umping an 80cm course may not take much work for the average horse, but what can we do to help
ensure we’re riding a happy, healthy
Fit to go: show jumping
athlete? How much cantering should you do? What speed should you train at? It is a bit like the human fitness space, there are so many options. Should you do HIIT, weightlifting, running or Pilates? Similar to people, variety of training helps to provide a solid foundation. Let’s break down fitness into different components. There’s the cardiovascular fitness needed to maintain the speed
In Part One of CHARLIE BRISTER’S two part fitness series, he offers some expert thoughts on how to prepare your equine athlete for the show jumping ring.
and impulsion of the canter throughout your round. Then there’s the strength your horse needs to push from the hind end when taking off for an obstacle. Finally, there’s the conditioning necessary to prevent injury – which