Easiest massaging therapy by massage balls

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Easiest massaging therapy by massage balls

Ancient people used to message or compresses their body parts with help of different type of materials. A massage ball is not used for a compress. Massage balls are used as a massage aid. A massage ball helps to stimulate the body in different ways. It provides variation to the simple compress technique. Most of the massage balls have porcupine type’s structure with having spines all over the outer surface. Although these spines are not as sharp as a porcupine’s quill. Massage bas available in two forms hard massage ball and soft or pilate massage ball. They are made by different type of materials. The massage therapists use different-sized and type of massage ball for different regions. All type of message balls are used for different purpose. The massage ball has very important use and that is for self massaging. With help of massage ball you can give yourself a good massage with anybody’s help. It self massaging are cost effective, faster and you can do it any time whenever you have time. Many people used the massage balls into their daily fitness routines. Types of massage balls:1. Foot message ball: - it is the most commonly used massage ball. The foot massage ball looks like a dumbbell and it is designed as a double ball with a short straight length in-between. Application is very simple; you simply sit on a chair and roll your foot up and down on the ball.

2. Massage exercise ball: - various sizes of message balls are available in market such as small golf-sized ball to really massive size balls. The biggest ones are called massage exercise balls. For using this ball you need to simply lie on the ball by allowing your back to arch backward. It is little difficult exercise but it improves blood circulation to parts of the spine and helpful in back ache. 3. Spiky massage balls: - it is used by massage therapists to stimulate the skin and underlying soft tissues. Main purpose of this stimulation is to get a therapeutic effect. They applied spiky massage balls vigorously so that they can provide a relaxing effect on muscles and soft tissues. You can use this massage therapy by yourself and get therapeutic benefits at home 4. Pilates balls: - Pilates balls are used by yoga students. The Swiss ball or Pilates ball is one of the most popular props used in yoga and fitness studios. Pilates ball workout programs are used to provide strength your body and give a toned shape to your body. There are several sizes of Pilates ball are available in market you can choose your ball according to your body size. This ball comes along with ball pumps. This massage balls are easily available and nominal in price. But you should be very careful when you use massage balls because if you will choose wrong massage ball such as softer ball in place of harder one or vice versa you will not get good results and harder balls may cause of your pain.

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