SISW Meeting 4 Collection Costs and Participation Rates 2005-1-21

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Blaine County Recycling Program Review & Planning Meeting # 4 January 21, 2005

Review of Last Meeting

Concept of Avoided Costs 

Avoided costs are savings that can be realized from choosing a less costly waste management option. Avoided costs are often applied to recycling or waste diversion programs to account for some of the deficit of program costs minus program revenues. Blaine County’s avoided cost per ton is approximately $11.94

Cost of Processing Commodities  

Approximate value of community service labor at the BCRRC is $17,700 per year If we add this value back into the cost per ton calculation from last time, the processing cost per hour increases from $34.47/hour to $40.56/hour If all other factors remain the same, the addition of community service labor makes the following changes to the cost per ton to process each commodity 

Note: Because the difference in cost per pound worked out to just 10ths of a cent, the figures were not rounded to the nearest cent, as they were in the calculations from the December meeting

Summary of Costs Per Ton Commodity Cardboard Newspaper Aluminum Cans Tin Cans Paper Grades Magazines Plastic

Processing Cost (Revenue) per Ton $

2.49 (39.65) (336.23) 182.80 (7.56) (23.13) 1395.00

The Collection System

Collecting Recyclables-Methods 

Residential Curbside   

Commercial Collection  

Mandatory in Hailey and Ketchum Voluntary, or “subscription” service in Bellevue, Sun Valley and unincorporated areas Service provided by Clear Creek Disposal Voluntary, or “subscription” service Both Clear Creek Disposal and Recycling Services provide this service

Self-Haul 

Public brings materials to BCRRC at Ohio Gulch

Collecting Recyclables– Residential Curbside 

Pros Convenient for Residents Utilizes one collection vehicle vs. multiple residential vehicles Can increase recycling awareness at the household level

  

Cons Extremely expensive Labor intense Requires constant re-education Quality of materials often compromised

Collecting RecyclablesCommercial Collection 

Pros Can save a business money if reduces dumpster size Convenient for the business Can have a significant impact on the waste stream (esp. OCC)

Cons Requires frequent re-training of staff Large OCC containers often used by residents for illegal dumping Difficult to pinpoint sources of contamination once materials are in the truck

Collecting RecyclablesSelf-Haul 

Pros Perceived as “free” by residents Generally produces a cleaner stream of materials Self-haul can participate in UBC buyback

Cons Not as convenient for residents/businesses More vehicle and pedestrian traffic at BCRRC = possible safety risk

Collecting Recyclables% of BCRRC Total Volumes 521 24%

263 12%

1,407 64%

Residential Curbside

Business Collection


Participation Rates 

Difficult to determine since people may only set out bins every 2-3 weeks when full Best estimates: On any given week:  

38% of Residential Accounts 58% of Business Accounts

will have their recyclables set out for curbside collection

Taking a Closer Look at Curbside

Mandatory and Subscription Curbside Services 

“Mandatory” service refers to the curbside costs being rolled into the monthly garbage fees of every resident – everyone pays; however, it is up to the individual whether or not to set out their bin 

Curbside collection is mandatory in the Cities of Hailey and Ketchum

“Subscription” service refers to a separate line-item charge for curbside recycling at the discretion of the resident 

Curbside collection is available by subscription in the Cities of Bellevue and Sun Valley, and in unincorporated areas

The Cost of Curbside Collection City

Service Level

Collection Costs

Curbside Billed Separately?

Curbside Cost


Unlimited garbage





30 gallon 90 gallon

$11.45 $22.89




70 gallon 95 gallon

$18.53 $20.38



Sun Valley

Unlimited garbage




Residential Curbside# of Residents Served Area Bellevue

# of Residential Curbside Accounts

# of Stops per week (based on 38% set out rate)









Sun Valley









Cost per Ton for Collection – Garbage vs. Curbside Recycling ESTIMATED AVERAGE COST PER TON FOR RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION




Notes on Estimated Costs per Ton for Collection ď Ž

ď Ž

Curbside Recycling rates were set before the addition of plastics and mixed paper to the program Both residential and business recycling are collected in the same truck, therefore, volumes for residential curbside are calculated by an estimated percentage of the total, based on information from the recycling collection driver and BCRRC staff

Adding New Items to CurbsideHow Does it Affect Collection?

Discussion Questions ď Ž

ď Ž

What are the benefits/drawbacks of charging the cost of curbside recycling as a separate line-item on residential billing statements? Would charging curbside recycling as a separate line-item on residential statements increase participation in curbside recycling?

Discussion Questions 

Based on the information presented, is the curbside program financially stable? (i.e. can we retain the current # of materials collected at the current collection rates?) If no, what can be done to make curbside recycling more fiscally responsible, and the pros and cons of each option. If yes, do we want to see the program grow in any way, and if so, what might the financial impact be?

Discussion Questions ď Ž

What direction should the recycling programs in Blaine County take? Should the focus be on recycling more (quantity) or recycle better (quality)?

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