MINUTES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE RECYCLING IN THE WOOD RIVER VALLEY FEBRUARY 18, 2005 The January 21 meeting was reviewed. The ERC gave a presentation focused on the effect of recycling outside the local community, such as national job creation, greenhouse gas emissions, resource conservation, and energy savings. As requested at the previous meeting, SISW had conducted a literature review of single-stream curbside recycling programs. Three articles were distributed, and a summary of each was given. It appears that single-stream recycling is not a good fit for the Wood River Valley, due to the small population. The group was encouraged to read the articles and decide whether or not to continue the discussion at the next meeting. The SISW annual report was distributed for review by the participants. Any questions arising from the report will be discussed at the next meeting. The issue of glass contamination in plastic bottles being collected curbside was discussed. Due to an ultimatum from the company that takes the plastics from BCRRC, SISW made a temporary decision to discard the glass-contaminated plastics from curbside in an effort to salvage the “clean” plastics collected from self-hauls. A press release will be sent out by SISW the week of February 21 to notify the public of the situation. Clear Creek Disposal has made some experimental modifications to the curbside truck in an attempt to rectify the situation, and both CCD and SISW will continue to work on solutions to the problem and will notify the group when curbside plastics can once again be recycled. The history of how plastics came to be recycled at BCRRC was reviewed. Through this case study, a decision-making model was proposed to avoid future miscommunications when adding or subtracting commodities from the recycling program. After a few modifications, the policy was adopted. A representative from Spokane Recycling Products, Inc. took a tour of BCRRC. He concurred that the facility and equipment need to be upgraded and expanded, and that all the players need to work together more closely to make the system work. SISW distributed recycled clocks to the study participants as a “Thank You” for the time and effort they are putting into this project. The next meeting was scheduled for March 16, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.