1 minute read
Acid-alkaline balance in the body
How To Cope With Stress
Breathe More Deeply
It's the fastest and most efficient wayto quickly come to yourself, if you are nervous. The easiest kind of resting breathing is to exhale twice as long as inhaling.
Think Good Thoughts
Don’t get even more worked up. Come to grips with what happened and don’t think up new possible trouble.
Speak About What Happened
Don’t accumulate negative experience. Even simply retelling the events to an empathetic interlocutor removes the stone from your soul.
Take Up Sports
Active physical exercising relaxes nervous tension and stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones of good mood.
Follow The Rituals
Unpleasant events should not interfere with the normal course of your life.
Th evening walk or morning coffee are those anchors that holdus even during a storm.