US Equestrian Magazine

Page 34


Competition Evaluation & Compliance

“We want to work with managers and officials to help people have the best experience possible and help make sure that they feel safe and that their horses are safe,” said Director of Compliance Debbie Saliling.


US Equestrian licensed competitions are required to maintain a level of quality and service for participants in order to maintain their affiliation. When an aspect of a competition’s facilities or related services isn’t up to standard, the path to resolution goes through the dedicated staff within US Equestrian’s Competition Licensing, Evaluation & Safety and Compliance departments. US Equestrian licenses more than 2,300 competitions held across the nation annually and uses a diverse system of feedback to evaluate the performance of these events. There are three ways that competitions undergo performance evaluations: post-competition reports from USEF licensed officials, Compliance Department staff ’s on-site evaluations, and

USEF member feedback through the evaluation process. US Equestrian members are empowered to advocate for themselves and their horses for a safe and fair competition by completing a confidential Competition and Licensed Officials Evaluation. Competitor feedback is a vital component of the competition evaluation


By Leslie Potter

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