BLA1J"E COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY CEJ'\TER SI.lemenl or Purpo\e The following buyba<:k policy is proposo:d 10 provide an incentive for commercial ~)'Cling collectors to bring materials collected from rcsidents and businesses in the Wood River Valley to !he BCRRC. The goal of this buyback !"Olley is to flromote a marl<eH);Ised S)'SIC'I11 for buyil1j rec)'(lables from collection companies that is fair and equitable fOf all collection companies wllo choose to take flart in Ihe program.
Commt'fcial 8U\'bac.k Polkv ~ comnlneial buyback program will pay (<<)'Cling collC\:tiull companies for sorted mlltl'rials broughlto the BeRRe. The (Bsh value for m:)'tlahle papcr products will be set allbe market value orlhe materials minus a set dollar amount to cover processing costs althe BeRRC. Atlhe time of this policy's adoption, Ihe proces.sing COg allowances will be: â&#x20AC;˘ 526.00 per ton for pre-baled cardboard â&#x20AC;˘ 572.00 pee Ion for all othcs' paper grades The cash value for aluminum cans will be SCI al $.20 per pound. There will be no cash value for tin cans. glass or plastics. as these materials generate little
10 no revenue for the SCRRC.
Public 8u\'back Pnlky
Recyclahle materials will nnl be purchased from indi\iduals under lhis policy.
Parmt"t Methods and Intel"uls
The BeRRe staITwill maintain a record ofthe amount ofm;yelable materials brought in
from each commercial collector. These records will be forwarded 10 Southml Idaho
Solid Waste's accounts payable department on a monthly basis. Pa)ment rot" m;r1ab1e
materials will be processed with the other SISW claims. gmerally around thl: 25 of eac:h
Changes to the Buyhack Policv
Any changes to the buyback policy will be made following the previou.sly adopted
decision making model.