) (c. by Diplomat Way), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Lamplighter Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; sire. MATCHING GIFT (USA) (c. by Foolish Pleasure (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Dover Stakes, Delaware Park, second in Laurel Futurity, Laurel, Gr.1. KNIGHTLY BELLE (USA) (f. by Knightly Manner), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Brentwood Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of winners. DR ROOT (USA), won Sword Dancer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. SAVY (USA), won Tuscarora Handicap, Keystone Race Track (twice), Susquehanna Handicap, Keystone Race Track and Heirloom Stakes, Keystone Race Track, R.; dam of OAKBROOK LADY (USA), won Honey Fox Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Supreme Queen (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Tampa Bay Debutante Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs; dam of KILLER DILLER (USA), won Assault Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Trenton Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, Garden State Stakes, Garden State, Gr.3, placed third in Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, ASAKA DEFEAT (JPN), won Kokura Daishoten, Kokura, L. (twice). The Brave Chicken (USA) (c. by Assagai), won 20 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Patriot Stakes, Liberty Bell Park, Gr.3. Flo Russell (USA) (f. by Round Table), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CROCKADORE (USA), won Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. FLOWING (USA), won Flying Five Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 (twice) and Tipperary Sprint, Tipperary, L. (twice); grandam of STORM MESA (USA), won San Clemente Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3 . Valpreda (USA) (f. by What A Pleasure (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SPARKEY'S DREAM (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BELL WITCH (USA), won La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.




Owner: Sultan Shakhbot I Alsultan Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 16th, 2022 Albantilee (KSA) (2008)

Pine Dance (USA) Tranquillity (GB)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Pine Bluff (USA) Dancing Affair (CAN) Night Shift (USA) Quiet Week-End

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam ALBANTILEE (KSA), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of 3 runners from 8 foals of racing age includingIshlae (KSA) (2018 c. by Highlander (GB)), placed twice at 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mora Wae Alkheil (KSA) (2012 c. by Apremont (USA)), placed once at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Finest Artisan (IRE)). (2021 f. by Flow (USA)). 2nd Dam TRANQUILLITY (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingTHE BULL MACABE (GB) (c. by Efisio), won 4 races at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £16,612 and placed 18 times. TRANQUILIZER (GB) (f. by Dr Fong (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years and £25,439 and placed 13 times; dam of a winner. SEQUILLO (GB) (g. by Lucky Story (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years and £26,316 and placed 9 times. TRANQUIL SKY (GB) (f. by Intikhab (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and £16,892 and placed 5 times; dam of winners. BREEZYANDBRIGHT (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 and placed 8 times. 3rd Dam Quiet Week-End, won 3 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Chesham Stakes, Ascot, L., Songstress Stakes, Golden Gate, L., third in Danepak Bacon Stakes, Newmarket, L. and fourth in Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 living foals of racing age includingPLEASANT SURPRISE (GB)/JUST RIGHT (GB) (g. by Cadeaux Genereux), won 5 races at home, in Singapore and abroad including Tunku Gold Cup, Selangor, L., placed second in Yang di Pertua Negeri Gold Cup, Penang, L. The next dam MELODRAMA, won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingLEMON SOUFFLE (GB) (f. by Salse (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1993, Jt Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 1993, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed third in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; grandam of DELIZIA AL LIMONE (JPN), won Hagi Stakes, Kyoto, L.R. CARAMBA (GB) (f. by Belmez (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years viz Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed second in Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3; dam of winners. Coyote (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Valiant Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of OH GOODNESS ME (GB), 2 races including Park Express Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, third in Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, ERADICATE (IRE), 3 races including Braveheart Stakes, Hamilton, L.; grandam of BRIMHAM ROCKS (GB), 6 races at home and in Australia including Tattersall's Cup, Eagle Farm, Gr.3, Foundation Naturalism Cup Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3, placed second in The Heineken Metropolitan, Randwick, Gr.1, CHAMADE (GB), 3 races including Gillies Stakes, Doncaster, L., second in Middleton Stakes, York, Gr.2. MELPOMENE (USA) (f. by Lear Fan (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Italy including Premio Pietro Bessero, Milan, L., placed second in Starlight Express Roller Stakes, Sandown, L. and third in October Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of a winner. Ritto (GB) (g. by Arctic Tern (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Stubbs Stakes, Newmarket, L.


70 BOX


Owner: Altameez Steble Pleasant Tap (USA) Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 4th, 2022 Hadiyat Ahmed (KSA) (2013)

News Sky (USA) Flying Cloud (USA)

Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) Gone West (USA) Dubian Giant's Causeway (USA) St Francis Wood (USA)

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam HADIYAT AHMED (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizDAH'HAAQAH (KSA) (2019 f. by Lataam (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. (2021 f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)). 2nd Dam FLYING CLOUD (USA), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £49,267; dam of 3 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingHijri (KSA) (c. by Siege (IRE)), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam St Francis Wood (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Montrose Stakes, Newmarket, L.; Own sister to ABBEY BRIDGE (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizSARATOGA DREAMER (USA) (g. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Rego Park Stakes, Aqueduct, R. (twice), placed third in Wolf Hill Stakes, Monmouth Park. MORE THAN A SAINT (USA) (g. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 7 races to 2023 in Singapore, in U.S.A. and abroad. REFRESHESTHEPARTS (USA) (f. by Proud Citizen (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 5 times. FLYING CLOUD (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), see above. DREAMS UNWIND (GB) (f. by Dansili (GB)), won 4 races at 3 years and placed 5 times. COREY SCORES (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. TART N SMART (USA) (g. by Hennessy (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam FRANCISCO ROAD (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 living foals of racing age includingABBEY BRIDGE (USA) (f. by Irish River (FR)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Queen of The Green Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of a winner. Christmas Choir (USA), unraced; dam of Sportscaster (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Jefferson Cup Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. St Francis Wood (USA) (f. by Irish River (FR)), see above. DUNNE GRAND (USA) (f. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 10 times; dam of winners. J J Jumbo (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 at home and in Sweden and placed 5 times including third in Zawawi Cup, Jagersro, L. The next dam BROCARO (USA), ran in France; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingKnauss (USA) (g. by Dahar (USA)), won 6 races at 4, 6 and 7 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Turf Distance Series Stakes, Turf Paradise and third in Hasta La Vista Handicap, Turf Paradise, L. AVIDORA (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AVIMORA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ALVAR (ARG), won Clasico Refinado Tom, San Isidro, L. Valpa (USA) (f. by Blushing John (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. NOBODYWANTMETILNOW (USA), won Bob Johnson Memorial Stakes, Lone Star Park. Gura (USA) (f. by Blushing John (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Telmo Velox (BRZ), winner in Brazil and placed second in Grande Premio Derby Rio-Grandense, Cristal, L.




Owner: Sultan Barman F. Alajmi Mizzen Mast (USA) Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) March 19th, 2022 Vegas Palace (IRE) (2007)

Captain Rio (GB) Verify (IRE)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Pivotal (GB) Beloved Visitor (USA) Polish Precedent (USA) Verica (USA)

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam VEGAS PALACE (IRE), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £35,455 and placed 7 times; dam of 2 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingEjtema'ey (KSA) (2020 c. by Paris Perfect (SAF)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam VERIFY (IRE), placed once at 2 years in Italy; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingADONI (IRE) (c. by Rossini (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years abroad and £22,018 and placed 5 times. VEGAS PALACE (IRE) (f. by Captain Rio (GB)), see above. PRISMATIC (IRE) (c. by Spectrum (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years abroad and £12,069 and placed 10 times. LA VIA FERRATA (IRE) (c. by Mark of Esteem (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 years and £13,004 and placed 6 times. ARTILLIANA (IRE) (f. by Captain Rio (GB)), won 3 races at 2 years in Italy and £10,800 and placed 6 times. SRI (IRE) (f. by Sri Pekan (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and £19,006 and placed 7 times; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam Verica (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France, placed second in Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L.; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingVIA VARIS (IRE) (f. by Priolo (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years abroad; dam of winners. 4th Dam VERRIA (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Chloé, Evry, Gr.3, Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L., placed fourth in Prix des Réservoirs, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingVerica (USA) (f. by Diesis), see above. The next dam VIA VENISE (FR), won 3 races in France including Prix Joubert, Evry, L.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingVORIAS (USA) (c. by Cannonade (USA)), won 3 races in France including Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Criterium de Bernay, Deauville, L.; sire. VERRIA (USA) (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)), see above. VALVERDA (USA) (f. by Irish River (FR)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. VALLEY QUEST (IRE), won Prix Belle de Nuit, Evry, L.; grandam of KANDIDATE (GB), won September Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3, third in 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire, STAR VALLEY (FR), won Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3. Veridique (FR), winner in France, third in Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; sire. Valdara (GB), 1 race at 2 years in France and placed third in Prix des Réservoirs, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of OFFER (IRE), won Schweppes Sydney Cup, Randwick, Gr.1, Schweppes Chairman's Handicap, Randwick, Gr.2, CYMBAL (IRE), won Nereide-Rennen, Munich, L., MUSHA MERR (IRE), won Glasgow Stakes, York, L. and Saudi Binladen Group Al Rashidiya Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, L.; sire; grandam of CYLINDER BEACH (NZ), won ANTEC Gunsynd Classic, Doomben, Gr.3, HAKKAR (TUR), won Jockey Club of Turkey Cup, Veliefendi, L.; sire, GALIPHAN (TUR), won Fetih Stakes, Veliefendi, L. Vaillante (IRE), unraced; dam of PRADARO (FR), won Prix du Gros-Chene, Chantilly, Gr.2; grandam of HONG KONG HARRY (IRE), 9 races to 2022 at home and in U.S.A. including Del Mar Mile Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Seabiscuit Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, third in Shoemaker Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, DIAMOND VENDOME (FR), 17 races to 2023 in France including Grand Prix de Vichy, Vichy, Gr.3. Vie En Rose (USA) (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MARKSMANSHIP (USA), won Coors Light Silver Bullet Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., placed second in Pan American Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. VOLIERE (USA), winner; dam of QUI ES TU (IRE), won Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L.




Owner: Alfarah Stable A P Indy (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 21st, 2022 (first foal)

Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA) Rajeedah (KSA) (2018)

Fort Larned (USA) Carlotta Del Sol (CAN)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) E Dubai (USA) Arlucea (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Withoutapproval (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam RAJEEDAH (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam CARLOTTA DEL SOL (CAN), won 4 races at 3 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £21,916; Own sister to SIN TORO (USA); dam of 1 foal of racing ageRajeedah (KSA) (f. by Fort Larned (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam Withoutapproval (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hastings Park, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingSIN TORO (USA) (g. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 13 races in Canada including Canadian Juvenile Stakes, Northlands Park, L., Western Canada Handicap, Northlands Park, placed second in Ky Alta Handicap, Northlands Park, L., Ladnesian Stakes, Hastings Park and third in Ascot Graduation Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hastings Park, L. and President's Handicap, Stampede Park. THE EDGE OF TIME (CAN) (c. by Gilded Time (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada. SAINT APPROVED (CAN) (g. by Saint Stephen (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in Canada. OFFICER'S APPROVAL (USA) (c. by Officer (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in Canada. 4th Dam RIVER BOOGIE (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingWithoutapproval (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), see above. The next dam RIVER CHANT (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCommon Threads (USA) (f. by Key To The Kingdom (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Sandcastle Handicap, Del Mar, L. and Chris Evert Breeders' Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of winners. Cajole (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Bob Johnson Memorial Stakes, Lone Star Park. NILE CHANT (USA) (f. by Val de L'Orne (FR)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ORNATE (USA), won Pleasant Temper Stakes, Kentucky Downs; dam of ON FIRE BABY (USA), won La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Honeybee Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, placed second in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, HIGH HEELS (USA), won Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Gardenia Handicap, Ellis Park, Gr.3 and third in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, FRENCH KISS (USA), won Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed third in Azeri Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and Anna M Fisher Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park; grandam of SOLIDIFY (USA), won Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Fuhriously Kissed (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Allaire du Pont Distaff Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and Peppered (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. RIVER DYNA (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. King's Silver Son (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 24th, 2022 The Pocket Dot (GB) (2011)

Lucky Story (USA) Daisy Do (IRE)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Kris S (USA) Spring Flight (USA) Danehill (USA) Lothlorien (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam THE POCKET DOT (GB), ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age vizDa'aag (KSA) (2018 c. by Sleeping Indian (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam DAISY DO (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 years; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingThe Pocket Dot (GB) (f. by Lucky Story (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam LOTHLORIEN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years, placed 3 times; Own sister to Monsajem (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizDREAM EXPRESS (IRE) (g. by Fasliyev (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years. ROYAL SURPRISE (IND) (f. by Trade Fair (GB)), won 3 races abroad. MISS DEVIOUS (IRE) (f. by Dr Devious (IRE)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years; dam of winners. LORIEN HILL (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. IBELIEVEINMIRACLES (IND) (c. by Royal Gladiator (IND)), won 1 race abroad. ERIN'S FOREST (IRE) (c. by Danehill (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Japan. Sofonisba (GB) (f. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)), unplaced at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. ALICANTE DAWN (GB)/FURIOUS BOY (GB), 3 races at 2 years including Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L. Recob (GB), 1 race at 2 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L., all his starts. The next dam Fairy Dancer (USA), won 1 race at 2 years and placed third in 1000 Guineas Trial, Phoenix Park, L.; dam of eleven winners from 15 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingMonsajem (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 8 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Foundation Stakes, Goodwood, L., James Seymour Stakes, Newmarket, L. and Huxley Stakes, Chester, L.; sire. FAIR SHIRLEY (IRE) (f. by Shirley Heights), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Aladeya (GB), unraced; dam of MEINER SCHERZI (JPN), won Sports Nippon Sho Kyoto Kim Pai, Kyoto, Gr.3, Galaxy Stakes, Hanshin, L., New Zealand Trophy (NHK Mile Cup Trial), Nakayama, L., placed third in Yomiuri Milers Cup, Hanshin, Gr.2, Keisei Hai Autumn Handicap, Nakayama, Gr.3, Sekiya Kinen, Niigata, Gr.3, Tanigawadake Stakes, Niigata, L., Kochi Stakes, Nakayama, L., Subaru Stakes, Kyoto, L., Capital Stakes, Tokyo, L., Port Island Stakes, Hanshin, L., Hanshin Cup, Hanshin, L., T Up Gold (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in New Zealand Trophy, Nakayama, Gr.2, Eishin Ichimonji (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Icho Stakes, Tokyo, L. Golden Aster (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. AMIR BEIRUT (USA), won Clasico Velocidad, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3, Clasico Arrabal, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L., placed second in Clasico Velocidad, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3, Clasico Enrique Martinelli Tizon, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. and third in Clasico Juan Magot Rosello, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3 and Clasico Greek Prince, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. Quarayed (USA), winner in France and placed third in Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L. and Prix Volterra, Chantilly, L.; dam of EQHO (USA), won Clasico Dia de la Raza, Camarero Race Track, L., placed second in Clasico Dia del Veterano, Camarero Race Track, L.R., Clasico Roberto Clemente, Camarero Race Track, L. Easter Fairy (USA) (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), ran once; grandam of Precisely (GB), 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 and placed second in Gillies Stakes, Doncaster, L..




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 10th, 2022 Mojatee (KSA) (2016)

Quality Road (USA) Amandatude (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Elusive Quality (USA) Kobla (USA) Aptitude (USA) Heavenliness (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MOJATEE (KSA), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizYanoob (KSA) (2021 c. by Roaring Fever (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam AMANDATUDE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £232,341 including Polly's Jet Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Cotillion Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.2, Delaware Oaks, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Sweet & Sassy Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Go For Wand Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Peach Blossom Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingBITATUDE (USA) (f. by Super Saver (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,954; dam of winners. AUGUST RAIN (CAN), won CTHS Sales Stakes (c&g), Hastings Park, R. 3rd Dam HEAVENLINESS (USA), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Rose Debartolo Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, L., Myrtlewood Handicap, River Downs, Imp Handicap, Thistledown, Vivacious Handicap, River Downs, Royal North Stakes, Beulah Park, placed second in Rose Debartolo Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, L. and third in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMAID OF HEAVEN (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Kentucky Downs Ladies Marathon Stakes, Kentucky Downs, placed third in Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of a winner. The next dam HAVEAHEAVENLYTIME (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of twelve winners from 17 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingUNBRIDLED TIME (USA) (c. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Cleveland Gold Cup Stakes, Thistledown, L.R., Green Carpet Handicap, River Downs, L.R., Whas-11 Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Oklahoma Derby, Remington Park, Gr.3R.; sire. HIHO HEAVEN (USA) (f. by Claim (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Royal North Stakes, Beulah Pk, second in Ohio Debutante Stakes, Thistledown and third in Best of Ohio Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Thistledown, L.; dam of a winner. ENTICED (USA) (f. by Stage Door Johnny (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Myrtlewood Handicap, River Downs, Ms Southern Ohio Stakes, River Downs, placed third in Rambling Rose Stakes, River Downs, L.; dam of winners. INTRIGUED (USA), won Christiana Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Lady Dean Stakes, Pimlico, L., placed third in Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of WAR CHARM (USA), won Vivacious Handicap, River Downs, R. ALCE CANADENSE (USA), won Sydney Gendelman Memorial H’cap, River Downs, L. FLIRTING (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of HALONA (USA), won Tah Dah Stakes, Belterra Park, R. CONJURESS (USA) (f. by Indian Charlie (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Scarlet and Gray Handicap, Beulah Park, R.; dam of winners. RELEASE MCCRAKEN (USA), won Texas Thoroughbred Association Derby, L. MAGIC TALE (USA), won Cleveland Kindergarten Stakes, Thistledown, R. LADY BUCKEYE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BUCKEYE MAGIC (USA), won Best of Ohio Juvenile Stakes (2yoc&g), Mahoning Valley Race Course, R. BEHAVING (USA) (f. by Rubiano (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CHANGING WEATHER (USA), won Matt Winn Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. SHE'S BEHAVING (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BEHAVE VIRGINIA (USA), won Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.



Day Five Commencing 5.00pm Lots 293-366

Sunday 3th December




Owner: FMQ Stables Distorted Humor (USA)

ALHALIM (USA) February 19th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Jimmy Creed (USA) Hookedonthefeelin (USA) Crystal Avalanche (USA) (2014)

Dialed In (USA) Brooke's Valentine (USA)

293 Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Citidancer (USA) Prospective Joy (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Miss Doolittle (USA) Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Jena Jena (USA)

JIMMY CREED (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Malibu Stakes, Gr.1, Potrero Grande Stakes, Gr.2, second in El Cajon Stakes, L. and third in Bing Crosby Stakes, Gr.1 and Santa Anita Open Sprint Ch'ship Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of CASA CREED (USA), (Gr.1), PRIVATE CREED (USA), (Gr.2), KING JACK (USA), (Gr.2), KANTHAKA (USA), (Gr.2), SPECTATOR (USA), (Gr.2), JOEY FRESHWATER (USA), (Gr.3), IMNOGOOD (USA), (L.), STRIKE LIGHTNING (USA), (L.), KING OF SPEED (USA), (L.), STAR GALICIA (USA), (L.). 1st Dam CRYSTAL AVALANCHE (USA), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £22,046; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizHechicero (USA) (2021 c. by Brethren (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam BROOKE'S VALENTINE (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £22,265; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingCOOKIE DOUGH (USA) (f. by Brethren (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £474,298 viz Royal Delta Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, FTBOA Florida Sire My Dear Girl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., FTBOA Florida Sire Susan's Girl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R., placed second in Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Rampart Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Victory Ride Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2 and Gulfstream Park Oaks, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. Poe (USA) (c. by Brethren (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £91,438 and placed third in Juvenile Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R. 3rd Dam JENA JENA (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Bay Meadows Dash Handicap, Bay Meadows, L., Iroquois Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Joseph A Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Interborough Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Iroquois Handicap, Belmont Park, L.; Own sister to WIN WITH A WINK (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSCARLET EMERALD (USA) (f. by Desert Party (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Naughty Lottie (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Desi Arnaz Stakes, Del Mar, L. and Prairie Meadows Debutante Stakes, Prairie Meadows. GALLANT MISS (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Argentina; dam of a winner. GRANTLAND (ARG), won Clasico Ojo de Agua, San Isidro, L., placed second in Clasico Marcos Levalle, La Plata, Gr.2 and third in Gran Premio de Potrancas, San Isidro, Gr.1. The next dam WITH A WINK (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed third in Budweiser Monmouth Pk Breeders' Cup H'cp, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWIN WITH A WINK (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Joseph A Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R.; dam of winners. Vicarious Won (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Dashing Beauty Stakes, Delaware Park and third in Sweet & Sassy Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of ANARCHIST (USA), won Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Jacques Cartier Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed second in Bing Crosby Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Kona Gold Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and San Simeon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. UP LIKE THUNDER (USA) (c. by War Chant (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Bertram F Bongard Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. BLINK TWICE (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Capricious (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Goldfinch Stakes, Prairie Meadows and Miss Power Puff Stakes, Hawthorne. Open Flirt (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FINANCIAL MODELING (USA), won Queens County Stakes, Aqueduct, placed third in Tenacious Stakes, Fair Grounds. Qualify (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Secretariat Stakes, Great Meadow.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Medaglia d'Oro (USA) Astern (AUS) Essaouira (AUS)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 10th, 2022 Pretty Fancy (USA) (2011)

Lemon Drop Kid (USA) Deal of the Decade (USA)


El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Exceed And Excel (AUS) Alizes (NZ) Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Tiznow (USA) Dream Deal (USA)

ASTERN (AUS), 2013. Won 5 races, De Bortoli Golden Rose Stakes, Gr.1, MTA Run to the Rose, Gr.2, Uvex Silver Slipper Stakes, Gr.2, Widden Kindergarten Stakes, Gr.3, second in Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale Stakes, Gr.1, etc. Sire of AFFAIRE A SUIVRE (NZ), (Gr.1), GOLDEN MILE (AUS), (Gr.1), AFT CABIN (AUS), (Gr.2), SERADESS (AUS), (Gr.2), SAIL BY (USA), (Gr.2), PARISAL (AUS), (Gr.3), CHASE THE CHAOS (USA), (L.), DANGER STRYKES (NZ), (L.), OXYMORE (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam Pretty Fancy (USA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £141,650 and placed 9 times including third in Pink Ribbon Stakes, Charles Town and Tawee Stakes, Indiana Grand; dam of 4 foals of racing age includingSemi Formal (USA) (2020 c. by Liam’s Map (USA)), unraced to date. Pretty Song (USA) (2021 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam DEAL OF THE DECADE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCash Out (USA) (f. by Street Cry (IRE)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £267,203 and placed third in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and JP Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. Noble Reflection (USA) (g. by Liam’s Map (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A., £196,804 and placed twice including third in Eddie D Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 3rd Dam DREAM DEAL (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, placed second in Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCLEAR MANDATE (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, John A Morris Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Cotillion Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.2, placed second in Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. STRONG MANDATE (USA), won Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. NEWFOUNDLAND (USA), won Skip Away Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Coronado's Quest Stakes, Belmont Park, second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. FULL MANDATE (USA), won Black Tie Affair Handicap, Arlington, L.; sire. DREAM SCHEME (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Churchill Downs Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; third dam of ROMANTIC VISION (USA), won Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. A DIEHL (USA) (g. by Aldebaran (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including J K Self Shelby County Boy/Girls Stakes, Indiana Downs, L. (twice). Miss Kate (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and third in Summit Stakes, Meadowlands, L.; grandam of SPIELBERG (USA), won Los Alamitos Futurity, Los Alamitos, Gr.2, placed second in Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.1. Special Event (USA) (c. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), won 5 races at 4 and 7 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Prairie Bayou Stakes, Turf Paradise. Fairy Doll (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. SILENT DEAL (JPN), won Chunichi Sports Hai Musashino Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3; sire. TO THE VICTORY (JPN), won Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, Kyoto, L., placed second in Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1; dam of TO THE WORLD (JPN), won Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, Nakayama, Gr.2, placed second in The BMW H E Tancred Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1, Arima Kinen, Nakayama, Gr.1 and Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas), Nakayama, Gr.1; sire, TO THE GLORY (JPN), won Nikkei Shinshun Hai, Kyoto, Gr.2, placed third in Arima Kinen, Nakayama, Gr.1 (twice); sire, TOSEN VICTORY (JPN), won Nakayama Himba Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.3; grandam of LION LION (JPN), won Asahi Hai St. Lite Kinen, Nakayama, Gr.2. Venenciador (JPN), unraced; dam of DENIM AND RUBY (JPN), won Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.2, Sankei Sports Sho Flora Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.2, placed second in Takarazuka Kinen, Hanshin, Gr.1, Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1 and third in Yushun Himba (Oaks), Tokyo, Gr.1.




Unbridled's Song (USA) A BROWN FILLY (KSA) February 1st, 2022


Owner: Sama Stable

Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA) Indecise (USA) (2009)

Pleasant Tap (USA) Independent Grace (USA)

Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) A P Indy (USA) Dance With Grace (USA)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam Indecise (USA), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £97,069 and placed 6 times including second in Wishing Well Stakes, Santa Anita, R.; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizJUNIORS JOANIE (USA) (2020 f. by Cloud Computing (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £26,539 and placed twice. Thirsty Sister (USA) (2018 f. by Stay Thirsty (USA)), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Coal Front (USA)). 2nd Dam INDEPENDENT GRACE (USA), unraced; Own sister to Indy Dancer (USA); dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingIndecise (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam DANCE WITH GRACE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Fairfield Stakes, Solano; Own sister to DANCE SEQUENCE (USA), SOUVENIR COPY (USA), SHAKE HAND (USA) and Gold Tribute (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSetsuko (USA) (g. by Pleasantly Perfect (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (twice) and Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Indy Dancer (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. 4th Dam Dancing Tribute (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; Own sister to Proper Dance (USA) and Private Interview (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizSOUVENIR COPY (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.2, Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed second in San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. DANCE SEQUENCE (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 1 race viz Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed second in Beeswing Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3, Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3 and Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. Dance Set (GB), unraced; grandam of LETSBEFRANKABOUTIT (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, 2023 viz Round Tower Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. SHAKE HAND (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races in Japan including New Zealand Trophy Yonsai Stakes, Tokyo, L., placed third in Procyon Stakes, Hanshin, L. and Tokyo Chunichi Sports Hai Negishi Stakes, Tokyo, L.; dam of winners. DANCE WITH GRACE (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), see above. Gold Tribute (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A. including second in Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.2 and third in Moet Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. The next dam Sophisticated Girl (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingDONERAILE COURT (USA) (c. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. BELLE ET DELUREE (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of winners. DAZZLE (GB), 3 races including Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1.




Owner: Muath Fahad S.ALaftan Elmaamul (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) January 25th, 2022 (first foal)

Sweet Return (GB) Sweet Revival (GB) Baajdah (KSA) (2014)

Finest Artisan (IRE) Nayloofar (KSA)


Diesis Modena (USA) Claude Monet (USA) Semperflorens Storm Cat (USA) Monevassia (USA) Treasurer (GB) Ziggi's Girl (IRE)

SWEET RETURN (GB), 2000. Won 8 races, Hollywood Derby, Gr.1, Eddie Read Handicap, Gr.1, Charles Whittingham Memorial Handicap, Gr.1, Frank E Kilroe Mile Handicap, Gr.2, San Marcos Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of Daddy's Boo (USA), (Gr.3), NOBIZLIKETHISBIZ (USA), GIFT OF GABBY (USA), SWEETJIMINYCRICKET (USA), AEZ ALMAIMANIYA (KSA), CASI GANA (USA). 1st Dam BAAJDAH (KSA), won 3 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,010 and placed 3 times. 2nd Dam NAYLOOFAR (KSA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMOJTAHAH (KSA) (f. by Hailstone (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £450,452. BAAJDAH (KSA) (f. by Finest Artisan (IRE)), see above. MOKTAMILAH (KSA) (f. by Champali (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £13,776; dam of a winner. MILOFER (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam ZIGGI'S GIRL (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 years in Italy; dam of one winner from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizEXECUTIVE JADE (GB) (c. by Executive Man), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in Italy and placed 11 times. Ttaayeshah (KSA) (f. by Historic (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. MONAJEDAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. REDA ALBARI (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Yalanjooj (KSA) (f. by Fun Galore (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. RA AE YAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. RAKEEZAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saada'a (KSA) (f. by Sadjiyd (FR)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. MAGHAAZEE (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam TRAVELIN' JOAN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPATRON C (USA) (g. by Agitate (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Caliente Futurity, Agua Caliente. The next dam PERIPATETIC (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPERIPAT (USA) (c. by L'Heureux (USA)), won 7 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Fergus Falls Stakes, Canterbury Downs, placed second in Louisiana Downs Futurity, Louisiana Downs, R., third in St Paul Derby, Canterbury Downs, L. and fourth in Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3. Deborah Anne (USA) (f. by Marshua's Dancer (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dixie Miss Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of winners. Pecan Point (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Propensity (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. DEBBA DOLL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of K J'S GIRL (USA), won Rainbow Miss Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R.; grandam of K J'S NOBILITY (USA), won Nodouble Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R., placed second in Arkansas Breeders' Championship Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R. (twice). MOSTLY MARTHA (USA) (f. by Mr Washington), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Mostly Mack (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park. Mostly Sport (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Eagan Handicap, Canterbury Downs.




Kitten's Joy (USA) ALMOGHTRAH (GB) April 26th, 2022 A Bay Filly


Owner: FMQ Stables

Kameko (USA) Sweeter Still (IRE) Assembly (USA) (2013)

Candy Ride (ARG) Conference Call (GB)

E.B.F. Nominated.

El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Beltisaal (FR) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA)

B.C. Nominated.

KAMEKO (USA), 2017. Jt 2nd top rated 2yr old colt in Europe in 2019. Jt 2nd top rated 3yr old colt in Europe in 2020. Won 4 races, 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Vertem Futurity Trophy, Gr.1, Joel Stakes, Gr.2, second in Royal Lodge Stakes, Gr.2 and Solario Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ASSEMBLY (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £41,659 and placed 3 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizValiant King (GB) (2020 c. by Roaring Lion (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 and £45,530 and placed 4 times including second in Ballyroan Stakes, Naas, Gr.3. Lady Monia (GB) (2021 f. by Sea The Moon (GER)). She also has a 2023 filly by Kameko (USA). 2nd Dam Conference Call (GB), won 2 races in France and £76,684 and placed twice viz second in Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix de la Grotte, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSEISMIC WAVE (USA) (g. by Tapit (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £302,116 including English Channel Stakes, Belmont Park, Cutler Bay Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Poker Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Pennine Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in Saranac Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. Teletext (USA) (c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 6 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £205,576 and placed second in Prix Niel, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. Bugle Major (USA) (g. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 6 years in France and £81,685 and placed 14 times including third in Prix Lyphard, Deauville, L. ENDLESS CHAT (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VERBAL (USA), won Cecil B. DeMille Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. 3rd Dam PHONE WEST (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingConference Call (GB) (f. by Anabaa (USA)), see above. PAYPHONE (GB) (f. by Anabaa (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. NEWSLETTER (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Kilvington Stakes, Nottingham, L., placed second in Ballyogan Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and third in Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2. 4th Dam EUPHONIC (USA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Amandine, Saint-Cloud, L., placed third in Prix d'Astarté, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing ageEuphonize (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), unraced; grandam of SPRING QUALITY (VEN), won Clasico Maria Esperanza Miglietti, La Rinconada, L. The next dam RAZYANA (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingDANEHILL (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 1989, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1, Cork and Orrery Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, European Free Handicap, Newmarket, L., placed third in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; champion sire. EAGLE EYED (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. including Arlington Classic, Arlington, Gr.2, Pirate Cove Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Sausalito Handicap, Golden Gate, L.; sire. HARPIA (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; grandam of LEMON POP (USA), won February Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.1. SHIBBOLETH (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races at home and in U.S.A. including Criterion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Jaipur Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Aeyesh Safar A. Albqomi Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 12th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Tal'aa (KSA) (2016)

Official Visit (USA) Grand Theft (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Tactical Cat (USA) Trail Robbery (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam TAL'AA (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by No Advantage (USA)). 2nd Dam GRAND THEFT (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £27,325; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizCAPRIASCA (USA) (f. by Henrythenavigator (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. LUCKY PRINCESS (USA) (f. by Gland Slam (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years abroad. MY ABILENE (USA) (c. by Aldebaran (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. ASSIMILATE (USA) (c. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam TRAIL ROBBERY (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; Own sister to TRAIN ROBBERY (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingPOHAVE (USA) (g. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Invitational H, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Los Angeles Times Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Bing Crosby Breeders' Cup Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1. ZEALOUS CAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TAPICAT (USA), won Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Voodoo Dancer Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed third in Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Enthusiasm (JPN), winner in Japan, second in Flower Cup, Nakayama, Gr.3. JEALOUS CAT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dieu Du Vin (JPN), winner to 2023 in Japan and placed second in Unicorn Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3. My Catriona (USA) (f. by Tactical Cat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. KVELL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Boaster (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Confucius Say Stakes, Charles Town, R. The next dam TRACK ROBBERY (USA), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1982, won 22 races in U.S.A. including Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Beverly Hills Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTRAIN ROBBERY (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Budweiser Monmouth Pk Breeders' Cup H'cp, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Honeybee Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L., placed second in Go For Wand Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, John A Morris Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Molly Pitcher Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of winners. CAT THIEF (USA), won Breeders' Cup Classic, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Swaps Stakes, Hollywood, Gr.1, Lanes's End Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2, placed second in Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth, Gr.1, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, third in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. Sand Dollar (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of RUSSIAN GREEK (USA), won California Derby, Golden Gate, L., Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate, L. Slew The Robber (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Waltz Song Stakes, Delaware Park.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Distorted Humor (USA) Dramedy (USA) She's A Winner (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 26th, 2022 Blabbermouth (USA) (2010)

Catienus (USA) Waki Affair (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) A P Indy (USA) Get Lucky (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Diamond City (USA) Miswaki (USA) Other Voices (USA)

DRAMEDY (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Dixiana Elkhorn Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of MIGHTY HEART (CAN), (Gr.2), MAGIC MICHAEL (USA), (Gr.3), OUT OF SORTS (USA), (S), SOUTHGATE (USA), (S), He's A Mess (USA), (L.), MASSKOOBAH (KSA), KYEMBEA (USA). 1st Dam BLABBERMOUTH (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed 8 times; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age includingAlaemaree (KSA) (2021 c. by Istan (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam WAKI AFFAIR (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £18,010; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingKitten Love (USA) (f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £58,006 and placed second in Buckland Stakes, Colonial Downs; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam OTHER VOICES (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age includingWAKI AFFAIR (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), see above. 4th Dam CHAUDENNAY (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L., placed second in Vineland Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3 and third in Display Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSTONELEIGH (USA) (f. by Affirmed (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3; dam of a winner. CHADAYED (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany including Preis Vom Niederrhein, Krefeld, L., placed second in Hoffnungs Preis, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, L. and third in Oppenheim Union-Rennen, Cologne, Gr.2 and Grosser Dallmayr - Preis von Deutschland, Munich, Gr.2. To Be A Lover (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 3 races in Italy and placed third in Premio Pietro Bessero, Milan, L.; grandam of BATTLE OF LOVE (USA), won Three Ring Stakes, Calder, La Reine Lionne (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Marshua's River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Churchill Distaff Turf Mile Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Honey Fox Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. The next dam HORTENSIA (FR), won 3 races in France including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, placed third in Prix de Malleret, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingGLACIAL STORM (USA) (c. by Arctic Tern (USA)), won 2 races at home and in France viz Horris Hill Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Prix de Barbeville, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; sire. KISKA (USA) (f. by Bering), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of winners. CORBETTA (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including Premio Seregno, Milan, L.; third dam of CIRANO (ITY), 6 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 in France and in Italy including Premio Mauro Sbarigia, Rome, L. Kicka (GB), placed twice at 3 years in Italy; grandam of BAILEYS JUBILEE (GB), 3 races at 2 years at home and in France including Prix des Reves d'Or, Vichy, L., placed third in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Glacial Moon (USA) (f. by Arctic Tern (USA)), placed once; grandam of GENIOS (GER), won Grosser Bavaria-Preis des Brau von Aying, Munich, L., GLENTIRE (GER), won Preis der Ostdeutschen Sparkassen, Dresden, L., Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Storm Attack (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Wild Bill Hiccup (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Wine Country Handicap, Finger Lakes, R. Storm West (USA), unraced; dam of KING DAVID (USA), won Jamaica Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire; grandam of BLAZING SEVENS (USA), won Champagne Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, Gr.1.




Owner: Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 26th, 2022 Chenin Blanco (USA) (2007)

Songandaprayer (USA) Cloud Break (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Alizea (USA) Dr Carter (USA) Wistful (USA)

Own brother to THEQATEE (KSA) TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam CHENIN BLANCO (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,698 and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizTOWA (USA) (2016 f. by Goldencents (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £73,590 and placed 8 times. THEQATEE (KSA) (2020 f. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £67,022 and placed 4 times. IL PINOT GRIGIO (USA) (2018 c. by Summer Front (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years, 2022/23 abroad and placed 3 times. Brie's Snowflake (USA) (2012 f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner vizMerchants of Cool (USA) (g. by Trappe Shot (USA)), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Mayers Animal Kingdom Stakes, Turfway Park. 2nd Dam CLOUD BREAK (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLOST IN THE FOG (USA) (c. by Lost Soldier (USA)), Champion sprinter in U.S.A. in 2005, won 11 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £516,504 including King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Carry Back Stakes, Calder, Gr.2, Riva Ridge Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Aristides Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. How About My Place (USA) (c. by Out of Place (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £27,742 and placed third in Inaugural Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L. AMUSING (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ROSE TREE (USA), won Mrs Penny Stakes, Parx Racing, R., Northern Fling Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, R., Blue Mountain Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Penn National, R. 3rd Dam WISTFUL (USA), won 12 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Poinciana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Busher Handicap, Aqueduct, Glassboro Handicap, Meadowlands, R., Honey Bee Handicap, Meadowlands, placed second in Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.1; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMikimodo (USA) (f. by Double Negative (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Fair Haven Handicap, Monmouth Park, R.; dam of winners. The next dam MARGARET'S NUMBER (USA), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Colonial Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, Margate Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLUMINAIRE (USA) (f. by Al Hattab (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.2, Long Look Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2; grandam of BONAPAW (USA), won Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. TANK'S NUMBER (USA) (c. by Tank's Prospect (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Upset Stakes, Saratoga, L., Lincroft Handicap, Monmouth Park, R.; sire. LISTEN WELL (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LISTENING (USA), won Milady Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Princess Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Bayakoa Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. BEAUTIFUL NOISE (USA), won Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of LINDA (USA), won Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Listen Now (USA), unraced; dam of LISTEN HERE (USA), won Amsterdam Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; grandam of LA CORONEL (USA), won Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1.




Owner: Galayed Alkheel Stable Candy Ride (ARG)

CANAD ROSE (USA) March 19th, 2022 A Bay Filly

Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA) Minesave (USA) (2009)

Mineshaft (USA) Jaramar Rain (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Thunder Gulch (USA) Jaramar Miss (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam Minesave (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £67,808 and placed 4 times including second in Orleans Stakes, Delta Downs, R. and third in Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizSmooth With a Kick (USA) (2016 f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £173,639 and placed 6 times including third in Twixt Stakes, Laurel. MR SHORTANDSIMPLE (USA) (2017 c. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £79,816 and placed 4 times. AWESOME SMART (USA) (2015 f. by Smart Strike (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Korea. (2021 c. by Mastery (USA)). 2nd Dam JARAMAR RAIN (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £187,161 including New Castle Handicap, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Sixty Sails Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3 and third in John W Rooney Memorial Handicap, Delaware Park, L., Fairway Fun Stakes, Turfway Park and Summer King Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingImperial Council (USA) (c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £165,079 and placed second in Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Gotham Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Commonwealth Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. Monopolize (USA) (c. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £34,342 and placed third in Smooth Air Stakes, Calder. Rainbow Dreams (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. OXYMORE (USA), won Skidmore Stakes, Saratoga, placed second in Nownownow Stakes, Monmouth Park. 3rd Dam JARAMAR MISS (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingHARBOR MIST (USA) (f. by Rockport Harbor (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Anne M Clare Stakes, Saratoga, L.R., placed third in Summer Guest Stakes, Saratoga, L. and Bouwerie Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R.; dam of winners. CRAZY HOT (USA), won Generous Portion Stakes, Del Mar, R. Easy Living (USA) (f. by Big Brown (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Critical Eye Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; dam of winners. My Kentucky Girl (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Youngstown Oaks, Mahoning Valley Race Course. CARSON'S STAR (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Seven Lively Sins (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. The next dam SPECIAL WARMTH (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.2, Ak-Sar-Ben Juvenile Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, Joliet Stakes, Arlington, Lady Sponsor's Stakes, Ak-SarBen; dam of seven winners from 14 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingSO COZY (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Priscilla Stakes, Suffolk Downs, placed fourth in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; grandam of STORMELLO (USA), won Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire, MY BEST BROTHER (USA), won Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2; sire and ALL BAR ONE (AUS), won Greenslopes Sir Byrne Hart Stakes, Eagle Farm, Gr.2, third in Jacob's Creek BTC Cup, Doomben, Gr.1; sire. SPECIAL POWER (USA) (f. by Lines of Power (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Holiday Inaugural Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of winners. Syrian Summer (USA) (f. by Damascus (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. MARLIN (USA), won Arlington Million, Arlington, Gr.1, San Juan Capistrano Invitation Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Crown Royal Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire.


10 BOX


Owner: Hatim Zaben Alselais Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 30th, 2022 Oukht Fajhaan (KSA) (2002)

Historic (USA) Alyateema (KSA)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) A P Indy (USA) Danzig Island (USA) Mousof (USA) Marie de Litz (FR)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam OUKHT FAJHAAN (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizANJASHAH (KSA) (2010 c. by Kappa (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,141 and placed 12 times. Khuza'a (KSA), Placed 7 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ghater (KSA), placed once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Joan Alkuwait (KSA) (2020 c. by Montiridge (IRE)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam ALYATEEMA (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizFAJHAAN (KSA) (c. by Meet The Greek), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,184. Khash Shaarah (KSA) (f. by Apremont (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Alzahawi (KSA), won 10 times placed 22 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kaynoonah (KSA), won twice and placed 6 times. ALAJWAH (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam MARIE DE LITZ (FR), won 3 races in France including Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2, Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed second in La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, third in Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1, Grand Prix d'Evry, Evry, Gr.2, Prix Kergorlay, Deauville, Gr.2 and fourth in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Deauville, Deauville, Gr.2 and Prix de Malleret, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; dam of 2 foals of racing age includingAlyateema (KSA) (f. by Mousof (USA)), see above. The next dam MOHAIR (FR), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMARIE D'ARGONNE (FR) (f. by Jefferson), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including New Castle Stakes, Delaware Park, Key Largo Stakes, Hialeah Park, placed third in Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Prix Pénélope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and Prix des Tuileries, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. POLAR FALCON (USA), Champion older sprinter in Europe in 1991, won Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Prix Edmond Blanc, Evry, Gr.3 and Prix Pelléas, ParisLongchamp, L.; sire. LA DAMA BONITA (USA), 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of CONFLICT (FR), won Godolphin Mile, Nad Al Sheba, L., Shadwell Jebel Ali Sprint, Jebel Ali, L. and Kingwood House Stables Jebel Ali Mile, Jebel Ali, L. Marie Rheinberg (GER), unraced; dam of LE HAVRE (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Djebel, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire, ASTRONEREUS (IRE), 4 races at 3 to 5 years including Aston Park Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3 and Silver Cup Stakes, York, L. SHE'S PLEASED (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Musgrave (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Jim Murray Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; sire. Wool Princess (FR) (f. by Direct Flight), ran in France at 3 years; dam of winners. Plaza de Toros (USA), winner, placed third in 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. ALPACA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of JAMAL MALIK (ARG), won Stewards' Cup, Kranji, L. Capework (USA), unraced; dam of SAMIRA GOLD (FR), 4 races at 3 years including Alice Keppel Handicap, Goodwood, L. and John Musker Stakes, Yarmouth, L.; grandam of SAND ZABEEL (IRE), 4 races in Germany and in Italy including Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2 and GP.Mehl-Mulhens-Stiftung Herbst Preis, Hannover, Gr.3. Marie de Chantilly (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DIXIE BAYOU (USA), won Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2.




Owner: Abdulaziz Ahmed Alyahya Dixie Union (USA)

A BAY FILLY (USA) April 10th, 2022 (first foal)

Union Rags (USA) Tempo (USA) Coco Cookies (USA) (2017)

Carpe Diem (USA) Newbie (USA)


Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Gone West (USA) Terpsichorist (USA) Giant's Causeway (USA) Rebridled Dreams (USA) Bernardini (USA) Changeisgonnacome (USA)

UNION RAGS (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Saratoga Special Stakes, Gr.2, second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of EXPRESS TRAIN (USA), (Gr.1), FREE DROP BILLY (USA), (Gr.1), PARADISE WOODS (USA), (Gr.1), DANCING RAGS (USA), (Gr.1), UNION STRIKE (USA), (Gr.1), DYNAMIC ONE (USA), (Gr.2), CARAMEL SWIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPIELBERG (USA), (Gr.2), CATALINA CRUISER (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam COCO COOKIES (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years. 2nd Dam NEWBIE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £72,815; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizCLASSY EDITION (USA) (f. by Classic Empire (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £467,837 including Royal Delta Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Critical Eye Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Joseph A. Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Key Cents Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2 and Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. NEWLY MINTED (USA) (f. by Central Banker (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Union Avenue Handicap, Saratoga, R., Fleet Indian Stakes, Saratoga, R., Bouwerie Stakes, Belmont Park, R., New York Stallion Stakes (3yof), Aqueduct, R., placed second in Heavenly Prize Invitational Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Biogio's Rose Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and third in New York Stallion Stakes (3yof), Belmont Park, R. New Girl In Town (USA) (f. by Boys At Tosconova (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £133,131 and placed second in Niagara Stakes, Finger Lakes, R. and third in Arctic Queen Stakes, Finger Lakes, R., Jack Betta Be Rite Stakes, Finger Lakes, R. 3rd Dam CHANGEISGONNACOME (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including P G Johnson Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Selima Stakes, Laurel, L., Brookmeade Stakes, Colonial Downs, R., Crank It Up Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Nassau County Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingGLOBAL POSITIONING (USA) (g. by Malibu Moon (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. CHANGEWILLDOYAGOOD (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. 4th Dam TOP TIP (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 living foals of racing age includingCHANGEISGONNACOME (USA) (f. by Cherokee Run (USA)), see above. LITTLE MISS PAMELA (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Oakley Stakes, Colonial Downs, R., Tippett Stakes, Colonial Downs, placed second in Brookmeade Stakes, Colonial Downs, R., Julie Snellings Stakes, Delaware Park and Salem County Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of a winner. Mahala (USA), unraced; dam of Talk You Out of It (USA), placed third in Astoria Stakes, Belmont Park. Tamina (USA) (f. by Dixie Union (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. D'ya Knowwhatimean (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Angel's Flight Stakes, Santa Anita, Santa Paula Stakes, Santa Anita and third in betamerica.com Oaks, Pleasanton; dam of Answer In (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Remington Springboard Mile Stakes, Remington Park, L. and third in Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3. The next dam TOP LINE (FR), won 1 race in France; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMISS UNION AVENUE (USA) (f. by Steinlen), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Sheraton Young America Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Tanya Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Palisades Stakes, Keeneland, L., Patricia Stakes, Hialeah Park, L., Junior Champion Stakes, Monmouth Park, second in Drumtop Handicap, Belmont Park, L.; dam of winners. UNION AVENUE (USA), won American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2; sire. GOLDEN POST (USA) (g. by Golden Act (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including How Now H’cap, Del Mar, L., third in Oak Tree Turf Championship Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1.




Owner: Jameel A/Kareem Ghassal City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 4th, 2022 Invoke (IRE) (2011)

Kodiac (GB) Tides (GB)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Danehill (USA) Rafha Bahamian Bounty (GB) Petriece

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam INVOKE (IRE), won 6 races at 2, 4 and 5 years and £54,231 and placed 15 times; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizMaestro Pro (KSA) (2021 c. by Top Music (GB)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 f. by Moshaagib (USA)). 2nd Dam TIDES (GB), ran a few times at 3 and 4 years; dam of five winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSt Brelades Bay (IRE) (g. by Camacho (GB)), won 6 races and £84,368 and placed 15 times including third in Renaissance Stakes, Naas, Gr.3. INVOKE (IRE) (f. by Kodiac (GB)), see above. HESTIAN (IRE) (c. by Kodiac (GB)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 6 years at home, in Qatar and abroad and £39,092 and placed 3 times. MARMOT BAY (IRE) (f. by Kodiac (GB)), won 3 races at 2 years; dam of winners. COOL SPIRIT (GB), 7 races at 2 to 7 years, 2022 and £36,227 and placed 8 times. FIRCOMBE HALL (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 and £24,420 and placed 11 times. 3rd Dam PETRIECE, won 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingAMAZING BAY (GB) (f. by Mazilier (USA)), won 3 races including St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Scarbrough Stakes, Doncaster, L.; dam of winners. SCARTOZZ (GB), 9 races at home and in Italy including Premio Gardone, Milan, L., placed third in Premio Natale di Roma, Rome, L. The next dam GREAT GREY NIECE, placed once at 2 years; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingPECKITTS WELL (f. by Lochnager), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. LOCHSONG (GB), Champion older mare in England in 1993, Champion older mare in Europe in 1994, won Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 (twice), King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Temple Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2, King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 (twice), Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Advanced Micro Devices Sprint, Sandown, L., placed third in Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1; dam of LOCHRIDGE (GB), won Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L., placed second in Achilles Stakes, Kempton, L. and third in Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and Summer Stakes, York, Gr.3, LOCH VERDI (GB), won Flower of Scotland Stakes, Hamilton, L.; grandam of City Girl (IRE), 2 races and placed second in Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L.; third dam of LAST SHADOW (TUR), won Tyay Ve Sah Der Stakes, Veliefendi, L., CITY CODE (GB), 8 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 at home, in Norway and in Sweden including Zawawi Cup, Jagersro, L., No Nonsense (GB), 2 races and placed second in Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. LOCHANGEL (GB), 3 races including Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, Somerset Stakes, Bath, L., second in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Temple Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2 (twice) and third in King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of Verne Castle (GB), 8 races and placed third in Hever Sprint Stakes, Lingfield, L.; grandam of NORSE KING (FR), won Prix du Conseil de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix Exbury, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, DANCING STAR (GB), won Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, placed second in Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, FOXTROT LADY (GB), won Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, placed second in Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L. and third in Two Year Old Trophy, Redcar, L. Dashing Water (GB), 1 race at 2 years, third in Radley Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of River Thames (GB), 4 races, third in Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2.




Giant's Causeway (USA) ALKHALAWEI (USA) March 12th, 2022 A Bay or Brown Colt


Owner: Aljiad Stable

First Samurai (USA) Freddie Frisson (USA) Bay of Puck (USA) (2014)

Concord Point (USA) Polish Flower (USA)

Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Frisson (USA) Tapit (USA) Harve de Grace (USA) Danzig (USA) Flower Canyon (USA)

Own brother to SAMARITA (USA) FIRST SAMURAI (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Champagne Stakes, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, second in Hutcheson Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Bessemer Trust Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of LEA (USA), (Gr.1), JUSTIN PHILLIP (USA), (Gr.1), EXECUTIVEPRIVILEGE (USA), (Gr.1), PLUM ALI (USA), (Gr.2), SHARP SAMURAI (USA), (Gr.2), MISS SKY WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.2), STACKED DECK (USA), (Gr.2), LAST GUNFIGHTER (USA), (Gr.2). 1st Dam BAY OF PUCK (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £59,750 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizSAMARITA (USA) (2019 f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £85,065 and placed 6 times. Come Bet (USA) (2020 c. by First Samurai (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam POLISH FLOWER (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 to 4 years; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingJOE VANN (USA) (c. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £171,090 including TVG Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3, placed third in Matt Winn Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Amalfi Princess (USA) (f. by Temple City (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £233,750 and placed second in Penn Oaks, Penn National, Lady Canterbury Stakes, Canterbury Park, Curtis Sampson Oaks, Canterbury Park and third in Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. 3rd Dam FLOWER CANYON (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGLENWOOD CANYON (USA) (g. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Michael G Schaefer Mile Stakes, Hoosier Park, L., placed third in Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. The next dam Cope of Flowers (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Queen Charlotte Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2, Statue of Liberty Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and third in Flower Bowl Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingA ROSE FOR SHANNON (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. IRISH COLONIAL (USA), won Mohawk Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., Kingston Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., third in Bernard Baruch Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Saranac Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3 and Lexington Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Cloak (USA) (f. by Fappiano (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DEMONS CLOAK (VEN), won Clasico Internacional Fuerzas Armadas, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Cria Nacional, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Jockey Club de Venezuela, La Rinconada, L. and Clasico Alberto H Cipriani, La Rinconada, L.; sire. GRAN ABUELO (VEN), won Clasico Internacional del Caribe, El Comandante, L., Clasico Simon Bolivar Internacional, La Rinconada, L., C. Ascociacion Hipica de Propietarios, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Cria Nacional, La Rinconada, L.; sire. SIBARITA (VEN), Champion 3yr old colt in Venezuela in 2004, Champion older horse in Venezuela in 2005, won Clasico Jockey Club de Venezuela, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Senegal, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Presidente de la Republica, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Jose Maria Vargas, La Rinconada, L. HEDONISTA (VEN), won Copa Juan Vicente Gomez, La Rinconada, L. and Clasico Jose Maria Vargas, La Rinconada, L. Latinoamerica (VEN), unraced; dam of AFRODITA DE PADUA (VEN), Champion 3yr old filly in Venezuela in 2019, Champion older mare in Venezuela in 2020, won Clasico Hipica Nacional, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Bambera, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Gustavo J Sanabria, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Ana Maria Freudman, La Rinconada, L., MANUSCRITO (VEN), won Clasico Hypocrite, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Juan Vicente Tovar, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Cavepro, La Rinconada, L.




Owner: Munef Abdullah M. Almunef Galileo (IRE) Astrology (IRE) Ask For The Moon (FR)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) April 6th, 2022 Denim N' Motion (USA) (2007)

Unbridled's Song (USA) Storm Away (USA)


Sadler's Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Dr Fong (USA) Lune Rouge (IRE) Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Sun Blush (USA)

ASTROLOGY (IRE), 2009. Won 2 races, Dee Stakes, Gr.3, third in Derby Stakes, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Gr.2 and Autumn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of AKHO MOBAARY (KSA), RASMAAL (KSA), FADHAYEL (KSA), AENOOD ALGHADA (KSA), YA MOJEEB (KSA), MOTASAMEH (KSA), ALAHMADAN (KSA), MOSAK'KAR (KSA), KAHELAT DELMON (KSA), MONAWASHAH (KSA), MOKASH'SHER (KSA), TATAJAM'MAL (KSA), ABO JANA (KSA), MAN'AE (KSA). 1st Dam DENIM N' MOTION (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,528; Own sister to Sunlight Sonata (USA); dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizPAYNTDEMBLUESAWAY (USA) (2016 f. by Paynter (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £178,034 including Lightning City Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., placed once. UN PO DI VINO (USA) (2013 f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £40,761 and placed 5 times. Qafeyah (KSA) (2020 f. by Paynter (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2, 2022. (2021 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)). 2nd Dam STORM AWAY (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSunlight Sonata (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £46,516 and placed second in Xtra Heat Stakes, Belmont Park and third in Lucy Scribner Stakes, Saratoga, L.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam SUN BLUSH (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingRELINQUISH (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Round Barn Handicap, Hoosier Park, L. LIGHTBEAM (USA) (f. by Rubiano (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; grandam of GUYS REWARD (USA), won Firecracker Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. The next dam IMMENSE (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Little Silver Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, placed fourth in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingMARIAH'S STORM (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Budweiser Turfway Park Breeders' Cup Hp., Turfway Park, Gr.2, Arlington Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.2; dam of winners. GIANT'S CAUSEWAY (USA), Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2000 (9.5-10.5f.), won Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Prix de la Salamandre, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; champion sire. YOU'RESOTHRILLING (USA), 2 races viz Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and Naas Sprint Stakes, Naas, Gr.3; dam of GLENEAGLES (IRE), Champion 2yr old colt in Ireland in 2014, Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2015, 7 races including 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; sire, HAPPILY (IRE), 4 races at home and in France including Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère, Chantilly, Gr.1, JOAN OF ARC (IRE), 3 races at home and in France including Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, MARVELLOUS (IRE), 2 races including Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1. Pearling (USA), placed once in Canada; dam of DECORATED KNIGHT (GB), 8 races at home and in U.A.E. including Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1; sire. Fabulous (IRE), unraced; dam of ABOVE THE CURVE (USA), won Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. PANORAMIC (c. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 3 races in France including Prix d'Harcourt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix de l'Avre, ParisLongchamp, L.; sire. AIR ZION (JPN) (f. by Groom Dancer (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in Japan including Jiji Press Hai Queen Stakes, Nakayama, L.; dam of winners.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Distorted Humor (USA) Dramedy (USA) She's A Winner (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 15th, 2022 She Sparxz (USA) (2011)

More Than Ready (USA) Piano (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) A P Indy (USA) Get Lucky (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Woodman's Girl (USA) Pentelicus (USA) Thwack (USA)

DRAMEDY (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Dixiana Elkhorn Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of MIGHTY HEART (CAN), (Gr.2), MAGIC MICHAEL (USA), (Gr.3), OUT OF SORTS (USA), (S), SOUTHGATE (USA), (S), He's A Mess (USA), (L.), MASSKOOBAH (KSA), KYEMBEA (USA). 1st Dam SHE SPARXZ (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizNOBLE INTENTIONS (USA) (2016 f. by Noble Mission (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £46,313 and placed 6 times. Ibtihalee (KSA) (2019 c. by California Chrome (USA)), placed once at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 f. by Istan (USA)). 2nd Dam PIANO (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAWESOME GEM (USA) (g. by Awesome Again (CAN)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and £1,705,954 including Hollywood Gold Cup Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2, San Fernando Breeders' Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Berkeley Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Longacres Mile Handicap, Emerald Downs, Gr.3, Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, placed second in Goodwood Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (twice), Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Handicap, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, Longacres Mile Handicap, Emerald Downs, Gr.3, All American Stakes, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Sir Beaufort Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, third in Breeders' Cup Classic, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. MAGIC TALK (USA) (f. by Cozzene (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Ucanbet (BRZ), winner in Brazil, third in Grande Premio Taca de Cristal (c&g), Cristal, L., Bet On Gold (BRZ), placed third in Classico Emerald Hill, Cidade Jardim, L. 3rd Dam THWACK (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingJ J'SDREAM (USA) (f. by Glitterman (USA)), won 13 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Genuine Risk Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2, Chicago Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Azalea Breeders' Cup Stakes, Calder, Gr.3, Safely Kept Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, placed second in Churchill Downs Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; third dam of MR L S SHOE (USA), won La Bred Premier Night Prince Stakes, Delta Downs, R., Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. and Louisiana Stallion Stakes (c&g), Louisiana Downs, R. The next dam ROYAL TIES (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of thirteen winners from 14 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingON TO ROYALTY (USA) (f. by On To Glory (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. LOUIS QUATORZE (USA), won Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed second in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. ROYAL INDY (USA), won Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; grandam of SELINA KYLE (PER), won Clasico La Copa, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2. MERITOCRAT (USA) (c. by On To Glory (USA)), won 6 races in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. including Boojum Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. SILK STOCKS (USA) (f. by Medieval Man (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Opa Locka Stakes, Hialeah Pk, second in Hibiscus Stakes, Hialeah Pk, L.; dam of winners. PENNILESS HEIRESS (USA) (f. by Pentelicus (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WILDCAT HEIR (USA), won Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Teddy Drone Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; sire. FOREST HEIRESS (USA), won Valley Stream Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3.


16 BOX

Owner: Adil Masfer Alatawi Flatter (USA) West Coast (USA) Caressing (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 29th, 2022 Honey Ride (USA) (2011)

Candy Ride (ARG) Tarlow (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Praise (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Lovin Touch (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Stormin Fever (USA) Madam Bear (USA)

WEST COAST (USA), 2014. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2017. Won 6 races, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.1, NYRA Bets Travers Stakes, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3, Easy Goer Stakes, L., second in Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, etc. Sire of SALLY'S SASSY (USA), (S), MARZ EXPRESS (USA), (S), West Coast Cowboy (USA), (Gr.3), Live Is Life (USA), (L.), Circling The Drain (USA), (L.), Fit To Fly (USA), (S), MICHELE M (USA), SWAGGISH (USA), TATHAGATA (JPN), WESTERN COMMAND (USA). 1st Dam HONEY RIDE (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £102,275 and placed 3 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizLITTLE LION (USA) (2018 c. by Noble Mission (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £15,151. Flag Flying (USA) (2020 f. by American Freedom (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £11,283. 2nd Dam TARLOW (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £238,904 including Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in El Encino Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingKatie's Garden (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £99,675, second in Sky Beauty Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of a winner. BOLLYWOOD (USA) (c. by Bernardini (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £38,437. 3rd Dam MADAM BEAR (USA), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Queen Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Brown & Williamson Kentucky J.C. Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Honorable Miss Stakes, Saratoga, L., Abrogate Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and third in Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Budweiser Chicago Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTARLOW (USA) (f. by Stormin Fever (USA)), see above. GOLDILOCK'S BEAR (USA) (f. by Irish Tower (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MR BOWLING (USA), won Lecomte Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Dover Stakes, Delaware, L., Lieutenant Governor's Cup Handicap, Hastings Park (twice), John Longden 6000 Stakes, Hastings Park, S W Randall Plate Handicap, Hastings Park. Who'sbeeninmybed (USA), unraced; dam of MICRO SHARE (USA), won Tranquility Lake Stakes, Del Mar, R. Madam Ann (USA) (f. by Mi Cielo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. YANKEE FOURTUNE (USA), won Commonwealth Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3, placed third in Canadian Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. Sailor Pluto (USA) (f. by You and I (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GO GO SHOOT (USA), won Mr Prospector Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Fred Cappy Capossela Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Jimmy Winkfield Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Longfellow Stakes, Monmouth Park, Francis Jock Labelle Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2. Songofthesailor (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Lyman Sprint Handicap, Parx Racing, R. The next dam SISTER BEAR (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to Roses For Shelly (USA); dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingMADAM BEAR (USA) (f. by Dreadnought (USA)), see above. Rainbow Bear (USA) (g. by Java Gold (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Kentucky Colonel Stakes, Ellis Park. SASSY BEAR (USA) (f. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. R SASSY LASS (USA), won Stonehedge Farm Sophomore Stakes (f), Tampa Bay Downs, R., Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Old Hat Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Minaret Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs.




Owner: Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi Giant's Causeway (USA) Battle Force (USA) Leo's Pegasus (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 24th, 2022 House of Grace (USA) (2007)

Limehouse (USA) Gracility (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Leo's Lucky Lady (USA) Grand Slam (USA) Dixieland Blues (USA) Known Fact (USA) Kuma (USA)

BATTLE FORCE (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, Thunder Road Stakes, second in Sir Beaufort Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Generous Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of HANBALY (KSA), FORCE (KSA). 1st Dam HOUSE OF GRACE (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £157,598 including J P Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, L., placed twice including third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Santa Anita, L.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizTHOMAS CRANMER (USA) (2014 g. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years and £54,958 and placed 10 times. PALERMO STYLE (USA) (2015 c. by Animal Kingdom (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £52,513 and placed twice. 2nd Dam GRACILITY (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £158,104 including Violet Stakes, Sportsmans Park, L.R., placed second in Powerless Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R. and third in Illinois Breeders' Debutante Stakes, Hawthorne, L.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingHOUSE OF GRACE (USA) (f. by Limehouse (USA)), see above. How Nice (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SMOKIN' JAY (USA), won Allied Forces Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Jim McKay Turf Sprint Stakes, Pimlico, L. 3rd Dam Kuma (USA), won 15 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Rattlemark Stakes, Arlington; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizSHEMYA (USA) (f. by Valiant Nature (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Purple Violet Stakes, Arlington, L.R., Violet Stakes, Sportsmans Park, L.R., placed second in Illini Princess Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R.; dam of winners. BOOM BOOM DYNAMITE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dyn O Mite (USA), placed second in Caesars Stakes, Indiana Grand, L. and Black Gold Stakes, Fair Grounds. GRACILITY (USA) (f. by Known Fact (USA)), see above. 4th Dam REASONABLE GIRL (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingKuma (USA) (f. by Naevus (USA)), see above. Timeless Reason (USA) (f. by Timeless Moment (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Gallapiat's Moment (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Paumonok Handicap, Aqueduct, L. Delta Swamp (USA) (f. by Meadowlake (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Mon Baiser (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Governor's Lady Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L.R. The next dam BANTU, ran in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDOUBLE DELTA (USA) (f. by Delta Judge), won 21 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Maskette Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Susquehanna Handicap, Liberty Bell Park, Gr.2, Molly Pitcher Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, third in Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.1; dam of winners. DELTA FLAG (USA), won Monmouth Invitational H’cap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. DOUBLE BLUSH (USA), won Grey Lag Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. Delta Slew (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Selene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of MEADOW PIPIT (CAN), won James Seymour Stakes, Newmarket, L.; grandam of LUCKY PIPIT (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Star Stakes, Sandown, L., placed third in May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2. Maui Princess (USA) (f. by Hawaii), won 6 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Conniver Handicap, Bowie, R. and third in Margate Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr.3; dam of winners. Dauntu (USA) (f. by Grey Dawn II), unraced; dam of winners. EUSTACE (USA), won Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Dover Stakes, Delaware Park, placed third in Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Alturaif Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 28th, 2022 Linda (KSA) (2016)

Point of Entry (USA) Cauy's Humor (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Matlacha Pass (USA) Distorted Humor (USA) Cauy (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LINDA (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 3 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Aspectus (IRE)). 2nd Dam Cauy's Humor (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £66,599 and placed third in Girls Inc. ofk Shelbyville County Stakes, Indiana Downs, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizKELLY'S HUMOR (USA) (f. by Midnight Lute (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £201,214 including Ellis Park Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park, placed second in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Keeneland Select Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and third in Longines Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. HAZARDOUS HUMOR (USA) (f. by Classic Empire (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £91,012. BIZ STAR (USA) (c. by Biz Blitz (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £25,231. LOST HUMOR (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 1 race in Canada; dam of winners. WE B THREE (CAN), won Monashee Handicap, Hastings Park, placed second in Sadie Diamond Futurity (fillies), Hastings Park, R., Delta Colleen Handicap, Hastings Park. 3rd Dam CAUY (USA), won 12 races in U.S.A. including Miller Lite Stakes, Lone Star Park, placed second in Wooden Star Stakes, Hawthorne; Own sister to MARIA'S MIRAGE (USA); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingCauy's Humor (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), see above. SHIVE'S SUCCESS (USA) (c. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. ALREADY ROCKIN (USA) (c. by Rock Hard Ten (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. MUSICMAESTROPLEASE (USA) (c. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; sire. The next dam PERFECT EXCHANGE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMARIA'S MIRAGE (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Woodside Handicap, Bay Meadows, Cactus Flower Handicap, Turf Paradise, placed second in The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L.; dam of winners. CHIPS ALL IN (USA), won Eddie D Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, San Simeon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Eddie Logan Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Gold Rush Futurity, Arapahoe Park, L., Albany Stakes, Golden Gate, Pasadena Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in American Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2. JAN'S PERFECT STAR (USA) (f. by Imperialism (USA)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Arkansas Breeders' Stakes (fillies), Oaklawn Park, R., placed third in Dream Supreme Stakes, Churchill Downs; dam of winners. ROAD BLOC (USA), won Jebel Ali Sprint, Jebel Ali, L. HONEYCOMB GUS (USA) (f. by Is It True (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HONEYCOMB ALLIE (USA), won Orleans Stakes, Delta Downs, R. PERFECT MARIA (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Perfect Kay (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Cassidy Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Copelan's Exchange (USA) (f. by Copelan (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Tigerheat (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Jim Coleman Province Stakes, Hastings Park. Kitty (USA) (f. by Forsythe Boy (USA)), unraced; grandam of GATO GO WIN (USA), won Pirate's Bounty Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., placed second in Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Vernon O Underwood Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Ibrahim Muhammad Rashid Scat Daddy (USA)

DHAFER (USA) January 12th, 2022 A Black Colt (first foal)

Mendelssohn (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Stella Stellina (USA) (2017)

War Front (USA) Princess Highway (USA)


Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Tricky Creek (USA) Crystal Lady (CAN) Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Irresistible Jewel (IRE)

MENDELSSOHN (USA), 2015. Top rated 3yr old in U.A.E. in 2018 (9.5-11f.). Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2018. Won 4 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2, Patton Stakes, L., second in Dewhurst Stakes, Gr.1 and Travers Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of DELIGHT (USA), (Gr.2), COMMITTEE OF ONE (USA), (L.), AUSTERE (USA), (L.), CLASSICAL CAT (USA), (L.), OPUS FORTY TWO (USA), (S), Miracle (USA), (Gr.2), Ngannou (USA), (Gr.3), Midnight Rising (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam STELLA STELLINA (USA), ran twice in U.S.A. at 3 years; Own sister to Eternal Silence (USA). She also has a 2023 filly by Improbable (USA). 2nd Dam PRINCESS HIGHWAY (USA), Jt Champion 3yr old filly in England and Ireland in 2012, won 3 races at 3 years and £163,908 including Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Blue Wind Stakes, Naas, Gr.3, third in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1 and Blue Wind Stakes, Naas, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingEternal Silence (USA) (f. by War Front (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 and £47,292 and placed 3 times including third in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and Flame of Tara EBF Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. 3rd Dam IRRESISTIBLE JEWEL (IRE), won 3 races at 3 years including Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, second in Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingROYAL DIAMOND (IRE) (g. by King's Best (USA)), won 9 races including Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, QIPCO Long Distance Cup, Ascot, Gr.3, Irish St Leger Trial, Curragh, Gr.3, Challenge Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed second in Vintage Crop Stakes, Navan, Gr.3, Curragh Cup, Curragh, Gr.3, Irish St Leger Trial, Curragh, Gr.3. MAD ABOUT YOU (IRE) (f. by Indian Ridge), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years including Gladness Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Garnet Stakes, Naas, L., placed second in Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Pretty Polly Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of winners. MAD COOL (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Japan including Shunrai Stakes, Nakayama, L., placed second in Sprinters Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.1. A Ma Chere (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, third in Silver Flash Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Midnight Thoughts (USA) (f. by Henrythenavigator (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Tomorrow's Dream (FR), 3 races, placed third in Rosemary Stakes, Newmarket, L. The next dam IN ANTICIPATION (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDIAMOND TRIM (IRE) (f. by Highest Honor (FR)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years including Finale Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. PROFOUND BEAUTY (IRE), won Curragh Cup, Curragh, Gr.3, Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 (twice), placed second in Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of ROSE DE PIERRE (IRE), 4 races including Heritage Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Rock Critic (IRE), 6 races and placed third in Navigation Stakes, Cork, L. Majestic Silver (IRE), unraced; dam of CARLA BIANCA (IRE), 5 races including Dance Design Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and Meld Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, JOAILLIERE (IRE), won German Owners' & Breeders' Sprint Trophy, Dortmund, L., True Solitaire (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Golden Fleece Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; grandam of HOMELESS SONGS (IRE), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 2022, won Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, REVE DE VOL (IRE), 2 races including Orby Stakes, Curragh, L., Emilie Gray (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Corrib Stakes, Galway, L., Grosser Preis von Rossmann, Hannover, L. Candle Lit (IRE), unraced; dam of FORTUNINO (GB), 3 races at 3 and 6 years, 2023 in Italy including Premio Coppa d'Oro, Milan, L., Fresnel (GB), 1 race, second in Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Noblesse Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Legal Jousting (IRE) (c. by Indian Ridge), won 2 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, L.; sire. INSTANT SPARKLE (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. MAKING LIGHT (IRE), 5 races including Park Express Stakes, Naas, Gr.3, Killavullan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, third in Ridgewood Pearl Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2.





Owner: Alkafeej stabal Empire Maker (USA) Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 12th, 2022 Cavatina (GB) (2015)

Lethal Force (IRE) Piano (GB)

Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) Dark Angel (IRE) Land Army (IRE) Azamour (IRE) Humouresque (GB)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam CAVATINA (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and £20,462 and placed 7 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by The Admiral (USA)). 2nd Dam Piano (GB), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years and £18,482 and placed 6 times including third in Hoppings Stakes, Newcastle, L.; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingCONSERVATOIRE (GB) (f. by Dutch Art (GB)), won 2 races at 2 years and £14,559 and placed once. 3rd Dam HUMOURESQUE (GB), won 5 races at 3 years at home and in France including Prix Pénélope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Rose de Mai, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Policeman, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L.; Own sister to Mighty (GB); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCrotchet (GB) (f. by Lethal Force (IRE)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years and placed second in Cooley Stakes, Dundalk, L. and third in Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L. Piano (GB) (f. by Azamour (IRE)), see above. CLEF (GB) (f. by Dutch Art (GB)), won 3 races at 2 years; dam of winners. COTAI HERO (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 at home, in France and in Italy. COTAI PEARL (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 at home and in Qatar. KEY TO COTAI (IRE), 1 race at 2 years, 2023 and placed once. The next dam MISWAKI BELLE (USA), placed once at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingDANEHURST (GB) (f. by Danehill (USA)), Champion older mare in Italy in 2002, won 10 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in Italy including Flying Five Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Cornwallis Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Prix de Seineet-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr.3, placed second in Golden Jubilee Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and third in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of winners. BIRCH GROVE (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France including Prix Luth Enchantée, Clairefontaine, L. Pole Position (GB), unraced; dam of MADEMOISELLE (JPN), won Tachibana Stakes, Kyoto, L.R., Saimon Seele (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Kokura Nisai Stakes, Kokura, Gr.3. Magic (IRE), unraced; dam of SHAQUILLE (GB), 7 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 including July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Commonwealth Cup, Ascot, Gr.1 and Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L. RISING LEGEND (GB) (c. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. including Oceanside Stakes, Del Mar, R., placed second in Generous Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. Mighty (GB) (c. by Pivotal (GB)), won 3 races at 4 years and placed second in Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, John Porter Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3 and third in Hardwicke Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Jockey Club Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. Polish Belle (GB) (f. by Polish Precedent (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Jairzihno (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2. Misty Conquest (IRE), 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Dick Poole Stakes, Salisbury, L. and third in Empress Stakes, Newmarket, L. Pivotal Era (GB) (f. by Pivotal (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. COSMIC VEGA (IRE), 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2023 including Whitehead Memorial Stakes, Naas, L., placed third in Gladness Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and Platinum Stakes, Cork, L. The X O (IRE), 2 races at 3 years, 2023, second in Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3.




Owner: Sultan S. I. Alghofeili Tapit (USA) Prospect Park (USA) Quiet Romance (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 28th, 2022 Bow Tac (USA) (2016)

Oxbow (USA) Seattle Tac (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Bertrando (USA) Brisa de Mar (USA) Awesome Again (CAN) Tizamazing (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Tacha (USA)

PROSPECT PARK (USA), 2012. Won 4 races, La Jolla Handicap, Gr.3, second in Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.2, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2, Affirmed Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Californian Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of QUICKLY PARK IT (USA), (S). 1st Dam BOW TAC (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizDERAE ALFAHD (KSA) (2020 c. by Mr Z (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £39,839. Laeoyoun Hind (KSA) (2021 f. by Pomeroy (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SEATTLE TAC (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £55,066; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTinaar (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years and £49,347 and placed third in Braveheart Stakes, Hamilton, L.; dam of a winner. Glorious Grace (IND), winner to 2023 abroad and placed second in Nilgiris Derby, Udhagamandalam, L.R. 3rd Dam TACHA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to SHA THA (USA); dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingONE COOL CAT (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2004, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed third in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1; sire. So Stylish (USA) (f. by Johannesburg (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Marble Hill Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. Dominique's Show (USA) (f. by Theatrical), unraced; dam of winners. BIRDIE BIRDIE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of FREE ROSE (USA), won Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2 and La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Sylven Park (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in My Frenchman Stakes, Monmouth Park. Don't Tacha Me (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Indefinable (USA), unraced; dam of CANDIP (USA), won Fabulous Strike Handicap, Penn National, L. and Iowa Sprint Handicap, Prairie Meadows, L., Dream It Do It (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Clever Trevor Stakes, Remington, L. The next dam SAVANNAH DANCER (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSHA THA (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 3 races in France and in U.S.A. inc. All Along Stakes, Laurel, Gr.2, second in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, third in Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. STATE SHINTO (USA), won Prix Dollar, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Prince d'Orange, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Shadwell Nayef Sheikh Maktoum Chall. 1, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, third in G.Dallmayr-Preis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1. Shastri (USA), winner and placed second in Buchmacher Kottkamp Silbernes Band Ruhr, Mulheim, L.; grandam of LUCK OF THE KITTEN (USA), won Zuma Beach Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire, EMPIRE BUILDER (USA), won Naked Greed Stakes, Calder, American Dreamer Stakes, Calder, Mambo Meister Stakes, Calder, placed third in Miami Mile Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Epic Bromance (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in United Nations Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1. BRIER CREEK (USA) (c. by Blushing Groom (FR)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years including Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Aston Park Stakes, Newbury, L.; sire. OSHIMA (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Apex (USA), unraced; grandam of CAMPHORATUS (SAF), won HSH Charlene Empress Club Stakes, Turffontein, Gr.1 and Flamboyant Stakes, Greyville, Gr.3. Onaga (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ARAGORN (IRE), 6 races at home and in U.S.A. including Eddie Read Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, Shoemaker Breeders' Cup Mile Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire.





Owner: Sama Stable Unbridled's Song (USA) Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 27th, 2022 Toomuchisnotenough (USA) (2011)

Trapper (USA) Waytoomuchfun (USA)

Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Iron Cat (USA) Ananda (USA) Tinners Way (USA) Turnaround Time (USA)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam TOOMUCHISNOTENOUGH (USA), won 12 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £208,063 including California Governor's Cup Handicap, Sacramento, placed 10 times including second in Camilla Urso Stakes, Golden Gate; dam of 2 foals of racing ageJ R Knows Best (USA) (2020 c. by English Channel (USA)), unraced to date. (2021 c. by Mizzen Mast (USA)). 2nd Dam WAYTOOMUCHFUN (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £21,997; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingTOOMUCHISNOTENOUGH (USA) (f. by Trapper (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam TURNAROUND TIME (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingPROUDEST MOMENT (USA) (f. by Proud Irish (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam TIMED PERFECTLY (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingEL DON (USA) (g. by Cee's Tizzy (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including California Dreamin' Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., California Turf Championship Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.R., San Matean Handicap, Bay Meadows, placed second in On Trust Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.R., Tiznow Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., Val Royal Stakes, Hollywood Park, R. and third in Presidio Stakes, Golden Gate, L.R. Bah Bye (USA) (f. by Mamaison (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Courtship Stakes, Bay Meadows, L.R.; dam of winners. ONEBIGBAG (USA), won Saratoga Handicap, Bay Meadows. Missdealornodeal (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in John Deere California Cup Distaff Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and Daisycutter Handicap, Del Mar, L. Perfect Timing (USA) (c. by Dimaggio (USA)), won 14 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Sweepida Handicap, Stockton and Rocket Review Handicap, Golden Gate. The next dam IN PRIME TIME (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingB IN TIME (USA) (c. by Don B (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Sutter Stakes, Golden Gate, N.C.T.A. Sales Stakes (c&g), Bay Meadows; sire. Shine On Time (USA) (f. by Tobin Bronze), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. Unlimited Bronze (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Delta Downs Thoroughbred Futurity, Delta Downs. Nopro Blama (USA) (f. by Dimaggio (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SOVIET PROBLEM (USA), won Laurel Dash Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3, Valkyr Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. (twice), Oakland Handicap, Golden Gate, L.R., Sacramento Handicap, Golden Gate, L.R., Budweiser Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup H'cp, Bay Meadows, L., California Oaks, Golden Gate, L., Boo La Boo Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., second in Breeders' Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; grandam of UNZIP ME (USA), won Monrovia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Senator Ken Maddy Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Las Cienegas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Royal North Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed third in Breeders' Cup Turf Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Aragon Smash (USA), winner abroad, second in Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajador, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Tule Fog (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in E B Johnston Stakes, Los Alamitos, R. Pas de Problem (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of SWEET PROBLEM (USA), won Alywow Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; third dam of Cotizado Key (ARG), winner in Argentina, placed third in Clasico Isidoro Aramburu, La Plata, Gr.2.




Owner: Fahad Bin Nasser Bin M. Alquraini Boundary (USA) Big Brown (USA) Mien (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) February 4th, 2022 All Mine Tonight (USA) (2009)

Holy Bull (USA) Minetonightsfirst (USA)


Danzig (USA) Edge (USA) Nureyev (USA) Miasma (USA) Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) D'Accord (USA) Mine Tonight (USA)

BIG BROWN (USA), 2005. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008. Won 7 races, Haskell Invitational, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, Florida Derby, Gr.1 and Monmouth Stakes, L. Sire of DORTMUND (USA), (Gr.1), SOMELIKEITHOTBROWN (USA), (Gr.2), KISS TO REMEMBER (USA), (Gr.2), COACH INGE (USA), (Gr.2), SEND IT IN (USA), (Gr.3), NANCY (AUS), (Gr.3), DAWNIE PERFECT (AUS), (Gr.3), BIG WILDCAT (USA), (Gr.3), DARWIN (USA), (Gr.3), BROWN BEN (AUS), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ALL MINE TONIGHT (USA), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., £104,070 placed 8 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizLOVE ME TOMORROW (USA) (2017 f. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £86,553 and placed 15 times. BOSS OF ALL (USA) (2019 f. by Street Boss (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £32,681 and placed once. Solo Tonight (USA) (2021 c. by Solomini (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 filly by Global Campaign (USA). 2nd Dam MINETONIGHTSFIRST (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £61,036 including New York Stallion Park Avenue Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingOuchy Night (USA) (f. by Cactus Ridge (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Joseph A Gimma Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. and third in Vichy Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. and Biogio's Rose Stakes, Saratoga, R.; dam of winners. Wild About Harry (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Jill Jellison Memorial Dash Stakes, Suffolk Downs, R. 3rd Dam MINE TONIGHT (USA), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Castle Forbes Stakes, Meadowlands, Weber City Miss Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Virginia Belle Stakes, Laurel, L. and fourth in Affectionately Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingPOOSKA HILL (USA) (c. by Phantom Jet (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Hudson Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., placed second in Hudson Handicap, Belmont Park, L. and third in Hollie Hughes Handicap, Aqueduct, L.R. Mine'spro (USA) (c. by Distinctive Pro (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Hudson Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R. The next dam Mardi Gras Maid (USA), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Vanity Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPURITA U (USA) (f. by Topsider (USA)), won 5 races abroad including Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua, El Comandante, L.; dam of winners. TWO ALTAZANO (USA), won Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.2. BLACKJACK MISS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of High Stepper (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Davie Stakes, Hialeah Park, Comp (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Anthony Despirito Handicap, Suffolk Downs; grandam of Myakka City (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, L.R.; third dam of East Coast Girl (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in New York Stallion Stakes (3yo c&g), Aqueduct, R. LUCY'S MAGIC (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of JOE'S CANNON (USA), won Idaho Cup Juvenile Championship Stakes, Boise, R. MINE TONIGHT (USA) (f. by Upper Nile (USA)), see above. SYNASTRY'S MAID (USA) (f. by Synastry (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Haitanga Stakes, Golden Gate, third in Blooming Hills Stakes, Bay Meadows; dam of winners. TUSKO T (USA), won Emerald Express Stakes, Emerald Downs, placed third in Auburn Stakes, Emerald Downs and Captain Condo Stakes, Emerald Downs, R. Bayou Blurr (USA) (c. by Murrtheblurr (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A., second in With Pleasure Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and third in Riva Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Bourbon St Dancer (USA) (c. by Staff Writer (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Arizona Thoroughbred Asoc. Sales Stakes, Turf Paradise.





Owner: Sultan S. I. Alghofeili Giant's Causeway (USA) Destin (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 2nd, 2022 Professor's Ride (CAN) (2010)

Silent Name (JPN) Cosa Rara (CAN)

Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) Sunday Silence (USA) Danzigaway (USA) Tethra (CAN) Trail On Ice (USA)

DESTIN (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, TAA Marathon Stakes, Gr.2, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of DESTIN HOOFMAN (USA), GHAR ALMA'ALEE (KSA). 1st Dam PROFESSOR'S RIDE (CAN), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £131,082 including La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed 5 times including second in Nandi Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizINDY RIDE (USA) (2017 g. by Congrats (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £62,615 and placed 9 times. QABOOSEYAH (KSA) (2020 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,788 and placed once. LANCELOTS LADY (USA) (2016 f. by Gauntlet (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £10,924. (2021 c. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)). 2nd Dam COSA RARA (CAN), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £172,848; dam of eleven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCAWAJA BEACH (CAN) (f. by Where's The Ring (USA)), won 4 races at 2 years in Canada and £145,053 including Victorian Queen Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Nandi Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. Yacht Boy (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada and placed second in Simcoe Stakes, Woodbine, R. WHO'S BIG DADDY (CAN) (g. by Where's The Ring (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £168,567 including Clarendon Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., second in Colin Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Webb Snyder Stakes, Charles Town. PROFESSOR'S RIDE (CAN) (f. by Silent Name (JPN)), see above. AVOMAN (CAN) (g. by Old Forester (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in Canada, £196,283 including Plate Trial Stakes, Woodbine, R., Steady Growth Stakes, Woodbine, R., Bull Page Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed third in Overskate Stakes, Woodbine, R. Happy Is Lucky (CAN) (f. by Giant Gizmo (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada and £26,487 and placed third in Ontario Debutante Stakes, Woodbine, L. 3rd Dam TRAIL ON ICE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingWOLVSPA (USA) (g. by Major Impact (USA)), won 12 races in Canada and in U.S.A. 4th Dam She Skates (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Ticonderoga Handicap, Aqueduct, L. and third in Broadway Handicap, Aqueduct, L.R.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSAXUALITY (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 6 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Powder Break Handicap, Calder, L., Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L., second in Coral Gables Handicap, Calder, L. and third in Rare Perfume Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. French Flare (USA) (f. by French Deputy (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A. including third in Barretts Debutante Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R.; dam of winners. The next dam LADY CYGNET (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCold Hearted Man (USA) (c. by It's Freezing (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Colonel E R Bradley Stakes, Fair Grounds; sire. HI FRIEND BIRD (USA) (f. by Seattle Dancer (USA)), won 1 race in Japan; dam of winners. Hi Friend Try (JPN), winner in Japan, placed second in Diamond Stakes, Tokyo, L. Extra Smarten (USA) (f. by Smarten (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SMARTER THAN (USA), won New Hope Stakes, Parx Racing and New Jersey Futurity (fillies), Meadowlands; dam of SMARTER THAN US (USA), won Legal Justice Handicap, Parx Racing and Lyman Handicap, Parx Racing. FLYING SMARTEN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Selena's Dream (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Duo Disco Handicap, Parx Racing.





Owner: Alghamaah Stable Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 4th, 2022 Hoor Al Aen (KSA) (2011)

Borneo Boy (USA) Zahrat Faisal (KSA)

Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Danzig (USA) Island of Silver (USA) Wavian (GB) Shaqra Finjal VII (KSA)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam HOOR AL AEN (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,725 and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age(2020 f. by Macho Macho (USA)). (2021 c. by Chief Havoc (USA)). 2nd Dam ZAHRAT FAISAL (KSA), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,531; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizHOOR AL AEN (KSA) (f. by Borneo Boy (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam SHAQRA FINJAL VII (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizZAHRAT FAISAL (KSA) (f. by Wavian (GB)), see above.




Owner: Hamad A. Alabdullwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 29th, 2022 Tap N Away (USA) (2007)

Tapit (USA) Mattie M (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Hadif (USA) Fleet Vaile (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam TAP N AWAY (USA), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A. and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizRASHEQAH (KSA) (2018 f. by Sleeping Indian (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £94,930 and placed 6 times. TAFAQEED ALKARIM (KSA) (2019 c. by Bandini (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,327 and placed twice. NAYA (KSA) (2021 f. by Rookie Sensation (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once, both her starts to date. Alshehab Almobeen (KSA) (2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Mattie M (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £76,207 and placed second in Princess Futurity, Louisiana Downs, L. and T T Sales Fillies Futurity Handicap, Lone Star Park, L.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizVICK'S VIOLET (USA) (f. by El Corredor (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £40,011. SEVEN VIOLETS (USA) (f. by Four Sevens (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and £74,806. VIOLETS VERSE (USA) (f. by Vision And Verse (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £33,452. ROCKET BUSTER (USA) (f. by Gold Regent (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. MY HONKYTONK ANGEL (USA) (f. by Preachinatthebar (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. TAP N AWAY (USA) (f. by Tapit (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam FLEET VAILE (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMattie M (USA) (f. by Hadif (USA)), see above. Quando Victory (USA) (f. by Victory Stride (USA)), won 11 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Coquette Stakes, Albuquerque and West Mesa Handicap, Albuquerque; dam of winners. AWESOME M (USA), winner in U.S.A. QUANDO M (USA), winner in U.S.A. SAGE M (USA) (g. by High Brite (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. SLEW BUNNY (USA) (c. by Louisiana Slew (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; sire. FLEET OF HOOF (USA) (c. by Dancing Mist (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. FLEET SLEW (USA) (c. by Louisiana Slew (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. Bonnie M (USA) (f. by Hadif (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. RODEO DAD (USA), winner in U.S.A. DONNIE M (USA), winner in U.S.A. Wayne Bow (USA) (f. by Wayne's Crane (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Lucky M (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Martanza Handicap, Sam Houston, L. and Valor Farm Stakes, Lone Star Park, R.; dam of Xray Vision (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Oklahoma Classics Lassie Stakes, Remington Park, R. and third in Trapeze Stakes, Remington Park, Bossy Em (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Bob Bryant Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., Lucky Perfection (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Iowa Cradle Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R.; grandam of GREEDY CREEDY (USA), won Governor Terry E Branstad Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R. and Iowa Cradle Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R., Ranhita (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Iowa Stallion Futurity, Prairie Meadows, R., Kahului (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Iowa Sorority Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R. DON'TCALLMESHIRLEY (USA), winner in U.S.A. EMMA FRED (USA), winner in U.S.A.




Owner: Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Ojaimi Quality Road (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 14th, 2022

Klimt (USA) Inventive (USA) Top Trick (USA) (2011)

Hat Trick (JPN) Blushing Heiress (USA)


Elusive Quality (USA) Kobla (USA) Dixie Union (USA) Original (USA) Sunday Silence (USA) Tricky Code (USA) Blushing John (USA) Native Fancy (USA)

KLIMT (USA), 2014. Won 3 races, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, second in Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3 and third in Shared Belief Stakes, L. Sire of BUTTERBEAN (USA), (Gr.3), KATONAH (USA), (S), TWIN CITY (CAN), (S), VIETNAM VICTORY (USA), (S), COSMIC TRAIN (USA), (S), Royal Keeper (USA), (L.), An Agent Mistake (USA), (L.), Klint Colors (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam TOP TRICK (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,566; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizSILENT TRICK (USA) (2017 f. by Flat Out (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £30,952 and placed 8 times. Wow Lady (USA) (2020 f. by Daddy Long Legs (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam BLUSHING HEIRESS (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £217,713 including Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Palomar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed second in Straight Deal Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and Sorority Stakes, Golden Gate, L.; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingWINSOME (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £47,995 including Cellas Shiraz Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of winners. Rules Like A Girl (USA), unraced; dam of MY BOANERGES (USA), won Chamberlain Bridge Stakes, Lone Star Park, Grand Prairie Turf Sprint Stakes, Lone Star Park, placed second in New Mexico Classic Cup Derby Ch'ship, Zia Park, R. Sensational Mover (USA) (f. by Theatrical), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. HUNG PARLIAMENT (FR), 1 race at 2 years in France and £45,173 viz Prix François Boutin, Deauville, L., second in Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. SHAMANDAR (FR), 3 races at 2 years and £200,162 including Dick Poole Stakes, Salisbury, L., second in St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of Admiral Nelson (GB), 2 races at 2 and 5 years, 2023, third in Star Appeal Stakes, Dundalk, L. Negotiable (USA) (f. by Hat Trick (JPN)), unraced; dam of winners. LORENA (CAN), won Fury Stakes, Woodbine, R., Zadracarta Stakes, Woodbine, R. 3rd Dam NATIVE FANCY (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Hollywood Lassie Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, California Oaks, Golden Gate, Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingREALLY FANCY (USA) (f. by In Reality), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Anoakia Stakes, Oak Tree, Gr.3; dam of winners. Real Fancy Runner (USA), winner in Canada and placed third in La Habra Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. DIXIE HOLIDAY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HOLIDAY RUNNER (USA), won Fashion Stakes, Belmont Park, L., third in Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; grandam of SEVENTH STREET (USA), won Go For Wand Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, REYNALDOTHEWIZARD (USA), won Dubai Golden Shaheen Stakes, Meydan, Gr.1, Jaguar XJ Al Shindagha Sprint, Meydan, Gr.3, Emirates Skywards Mahab Al Shimaal, Meydan, Gr.3; third dam of AMERICAN GAL (USA), won Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Longines Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, LAKE AVENUE (USA), won Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Heavenly Prize Invitational Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Ballerina Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1. Social Style (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; grandam of SUGARINTHEMORNING (USA), won Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., placed second in Santa Monica Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Oyster Baby (USA), unraced; grandam of AUTHENTIC (USA), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2020, won Breeders' Cup Classic, Keeneland, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Haskell Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. FANCY SHEBA (USA) (f. by Alysheba (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FRENCH JEANNETTE (USA), winner; dam of UNDRAFTED (USA), won Diamond Jubilee Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, third in Breeders' Cup Turf Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Blushing Native (USA) (f. by Blushing John (USA)), unraced; grandam of RAPPING MARY (USA), won Copper Top Futurity, Sunland Park, R.




Owner: Eng. Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 13th, 2022 Aethra Alriyadh (KSA) (2009)

Wavian (GB) Reida (KSA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Warning Vian (USA) Robin's Song (USA) Neatfoot

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam AETHRA ALRIYADH (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMEESAAR (KSA) (2020 c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Namoos Alkheil (KSA) (2018 c. by Ron The Greek (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by Closing Bell (USA)). 2nd Dam REIDA (KSA), unraced; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGHARTHOOB (KSA) (c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 12 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £248,326. NADA RODHWAAN (KSA) (c. by Wavian (GB)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £61,447. 3rd Dam NEATFOOT, won 1 race at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingNEATSTEP (GB) (f. by Rousillon (USA)), won 3 races and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Happy Bride (IND), winner abroad and placed third in Manjri Nilgriris Fillies' Trial Stakes, Udhagamandalam, L. CANONIZE (IND), winner abroad; dam of Divine Spirit (IND), winner abroad and placed second in Nilgiris 2000 Guineas, Udhagamandalam, L. The next dam WHITEFOOT, won 2 races at 3 years viz Musidora Stakes, York and Golden Hind Stakes, Newmarket; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSWIFTFOOT (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1982, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr.3, placed second in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1 and third in Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of winners. HAREFOOT, 1 race at 3 years and placed once; dam of ZARFOOT (GB), 2 races at 3 years including New Stakes, Ascot, L., placed second in Prix du Conseil de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2. SANTARELLE (f. by Jim French (USA)), won 2 races and placed once; dam of winners. WELSH FANTASY, 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; grandam of LADY'S PURSE (GB), 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L.; third dam of MASEKELA (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Denford Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, VENTURA MIST (GB), 3 races at 2 years including Two Year Old Trophy, Redcar, L. Try Sympathy, ran twice in U.S.A.; dam of SKYTRIAL (USA), won Canadian Handicap, Woodbine, L., placed second in Dance Smartly Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, TRAY MY FORCE (ITY), 3 races at 3 years in Italy including Premio Tullio Righetti-Shadwell Stud, Rome, L.; grandam of TRICKEY TREVOR (USA), won Churchill Downs Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; sire, GLEAM OF HOPE (USA), won Jefferson Cup Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, CHRISTMAS SHIP (USA), won Luther Burbank Handicap, Santa Rosa and Alameda County Fillies & Mares Stakes, Pleasanton, FOREST PRINCESS (CAN), won Navajo Princess Stakes, Meadowlands. NEENAH (f. by Bold Lad (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. N C Owen, 2 races at 3 years and placed third in Gordon Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3.




Owner: Khalid Hamdaan Al Foozaan Union Rags (USA) Catalina Cruiser (USA) Sea Gull (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) April 19th, 2022 Interest Free (USA) (2010)

Exchange Rate (USA) Seafree (USA)


Dixie Union (USA) Tempo (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Exclusive Bird (USA) Danzig (USA) Sterling Pound (USA) Chief Seattle (USA) Queen Randi (USA)

CATALINA CRUISER (USA), 2014. Won 7 races, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), San Diego Handicap, Gr.2 (twice) and True North Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now 2 year olds.Latte Lizzie (USA), (L.), Stellamaris (USA), (S). 1st Dam Interest Free (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £119,305 and placed 7 times including second in Tiffany Lass Stakes, Fair Grounds and Open Mind Stakes, Churchill Downs; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMARKET ANALYSIS (USA) (2017 g. by Honor Code (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £241,696 including Spangled Jimmy Handicap, Century Mile, placed 8 times including third in Tom Metzen H. B. P. A. Stakes, Canterbury Park, R. UPCYCLE (USA) (2018 f. by Union Rags (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Union Belle (USA) (2021 f. by Union Rags (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam SEAFREE (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £159,175 including La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed third in Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Pine Tree Lane Stakes, Santa Anita; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizInterest Free (USA) (f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), see above. SEA OF FACES (USA) (c. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,067. UNION BLOCKADE (USA) (g. by Union Rags (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A. and £18,745. SEACLIPSE (USA) (c. by Badge of Silver (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Set You Free (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of winners. BELLE OF ST JOHN (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. VAMONOS (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam QUEEN RANDI (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFLY DOWN (USA) (c. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 7 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.S.A. including Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed second in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. 4th Dam RANDI'S QUEEN (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingPRINCE RANDI (USA) (c. by Caveat (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Pembroke Pines Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, placed second in Appleton Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. Queen Explo (USA) (f. by Explodent (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Rapid Link Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of winners. CARRIE THE FLAG (USA), won Foxy J G Stakes, Parx Racing, placed second in Race Street Handicap, Parx Racing, Danzig Stakes, Penn National and third in Evening Out Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Davona Dale Stakes, Laurel, L.; dam of CARRIED AWAY (USA), won Captain My Captain Stakes, Parx Racing, placed second in Pea Patch Island Handicap, Delaware Park, L. ACCELERANT (USA), won Peppy Addy Handicap, Parx Racing. Billy Gilman (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Devil's Honor Handicap, Parx Racing, R. Randi's Pleasure (USA) (g. by Foolish Pleasure (USA)), won 15 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Hopemont Stakes, Keeneland and third in Isaac Murphy Stakes, Arlington, L. and City of Miami Stakes, Calder, L. The next dam SUNNY DAVID, won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingRICH SUN (USA) (c. by Richmond Grays), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Dade Turf Classic, Calder, Gr.3, placed third in Hutcheson Handicap, Gulfstream Park.




Owner: Salauel Stable Mizzen Mast (USA) Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA)

A BLACK FILLY (KSA) April 26th, 2022 Haymah (KSA) (2013)

Midnight Lute (USA) Hold All Calls (USA)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Real Quiet (USA) Candytuft (USA) Caller I D (USA) Wedded Bliss (USA)

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam HAYMAH (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 to 4 years; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age vizAeshman (KSA) (2020 c. by Hailstone (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Lahameem (KSA) (2018 f. by Article of Faith (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by The Admiral (USA)). 2nd Dam HOLD ALL CALLS (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGOLDEN ROSES (USA) (f. by Gilded Time (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Diannestillworks (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Wide Country Stakes, Laurel and Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct. 3rd Dam Wedded Bliss (USA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Fairway Fun Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingEVER AFTER (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park; dam of winners. Every Way (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and third in Mazarine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. WEDLOCK (USA) (c. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Vincent A Moscarelli Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Kelso Stakes, Delaware Park, L. EXTROVERT (USA) (g. by Wild Again (USA)), won 13 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. including I-80 Handicap, Prairie Meadows. FORGET THE WEATHER (USA) (f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BELLA VELLA (AUS), won Sangster Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.1, Ian McEwen Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, R N Irwin Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3. DO NOT DISTURB (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Gonna Fly Now (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Pat O'Brien Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2. The next dam WEDDING PICTURE (USA), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Revidere Stakes, Saratoga, R., Pinafore Stakes, Suffolk Downs, placed second in Candy Eclair Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingWINGED VICTORY (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Fort Lauderdale Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, July Trophy, Haydock, L., placed second in King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and third in Early Times Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. WHERE'S THE RING (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Chuck Taliaferro Memorial Stakes, Remington Park, placed second in Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; sire. PUZZLED LOOK (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Plaza Handicap, Woodlands, second in Before Dawn Stakes, Prairie Meadows, Hoist Her Flag Stakes, Canterbury Downs and Sequoyah Stakes, Remington Park; dam of winners. SERVICE STRIPE (USA) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Pontiac Handicap, Detroit, placed second in Beau Genius Handicap, Detroit; sire. WEDDING VOW (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BROKEN VOW (USA), won Philip H Iselin Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Ben Ali Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, placed third in Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gr.1; sire. Constant Companion (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FOREVER TOGETHER (USA), won Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 (twice), Emirates Airlines Breeders' Cup f&m Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, First Lady Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Jenny Wiley Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Gone West (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 12th, 2022 (first foal)

Iftitah (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Hatoof (KSA) (2017)

Dubai Destination (USA) Naqarish (KSA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Secrettame (USA) Riverman (USA) Linda's Magic (USA) Kingmambo (USA) Mysterial (USA) Officer (USA) Secondary School (USA)

IFTITAH (USA), 1996. Won 2 races and second in Godolphin Mile, L. Sire of MOS AEFAH (KSA), ALNIBAR (KSA), AEZ ALSHARAF (KSA), MOTASAYEDA (KSA), JAYAAB (KSA), MORABY AL AJYAAL (KSA), MONSAKEB (KSA), AL AYMAN (KSA), AEBAQ ALHIJAAZ (KSA), SAHAABAT KHEIR (KSA), ALGHATREES (KSA), DIRAE ALFATEH (KSA), BAIRAQ ALFATH (KSA), TASMEEM (KSA), AESHQ ALHIJAAZ (KSA), SHOMOOKH ALHIJAAZ (KSA), SHIBLE ALOGAYLAAT (KSA), SALIL ALSHARAF (KSA), MEJENNAH (KSA), ZAAYEH (KSA). 1st Dam HATOOF (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam NAQARISH (KSA), placed 10 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,686; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizMOSSLAT (KSA) (c. by Teletext (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,248. 3rd Dam SECONDARY SCHOOL (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Sun Handicap, Hastings Park, placed second in Ballerina Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Fairway Fun Stakes, Turfway Park and third in Boeing Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizYOMYBATO (USA) (g. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. DON'T SMOKE (USA) (f. by Smoke Glacken (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Smokin' Truth (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Louisiana Cup Juvenile Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. LIVE LIKE MIKE (USA), winner in U.S.A. EISHIN AMADEUS (USA) (c. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Japan. RELEX (KSA) (f. by Spanish Steps (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam SECOND SYMPHONY (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Cover Girl Stakes, Hastings Park, placed second in North Vancouver Handicap, Hastings Park, Breeders' Cup Mademoiselle Handicap, Hastings Park and third in Delta Colleen Stakes, Hastings Park; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSUMMER SYMPHONY (USA) (f. by Summer Squall (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Ken Pearson Memorial Handicap, Stampede Park, placed second in Ballerina Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Boeing Handicap, Emerald Downs, Delta Colleen Handicap, Hastings Park and third in King County Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of winners. SUMMER SHOES (USA), won Downthedustyroad Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R., placed second in Natural State Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R. SECONDARY SCHOOL (USA) (f. by Honor Grades (USA)), see above. Preamble (USA) (c. by Kitwood (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Juvenile Stakes, Hastings Park. The next dam MARY ROLFE (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age includingSECOND SYMPHONY (USA) (f. by Mining (USA)), see above.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Distorted Humor (USA) Dramedy (USA) She's A Winner (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 10th, 2022 Beso Grande (USA) (2008)

Mass Media (USA) Kiss For Kris (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) A P Indy (USA) Get Lucky (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Sultry Allure (USA) Kissin Kris (USA) Richen (USA)

DRAMEDY (USA), 2009. Won 4 races, Dixiana Elkhorn Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of MIGHTY HEART (CAN), (Gr.2), MAGIC MICHAEL (USA), (Gr.3), OUT OF SORTS (USA), (S), SOUTHGATE (USA), (S), He's A Mess (USA), (L.), MASSKOOBAH (KSA), KYEMBEA (USA) 1st Dam BESO GRANDE (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £149,159 including Leave Me Alone Stakes, Calder, placed 5 times including second in Joe O'Farrell Juvenile Stakes, Calder, L.R., Brave Raj Stakes, Calder and third in Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L.R. and Lindsay Frolic Stakes, Calder; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingEAGLE PASS (USA) (2015 c. by Super Saver (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 7 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £212,989 and placed 12 times. NEW YEAR EXPRESS (USA) (2016 f. by New Year’s Day (UsA)), won 7 races in Puerto Rico TASANEED (KSA) (2019 f. by Midnight Lute (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £20,255 and placed 4 times. GOOD KISS (USA) (2014 f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,546 and placed twice. (2020 f. by Two Step Salsa (USA)). 2nd Dam KISS FOR KRIS (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingBESO GRANDE (USA) (f. by Mass Media (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam Richen (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Cleveland Oaks, Thistledown; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingPrizes (USA) (f. by Prized (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Vivacious Handicap, River Downs, L.R. and third in Rose Debartolo Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, L. and Cottage Flower Stakes, Calder, L.; dam of winners. BROWN BUCKEYE (USA), won Honey Jay Stakes, Thistledown, R., placed third in Vosburgh Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. PROPER DISCRETION (USA), won Michael G Mackey Mem. Angenora Stakes, Thistledown, R., Scarlet and Gray Handicap, Thistledown, R. (twice), J William Petro Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, R., Diana Stakes, Thistledown, R. Bernard's Candy (USA) (g. by Candy Stripes (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Governor's Buckeye Cup Stakes, Thistledown, L.R. 4th Dam Companionship (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. and second in Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3 and third in Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingCRAFTY FRIEND (USA) (c. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Forego Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Tom Fool Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Bel Air Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, placed second in Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Pacific Classic, Del Mar, Gr.1; sire. ONLY COMPANION (USA) (c. by Exclusive Era (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Little Guys Stakes, Suffolk Downs. The next dam LIFELONG FRIEND (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGRATEFUL FRIEND (USA) (f. by Teddy's Courage (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Vagrancy Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; grandam of FAROL ALTO (BRZ), won A.B.C.P.C.C.-Velocidad, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, placed third in G. P. Joao Adhemar de Almedia Prado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. Endurance (USA) (c. by Exclusive Era (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. and second in Tremont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, fourth in Cowdin Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Huge Success (USA) (c. by Native Heritage (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Grey Lag Hcap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, fourth in Dwyer Stakes, Belmont, Gr.2; sire. Beautiful You (USA) (f. by Bold Native (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TARA TOWER (USA), won Astoria Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Fahd Muneer Aladhayani Sons A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 20th, 2022 Wake the Dawn (USA) (2013)

Candy Ride (ARG) Third Dawn (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Sky Mesa (USA) Chalmette (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam WAKE THE DAWN (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £18,649 and placed twice; dam of 2 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam THIRD DAWN (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £191,361 including Torrey Pines Stakes, Del Mar, L., placed second in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; Own sister to Sky America (USA); dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizReady To Jam (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Canada and £49,767 and placed second in Catch A Glimpse Stakes, Woodbine, L. JOE FRAZIER (USA) (c. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £197,383. OLD SCHOOL IKE (USA) (g. by Old Fashioned (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £38,341. FOUR DAWN (USA) (f. by Nyquist (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £132,274. BLAME JOE (USA) (g. by Blame (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £37,729. SAVED AT DAWN (USA) (f. by Super Saver (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £25,659. WAKE THE DAWN (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), see above. 3rd Dam CHALMETTE (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizTHIRD DAWN (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), see above. Sky America (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. QUIET DUDE (USA) (g. by Spring At Last (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. THIS ILL DEFEND (USA) (g. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. JOYA DEL SUR (USA) (f. by Gemologist (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. EM N EMMY (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Emmy's Candy (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in First Lady Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, R. and Tah Dah Stakes, Belterra Park, R. Lady Chalmette (USA) (f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Jeune Coureur (BRZ), winner in Brazil and placed second in Classico Nelson de Almeida Prado, Cidade Jardim, L. and Classico Imprensa, Gavea, L. 4th Dam SUNSET SONG (USA), unraced; Own sister to DIXIELAND HEAT (USA); dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing ageESTRELA BRYNHILD (USA) (f. by Lion Cavern (USA)), won Grande Premio Duque de Caxias, Gavea, Gr.2, placed second in G.P. Roberto E Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, Gavea, Gr.1 and third in G.P. C. Telles e C. Gilberto Rocha Faria, Gavea, Gr.2. The next dam EVENING SILK (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDIXIELAND HEAT (USA) (c. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Pelleteri Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., Lecomte Handicap, Fair Grounds, placed third in Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; sire. In Seventh Heaven (USA) (f. by Septieme Ciel (USA)), unraced; grandam of Sugar Brown (IND), placed second in Bangalore Winter Milllion, Bangalore, L. Guam Lass (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. LADYBURN (USA), won Double Delta Stakes, Arlington.




Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons A P Indy (USA) Patriot Act (USA) Classic Value (USA)

A BAY FILLY (UNK) January 1st, 2022 Inside Retreat (USA) (2010)

Seattle Fitz (ARG) Deputy G G (CAN)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Copelan (USA) Queen Pat (USA) Fitzcarraldo (ARG) Hug A Slew (USA) Silver Deputy (CAN) Pandora Queen (USA)

PATRIOT ACT (USA), 2002. Won 4 races, Jim Rasmussen Memorial Stakes, second in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Mineshaft Handicap, Gr.3 and Tenacious Handicap. Sire of EMPIRE DREAMS (USA), (S), Coalition (USA), (L.R.), Riot Worthy (USA), (S), Secured Position (USA), (S), National Defence (USA), (S), Patriot Star (USA), (S), One More Act (USA), (S), Social Rebellion (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam INSIDE RETREAT (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 4 and 5 years; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizPay My Way (USA) (2018 g. by Commissioner (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in Canada and £52,529 and placed 12 times including third in S. W. Randall Plate Handicap, Hastings Park and CTHS Sales Stakes (c&g), Hastings Park, R. WICKED VALENTINE (USA) (2017 f. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £25,116 and placed 8 times. Supran (KSA) (2020 c. by Paynter (USA)), placed twice at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam DEPUTY G G (CAN), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £41,816; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRANGER HEARTLEY (USA) (g. by Lost Soldier (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £112,878 including California Derby, Golden Gate, L. NAEVUS GIRL (USA) (f. by Naevus (USA)), won 13 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £127,967. FANCY TICKET (USA) (f. by Even the Score (USA)), won 11 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £81,866; dam of a winner. GEE SHE'S FANCY (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. FLYING GUILLOTINE (USA) (c. by Commissioner (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £34,444. 3rd Dam PANDORA QUEEN (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSILVER SAINT (CAN) (c. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 7 races in U.S.A.; sire. MAPLE GOLD (CAN) (c. by Country Light (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. COLONEL CANTON (CAN) (c. by Country Light (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. 4th Dam PRETTY LEADER (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSAINTS LEADER (CAN) (c. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Bull Page Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Simcoe Stakes, Woodbine, L. HEARTLEAF (USA) (f. by Lyphard's Wish (FR)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Am Capable Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Clematis Stakes, Parx Racing and third in Summer Guest Stakes, Pimlico; dam of winners. LOST LEAF (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of LOST APPEAL (USA), won Holy Capote Stakes, Calder, placed second in Flying Pidgeon Handicap, Calder, L. and third in La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2, Lost Expectations (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; grandam of DON'T TELL SOPHIA (USA), won Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Bayakoa Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. (twice), Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. (twice), Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed second in Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 (twice), Azeri Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and third in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 and Azeri Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, SUMMER SONG (USA), won City of Edmonton Distaff Handicap, Northlands Park, L., John Patrick Handicap, Northlands Park, Strawberry Morn Handicap, Hastings Park, Vancouver Sun Handicap, Hastings Park, Mademoiselle Handicap, Northlands Park, placed second in Ballerina Stakes, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Kulak (USA), placed second in Birdonthewire Stakes, Gulfstream Park; third dam of Excitations (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Amsterdam Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2.




Owner: Daham Jlyl Bin Mezal Bin Twalah Unbridled's Song (USA) Bird Song (USA) Bird Town (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 27th, 2022 Storm Cry (GB) (2014)

Poet's Voice (GB) Street Fire (IRE)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Cape Town (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Dubawi (IRE) Bright Tiara (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Firedrake (USA)

BIRD SONG (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, Big Fish Casino Alysheba Stakes, Gr.2, Fred W Hooper Stakes, Gr.3, second in Hal's Hope Stakes, Gr.3 and third in Ben Ali Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of PRETTY BIRDIE (USA), (Gr.3), Trust Daddy (USA), (S), TWO BIRDS (USA), RAWAJEH (KSA). 1st Dam STORM CRY (GB), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £56,033 and placed 13 times; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizAlfraim (KSA) (2021 c. by Al Samha (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, his only start. 2nd Dam STREET FIRE (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSALUTE THE SOLDIER (GER) (g. by Sepoy (AUS)), won 10 races to 2023 at home and in U.A.E. and £1,367,390 including Al Maktoum Challenge Round 3, Meydan, Gr.1 (twice), Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Meydan, Gr.2, Emirates Holidays Burj Nahaar, Meydan, Gr.3, placed third in Al Maktoum Challenge Round 1, Meydan, Gr.2. FOX FLAME (GB) (f. by Iffraaj (GB)), won 3 races at 3 years, 2023 and £18,342 and placed 3 times. 3rd Dam FIREDRAKE (USA), placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizSEEKING STAR (IRE) (g. by King's Best (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed once. 4th Dam DANZANTE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Critérium d'Evry, Evry, L., placed second in Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and third in Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMONZANTE (USA) (g. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 8 races at home and in U.S.A. including Eddie Read Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santana Mile Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Charles Whittingham Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. ALPHA PLUS (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Tentative (USA) (f. by Distant View (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years and placed third in Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, L.; dam of winners. Leaf Storm (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), placed 3 times in France; dam of winners. GOLDEN LEAF (ARG), won Clasico Derby Nacional, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Ricardo Ortis de Zevallos, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1. The next dam BOLD CAPTIVE (USA), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Liberation Handicap, Keystone Race Track; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSKYWALKER (USA) (c. by Relaunch (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Mervyn Leroy Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Longacres Mile Handicap, Longacres, Gr.2, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed second in San Felipe Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. PAC MANIA (USA) (c. by Ramsinga), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed third in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. NIDD (USA) (f. by Known Fact (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Safely Kept Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners. FIFTEEN LOVE (USA), won Maxxam Gold Cup Handicap, Sam Houston, L., placed third in Texas Mile Stakes, Lone Star Park, Gr.3; sire. ROYAL CAPTIVE (USA) (c. by Royal Ski (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Spotlight Handicap, Hollywood Park, placed second in C B Afflerbaugh Memorial Stakes, Pomona.




Owner: Faisal Faris R Alsubiei Macho Uno (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 28th, 2022

Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA) Wynning Is Sweet (USA) (2011)

Candy Ride (ARG) Wynyard (CAN)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Mr Greeley (USA) Dixie Lass (USA)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam WYNNING IS SWEET (USA), unraced; Own sister to WYNNING RIDE (CAN); dam of one winner from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMiss Everything (USA) (2019 f. by Tiznow (USA)), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £43,409 including third in Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. TWISTER ALERT (USA) (2016 f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), won 3 races at 6 years, 2022 in Canada and £98,610 and placed 5 times. Pride of Argyle (USA) (2020 c. by Kantharos (USA)), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 3 years, 2023. (2021 f. by Tourist (USA)). 2nd Dam WYNYARD (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £63,840; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizWYNNING RIDE (CAN) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £203,011 including Iowa Distaff Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L., placed second in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Treasure Chest Stakes, Delta Downs, L. and third in Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. SPORTING CHANCE (USA), won Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed third in Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; sire. QUIKFAST N AHURRY (USA), won Louisiana Bred Premier Distaff Stakes, Delta Downs, R., placed second in Magnolia Stakes, Delta Downs, R., Louisiana Legends Turf Distaff Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Crescent City Oaks, Fair Grounds, R. NICHOLAS JONES (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Ernfold (CAN) (f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £127,053 and placed second in La Lorgnette Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. Dafoe (CAN) (c. by Mutakddim (USA)), placed 5 times in Canada including third in Clarendon Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Victoria Stakes, Woodbine, L. MOSSBANK (CAN) (c. by Mutakddim (USA)), won 9 races in Canada and £71,430. CANT CATCH WYNSTON (CAN) (c. by Vibank (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and £66,189. MUTAZEN (USA) (g. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 2 races at 5 years in U.S.A. and £73,405. Wy Not Candy (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), unraced; dam of a winner. SHANGHAI CANDY (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam DIXIE LASS (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingA PERFECTREDRANSOM (USA) (g. by Red Ransom (USA)), won 8 races at 3, 6 and 7 years in U.S.A. including Gone With The Wind Handicap, Hoosier Park, L., Paoli Peaks Handicap, Hoosier Park, L., placed third in Bob Harding Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. DIXIELAND SLEW (USA) (f. by Slew City Slew (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Illinois Oaks, Hawthorne, L. The next dam PERFECT MIX (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPERFECT DADDY (USA) (c. by Daddy Dulin), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including E Taylor Chewning Handicap, Laurel, R., placed third in Chesapeake Handicap, Bowie and Prince George's Stakes, Bowie, R. Slew's Ghost (USA) (c. by Capote (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. LUCKY MATCH (USA) (f. by Star de Naskra (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PRINCESS ROYALTY (USA), won Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L., second in Valkyr Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. and third in Jam n Jellie Handicap, Golden Gate.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Al-Saif Tapit (USA) Frosted (USA) Fast Cookie (USA)

A GREY COLT (USA) March 10th, 2022 Meetmeonline (USA) (2015)

Line of David (USA) Meetmeontime (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fleet Lady (USA) Lion Heart (USA) Emma's Dilemma (USA) General Meeting (USA) Parlay (USA)

FROSTED (USA), 2012. Won 6 races, Whitney Stakes, Gr.1, Mohegan Sun Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2 and EGA Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Gr.2. Sire of TRAVEL COLUMN (USA), (Gr.2), JASPER KRONE (USA), (Gr.3), INGRATIATING (AUS), (Gr.3), FROST POINT (USA), (Gr.3), ICE DANCING (USA), (Gr.3), FROSTED OVER (USA), (Gr.3), CLOUDY (AUS), (Gr.3), SISTER LOU ANN (USA), (L.R.), LADY FROSTED (USA), (L.). 1st Dam MEETMEONLINE (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 2 to 4 years; dam of 2 foals of racing age(2020 c. by Union Rags (USA)). Twisted Romance (USA) (2021 f. by Twirling Candy (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam MEETMEONTIME (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBUCCHERO (USA) (c. by Kantharos (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £692,371 including Keeneland Woodford Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 (twice), Senator Robert C Byrd Memorial Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Brickyard Stakes, Indiana Downs, R. (twice), To Much Coffee Stakes, Indiana Downs, R. (twice), placed second in Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Karl Boyes Memorial Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., Hoosier Breeders Sophomore Stakes (c&g), Indiana Grand, R., Hillsdale Stakes, Hoosier Park, R., third in Twin Spires Turf Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. Meetmeinkingston (USA) (c. by Uncaptured (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £101,861 and placed third in Brickyard Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, R. Meets Expectations (USA) (f. by Valid Expectations (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WORLD OF TROUBLE (USA), won Jaipur Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Massmutual Twin Spires Turf Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Allied Forces Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, L., Gulfstream Park Turf Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, FTBOA Marion County Florida Sire Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, R., Pasco Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Breeders' Cup Turf Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. MONEY OR LOVE (USA), won Musical Romance Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R. Alfie Solomons (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Tom Ridge Stakes, Presque Isle Downs. 3rd Dam PARLAY (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Distaff Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed third in Vagrancy Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing ageChacharino (JPN) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), ran in Japan at 3 years; dam of winners. ADAM BAROWS (JPN), won Wakaba Stakes, Hanshin, L.R. Miyake (JPN), winner in Japan, third in Hokkaido Nisai Yushun, Mombetsu, L.R. The next dam SISTER AGGIE (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPARLAY (USA) (f. by Mt Livermore (USA)), see above. Nowhere Man (USA) (c. by Fountain of Gold (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Philosophy Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and Mendham Stakes, Meadowlands. Space Above (USA) (c. by Singular (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Southfield Stakes, Detroit. OH DARLING (USA) (f. by Opening Lead (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Darling Aly (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Niagara Stakes, Finger Lakes; dam of Bruce's Choice (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Ontario County Stakes, R. RE RE BE BE (USA) (f. by Sheikh Albadou (GB)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. REREADTHEFOOTNOTES (USA), won Hollie Hughes Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Lisa's Crusade (USA) (f. by Crusader Sword (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. WILD BERTIE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BERTIE'S GALAXY (USA), won Louisiana Bred Premier Sprint Stakes, Delta Downs, R. and Louisiana Legends Sprint Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. (twice), Wild Bert (USA), winner in U.S.A, second in Louisiana Bred Premier Sprint Stakes, Delta Downs, R., Sam's Town Stakes, Delta Downs and Louisiana Legends Sprint Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R.




Owner: Faisal Abdul karim Mufdi Alajmi Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 15th, 2022

Midshipman (USA) Fleet Lady (USA) Bella Joy (USA) (2012)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Bella Trella (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Avenue of Flags (USA) Dear Mimi (USA) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Cherokee Run (USA) Kittihawk Miss (USA)

MIDSHIPMAN (USA), 2006. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008. Won 5 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, second in Norfolk Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1. Sire of FORTINO (CHI), (Gr.1), SUCCESO (CHI), (Gr.1), TANGANYKA (BRZ), (Gr.1), ROYAL SHIP (BRZ), (Gr.1), TWEET (BRZ), (Gr.1), GERMANICUS (CHI), (Gr.2), SPECIAL RESERVE (USA), (Gr.2), MAXI PICCOLINO (CHI), (Gr.2), CAMPELANDA (BRZ), (Gr.2), PRINCESS WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam BELLA JOY (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £84,476 and placed 5 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMUNDLE OF JOY (USA) (2018 f. by Munnings (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £90,684 and placed 4 times. Cheyenne Wind (USA) (2019 c. by Speightster (USA)), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Speightster (USA)). She also has a 2023 filly by Independence Hall (USA). 2nd Dam BELLA TRELLA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingBELLA JOY (USA) (f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam KITTIHAWK MISS (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; Own sister to MISS OCEANA (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingAir Miss (USA) (f. by Secret Hello (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Searching Stakes, Laurel; dam of a winner. Colonial Debut (USA) (f. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Galantas (USA), winner at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Futurity Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, third in Woodbine Mile Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. Hymn of The Dawn (USA), placed once at 2 years; dam of DAWN APPROACH (IRE), Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2012, won 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; sire, HERALD THE DAWN (IRE), won Futurity Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, placed second in National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1; sire; grandam of SANUS PER AQUAM (IRE), 3 races including Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Skip a Dare (USA) (f. by Skip Away (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SOONER SUPERSTAR (USA), won Red Earth Stakes, Remington Park, R. (twice). The next dam KITTIWAKE (USA), won 18 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2, Firenze Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Margate Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr.3 (twice), Princeton Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMISS OCEANA (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1983, won 11 races in U.S.A. including Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Maskette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of a winner. KITWOOD (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA)), won 5 races in France including Prix Jean Prat, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Matchem, Evry, L., placed second in Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. LARIDA (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Hill Prince Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Diana Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2 and fourth in Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1; dam of winners. MAGIC OF LIFE (USA), 4 races including Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. IVORY WINGS (USA) (f. by Sir Ivor (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix des Tuileries, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1 and fourth in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; dam of winners. WILD PLANET (USA), won Prix Coronation, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; grandam of ARUNA (USA), won Juddmonte Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2.




Owner: Fahd Bin Faihan Almindeel City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 11th, 2022 Turn By Turn (USA) (2010)

Broken Vow (USA) Turn to Lass (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Unbridled (USA) Wedding Vow (USA) Bright Launch (USA) Double's Lass (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam TURN BY TURN (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.S.A. and £65,268 and placed once; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizWAFEE ALZOWQ (KSA) (2020 c. by Fire Wall (ARG)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 5 times. Zeenat Neom (KSA) (2021 f. by Footbridge (GB)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam TURN TO LASS (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £82,983 including Martha Washington Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and third in Boyd's Gaming Delta Princess Stakes, Delta Downs, L. and Thelma Stakes, Fair Grounds; Own sister to SPOTSGONE (USA) and LAUNCH A DOUBLE (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingPortfolio Manager (USA) (c. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £190,682 and placed third in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. 3rd Dam DOUBLE'S LASS (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSPOTSGONE (USA) (c. by Bright Launch (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Hanshin Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Essex Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L., Sea O Erin Handicap, Arlington, L., Prairie Mile Stakes, Prairie Meadows, placed second in Turfway Park Fall Championship Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3, Fifth Season Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and third in Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. LAUNCH A DOUBLE (USA) (f. by Bright Launch (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Prairie Gold Lassie Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.; dam of winners. Quinto Sol (USA), winner to 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Journal Handicap, Century Mile. QUIET INFERNO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SIR RICK (USA), won Mine that Bird Derby, Sunland Park, placed second in Grand Prairie Derby, Lone Star Park. TURN TO LASS (USA) (f. by Bright Launch (USA)), see above. TWO BRIGHT (USA) (f. by Bright Launch (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Pure Rose (CAN), winner to 2022 in Canada and placed second in Freedom of the City Stakes, Century Downs. Leading Lass (USA) (f. by Bright Launch (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. RACER (USA), won Arkansas Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R., Nodouble Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R. 4th Dam Double Place (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Yo Tambien Handicap, Hawthorne; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingLA STRELLA (USA) (c. by Ginistrelli (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. The next dam DOUBLE THINK (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDouble Place (USA) (f. by Take Your Place (USA)), see above. THINK DOUBLE (USA) (f. by Al Nasr (FR)), won 6 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STEVE'S DOUBLE (USA), won Perryville Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Remington Green Stakes, Remington Park, L., third in Firecracker Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. BIRCH BARK (USA) (f. by Apalachee (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. A Real Nor'easter (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in John J Shumaker Stakes, Penn National, R.




Owner: Fahd Bin Faihan Almindeel Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (UNK) January 1st, 2022 Side Hill (USA) (2013)

Speightstown (USA) Hidden Face (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Empire Maker (USA) Yashmak (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SIDE HILL (USA), won 9 races at 3 to 7 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £230,435 and placed 14 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Stratford Hill (USA)). 2nd Dam HIDDEN FACE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingALHABRAZY (KSA) (c. by Munnings (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £174,941. 3rd Dam YASHMAK (USA), won 4 races at home and in U.S.A. including Flower Bowl Invitational Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, second in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; Own sister to JIBE (USA); dam of five winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFULL MAST (USA) (c. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix JeanLuc Lagardère, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, second in Prix Paul de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. SOUND OF NATURE (USA) (g. by Chester House (USA)), won 7 races at home and in Australia including C S Hayes Memorial Cup, Morphettville, L., placed second in Patinack Farm Crystal Mile, Moonee Valley, Gr.2. The next dam SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, placed second in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingWARNING (c. by Known Fact (USA)), Champion 2 and 3yr old colt in Europe in 1987 and 1988, won 8 races at 2 to 4 years including Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2; sire. COMMANDER IN CHIEF (GB) (c. by Dancing Brave (USA)), Champion 3yr old in Ireland in 1993, Jt Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1993 (11-14f.), won 5 races at 3 years including Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, placed third in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire. DUSHYANTOR (USA) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2, Golden Gate Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, second in Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1, St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1 and Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; sire. JIBE (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Newbury Fillies Trial, Newbury, L., placed second in Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1; dam of a winner. Deploy (c. by Shirley Heights), won 2 races, second in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. Totality (GB) (f. by Dancing Brave (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3 and Leicester Stakes, Leicester, L.; dam of winners. Timefighter (c. by Star Appeal), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Breeders' Cup Classic Trial, Newmarket, L. Shirley Valentine (GB) (f. by Shirley Heights), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Galtres Stakes, York, L.; dam of winners. MEMORISE (USA), won Waterford Crystal World Sports Cup, Curragh, Gr.3. MULTIPLEX (GB), 4 races including Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Valentine Band (USA), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Middleton Stakes, York, L.; dam of AWAIT THE DAWN (USA), won Hardwicke Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed third in Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1; sire. Fully Invested (USA), winner, third in Newbury Fillies Trial, Newbury, L.; grandam of LEICESTER (AUS), won Ubet South Australian Derby, Morphettville, Gr.1.




Candy Ride (ARG) SAMOUAL (USA) February 18th, 2022 A Bay Colt (first foal)


Owner: Aljiad Stable

Game Winner (USA) Indyan Giving (USA) Samandah (USA) (2016)

Pioneerof The Nile (USA) Washington Bridge (USA)

Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) A P Indy (USA) Fleet Indian (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Star of Goshen (USA) Yankee Gentleman (USA) Stirling Bridge (USA)

GAME WINNER (USA), 2016. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2018. Won 5 races, Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, American Pharoah Stakes, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3, second in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SAMANDAH (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,039 and placed 3 times. She also has a 2023 filly by Code of Honor (USA). 2nd Dam WASHINGTON BRIDGE (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £172,694 including Bayakoa Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Life is Sweet Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., placed third in Hilliard Lyons Doubledogdare Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Swingtime Stakes, Santa Anita, R.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMNASEK (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.A.E. and £87,256 including UAE Oaks, Meydan, Gr.3, placed second in UAE 1000 Guineas, Meydan, L. SMART CALL (USA) (c. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £48,127. WEST LOVE (USA) (f. by Street Sense (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 abroad. CAN'T STOP (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. With Love (USA) (f. by Tapit (USA)), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. With Passion (CHI), winner in Chile, placed third in Premio Coronel Santiago Bueras, Hipodromo Chile, L. 3rd Dam STIRLING BRIDGE (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Sangue Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L., Delicada Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Ada Handicap, Remington Park, L.; dam of eleven winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingWASHINGTON BRIDGE (USA) (f. by Yankee Gentleman (USA)), see above. JOSE SEA VIEW (USA) (g. by Badge of Silver (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Fitz Dixon Jr Memorial Juvenile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., Display Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Tom Ridge Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. Fire Path (USA) (g. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and abroad and placed second in Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Gr.3 and Capital City Handicap, Penn National, R. Noble Bandit (USA) (f. by Cat Thief (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Donnie Wilhite Memorial Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L.; dam of winners. Tartufo (USA) (c. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Kentucky Cup Classic Stakes, Turfway Park, L. GREAT BRIDGE (USA) (f. by Albert the Great (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. SPIRITONTHEMOUNT (USA) (g. by Pulpit (USA)), won 2 races at 5 and 6 years and placed 10 times. CHEROKEE LAW (USA) (c. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. The next dam EARLY LUNCH (USA), won 14 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Aspidistra Handicap, Calder, Sweet Tooth Handicap, Calder, Meadowbrook Farm Handicap, Calder, Vizcaya Handicap, Calder, Florida Stallion Stakes (Desert Vixen), Calder, R., Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, placed second in Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Florida Stallion Stakes (Susan's Girl), Calder, third in Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSTIRLING BRIDGE (USA) (f. by Prized (USA)), see above. Early Crown (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Woodside Handicap, Bay Meadows. STAYSKI (USA) (f. by Baldski (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MAN ON THE GO (USA), won Broad Brush Stakes, Meadowlands, L., placed third in Sneakbox Stakes, Monmouth Park. GOURMET LUNCH (USA) (f. by Gate Dancer (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ANTLER LAKE (CAN), won Prairie Lily Sales Stakes, Marquis Downs.




Owner: Bander Awad M. Alwadei Dubawi (IRE)

WAQTEK (IRE) February 17th, 2022 A Bay Colt (first foal)

Time Test (GB) Passage of Time (GB) Summer Bilberry (FR) (2016) E.B.F. Nominated.

Zanzibari (USA) Summerosa (USA) B.C. Nominated.


Dubai Millennium (GB) Zomaradah (GB) Dansili (GB) Clepsydra (GB) Smart Strike (CAN) Zinziberine (USA) Woodman (USA) Rose Red (USA) IRE Qualified

TIME TEST (GB), 2012. Won 6 races, York Stakes, Gr.2, Joel Stakes, Gr.2, Tercentenary Stakes, Gr.3, Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Gr.3, second in Woodford Reserve Manhattan Stakes, Gr.1, etc. Sire of CRYPTO FORCE (GB), (Gr.2), ROCCHIGIANI (GB), (Gr.3), ROMANTIC TIME (GB), (Gr.3), LEEDOX (NZ), (L.), THE KING'S HORSES (GB), (L.), TARDIS (GB), (L.), Sunset Shiraz (IRE), (Gr.1), The Years (NZ), (Gr.3), Running On Time (NZ), (L.), Madame Giselle (NZ), (L.), Timeless (NZ), (L.), Love Interest (GB), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SUMMER BILBERRY (FR), placed 8 times at 3 years abroad. 2nd Dam SUMMEROSA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSummerland (IRE) (g. by Danehill (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Hong Kong and £326,998 and placed 12 times including second in Critérium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1 and Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. LAST LOVE (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and £10,445 and placed once, from only 3 starts; dam of winners. FIELDS OF ATHENRY (IRE), 3 races including Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, placed third in St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1. Danehill's Dream (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. YESTERDAYONCEMORE (IRE), 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £73,715 viz Del Mar Juvenile Fillies Turf Stakes, Del Mar, L., placed 4 times. Title (IRE), 2 races at 3 years and placed 4 times including second in Glasgow Stakes, Hamilton, L. and third in King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, from only 7 starts. Viking Storm (GB), 6 races at 3 to 5 years, third in Floodlit Stakes, Kempton, L. 3rd Dam ROSE RED (USA), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of five winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingZIND (IRE)/SUPREME (c. by Law Society (USA)), won 2 races at home and in Singapore including Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Kranji, L., third in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. EXCELLENT GIFT (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; grandam of SOUVENIR GIFT (USA), won Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Cinderella Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. Rose of Jericho (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DR DEVIOUS (IRE), won Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. ARCHWAY (IRE), Champion 3yr old sprinter in Ireland in 1991, won Greenlands Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, third in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; sire. ROYAL COURT (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years including Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, placed third in Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2; sire. BREEZE HILL (IRE), 1 race at 4 years in New Zealand and placed twice; dam of EVEN SO (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1. Rose of Suzuka (IRE), unraced; dam of SUZUKA PHOENIX (JPN), won Takamatsunomiya Kinen, Chukyo, Gr.1, Tokyo Shimbun Hai, Tokyo, Gr.3; sire. Band of Angels (IRE), unraced; grandam of AWESOME PLANET (AUS), won Hidden Dragon Doomben Roses Stakes, Doomben, Gr.3, placed third in New Zealand Bloodstock 1000 Guineas, Riccarton Park, Gr.1; third dam of AWESOME ROCK (AUS), won Emirates LKS Mackinnon Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1; sire. Rain Flower (IRE), unraced; dam of DANCING RAIN (IRE), 4 races at 3 years at home and in Germany including Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Henkel Preis der Diana - Stuten Derby, Dusseldorf, Gr.1; grandam of MAYBE (IRE), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2011, 5 races at 2 years including Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, MAGIC LILY (GB), won Gulf News Balanchine Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, placed second in Emirates Airline Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1 and third in Fillies' Mile, Newmarket, Gr.1; third dam of SAXON WARRIOR (JPN), won 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; sire, CONTINUOUS (JPN), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 at home and in France including St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2.




Lion Heart (USA) AL FAISAL (USA) April 22nd, 2022 A Chesnut Colt


Owner: Aljiad Stable

Kantharos (USA) Contessa Halo (USA) Cumbria (USA) (2014)

Distorted Humor (USA) Honoria (IRE)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Satin Sunrise (USA) Southern Halo (USA) Queen of Savoy (USA) Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Tedarshana (GB)

KANTHAROS (USA), 2008. Won 3 races, Saratoga Special Stakes, Gr.2 and Bashford Manor Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of WORLD OF TROUBLE (USA), (Gr.1), X Y JET (USA), (Gr.1), BAY STORM (USA), (Gr.2), LADY GRACE (USA), (Gr.2), BUCCHERO (USA), (Gr.2), ANCIENT SECRET (USA), (Gr.2), LADY RADLER (USA), (Gr.3), JACKSON (USA), (Gr.3), MR JORDAN (USA), (Gr.3), HARLAN ESTATE (CAN), (L.R.) etc. 1st Dam CUMBRIA (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £39,896 and placed twice; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizDULCE AMBICION (USA) (2020 f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £17,243 and placed once. Marquette Warrior (USA) (2021 f. by Catholic Boy (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam HONORIA (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years and £39,646 including Oyster Stakes, Galway, L., placed 3 times including third in Lenebane Stakes, Roscommon, L.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMAXIMOVA (USA) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £206,823 including Bit of Whimsy Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, La Prevoyante Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam Tedarshana (GB), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Joubert, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2 and Dowager Stakes, Keeneland, L.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingHONORIA (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), see above. SEANACHAI (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in Canada; dam of winners. FINAL COPY (CAN), won Toronto Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Breeders' Stakes, Woodbine, R. and third in Singspiel Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. ORIGINAL SCRIPT (CAN), won Bison City Stakes, Woodbine, placed second in Ontario Lassie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Budweiser Woodbine Oaks, Woodbine, R.; dam of BOLD SCRIPT (CAN), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 2018, won Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed second in La Lorgnette Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Third Draft (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Riskaverse Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. Sheer Fantasy (IRE) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. Made In Hollywood (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed second in Strelitzia Stakes, Scottsville, Gr.3. The next dam TE KANI (USA), won 1 race in France; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 living foals of racing age includingTHE KEY RAINBOW (IRE) (c. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 7 years in France and in U.S.A. including Astray Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion-d'Angers, L., Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L., Tiller Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Warden Stakes, Del Mar, L. and third in San Fernando Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Kobuk King Stakes, Del Mar, L.; sire. ONLY VANDA (USA) (f. by Linamix (FR)), won 3 races in Australia; dam of winners. WARPATH (AUS), won Lean & Hayward Aspiration Quality, Warwick Farm, L.; dam of POSITIVE PEACE (AUS), won Emancipation Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, The Nivison, Randwick, Gr.3, placed third in Hot Danish Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, Rotator (AUS), winner in Australia, second in Widden Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3. LIMEROCK (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of LIMESTONE (AUS), won Ladbrokes Blue Diamond Preview (f), Caulfield, Gr.3, placed second in Ladbrokes Blue Diamond Prelude (f), Caulfield, Gr.2. TEKINDIA (FR) (f. by Indian Ridge), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. WADE GILES (IRE), 6 races at 3, 4 and 6 years at home and in Hong Kong including Cathay Pacific Jockey Club Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.2, placed second in Diamond Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3, Solonaway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3.




Owner: Azzam Fahad .M Aladhayani Curlin (USA) Vino Rosso (USA) Mythical Bride (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 26th, 2022 Beth Ann's Kitten (USA) (2011)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Crumbs of Comfort (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Flaming Heart (USA) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Pulpit (USA) British Columbia (GB)

VINO ROSSO (USA), 2015. Won 6 races, Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita Stakes, Gr.1, NYRA Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.2, Stymie Stakes, L., second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of THE WINE STEWARD (USA), (Gr.3), Next Level (USA), (Gr.1), Zaino (USA), (S). 1st Dam BETH ANN'S KITTEN (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,914; Own sister to AMEN KITTEN (USA); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizJAMIES INHERITANCE (USA) (2020 f. by Carpe Diem (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £112,578 including Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs, Century Casino Oaks, Century Mile, placed 4 times including third in Kent Stakes, Emerald Downs and Seattle Stakes, Emerald Downs. ARTEMUS EAGLE (USA) (2017 c. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 8 races at 2, 3 and 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £136,186 and placed 9 times. MIDAS CAT (USA) (2015 c. by Midas Touch (GB)), won 6 races at 3 to 7 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £130,199 and placed 9 times. FOOD BANK HELPER (USA) (2019 c. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £90,040 and placed twice. 2nd Dam CRUMBS OF COMFORT (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAMEN KITTEN (USA) (g. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 4 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £151,365 including Tropical Park Derby, Calder, placed second in Mac Diarmida Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and third in Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Kitten's Joy Stakes, Colonial Downs. Thirtysilverpieces (USA) (g. by Badge of Silver (USA)), won 14 races in U.S.A. and £222,285 and placed third in Sam's Town Stakes, Delta Downs, R. and P D J F Stakes, Indiana Grand. 3rd Dam BRITISH COLUMBIA (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingBECKY MOSS (USA) (f. by Red Ransom (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in France and placed 6 times; dam of a winner. Small Frida (FR), winner in France and third in Prix Ronde de Nuit, Deauville, L. The next dam Land of Ivory (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Ben Marshall Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L., Premio Allevamento, Rome, L. and fourth in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingHEART OF DARKNESS (GB) (c. by Glint of Gold), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years including National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in James Seymour Stakes, Newmarket, L. and Darley Stakes, Newmarket, L.; sire. GHANA (IRE) (f. by Lahib (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. Akua'ba (IRE), 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Glencairn Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; dam of AKUA'DA (GER), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Germany including German 1000 Guineas, Dusseldorf, Gr.2, Akua'rella (GER), 1 race at 3 years in Germany and placed second in Hoppegartner Stutenpreis, BerlinHoppegarten, L.; grandam of AKUA'RIUS (GER), 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in Germany including Hoppegartener Steher-Preis, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L. Ivory Coast (FR) (f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. INDIA (GER), Champion older mare in Germany in 2022, 8 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in France and in Germany including Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1, Prix Allez France, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Waldpfad-Trophy, Hannover, Gr.3. IVORY LAND (FR), 9 races at 2 to 5 years in France including Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix d'Hédouville, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix Gladiateur, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Grand Critérium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, L.; sire. Haute Volta (FR) (f. by Grape Tree Road (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. SUPER MOTIVA (GB), 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including Criterium Aretuseo, Siracusa, L. and Premio Torricola, Rome, L.




Owner: Mohamad Ibrahim Al-Rasheed Speightstown (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 12th, 2022

Haynesfield (USA) Nothing Special (CAN) Lady Najd (KSA) (2016)

Flashy Bull (USA) Brussels Lace (USA)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Tejabo (CAN) Moody Maiden (CAN) Holy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Pleasant Tap (USA) Daily Special (USA)

HAYNESFIELD (USA), 2006. Won 10 races, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Gr.3, Empire Classic Stakes, L.R. (twice), Whirlaway Stakes, L., etc. Sire of HAY DAKOTA (USA), (Gr.3), DONA MUSSETTA (USA), (L.), SLUGGERS BOY (USA), (L.R.), NO HAYNE NO GAYNE (USA), (S), REALM (USA), (S), MY SISTER MADI (USA), (S), PROFOUND MOMENT (USA), (S), GIFTED JUSTICE (USA), (S), C U AT EAU CLAIRE (CAN), (S), HE'LL PAY (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LADY NAJD (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Haynesfield (USA)). 2nd Dam BRUSSELS LACE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizMOJAWABAH (KSA) (f. by Roaring Fever (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Brussel Sprout (USA) (f. by Dunkirk (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. EDUARD (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam DAILY SPECIAL (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSHADOW CAST (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Louisville Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Silverbulletday Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Bayou Breeders' Cup Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Truly Bound Handicap, Fair Grounds, Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, third in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Fair Grounds Oaks, Gr.2 and Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. CAST CALL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Home Base (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and second in King Cotton Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. and Good Lord Stakes, Ellis Park. OVERPREPARED (USA) (f. by Quality Road (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, placed third in Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and Smart Halo Stakes, Laurel; dam of a winner. Queen Marge (USA) (f. by Grindstone (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Cactus Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of winners. Smart 'n Special (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), placed once in Canada; dam of winners. Setna The Wise (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Caesars Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, L. The next dam NAFEES (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Rare Perfume Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Affectionately Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Level Best Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCAMILLA BLU (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 4 races in Italy and in U.S.A. including Convenience Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed third in Premio Baggio, Milan, Gr.3 and Estrapade Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. PERSISTENCE (USA) (c. by Arctic Tern (USA)), won 4 races abroad including Premio Alberto Pinin de Obarrio, Panama, L. SNOWY OWL (USA) (c. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 2 races at 2 years including Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L. Ground Force (USA) (c. by Gulch (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. REALLY WILD (USA) (f. by Wild Again (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Wild Tickle (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pine Tree Lane Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and third in Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Safely Kept Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., C.E.R.F. Handicap, Del Mar, L., Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park, R. and Corona Handicap, Hollywood Park. GOLD BABA (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of HELLO AGAIN (USA), won Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park, MISS KICK (USA), won Illinois T.B.Breeders' & Owners Sales S., Hawthorne, R. Private Beach (USA) (f. by Unaccounted For (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Mount Pleasure (USA), winner and placed third in Woodcote Stakes, Epsom, L.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel Kitten's Joy (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) April 25th, 2022 (first foal)

Kameko (USA) Sweeter Still (IRE) Queen In Waiting (IRE) (2014)

Exceed And Excel (AUS) Princess Taise (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated.


El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Beltisaal (FR) Danehill (USA) Patrona (USA) Cozzene (USA) Cumulate (USA)

B.C. Nominated.

KAMEKO (USA), 2017. Jt 2nd top rated 2yr old colt in Europe in 2019. Jt 2nd top rated 3yr old colt in Europe in 2020. Won 4 races, 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Vertem Futurity Trophy, Gr.1, Joel Stakes, Gr.2, second in Royal Lodge Stakes, Gr.2 and Solario Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam QUEEN IN WAITING (IRE), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years and £54,127 and placed 7 times. 2nd Dam Princess Taise (USA), won 1 race at 2 years and £13,142 and placed once viz second in Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingAGERA (TUR) (c. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years abroad and £96,469. ELKHART (IRE) (c. by Refuse To Bend (IRE)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Qatar and £63,625 and placed 21 times. 3rd Dam CUMULATE (USA), placed twice at 2 years, all her starts; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingPrincess Taise (USA) (f. by Cozzene (USA)), see above. GONE THEATRICAL (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Joyful Applause (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Mrs. Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. WATER ICE (GB) (f. by Shamardal (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Hammer Time (CHI), winner in Chile and placed third in Gran Criterium, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.1. JACK'S LITTLE GIRL (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LITTLE DANCER (USA), won Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs. Charismata (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Barbara Shinpoch Stakes, Emerald Downs. 4th Dam HONORIA (USA), won 2 races at 2 years including Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1 and third in Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3 and Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; Own sister to GDANSK'S HONOUR (USA) and SESARO (USA); dam of six winners from 10 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingCOMPOSER (USA) (c. by Easy Goer (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Remington Breeders' Cup Handicap, Remington Park, L.; sire. COLONIAL POWER (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Independence Breeders' Cup Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L., Buffalo Bayou Stakes, Sam Houston. The next dam ROYAL HONOREE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to RONDEAU (USA) and TARGOWICE (USA); dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingGDANSK'S HONOUR (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L., placed second in Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; dam of winners. MINIMALIST (USA), won Salem County Stakes, Meadowlands, L.; dam of UNITARIAN (USA), won Dixiana Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; sire. Ecology (USA), ran twice in U.S.A.; dam of GENERAL QUARTERS (USA), won Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Sam F Davis Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3; sire. SESARO (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Shakertown Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and Nureyev Stakes, Keeneland, L.; sire. DON HERNANDO (USA) (c. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Mongo Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed fourth in Lamplighter Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2.


47 BOX

Owner: Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan Mineshaft (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 6th, 2022 (first foal)

Dialed In (USA) Miss Doolittle (USA) Tale of Mona (USA) (2017)

Tale of The Cat (USA) Noble Charlotte (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Eliza (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Yarn (USA) Include (USA) Relaxing Green (USA)

DIALED IN (USA), 2008. Won 3 races, Florida Derby, Gr.1 and Holy Bull Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of DEFUNDED (USA), (Gr.1), SUPER STOCK (USA), (Gr.1), GET HER NUMBER (USA), (Gr.1), MS LOCUST POINT (USA), (Gr.2), GUNNEVERA (USA), (Gr.2), MR WIRELESS (USA), (Gr.3), MUGARITZ (USA), (Gr.3), THE TABULATOR (USA), (Gr.3), MY OPINION (IND), (L.R.), EL DINAMICO (USA), (L.), PAPETU (USA), (L.), STRIVE FOR GLORY (USA), (L.), CHALON (USA), (L.), IT'S YOUR NICKEL (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam TALE OF MONA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,314. 2nd Dam NOBLE CHARLOTTE (USA), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £152,400 including H.B.P.A. Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., second in Windward Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizTALE OF MONA (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam RELAXING GREEN (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMARLEY'S FREEDOM (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Ketel One Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Great Lady M Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.2 (twice), Santa Monica Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Go for Wand Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Desert Stormer Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, second in Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Beholder Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. NOBLE CHARLOTTE (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), see above. Airship (USA) (c. by Rock Hard Ten (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Edmonton Juvenile Stakes, Northlands Park. INDIAN CARLIE (USA) (f. by Indian Charlie (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. NOBLE COMMANDER (USA), won Woodchopper Stakes, Fair Grounds and Ocala Breeders' Sales Sophomore Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, R. 4th Dam Charlotte Augusta (USA), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Roseanna Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMYTHICAL GEM (USA) (c. by Jade Hunter (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Lexington Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Honor Guard Handicap, Pimlico, L., placed second in Nick Shuk Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L. APPLE CHARLOTTE (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Red Carpet Stakes, Penn National, L.; dam of winners. Lottie (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Fasig-Tipton Waya Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. Multitudinous (USA) (f. by Numerous (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Junior Champion Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of winners. Claremont (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Anna M Fisher Debutante Stakes, Ellis Park; dam of winners. Accept (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Happy Ticket Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of Colosi (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., third in Baffle Stakes, Santa Anita. Anyhow (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. NOBLE BIRD (USA), won Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Hagyard Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3; sire. BROTHER PAT (USA), won Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa, Camarero Race Track, L. Dido (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in CTT & T.B. Owners of California Handicap, Del Mar, third in Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. The next dam NOBLE DAMSEL (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. including New York Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Queen Charlotte Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingCharlotte Augusta (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), see above. Shawnee Legend (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. SOUTHERN FICTION (USA), won Politely Stakes, Monmouth Park, Monmouth Beach Stakes, Monmouth Park, second in Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3.


48 BOX

Owner: Abdulaziz Shaher M Albaqami Lemon Drop Kid (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 15th, 2022

Biz Blitz (CAN) Collect The Cash (USA) Go Go Burns (USA) (2006)

Storm Cat (USA) Ticket to Houston (USA)


Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Worldly Possession (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Houston (USA) Stave (USA)

BIZ BLITZ (CAN), 2010. Unraced. Sire of KATHEER (KSA), BA'EEDAT ALMARAMI (KSA), BIZ STAR (USA), THALEEK (KSA), FARAE (KSA), BAHR (KSA), SHEBR (KSA). 1st Dam GO GO BURNS (USA), ran twice in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizSOUTHERN WILD (USA) (2013 g. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £98,443 and placed 8 times. SILVER STACKER (USA) (2011 g. by Curlin (USA)), won 3 races at 5 years in U.S.A. and £25,387 and placed 3 times. LILLARD HALL (USA) (2015 f. by Tiznow (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,359 and placed once; dam of 2 winners vizPROPHETESS (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. HALO EFFECT (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam TICKET TO HOUSTON (USA), won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £94,519 including Bay Meadows Lassie Stakes, Bay Meadows, L., Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingRUNWAY MODEL (USA) (f. by Petionville (USA)), won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £399,877 including Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, placed second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Lone Star Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. MCKINZIE (USA), won Whitney Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Parx Racing, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Los Alamitos, Gr.1, placed second in Longines Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Runhappy Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. MAMBO TRAIN (USA) (c. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £153,809 including Turf Paradise Derby, Turf Paradise, L., placed second in Washington Park Handicap, Arlington, Gr.2 and third in Cornhusker Breeders' Cup Handicap, Prairie Meadows, Gr.2; sire. Elena Strikes (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £86,374 and placed third in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. Texas Kitty (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £40,538 and placed second in Bold Ego Handicap, Sunland Park; dam of winners. SAHAM (USA), won Jefferson Cup Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Crowd Pleaser Handicap, Parx Racing, R. Janetstickettocats (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LUCKY PLAYER (USA), won Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. LIFETIME OF CHANCE (USA), won New York Stallion Stakes (c&g), Aqueduct, R. Mama Tia (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SOUTHERN HONEY (USA), won Winning Colors Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and third in Prioress Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. CALI THIRTY SEVEN (USA), won Powder Break Stakes, Gulfstream Park (twice). 3rd Dam STAVE (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Mint Julep Stakes, Churchill Downs, placed second in Cleopatra Handicap, Arlington, Matchmaker Stakes, Fair Grounds and Dr A B Leggio Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSEA DITTY (CAN) (f. by Afleet (CAN)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Affectionately Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed third in Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. M B SEA (USA), won Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Fall Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L. and West Virginia Governors Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. (twice). GHOST STORY (USA) (g. by Silver Ghost (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Long Branch Breeders' Cup Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Dominion Day Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3R. MEADOW MISS (USA) (f. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. RAPID RACER (USA), won Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park.


49 BOX

Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Dark Angel (IRE)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 1st, 2022

Harry Angel (IRE) Beatrix Potter (IRE) Hushing (GB) (2014)

Pivotal (GB) Veil of Silence (IRE)

E.B.F. Nominated.


Acclamation (GB) Midnight Angel (GB) Cadeaux Genereux Great Joy (IRE) Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival Elusive Quality (USA) Gossamer (GB)

B.C. Nominated.

HARRY ANGEL (IRE), 2014. Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2017. 2nd top rated 3yr old colt in Europe in 2017. Won 5 races, July Cup, Gr.1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr.1, Duke of York Stakes, Gr.2, Sandy Lane Stakes, Gr.2 and Mill Reef Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of TOM KITTEN (AUS), (Gr.3), MARSHMAN (GB), (Gr.3), AL DASIM (IRE), (Gr.3), CADEAU BELLE (FR), (L.), STRETAN ANGEL (AUS), (L.), ICONIC MOMENT (IRE), (L.), PROVERB (IRE), (L.), ARKANSAW KID (AUS), (L.R.). 1st Dam HUSHING (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 3 foals of racing age vizCOVER UP (IRE) (2020 g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 and placed once. Shoroq (GB) (2021 f. by Dark Angel (IRE)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam VEIL OF SILENCE (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMISCHIEF MAGIC (IRE) (g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), won 4 races at 2 years, 2022 at home and in U.S.A. and £460,811 including Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf Sprint, Keeneland, Gr.1, Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3, placed once. SOUND AND SILENCE (GB) (g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), won 4 races at 2 years at home and in France and £187,122 including Prix Eclipse, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Windsor Castle Stakes, Ascot, L., Roses Stakes, York, L., placed 6 times including second in Cornwallis Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Prix d'Arenberg, Chantilly, Gr.3. 3rd Dam GOSSAMER (GB), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 2002, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1, Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, placed third in Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; Own sister to BARATHEA (IRE); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingIBN KHALDUN (USA) (c. by Dubai Destination (USA)), won 4 races at 2 years including Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1 and Autumn Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. Calico Cat (GB) (g. by Tiger Hill (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years and placed second in Grand Cup, York, L. and third in Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, from only 4 starts. So Silk (GB) (f. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SILK SARI (GB), 4 races including Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Chalice Stakes, Newbury, L., placed second in British Champions Fillies/Mare Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. DREAMLIKE (GB), 1 race at 2 years; dam of PROGRAM TRADING (GB), 3 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. including Saratoga Derby Inv. Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. The next dam BROCADE, won 5 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France including Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, L., second in Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3; Own sister to Cause Celebre; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingBARATHEA (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Mile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; sire. FREE AT LAST (f. by Shirley Heights), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Countess Fager Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3; dam of winners. CORETTA (IRE), 7 races including La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2 (twice), Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1. ZABAR (GB) (g. by Dancing Brave (USA)), won 7 races in France and in West Germany including Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Oettingen-Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr.3. Bombazine (IRE) (f. by Generous (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in John Musker Stakes, Yarmouth, L.; dam of winners. ARMURE (GB), 6 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France including Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2 and Prix du Carrousel, Maisons-Laffitte, L.


50 BOX

Owner: Ayidh Sannat S Alshibani Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 4th, 2022 Banumeira (KSA) (2010)

Rockport Harbor (USA) Libby's Moment (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Regal Miss Copelan (USA) Northern Afleet (USA) Rising Moment (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam BANUMEIRA (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of 3 runners from 6 foals of racing age includingYasool (KSA) (2015 c. by Cat Dreams (USA)), placed twice at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Yahhoom (KSA) (2021 c. by Casino Host (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam LIBBY'S MOMENT (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingBURN THE HARP (USA) (c. by Burning Roma (USA)), won 1 race abroad. 3rd Dam Rising Moment (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Boca Raton Handicap, Calder; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingExiled Groom (USA) (c. by Runaway Groom (CAN)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and abroad and placed second in Comet Stakes, Meadowlands and third in Cowdin Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. NATALIE'S MOMENT (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Sola Gratia (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in Tawee Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R.; dam of Unstablenthemornin (USA), third in Juvenile Filly Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R.; grandam of TITO'S CALLING (CAN), won Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed third in Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Lady Natalie (USA), unraced; dam of CODE WARRIOR (USA), won Seaway Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Hendrie Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 (twice). The next dam EILEEN'S MOMENT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingLIL E TEE (USA) (c. by At The Threshold (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Jim Beam Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2, second in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn, Gr.1; sire. Agnes Arashi (JPN) (c. by Sunday Silence (USA)), won 6 races in Japan and placed third in March Stakes, Nakayama, L. Agnes Partner (JPN) (c. by Sunday Silence (USA)), won 5 races in Japan and placed third in Oguri Cap Kinen, Kasamatsu, L. Great Impulse (USA) (f. by Imperial Falcon (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Christiana Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of winners. LIL PERSONALITEE (USA), won Eclipse Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3. How Can That Be (USA), placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of MISS POSSIBILITY (USA), won Carlos Salazar Stakes, Albuquerque, R. MY BIG SIS (USA) (f. by El Raggaas (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Curiosity (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in La Lorgnette Stakes, Woodbine, L. and Ontario Debutante Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of Curgone (CAN), winner in Canada and placed third in Frost King Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Big Mona (USA), unraced; dam of ARMANDO (SAF), won Cape of Good Hope Nursery, Kenilworth, Gr.3, FROMAFAR (SAF), won Umzimkhulu Stakes, Greyville, Gr.3; grandam of DISTANT WINTER (SAF), won Kenilworth Winter Nursery, Kenilworth, Gr.3, placed third in Thekwini Stakes, Greyville, Gr.1. Moment of Approval (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. CARA MARISA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of TRAIN RIDER BLUES (USA), won New Mexico Classic Cup Chmpn'ship (c&g), Zia Park, L.R.; sire, DESERT HENNESSY (USA), won Albert Dominguez Memorial Hcap, Sunland Park, L.R.




Owner: Abdullah A'aydh Almasa'oodi Sons A P Indy (USA) Saint Anddan (USA) Adoradancer (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 27th, 2022 Chokurei (IRE) (2008)

Bertolini (USA) Catch Us (FR)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Danzig Connection (USA) Andora (USA) Danzig (USA) Aquilegia (USA) Selkirk (USA) Vashka (USA)

SAINT ANDDAN (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Churchill Downs Handicap, Gr.2, Duncan F Kenner Breeders' Cup Stakes, L., third in Phoenix Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ST JOE BAY (USA), (Gr.2), ANOTHER ROMANCE (USA), (Gr.3), THEGREATCOLLECTION (USA), (L.), COQUETO DEL OCHO (PAN), (L.R.), SAINT D'AROAK (USA), (L.R.), STAND AND SALUTE (USA), (S), HAPPY TO GO (USA), (S), BLEU DARLING (USA), (S), Savio (USA), (L.), Kodiack Kutie (USA), (L.), Saint of Saints (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam Chokurei (IRE), won 4 races at 3 years, £54,146 and placed 6 times including second in South Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Avowal Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in River Memories Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizABO ALNAWAMESS (KSA) (2018 c. by Dominus (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £192,708 and placed 5 times. GIFT GIVER LINDA (USA) (2014 f. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,990 and placed 3 times. KILRONAN (USA) (2015 g. by Point of Entry (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 6 years in U.S.A., £41,959, under both rules and placed 3 times. (2020 f. by Hailstone (USA)). (2021 f. by Life Imitates Art (USA)). 2nd Dam CATCH US (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingChokurei (IRE) (f. by Bertolini (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam VASHKA (USA), placed once in U.A.E.; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingADI (FR) (f. by Starborough (GB)), won 6 races in France and placed 10 times. The next dam FABULOUS NOTION (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Susana Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Linda Vista Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, California Miss Sires Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., Saddleback Stakes, Los Alamitos, R., Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, California Breeders' Chmpn. Stks.(2yo f), Santa Anita, placed third in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingFABULOUSLY FAST (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, placed third in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. Humungosaur (GB), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including third in Critérium du Fonds Européen de l'Elevage, Deauville, L. CROWNING AMBITION (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. LEAR'S CROWN (USA), 1 race at 3 years; dam of HOWYA NOW KID (IRE), 6 races at home and in Hong Kong including Surrey Stakes, Epsom, L. Fabulous Goer (USA) (f. by Easy Goer (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. The Heebster (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Lakeview Thoroughbred Farms Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R. FABULOUS BONUS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ROYAL LAHAINA (USA), won Go for Wand Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Mariensky Stakes, Belmont Park, R. Paris Rose (USA) (f. by Accelerator (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. DECELERATOR (USA), won Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Instant Racing Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed second in Lexus Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; dam of NAFAAYES (AUS), won Wilgerbosdrift Gauteng Fillies Guineas, Turffontein, Gr.2, WSB Ipi Tombe Challenge, Turffontein, Gr.2, placed second in Wilgerbosdrift South African Classic (f), Turffontein, Gr.1. Paris Notion (USA) (f. by Dehere (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CITY OF LIGHT (USA), won Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Triple Bend Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire.


52 BOX

Owner: Ehab Abdulfattah Ibrehim Hassan Green Desert (USA) Byron (GB) Gay Gallanta (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 12th, 2022 Blaze Brightly (IRE) (2007)

Big Bad Bob (IRE) Kristal's Paradise (IRE)


Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Woodman (USA) Gallanta (FR) Bob Back (USA) Fantasy Girl (IRE) Bluebird (USA) Kristal's Pride

BYRON (GB), 2001. Won 3 races, Lennox Stakes, Gr.2, Mill Reef Stakes, Gr.2, second in Supreme Stakes, Gr.3, Prix du Palais-Royal, Gr.3 and third in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, etc. Sire of GORDON LORD BYRON (IRE), (Gr.1), BYRAMA (GB), (Gr.1), PROFESSOR (GB), (L.), LORD UNFUWAIN (GB), (L.), BIRDLOVER (GB), (S), Ahtoug (GB), (Gr.1), Senafe (GB), (Gr.2), Recob (GB), (L.), Via Garibaldi (ITY), (L.), Byrony (IRE), (L.), Savana Pearl (IRE), (L.), Verse of Love (GB), (L.) etc. 1st Dam Blaze Brightly (IRE), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and £49,768 and placed 9 times including second in Fairy Bridge Stakes, Tipperary, L. and Owenstown Stud Whitehead Memorial Stakes, Naas, L.; dam of 4 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingArco (KSA) (2021 c. by Top Music (GB)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. (2020 f. by Olmodavor (USA)). 2nd Dam Kristal's Paradise (IRE), won 3 races at 3 years, £44,637 and second in Silver Cup Stakes, York, L., Stubbs Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Premio Roma Vecchia, Rome, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingKRISTAL'S DREAM (IRE) (f. by Night Shift (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Moment of Weakness (IRE), 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £89,029 and placed 14 times including second in Generous Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Rochestown Stakes, Cork, L., Angel Island Stakes, Golden Gate. KRISTAL XENIA (IRE), 1 race at 3 years; dam of VAL NANDA (IRE), 5 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £65,858 including Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L., LOLLIPOP GIRL (IRE), 2 races at 2 years in Italy and £28,946 including Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L., CHERIE GOOD (IRE), 2 races at 2 years in Italy and £27,799 including Premio Repubbliche Marinare, Rome, L., placed second in Premio Mantovani, Milan, L. 3rd Dam KRISTAL'S PRIDE, unraced; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingKristal's Paradise (IRE) (f. by Bluebird (USA)), see above. Amarella (FR) (f. by Balleroy (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix Isola Bella, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. 4th Dam TINTAGEL, won 3 races in France including Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Fille de l'Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, placed second in Prix Chloé, Evry, Gr.3 and third in Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingYabis (USA) (g. by Bold Bidder), won 1 race at 3 years; also won 5 races over hurdles including second in Tolworth Hurdle, Sandown, L. and won 1 race over fences. The next dam Ysolda, won 4 races at 3 years and placed third in Blue Seal Stakes, Ascot; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMELION (g. by Roan Rocket), won 4 races at home and in France including Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Prix Messidor, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3. ST ISABEL (f. by Saint Crespin III), won 2 races in France including Prix d'Enghien, ParisLongchamp, L., second in Prix de la Municipalité, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. Pelorus, 5 races and placed second in Rose of Lancaster Stakes, Haydock, Gr.3. High Skies, winner at home and abroad and placed second in Prix le Gladiateur de Sterrebeek, Sterrebeek, L. Dancebel, winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Q, Santa Anita; sire. MON ISABEL (FR), winner in France; grandam of NOMBRE PREMIER (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix du Palais-Royal, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Prix des Chênes, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire; third dam of Ramble On (FR), winner in France and abroad and placed third in Prix Zeddaan, Fontainebleau, L. Major Role (g. by Major Portion), won 5 races and placed second in City and Suburban Handicap, Epsom, L. and fourth in Classic Trial, Kempton, Gr.3.


53 BOX

Owner: Zayd Jandel Aljandel City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 25th, 2022 Hajeerah (KSA) (2008)

Fun Galore (USA) Moetazzah (KSA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Gone West (USA) Ma Petite Jolie (USA) Tasso (USA) La Cascade

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam HAJEERAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 3 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam MOETAZZAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 5 foals of racing ageHajeerah (KSA) (f. by Fun Galore (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam LA CASCADE, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy including P.Legnano-Mem. M. Incisa della Rochetta, Milan, Gr.3, placed second in Premio Regina Elena (1000 guineas), Rome, Gr.2 and third in Premio FIA Breeders' Cup, Merano, L.; dam of one winner from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizACHORDE (FR) (f. by Slip Anchor), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy; dam of winners. MR KINTYRE (ITY), 3 races at 3 years in Italy including Premio Merano, Milan, L., placed once. HALLO DEVIOUS (ITY), 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy and placed 7 times. Sarazade (GB) (f. by Saumarez), placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of winners. Start Easy (GER), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Italy; also 1 race over jumps at 3 years in Italy and placed once viz second in Premio Prime Siepi Hurdle, Merano, L. SHUMY FOREVER (ITY), 10 races in Italy and placed 25 times. SUN SHONE OUT (GER), 2 races at 2 years in Italy and placed 3 times. ZACHELA (IRE), 1 race at 2 years in Italy and placed 5 times. THE BIG DESTINY (GB), 1 race at 3 years in Italy and placed twice. 4th Dam ROMANTIC LOVE, won 1 race at 3 years in Italy viz Premio Torricola, Rome, L., placed second in Premio Regina Elena, Rome, Gr.2, Premio Ceprano, Rome, L., third in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1 and fourth in Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr.2, Premio Royal Mares, Turin, Gr.3 and Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingLA CASCADE (f. by Viking (USA)), see above. BE MY LOVE (f. by Be My Guest (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Romantic Bird (FR), winner over jumps in France and placed second in Prix Gaston Despres Chase, Angers, L., Prix La Caze Handicap Steeplechase, Auteuil, L. and third in Prix Congress Chase, Auteuil, L. BE MY KRIS (FR), winner in France; dam of BE MY DELIGHT (FR), winner in France; also won Grand Prix Turf Club Aarau Steeplechase, Aarau, L. (twice), placed second in GP der Winterhur-Verishcherungen Chase, Aarau, L. and third in Grosser Preis der Stadt Luzern Chase, Luzern, L. and Grosser Preis der Stadt Zuerich Chase, Dielsdorf, L. The next dam TAKING SILK, unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingROMANTIC LOVE (f. by Sovereign Path), see above. Lord of The Silk (c. by Lord Gayle (USA)), won 3 races at home and in Italy and placed third in Premio U.N.I.R.E., Naples, Gr.3, Premio dei Tre Anni, Milan, L. and fourth in Ballymoss Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Horris Hill Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. DODGY FUTURE (g. by Nebbiolo), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years; also won 2 races over hurdles at 3 and 5 years including Finale Junior Hurdle, Chepstow, L., placed second in Summit Junior Hurdle, Lingfield, L.; also won 1 race over jumps in Italy. QUALITY OF MERCY (f. by Sovereign Path), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Quiet Storm (USA), winner in Italy and placed third in Premio Melton - Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr.2.




Owner: Hamad Mohd. Ibrahim Al-Motawi Empire Maker (USA) Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 7th, 2022 Radhiyah (KSA) (2010)

Mineshaft (USA) Sand Dollar (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) A P Indy (USA) Prospectors Delite (USA) Grindstone (USA) Train Robbery (USA)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam RADHIYAH (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 to 4 years; dam of one winner from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizDEFENDER (KSA) (2020 c. by Great Rumpuscat (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. Saud Alkheil (KSA) (2021 c. by Cat Dreams (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SAND DOLLAR (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRUSSIAN GREEK (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. and £212,454 including California Derby, Golden Gate, L., Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate, L., placed third in Carl Hanford Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park. Ocean Current (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £81,080 and placed second in Mademoiselle Stakes, Delta Downs; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam TRAIN ROBBERY (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Budweiser Monmouth Pk Breeders' Cup H'cp, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Honeybee Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L., Rolling Meadows Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Go For Wand Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, John A Morris Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Molly Pitcher Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3 and third in Long Look Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.2 and Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingCAT THIEF (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Classic, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Swaps Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Lanes's End Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2, placed second in Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 and third in Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. Catcher (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bassinet Stakes, River Downs, L.; dam of winners. Cobblestone Road (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Busher Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of Ridemetothemoon (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. The next dam TRACK ROBBERY (USA), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1982, won 22 races in U.S.A. including Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Beverly Hills Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTRAIN ROBBERY (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), see above. Slew The Robber (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Waltz Song Stakes, Delaware Park. Trail Robbery (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), placed once at 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. POHAVE (USA), won Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Invitational H, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Los Angeles Times Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Bing Crosby Breeders' Cup Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1. ZEALOUS CAT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of TAPICAT (USA), won Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Voodoo Dancer Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed third in Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2.




Giant's Causeway (USA) A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) February 23rd, 2022


Owner: Sutur Stable

Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA) Divine Lorretta (USA) (2008)

Mutakddim (USA) My April (USA)

Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Oscillate (USA) Sky Classic (CAN) Sailor's Lift (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam DIVINE LORRETTA (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £140,861 including Red Camelia Stakes, Fair Grounds, R., placed 11 times including second in Honeymoon Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. and third in Honeymoon Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. and Red Camelia Stakes, Fair Grounds, R.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizUNFATHOMED (USA) (2018 g. by Midshipman (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £74,483 and placed 9 times. APRIL MIST (USA) (2019 f. by Catalina Red (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £44,767 and placed once. HEATHER DIVINE (USA) (2016 f. by Temple City (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £25,972 and placed 5 times. Rafee'at Maqam (KSA) (2020 f. by Sky Mesa (USA)), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Beethoven (USA)). 2nd Dam MY APRIL (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingDIVINE LORRETTA (USA) (f. by Mutakddim (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam SAILOR'S LIFT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of 1 runner from 4 foals of racing age vizRising Niagara (NZ) (f. by Generous (IRE)), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in Australia. 4th Dam COSMETIC LIFT (USA), ran in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSHOW AND TELL (USA) (f. by Sewickley (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Irving Distaff Handicap, Lone Star Park, L., Sam Houston Distaff Handicap, Sam Houston, L., Tomball Stakes, Sam Houston, Delicada Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Old South Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Majorette Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Irving Distaff Handicap, Lone Star Park, L. ONEOFTHEBIRDBOYS (USA) (g. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 7 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Winnipeg Futurity, Assiniboia Downs, placed second in Prairie Meadows Freshman Stakes, Prairie Meadows. Parhelion (USA) (f. by Sunny's Halo (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. Big League (AUS), winner in Australia, placed third in RSL Vain Stakes, Caulfield, L. The next dam HEY BABE (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Garden City Handicap, Belmont Park, placed second in Flower Bowl Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingICY GROOM (USA) (c. by Blushing Groom (FR)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Pennsylvania Governor's Cup Handicap, Penn National, Gr.3, Louisville Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Bradbury Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., Majestic Light Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Fancy Babe (USA) (f. by Sharpen Up), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. ENCOUNTER (AUS), Champion 2yr old colt in Australia in 1996-97, won Chipping Norton Stakes, Warwick Farm, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1, Caulfield Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1, George Main Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, Moet et Chandon Champagne Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, Sires' Produce Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1; sire. Reinforce (NZ), unraced; grandam of ATOMIC FORCE (AUS), won Railway Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr.1, The James Boag Galaxy Handicap, Randwick, Gr.1. Some Kinda Babe (USA) (f. by Roy (USA)), unraced; grandam of TANTOS ANOS (ARG), won GP.Estrellas Classic Copa E.H.C.Cernadas, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1, Clasico Peru, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2, Clasico Italia, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3, Clasico Vicente L Casares, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3, third in Gran Premio de Honor, Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Mohammed Abdullah A Almasudi Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 31st, 2022 Lioness Lahr (USA) (2010)

Lion Heart (USA) Damewood (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Satin Sunrise (USA) Majesty's Prince (USA) Hoist The Colors (USA)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam LIONESS LAHR (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £20,913 and placed 8 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizMISCHIEVOUS DIANE (USA) (2019 f. by Practical Joke (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £99,821 and placed twice. PAUL CANE (USA) (2016 g. by Cross Traffic (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,679 and placed twice. ONE STEP (USA) (2017 f. by Wicked Strong (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,149 and placed once. Fazaat (KSA) (2020 f. by Ransom the Moon (CAN)), won 1 race, placed 3 times at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam Damewood (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £86,477 and placed second in Silver Belles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Bayakoa Handicap, Del Mar, L. and third in El Encino Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingOUTRIGGER (USA) (c. by Gulch (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £99,064 including Gilded Time Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L., Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; sire. SELECT GREEN (USA) (c. by Capote (USA)), won 5 races in Japan including Tokyo Chunichi Sports Hai Negishi Stakes, Tokyo, L., placed second in Tokyo Hai, Ohi, L. Kris Is It (USA) (f. by Kris S (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £31,345 and placed second in Vielle Vigne Handicap, Del Mar, L.; dam of winners. Mobilizer (CAN), winner, placed second in Plate Trial Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Wise Investor (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Hidden Light Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; dam of APPRECIATED (USA), won Curlin Stakes, Meydan, L. Very Funny (USA), placed 7 times in U.S.A.; dam of INVADING HUMOR (USA), won Ticonderoga Stakes, Belmont Park, R., Distorted Beauty (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L. GONE GOLFING (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Play Eighteen (USA), winner, second in Jamestown Stakes, Colonial Downs, R. LIE OF THE TIGER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of TRUE WEST (USA), won Wally's Choice Minnesota Classic Championship, Canterbury Downs, R. 3rd Dam HOIST THE COLORS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingKEY TO THE FLAG (USA) (c. by Key To The Kingdom (USA)), won 12 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Chief Pennekeck Handicap, Meadowlands, L.; sire. The next dam DIHELA (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, placed third in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCopper Luster (USA) (f. by Judger (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bastonera II Invitational Handicap, Golden Gate, R.; dam of winners. MISUKAW (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SHARE THE FANTASY (USA), won Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; grandam of LISMORE KNIGHT (USA), won Arlington Classic Stakes, Arlington, Gr.2, Summer Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, third in Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1. TOKATEE (USA), won Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; sire. INDIO ROSE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of RED KNIGHT (USA), won Man o' War Stakes, Belmont, Gr.1, Kentucky Turf Cup Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.2. Helaplane (USA) (f. by Super Concorde (USA)), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. TUSCANY FLYER (AUS), won Mercedes Benz Blue Diamond Prelude (c&g), Sandown, Gr.3, placed third in Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Abdullah Munayjil Abdullah Alsubaie Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 4th, 2022 Qimmat Najd (KSA) (2011)

Oratorio (IRE) Kyle Akin (GB)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Danehill (USA) Mahrah (USA) Vettori (IRE) Kyle Rhea (GB)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam QIMMAT NAJD (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 to 5 years; dam of 1 foal of racing age. 2nd Dam KYLE AKIN (GB), placed twice at 2 years in France; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizCOMEDY HOUSE (GB) (g. by Auction House (USA)), won 2 races at 5 and 6 years and £10,906 and placed 9 times. COLPA MIA (GB) (f. by Captain Rio (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Italy and £12,723 and placed 4 times. 3rd Dam KYLE RHEA (GB), won 2 races at 3 years including Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L.; dam of five winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingKirtle (GB) (f. by Hector Protector (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Flawlessly Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners. The next dam RYNECHRA, won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCOIGACH (GB) (f. by Niniski (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of winners. Applecross (f. by Glint of Gold), won 3 races at 3 years and placed second in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2 and Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners. INVERMARK (GB), 5 races at 3, 4 and 7 years at home and in France including Prix du Cadran, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Chester Stakes, Chester, L., placed second in Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1, Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2, Prix Kergorlay, Deauville, Gr.2 and Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, Gr.3. CRAIGSTEEL (GB), 5 races at home and in U.S.A. including Princess of Wales' Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Troy Stakes, Doncaster, L., Cape Henlopen Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Turf Classic Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Niagara Breeders' Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire. INCHRORY (GB), Champion 3yr old in Scandinavia in 1996, Jt Champion older horse in Scandinavia in 1998 and 1999, 18 races at 2 to 7 years at home, in Norway and in Sweden including Land Rover Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr.3, Kapplopningssallskapets Stora Prijs, Taby, L., Winge Oslo Cup, Ovrevoll, L. (3 times), Pilot Fineliner Cup, Ovrevoll, L., placed second in Scandinavian Open Championship, Copenhagen, Gr.3, Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr.3; sire. Anniversary (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Stubbs Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of Swingkeel (IRE), 4 races at 3, 4 and 6 years and placed third in Fenwolf Stakes, Ascot, L. Air Kiss (GB), unraced; dam of SELINO (GB), 4 races at 3, 5 and 7 years, 2022/23 at home and in Australia including Sydney Cup, Randwick, Gr.1, Brisbane Cup, Eagle Farm, Gr.2, placed second in Doncaster Cup, Doncaster, Gr.2; grandam of PEACOCK KITTEN (USA), won John Henry Stakes, Evangeline Downs. CRAIGMILL (GB) (f. by Slip Anchor), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. CONNECTICUT (GB), 5 races at home and abroad including International Bosphorus Cup, Veliefendi, Gr.2 and Pontefract Castle Stakes, Pontefract, L. FLEURIE DOMAINE (GB), 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Germany including Kolner Grand Prix Aufgalopp, Cologne, L., placed second in Deutscher Stutenpreis, Cologne, Gr.3 and G. P. der IFEB-Buchmacher Nereide Rennen, Mulheim, L. Rynavey (GB) (f. by Rousillon (USA)), placed twice at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. DIPPLE (GB), 11 races at 2 to 7 years at home, in Norway and in Sweden including Morten Og Torvald Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L. (twice).




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdullah Z. Aluthman Dubawi (IRE)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 3rd, 2022 (first foal)

Dubawi Fun (GB) Arabian Treasure (USA) Dhamrah (KSA) (2015)

Official Visit (USA) Ghala Khaled (KSA)


Dubai Millennium (GB) Zomaradah (GB) Danzig (USA) Very Confidential (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) News Sky (USA) Curriculum (UAE)

DUBAWI FUN (GB), 2011. Won 1 race and fourth in Winkfield Stakes, L. Sire of SEIF ALFALAH (KSA), HASNA'A ALENAYA (KSA), BARQ ALENAYA (KSA), LYLIA ALENAYA (KSA). 1st Dam DHAMRAH (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2, 3 and 6 years. 2nd Dam GHALA KHALED (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of 2 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingDhamrah (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam CURRICULUM (UAE), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of 6 runners from 8 foals of racing age includingAlsahm Althakeb (KSA) (c. by Kappa (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam MONTESSORI (GB), won 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 living foals of racing age includingCHAVI (JPN) (f. by Carnegie (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of winners. Chavi Artist (IRE), 1 race over hurdles at 6 years and placed 4 times and 2 races over fences at 7 years and placed twice including second in Mayo Grand National Handicap Chase, Ballinrobe, Gr.2. The next dam Children's Corner (FR), won 3 races in France and placed second in Prix Finlande, Evry, L. and third in Prix des Réservoirs, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; Own sister to J'AI DEUX AMOURS (FR); dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingKINDERGARTEN (GB) (f. by Trempolino (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix d'Aumale, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. Bruxaar (AUS), winner in Hong Kong and in New Zealand and placed third in The Dominion Post Wellington Stakes, Trentham, Gr.3. Gimmeawink (AUS), placed 5 times in Australia; dam of GORBACHEV (NZ), won Campus of I&S Wellington Cup, Trentham, Gr.3, placed third in Christchurch Casino New Zealand Cup, Riccarton Park, Gr.3 and Lincoln Farms New Zealand St Leger, Trentham, L. Berceuse (GB), unplaced in U.A.E.; dam of CARTABIANCA (FR), won Prix Petite Etoile, Deauville, L., Toni Blue (FR), 1 race at 2 years in France and placed 21 times including second in Prix du Grand Camp, Lyon-Parilly, L. and third in Coupe des Trois Ans, Lyon-Parilly, L.; sire, Nina Candela (FR), 2 races at 3 years in France and placed 5 times including second in Prix Delahante, Marseille-Borély, L. Birthday (IRE), unraced; dam of EXTREMELY VINTAGE (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 5 years in Italy including Premio Tadolina Memorial Patrizio Galli, Rome, L., placed 10 times including second in Premio Pietro Bessero, Milan, L. and Premio Archidamia, Rome, L. Children's Garden (GB) (f. by Reference Point), unraced; dam of a winner. CHILDREN'S HAWK (ITY), 1 race at 2 years in Italy and placed 7 times; also 1 race over jumps at 6 years in Italy viz P. Gen. M Aregenton Gran Stp di Roma, Rome, L., placed 4 times including third in Premio Nuovi Salti Novices Steeplechase, Rome, L.




Owner: Mohammad Jafin M. Alsobaie Sons Dixie Union (USA)

SAHAB DESERT (USA) May 4th, 2022 A Bay or Brown Filly

Union Rags (USA) Tempo (USA) Lead Along (USA) (2012)

Smart Strike (CAN) Promising Lead (GB)


Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Gone West (USA) Terpsichorist (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Danehill (USA) Arrive (GB)

UNION RAGS (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, Belmont Stakes, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Saratoga Special Stakes, Gr.2, second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. Sire of EXPRESS TRAIN (USA), (Gr.1), FREE DROP BILLY (USA), (Gr.1), PARADISE WOODS (USA), (Gr.1), DANCING RAGS (USA), (Gr.1), UNION STRIKE (USA), (Gr.1), DYNAMIC ONE (USA), (Gr.2), CARAMEL SWIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPIELBERG (USA), (Gr.2), CATALINA CRUISER (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam LEAD ALONG (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £35,421 and placed twice; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizWESTERN LANE (USA) (2019 f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £112,655 and placed 4 times. Sweet Carousel (USA) (2021 f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam PROMISING LEAD (GB), Jt Champion older mare in Ireland in 2008, won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and £213,414 including Pretty Polly Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Middleton Stakes, York, Gr.3, Upavon Stakes, Salisbury, L., second in Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLAUREL (GB) (f. by Kingman (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 and £95,939 including Snowdrop Stakes, Kempton, L., placed once viz second in Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, from only 5 starts. SURCINGLE (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. Sash (GB), 4 races at home and in U.S.A. and £109,630 and second in Los Alamitos Special Stakes, Los Alamitos, R., third in Berkeley Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3. Lupin (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), ran twice at 3 years; dam of winners. PHANTOM THIEF (JPN), won Kyodo News Hai, Tokyo, Gr.3, placed third in Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas), Nakayama, Gr.1 and Kobe Shimbun Hai, Hanshin, Gr.2. 3rd Dam ARRIVE (GB), won 3 races at 3 years including Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L.; Own sister to HASILI (IRE); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingVISIT (GB) (f. by Oasis Dream (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years viz Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, second in Yellow Ribbon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Gamely Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of a winner. REVERED (GB) (f. by Oasis Dream (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. COMMEMORATIVE (GB), 2 races including Autumn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; sire. Silent Entrance (GB) (f. by Beat Hollow (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. POUNDING (AUS), won T S Carlyon Cup, Sandown-Hillside, Gr.3, placed second in Blamey Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2 and third in Australian Cup, Flemington, Gr.1. The next dam KERALI, won 1 race at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingHASILI (IRE) (f. by Kahyasi), won 4 races at 2 years in France including Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L., second in Prix Imprudence, M’-Laffitte, L.; dam of winners. BANKS HILL (GB), Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 2001, Jt Champion older mare in Europe in 2002, 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. including Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.2. CACIQUE (IRE), 7 races in France and U.S.A. including Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Prix Daniel Wildenstein, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. CHAMPS ELYSEES (GB), 6 races at 3 to 6 years in Canada, in France and in U.S.A. including Hollywood Turf Cup Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Canadian International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Northern Dancer Turf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. INTERCONTINENTAL (GB), 13 races at 2 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Galaxy Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Just A Game Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. HEAT HAZE (GB), 7 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Beverly D Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdulaziz M. B. Alnaser Sons Benchmark (USA) Brother Derek (USA) Miss Soft Sell (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 25th, 2022 Red Kitty (USA) (2014)

Eye of The Leopard (CAN) Heavenly Ransom (USA)


Alydar (USA) Winters' Love (USA) Siyah Kalem (USA) Solamente Un Vez (USA) A P Indy (USA) Eye of The Sphynx (CAN) Red Ransom (USA) Heavenly Cat (USA)

BROTHER DEREK (USA), 2003. Won 6 races, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Hollywood Futurity, Gr.1, Santa Catalina Stakes, Gr.2, San Rafael Stakes, Gr.2 and Norfolk Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SAM'S SISTER (USA), (Gr.1), ZEE BROS (USA), (L.), DEREK'S SMILE (USA), (S), SASSY MISS OFFICER (USA), (S), COPINGAWAY (USA), (S), SIBLING WAR (USA), (S), MISS DEREK (USA), (S), Brother Soldier (USA), (Gr.3), Derek's Girl (USA), (Gr.3), Oh Derek (USA), (L.), Forever Spring (ARG), (L.). 1st Dam RED KITTY (USA), placed once at 2 years in Canada; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizTALENTOSO MOZART (USA) (2018 c. by Aikenite (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in Mexico. INTEJEEN (KSA) (2020 c. by Oxbow (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £120,001 and placed 4 times. RUN KITTY (USA) (2019 f. by War Correspondent (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £18,253 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam HEAVENLY RANSOM (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £102,672 including Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and Chandler Handicap, Turf Paradise; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRed Wings (USA) (c. by English Channel (USA)), won 6 races in Canada and in U.S.A. and £84,727 and placed third in Northern Spur Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. and Team Valor Rushaway Stakes, Turfway Park, L. IT'S SO EASY (USA) (f. by Raison d'Etat (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £160,294. 3rd Dam HEAVENLY CAT (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMR FREEZE (USA) (c. by To Honor And Serve (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Mile Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.3, placed second in Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Hagyard Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Iowa Derby, Prairie Meadows, L. and third in Norton Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1. DILEMMA (USA) (c. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 4 and 7 years in U.S.A. including Daytona Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Sunny Slope Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Morvich Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and Hollywood Prevue Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. CAPITANO (USA) (c. by Belong To Me (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Ligature Stakes, Penn National, L.R., Turf Paradise Handicap, Turf Paradise, L. (twice), Rolling Green Breeders' Cup Handicap, Golden Gate, L., placed second in Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Best Pal Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3; sire. Heavenly Chorus (USA) (c. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 9 races at 4 to 7 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in George Royal Stakes, Hastings Park and Journal Handicap, Northlands Park; sire. HEAVENLY VIEW (USA) (f. by Congrats (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HEAVEN STREET (USA), won Columbia Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., placed third in Elusive Quality Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Soaring Free Stakes, Woodbine, L. and Mystic Lake Derby, Canterbury Park. Zayanna (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)), ran in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WICKED WHISPER (USA), won Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, placed second in Charles Town Oaks, Charles Town, Gr.3. POINT OF HONOR (USA), won Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Suncoast Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Saratoga, Gr.1, Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and third in Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1. VELVET MOOD (USA), won My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L.




Owner: Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari A P Indy (USA) Patriot Act (USA) Classic Value (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 28th, 2022 Peach (USA) (2004)

Storm Creek (USA) Curve Ahead (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Copelan (USA) Queen Pat (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Shawnee Creek (USA) Laabity (USA) Me and Myun (CAN)

PATRIOT ACT (USA), 2002. Won 4 races, Jim Rasmussen Memorial Stakes, second in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Mineshaft Handicap, Gr.3 and Tenacious Handicap. Sire of EMPIRE DREAMS (USA), (S), Coalition (USA), (L.R.), Riot Worthy (USA), (S), Secured Position (USA), (S), National Defence (USA), (S), Patriot Star (USA), (S), One More Act (USA), (S), Social Rebellion (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam PEACH (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizEBONY (USA) (2009 g. by Cryptoclearance (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £46,244 and placed 4 times. LADY ROYAL (USA) (2012 f. by Eddington (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £12,455 and placed once. As Si Alwasf (KSA) (2014 c. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Haalyah (KSA) (2021 f. by Scipion (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam Curve Ahead (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £107,131 and placed third in Tiffany Lass Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. and Snow White Stakes, Charles Town; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizRULER BOY (USA) (g. by Revolver Six (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 6 years in U.S.A. TURF ELITE (USA) (g. by Cryptoclearance (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in Canada. SEETSANG (USA) (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BRIDGING THE GAP (USA), won West Virginia Cavada Breeders' Classic, Charles Town, R., Sadie Hawkins Stakes, Charles Town, R., placed second in Sadie Hawkins Stakes, Charles Town, R. GLOR (USA) (f. by Vision And Verse (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam ME AND MYUN (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMIAMI BLASE (USA) (c. by Latin American (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Kentucky Colonel Stakes, Ellis Park, L. and Presidents Stakes, Turfway Park, L. The next dam Myun (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in San Jose Handicap, Bay Meadows, R. and Merry Christmas Handicap, Bay Meadows; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingINVESTALOT (CAN) (f. by Vice Regent (CAN)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Heather Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Island Charm Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Sabin Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Virginia Handicap, Calder, Gr.3; dam of winners. Mamboalot (USA), winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed third in Dean Kutz Stakes, Canterbury Downs; dam of A RED TIE DAY (USA), won Lure Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed second in San Juan Capistrano Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in Lure Stakes, Del Mar, R., CHATTALOT (USA), won Sugar Bowl Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Ft. Bliss Stakes, Sunland Park, Alydarla (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Madcap Escapade Stakes, Gulfstream Park and third in Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; grandam of BETHLEHEM ROAD (USA), won Parx Spring Derby, Parx Racing. Investagain (USA) (f. by Salt Lake (USA)), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Avatar Day (USA), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3. Cash Rich (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in Par Four Stakes, Delaware Park. Exclusive Caro (CAN) (f. by Caro), unraced; dam of winners. Crybaby Capt Sid (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Crescent City Derby, Fair Grounds, L.R. Tranquil Star (USA) (f. by Salt Lake (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. JAKE WIL GALLOP (USA), won USA Stakes, Lone Star Park, L. Southern Opinion (IND), winner abroad, second in Kunigal Stud Breeders' Produce Stakes, Mumbai, L. and third in Nanoli Stud Juvenile Million, Bangalore, L.R.




Owner: Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi Pleasant Tap (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 4th, 2022

Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA) Almonqethah (KSA) (2011)

Blue Burner (USA) Swiftly Classic (CAN)


Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) French Deputy (USA) Haiati (USA) Sky Classic (CAN) Swift Alliance (CAN)

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam ALMONQETHAH (KSA), unraced; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizKHAZEENAH (KSA) (2016 f. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £52,046 and placed 8 times. TOMAHAWK (KSA) (2019 c. by Harlington (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £24,951 and placed once. Sultan Alriyadh (KSA) (2020 c. by Patriot Act (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, his only start. 2nd Dam SWIFTLY CLASSIC (CAN), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,427; Own sister to SKY ALLIANCE (CAN) and CLASSIC ALLIANCE (CAN); dam of nine winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSKY MOM (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £247,879 including Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3, Winstar Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L., Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Turfway Park, L., Martha Washington Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3 and third in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. 3rd Dam SWIFT ALLIANCE (CAN), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Belle Isle Stakes, Detroit, second in Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L.; Own sister to White Ensign (CAN); dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSKY ALLIANCE (CAN) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A. viz Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Cup and Saucer Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. CLASSIC ALLIANCE (CAN) (c. by Sky Classic (CAN)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Sport City Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L.R., placed third in Cup and Saucer Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; sire. PRIME RULER (USA) (c. by Orientate (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Foothill Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed third in Sunny Slope Stakes, Santa Anita. Modification (USA) (f. by Vindication (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; dam of winners. YAUPON (USA), won Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Amsterdam Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Chick Lang Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and Lite the Fuse Stakes, Pimlico; sire. Sawyer's Hill (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Twilight Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2. The next dam Stately Bride (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed second in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDANCEWITHTHEBRIDE (USA) (f. by Belong To Me (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Mount Vernon Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., New York Stallion Fifth Avenue Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Francis Jock Labelle Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of winners. MR DAVID (USA), won Taby Varsprint, Taby, L. CALLMEANICEPICK (USA) (f. by Anjiz (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Golden Sylvia Handicap, Mountaineer Park; dam of winners. RANSOMED BRIDE (CAN) (f. by Private Account (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STEAL A HEART (USA), won Mamzelle Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Stravinsky Handicap, Keeneland, L., Pan Zareta Stakes, Fair Grounds, L. and Victoria Lass Handicap, Fair Grounds, L.; grandam of READY TO RUNAWAY (USA), won Minnesota Turf Distaff Stakes, Canterbury Park, R. and Frances Genter Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R., WEEKEND RIDE (USA), won Victor S Myers Stakes, Canterbury Park, R.


63 BOX

Owner: FMQ Stables Kantharos (USA)

EIZZ (USA) April 2nd, 2022 A Bay Colt

World of Trouble (USA) Meets Expectations (USA) Bill's Presence (USA) (2006)

During (USA) Presence Galore (USA)

355 Lion Heart (USA) Contessa Halo (USA) Valid Expectations (USA) Meetmeontime (USA) Cherokee Run (USA) Blading Saddle (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Go Leasing

WORLD OF TROUBLE (USA), 2015. Won Jaipur Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Carter Handicap, Gr.1, Massmutual Twin Spires Turf Sprint, Gr.2, Allied Forces Stakes, L., Quick Call Stakes, L., etc. Sire of Shea D World (USA), (S), UNTROUBLED (USA). 1st Dam BILL'S PRESENCE (USA), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £90,180 and placed 19 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizLEE'S LUCK (USA) (2014 g. by Pure Prize (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £89,636 and placed 20 times. DONIVAN MY BOY (USA) (2015 g. by Stroll (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £57,733 and placed 8 times. BEARGREASE (USA) (2019 f. by Competitive Edge (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £19,195 and placed once. Intolerant (USA) (2021 f. by Mo Town (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PRESENCE GALORE (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingROBERTO'S MINISTER (USA) (c. by Royal Roberto (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £96,348 including Land of Lincoln Stakes, Sportsmans Park, L.R., placed third in Harham's Sizzler Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L. RUNAWAY VICTOR (USA) (g. by Runaway Groom (CAN)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £236,670 including Cardinal Handicap, Arlington, L.R. ROAD TOWN (USA) (g. by Announce (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £68,493. CINDY'S PRESENCE (USA) (f. by That's A Nice (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £39,248. HAREM QUEEN (USA) (f. by Turkoman (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £66,651; dam of winners. DEPUTY CARTWRIGHT (USA) (g. by Cartwright (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £23,376. ELIJAH M (USA) (c. by Labeeb (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam GO LEASING, won 6 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Salisbury 1000 Guineas Trial, Salisbury, Gr.3, placed third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizLEASE BACK (USA) (c. by Secretariat (USA)), won 3 races abroad. FERRYMAN (USA) (c. by Riverman (USA)), won 2 races at home and abroad. DEFICIT (USA) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times. Godille (USA) (f. by Riverman (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GOLD GENERATOR (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 6 times; also 7 races over jumps in Italy including Premio Piero e Franco Richard Nov Chase, Merano, Gr.2, placed 13 times including second in Gran Premio Merano Forst Steeplechase, Merano, Gr.1, Premio U.N.I.R.E. Steeplechase, Merano, Gr.3 (twice) and third in Premio Siepi dei 4yo Hurdle, Merano, L. 4th Dam GRAND VELVET, won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGO LEASING (f. by Star Appeal), see above. The next dam SPANISH VELVET, placed once at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingDARLINGKA (f. by Darling Boy), won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. IDOLIZED, won Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., placed second in Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Sandy Lane Stakes, Haydock, L. Palhaco, winner abroad and placed third in Preis des Jockey Clubs fur Osterreich, Vienna, Gr.2. Stylish Darling, winner and placed third in Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2.


64 BOX

Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 19th, 2022 La Hai (KSA) (2013)

Stormy Atlantic (USA) Reflect the Music (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) A P Indy (USA) Light On Your Feet (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LA HAI (KSA), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2020 c. by Power Broker (USA)). 2nd Dam REFLECT THE MUSIC (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £135,139 including Wintergreen Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizRacecar Rhapsody (USA) (c. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 6 and 7 years in U.S.A. and abroad and £228,512 and placed third in Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; sire. REFLECTED CAT (USA) (c. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £53,933. LIVE MUSIC (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £17,906; dam of winners. Bears Reflection (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Clasico Wiso G., Camarero Race Track, L.R. MUSIC THUNDER (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £27,070; dam of winners. Golden Money (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Best of Ohio Endurance Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, R. 3rd Dam LIGHT ON YOUR FEET (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingREFLECT THE MUSIC (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), see above. Costume Girl (USA) (f. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Permian Basin Stakes, Zia Park; dam of winners. Kochees (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Oak Tree Sprint Stakes, Pleasanton. The next dam PLAY IT SAFE, Champion 2yr old filly in France in 1981, Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1981, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix Imprudence, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed fourth in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingVANITIES (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Marie P Debartalo Memorial Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L., placed third in Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and Nijana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of winners. Bugatti (USA), winner, placed third in Lexington Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3; sire. CARSON'S VANITY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of TONOPAH (USA), won Robert & Fay Gerard R A Lee Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3, KINDLE (USA), won Cool Air Stakes, Hollywood Park, Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in Monrovia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 (twice), Senator Ken Maddy Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Latigo Shore (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Apple Ford Chick Lang Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and third in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire; grandam of PALAZZI (USA), won Singspiel Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, MADE IN AMERICA (USA), won Forego Stakes, Turfway Park. Safety Catch (USA) (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 16 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Sea O Erin Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Ballysax Stakes, Curragh, L. and third in Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. RED BORDEAUX (USA) (f. by In Reality), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HOUSEAFIRE (USA), won Gold Rush Futurity, Arapahoe Park, L. PERFECT PLAY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of INEXCESSIVE PLAY (USA), won La Senora Handicap, Sunland Park, L.; grandam of PLAYINGWITHCHIMES (USA), won Ruidoso Thoroughbred Sales Futurity, Ruidoso Downs, L.R.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 24th, 2022 Filwa (IRE) (2007)

Invincible Spirit (IRE) Capessa (IRE)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Green Desert (USA) Rafha Perugino (USA) Carpelli (IRE)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam FILWA (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 years; dam of 4 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingMonzeh (KSA) (2020 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. Abou Albashayer (KSA) (2021 c. by Dramedy (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam CAPESSA (IRE), won 10 races in Italy and £23,929 and placed 19 times; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 living foals of racing age vizSINGAPORE SECRET (IRE) (f. by Bushranger (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. GUESS (IRE), 1 race at 3 years, 2022 and placed once. MAY PEACE PREVAIL (IRE) (c. by Dragon Pulse (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years and placed once, all his starts. 3rd Dam CARPELLI (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingVALNURE (IRE) (c. by Kahyasi), won 10 races in Italy and placed 37 times. GOLASECCA (IRE) (f. by Second Set (IRE)), won 10 races in Italy and placed 33 times. TORRANO (IRE) (c. by In The Wings), won 6 races in Italy and placed 39 times. The next dam BUBBLING (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Colonial Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, second in Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingMidnight Tiger (USA) (c. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Premio Tevere, Rome, Gr.2; sire. Athena Star (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of a winner. Athena Chief (USA), winner in Chile and placed third in Premio Domingo Segundo Herrera Martinez, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.2. Lake Mist (f. by Kings Lake (USA)), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. SHANDON LAKE (IRE), won Ballysax Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Beautiful Rafaela (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), ran in Brazil; dam of winners. FIORENTINO (BRZ), won C. Outono-Taca Barao do Rio Branco, Gavea, L., placed second in Grande Premio Gervasio Seabra, Gavea, Gr.2. AMADEUS (BRZ), won Classico A.B.C.P.C.C., Taruma, L., placed third in Copa Velocidade ABCPCC, Taruma, Gr.3. COLETTE (BRZ), winner in Brazil; dam of LICCA-CHAN (BRZ), won Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, Classico Ministerio da Agricultura, Gavea, L., placed second in Grande Premio Mariano Procopio, Gavea, Gr.3, OGGIGIORNO (BRZ), won Gran Premio Presidente de la Republica, Hipo Maronas, L. (twice), Gran Premio General Artigas, Hipo Maronas, L., Gran Premio Municipal, Hipo Maronas, L., Clasico Las Piedras, Hipo Maronas, L., placed second in Gran Premio Jose Pedro Ramirez, Hipo Maronas, Gr.1, Clasico Manuel Quintela, Hipo Maronas, Gr.3 and third in Gran Premio Jose Pedro Ramirez, Hipo Maronas, Gr.1, Gran Premio General Artigas, Hipo Maronas, Gr.2, ISO INCONTESTE (BRZ), won Classico Barao e Baronesa von Leithner, Gavea, L., Classico Luiz Rigoni, Gavea, L., Classico Julio Capua, Gavea, L., placed third in Grande Premio Presidente da Republica, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, JUSJURANDUM (BRZ), won Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, Taruma, L., Classico Criadores, Taruma, L., placed second in Grand Premio Derby Paranaense, Taruma, Gr.3; grandam of SURPRISING (BRZ), won G. P. Presidente Hernani Azevedo Silva, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, GP.Pres.Joao Carlos Leite Penteado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, G.P. Presidente Luiz Oliveira de Barros, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, Classico Imprensa, Cidade Jardim, L., Classico Edmundo Pires de Oliveira Dias, Cidade Jardim, L., placed second in G. P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gavea, Gr.2 and third in Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gavea, Gr.2.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed A. Altareef Friesan Fire (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (USA) May 3rd, 2022

Army Mule (USA) Crafty Toast (USA) Grace Almighty (USA) (2006)

Menifee (USA) Galleon of Gold (USA)


A P Indy (USA) Bollinger (AUS) Crafty Prospector (USA) Give A Toast (USA) Harlan (USA) Anne Campbell (USA) Gone West (USA) Harbour Club (USA)

ARMY MULE (USA), 2014. Won 3 races, Carter Handicap, Gr.1. Sire of ONE IN VERMILLION (USA), (Gr.1), DANSE MACABRE (USA), (Gr.3), BROADWAY GIRLS (USA), (L.), CAPTAIN COURTNEY (USA), (S), HOT LITTLE THING (USA), (S), KLASSY BRIDGETTE (USA), (S), RECRUITER (USA), (S), NAVY GOAT (USA), (S), Haul (USA), (Gr.2), Shadow Dragon (USA), (Gr.3), Kiss (USA), (S), Alto Road (USA), (S), Stanley House (CAN), (S), U S Army (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam GRACE ALMIGHTY (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,345 and placed once; Own sister to GAME FACE (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizPUSHY GIRL (USA) (2015 f. by Power Broker (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £36,432 and placed 4 times. LOTSA CLASS (USA) (2014 f. by Zensational (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £30,024 and placed 4 times. BOLD N WILD (USA) (2019 c. by Bayern (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £26,883 and placed 3 times. ABSOLUTE RECALL (CAN) (2017 f. by Flashback (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Canada and placed twice. (2021 f. by Anchor Down (USA)). 2nd Dam GALLEON OF GOLD (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingGAME FACE (USA) (f. by Menifee (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Princess Rooney Handicap, Calder, Gr.1, Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Inside Information Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, First Lady Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Old Hat Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Hurricane Bertie Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Coliseum (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Goaltending (USA), unraced; dam of TURNERLOOSE (USA), won Rachel Alexandra Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L., placed second in John C. Mabee Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Centennial Distaff Turf Mile Stakes, Ellis Park, L. and third in Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. 3rd Dam HARBOUR CLUB (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Marion H Van Berg Memorial Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L., placed second in Hempstead Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingHOLZMEISTER (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Harry Henson Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., Hawthorne Juvenile Stakes, Hawthorne, L., Swynford Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Grey Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R. and third in Affirmed Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; sire. Overlord (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bahamas Stakes, Hialeah Park, L. BELLINI SUNRISE (USA) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), won 1 race in Canada; dam of winners. HIBISCUS PUNCH (USA), won Barbara Fritchie Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3. Into The Sunrise (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Soaring Free Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Mahony Stakes, Saratoga, L. Family Honor (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Espanola Way (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of TAKE COMMAND (USA), won Carry Back Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. True Legacy (GB) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. VERDANA BOLD (USA), won Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of GHALIA (USA), won Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L., LUCREZIA (USA), won Suncoast Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed second in Fasig-Tipton Gulfstream Park Oaks, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Copperplate (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Karl Boyes Memorial Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. Running Legacy (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Gulfstream Park Oaks, Gr.2.




Owner: Hatim Zaben Alselais Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 21st, 2022 Rainbeam (GB) (2011)

Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Rainbow Queen (GB)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Danehill (USA) Offshore Boom Rainbow Quest (USA) Dazzle (GB)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam RAINBEAM (GB), unraced; dam of 2 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingSaif Khaled (KSA) (2019 c. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, his only start. (2020 f. by Canadian Frontier (USA)). (2021 f. by Finest Artisan (IRE)). 2nd Dam RAINBOW QUEEN (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingRainbow Trout (IND) (f. by Leitir Mor (IRE)), won 7 races at 3 and 5 years abroad and £33,316 and placed third in Indian Champion Cup, Kolkata, L. and Calcutta Gold Cup, Kolkata, L. Oxford Opinion (IND) (c. by Medicean (GB)), won 2 races abroad and placed third in Poonawalla Breeders' Multi-Million, Mumbai, L.R. Quixote (GB), won once placed 16 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Crimson queen (GB), won 7 times, placed 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Queen alinor (GB), won once placed 4 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3rd Dam DAZZLE (GB), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingREGINA (GB) (f. by Green Desert (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed twice; dam of winners. Survived (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Rose Bowl Stakes, Newbury, L. The next dam BELLE ET DELUREE (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingDAZZLE (GB) (f. by Gone West (USA)), see above. BASCHAR (GB) (c. by Starcraft (NZ)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in Germany including Preis von Dahlwitz, BerlinHoppegarten, L., placed third in Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.1, Oppenheim Union-Rennen, Cologne, Gr.2 and Grosser Preis der Sparkasse Dortmund, Dortmund, L.; sire. FANTASIZE (GB) (f. by Groom Dancer (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Swinley Stakes, Ascot, L., placed third in Conqueror Stakes, Goodwood, L.; dam of winners. HYPNOTIZE (GB) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years including Star Stakes, Sandown, L.; dam of winners. HOORAY (GB), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2010, 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2, Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3 and Surrey Stakes, Epsom, L. Miswaki Belle (USA) (f. by Miswaki (USA)), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. DANEHURST (GB), Champion older mare in Italy in 2002, 10 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in Italy including Flying Five Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Cornwallis Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Prix de Seine-et-Oise, MaisonsLaffitte, Gr.3, Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr.3, placed second in Golden Jubilee Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and third in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1; grandam of SHAQUILLE (GB), 7 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 including July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Commonwealth Cup, Ascot, Gr.1 and Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L. Tantalize (GB) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. EULOGIZE (GB), 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of AYAHUASCA (USA), won Clasico Presidente de la Republica, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Santorin, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3 and Clasico Miguel A Checa Eguiguren, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3; sire.


68 BOX

Owner: Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi Empire Maker (USA) Searing Heat (USA) Valentine Band (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 8th, 2022 Bint Baarqah (KSA) (2012)

Great Rumpuscat (USA) Baarqat Nayef (KSA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Shirley Valentine (GB) Storm Cat (USA) Monevassia (USA) Meet The Greek Crown And Tear's (USA)

SEARING HEAT (USA), 2008. Won 2 races. Sire of ALSAFFAH (KSA), SABT (KSA), MIQDAAM AL AEZ (KSA), NABALAH (KSA) 1st Dam BINT BAARQAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizAleyat'hom (KSA) (2016 f. by Quick To Charm (USA)), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,023. 2nd Dam BAARQAT NAYEF (KSA), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizALTAITAM (KSA) (c. by Adilabad (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam Crown And Tear's (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Goldfinch Handicap, Garden State, Gloucester County Stakes, Meadowlands and third in East View Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingBAARQAT SHAQRAAN (KSA) (f. by Another Review (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. 4th Dam METHODOLOGY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCLARAMOUNT HILL (USA) (c. by Claramount (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Garden State Stakes, Garden State, L. Crown And Tear's (USA) (f. by Talc (USA)), see above. The next dam LILAC HILL (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Cotillion Stakes, Liberty Bell Park, Gr.1, Pageant Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr.3, placed second in Post-Deb Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Vineland Handicap, Garden State, Gr.2; Own sister to Lady In Red (USA); dam of five winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLilac's Star (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Broadway Handicap, Aqueduct, L.R. and Hyde Park Handicap, Belmont Park, L.; dam of winners. QUEEN OF MILLBROOK (USA), won New York Oaks, Finger Lakes, L. Titan of Industry (USA), winner in U.S.A. placed third in Laurel Futurity, Laurel, L. LITTLE TRUFFLE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PRAIRIE GOLD (VEN), won Clasico Lanzarina, La Rinconada, L. PALM BEACH DEWEY (USA) (f. by Talc (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CLASSIC OLYMPIO (USA), won Stormy But Valid Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of CLASSIFY (USA), won Dr A B Leggio Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., SIMPLIFY (USA), won Loudonville Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed third in Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Seeker (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Nashua Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; grandam of AIR STRIKE (USA), won Triple Bend Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, HOME BREW (USA), won Pegasus Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., OPTIONALITY (USA), won Trapeze Stakes, Remington Park, SIMPLE SURPRISE (USA), won Bolton Landing Stakes, Saratoga; third dam of GUNITE (USA), won Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. MR FELIPE (USA), won Malcolm Anderson Handicap, Golden Gate, L. Dewey's Trick (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Holiday Inaugural Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of Truco Latino (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Willard L Proctor Memorial Stakes, Hollywood Park. Bishop Hill (USA) (f. by King's Bishop (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ITSALLDOWNHILL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of WEST HILLS GIANT (USA), won New York Breeders' Futurity, Finger Lakes, L.R. Princess Halo (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. PRINCESS DIXIE (USA), won Iroquois Handicap, Belmont, L.R., Mount Vernon Handicap, Belmont, L.R., New York Stallion Fifth Avenue Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R.




Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 7th, 2022 Alexander Loyalty (IRE) (2006)

Invincible Spirit (IRE) Nassma (IRE)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Green Desert (USA) Rafha Sadler's Wells (USA) Pretoria

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam ALEXANDER LOYALTY (IRE), ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to BAHAMA MAMA (IRE); dam of one winner from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizGRIMILDE (IRE) (2011 f. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £15,059 and placed 15 times. Mezdan (KSA) (2020 c. by Official Visit (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam NASSMA (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years and £22,094 including Chester Stakes, Chester, L., placed 4 times; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingLADY WINGSHOT (IRE) (f. by Lawman (FR)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and £117,354 including Fairy Bridge Stakes, Tipperary, Gr.3, Corrib Stakes, Galway, L., Knockaire Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed 5 times including second in Concorde Stakes, Tipperary, Gr.3 and Flame of Tara EBF Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of winners. BAHAMA MAMA (IRE) (f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)), won 7 races at home, in Germany and in U.S.A. and £179,025 including Dragon Stakes, Sandown, L., Flieger-Preis, Baden-Baden, L., Grosser Preis der Dr. Duve Inkasso, Hannover, L., Lawndale Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., placed second in Flying Childers Stakes, York, Gr.2 and third in German 1000 Guineas, Dusseldorf, Gr.2; dam of winners. Total Knockout (FR), 6 races at 2 to 4 years, 2022 in France and £107,164 and placed 5 times including second in Prix Yacowlef, Chantilly, L. 3rd Dam PRETORIA, won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy including Premio Archidamia, Rome, L., placed second in Neuss Stuten Preis der Gunnewig Hotels, Neuss, Gr.3 and fourth in Ludwig Goebels-Erinnerungsrennen, Krefeld, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingNASSMA (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), see above. The next dam Diamond Land, won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Azalea Stakes, Phoenix Park, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingIVANKA (IRE) (f. by Dancing Brave (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years including Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1, placed second in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. KEEN CUT (c. by Sharpo), won 7 races at home and in U.S.A. including Marble Hill Stakes, Curragh, L. LYNDONVILLE (IRE) (f. by Top Ville), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. YEATS (IRE), Champion older stayer in Europe in 2006 & 2009, Champion older horse in Ireland in 2009, 15 races at home and in France including Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1, Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1 (4 times), Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. SOLSKJAER (IRE), 3 races at 4 and 5 years including Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Heritage Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; sire. Magnolia Lane (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of TORCEDOR (IRE), Jt Champion older horse in Ireland in 2018, 5 races including Sagaro Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Vintage Crop Stakes, Navan, Gr.3, placed second in Goodwood Cup, Goodwood, Gr.1, Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1 and third in Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1. Sahara Breeze (f. by Ela-Mana-Mou), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. ALCAZAR (IRE), 12 races at home and in France including Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Kergorlay, Deauville, Gr.2, Sagaro Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3 (twice), placed second in Prix du Cadran, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. LADY OF CHAD (IRE), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1999, 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1.


70 BOX

Owner: Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Lemon Drop Kid (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 23rd, 2022

Biz Blitz (CAN) Collect The Cash (USA) Bint Al Osool (KSA) (2013)

Friends Lake (USA) Real Cool Cat (USA)


Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Worldly Possession (USA) A P Indy (USA) Antespend (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Hail Kris (USA)

BIZ BLITZ (CAN), 2010. Unraced. Sire of KATHEER (KSA), BA'EEDAT ALMARAMI (KSA), BIZ STAR (USA), THALEEK (KSA), FARAE (KSA), BAHR (KSA), SHEBR (KSA). 1st Dam BINT AL OSOOL (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age vizThou Baas (KSA) (2021 c. by Treble Jig (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam REAL COOL CAT (USA), won 2 races at 3 years and £16,340; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizHAATEELY (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), won 4 races at 5 and 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £38,593. WANEES (KSA) (c. by Macho Macho (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £19,586. BINT AL OSOOL (KSA) (f. by Friends Lake (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam HAIL KRIS (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGIVE PRAISE (USA) (f. by Pioneering (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of winners. Ton Lua (BRZ), winner in Brazil and placed second in G.P. Prefeitura Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gavea, Gr.3. GITANA GAUCHA (USA), winner in U.S.A. Hallo Heart (IRE) (c. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 6 years in Italy and placed 15 times including second in Premio Daumier - Mem Mauro Sbarigia, Rome, L. ELECTRICAL STORM (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 3 races in Canada. REAL COOL CAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), see above. CORREDORA (IRE) (f. by El Corredor (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Italy, placed twice. 4th Dam HAIL BABA (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; Own sister to EL BABA (USA); dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingEL HERO (USA) (c. by Hero's Honor (USA)), won 18 races in U.S.A. The next dam Hail To El (USA), won 7 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Furl Sail Handicap, Fair Grounds; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingEL BABA (USA) (c. by Raja Baba (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. including Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Fayette Handicap, Keeneland, Gr.3, Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Sugar Bowl Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Super Derby Invitational, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2 and fourth in Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; sire. Hail Orphan (USA) (c. by Tasso (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Bahamas Stakes, Hialeah Park, L. and third in Livonia Stakes, Detroit. Hail To Mom (USA) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Field Bomber (USA), winner in Japan and placed second in Asahi Hai Sansai Stakes, Nakayama, L. and third in Crystal Cup, Nakayama, L.; sire. Leslie Baba (USA) (f. by Raja Baba (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MELISSA'S SUNSHINE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of INHERIT THE GOLD (USA), won Excelsior Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Action Stakes, Aqueduct, L., New York Stallion Series Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Haynesfield Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Kings Point Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Mr International Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Mr G J G Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Queens County Stakes, Aqueduct and third in One Count Stakes, Belmont Park; grandam of GEAUX METS (USA), won Ontario County Stakes, Finger Lakes, R., placed second in New York Stallion Series Stakes (3+c&g), Aqueduct, R. and third in New York Stallion Series Stakes (3+c&g), Aqueduct, R.




Owner: Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 19th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Joharra (USA) (2000)

Kris S (USA) Colour Chart (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Roberto (USA) Sharp Queen (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Rainbow Connection (CAN)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam JOHARRA (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £27,613; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 living foals of racing age vizRoyal Bengali (USA) (2007 c. by Tiger Hill (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in France and £48,263 and placed twice including second in Prix Frédéric de Lagrange, Vichy, L. CAPRIVI (IRE) (2005 f. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £62,882 and placed 9 times. NOGAA (KSA) (2015 f. by Patriot Act (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £37,008 and placed 6 times. FORWA'E (KSA) (2019 c. by Patriot Act (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £51,126 and placed 10 times. 2nd Dam COLOUR CHART (USA), won 4 races in France including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Muguet, SaintCloud, Gr.3, Prix de la Nonette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Beverly D Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; Own sister to ALWAYS A RAINBOW (CAN); dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingTEMPERA (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2001, won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £515,483 including Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. EQUERRY (USA) (c. by St Jovite (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in France and £176,359 including Prix du Prince d'Orange, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix des Chênes, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Critérium du Fonds Européen de l'Elevage, Deauville, L., third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1; sire. ECOLE D'ART (USA) (g. by Theatrical), won 3 races at home and in France and £51,429 including Prix de Suresnes, ParisLongchamp, L., placed 6 times including third in Prix Le Fabuleux, ParisLongchamp, L. and Prix Pelléas, Chantilly, L. Barbican (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £65,717 and placed third in West Virginia Governors Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L.; sire. Kumait (USA) (g. by Danzig (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years and £50,101 and placed 20 times including third in City of York Stakes, York, L. Interior Design (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. CITY PLAN (USA), won Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate. MODERN (USA), won George Royal Stakes, Hastings Park (3 times). Classicism (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. Blackberry Wine (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Louisiana Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3. Shade Dance (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. CHHAYA DANCE (USA), won Mt Rainier Handicap, Emerald Downs; sire. Convocation (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. 3rd Dam RAINBOW CONNECTION (CAN), Champion 2yr old in Canada in 1980, Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 1981, won 7 races including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2R., placed second in La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1 and Rothman's International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingRAINBOWS FOR LIFE (CAN) (c. by Lyphard (USA)), Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 1990, Champion older horse in Canada in 1992, won 15 races including Riggs Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, New Hampshire Sweepstakes Handicap, Rockingham Park, Gr.3, Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Nasser Abdurahman Alrashed Gulch (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 2nd, 2022

Once a Gulch (USA) Once Around (CAN) Alkaasrah (KSA) (2007)

Borneo Boy (USA) Shoja Aeh (KSA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Jameela (USA) You and I (USA) Persimmon Hill (USA) Danzig (USA) Island of Silver (USA) Wiorno (GB) Jade Vale (GB)

ONCE A GULCH (USA), 2005. Won 4 races. Sire of SHAL'AEH (KSA), KHAIR ALSALAM (KSA), KHARS (KSA). 1st Dam ALKAASRAH (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizSARH ALSALAM (KSA) (2013 c. by Marino Altivo (CHI)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £47,075 and placed 9 times. Sultan Alghala (KSA) (2016 c. by Fong's Thong (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Elcapo (KSA) (2020 c. by Once a Gulch (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Highlander (GB)). 2nd Dam SHOJA AEH (KSA), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 2 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingAlkaasrah (KSA) (f. by Borneo Boy (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam JADE VALE (GB), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 5 times; dam of 3 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingShoja Aeh (KSA) (f. by Wiorno (GB)), see above. 4th Dam DEJA VU (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingWINDWARD ARIOM (g. by Pas de Seul), won 1 race at 5 years and placed 4 times. The next dam TIA BELLA (FR), unraced; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingTurville (FR) (c. by Lyphard (USA)), won 3 races in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Henry P. Russell Handicap, Oak Tree, R., third in Prix Lupin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1 and fourth in Prix de Fontainebleau, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. SILHOUETTED (NZ) (f. by Sir Tristram), won 1 race in Australia; dam of winners. Master Denis (AUS), winner in Australia and placed second in Mullins Rough Habit Plate, Doomben, Gr.3. PRE PACKER'S DREAM (AUS), winner in Australia; grandam of Koimbo (AUS), Winner abroad, placed third in Director's Cup, Taipa, L.




Owner: Mohammad I. H. Almutawa Empire Maker (USA) Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 26th, 2022 Ransy (KSA) (2009)

Treasurer (GB) Jorroh (KSA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) Darshaan Kanz (USA) Apremont (USA) Bayonne (GB)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam RANSY (KSA), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingTahmod (KSA) (2020 f. by Stratford Hill (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam JORROH (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 3 runners from 3 foals of racing age includingMaq Diyah (KSA) (f. by Kappa (USA)), placed 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam BAYONNE (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 4 times; Own sister to Bay Bay; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBaize (GB) (f. by Efisio), won 5 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners. SINGHALESE (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. including Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.1, placed second in Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and third in American Oaks Invitational Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of SINHALITE (JPN), Champion 3yr old filly in Japan in 2016, won Yushun Himba (Oaks), Tokyo, Gr.1, Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.2, Tulip Sho, Hanshin, Gr.3, placed second in Oka Sho (1000 Guineas), Hanshin, Gr.1, LILAVATI (JPN), won Mermaid Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.3, placed second in Fukushima Himba Stakes, Fukushima, Gr.3 and third in Sho Rose Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.2, ADAM'S PEAK (JPN), won Radio Nikkei Hai Nisai Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.3, ADAM'S BRIDGE (JPN), won Wakagoma Stakes, Kyoto, L.R. DOCOFTHEBAY (IRE), 8 races including Golden Rose Stakes, Lingfield, L., placed second in Lady Wulfruna Stakes, Wolverhampton, L. Kid Edward (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2 and third in Oak Tree Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. FARHAD (GB), 5 races at 4 and 5 years in Italy and placed 14 times; dam of BRANDERBURGO (IRE), 9 races in Italy including Premio del Circo Massimo, Rome, L., Premio Giubileo Tris Str, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr.2 and third in Gran Premio del Jockey Club, Milan, Gr.1. Bayleaf (GB) (f. by Efisio), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Flying Fillies' Stakes, Pontefract, L. and third in Hopeful Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of winners. BATHWICK BEAR (IRE), 3 races at 2 years including Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., placed third in Prix Montenica, Deauville, L. Folio (IRE), 9 races and placed third in Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Mayleaf (GB), unraced; dam of MAYSON (GB), 5 races at 2 and 4 years including July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Abernant Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Wentworth Stakes, Doncaster, L., Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.; sire. The next dam LAMBAY, won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBay Bay (f. by Bay Express), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Venus Fillies Stakes, Kempton, L. and Remembrance Day Stakes, Thirsk, L.; dam of winners. BOAST (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of STRUT (GB), 2 races at 2 years including St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L., Vaunt (GB), 2 races at 2 years and placed second in Harry Henson Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. and third in Baldwin Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; grandam of MINCE (GB), Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2012, 8 races at 2 to 4 years including Bengough Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3 and Boadicea Stakes, Newmarket, L.; third dam of ARAMINTA (IRE), 3 races at 3 years, 2023 at home and in France including Prix Chloe, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Height of Fashion Stakes, Goodwood, L.


74 BOX

Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Pleasant Tap (USA) Premium Tap (USA) Premium Red (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 26th, 2022 Black Tunic (USA) (2009)

Stormy Atlantic (USA) Mien (USA)


Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Thirty Six Red (USA) Phylomina (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Nureyev (USA) Miasma (USA)

PREMIUM TAP (USA), 2002. Won 11 races, Clark Handicap, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Gr.1, Albert the Great Stakes, second in Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup, Gr.1 and third in Dodge Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1. Sire of MOTAA (KSA), AITHOOM (KSA), ALNAJIM ALBAAHER (KSA), WAQOOR (KSA), KAFLAH (KSA), TIAEMAH (KSA), ALABHAJAN (KSA), QEDAAR (KSA), MONFAREDAH (KSA), ALKHASSEB (KSA), BOTOOLAAT (KSA), MORAG BAH (KSA), ALNAJIM ALBADY (KSA), MUBARRY ALREEH (KSA), NASH (KSA), THAQEEL ALRAI (KSA) etc. 1st Dam BLACK TUNIC (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £40,239 and placed once; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMIDNIGHT STRIKES (USA) (2020 c. by Midnight Storm (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £24,264 and placed twice. Mission Possible (USA) (2018 f. by Noble Mission (GB)), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,339. (2021 f. by Outwork (USA)). 2nd Dam MIEN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingBIG BROWN (USA) (c. by Boundary (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008, won 7 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £1,816,623 including Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Yum Brands Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. ARCHAGGELOS (USA) (c. by Temple City (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £129,133 including Grey Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed second in Woodhaven Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Stanton Stakes, Delaware Park. Afonso de Sousa (USA) (g. by Henrythenavigator (USA)), won 4 races and £71,480 and placed second in Magnolia Stakes, Kempton, L. and third in Acomb Stakes, York, Gr.3, Diamond Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3 and Carlingford Stakes, Dundalk, L. (twice). SNAKE RIVER CANYON (USA) (g. by Gulch (USA)), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £60,436. MAN OF RIDDLES (USA) (g. by Temple City (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 and £20,123 and placed 4 times. ESSENTIA (USA) (f. by Hat Trick (JPN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. MONGOL ALTAI (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Above The Mien (USA) (f. by Temple City (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MARCHING ORDERS (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. FEUILLETON (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam Miasma (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Star Stakes, Sandown, L.; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingQUEEN OF THE CREEK (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Riskaverse Stakes, Saratoga; dam of winners. ESPIAL (USA) (f. by Banker's Gold (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SKY'S GOLDMAKER (USA), won M2 Technology La Senorita Stks, Retama Pk, L. Campy (USA) (f. by Theatrical), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Mamba Negra (VEN), winner abroad and third in Copa Alighieri, La Rinconada, L. WHISPERING ANGEL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of WELLS BAYOU (USA), won twinspires.com Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, placed second in Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and third in Louisiana Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3 Theatre Fan (USA) (f. by Theatrical), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. BROADWAY MISSILE (USA), won El Joven Stakes, Retama Park, L. Thespian Waters (AUS), placed 3 times in Australia including second in Elwick Stakes, Hobart, L. The next dam SYRIAN CIRCLE (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMiasma (USA) (f. by Lear Fan (USA)), see above. Falconet (USA) (f. by Hawkster (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BRIGHT MAHOGANY (USA), won Clasico dia de la Mujer, El Comandante, L.



Day Six Commencing 5.00pm Lots 367-440

Monday 4th December




Owner: Ghenim Rejaa Al Sa'adooni Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 20th, 2022 Katrina (KSA) (2008)

Alanar (USA) Bint Moghida Wahed VII


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Danzig (USA) Classic Crown (USA) Unknown Unknown

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam KATRINA (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizSamhooqah (KSA), won once, and placed twice. Jaleed (KSA), placed once. (2020 f. by Sweet Return (GB)). (2021 f. by Canadian Frontier (USA)). 2nd Dam BINT MOGHIDA WAHED VII, unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizASMAR (KSA) (c. by Modhish (IRE)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,567. RAA MEH (KSA) (c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Further pedigree unknown.




Owner: Alsadah Stable A P Indy (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 4th, 2022 (first foal)

Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA) Wahbat Alwahab (KSA) (2016)

Zavata (USA) Ghazaal Alqaos (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Phone Trick (USA) Pert Lady (USA) Souvenir Copy (USA) Wholesale (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam WAHBAT ALWAHAB (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years. 2nd Dam GHAZAAL ALQAOS (KSA), unraced; dam of 4 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingWahbat Alwahab (KSA) (f. by Zavata (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam WHOLESALE (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizAL ZOBEIR (KSA) (c. by Numerous (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.




Owner: Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi Empire Maker (USA) Searing Heat (USA) Valentine Band (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 27th, 2022 Ondawa (USA) (2012)

Quien (USA) Battenkill (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Shirley Valentine (GB) Pulpit (USA) Stormy Bear (USA) Rahy (USA) Helenska (USA)

Own sister to ALSAFFAH (KSA) SEARING HEAT (USA), 2008. Won 2 races. Sire of ALSAFFAH (KSA), SABT (KSA), MIQDAAM AL AEZ (KSA), NABALAH (KSA). 1st Dam ONDAWA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,269; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizALSAFFAH (KSA) (2019 c. by Searing Heat (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,746 and placed twice. Ameerat Leen (KSA) (2020 f. by Commend (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Battenkill (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £92,667 and placed second in Twixtslusive Handicap, Delaware Park, L. and third in Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWAR KILL (USA) (f. by War Chant (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £106,958 including Beaumont Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of winners. 3rd Dam HELENSKA (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Vineland Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3 and Golden Isles Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPrivate Pursuit (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Opening Bid Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and third in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, My Charmer Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of a winner. California Rush (USA) (f. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Nobiliary Stakes, Pimlico; grandam of Oopsville Slew (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ladies on the Lawn Stakes, Remington Park, R. The next dam IN THE OFFING (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingFOR THE FLAG (USA) (f. by Forli (ARG)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. RESTRAINED (USA), won Grand Prix de Lyon, Lyon-La Soie, L., Grand Prix de Marseille-Vivaux, Marseille, L., Prix le Vase d'Argent, Toulouse, L., second in Prix Corrida, Evry, Gr.3; dam of RESTING (FR), won La Coupe de Marseille, Salon-de-Provence, L.; sire; grandam of MANGROVE (FR), won Prix Georges Trabaud, Marseille-Borély, L.; sire, KERSIMON (FR), won Prix de Tourgéville, Deauville, L.; third dam of ABU SIDRA (FR), won Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3. NATIONAL SERVICE (USA), won Preis der Stadt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L. BLASH (USA), won Derby Anjou-Maine Centre-Ouest, Le Lion-d'Angers, L.; sire. On The Staff (USA), winner and second in Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. VERTIGINEUX (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ZENYATTA (USA), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 2008, 2009 & 2010, won Lady's Secret Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (3 times), Clement L Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 (twice), Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 (3 times), Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Ladies' Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, BALANCE (USA), won Santa Margarita Invitational Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, WHERE'S BAILEY (USA), won Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park; grandam of SHE'S NOT HERE (USA), won Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2 (twice), CONFIDENCE GAME (USA), won Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, LONG ISLAND SOUND (USA), won Diamond Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3, placed second in Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; sire, BELLE OF THE NORTH (USA), won Safely Kept Stakes, Laurel, L. MISS REALITY (USA) (f. by In Reality), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ESCAPE REALITY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SWEETEST THING (CAN), won Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Dance Smartly Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, MEDIDOCIHOSPISURG (CAN), won Elgin Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; grandam of FIRST THING (BRZ), won G.P. Jose Pedro Ramirez, Hipo Maronas, Gr.1.





Owner: Jeyad Alhejaz Stable Seeking The Gold (USA) Derbaas (USA) Sultana (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 11th, 2022 Alkhameelah (KSA) (2009)

Fun Galore (USA) Lovinia (IRE)

Mr Prospector (USA) Con Game (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Sierra Madre (FR) Gone West (USA) Ma Petite Jolie (USA) Caerleon (USA) Lissoy (IRE)

DERBAAS (USA), 2006. Won 8 races, Comm.Bank of Dubai Al Fahidi Fort Stakes, Gr.2, National Day Cup, L., second in Commercial Bank of Dubai Zabeel Mile, Gr.2, National Day Cup, L. and third in Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Gr.3, etc. Sire of AHLAM (KSA), AEWASEEF (KSA). 1st Dam ALKHAMEELAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age(2020 f. by Hailstone (USA)). 2nd Dam LOVINIA (IRE), ran in France at 3 years; dam of 3 runners from 8 foals of racing age includingGhareer (KSA) (c. by Polar Run (USA)), placed 7 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam LISSOY (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingMALAZ (FR) (c. by Zieten (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed twice. FATAACK (KSA) (c. by Another Review (USA)), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam LIFFEY LASS (USA), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingISLE OF GLASS (USA) (f. by Affirmed (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years including Park Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr.3, placed second in 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. and third in Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L.; dam of winners. LIMPID (GB), 2 races at 3 years in France including Grand Prix de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, placed second in Prix Montenica, Saint-Cloud, L.; sire. MEJIRO DARLING (JPN), won Hakodate Sprint Stakes, Hakodate, L., Ibis Summer Dash, Niigata, L., placed second in Sprinters Stakes, Nakayama, L. BERINSFIELD (GB) (c. by Bering), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and in West Germany including Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L., placed second in Prix Servanne, Evry, L. and third in Prix Hampton, Evry, L. LIFFRE (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. LAMBALLE (USA), 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of OSSUN (FR), won Prix Saraca, Saint-Cloud, L., placed third in Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L. The next dam PLAY AT HOME (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of twelve winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingTRAPP MOUNTAIN (USA) (c. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed third in Bahamas Stakes, Hialeah Park, L. and fourth in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. Angel Of The Night (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)), won 14 races in Italy and placed third in Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L.; sire. Practice (USA) (f. by Diesis), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Rose Bowl Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of winners. REHEARSE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of KEEP KOLLER (BRZ), won Grande Premio Juliano Martins, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. KENTUCKY BLUSH (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of LITLE EATLY (BRZ), won Grande Premio Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, MANGO JANGLE (BRZ), won Clasico Jose Martinelli Gomez, Hipo Maronas, Gr.3 (twice), NO SOUND (BRZ), won Classico Prefeito de Sao Paulo, Cidade Jardim, L. Dance At Home (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), unraced; dam of winners. ZINC TAMON O (JPN), won Kokura Sansai Stakes, Kokura, L. DANCE AT SEA (USA), won Caesar Rodney Stakes, Delaware Park. DANCE IT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ELEGANT WARNING (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L.; grandam of DON PELE (IRE), 9 races including Rose Bowl Stakes, Newbury, L.; third dam of HIKMAA (IRE), 3 races at 2 years including Radley Stakes, Newbury, L. Angel's Bag (USA), unraced; dam of NASCRAM (USA), won Primer Breeders' Cup Stakes, Laurel.




Owner: Khaled Abdulrahman Salem Alharbi Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 4th, 2022 Mahzoomah (KSA) (2016)

Tajaaweed (USA) Perch (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Uforia (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Royal Indy (USA)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MAHZOOMAH (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Brabbham (USA)). 2nd Dam PERCH (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingWAASEMAH (KSA) (f. by Dynever (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £77,415; dam of winners. BAMER ALLAH (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. WAAKEDAH (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALJAZEMAH (KSA) (f. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £42,954. Moqaderah (KSA) (f. by Dynever (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. AELAM ALSAMAWEE (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam ROYAL INDY (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Gazelle Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingOUR ROYAL LADY (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Quotient (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pasadena Stakes, Santa Anita and third in American Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. LEYLIUX (USA) (f. by Posse (USA)), won 1 race abroad; dam of winners. SELINA KYLE (PER), won Clasico La Copa, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2. 4th Dam ON TO ROYALTY (USA), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; Own sister to MERITOCRAT (USA); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingLOUIS QUATORZE (USA) (c. by Sovereign Dancer (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Ben Ali Handicap, Keeneland, Gr.3, Creme Fraiche Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Classic, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. Deputy Royal (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. ROYAL SAINT (USA), won Prelude Stakes, Louisiana Downs. The next dam ROYAL TIES (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of thirteen winners from 14 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingMERITOCRAT (USA) (c. by On To Glory (USA)), won 6 races in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. including Boojum Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. SILK STOCKS (USA) (f. by Medieval Man (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Opa Locka Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of winners. Regal Ties (USA) (f. by Regal And Royal (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dancing Femme Stakes, Santa Anita; dam of winners. PENNILESS HEIRESS (USA) (f. by Pentelicus (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WILDCAT HEIR (USA), won Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Gr.1; sire. FOREST HEIRESS (USA), won Valley Stream Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. THWACK (USA) (f. by Fight Over (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. J J'SDREAM (USA), won Genuine Risk Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. Piano (USA), unraced; dam of AWESOME GEM (USA), won Hollywood Gold Cup Handicap, Hollywood, Gr.1, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2.




Owner: Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir Boundary (USA) Pomeroy (USA) Questress (USA)

A GREY COLT (UNK) January 1st, 2022 Suva Harbor (USA) (2012)

Rockport Harbor (USA) Queen Dido (USA)


Danzig (USA) Edge (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Nahema (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Regal Miss Copelan (USA) Thunder Gulch (USA) Aerturas (FR)

POMEROY (USA), 2001. Won 7 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.2, Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gr.3, second in Smile Sprint Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of POMEROYS PISTOL (USA), (Gr.2), FLASHPOINT (USA), (Gr.2), BROOKLYN COWBOY (USA), (L.), POSITIVE RESPONSE (USA), (L.), QUIJOTE (USA), (S), SPLASH RULES (USA), (S), LAKE DRIVE SOUTH (USA), (S), HANGOVER SATURDAY (USA), (S), RUBYSANDPEARLS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SUVA HARBOR (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £105,001 including Island Fashion Stakes, Sunland Park, placed 6 times including second in Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs and third in Kent Handicap, Emerald Downs, Irish Day Handicap, Emerald Downs and Seattle Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizANAAL (KSA) (2020 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £22,680 and placed 5 times. (2021 f. by Roaring Fever (USA)). 2nd Dam QUEEN DIDO (USA), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSUVA HARBOR (USA) (f. by Rockport Harbor (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam AERTURAS (FR), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Spectacular Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.R., placed second in Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3 and third in Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingMISS A BOMB (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Inaugural Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., Gowell Stakes, Turfway Park, placed third in Open Mind Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of winners. A LITTLE BIT SASSY (USA), won Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; dam of SUMTER (USA), won Pasadena Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in Santa Anita Mathis Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, PIZZAZZ (USA), won California Oaks, Golden Gate. Missle Bomb (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, Gr.3. Cargo (USA) (f. by Caro), won 5 races in U.S.A. and placed second in A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Budweiser Santa Anita Breeders' Cup Hcp, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in Silver Belles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. RED BULLET (USA), won Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1; sire. MILLENNIUM ALLSTAR (CAN), won Achievement Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; sire. Creme Catalan (USA), unraced; dam of Scholar Athlete (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. placed third in Commonwealth Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Cara Bella (USA), unraced; dam of SILENT POET (CAN), won Highlander Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Nearctic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2. Shinnecock (USA) (c. by Wild Again (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Island Whirl Handicap, Louisiana Downs. POPOZINHA (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Regal Rose (USA), unraced; dam of BRAMBLE QUEEN (USA), won Illini Princess Stakes, Hawthorne, R., placed third in Modesty Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3. Actinella (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), placed twice at home and in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FRENCH RIVIERA (USA), won Thoroughbred Club of America Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of SUZUKA CAUSEWAY (JPN), won Keio Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, Gr.2; sire, CADENAS (JPN), won Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, Nakayama, Gr.2. Hot Space (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Carry Back Stakes, Calder, Gr.2. DIVIDED WE FALL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; third dam of AMIGAZO SKY (ARG), won Clasico Pedro Goenaga, La Plata, Gr.2, Clasico Polla de Potrillos, La Plata, Gr.3, Clasico Isidoro Aramburu, La Plata, Gr.3, placed second in Gran Premio Polla de Potrillos, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1. Let Joy Reign (USA), unraced; dam of OSI POSSE (USA), won Elge Rasberry Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L.R., CELTIC CHAOS (USA), won John Morrissey Stakes, Saratoga, R. (twice) and Affirmed Success Stakes, Belmont Park, R.




Owner: Alfudai Mubarak M. Alsubai Tapit (USA) Tapiture (USA) Free Spin (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 9th, 2022 Glencoe Girl (USA) (2013)

Giant's Causeway (USA) The Right Pew (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Olympio (USA) Spin N Win (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Pulpit (USA) Packet (USA)

TAPITURE (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Gr.2, Ack Ack Handicap, Gr.3, Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3 and Southwest Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of REPO ROCKS (USA), (Gr.3), HOPEFUL GROWTH (USA), (Gr.3), JESUS' TEAM (USA), (L.), GO SOLDIER GO (USA), (L.), LI'L TOOTSIE (USA), (L.), ALWAY'S COMERIO (USA), (L.), VERTICAL THREAT (USA), (L.), TAP GALORE (USA), (S), LILY POO (USA), (S), TAP DANCE FEVER (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam GLENCOE GIRL (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizHONOR GIRL MISS (USA) (2017 f. by To Honor And Serve (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed twice. Chica Music (USA) (2021 f. by Tapiture (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. (2020 f. by Graydar (USA)). 2nd Dam THE RIGHT PEW (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,582; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingKARLOVY VARY (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £288,568 including Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, placed third in Nani Rose Stakes, Saratoga, L.R.; dam of winners. MEAN MARY (USA), won New York Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (twice), Gallorette Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, Rood & Riddle Orchid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, La Prevoyante Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Beverly D. Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1. BYE BYE MELVIN (USA), won Saranac Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Turf Classic Stakes, Belmont at The Big A, Gr.1. Rocket Legs (USA) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £109,544 and placed second in San Marcos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. 3rd Dam PACKET (USA), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingGREAT INTENTIONS (USA) (f. by Cat Thief (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Gallant Bloom Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, First Flight Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Affectionately Handicap, Aqueduct, Flip's Pleasure Stakes, Aqueduct, Oh What a Windfall Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; dam of winners. MEANS WELL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of REALLY GOOD (USA), won Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed third in Bourbon Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2. SEA ROAD (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Hattie Moseley Stakes, Saratoga, Boynton Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed third in Royal North Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of winners. The next dam Harbor Flag (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingCOUNTRY LIGHT (USA) (c. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Tyro Stakes, Monmouth Park; sire. Vue (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park, L. and Wilma C Kennedy Stakes, Ellis Park; dam of winners. WAR PASS (USA), Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2007, won Bessemer Trust Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, placed second in Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1; sire. OATH (USA), won Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of HONEST MAN (USA), won Mineshaft Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.3 and Philip H Iselin Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; sire. BERTH (USA) (f. by Believe It (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. RAIL (USA), won Evangeline Downs Breeders' Cup Handicap, Evangeline Downs; sire. Preserver (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of JACK MILTON (USA), won Maker's 46 Mile Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Poker Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Transylvania Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Faris Yassin Mubarrad Alshammari Danzig (USA) Hard Spun (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) April 11th, 2022 Waterway Run (USA) (2010)

Arch (USA) Princess Consort (USA)


Northern Dancer Pas de Nom (USA) Turkoman (USA) Darbyvail (USA) Kris S (USA) Aurora (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Camella (USA)

HARD SPUN (USA), 2004. Won 7 races, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Kentucky Cup Classic Stakes, Gr.2, Lane's End Stakes, Gr.2, Lecomte Stakes, Gr.3, Pennsylvania Nursery Stakes, R., etc. Sire of ALOHA WEST (USA), (Gr.1), SILVER STATE (USA), (Gr.1), HARD NOT TO LOVE (CAN), (Gr.1), SPUN TO RUN (USA), (Gr.1), GATTING (AUS), (Gr.1), OUT FOR A SPIN (USA), (Gr.1), LE ROMAIN (AUS), (Gr.1), SMOOTH ROLLER (USA), (Gr.1), HARD NOT TO LIKE (CAN), (Gr.1), HARD ACES (USA), (Gr.1) etc. 1st Dam WATERWAY RUN (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A., £142,868 including Oh So Sharp Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Beaugay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed 5 times including second in Hillsborough Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Florida Sunshine Millions F&M Turf, Gulfstream Park, R., third in Perfect Sting Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizDOWNTOWN ABBY (USA) (2018 f. by Speightstown (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £77,551 and placed 3 times. UNION LEAGUE (USA) (2019 c. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £25,220 and placed 3 times. MURRAY RIVER (USA) (2016 g. by Australia (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years, placed 4 times. Maui Mistress (USA) (2021 f. by Hard Spun (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PRINCESS CONSORT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingWATERWAY RUN (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), see above. King of New York (USA) (c. by Street Boss (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £262,260 and placed third in Curlin Stakes, Saratoga, R. Dr Kraft (USA) (c. by The Lieutenant (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £82,760 and placed third in Gander Stakes, Aqueduct, R. 3rd Dam CAMELLA (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including New Castle Handicap, Delaware Park, L., Robert G Dick Mem. Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Rosenna Stakes, Delaware Park, L., second in Vinery Matchmaker Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingAUTEUR (USA) (c. by El Prado (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. 4th Dam Have It Out (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A., second in Revidere Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSTONE CANYON (USA) (c. by Mt Livermore (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Ruidoso Thoroughbred Championship Stakes, Ruidoso Downs, placed second in Jersey Derby, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Mamalik (USA) (c. by Diesis), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1; sire. The next dam Quarrel Over (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, fourth in Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSUIVI (USA) (f. by Diesis), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.2, second in Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. SUFFRAGETTE (USA), won Audubon Oaks, Ellis Park, L., placed third in Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Rowans Park (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Lawrence Realization Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and third in W L McKnight Handicap, Calder, Gr.2. Momentous (USA), winner in U.S.A. second in Prairie Meadows Oaks, L. QUARREL OVER HALO (USA) (f. by Halo (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. QUITTANCE (USA), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; third dam of WOOTTON (FR), won Prix de Fontainebleau, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, second in Emirates Airline Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1. Tiff (USA) (f. by Diesis), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Fuss (USA), unraced; grandam of KAINAT (TUR), won Nene Hatun, Veliefendi, L. Timely Quarrel (USA) (f. by Time For A Change (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MR NIGHTLINGER (USA), won Aegon Turf Sprint Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Eng. Nawaf Fahad Aladhayani A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 22nd, 2022 Bint Forestry (KSA) (2008)

Forestry (USA) Dancing Pearl (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Shared Interest (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Primal Force (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam BINT FORESTRY (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizLAE OYOUN SHATHAN (KSA) (2013 f. by Soto (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once; dam of a winner vizALKHASHF ALTAROOB (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Amirat Saad (KSA) (2020 f. by Harlington (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Stratford Hill (USA)). 2nd Dam DANCING PEARL (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMOQADEMAH (KSA) (c. by Not For Sale (ARG)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam PRIMAL FORCE (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingAWESOME AGAIN (CAN) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 9 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Saratoga Breeders' Cup Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, placed third in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. MACHO UNO (USA) (c. by Holy Bull (USA)), Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2000, won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Grey Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Massachusetts Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Gr.2, placed third in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. ALL PRIMED (CAN) (f. by Alwuhush (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Polished Deputy (USA), ran twice in U.S.A.; dam of Ocean Polish (CHI), placed third in Premio Seleccion de Potrillos, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3, Zoondercak (CHI), placed third in Asoc.de Prop de F.S.Carrera A G V Region, Valparaiso, L. Grandiosa (CAN) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. GOOD FOREVER (USA), won Circle City Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, R. The next dam PRIME PROSPECT (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including First Lady Handicap, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park and third in Evening Out Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingGLIMMER OF GOLD (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of. MISS RA HE RA (USA), won Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Abrogate Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of Dancing Band (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Capital Request Stakes, Calder and third in Lake Placid Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Summer Finale Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. Eishin La Grange (USA), winner in Japan and second in Hokkaido Sprint Cup, L. Too Good (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Big Bubble Stakes, Calder. WHATS DOIN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of EL AUTENTICO (USA), won C. Raul, Arango Navarro, Raul Arango, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Something Silver (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Dame Mysterieuse Stakes, Gulfstream Park; grandam of STRAPPING GROOM (USA), won Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Tom Fool Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire. BRISE VOLE (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TALKIN TO DELTA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of DELTA STORM (USA), won Robert K Kerlan Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Pirate's Bounty Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., placed third in Ancient Title Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Thoroughbred Park (USA), ran twice in U.S.A.; grandam of VANQUISHER (USA), won Labor Day Stakes, L., W. V. House of Delegates Speakers Stakes, L.




Owner: Mohammed Saeed M. Alwadani Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 9th, 2022 Insist (USA) (2013)

Include (USA) Intangible (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Broad Brush (USA) Illeria (CAN) Diesis Flamboyance (USA)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam INSIST (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age includingHawa Alkhaleej (KSA) (2020 c. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam INTANGIBLE (USA), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingINSCRUTABLE (USA) (g. by Arch (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £53,244 including Prix Policeman, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. FORFEIT (USA) (g. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £73,611. LONG AGO (USA) (g. by Zensational (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £70,867. LUCKY KYLLACHY (USA) (c. by Kyllachy (GB)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed 4 times. FLOUNCE (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Frond (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Kentucky Downs Preview Ladies Turf Stakes, Ellis Park and Tropical Park Oaks, Gulfstream Park. FOTHERINGAY (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam FLAMBOYANCE (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingDYNEVER (USA) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including San Bernardino Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Lone Star Derby, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, Aventura Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., second in Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, Meadowlands Breeders' Cup Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.2 (twice), Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Hal's Hope Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Native Diver Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.3 and third in Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. FLEURON (USA) (f. by Distant View (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FUNFAIR (USA), won Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (USA), won Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Rosie's Stakes, Colonial Downs; sire, BORN GREAT (USA), won KY Downs Preview Turf Sprint Stakes, Ellis Park, L. Arguably (USA), unraced; dam of Born Dancer (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in New York Stallion Series Stakes, Saratoga, R. Flagrant (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. FURTHEST LAND (USA), won Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. LUCK MONEY (USA), won Zagora Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Dowager Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 (twice), Robert G. Dick Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3, Searching Stakes, Pimlico and third in Ladies Marathon Stakes, Kentucky Downs, Gr.3. Street Move (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Commonwealth Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. Frippery (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Christiana Stakes, Delaware Park. EMBROIDERY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of READY FOR RYE (USA), won Fasig-Tipton Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, L., Allied Forces Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Commonwealth Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Diablo Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Spectacular Bid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Belmont Turf Sprint Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park and third in Woody Stephens Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, ENCAJE ANTIGUO (CHI), won Premio Carlos Cousino Goyenchea, Club Hipico de Santiago, L., second in Premio Luis Davila Larrain, Club Hipico de Santiago, L. Sure Peg (USA), unraced; dam of Mr Meyer (USA), winner abroad and placed third in Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajador, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.




Silver Deputy (CAN) A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 26th, 2022


Owner: FMQ Stables

Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA) Shiblat Alsabiyah (KSA) (2010)

Cobalt Blue (USA) Zahrat Alrabiae (KSA)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Golden Missile (USA) Prado Star (CAN) Another Review (USA) Fatat Alshamal (IRE)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SHIBLAT ALSABIYAH (KSA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,546 and placed 8 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMOR'EDAH (KSA) (2017 f. by Top Music (GB)), won 3 races including King Fahad bin Abdulaziz Gr.1 at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £155,172 and placed 8 times. Ter'ebhom (KSA) (2018 f. by Keyed Entry (USA)), placed 6 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Seera (KSA) (2020 f. by Top Music (GB)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)). 2nd Dam ZAHRAT ALRABIAE (KSA), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,613; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLATIN (KSA) (f. by Olmodavor (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £59,018. 3rd Dam FATAT ALSHAMAL (IRE), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingZAHRAT ALRABIAE (KSA) (f. by Another Review (USA)), see above. 4th Dam FIRSTVILLE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBARBARESCO (c. by Nebbiolo), won 4 races in Italy. The next dam Cherryville, won 5 races in U.S.A., third in Cleopatra Handicap, Arlington; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingShee Clachan (USA) (f. by Never Bend), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. MATANE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dynatar (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Emley's Hill (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Betsy Ross Stakes, Garden State, Gr.3; grandam of CERTIFIABLY CRAZY (USA), won Mohawk Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., West Point Handicap, Saratoga, L.R., Ashley T Cole Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., placed second in Red Smith Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, CHIP HUNTER (USA), won A L Red Erwin Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R.; third dam of SKY CAPE (USA), won La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, SKYGAZE (USA), won Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. Inchmarlo (USA) (f. by Nashua), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Acomb Stakes, York, L.; dam of winners. Joy, winner in Australia, placed second in Caulfield Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1, Golden Slipper Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1 and third in Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1. REVEAL, 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; third dam of DE FRANCE (AUS), won Pago Pago Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, WHISTLER (AUS), won Hickman's Fernhill Handicap, Randwick, Gr.3 and Siemens Mobile Stakes, Flemington, L. Gold Trinket, placed twice at 3 years; grandam of GOLDEN PEDIGREE (AUS), won Feltex Queen Adelaide Stakes, Victoria Park, L., BIOLOGIST (AUS), won Westbury Stud Karaka Classic Metric Mile, Te Aroha, L.; third dam of THE VERMINATOR (AUS), won The Big 6 Metropolitan Handicap, Randwick, Gr.1 and LIBERTY'S GEM (AUS), won Sir Ernest Lee Steere Classic, Ascot, Gr.3. Good News Cherry (f. by Intent), unraced; dam of winners. Cerisette (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of JOHN CHERRY (USA), won Prix Gladiateur, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Queen Alexandra Stakes, Ascot, L. (twice).




Owner: Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Sons Giant's Causeway (USA) The Admiral (USA) Sassy Pants (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 22nd, 2022 Albrowniyah (KSA) (2015)

Big Brown (USA) Seal Jane (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Saratoga Six (USA) Special Portion (USA) Boundary (USA) Mien (USA) Trippi (USA) Foreign Country (USA)

THE ADMIRAL (USA), 2011. Won 6 races. Sire of NAJM ALMEDHMAR (KSA), ALDHAREBAH (KSA), AFNAN ALMOGHTARRAH (KSA), DOUMA (KSA). 1st Dam ALBROWNIYAH (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizAbou Ghadah (KSA) (2020 c. by Hailstone (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam Seal Jane (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £37,415 and placed second in Green Oaks, Delta Downs; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizASHOOS ALKHEIL (KSA) (c. by Top Music (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £17,990. JANE'S STORM (USA) (f. by America's Storm (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam FOREIGN COUNTRY (USA), won 4 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Michigan Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Great Lakes DWN, L., Michigan Sires Stakes (2yo fillies), Great Lakes DWN, L., Temptress Stakes, Great Lakes DWN, placed second in Michigan Oaks, Great Lakes DWN, L.R., Miss Graduate Stakes, Great Lakes Downs, Sickle's Image Stakes, Great Lakes DWN, R. and third in Mona Lake Stakes, Great Lakes Downs; Own sister to GERIANO (USA) and ROSE CENTER (USA); dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizSeal Jane (USA) (f. by Trippi (USA)), see above. Mimi's Money (USA) (f. by Save Big Money (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Oklahoma Classics Distaff Stakes, Remington Park, R. FOR APPEAL (USA) (g. by Successful Appeal (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. CATREIGN (USA) (f. by D'Wildcat (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. FLATOUTCOUNTRY (USA) (f. by Flat Out (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. FOREIGN POTENTIAL (USA) (r. by Notional (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. FOREJUDGE (USA) (f. by Closing Argument (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. GARLINGTON (USA) (g. by Peace Rules (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. ES VERDAD (USA) (f. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam ALGERIA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingGERIANO (USA) (f. by Sefapiano (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Plymouth Stakes, Detroit, L., placed third in Michigan Oaks, Detroit, L., Michigan Sires Stakes (2yo fillies), Detroit, L. and Ann Arbor Stakes, Detroit; dam of winners. FOREIGN COUNTRY (USA) (f. by Sefapiano (USA)), see above. ROSE CENTER (USA) (f. by Sefapiano (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Michigan Sire Stakes (older fillies), Great Lakes DWN, L., Michigan Sire Stakes (3yo fillies), Great Lakes DWN, L., Harvest Moon Stakes, Great Lakes DWN; dam of winners. I'm Waiting For U (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Slipton Fell Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. The next dam ALGERIAN WAY (USA), unraced; dam of thirteen winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingBIT O DOUBLE (USA) (f. by Nodouble (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Sooner Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Majorette Stakes, Louisiana Downs (twice), placed second in Myrtlewood Handicap, River Downs and third in Quivira Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben; dam of winners. BIT O JEAN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SIX BITS (USA), won Clasico America - E Wong, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1; sire. ACK A BIT (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Gentilly Blues (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Seneca Stakes, Louisiana Downs.




Owner: Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 27th, 2022 Zahrat Alrabiae (KSA) (2000)

Another Review (USA) Fatat Alshamal (IRE)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Buckaroo (USA) Dance Review (USA) Salt Dome (USA) Firstville (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ZAHRAT ALRABIAE (KSA), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,613 and placed 13 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizSHIBLAT ALSABIYAH (KSA) (2010 f. by Cobalt Blue (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,546 and placed 8 times; dam of a winner. LATIN (KSA) (2018 f. by Olmodavor (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £59,018 and placed 6 times. ANEFAH (KSA) (2016 f. by Bandini (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,064 and placed 3 times. Maayeq Altarf (KSA) (2020 f. by Cobalt Blue (USA)), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Teletext (USA)). 2nd Dam FATAT ALSHAMAL (IRE), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingZAHRAT ALRABIAE (KSA) (f. by Another Review (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam FIRSTVILLE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBARBARESCO (c. by Nebbiolo), won 4 races in Italy. The next dam Cherryville, won 5 races in U.S.A., third in Cleopatra Handicap, Arlington; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingShee Clachan (USA) (f. by Never Bend), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. MATANE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dynatar (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Emley's Hill (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Betsy Ross Stakes, Garden State, Gr.3; grandam of CERTIFIABLY CRAZY (USA), won Mohawk Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., second in Red Smith Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, CHIP HUNTER (USA), won A L Red Erwin Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R.; third dam of SKY CAPE (USA), won La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, SKYGAZE (USA), won Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, SUNNY SKIES (USA), won Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed third in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, DISCO RHYTHM (USA), won Charles Hesse III Handicap, Monmouth Park, R. Inchmarlo (USA) (f. by Nashua), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Acomb Stakes, York, L.; dam of winners. Joy, winner in Australia, placed second in Caulfield Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1, Golden Slipper Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1 and third in Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1. REVEAL, 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; third dam of DE FRANCE (AUS), won Pago Pago Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, WHISTLER (AUS), won Hickman's Fernhill Handicap, Randwick, Gr.3 and Siemens Mobile Stakes, Flemington, L. Gold Trinket, placed twice at 3 years; grandam of GOLDEN PEDIGREE (AUS), won Feltex Queen Adelaide Stakes, Victoria Park, L., BIOLOGIST (AUS), won Westbury Stud Karaka Classic Metric Mile, Te Aroha, L.; third dam of THE VERMINATOR (AUS), won The Big 6 Metropolitan Handicap, Randwick, Gr.1 and Carlton Mid Wyong Gold Cup, Wyong, L., LIBERTY'S GEM (AUS), won Sir Ernest Lee Steere Classic, Ascot, Gr.3 and Placid Ark Stakes, Ascot, L. Good News Cherry (f. by Intent), unraced; dam of winners. Cerisette (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of JOHN CHERRY (USA), won Prix Gladiateur, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Queen Alexandra Stakes, Ascot, L. (twice), SILENT INTENT (USA), won Anita Peabody Handicap, Arlington, R.




Owner: Dr. Faisal Abdalkareem Alajmi Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 14th, 2022 Medium of Exchange (USA) (2010)

Exchange Rate (USA) Caveat Competor (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Danzig (USA) Sterling Pound (USA) Caveat (USA) Empress Tigere (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,919 and placed 7 times; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizCASH CALL KITTEN (USA) (2015 c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £134,806 and placed 10 times. LADY IN GREEN (USA) (2016 f. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times. Alsaudia Alozma (KSA) (2020 f. by Bobby's Kitten (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam CAVEAT COMPETOR (USA), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £111,585 including Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Blessing Angelica Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Lady Dean Stakes, Pimlico, L. and third in Lake Placid Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, Pearl Necklace Stakes, Laurel, L.R. and Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, L.; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingPRECAUTIONARY (USA) (c. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £36,929. EUROCHAMPION (USA) (f. by Eurosilver (USA)), won 3 races abroad; dam of winners. RUM CUSTOMER (USA) (g. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £22,971. MISS REBOUND (USA) (f. by Speightstown (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,531; dam of winners. TEDDY'S BARINO (USA), won Tranquility Lake Stakes, Del Mar, R., second in Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, R. and third in Chillingworth Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. 3rd Dam EMPRESS TIGERE (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Gala Lil Handicap, Laurel, L., Anne Arundel Handicap, Laurel, L., Villager Stakes, Parx Racing, placed second in Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, L., Moccasin Stakes, Pimlico, L., East View Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R., Mohawk Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., third in Squan Song Handicap, Pimlico, L., Gay Matelda Stakes, Laurel, L. and fourth in Carousel Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingCAVEAT COMPETOR (USA) (f. by Caveat (USA)), see above. Emperor Tigere (USA) (g. by Private Terms (USA)), won 20 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A., placed second in Claiming Crown Rapid Transit Stakes, Canterbury Downs, L. EMPRESS SIRRIMA (USA) (f. by Waquoit (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Tigress Bythetail (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Missy Good Stakes, Penn National, R. and Serena's Song Stakes, Monmouth Park. The next dam VERBENA (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingEMPRESS TIGERE (USA) (f. by What Luck (USA)), see above. Tamarind Seed (USA) (f. by Roberto (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. LADY VERBENA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; third dam of Dawn Is Affirmed (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in New Mexico Breeders' Oaks, Sunland Park, L.R. Miss Berea (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of Doms Flash (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Mt Cristo Rey Handicap, Sunland Park, L.R. Dinam (USA) (f. by Never Bend), placed once in France; dam of winners. Dinky (FR), winner in France and placed second in Prix de la Concorde, ParisLongchamp, L. and Prix de la Table, ParisLongchamp, L. Medinella (FR) (f. by Timour), unraced; dam of winners. Medhi (BEL), winner abroad, third in Criterium National des Poulains, Ostend, L.




Owner: Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 16th, 2022 Al Otaishiyah (KSA) (2010)

Purim (USA) Cleveland Browni (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Kirsteena (USA) Allen's Prospect (USA) Danielle's Darling (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam AL OTAISHIYAH (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingAliyat Nasaah (KSA) (2015 f. by Bandini (USA)), placed once at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Flow (USA)). 2nd Dam CLEVELAND BROWNI (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,406; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCROSS CREEK ROSIE (USA) (f. by Castine (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £37,871 including Golden Gull Chris Brown Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R., placed second in Eleanor M Casey Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R. and third in Triple Crown Nutrition Breeders Classic, Charles Town, L.R.; dam of winners. FRED HIGH (USA), won West Virginia Breeders' Classic Stakes, Charles Town, R., placed second in Robert G Leavitt Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R. Margaret High (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Original Gold Stakes, Charles Town, R., Sylvia Bishop Memorial Stakes, Charles Town, R. 3rd Dam DANIELLE'S DARLING (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingPETTIT'S QUEST (USA) (g. by Norquestor (CAN)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Humphrey S Finney Stakes, Laurel, L., Rollicking Stakes, Laurel, L., placed second in Northern Dancer Stakes, Laurel, L., Woodlawn Stakes, Pimlico, L. WICKLIFFE MAN (USA) (c. by Horatius (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Humphrey S Finney Stakes, Pimlico, L., placed second in Star de Naskra Handicap, Pimlico, L. and third in Goss L Stryker Handicap, Laurel, L.R. Undeclared (USA) (f. by Deputy Commander (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Sing It Up (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Houston Turf Stakes, Sam Houston, R. 4th Dam KHANBALIC (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingMEADOW MONSTER (USA) (c. by Meadowlake (USA)), won 11 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including General George Stakes, Laurel, Gr.2, Hallandale Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L., Olympic Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L., Housebuster Handicap, Laurel, L., Ocala Breeders Sales Sprint (c&g), Ocala T.C., L.; sire. The next dam VICTORY CHANT, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingGIBOULEE (CAN) (c. by Northern Dancer), won 13 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Coronation Futurity Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1R., Dominion Day Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2R., Manitoba Derby, Assiniboia Downs, Gr.2R., Vigil Stakes, Woodbine, L., Plate Trial Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Carleton Stakes, Greenwood, L., placed second in Flamingo Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.1; sire. VICTORIOUS ANSWER (CAN) (f. by Northern Answer (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including La Prevoyante Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed third in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R.; dam of winners. LAST ANSWER (CAN), won Nijinsky Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2. VICTORY TRICK (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CAMP VICTORY (USA), won Triple Bend Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Malvado (CAN) (c. by Nearctic), won 6 races in France and placed second in La Coupe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Prix de Guiche, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. Theme Song (CAN) (f. by Nearctic), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Fury Stakes, Woodbine, third in Selene Stakes, Woodbine; dam of winners. Victory Songster (CAN) (f. by Stratus), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. MUSKOKA COMMAND (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BAHAMIAN KNIGHT (CAN), won Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Fahad Saleh Alghofaili City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 25th, 2022 Aruban Sandwich (USA) (2004)

Alphabet Soup (USA) Travelling (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Cozzene (USA) Illiterate (USA) Miswaki (USA) Foufa (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ARUBAN SANDWICH (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £25,522 and placed 3 times; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizJUST HOWARD (USA) (2014 c. by English Channel (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £388,065 including Oceanport Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Virg.Equine Allowance Commonwealth Derby, Laurel, Gr.3, Find Stakes, Laurel, R., Caveat Stakes, Laurel, R., placed 6 times including third in Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and Prince George's County Stakes, Laurel. MONTE CRISTA (USA) (2015 f. by Cape Blanco (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £119,178 including Riskaverse Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed once viz third in Tawee Stakes, Indiana Grand. MORTAJEH (KSA) (2017 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), Champion older horse in K.S.A. in 2021/22, won 11 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £295,425 and placed 5 times. BEST YES (USA) (2013 g. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £111,561 and placed 7 times. ARUBAN TRUTH (USA) (2011 f. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £32,105 and placed 5 times; dam of 2 winners vizDEWEY DOIT (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. HAY CHIEF (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam TRAVELLING (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLONDON LANE (USA) (c. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £212,687 including Colonial Turf Cup Stakes, Colonial Downs, Gr.2, placed third in Federico Tesio Stakes, Pimlico. 3rd Dam FOUFA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingFOUFA'S WARRIOR (USA) (g. by Jade Hunter (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Kent Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3, Find Handicap, Pimlico, L.R., Maryland Juvenile Championship Stakes, Laurel, L.R., placed third in Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.2 and Crown Royal American Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. MARYLAND MOON (USA) (c. by Al Mamoon (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Chieftain Handicap, Laurel, L., Find Handicap, Pimlico, L., Governor's Cup Handicap, Laurel, L., placed second in Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1. MEDIA ACCESS (USA) (f. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Miss Liberty Stakes, Meadowlands, L.; dam of winners. ACCESS TO CHARLIE (USA), won Geisha Stakes, Laurel, R., Twixt Stakes, Laurel, R., placed third in Geisha Stakes, Laurel, L.R. OCEAN SAFARI (USA), won Honey Ryder Stakes, Gulfstream Park. BEAR ACCESS (USA), won Maryland Million Ladies Stakes, Laurel, R. CERTANTEE (USA) (g. by Known Fact (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Find Handicap, Laurel, L.R., John D Schapiro Mem. Breeders' Cup Hcp, Laurel, L. FULL BRUSH (USA) (g. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Taking Risks Stakes, Timonium, R. (twice), placed second in Charles Staats Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, L. and third in Baltimore Breeders' Cup Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3. PRIVATE POUF (USA) (f. by Private Terms (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR (USA), won Gallant Fox Handicap, Aqueduct, Coyote Lakes Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Gallant Fox Handicap, Aqueduct, L. Foufa's Hunter (USA) (f. by Jade Hunter (USA)), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BRILLO DE SOL (CHI), won Premio Nacional Ricardo Lyon, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1.




Owner: Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) February 6th, 2022

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Quite Honestly (USA) (2010)

Lion Heart (USA) Seattle Way (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Tale of The Cat (USA) Satin Sunrise (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Waya (FR)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam QUITE HONESTLY (USA), unraced; Own sister to PRETTY PROLIFIC (USA) and Missyoulikecrazy (USA); dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizSAN MONTERAZZANO (GB) (2016 c. by Verrazano (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £17,887 and placed 13 times. LEWIS CAL (USA) (2018 c. by Vancouver (AUS)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,241. Yartaqeb (KSA) (2019 c. by Air Force Blue (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jihnam (KSA) (2021 f. by Flow (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam SEATTLE WAY (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingPRETTY PROLIFIC (USA) (f. by Lion Heart (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £208,223 including Sugar Swirl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, second in Humana Distaff Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. Missyoulikecrazy (USA) (f. by Lion Heart (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £53,717 and placed second in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2; grandam of THE JUDGE (VEN), won Clasico My Own Business, La Rinconada, L. Seattle Bay (USA) (f. by Opening Verse (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £62,031 and placed second in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and third in Prix des Réservoirs, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of winners. Smart Seattle (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in J P Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, L. and P G Johnson Stakes, Saratoga. SEEKING A WAY (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 5 times; dam of winners. Maureen de Lago (AUS), winner in South Africa, second in Summer Juvenile Stakes, Kenilworth, L. and third in Strelitzia Stakes, Scottsville, Gr.3. 3rd Dam WAYA (FR), Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1979, won 14 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. including Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Top Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Diana Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDE NIRO (USA) (c. by Gulch (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. including Tremont Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, third in Sanford Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; sire. VIDALIA (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races in Italy and in U.S.A. including Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr.3, fourth in Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr.3; dam of winners. SOFITINA (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Doylestown Handicap, Parx Racing, third in Waya Stakes, Saratoga, L.; dam of winners. Gina Romantica (USA) (f. by Secreto (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Long Island Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of a winner. MARUKA CANDY (JPN), won Fuchu Himba Stakes, Tokyo, L.; dam of BELSHAZZAR (JPN), won Japan Cup Dirt, Hanshin, Gr.1, Chunichi Sports Hai Musashino Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.3, third in February Stakes, Tokyo, Gr.1; sire. Wayage (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), placed 7 times in France; dam of winners. CRYSTAL CASTLE (USA), won Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3, placed second in Golden Jubilee Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. SECRAGE (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in Italy in 1992, won Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, Criterium Femminile, Rome, L., Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L., placed second in Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; dam of TEAPOT ROW (IRE), 6 races at 2, 4 and 6 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; sire.




Owner: Sultan Saleh Saif Al Atawi Tapit (USA) Tapiture (USA) Free Spin (USA)

A BAY FILLY (USA) May 6th, 2022 Von Rosenberg (USA) (2008)

Johannesburg (USA) One West (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Olympio (USA) Spin N Win (USA) Hennessy (USA) Myth (USA) Gone West (USA) Catnip (USA)

TAPITURE (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Gr.2, Ack Ack Handicap, Gr.3, Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3 and Southwest Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of REPO ROCKS (USA), (Gr.3), HOPEFUL GROWTH (USA), (Gr.3), JESUS' TEAM (USA), (L.), GO SOLDIER GO (USA), (L.), LI'L TOOTSIE (USA), (L.), ALWAY'S COMERIO (USA), (L.), VERTICAL THREAT (USA), (L.), TAP GALORE (USA), (S), LILY POO (USA), (S), TAP DANCE FEVER (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam VON ROSENBERG (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,000; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizKlint Colors (USA) (2020 f. by Klimt (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 abroad placed third in Clasico Isaac (Sam) y Samuel Jimenez, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. SOUL SET FREE (USA) (2019 f. by Race Day (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £33,160 and placed 5 times. HANDSOME REBEL (USA) (2014 c. by Eskendereya (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years abroad. ICY BABY (USA) (2013 f. by Ice Box (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A., placed once. Scarlet Miss (USA) (2021 f. by Good Samaritan (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam ONE WEST (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £13,674; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingALOHA ROSE (USA) (f. by Bluegrass Cat (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £73,403. 3rd Dam CATNIP (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Coca-Cola Classic, Evangeline Downs, L. and Minneapolis Handicap, Canterbury Downs; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingMICROMANAGE (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Skip Away Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Birdstone Stakes, Saratoga, L., Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Jazil Stakes, Aqueduct, Queens County Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Brooklyn Invitational Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and third in William Hill Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. INDESCRIBABLE (USA) (f. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Kentucky Cup Distaff Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3, Doubledogdare Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Cardinal Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, placed third in Go For Wand Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. ELAFLAAK (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years including St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of winners. Nayslayer (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.A.E. and placed third in HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. AKRIS QUEEN (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Breadman (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. third in Sleepy Hollow Stakes, Belmont, R. Catchofthecentury (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SPRING AWAKENING (USA), won California Breeders' Chmpn Stakes (2yof), Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; dam of WALK CLOSE (USA), won Modesty Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3 and Wild Applause Stakes, Belmont Park; grandam of Anneau d'Or (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in TVG Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1. CAT'S CAT (USA), won Hatoof Stakes, Arlington. Eric The Trojan (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Desert Code Stakes, Santa Anita. The next dam BEWARE OF THE CAT (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Maryland Oaks, Pimlico, L., placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingEDITOR'S NOTE (USA) (c. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.1; sire. HOLD THAT TIGER (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years at home and in France including Grand Critérium, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed second in Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. CATFRIEND (USA) (c. by Capote (USA)), won 3 races in France and in Germany including Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L., Preis der Hotellerie Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L.




Owner: Dakhel Mohammed Dakhel Aldakhil Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA)

A BAY COLT (UNK) January 1st, 2022 Wasseli (KSA) (2012)

Lord of Men (GB) Onatopp (IRE)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Groom Dancer (USA) Upper Strata Soviet Star (USA) Blueprint (USA)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam WASSELI (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £18,316 and placed 5 times; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizStrella (KSA) (2020 f. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam ONATOPP (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingRAHEEN (KSA) (c. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £89,127. 3rd Dam BLUEPRINT (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingToujours Amour (IRE) (f. by Croco Rouge (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L. 4th Dam Glaze (USA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Coronado Stakes, Del Mar, R. and fourth in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGlamis (USA) (c. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, third in Grand Critérium, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. South Carolina (USA) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), ran in U.A.E. at 4 years; dam of a winner. Bondarchuk (NZ), winner in Australia and placed second in St Clair Port Adelaide Guineas, Cheltenham Park, L., H C Nitschke Stakes, Cheltenham Park, L. The next dam Round Pearl (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Starlette Handicap, Detroit; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingPerla Fina (USA) (f. by Gallant Man), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Martha Washington Handicap, Oaklawn Park; dam of winners. ELECTRIC FLASH (USA), won Swift Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed fourth in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1. FINE N' MAJESTIC (USA), won California Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3; sire. JORROCKS (USA), won San Carlos Handicap, Bay Meadows, L. SOUTHERN IVY (USA), won San Antonio Oaks, Retama Park. Kowloon (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of Taxicat (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Marshland Stakes, Delta Downs. Missy Hawk (USA), unraced; dam of Match The Pot (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Larry Lashyn Futurity, Marquis Downs; grandam of TAYLOR MADISON (USA), won Lady Hallie Stakes, Hawthorne, L.R., MIRANDA DIANE (USA), won RPDC Classic Distaff Stakes, Will Rogers Downs, R.; third dam of SHANNON C (USA), won Oklahoma Classics Sprint Stakes, Remington Park, R. Glaze (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), see above. Setting (USA) (f. by Exclusive Native (USA)), placed 6 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VIVID ANGEL (USA), won Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; third dam of SMOKINPADDYLASSIE (USA), won Beyond The Wire Stakes, Laurel. Petaluma (USA) (f. by Solford (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Outrageous Oyster (USA), winner in U.S.A. third in Cinderella Stakes, Hollywood, L. Flaminia (USA) (f. by Star de Naskra (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Stephanie's Road (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ingenue Stakes, Emerald Downs, Boeing Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of DRILL HALL (USA), won Peninsula Gaming's Lucky Dog Stakes, Evangeline Downs, L.; grandam of MOMINOU (USA), won Caress Stakes, Saratoga, L.




Owner: Ibrahim Muhammad Rashid Curlin (USA)

DESERT LOVE (USA) March 19th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt

Global Campaign (USA) Globe Trot (USA) Patience Love (USA) (2014)

Paddy O'Prado (USA) Gal of Mine (USA)


Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) A P Indy (USA) Trip (USA) El Prado (IRE) Fun House (USA) Mining (USA) Dansait Dame (USA)

GLOBAL CAMPAIGN (USA), 2016. Won 6 races, Woodward Handicap, Gr.1, Monmouth Cup Stakes, Gr.3, Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.3, third in Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1 and Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam PATIENCE LOVE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £24,916 and placed once; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizBrooklyn Dreams (USA) (2020 c. by Always Dreaming (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Spite Lite (USA) (2021 f. by Speightster (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam GAL OF MINE (USA), unraced; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSO LONG GEORGE (USA) (c. by Arch (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and £184,920 including Nijinsky Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2. MY GAL BETTY (USA) (f. by Point of Entry (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £138,550 including Catch A Glimpse Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1 and third in My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L. AMERICA AMERICA (USA) (f. by Mister Baileys (GB)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £244,319 including Lone Star Oaks, Lone Star Park, L., Sam Houston Texan Juvenile Stakes, Sam Houston, L., placed second in Mazarine Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Stonehenge Stakes, Salisbury, L., Star Stakes, Sandown, L., Rose Bowl Stakes, Newbury, L., BMW Dresden Pokal Sierstorpff Rennen, Hamburg, L., Oliver Stakes, Indiana Downs, Mockingbird Stakes, Gulfstream Park and third in Summer Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of winners. Bluegrass Princess (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed second in John Hettinger Stakes, Saratoga and third in Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and Missy Moo I Love You Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of PARTISAN POLITICS (USA), won Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L., P G Johnson Stakes, Saratoga, L., placed second in Riskaverse Stakes, Saratoga, L.; grandam of Myredwhiteandblue (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in Black Gold Stakes, Fair Grounds. LYRIQUE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Lyrical Note (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in FTBOA Silver Charm Florida Sire Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, R. Shining Tree (USA), unraced; grandam of BANK ON SHEA (USA), won Pelican Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L., Affirmed Success Stakes, Belmont Park, R., New York Stallion Series Stakes (2yoc&g), Aqueduct, R., placed second in Gander Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and third in Notebook Stakes, Aqueduct, R. Cascajo (USA) (c. by Forestry (USA)), winner abroad, placed third in Clasico Arrabal, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. THEORY OF CHANGE (USA) (f. by Archarcharch (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £32,137; dam of winners. TRANCHE (USA), won Santa Anita Futurity, Santa Anita. 3rd Dam DANSAIT DAME (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingOOP'S THE RED (USA) (g. by Cartwright (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including MTA Stallion Auction Laddie Stakes, Canterbury Downs, R. BID ON A DANCER (USA) (f. by Anet (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TOPLESS (USA), won Donna Reed Stakes, Prairie Meadows, R. The next dam HEAR BELLS (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingVociferous (USA) (f. by Quiet Fling (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Barq's Big Tyme Stakes, Evangeline Downs; dam of a winner. LA BELLE PAULA (USA) (f. by Marshua's Dancer (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ARCTIC QUEEN (USA), won New York Oaks, Finger Lakes, L. ESKIMO GIGOLO (USA), won Woodlands Derby, Woodlands, placed second in Barksdale Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L.




Owner: Fahad M. Alazma Abuthnain Sons Holy Bull (USA)

A BROWN COLT (KSA) March 7th, 2022 (first foal)

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Anefah (KSA) (2016)

Bandini (USA) Zahrat Alrabiae (KSA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Divine Dixie (USA) Another Review (USA) Fatat Alshamal (IRE)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ANEFAH (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,064 and placed 3 times. 2nd Dam ZAHRAT ALRABIAE (KSA), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,613; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSHIBLAT ALSABIYAH (KSA) (f. by Cobalt Blue (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,546; dam of a winner. LATIN (KSA) (f. by Olmodavor (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £59,018. 3rd Dam FATAT ALSHAMAL (IRE), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingZAHRAT ALRABIAE (KSA) (f. by Another Review (USA)), see above. 4th Dam FIRSTVILLE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBARBARESCO (c. by Nebbiolo), won 4 races in Italy. The next dam Cherryville, won 5 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Cleopatra Handicap, Arlington; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingShee Clachan (USA) (f. by Never Bend), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. MATANE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dynatar (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and third in Yerba Buena Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, Emley's Hill (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Betsy Ross Stakes, Garden State, Gr.3; grandam of CERTIFIABLY CRAZY (USA), won Mohawk Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., West Point Handicap, Saratoga, L.R., Ashley T Cole Handicap, Belmont Park, L.R., placed second in Red Smith Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, CHIP HUNTER (USA), won A L Red Erwin Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R.; third dam of SKY CAPE (USA), won La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Alcatraz Stakes, Golden Gate, L. and Harry Henson Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., SKYGAZE (USA), won Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, SUNNY SKIES (USA), won Debutante Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed third in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, DISCO RHYTHM (USA), won Charles Hesse III Handicap, Monmouth Park, R. Inchmarlo (USA) (f. by Nashua), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Acomb Stakes, York, L.; dam of winners. Joy, winner in Australia, placed second in Caulfield Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1, Golden Slipper Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1 and third in Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1. REVEAL, 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; third dam of DE FRANCE (AUS), won Pago Pago Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, WHISTLER (AUS), won Hickman's Fernhill Handicap, Randwick, Gr.3 and Siemens Mobile Stakes, Flemington, L. Gold Trinket, placed twice at 3 years; grandam of GOLDEN PEDIGREE (AUS), won Feltex Queen Adelaide Stakes, Victoria Park, L., BIOLOGIST (AUS), won Westbury Stud Karaka Classic Metric Mile, Te Aroha, L.; third dam of THE VERMINATOR (AUS), won The Big 6 Metropolitan Handicap, Randwick, Gr.1 and LIBERTY'S GEM (AUS), won Sir Ernest Lee Steere Classic, Ascot, Gr.3. Good News Cherry (f. by Intent), unraced; grandam of JOHN CHERRY (USA), won Prix Gladiateur, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Queen Alexandra Stakes, Ascot, L. (twice), SILENT INTENT (USA), won Anita Peabody Handicap, Arlington, R.


22 BOX

Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 2nd, 2022 Balabel (KSA) (2011)

Dynever (USA) Hibah Min Allah (KSA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Flamboyance (USA) Torrey Canyon (USA) Lets Be Alert (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam BALABEL (KSA), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,458 and placed twice; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizQAHRAMAN (KSA) (2019 c. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Aladhed (KSA) (2020 c. by Istan (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from only 3 starts. Yam Ajaa (KSA) (2021 c. by Istan (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam HIBAH MIN ALLAH (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizJEBERAH (KSA) (f. by Alamocitos (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £42,737. BALABEL (KSA) (f. by Dynever (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam LETS BE ALERT (USA), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Judy's Red Shoes Handicap, Calder, L., second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, third in Hibiscus Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hialeah Park, L., Ocala Breeders Sales Sprint (fillies), Ocala T.C., L.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRAAKIZ (KSA) (c. by Torrey Canyon (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam LETS BE PERSONAL (CAN), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLETS BE ALERT (USA) (f. by Gold Alert (USA)), see above. SICNEE (USA) (g. by Rubiano (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in France and in U.A.E. including Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L., placed second in Horris Hill Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. The next dam Silver Spook (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, R. and third in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R. and Toddler Stakes, Bowie, R.; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingTWILIGHT SPOOK (CAN) (f. by Wajima (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. Mambo Heat (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and third in Clarendon Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. MOONLIT (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Moonlit Romance (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Queen Stakes, Turfway Park and Wishing Well Stakes, Turfway Park; grandam of Elusive Galaxy (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Balanchine Stakes, Curragh, L. and third in Debutante Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.2; third dam of CAIRDE GO DEO (FR), 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Yeats Stakes, Navan, L., King George V Cup Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L., placed third in Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1. Margeaux's Wish (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of Generally George (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Banjo Picker Sprint Stakes, Parx Racing, R. SILVER CURRENCY (CAN) (f. by Plugged Nickle (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of. Pound Sterling (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Nandi Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. INARUCKUS (CAN) (f. by Bold Ruckus (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Not Affiliated (USA), unraced; dam of Woopigsooie (USA), placed second in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, L. PRINCESS SPOOK (CAN) (f. by Majestic Prince (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of. TAKE IT (CAN), won Juvenile Stakes, Fort Erie, L. Kulshee Mashee (USA), winner in Germany and placed second in Grosser Radeberger Pilsner Preis, Dresden, L., Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Prospective Prince (USA), winner in France, third in Prix Amandine, Saint-Cloud, L.


23 BOX

Owner: Faisal Saeed Albqumi A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) January 23rd, 2022

Stratford Hill (USA) Harmony Lodge (USA) Athmar (KSA) (2013)

Premium Tap (USA) Aetaaya Alrahman (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Hennessy (USA) Win Crafty Lady (USA) Pleasant Tap (USA) Premium Red (USA) Thoughtless (USA) Sheama (USA)

STRATFORD HILL (USA), 2007. Won 4 races, Shakertown Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MASAABEEH (KSA), MALAFEKH (KSA), BOSTON BOB (USA), AFINDAR (KSA), ANSARY (KSA), NAJMAK AALI (KSA), SOUPERY DUPERY (USA), RAD'DAH (KSA), LAZARDI (KSA), AEJWAH (KSA), RAINBOW (KSA), SEDQ (KSA), LOGINA (KSA), BAREEQ ALFOOZ (KSA), TEJTAH'HOM (KSA). 1st Dam ATHMAR (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,616 and placed twice; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age(2020 f. by Alnajim Althakeb (KSA)). 2nd Dam AETAAYA ALRAHMAN (KSA), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingALNAJEM ALFAIZ (KSA) (c. by Official Flame (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £208,863. MOTAWALI (KSA) (c. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £139,974. 3rd Dam SHEAMA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSHERRY SPINNER (GB) (f. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed 4 times; dam of winners. STRONG IMPACT (USA), won John McSorley Stakes, Monmouth Park, Fiddlers Patriot Stakes, Saratoga, placed third in Troy Stakes, Saratoga, L., New York Stallion Spectacular Bid Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. Sheama's Note (ARG), winner abroad and placed second in Clasico Augusto Mostajo Barrera, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3; dam of Takeshi (PER), placed third in Clasico Batalla de Tarapaca, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. The next dam PERL (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of ten winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPRIMAL (USA) (g. by Maudlin (USA)), won 17 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Fairmount Derby, Fairmount Park, Gr.3, Broward Handicap, Calder, L., Memorial Day Handicap, Calder, L., Coral Springs Handicap, Calder, L., Tropical Park Handicap, Tropical Park, L., Thanksgiving Day Handicap, Calder (3 times), Hurricanes Handicap, Calder, Spend A Buck Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1. PURL ONE (USA) (f. by Give Me Strength (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including British Columbia Oaks, Exhibition Park, L.R., Daffodil Stakes, Exhibition Park, Milady Handicap, Exhibition Park, Mating Game Handicap, Exhibition Park, Buttons And Bows Handicap, Exhibition Park, Nanaimo Handicap, Exhibition Park, Liberation Handicap, Exhibition Park, Queen Charlotte Handicap, Exhibition Park, Pink Lady Stakes, Exhibition Park; dam of winners. PURLS LEDGEND (USA), won Dr O G Fisher Memorial Handicap, Sunray Park, West Mesa Handicap, Albuquerque, Columbine Handicap, Arapahoe Park, Baby Doe Handicap, Arapahoe Park, Czaria Handicap, Sunland Park, Liberation Handicap, Hastings Park, Nanaimo Handicap, Hastings Park. LORD AX (USA) (g. by Woodman (USA)), won 4 races in Japan including Radio Tampa Hai Sansai Himba Stakes, Hanshin, L. Bourgeois (USA) (g. by Five Star Flight (USA)), won 18 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Gr.2. JACQUARD (USA) (f. by Foolish Pleasure (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Jack's Band (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed second in George Maloof Futurity, Albuquerque, R. COOKIN SHERRI (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PRIME LADY (VEN), won Premio Prensa Hipica Nacional, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Andres Bello, La Rinconada, L. HONORA HELEN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of NAUTI BUOY (USA), won Juvenile Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R.


24 BOX

Owner: Murdhi Mohammed Alshammari Silver Deputy (CAN)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 1st, 2022

Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA) Ma Tataaf (KSA) (2013)

Forestry (USA) Walk the Talk (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Shared Interest (USA) In A Walk (USA) Our Dani (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam MA TATAAF (KSA), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,000; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizTHARWEE (KSA) (2019 c. by Quarto (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £51,774 and placed 10 times. Qal'latah (KSA) (2020 f. by Al Samha (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. (2021 f. by Iftitah (USA)). 2nd Dam WALK THE TALK (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of 4 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingMa Tataaf (KSA) (f. by Forestry (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam OUR DANI (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingYOU (USA) (f. by You and I (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fleur de Lis Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Louisville Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed second in Overbrook Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 (twice), Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Maria Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, A Gleam Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and third in Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. YOU AND I FOREVER (USA), won Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, placed second in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Hal's Hope Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Philip H Iselin Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Henry Walton Stakes, Saratoga, L.R., third in Salvator Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; sire. CAUSEWAY'S KIN (USA), won Band is Passing Stakes, Calder, placed second in Memorial Day Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Sumter Stakes, Calder and third in Joey Blueeyes Stakes, Calder; sire. It's So You (USA), winner in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed second in Prix Solitude, SaintCloud, L. YOU MAKE ME SING (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. ANNEX (USA), won Palm Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., placed second in National Museum Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. Saravati (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. MASK ZORRO (USA), won Sirius Stakes, Hanshin, Gr.3, placed second in BSN Sho, Niigata, L.; sire. The next dam Lovely Briar (CAN), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R.; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTammany Doll (USA) (f. by Cathy's Reject (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, L.R.; dam of winners. LOVELY DANCER (USA) (f. by Mambo (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MO FASTER (USA), won William Henry Harrison Stakes, Indiana Downs, R., Gus Grissom Stakes, Hoosier Park, R., placed second in Gus Grissom Stakes, Hoosier Park, L.R. and third in To Much Coffee Stakes, Hoosier Park, L.R. Moros Destiny (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Indiana Stallion Stakes (2yo c&g), Hoosier Park, R. and Indiana Futurity, Hoosier Park, R. Moro's Lovely (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in First Lady Stakes, Indiana Downs.




Owner: Abdollah Ibrahim A Alkhashan City Zip (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 31st, 2022

Palace (USA) Receivership (USA) Zanoobia (KSA) (2001)

Another Review (USA) Allegrissima (GB)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Buckaroo (USA) Dance Review (USA) Sharpo Hasty Key (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ZANOOBIA (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed 3 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizMAHJOOBA (KSA) (2008 f. by Pine Dance (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam ALLEGRISSIMA (GB), won 3 races at 2 years and placed once; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizZANOOBIA (KSA) (f. by Another Review (USA)), see above. MATLABEE (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam HASTY KEY (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age inckludingCotteir Chief (IRE) (g. by Chief Singer), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Serlby Stakes, Doncaster, L. and third in Diomed Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3. The next dam HASTY CUTIE (USA), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Indian Maid Handicap, Hawthorne, placed third in Florence R Stakes, Arlington and fourth in Seashore Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDANCING CUTIE (USA) (f. by Damascus (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Paint The Town (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Groovy Stakes, Sam Houston, L. and Comet Stakes, Meadowlands, L. Hasty Nijinsky (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Cursory (USA), placed twice in U.S.A. including third in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, L. Secret Sky (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A.; grandam of BLUE SKY EMPEROR (ARG), won Clasico Guillermo Paats, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3, placed second in Clasico Paraguay, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3, ARDIDA (PER), won Clasico Frau Astrid, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L., Potri Sky (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed third in Clasico Polla de Potrancas, La Plata, Gr.2, Miss Salty Lake (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Holly Stakes, Meadowlands. Evening Sea (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. STORM (AUS), won Grosby Moonee Valley Gold Cup, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, placed second in Malaysia Airlines South Australian Derby, Morphettville, Gr.1 and third in West End Draught Adelaide Cup, Morphettville, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2, C B Cox Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Craiglee Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2 and Cadbury Victoria St Leger, Flemington, Gr.3. REGAL SEA (NZ), won Kingston Town Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.3, Vic Health Stakes, Flemington, L., placed second in Queensland Oaks, Eagle Farm, Gr.1 and third in AJC Oaks, Randwick, Gr.1; dam of Red Robert (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Crimsafe Canberra Cup, Canberra, L. (twice). RUNAWAY GROOM (NZ), won West End Super Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.3. South Sea Pearl (AUS), winner in Australia and placed second in Australasian Oaks, Morphettville, Gr.1 and third in Vinery South Australian Oaks, Morphettville, Gr.1; dam of Bubble Act (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Schweppervescence Centaurea Stakes, Morphettville, L. EVE IN SEYCHELLES (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of LAUNAY (AUS), won TAB Shaftesbury Avenue Stakes, Flemington, L., Tab Birthday Metric Mile Stakes, Flemington, L., placed second in Queensland Guineas, Eagle Farm, Gr.2, Easter Cup, Caulfield, Gr.3, third in Bletchingly Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.3, Beau Vallon (AUS), winner in Australia and placed second in Motors Elwick Stakes, Hobart, L.


26 BOX

Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 2nd, 2022

Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA) Oh So (IRE) (2004)

Mark of Esteem (IRE) Manuetti (IRE)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Darshaan Homage (GB) Sadler's Wells (USA) Rosefinch (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam OH SO (IRE), unplaced at 2 to 4 years; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizHATH BAH (KSA) (2011 f. by Many Volumes (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,028 and placed 8 times. TAWEEL ALBAA (KSA) (2009 c. by Needwood Blade (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. 2nd Dam MANUETTI (IRE), placed twice at 3 years; Own sister to ROSCIUS (IRE); dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingJAMES POLLARD (IRE) (g. by Indian Ridge), won 4 races at 5 to 7 years and £15,959. MANOUBI (GB) (g. by Doyoun), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, £24,746 and placed 5 times. 3rd Dam ROSEFINCH (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, placed third in BMW Europachampionat, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingROSCIUS (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years viz Predominate Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed third in King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2. FINKO (IRE) (f. by Caerleon (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. JIMANDO (AUS), won Exford Plate, Flemington, L., Inglis Debutants Stakes, Caulfield, L., placed third in Moonee Valley Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2. Rosia (IRE) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Adventurous (IRE), 2 races at home and in U.A.E. and placed third in Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and Sirenia Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3. Crimson And Gold (GB), 3 races at 3 to 5 years in Denmark, in France and in Sweden and placed second in Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr.3. Music House (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France and placed third in Derby du Midi, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L. Romanticism (IRE), ran once in France; dam of RIOTICISM (FR), 3 races at 2 years in France including Prix des Reves d'Or, Vichy, L.; grandam of LADIES CHURCH (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 including Sapphire Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. Tanzania (USA) (f. by Darshaan), unraced; dam of winners. TRUE STORY (GB), 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.A.E. including Feilden Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Al Rashidiya Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2. Gold Star (GB), 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.A.E. and placed third in SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2. Native Blue (GB) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TEAM TALK (GB), 2 races at 3 years including Churchill Stakes, Lingfield, L. Mawhub (GB), 4 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and placed second in Jebel Ali Stakes, Jebel Ali, L., third in Derrinstown Jebel Ali Mile, Jebel Ali, Gr.3. The next dam OH SO SHARP, Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 1985, won 7 races at 2 and 3 years including St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.3, Solario Stakes, Sandown, L., placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingSHAIMA (USA) (f. by Shareef Dancer (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. including Long Island Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. SHANTOU (USA), Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 1996, Champion older horse in Italy in 1997, won St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1, G. P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d'Oro, Milan, Gr.1, Princess of Wales' Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed third in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulaziz A. Al-Saif Speightstown (USA)

A BAY COLT (USA) April 30th, 2022 (first foal)

Munnings (USA) La Comete (USA) Bella Aurelia (USA) (2017)

Medaglia d'Oro (USA) My Miss Aurelia (USA)


Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Holy Bull (USA) La Gueriere (USA) El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) My Miss Storm Cat (USA)

MUNNINGS (USA), 2006. Won 4 races, Gulfstream Park Sprint Ch'ship, Gr.2, Tom Fool Handicap, Gr.2, Woody Stephens Stakes, Gr.2, second in Champagne Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Carter Handicap, Gr.1, etc. Sire of JACK CHRISTOPHER (USA), (Gr.1), EDA (USA), (Gr.1), KIMARI (USA), (Gr.1), EL DEAL (USA), (Gr.1), I'M A CHATTERBOX (USA), (Gr.1), SCARAMOUCHE (USA), (Gr.2), GINOBILI (USA), (Gr.2) etc. 1st Dam BELLA AURELIA (USA), unraced. She also has a 2023 filly by Maclean's Music (USA). 2nd Dam MY MISS AURELIA (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2011, won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £1,632,340 including Cotillion Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.1, Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juv. Fillies, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Mandys Gold Stakes, Saratoga, L.R., placed second in Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Ladies' Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Azeri Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and Shine Again Stakes, Saratoga, R.; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizLA MUSE (USA) (f. by Tapit (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £30,765. AURELIA PAULINA (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £15,956. 3rd Dam MY MISS STORM CAT (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Desert Stormer Handicap, Hollywood Park, placed third in Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizMY MISS AURELIA (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), see above. Albergatti (USA) (c. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Northern Spur Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. SHATHOOR (USA) (c. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam URMIA (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSOUL WARRIOR (USA) (c. by Lion Heart (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 7 years in U.S.A. including West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.2, placed second in Iowa Derby, Prairie Meadows, L. MY MISS STORM CAT (USA) (f. by Sea of Secrets (USA)), see above. CAUTIONARY TALE (USA) (f. by Yes It's True (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Adorable (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A. including second in Barretts Debutante Stakes, Los Alamitos, R. The next dam CHALDEA (USA), won 13 races in U.S.A. including Bed O'Roses Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Hyde Park Handicap, Belmont Park, L., Iroquois Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Ticonderoga Handicap, Aqueduct, placed second in Molly Pitcher Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3, Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Schenectady Handicap, Aqueduct, third in Joe Namath Stakes, Gulfstream Park and fourth in Maskette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizJABESH (USA) (f. by Vanlandingham (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BETTER THAN BONDS (USA), won What A Pleasure Stakes, Calder, L., Quick Card Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Alysheba Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, West Virginia Governors Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., R R M Carpenter Jr Memorial Handicap, Delaware Park, L., Brandywine Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Cowdin Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Stymie Stakes, Delaware Park, Our Dear Peggy Stakes, Calder and third in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Forever Whirl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.R.




Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah A. Almakhdoob War Front (USA) Commend (USA) Praise (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 17th, 2022 Miss da Point (USA) (2010)

Strong Contender (USA) Long Distance Love (USA)


Danzig (USA) Starry Dreamer (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Wild Applause (USA) Maria's Mon (USA) Kopenhagen (USA) Dehere (USA) Autumn Mood (USA)

COMMEND (USA), 2013. Won 3 races and second in Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint Stakes, Gr.3 and Quick Call Stakes, L. Sire of FAKHR ALENAYA (KSA), DIJITAL (KSA), MOSSTAWOEABAH (KSA), HOUR ALENAYA (KSA). 1st Dam MISS DA POINT (USA), won 11 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £312,403 including Our Shopping Spree Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Judy Soda Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed 9 times including second in Bay Ridge Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and third in Union Avenue Stakes, Saratoga, R. and Dancin Renee Stakes, Belmont Park, R.; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizOOPS WEDIDITAGAIN (USA) (2017 c. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £18,445 and placed twice. Angie At Theoffice (USA) (2019 f. by Ghostzapper (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. Easy Horse (KSA) (2021 c. by Kantharos (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam LONG DISTANCE LOVE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMISS DA POINT (USA) (f. by Strong Contender (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam AUTUMN MOOD (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including River Edge Farm Stakes, Bay Meadows, placed second in Linda Vista Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Silverlark Handicap, Golden Gate and third in Mayme Dotson Breeders' Cup Handicap, Stockton; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingIDOL GIFT (USA) (f. by Miner's Mark (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LEESTOWN GIFT (USA), won Louisiana Futurity (c&g), Fair Grounds, L.R. Tactical Gift (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Acadiana Stakes, Evangeline Downs. Picture (USA) (f. by Roar (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. MEGAPIXEL (USA), won Van Raalte Stakes, Saratoga, L. Fotografia (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in New York Stallion Great White Way Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R. Cinematize (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Arctic Queen Stakes, Finger Lakes, R. The next dam Caroglen Jo (CAN), won 6 races in Canada and placed second in Yearling Sales Stakes (fillies), Fort Erie, L.R., Yearling Sales Stakes (c&g), Woodbine, L.R.; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingSTOLLER (USA) (c. by El Gran Senor (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including San Marino Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Platinum Stakes, Fairyhouse, L. and third in San Bernardino Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2. AUTUMN MOOD (USA) (f. by L'Emigrant (USA)), see above. Ardglen (USA) (f. by Lyphard's Wish (FR)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Pretty Polly Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; dam of winners. COOL VICTORIA (USA) (f. by Icecapade (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Z COOL (USA), won Primer Stakes, Laurel, second in Ocala Breeders' Sales Sprint Hcp. (c&g), Ocala T.C., L.R. and third in Count Turf Stakes, Delaware Park, L. VICTORIOUS GIRL (USA) (f. by Raise A Man (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Voluptuous (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in La Habra Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; dam of BIG SCORE (USA), won Kindergarten Stakes, Parx Racing, L. Impassion (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of WARBLING (USA), won Inside Information Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, placed second in Ballerina Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Princess Rooney Handicap, Calder, Gr.1; third dam of MRS MCDOUGAL (USA), won Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Noble Damsel Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed third in Longines Just A Game Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Miz Betty Grace (USA), unraced; dam of INDIAN GRACEY (USA), won California State Fair Sprint Handicap, Sacramento, L., placed third in Oak Leaf Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. This Time Around (USA) (f. by Cryptoclearance (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GRACIANI (PR), won Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Camarero Race Track, L.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh M. Al Tawil Distorted Humor (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 18th, 2022 (first foal)

Semper Fortis (USA) Rebridled Dreams (USA) Oum Alnoor (KSA) (2017)

Northern Afleet (USA) Amazing Ariel (USA)


Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Key Cents (USA) Afleet (CAN) Nuryette (USA) Mr Nugget (USA) Aces Wild (USA)

SEMPER FORTIS (USA), 2013. Won 2 races and second in Los Alamitos Derby Stakes, Gr.2, Zia Park Derby, L., Shared Belief Stakes, L. and third in Curribot Handicap. Sire of DECEMBER (KSA), ROLAN (KSA), NOOR ALENAYA (KSA), TAJ ALENAYA (KSA), NOWH (KSA). 1st Dam OUM ALNOOR (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam AMAZING ARIEL (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £31,336; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingCLEVER CALIBAN (USA) (g. by Brilliant Speed (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £44,899. 3rd Dam ACES WILD (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingRAMBLIN RIVER (USA) (g. by Mr Nugget (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam Gooni Goo Hoo (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2; Own sister to Better As A Memory (USA); dam of two winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingACES WILD (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), see above. The next dam Sweet Ramblin Rose (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in San Clemente Stakes, Del Mar, R.; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingRAMBLIN GUY (USA) (c. by Ogygian (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Hollywood Juvenile Championship Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. SWORD BLADE (USA) (c. by Damascus (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Will Rogers Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Better As A Memory (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Betsy Ross Stakes, Garden State, Gr.3; dam of winners. MEMORABLE MELODY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of VAPORETTO (USA), won Clasico Copa 4 de Julio, Camarero Race Track, L.; sire. Yours Or Mine (USA) (f. by J O Tobin (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Providencia Stakes, Santa Anita, R. MINT SPRING (USA) (f. by Key To The Mint (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SHINY HAPPY (USA), winner in Brazil; dam of PHONE TIME (ARG), won Gran Premio Raul y Raul E Chevalier, San Isidro, Gr.1, second in Gran Premio Gran Criterium, San Isidro, Gr.1; sire, NORWAY BOY (BRZ), won G. P. Major Suckow, Gavea, Gr.1, C. Pres. Jose Antonio Pampona de Andrade, Cidade Jardim, L.; sire, QUARTIERI (BRZ), won G. P. Adhemar E Roberto Gabizo de Faria, Gavea, Gr.3, TESEU (BRZ), won C. Eurico Solanes, Gavea, L.; grandam of GOGO BOY (BRZ), won G.P. Prefeitura Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gavea, Gr.3. OLDCOURT ROSE (USA) (f. by Mining (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Out At Night (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Kent Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3. CRIMSON CONQUEST (USA) (f. by Diesis), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. CRIMPLENE (IRE), Champion 3yr old filly in Germany in 2000, 6 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Germany including Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Henkel Rennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2, placed third in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; grandam of CLEAR WATER (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in Germany including GP. E & V Bayerischer Fliegerpreis, Dusseldorf, L. DUTCH GOLD (USA), won Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. Local Spirit (USA), 1 race at 3 years, second in Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.2. DRESDEN DOLL (USA), 1 race at 2 years; dam of PRIZE MONEY (GB), 4 races at home and in U.A.E. including SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2. La Vie (USA) (f. by Le Fabuleux), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 5 years; dam of winners. TANGO CHARLIE (USA), won Modesty Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Misty Isle Stakes, Arlington, L., placed third in Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; dam of BALLROOM DEPUTY (USA), won Maple Leaf Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3.




Owner: Ahmed Sager Alseheel Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 6th, 2022 Albejaadiyah (KSA) (2007)

Agol Lack (USA) Tinkerbell (FR)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Gulch (USA) Garvin's Gal (USA) Fairy King (USA) La Faisanderie (FR)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ALBEJAADIYAH (KSA), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 3 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingSob'haan Alsaad (KSA) (2020 c. by Official Visit (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam TINKERBELL (FR), unraced; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingZERYAAB (KSA) (c. by Sei Mi (ARG)), won 4 races at 3 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £77,370. 3rd Dam La Faisanderie (FR), won 3 races in France and placed second in Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L.; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingOUM ALJAMAAJEM (KSA) (f. by Mirror Black), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. 4th Dam MIRACLE OF LOVE (USA), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSACRED FIRE (GB) (c. by Saumarez), won 8 races in France including Prix des Pays de Loire, Le Lion-d'Angers, L., placed third in Prix René Bédel, Lyon-Parilly, L. Thorium (IRE) (c. by Kris), won 6 races in France and placed second in Derby du Midi, La Teste de Buch, L. and third in Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L. The next dam Untitled, won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Sandleford Priory Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 living foals of racing age includingJUNGLE PIONEER (USA) (c. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 7 races at home, in France and in U.S.A. including Santa Gertrudes Handicap, Santa Anita, L. Private View (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 1 race in France and placed second in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1; dam of winners. Ionio (USA), 3 races at 2 to 4 years and placed second in Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2 and Glorious Stakes, Goodwood, L. SOIREE RUSSE (USA), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed 5 times; dam of TAZEEZ (USA), won Earl of Sefton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Darley Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed third in Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. Dili (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 1 race in France and placed second in Grand Prix de Villeurbanne, Lyon-La Soie, L.; dam of winners. MISTS OF AVALON (USA) (f. by Nureyev (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France; dam of winners. KIERKEGAARD (GB), 10 races at 3 to 5 years in Italy including Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L. (twice), Premio del Piazzale-Memorial E. Camici, Milan, L., Premio del Giubileo Limited Handicap, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1 (twice); sire. La Adelita (USA) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. LA TIA (USA), won Matriarch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Athenia Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Arlington Matron Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3 and Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3. Enfant d'Amour (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LOVE SHACK (FR), won Prix de la Vallée d'Auge, Deauville, L. FLOPPIE (FR), winner in France; dam of RINGMOOR DOWN (GB), 6 races at 2, 4 and 5 years including Flying Five Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3.




Owner: Ahmed Abdulaziz A. Al-Saif Eskendereya (USA) Mitole (USA) Indian Miss (USA)

A BLACK COLT (USA) March 14th, 2022 Exchange Funds (USA) (2007)

Speightstown (USA) Jetinto Houston (USA)


Giant's Causeway (USA) Aldebaran Light (USA) Indian Charlie (USA) Glacken's Gal (USA) Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Houston (USA) Jetinwith Kennedy (USA)

MITOLE (USA), 2015. Won 10 races, Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1, Encore Bistro Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Runhappy Metropolitan Handicap, Gr.1, twinspires.com Churchill Downs Stakes, Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Gr.3, etc. Sire of V V'S DREAM (USA), (Gr.3), ICE COLD (USA), (S), Stormcast (CAN), (L.), BLACK HOLE (USA), AIR CAV (USA). 1st Dam EXCHANGE FUNDS (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £97,617 including Stormy West Stakes, Belmont Park, placed 7 times; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizBABY FRANKIE (USA) (2016 c. by Super Saver (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £108,423 and placed 13 times. MISS DELICIOUS (USA) (2018 f. by California Chrome (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £136,869 and placed 4 times. IRISH GOODBYE (USA) (2014 c. by Hat Trick (JPN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £44,674 and placed 9 times. MIGHTY GHOSTLY (USA) (2015 f. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed once; dam of a winner. Transact (USA) (2013 f. by Hard Spun (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of a winner vizREMOANE (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Fully Funded (USA) (2021 g. by Palace Malice (USA)), ran twice in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2023. She also has a 2023 filly by Maximus Mischief (USA). 2nd Dam JETINTO HOUSTON (USA), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £176,364 including Irish O'Brien Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., Charles H Russell Stakes, Bay Meadows, placed second in C.E.R.F. Handicap, Del Mar, L., B Thoughtful Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R. and third in Desert Stormer Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingEXCHANGE FUNDS (USA) (f. by Speightstown (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam JETINWITH KENNEDY (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Karendebs Big Kat Handicap, Golden Gate, Las Ninas Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in Santa Paula Handicap, Santa Anita, L. and third in Orinda Breeders' Cup Handicap, Golden Gate; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingJET WEST (USA) (c. by Western Fame (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including California Cup Sprint Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R., Earlene McCabe Derby, Sacramento, R., placed second in Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Governor's Cup Handicap, Fairplex Park and third in Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, El Conejo Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Pirate's Bounty Handicap, Del Mar, L.R. and Real Good Deal Stakes, Del Mar, L.R.; sire. JETIN EXCESS (USA) (f. by In Excess), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Moccasin Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., California Sire Stakes (2yo fillies), Santa Anita, L., Generous Portion Stakes, Del Mar, L., second in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Gr.1. TRIUMPHANT FLIGHT (USA) (c. by Chullo (ARG)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Barretts Juvenile Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R., San Miguel Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Snow Chief Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., California Cup Juvenile Stakes (c&g), Santa Anita, L.R. and Graduation Stakes, Del Mar, L.R.; sire. Follini (USA) (c. by Western Fame (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in D. Valpredo California Cup Sprint Stakes, Santa Anita, R. Lady Leftennant (USA) (f. by Officer (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LADY IVANKA (USA), won Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. SHOWTIME SIS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Baby Got Backspin (USA), placed third in Myrtlewood Stakes, Keeneland. The next dam BLUE JET SET (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingJETINWITH KENNEDY (USA) (f. by Kennedy Road (CAN)), see above. PLAY WITH ROYALTY (USA) (f. by Slew's Royalty (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. PERSISTANCE PAYS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Twenty Five Red (USA), winner in U.S.A, placed third in Ann Owens Distaff Handicap, Turf Paradise, R.




Owner: Daham Jlyl Bin Mezal Bin Twalah Empire Maker (USA) Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 28th, 2022 Concealing (GB) (2008)

Dansili (GB) Revealing (GB)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) Danehill (USA) Hasili (IRE) Halling (USA) Rive (USA)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam CONCEALING (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £33,331 and placed 3 times including fourth in Prix de la Vallée d'Auge, Deauville, L.; Own sister to World Ruler (GB) and Disclose (GB); dam of one winner from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizRAS ALSAHM (KSA) (2017 c. by Forty Licks (ARG)), won 2 races at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £30,552 and placed 5 times. Alshehab Alkaser (KSA) (2020 c. by Forty Licks (ARG)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam REVEALING (GB), won 1 race at 2 years, her only start; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingGrand Vista (GB) (g. by Danehill (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in France and £66,898 and placed 6 times including second in Prix de Tourgéville, Deauville, L. and third in Prix Paul de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Land Rover Al Quoz Sprint, Nad Al Sheba, L. World Ruler (GB) (g. by Dansili (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £47,166 and placed 6 times including third in Prix de Tourgéville, Deauville, L. and Prix de Pontarmé, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Disclose (GB) (f. by Dansili (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and £22,788 and placed once viz second in Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. ENCRYPTED (GB), 6 races at 2, 3 and 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £144,265 including Golden Rose Stakes, Lingfield, L., placed 4 times. Nigiri (IRE), 3 races at 3 years, 2023 and £92,343 and placed twice including second in Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3. Ombre (GB) (f. by Galileo (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. Gavota (GB), 2 races at 2 years and £35,181 and placed 3 times including second in Oh So Sharp Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, third in Rockfel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2. Eclairante (IRE) (f. by High Chaparral (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. ESTROSA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in Italy and £82,389 including Premio Seregno, Milan, L., second in Premio Regina Elena 1000 Guineas, Rome, Gr.3. 3rd Dam RIVE (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSingleton (GB) (f. by Singspiel (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, Noel Murless Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of winners. The next dam AREWEHAVINGFUNYET (USA), won 5 races at 2 years in U.S.A. viz Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Time To Leave Stakes, Golden Gate, placed second in Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.1 and fourth in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and San Felipe Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingHAVE FUN (USA) (c. by Topsider (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 6 years in France and in U.S.A. including Kensington Handicap, Golden Gate, L., placed second in Fiddle Isle Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; sire. Holiday Camp (USA) (c. by Chester House (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed third in Al Rostamani Group Al Fahidi Fort Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2. MORINA (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. MONS (GB), 4 races including Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Godolphin Stakes, Newmarket, L., Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L., placed third in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1 and Gran Premio del Jockey Club, Milan, Gr.1; sire. LOMAPAMAR (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of URBAN FOX (GB), 5 races at 2 and 4 years including Pretty Polly Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 31st, 2022 Having Abig Middle (USA) (2010)

Big Brown (USA) Lady On Holiday (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Boundary (USA) Mien (USA) Harlan's Holiday (USA) Dorky (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam HAVING ABIG MIDDLE (USA), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A. and £11,716; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingSeif Al'aaredh (KSA) (2020 c. by Bandini (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)). 2nd Dam Lady On Holiday (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £73,944 and placed third in Boyd Gaming's Delta Princess Stakes, Delta Downs, L.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingEAGLE ORB (USA) (c. by Orb (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £144,310 including Notebook Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in Jerome Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Sleepy Hollow Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and Funny Cide Stakes, Saratoga, R. What's Up Bro (USA) (g. by Dialed In (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £88,585 and placed third in Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, R. AT GUARD (USA) (g. by Mineshaft (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £117,038. CONTENDRESS (USA) (f. by Competitive Edge (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,395. DREAMING OF LEAH (USA) (f. by Congrats (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £22,113; dam of winners. BABS DELIGHT (USA), winner to 2023 in Canada. DOC COPE (CAN), winner to 2023 in Canada. 3rd Dam DORKY (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Althea Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingBOLD START (USA) (c. by Jump Start (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Aristides Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Challenger Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Don Bernhardt Stakes, Ellis Park, placed second in Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, James Marvin Stakes, Saratoga, L. and third in Richter Scale Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.2, Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and Miller Lite Cradle Stakes, River Downs, L.; sire. Strawberry Way (USA) (f. by Strawberry Road (AUS)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Senator Ken Maddy Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of winners. Bowl of Berries (USA) (f. by Strawberry Road (AUS)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Light Hearted Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of winners. Interruption (USA) (f. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Princess Samurai (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Louisiana Futurity (fillies), Fair Grounds, R. 4th Dam GOING RAJA (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDAKASHA (AUS) (f. by Flying Spur (AUS)), won 6 races in Australia including AAMI Launceston Cup, Launceston, Gr.3 and Foot and Playsted Tasmanian St Leger, Launceston, L.; dam of winners. OBGLO (AUS) (c. by High Yield (USA)), won 7 races in Australia including Chairman's Stakes, Morphettville, L. Raja Jazz (AUS) (g. by Almurtajaz (NZ)), won 6 races in Australia and placed second in Adelaide Guineas, Victoria Park, Gr.3. The next dam Going East (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, Searching Stakes, Aqueduct and Rosetown Stakes, Aqueduct; Own sister to GOING INVESTOR (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingMALIKOFF (USA) (c. by Northrop (USA)), won 17 races abroad including Premio Dia Del Trabajo, Panama, L., placed second in Premio Aniversario del Pribanco, Panama, L.




Owner: Abdulaziz Musaed Salem Al-Salem Iffraaj (GB) Ribchester (IRE) Mujarah (IRE)

A BAY COLT (IRE) April 8th, 2022 Urjuwaan (GB) (2012) E.B.F. Nominated.

Cape Cross (IRE) Sudoor (GB) B.C. Nominated.


Zafonic (USA) Pastorale (GB) Marju (IRE) Tanaghum (GB) Green Desert (USA) Park Appeal Fantastic Light (USA) Wissal (USA) IRE Qualified

RIBCHESTER (IRE), 2013. Jt Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2016. Champion older miler in Europe in 2017. Won 6 races, Queen Anne Stakes, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1, Prix du Moulin, Gr.1, Mill Reef Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of KRAKARIB (AUS), (Gr.3), FACTEUR CHEVAL (IRE), (Gr.3), RED CARD (AUS), (L.), CHAMPIONOFMYHEART (IRE), (L.), SNOOZE N YOU LOSE (FR), (L.), RUTHIN (GB), (L.), FLAMING RIB (IRE), (L.), Clitheroe (GB), (Gr.3), Emperor of Love (IRE), (Gr.3), Garachico (GB), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam URJUWAAN (GB), won 1 race at 2 years in France and £23,701 and placed 3 times including fourth in Prix Rose de Mai, SaintCloud, L.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizALFAREEQ (IRE) (2017 g. by Dark Angel (IRE)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years, 2023 in France and in U.A.E. and £574,929 including Jebel Hatta Stakes, Meydan, Gr.1 (twice), placed 9 times including second in Singspiel Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, Al Fahidi Fort, Meydan, Gr.2, Zabeel Mile, Meydan, Gr.2, National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. and third in Prix de Suresnes, Deauville, L. YAASER (IRE) (2018 g. by Lope de Vega (IRE)), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 and £87,532 and placed 8 times. TAHASUN (IRE) (2019 f. by Tamayuz (GB)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022, £31,471 and placed 7 times. She also has a 2023 filly by Dark Angel (IRE). 2nd Dam SUDOOR (GB), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and £47,120 including Star Stakes, Sandown, L., placed 4 times including second in Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., Height of Fashion Stakes, Goodwood, L. and third in Gillies Stakes, Doncaster, L.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingRASEED (GB) (g. by Dubawi (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £65,663 including Prix Noailles, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed 3 times. 3rd Dam WISSAL (USA), unraced; Own sister to BAHHARE (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMUDAARAAH (GB) (f. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years including Star Stakes, Sandown, L., placed second in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Lyric Stakes, York, L. and third in Upavon Stakes, Salisbury, L.; dam of winners. ETHAARA (GB) (f. by Green Desert (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years including Boadicea Stakes, Newmarket, L.; dam of winners. ETAAB (USA), 4 races at 3 years including Rosemary Stakes, Newmarket, L. Muwaary (GB) (c. by Oasis Dream (GB)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; sire. Yasmeen (GB) (f. by Sea The Stars (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Michael Seely Memorial Fillies' Stakes, York, L.; dam of winners. SHAARA (GB), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including John Musker Stks, Yarmouth, L. MEJALA (IRE) (f. by Red Ransom (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Mutaaqeb (GB), 1 race at 2 years, second in King Charles II Stakes, Newmarket, L. Rihaam (IRE) (f. by Dansili (GB)), unraced; dam of winners. Ribhi (IRE), 2 races at 2 years, third in European Free Handicap, Newmarket, L. The next dam Wasnah (USA), placed 5 times including second in Pretty Polly Stks, Newmarket, L.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingBAHRI (USA) (c. by Riverman (USA)), Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1995, won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, placed second in Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1 and third in Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. BAHHARE (USA) (c. by Woodman (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years including Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, placed third in Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Soud (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 5 races at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Golden Gate Breeders' Cup Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3.




Owner: Mohammed Abdullah A Almasudi Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) April 28th, 2022 Meetmeforasmoke (USA) (2012)

Smoke Glacken (USA) Rendezvous Sioux (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Two Punch (USA) Majesty's Crown (USA) Cherokee Run (USA) Secret Rendezvous (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MEETMEFORASMOKE (USA), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £107,622 and placed 15 times; dam of 2 foals of racing age(2020 f. by Trappe Shot (USA)). (2021 f. by Life Imitates Art (USA)). 2nd Dam RENDEZVOUS SIOUX (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,973; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMarv In Lafitte (USA) (g. by Brahms (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £101,379 and placed second in Louisiana Legends Sprint Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. MEETMEFORASMOKE (USA) (f. by Smoke Glacken (USA)), see above. TRYTOLOVEAGAIN (USA) (f. by Afleet Alex (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam SECRET RENDEZVOUS (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Cincinnati Trophy Stakes, Turfway Park, placed third in Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park; Own sister to OUR DEAR HELEN (USA); dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingSTABLE SECRET (USA) (g. by Unbridled (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. AMERICAN SON (USA) (c. by Royal Academy (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. SECRET TRIBE (USA) (f. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. 4th Dam JACQUE QUI (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; Own sister to NATIVE MOMMY (USA); dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingOUR DEAR HELEN (USA) (f. by Bates Motel (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Blessing Angelica Stakes, Delaware Park, placed second in Captive Miss Stakes, Monmouth Park, City of Hialeah Stakes, Hialeah Park and third in Ocala Breeders Sales Champship.Sales (f), Ocala T.C., L.; dam of winners. ME MY MINE (USA), won Phil D Shepherd Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in Needles Stakes, Calder, L. SECRET RENDEZVOUS (USA) (f. by Bates Motel (USA)), see above. HOMETOWN BELLE (USA) (f. by Homebuilder (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. HOMETOWN GHOST (USA), won Spring Thoroughbred Futurity, Albuquerque, R., placed third in Copper Top Futurity, Sunland Park, L.R. GHOSTLY BELLE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CITIZEN GELLER (USA), won Casey Darnell Stakes, Albuquerque, R. The next dam SWAPS MOMMY (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingNATIVE MOMMY (USA) (f. by Qui Native (USA)), won 16 races in U.S.A. including Sensational Stakes, Laurel, L., Buckram Oak Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. (twice), Jenny Wiley Stakes, Keeneland, L., Mutual Savings Life Ladies Handicap, Fair Grounds, L. (twice), Politely Stakes, Monmouth Park, Pukka Princess Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Politely Stakes, Monmouth Park, third in Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.2, Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3, Sisterhood Stakes, Meadowlands and fourth in Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2; grandam of ROYAL DIANA (USA), won Kudzu Juvenile Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. FIGHTING MOM (USA) (f. by Fighting Fit (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Miss Sweep (USA), winner in Canada, placed second in Bessarabian Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3 and third in Golden Horseshoe Stakes, Fort Erie, L.





Owner: FMQ Stables Malibu Moon (USA) Gormley (USA) Race To Urga (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) April 22nd, 2022 Funny Money (USA) (2009)

Dehere (USA) Seattle Moon (CAN)

A P Indy (USA) Macoumba (USA) Bernstein (USA) Miss Mambo (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Sister Dot (USA) Seattle Dancer (USA) Tempest Moon (USA)

GORMLEY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1 and Sham Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of HIGH OAK (USA), (Gr.2), BRON AND BROW (USA), (S), BENEVENGO (USA), (S), Mama Rina (USA), (Gr.3), Headline Report (USA), (Gr.3), Moody Woman (USA), (Gr.3), B Dawk (USA), (L.), Crosby Beach (USA), (L.), Emily's Bullet (USA), (S), Gormley's Gabriela (USA), (S). 1st Dam FUNNY MONEY (USA), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £113,590 and placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTOONIE LOONIE (USA) (2016 f. by Tizway (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £31,956 and placed 5 times. RASSLIN (USA) (2017 g. by Astrology (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. KINGOFWALLSTREET (USA) (2019 c. by Animal Kingdom (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 abroad. (2020 c. by Flintshire (GB)). Bagel And Deli (USA) (2021 f. by Congrats (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam Seattle Moon (CAN), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,405 and placed third in Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingVOUS (USA) (f. by Wild Rush (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £131,844 including Hollywood Wildcat Stakes, Calder, L., placed second in Calder Oaks, Calder, L., Via Borghese Stakes, Gulfstream Park and third in The Very One Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; grandam of RUBY LOVE (CHI), won Premio Arturo Lyon Pena, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.1. MOHEGAN SKY (USA) (f. by Straight Man (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £153,432 including Music Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in Dynamic Lisa Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Memories of Silver Stakes, Belmont Park, Stage View Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and third in Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. LITTLE BROSE (AUS), won Blue Diamond Stakes, Sandown-Lakeside, Gr.1. Seattle Mission (USA) (g. by Strategic Mission (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. and £80,944 and placed second in New York Stallion Cab Galloway Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. Deities Day (USA) (f. by Buddha (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £33,576 and placed third in Glory in Motion Stakes, Aqueduct; dam of a winner. Sadietheprettylady (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Shanes Pretty Lady (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in New York Stallion Series Stakes (2yof), Aqueduct, R. 3rd Dam TEMPEST MOON (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Singing Susan Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed third in Post Deb Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDestination Moon (USA) (c. by Believe It (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Summer Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R. HER MINK COAT (USA) (f. by Affirmed (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MOONFLUTE (AUS), won Furious Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3, placed second in Flight Stakes, Warwick Farm, Gr.1 and third in Hobartville Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2. Pine Away (USA), unraced; dam of ABSOLUT GLAM (AUS), won Tattersall's Winter Stakes, Eagle Farm, Gr.1, Moonee Valley Oaks Classic, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, Kevin Hayes Boronia Stakes, Caulfield, L., placed second in Cleanevent Manikato Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.1, NOBBY SNIP (AUS)/FUN TAPESTRY (AUS), won McGrath Eskimo Prince Stakes, Randwick, L., T & M Lahood Fireball Quality Handicap, Rosehill, L., placed second in The James Boag Galaxy, Randwick, Gr.1; grandam of MISS GUNPOWDER (AUS), won Schweppes 1000 Gns Tranquil Star Prelude, Caulfield, Gr.2, ALPHIE'S BET (USA), won Sham Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, JAZZ SONG (AUS), won Simpson Typhoon Tracy Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.3, UNUSUAL HEATWAVE (USA), won Real Good Deal Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., Snow Chief Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R.; sire, TWENTYTWENTYVISION (USA), won Rolling Green Stakes, Golden Gate, second in Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 and third in Shoemaker Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and John Henry Turf Championship Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2.


37 ASHGAR DESERT (USA) March 24th, 2022 A Chesnut Colt (first foal)


Owner: Muhammad Ibrahim Rashid Scat Daddy (USA) Mendelssohn (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Fire On High (USA) (2016)

Sky Mesa (USA) Klondike Hills (USA)


Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Tricky Creek (USA) Crystal Lady (CAN) Pulpit (USA) Caress (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Ruby Ransom (CAN)

MENDELSSOHN (USA), 2015. Top rated 3yr old in U.A.E. in 2018 (9.5-11f.). Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2018. Won 4 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2, Patton Stakes, L., second in Dewhurst Stakes, Gr.1 and Travers Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of DELIGHT (USA), (Gr.2), COMMITTEE OF ONE (USA), (L.), AUSTERE (USA), (L.), CLASSICAL CAT (USA), (L.), OPUS FORTY TWO (USA), (S), Miracle (USA), (Gr.2), Ngannou (USA), (Gr.3), Midnight Rising (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam FIRE ON HIGH (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years in U.S.A. 2nd Dam KLONDIKE HILLS (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingEPICAL (USA) (g. by Uncle Mo (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £237,312 including San Luis Rey Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in San Marcos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 3rd Dam RUBY RANSOM (CAN), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Ontario Colleen Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSTRUT THE STAGE (USA) (c. by Theatrical), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Niagara Breeders' Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2 (twice), Chinese Cultural Center Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, Sky Classic Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.2, Toronto Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3, Charlie Barley Handicap, Woodbine, L., placed second in Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; sire. SACRED SONG (USA) (f. by Diesis), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years including Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3, Princess Royal Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, placed second in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of winners. MULTIDIMENSIONAL (IRE), 5 races at home and in France including Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Deauville, Gr.2, Rose of Lancaster Stakes, Haydock, Gr.3; sire. BRAVE DESTINY (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), won 1 race in Canada; dam of winners. ALDOUS SNOW (CAN), won Singspiel Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 (3 times). Born To Act (CAN), winner in Canada, third in Toronto Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L. Rubicat (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Rubix (SAF), unraced; dam of Dolcezza (SAF), winner to 2022/23 in South Africa and placed second in Devon Air Stakes, Greyville, L. Ruby's Realm (USA) (f. by Empire Maker (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Currency Converter (USA)/Double Valentine (USA), winner at home and in Hong Kong and placed third in Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. The next dam Amelia Bearhart (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Burnsville Handicap, Canterbury Downs; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingCHIEF BEARHART (CAN) (c. by Chief's Crown (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in Canada in 1996, Champion older horse in Canada in 1997, won 12 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Canadian International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, King Edward Breeders' Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3R.; sire. EXPLOSIVE RED (CAN) (c. by Explodent (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, Forerunner Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Cup and Saucer Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; sire. RUBY RANSOM (CAN) (f. by Red Ransom (USA)), see above. Memorized (CAN) (c. by Ziggy's Boy (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Vigil Handicap, Woodbine, L., Woodstock Stakes, Greenwood, L. Sundown Serenade (CAN) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 1 race in U.S.A., second in Shady Well Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; grandam of PRIVATE ZONE (CAN), won Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1. Lure The Bear (USA) (f. by Lure (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ACHIEVER'S LEGACY (USA), won Desi Arnaz Stakes, Del Mar, L., placed third in Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3; dam of TONE IT UP (USA), won Century Casino Oaks, Century Mile.




Owner: Hamad Nanser H Alkhatani Not For Sale (ARG) Forty Licks (ARG) Bailesa (ARG)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 10th, 2022 Trucanini (GB) (2010)

Mount Nelson (GB) Jalissa (GB)


Parade Marshal (USA) Love For Sale (ARG) Equalize (USA) Brazilian Nut (ARG) Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Independence (GB) Mister Baileys (GB) Julia Domna (GB)

FORTY LICKS (ARG), 2002. Champion 3yr old colt in Argentina in 2005-06. Won 9 races, G.P. Nacional-(Derby)Copa Turismo Nacion, Gr.1, Gran Premio Jockey Club, Gr.1, C. Jockey Club Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2, Clasico Pedro Goenaga, Gr.2, second in G. P. Carlos Pellegrini-Internacional, Gr.1. Sire of SHADAWAH (KSA), AKHO SHADO (KSA), ASHQAR RUMAH (KSA), SANAAN (KSA), THAQIB ALNAZHRA (KSA), RAS ALSAHM (KSA), ALRAFIQ ALAMIN (KSA), AKHO ALMOLTAHEM (KSA), INTABIH (KSA), HAFAAWAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam TRUCANINI (GB), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years and £20,906 and placed 6 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2020 f. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam JALISSA (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTRUCANINI (GB) (f. by Mount Nelson (GB)), see above. CAMINEL (IRE) (f. by Kyllachy (GB)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 5 times. FOLLY BRIDGE (GB) (f. by Avonbridge (GB)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years and £49,343 and placed 4 times; dam of winners. COOLCALMCOLLECTED (IRE) (f. by Acclamation (GB)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in Denmark and £11,185 and placed 8 times; dam of a winner. BAILEYS BLESSING (FR) (f. by Supplicant (GB)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in France and £33,529 and placed 8 times. 3rd Dam JULIA DOMNA (GB), placed once at 3 years; Own sister to DOMYNGA and FAIR DOMINION; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingVintage Premium (GB) (g. by Forzando), won 7 races and placed second in Braveheart Stakes, Hamilton, L., Huxley Stakes, Chester, L., Doonside Cup, Ayr, L. 4th Dam DAME JULIAN, won 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingNORWICH (c. by Top Ville), won 8 races at home and in U.S.A. including El Rincon Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, San Francisco Mile Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3, MacDonagh Boland Stakes, Curragh, L., Platinum Stakes, Phoenix Park, L., Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, L., second in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Golden Gate Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.2; sire. FAIR DOMINION (f. by Dominion), won 7 races including Sooner Handicap, Louisiana Downs, L., Honeymoon Stakes, Louisiana Downs, second in International Fillies Stakes, Kempton, L. and third in Prix de Psyché, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of winners. Flore Fair (GB), unraced; dam of Hunkarin Kizi (TUR), winner abroad and placed third in Zubeyde Hanim, Veliefendi, L. DOMYNGA (f. by Dominion), won 1 race at 3 years viz Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L.; grandam of MISTY EYED (IRE), 4 races at 2 years including Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 and Dragon Stakes, Sandown, L., Blast Dash (JPN), winner in Japan and placed third in Osaka-Hamburg Cup, Hanshin, L. The next dam MARCH SPRAY, won 5 races and placed 7 times; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingDARING BOY (g. by Derring-Do), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years including National Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3 and Windsor Castle Stakes, Ascot, L. Daring March (c. by Derring-Do), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Prix du Palais-Royal, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Beeswing Stakes, Newcastle, L.; sire. FLYING BLACKIE (GB) (f. by Morston (FR)), won 3 races in Brazil; grandam of UBIRAREMA (BRZ), won Classico Japao de Turfe, Cidade Jardim, L. Blakeney Belle (f. by Blakeney), unplaced at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. ROCAMADOUR, won Knickerbocker Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Fair Play Stakes, Fort Erie, L., placed third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1; sire. HERRADURA, won Memorial Day Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L. DOON BELLE, 2 races; dam of MONKSTON POINT (IRE), 9 races including Leisure Stakes, Windsor, L., third in Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1.





Owner: Salauel Stable Pleasant Tap (USA) Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 28th, 2022 Deo Favente (USA) (2005)

Vision And Verse (USA) In Excelcis Deo (USA)

Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Bunting (USA) Forty Niner (USA) Sabin (USA)

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam DEO FAVENTE (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £11,098; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizDIVINE FAVOR (USA) (2016 g. by Gemologist (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £44,584 and placed 9 times. GLORY TRAIN (USA) (2015 f. by Bullet Train (GB)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £28,326 and placed 8 times. DREAMS TO REMEMBER (USA) (2014 f. by Tizdejavu (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,217 and placed 6 times. 2nd Dam In Excelcis Deo (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £54,875 and placed third in Cicada Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and Nany Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFLOWS LIKE WINE (USA) (f. by Mt Livermore (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £40,475; dam of winners. Holy Wine (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Muskoka Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Heavenly Cat (USA) (f. by Tabasco Cat (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MR FREEZE (USA), won Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Mile Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.3, placed second in Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1. DILEMMA (USA), won Daytona Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. HEAVENLY RANSOM (USA), won Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. CAPITANO (USA), won Turf Paradise Handicap, Turf Paradise, L. (twice), Rolling Green Breeders' Cup Handicap, Golden Gate, L., placed second in Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Best Pal Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. Heavenly Chorus (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in George Royal Stakes, Hastings Park and Journal Handicap, Northlands Park; sire. HEAVENLY VIEW (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HEAVEN STREET (USA), won Columbia Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L. Zayanna (USA), ran twice in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of WICKED WHISPER (USA), won Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3, POINT OF HONOR (USA), won Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Suncoast Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, second in Ogden Phipps Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Coaching Club American Oaks, Saratoga, Gr.1, VELVET MOOD (USA), won My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L. 3rd Dam SABIN (USA), won 18 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Yellow Ribbon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Gamely Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.2, Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (twice), Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, placed third in Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Alabama Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingAL SABIN (USA) (c. by Alydar (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Cahill Road Stakes, Aqueduct, L., second in Bradbury Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; sire. SABINA (USA) (f. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including National Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, placed third in Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3; dam of winners. ANDORA (USA) (f. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DIVERSA (USA), won Busher Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed third in Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of LOVE THEWAY YOUARE (USA), won Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, placed second in Santa Margarita Invitational Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 29th, 2022 Faihaa Najd (KSA) (2014)

Official Visit (USA) Ssaebah (KSA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) K J's Appeal (USA) Idrisiyah (KSA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam FAIHAA NAJD (KSA), won 2 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,721 and placed twice; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2020 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)). 2nd Dam SSAEBAH (KSA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £25,012; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingINTAZHIROONI (KSA) (c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 6 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £70,365. WAJH ALRIYADH (KSA) (c. by Bandini (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £70,054. SHAFLOONAH (KSA) (f. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £71,587. 3rd Dam IDRISIYAH (KSA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingSSADA (KSA) (c. by Souvenir Copy (USA)), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; sire. 4th Dam ANNETTES FANCY (USA), unraced; dam of 4 foals of racing age includingIdrisiyah (KSA) (f. by Lake Coniston (IRE)), see above. The next dam APRIL FANCY, won 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAPRIL RUN (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), Champion older mare in Europe in 1982, Champion turf filly in U.S.A. in 1982, won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Turf Classic, Aqueduct, Gr.1 (twice), Prix Foy, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, placed second in Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, third in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. SPRING BREAK, 1 race at 3 years; dam of WEEKEND MADNESS (IRE), won Saratoga Budweiser Breeders' Cup H'cap, Saratoga, Gr.3 and Keeneland Breeders' Cup Handicap, Keeneland, Gr.3. Desert Run (USA), unraced; dam of SIR CAT (USA), won Appleton Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3; sire. NORTHERN VIEW (c. by Northfields (USA)), won 9 races at home and in Italy including Madrid Free Handicap, Curragh, L., Coppa del Mare, Livorno, L., placed second in Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. SCHEZERADE (USA) (f. by Tom Rolfe), won 2 races in France including Prix de la Porte de Passy, Chantilly, L., third in Prix des Tourelles, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of winners. PHILANTHROP (FR), won Prix La Moskowa, Chantilly, L., Prix du Carrousel, Maisons-Laffitte, L., Prix René Bédel, Lyon-Parilly, L., Prix de Tourgéville, Deauville, L., placed third in Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2; sire. LE ZELE (GB), 3 races in Japan including Hai Aoba Sho (Derby Trial), Tokyo, L. SWIFT SPRING (FR), 1 race at 3 years; dam of SWING WING (GB), 6 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in Italy including Prix du Carrousel, ParisLongchamp, L., Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L., Coppa d'Oro di Milano, Milan, L., placed second in Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. Becky Branch (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. HONOR GLIDE (USA), won Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Bowling Green Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Arlington Classic, Arlington, Gr.2; sire.




Giant's Causeway (USA) A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 4th, 2022


Owner: Talal Ahmed Zainy

Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA) Miss Ribot (USA) (2009)

Orientate (USA) Flo Jo (USA)

Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Dream Team (USA) Graustark Pet Eagle (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam MISS RIBOT (USA), ran a few times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizTEAM RIBOT (USA) (2015 g. by Any Given Saturday (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £127,243 and placed 20 times. RIBOT STAR (USA) (2013 f. by Silver Train (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £66,080 and placed 4 times. Tesio's Son (USA) (2014 g. by Southern Success (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A. Fatat Makkah (KSA) (2020 f. by Weigelia (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. (2021 c. by Dramedy (USA)). 2nd Dam FLO JO (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £11,736; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingLearing At Kathy (USA) (c. by Lear Fan (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £92,750 and placed second in Cinema Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and third in Will Rogers Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and Turf Paradise Derby, Turf Paradise, L. 3rd Dam PET EAGLE (USA), unraced; Own sister to RAISE A CUP (USA); dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 living foals of racing age includingOur Little Margie (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3 and third in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. Ellwood And Jake (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Aegon Turf Sprint Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. I Am A Beanie Baby (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Fairfield Stakes, Solano. Margie's Darling (USA), unraced; third dam of MR HOLLYWOOD (IRE), 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in Germany including Bavarian Classic, Munich, Gr.3, placed second in Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1. Mrs Paddy (USA), unraced; dam of PADDY'S DAISY (USA), won Miesque Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Jessamine County Stakes, Keeneland, L. PET SHOW (USA) (f. by Judger (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Pet Brick (USA), winner, third in Louisiana Downs Futurity (fillies), Louisiana Downs. RED AND BLUE EAGLE (USA) (f. by Naskra (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Copelan's Eagle (USA), winner, third in Valiant Pete Handicap, Santa Anita, L. Hemet Gold (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in California Cup Starter Sprint Handicap, Santa Anita, L. HEMET EAGLE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PT'S GREY EAGLE (USA), won Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Mirror Bright (USA) (f. by Gleaming (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. BRIGHT AGAIN (USA), won Equipoise Mile Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, placed second in Jim Beam Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2; sire. BRIGHT ASSET (USA), won Vallejo Stakes, Golden Gate, L.R.; grandam of PINKARELLA (USA), won Sugar Maple Stakes, Charles Town, L. B W Baba (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Pollyanna Stakes, Arlington. Indy Flash (USA), unraced; dam of GALLOPING GAL (USA), won Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; grandam of LIAISON (USA), won Cashcall Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Mervyn Leroy Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire, UNITED (USA), won Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2 (twice), John Henry Turf Championship Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 (twice), Charles Whittingham Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Marcos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Breeders' Cup Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, HARLAN PUNCH (USA), won Philip H Iselin Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, MIRACLE (IND), won Indian Oaks, Mumbai, L.R., Indian 1000 Guineas, Mumbai, L.R., TAURINA (PR), won Clasico Dia de Reyes, Camarero Race Track, L., TENSAS PUNCH (USA), won Louisiana Jewel Stakes, Delta Downs, L.R.; third dam of ZAAJEL (USA), won Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2.




Owner: Eiz Alassail Stable City Zip (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 21st, 2022

Palace (USA) Receivership (USA) Kanani (USA) (2005)

E Dubai (USA) Mepache (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Words of War (USA) Iron Constitution (USA) Nowmepache

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam KANANI (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizFIFTH TITLE (USA) (2013 g. by Quality Road (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £190,127 and placed 9 times. MIGHTY IAN (USA) (2010 g. by Bellamy Road (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £108,137 and placed 4 times. CHARGING HOME (USA) (2017 f. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £25,772 and placed 7 times. Samh Alqobal (KSA) (2020 c. by Bandini (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. Fashionably Cool (USA) (2012 f. by Tiznow (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of 3 winners includingSudden Shift (USA) (g. by Unbridled Express (USA)), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Indiana Futurity, Indiana Grand, R. 2nd Dam MEPACHE (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £128,956 including Schenectady Handicap, Aqueduct, placed third in Broadway Handicap, Aqueduct, R.; dam of fourteen winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingVALID EXPECTATIONS (USA) (c. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £374,961 including Sport Page Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Derby Trial Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Thanksgiving Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., Mountain Valley Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Bachelor Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; sire. LITTLE SISTER (USA) (f. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 17 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £437,231 including Azalea Breeders' Cup Stakes, Calder, Gr.3, Saylorville Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L. (twice), Wild Flower Stakes, Lone Star Park, L., Sweet & Sassy Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Carousel Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of winners. TAKEDOWN (USA), won Northern Spur Breeders' Cup Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. No Fair (USA), winner, third in Dr A B Leggio Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.; grandam of BOSSMAKINBOSSMOVES (USA), won Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R. LITTLEEXPECTATIONS (USA) (c. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £128,535 including Sugar Bowl Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., Old Hickory Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., placed third in Lafayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire. MISS VALID PACHE (USA) (f. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £95,867 including Riviera Stakes, Calder, L.; dam of winners. VALID PULPIT (USA), won El Paso Times Handicap, Sunland Park. Actceptional (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in Lady Sonata Stakes, Calder; dam of OMNISCIENT (USA), won Majestic Light Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; grandam of ALBERTS HOPE (USA), won Best Pal Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2. Red Apache (USA) (c. by End Sweep (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £65,342 and placed second in Hollywood Prevue Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. Copelan's Pache (USA) (c. by Copelan (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £116,899 and placed third in Alysheba Breeders' Cup Stakes, Lone Star Park, L.; sire. Babyexpectations (USA) (f. by Valid Appeal (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £37,810 and second in Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of winners. MEGUILTY (USA) (f. by Court Trial (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of BALMARAN (USA), won Clasico dia de la Mujer, Camarero Race Track, L.; third dam of TEXAS ASCOT QUEEN (USA), won Valor Farm Stakes, Lone Star Park, R. MISS PACHE (USA) (f. by Baldski (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; third dam of LAZY DAISY (USA), won Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Picketline (USA) (f. by Street Cry (IRE)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. SUCCESSFUL NATIVE (USA), won Kentucky Downs Turf Sprint Stakes, L. OLYMPIC AVENUE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Home Cooking (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1.




Owner: Yahya Moh. Almagedy Sons Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 10th, 2022 (first foal)

Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA) Shiblat Saqlaan (KSA) (2017)

Hans Anderson (USA) Titoli di Coda (IRE)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Sister Dot (USA) Bertolini (USA) Mystic Tempo (USA)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SHIBLAT SAQLAAN (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam TITOLI DI CODA (IRE), ran a few times at 2 years; dam of one winner from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizVERITYOFCOLOR (GB) (f. by Archipenko (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in Italy and £22,600 and placed 8 times. 3rd Dam MYSTIC TEMPO (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLE VIE DEI COLORI (GB) (c. by Efisio), Champion 2yr old in Italy in 2002, won 14 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in Italy including Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Premio Parioli (2000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2, Prix La Rochette, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3, Leicestershire Stakes, Leicester, L., Premio Natale di Roma, Rome, L., Premio Daumier, Rome, L., Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L., second in Grand Critérium, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Premio del Piazzale-Mem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L. and third in Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1 and Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. Stai Su (GB) (f. by Dr Fong (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Italy and placed second in Premio Repubbliche MarinareTrofeo Tattersall, Rome, L.; dam of winners. The next dam Doubling Time (USA), won 1 race in France and placed second in Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and Prix d'Automne, ParisLongchamp, L.; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingTimely (f. by Kings Lake (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3 and Sir Charles Clore Memorial Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of winners. SHINING HOUR (USA), 2 races at 2 years including Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of Clear Impression (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Land O'Burns Fillies' Stakes, Ayr, L. and third in Cecil Frail Stakes, Haydock, L. and Lansdown Stakes, Bath, L., Al Fareej (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L. and third in Roses Stakes, York, L.; grandam of MR BIG (AUS), won Jumbo Jet Trophy, Kranji, L., Malaysian Magic Millions Classic, Penang, L., Garden City Trophy, Kranji, L., Woodlands Handicap, Kranji, L., Kranji Sprint, Kranji, L., Magic Millions Juvenile Championship, Kranji, L., Aushorse Golden Horseshoe, Kranji, L., placed second in Kris Flyer International Sprint, Kranji, Gr.1, MICK'S YER MAN (GB), 7 races at home and in Hong Kong including Pavilion Stakes, Ascot, L., Wakeel (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Sportingbet Zeditave Stakes, Caulfield, L. Titian Time (USA), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in England in 2004, winner at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of Fannaan (USA), winner and placed second in Dubai Duty Free Cup, Newbury, L.; grandam of TERESITA (IND), won Bangalore Oaks, Bangalore, L.R., placed third in Indian 1000 Guineas, Mumbai, L.R., Rhea (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Star Stakes, Sandown, L., from only 3 starts. Axford (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Futurity Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. Date Mate (USA) (f. by Thorn Dance (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SORAAYA (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed second in Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, from only 4 starts. DECLARATION OF WAR (IRE), 2 races at 2 years including Woodcote Stakes, Epsom, L., placed second in Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; sire.


44 BOX

Owner: Khalid Saud H. Alqurashi Mizzen Mast (USA) Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) January 30th, 2022 Bint Moonbow (KSA) (2010)

Halling (USA) Moonbow (IRE)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Diesis Dance Machine Rainbow Quest (USA) Sensation (GB)

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam BINT MOONBOW (KSA), unraced; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingNawarah Norah (KSA) (2017 f. by Friends Lake (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Teelda (KSA) (2021 f. by Macho Macho (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MOONBOW (IRE), ran in France at 3 years; Own sister to SYSTEMATIC (GB); dam of one winner from 4 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizAWEQABAH (KSA) (c. by Frozen Power (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam SENSATION (GB), won 4 races at 3 years at home and in France including Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Prix de Bagatelle, Deauville, L.; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 13 living foals of racing age includingSYSTEMATIC (GB) (c. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 8 races at 3 and 5 years including Ormonde Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, Cumberland Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Troy Stakes, Doncaster, L., placed second in Jockey Club Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2; sire. SCATTER DICE (IRE) (f. by Manduro (GER)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years and placed 11 times; grandam of Boonie (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 and placed third in Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 and Windsor Castle Stakes, Ascot, L. SUNDAY SMILE (GB) (f. by Sunday Silence (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. FLUKY (JPN), won The Challenge Cup, Hanshin, Gr.3 and Port Island Stakes, Hanshin, L. REGARD CALME (JPN), won Anemone Stakes, Nakayama, L. Man Of Spirit (JPN), winner in Japan, second in Kyoto Shimbun Hai, Kyoto, Gr.2. Caillech (GB) (f. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), ran in France; grandam of PRIME (PER), won Clasico Miguel Fort Magot, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3. The next dam OUTSTANDINGLY (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1984, won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Las Palmas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Santa Lucia Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R., placed third in Vanity Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 living foals of racing age includingSUPERIORITY (USA) (g. by Arazi (USA)), won 11 races at home, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. including ADNOC National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L., placed third in Keeneland Jebel Hatta, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. Outlasting (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. FORTITUDE (USA), won Belmont Breeders' Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Shades of Grace (USA), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; grandam of TIMBALINA (PER), won Clasico Cesar A del Rio Suito, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3. AVICE CARO (USA) (f. by Caro), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Actoris (USA), winner in France and placed third in Prix de la Seine, ParisLongchamp, L.; grandam of SHEIKHA REIKA (FR), won E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1 and John Musker Stakes, Yarmouth, L., LUMIERE (GB), Champion 2yr old filly in England in 2015, 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Sir Henry Cecil Stakes, Newmarket, L., SKREI (IRE), 1 race in Germany viz Grosser Sparkassenpreis, Stadtsparkasse, Dusseldorf, L. Zaafira (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GOLD COLLECTION (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of MOONU (GB), 5 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 including Premio E.B.F. Terme Di Merano, Merano, L. Elkhorn Gal (USA), unraced; dam of ELKHABAR (ARG), won Asoc. Bonarense Prop. Caballos Carrera, La Plata, Gr.3.




BIRQ ALTAWHEED (USA) May 3rd, 2022 A Chesnut Colt (first foal)


Owner: FMQ Stables Into Mischief (USA) Instagrand (USA) Assets of War (USA) Money For Mama (USA) (2017)

Strong Mandate (USA) Moneygrabber (USA)

Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Lawyer Ron (USA) Added Asset (USA) Tiznow (USA) Clear Mandate (USA) Awesome Again (CAN) Lasting Appeal (USA)

INSTAGRAND (USA), 2016. Won 2 races, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, third in Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1 and Gotham Stakes, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam MONEY FOR MAMA (USA), ran twice in U.S.A.. She also has a 2023 filly by Flameaway (CAN). 2nd Dam MONEYGRABBER (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,215; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMadarnas (USA) (g. by Midnight Lute (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £41,379 and placed second in Buffalo Man Stakes, Gulfstream Park. ADAM TILER (USA) (g. by Justin Phillip (USA)), won 8 races at 4 and 5 years abroad. EYESEEMONEY (USA) (f. by Court Vision (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. GRABBING THE MONEY (USA) (c. by Strong Mandate (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £32,242. 3rd Dam LASTING APPEAL (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; Own sister to JUMP START (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingDARING DEVIL (USA) (c. by Daredevil (USA)), won 4 races abroad including Clasico Bartolome Mafla Herrera, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. Conquest Windycity (USA) (g. by Tiznow (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3. ENDLESS FANCY (USA) (f. by Ghostzapper (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Fancy Kitten (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Martha Washington Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of JASPER KRONE (USA), won TV Nishinippon Corp.Sho Kitakyushu Kinen, Kokura, Gr.3, CBC Sho, Chukyo, Gr.3. 4th Dam Steady Cat (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2 and Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; Own sister to APOLLO CAT (USA) and Ozzie Cat (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingJUMP START (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, placed second in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. STEADY COURSE (USA) (f. by Old Trieste (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MASTERY (USA), won Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Los Alamitos, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3; sire. CLEAR SAILING (USA), won Pelleteri Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of Mishpachah (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Shantel Lanerie Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. and EVD Distaff Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R. The next dam HOPESPRINGSFOREVER (USA), placed once at 3 years; Own sister to MISWAKI (USA); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingAPOLLO CAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. Aspen Days (ARG), winner in Argentina, third in Clasico Ocurrencia, San Isidro, Gr.3. Union City (USA) (c. by Private Account (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and San Rafael Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Ozzie Cat (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Golden Gate Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3; sire. Lysirra (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), ran 3 times; grandam of SIEGE PERILOUS (IND), won Guindy Gold Cup, Chennai, L.R. McConnell Springs (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. Talullah Lula (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of MOONHAK CHIEF (USA), won Seoul Grand Prix, Seoul, L. and Keeneland Korea Cup, Seoul, L. INSTANT COVERAGE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of LA MACCHINA (USA), won Essex Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L.




Owner: Faisal Nasser Shanber Aldalbahi Not For Sale (ARG)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) May 5th, 2022 (first foal)

Forty Licks (ARG) Bailesa (ARG) Bint Alsafeer (KSA) (2015)

Friends Lake (USA) Bint Galileo (KSA)


Parade Marshal (USA) Love For Sale (ARG) Equalize (USA) Brazilian Nut (ARG) A P Indy (USA) Antespend (USA) Galileo (IRE) Lughz (USA)

FORTY LICKS (ARG), 2002. Champion 3yr old colt in Argentina in 2005-06. Won 9 races, G.P. Nacional-(Derby)Copa Turismo Nacion, Gr.1, Gran Premio Jockey Club, Gr.1, C. Jockey Club Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2, Clasico Pedro Goenaga, Gr.2, second in G. P. Carlos Pellegrini-Internacional, Gr.1. Sire of SHADAWAH (KSA), AKHO SHADO (KSA), ASHQAR RUMAH (KSA), SANAAN (KSA), THAQIB ALNAZHRA (KSA), RAS ALSAHM (KSA), ALRAFIQ ALAMIN (KSA), AKHO ALMOLTAHEM (KSA), INTABIH (KSA), HAFAAWAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam BINT ALSAFEER (KSA), placed once at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam BINT GALILEO (KSA), unraced; dam of two winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingJAAD DAH (KSA) (f. by Numerous (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam LUGHZ (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing ageBeenablaw (IRE) (f. by Alzao (USA)), ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. TARGARYEN (IRE), 8 races in Italy including Premio Roma Vecchia, Rome, L., Premio Coppa d'Oro Siracusa C.Naz, Siracusa, L., placed third in Premio Ambrosiano, Milan, Gr.3. The next dam GIVE THANKS, Jt Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1983, won 6 races at 3 years including Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.3, Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield, Gr.3, Musidora Stakes, York, Gr.3, third in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingALSHAKR (GB) (f. by Bahri (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years including Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed second in Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 and third in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. AHAALY (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; dam of MASTER MATT (GB), 8 races at 3 to 7 years, 2023 including Abergwaun Stakes, Tipperary, L. SAFFAANH (USA) (f. by Shareef Dancer (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. HARAYIR (USA), Jt Champion 3yr old filly in England in 1995, 6 races at 2 and 3 years including 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed third in Coronation Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of IZDIHAM (IRE), 2 races at 3 years including Gala Stakes, Sandown, L.; grandam of EGREGIOUS ROCK (TUR), won Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, Gr.3, BEDWULF (TUR), won Ertugrul Gazi Stakes, Bursa, L., HERE TO FLY (TUR), won Kemal Sahir Kurutluoglu, Veliefendi, L. Min Alhawa (USA), 2 races, second in Upavon Stakes, Salisbury, L. and Ballymacoll Stud Stakes, Newbury, L.; dam of TRYSTER (IRE), 9 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. including Emirates Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.1, Winter Derby, Lingfield, Gr.3, Al Tayer Motors Dubai Millennium Stakes, Meydan, Gr.3, placed third in DP World Dubai Turf, Meydan, Gr.1, MUTASALLIL (USA), won Sayegh Jewellery Abu Dhabi Championship, Abu Dhabi, L.; sire, Ajhar (USA), winner at home and in Australia and placed second in Andrew Ramsden Duke of Norfolk Stakes, Flemington, L. and third in Cumberland Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3. Waqood (USA), placed 4 times at 3 years; dam of DORCAS LANE (GB), 2 races at 3 years including Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed third in Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2 and Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.2; grandam of CANDLEFORD (IRE), 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 including August Stakes, Windsor, L., MERHABA (SAF), won Zimbabwe Derby, Borrowdale Park, L. and Bloodstock South Africa 2000, Borrowdale Park, L., Atty Persse (IRE), 8 races at home and abroad and third in Copa de Oro San Sebastian, San Sebastian, L. Al Amlah (USA), unraced; dam of FAT CHOY ICHIBAN (IRE), 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Hong Kong including The Queen Mother Memorial Cup, Sha Tin, L.; grandam of Sakheart (GB), 2 races at 3 and 5 years in Italy and abroad and placed second in Premio Royal Mares, Milan, L., third in Premio Verziere, Milan, Gr.3. Al Basar (USA), unraced; dam of Seville Star (IRE), 7 races at home and in Hong Kong and placed third in The Premier Plate Handicap, Sha Tin, Gr.3.




Owner: Faisal Saad H. AlSuliman Candy Ride (ARG) Mastery (USA) Steady Course (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 10th, 2022 Soul Navigator (USA) (2012)

Henrythenavigator (USA) Miss Alphie (USA)


Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Old Trieste (USA) Steady Cat (USA) Kingmambo (USA) Sequoyah (IRE) Candi's Gold (USA) Pine Away (USA)

MASTERY (USA), 2014. Won 4 races, Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Gr.2 and Bob Hope Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES (USA), (Gr.2), SURPRISINGLY (USA), (Gr.3), Arabian Gazelles (USA), (Gr.3), Negociadora L R (USA), (L.), Bromley (USA), (L.), Hazy Command (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SOUL NAVIGATOR (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizSWEET SOULMATE (USA) (2018 f. by Twirling Candy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £49,489 and placed twice. SOUL OF A WARRIOR (USA) (2019 f. by Declaration of War (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £49,056 and placed once. Russells Hustle (USA) (2020 c. by Noble Mission (GB)), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £40,306. 2nd Dam MISS ALPHIE (USA), placed 3 times at 4 years in U.S.A. and £13,558; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingALPHIE'S BET (USA) (c. by Tribal Rule (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £189,337 including Sham Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, TVG Snow Chief Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed second in California Breeders' Chmpn Stakes (c&g), Santa Anita, L.R. and third in La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2 and Affirmed Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. UNUSUAL HEATWAVE (USA) (c. by Unusual Heat (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £311,757 including Real Good Deal Stakes, Del Mar, L.R., Snow Chief Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., Crystal Water Stakes, Santa Anita, R.; sire. TWENTYTWENTYVISION (USA) (g. by Pollard's Vision (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £362,800 including Rolling Green Stakes, Golden Gate, placed second in Eddie Read Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Tokyo City Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Thunder Road Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in Shoemaker Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Blame It On Alphie (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £120,347 and placed second in Mizdirection Stakes, Santa Anita, L. 3rd Dam PINE AWAY (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizABSOLUT GLAM (AUS) (f. by Snowland (AUS)), won 4 races in Australia including Tattersall's Winter Stakes, Eagle Farm, Gr.1, Hollylodge TB Moonee Valley Oaks Classic, Moonee Valley, Gr.2, Kevin Hayes Boronia Stakes, Caulfield, L., placed second in Cleanevent Manikato Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.1; dam of winners. JAZZ SONG (AUS), won Simpson Typhoon Tracy Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.3, Gai Waterhouse Classic, Ipswich, L., placed second in Sportingbet Euclase Classic Stakes, Morphettville, Gr.2; dam of Sword Point (AUS), winner to 2022/23 in Australia and in Hong Kong and placed second in The Queen Mother Memorial Cup Handicap, Sha Tin, Gr.3 and third in Tulloch Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.2. Shaama (AUS), winner in South Africa and placed second in The South African Nursery, Turffontein, Gr.1; dam of SAARTJIE (SAF), won Cape Oaks, Kenilworth, L., placed second in KZN Fillies Guineas, Greyville, Gr.2 and Gold Bracelet, Greyville, Gr.2. NOBBY SNIP (AUS)/FUN TAPESTRY (AUS) (g. by Snippetson (AUS)), won 5 races in Australia including McGrath Eskimo Prince Stakes, Randwick, L., T & M Lahood Fireball Quality Handicap, Rosehill, L., second in The James Boag Galaxy, Randwick, Gr.1. FOREVER RAFTER (USA) (f. by Delineator (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. MISS GUNPOWDER (AUS), won Schweppes 1000 Gns Tranquil Star Prelude, Caulfield, Gr.2 and Makers Mark Hinkler Handicap, Doomben, L. 4th Dam HER MINK COAT (USA), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingMOONFLUTE (AUS) (f. by Danehill (USA)), won 1 race in Australia viz Furious Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3, second in Flight Stakes, Warwick Farm, Gr.1, Sweet Embrace Stakes, Canterbury, Gr.3 and third in Hobartville Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2; dam of a winner.


48 BOX

Owner: Jeyad Alhejaz Stable Not For Sale (ARG)

HASNA'A ALJEYAAD (KSA) April 1st, 2022 A Bay Filly

Forty Licks (ARG) Bailesa (ARG) Classic Tiara (USA) (2004)

Sky Classic (CAN) Bridal Tiara (USA)


Parade Marshal (USA) Love For Sale (ARG) Equalize (USA) Brazilian Nut (ARG) Nijinsky (CAN) No Class (CAN) Dynaformer (USA) Greek Wedding (USA)

FORTY LICKS (ARG), 2002. Champion 3yr old colt in Argentina in 2005-06. Won 9 races, G.P. Nacional-(Derby)Copa Turismo Nacion, Gr.1, Gran Premio Jockey Club, Gr.1, C. Jockey Club Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2, Clasico Pedro Goenaga, Gr.2, second in G. P. Carlos Pellegrini-Internacional, Gr.1. Sire of SHADAWAH (KSA), AKHO SHADO (KSA), ASHQAR RUMAH (KSA), SANAAN (KSA), THAQIB ALNAZHRA (KSA), RAS ALSAHM (KSA), ALRAFIQ ALAMIN (KSA), AKHO ALMOLTAHEM (KSA), INTABIH (KSA), HAFAAWAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam CLASSIC TIARA (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £146,125 and placed 10 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizCLASSIC LADEDAH (CAN) (2011 f. by Where's The Ring (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in Canada and £82,152 and placed 12 times. Ameerat Alhejaz (KSA) (2021 f. by Wistar (GB)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam BRIDAL TIARA (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingDYNHOCRACY (USA) (g. by Adhocracy (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £92,736 including Arthur I Appleton Juvenile Turf Stakes, Calder, L.R., placed second in Needles Stakes, Calder and third in Florida Stallion Stakes (Affirmed), Calder, L.R. and Donthelumbertrader Stakes, Calder. TANYA'S TIARA (USA) (f. by Forest Wildcat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £33,419. Tenacious Tripp (USA) (f. by Trippi (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Tracy Ann's Legacy (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Lightning City Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and third in Captiva Island Stakes, Gulfstream Park and Abundantia Stakes, Gulfstream Park. 3rd Dam GREEK WEDDING (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSMART SQUALL (USA) (c. by Summer Squall (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years at home and in France including Critérium du Languedoc, Toulouse, L., placed second in G.P. Spielbank Hohensyburg St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.2 and third in Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine, L. Talkmeister (USA) (c. by Fly So Free (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Memorial Day Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. and Colonel E R Bradley Handicap, Fair Grounds, L. Blushing Bride (USA) (f. by Miesque's Son (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MY SISTERSLEDGE (USA), won All Brandy Stakes, Laurel, R., Maryland Million Ladies Stakes, Laurel, R. (twice). 4th Dam PERSIAN TIARA, won 10 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Golden Harvest Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2, Dixie Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.2, La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Seneca Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Washington D. C. International Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Dixie Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.2 and third in Sword Dancer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Flower Bowl Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingTriple Tiara (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix de Royaumont, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L. and third in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners. Cap of Dignity (GB) (f. by Shirley Heights), unraced; dam of winners. BERET (USA), won Indian Maid Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, L., placed second in Hatoof Stakes, Arlington and third in Modesty Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of KEPI (USA), won Lincoln Heritage Handicap, Arlington, R., Lady Lionel Handicap, Arlington, placed second in Illini Princess Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R., Illini Princess Handicap, Hawthorne, R. Le Dauphin (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Hallandale Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L.


49 BOX

Owner: Bander Awad M. Alwadei Unbridled (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 31st, 2022 (first foal)

Spanish Steps (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Nasmat Reeh (KSA) (2013)

Official Visit (USA) Shiblat Majeedah (KSA)


Fappiano (USA) Gana Facil (USA) Caro Lucky Spell (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Nowhere To Exit (GB) Majeedah (KSA)

SPANISH STEPS (USA), 2001. Unraced. Sire of LITTLE MIKE (USA), (Gr.1), SPANISH RIDGE (USA), (L.), EL SURI (USA), (L.), ANIMAL STYLE (USA), (S), SLIM SHADY'S LADY (USA), (S), CONWAY TWO STEP (USA), (S), LYDIA'S LAST STEP (USA), (S), Capricho Espanol (USA), (Gr.3), Ill Conceived (USA), (L.), The Flying Whizzer (USA), (L.), Raise the Bridle (USA), (L.), Spanish Ice (USA), (L.R.), Gato Paso (USA), (L.), Cheeks Malone (USA), (L.R.), Escalon (USA), (L.R.). 1st Dam NASMAT REEH (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years. 2nd Dam SHIBLAT MAJEEDAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 3 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingNasmat Reeh (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam MAJEEDAH (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMEERAAN (KSA) (c. by Wellsian (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam BLUSHING NAR (USA), placed 3 times in Italy and in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizIMTINAAN (KSA) (f. by Tasso (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The next dam GULANAR, won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy including Premio Agnano, Naples, L., Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Mario Perretti, Rome, L., Premio Verziere, Milan, L. and third in Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMAGNIFICENT STAR (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years viz Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1, Newbury Fillies Trial, Newbury, L., placed second in Glorious Stakes, Goodwood, L.; dam of winners. Patrixprial (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed twice; also placed 3 times over hurdles at 3 and 4 years including second in Summit Junior Hurdle, Lingfield, Gr.2. MYSTERIEUSE ETOILE (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de la Grotte, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. PERFECT DESIRE (USA), winner in France; dam of Irish Stainy (IRE), 6 races at 2, 4 and 6 years in Germany and placed 7 times including third in BMW Sachsen Preis, Dresden, L. Forest Treasure (USA), unraced; dam of Be My Victor (GB), 6 races in Italy and placed 10 times including second in Premio Gardone, Milan, L. and Premio Campobello, Milan, L., Open Credit (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed 4 times including second in Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L.; grandam of New Magic (IRE), 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years and placed 10 times including third in Cooley Stakes, Dundalk, L. Bilal (USA) (c. by Green Forest (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix de l'Avre, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Premio Cascine, Florence, Gr.3. Sun War Dancer (USA) (c. by Northern Dancer), won 3 races in France and in U.S.A. and placed third in Somers Point Stakes, Atlantic City; sire.


50 BOX

Owner: Ayidh Sannat S Alshibani Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 1st, 2022 Pure And Simple (USA) (2005)

Trippi (USA) Chris' Rocket Girl (USA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) End Sweep (USA) Jealous Appeal (USA) Seattle Dancer (USA) First Injun (USA)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam PURE AND SIMPLE (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £79,002 including Sun Devil Stakes, Turf Paradise, placed 4 times including third in Sun Devil Stakes, Turf Paradise; Own sister to Miss Heather Lee (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizLUVURYAN (USA) (2012 f. by Artie Schiller (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 5 and 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £44,671 and placed 12 times. SALT POWER (USA) (2011 g. by Salt Lake (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £19,754 and placed 4 times. MOTAKHEM (KSA) (2016 c. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,964 and placed twice. LAOYOON ALI (KSA) (2017 c. by Casino Host (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,360 and placed twice. 2nd Dam CHRIS' ROCKET GIRL (USA), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLATIN RHYTHMS (USA) (c. by King Cugat (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £83,796 including El Cajon Stakes, Del Mar, L., placed second in La Jolla Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2. Miss Heather Lee (USA) (f. by Trippi (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £145,674 and placed second in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Moccasin Stakes, Hollywood Park, L. 3rd Dam FIRST INJUN (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingWILD HAR (USA) (c. by Guilty Conscience (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Florence Stakes, Turfway Park, second in Charles W Bidwill Sr Memorial Stakes, Sportsmans Park, L. and Jack Frost Breeders' Cup Handicap, River Downs. My Babys Fast (USA) (c. by Guilty Conscience (USA)), won 14 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Battlefield Stakes, Monmouth Park. SNOW ROAD (USA) (f. by Victory Stride (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Colebrook Miss (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Juvenile Stakes (fillies), Woodbine, L. Psycho Nightmare (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in MTA Stallion Auction Stakes (fillies), Canterbury Downs. The next dam WEE LANDING (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingWEE LAVALIERE (USA) (f. by Medaille d'Or (CAN)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including June Darling Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., Junior Miss Stakes, Del Mar, Sporting Lass Stakes, Oak Tree, placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of winners. IMAGINARY NUMBER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of COPELAN'S NUMBER (USA), won Legal Justice Stakes, Parx Racing, L. and Pea Patch Island Handicap, Delaware Park, L., IMAGINARY SWORD (USA), won Restoration Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and Rushing Man Stakes, Meadowlands, L., ELOCUTION (USA), won Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L. NEW SOVEREIGN (USA) (c. by Medaille d'Or (CAN)), won 7 races at 2 to 6 years in U.S.A. including Dover Stakes, Delaware Park. NANCY'S SCOUT (USA) (f. by West Coast Scout (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VALAY MAID (USA), won Molly Pitcher Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Cotillion Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.3, Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, L.R., Caesar's Wish Handicap, Pimlico, L., placed third in Breeders' Cup Distaff, Belmont Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 2nd, 2022 Shawaheq (KSA) (2017)

Street Sense (USA) Make the Moment (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Street Cry (IRE) Bedazzle (USA) Indygo Shiner (USA) Pretty Pretty (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam SHAWAHEQ (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Roaring Fever (USA)). 2nd Dam Make the Moment (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £232,649 and placed second in Dancin Renee Stakes, Belmont Park, R. and third in Broadway Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and Union Avenue Stakes, Saratoga, R.; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingAaleena (KSA) (c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), placed 6 times at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,196. 3rd Dam PRETTY PRETTY (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizMake the Moment (USA) (f. by Indygo Shiner (USA)), see above. MIGHTY HERO (USA) (f. by Buddha (USA)), won 6 races abroad. LUMINEUSE (USA) (f. by North Light (IRE)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam CARELESS HEIRESS (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Sweetest Chant Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Twin Lights Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Colleen Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., placed second in Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, L. and third in Reeve Schley Jr. Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, De La Rose Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; Own sister to Dubai (USA); dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingYOU GO WEST GIRL (USA) (f. by Mr Greeley (USA)), won 10 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Ticonderoga Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. (twice), John Hettinger Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Hey Baba Lulu Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., placed second in Cardinal Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Yaddo Handicap, Saratoga, L.R. (twice); dam of a winner. CHICAGO STYLE (USA), won Hollywood Turf Cup Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, placed second in Hollywood Turf Cup Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2. Schatzeli (USA) (f. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, L. TIFFANY TOUCH (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SUNRISE MAJOR (JPN), won Capital Stakes, Tokyo, L., Yonago Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Keio Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, Gr.2, Yomiuri Milers Cup, Kyoto, Gr.2, Mainichi Broadcast Swan Stakes, Kyoto, Gr.2. The next dam DUTY FREE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCARELESS HEIRESS (USA) (f. by Runaway Groom (CAN)), see above. A Girl Needs Cash (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Autumn Leaf Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of winners. Dubai (USA) (f. by Runaway Groom (CAN)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Turfway Park, L. Smuggle (USA) (f. by Lord Avie (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. ONE AND TWENTY (USA), won Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3. CODE OF ETHICS (USA), won Summertime Promise Stakes, Hawthorne; grandam of ONCE ON WHISKEY (USA), won Los Alamitos Derby, Los Alamitos, Gr.3, COPPELIA (USA), won Dream Supreme Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed third in Sugar Swirl Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3.


52 BOX

Owner: Munef Abdullah M. Almunef Elusive Quality (USA) Al Samha (USA) Dubian

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 30th, 2022 Gharbiah (USA) (2008)

Bernardini (USA) Cuando Quiere (USA)


Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) High Line Melodina A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Affirmed (USA) Quatre Saisons (USA)

AL SAMHA (USA), 2005. Won 4 races. Sire of SHAR AE (KSA), BAH BAAH (KSA), SEIF ALSHAMAAL (KSA), GHALA LOLOH (KSA), SHIBL ALSHEIB (KSA), POWER (KSA), NAJMAT ALSHEYB (KSA), ALMARLIN (KSA), SHAKHBOUT (KSA). 1st Dam GHARBIAH (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizELUSIVE RYDER (USA) (2014 f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 11 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £130,341 and placed 16 times. STREET GRAY (USA) (2013 c. by Street Cry (IRE)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £60,618 and placed 7 times. UNMARKED MONEY (USA) (2018 f. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £13,496 and placed 3 times. Biloxi Princess (USA) (2015 f. by Animal Kingdom (USA)), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A. and £14,740; dam of a winner vizDOCTOR RON (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. (2021 c. by Rookie Sensation (USA)). 2nd Dam CUANDO QUIERE (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingHONEY RYDER (USA) (f. by Lasting Approval (USA)), won 13 races at 2 to 6 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £1,508,442 including Flower Bowl Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (twice), Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Glens Falls Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of winners. CUANDO PUEDE (USA) (f. by Lord At War (ARG)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £127,178 including Arlington Heights Oaks, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of winners. HIT IT RICH (USA), won Glens Falls Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Orchid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Sheepshead Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of Profiteer (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Columbia Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and third in Virg.Equine Allowance Commonwealth Derby, Laurel, Gr.3. SPANISH MISSION (USA), won Memorial Day Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. Can Do Now (USA), unraced; dam of Can Be Good (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed third in Clasico Porteno, San Isidro, Gr.3, Can Approve (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed third in Clasico Embrujo Handicap, San Isidro, L. CUANDO (USA) (f. by Lord At War (ARG)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £200,051 including Newcastle Handicap, Delaware Park, L., Bayou Breeders' Cup Handicap, Fair Grounds, L.R., Sixty Sails Handicap, Fair Grounds, L., placed second in My Charmer Handicap, Calder, Gr.3 and third in La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2 and New York Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. DOMINUS (USA), won Bernard Baruch Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2; sire. Arcturus (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Continental Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park. Ask Me When (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of MISS DRACARYS (USA), won Dance Smartly Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2, ARISTOCRATIC (USA), won San Pedro Stakes, Santa Anita, L., UP THE ANTE (USA), won Manila Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Saranac Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; grandam of ORBS BABY GIRL (USA), won Penn Oaks, Penn National. Cuanto Es (USA) (f. by Exbourne (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. placed second in Ballston Spa Breeders' Cup Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of winners. Counting Days (USA), winner, third in El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3. QUIERO GANAR (USA) (f. by Lasting Approval (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. La Manta Gris (USA), winner, third in Keertana Overnight Stakes, Churchill Downs. 3rd Dam QUATRE SAISONS (USA), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Endine Handicap, Delaware Pk; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing ageDyna Peak (USA) (f. by Dynaformer (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. DYNA DA WYNA (USA), won Valley View Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. LEROY'S DYNAMEAUX (USA), won Will Rogers Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 27th, 2022 Five Bells (IRE) (2007)

Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Gold Mist (GB)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Danehill (USA) Offshore Boom Darshaan Lake Mist

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam FIVE BELLS (IRE), ran twice at 3 years; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizICONIC BELLE (GB) (2014 f. by Sixties Icon (GB)), won 11 races at 4, 5 and 7 years, £66,381, under both rules and placed 22 times. DING DING (GB) (2011 f. by Winker Watson (GB)), won 7 races, £50,503, under both rules and placed 25 times. CHILWORTH BELLS (GB) (2012 g. by Sixties Icon (GB)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years and £18,924 and placed 10 times. MARMONT (GB) (2013 g. by Winker Watson (GB)), won 2 races over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £20,284 and placed 8 times. WAAHI (KSA) (2016 c. by Sixties Icon (GB)), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Shaaker Alkheir (KSA) (2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam GOLD MIST (GB), won 2 races and placed 3 times; Own sister to SHANDON LAKE (IRE); dam of 5 runners from 7 living foals of racing age includingBerry Hill Lass (IRE) (f. by Alhaarth (IRE)), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years. 3rd Dam LAKE MIST, ran once at 2 years; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSHANDON LAKE (IRE) (c. by Darshaan), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Ballysax Stakes, Leopardstown, L. The next dam BUBBLING (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Colonial Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, second in Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingMidnight Tiger (USA) (c. by The Minstrel (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Premio Tevere, Rome, Gr.2; sire. Athena Star (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of a winner. Athena Chief (USA), winner in Chile and placed third in Premio Domingo Segundo Herrera Martinez, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.2. Beautiful Rafaela (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), ran in Brazil; dam of winners. FIORENTINO (BRZ), won C. Outono-Taca Barao do Rio Branco, Gavea, L., placed second in Grande Premio Gervasio Seabra, Gavea, Gr.2. AMADEUS (BRZ), won Classico A.B.C.P.C.C., Taruma, L., placed third in Copa Velocidade ABCPCC, Taruma, Gr.3. COLETTE (BRZ), winner in Brazil; dam of LICCA-CHAN (BRZ), won Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, Classico Ministerio da Agricultura, Gavea, L., placed second in Grande Premio Mariano Procopio, Gavea, Gr.3, OGGIGIORNO (BRZ), won Gran Premio Presidente de la Republica, Hipo Maronas, L. (twice), Gran Premio General Artigas, Hipo Maronas, L., Gran Premio Municipal, Hipo Maronas, L., Clasico Las Piedras, Hipo Maronas, L., placed second in Gran Premio Jose Pedro Ramirez, Hipo Maronas, Gr.1, Clasico Manuel Quintela, Hipo Maronas, Gr.3 and third in Gran Premio Jose Pedro Ramirez, Hipo Maronas, Gr.1, ISO INCONTESTE (BRZ), won Classico Barao e Baronesa von Leithner, Gavea, L., Classico Luiz Rigoni, Gavea, L., Classico Julio Capua, Gavea, L., placed third in Grande Premio Presidente da Republica, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, JUSJURANDUM (BRZ), won Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, Taruma, L., Classico Criadores, Taruma, L.; grandam of SURPRISING (BRZ), won G. P. Presidente Hernani Azevedo Silva, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, GP.Pres.Joao Carlos Leite Penteado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, G.P. Presidente Luiz Oliveira de Barros, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, second in G. P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gavea, Gr.2.




Owner: Mohammed Saleh M Altaweel Tapit (USA)

A BROWN FILLY (KSA) January 16th, 2022 (first foal)

Closing Bell (USA) Rehear (USA) Lady In Question (IRE) (2014)

Elzaam (AUS) Black Meyeden (FR)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chief Appeal (USA) Redoute's Choice (AUS) Mambo In Freeport (USA) Black Minnaloushe (USA) Eye Witness (IRE)

CLOSING BELL (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dueling Grounds Derby, second in Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Bryan Station Stakes and third in Muniz Memorial Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MAHBOBAT HUSSAIN (KSA), ALFRAYNY (KSA), ATSHAH (KSA). 1st Dam LADY IN QUESTION (IRE), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years, £48,326 and placed 20 times. 2nd Dam BLACK MEYEDEN (FR), ran twice at 3 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingHAVE A GOOD DAY (IRE) (f. by Adaay (IRE)), won 3 races at 2 years in France and £116,445 including Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, placed twice including second in Critérium de Maisons-Laffitte, Chantilly, Gr.2. 3rd Dam EYE WITNESS (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years; Own sister to WELL BEYOND (IRE); dam of six winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingHasanat (GB) (f. by Night Shift (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Concorde Stakes, Tipperary, Gr.3; dam of winners. Takrice (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. and third in Killavullan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3; grandam of First Company (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Harry Rosebery Stakes, Ayr, L. Indigo Blue (FR) (g. by Night Shift (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in France and placed third in Prix Djebel, MaisonsLaffitte, L. Reamzafonic (GB) (f. by Grand Lodge (USA)), ran a few times; dam of winners. Red Baron Dancer (GB)/El Zonda (GB), 8 races at 2, 4 and 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and placed third in The Premier Bowl, Sha Tin, L. The next dam MARIAKOVA (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to ZAIZAFON (USA); dam of four winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingWELL BEYOND (IRE) (f. by Don't Forget Me), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including October Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of winners. OUT OF REACH (GB), 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Brown Bess Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3; dam of INORDINATE (USA), won San Juan Capistrano Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; grandam of LYRICAL (GB), 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 at home and in Italy including Premio Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa, L., Premio Paolo Mezzanotte, Milan, L., placed third in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.2, GREY BRITAIN (GB), 5 races at 2 to 5 years including Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, L., Full of Beauty (GB), 2 races at 3 years in Germany and placed second in Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2; third dam of WALLY (IRE), 12 races at 2 to 6 years, 2023 in France and in Italy including Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.2, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3 (twice), Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Messidor, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed second in Prix d'Ispahan, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. Well Warned (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of PROHIBIT (GB), 9 races at home, in France and in U.A.E. including King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix du Petit Couvert, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, third in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, EMERGENCY (GB), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Amandine, Deauville, L., PRIOR WARNING (GB), 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including Prix Sigy, Chantilly, L.; grandam of BELLE MEADE (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 4 years at home and in Italy including Premio Chiusura, Milan, L. TAROT CARD (GB), 1 race at 2 years and placed once; dam of MY REWARD (GB), 6 races including Chester Stakes, Chester, L.; grandam of COPPER KNIGHT (IRE), 14 races to 2023 including City Walls Stakes, York, L. Over Rating (GB), placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of Abbakova (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Tipperary Stakes, Tipperary, L.; grandam of Sziget (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Park Express Stakes, Naas, Gr.3. SOCIETY BALL (f. by Law Society (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Keld (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and second in Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, L., third in Brown Bess Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3.




Owner: Aldiriyah Stebel Green Desert (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 29th, 2022

Byron (GB) Gay Gallanta (USA) Alert In Class (USA) (2010)

Henny Hughes (USA) City College (USA)


Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Woodman (USA) Gallanta (FR) Hennessy (USA) Meadow Flyer (USA) Carson City (USA) Nellie Forbes (USA)

BYRON (GB), 2001. Won 3 races, Lennox Stakes, Gr.2, Mill Reef Stakes, Gr.2, second in Supreme Stakes, Gr.3, Prix du Palais-Royal, Gr.3 and third in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, etc. Sire of GORDON LORD BYRON (IRE), (Gr.1), BYRAMA (GB), (Gr.1), PROFESSOR (GB), (L.), LORD UNFUWAIN (GB), (L.), BIRDLOVER (GB), (S), Ahtoug (GB), (Gr.1), Senafe (GB), (Gr.2), Recob (GB), (L.), Via Garibaldi (ITY), (L.), Byrony (IRE), (L.), Savana Pearl (IRE), (L.), Verse of Love (GB), (L.) etc. 1st Dam ALERT IN CLASS (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £44,809 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizCOWBOYS DAUGHTER (USA) (2017 f. by Hampton Court (AUS)), won 8 races at 2, 4 and 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £106,453 and placed 4 times. 2nd Dam City College (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £57,057 and placed third in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTrinity College (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and £48,700 and placed second in Silver Stakes, Curragh, L. 3rd Dam NELLIE FORBES (USA), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingANCIENT TIMES (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Ballysax Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.2; sire. City College (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), see above. Storm Riding (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. EKO NORMANDY (IRE), 7 races at 2 to 4 years in Denmark, in France and in Sweden including Critérium de l'Ouest, Craon, L. Evening Air (USA) (f. by J O Tobin (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. MIDNIGHT AIR (USA), 2 races at 2 years including May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of MIDNIGHT LINE (USA), won Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, May Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Pretty Polly Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Gamely Breeders' Cup Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and third in Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1; grandam of COMMUNIQUE (IRE), 7 races at 3 and 4 years including Princess of Wales' Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Jockey Club Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Godolphin Stakes, Newmarket, L., placed second in Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1 and Longines Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.1, NOCTURNAL SECRET (GB)/WILLIE INVICTUS (GB), 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix Le Fabuleux, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; third dam of DRAIN THE CLOCK (USA), won Woody Stephens Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and Limehouse Stakes, Gulfstream Park, DALI (USA), 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Midsummer Sprint Stakes, Naas, L.; sire. SHADOW SONG (IRE), 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of TOGETHER (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. including Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Silver Flash Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, placed second in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, JAN VERMEER (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Critérium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, placed third in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire; grandam of CLOUD SURFING (GB), 4 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany including Schloss Roland-Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L.; third dam of AGURI (JPN), won Hankyu Hai, Hanshin, Gr.3. Multimara (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of IMPERIAL BEAUTY (USA), 4 races at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in France including Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Dubai Int. World Trophy, Newbury, L., Summer Stakes, York, L., placed second in Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; third dam of PURELY ATOMIC (AUS), won East Cape Paddock Stakes, Fairview, L.




Owner: Ehab Abdulfattah Ibrehim Hassan A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 19th, 2022

Stratford Hill (USA) Harmony Lodge (USA) Jawharat Swiss (KSA) (2015)

Act of Duty (USA) Sultanat Alsaad (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Hennessy (USA) Win Crafty Lady (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Nuryette (USA) Dr Fong (USA) Bint Shihama (USA)

STRATFORD HILL (USA), 2007. Won 4 races, Shakertown Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MASAABEEH (KSA), MALAFEKH (KSA), BOSTON BOB (USA), AFINDAR (KSA), ANSARY (KSA), NAJMAK AALI (KSA), SOUPERY DUPERY (USA), RAD'DAH (KSA), LAZARDI (KSA), AEJWAH (KSA), RAINBOW (KSA), SEDQ (KSA), LOGINA (KSA), BAREEQ ALFOOZ (KSA), TEJTAH'HOM (KSA). 1st Dam JAWHARAT SWISS (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 f. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam SULTANAT ALSAAD (KSA), won 2 races at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £29,562; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing ageJawharat Swiss (KSA) (f. by Act of Duty (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam BINT SHIHAMA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times, from only 6 starts; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCHEESE 'N BISCUITS (GB) (f. by Spectrum (IRE)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years; dam of a winner. FRENCH SCHOOL (GB) (f. by Desert Prince (IRE)), won 4 races at 4 to 6 years in Sweden. The next dam SHIHAMA (USA), won 1 race at 2 years; Own sister to SAYYEDATI (GB) and Bin Cyclone (USA); dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSHOWHAMA (AUS) (f. by Show A Heart (AUS)), won 1 race in Australia; dam of winners. HAVASAY (AUS), won GDSC Ramornie Handicap, Grafton, L. (twice), placed third in Ubet W J Healy Stakes, Doomben, Gr.3, ANTEC Gunsynd Classic, Doomben, Gr.3, Magic Millions Falvelon Quality Handicap, Doomben, L. and Hogs Breath Cafe Bribie Handicap, Doomben, L. Rahy's Serenade (USA) (f. by Rahy (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SERJEANT AT ARMS (IND), Champion miler in India in 2019, won The Maharaja Sir Harisinghi Trophy, Mumbai, L., Major P K Mehra Memorial Super Mile Cup, Bangalore, L.R. (twice), Karnataka Mile Championship, Bangalore, L., The Bangalore Turf Club Anniversary Cup, Bangalore, L., Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Cup, Bangalore, L., Ramniwas Ramnarain Ruia Gold Cup, Mumbai, L., Panchshil Indian 2000 Guineas, Mumbai, L.R., J. Wadiyar Golf Club Mysore 2000 Guineas, Mysore, L.R., Kingfisher Ultra Derby Bangalore, Bangalore, L.R., The Colts Championship Stakes, Bangalore, L.R., Bangalore Juvenile Million, Bangalore, L. DIEGO RIVERA (IND), won The Chief Justice's Cup, Bangalore, L., Karnataka Cup, Bangalore, L., Bjets Maharaja Jiwajirao Scindia Trophy, Mumbai, L., Southern Command Gold Trophy, Pune, L., Major P K Mehra Memorial Super Mile Cup, Hyderabad, L., A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L. ONASSIS (IND), won Irish Marketing/Goffs RWITC Ltd Gold Cup, Pune, L., Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Eclipse Stk of India, Mumbai, L., The Maharaja Jiwajirao Scindia Trophy, Mumbai, L. (twice), A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L., Ramniwas Ramnarain Ruia Gold Cup, Mumbai, L. FRIDA KAHLO (IND), won Deutsche R.W.I.T.C. Inv.Trophy, Pune, L., Gool S Poonawalla Million, Mumbai, L., placed second in McDowell Indian Derby, Mumbai, L., Indian Oaks, Mumbai, L. LA RONDINE (IND), won Pune City Gold Cup, Pune, L., Spartan Poker Indian 1000 Guineas, Mumbai, L.R., placed second in Maharaja Jiwajirao Scindia Trophy, Mumbai, L., The A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L. ALLIES SERENADE (IND), won Poonawalla Mysore Derby, Mysore, L., Dashmesh & Hargobind Stud Summer Million, Bangalore, L., placed second in Bangalore 1000 Guineas, Bangalore, L.; dam of PICASSO (IND), won F D Wadia Trophy, Pune, L., Poonawalla Breeders' Multi-Million, Mumbai, L.R., Kunigal Stud Breeders' Produce Stakes, Mumbai, L., BRUCKNER (IND), won The Eveready Calcutta Derby, Kolkata, L.R., MONET (IND), won C N Wadia Gold Cup, Mumbai, L. HIGHLAND CROWN (IND), won The Paranjape Eve Champion Trophy, Pune, L.R., placed second in The Vascon Eve Champion Trophy, Pune, L.R.




Owner: Yousef Mohammed Altareef Uncle Mo (USA)

A GREY FILLY (USA) February 17th, 2022 (first foal)

Outwork (USA) Nonna Mia (USA) Mining Gold (USA) (2016)

Goldencents (USA) Adore You (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Holy Bubbette (USA) Into Mischief (USA) Golden Works (CAN) Tactical Cat (USA) Autumn Music (USA)

OUTWORK (USA), 2013. Won 3 races, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, second in Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2. Sire of BRIGHTWORK (USA), (Gr.1), LEAVE NO TRACE (USA), (Gr.1), UNCLE CHARLIE (USA), (L.), OUTADORE (USA), (L.), ABROGATE (USA), (L.), TROJAN TALE (USA), (S), FINEST WORK (USA), (S), SHARAPOVA (USA), (S), EL PANDO (USA), (S), AT THE SPA (USA), (S), SAMBORELLA (USA), (S), Manorelli (USA), (Gr.3), Malloy (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam MINING GOLD (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,647 and placed twice. She also has a 2023 colt by Rock The World (IRE). 2nd Dam Adore You (USA), won 8 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £146,658 and placed third in Buffalo Trace Franklin County Stakes, Keeneland, L.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizPIEDI BIANCHI (USA) (f. by Overanalyze (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Smart N Fancy Stakes, Saratoga, L., Correction Stakes, Aqueduct, L., Cardinal Stakes, Indiana Grand, R., Frances Slocum Stakes, Indiana Grand, R. (twice), placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Intercontinental Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Perfect Sting Stakes, Belmont Park, Merrillville Stakes, Indiana Grand, R. and third in Starlet Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.1, Chandelier Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Inside Information Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Ruffian Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. OUTADORE (USA) (g. by Outwork (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £592,182 including Juvenile Turf Sprint Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L., Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L., Animal Kingdom Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Karl Boyes Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., Holiday Cheer Stakes, Turfway Park and third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Keeneland, Gr.1. MIND READER (USA) (g. by Gemologist (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £79,300 including Snack Stakes, Indiana Grand, R., placed second in Hoosier Breeders Sophomore Stakes (c&g), Indiana Grand, R. MINING GOLD (USA) (f. by Goldencents (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam AUTUMN MUSIC (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingVIVALDI GIRL (USA) (f. by Forest Camp (USA)), won Clasico Carlos Romero Barcelo, Camarero Race Track, L., Clasico Accion de Gracias, El Comandante, L., Clasico dia de la Raza, El Comandante, L., placed second in Clasico Roberto Clemente, Camarero Race Track, L. and third in Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua, El Comandante, L.; dam of: Increible (MEX), winner abroad, placed third in Clasico Internacional del Caribe, Camarero Race Track, L. SALAMERA (USA) (f. by Successful Appeal (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including J J's Dream Stakes, Calder, placed second in Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Regret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and third in Paseana Stakes, Gulfstream Park, U Can Do It Handicap, Calder, Hollywood Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park and Sunshine Millions Filly and Mare Sprint, Gulfstream Park, R.; dam of winners. 4th Dam October Beauty (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Old English Rancho Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingSMART OCTOBER (USA) (g. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 12 races in U.S.A. The next dam Autumn Beauty (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Landaluce Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingOctober Beauty (USA) (f. by Flying Paster (USA)), see above. Genuine Beauty (USA) (f. by Flying Paster (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Stop For Schnapps (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Busher Stakes, Aqueduct, L. ROARING BEAUTY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of S S Skittles (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Alphabet Soup Handicap, Parx Racing, R.




Owner: Fahd Muneer Aladhayani Sons Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 8th, 2022 Ghayat Alrooh (KSA) (2013)

Poet's Voice (GB) Queen of Norway (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Dubawi (IRE) Bright Tiara (USA) Woodman (USA) Qena (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam GHAYAT ALROOH (KSA), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,848 and placed twice; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizALSHAREED (KSA) (2020 c. by Student Council (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,104 and placed once. Molaaheq (KSA) (2019 c. by Trajectory (USA)), placed once at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hadaabah (KSA) (2021 f. by Stratford Hill (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam QUEEN OF NORWAY (USA), won 4 races in France and in U.S.A. and £75,590 including Drumtop Handicap, Suffolk Downs, L., placed second in Prix Cérès, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingNORWAY CROSS (GB) (f. by Cape Cross (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years and £15,005 and placed 4 times; dam of winners. Corando (GB), 1 race at 3 years in France and £41,443 and placed 6 times including second in Derby du Midi, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L., from only 8 starts. Queen of The Game (IRE) (f. by Montjeu (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. Royal Law (IRE), 5 races in France and £60,376 and placed 12 times including second in Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion-d'Angers, L. 3rd Dam QENA (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in France; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingQUEEN OF NORWAY (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)), see above. Laura's Minstrel (USA) (f. by Theatrical), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Musical Brew (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Firecracker Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. and Decoration Day Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L. Western Lady (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. POPULAR (USA), won San Miguel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; sire. SMILING EYES (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HARLAN'S RUBY (USA), won Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park, second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Bourbonette Oaks, Turfway Park, Gr.3; grandam of MOZU BELLO (JPN), won Nikkei Shinshun Hai, Kyoto, Gr.2, placed second in Osaka Hai, Hanshin, Gr.1. The next dam QUEENS ONLY (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingONLY QUEENS (USA) (f. by Transworld (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. viz Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1 and Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of winners. TACTILE (USA), won Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Harbor Place Stakes, Laurel, L. REINA TERRA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BRUSHING GLOOM (USA), won Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.3 and All Brandy Handicap, Laurel, L.R. Queen of Spirit (USA), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of LAST SONG (USA), won Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Ajina Stakes, Belmont Park, R., placed third in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. CONTESTED BID (USA) (c. by Alleged (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in France and in U.S.A. including Hoist The Flag Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed second in Prix Lupin, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and third in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1 and Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1; sire. Hail Roberta (USA) (f. by Roberto (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GUN SALUTE (USA), won Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3.




Owner: Salman Abdullah R Alsahli Boundary (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 25th, 2022

Pomeroy (USA) Questress (USA) Wooden Nickel (USA) (2010)

Divine Park (USA) Don't Trick Her (USA)


Danzig (USA) Edge (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Nahema (USA) Chester House (USA) High In The Park (USA) Mazel Trick (USA) Lucy Sims (USA)

POMEROY (USA), 2001. Won 7 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.2, Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gr.3, second in Smile Sprint Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of POMEROYS PISTOL (USA), (Gr.2), FLASHPOINT (USA), (Gr.2), BROOKLYN COWBOY (USA), (L.), POSITIVE RESPONSE (USA), (L.), QUIJOTE (USA), (S), SPLASH RULES (USA), (S), LAKE DRIVE SOUTH (USA), (S), HANGOVER SATURDAY (USA), (S), RUBYSANDPEARLS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam WOODEN NICKEL (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizNAVY SWORD (USA) (2017 f. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A, £148,012 including My Sister Pearl Stakes, Charles Town, R., placed 11 times, second in West Virginia Roger Ramey, Breeders classic distaff S (L). Ryan's Sword (USA) (2019 g. by First Samurai (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £50,434 and placed once viz third in WV V. Moscarelli Breeders' Classic, Charles Town, R. ARROWWOOD (USA) (2018 f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £124,692 and placed 12 times. MY CHINUMADO (USA) (2015 c. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £80,327 and placed 3 times. PINNACLE REEF (USA) (2020 g. by Practical Joke (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £35,580 and placed 3 times. KEDRA (USA) (2014 f. by Congrats (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Russia trial stakes Gr. 3, placed second in Kuban River Stakes Gr. 2. Yabree (KSA) (2021 c. by Maximus Mischief (USA)), placed twice including third at Sponsored by JCSA for horses sold at Auction in 2022 at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, his only start. 2nd Dam DON'T TRICK HER (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingINCLUDE ME OUT (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £615,282 including Clement L Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Margarita Invitational Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Marjorie L Everett Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Desert Stormer Handicap, Hollywood Park, placed second in Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Ladies' Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Zenyatta Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. CHECK THE LABEL (USA) (f. by Stormin Fever (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £350,223 including Garden City Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Virginia Oaks, Colonial Downs, Gr.3, Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. ON THE MENU (USA) (f. by Canadian Frontier (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £104,219 including Just Smashing Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Prima Donna Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Genesis Stakes, Delta Downs; dam of winners. Canadian Pride (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in San Carlos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Creative Trick (USA) (f. by Creative Cause (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TRADEMARK (USA), won Commonwealth Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., Michael G. Schaefer Memorial Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, L., placed second in Philip H Iselin Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam LUCY SIMS (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingTIFFANY DIAMOND (USA) (f. by Tiffany Ice (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Fantastic Girl Handicap, Del Mar, L. (twice), placed second in Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and third in La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of winners. KITTERY POINT (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SAM'S SISTER (USA), won La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Santa Monica Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Another Vegetarian (USA) (f. by Stalwart (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SWEET TALKER (USA), won Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Winstar Distaff Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3. SILVER MEDALLION (USA), won Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3.


60 BOX

Owner: Faisal Mohammed A AlQahtani Macho Uno (USA)

GLADAH (USA) March 13th, 2022 A Chesnut Filly

Mucho Macho Man (USA) Ponche de Leona (USA) Speechifying (USA) (2003)

Activist (USA) Apprized (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) Ponche (CAN) Perfect And Proud (USA) Wild Again (USA) Voodoo Lily (USA) Prized (USA) Tin (USA)

MUCHO MACHO MAN (USA), 2008. Won 9 races, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Awesome Again Stakes, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Gr.2, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gr.2, Risen Star Stakes, Gr.2, etc. Sire of MUCHO UNUSUAL (USA), (Gr.1), MUCHO GUSTO (USA), (Gr.1), CITY MAN (USA), (Gr.2), TIZ A MACHO GIRL (USA), (S), CARMELITA'S MAN (USA), (S), ARMSTRONG (CAN), (S), A MAN'S MAN (USA), (S), MUCHO DEL ORO (USA), (S), MONGOLIAN WIND (USA), (S), MUCHO AMOR (USA), (S). 1st Dam SPEECHIFYING (USA), won 11 races at 4 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £297,089 including My Juliet Stakes, Parx Racing, L., placed 20 times including second in Ligature Stakes, Penn National, L.R., Robellino Stakes, Penn National, L.R., Power by Far Stakes, Penn National, L.R. and third in PHBA Distaff Stakes, Parx Racing, L.R., Ga Hai Handicap, Parx Racing, L.R. and Malvern Rose Stakes, Presque Isle Downs; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizVORIAN (USA) (2016 c. by Atreides (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £43,572 and placed 3 times. ZARTAP (USA) (2014 c. by Tapizar (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in U.S.A. She also has a 2023 filly by Wicked Strong (USA). 2nd Dam APPRIZED (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £14,004; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSPEECHIFYING (USA) (f. by Activist (USA)), see above. TRICK MY HAT (USA) (f. by Hat Trick (JPN)), won 2 races in U.S.A. and £63,291. 3rd Dam TIN (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTIN AND TONIC (USA) (g. by The Wicked North (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. TIN STEIN (USA) (f. by Steinlen), won 5 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam MARCIE TINSLEY (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingHEAR THE BAND (USA) (c. by Sensitive Music (USA)), won 17 races in U.S.A. including Blue Boy Stakes, Exhibition Park, placed second in Stripling Stakes, Longacres. Queenofdixiereds (USA) (f. by Phone Order (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A., placed second in Children's Hospital Stakes, Emerald Downs; dam of winners. Idabetabuck (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Pepsi Cola Handicap, Emerald Downs. The next dam IT'S OVER (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 7 living foals of racing age includingSPLENDID PURCHASE (USA) (f. by Our Native (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including British Columbia Oaks, Exhibition Park, Gr.3R., placed third in Ballerina Stakes, Exhibition Park, Gr.2R.; dam of winners. Too Good For Words (USA), placed second in Joe Gottstein Futurity, Yakima Meadows, L.R. and third in Lennie Knowles Memorial Sprint Cham'ship, Longacres. Nifty Purchase (USA), unraced; dam of NIFTY SLEW (USA), won WTBA Futurity, Yakima Meadows; grandam of HOSTILITY (USA), won Hancock County Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Thomas J Malley Stakes, Monmouth Park, Time to Leave Stakes, Bay Meadows, second in Cactus Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, Time to Leave Stakes, Bay Meadows, DON JAUN CON (USA), won Everett Nevin Alameda County Futurity, Pleasanton, R., second in Harvest Festival Futurity, Fresno, Beau Brummel Stakes, Fairplex Park and third in Malcolm Anderson Stakes, Golden Gate, L.; third dam of BROTHERSOFTHETIME (USA), won Seacliff Stakes, Calder, placed second in Ocala Breeders' Sales Sophomore Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, R., third in Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. Le Caporal (USA) (c. by Our Native (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A. and placed third in Beau Brummel Handicap, Louisiana Downs.




Owner: Mohd Saami Alhoraabi Mizzen Mast (USA) Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 6th, 2022 Najidah (KSA) (2010)

Posse (USA) Alinechka (USA)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Silver Deputy (CAN) Raska (CAN) Danzig (USA) Safely Kept (USA)

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam NAJIDAH (KSA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizAABERHOM (KSA) (2015 f. by Paris Perfect (SAF)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £37,391 and placed 4 times. Bataat (KSA) (2020 f. by Teletext (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. (2021 f. by Astrology (IRE)). 2nd Dam ALINECHKA (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingWell Kept (USA) (f. by Henny Hughes (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £140,550 and placed second in Ruthless Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and third in Mandys Gold Stakes, Saratoga, L.R.; dam of a winner. KEPT TRUE (USA), won Broadway Stakes, Aqueduct, R., placed second in La Verdad Stakes, Aqueduct, R. and third in Correction Stakes, Aqueduct, L. and Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, R. 3rd Dam SAFELY KEPT (USA), Champion 3yr old sprinter in U.S.A. in 1989, won 24 races in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Sprint, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Genuine Risk Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 (3 times), Prioress Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Garden State Breeders' Cup Hcp, Garden State, Gr.3 (3 times), Meadowlands Breeders' Cup Hcp., Meadowlands, Gr.3 (twice), placed second in Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPEACE CHANT (USA) (c. by War Chant (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. including Phoenix Gold Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, L., placed second in San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Los Angeles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; sire. CONTRAST (USA) (f. by Unbridled (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Candy Eclair Stakes, Delaware Park, Red Cross Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in First Lady Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Beautiful Day Stakes, Delaware Park; grandam of Red N Wild (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Clever Trevor Stakes, Remington Park, Quick Release (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Coronation Cup Stakes, Saratoga, L. and third in Adena Springs Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3. SAFE RETURN (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WELCOME HOME (USA), won Montclair State University Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of POOL WINNER (USA), won My Frenchman Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Parx Dash Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.3, Sounds of The City (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Smart and Fancy Stakes, Belmont Park; grandam of VENETIAN HARBOR (USA), won Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Monrovia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1 and Clement L. Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, JUST READ IT (USA), won Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct. Slan Abhaile (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in Aljamin Stakes, Belmont Park. The next dam SAFELY HOME (USA), won 16 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPARTNER'S HERO (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Kentucky Cup Sprint Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.2, Phoenix Breeders' Cup Stakes, Keeneland, L., Marfa Handicap, Turfway Park, L., third in Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash Stakes, Laurel, Gr.2 and Tom Fool Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Safe At The Plate (USA) (f. by Double Zeus (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and second in Politely Stakes, Laurel, R., Marshua Stakes, Laurel; grandam of VINCEREMOS (USA), won Sam F Davis Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3. SAFE SALUTE (USA) (f. by Hail Emperor (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SEA DUB (USA), won Dallas Turf Cup Handicap, Lone Star Park, L. Slide (USA) (f. by Smarten (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SANTIVA (USA), won Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, placed second in Dixiana Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.1; sire.


62 BOX

Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) May 6th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Entirely Honest (USA) (2005)

Deputy Commander (USA) Force Five Gal (CAN)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Anka Germania Pleasant Tap (USA) Last Cause (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ENTIRELY HONEST (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £105,078 and placed 14 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizREIGERT (USA) (2014 f. by Into Mischief (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £25,001 and placed 5 times; dam of a winner vizMISCHIEF WARRIOR (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam Force Five Gal (CAN), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £62,590 and placed second in Border Cup Stakes, Fort Erie; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingARCH'S GAL EDITH (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. I'LL HAVE ANOTHER (USA), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2012, won Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. GOLDEN AWARD (USA), won Turnback The Alarm Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Shuvee Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Royal Delta Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Allaire du Pont Distaff Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3. Gloria S (USA), unraced; dam of HARVEY'S LIL GOIL (USA), won Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Beaugay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Regret Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Dueling Grounds Oaks, Kentucky Downs and third in Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Turf, Keeneland, Gr.1. 3rd Dam Last Cause (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Miss Grillo Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingNoble Cause (CAN) (f. by Diesis), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. Ultimate Strike (CAN) (f. by Crafty Prospector (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in A P Indy Stakes, Keeneland, L.; dam of winners. El Rocco (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Pennsylvania Nursery Stakes, Parx Racing, L.R. and third in Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Knight's Cause (CAN) (g. by Ascot Knight (CAN)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in Canada and placed third in Bunty Lawless Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. RED CAUSE (CAN) (f. by Red Ransom (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. U BELONG TO ME (USA), won Louisiana Legends Ladies Sprint Stakes, Evangeline Downs, L.R. The next dam LAST BIRD (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingROANOKE (USA) (c. by Pleasant Colony (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Young America Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.2, Rushing Man Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, San Diego Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3; sire. ONE LAST BIRD (USA) (f. by One For All (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; third dam of BEHOLDER (USA), Champion 2 and 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2012 & 2013, Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 2015 & 2016, won Breeders' Cup Distaff, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (twice), Vanity Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Zenyatta Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (3 times), TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Clement L Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Santa Anita, Gr.1, MENDELSSOHN (USA), won Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Del Mar, Gr.1, UAE Derby, Meydan, Gr.2 and Patton Stakes, Dundalk, L.; sire, INTO MISCHIEF (USA), won Cashcall Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; champion sire.




Owner: Fahad Bin Nasser Bin M. Alquraini Into Mischief (USA) Goldencents (USA) Golden Works (CAN)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 10th, 2022 Bamboo Dream (CAN) (2010)

Finality (USA) Flom's Tizzy (USA)


Harlan's Holiday (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Banker's Gold (USA) Body Works (CAN) Dehere (USA) Finally Found (CAN) Cee's Tizzy (USA) Flom (USA)

GOLDENCENTS (USA), 2010. Won 7 races, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1 (twice), Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.2, Sham Stakes, Gr.3 and Delta Downs Jackpot Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GOING TO VEGAS (USA), (Gr.1), PHANTOM CURRENCY (USA), (Gr.2), BY MY STANDARDS (USA), (Gr.2), THAT'S RIGHT (USA), (Gr.3), WILDMAN JACK (USA), (Gr.3), MR MONEY (USA), (Gr.3), DR G (USA), (L.), LATOUR CENT (CHI), (L.), NOCENTSINKENTUCKY (USA), (L.), NEWSTOME (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam BAMBOO DREAM (CAN), won 4 races at 2 and 5 years in Canada and £64,143 including British Columbia Cup Debutante Stakes, Hastings Park, R., placed 10 times including third in Brighouse Belles Stakes, Hastings Park; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMY HARBORS DREAM (USA) (2019 g. by Harbor The Gold (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £134,320 and placed 4 times. DURITZ (USA) (2017 c. by Verrazano (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £27,196 and placed 10 times. Lettheliquortalk(USA)), (2021 c. by Goldencents (USA)), Unraced. 2nd Dam FLOM'S TIZZY (USA), won 3 races at 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBAMBOO DREAM (CAN) (f. by Finality (USA)), see above. UNDERDOG (CAN) (c. by Cahill Road (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. BRING CASH (CAN) (c. by Northern Afleet (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in Canada. 3rd Dam Flom (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Miss California Stakes, Golden Gate, L.R.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFLOM'S PROSPECTOR (USA) (c. by Native Prospector (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Sam J Whiting Memorial Handicap, Pleasanton, L., Saratoga Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.; sire. WILSHE AMAZE (USA) (f. by In Excess), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. AMAZOMBIE (USA), won Bing Crosby Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Ancient Title Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Potrero Grande Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 (twice), Tiznow Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., Sunshine Millions Sprint Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Churchill Downs Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Sensational Star Handicap, Santa Anita, L.R. and third in Bing Crosby Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Triple Bend Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, San Carlos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 4th Dam DELAWARE SQUAW (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizFlom (USA) (f. by Floriano (USA)), see above. The next dam CHIQUITA LINDA, won 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingAl The Doctor (USA) (c. by Valiant Dancer), won 6 races at 2 years in U.S.A., placed third in California Juvenile Stakes, Bay Meadows, Gr.2. Rebel Duchess (USA) (f. by Duke of Dublin), unraced; dam of winners. Arcades Ambo (USA), 1 race in U.S.A., placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2, Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Anoakia Stakes, Oak Tree, Gr.3; dam of MORAY FIRTH (USA), won Premio Agnano, Naples, L., Premio Delle Scuderie, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Grosseto, Grosseto, L. Jimmy Reb (USA), 2 races in U.S.A., third in Burlingame Stakes, Bay Meadows. HAPPY DUCHESS (USA), 6 races in US.A.,; dam of ITCHY FEET (USA), won Blue Ribbon T.B. Futurity (fillies), Blue Ribbon Downs, L., Premier Challenge Futurity, Blue Ribbon Downs, placed second in Cimarron Stakes, Remington Park. Salmon Salad (USA), unraced; dam of RAIN REBEL (USA), won Ellensburg Rodeo Handicap, Yakima Meadows.


64 BOX

Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Unbridled's Song (USA) Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) March 15th, 2022 Omi Diamond (USA) (2005)

Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Omi (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Wild Again (USA) Flying Heat (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam OMI DIAMOND (USA), ran once in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizDYSPROSIUM (USA) (2010 c. by Rock Hard Ten (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £60,560 including Needles Stakes, Calder, placed 7 times. NORA'S MUSIC (USA) (2012 f. by Pure Prize (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,566 and placed 4 times. This Was Your Ring (USA) (2013 f. by First Dude (USA)), placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A. 2nd Dam OMI (USA), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £193,721 including Arlington Matron Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Relaxing Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Bayakoa Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Falls City Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Long Look Breeders' Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3 and Charon Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingBRUSHED BAYOU (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £99,962 including Caress Stakes, Belmont Park, placed third in Evil Bear Stakes, Belmont Park; grandam of Power Slam (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A., placed third in Kip Deville Stakes, Remington Park. ABUELA (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £113,096 including Ellis Park Turf Stakes, Ellis Park. OMI'S VINDICATION (USA) (f. by Vindication (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Fulton Street (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Proud Man Stakes, Gulfstream Park. Princess Omi (USA) (f. by Unbridled (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Miss Talent (USA), winner abroad, second in Clasico dia de la Mujer, Camarero Race Track, L.; dam of PERSISTENTE (PR), won Clasico Copa Gobernador, Camarero Race Track, L.R. and Derby Puertorriqueno, Camarero Race Track, L.R. Ten Carat Lady (USA) (f. by Pulpit (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. J S Bach (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in State Dinner Stakes, Belmont Park, R. 3rd Dam FLYING HEAT (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Rumson Handicap, Monmouth Park, St Patricks Day Stakes, Suffolk Downs, placed second in Gardenia Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.2, Sixty Sails Handicap, Sportsmans Park, Gr.3; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingPOMPEII (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Personal Ensign Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Doylestown Handicap, Parx Racing, L., placed second in Go For Wand Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1. GROUND STORM (USA) (c. by Summer Squall (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Stymie Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Stymie Handicap, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Aqueduct Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 (twice); sire. Flying Lauren (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of winners. Palaestra (USA) (f. by Atticus (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and second in Charon Stakes, Calder and Lighthouse Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of winners. NACHO BUSINESS (USA), won Sam's Town Stakes, Delta Downs, R. LIL MERRY SUNSHINE (USA) (f. by Chief's Crown (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TAKE THE CAKE (USA), won Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed second in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of FREE AS A BIRD (USA), won Buffalo Trace Franklin County Stakes, Keeneland, L., Smart and Fancy Stakes, Saratoga, LET ME ENTERTAIN U (USA), won Beru Stakes, Aqueduct, R. HEIR D' MINT (USA) (f. by Sovereign Dancer (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CHASSERESSE (USA), won Marshua Stakes, Laurel, L.; dam of FOREST HUNTRESS (USA), won Penny Ridge Stakes, Stampede Park, L. PASHMINA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of PASHITO THE CHE (USA), won Jack Dudley Sprint Handicap, Calder, L.R., Gallant Bob Handicap, Parx Racing, L.; sire.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 23rd, 2022 Mahboobat Anood (KSA) (2008)

Judge T C (USA) Archipelago (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Judge Smells (USA) I'm Pretty (USA) Riverman (USA) Itsamazing (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam MAHBOOBAT ANOOD (KSA), unraced; dam of 2 runners from 6 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam ARCHIPELAGO (USA), unraced; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizAL JAREEM (KSA) (c. by Pebble Island (USA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam ITSAMAZING (USA), won 1 race at 2 years viz Hyperion Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMAZE GARDEN (USA) (f. by Riverman (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. Patio (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed third in Garnet Stakes, Naas, L. CROSSED WIRE (GB), 2 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in France and placed 3 times; dam of Liberty Lady (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Midsummer Sprint Stakes, Cork, L. 4th Dam ITSAMAZA (USA), won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Marlboro Nursery Stakes, Bowie, placed second in Pasadena Stakes, Santa Anita, Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct and third in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingITSAMAZING (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), see above. Samaza (USA) (f. by Arctic Tern (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed fourth in Rockfel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. Safyaat (GB) (f. by Dancing Brave (USA)), unraced; grandam of Dane Hussler (AUS), winner in Australia and placed third in Morphettville Guineas, Morphettville, L. The next dam MAZACA (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingITSAMAZA (USA) (f. by Limit To Reason (USA)), see above. TROVE (USA) (f. by Key To The Mint (USA)), won 7 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Prioress Stakes, Aqueduct, Wistful Stakes, Belmont Park, Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Starbright Stakes, Meadowlands, R., Treetop Stakes, Aqueduct, placed second in Black Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2; dam of winners. SIMPLE TASTE (USA), 1 race at 2 years viz Silver Flash Stakes, Phoenix Park, L.; grandam of AXION (JPN), won Nikkan Sports Sho Nakayama Kim Pai, Nakayama, Gr.3 and Naruo Kinen, Hanshin, Gr.3; third dam of SPOTLESS MIND (USA), won Miss Indiana Stakes, Hoosier Park, R. Dreaming Time (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of DREAM VICTORY (USA), won Frontier Handicap, Pinnacle Race Course, R. Secret Harbor (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of CONCEALED CITY (USA), won Mom's Command Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Charming Jim (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Criterium Stakes, Calder, L., Seacliff Stakes, Calder and third in Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3; grandam of CRUISE (USA), won Governor's Lady Handicap, Hawthorne, L.R., CHESS MASTER (USA), won Turf Dash Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, L. (twice). Verdent Hoofer (USA), unplaced in U.S.A.; dam of TOPANGO (USA), won La Senorita Stakes, Retama Park, L. and Senorita Stakes, Louisiana Downs. GYPSY TALK (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. Sabrehill (USA), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1; sire. Score Baby Score (USA) (f. by Limit To Reason (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Beat It Kid (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Display Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3. IAMBIC PENTAMETER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of CLARIFY (USA), won Montclair State College Stakes, Meadowlands, placed third in Carousel Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; grandam of TRIBAL TRIBUTE (USA), won Robert Dupret Derby, Santa Rosa.




Owner: Khalid Abdullah A. Aljumaiah Giant's Causeway (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) March 21st, 2022

Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA) Rakeezah (KSA) (2014)

Deodatus (USA) Yalanjooj (KSA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Darshaan Intrepidity (GB) Fun Galore (USA) Ziggi's Girl (IRE)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam RAKEEZAH (KSA), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £14,595 and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizSsaaibah (KSA) (2021 f. by Scipion (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. (2020 f. by Flow (USA)). 2nd Dam YALANJOOJ (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 to 5 years; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizRA AE YAH (KSA) (f. by Champali (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £66,812. RAKEEZAH (KSA) (f. by Deodatus (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam ZIGGI'S GIRL (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 years in Italy; dam of one winner from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizEXECUTIVE JADE (GB) (c. by Executive Man), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in Italy and placed 11 times. Nayloofar (KSA) (f. by Treasurer (GB)), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of winners. MOJTAHAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. BAAJDAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOKTAMILAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ttaayeshah (KSA) (f. by Historic (USA)), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. MONAJEDAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. REDA ALBARI (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam TRAVELIN' JOAN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPATRON C (USA) (g. by Agitate (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Caliente Futurity, Agua Caliente. The next dam PERIPATETIC (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPERIPAT (USA) (c. by L'Heureux (USA)), won 7 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Fergus Falls Stakes, Canterbury Downs, placed second in Louisiana Downs Futurity, Louisiana Downs, R., third in St Paul Derby, Canterbury Downs, L. and fourth in Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3. Deborah Anne (USA) (f. by Marshua's Dancer (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Dixie Miss Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of winners. Pecan Point (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Propensity (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. DEBBA DOLL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of K J'S GIRL (USA), won Rainbow Miss Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R.; grandam of K J'S NOBILITY (USA), won Nodouble Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R., placed second in Arkansas Breeders' Championship Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R. (twice). MOSTLY MARTHA (USA) (f. by Mr Washington), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Mostly Mack (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Rainbow Stakes, Oaklawn Park. Mostly Sport (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Eagan Handicap, Canterbury Downs.




Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 22nd, 2022

Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA) Merci (KSA) (2016)

Premium Tap (USA) Aa Ssaal (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Pleasant Tap (USA) Premium Red (USA) Freequent (GB) Tinsashe (IRE)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MERCI (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2021 c. by Top Music (GB)). 2nd Dam AA SSAAL (KSA), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £18,432; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMUKHBERAH (KSA) (f. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £41,741. 3rd Dam TINSASHE (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years and placed once; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingAMERAH (KSA) (f. by Freequent (GB)), won 6 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. RAWHAAN (KSA) (c. by Alysheba (USA)), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALHATHER (KSA) (c. by Thoughtless (USA)), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. BASHAASH (KSA) (c. by Voleris (FR)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam RHEINBLOOM, won 1 race at 3 years; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingMR ROUGH (GB) (g. by Fayruz), won 5 races and placed 24 times. The next dam BANTAM, won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingGOLD ROD (c. by Songedor), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in France including Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Greenham Stakes, Newbury, La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Prix de la Côte Normande, Deauville, placed second in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Goodwood Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix Perth, SaintCloud, Gr.3, 2000 Guineas Trial Stakes, Kempton, third in Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Goodwood Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Coronation Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3 (twice), Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, fourth in Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Ganay, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. FIRST SWALLOW (f. by My Swallow), won 11 races at home and in South Africa including Computaform National Sprint, Gosforth Park, Gr.1, placed second in Natal Fillies Sprint, Scottsville, Gr.2, Poinsettia Stakes, Greyville, L., Joseph Dorfman Memorial Handicap, Gosforth Pk, L., fourth in Newbury Chairman's Stakes, Greyville, Gr.3; dam of a winner. SORRY I ASKED (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of A Smile Per Mile (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Sun City Handicap, Turf Paradise. Incipient (USA), unraced; third dam of WILD ONE (SAF), won Elan Property Group Gold Cup, Greyville, Gr.1, Lonsdale Stirrup Cup, Greyville, Gr.3, placed second in R1,25 Million Property Group Gold Cup, Greyville, Gr.1, Cup Trial, Greyville, Gr.3 and third in South African Derby, Turffontein, Gr.1, Nokia Gold Vase, Greyville, Gr.2, Extinct (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed third in Mercury Sprint, Clairwood, Gr.1, Save The Rhino (SAF), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Aquanaut Handicap, Turffontein, L., third in Caradoc Gold Cup, Turffontein, Gr.3. ESPRIT D'OR (f. by Jolly Jet), won 1 race at 4 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners. BRUN D'OR, won Prix Albert Van Loo, Ostend, Gr.1, second in Grand Criterium Belge, Boitsfort, Gr.1, Criterium National des Poulains, Ostend, Gr.2; sire. PETA'S BAY (f. by I Say), won 1 race at 3 years; grandam of POLITICAL PET (SAF), won Easter Handicap, Clairwood, L.




Owner: Hamad A. Alabdullwahab Unbridled's Song (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 15th, 2022 (first foal)

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Khajla (KSA) (2016)

Race Leader (USA) So Shiny (ARG)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Gone West (USA) Dubian Indygo Shiner (USA) Sorpresiva (ARG)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam KHAJLA (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years. 2nd Dam SO SHINY (ARG)/MUTEERAH (ARG), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Argentina, in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.A.E. and £240,416 including GPD Investments UAE 1000 Guineas, Nad Al Sheba, L., placed second in Gran Premio Jorge de Atucha, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.1; dam of 2 runners from 9 foals of racing age includingKhajla (KSA) (f. by Race Leader (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam SORPRESIVA (ARG), won 1 race in Argentina; Own sister to SINOPTICO (ARG) and Top Ten (ARG); dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingSOLARANA (ARG) (f. by Mutakddim (USA)), won 4 races in Argentina and in U.S.A. including Clasico Venezuela, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2, placed second in Regret Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Carousel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Seton Hall University Stakes, Meadowlands, West Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Likely Exchange Stakes, Turfway Park; dam of winners. Peruvian Appeal (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs and third in Victory Ride Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. SO SHINY (ARG)/MUTEERAH (ARG) (f. by Indygo Shiner (USA)), see above. So Easy (ARG) (c. by Easing Along (USA)), won 6 races in Argentina, placed third in Clasico Peru, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2; sire. Sortija (ARG) (f. by Luhuk (USA)), won 3 races in Argentina, placed second in Clasico General Guemes, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, L., Clasico Leteo, San Isidro, L. SPLENDA (ARG) (f. by Mutakddim (USA)), won 1 race in Argentina; dam of winners. GRAND SPLENDID (ARG), won Clasico Lucio Taborda, La Plata, Gr.3, placed second in Clasico Lucio Taborda, La Plata, Gr.3. POR SORPRESA (ARG) (f. by Mutakddim (USA)), won 2 races in Argentina; dam of winners. Fiesta Sorpresa (ARG), winner in Argentina, third in Clasico Francia, San Isidro, L. The next dam THE SWEET SWINGER (USA), unraced; Own sister to EFFERVESCING (USA); dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSINOPTICO (ARG) (c. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 8 races in Argentina and in U.S.A. including Clasico Pedro Goenaga, La Plata, Gr.2, Clasico Agustin B Gambier, La Plata, Gr.3, Clasico Luis Maria Doyhenard, La Plata, Gr.3, Clasico Oswaldo Aranha, La Plata, L., Clasico Criadores del Pura Sangre de Carrera, La Plata, L. Top Ten (ARG) (c. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 2 races in Argentina and placed third in Clasico Manuel J Guiraldes, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3; sire. SWEET HALO (ARG) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), won 2 races in Argentina; dam of winners. SWEETLY (ARG), won Clasico Benito Lynch, La Plata, Gr.3, Clasico Luis Maria Doyhenard, La Plata, Gr.3, placed second in G. P. Ciudad de la Plata-Internacional, La Plata, Gr.1, Clasico General Manuel Belgrano, La Plata, Gr.2. Sweet Shine (ARG), placed once in Argentina; dam of DOLCE DIVA (ARG), won Clasico Carlos Casares, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.2. Sweet Speech (ARG), ran in Argentina; dam of PATOLA (ARG), won Clasico Pamplona, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Enrique Meiggs, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3, placed second in Clasico Enrique Ayulo Pardo (Oaks), Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, SMART CHOICE (ARG), won Clasico Pamplona, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, placed second in Gran Premio Nacional-Augusto B Leguia, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.1, UCHUMAYO (ARG), won Clasico Baldomero Aspillaga, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3, SWEET BEAUTY (ARG), won Clasico Apertura, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3. CUP DEFENDER (USA) (f. by Topsider (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of a winner. LACERTA (IRE), winner at home and in U.S.A.; grandam of LUCKY CHUCK (USA), won Indiana Futurity, Hoosier Park, R.




Owner: Judaya Zaal M. Aljohani Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 12th, 2022 Arden Natalie (USA) (2011)

Henny Hughes (USA) Trust Fund (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Hennessy (USA) Meadow Flyer (USA) Conquistador Cielo (USA) Entrusted (USA)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam ARDEN NATALIE (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £55,130 and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizDAYAAN (KSA) (2017 c. by Northern Afleet (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,040 and placed 3 times. (2021 c. by Teletext (USA)). 2nd Dam TRUST FUND (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £27,891; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingAbbacus (USA) (c. by Consolidator (USA)), won 8 races abroad and placed second in Clasico Jose Pablo Tito Ramos, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajador, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. 3rd Dam Entrusted (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A., third in Suffolk County Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingMY TRUSTY CAT (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Humana Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Honorable Miss Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Chicago Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Honeybee Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Delta Princess Stakes, Delta Downs, L.; dam of winners. Tapitry (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Beaugay Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Entrustment (USA) (f. by Forestry (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Senorita Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Drivehappy (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Bayou City Stakes, Sam Houston. Tell Some Fibs (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Sneaky Betty (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.2, Lady Jacqueline Stakes, Thistledown, L. The next dam BETTY LOBELIA (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Nijana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, Miss Grillo Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizEntrusted (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)), see above. BETTY'S SOLUTIONS (USA) (f. by Eltish (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. INCLUDE BETTY (USA), won Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L., placed third in Coaching Club American Oaks, Saratoga, Gr.1. GAGETOWN (USA), won Prairie Mile Stakes, Prairie Meadows. Blonde Fog (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Francesca d'Gorgio (USA), 1 race at 2 years and placed third in October Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of AMAZONAS (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Dick Hern Fillies Stakes, Haydock, L., placed third in Fillies' Mile, Newmarket, Gr.1. Here Comes Betty (USA) (f. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. PETUNIA (USA), won Blessing Angelica Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Tippett Stakes, Colonial Downs, L., placed second in Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.3. SOMETHINABOUTBETTY (USA), won Country Life Farm Stakes, Pimlico, L.R., Maryland Juvenile Championship (fillies), Pimlico, L.R., placed second in Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of Dewey Square (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. BUT FOR MONEY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of ESKENFORMONEY (USA), won Turnback The Alarm Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Rampart Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed third in Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Personal Ensign Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1.




Owner: Bander Awad M. Alwadei Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A BROWN COLT (KSA) March 25th, 2022 Jonathan's Girl (USA) (2007)

Closing Argument (USA) Totally Grand (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Successful Appeal (USA) Mrs Greeley (USA) Siphon (BRZ) Grand Total (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam JONATHAN'S GIRL (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £197,879 including Ligature Stakes, Penn National, L.R., placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizBABY B GONE (USA) (2015 f. by Flashpoint (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,104 and placed 3 times. SOCIAL TABOO (USA) (2014 f. by Dominus (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £24,541 and placed 3 times. ROZANAH (KSA) (2018 c. by Official Visit (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,704 and placed twice. The Alnoon (KSA) (2020 c. by Take The Points (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam TOTALLY GRAND (USA), won 3 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £31,971; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizJONATHAN'S GIRL (USA) (f. by Closing Argument (USA)), see above. FILL UP COHEN (USA) (f. by Ecclesiastic (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,213; dam of a winner. LEONARDS MANHATTAN (USA) (c. by Bernstein (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. GRAND BUZZ (USA) (g. by Buzzards Bay (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam GRAND TOTAL (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to Add The Gold (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingTotal Limit (USA) (c. by Boundary (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. GRAND PAL (USA) (g. by Smoke Glacken (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. LADY GRANDEUR (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TOTAL THIEF (USA) (f. by Cat Thief (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. Princess Miner (USA) (f. by Majestic Light (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Include The Grand (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Delta Colleen Handicap, Hastings Park. The next dam SUM (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Queen Hopeful Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3 and third in Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingAdd The Gold (USA) (g. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in John McSorley Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Hill Prince Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Legal Justice Handicap, Parx Racing. High Tech Exec (USA) (c. by Dynaformer (USA)), placed 6 times in U.S.A. including second in Pinjara Stakes, Santa Anita. MATH (USA) (f. by Devil's Bag (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ART TRADER (USA), won The Chairman's Trophy, Sha Tin, L., placed third in Cathay Pacific International Cup Trial, Sha Tin, L. It All Adds Up (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. CHOSEN HONOR (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of BALLY'S CHARM (USA), won Snow Chief Stakes, Santa Anita, R. MATH CLASS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of GOODIE GOOMER (USA), won Presque Isle Mile Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. MAGICAL HAWK (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 1 race in France; dam of winners. HAPSBURG (FR), 3 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Grand Prix de Vichy, Vichy, Gr.3, Prix de Liancourt, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.2.




Elusive Quality (USA) A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 16th, 2022 (first foal)


Owner: Radma Stabie

Pradesh (IRE) Pleione (FR) Jubilee Diamond (IRE) (2010)

Redback (GB) Nice One Clare (IRE)

Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Whakilyric (USA) Mark of Esteem (IRE) Patsy Western Mukaddamah (USA) Sarah-Clare (GB)

PRADESH (IRE), 2013. Placed 5 times. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam JUBILEE DIAMOND (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice. 2nd Dam NICE ONE CLARE (IRE), won 6 races at 3 and 5 years and £234,222 including Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Sceptre Stakes, Doncaster, L., placed 12 times; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizALHAWEJA (IRE) (f. by Indian Ridge), won 2 races at 4 years in Qatar and £26,027 and placed 11 times. JUBILEE DIAMOND (IRE) (f. by Redback (GB)), see above. 3rd Dam SARAH-CLARE (GB), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years and placed 7 times; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizNICE ONE CLARE (IRE) (f. by Mukaddamah (USA)), see above. HIGH CLASS PROBLEM (IRE) (g. by Mozart (IRE)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years and placed 4 times. FITTING GUEST (IRE) (g. by Grand Lodge (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 4 times. LA BELLE CLARE (IRE) (f. by Paris House (GB)), won 1 race at 4 years, from only 2 starts; dam of a winner. THE WEE CHIEF (IRE), 4 races and placed 15 times. Lady Lassie (IRE) (f. by Stowaway (GB)), unraced; dam of a winner. JEREMIAH JOHNSON (IRE), 1 race at 4 years, 2022 and placed 5 times. 4th Dam NORTHERN DYNASTY, won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; also won 4 races over hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing ageStardyn (f. by Star Appeal), placed once at 4 years; dam of winners. YOUNG ERN (GB), won Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Prix du Palais-Royal, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Leicestershire Stakes, Leicester, L. (twice), placed second in Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Beeswing Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3, Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, L. and third in Prix du Palais-Royal, Deauville, Gr.3 and Hambleton Stakes, York, L.; sire. Just Warning (GB), ran once at 2 years; dam of YOUNG MICK (GB), 12 races at 4, 6 and 7 years at home and in U.A.E. including Cumberland Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, placed 19 times. The next dam BROKEN HALF, ran twice at 3 years; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingDalby Bugatti (DEN) (c. by Some Hand), won 11 races in Denmark and in Sweden and placed second in Verdexa Cup, Jagersro, L.


72 BOX

Owner: Hadi Jabran Al-Rasheed A P Indy (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 11th, 2022 (first foal)

Suave (USA) Urbane (USA) Bint Mordefah (KSA) (2018)

Moshaagib (USA) Merdefah (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Ensenada (USA) Official Flame (USA) Kahramaan (KSA)

SUAVE (USA), 2001. Won 7 races, Washington Park Handicap, Gr.2, Saratoga Breeders' Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Gr.1, Clark Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of WILLY BEAMIN (USA), (Gr.1), VENI VENI (USA), (L.), ELEGANT MODEL (USA), (S), B G SUAVECITO (USA), (S), TLAQUEPAQUE (USA), (S), Suave Voir Faire (USA), (Gr.2), Serafico (USA), (Gr.3), Aguila Descalza (PAN), (L.), Light of Love (USA), (L.), Always For You (USA), (S), Golden Phoenix (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam BINT MORDEFAH (KSA), unraced. 2nd Dam MERDEFAH (KSA), won 3 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,958; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingLae Oyoun Zeenah (KSA) (f. by Astrology (IRE)), placed 3 times at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam KAHRAMAAN (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 4 years; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizALSAEF ALAJRAB (KSA) (c. by Dynever (USA)), won 16 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. GAABETTAH (KSA) (f. by Tajaaweed (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MERDEFAH (KSA) (f. by Official Flame (USA)), see above. DAANAT RUMAAH (KSA) (f. by Torrey Canyon (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. MALAFEKH (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ghamzah (KSA) (f. by Freequent (GB)), placed 4 times at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. AELEEM (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam WATER SPLASH (USA), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBlue Judge (IRE) (c. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 10 times including second in Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1 and Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; sire. STATELY HOME (IRE) (g. by Fools Holme (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years and placed 5 times; also won 1 race over hurdles at 5 years and placed 6 times and won 12 races over fences including Scilly Isles Novices' Chase, Sandown, Gr.1, placed 17 times including third in Future Champion Nov. Chase, Ayr, Gr.2. BINT ALSARAB (GB) (f. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of winners. Dragon Eye (IRE), 1 N.H. Flat Race at 5 years and placed twice; also 1 race over hurdles at 6 years and placed twice including third in Hyde Novices' Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr.2. The next dam Round Tower, won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice including second in Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L.; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingRoundlet (USA) (c. by Roberto (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L. and fourth in Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3.




Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah Society Rock (IRE) Unfortunately (IRE) Unfortunate (GB)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 1st, 2022 Red Turban (GB) (2010)

Kyllachy (GB) Red Tiara (USA)


Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) High Society (IRE) Komaite (USA) Honour And Glory (GB) Pivotal (GB) Pretty Poppy (GB) Mr Prospector (USA) Heart of Joy (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated. UNFORTUNATELY (IRE), 2015. Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2017. Won 4 races, Prix Morny, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, Gr.2, Renaissance Stakes, Gr.3, second in Prix La Flèche, L. Sire of PERDIKA (GB), (L.), LOOKING FOR LYNDA (IRE), ROCK OF ENGLAND (IRE), SWEET FORTUNE (FR), INTREPIDO ROMANO (IRE), LET'S GO HUGO (IRE), HOLY FIRE (GB), FORTUNATE STAR (IRE), SAVANNAH SMILES (IRE), ERTEBAT (GB), ROCK OPERA (GB), THAT'S FOR SURE (IRE), ALWAYS TOMORROW (IRE), GIRL OF SPEED (TUR). 1st Dam RED TURBAN (GB), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizRED FASCINATOR (GB) (2018 f. by Kodiac (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed 3 times. Pigeonton (GB) (2020 g. by Unfortunately (IRE)), ran once at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam RED TIARA (USA), placed once at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingRED DIADEM (GB) (f. by Pivotal (GB)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £86,274 including Daisycutter Handicap, Del Mar, L., placed 4 times; dam of winners. Lee Ann W (USA), unraced; dam of Peruvian Boy (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A., third in Arlington Washington Futurity, Arlington, L. and Go Lee Ann Go (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Debutante Stakes, Canterbury Park, R. ADORN (GB) (f. by Kyllachy (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; dam of winners. SAAYERR (GB), 3 races at 2 years and £87,232 including Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, placed third in Chipchase Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3. Ornate (GB), 11 races to 2022 and £300,564 and placed 30 times including second in Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Abernant Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and third in King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2 (twice). FURBELOW (GB) (f. by Pivotal (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. ADVERTISE (GB), 5 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £904,357 including Commonwealth Cup, Ascot, Gr.1, Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. 3rd Dam HEART OF JOY (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Palomar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Las Cienegas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, San Simeon Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMEINER LOVE (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in Japan including Silk Road Stakes, Kyoto, L., Sprinters Stakes, Nakayama, L., Centaur Stakes, Hanshin, L., placed second in Arlington Cup, Hanshin, L., Asahi Hai Sansai Stakes, Nakayama, L. and Tokyo Sports Hai Sansai Stakes, Tokyo, L.; sire. Vital Force (USA) (g. by War Chant (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Free Spirits Handicap, Ruidoso Downs. MIRACLE WORKER (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PEPPI KNOWS (USA), won Changing Times Stakes, Penn National, L., Whirlaway Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2. KRISTA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MACHERANO MANIA (USA), won Clasico Laffit Pincay Jr, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R., Clasico Appucapa, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajador, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. The next dam MYTHOGRAPHER (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingATAENTSIC (USA) (f. by Hold Your Peace (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including City of Minneapolis Stakes, Canterbury Downs, Riviera Stakes, Calder, placed second in Charles Lindbergh Handicap, Canterbury Downs and third in Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's Handicap, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3; dam of winners. UNBRIDLED ENERGY (USA), won San Fernando Breeders' Cup Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Marine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Marzoug Nassah H Albogami City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 27th, 2022 Humble Song (USA) (2007)

Songandaprayer (USA) Song of Africa (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Alizea (USA) Alzao (USA) Intensive (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam HUMBLE SONG (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £32,307; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBicameral (USA) (2019 f. by Constitution (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £108,413, placed twice including third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. RILLA (USA) (2013 f. by Drosselmeyer (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £57,966 and placed 11 times. REILTIN OIR (USA) (2015 f. by Paynter (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £52,889 and placed 9 times. LITTLE MISS AMY (USA) (2014 f. by Big Brown (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £47,306 and placed 4 times. Saif Blaadi (KSA) (2020 c. by Daddy Long Legs (USA)), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SONG OF AFRICA (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £134,680 including A P Indy Stakes, Keeneland, L., placed second in Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Kentucky Cup Ladies' Turf Handicap, Kentucky Downs, L. and Spinning World Stakes, Keeneland, L.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 living foals of racing age includingAROUND THE CAPE (USA) (c. by Carson City (USA)), won 7 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £204,172 including Jaipur Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Lure Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Swale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; sire. CUTIE'S ROSIE (USA) (f. by Discreet Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £49,759; dam of winners. SNOW BIRD (TUR), won Istanbul Trophy, Veliefendi, Gr.3. WINNER TAKES ALL (USA) (f. by Hennessy (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,817; dam of winners. STEEL KING (USA), won Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz Ramon, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. 3rd Dam INTENSIVE (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingINTENSIVE COMMAND (USA) (c. by Dust Commander (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Trenton Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, placed second in Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Gr.2; sire. BESTOFBOTHWORLDS (USA) (f. by Globe (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., Pocohontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, R., placed third in Louisville Budweiser Breeders' Cup H'cp, Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and fourth in Apple Blossom Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. SPEED OF THOUGHT (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TRUE THOUGHT (USA), won Edmonton Juvenile Stakes, Northlands Park. Intend (USA) (f. by Seattle Slew (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. SOMETHING VENTURED (USA), won My Charmer Handicap, Calder, Gr.3. The next dam FLYING LEGS, won 5 races including Lowther Stakes, York, Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, placed third in King George Stakes, Goodwood; Own sister to AREOPOLIS; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizCANVASSER (USA) (c. by T V Lark), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Miami Beach Handicap, Calder, placed third in Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.2; sire. FLYINGTRIP (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), won 4 races at 3 years in Italy; dam of winners. ICONA (USA), Champion older stayer in South Africa in 1991-92, won The Gold Cup, Greyville, Gr.1, Abe Bloomberg Handicap, Kenilworth, Gr.3.



Day Seven Commencing 5.00pm Lots 441-505

Tuesday 5th December




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Storm Cat (USA) Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 19th, 2022 Lady Bugatti (CAN) (2011)

Bernardini (USA) Officer Cherrie (USA)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) A P Indy (USA) Cara Rafaela (USA) Officer (USA) Madamascus (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam LADY BUGATTI (CAN), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £33,473 and placed twice; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizHURRICANE FLORENCE (USA) (2018 f. by Liam's Map (USA)), won 3 races at 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £19,919 and placed 4 times. LADY DIEM (USA) (2017 f. by Carpe Diem (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years abroad and £11,368 and placed 4 times. Ata Almawla (KSA) (2019 c. by Street Boss (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)). 2nd Dam OFFICER CHERRIE (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in Canada and £116,384 including Mazarine Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, Ontario Debutante Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingParise (CAN) (g. by Tiznow (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and £68,679 and placed second in Jacques Cartier Stakes, Woodbine, L. 3rd Dam MADAMASCUS (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingOFFICER CHERRIE (USA) (f. by Officer (USA)), see above. 4th Dam SOUQ (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingKUDOS (USA) (g. by Kris S (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Californian Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, third in Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Anita Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 (twice). The next dam SUGAR PLUM TIME (USA), won 9 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Firenze Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Maskette Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, placed third in Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1; Own sister to PLUM BOLD (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingCHRISTMAS BONUS (USA) (f. by Key To The Mint (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Poquessing Handicap, Keystone Race Track; dam of winners. CHRISTMAS GIFT (USA), won Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of CHRISTMAS KID (USA), won Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Davona Dale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, ELUSIVE GIFT (USA), won Punch Line Stakes, Colonial Downs, R.; grandam of CHRISTMAS (IRE), 4 races at home and in Denmark including Coolmore Caravaggio Stakes, Tipperary, L., third in National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, BLACK SEA (IRE), 4 races including Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, L., UNITED NATIONS (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Lingfield Derby Trial Stakes, L., GRAND CRU CLASSE (USA), won Weber City Miss Stakes, Laurel, third in Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; third dam of HOLY LUTE (USA), won Eddie D Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3; sire. BRIGHT CANDLES (USA), won Majorette Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., placed second in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of GRAND SLAM (USA), won Moet Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire, LEESTOWN (USA), won Leonard Richards Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; sire; grandam of LANCELOT DU LAC (ITY), won Cleves Stakes, Lingfield, L., Watching You (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Las Virgenes Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. BONUS MONEY (GB), 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Golden Act Stakes, Arlington, placed third in Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire.





Owner: Alamthal Estebal Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 19th, 2022 Crossing Bridges (GB) (2005)

Dr Fong (USA) Pontressina (USA)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Kris S (USA) Spring Flight (USA) St Jovite (USA) Eternally (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam CROSSING BRIDGES (GB), ran a few times at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 to 4; dam of 4 runners from 7 foals of racing age includingAbr Al Atheer (KSA) (2011 f. by Pine Dance (USA)), placed twice at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kheir Najd (KSA) (2015 c. by Shintoh (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam PONTRESSINA (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in Germany and placed twice; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingROBUSTIAN (GB) (g. by Robellino (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years and £48,841 and placed 12 times. HILLS OF DAKOTA (GB) (g. by Sleeping Indian (GB)), won 2 races at 3 years and placed once. 3rd Dam ETERNALLY (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingETENIA (USA) (f. by Hennessy (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in France including Prix des Reves d'Or, Vichy, L., placed third in Prix La Flèche, ParisLongchamp, L. SPARK OF DUBAI (USA) (g. by E Dubai (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Gateway to Glory Stakes, Fairplex Park and Beau Brummel Stakes, Fairplex Park. Carrielle (USA) (f. by Carr de Naskra (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. 4th Dam SPARK OF LIFE (USA), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, second in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingFIRE OF LIFE (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Italy including Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1, St Leger Italiano, Milan, Gr.2; sire. Spark of Love (USA) (g. by Foolish Pleasure (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Roamer Handicap, Aqueduct, L. The next dam SPARKALARK (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, placed second in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2; Own sister to NOSE FOR MONEY (USA) and Lizard Point (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMUSICAL LARK (f. by Cure The Blues (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, placed second in Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and fourth in Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. HARTEBEEST (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), won 3 races in France including Prix de la Grotte, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. SHY BRIDE (USA), won Q, Del Mar; third dam of ROSDHU QUEEN (IRE), 4 races at 2 years including Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Lowther Stakes, York, Gr.2 and St Hugh's Stakes, Newbury, L. GOLDEN CAY (f. by Habitat), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years; grandam of BON HOFFA (AUS), won Rupert Clarke Dubai Racing Club Inv Cup, Caulfield, Gr.1; sire, BEFORE TOO LONG (AUS), won Champagne Stakes, Moonee Valley, Gr.2. Spark of Fire (f. by Run The Gantlet (USA)), ran a few times at 2 years; dam of winners. FLASH OF STEEL, 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Beresford Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2 and Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3; sire. JANBIYA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of FAHRIS (IRE), 7 races at home and in U.S.A. including Select Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Darley Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Turf Classic Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons Storm Cat (USA) Roaring Fever (USA) Pennant Fever (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 13th, 2022 I'm So Excited (USA) (2009)

Street Cry (IRE) Volga (IRE)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Letty's Pennant (USA) Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Caerleon (USA) Verveine (USA)

ROARING FEVER (USA), 2000. Won 4 races, Alysheba Stakes, second in Cowdin Stakes, Gr.3, Paterson Stakes and third in Salvator Mile Handicap, Gr.3 and William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3. Sire of ROARIN' DISCOVERY (USA), (L.), SPA CITY FEVER (USA), (L.R.), SHANE ROARS (USA), (L.R.), WINSTON'S CHANCE (USA), (S), BREAKIN THE FEVER (USA), (S), TONI TOOLS (USA), (S), SPA CITY PRINCESS (USA), (S), LESSON IN DECEIT (USA), (S), Triple Burner (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam I'M SO EXCITED (USA), ran twice in France at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizTECHNIQUE (KSA) (2019 c. by Flashy Bull (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. PLAN OF ATTACK (USA) (2017 g. by War Front (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,744 and placed once. U S S Missouri (USA) (2015 g. by War Front (USA)), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years. Michigan (USA) (2014 c. by Galileo (IRE)), placed twice at 3 years in France; sire. Analeen (KSA) (2020 f. by Pomeroy (USA)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. Gypsy of The Road (USA) (2016 f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner vizMemorable (PER) (c. by Street Hero (USA)), winner to 2022/23 abroad and placed second in Clasico Mario Manzur Chamy, Hipodromo de Monterrico, L. 2nd Dam VOLGA (IRE), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £740,315 including E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr.2, Prix de Royaumont, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Matchmaker Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Prix de Bagatelle, Saint-Cloud, L., placed 8 times including second in E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1 and third in E P Taylor Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; Own sister to VICTORY CRY (IRE); dam of five winners from 8 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingArmy Scout (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France and £38,850 and placed third in Prix Montenica, Deauville, L. Lana Girl (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LANDFALL (FR)/RISE HIGH (FR), won The Oriental Watch Sha Tin Trophy, Sha Tin, Gr.2, Golden Fleece Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, The Premier Plate, Sha Tin, Gr.3, placed second in Standard Chartered Chpns. & Chater Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1 and third in Longines Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1. 3rd Dam VERVEINE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in France including Prix de l'Opéra, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3, placed third in Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingVOLGA (IRE) (f. by Caerleon (USA)), see above. VALLEE ENCHANTEE (IRE) (f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in France and in Hong Kong including Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Prix du Conseil de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2, third in Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1 and Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1; dam of winners. VICTORY CRY (IRE) (f. by Caerleon (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in France including Grand Prix de Vichy, Vichy, Gr.3 and Prix des Tuileries, Chantilly, L.; dam of winners. VESUVE (IRE) (g. by Green Tune (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in France including Doonside Cup, Ayr, L., placed second in Doonside Cup, Ayr, L. and third in Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr.3. Vassilievsky (IRE) (g. by Peintre Celebre (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 6 years in France and placed third in Prix Greffulhe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2. Voltmeter (IRE) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years in France and abroad and placed third in Grand Prix de Compiègne, Compiegne, L. and Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L. Vagabond (IRE) (c. by Alzao (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 5 years in France and placed second in Prix Jacques de Brémond, Vichy, L. Vila Nova (FR) (f. by Silver Frost (IRE)), unraced; dam of a winner. VILLEFRANCHE (GER), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in Germany including Grosser Preis der Heise Gruppe, Hannover, L.




Owner: Daham Jlyl Bin Mezal Bin Twalah Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 21st, 2022 Najmt Alhaakim (KSA) (2012)

Forty Licks (ARG) Ma Tahaab (KSA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Not For Sale (ARG) Bailesa (ARG) Dynaformer (USA) Fabrina (USA)

Own sister to ALAZBAH (KSA) SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam NAJMT ALHAAKIM (KSA), won 2 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizALAZBAH (KSA) (2018 f. by Spring At Last (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £14,862 and placed 7 times. 2nd Dam MA TAHAAB (KSA), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £49,474; dam of four winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingMAKAANAH (KSA) (f. by Race Leader (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £35,732. OKHT MAKAANAH (KSA) (f. by Soto (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,416; dam of winners. AMTARATT (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ABO RAYEES (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam FABRINA (USA), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Truly Bound Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingAIR (USA) (g. by Fappiano (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 7 years in U.S.A. FRANCIA (USA) (f. by Sunshine Forever (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. The next dam EQUANIMITY (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, placed second in Santa Susana Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, R., Senorita Stakes, Hollywood Park, third in Honeymoon Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and fourth in Milady Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingFABRINA (USA) (f. by Storm Bird (CAN)), see above. Foxy Prince (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 13 races at home and in Italy and placed second in Premio Monte Rosa, Milan, L. Calm Dancer (USA) (f. by Northern Dancer), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in My Charmer Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. Mighty Meadow (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Heartland Derby, Prairie Meadows. Quiet City (USA), unraced; dam of ABSOLUTELY AIDEN (USA), won Good Lord Stakes, Ellis Park, Special Jo (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Calm Princess (USA) (f. by Sensitive Prince (USA)), placed 10 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Twilight Affair (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Berkeley Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3. Brassy (USA), unraced; dam of BRASS HAT (USA), won Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2, Indiana Derby, Hoosier Park, Gr.2, Ohio Derby, Thistledown, Gr.2, Sycamore Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Louisville Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Fifth Third Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and third in Sword Dancer Invitational Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, United Nations Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; grandam of GOOD SHINE (USA), won Clasico America, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Velocidad, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3; third dam of SHANGHAI STARLET (USA), won Millions Distaff Stakes, Gulfstream Park West, R. and Panama City Stakes, Gulfstream Park, R.




Owner: Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 13th, 2022 Gonna (USA) (2007)

Military (USA) Apt (USA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Danzig (USA) Wavering Girl (USA) A P Indy (USA) Liable (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam GONNA (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,022 and placed 4 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 7 foals of racing age vizHigh Providence (USA) (2015 r. by Wrote (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £20,354 and placed once viz second in Sunday Silence Stakes, Louisiana Downs. (2020 c. by Student Council (USA)). 2nd Dam APT (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCARVE (USA) (g. by First Samurai (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £655,263 including Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Handicap, Prairie Meadows, Gr.3, Fifth Season Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., West Virginia Governor's Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., placed second in Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Lone Star Park Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Zia Park Derby, Zia Park and third in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1. SLOANE AVENUE (USA) (c. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 3 races at 3 years and £188,031 including Hyde Stakes, Kempton, L., placed second in Meydan Sobha Godolphin Mile, Meydan, Gr.2; sire. APROPOS (USA) (f. by First Samurai (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £155,267 including American Beauty Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Roxelana Stakes, Churchill Downs and third in Madison Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1. Apostle (USA) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £50,677 and placed third in Harlan's Holiday Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. 3rd Dam Liable (USA), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in A P Indy Stakes, Keeneland, L. and third in Wild Flower Stakes, Lone Star Park, L.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingBLAME (USA) (c. by Arch (USA)), Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2010, won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; sire. TEND (USA) (g. by Dynaformer (USA)), won 18 races in Canada and in U.S.A. including Senator Robert C Byrd Memorial Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Forego Stakes, Turfway Park, Sam's Town Stakes, Delta Downs, R. MIGHT (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Vigor (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Senator Ken Maddy Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. The next dam BOUND (USA), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and third in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; Own sister to NUMBER (USA); dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingARCHIPENKO (USA) (c. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years at home, in Hong Kong and in U.A.E. including Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Summer Mile, Ascot, Gr.2, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.2, Dubai Commercial Bank Al Fahidi Fort, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2, Meydan Racecourse Zabeel Mile, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, placed second in Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1; sire. LIMIT (USA) (f. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed third in Busher Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. CEASE (USA), won Maxxam Gold Cup Handicap, Sam Houston, L., placed second in Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2 and third in Woodward Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2. TOTAL (USA), won Letellier Memorial Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.




Owner: Badr Ben Saqr Alatawi Giant's Causeway (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 1st, 2022

Battle Force (USA) Leo's Pegasus (USA) Original Kitten (USA) (2009)

Kitten's Joy (USA) Single Goer (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Leo's Lucky Lady (USA) El Prado (IRE) Kitten's First (USA) Easy Goer (USA) Single Blade (USA)

BATTLE FORCE (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, Thunder Road Stakes, second in Sir Beaufort Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Generous Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of HANBALY (KSA), FORCE (KSA). 1st Dam ORIGINAL KITTEN (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £51,933 and placed 11 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizALL HANDS ON DECK (USA) (2015 g. by Cape Blanco (IRE)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £33,288 and placed 8 times. DOWNTON TABBY (USA) (2019 f. by Exaggerator (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £23,546 and placed once. TRADE DEAL (USA) (2018 g. by Fed Biz (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £54,570 and placed twice. (2020 c. by Wicked Strong (USA)). 2nd Dam SINGLE GOER (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,744; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingNolan's Cat (USA) (g. by Catienus (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £222,656 and placed second in Dominion Day Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and third in Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr.2. Meditteraneanpearl (USA) (f. by Eskendereya (USA)), won 8 races abroad and placed third in Clasico Roberto Clemente, Camarero Race Track, L. NO DETOUR (USA) (g. by Catienus (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £106,773. NOLANGRANT'SKITTEN (USA) (g. by Kitten's Joy (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £107,004. PONTE VEDRA (USA) (g. by Event of The Year (USA)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £32,531. 3rd Dam SINGLE BLADE (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, L., placed second in Monmouth Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Poinsettia Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.3, Post Deb Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Patricia Stakes, Hialeah Park, L. and third in Cotillion Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.3; dam of twelve winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCOMEONMOM (USA) (c. by Jolie's Halo (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Florida Stallion Stakes (In Reality), Calder, L. and third in Sheikh Maktoum Al Maktoum Challenge 3, Nad Al Sheba, L. and Sheikh Maktoum Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, L.; sire. SKIP'S STILETTO (USA) (f. by Skip Trial (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Stormin Eddie (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Grand Canyon Handicap, Churchill Downs. COOL GHOUL (USA) (f. by Silver Ghost (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. DARWIN (USA), won Minstrel Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Belgrave Stakes, Fairyhouse, L., placed second in Minstrel Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3 and third in QIPCO Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1 and Solonaway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. DAGNABIT (USA), won Aspirant Stakes, Finger Lakes, L.R., Tremont Stakes, Belmont Park, L., placed second in New York Breeders' Futurity, Finger Lakes, L.R. Bad Boy Rising (USA), winner in U.S.A. and abroad and placed second in Bertram F Bongard Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. Romola (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. COSMO MARVELOUS (JPN), won Turquoise Stakes, Nakayama, L. (twice), Shion Stakes, Nakayama, L., placed second in Aichi Hai, Chukyo, L., December Stakes, Nakayama, L., Turquoise Stakes, Nakayama, L., Sweetpea Stakes, Tokyo, L.; dam of WIN MARVEL (JPN), won Aoi Stakes, Chukyo, Gr.3, Tachibana Stakes, Chukyo, L., placed second in Sprinters Stakes, Nakayama, Gr.1, Keio Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, Gr.2 and Keeneland Cup, Sapporo, Gr.3, Win Gerbera (JPN), winner in Japan and placed second in Hakodate Nisai Stakes, Hakodate, Gr.3. Rosette Blanche (JPN), unraced; dam of PEPTIDE RUBY (JPN), won Subaru Stakes, Kyoto, L.




Owner: Abdulrahman Nasser A. Aljahlan Scat Daddy (USA)

QANUN (USA) February 26th, 2022 A Bay Colt

Mendelssohn (USA) Leslie's Lady (USA) Singavictorysong (USA) (2009)

Hard Spun (USA) Rose Colored Lady (USA)


Johannesburg (USA) Love Style (USA) Tricky Creek (USA) Crystal Lady (CAN) Danzig (USA) Turkish Tryst (USA) Formal Dinner (USA) Pink Forest (USA)

MENDELSSOHN (USA), 2015. Top rated 3yr old in U.A.E. in 2018 (9.5-11f.). Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2018. Won 4 races, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2, Patton Stakes, L., second in Dewhurst Stakes, Gr.1 and Travers Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of DELIGHT (USA), (Gr.2), COMMITTEE OF ONE (USA), (L.), AUSTERE (USA), (L.), CLASSICAL CAT (USA), (L.), OPUS FORTY TWO (USA), (S), Miracle (USA), (Gr.2), Ngannou (USA), (Gr.3), Midnight Rising (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam SINGAVICTORYSONG (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizBig Hit (USA) (2014 c. by Super Saver (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £31,450 and placed once viz third in Sham Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Non Violence (USA) (2019 f. by Violence (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A., £182,841 and placed twice including second in Twin Bridges Stakes, Ellis Park. CHARGE TO VICTORY (USA) (2016 g. by Take Charge Indy (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 7 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £211,873 and placed 10 times. VILLAMOURA (USA) (2017 f. by Bodemeister (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £23,175 and placed once. SONG OF AMERICA (USA) (2020 f. by American Pharoah (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £12,441 and placed once. She also has a 2023 filly by Lexitonian (USA). 2nd Dam ROSE COLORED LADY (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £84,985 including Ohio Discovery Handicap, River Downs; Own sister to FOREST PICNIC (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizTOO MUCH BLING (USA) (c. by Rubiano (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £293,054 including Carry Back Stakes, Calder, Gr.2, San Vicente Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Bay Shore Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, San Miguel Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Woody Stephens Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and third in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Hoover Stakes, River Downs, R.; sire. READY FOR ROSES (USA) (g. by More Than Ready (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £71,144 including Best of Ohio Endurance Stakes, Beulah Park, L.R., Governor's Buckeye Cup Stakes, Thistledown, L.R., placed second in Cleveland Gold Cup Stakes, Thistledown, L.R. and George Lewis Memorial Stakes, Thistledown, R. BARNSY (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £87,532 including Queen City Oaks, River Downs, L.R., J William Petro Memorial Handicap, Thistledown, R., second in Rose DeBartolo Memorial Stakes, Thistledown, L.R., Best of Ohio Distaff Stakes, Beulah Park, R., Best of Ohio Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Beulah Park, R. and third in Royal North Stakes, Beulah Park, R.; dam of winners. PRIME TIME DANCER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of LEONA'S REWARD (USA), won Best of Ohio Distaff Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, R., second in Pay the Man Stakes, Thistledown, R., Best of Ohio Distaff Stakes, Thistledown, R. LITTLEBITABLING (USA) (f. by Carson City (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and £64,539 including Tah Dah Stakes, River Downs, R., second in John W Galbreath Memorial Stakes, Thistledown, L.R. and Tomboy Stakes, River Downs, R.; dam of winners. Amendment Nineteen (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Mistletoe Stakes, Oaklawn Park and third in Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, Gr.3. Got Bling (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £52,928 and placed second in Tah Dah Stakes, River Downs, R. and third in Tomboy Stakes, River Downs, R. and Royal North Stakes, Beulah Park, R.; dam of winners. Beth's Bling (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Norm Barron Queen City Oaks, Belterra Park, R. Where Is the Bling (USA) (f. by Tiznow (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. My Ticket Home (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Norm Barron Queen City Oaks, Belterra Park, R. and third in Southern Park Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, R. Great Venue (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. EL KABEIR (USA), won Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Gotham Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Jerome Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, City of Laurel Stakes, Laurel, L., placed second in Nashua Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Withers Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and third in Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Abdullah Fraaj Alaejmee Storm Cat (USA) Cat Dreams (USA) J J'sdream (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 2nd, 2022 Jadaara (GB) (2005)

Red Ransom (USA) Beraysim (GB)


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Glitterman (USA) Thwack (USA) Roberto (USA) Arabia (USA) Lion Cavern (USA) Silk Braid (USA)

Own brother to SA AETEER (KSA) CAT DREAMS (USA), 2001. Won 1 race. Sire of CARACORTADO (USA), (Gr.2), CARMALLEY CHROME (USA), (S), Real Dream (USA), (S), Scat Fast Cat (USA), (S), Thelifeoftheparty (USA), (S), YOU CAN DREAM (USA), A J'S CAT (USA), JIMNPAULS LAST TOY (USA), RIYADEE (KSA), CARMALLEY CAT (USA), ELECTRIC CAT (USA), SIERRA SILVER CAT (USA), ALHASHORIYAH (KSA), SAHARA HERO (CAN), WAJ HA (KSA), CAT'S BEST (USA), SA AETEER (KSA), ALRAAS SHAAMEKH (KSA), PSYCHO CAT (USA). 1st Dam JADAARA (GB), won 1 race at 2 years, £20,428 and placed 9 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSA AETEER (KSA) (2014 c. by Cat Dreams (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £46,088 and placed 7 times. BISMILLAH ALESHA (KSA) (2019 f. by Benchmark (GB)), won 2 races at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,951. BA EID SHBOOH (KSA) (2015 c. by Chief Lone Eagle (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam BERAYSIM (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and £39,895 including Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed 3 times including second in Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingZOOWRAA (GB) (f. by Azamour (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years and £20,624 including Radley Stakes, Newbury, L., placed once; dam of winners. MAAMORA (IRE), 5 races at 3 to 5 years and £140,415 including Atalanta Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Fleur de Lys Stakes, Lingfield, L., placed 7 times including second in Rosemary Stakes, Newmarket, L., Prix de la Cochère, ParisLongchamp, L., Lanwades Stud Stakes, Bro Park, L. and third in Balanchine Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2. Boosala (IRE), 3 races at 2 and 4 years and £45,357 and placed 4 times including third in Doncaster Mile, Doncaster, L. Harlech (GB), ran once at 3 years; dam of HUNGRY HEART (AUS), Champion 3yr old filly in Australia in 2020-21, won Australian Oaks, Randwick, Gr.1, Vinery Stud Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1, Phar Lap Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.2, Drinkwise Sweet Embrace Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, placed second in Flight Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1. 3rd Dam SILK BRAID (USA), won 2 races at 3 years at home and in Italy including Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; Own sister to WOVEN SILK (USA); dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizBERAYSIM (GB) (f. by Lion Cavern (USA)), see above. Velour (GB) (f. by Mtoto), won 1 race at 2 years and placed third in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners. Verneau (USA), 2 races at 2 years in France and placed second in Prix Aymeri de Mauléon, Toulouse, L. and third in Prix Urban Sea, Le Lion-d'Angers, L. Fire And Sword (GB) (f. by Sure Blade (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in France and placed second in Prix La Sorellina, La Teste de Buch, L. and Critérium du Languedoc, Toulouse, L.; dam of winners. Modelliste (GB) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)), won 2 races in U.A.E. and placed second in Preis der Berliner BMW Vertragspartner, Berlin-Hoppegarten, L.; dam of winners. The next dam RIBBON (USA), won 9 races in U.S.A. including Pucker Up Stakes, Arlington, Gr.3, La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Arlington Oaks, Arlington, Golden Harvest Handicap, Louisiana Downs, placed fourth in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingRISEN STAR (USA) (c. by Secretariat (USA)), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 1988, won 8 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Lexington Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Coors Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Louisiana Derby Trial Stakes, Fair Grounds, Minstrel Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed third in Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. WOVEN SILK (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Saint-Cyr, Deauville, L.; dam of winners.




Owner: Mohammed Omar I. Alsakran New Year's Day (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) February 6th, 2022

Maximum Security (USA) Lil Indy (USA) Sitka Song (USA) (2010)

War Chant (USA) Capilano (USA)


Street Cry (IRE) Justwhistledixie (USA) Anasheed (USA) Cresta Lil (USA) Danzig (USA) Hollywood Wildcat (USA) Demons Begone (USA) Bella Isabella (USA)

MAXIMUM SECURITY (USA), 2016. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2019. Won 10 races, Pacific Classic Stakes, Gr.1, Cigar Mile Handicap, Gr.1, tvg.com Haskell Invitational Stakes, Gr.1, Xpressbet Florida Derby, Gr.1, San Diego Handicap, Gr.2, etc. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam SITKA SONG (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada and £10,084 and placed twice; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizUNUNDERSTANDABLE (USA) (2017 f. by Violence (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £98,866 and placed 9 times. LUCKY SITKA (USA) (2018 f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £41,548 and placed 3 times. Credit Committee (USA) (2020 f. by Accelerate (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. Lifenhowulivit (USA) (2019 f. by Flatter (USA)), placed once at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam CAPILANO (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £71,500 including Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs, Fantasy Stakes, Hastings Park, Surrey Stakes, Hastings Park, placed second in Emerald Handicap, Hastings Park; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMADEIRA PARK (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 9 races in Canada and £201,810 including Ballerina Stakes, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Monashee Handicap, Hastings Park, Delta Colleen Handicap, Hastings Park, Duchess of York Handicap, Northlands Park, Sonoma Handicap, Northlands Park, placed second in Ballerina Stakes, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Brighouse Belles Stakes, Hastings Park, Mademoiselle Handicap, Northlands Park, Northlands Oaks, Northlands Park, Emerald Downs Stakes, Hastings Park and third in City of Edmonton Distaff Handicap, Northlands Park, L.; dam of winners. Hartel (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Del Mar Juvenile Turf Stakes, Del Mar, L. LANGARA LASS (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada and £102,898 viz Sonoma Handicap, Northlands Park, L., Fantasy Stakes, Hastings Park, L., Lassie Handicap, Hastings Park, Timber Music Stakes, Hastings Park, R., placed third in British Columbia Breeders' Cup Oaks, Hastings Park, Gr.3, Irish Day Handicap, Emerald Downs and Supernaturel Stakes, Hastings Park; dam of winners. BLENDED CITIZEN (USA), won Louisiana Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Jeff Ruby Steaks, Turfway Park, Gr.3, placed second in Tenacious Stakes, Fair Grounds, third in El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, L. LOOKIN AT LEE (USA), won Downs At Albuquerque Handicap, Albuquerque, Ellis Park Juvenile Stakes, Ellis Park, placed second in Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Claiborne Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.1, Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Sunland Park Handicap, Sunland Park and third in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1; sire. BATTLEFIELD ANGEL (USA), won Christiana Stakes, Delaware Park, placed third in Darley Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of MANNY WAH (USA), won Phoenix Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Duncan F Kenner Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Steel Valley Sprint Stakes, Mahoning Valley Race Course, L. and third in Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Lecomte Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.3. Sister (USA), unraced; dam of Saratoga Secret (USA), placed second in Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3. AMBLESIDE PARK (USA) (f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Canada and £63,419 viz Fantasy Stakes, Hastings Park, L., placed second in British Columbia Oaks, Hastings Park, L.; dam of winners. OVERACT (USA) (f. by Sir Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £85,826 including Sonoma Handicap, Northlands Park, L., Lassie Handicap, Hastings Park, placed second in Strawberry Morn Stakes, Hastings Park, Fantasy Stakes, Hastings Park; dam of a winner. Bilirrubina (MEX), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Spring Chrysler Jeep Dodge Stakes, Sam Houston. Gabriola (USA) (f. by Sultry Song (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £26,021 and placed third in Lassie Stakes, Hastings Park and Timber Music Stakes, Hastings Park, R.; dam of winners.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA) Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) April 25th, 2022 Moghrimah (KSA) (2012)

Flatter (USA) Kristy Dale (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) A P Indy (USA) Praise (USA) Robyn Dancer (USA) Telina (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam MOGHRIMAH (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age vizSerb Alqata (KSA) (2017 f. by Tajaaweed (USA)), placed once at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Semper Fortis (USA)). 2nd Dam KRISTY DALE (USA), won 10 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £82,976; Own sister to Power Strokin (USA); dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingKRISTY N CHANGE (USA) (f. by Exchange Rate (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and abroad and £28,754; dam of a winner. YEAJEBAK (KSA) (c. by Art Connoisseur (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £47,477. SANDRABULL (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. 3rd Dam TELINA (USA), won 3 races in France; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingEAGLE TIME (USA) (c. by Light of Morn (USA)), won 16 races in U.S.A. including Memorial Day Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., Texas Derby, Sunland Park; sire. Power Strokin (USA) (g. by Robyn Dancer (USA)), won 17 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Cotton Fitzsimmons Handicap, Turf Paradise, L. Mecke Monster (USA) (c. by Mecke (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and second in Riley Allison Derby, Sunland Park, L. and Rattlesnake Stakes, Turf Paradise. Mecke's Queen (USA) (f. by Mecke (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Trenton Stakes, Monmouth Park. BABBS BE GOOD (USA) (f. by Navarone (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. EQUALLY GOOD (USA), won Lansing Stakes, Pinnacle Race Course, R. 4th Dam SHARP SPIRIT (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFLOATING TICK (USA) (f. by Floating Reserve (USA)), won 11 races abroad. The next dam NAUGHTY INTENTIONS (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingPERCIPIENT (USA) (f. by Topsider (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Linda Vista Handicap, Oak Tree, Gr.3, Anoakia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. CHICKAPEE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of STRIKE ME LUCKY (USA), won Claire Marine Stakes, Arlington, placed third in Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. ZAYA (USA), winner in France; dam of YANA (IND), won Poonawalla Stud & Breeders Stayers' Cup, Hyderabad, L., STARSKY (IND), won Indian Derby, Mumbai, L., ASPINALLS (IND), won Eve Champion Trophy, Pune, L.; grandam of ZAUNGAST (IRE), won Euro-Cup der Mehl Mulhens-Stiftung, Frankfurt, Gr.3. INTENTLY (USA) (f. by Drone (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Victoria Lass Handicap, Jefferson Park, Delta Downs Breeders Cup Handicap, Delta Downs, placed third in First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of winners. GONE FOR REAL (USA), won Royal Palm Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3; sire. CRAFTY BUZZ (USA), won Jersey Jumper Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of PLANTAGENET (SPA), won Pramms Memorial, Jagersro, Gr.3; sire. Intend to Win (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in T V Vixen Stakes, Arlington; dam of JOSH'S MADELYN (USA), won Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2; grandam of UPSTART (USA), won Holy Bull Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, second in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. FLIGHT OF ANGELS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of NOBO JACK (USA), won Kurofune Sho, Kochi, L. (twice), Gumma Kinen, Takasaki, L. (twice); sire.


11 BOX

Owner: Abdulrahman Abdullah A. Almakhdoob Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Bandini (USA) Divine Dixie (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 19th, 2022 Kitty's Pearl (USA) (2012)

Bellamy Road (USA) Battle Hymn (USA)


Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Hail Atlantis (USA) Concerto (USA) Hurry Home Hillary (USA) Danzig (USA) Battle Creek Girl (USA)

BANDINI (USA), 2002. Won 5 races, Toyota Blue Grass Stakes, Gr.1, Skip Away Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of AMIE'S DINI (USA), (L.), PRESLEY BOY (USA), (L.), ALWAYSINSTILETTOS (USA), (S), DEFY GRAVITY (USA), (S), MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA), (S), One Angel (USA), (L.), Banded (USA), (L.), Mr Bandini's Band (USA), (L.), Gracefully Mean (USA), (S), Roma Jean (USA), (S), Santa Lucia (USA), (S), Two Is To Many (USA), (S), Turbulent (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam KITTY'S PEARL (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £32,024 and placed 4 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizPLANE TALK (USA) (2017 g. by Conveyance (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £171,037 including Honor the Hero Stakes, Canterbury Park, placed 11 times including second in Dark Star Turf Sprint Stakes, Canterbury Park (twice). EMPEROROFTHEDARK (USA) (2019 c. by Conveyance (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £71,383 and placed 4 times. KOUFAX (USA) (2018 c. by Conveyance (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £127,746 and placed 3 times. MOHAMMADEE (KSA) (2021 c. by Air Force Blue (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once, all his starts. 2nd Dam BATTLE HYMN (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £33,968; Own sister to EVERHOPE (USA); dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingGOLD HISTORY (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years, £70,316 including Feilden Stakes, Newmarket, L., third in Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3. IZE IN TROUBLE (USA) (f. by Proud Citizen (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £84,090 including Chaves County Stakes, Zia Park, placed second in Island Fashion Stakes, Sunland Park and third in Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L. 3rd Dam Battle Creek Girl (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Polly Drummond Stakes, Delaware Park; dam of fifteen winners from 18 runners and 20 foals of racing age includingTRICKY CREEK (USA) (c. by Clever Trick (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Nassau County Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Brown & Williamson Kentucky J. C. Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3, placed second in Philip H Iselin Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1 and third in Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; sire. PARADE GROUND (USA) (c. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Bougainvillea Handicap, Hialeah Pk, Gr.3, Lawrence Realization Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Lexington Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, second in Bowling Green Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and third in Canadian International Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. PARADE LEADER (USA) (c. by Kingmambo (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including New Orleans Handicap, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Princeton Stakes, Meadowlands, placed third in Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.2; sire. SPEED DIALER (USA) (f. by Phone Trick (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Arlington Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.2; dam of winners. WAVERING GIRL (USA) (f. by Wavering Monarch (USA)), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 1989, won 6 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Friar Rock Stakes, Woodbine, L., Colin Stakes, Woodbine, L., Victoria Stakes, Woodbine, L., Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.2; dam of winners. MILITARY (USA), won Oak Tree Turf Championship Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Citation Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and Kobuk King Stakes, Del Mar, L.; sire. EVERHOPE (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., second in Eatontown Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and third in Fleur de Lis Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of winners. FULL RETREAT (USA) (f. by Full Out (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Capitulation (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Susan's Girl Breeders' Cup Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; dam of MOLLY MORGAN (USA), won La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Chilukki Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2.




Owner: Abdulaziz Abdulrhman A. Alalloosh Uncle Mo (USA) Moon Colony (USA) Promenade Girl (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 3rd, 2022 Lemondropspritzer (USA) (2008)

Lemon Drop Kid (USA) Kurima (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Carson City (USA) Promenade Colony (USA) Kingmambo (USA) Charming Lassie (USA) Silver Deputy (CAN) Sea Breezer (USA)

MOON COLONY (USA), 2016. Won 3 races, Penn Mile Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam LEMONDROPSPRITZER (USA), won 11 races at 4 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £73,157 and placed 11 times; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age(2021 f. by Dramedy (USA)). 2nd Dam KURIMA (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLEMONDROPSPRITZER (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), see above. I'M GOOD (USA) (f. by Langfuhr (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £44,275. WILANNAMOON (USA) (f. by Wilburn (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £24,939. 3rd Dam Sea Breezer (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSHORE BREEZE (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Gallant Seranade Stakes, Delaware Park, L.R., placed second in Zwaanendael Stakes, Delaware Park, L.; sire. Banshee Girl (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Morning Light (SAF), winner in South Africa and placed second in Claremont Auction Group Jamaica Handicap, Kenilworth, L. 4th Dam LAKEVILLE MISS (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1977, won 7 races in U.S.A. including Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Selima Stakes, Laurel, Gr.1, Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Constitution Stakes, Keystone; Own sister to Lakeville (USA); dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingMOGAMBO (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Gotham Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, placed second in Wood Memorial Invitational Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and third in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 and Cowdin Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. Ropa Usada (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. OUR JOSEPHINA (USA), won Ohio Valley Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L., placed second in Chicago Breeders' Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3; dam of DORTMUND (USA), won Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Futurity, Los Alamitos, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Native Diver Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed second in Awesome Again Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Our Mariella (USA), unraced; dam of I'M A LOOKER (USA), won Winning Colors Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. The next dam HEW, won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingLAKEVILLE MISS (USA) (f. by Rainy Lake), see above. Lakeville (USA) (c. by Rainy Lake), won 5 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Saratoga Special Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. GREEK MOMMY (USA) (f. by Greek Money), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. OEDIPUS REX (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of VALID GODDESS (USA), won Maria Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3 and Primonetta Handicap, Pimlico, L., OEDIPUS APPEAL (USA), won Deputy Minister Stakes, Meadowlands; sire; grandam of EYES ON EDDY (USA), won Harry Henson Handicap, Sunland Park, L. and Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L., STORMIN OEDY (USA), won James B Moseley Breeders' Cup Handicap, Suffolk Downs, L., Damitrius Stakes, Delaware Park, L. and Zwaanendael Handicap, Delaware Park, L., MAKE MINE MINNIE (USA), won Blue Norther Stakes, Santa Anita, L.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Petionville (USA) Two Step Salsa (USA) Two to Waltz (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 19th, 2022 Dynaqueen (USA) (2008)

Dynaformer (USA) Hot Match (USA)


Seeking The Gold (USA) Vana Turns (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lady For Two (USA) Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Jeanne Jones (USA)

TWO STEP SALSA (USA), 2005. Won 6 races, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, Affirmed Handicap, Gr.3, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Gr.3, second in Swaps Stakes, Gr.2 and Harry Henson Stakes, L. Sire of DANCE WITH FATE (USA), (Gr.1), CONQUEST TWO STEP (USA), (Gr.2), EL SALSERO (PR), (L.R.), PUDDING (USA), (S), RAKI (USA), (S), ROOKIE SALSA (USA), (S), HOMEMADE SALSA (USA), (S), DRIVEN BY HISTORY (USA), (S), TWO STEP TIME (USA), (S), MASTER MICK (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam DYNAQUEEN (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizDYNABLUE (USA) (2018 g. by Big Blue Kitten (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £85,044 and placed 17 times. NO COLLUSION (USA) (2017 f. by Paynter (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in Canada and £35,031 and placed 15 times. DAME STREET (USA) (2013 f. by Street Sense (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,146 and placed twice. GIO'S COOKIE STAR (USA) (2016 f. by Gio Ponti (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 4 times. (2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)). 2nd Dam HOT MATCH (USA), unraced; Own sister to Beautiful Gem (USA); dam of six winners from 8 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingBELLE OF PERINTOWN (USA) (f. by Dehere (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and £173,352 including Silverbulletday Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., third in Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr.2; dam of winners. STRIKE IT RICH (USA), won Boiling Springs Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Little Silver Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of SEA FOAM (USA), won Alex M. Robb Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Evan Shipman Handicap, Saratoga, R., Albany Stakes, Saratoga, R., New York Derby, Finger Lakes, R., Notebook Stakes, Aqueduct, R., Straw Into Gold (USA), placed third in Manila Stakes, Belmont Park, L. TOMLIN (USA), won Camilla Urso Stakes, Golden Gate, Golden Gate Debutante Stakes (f), Golden Gate, placed second in Unbridled Sidney Stakes, Churchill Downs and third in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. ARI OAKLEY (USA), won Bold Ego Handicap, Sunland Park. Beau Liam (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Sumptuous (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Just Smashing Stakes, Monmouth Park and third in Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of GREAT STUFF (USA), won Toboggan Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed third in Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Tom Fool Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire. Bogangles (USA) (c. by Joyeux Danseur (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and £136,670 and placed third in Black Gold Handicap, Fair Grounds. 3rd Dam JEANNE JONES (USA), won 5 races at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Fantasy Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and third in Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingROMAN TREASURE (USA) (f. by Roman Ruler (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Chaldea Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Positive Gal Stakes, Belmont Park, Miss Royal Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Classy Mirage Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R. and third in Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. Beautiful Gem (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Vacaville Handicap, Solano, Powder Room Handicap, Golden Gate, Luisant Handicap, Golden Gate; grandam of SAN DIEGO CITY (JPN), won Capital Stakes, Tokyo, L., Sapporo Nisai Stakes, Sapporo, L. and Clover Sho, Sapporo, L. JEANNE'S HONOR (USA) (f. by Honour And Glory (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada; dam of winners. GOING TO KUKARO (USA), won Genuine Devotion Stakes, Belmont Park, L.




Owner: Jameel A/Kareem Ghassal Empire Maker (USA) Teletext (USA) Conference Call (GB)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 9th, 2022 Zensational Bunny (USA) (2011)

Zensational (USA) Beach Bunny (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Anabaa (USA) Phone West (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Joke (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Jewel In My Crown (CAN)

TELETEXT (USA), 2011. Won 6 races and second in Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Prix d'Hédouville, Gr.3 and third in Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1 and Grand Prix de Lyon, L. Sire of ALNAADER (KSA), HAMSATEE (KSA), TAYEL ALKHEIR (KSA), MOSSLAT (KSA), MOTASHAAMEKH (KSA), JAZI ALMOGHTARAH (KSA), DAQLAT NOORAH (KSA), MOROOR (KSA), ALHAZH ALKARIM (KSA). 1st Dam ZENSATIONAL BUNNY (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Canada, £143,909 including Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L., Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed twice viz second in Alywow Stakes, Woodbine and third in Royal North Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of 2 foals of racing age including(2021 c. by Macho Macho (USA)). 2nd Dam BEACH BUNNY (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingZENSATIONAL BUNNY (USA) (f. by Zensational (USA)), see above. Quiet Invader (USA) (c. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £69,743 and placed third in Apple Ford Chick Lang Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3. SMART BUNNY (USA) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £42,152; dam of winners. Gran Malvina (ARG), winner in Argentina third in Clasico Eusonio C Boni, La Plata, L. 3rd Dam JEWEL IN MY CROWN (CAN), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to TIFFANY'S SECRET (CAN); dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingDixie's Crown (USA) (g. by Dixieland Band (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A., placed second in Sycamore Stakes, Keeneland, L. and third in Elkhorn Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. The next dam TIFFANY TAM (CAN), won 8 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Whimsical Stakes, Greenwood, Gr.3R., third in Ontario Damsel Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingREGAL INTENTION (CAN) (c. by Vice Regent (CAN)), won 14 races in U.S.A. including Nearctic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3R., British Columbia Derby, Exhibition Park, Gr.3R.; sire. CARRY THE CROWN (CAN) (c. by Vice Regent (CAN)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Sir Barton Stakes, Greenwood, L.; sire. TIFFANY'S SECRET (CAN) (f. by Secretariat (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. Regal Locket (CAN), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of LA DOLCE VITA (USA), won Suwannee River Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, JOYA REAL (USA), won Blue Sparkler Stakes, Monmouth (twice) and Fort Monmouth Stakes, Monmouth. DIAMOND COAST (CAN) (f. by Coastal (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CLASSIC CUT (AUS), won Perth Stakes, Ascot, L., Burswood Supremacy Stakes, Ascot, L., placed third in Karrakatta Plate, Ascot, Gr.2. Sky And Sea (CAN), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Cup and Saucer Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Coronation Futurity Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. RUBY SKY (CAN) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Scarlet Mist (USA), winner in U.S.A. second in Martha Washington Stkes, Oaklawn, L. Sometimesadiamond (CAN) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DIXIELAND DIAMOND (CAN), won Coronation Futurity, Woodbine, L.R.; sire. Sky Diamond (CAN), winner in Canada and in U.S.A. and placed third in Durham Cup Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Labeeb Stakes, Woodbine, L. FEATHERED DIAMOND (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of EL AREEB (USA), won Withers Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Jerome Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3. SKYSHINE (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of SCORE CLASSY (USA), won Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua, Camarero Race Track, L., SHIMSHINE (CAN), won Birdcatcher Stakes, Northlands Park, placed third in Canadian Derby, Northlands Park, Gr.3, CARMALLEY CHROME (USA), won Merrillville Stakes, Indiana Grand, R. and Indiana First Lady Stakes, Indiana Downs, R. Royal Diamond (CAN), unraced; dam of HEMLOCK CHANNEL (CAN), won Harvest Plate Stakes, Century Downs.




Owner: Naif Rathei Abo Alrooes Alanezi Sons Tapit (USA) Closing Bell (USA) Rehear (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 15th, 2022 Candy Ore (USA) (2011)

Candy Ride (ARG) Barbara Orr (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chief Appeal (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Tale of The Cat (USA) Forli's Slew (USA)

CLOSING BELL (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dueling Grounds Derby, second in Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Bryan Station Stakes and third in Muniz Memorial Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MAHBOBAT HUSSAIN (KSA), ALFRAYNY (KSA), ATSHAH (KSA). 1st Dam CANDY ORE (USA), unraced; dam of 4 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingRed Dragon (KSA) (2020 c. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), placed twice at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Yatrakh (KSA) (2017 c. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Akho Batla'a (KSA) (2021 c. by Power Broker (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam Barbara Orr (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £51,451 and placed second in Rancho Bernardo Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingROCK ME BABY (USA) (g. by Rock Hard Ten (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £304,650 including Albany Stakes, Golden Gate, California Dreamin' Handicap, Del Mar, R., placed second in Del Mar Mile Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, California Dreamin' Handicap, Del Mar, R. (twice), Tiznow Stakes, Hollywood Park, R. Hot Ore (USA) (g. by Unusual Heat (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £58,017 and placed second in Del Mar Juvenile Turf Stakes, Del Mar, L. Hot Smoke (USA) (g. by Unusual Heat (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £61,586 and placed second in Golden State Juvenile Stakes (c&g), Del Mar. 3rd Dam FORLI'S SLEW (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBarbara Orr (USA) (f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), see above. Dorei (USA) (f. by Theatrical), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Sun Spun (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Prime Rewards Stakes, Delta Downs, R. The next dam SOLAR SLEW (USA), placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to Seattle Sunrise (USA); dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCIGAR (USA) (c. by Palace Music (USA)), Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 1995 and 1996, won 19 races in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. including Donn Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1 (twice), Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice), Breeders' Cup Classic, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Hollywood Gold Cup Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Oaklawn Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.1, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and NYRA Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1. MULCA (USA) (f. by Raised Socially (USA)), won 18 races abroad including Clasico Prensa Hipica, El Comandante, L., Clasico Roberto Clemente, El Comandante, L. CORRIDORA SLEW (ARG) (f. by Corridor Key (USA)), won 4 races at 4 years in Argentina; dam of winners. LAURA'S LUCKY BOY (USA), won Will Rogers Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Escondido Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., Thunder Road Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Del Mar Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Oak Tree Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Clement L Hirsch MemTurf Championship, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Back to Earth (USA), unraced; dam of E B RYDER (USA), won Anka Germania Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Frances A Genter Stakes, Calder. Havana Gold (USA), unraced; grandam of PRESTIGIOSA (PAN), won Clasico Dia de Periodista, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., placed second in Clasico O.G. Valdez, O. M. y J Grimaldo, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R. LIFE'S PLEASURES (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Hard Life (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Go For Wand Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2. Arcadiana (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), unraced; dam of winners. CIGAR STREET (USA), won Skip Away Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; sire.




Owner: Ibrahim Muhammad Rashid Union Rags (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (USA) January 8th, 2022

Catalina Cruiser (USA) Sea Gull (USA) Bioterp (USA) (2013)

Lion Hearted (USA) Exuding Quality (USA)


Dixie Union (USA) Tempo (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Exclusive Bird (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Cadillacing (USA) Elusive Quality (USA) Go Nicholas Go (USA)

CATALINA CRUISER (USA), 2014. Won 7 races, Pat O'Brien Stakes, Gr.2 (twice), San Diego Handicap, Gr.2 (twice) and True North Stakes, Gr.2. First crop now 2 year olds.Latte Lizzie (USA), (L.), Stellamaris (USA), (S). 1st Dam BIOTERP (USA), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £146,267 and placed 9 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age vizHAZARD (USA) (2020 f. by Jump Start (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £22,704 and placed once. X Gene (USA) (2021 f. by Bandbox (USA)), unraced to date. She also has a 2023 colt by Tiz The Law (USA). 2nd Dam EXUDING QUALITY (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £34,547; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizZorally (USA) (f. by Wiseman's Ferry (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £120,315 and placed second in Miss Disco Stakes, Laurel, R. BRET'S AT CADDIES (USA) (g. by Not For Love (USA)), won 22 races in U.S.A. and £230,223. CHRISTMAS BARN (USA) (f. by Lion Hearted (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £85,654. BIOTERP (USA) (f. by Lion Hearted (USA)), see above. PRESIDENT EATON (USA) (g. by Cat Thief (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,585. 3rd Dam Go Nicholas Go (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in New Jersey Futurity (fillies), Meadowlands; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizLOVE FOR NOT (USA) (f. by Not For Love (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Maryland Million Lassie Stakes, Laurel, L.R., New Jersey Futurity (fillies), Meadowlands, R., placed second in Eleven North Handicap, Monmouth Park, L.R., Open Mind Handicap, Monmouth Park, R. and third in Maryland Million Oaks, Laurel, L.R. Clear Faith (USA) (c. by Cryptoclearance (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bernie Dowd Handicap, Monmouth Park, L.R. Calabria Bella (USA) (c. by Accelerator (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Bernie Dowd Handicap, Monmouth Park, R. and Garden State Handicap, Meadowlands, R. Loverbil (USA) (c. by Not For Love (USA)), won 13 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in John J Reilly Handicap, Monmouth Park, R. GO CRYPTO (USA) (f. by Cryptoclearance (USA)), won 4 races at 4, 5 and 7 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. BANANAS ON FIRE (USA), winner in U.S.A. EXUDING QUALITY (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), see above. LADY MUTADDA (USA) (f. by Mutakddim (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. CANTINFLAS (USA) (g. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. 4th Dam WHIRLWIND AFFAIR (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingGo Nicholas Go (USA) (f. by Polish Numbers (USA)), see above. The next dam Unchain My Heart (USA), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A., placed second in Cinderella Stakes, Hollywood Park and third in Nursery Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age includingWHIRLWIND AFFAIR (USA) (f. by Island Whirl (USA)), see above.





Owner: FMQ Stables Holy Bull (USA) Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 13th, 2022 Krista's Quik Chic (USA) (2006)

Forestry (USA) Geisha Girl (GB)

Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Shared Interest (USA) Nashwan (USA) Miznah (IRE)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam Krista's Quik Chic (USA), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £54,153 and placed 5 times including second in Indiana Live Casino Stakes, Indiana Downs, L.; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizDARCY MAE (USA) (2014 f. by K One King (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and £229,618 including Princess of Sylmar Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, R., H.B.P.A. Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, placed 6 times including second in Northern Fling Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, R. ODDS GET EVEN (CAN) (2017 c. by Summer Front (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £16,110 and placed twice. NAGZILLA (USA) (2012 f. by Speightstown (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,461; dam of a winner vizBURNT MATCH (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Ibn Al Aeredh (KSA) (2018 c. by Magician (IRE)), placed three times at 3, 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dialdownthecrazy (USA) (2013 f. by Corinthian (USA)), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A. (2021 f. by Take The Points (USA)). 2nd Dam Geisha Girl (GB), won 1 race at 2 years and £12,947, second in Diamond Stakes, Curragh, L. and third in Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, L. and Challenge Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingGENIAL BOY (ARG) (c. by Songandaprayer (USA)), won 20 races in Chile including Premio Velocidad, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.2, second in Premio Velocidad, Club Hipico de Santiago, Gr.2, Premio Luis Subercaseaux E, Club Hipico de Santiago, L. Sweet Sarah (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. Amped (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Henry Walton Stakes, Saratoga, L.R. Seranitsa (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Sanibel Island Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L. Madame Du Lac (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DIVISIDERO (USA), won Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 (twice), American Turf Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Red Bank Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Arlington Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Pennine Ridge Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Monmouth Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Oceanport Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Tampa Bay Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Appleton Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Fourstardave Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; sire. Kitten's Kid (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Pilgrim Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. Gunnison (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in Japan Turf Cup Stakes, Laurel, L. 3rd Dam MIZNAH (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years viz Debutante Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in MacDonagh Boland Stakes, Curragh, L., Silver Flash Stakes, Leopardstown, L.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 living foals of racing age includingZINDABAD (FR) (c. by Shirley Heights), won 9 races including Hardwicke Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr.2, John Porter Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Winter Hill Stakes, Windsor, Gr.3, Leicester Stakes, Leicester, L., placed second in Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1 and third in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1; sire. Tithcar (GB) (f. by Cadeaux Genereux), placed 6 times at 3 years; dam of winners. AN TADH (IRE), 6 races including Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Halljoy (IRE), 1 race in U.S.A. and placed third in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Magie Noire (IRE), placed once in France; dam of EXCLUSIVE POTION (FR), 11 races in Germany and in Italy including Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. Maiouest (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GOL TRICOLOR (BRZ), won Grande Premio Governador do Estado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, Grande Premio Presidente Carlos Paes de Barros, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3; sire.


18 BOX

Owner: Faisal Saad H. Alsuliman A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 3rd, 2022 Onatopp (IRE) (2004)

Soviet Star (USA) Blueprint (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Nureyev (USA) Veruschka (FR) Shadeed (USA) Glaze (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam ONATOPP (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizRAHEEN (KSA) (2013 c. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £89,127 and placed 7 times. WASSELI (KSA) (2012 f. by Lord of Men (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £18,316 and placed 5 times. ASHMAAWI (KSA) (2010 c. by Wathab (IRE)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed twice. 2nd Dam BLUEPRINT (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingToujours Amour (IRE) (f. by Croco Rouge (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and £17,233 and placed 5 times including second in Prix Caravelle, Toulouse, L. 3rd Dam Glaze (USA), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Coronado Stakes, Del Mar, R. and fourth in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGlamis (USA) (c. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and placed second in Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Stardom Stakes, Goodwood, L. and third in Grand Critérium, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr.2. South Carolina (USA) (f. by Southern Halo (USA)), ran in U.A.E. at 4 years; dam of a winner. Bondarchuk (NZ), winner in Australia and placed second in St Clair Port Adelaide Guineas, Cheltenham Park, L., H C Nitschke Stakes, Cheltenham Park, L. The next dam Round Pearl (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Starlette Handicap, Detroit; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 16 foals of racing age includingPerla Fina (USA) (f. by Gallant Man), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Martha Washington Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Magnolia Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Misty Isle Stakes, Arlington; dam of winners. ELECTRIC FLASH (USA), won Swift Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed fourth in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1. FINE N' MAJESTIC (USA), won California Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3; sire. JORROCKS (USA), won San Carlos Handicap, Bay Meadows, L. SOUTHERN IVY (USA), won San Antonio Oaks, Retama Park. Missy Hawk (USA), unraced; grandam of TAYLOR MADISON (USA), won Lady Hallie Stakes, Hawthorne, L.R., MIRANDA DIANE (USA), won RPDC Classic Distaff Stakes, Will Rogers Downs, R., Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Dwns.Classic, Will Rogers Downs, R. (3 times); third dam of SHANNON C (USA), won Oklahoma Classics Sprint Stakes, Remington, R., Remington Park Turf Sprint Stakes, Remington, R., Classic Sprint Stakes, Will Rogers Downs, R. Setting (USA) (f. by Exclusive Native (USA)), placed 6 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VIVID ANGEL (USA), won Oak Leaf Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; third dam of SMOKINPADDYLASSIE (USA), won Beyond The Wire Stakes, Laurel. Flaminia (USA) (f. by Star de Naskra (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Stephanie's Road (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ingenue Stakes, Emerald Downs, Boeing Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of DRILL HALL (USA), won Peninsula Gaming's Lucky Dog Stakes, Evangeline Downs, L.; grandam of MOMINOU (USA), won Caress Stakes, Saratoga, L. FLAMING FAITH (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Flaming Slew (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1.




Owner: Mohammad I. H. Almutawa Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A GREY FILLY (KSA) February 28th, 2022 Macadamia (USA) (2004)

Artax (USA) Unique Creek (USA)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Marquetry (USA) Raging Apalachee (USA) Tricky Creek (USA) Metropo's Lass (USA)

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam Macadamia (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £74,412 and placed 10 times including second in Palo Alto Handicap, Bay Meadows, L. and Lawndale Stakes, Hollywood Park, R.; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizWOOD NOORAH (KSA) (2018 f. by Tranquil Manner (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Lae Oyoun Fahda (KSA) (2020 c. by Stratford Hill (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. Motanaheyah (KSA) (2021 f. by Canadian Frontier (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam UNIQUE CREEK (USA), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £130,923 including Cy-Fair Stakes, Sam Houston, Delta Miss Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Rebel Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Princess Futurity, Louisiana Downs and third in Silver Spur Handicap, Lone Star Park, L., TTBA Sales Futurity (fillies), Lone Star Park, L.; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingMacadamia (USA) (f. by Artax (USA)), see above. Misty Run (USA) (f. by Vindication (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. DUNKIN BEND (USA), won Sapling Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, placed second in Big Drama Stakes, Delta Downs. Misty Day (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed second in Orleans Stakes, Delta Downs. 3rd Dam METROPO'S LASS (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingFRANS LASS (USA) (f. by Shanekite (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including California Breeders' Champion S. (3yo f), Santa Anita, L.R., Jan Jessie Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in C.T.B.A. Marian Stakes, Fairplex Park, L., La Habra Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and Miss California Stakes, Golden Gate, R.; dam of winners. French Lass (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Bayou City Stakes, Sam Houston and third in Miss Houston Stakes, Sam Houston. CLAYTON'S LASS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Bear At Last (CAN), winner in Canada and placed third in Wando Stakes, Woodbine and Kingarvie Stakes, Woodbine, R. JANNA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of JANNAS PRIDE (USA), won Red Hedeman Mile Stakes, Sunland Park, L.R. and New Mexico Eddy County Stakes, Zia Park, L.R., MISSING REBA (USA), won C O Ken Kendrick Memorial Stakes, Sunray Park, R. Great Plains Lady (USA), unraced; dam of ROSE CATHERINE (USA), won Turf Amazon Handicap, Parx Racing, L., Mongo Queen Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Nonsuch Bay Stakes, Belmont Park, Lena Spencer Stakes, Saratoga, Sweet Life Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Santa Anita, L. and third in Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, LADY TRUFFLES (USA), won California Cup Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R., placed second in Cover Gal Stakes, Santa Anita, L.R.; grandam of BORN IN A BREEZE (CAN), won Spangled Jimmy Handicap, Northlands Park, Vice Regent Stakes, Woodbine, R. SHANES LASS (USA) (f. by Shanekite (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Santa Clara Invitational Handicap, Bay Meadows, L.R., Pacifica Handicap, Golden Gate, L., Anvil Handicap, Bay Meadows, placed second in Sorority Stakes, Golden Gate, L. IRISHKITE (USA) (f. by Shanekite (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Bustles and Bows Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in Moccasin Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners.


20 BOX

Distorted Humor (USA) A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) March 23rd, 2022


Owner: Aljemaheer Stable

Semper Fortis (USA) Rebridled Dreams (USA) Our Queenie (IRE) (2011)

Strategic Prince (GB) Matibibi (ITY)

Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Key Cents (USA) Dansili (GB) Ausherra (USA) Barathea (IRE) Palombella (FR)

SEMPER FORTIS (USA), 2013. Won 2 races and second in Los Alamitos Derby Stakes, Gr.2, Zia Park Derby, L., Shared Belief Stakes, L. and third in Curribot Handicap. Sire of DECEMBER (KSA), ROLAN (KSA), NOOR ALENAYA (KSA), TAJ ALENAYA (KSA), NOWH (KSA). 1st Dam OUR QUEENIE (IRE), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years, £28,961 and placed 11 times; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizJamahereyah (KSA) (2021 c. by Wistar (GB)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam MATIBIBI (ITY), placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingHES OUR MUSIC (IRE) (g. by Oratorio (IRE)), won 10 races, £94,949 and placed 25 times. 3rd Dam PALOMBELLA (FR), won 3 races at 3 years in France; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingORSO (FR) (g. by Highest Honor (FR)), won 3 races at 3 years in France including Grand Handicap de Deauville, Deauville, L. MA PALOMA (FR) (f. by Highest Honor (FR)), won 2 races in France; dam of winners. RUWI (GB), 5 races at 2 to 4 years in France including Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Grand Prix de Bordeaux, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L.; sire. MARCELA HOWARD (IRE) (f. by Fasliyev (USA)), won 1 race in Italy; dam of winners. LA FEVE (FR), won Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Prix d'Aumale, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Sweetest Chant Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. VICTORINNA (FR), 5 races at 2 to 5 years in France including Prix de la Pépinière, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed third in Prix Allez France, Chantilly, Gr.3. Pimpinella (FR) (f. by Highest Honor (FR)), placed 3 times in Germany; dam of winners. WEVANELLA (FR), 5 races at 3 to 5 years in France including Prix Urban Sea, Le Lion-d'Angers, L. The next dam DJALLYBROOK (FR), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of twelve winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingPASSIONARIA (FR) (f. by Beldale Flutter (USA)), won 4 races in France including Prix de Royallieu, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix des Tourelles, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Princess Rooney Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of winners. FUSAICHI SONIC (JPN), won Kobe Shimbun Hai, Hanshin, L.; sire. KANMARY (FR) (f. by Kenmare (FR)), won 1 race at 2 years in France viz Prix du Bois, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Prix Chloé, Evry, Gr.3 and third in Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.1; dam of winners. LIT DE JUSTICE (USA), Champion sprinter in U.S.A. in 1996, won Breeders' Cup Sprint, Woodbine, Gr.1, Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Bing Crosby Breeders' Cup Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.3, Pat O'Brien Breeders' Cup Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3, placed third in Breeders' Cup Sprint, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. COMMANDER COLLINS (IRE), 2 races at 2 years viz Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1 and Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, L.; sire. CITY LEADER (IRE), 4 races at 2, 3 and 6 years including Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, placed second in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. COLONEL COLLINS (USA), won Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L., placed third in Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Derby Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1 and 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. BRIGITTA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of EMERALD COMMANDER (IRE), 5 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in France and in Germany including Darley Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, Prix Daphnis, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed second in Critérium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. Tamari (USA), ran twice at 2 years; dam of SPURUSON (AUS), won Sciaccas Lawyers Grand Prix Stakes, Eagle Farm, Gr.2. MARY ASTOR (FR) (f. by Groom Dancer (USA)), won 5 races in France; dam of winners. KILOMETRE NEUF (FR), 5 races including Prix Jacques Laffitte, Deauville, L. Movie Star (IRE), ran once at 3 years; grandam of BLAINE (GB), 6 races including Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2.




Owner: Nayil Basheer M Alshammari Tapit (USA) Closing Bell (USA) Rehear (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 24th, 2022 Sanabel Alkheir (KSA) (2013)

Birdstone (USA) Safeen (USA)


Pulpit (USA) Tap Your Heels (USA) Coronado's Quest (USA) Chief Appeal (USA) Grindstone (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Bint Pasha (USA)

CLOSING BELL (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dueling Grounds Derby, second in Secretariat Stakes, Gr.1, Bryan Station Stakes and third in Muniz Memorial Handicap, Gr.2. Sire of MAHBOBAT HUSSAIN (KSA), ALFRAYNY (KSA), ATSHAH (KSA). 1st Dam SANABEL ALKHEIR (KSA), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age includingLaattim (KSA) (2021 c. by Casino Host (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SAFEEN (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizManhattan Fox (USA) (c. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £47,772 and placed second in Iberia Airline James W Murphy Stakes, Pimlico. REAL FUROR (USA) (c. by Birdstone (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years abroad. SOFISTIKA (USA) (f. by Thewayyouare (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years abroad. ALHAQUE (USA) (g. by Galileo (IRE)), placed 8 times at 2 to 5 years and £6843; also won 1 race over hurdles at 4 years and £10,285 and placed 5 times. Fanfest (GB) (f. by Fantastic Light (USA)), placed 7 times at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,727; dam of winners. KING FEST (USA), winner in U.S.A. HAP HOT (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. 3rd Dam BINT PASHA (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1, Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Pretty Polly Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, second in Lupe Stakes, Goodwood, L. and fourth in Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1, Oaks Stakes, Epsom, Gr.1, Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2 and Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingREVERE (IRE) (c. by Dancing Brave (USA)), won 7 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Italy including Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3, Foundation Stakes, Goodwood, L., Gala Stakes, Kempton, L., Premio FIA European Breeders' Fund Cup, Varese, L., Premio Nico e Vittorio Castellini, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Carlo Porta, Milan, Gr.3 and third in Scottish Classic, Ayr, Gr.3; sire. Zafonium (USA) (c. by Zafonic (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in King Edward VII Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Ermine Sea (GB) (g. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3. BRAHY (USA) (c. by Rahy (USA)), won 9 races at 3 to 6 years abroad; sire. OVATION (GB) (f. by Generous (IRE)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed once. SAUDIA (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years; dam of winners. RED DUKE (USA), won Superlative Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, placed second in Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2 and third in Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2 and Mehl-Mulhens Rennen (2000 Guineas), Cologne, Gr.2. MR RYDER (USA), won Sussex Stakes, Delaware Park, L., placed second in Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, third in Knickerbocker Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3. The West's Awake (USA), 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix Turenne, Chantilly, L. DESERT COWBOY (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. Nadra (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. MASTER DAVID (USA), won Sham Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed second in Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2 and third in Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Santa Catalina Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Ardent Passion (GB), 18 races in France and in Italy and placed third in Prix Saraca, Saint-Cloud, L. Nadrashaan (FR), placed 11 times at 2 to 4 years in France; dam of Clear Coast (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 4 years in France and placed third in Prix Joubert, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; grandam of SIGILLARIA (BRZ), won GP. Presidente Jose Bonifacio Coutinho Nogueira, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2.




Owner: Saad Mohammed S. Alhamed First Defence (USA) New Line (USA) Introducing (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 5th, 2022 Malakiah (KSA) (2011)

Premium Tap (USA) Almakhmaliyah (KSA)


Unbridled's Song (USA) Honest Lady (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Interim (GB) Pleasant Tap (USA) Premium Red (USA) Delius (USA) Shemaaliyah (KSA)

NEW LINE (USA), 2010. Won 10 races and second in Trippi Stakes. Sire of FIRST LINE (KSA), ALA'A ALRAHMAN (KSA), MAHBOBAT ALA'A (KSA), ZHAWABET (KSA), ALMOATAZER (KSA). 1st Dam MALAKIAH (KSA), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 and 4 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizNAJM ALWASEEL (KSA) (2018 c. by Take Turns (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £33,346 and placed 7 times. WADHY'AH (KSA) (2017 f. by Official Flame (USA)), won 2 races at 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £46,824 and placed 5 times. DANTY (KSA) (2019 f. by Bandini (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £13,133 and placed 3 times. Raed Alwaseel (KSA) (2020 c. by Casino Host (USA)), placed twice at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam ALMAKHMALIYAH (KSA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £42,100; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizALMUTHEER (KSA) (c. by Seeking A Home (USA)), won 7 races at 3 to 7 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £139,917. ALNAJIM ALDAHER (KSA) (c. by Official Flame (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,062. HAMDAH (KSA) (f. by Alnajim Althakeb (KSA)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam SHEMAALIYAH (KSA), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingALMAKHMALIYAH (KSA) (f. by Delius (USA)), see above. 4th Dam SPEED WRITING (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingNAVAL DISPATCH (GB) (f. by Slip Anchor), won 2 races in Norway; dam of winners. NANTANY (GB), 2 races at 2 and 4 years in Germany including Grosser Preis der Wohungswirtschaft, Hannover, L., placed second in Coolmore Stud Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L., Hoppegartener Sprint Cup, BerlinHoppegarten, L. The next dam Bequa (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A., third in Arlington-Washington Lassie Stakes, Arlington, Gr.2; Own sister to MAIKAI (USA) and Maimiti (USA); dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingBEQUEATH (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of winners. DECORATED HERO (GB), 14 races at 3 to 6 years at home and in France including Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Prix du Rond-Point, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 (twice), Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Beeswing Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3, John of Gaunt Stakes, Haydock, L., Prix Phil Drake, Evry, L., placed second in Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and third in Breeders' Cup Mile, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Santa Rosa (IRE), placed 4 times at home and in Germany; dam of WHILLY (IRE), 8 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy and in U.S.A. including American Invitational Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, San Marcos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Dubai Duty Free, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1 and third in San Marcos Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire, ROSE SHIFT (IRE), 10 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy including Premio Pietro Bessero, Milan, L.; grandam of ROSA EGLANTERIA (GB), 3 races at 2 years in Italy including Premio Coolmore, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1 and third in Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2, RANSOM SHIFT (GB), 5 races in Italy including Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L.; third dam of LAPULCED'ACQUA (IRE), 3 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy including Premio Del Giubileo, Milan, Gr.3, third in Premio Presidente Della Repubblica, Rome, Gr.2. Seasonal Pleasure (USA) (f. by Graustark), unraced; dam of winners. Loretta Gianni (FR), winner in France and placed second in Prix Cléopâtre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Pénélope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of WHIM (FR), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Charles Laffitte, ParisLongchamp, L.




Owner: Mohammed Khalid M. Alhirabi Pleasant Tap (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 2nd, 2022

Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA) Heather (USA) (2008)

Not For Love (USA) Amber Comet (USA)


Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Dance Number (USA) Amerrico's Bullet (USA) Rester (USA)

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam Heather (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £121,109 and placed 8 times including second in Marshua Stakes, Laurel and third in Wide Country Stakes, Laurel; Own sister to COMET OF LOVE (USA); dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSWING YOUR SWORD (USA) (2018 g. by Violence (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £44,216 and placed 6 times. LADY MEZNAH (KSA) (2020 f. by Divining Rod (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,023 and placed twice. ROCK THE COMET (USA) (2017 g. by El Padrino (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £23,293. 2nd Dam Amber Comet (USA), won 5 races at 3, 5 and 7 years in U.S.A. and £120,961 and placed second in Alma North Stakes, Timonium, R.; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCOMET OF LOVE (USA) (f. by Not For Love (USA)), won 12 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £170,642 including Jameela Stakes, Laurel, R.; dam of winners. PUTTHEGLASSDOWN (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. SHAFT'S BULLET (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Heather (USA) (f. by Not For Love (USA)), see above. THE CAMDEN COMET (USA) (g. by Not For Love (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £159,010. TORCH OF TRUTH (USA) (g. by Not For Love (USA)), won 7 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £277,679. LAY DOWN THE LAW (USA) (g. by Not For Love (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £79,067. RED GUM (USA) (g. by Sky Mesa (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £73,623. 3rd Dam RESTER (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingAmber Comet (USA) (f. by Amerrico's Bullet (USA)), see above. RESTERS RED BULLET (USA) (g. by Amerrico's Bullet (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. INDY PLEASER (USA) (g. by Crowd Pleaser (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. PERFECT BUSINESS (USA) (f. by Perfecting (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. 4th Dam RESTERILLA (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingSmarterilla (USA) (c. by Smarten (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Rollicking Stakes, Pimlico. The next dam AMBITIONINREST (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDON DIEGE (USA) (c. by Gregorian (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Ulster Harp Derby, Down Royal, L., placed second in Carillo Stakes, Los Alamitos. Hail To Ambition (USA) (f. by Aristocratic), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Luck Penny Stakes, Laurel; dam of a winner. STABLE WINNER (USA), won Bluebonnet Stakes, Trinity Meadows. Amerricoinrest (USA) (f. by Amerrico (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Annie's Dream Stakes, Charles Town and third in Woodbury Stakes, Garden State; dam of a winner. AMERI ALLEN (USA), won USF & G Maryland Lassie Stakes, Pimlico, L.




Owner: Saad Ben Rezaiq Alshebani A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) February 14th, 2022 Mal Hha (KSA) (2011)

Pine Dance (USA) Flavinia (GB)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Pine Bluff (USA) Dancing Affair (CAN) Cadeaux Genereux Floralia (GB)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MAL HHA (KSA), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £17,509, placed 5 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizHOWLAN (KSA) (2017 c. by Highlander (GB)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £197,895 and placed 7 times. MOGHEEB (KSA) (2019 c. by Montiridge (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Sabeel Alkheir (KSA) (2020 c. by Biz Blitz (CAN)), placed once at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mutaolemah (KSA) (2021 f. by Bandini (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam FLAVINIA (GB), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £20,519 and placed 7 times; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizTABOOSH (KSA) (c. by Mudallel (GB)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £98,988. MOSHEEF (KSA) (c. by Shay Wa Baan (KSA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,605. MAL HHA (KSA) (f. by Pine Dance (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam FLORALIA (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMY GACHO (IRE) (g. by Shinko Forest (IRE)), won 13 races and placed 23 times. GOLDEN JAZZ (IRE) (c. by Perugino (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in Italy. 4th Dam NORPELLA, won 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSUGARFOOT (GB) (c. by Thatching), won 9 races including Leicestershire Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3, Silver Trophy, Ascot, L., Hambleton Stakes, York, L., placed second in Prix du Rond-Point, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Leicestershire Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3 and third in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Rond-Point, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Silver Trophy, Ascot, L.; sire. ULTIMO IMPERATORE (GB) (c. by Cadeaux Genereux), won 6 races at home, in Italy, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. including Easter Stakes, Kempton, L., Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L., placed second in Premio Eupili, Milan, L. and third in MacDonagh Boland Stakes, Curragh, L. Donnatta (GB) (f. by Cadeaux Genereux), unraced; dam of winners. FLYING ZONE (ITY), 3 races at 2 years in Italy including Premio Campobello, Milan, L. The next dam PALMELLA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFURIELLA (GB) (f. by Formidable (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. FUSCA (GER), 5 races at 3 to 5 years in France and in Germany; dam of FUSCETTA (GER), won G. P. des Gestut Etzean Neue Bult Cup, Hannover, L. FALAISES (GER), winner in Germany; dam of Florimond (GER), 2 races at 2 years in Germany placed second in Grosser Preis der VGH Versicherungen, Hannover, L. Florilla (GER), placed once at 3 years in Germany; dam of Florado (GER), 7 races in Germany and placed second in Grosser Plural Preis, Hannover, L., Floriana (GER), winner in Germany and abroad, third in SWB Derby Trial, Bremen, L. SASPARELLA (GB) (f. by Sharpo), won 1 race at 2 years and placed twice; dam of winners. SING LADY SING (CHI), winner in Chile; dam of Sight (CHI), winner in Chile and placed third in Premio Seleccion de Potrillos, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3.


25 BOX

Owner: Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Uncle Mo (USA) Outwork (USA) Nonna Mia (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 7th, 2022 Fort Afleet (USA) (2009)

Northern Afleet (USA) Fort Lauderdale (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Holy Bubbette (USA) Afleet (CAN) Nuryette (USA) Montbrook (USA) Ten Cents A Turn (USA)

OUTWORK (USA), 2013. Won 3 races, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, second in Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2. Sire of BRIGHTWORK (USA), (Gr.1), LEAVE NO TRACE (USA), (Gr.1), UNCLE CHARLIE (USA), (L.), OUTADORE (USA), (L.), ABROGATE (USA), (L.), TROJAN TALE (USA), (S), FINEST WORK (USA), (S), SHARAPOVA (USA), (S), EL PANDO (USA), (S), AT THE SPA (USA), (S), SAMBORELLA (USA), (S), Manorelli (USA), (Gr.3), Malloy (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam FORT AFLEET (USA), unraced; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizNOSHACKLESHERE (USA) (2014 c. by Shackleford (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £67,045 and placed 9 times. UNIMPEACHABLE (USA) (2017 g. by Constitution (USA)), won 5 races at 4 to 6 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £91,107 and placed 6 times. CARICATURISTA (USA) (2019 c. by Gormley (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in Puerto Rico. AVOCADO (USA) (2016 f. by Noble Mission (GB)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £33,261 and placed 5 times. POWER ALLEY (USA) (2020 c. by Mendelssohn (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £42,280 and placed 3 times. Change The Play (USA) (2021 f. by Audible (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam Fort Lauderdale (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £36,029 and placed third in Sorrento Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingCALIBRACHOA (USA) (c. by Southern Image (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £425,699 including Tom Fool Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 (twice), Toboggan Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3 (twice), Bold Ruler Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Gravesend Stakes, Aqueduct, third in Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1 and True North Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire. Linnea (USA) (f. by Candy Ride (ARG)), won 8 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £117,297 and placed third in Bold Ego Handicap, Sunland Park; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam TEN CENTS A TURN (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingFort Lauderdale (USA) (f. by Montbrook (USA)), see above. HURRY HOME HILLARY (USA) (f. by Deputed Testamony (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. BELLAMY ROAD (USA), won Wood Memorial Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Miller Genuine Draft Cradle Stakes, River Downs, Gr.3, placed second in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. OLD MIDLETON (USA), won Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa, Camarero Race Track, L., Clasico dia de los Padres, Camarero Race Track, L. (twice). Salayel (GB), 1 race in U.A.E. and placed third in Pipalong Stakes, Pontefract, L. Miss Tullamore Dew (USA), unraced; dam of GONE AWAY (USA), won Hilltop Stakes, Pimlico, placed third in Robert G Dick Memorial Stakes, Delaware Park, Gr.3 and Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. The next dam RUB AL KHALI (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingRESOUNDER (USA) (g. by Explodent (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years including Rockingham Stakes, York, L., placed second in Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L. GALLANT TALENT (USA) (c. by Local Talent (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Houston Juvenile Stakes, Sam Houston. Kali Ridge (USA) (f. by Cox's Ridge (USA)), placed 3 times in South Africa; grandam of TOMMY GUN (SAF), won Emerald Cup, Vaal, Gr.2, Riverside Handicap, Vaal, L., placed third in The South African Nursery, Turffontein, Gr.1, CALANISH (SAF), won Riverside Handicap, Vaal, L. Fly To The Stars (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. THE TABULATOR (USA), won Iroquois Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3.




Owner: Musaab Khalid I Alsayari A P Indy (USA) Stratford Hill (USA) Harmony Lodge (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 27th, 2022 Champagne Launch (USA) (2006)

Cuvee (USA) Launch a Double (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Hennessy (USA) Win Crafty Lady (USA) Carson City (USA) Christmas Star (USA) Bright Launch (USA) Double's Lass (USA)

STRATFORD HILL (USA), 2007. Won 4 races, Shakertown Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of MASAABEEH (KSA), MALAFEKH (KSA), BOSTON BOB (USA), AFINDAR (KSA), ANSARY (KSA), NAJMAK AALI (KSA), SOUPERY DUPERY (USA), RAD'DAH (KSA), LAZARDI (KSA), AEJWAH (KSA), RAINBOW (KSA), SEDQ (KSA), LOGINA (KSA), BAREEQ ALFOOZ (KSA), TEJTAH'HOM (KSA). 1st Dam CHAMPAGNE LAUNCH (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizCOVERALLYOURBASES (USA) (2012 g. by Badge of Silver (USA)), won 3 races at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £43,245 and placed twice. ORABI (KSA) (2017 c. by Article of Faith (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £20,161 and placed 5 times. AS'HAM (KSA) (2019 f. by Patriot Act (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,557 and placed 4 times. FINISH WITH STYLE (USA) (2011 f. by Point Given (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed twice. YONTHER (KSA) (2015 c. by Spring At Last (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,642 and placed once. (2020 c. by Tranquil Manner (USA)). 2nd Dam LAUNCH A DOUBLE (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £86,564 including Prairie Gold Lassie Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L.; Own sister to SPOTSGONE (USA) and TURN TO LASS (USA); dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingQuinto Sol (USA) (g. by Social Inclusion (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2023 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £75,959 and placed third in Journal Handicap, Century Mile. QUIET INFERNO (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £32,111; dam of winners. SIR RICK (USA), won Mine that Bird Derby, Sunland Park, placed second in Grand Prairie Derby, Lone Star Park and third in Jean Lafitte Stakes, Delta Downs. 3rd Dam DOUBLE'S LASS (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSPOTSGONE (USA) (c. by Bright Launch (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. including Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Hanshin Cup Handicap, Arlington, Gr.3, Essex Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L., Sea O Erin Handicap, Arlington, L., Prairie Mile Stakes, Prairie Meadows, placed second in Turfway Park Fall Championship Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3 and third in Ack Ack Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; sire. TURN TO LASS (USA) (f. by Bright Launch (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Martha Washington Stakes, Oaklawn Park, placed second in Pocahontas Stakes, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of winners. Portfolio Manager (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Leading Lass (USA) (f. by Bright Launch (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. RACER (USA), won Arkansas Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R. and Nodouble Breeders' Stakes, Oaklawn Park, R. 4th Dam Double Place (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Yo Tambien Handicap, Hawthorne; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingLA STRELLA (USA) (c. by Ginistrelli (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. The next dam DOUBLE THINK (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDouble Place (USA) (f. by Take Your Place (USA)), see above. THINK DOUBLE (USA) (f. by Al Nasr (FR)), won 6 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. STEVE'S DOUBLE (USA), won Perryville Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Remington Green Stakes, Remington, L., third in Firecracker Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2.




Owner: Khalid Saud H. Alqurashi Elzaam (AUS) Mjjack (IRE) Docklands Grace (USA)

A GREY COLT (KSA) February 10th, 2022 Artists Model (IRE) (2013)

Dutch Art (GB) Zarwala (IRE)


Redoute's Choice (AUS) Mambo In Freeport (USA) Honour And Glory (USA) Afarel (USA) Medicean (GB) Halland Park Lass (IRE) Polish Precedent (USA) Zarlana (IRE)

MJJACK (IRE), 2014. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ARTISTS MODEL (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of 1 foal of racing age(2020 c. by Istan (USA)). 2nd Dam ZARWALA (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 living foals of racing age includingARTISTS MODEL (IRE) (f. by Dutch Art (GB)), see above. 3rd Dam Zarlana (IRE), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix La Sorellina, La Teste de Buch, L.; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingZarebiya (IRE) (f. by Galileo (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Give Thanks Stakes, Cork, Gr.3; dam of a winner. ZARANDJA (IRE) (f. by King's Best (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. VIJAYS SINGHAM (IND), won The Golconda 2000 Guineas, Hyderabad, L. The next dam ZARNA, won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizZARANNDA (IRE) (f. by Last Tycoon), won 3 races at 3 years in France including Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, L., Prix Amandine, Chantilly, L., placed second in Prix d'Astarté, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of winners. Zarad (IRE), 2 races at 3 and 6 years at home and abroad and placed second in Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3 and third in Gladness Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Amethyst Stakes, Leopardstown, L. and Heritage Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Zerashan (IRE), 2 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Curragh Cup, Curragh, Gr.3 and third in Martin Molony Stakes, Limerick, L. ZANARA (IRE), 1 race at 3 years and placed once, from only 3 starts; dam of ZANUGHAN (IRE), 2 races at 3 years including Oyster Stakes, Galway, L., placed third in Diamond Stakes, Dundalk, Gr.3, ZAND (IRE), 5 races at 2 and 4 years at home, in France and abroad including Grand Prix de la Région Alsace, Strasbourg, L.; grandam of ZANNDA (IRE), 3 races at 3 years including Give Thanks Stakes, Cork, Gr.3, Trigo Stakes, Leopardstown, L. ZARKANA (IRE) (f. by Doyoun), won 2 races at 3 years in France; dam of winners. ZARKIYA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed second in Prix d'Angerville, Chantilly, L.; grandam of SURREY THUNDER (FR), won Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine, L., placed second in Prix François Mathet, Saint-Cloud, L. and third in Prix Noailles, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3 and Derby-Trial - Fruhjahrs Preis, Baden-Baden, Gr.3; third dam of ZABIARI (GB), 2 races at 2 years, 2023 in France including Prix des Chênes, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. Zariyan (FR), 9 races in France and placed third in Prix Ridgway, Deauville, L. and Prix du Pont-Neuf, ParisLongchamp, L. Zarkasha (IRE), unraced; dam of ZARKAVA (IRE), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2007, Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 2008, 7 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Marcel Boussac, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Prix de la Grotte, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, ZARSHANA (IRE), 2 races at 3 years in France viz Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix de Thiberville, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Prix de Royallieu, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3; grandam of ZARAK (FR), won Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Wheels Dubai Millennium Stakes, Meydan, Gr.3, placed second in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Ganay, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Deauville, Gr.2; sire, ZARKAMIYA (FR), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix de Thiberville, ParisLongchamp, L., placed third in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and ZAYKAVA (FR), 2 races at 3 years in France including Prix Charles Laffitte, Compiegne, L.




Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem City Zip (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 22nd, 2022

Palace (USA) Receivership (USA) Red Velour (GB) (2011)

Pivotal (GB) Regal Velvet (GB)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival Halling (USA) Ruthless Rose (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam RED VELOUR (GB), won 14 races at 3 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £342,889 and placed 47 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age vizBINT ALAJWAAD (KSA) (2021 f. by Harlington (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,040. Red Host (KSA) (2020 c. by Casino Host (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam REGAL VELVET (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing ageRegal Aura (GB) (f. by Teofilo (IRE)), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners. TOGETHER AGAIN (GB)/ETHIOPIAN YARN (GB), 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £129,144 including Premio Ambrosiano, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Conte Felice Scheibler, Rome, L., Premio Mauro Sbarigia, Rome, L., placed third in Premio Presidente della Repubblica GBI Racing, Rome, Gr.2. 3rd Dam RUTHLESS ROSE (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingREGAL ROSE (GB) (f. by Danehill (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years including Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, all her starts; dam of winners. Royal Banker (GB), 6 races at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Eddie Logan Stakes, Santa Anita, L. and third in Generous Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3. REGAL RIBAND (GB), 1 race at 2 years; dam of REGAL REALM (GB), 3 races at 2 and 3 years including Oak Tree Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3 and Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; grandam of REGAL REALITY (GB), 6 races to 2023 including Diomed Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3, Thoroughbred Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, Winter Hill Stakes, Windsor, Gr.3, Sovereign Stakes, Salisbury, Gr.3, placed third in Eclipse Stakes, Sandown, Gr.1. GENERALIST (GB) (c. by Danehill (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in Japan including Hai Kinko Sho, Chukyo, L., Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen, Kyoto, L.; sire. Regal Flush (GB) (c. by Sakhee (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years and placed second in Aston Park Stakes, Newbury, L. and third in Grand Cup, York, L. Regency Rose (GB) (f. by Danehill (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. REGIONAL COUNSEL (GB), 2 races including Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. The next dam UNFURLED (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingSHAADI (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 and Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3; sire. PLEASURE CAY (USA) (f. by Foolish Pleasure (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Bowie, Gr.3, Bed O'Roses Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed fourth in Breeders' Cup Sprint, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Svarga (USA) (f. by Raja Baba (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Violet Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3; dam of winners. MONOPRINT (USA) (f. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; grandam of SIR GREELEY (USA), won Toboggan Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Westchester Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, placed second in Carter Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1. RAAWIYEH (USA) (f. by Raja Baba (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Eastern Lily (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Queen Stakes, Turfway Park; grandam of JUMBY (IRE), 6 races at 2 to 5 years, 2023 including Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2 and John of Gaunt Stakes, Haydock, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdullah Fares A. Al Mansour First Defence (USA) New Line (USA) Introducing (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) May 20th, 2022 Haybat Najraan (KSA) (2010)

Official Visit (USA) Bint Fayzah (KSA)


Unbridled's Song (USA) Honest Lady (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Interim (GB) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Freequent (GB) Fayzah (KSA)

NEW LINE (USA), 2010. Won 10 races and second in Trippi Stakes. Sire of FIRST LINE (KSA), ALA'A ALRAHMAN (KSA), MAHBOBAT ALA'A (KSA), ZHAWABET (KSA), ALMOATAZER (KSA). 1st Dam HAYBAT NAJRAAN (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizYASTANED (KSA) (2019 c. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. Aez Alfares (KSA) (2018 c. by Finest Artisan (IRE)), placed twice at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Intabih (USA)). 2nd Dam BINT FAYZAH (KSA), unraced; dam of 3 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingHaybat Najraan (KSA) (f. by Official Visit (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam FAYZAH (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 8 foals of racing age vizRAAMEQ (KSA) (c. by Alysheba (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam CHAMPION SPIRIT (USA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 7 foals of racing ageFayzah (KSA) (f. by Thoughtless (USA)), see above. The next dam SHOWERY SUMMER (FR), placed once in France; Own sister to DJAKAO (FR); dam of four winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingShape (FR) (c. by Caro), won 3 races in France and placed third in Prix Max Sicard, Toulouse, L. Summer Honey (USA) (f. by Grundy), unraced; dam of winners. Sun Bird (IND), winner abroad and placed second in Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Cup, Bangalore, L. and third in Bangalore Turf Club Trophy, Bangalore, L., Chief Minister's Cup, Bangalore, L. and Governor's Trophy, Bangalore, L. Enola Gay (IND), winner abroad and placed second in Godolphin Barb Stakes, Hyderabad, L. Arakawa (IND), winner abroad and placed second in Eveready Indian Produce Stakes, Kolkata, L. Alphabetic (IND), winner abroad and placed second in Darley Arabian Stakes, Hyderabad, L.




Owner: Azz Alnshama Stable Asiatic Boy (ARG) Interboy (ARG) Interraam (ARG)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 5th, 2022 Zeyaadah (KSA) (2009)

Fun Galore (USA) Our Lady (GB)


Not For Sale (ARG) S S Asiatic (USA) Alrassaam (GB) La Interprete (ARG) Gone West (USA) Ma Petite Jolie (USA) Primo Dominie Polytess (IRE)

INTERBOY (ARG), 2015. Won 4 races, Clasico Eduardo Casey, Gr.2 and Clasico Coronel Miguel F Martinez, Gr.3. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ZEYAADAH (KSA), placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,578; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam OUR LADY (GB), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizHEIAZA (KSA) (f. by Borneo Boy (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £23,493; dam of a winner. 3rd Dam POLYTESS (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingBILLY ONE PUNCH (GB) (g. by Mark of Esteem (IRE)), won 3 races at 4 and 6 years and placed 11 times. NORCROFT LADY (GB) (f. by Mujtahid (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years and placed once; dam of a winner. 4th Dam MERRY DEVIL (IRE), ran once at 2 years; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMESHTY (IRE) (g. by Lahib (USA)), won 10 races in U.A.E. The next dam STYLISH GENIE (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Fairway Fun Stakes, Latonia, placed third in Bayou Handicap, Fair Grounds, R.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingLICHINE (USA) (c. by Lyphard (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in France including Prix de Suresnes, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Prix du Pin, ParisLongchamp, L., third in Prix de Ris-Orangis, Evry, Gr.3, Prix du Muguet, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, Prix Daphnis, Evry, Gr.3 and fourth in Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire. Peaches (USA) (f. by J O Tobin (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Lady On The Green Stakes, Beulah Park, Iris Stakes, Garden State; dam of winners. HEIGHTENEDAWARENES (USA), won Ken. M Schiffer Cal. Cup Starter Sprint, Santa Anita, L. Defeat (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Monroe County Breeders' Cup Stakes, Finger Lakes. AFFIRMED PEACH (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Impeachable (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Brown Bess Handicap, Golden Gate, Gr.3 and third in Wilshire Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Monrovia Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Super Foxe (USA) (f. by Blood Royal (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Baltic Fox (CAN), winner at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Nassau County Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Eclipse Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3; sire. Betterbeatburt (CAN), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of Abstone Queen (IND), winner abroad and placed third in George Williamson Indian Produce Stakes, Calcutta, L. Vice Vixen (CAN), unraced; dam of CUNNING (GB), won Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Galtres Stakes, York, L., placed second in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Virginia Woolf (GB), 3 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Vintage Crop Stakes, Navan, L. and third in Challenge Stakes, Leopardstown, L. (twice), Samira (GB), 1 race at 3 years and placed second in Diamond Stakes, Curragh, L. Super Cat (USA), unraced; dam of Sky Cat (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed third in Gran Premio Eliseo Ramirez, San Isidro, Gr.1; grandam of SKYMPY (ARG), won Clasico Ocurrencia, San Isidro, Gr.3, Clasico Produccion Nacional Handicap, San Isidro, L., placed second in Clasico Republica de Panama, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Gr.3 and third in Gran Premio Suipacha, San Isidro, Gr.1, SKRADIN (ARG), won Clasico Omnium, San Isidro, L., placed second in Clasico Francia, San Isidro, L.; third dam of DONA BIBI (ARG), won Clasico Espirita, San Isidro, L.




Owner: Gilyil Daham Bin Twalah Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 21st, 2022 Aljahraa (KSA) (2009)

Not For Sale (ARG) Sabatini (USA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Parade Marshal (USA) Love For Sale (ARG) Five Star Day (USA) Play Date (CAN)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam ALJAHRAA (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizTASHOOM (KSA) (2017 f. by Salute The Sarge (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £22,309 and placed 6 times. Shibl Alsaad (KSA) (2020 c. by Top Music (GB)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam Sabatini (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £84,419 and placed second in Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizMOTA'ASHEM (KSA) (c. by Forty Licks (ARG)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam PLAY DATE (CAN), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingSabatini (USA) (f. by Five Star Day (USA)), see above. The next dam LOVER'S TALK (CAN), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to Regent's Walk (CAN); dam of twelve winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingTORRID AFFAIR (CAN) (f. by Alydeed (CAN)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Sweet Briar Too Stakes, Woodbine, L., La Voyageuse Handicap, Woodbine, L., Ontario Fashion Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Whimsical Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Bessarabian Handicap, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of winners. SEDUCTIVELY (CAN), won Whimsical Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of MITONO O (JPN), won Hyogo Championship, Sonoda, L.R. Pulling G's (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Midnight Lute Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. BARLEY TALK (CAN) (g. by Charlie Barley (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including PNE Speed Handicap, Hastings Park, L., placed second in Victoria Park Stakes, Woodbine, L. and third in Sun Sprint Championship Handicap, Northlands Park, L. and Kingarvie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. WILD WHISKEY (CAN) (c. by Whiskey Wisdom (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Woodstock Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Achievement Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Kenora Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. LOVE GROWS (CAN) (g. by Steady Growth (CAN)), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. including Shepperton Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Highlander Handicap, Woodbine, L.R. Lyrically (CAN) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in Canada and placed third in Ontario Fashion Stakes, Woodbine, L., La Lorgnette Stakes, Woodbine, L. and Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, L.; dam of winners. LOVERMORE (CAN) (f. by Commemorate (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LOVE CALL (IND), won Pratrap Stud Million, Mumbai, L.; grandam of KNOTTY DANCER (IND), won B.T.C. Anniversary Cup, Bangalore, L. and North India Derby, Delhi, L.R., NISUS (IND), The Bangalore Juvenile Million, Bangalore, L. WHISPERED WISHES (CAN) (f. by With Approval (CAN)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. QUIET ACTION (CAN), won Ontario Damsel Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; grandam of BAKSHEESH (CAN), won Muskoka Stakes, Woodbine, R.




Bernstein (USA) SPIADI (USA) March 24th, 2022 A Bay Colt


Owner: Sutur Stable

Karakontie (JPN) Sun Is Up (JPN) Trustee (USA) (2015)

Super Saver (USA) Meadow Slipper (USA)

Storm Cat (USA) La Affirmed (USA) Sunday Silence (USA) Moon Is Up (USA) Maria's Mon (USA) Supercharger (USA) El Prado (IRE) Aliata (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated. KARAKONTIE (JPN), 2011. 4th top rated 2yr old colt in Europe in 2013. Won 5 races, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Mile, Gr.1, Prix La Rochette, Gr.3, second in Prix de Fontainebleau, Gr.3, etc. Sire of SHE FEELS PRETTY (USA), (Gr.1), SPENDARELLA (USA), (Gr.1), NONE ABOVE THE LAW (USA), (Gr.2), PRINCESS GRACE (USA), (Gr.2), FOREIGN RELATIONS (USA), (Gr.3), SOLE VOLANTE (USA), (Gr.3), KENZAI WARRIOR (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam TRUSTEE (USA), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 foals of racing ageIts A Sunny Sunday (USA) (2020 c. by Karakontie (JPN)), unraced, died at 2 years. Butros (USA) (2021 c. by Get Stormy (USA)), unraced to date. 2nd Dam MEADOW SLIPPER (USA), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £26,301; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingReconfigure (USA) (g. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 10 races to 2022 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £298,177 and placed second in Nearctic Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2. LIQUID ASSET (USA) (g. by Consolidator (USA)), won 8 races in U.S.A. and £103,785. ACCUSE (USA) (f. by Blame (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £16,053. 3rd Dam ALIATA (USA), won 2 races at 2 years; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSTORM ALLIED (USA) (c. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), won 17 races abroad including Clasico George Washington, El Comandante, L., Clasico Bandit Bomber, El Comandante, L., placed second in Clasico Bobby Fabelo, Camarero Race Track, L. Archstone (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Sabin Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of winners. PROCTOR'S LEDGE (USA), won Longines Churchill Distaff Mile Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Lake Placid Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Lake George Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Longines Just A Game Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Mission Driven (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Dueling Grounds Derby, Kentucky Downs. Storm Boot (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Broad Street Handicap, Parx Racing; sire. The next dam DRUMTOP (USA), won 17 races in U.S.A. including Canadian International Championship S., Woodbine, Bowling Green Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Hialeah Turf Cup Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2, Columbiana Handicap, Hialeah Park, Edgemere Handicap, Belmont Park (twice), Camden Handicap, Garden State, Gr.3, placed second in Century Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, third in Man O'War Stakes, Belmont; Own sister to TAKE YOUR PLACE (USA) and Zonely (USA); dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingBROGAN (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in France including Prix Berteux, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed second in Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1 and third in Prix de l'Espérance, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; sire. WAR OF WORDS (USA) (c. by Arts And Letters (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Cascade Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Bernard Baruch Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, Jersey Blues Handicap, Meadowlands; sire. TOPSIDER (USA) (c. by Northern Dancer), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Sport Page Handicap, Aqueduct; sire. Bedford (USA) (c. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years and placed second in Houghton Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. Kyra's Slipper (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 4 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Grassland Handicap, Calder; grandam of STARQUESTER (USA), won Lyphard Stakes, Penn National. BATTLE DRUM (USA) (f. by Alydar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. JAVA DRUMS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of JOHNNY DOLLAR (USA), won Quick Card Stakes, Delaware Park, L., third in Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2.




Owner: Barjes N. B. Alnasser Holy Bull (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 30th, 2022

Flashy Bull (USA) Iridescence (USA) Lae Oyoun Shathan (KSA) (2013)

Soto (USA) Bint Forestry (KSA)


Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Orient Pearl (USA) Dehere (USA) Subtle Fragrance (USA) Forestry (USA) Dancing Pearl (USA)

FLASHY BULL (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Stephen Foster Handicap, Gr.1, William Donald Schaefer Handicap, Gr.3, second in Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gr.2, Remsen Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Ohio Derby, Gr.2. Sire of CHIEF KNOW IT ALL (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY AMERICAN (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY LASSIE (USA), (Gr.3), FLASHY JEWEL (USA), (L.), BALOOGA BULL (USA), (L.), FLASHY DRESSER (USA), (L.), TROLLEY RIDE (USA), (S), REBEL BULL (USA), (S), FLASHY APPEAL (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam LAE OYOUN SHATHAN (KSA), won 1 race at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, placed once; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizALKHASHF ALTAROOB (KSA) (2019 f. by Take Turns (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,513. 2nd Dam BINT FORESTRY (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizLAE OYOUN SHATHAN (KSA) (f. by Soto (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam DANCING PEARL (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMOQADEMAH (KSA) (c. by Not For Sale (ARG)), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam PRIMAL FORCE (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingAWESOME AGAIN (CAN) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 9 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Saratoga Breeders' Cup Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.2, Stephen Foster Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3, placed third in Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. MACHO UNO (USA) (c. by Holy Bull (USA)), Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2000, won 6 races in U.S.A. including Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Grey Breeders' Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.1, Massachusetts Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Gr.2, Pennsylvania Derby, Parx Racing, Gr.3, third in Hopeful Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. ALL PRIMED (CAN) (f. by Alwuhush (USA)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of Ocean Polish (CHI), winner in Chile, third in Premio Seleccion de Potrillos, Hipodromo Chile, Gr.3, Zoondercak (CHI), winner in Chile, placed third in Asoc.de Prop de F.S.Carrera A G V Region, Valparaiso, L. Grandiosa (CAN) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. GOOD FOREVER (USA), won Circle City Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, R. The next dam PRIME PROSPECT (USA), won 8 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including First Lady Handicap, Gulfstream Park, placed second in Shirley Jones Handicap, Gulfstream Park; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age includingGLIMMER OF GOLD (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MISS RA HE RA (USA), won Bashford Manor Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of Dancing Band (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Capital Request Stakes, Calder and third in Lake Placid Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. Eishin La Grange (USA), winner in Japan and placed second in Tokyo Hai, Ohi, L. WHATS DOIN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of EL AUTENTICO (USA), won C. Raul, Arango Navarro, Raul Arango, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Clasico Junta de Control de Juegos, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.; grandam of STRAPPING GROOM (USA), won Forego Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Tom Fool H’cap, Aqueduct, Gr.3; sire. SUMMER GLIMMER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Sacred Light (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Santa Catalina Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. BRISE VOLE (USA) (f. by Nijinsky (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. TALKIN TO DELTA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of DELTA STORM (USA), won Robert K Kerlan Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Pirate's Bounty Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., placed third in Ancient Title Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Thoroughbred Park (USA), ran in U.S.A.; grandam of VANQUISHER (USA), won Labor Day Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L., Tallahassee Stakes, Gulfstream Pk, L.R.




Owner: Ghassan Ahmad Merza Alsaid Galileo (IRE) Astrology (IRE) Ask For The Moon (FR)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 12th, 2022 Lady Nofa (GB) (2003)

Rainbow Quest (USA) Hijaz (IRE)


Sadler's Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Dr Fong (USA) Lune Rouge (IRE) Blushing Groom (FR) I Will Follow (USA) Sadler's Wells (USA) Bex (USA)

ASTROLOGY (IRE), 2009. Won 2 races, Dee Stakes, Gr.3, third in Derby Stakes, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Gr.2 and Autumn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of AKHO MOBAARY (KSA), RASMAAL (KSA), FADHAYEL (KSA), AENOOD ALGHADA (KSA), YA MOJEEB (KSA), MOTASAMEH (KSA), ALAHMADAN (KSA), MOSAK'KAR (KSA), KAHELAT DELMON (KSA), MONAWASHAH (KSA), MOKASH'SHER (KSA), TATAJAM'MAL (KSA), ABO JANA (KSA), MAN'AE (KSA). 1st Dam LADY NOFA (GB), unraced; dam of two winners from 7 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizTEZDAAD (KSA) (2012 f. by Soto (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £13,803 and placed 6 times. ACADEMY (KSA) (2009 c. by Judge T C (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. (2020 f. by Searing Heat (USA)). 2nd Dam HIJAZ (IRE), won 2 races at 3 years in France and £35,738 including Prix Belle de Nuit, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed 3 times including second in Prix Scaramouche, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and third in Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L.; Own sister to BALLARAT (IRE); dam of two winners from 7 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingDEEM (IRE) (f. by Dalakhani (IRE)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.A.E. and £359,715 including Derrinstown Stud Cape Verdi Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, Meydan Balanchine Stakes, Meydan, Gr.3, placed 5 times. 3rd Dam BEX (USA), won 3 races at 3 years at home and in France including Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and Diamond Stakes, Phoenix Park, L.; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCRIMSON QUEST (IRE)/ALMUNJIZ (IRE) (c. by Rainbow Quest (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 6 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including Prix du Conseil de Paris, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2, Prix de Courcelles, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Prix Niel, ParisLongchamp, Gr.2 and Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2; sire. SAVETHISDANCEFORME (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 years including Silken Glider Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in Park Express Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. BALLARAT (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in France including Prix du Carrousel, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed second in Grand Prix de la Région Alsace, Strasbourg, L. and third in Prix La Moskowa, Chantilly, L.; sire. LADY ECLAIR (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), won 7 races at 4 years including Chester Handicap, Chester, L.; dam of winners. AL MALHOUF (GB), 3 races at 3 and 5 years in France and in Qatar including Coupe des Trois Ans, Lyon-Parilly, L., placed second in Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2. Bathilde (IRE) (f. by Generous (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, L.; dam of winners. AL SHEMALI (GB), 5 races at home and in U.A.E. including Dubai Duty Free Stakes, Meydan, Gr.1, Abu Dhabi Championship, Abu Dhabi, Gr.3, placed third in Singapore Airlines International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1; sire. TUNGSTEN STRIKE (USA), won Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2, Sagaro Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, March Stakes, Goodwood, L. (twice) and Noel Murless Stakes, Newmarket, L. The next dam BAY STREET, won 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3, placed second in Hyperion Stakes, Ascot, L.; dam of thirteen winners from 15 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingDAARIK (c. by Diesis), won 14 races at 2 to 7 years at home and in U.S.A. including Red Bank Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, MacDonagh Boland Stakes, Curragh, L., placed second in W L McKnight Invitational Handicap, Calder, Gr.2; sire. DARK STREET (IRE) (c. by Darshaan), won 12 races at 3 to 6 years in Italy including Premio U.N.I.R.E., Naples, L., second in Premio Natale di Roma, Rome, Gr.3; sire. BAY SHADE (USA) (f. by Sharpen Up), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy including Premio Buontalenta, Rome, L.; grandam of HUNT (IRE), 9 races at 3 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Shoemaker Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1.




Owner: Sulaiman M. F. Bin Zair Sons A P Indy (USA) Patriot Act (USA) Classic Value (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 8th, 2022 Premium Flame (KSA) (2010)

Official Flame (USA) Premium Red (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Copelan (USA) Queen Pat (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fire The Groom (USA) Thirty Six Red (USA) Phylomina (USA)

PATRIOT ACT (USA), 2002. Won 4 races, Jim Rasmussen Memorial Stakes, second in Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, New Orleans Handicap, Gr.2, Mineshaft Handicap, Gr.3 and Tenacious Handicap. Sire of EMPIRE DREAMS (USA), (S), Coalition (USA), (L.R.), Riot Worthy (USA), (S), Secured Position (USA), (S), National Defence (USA), (S), Patriot Star (USA), (S), One More Act (USA), (S), Social Rebellion (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam PREMIUM FLAME (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizAKHTAL YAMEEN (KSA) (2019 c. by Seeking A Home (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £20,809 and placed 3 times. Palance (KSA) (2021 c. by Roaring Fever (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam PREMIUM RED (USA), unraced; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingPREMIUM TAP (USA) (c. by Pleasant Tap (USA)), won 11 races at 2 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.S.A. and £1,402,734 including Clark Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Albert the Great Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1 and third in Dodge Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. RED RALLY (USA) (g. by Reformer Rally (USA)), won 10 races in U.S.A. and £255,352 including Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.R., Louisiana Stallion Stakes (c&g), Louisiana Downs, L.R., Louisiana Futurity (c&g), Fair Grounds, R., placed second in Louisiana Legacy Stakes, Delta Downs, L.R. Carmel Coffee (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 3 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £96,872 and placed second in Harvest Stakes, Fresno; dam of winners. 3rd Dam PHYLOMINA (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age includingJudge Phylomina (USA) (f. by Judge Smells (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Canada Day Stakes, Assiniboia Downs; dam of winners. Joyful Tap (USA), winner in U.S.A. and second in Zia Park Distaff Stakes, Zia Park. PERIYALI (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MONKEY BUSINESS (PAN), won Cl. Raul Arango, y Roberto Arango Chiari, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., Clasico T. G. Duque y T.G.A. Duque, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R., MANOLIN (PAN), won Clasico Mes de la Patria, Hipo Presidente Remon, L., SHOWING TIME (PAN), won Clasico Raul y Raul y R Arango Chiari, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R.; grandam of LA GRUE (PAN), won Clasico Felipe Motta, Hipo Presidente Remon, L.R. The next dam PREMIUM WIN (USA), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Vacaville Stakes, Solano, placed second in Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingTIGHT SPOT (USA) (c. by His Majesty (USA)), Champion turf horse in U.S.A. in 1991, won 12 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Arlington Million, Arlington, Gr.1, Eddie Read Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.1, American Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Inglewood Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Del Mar Invitational Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. VALIANT NATURE (USA) (c. by His Majesty (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, placed second in Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2 and third in San Felipe Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Comstock Queen (USA) (f. by Silver Hawk (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Santa Paula Handicap, Santa Anita, L.; dam of winners. Amity Ar (USA) (f. by Green Forest (USA)), placed twice at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. CALAMITY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HERECOMESHOLLYWOOD (USA), won Mr Prospector Stakes, Monmouth Park, Ra Der Dean (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Dixie Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2. Dream Away (USA) (f. by St Jovite (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. GRANT JACK (USA), won Springboard Mile Stakes, Remington Park, L. MEGA DREAM (USA), won Great Lady M Stakes, Hollywood Park, placed second in Royal Heroine Mile Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2.


36 BOX

Owner: Alfudai Mubarak M. Alsubai Quality Road (USA) Klimt (USA) Inventive (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 1st, 2022 Girl Code (USA) (2010)

Teuflesberg (USA) Code Satan (USA)


Elusive Quality (USA) Kobla (USA) Dixie Union (USA) Original (USA) Johannesburg (USA) St Michele (USA) Lost Code (USA) Native Satan (USA)

KLIMT (USA), 2014. Won 3 races, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Best Pal Stakes, Gr.2, second in Frontrunner Stakes, Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.3 and third in Shared Belief Stakes, L. Sire of BUTTERBEAN (USA), (Gr.3), KATONAH (USA), (S), TWIN CITY (CAN), (S), VIETNAM VICTORY (USA), (S), COSMIC TRAIN (USA), (S), Royal Keeper (USA), (L.), An Agent Mistake (USA), (L.), Klint Colors (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam Girl Code (USA), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £112,208 and placed 6 times including second in Lotka Stakes, Belmont Park; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizNAN'S PLAN (USA) (2016 f. by Kantharos (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. Crock of Gold (USA) (2018 c. by Mission Impazible (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A. Winker (USA) (2020 f. by Collected (USA)), ran once in U.S.A. at 2 years, 2022. (2021 c. by Jimmy Creed (USA)). 2nd Dam CODE SATAN (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £140,442 including Chapel Belle Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Bayakoa Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Majorette Stakes, Louisiana Downs and third in Matron Handicap, Evangeline Downs, L., Margarita Breeders' Cup Handicap, Retama Park and Temperence Hill Handicap, Louisiana Downs; Own sister to King And Hart (USA); dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizGirl Code (USA) (f. by Teuflesberg (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam NATIVE SATAN (USA), won 18 races in U.S.A. including Canterbury Queen Handicap, Canterbury Downs, L., Old South Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Quivira Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, Sooner Handicap, Louisiana Downs, Goldenrod Stakes, Ak-SarBen, Princess Stakes, Ak-Sar-Ben, Cornucopia Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Southland Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Honeymoon Stakes, Louisiana Downs, Ribbon Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's Handicap, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3 and fourth in Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's Handicap, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr.3; Own sister to UP POPS THE DEVIL (USA); dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCODE SATAN (USA) (f. by Lost Code (USA)), see above. King And Hart (USA) (c. by Lost Code (USA)), won 29 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Alliance Stakes, Louisiana Downs and third in Blue Skies Handicap, Louisiana Downs. FLAMING SATAN (USA) (f. by Java Gold (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. ASHBECCA (USA), won Barbara Shinpoch Stakes, Emerald Downs, L., placed third in Irish Day Handicap, Emerald Downs; dam of ANKENY HILL (USA), won Pirate's Bounty Stakes, Del Mar, R., placed second in Oakland Stakes, Golden Gate, Sequentially (USA), placed third in Lost in the Fog Stakes, Golden Gate; grandam of Lorelie G (USA), placed third in WA Cup Juvenile Filly Stakes, Emerald Downs, R. ARMONK (USA), won Wide Country Stakes, Laurel, placed second in Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, L. Tambylina (USA), unraced; dam of HAPPY HENRIETTA (USA), won Showtime Deb Stakes, Hawthorne, L.R., Indian Maid Stakes, Hawthorne, placed third in Pat Whitworth Illinois Debutante Stakes, Hawthorne, L.R. The next dam SATAN SEZ (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingUP POPS THE DEVIL (USA) (g. by Our Native (USA)), won 27 races in U.S.A. including Feasterville Stakes, Parx Racing. PEACEFUL KINGDOM (USA) (f. by Our Native (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. IVARS BIG PEACEFUL (USA), won Restoration Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and John Bullit Handicap, Canterbury Downs. Kiss The Witch (USA) (f. by Our Native (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Forget About It (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ontario County Stakes, Finger Lakes. WITCH'S CALL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Witch's Coven (USA), placed third in Mazarine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3 and Matron Stakes, Assiniboia Downs.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali Giant's Causeway (USA) Destin (USA) Dream of Summer (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 29th, 2022 Alshaahmah (KSA) (2007)

Iftitah (USA) Tarheebah (KSA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Siberian Summer (USA) Mary's Dream (USA) Gone West (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Royal Arcade (USA) Bikhitah (KSA)

DESTIN (USA), 2013. Won 5 races, TAA Marathon Stakes, Gr.2, Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, Sam F Davis Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and third in Jim Dandy Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of DESTIN HOOFMAN (USA), GHAR ALMA'ALEE (KSA). 1st Dam ALSHAAHMAH (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMOSTAKMAL (KSA) (2019 c. by Worldly (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,704 and placed 3 times. ALMOKHTER (KSA) (2014 c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £10,142 and placed once. KHANDAMAH (KSA) (2016 f. by Worldly (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Johar Alaelya'a (KSA) (2020 c. by Qaatef (IRE)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam TARHEEBAH (KSA), placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of six winners from 13 runners and 14 foals of racing age vizARNAAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 5 races at 4 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £122,331; dam of a winner. SATA (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. LO LO AT JEDDAH (KSA) (f. by Pietro Siena (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £45,587; dam of a winner. OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ZOHBAH (KSA) (f. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £19,170; dam of a winner. AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMARQAB ALAALI (KSA) (c. by Ahraar (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,305. MONHAMERAH (KSA) (f. by Hans Anderson (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. INBEHAAR (KSA) (f. by Delius (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam BIKHITAH (KSA), unraced; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizFAKH RAAN (KSA) (c. by Teapot Row (IRE)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TIRHAAB (KSA) (c. by Minshaanshu Amad (USA)), won 4 races at 5 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALBA SSEER (KSA) (c. by Modhish (IRE)), won 1 race at 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; sire. 4th Dam FOWL PLAY, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 8 foals of racing ageBikhitah (KSA) (f. by Tabayaan (FR)), see above. The next dam MILAIRE, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of one winner from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizAbsheer (c. by Double Form), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 3 times including third in Desmond Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3.




Owner: Aldiriyah Stebel Fun Galore (USA) Sawjaan (KSA) Amal Aerdhah (KSA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 25th, 2022 Dansetta Light (USA) (2002)

Colony Light (USA) Dolly's Back (USA)


Gone West (USA) Ma Petite Jolie (USA) Blue Burner (USA) Aerdhah (KSA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Great Light (USA) At The Threshold (USA) Donna's Dolly (USA)

SAWJAAN (KSA), 2014. Won 1 race. First crop now 2 year olds. 1st Dam DANSETTA LIGHT (USA), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £140,192 including Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, L., Brave Raj Stakes, Calder, L., Georgia Debutante Stakes, Calder, R., Lindsay Frolic Stakes, Calder, placed twice viz second in John Franks Juvenile Fillies Turf Stakes, Calder, L.R. and third in Herecomesthebride Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; Own sister to DAKOTA LIGHT (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMidnight Bliss (USA) (2011 f. by Midnight Lute (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £31,582 and placed 3 times including third in Selene Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; dam of a winner. Big Town (USA) (2008 g. by Speightstown (USA)), won 11 races in U.S.A. and £264,638 and placed 25 times including second in Cliff Guilliams Handicap, Ellis Park. ATTA KID (USA) (2014 g. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. and £155,436 and placed 14 times. ROMMAAN (KSA) (2016 c. by Bandini (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £45,871 and placed 3 times. TOOLIE (KSA) (2015 f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £82,659 and placed 11 times. I'M SO BEAUTIFUL (USA) (2010 f. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of 2 winners includingSECRET OPERATION (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Truth Be Known (USA) (2007 f. by Yes It's True (USA)), ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 3 and 4 years; dam of 5 winners includingCall Me Sandy (USA) (f. by Pollard's Vision (USA)), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in El Diario Overnight Stakes, Sunland Park and third in Zia Park Distaff Stakes, Zia Park. DEVILISH TRUTH (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. SURCHARGE (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam DOLLY'S BACK (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £55,739; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCAPTAIN SQUIRE (USA) (g. by Flying Chevron (USA)), won 9 races in U.S.A. and £792,679 including Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Lazaro Barrera Memorial Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Sunshine Millions Sprint Stakes, Santa Anita, L., Turf Paradise Derby, Turf Paradise, L., placed second in Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Francisco Breeders Cup Mile Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.2, Bing Crosby Breeders' Cup Handicap, Del Mar, Gr.2, Ack Ack Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Sport Page Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Pirate's Bounty Handicap, Del Mar, L.R., Carry Back Stakes, Calder, L. and third in Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, Vernon O Underwood Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, West Virginia Derby, Mountaineer Park, Gr.3. DAKOTA LIGHT (USA) (f. by Colony Light (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. and £238,922 including Three Ring Stakes, Calder, L., Snazzle Dazzle Stakes, Calder, Delta Love Stakes, Calder, Ravolia Stakes, Calder, placed second in Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.3, Judy's Red Shoes Stakes, Calder, L., Brave Raj Stakes, Calder, L., Precious Feather Stakes, Calder, Convenience Stakes, Calder, R., Lenta Stakes, Calder and third in Nancy's Glitter Handicap, Calder, L., Florida Stallion Stakes (My Dear Girl), Calder, L., Emergency Nurse Stakes, Calder; dam of winners. Delightful Dawn (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Lindsay Frolic Stakes, Calder and third in Ms Brookski Stakes, Calder. DANSETTA LIGHT (USA) (f. by Colony Light (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam DONNA'S DOLLY (USA), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including My Charmer Handicap, Calder, Crystal Lake Handicap, Calder, second in Virginia Garden Stakes, Hialeah Park and third in Office Queen Stakes, Calder and Joe Namath Stakes, Gulfstream Park; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDolly's Fortune (USA) (c. by Fortunate Prospect (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A., placed third in Emerald Dunes Handicap, Calder, L. and C.E.R.F. Sprint Handicap, Del Mar, L.




Owner: Ayman Nasser H. Alrajhi Street Cry (IRE) Desert Party (USA) Sage Cat (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 11th, 2022 Call Ahead (USA) (2009)

Harlan's Holiday (USA) Another Vegetarian (USA)


Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Tabasco Cat (USA) Lady Sage (USA) Harlan (USA) Christmas In Aiken (USA) Stalwart (USA) Lucy Sims (USA)

DESERT PARTY (USA), 2006. Won 6 races, Sanford Stakes, Gr.2, Gulf News UAE 2000 Guineas, Gr.3, Elnadim Mahab Al Shimaal, Gr.3, Donald LeVine Memorial Handicap, L., second in S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2. Sire of SALAMA (USA), (Gr.3), PARTY LIKE GRANDMA (USA), (S), AUNT BABE (USA), (S), TOP OF THE GAME (USA), (S), MECKE'S MADALYN (USA), (S), HEART'S SONG (USA), (S), PARTY POOPER (USA), (S), Desert Dynamo (USA), (Gr.3), Can't Happen Here (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam CALL AHEAD (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizHEY HEY (USA) (2014 f. by Haynesfield (USA)), won 8 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £97,433 and placed 30 times. CALL THE CAT (USA) (2015 c. by Creative Cause (USA)), won 2 races at 4 years in U.S.A. and £67,624 and placed 5 times. AMIGO RARO (USA) (2017 c. by Summer Front (USA)), won 2 races abroad. CALZONE (USA) (2019 c. by Upstart (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £28,343 and placed 7 times. EARNED (USA) (2013 f. by Flatter (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £13,603; dam of a winner vizNoneofyourbusiness (USA) (f. by Cloud Computing (USA)), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in Back Home Again Stakes, Horseshoe Indianapolis, R. 2nd Dam ANOTHER VEGETARIAN (USA), placed once at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingSWEET TALKER (USA) (f. by Stormin Fever (USA)), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £601,219 including Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Winstar Distaff Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3, placed second in Diana Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; dam of winners. SWEET TAPPER (USA), won Lady Canterbury Stakes, Canterbury Downs, placed third in Mrs Revere Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2. Perregaux (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2. American Seed (USA), winner in Japan, second in Heian Stakes, Chukyo, Gr.3. CALLISTA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of DIAMOND CITY (USA), won Ontario Racing Stakes, Woodbine, L. SILVER MEDALLION (USA) (c. by Badge of Silver (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £271,505 including Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3. Suchaprettygirl (USA) (f. by Mazel Trick (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PRETTY PERFECTION (USA), won Captiva Island Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Ladies' Turf Sprint Stakes, Gulfstream Park, placed second in The Very One Stakes, Pimlico, L. and Satin and Lace Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L. 3rd Dam LUCY SIMS (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingTIFFANY DIAMOND (USA) (f. by Tiffany Ice (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Fantastic Girl Handicap, Del Mar, L. (twice), placed second in Railbird Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and third in La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of winners. KITTERY POINT (USA) (f. by Include (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SAM'S SISTER (USA), won La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Santa Monica Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Don't Trick Her (USA) (f. by Mazel Trick (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. INCLUDE ME OUT (USA), won Clement L Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Margarita Invitational Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Marjorie L Everett Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Vanity Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and third in Breeders' Cup Ladies' Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Zenyatta Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. CHECK THE LABEL (USA), won Garden City Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Sands Point Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Virginia Oaks, Colonial Downs, Gr.3 and Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3.




Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 15th, 2022 Musaltanah (KSA) (2011)

Great Rumpuscat (USA) So Soulful (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Monevassia (USA) Real Quiet (USA) One Over Prime (CAN)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MUSALTANAH (KSA), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizTeddy (KSA) (2017 c. by Canadian Frontier (USA)), placed twice at 2 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Phoenix (KSA) (2020 c. by Top Music (GB)), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SO SOULFUL (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing ageSookie Sookie (USA) (f. by Indian Charlie (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. MARCHMAN (USA), won Twin Spires Turf Sprint Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Shakertown Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3, Woodchopper Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed second in Jaipur Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Bet on Sunshine Stakes, Churchill Downs and third in Parx Dash Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.3. 3rd Dam ONE OVER PRIME (CAN), unraced; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTWILIGHT METEOR (CAN) (c. by Smart Strike (CAN)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3, Canadian Turf Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Hallandale Beach Stakes, Gulfstream Park, L., Woodford Reserve Bourbon Stakes, Keeneland, L., placed second in Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3. The next dam PRIMARILY (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including My Dear Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCITRONNADE (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 9 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. including Gamely Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Dahlia Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Beverly Hills Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Gorgonio Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Audrey SkirballKenis Stakes, Hollywood, second in Yellow Ribbon Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1. WHISKEY WISDOM (CAN) (c. by Wild Again (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. including Fayette Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3 and Damascus Stakes, Colonial Downs, L.; sire. PRIMALY (CAN) (f. by Alydeed (CAN)), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 1997, won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Princess Elizabeth Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R., Selene Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; grandam of Herp (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Sam's Town Stakes, Delta Downs, R. POETICALLY (CAN) (f. by Silver Deputy (CAN)), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 2000, won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Jammed Lovely Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Ontario Lassie Stakes, Woodbine, L., Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L., Ontario Debutante Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed third in Duchess Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3; grandam of SIX SHOOTER (USA), won Big Drama Stakes, Delta Downs. MAINLY (CAN) (f. by Wild Again (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SUNRISE PRINCE (JPN), won New Zealand Trophy, Nakayama, Gr.2. ROMAN BRIDGE (JPN), winner in Japan; dam of SUNRISE HAWK (JPN), won Summer Champion, Saga, L. Ain't She Awesome (USA) (f. by Awesome Again (CAN)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Bruised Orange (USA), winner in U.S.A., second in Schenectady Stakes, Saratoga. Stella Prima (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), unraced; dam of winners. SMALL BEAR (USA), won Gio Ponti Stakes, Aqueduct. Stella Rose (USA), winner and placed third in River Memories Stakes, Woodbine.




Owner: Fahd Muneer Aladhayani Sons Silver Deputy (CAN)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) May 10th, 2022

Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA) Scarlette Rah (USA) (2008)

Rahy (USA) Our Cozzette (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Blushing Groom (FR) Glorious Song (CAN) Cozzene (USA) Avie's Fancy (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SCARLETTE RAH (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizEL ROJO (USA) (2016 g. by El Padrino (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £73,909 and placed 18 times. RAVEN RAHY (USA) (2018 g. by Mosler (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £17,972 and placed 5 times. SCARFREE (USA) (2015 f. by Freedom Child (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £39,449 and placed 4 times. FREEDOM CHEER (USA) (2019 f. by Freedom Child (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £20,344 and placed twice. SCORCHED BY FIRE (USA) (2017 c. by Friesan Fire (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £20,728 and placed once. Scarfire (USA) (2013 f. by Friesan Fire (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner vizSCARF (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. Khatool (KSA) (2021 c. by Rookie Sensation (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. (2020 f. by Mosler (USA)). 2nd Dam OUR COZZETTE (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £54,745 including New Jersey Futurity (fillies), Meadowlands, L.; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingOUR FANTENE (USA) (f. by Touch Gold (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £84,615 including Sorority Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.; dam of winners. JAVERRE (USA), won General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, New Jersey Breeders Handicap, Monmouth Park, R., second in Teddy Drone Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. Our Eponene (USA) (f. by Not For Love (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A., £89,567, placed second in New Jersey Juvenile Stakes (fillies), Meadowlands, R.; dam of winners. 3rd Dam AVIE'S FANCY (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Matchmaker Stakes, Atlantic City, Gr.2, Boiling Springs Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Spicy Living Handicap, Rockingham Park, L., Rumson Stakes, Monmouth Park, Little Silver Handicap, Monmouth Park, Revidere Stakes, Monmouth Park, Thomas J Malley Stakes, Monmouth Park, Schuylkill Stakes, Parx Racing, second in Martha Washington Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, third in Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; Own sister to GULLIVER (USA); dam of four winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingST AVERIL (USA) (c. by Saint Ballado (CAN)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Santa Catalina Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, San Felipe Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Double Gold (USA) (g. by Posse (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in New York Stallion Stakes (3yoc&g), Aqueduct, R. State Cup (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. State of Honor (CAN), winner in Canada and placed second in xpressbet.com Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Tampa Bay Derby, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr.2. AMETHEA (CAN), winner in Canada; dam of AUBRIETA (CAN), won Glorious Song Stakes, Woodbine, L., placed second in Star Shoot Stakes, Woodbine, L. The next dam FANCY PAN (USA), won 11 races at 3 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. including Lady Baltimore Handicap, Pimlico, L., Omnibus Handicap, Monmouth Park; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingGULLIVER (USA) (g. by Lord Avie (USA)), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Paterson Handicap, Meadowlands, L., third in Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3.


42 BOX

Owner: Khalil Ibrahim Ali Padrun Sons Mizzen Mast (USA)

A BLACK COLT (KSA) March 19th, 2022 (first foal)

Jorvick (USA) Deep Feeling (USA) Almaidiyah (KSA) (2014)

Great Rumpuscat (USA) Bint Qarmah (KSA)


Cozzene (USA) Kinema (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Dokki (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Monevassia (USA) Amazink (IRE) Qarmah (KSA)

JORVICK (USA), 2013. Won 10 races. First crop now yearlings. 1st Dam ALMAIDIYAH (KSA), placed twice at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam BINT QARMAH (KSA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £60,848; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizMIZ'EL ALFURSAN (KSA) (c. by Borneo Boy (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £34,577. 3rd Dam QARMAH (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 to 5 years; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizBINT QARMAH (KSA) (f. by Amazink (IRE)), see above. Shiblat Qarmah (KSA) (f. by Apremont (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. SHAZHIYAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam SHE'S A D A (USA), won 5 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizMAWFOOR (KSA) (c. by Torrey Canyon (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The next dam Stephanie Bryn (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Hollywood Starlet Stakes, Hollywood Park; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingTROPICAL STEPHANIE (USA) (f. by Bold Tropic (SAF)), won 10 races in U.S.A. including Valkyr Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., California Oaks, Golden Gate, L., placed second in Matinee Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., Las Palmas Stakes, Los Alamitos and third in Mount Wilson Stakes, Santa Anita, L.; dam of winners. Bold Bryn (USA) (c. by Bold Tropic (SAF)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Norfolk Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and third in Graduation Stakes, Del Mar, L.R. and B J Ridder Stakes, Santa Anita, L. She's A V P (USA) (f. by Total Departure (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L. and third in Senorita Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. SERENA'S RUHL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of Beckett's Luckyday (USA), placed second in Jim Thorpe Stakes, Remington Park, R. and third in Don C McNeill Stakes, Remington Park, R. Always Remember (USA) (c. by Open Forum (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and placed second in Gold Rush Stakes, Golden Gate, L. STEPHANIE'S RUHL (USA) (f. by Ruhlmann (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Tactical Strike (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Malcolm Anderson Stakes, Bay Meadows.




Medaglia d'Oro (USA) ALMONTASIR (USA) April 16th, 2022 A Bay or Brown Colt


Owner: FMQ Stables

Enticed (USA) It's Tricky (USA) In A Cloud (USA) (2010)

Elusive Quality (USA) Valley Fever (USA)

El Prado (IRE) Cappucino Bay (USA) Mineshaft (USA) Catboat (USA) Gone West (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Peaks and Valleys (USA) Hard Knocker (USA)

ENTICED (USA), 2015. Won 3 races, Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Gr.2, Gotham Stakes, Gr.3, second in NYRA Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.2 and third in Champagne Stakes, Gr.1. First crop now 2 year olds. 1st Dam IN A CLOUD (USA), placed once at 3 years in Canada; Own sister to Fever Fever (USA); dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizSHE’S A BIZZY GIRL (USA) (2018 f. by Fed Biz (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. PRINCE SAMURAI (USA) (2019 c. by First Samurai (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. ELUSIVE CLOUDS (USA) (2015 f. by Power Broker (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. AIR CAV (USA) (2021 c. by Mitole (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A, placed including fifth in Champagne Stakes Gr. 1, from two starts only. Cosmic Rewind (USA) (2020 f. by Accelerate (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2022 in U.S.A. 2nd Dam VALLEY FEVER (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,877; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingVALLI WITH A VOW (USA) (f. by Broken Vow (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £130,037 including Pago Hop Stakes, Fair Grounds, placed third in Nassau Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.2; dam of a winner. Fever Fever (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in France and £25,584 and placed 6 times including third in Grand Critérium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux - Le Bouscat, L.; dam of winners. Hijra (IRE), 4 races in France and in U.S.A. and £123,504 and placed third in Miss America Stakes, Golden Gate and Luther Burbank Handicap, Santa Rosa. 3rd Dam HARD KNOCKER (USA), unraced; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCHIMICHURRI (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Jersey Jumper Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Prioress Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Miss Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and third in Astarita Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. Surprise Boss (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed second in New York Stallion Stakes (3yoc&g), Belmont Park, R. and third in Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.3 and Bertram F. Bongard Stakes, Belmont Park, R. LOVING VINDICATION (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HARD NOT TO LOVE (CAN), won La Brea Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Monica Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed second in Beholder Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, WONDER GADOT (CAN), Champion 2yr old filly in Canada in 2017, Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 2018, won Demoiselle Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Mazarine Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed second in Longines Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and third in Cotillion Stakes, Parx Racing, Gr.1. CHIMAYO (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of SECRET SPICE (USA), won Beholder Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, second in Clement L Hirsch Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. HUAMBO (USA) (c. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in Germany and abroad including Orakel der Dreijahrigen, Mulheim, L., placed third in Grosser Preis der Dortmunder Wirtschaft, Dortmund, Gr.3; sire. Skip Poker (USA) (f. by Skip Away (USA)), won 3 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Twin Lights Stakes, Monmouth Park; dam of winners. LIQUID MERCURY (SAF), won Winter Derby, Kenilworth, Gr.3, placed third in Investec Cape Derby, Kenilworth, Gr.1. CAPTAIN GAMBLER (SAF), won Irridescence Stakes, Kenilworth, L., placed third in Investec Cape Derby, Kenilworth, Gr.1. GOLD POKER GAME (SAF), won Jamaica Handicap, Kenilworth, L. PROVEN DESIRE (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. QUICK HAWK (BRZ), won Classico Jose Calmon, Gavea, L., placed second in Grande Premio Juliano Martins, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1 and third in Grande Premio Ipiranga (2000 Guineas), Cidade Jardim, Gr.1. RED TULIP (BRZ), winner in Brazil; dam of EXHIBITION (BRZ), won GP.Pres.Jose Bonifacio Coutinho Nogueira, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, placed third in Grande Premio Henrique de Toledo Lara, Cidade Jardim, Gr.1.




A P Indy (USA) Worldly (USA) A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 30th, 2022


Owner: Alfakar Stable

Urbane (USA) Aebeer Alshooq (KSA) (2008)

Namaqualand (USA) Swan Lake (FR)

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Namaqua (USA) Lyphard (USA) Dame Au Faucon (USA)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam AEBEER ALSHOOQ (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 4 runners from 5 foals of racing age includingMonjed Alrayan (KSA) (2016 c. by Crown Entertainer (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam SWAN LAKE (FR), placed 3 times at 2 years in France; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMO TTAALEB (KSA) (c. by Gold Camp (USA)), won 1 race at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £28,070. 3rd Dam DAME AU FAUCON (USA), won 2 races in France; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizSwan Lake (FR) (f. by Lyphard (USA)), see above. 4th Dam FLEET JILL (USA), unraced; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingCOPPER MEL (USA) (c. by Lucky Mel), won 9 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. including San Luis Obispo Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Marina del Rey Stakes, Hollywood Park, placed second in San Gabriel Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Cabrillo Handicap, Del Mar, R., El Monte Stakes, Santa Anita, R., South Bay Handicap, Hollywood Park, third in Sunset Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Arcadia Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and fourth in San Juan Capistrano Invitation Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Hollywood Invitational Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. Good Time (USA) (f. by Real Good Deal), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed second in St Francis Handicap, Golden Gate; dam of winners. GOOD ZAR (USA), won Tizna Handicap, Bay Meadows, L., placed third in E B Johnston Stakes, Fairplex Park, L. Good Runner (USA), unraced; dam of SURE SWIFT (USA), won Vallejo Day Handicap, Solano, Beau Brummel Stakes, Fairplex Park, placed second in California Breeders' Chmpn. S. (3yo c&g), Santa Anita, L., Meadows Mile, Trinity Meadows, Sweepida Handicap, Stockton, JUST AS SWIFT (USA), won Alameda County Futurity, Pleasanton, placed second in I'm Smokin Stakes, Del Mar, L. JOAN CAAN DO (USA) (f. by Real Good Deal), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. PINEAPPLE EXPRESS (USA), won Washington Stallion Stakes (c&g), Longacres, placed second in Emerald Cup Stakes, Longacres. Dona Perfecta (USA) (f. by Little Current (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of winners. MISS ABBOTT (USA), won Cimarron Stakes, Remington Park; dam of ABBOTT HALL (USA), won Happy Ticket Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L., placed third in Caressing Handicap, Churchill Downs; grandam of Family Girl (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Generous Portion Stakes, Del Mar, R. SHEZA A NINE PLUS (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of DELAFORCE (CAN), won Kingarvie Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Vice Regent Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. Misty Cachuma (USA) (f. by Montparnasse II), unraced; dam of winners. Rising Chum (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Charles Whittingham Stakes, Santa Anita. The next dam NANCY PIE, won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingAUTUMN LEAVES (USA) (f. by The Pie King), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Tanforan Lassie Stakes, Bay Meadows.




Owner: Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi Empire Maker (USA) Searing Heat (USA) Valentine Band (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 14th, 2022 Farhatna (KSA) (2012)

Friends Lake (USA) Unbridled Femme (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Shirley Valentine (GB) A P Indy (USA) Antespend (USA) Unbridled (USA) Grechelle (USA)

SEARING HEAT (USA), 2008. Won 2 races. Sire of ALSAFFAH (KSA), SABT (KSA), MIQDAAM AL AEZ (KSA), NABALAH (KSA). 1st Dam FARHATNA (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingAlqashaeman (KSA) (2020 c. by Searing Heat (USA)), placed once at 2 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 f. by Searing Heat (USA)). 2nd Dam UNBRIDLED FEMME (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £67,526 including Valdale Stakes, Turfway Park, placed second in Edgewood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and third in Bourbonette Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, L.; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSURPRISE STRIKE (USA) (g. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and £173,048. WHEN WE MET (USA) (g. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 13 races in U.S.A. and £195,110. ALDERWAZAH (KSA) (f. by Suave (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 6 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £119,662. TOMMY AND BUSTER (USA) (g. by Maria's Mon (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A. and £34,024. ALFOOTAH (KSA) (f. by Friends Lake (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £32,885. 3rd Dam Grechelle (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingBUBBLER (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Gallery Furniture Distaff Stakes, Sam Houston, L., Irving Distaff Stakes, Lone Star Park, Sam Houston Distaff Stakes, Sam Houston, Marie G Krantz Memorial Handicap, Fair Grounds, third in Ouija Board Distaff Handicap, Lone Star Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. ARROGATE (USA), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2016, won Pegasus World Cup Invitational Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup, Meydan, Gr.1, placed second in TVG Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1; sire. OSARE (USA), won Fifth, Third Ins. Dueling Grounds Oaks, Kentucky Downs. Diamond Ore (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Busanda Stakes, Aqueduct. The next dam MEADOW STAR (USA), Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1990, won 11 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Mother Goose Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Frizette Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Matron Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Spinaway Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Schuylerville Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, Astoria Breeders' Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingGrechelle (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), see above. FIELD OF VISION (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 4 races at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. REVEALED (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of BELLE GALLANTEY (USA), won Beldame Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Delaware Handicap, Delaware Park, Gr.1, placed second in Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, L. and third in Fantasy Stakes, Hastings Park, L. Holy Vision R N (USA), placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of Dr Zipcity (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Lafayette Stakes, Evangeline Downs, R., Geauxcro (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Evangeline Downs Prince Stakes, Evangeline Downs. Window Shopper (USA), unraced; dam of MONGOLIAN SHOPPER (USA), won Wishing Well Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed third in Daisycutter Handicap, Del Mar. Tyhali (USA), unraced; dam of Taylor (PER), placed third in Clasico Miguel Fort Magot, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3.




Owner: Rashed Musaad Salem Alsalem Uncle Mo (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) April 20th, 2022

Outwork (USA) Nonna Mia (USA) Distortion (USA) (2010)

Distorted Humor (USA) Misty Rosette (USA)


Indian Charlie (USA) Playa Maya (USA) Empire Maker (USA) Holy Bubbette (USA) Forty Niner (USA) Danzig's Beauty (USA) Stormin Fever (USA) Exclusive Rosette (USA)

OUTWORK (USA), 2013. Won 3 races, Wood Memorial Stakes, Gr.1, second in Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2. Sire of BRIGHTWORK (USA), (Gr.1), LEAVE NO TRACE (USA), (Gr.1), UNCLE CHARLIE (USA), (L.), OUTADORE (USA), (L.), ABROGATE (USA), (L.), TROJAN TALE (USA), (S), FINEST WORK (USA), (S), SHARAPOVA (USA), (S), EL PANDO (USA), (S), AT THE SPA (USA), (S), SAMBORELLA (USA), (S), Manorelli (USA), (Gr.3), Malloy (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam DISTORTION (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £46,708 and placed twice; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizJUST OK IS NOT OK (USA) (2018 f. by English Channel (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £54,255 and placed once. GABRIELLA (USA) (2015 f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,397 and placed once. Red Butterfly (USA) (2020 f. by Munnings (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £27,430. 2nd Dam MISTY ROSETTE (USA), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £104,645 including Old Hat Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Crank It Up Stakes, Monmouth Park, Sandpiper Stakes, Tampa Bay Downs, placed third in Darley Test Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1 and Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; Own sister to STORM WOLF (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMR BEER GOGGLES (USA) (g. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), won 12 races at 3 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £184,154. JULIET'S TIZZY (USA) (g. by Tiznow (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,321. IMPRESSOR (USA) (c. by Classic Empire (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £29,677. UNDER SUSPICION (USA) (f. by Friend Or Foe (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £47,053. FLYING FINISH (USA) (c. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,586. 3rd Dam EXCLUSIVE ROSETTE (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Florida Thoroughbred Charities Stakes, Ocala T.C.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSTORM WOLF (USA) (c. by Stormin Fever (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Lazaro Barrera Memorial Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire. VINTAGE RED (USA) (f. by Explosive Red (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Red Raffles (CAN), winner in Canada and placed second in Vice Regent Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and third in Deputy Minister Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Achievement Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. LEA'S MOON (CAN), winner in Canada; dam of DUN DRUM (CAN), won Overskate Stakes, Woodbine, R., Vice Regent Stakes, Woodbine, R., Kingarvie Stakes, Woodbine, R., placed second in Frost King Stakes, Woodbine, R. Littleprincessemma (USA) (f. by Yankee Gentleman (USA)), ran in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AMERICAN PHAROAH (USA), Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2014, Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2015, won Breeders' Cup Classic, Keeneland, Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Frontrunner Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.1, Rebel Stakes, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; sire. CHASING YESTERDAY (USA), won Starlet Stakes, Los Alamitos, Gr.1, Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L., Desi Arnaz Stakes, Del Mar, L., Anoakia Stakes, Santa Anita, placed third in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.1. American Cleopatra (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1. Triple Tap (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in John Shear Mile Stakes, Santa Anita, L. St Patrick's Day (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Renaissance Stakes, Naas, Gr.3 and third in Celebration Stakes, Curragh, L.; sire.




Owner: Khalid Suliman M. Bin Zouir Boundary (USA) Pomeroy (USA) Questress (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) May 3rd, 2022 Mortazah (KSA) (2011)

Many Volumes (USA) Sallygrain (USA)


Danzig (USA) Edge (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Nahema (USA) Chester House (USA) Reams of Verse (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Jig (IRE)

POMEROY (USA), 2001. Won 7 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, King's Bishop Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.2, Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup Stakes, Gr.3, second in Smile Sprint Handicap, Gr.2, etc. Sire of POMEROYS PISTOL (USA), (Gr.2), FLASHPOINT (USA), (Gr.2), BROOKLYN COWBOY (USA), (L.), POSITIVE RESPONSE (USA), (L.), QUIJOTE (USA), (S), SPLASH RULES (USA), (S), LAKE DRIVE SOUTH (USA), (S), HANGOVER SATURDAY (USA), (S), RUBYSANDPEARLS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MORTAZAH (KSA), won 3 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,847 and placed 5 times; dam of 3 runners from 4 foals of racing age includingQas'samah (KSA) (2020 f. by Flashy Bull (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. Zeenat Alzeenat (KSA) (2021 f. by Roaring Fever (USA)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2023. 2nd Dam SALLYGRAIN (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingMORTAZAH (KSA) (f. by Many Volumes (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam JIG (IRE), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including La Zanzara Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLE GRAND FROMAGE (USA) (f. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Connors Outlaw (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Oklahoma Classics Juvenile Stakes, Remington Park, R. The next dam RIVER JIG (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy including Premio Fausta, Rome, L., placed second in Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizDANCE PARADE (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners. LEADING LIGHT (IRE), Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 2013, 8 races at 2 to 4 years including St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1, Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, Vintage Crop Stakes, Navan, Gr.3; sire. Warwick Avenue (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed third in Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. OCEAN QUEEN (USA) (f. by Zilzal (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup Derby, Bay Meadows, Gr.3; dam of winners. SMART OCEAN (USA), winner in Japan; dam of SMART DANDY (JPN), won Coral Stakes, Hanshin, L. (twice). SEA GIFT (USA), 1 race at 3 years, her only start; dam of CHITU (USA), won Sunland Derby, Sunland Park, Gr.3, placed third in Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire, BEAUTIFUL GIFT (USA), won Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Western Reel (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and third in Fern Hill Handicap, Ascot, L.; grandam of GREEN SUPREME (AUS), won Fairdale/Goodwood Studs Flying Handicap, Awapuni, L., placed third in Levin Turf Classic, Otaki, Gr.1. Treasure Trove (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), placed 4 times at 2 years; dam of winners. TOYLSOME (GB), 16 races in France and in Germany including Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3; sire. CORAL MIST (GB), 2 races at 2 years including Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3. WHAT A TREASURE (IRE), 2 races at 3 years and placed twice; dam of WESTERN AUSTRALIA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years including Irish Stallion Farms EBF Yeats Stakes, Navan, L., placed third in Vertem Futurity Trophy Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, HOARDING (USA), won Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, L. PLAYWITHMYHEART (GB), 1 race at 2 years in France and placed once; dam of ROMANTIC PROPOSAL (IRE), 6 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022 including Flying Five Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, WHITE MARLIN (IRE), 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022/23 at home and in Australia including Easter Cup, Sandown-Lakeside, Gr.3.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Unbridled's Song (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) January 23rd, 2022

Rookie Sensation (USA) My Marchesa (USA) Sallygrain (USA) (2005)

Dynaformer (USA) Jig (IRE)


Unbridled (USA) Trolley Song (USA) Stately Don (USA) Sooni (USA) Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Catrail (USA) River Jig (USA)

ROOKIE SENSATION (USA), 2010. Won 3 races, Twilight Derby, Gr.2, third in Last Tycoon Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of GLITTERING SNOW (CAN), STARONTHEHORIZON (CAN), JMR PURE SENSATION (CAN), YURDAE (KSA). 1st Dam SALLYGRAIN (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizMORTAZAH (KSA) (2011 f. by Many Volumes (USA)), won 3 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,847 and placed 5 times. DOCTOR MO (KSA) (2010 c. by Kyllachy (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once. Dalaal Alfahd (KSA) (2020 f. by Bandini (USA)), unplaced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam JIG (IRE), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £91,816 including La Zanzara Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R., placed twice; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingLE GRAND FROMAGE (USA) (f. by Grand Slam (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Connors Outlaw (USA), winner to 2023 in U.S.A. and placed third in Oklahoma Classics Juvenile Stakes, Remington Park, R. 3rd Dam RIVER JIG (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy including Premio Fausta, Rome, L., placed second in Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDANCE PARADE (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Las Cienegas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of winners. LEADING LIGHT (IRE), Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 2013, 8 races at 2 to 4 years including St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1, Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, Vintage Crop Stakes, Navan, Gr.3; sire. Warwick Avenue (IRE), 5 races at 3 and 4 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed third in Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. OCEAN QUEEN (USA) (f. by Zilzal (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup Derby, Bay Meadows, Gr.3; dam of winners. Bicoastal (USA), winner and placed second in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. SMART OCEAN (USA), winner in Japan; dam of SMART DANDY (JPN), won Coral Stakes, Hanshin, L. (twice). SEA GIFT (USA), 1 race at 3 years, her only start; dam of CHITU (USA), won Sunland Derby, Sunland Park, Gr.3, placed third in Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire, BEAUTIFUL GIFT (USA), won Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. Western Reel (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed third in Fern Hill Handicap, Ascot, L.; dam of winners. Midnight Mischief (USA), winner, second in River City H’cap, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Haibah (GB), unraced; dam of GREEN SUPREME (AUS), won Fairdale/Goodwood Studs Flying Handicap, Awapuni, L., placed third in Levin Turf Classic, Otaki, Gr.1. Treasure Trove (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), placed 4 times at 2 years; dam of winners. TOYLSOME (GB), 16 races in France and in Germany including Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3; sire. CORAL MIST (GB), 2 races at 2 years including Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3. WHAT A TREASURE (IRE), 2 races at 3 years; dam of WESTERN AUSTRALIA (IRE), 2 races including Yeats Stakes, Navan, L., third in Vertem Futurity Trophy Stks, Doncaster, Gr.1, HOARDING (USA), won Fairway Stakes, Newmarket, L. PLAYWITHMYHEART (GB), 1 race in France; dam of ROMANTIC PROPOSAL (IRE), 6 races at 3 to 6 years, 2022 including Flying Five Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Belgrave Stakes, Curragh, L., WHITE MARLIN (IRE), 6 races at 3 to 5 years, 2022/23 at home and in Australia including Easter Cup, Sandown-Lakeside, Gr.3. Mi Tesoro (ARG), unraced; dam of TESORILLA CLASS (ARG), won Clasico General Francisco B Bosch, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, L., placed second in G.P. Felix de Alzaga Unzue-Internacional, San Isidro, Gr.1.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA)

A CHESNUT FILLY (KSA) April 1st, 2022

Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA) Brynford (GB) (2010)

Sir Percy (GB) Bull's Crown (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Mark of Esteem (IRE) Percy's Lass Holy Bull (USA) Crown Water (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam BRYNFORD (GB), won 2 races at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of 1 runner from 3 foals of racing age(2020 c. by Two Step Salsa (USA)). 2nd Dam BULL'S CROWN (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £11,652; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizDROP A LINE (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £153,948 including Windward Stakes, Presque Isle Downs, L., placed third in Suwannee River Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Light Hearted Stakes, Delaware Park, L., Indian Maid Handicap, Hawthorne, L. and Reluctant Guest Stakes, Arlington. BRYNFORD (GB) (f. by Sir Percy (GB)), see above. 3rd Dam CROWN WATER (USA), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingTHYTIS (GB) (c. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 10 races abroad and placed 5 times. RAPPAHANNOCK (USA) (c. by Virginia Rapids (USA)), won 5 races at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. TAMMANY STAR (USA) (g. by Tammany (USA)), won 5 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. QUEENY WATER (GB) (f. by Nayef (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in Italy. CHEROKEE CROWN (USA) (g. by Cherokee Run (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A. RABARAMA (GB) (f. by Xaar (GB)), won 1 race at 2 years in Italy; dam of a winner. 4th Dam WATER CRYSTALS (USA), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Monrovia Handicap, Santa Anita, L., Track Robbery Stakes, Hollywood Park, placed third in Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Valkyr Handicap, Hollywood Park, L.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingTRACK GOSSIP (USA) (f. by Shahrastani (USA)), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Bal Harbour Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of winners. CRASH COURSE (USA), won Mac Diarmida Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Cliff Hanger Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr.3, Spend A Buck Stakes, Monmouth Park, placed second in Jersey Derby, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3 and third in Knickerbocker Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Oceanport Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Bob Harding Stakes, Monmouth Park, L., Bet Twice Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. and Battlefield Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. CRYSTAL BULL (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. AIR CREW (USA), 10 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy including Premio Pisa, Pisa, L., Criterium di Pisa, Pisa, L., Premio Rumon, Rome, L., Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L., placed 20 times including second in Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L., Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. and third in Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3. Beau Prospector (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Sovereign's Crown (USA), winner at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, L. CRYSTAL PROSPECTOR (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Dollar For Dollar (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in To Much Coffee Stakes, Hoosier Park, R. The next dam WHY FOUR (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to Run of Luck (USA) and Curious Course (USA); dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingWATER CRYSTALS (USA) (f. by Crystal Water (USA)), see above. WHY NOT TELL (USA) (f. by Boitron (FR)), won 11 races in U.S.A. including Genuine Risk Stakes, Turf Paradise, second in Susan's Girl Hcap, Turf Paradise; dam of winners. Lady Engineer (USA), placed in U.S.A.; dam of BOB'S LADY (USA), won Work The Crowd Handicap, Golden Gate, L. and C.T.B.A. Marian Stakes, Fairplex Park. Best Granddaughter (USA) (f. by Skywalker (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Vaquero (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Ken. M Schiffer Cal. Cup Starter Sprint, Santa Anita, L.




Owner: Fahad Abdullah M. Alhumaidi Empire Maker (USA) Searing Heat (USA) Valentine Band (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 1st, 2022 Jenaih Althahab (KSA) (2008)

Governor Brown (USA) Frink (USA)


Unbridled (USA) Toussaud (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) Shirley Valentine (GB) Kingmambo (USA) Miss Mistletoes (IRE) Royal Academy (USA) Crafty Buzz (USA)

SEARING HEAT (USA), 2008. Won 2 races. Sire of ALSAFFAH (KSA), SABT (KSA), MIQDAAM AL AEZ (KSA), NABALAH (KSA). 1st Dam JENAIH ALTHAHAB (KSA), ran a few times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 to 5 years; dam of 2 foals of racing age including(2021 c. by Searing Heat (USA)). 2nd Dam FRINK (USA), ran once at 2 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizMISTER MODIGLIANI (IRE) (c. by Modigliani (USA)), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £24,286 and placed 24 times. 3rd Dam CRAFTY BUZZ (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Jersey Jumper Stakes, Meadowlands; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPLANTAGENET (SPA) (c. by Trade Fair (GB)), won 10 races in Sweden, in U.A.E. and abroad including IKC Fonder Pramms Memorial, Jagersro, Gr.3, placed third in Bilgruppen 1 Lund SFK Jubileumslopning, Jagersro, L.; sire. Aesculus (USA) (f. by Horse Chestnut (SAF)), won 4 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed third in Charon Stakes, Calder; dam of winners. Arcangela (GB) (f. by Galileo (IRE)), placed twice at 4 years; dam of winners. LYZBETH (FR), 2 races at 3 and 4 years including Cathedral Stakes, Goodwood, L. 4th Dam INTENTLY (USA), won 8 races in U.S.A. including Victoria Lass Handicap, Jefferson Park, Budweiser Delta Downs Breeders Cup H'cap, Delta Downs, Monique Rene Stakes, Louisiana Downs, placed second in American Beauty Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L. and third in First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Majorette Stakes, Louisiana Downs, L.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingGONE FOR REAL (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Royal Palm Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.3, placed second in Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and third in Tropical Turf Handicap, Calder, Gr.3; sire. Intend to Win (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in T V Vixen Stakes, Arlington; dam of winners. JOSH'S MADELYN (USA), won Raven Run Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Pan Zareta Handicap, Louisiana Downs and Panthers Stakes, Prairie Meadows. Party Silks (USA), unraced; dam of UPSTART (USA), won Lambholm South Holy Bull Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Razorback Handicap, Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, Funny Cide Stakes, Saratoga, R., placed second in Besilu Stables Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire, PRACTICE SQUAD (USA), won Rick Violette Stakes, Saratoga, R. FLIGHT OF ANGELS (USA) (f. by Afleet (CAN)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. NOBO JACK (USA), won Kurofune Sho, Kochi, L. (twice), Gumma Kinen, Takasaki, L. (twice), JBC Sprint, Ohi, L., Cluster Cup, Morioka, L. and Hokkaido Sprint Cup, Sapporo, L.; sire. The next dam NAUGHTY INTENTIONS (USA), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingPERCIPIENT (USA) (f. by Topsider (USA)), won 5 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Linda Vista Handicap, Oak Tree, Gr.3, Anoakia Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in La Canada Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. CHICKAPEE (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of STRIKE ME LUCKY (USA), won Claire Marine Stakes, Arlington, placed third in Bewitch Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3. ZAYA (USA), winner in France; dam of STARSKY (IND), won McDowell Indian Derby, Mumbai, L.; grandam of ZAUNGAST (IRE), 15 races including Grosser Preis der Dortmunder Wirtschaft, Dortmund, Gr.3 and EuroCup der Mehl Mulhens-Stiftung, Frankfurt, Gr.3. SHARP SPIRIT (USA) (f. by Inverness Drive (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; grandam of EAGLE TIME (USA), won Memorial Day Handicap, Mountaineer Park, L.; sire.




Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali A P Indy (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 23rd, 2022

Worldly (USA) Urbane (USA) Shaksiah (KSA) (2013)

Official Flame (USA) Raha (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Fire The Groom (USA) Fairy King (USA) Dionaea (USA)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam SHAKSIAH (KSA), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 and 4 years; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizAHRASS (KSA) (2018 c. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £36,020 and placed once. (2021 f. by Qaatef (IRE)). 2nd Dam RAHA (KSA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingNAASEKAH (KSA) (f. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 8 races at 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £82,440; dam of winners. HAATTY (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALMAQAM (KSA), winner to 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOTAA (KSA) (c. by Premium Tap (USA)), won 7 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. BAAQI KHEIR (KSA) (c. by Wiorno (GB)), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. DASTOOR (KSA) (c. by Freequent (GB)), won 3 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. YANSERK ALLAH (KSA) (c. by Dynever (USA)), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam DIONAEA (USA), placed 7 times at 3 years in France; dam of 1 runner from 5 foals of racing ageRaha (KSA) (f. by Fairy King (USA)), see above. The next dam Heres To You (FR), won 1 race in France and placed third in Prix de l'Obélisque, ParisLongchamp, L.; Own sister to LA MILANAISE (FR); dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingHARBOUR (FR) (f. by Arctic Tern (USA)), won 4 races in France including Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Saint-Alary, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Prix Vanteaux, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3, placed fourth in Prix Vermeille, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1. HERESTY (FR) (f. by Tyrant (USA)), won 4 races in France and in Italy including Premio Royal Mares, Turin, Gr.3; dam of a winner. HERETIC (USA), won Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, Gr.3, placed third in Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., fourth in Little Silver Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Martha Washington Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3; grandam of HANCORA (FR), 3 races at 2 years in France including Critérium de Vitesse, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Nether Poppleton (USA), unraced; dam of Whenby (USA), winner in France and placed second in Prix Phil Drake, Saint-Cloud, L. and third in Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; grandam of JOHN DOOL (BRZ), won G. P. Presidente Antonio Correa Barbosa, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2, G. P. Presidente Jose de Souza Queiroz, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, placed second in Grande Premio Ipiranga (2000 Guineas), Cidade Jardim, Gr.1, OKLAHOMA GIRL (BRZ), won Classico Luiz Alves de Almeida, Gavea, L., placed third in Grande Premio Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gavea, Gr.2, MONKEY AMERICAN (BRZ), won Classico Inverno-Carlos e Manoel Mendes Campos, Gavea, L., LATINO AMERICANA (BRZ), won Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, Gavea, L., PRINCESS WOODMAN (BRZ), won Classico Luiz Alves de Almeida, Gavea, L.; third dam of COLORADO GIRL (BRZ), won G.P. Roberto E Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, Gavea, Gr.1, Gyoza (BRZ), placed second in Copa Japao de Turfe, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3. HAIDEE (FR) (f. by Irish River (FR)), won 4 races in France including Prix de Liancourt, ParisLongchamp, L., Prix de Saint Cyr, ParisLongchamp, L., placed second in Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners. Hecquet (USA), winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed third in Prix Eugène Adam, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2 and Prix de Saint Patrick, ParisLongchamp, L.




Owner: Hadi Jabran Al-Rasheed Macho Uno (USA) Macho Macho (USA) Dazzling Contrast (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 5th, 2022 Maqaased (KSA) (2009)

Official Visit (USA) Silca Key Silca (GB)


Holy Bull (USA) Primal Force (USA) General Meeting (USA) Fantastic Look (USA) Pleasant Colony (USA) Escrow Agent (USA) Polar Falcon (USA) Night Transaction

MACHO MACHO (USA), 2009. Won 5 races, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, second in Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Long Branch Stakes, L. and third in Matt Winn Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of ALBATHALY (KSA), IBN QAMAH (KSA), JOFANI (KSA), MAENAWY (KSA), ESHTAHER (KSA), MASH KAL (KSA), AEIN ALTEEN (KSA), WANEES (KSA), TARAEIY (KSA), ESHTEHAAR (KSA), MOTASHACKERAH (KSA), NAH'HABAH (KSA). 1st Dam MAQAASED (KSA), won 5 races at 3 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £54,336 and placed 12 times; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTATHOOR (KSA) (2018 f. by Suave (USA)), won 2 races at 4 and 5 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £17,235 and placed 3 times. FOZ ALAETA (KSA) (2020 f. by Dance With Ravens (CAN)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and placed once, from only 4 starts. That Alsharaf (KSA) (2019 f. by Paris Perfect (SAF)), placed twice at 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2021 f. by Chief Havoc (USA)). 2nd Dam SILCA KEY SILCA (GB), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years and £11,330 and placed 6 times; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingMOSTANED (KSA) (c. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 15 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. HATTRICK (KSA) (c. by Fun Galore (USA)), won 9 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MAHROS BELLAH (KSA) (c. by Blue Burner (USA)), won 5 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. WARD ALRIYADH (KSA) (c. by Addath (GB)), won 2 races in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Rahaalah (KSA) (f. by Premium Tap (USA)), unraced; dam of a winner. FIGHTER (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam NIGHT TRANSACTION, won 4 races at 4 and 5 years and placed 5 times; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingPRIME RECREATION (GB) (g. by Primo Dominie), won 8 races and placed 14 times. 4th Dam BEECH TREE, placed twice at 3 and 4 years; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingCashel Bay (g. by Riboboy (USA)), won 2 races abroad and third in Salisbury Stakes, L. The next dam SHADE, won 4 races at 2 and 3 years and placed twice; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingKRACOVIA (c. by Kampala), won 17 races in Italy including Premio Nico Castellini, Milan, L., Premio Ezio Vanoni, Rome, L., placed second in Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr.3; sire. DEAD STRAIT (c. by Welsh Saint), won 7 races at home and abroad including Lion City Cup, Kranji, L. (twice), placed second in Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Gold Cup, Selangor, L. Bodelle (f. by Falcon), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years; also won 4 races over hurdles and placed second in Benson & Hedges Handicap Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L.; dam of winners. INGABELLE, 3 races at 2 to 4 years including Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of EVA'S REQUEST (IRE), 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home, in Italy and abroad including Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1, PRIORY BELLE (IRE), Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 1995, 2 races at 2 years including Moyglare Stud Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, WILD BLUEBELL (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years including Concorde Stakes, Tipperary, Gr.3; grandam of CHRISELLIAM (IRE), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2013, 3 races at 2 years at home and in U.S.A. including Fillies' Mile, Newmarket, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1, VERY SPECIAL (IRE), 5 races at home and in U.A.E. including Cape Verdi Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2 (twice), Balanchine Stakes, Meydan, Gr.2, second in Falmouth Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1; third dam of OPINION (IRE), 7 races at home and in Australia including The Metropolitan, Randwick, Gr.1. LADY ANNA LIVIA (f. by Ahonoora), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years abroad; dam of winners. MISTER LINKS (IRE), 4 races including July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. SYNCRONISE (f. by Track Spare), won 1 race at 2 years; grandam of SHARP N' EARLY, won Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, placed fourth in Premio Parioli, Rome, Gr.1; sire.





Owner: Aldiriyah Stebel City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 29th, 2022 Passing Shot (USA) (1999)

A P Indy (USA) Aucilla (USA)

Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Relaunch (USA) My Cherie Amour (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam PASSING SHOT (USA), won 6 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £388,997 including Personal Ensign Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Bed O' Roses Breeders' Cup Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed 11 times including second in Shuvee Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and third in Ogden Phipps Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Ruffian Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1 and First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizGame Fair (USA) (2009 f. by Quiet American (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £109,787 and placed 6 times including second in Dr James Penny Memorial Handicap, Parx Racing, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners. Home Again (USA) (2014 f. by Speightstown (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £10,193; dam of 2 winners. Moodhee Alder'eyah (KSA) (2020 f. by Super Sam (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam AUCILLA (USA), won 9 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £203,951 including Gallorette Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Drumtop Handicap, Belmont Park, L., placed third in Beaugay Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Suffolk Handicap, Belmont Park, L.; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingPASSING SHOT (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), see above. Epoca Blava (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)), ran twice at 3 years in Japan; dam of winners. Red Guernica (JPN), winner in Japan and placed third in Keyaki Stakes, Tokyo, L. 3rd Dam MY CHERIE AMOUR (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A.; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 15 foals of racing age includingAUCILLA (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), see above. SPLINTERCAT (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years; dam of winners. Tenzan Desert (JPN), winner in Japan and second in KBS Kyoto Sho Fantasy Stakes, Kyoto, L., third in Hochi Hai Himba Revue (Fillies Gns Trial), Hanshin, L. The next dam Tanapa (FR), won 1 race at 2 years in France and placed fourth in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1; dam of eleven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingTAMISE (USA) (f. by Time For A Change (USA)), won 4 races in France including Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix de la Seine, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. MOTIVADO (GB), 4 races including Queen's Cup, Morphettville, Gr.3. QUIRINETTA (USA) (f. by Ardross), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years at home and in South Africa including Transvaal Cesarwitch, Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. LUTHIER'S LAUNCH (USA) (f. by Relaunch (USA)), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Dogwood Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in El Encino Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. TARZAN CRY (IRE) (c. by Anabaa (USA)), won 7 races in France and in U.S.A. including Prix Montenica, M’-Laffitte, L., second in Prix de Fontainebleau, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. Alekos (USA) (c. by Irish River (FR)), won 1 race at 3 years in France and placed third in Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2. Tabac (USA) (c. by Storm Cat (USA)), won 3 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; sire. Cerita (IRE) (f. by Wolfhound (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in France and placed second in Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. ALAVA (IRE), 4 races in France including Prix Occitanie, La Teste de Buch, L.; dam of BAYSIDE BOY (IRE), 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2022 including Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, FOREST RANGER (IRE), 6 races including Huxley Stakes, Chester, Gr.2 (twice).




Owner: Dhaifallah Sultan Bin Omirah Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) March 21st, 2022 Okht Layzoom (KSA) (2015)

Quick To Charm (USA) Heritiere (AUS)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Smart Strike (CAN) Grand Charmer (USA) Anabaa (USA) Money Thinks (NZ)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam OKHT LAYZOOM (KSA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age vizWalad Rahwaan (KSA) (2020 c. by Consul General (GB)), ran once in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam HERITIERE (AUS), won 4 races in Australia and in U.S.A. and £78,746 including Silk Stocking Handicap, Gold Coast, L., placed second in Surround Stakes, Warwick Farm, Gr.2; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingGREEN BYRON (FR) (c. by Green Tune (USA)), won 4 races at 3 to 5 years in France and £86,840 including Prix de l'Avre, ParisLongchamp, L., placed 5 times including third in Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L. 3rd Dam MONEY THINKS (NZ), won 4 races in Australia including Belle of the Turf Stakes, Gosford, L., placed second in Emancipation Stakes, Randwick, Gr.3 and Eagle Farm Stakes, Eagle Farm, L.; Own sister to Presage (NZ); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingHERITIERE (AUS) (f. by Anabaa (USA)), see above. Sailing To Rio (AUS) (f. by Woodman (USA)), won 5 races in South Africa and placed second in Cape Breeders' Cup Paddock Stakes, Kenilworth, Gr.1 and Poinsettia Stakes, Clairwood, Gr.3 (twice); dam of winners. KRAMBAMBULI (SAF), won Blue Label Telecoms Cape Stayers, Kenilworth, Gr.2. Hoist The Mast (SAF), winnner abroad, placed second in SW Security Southern Cross Stakes, Kenilworth, Gr.2. 4th Dam SOLVENT (NZ), ran in New Zealand; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingMONEY THINKS (NZ) (f. by Sound Reason (CAN)), see above. Presage (NZ) (f. by Sound Reason (CAN)), won 4 races in Australia and placed second in Schweppes St Leger, Morphettville, Gr.3 and Hill-Smith Stakes, Cheltenham Park, L.; dam of winners. The next dam SHANNONGOLD (NZ), ran in New Zealand; Own sister to SHERALEE (NZ) and Paul Revere (NZ); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingCOLOGNE (NZ) (f. by Sound Reason (CAN)), won 4 races in Australia including D B R West Australian Oaks, Ascot, Gr.1, Wellesley Stakes, Trentham, L.; grandam of King Salieri (NZ), winner in Australia, second in Doomben Classic, Doomben, Gr.3. SOUND GOLD (NZ) (f. by Sound Reason (CAN)), won 4 races in Australia including Fosters Tasmanian Oaks, Mowbray, Gr.3; dam of winners. STAR ATTACK (NZ), won Woolavington Handicap, Milnerton, L. Creme Anglaise (NZ) (f. by Crested Wave (USA)), won 6 races in Australia and placed second in Sky High Stakes, Rosehill, L.; dam of winners. SWICK (NZ), won Patinack The Age Vic. Racing Club Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1, Seppelt Salinger Linlithgow Stakes, Flemington, Gr.2, Carlton Draught Sandown Stakes, Sandown, Gr.3, second in Coolmore Lightning Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1. Baileys On Ice (NZ), winner in New Zealand and placed second in Christchurch Casino G Adams Easter Cup, Riccarton Park, Gr.3; dam of Mother's Milk (NZ), winner in Australia and placed third in Parmalat Manihi Classic, Morphettville, L. Inverbay (NZ) (f. by Battle-Waggon), unraced; dam of winners. Sterling Exchange (NZ), winner in New Zealand and in U.S.A. and placed fourth in Wakefield Challenge Stakes, Trentham, Gr.2.




Owner: Fahad Nasser M. Algeraini Pioneerof The Nile (USA) Classic Empire (USA) Sambuca Classica (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) April 30th, 2022 Southern Jewel (USA) (2010)

Dixie Union (USA) Rare Gift (USA)


Empire Maker (USA) Star of Goshen (USA) Cat Thief (USA) In Her Glory (USA) Dixieland Band (USA) She's Tops (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Rare Blend (USA)

CLASSIC EMPIRE (USA), 2014. Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2016. Won 5 races, Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Claiborne Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, Bashford Manor Stakes, Gr.3, second in Preakness Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of ANGEL OF EMPIRE (USA), (Gr.1), INTERSTATEDAYDREAM (CAN), (Gr.2), CLASSY EDITION (USA), (Gr.3), MORELLO (USA), (Gr.3), EMPRESS TIGRESS (USA), (L.), BEAUTIFUL EMPIRE (USA), (L.), FIRST EMPIRE (CAN), (L.) etc. 1st Dam SOUTHERN JEWEL (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £16,091; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizI'M BOSSY (USA) (2018 f. by Street Boss (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,686 and placed once, died at 3 years. SAPORI GIRL (USA) (2016 f. by Mizzen Mast (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £31,089 and placed 5 times. JEWELSTOWN (USA) (2020 g. by Speightstown (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £38,831 and placed twice. (2021 c. by Mitole (USA)). 2nd Dam RARE GIFT (USA), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £161,035 including Ladies Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Sixty Sails Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3, Anne Arundel Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3 and third in Fleur de Lis Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Black-Eyed Susan Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.2, Bonnie Miss Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Rare Treat Handicap, Aqueduct, L.; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 living foals of racing age includingTASRIH (USA) (g. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 3 races at 4 and 5 years and £14,758 and placed twice. Native Talent (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. SILK STILETTOS (USA), winner to 2023 in Canada. 3rd Dam RARE BLEND (USA), won 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.2, Pimlico Distaff Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.3, Sabin Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Joe Namath Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Pebbles Stakes, Belmont Park, L., Ocala Breeders Sales Champship.Sales (f), Ocala T.C., L., La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in Rampart Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Martha Washington Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3 and third in Louisville Breeders' Cup Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Safely Kept Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.3; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingRARE GIFT (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), see above. PATH TO POWER (USA) (f. by Political Force (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Mocktails Anyone (USA), placed 3 times in U.S.A. including second in W.T.B.O.A. Lassies Stakes, Emerald Downs and Angie C. Stakes, Emerald Downs. Political Alert (USA) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. PRINCESS VALERIA (VEN), won Copa Front Stage, La Rinconada, L.; dam of El Gran Mario (VEN), placed second in Clasico Comparacion, La Rinconada, L., My Check Mate (VEN), second in Clasico Simon Rodriguez, La Rinconada, L. ELEGIDO (VEN), won Clasico Antonio Jose de Sucre, La Rinconada, L. The next dam BUTTERCUP (USA), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to MISSY BALDSKI (USA) and STACIE'S TOY (USA); dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingRARE BLEND (USA) (f. by Bates Motel (USA)), see above. Buttercup's Song (USA) (f. by Unbridled's Song (USA)), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FLATLINED (USA), won Ft. Lauderdale Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. POUND FOR POUND (USA), won Star Guitar Stakes, Fair Grounds, R. Volare Cantare (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Ocala Breeders Sales Championship (f), Ocala T.C., L.R. and Dahlia Stakes, Laurel. Thundercup (USA) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. LOVELY MARIA (USA), won Longines Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Central Bank Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1.




Owner: Khalid Ibraheem Alsyari A P Indy (USA) Tranquil Manner (USA) Composure (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) March 7th, 2022 Rockpaperscissors (USA) (2004)

Precise End (USA) Vex (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Party Cited (USA) End Sweep (USA) Precisely (USA) Kris S (USA) Abrade (USA)

TRANQUIL MANNER (USA), 2006. Won 4 races and third in Woodward Stakes, Gr.1. Sire of ALNASHAAS (KSA), RAHEEN (KSA), MAKH ZOON ALZHAFR (KSA), FARHAT ALSAAD (KSA), SEIF TURKY (KSA), FAHD NAJD (KSA), ZAMANI (KSA), RIDDY SALAMI (KSA), MAHYOUF (KSA), JAWATHEE (KSA), AFWAN (KSA), MOHAMMAD ALSAAD (KSA), BINT HAWAAJEES (KSA), LASEEF (KSA), ALAHAMM (KSA), BALLORIYAH (KSA), MOBAYEA (KSA), BASSMALAH (KSA), AEFIYAH ALEK (KSA), AESBARAH (KSA). 1st Dam ROCKPAPERSCISSORS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,698; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizANITA VACATION (USA) (2011 f. by Master Command (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £48,772 and placed 11 times. ANITA JOB (USA) (2009 f. by A P Warrior (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £19,582 and placed 3 times. (2020 c. by Sailor's Chant (USA)). 2nd Dam VEX (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A. and £16,543; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingSORT IT OUT (USA) (c. by Out of Place (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £164,981 including Whirlaway Stakes, Aqueduct, L., placed second in Coolmore Lexington Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Mike Lee Stakes, Belmont Park, L.R., Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, L.R. and third in Winstar Derby, Sunland Park, L. Condeleezza S (USA) (f. by Alydeed (CAN)), ran in U.S.A. at 4 years; dam of winners. Lady Henrietta (USA), winner in Canada and in U.S.A., placed third in Supernaturel Handicap, Hastings Park and Boulevard Casino Stakes, Hastings Park. 3rd Dam ABRADE (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to FORTY NINER (USA); dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingFORTY NINE DEEDS (USA) (c. by Alydeed (CAN)), won 5 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Riley Allison Derby, Sunland Park, L. HOOCHIE GLIDE (USA) (f. by High Yield (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Gliding Alone (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Old Friends Stakes, Kentucky Downs, R. WEAR (USA) (f. by Arch (USA)), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Enchante (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Cagey Exuberance Stakes, Aqueduct, R., What A Summer Stakes, Laurel, Red Cross Stakes, Monmouth Park and Primonetta Stakes, Pimlico; dam of ENVOUTANTE (USA), won Falls City Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2 (twice), Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, Gr.3, Shawnee Stakes, Churchill Downs, L., placed second in La Troienne Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and third in Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Fleur de Lis Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3. ABRASIVE (USA) (f. by Sultry Song (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Hawk Attack (TUR), winner abroad and placed second in Yunus Emre, Bursa, L. The next dam FILE (USA), won 5 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Cinderella Stakes, Arlington, placed third in Susan's Girl Handicap, Arlington; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFORTY NINER (USA) (c. by Mr Prospector (USA)), Champion 2yr old in U.S.A. in 1987, won 11 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. including Haskell Invitational Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Fountain of Youth Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2 and Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2; sire. Scrape (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Rankhasprivileges (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Delta Downs Jackpot Stakes, Delta Downs, Gr.3. WATER HENIN (USA), winner in Japan; dam of WATER LOURDES (JPN), won Galaxy Stakes, Hanshin, L. Sobriquet (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of SOBRE ACTION (ARG), won Clasico 25 de Mayo de 1810, La Plata, Gr.2, Clasico Pedro Goenaga, La Plata, Gr.2, placed third in G. P. Joaquin V Gonzalez-Internacional, La Plata, Gr.1; sire.


57 BOX

Owner: Alshereef Hazaa' Bin Shaker Alabdali A P Indy (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 30th, 2022 (first foal)

Worldly (USA) Urbane (USA) Obooq (KSA) (2016)

Iftitah (USA) Naab Allaith (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Citidancer (USA) Dumfries Pleasure (USA) Gone West (USA) Mur Taasha (USA) Shamrock City (USA) Plenty Proud (IRE)

WORLDLY (USA), 2007. Won 5 races, Prairie Meadows Handicap, L., second in Ohio Derby, Gr.3, Northern Dancer Stakes, Gr.3, Governor's Cup Stakes, L. and Prairie Meadows Handicap, L. Sire of ALZAHZAAH (KSA), HATM (KSA), OUM ALHALAQ (KSA), BADR ALAELYA'A (KSA), ABO LAAH (KSA), YAZDAD HEYBAH (KSA), TAJ ALAELYA'A (KSA), MOTAWAE ALSHA'AYEB (KSA), SOLATT HASHIM (KSA), ASAA'EB (KSA), SHAGHMOOM ALKHEIL (KSA), JAWHARAT ALAELYA'A (KSA), NASEEMAH (KSA), AZIZ ALMANAL (KSA), NAHERAH (KSA) etc. 1st Dam OBOOQ (KSA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam NAAB ALLAITH (KSA), placed once at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 2 runners from 2 foals of racing age includingObooq (KSA) (f. by Iftitah (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam PLENTY PROUD (IRE), won 1 race at 2 years in France and placed 6 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizASH HAR (KSA) (c. by Namaqualand (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4th Dam NURAH (USA), ran in France; Own sister to LISKA'S DANCE (USA); dam of four winners from 7 runners and 11 foals of racing ageNocturnal (FR) (f. by Night Shift (USA)), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. LADY PORTIA (IRE), 2 races at 2 and 3 years; dam of Ladie's Choice (IRE), 1 race at 2 years and placed once viz second in Grangecon Stud Stakes, Curragh, L. The next dam LISKA (FR), won 2 races in France including Prix de Pontarmé, Chantilly, L., placed fourth in Prix de la Porte Maillot, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3; dam of eleven winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingL'ORANGERIE (USA) (f. by J O Tobin (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in France including Prix de Pontarmé, Chantilly, L., Prix Imprudence, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed fourth in Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3; dam of winners. CARDMANIA (USA), Champion sprinter in U.S.A. in 1993, won Breeders' Cup Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.1, San Carlos Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Ancient Title Breeders' Cup Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Los Angeles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3, Zooron Handicap, Santa Anita, L., placed second in San Carlos Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Potrero Grande Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 (twice), Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Vernon O Underwood Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Triple Bend Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Budweiser Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup Handicap, Bay Meadows, L. and third in Breeders' Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Los Angeles Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Phoenix Gold Cup Handicap, Turf Paradise, Gr.3, Palos Verdes Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Vernon O Underwood Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr.3 (twice), Porterhouse Handicap, Hollywood Park, L., Pat O'Brien Breeders' Cup Stakes, Del Mar, L., El Conejo Handicap, Santa Anita, L. and Hollywood Turf Express Handicap, Hollywood Park, L. KEIWAN VIKING (JPN), won Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, Nakayama, L., Hakodate Sprint Stakes, Hakodate, L., placed second in Tokyo Shimbun Hai, Tokyo, L., Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, Nakayama, L. and third in Keio Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, L. and Yomuiri Milers Cup, Hanshin, L. LISKA'S DANCE (USA) (f. by Riverman (USA)), won 3 races in France including Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. Lissitki (FR), winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prix des Yearlings, Deauville, L. and third in Bay Meadows Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr.2. Dancing Kris (GB), 4 races at 4 to 6 years in France and placed third in Grand Handicap de Deauville, Deauville, L. LA CARLOTTA (USA) (f. by J O Tobin (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in France; dam of: Careless Love (GB), placed twice at 3 years; grandam of Ducksoup (ARG), winner in Argentina and placed second in Clasico Embrujo, San Isidro, L.




Owner: Aeydi Bin Saad Albqomi City Zip (USA) Palace (USA) Receivership (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) April 1st, 2022 Tar Hheeb (KSA) (2005)

Monarchos (USA) Tra La (USA)


Carson City (USA) Baby Zip (USA) End Sweep (USA) Alarming Prospect (USA) Maria's Mon (USA) Regal Band (USA) Arazi (USA) Dumdedumdedum (USA)

PALACE (USA), 2009. Won 12 races, Forego Stakes, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt Handicap, Gr.1, True North Stakes, Gr.2, Fall Highweight Handicap, Gr.3, Hudson Handicap, R. (twice), etc. Sire of WOODS N WATER (USA), (S), JERRY'S EIGHTY (USA), (S), SIR WELLINGTON (USA), (S), CHACHA REAL SMOOTH (USA), (S), Auberge (USA), (Gr.2), Palace Avenger (USA), (Gr.2), Olivia Darling (USA), (L.), White Lies (USA), (S), Ranch Water (USA), (S), Slaats (USA), (S), Jan's Girl (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam TAR HHEEB (KSA), unraced; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizYESHRAH ALBAAL (KSA) (2017 c. by Spring At Last (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £32,003 and placed 3 times. Amtery (KSA) (2020 f. by Canadian Frontier (USA)), ran twice in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 years, 2022. 2nd Dam TRA LA (USA), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £77,630; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingMUKHTASRAH (KSA) (f. by Pine Dance (USA)), won 6 races at 4 to 6 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £63,858. SHIBLAT NOFA (KSA) (f. by Soto (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £24,702. 3rd Dam DUMDEDUMDEDUM (USA), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, Sweet Tooth Stakes, Belmont Park, placed second in Prioress Stakes, Aqueduct, Petrify Handicap, Aqueduct, Lodi Stakes, Meadowlands, third in Tempted Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Susan's Girl Stakes, Keystone Race Track, Anne Arundel Handicap, Laurel and fourth in Vagrancy Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3 and Cotillion Stakes, Keystone Race Track, Gr.3; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingSING FOR FREE (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Ak-Sar-Ben Oaks, Ak-SarBen, Gr.3, placed second in Palisades Stakes, Keeneland, L. and Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland, L.; dam of a winner. VELMA (USA) (f. by Theatrical), won 2 races at 3 years; dam of winners. Pettycashyou (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Danka Canada Ltd Chantilly Stakes, Assiniboia Downs. Star of Gold Fever (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Princess Handicap, Sunland Park; grandam of Lady Black Jack (USA), placed third in New Mexico Classic Cup Distaff Sprint, Zia Park, R. JADEDUMDE (USA) (f. by Jade Hunter (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Sr Gus (USA), winner abroad third in Clasico Isaac Tawachi, Hipo Presidente Remon, L. Bring On the Music (USA) (f. by Theatrical), placed once at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. POINT PROVEN (USA), winner in U.S.A.; grandam of MS LYNN (USA), won Seattle Stakes, Emerald Downs, placed third in Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs and Kent Stakes, Emerald Downs. Divine Diva (USA) (f. by Theatrical), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of winners. CAKAL CARLOS (TUR), won Beyoglu Stakes, Veliefendi, L., placed second in Mimar Sinan, Veliefendi, L., Gazi Derby, Veliefendi, L., Sait Akson, Veliefendi, L. and third in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, Veliefendi, L.; sire. ORGAN PIPE (USA), won Walter R Cluer Memorial Stakes, Turf Paradise, placed second in Tempe Handicap, Turf Paradise. The next dam DUMTADUMTADUM (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Rockette Stakes, Rockingham Park; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingNEPAL (USA) (c. by Raja Baba (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Canadian Turf Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, Seminole Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr.2; sire. ALLEGEDUM (USA) (f. by Alleged (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Joe Namath Stakes, Gulfstream Park, second in Miss Liberty Stakes, Meadowlands, Honey Fox Stakes, Meadowlands and third in Mademoiselle Stakes, Parx Racing; dam of winners.




Owner: Suliman M. Aldahaam Pleasant Tap (USA) Assez Clair (USA) Pretty Clear (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) June 6th, 2022 Sa Eyah (KSA) (2010)

Touch Gold (USA) Just A Little Jet (USA)


Pleasant Colony (USA) Never Knock (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Seven Springs (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Passing Mood (CAN) Smart Strike (CAN) Just a Little Kiss (USA)

ASSEZ CLAIR (USA), 2010. Won 5 races and fourth in Int France Galop FRBC Anatolia Trophy, L. Sire of BIN DOHAIM (KSA), ANIS ALJALEES (KSA), ABO KHALAF (KSA), SHAJWA (KSA), SHAMKHRAH (KSA), MIN FAISAL (KSA), INJAZEYAH (KSA), TATOOL ALGHAYM (KSA), MESBAR AL AMAL (KSA), YEAR'EA (KSA), DADAN (KSA), HESHAN (KSA), AEZM ALIYADH (KSA), AMART (KSA), JODIA (KSA). 1st Dam SA EYAH (KSA), placed once at 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age vizMOTASHACKERAH (KSA) (2017 f. by Macho Macho (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2nd Dam JUST A LITTLE JET (USA), won 4 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £84,119; dam of one winner from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizALWASH HA'A (KSA) (f. by Friends Lake (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner. MUSTADAM (KSA), winner to 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd Dam JUST A LITTLE KISS (USA), won 9 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Hibiscus Breeders' Cup Stakes, Hialeah Park, L., Karla's Enough Handicap, Calder, placed second in Azalea Stakes, Calder, L., Cooper's Ferry Stakes, Meadowlands, Noble Royalty Stakes, Calder, Good Move Stakes, Laurel and third in Jasmine Stakes, Hialeah Park; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age includingGood Bye Escalade (USA) (g. by Montbrook (USA)), won 6 races at 2 and 5 years in U.S.A. and abroad and placed third in Clasico Jose de Diego, El Comandante, L. Kiss For A Penny (USA) (f. by Pentelicus (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of a winner. Sekira (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Santa Ynez Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 4th Dam PLEASANT SCREAMS (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingJUST A LITTLE KISS (USA) (f. by Mugatea (USA)), see above. MY TALE IS TOLD (USA) (f. by Eskimo (USA)), won 5 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. VOY POR UNO MAS (USA), won Honor Grades Stakes, Arlington, placed second in Regaey Island Stakes, Ellis Park and third in Tri-State Handicap, Ellis Park. MY OWN STORY (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of REAL STORY (USA), won American Derby, Arlington, Gr.3, Warrior Veterans Stakes, Indiana Grand, L., second in Tourist Mile Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L., MY AFLEET (USA), won Dueling Grounds Derby, Kentucky Downs, second in John's Call Stks, Saratoga, R. The next dam HOT SPRINGS GAL, won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of thirteen winners from 15 runners and 17 foals of racing age includingHot Moment (USA) (c. by Honest Moment (USA)), won 4 races at 2, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and placed second in Playpen Stakes, Laurel, R. TUDOR HOT LINE (USA) (f. by Tudor Grey), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Lazer Storm (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Barretts Debutante Stakes, Fairplex Park, L.R. RED HOT GIRL (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Red Hot Flame (USA), winner in U.S.A., placed third in California Breeders' Chmpn Stakes (c&g), Santa Anita, L.R. ELYSIAN FOX (USA) (f. by Kentuckian (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. FOXY ZIAD (USA), won Yankee Handicap, Suffolk Downs, L., Timely Writer Prep Handicap, Suffolk Downs, Earl Gross Stakes, Suffolk Downs. FOXY PAAVO (USA), won Little Boys Stakes, Suffolk Downs. Elysian Elway (USA), winner, second in Territorial Fair Stakes, Albuquerque, R. Torsion Fun (USA) (f. by Torsion (USA)), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of winners. INTELLIGENT CHOICE (CAN), won Province Stakes, Exhibition Park. Torque Converter (CAN), winner in Canada and placed second in British Columbia Sprint Championship, Hastings Park, third in Okanagan Handicap, Hastings Park. Faster Feet (CAN), winner in Canada and placed third in British Columbia Stallion Stakes (fillies), Exhibition Park.


60 BOX

Owner: Abdullah Fares A. Al Mansour Dynaformer (USA) Moshaagib (USA) Ensenada (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) June 5th, 2022 Ann's Gold (USA) (2011)

Harlan's Holiday (USA) Dina Gold (USA)


Roberto (USA) Andover Way (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Desert Stormer (USA) Harlan (USA) Christmas In Aiken (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Callie's Clown (USA)

MOSHAAGIB (USA), 2009. Won 2 races. Sire of AETAAK (KSA), ABO ALNAJA (KSA), TWO'EAD (KSA). 1st Dam ANN'S GOLD (USA), won 1 race at 4 years in U.S.A. and £20,004 and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizMOTAWAHESHAH (KSA) (2017 f. by Northern Afleet (USA)), won 2 races at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £32,809 and placed 7 times. FETCHING GOLD (USA) (2016 c. by Atreides (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £21,778 and placed 5 times. Ladelly (KSA) (2018 f. by Lataam (USA)), placed once at 2 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2020 c. by Moshaagib (USA)). (2021 f. by Beethoven (USA)). 2nd Dam DINA GOLD (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingEmerald Gold (USA) (f. by War Front (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A. and £56,951 and placed third in Del Mar Debutante Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1 and J P Morgan Chase Jessamine Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. Blading Gold Ring (USA) (f. by During (USA)), won 3 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £54,182 and placed second in Princess Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of winners. GOLDEN DINA (USA) (f. by Teton Forest (USA)), won 2 races at 2 years in U.S.A. and £34,963; dam of winners. SCOTTY BOY (USA), won Louisiana Cup Juvenile Stakes, Louisiana Downs, R. 3rd Dam CALLIE'S CLOWN (USA), won 1 race at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingRILEYS MONARCH (USA) (f. by Monarchos (USA)), won 4 races in U.S.A. including Lookout Stakes, Delta Downs, R., placed third in La Bred Premier Night Distaff Stakes, Delta Downs, L.R. and Red Camelia Stakes, Fair Grounds, L.R.; dam of a winner. Le Jester (USA) (g. by Pyramid Peak (USA)), won 12 races in U.S.A. and placed third in National Jockey Club Handicap, Hawthorne, Gr.3. CALLIE'S JOY (USA) (f. by Distorted Humor (USA)), won 3 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Fly Friendly Sky (USA), winner in U.S.A., third in Black Gold Stakes, Fair Grounds. 4th Dam Sweet Willa (USA), won 1 race in U.S.A. and placed second in Tanya Stakes, Belmont Park, L. and third in Cameo Stakes, Laurel, L.; Own sister to WILLA ON THE MOVE (USA); dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingHOLBERG (UAE) (g. by Halling (USA)), won 6 races including Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, Tapster Stakes, Goodwood, L., Foundation Stakes, Goodwood, L., placed second in September Stakes, Kempton, Gr.3 and third in Henry II Stakes, Sandown, Gr.2. UNDERMINE (USA) (f. by Miner's Mark (USA)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Anne Arundel Handicap, Laurel, Gr.3, Chou Croute Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., Truly Bound Stakes, Fair Grounds, L., third in Turfway Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3. The next dam WILLAMAE (CAN), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Mill Race Handicap, Keystone Race Track, placed third in Barbara Fritchie Handicap, Bowie, Gr.3; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingWILLA ON THE MOVE (USA) (f. by Assert), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Ashland Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Caesar's Wish Handicap, Pimlico, L., Gay Matelda Stakes, Laurel, L., Moccasin Stakes, Pimlico, L., Marshua Stakes, Laurel, second in Gazelle Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1; dam of winners. WILL'S WAY (USA) (c. by Easy Goer (USA)), won 6 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. LADY REIKO (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Budweiser Calder Breeders' Cup Handicap, Calder, L.; dam of winners. Bethany (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. TIZWAY (USA), won Whitney Invitational Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Metropolitan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Kelso Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2; sire.


61 BOX

Owner: Judaya Zaal M. Aljohani Silver Deputy (CAN) Spring At Last (USA) Winter's Gone (USA)

A BAY FILLY (KSA) January 28th, 2022 Glam Gram (USA) (2014)

Candy Ride (ARG) Free Flying Soul (USA)


Deputy Minister (CAN) Silver Valley (USA) Dynaformer (USA) Stark Winter (USA) Ride The Rails (USA) Candy Girl (ARG) Quiet American (USA) Ruby Surprise (USA)

SPRING AT LAST (USA), 2003. Won 5 races, Donn Handicap, Gr.1, Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, second in Malibu Stakes, Gr.1 and Strub Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of SPRING IN THE AIR (CAN), (Gr.1), ROCKETAZO (USA), (Gr.2), SEANEEN GIRL (USA), (Gr.2), SPRING VENTURE (USA), (Gr.2), COPANO KICKING (USA), (Gr.3), REMEMBERING RITA (USA), (Gr.3), SONG OF SPRING (USA), (Gr.3), VICTOR KALEJS (USA), (L.), LINE JUDGE (USA), (L.) etc. 1st Dam GLAM GRAM (USA), unraced; dam of One Winner from 3 runners from 3 foals of racing age including. Maleyah (KSA) (2021 f. by Power Broker (USA)), Won once placed once at 2 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, her only start. Lae Youn Nizham (KSA), by spring at last (USA), placed once from two starts only. 2nd Dam FREE FLYING SOUL (USA), won 6 races at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £280,074 including Desert Stormer Handicap, Hollywood Park, Kalookan Queen Handicap, Santa Anita, Winter Stakes, Hollywood Park, R., Louis R Rowan Stakes, Santa Anita, R., placed second in A Gleam Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Las Flores Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and third in Santa Monica Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup F&M Sprint, Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingFLYING CONNECTION (USA) (f. by Nyquist (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 in U.S.A. and £275,370 including Sunland Park Oaks, Sunland Park, L., Charles taylor Derby L. Island Fashion Stakes, Sunland Park, Zia Park Princess Stakes, Zia Park, placed second in Torrey Pines Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.3. SOARING BIRD (USA) (g. by Tapizar (USA)), won 9 races to 2023 in U.S.A. and £306,592. 3rd Dam RUBY SURPRISE (USA), won 12 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Humana Distaff Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Turfway Breeders' Cup Handicap, Turfway Park, Gr.3, Iowa Distaff Stakes, Prairie Meadows, L., Wabash Stakes, Hoosier Park, L., placed second in Turfway Breeders' Cup Stakes, Turfway Park, Gr.3, HBPA Handicap, Ellis Park, L. (twice), Pippin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. and third in Carousel Handicap, Oaklawn Park, L. and Bayakoa Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L.; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingFREE FLYING SOUL (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)), see above. Lady Stonewall (USA) (f. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed third in Dixie Belle Stakes, Oaklawn Park. 4th Dam Santa Rosalia (USA), won 3 races in U.S.A. and placed third in Moonbeam Handicap, Detroit; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingRUBY SURPRISE (USA) (f. by Farma Way (USA)), see above. The next dam RATTLING FOOL (USA), won 13 races in U.S.A. including Michigan Futurity, Detroit, second in Lansing Stakes, Hazel Park, R.; Own sister to FOOLS DANCE (USA); dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingDICE CUP (CAN) (f. by Vice Regent (CAN)), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Whimsical Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., Poinciana Handicap, Hialeah Park, placed second in Hendrie Handicap, Woodbine, L. and Seaway Stakes, Woodbine, L.R.; dam of winners. FLYING STANDBY (USA), won Playa del Rey Stakes, Hollywood Park, L., placed second in Inverness Drive Stakes, Del Mar, L. and third in Chrysler California Cup Sprint Handicap, Santa Anita, L. and Hyannis Port Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Yatzee (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of DER ALI (USA), won Quicken Tree Stakes, Hollywood Park, R. GRUB'S DANCER (USA) (f. by Grub (USA)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. SARATOGA COUNTY (USA), won Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, General George Handicap, Laurel, Gr.2, Mr Prospector Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Gotham Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, placed second in Spectacular Bid Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and third in Hutcheson Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2.




Owner: Khaled Assad Joher A P Indy (USA) Quarto (USA) Octave (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) February 24th, 2022 Bint Lama (KSA) (2011)

Kappa (USA) Lama Alriyadh (KSA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Unbridled's Song (USA) Belle Nuit (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Coup de Genie (USA) Mujahid (USA) Tamelia (USA)

QUARTO (USA), 2009. Won 1 race. Sire of HELMEE (KSA), THARWEE (KSA), ALMASHLOOF (KSA), ALTHAHAB ALASHQAR (KSA), ABO SHAIKHAH (KSA), LUFFY (KSA), THABAT ALAEQL (KSA). 1st Dam BINT LAMA (KSA), won 1 race in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £12,742 and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age. 2nd Dam LAMA ALRIYADH (KSA), won 6 races at 2, 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £123,324; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingALSHEHAB ALTHAKEB (KSA) (c. by Lataam (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £27,718. 3rd Dam TAMELIA (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingLAMA ALRIYADH (KSA) (f. by Mujahid (USA)), see above. 4th Dam TATHKARA (USA), unraced; Own sister to TALINUM (USA); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age includingTUMBLEWEED GLORY (IRE) (g. by Marju (IRE)), won 1 race at 3 years and placed 7 times. The next dam WATER LILY (FR), won 4 races at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. including Next Move Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L.; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingTALINUM (USA) (c. by Alydar (USA)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. including Flamingo Stakes, Hialeah Park, Gr.1, Stuyvesant Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.2, Bold Reason Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.3, placed second in Remsen Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.1, third in Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1; sire. Gharam (USA) (f. by Green Dancer (USA)), won 1 race at 2 years and placed second in Sweet Solera Stakes, Newmarket, L. and third in Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1 and Ribblesdale Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2; dam of winners. ASALEEB (GB), 2 races at 3 years; dam of TAJMEEL (AUS), won Betting World Gold Circle Oaks, Clairwood, Gr.2. NIYABAH (IRE), 1 race at 3 years; dam of CROC VALLEY (SAF), won Prix du Cap, Kenilworth, Gr.3; grandam of THIRD RUNWAY (SAF), won Western Cape Fillies Championship, Kenilworth, Gr.2, third in Cape Filly Guineas, Kenilworth, Gr.1. Mamma Morton (IRE), placed 3 times; dam of MAMMAS GIRL (GB), 2 races at 2 and 3 years, 2023 including Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. KELLY POND (USA) (f. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), won 2 races in U.S.A.; dam of winners. WOLF MAN ROCKET (USA), won Northern Spur Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. GARDEN FLOWER (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Rosa Carolina (USA), unraced; grandam of ATLANTE (AUS), won Sothys New Zealand 2000 Guineas, Riccarton Park, Gr.1; sire. Noble Lily (USA) (f. by Vaguely Noble), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of winners. SIMEON (GB), 7 races at home and in U.S.A. including Classic Trial, Sandown, Gr.3, placed third in Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1. NOBLE ROSE (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years including Park Hill Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of NOTABILITY (IRE), 3 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in Germany including Darley Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, placed second in Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, SIMON DE MONTFORT (IRE), 6 races in France and in U.A.E. including Prix La Force, ParisLongchamp, Gr.3. NOCTILUCENT (JPN), 3 races in France including Prix Urban Sea, Lion-d'Angers, L. Hamaya (USA) (f. by Mr Prospector (USA)), ran once at 3 years; dam of winners. WAQUAAS (GB), 17 races in Norway and in Sweden including Polar Million Cup, Ovrevoll, Gr.3 and Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, Gr.3. Evening Primrose (USA) (f. by Dayjur (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. GREAT NOTION (USA), won Southwest Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L., placed second in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1; sire.




Owner: Moutib Thwab A. Almluah A P Indy (USA) Commissioner (USA) Flaming Heart (USA)

A BAY COLT (KSA) January 26th, 2022 Mo Athirah (KSA) (2010)

Officer (USA) Maya Jambalaya (USA)


Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Touch Gold (USA) Hot Lear (USA) Bertrando (USA) St Helens Shadow (USA) Jambalaya Jazz (USA) Lady of Beauty (USA)

COMMISSIONER (USA), 2011. Won 5 races, Hawthorne Gold Cup Handicap, Gr.2, Pimlico Special Stakes, Gr.3, Skip Away Stakes, Gr.3, second in Belmont Stakes, Gr.1 and Peter Pan Stakes, Gr.2. Sire of BOARDROOM (USA), (Gr.2), COMMISSIONER KING (USA), (Gr.3), CON LIMA (USA), (Gr.3), ISLAND COMMISH (USA), (Gr.3), COACH (USA), (L.), MAGICAL GALILEA (VEN), (L.), DREAMALILDREAMOFU (USA), (S), BANG ON (CAN), (S), TWO LAST WORDS (USA), (S), SOROS (USA), (S) etc. 1st Dam MO ATHIRAH (KSA), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of 2 runners from 4 foals of racing age. 2nd Dam MAYA JAMBALAYA (USA), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,198; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizSTRONGEST (USA) (g. by Strong Contender (USA)), won 3 races at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £50,953. MILAR (KSA) (f. by Chief Havoc (USA)), won 1 race at 6 years, 2022 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £11,531. 3rd Dam LADY OF BEAUTY (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age includingBLUE ULURU (IRE) (f. by Choisir (AUS)), won 6 races at 2 to 4 years including Abergwaun Stakes, Tipperary, L. The next dam DANZIG'S BEAUTY (USA), won 3 races at 2 years in U.S.A. including Gardenia Stakes, Meadowlands, Gr.2, placed second in Acorn Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingDISTORTED HUMOR (USA) (c. by Forty Niner (USA)), won 8 races at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. including Churchill Downs Handicap, Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.2, Ack Ack Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Salvator Mile Handicap, Monmouth Park, Gr.3, Screen King Stakes, Saratoga, L., placed second in Jerome Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2 and third in Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1; champion sire. DANCING GULCH (USA) (f. by Gulch (USA)), won 7 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. including Shocker T Handicap, Calder, L., Cut The Charm Handicap, Calder, Coconut Grove Stakes, Hialeah Park, placed third in Turfway Breeders' Cup Handicap, Turfway Park, Gr.2 and Charon Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of winners. DANZIG'S DREAMER (USA) (f. by Rubiano (USA)), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. LIAM'S DREAM (USA), won Cicada Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Wonders Delight Stakes, Penn National, L.R., placed third in Forward Gal Stakes, Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of Local Hero (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in The Vid Stakes, Gulfstream Park and third in twinspires.com Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2 and Risen Star Stakes, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. Holdontoyourdream (USA), winner in U.S.A. and third in Comely Stakes, Aqueduct, Gr.2; dam of TIGHTLY TWISTED (USA), won Big Dreyfus Stakes, Pimlico. EGYPTIAN MAGIC (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Latte Lizzie (USA), placed at 2 years, 2023 in U.S.A. including third in Juvenile Sprint Stakes, Kentucky Downs, L. MOON DREAMER (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of MEDIA LUNA (USA), won Clasico Dia de la Mujer, Camarero Race Track, L., Clasico Versets Jet, Camarero Race Track, L. and Clasico Dia de la Raza, Camarero Race Track, L. Daddy's Dreamgirl (USA), unraced; dam of Easy Shot (USA), winner to 2022 in U.S.A. and placed third in Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3. One Beautiful Lady (USA) (f. by Broad Brush (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; grandam of ANAFELI (PER), won Clasico Miguel Fort Magot, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3. Sparky Three (USA) (f. by Monarchos (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. Criminal Mischief (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed third in Purple Martin Stakes, Oaklawn Park, L. Danzig's Humor (USA) (f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. ONE WAY (VEN), won Clasico Comparacion, La Rinconada, L. FREELY (VEN), won Copa My Own Business, La Rinconada, L. Command Post (USA), winner, third in Long Branch Stakes, Monmouth Park, L.




Owner: Abdullah Ibrahym AlAbdalwahab Giant's Causeway (USA)

A CHESNUT COLT (KSA) February 17th, 2022

Cogito (USA) Ladies Cruise (USA) All On The Table (USA) (2008)

Holy Bull (USA) Table the Motion (USA)


Storm Cat (USA) Mariah's Storm (USA) Fappiano (USA) Youthful Lady (USA) Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Settlement Day (USA) Credendum (USA)

COGITO (USA), 2009. Won 2 races, Heron Stakes, L., second in Prix Eugène Adam, Gr.2. First crop now 7 year olds. 1st Dam All On The Table (USA), won 5 races at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £117,066 and placed 7 times including second in Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park and third in Bangles and Beads Stakes, Fairplex Park; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizRAGAZZA VELOCE (USA) (2016 f. by Temple City (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years in U.S.A. and £15,205 and placed 5 times. MRS GREEN (USA) (2019 f. by Midnight Storm (USA)), won 2 races at 3 years, 2022 in U.S.A. and £143,372 and placed 3 times. WORKING THE TABLE (USA) (2018 g. by Outwork (USA)), won 1 race at 3 years in Canada and £16,730 and placed 4 times. Nayel Al Aez (KSA) (2020 c. by Street Boss (USA)), ran 3 times in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 2 and 3 years, 2023. 2nd Dam TABLE THE MOTION (USA), won 26 races at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £187,821 including Miss Kansas City Handicap, Woodlands; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 5 foals of racing age includingAll On The Table (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), see above. 3rd Dam CREDENDUM (USA), ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingTABLE THE MOTION (USA) (f. by Settlement Day (USA)), see above. 4th Dam HAVE NO DOUBT (USA), won 2 races in U.S.A.; Own sister to RIGHT ON (USA); dam of four winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing age includingKid Lousiana (USA) (c. by Rare Brick (USA)), won 10 races abroad and placed second in Clasico Inaugural, Hipodromo de Las Americas, L. and Clasico Windsor, Hipodromo de Las Americas, L. Lady Obie (USA) (f. by Gallant Romeo (USA)), unraced; dam of winners. OBIEDA (USA), won Tah Dah Stakes, River Downs; dam of SAHMMY FALLS (USA), won Michigan Futurity (c&g), Pinnacle Race Course, R. The next dam BELIEVE ME, won 1 race in U.S.A.; Own sister to MOSLEM CHIEF; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingRIGHT ON (USA) (c. by Never Bend), won 6 races in U.S.A. including Appleton Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, placed third in Burlingame Stakes, Bay Meadows. PURE AND SIMPLE (g. by Nashua), won 7 races in U.S.A. including Chicago Handicap, Hawthorne, Spring Handicap, Monmouth Park. SALESMAN PRIOR (g. by Royal Charger), won 17 races in U.S.A. including Decoration Day Stakes, Hazel Park, placed second in Hawthorne Juvenile Stakes, Hawthorne. ADVISE (f. by Turn-To), won 1 race in U.S.A.; dam of winners. NEW LEAF (USA), won Pucker Up Handicap, Arlington and Wilshire Stakes, Hollywood Park. Strictly Speaking (USA) (f. by Fleet Nasrullah), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. ELOCUTIONIST (USA), won Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr.2, Hawthorne Juvenile Stakes, Hawthorne, Gr.3, placed third in Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; champion sire. Love Words (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; grandam of SCRIBANO (GB), won Corsa dell'Arno Limited Handicap, Florence, L., Premio Conte Felice Scheibler, Rome, L., Premio Fiuggi, Rome, L., placed third in Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1; sire, BEDSIDE STORY (GB), Jt Champion 3yr old filly in Italy in 1997, 5 races at 3 and 4 years in Italy including Premio Baggio, Milan, L., Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L., placed second in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.2. Quick To Learn (USA) (f. by Pronto), unraced; dam of winners. ACT ONE (USA), won Prix Berteux, Chantilly, Gr.3, placed third in Prix Royal-Oak, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1; sire.




Speightstown (USA) ALWALIAH (USA) February 17th, 2022 A Chesnut Filly


Owner: FMQ Stables

Speightster (USA) Dance Swiftly (CAN) Curl the Pearl (USA) (2014)

Curlin (USA) Sea Gift (USA)

Gone West (USA) Silken Cat (CAN) Danzig (USA) Classy 'n Smart (CAN) Smart Strike (CAN) Sherriff's Deputy (USA) A P Indy (USA) Ocean Queen (USA)

SPEIGHTSTER (USA), 2012. Won 3 races, Dwyer Stakes, Gr.3. Sire of STRAIGHT NO CHASER (USA), (Gr.3), HOT AND SULTRY (USA), (L.), LUCKY FOUR (USA), (L.), MAJESTIC D'ORO (USA), (L.), DREAMING OF DREW (CAN), (L.), AUBRIETA (CAN), (L.), HOWGREATISNATE (USA), (S), COUNT DE MONET (USA), (S), TANTRUM (USA), (S), DOOR BUSTER (USA), (S), THAT KENNEY KID (USA), (S), Union Lake (USA), (Gr.2), Tough To Tame (USA), (Gr.3), Silverleaf (USA), (Gr.3) etc. 1st Dam CURL THE PEARL (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £45,968; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age vizAL WALII (USA) (2019 c. by Hard Spun (USA)), won 4 races at 3 and 4 years, 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £36,243 and placed 5 times. She also has a 2023 filly by Caravaggio (USA). 2nd Dam SEA GIFT (USA), won 1 race at 3 years, her only start; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age includingCHITU (USA) (c. by Henny Hughes (USA)), won 4 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £360,806 including Sunland Derby, Sunland Park, Gr.3, Damascus Stakes, Santa Anita, placed second in Robert B Lewis Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2 and third in Malibu Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. BEAUTIFUL GIFT (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £132,334 including Santa Ysabel Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.3, placed second in Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 3rd Dam OCEAN QUEEN (USA), won 4 races at 3 years in U.S.A. including Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup Derby, Bay Meadows, Gr.3 and Blooming Hills Ranch Handicap, Bay Meadows; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age includingCherry Baby (USA) (f. by Aragorn (IRE)), won 3 races abroad and placed second in Clasico Santorin, Hipodromo de Monterrico, Gr.3. Bicoastal (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and placed second in Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners. SMART OCEAN (USA) (f. by Mr Greeley (USA)), won 1 race in Japan; dam of winners. SMART DANDY (JPN), won Coral Stakes, Hanshin, L. (twice). Smart Lien (JPN), winner to 2023 in Japan and placed second in Yonago Stakes, Hanshin, L., Tanigawadake Stakes, Niigata, L., Sweetpea Stakes, Tokyo, L. Smart C'Est La Vie (JPN), winner to 2023 in Japan and placed second in Fukushima Minyu Cup, Fukushima, L. Ocean Sound (USA) (f. by Pulpit (USA)), ran in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of winners. Queen of Scat (USA), winner in U.S.A. and placed second in Dueling Grounds Oaks, Kentucky Downs. Siren's Assult (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of FAST SENSATIONS (VEN), won Clasico Gelinotte, La Rinconada, L., Clasico Simon Rodriguez, La Rinconada, L. The next dam RIVER JIG (USA), won 2 races at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy including Premio Fausta, Rome, L., placed second in Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr.3; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 13 foals of racing age includingDANCE PARADE (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)), won 7 races at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. including Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2, Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Queen Mary Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Autumn Days Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Las Cienegas Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of winners. LEADING LIGHT (IRE), Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 2013, 8 races at 2 to 4 years including St Leger Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.1, Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1, Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, Vintage Crop Stakes, Navan, Gr.3, placed second in Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. JIG (IRE) (f. by Catrail (USA)), won 5 races at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. including La Zanzara Stakes, Hollywood Park, L.R.; dam of winners. Treasure Trove (USA) (f. by The Minstrel (CAN)), placed 4 times at 2 years; dam of winners. TOYLSOME (GB), 16 races in France and in Germany including Prix de la Forêt, ParisLongchamp, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.3; sire. CORAL MIST (GB), 2 races at 2 years including Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr.3.


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