Equine Online spring bumper issue!

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Equine Online

Spring Bumper Issue 2017


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some exciting new sections

PAGE 37 - EO Buy & $ell - Looking to sell horses or some gear or trying to find something inparticular? Use our Buy & $ell page to do just that. Free for the first month then $2 per listing per month after that. You can sell multiple items in one listing. Pictures and info must be supplied, Email hayley@equineonline.co.nz

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EDITOR Hayley Clarke

From the Editor

CONTRIBUTORS Courtney Clarke Ashleigh Davis Hayley Clarke NZ Harness Media Grace Gray Virginia Caro Steve Clarke Lucinda Murray-Willow Ashleigh Sanderson

COVER IMAGE Equine Online Maddie Collins Fundraiser Show - Lucinda Murray-Willow

It’s been a busy couple of months so the

This month we have an exciting

team here at Equine Online have decided

giveaway competition with Somerset

to combine all of the happenings into

Racing Stables & Equestrian as well as

one big Spring bumper issue so you

some details on how to get in to the

can catch up on everything all at once!

Equine Online 2018 Directory! We offer

The days are finally getting warmer and

super cheap prices so it is definitely not

longer which leaves us plenty of time

an opportunity to be missed!

to spend with our horses and ponies.

We also have a Christmas giveaway

And isn’t that Spring grass giving them

announcement coming soon... so keep

all such a kick at the moment! Our boys

your eye out for that (hint - start getting


are hooning around the paddock every

some cute horse snaps!) I’m sure you’re

We would love to hear from you. Send us an email

night before feed time! My two race

all having fun with the horses now

horses have just come back into work

and soaking up the sun when you can!

which means getting up early again each

Enjoy! Oh and don’t forget to add us on

morning to get them worked before I

Snapchat and Insta! Links below!

head off to work and Ben my hack will

x y e ayl

be getting the saddle back on very soon after a wee break over Winter.




What’s in this issue? 6

Super League kicks off


Latest HRNZ NZ Cup & Dominion rankings


Our foaling midwife is back!


Grace Gray has two lots of breeding profiles for us in this edition!


Steve Clarke makes his writing debut with a piece from the Riccarton Park gallops







Photo Amanda Pottinger and Just Kidding - By Barbara Thompson

The first event of the ESNZ Eventing Super League season kicks off at The Fiber Fresh National Equestrian Centre, Taupo, this coming weekend, 7-8 October. As always at the beginning of a competition year, there are new horse and rider combinations to watch with interest, as well as those stepping up to new heights. Following a “wild” dressage test at Hastings last weekend, Clarke Johnstone will not compete his Rio Olympic mount Balmoral Sensation, opting instead to limit ‘Ritchie’ to a demonstration dressage competition of the Eventing CCI4* test.


Johnstone was not unhappy with the horse, saying, “He is very fresh, and loving being out again,” so the plan is to prepare him for the Adelaide CCI4* next month. Joining Johnstone in the 4* demonstration dressage will be Oceania team members Andy Daines and Spring Panorama, Young Rider Oceania team members Renee Faulkner and Rubinstar HH, and Bundy Philpott on Tresca NZPH. Philpott (Cambridge) was previously based in the UK, and since returning home has been patiently preparing youngsters who are now reaching the top levels.

The Super League class, the NRM CIC3*, has attracted eight entries, including Amanda Pottinger (Havelock Nth) on Just Kidding, who had the satisfaction of winning the Lumberjack Logging CNC2* Plus at Hastings, ahead of Johnstone on Balmoral Sensation. Daines (Kumeu) on Spring Panorama, who won the Taupo leg of the Super League last year, and Faulkner (Papakura) on Rubinstar HH, also start. Donna Edwards-Smith (Te Kauwhata) has three horses entered, including last year’s winner of the Super League

series, the diminutive but very consistent palomino DSE Mr Hokey Pokey, as well as DSE Cluny and DSE Tangolooma, both back at the top after previous setbacks. Samantha Felton (Matangi) has Ricker Ridge Rui entered, although her two top horses, National CIC3* Champion Ricker Ridge Escada and Oceania team horse Ricker Ridge Pico Boo have yet to appear at elite level this season. The field is completed by Brooke Campbell riding Freddy Dash, stepping up to 3* after winning the National CIC2* Championship at Kihikihi in April. The NRM CIC2* class has a quality entry of twenty-nine combinations, and competition will be keen at this level as riders vie for points in the Equissage Pro-Am series. Last year’s series winners, Madison Crowe (Matangi) and Waitangi Pinterest, will have Pottinger riding Holly Morrell’s Pampero to contend with. Morrell (Taupo) and Pampero were runners up in the Pro-Am series last year.

Check out this FACEBOOK page for the inspiring journey of a girl who wants to become a Para-olympian.

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Johnstone, although not eligible for the Pro-Am series, also contests this class with In Disguise and Kate Wood’s Wolf Whistle II, both well performed and likely to set a high standard. Veteran Bryce Newman (Bulls), a former international now training racehorses, has two promising young horses in Bates Our Entourage and Bates Game Keeper, who placed 2nd and 3rd at Hastings last weekend. Philpott has Tresca NZPH entered in this class, with others to watch being Young Rider Oceania team members Vicky Browne-Cole (Waiuku) and her lovely grey Eli, and former Young Rider champion Sarah Young (Tokoroa) on Leo Degas. Points in the PEL Amateur Rider and Mitavite Young Rider series will also be earned at Taupo. The dressage and showjumping takes place on Saturday at the Fiber Fresh National Equestrian Centre, Aratiatia, near Taupo, and the cross-country on Sunday.








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some exciting new sections

PAGE 37 - EO Buy & $ell - Looking to sell horses or some gear or trying to find something inparticular? Use our Buy & $ell page to do just that. Free for the first month then $2 per listing per month after that. You can sell multiple items in one listing. Pictures and info must be supplied, Email hayley@equineonline.co.nz

COMING SOON - Check it out - Wanting to advertise your small business but not wanting to spend a heap of money? We’ve got the solution for you! Advertise in our ‘Check it out’ section for just $20 a month. Additional costs will apply if you are wanting us to produce your advertisement. Get in touch at hayley@equineonline.co.nz for more details.

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the horse midwife

Stage three labour in the mare Column - ASHLEIGH DAVIS Equine Online is excited to have Ashleigh Davis on board to write a monthly column about Foal Education. Ashleigh is a well established ‘horse midwife’ who will bring us plenty of knowledge through her monthly columns. You can find out more about Ashleigh’s FoalEd business on her Facebook page or by emailing her. www.facebook.com/FoalEd info@foaled.co.nz

Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well.

‘normal’ bracket, and some don’t. Some

assistance – particularly if they’re trying to

The foals are hitting the ground thick and

mares can take much longer to pass their

stand in a muddy paddock and are having

fast now – some showing the typical signs

placenta, while others can pass theirs as

trouble getting traction. In this instance a

of foaling and others not so much, but

soon as they stand up after foaling. In

small amount of support behind your foal

that just comes with the territory when

this situation, while it is technically the

once they get upright may be useful (just

we’re foaling – it’s all part of the fun.

end of Stage Three Labour in a textbook

be careful once you let them go as they

Over the last couple of months we

sense, in reality there are still a number of

have a tendency to lean back on you and

have looked at Stage One and Stage Two

milestones that must be achieved before

forget you’re not part of them!).

Labour. Last month in Stage Two Labour

Stage Three Labour really ends.

Once the foal is up and walking around it

we looked at the correct position of the

The first milestone you want to observe is

should be looking to drink pretty quickly.

foal for delivery and how to land them

the foal moving into sternal recumbency

Initially the foal may try to suckle off

safely on the ground (all going well).

within the first five minutes of being born.

anything that gets in its way – including

So once your foal is on the ground that’s

Sternal recumbency refers to the position

the wrong part of the mare, walls, and

the hardest part sorted right? Not so

your dog often lies in – body on the side

even you on occasion if you happen

much. Getting your foal on the ground

but chest and head upright.

to be around. Their instincts are pretty

safely is definitely a huge part of the battle won – but there’s still a way to go.

Ideally you will see a suckle reflex from your foal within the first 20 minutes.

amazing though – and they’re pretty good at finding their way to the milk

Stage Three Labour is the ‘post foaling’

Standing up is the next thing for your

bar. Sometimes it can take a while to get

period and involves a number of

foal to tick off its list. Foals can stand as

to the right end and get the right angle.

milestones, some for the mare but mostly

quickly as 30 – 45 minutes after foaling,

How long the foal takes to find the right

for the foal. It begins at the end of Stage

but some may take as long as an hour and

spot can also depend on the shape of the

2 Labour once the foal is delivered and

a half. Often fillies stand in a shorter time

teat (amongst other things) and how easy

starts breathing, and ends (technically)

frame than colts. Your foal will be walking

it is to find.

when the mare passes her placenta. This

pretty quickly after getting itself up.

To help your foal out it doesn’t hurt to

is based off the average mare taking

Most of the time they’re pretty good

milk out the mare a little and rub some

2-3 hours to pass her placenta. As with

at getting themselves up, however

milk around the teat to help get the foal

anything, some mares fall into the

on occasion they may require some

in the right place. As many of you may


know it is very difficult to just ‘put’ a foal’s

to absorb the antibodies in the mare’s

bottle feed the foal at that point as a one-

head in the right place and any pressure

colostrum (the foal relies on these as it

off. This is a personal decision that is up to

in one direction will be met with a lot

is born without antibodies) decreases

you to decide whether you want to do so,

of resistance in the other direction. The

significantly. Failure to take on adequate

and at what point, but for me I feel much

best thing to do is to be patient and do

levels of colostrum can lead to a number

more comfortable knowing the foal has

your best to guide your foal (if it needs it)

of issues in a foal. We will look at colostrum

had at least one good drink before that

without getting pushy.

specifically in a separate post at some

two and a half hour mark. We can then

It is important that the foal drinks as

point in the future. If the foal is struggling

resume the hunt for the teat once the foal

soon as possible, ideally around the two

to find milk at the two to two and a half

has had that drink. In the breeding world

hour post-birth mark. The reason for

hour mark my practice has always been to

we refer to this as ‘getting the foal on the

this is because as the foal ages its ability

strip milk off the mare into a bottle and



The last big milestone for the foal is the

still new and confused by everything).

as quickly as when the mare stands up,

passing of meconium (the first poo). This

This enema helps to lubricate the foal’s

however it can take a lot longer. Often

can sometimes happen while the foal is

rectum and assist in the passing of the

difficulties arise when the amniotic sac

still lying on the ground after being born –

meconium. Many human products can

(white bag) is torn away from the rest

this is ideal because it’s easier to see than

be used for foals – including Fleet (half a

of the placenta in the foaling as this

trying to hunt through the paddock or

bottle to one Thoroughbred sized foal),

amniotic sac naturally provides weight to

box for the poo later, and also the sooner

Coloxyl and Microlax amongst other

assist in passing the placenta.

it happens then that means it’s one less

options. On the rare occasion where the

If a mare has not passed her placenta

thing to worry about.

foal hasn’t defecated within the first four

within 6-8 hours post foaling then it is

The first poo a foal passes can be very

hours of life it is advisable to contact

advisable to contact a vet. NEVER UNDER

hard and pallet/stone like – similar to

the vet for advice, as they may need to


sheep poo only harder. This can make it

intervene and assist to avoid further


very difficult for the foal to push it out.

complications from meconium impaction

to cause a significant injury to your mare

To assist with this the foal is often given


in doing so. Please contact a vet and let

an enema not long after being born (you

Theoretically the last milestone that

only need to try giving an enema to an

occurs in Stage Three Labour is the

Once the mare has passed her placenta

active foal that’s found its feet once to

passing of the placenta. As I mentioned,

it is important to check it over for any

understand why we do it when the foal is

this may sometimes happen on its own

noticeable holes or missing pieces.


them manage it.

If you’re not sure what you’re looking for please hold on to your placenta and get a vet to check it the next day. Pieces of retained placenta inside the mare can cause her to get very ill, very quickly. Retained placenta is normally characterised





discharge in the day/s post-foaling and needs to be treated by a vet urgently if it is identified. Stage Three Labour has a lot of important milestones that need to be passed so if you’re expecting a foal it may pay to make note of these milestones and record the time of your foal’s birth, as well as the time each milestone is achieved. The FoalEd App is not too far away and will provide you with prompts and notifications regarding milestones, as well as the ability to store them digitally so keep a close eye out for that! If you want more information on foaling, including a lot of what is contained in The Horse Midwife posts (in more detail and with more information and images etc.) you can waitlist yourself for our Intro to Foaling Online Course (which is launching in October) at www.onlinetraining.foaled. co.nz FoalEd will also be attending Equidays at Mystery Creek this year presenting alongside Equus Education so please pop along and say hi – would love to see you. Until then, happy foaling all!

Please feel free to check out our Website (www.FoalEd.co.nz) or Facebook Support Group (www.facebook.com/groups/foaledsupportgroup), or download our free Foaling Roadmap at www.foaled.co.nz/getfoalingroadmap


kuda guru



If you would like to follow my travels, thoughts, blogs and learn more you can follow my Facebook page, www.facebook.com/Kudaguru or my new and improved website will be up and running this month at www.kudaguru.com

Why I am thinking of osmosis? Recently I arrived at a new yard to teach for the day,

sloppy lackadaisical riders who will not

see something, we learn to do it, by

care how their horses are ridden or

copying. Think of kids – they learn to feed

presented. When I had a riding school, I

themselves, stand up and walk, pass the

was the instructor who was always saying,

book etc by watching the adults around

no, you cannot ride without your jacket

them. They learn to speak through hearing

because it is hot; no, you cannot ride

adults around them, and copying. Does a

with loose hair; no, you cannot go to the

child who learns English understand that

show and not plait. The judge has taken

they are speaking English? Does a child

the time to come and judge you, respect

speaking Japanese wonder why they

them by being plaited. It is self-respect as

don’t speak French? Of course not. They

much as following the rules.

learn by listening, watching, copying. It

And, in a similar manner, every country

is not a conscious effort or thought to

produces their own riders, styled and

follow a particular route or language, you

trained by the riders who have gone

just do what you see. When teaching a rider to do rising trot, it

before them.

always fun to go somewhere for the first

I spent a couple of weeks at a large

is so much easier if they can watch another

time. The first rider appeared in the arena,

dealer’s yard in Germany, trialling for a job

rider who can already do a good job of it.

beautifully turned out. The horse was

that I decided wasn’t for me. But, I found

But, if that showing rider rises with a twist,

nicely clipped, wearing clean, supple tack,

the riders fascinating. There would be 30

the learner rider often develops the same

with a properly brushed out mane and

riders working their horses in the indoor

twist. So, your new learner rider starts off

tail, well shod and in great condition. The

arena, and without talking to any of them,

at the riding school, watching the older

rider had polished boots, clean and tidy

hearing which language they spoke, you

and more experienced riders. These more

breeches with a well fitted shirt tucked

could tell where they came from.

experienced riding school riders tend to

in, hair tied up with an approved hard

The German riders – well, they were

watch the instructors ride, and are often

hat. Everything was absolutely correct,


Very disciplined, sitting

watching their national team riders on

and well presented. The next rider came

vertical and tall, correct in their position,

TV or in magazines. Certainly the riding

in, just as well turned out. Every rider

strong in body and regimented in their

school instructors are watching the

who came in, was turned out in the same

horse training.

Everything is correct,

country’s top level riders. Because of how

way. I was very impressed, and wondered

nothing is left to chance and their horses

we learn, monkey see, monkey do, we

about how this had happened, until their

are as solid and held as they are.

then tend to copy those national riders.

instructor came in for the last lesson of

The French riders ride with verve and

the day. She was turned out just the same

Sometimes it is taught – German riders

flair, softer, smoother and light in seat,

are taught the German way, but small

their horses tending to be more forward,

nuances, mannerisms, subtle changes

a little longer and more forward in their

are inherited, like it or not. The good and

frame, swinging along in a looser manner.

the bad, the stuff we want and the stuff

– neat and tidy, horse as he would be at a competition, (except of course, no plaits). Then, it dawned on me that this particular instructor respected herself, respected her horse, her sport and her clients enough to put the time and effort in, to be correctly presented, and this dedication

Italian riders were similar, with slightly different style and balance and their horses have joie de vivre about them.

would rather not…. I often arrive at a new, unknown yard, and teach 4, 5, 6 riders, who all have

had rubbed off onto all of her pupils. If I

The British riders tend towards a good ol’

lessons with the manager / instructor /

had asked them, they probably wouldn’t

hunting seat, light in their saddle, riding

trainer, and before I have laid eyes on this

have been able to tell me why they were

their horses light and forward. And, the

said manager / instructor / trainer, I know

turned out as they were, but because they

list goes on.

how he / she rides. All these riders stick

saw their instructor as the person they were following, her presentation affected them. Perfect. Sloppy coaches will make

OK, so why does this happen, and why

feet, or round their back. They are great

am I thinking about it? Monkey see, monkey do.

their right elbow out, are light on their

When we

at keeping up the impulsion, or they tend


to allow the horse to putter along. And,

I know for me personally, what / who I

on with it.” That young rider went away

as I see the trainer, he / she is the starting

am surrounded with has a huge impact.

with the thought that it was ok, and had

point – and their pupil’s eyes are on them,

If I am in a riding school surrounded by

higher influences showing her that it was

so the cycle starts again – all by osmosis.

novice riders, a breaking yard surrounded

what they themselves do… This type of

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Well,

by riders on babies, or a low level pleasure

osmosis does happen, and is a big issue.

that also depends. If it is something like

/ hacking yard, I really don’t ride to a level

In a wider view, some countries are more

a flapping right elbow, then it isn’t the

that I can. If I am in a busy competition or

prone to practicing the dreaded rolkur….

end of the world. If the trainer is very

producing yard with professional riders,

And if your country’s senior rider uses

crooked, and all their pupils are copying

or am competing regularly I ride very

rolkur, surly it is ok for you to do too? Uh,

that, then it is more of an issue. It can also

much better. I don’t think about it, or


be something that the trainer says…. A

change much, but things just change…

Tack is another thing that seems to be

friend of mine is an elite rider. When he

The other times when I find that this

osmosis – or maybe this is more about

rides, his knee and thigh are quite snug

osmosis is a big issue is in situations

following trends. I remember a long, long

against the saddle, and yet, he considers

of abuse.

A yard where I considered

time ago when I was studying, the story

that he is totally relaxed. He teaches, relax

working for a while, had a couple of very

of a successful Irish show jumper called

abusive riders – which is why I chose not

Boomerang – he had just won something

to work there. I was watching one day,

huge – a derby, championship or medal.

when a senior rider started to punch his

And, he jumped in a hackamore bitless

young mare around the head. A junior

bridle. At this time – in the 1980’s, bitless

rider on the same yard asked her direct

bridles were fairly uncommon, and within

supervisor why did that rider punch his

a few weeks of Boomerang winning

horse? The senior rider replied, “I don’t

his big class, sales of bitless bridles had

know – maybe he had a hangover, maybe

gone through the roof – everyone from

he had a fight with his girlfriend, just get

promising show jumpers to hairy ponies

your knee, relax your thigh, so that all of his pupils’ ride with big open swinging knees, when he himself has a nice steady contact between his thigh and the saddle. What he is doing has not passed through osmosis, purely because he is consciously teaching what he considers that he does. Totally different…



hacking around the country side NEEDED

chair, and was going to examine all of

or are they chasing them along solidly

a bitless bridle. Now, it is Micklem bridle.

her shoes to see if she had worn all of her

for an hour? Do they appear straight, or

In Singapore where I was last month,

right heels down). She hadn’t noticed her

crooked? If you could magically remove

there are probably 5 Micklem bridles in

chair, because it was just what it was – her

their horse out from under them, would


favourite chair, comfortable for how she

they land balanced on their feet, or would


they fall over backwards, forwards or to

Now, where I am in South Africa,

a huge proportion of horses are in them – are there more horses here with mouth

So, what can you do about it? Open

one side? If you can forget about the fact

and contact issues? Are people seeing

your eyes. Start looking. Walk around

of who they are, do you actually like how

them on other horses and thinking they

your yard as if you were guiding a visitor.

they are riding?

need one? Are instructors using them

Would you be apologising for the broken

And what about on your horse. Are you

as a quick fix? Who knows, but there is a

fences and missing tiles? Look at you

nag, nag, nag, nagging him, expecting

definite trend.

horse and your turnout – if a VIP arrived

him to ignore you, so not asking with as

Whatever we are surrounded with, we

today, would you be dashing about to

much intention as you could be using,

stop seeing. Recently, I was teaching a

clean yourself up? Those dog chewed

or are you meaning what you say? Think

lady who we worked out was sitting to

riding boots and ripped breeches are

of parents nagging their children at a

the right. I said, you do understand, this

not so becoming… Or, do you feel that

restaurant, saying to their children please

is not a riding issue, but what you are

you are presented in such a way that

sit down, please sit down, please sit

practicing while walking, sitting in front

you could ride in front of royalty? Listen,

down, or are their children listening? In

of the tv / computer / dinner? You are

actually, really listen to your instructor

this way, are you saying to your horse,

sitting right when you drive and probably

teaching another pupil. Are they positive

please go forwards, please go forwards,

when you stand and brush your teeth….

or negative? Do they just go through

please go forwards, while he is ignoring

No, she said, surely not? I saw her a few

the motions of saying the normal – sit up

you? This is even more likely if you are

days later, and the first thing she said –

straight and keep your outside rein, or

in a riding school where all of the school

“would you believe, when I looked at my

are they stopping, explaining and giving

horses are lazy, and the bored instructors

computer desk chair, the entire right side

proper input?

are habitually yelling out, use more leg…

padding has worn away, I have made my


Are they fair to their horses,

So, just notice, see what you could

chair so crooked through sitting on my

allowing them to walk on a free rein at

change. Or call in a travelling instructor

right seat bone!” (An expensive exercise,

times to stretch and re-group, giving

to see things with fresh eyes and shake up

since she then went and bought a new

them a pat when they do the right thing,

your world!!!


Watch your favourite

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breed profile


This month we focus on a wicked breed of pony - The Connemara! This breed caught my eye due to it’s striking coat colour and generally adorable looks and therefore I couldn’t resist to research and find out a whole lot more about these beauties! The Connemara is native to Ireland, having supposedly originated in the West Coast of Ireland in 1588. According to this theory the breed was formed by the Andalusian horses, who were let loose in by the Spanish Sailors, breeding with the wild Scandinavian ponies on the Connemara mountains. However, people also believe the Celts developed the Connemara breed through breeding the vikings Scandinavian ponies. Despite the breed originating many years ago the official breeders society wasn’t formed until 1923. The height of the Connemara pony is an average of 14.2hh and they most commonly have a grey or dun coat, although they can also have a brown, bay or black coat. They have a sturdy conformation with a great temperament and therefore were great riding and cart ponies in history and excel in many disciplines today including dressage, jumping, pleasure riding and much, much more!



This month we take a look at a rather unique and rare breed of horse - the Marwari! Marwari horses are distinctive due to their inwards curved ears but also have so many other awesome physical features and traits. The Marwari horse is native to India, being used originally as a warhorse due to their exceptional hearing skilling and hardiness, allowing them to withstand hot and tough working conditions. Marwari horses are approximately 15hh, but despite being relatively small horses they are incredibly hardy with excellent stamina! They have a much more diverse amount of common coat colours than most horses, with phenotypes of Bay, Chestnut, Dun, Grey, Skewbald and Piebald all being expressed within the Marwari breed. The most distinctive feature of the Marwari horse however is their inwards curved ears, as stated above, making them very unique and beautiful! Marwaris used to be used as warhorses in India however they’ve adapted to suit a diverse range of disciplines including endurance riding (perfect due to their excellent stamina), dressage, jumping, barrel racing and much, much more - their loyalty and bravery makes them exceptional in any discipline!




Armed with my media pass and on my first assignment for Equine Online I headed off to the Grand National at Riccarton Park on August 12. This was very familiar territory for me having grown up about two minutes’ walk from the racecourse over 50 years ago. Back then Joe Cox’s stables were next door on Racecourse Road, Hibberds next to them and across the road lived Ivor McClure who trained the 1964 Wellington cup winner Gay Filou. Back then I harboured an ambition to be a jockey and Ivor would lift me up as a kid, “yip you’re still light enough,” he would say. Being surrounded with stables and racing people certainly peaked my interest but it was more likely following my dad to the TAB on Saturday mornings that really got me going. Some surprise that it was harness racing that hooked me as I tried to make a career in that direction. Anyway back to Riccaron I easily recall memories exploring the racecourse, catching tadpoles in the back ponds or running around the track getting fit for rugby. A friend had the job of shooting pigeons that had made homes in the top floor of the big grandstand as the mess on the stand seats was always a problem. This was all aside from the excitement of going to the races and remembering sneaking in aside an adult as kids were not admitted on their own. Too young to bet it was always easy to find someone who would place a bet for you.


So it was a beautiful morning, a warm

Race caller Mark McNamara makes an

As the day goes on there is always a

light nor wester and bright sunshine

appearance with coffee in hand and skips

flurry of activity around the scales, some

greeted me as I arrived on course. I

down the stairs. His broadcasting prodigy

jockeys operating with two saddles and

headed to the nearest gate that was

Matt Cross was sighted trying to devour a

I particularly notice one of our best Lisa

wide open. Service vehicles going in

rather large sandwich.

Allpress. She is busy and appears to be

and out and it was over an hour before

Soon after the jockeys start to appear.

having trouble making the weight for her

the first race. A man in an orange coat

With the first two races being jumping

next race. She has just ridden at 60 kilos

scurried over to stop me from walking in

events the jumps jockeys were on the

and now has to discard the appropriate

and ushered me to a nearby gate where

scales. Appearing as giants amongst the

amount of weight to ride the next horse

I walked through. I wasn’t challenged as

flat riders who drift in and out to check

at 54 kilos. The lead weights are being

I walked through, maybe the attendant

their weights’ I check their carded weights

removed and when she would get on

had caught a glimpse of my media pass,

against as they weigh out and it becomes

the scales then she has to take some

I’m not sure.

obvious that each jockey weighs out 1kilo

more off, still not right as there is another

Not too sure at this stage what my

above the carded weight. I guess that is

adjustment. The trainer of the horse is

storyline would be as I positioned

their tolerance which makes good sense.

waiting patiently for the saddle as yet

myself, with a couple of mates, in the

A well attired gentleman arrives in an

there still seems to be an issue. Maybe

stand overlooking the weigh in area

official mode and starts to check off the

these weights could be colour coded or

and the stairs down into the bowels of

riders as they weigh in. He is clearly the

something as it really appeared to be a

the building where jockeys and the like

Clerk of the scales and I skim my race

mission for her. She hurriedly hands the

congregate. It’s like looking into a fish

book to find it is Mr G. Fowler. I have seen

saddle over to the trainer and disappears

tank, a raised view from three sides with

him in this position at the racecourse

below to the jockey’s room.

three doors opening to the birdcage.

previously and he appears to have a good

With the first race still over an hour away

rapport with the jockeys.

Later the act goes on again and another jockey sets up close to her sorting her

there was a good smattering of people

With bets on we head outside, firstly

lead out. Almost in each other’s way it is

already in the bar area and like ourselves

ensuring that out table had drinks a

a surprise that they don’t mix each other’s

staking their claim on a spot for the day. A

race book and the odd pair of glasses so

gear but they clearly get it sorted. Just

gentleman in one of those orange coats

that no one could mistake our table as

another part of being a jockey.

begins to calibrate the scales. He has

being available for occupancy. This tactic

It was all too apparent that my story

three 20 kilo weights which are used as

worked as we came down after the race

would be about the scales and I came

door stops when not required for official

to find our table still available.

away with some questions. Should the

duties. Our man meticulously places

The jockeys made their way back into

Judicial steward be checking correct

the weights on the scales one at a time

weigh in. They must weigh in at the

weight of the riders after the race? Not

recording the result each time 20 kilos, 40

required race book weight before a

once did I see him check. A wag with

kilos and finally 60 Kilos. From my vantage

confirmed result can be declared. If a

me suggested you could slip the Clerk of

point I can with a struggle make out the

jockey weighs in light the horse will be

the scales some dosh and get away with

numbers on the scale. Yip the 60 kilos of

disqualified and the jockey could face


weight recording exactly 60 kilos on the

a fine or suspension. One by one they

Would it be easier to have colour coded

scale and with the paperwork complete

reach the scales, pass their helmet and

weights, it would seem to make more

a small calibration sticker is dated and

whip to the Judicial Steward who seems

sense and make it easier for the jocks.

placed on the scales for all to see. The

to enjoy a quick chat with the riders. The

Finally, if Matt Cross had spilt his

weights are then returned to their door

steward does not look at the scales which

sandwich down his white shirt, did he

stop position.

surprises me.

have a spare before he went on tele?


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Obstacles are the raw materials of GREAT accomplishment 32 EQUINE ONLINE

The DIARY of a nervous rider



Keep up to date with the diary of a nervous rider - coming to you each month

How good is daylight savings? I’m enjoying have that extra bit of light to get out and work both my horses. Poppy has just come back into work and has been ridden twice, Gordy who I still have has just started some groundwork. Poor Gordy hasn’t had a very good time! He did get rehomed but it didn’t work out and he came back to me with trust issues. I couldn’t catch him, and couldn’t get near him around feed. This week I covered him while he was eating his dinner! Such an awesome feeling to see the process of building trust actually working and him starting to let me do all sorts to him. Today he will get the saddle on and we will start the ridden process again. Very slowly but slowly is his style and mine so that doesn’t bother me. He is for sale too if anyone wants a project. Like I said earlier Poppy has just started to come into work and I have Jess helping me again which is great! Over the winter I kept up with my riding lessons on a quiet horse at the riding school and wow my confidence around trotting is more than 70% better than it was last season. Definitely worth it. I am even at the stage with my lessons where I am pretty comfortable with cantering which is a massive deal for me. I have also decided I need some goals for this showing season and I have come up with the following - a show with cantering with Poppy before the end of the season - learn to cope when Poppy is naughty and not just get off - go to the beach and forest - good behaviour at the inhand a&ps - enter chch a&p ridden in 2018.


Picture perfect

Equine Online - Maddie Collins Fundraiser Show









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Buy & $ell Franco Tallis - 6-year-old gelding (Standardbred). Awesome summer project, wants to please will be someone’s best friend. 15.2hh unmeasured. No vices. Needs time, has had saddle on but hasn’t really been ridden was a perfect gentleman with saddle on. Just started ground work and is very responsive and a fast learner. $150 - won’t go sight unseen. Has done two inhand show and was perfect. Comes with winter cover, halter and lead. Contact Courtney - 0276364355

WANTED 5ft Show set - hood/tailbag/cover 5ft 100g waterproof cover - no neck rug

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Phone or text - 0273751609


monthly madness FT




TIP TIME Take a bucket with you to the ring side with the essentials for touching up your horse between classes - very handy if you end up in the Champion class at the end!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha JOKES UP!

Q: What do you call a horse that can’t lose a race? A: Sherbet Arion Animal of the Month

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha PHOTO OF THE MONTH

Name - Shim - Ferret Age - 10 Months Favourite Food - Chicken Fun Fact - He has a soft toy as his friend


next month We have more from our foaling midwife.

Grace Gray will be back with another Fact File.

Our Kuda Guru will have adventures to share with us!

more exciting

Keep an eye out for our next Arion Animal of the Month!

We will have more up to date news from around the country.

AND keep an eye out for a new series from Marie Palzer about her adventure in the Mongolian Derby!

Christmas is coming! Keep an eye out for our exciting Christmas giveaway! More details next month!

Want your pony club to feature in Equine Online? Send us your details and we will be in touch with details on our exciting new section!

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