Better Education - For students by students

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Community for Learning & Innovation

Better Education for Students by Students



S4S Who are we?

Introduction Students-for-Students (S4S) is part of the Community for Learning and Innovation (CLI), which was founded to ensure our university offers education to a new generation of students which is catered to their needs. For teachers it is important to stay inspired and ahead of the game. The CLI helps encouraging teachers to keep learning, and to improve their professional development and growth. In addition, S4S stimulates and facilitates students' projects which contribute to improving the quality of education for students. S4S is funded by government resources, which were freed up by the abolition of the Dutch basic student grant ("basisbeurs") and are now transferred directly to the universities to invest in the improvement of education. By enabling students to contribute to the improvement of their education, S4S brings these resources back to the students.

Our Story The S4S Support Platform of the Erasmus University Rotterdam originates from an initiative proposal by University Council student member Daniel Sieczkowski and is inspired by Prof. Dr. Gert-Jan Kleinrensink, who has been running a similar and tremendously successful S4S support platform at the Erasmus MC called the “Genootschap voor Extra-curriculaire Rotterdamse Studentenprojecten (GERS)” – since many years.

What do we offer? S4S offers support so that students can set up their S4S initiatives or further develop existing S4S initiatives. The aS4S Support Platform can provide the following support: 1. Advice (marketing, event management, etc.) 2. Practical support in kind (rooms for events, facilities, etc.) 3. Financial support

Advice & Support



Who can get support? The overarching goal of S4S is to support students in the scope of the EUR Strategy 2024, which consists of 7 pillars set up to have a solid foundation of shared values and a clear mission: creating positive societal impact. We support all pillars, but the activities of S4S revolve most around ensuring our education is future-oriented.

The following criteria should therefore be seen as guidance for initiatives considering to get in touch with us: 1. It is in line with one or more pillar(s) of the EUR Strategy 2024. 2. It offers educational value to students beyond the traditional curricula. 3. It distinguishes itself from existing initiatives within S4S and at the EUR. 4. It is accessible for all EUR students.

Ensuring our education is future-oriented


Our Initiatives & Partnerships

Our Initiatives & Partnerships S4S initiatives are extra- or intracurricular educational projects, which are organized by and for students. The goal is to provide students with broadening or deepening knowledge and/or skills, which are not part of their regular curriculum. We currently support the following inspiring students-for-students projects:

Turing Students Rotterdam Turing Students Rotterdam is part of the biggest network of student tech communities in the world, who are jointly working to change the educational system through tech. On campus, TSR is building a community of tech-leaders of the future by inspiring students through educational events, coding bootcamps and social activities. TSR enables students from all backgrounds to learn hard skills and start their career in the tech world.

Erasmus Tech Community Given the rising interest from industries and students in next generation technologies, the Erasmus Tech Community (ETC) was established to raise awareness and educate students in Erasmus University Rotterdam about technology changes taking place.

Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship The Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship Students (ECE Students) is the official entrepreneurial association of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and a special project of Europe’s leading entrepreneurial accelerator, The Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE). Moreover, ECE Students is the recognized study association of the Erasmus School of Economics’ (ESE) Master Programme; Industrial Dynamics and Strategy.

Psychedelic Science Collective As researchers are rediscovering the lost potential of psychedelic substances, it is emerging as a promising scientific field. However, our university curriculums are providing insufficient information about the scientific advancements within this field, which is believed will revolutionize mental health treatment and the way in which we study the mind. Therefore, the Psychedelic Science Collective was established provide education on this topic.

Enactus EUR Enactus EUR is a community of social entrepreneurs. Our aim is to create a better, more sustainable world. We do this through engaging the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders to use innovation and business principles to improve the world. This is because we believe that entrepreneurial action for others creates a better world for us all.

Erasmus Sustainability Hub The Erasmus Sustainability Hub is a collaborative effort of sustainable student initiatives based on the Erasmus University campus. Together, we organize events, foster student ideas and promote sustainability. We want to accelerate all the efforts to implement sustainable practices throughout the campus, inspiring a long term change in people’s habits.

LifeVersity LifeVersity aims to provide every EUR student with an equal and easy access to develop soft-skills (such as leadership, public speaking, communication, etc.) via high quality courses located directly at the campus.

Erasmus Public Speaking Academy Erasmus Public Speaking Academy is a part of LifeVersity that aims to provide students with an opportunity to gradually grow their public speaking confidence via practising in a safe, small-group environment.

The Happy Student Society The Happy Student Society was founded to create a supportive environment that promotes student well-being at our university. In today’s world, students strive for academic excellence whilst also face the pressure for having the perfect life on all other dimensions. By offering the tools and resources in how to deal with these challenges, we enable them to lead a productive and successful university life.

Student & Leefstijl The goal of Student & Leefstijl (Dutch for Student & Lifestyle) is to improve Dutch healthcare by educating future doctors to use healthy food and lifestyle as medicine. This is important because already more than 50% of the Dutch population suffers from one or more lifestyle-related-diseases, such as overweight, depression and diabetes. And only through “lifestyle-medicine� can we solve these problems.

Rethinking Economics Rethinking Economics NL is a network of students, academics and passionate thinkers coming together to diversify and reinvigorate economics. We strive for diversity in economic thinking and are inclusive to students and scholars from different academic backgrounds. We are open-minded and respectful towards others’ viewpoints, strengthened in the humble awareness that no one has a monopoly on the truth.


Want to start your own project?

Application Contact Do you have a good S4S idea for which you wish to receive support? Do you have doubts on whether your idea qualifies? Or do you have another question? Contact us through so that we can help you! You can also visit our website or follow our socials for more info. For long-established projects and S4S initiatives with sufficient "track record”, S4S can offer "partnerships". Please contact us if you believe that your project is eligible for a partnership.

Visit us in the Education Lab In 2018, the Education Lab opened its doors: a studio on our Woudestein campus where students can meet and work together on (digital) innovation. Would you like to talk to us in person? Feel free to walk into the Education Lab, check out for our office hours.

Other study association’s experiences Happy Student Society “Having an organisation like S4S on our campus is really beneficial. It allows us to do so much more than merely suggesting what is missing on our university. You can implement and execute new ideas right away by getting all sort of practical help from S4S. This creates a great environment where students can have a real impact on education!” Cailin Greiner - President of ECE Students “ECE Students aim to provide the entrepreneurial students of the EUR Campus any tools and resources they would need to establish their own venture, with the support and guidance of Students-For-Students. Their partnership has proven valuable to us, enabling us to have the funds to develop ourselves as a young association and take our events to the next level. Making use of the campus facilities has never been easier, and we cannot wait to see where this partnership will take us this year.”

Follow our social media channels & get inspired for a new project! @ErasmusCLI @Erasmus_CLI


More information? Erasmus University Rotterdam Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 3062 PA Rotterdam The Netherlands Polak, Ground Floor Colophon Compilation, editing & design: Marketing Officer Students-for-Students Photography: CLI, Aysha Gasanova, Selected Partners & Intiatives Š Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 2020

Annual report Erasmus University Rotterdam 2016 - 1 Message from the supervisory board


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