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Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative

Status Quo of Pilot Cities – Mexico
The information presented below refers to the state of Tlaxcala because there is no specific information for the City. During the 2005-2009 period, the inventory shows an increase in GHG emissions of approximately 20.9%, reaching 3,593.2 Gg of CO2 in 2009, which means an average annual growth rate of 4.9%. In terms of CO2 eq, GHG emissions per capita increased by 13.8% in the same period (annual growth rate of 3.3%: 2.8 tons of CO2 in 2005 and 3.2 tons of CO2 in 2009). The main sources of emissions, categories and subcategories are detailed in the following table.
The following graph shows that the category that contributes most to GHG emissions is Energy; it includes transport and the burning of fossil fuels, among others, and its behavior pattern is similar to the pattern of emissions that are causing climate change worldwide. The Waste category is the second largest source of emissions. This is a great opportunity for action within the city.
Source: Tlaxcala State Action Programme on Climate Change, 2014.
Gender into Urban Climate Change

Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative

Source: Tlaxcala State Action Programme on Climate Change, 2014.
4.5. The city’s response to climate change
4.5.1. Local governance and services
The municipality of Tlaxcala is governed by a City Council25 , composed of the Municipal President, a councilor (síndico), 7 aldermen (regidores), as well as the who, meeting in municipal council (cabildo), make agreements, approve public policy, the police and good government sides, the laws, the annual budget; it is their responsibility to decide on territorial aspects, authorize public works, oversee that public officials carry out their duties and promote public policies that promote gender equality among other powers indicated in Article 33 of the Municipal Law. The City Council also organizes itself into commissions to follow up on the different areas and problems. In the case of the municipality of Tlaxcala, its seven aldermen are organized into nine commissions, which include a president, secretary and two members.
For this project, it has been considered relevant to take into account the commissions on Urban Development, Public Works and Ecology, Agricultural Development and Human Rights and Gender Equality, firstly because these commissions are the ones who have the information regarding the situation of the public administration on climate change and gender issues, and secondly because they are the ones who have the function of proposing public policies, approving them and generating the related regulations before the City Council.