MINUTES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE RECYCLING IN THE WOOD RIVER VALLEY JANUARY 21, 2005 The previous meeting was reviewed. The concept of avoided costs was revisited, as was the cost of processing various commodities. As requested at the previous meeting, the value of the labor provided by community service workers was estimated and added into processing costs. The revised costs per ton were: Commodity Processing Cost (Revenue) per Ton Cardboard $ 2.49 Newspaper (39.65) Aluminum Cans (336.23) Tin Cans 182.20 Paper Grades (7.56) Magazines (23.13) Plastic 1395.00 A review of the methods of collection (residential curbside collection, commercial collection, and self-haul) and the pros and cons of each was given. Business collection amounts for 64% of the materials processed at BCRRC. Self-hauls are at 24% and residential curbside accounts for 12% of the materials processed. The group then looked at participation rates for the two collection services (business and residential). The participation rates are difficult to determine, but best estimates are that on any given week 38% of households and 58% of businesses will have materials set out for curbside collection. Estimated costs per ton for residential curbside recycling were explored. The estimated average cost per ton for residential curbside is approximately $691, compared to $130 per ton for residential garbage collection. Discussion followed on how to bill curbside recycling to residents (separate line-item vs. rolling the cost into the “garbage� line item) and how to make the curbside program more cost-effective. The question of recycle more or recycle better was briefly looked at, and will be taken up again later in the meeting process. The next meeting was set for February 18, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.