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“Tea partier” Mark Williams writes ‘letter to Abe Lincoln’ … from the ‘coloreds’ **UPDATED** July 14, 2010 · Posted in News and Current Affairs, Political News, Politics

If you’re feeling pissy that the NAACP condemned your witch doctor signage and you’re out to prove that your movement isn’t racist, wouldn’t it help not to actually say anything that might be construed as racist? Mark Williams, right wing talk show host, CNN favorite and “organizer” of the corporate-backed Tea Party Express, was all over the airwaves Wednesday, defending “the movement” against the NAACP’s condemnation. I guess Sarah Palin’s linguistic stylings and Michael Steele’s pitifully toned down tweets weren’t enough to get the point across, so Williams was meant to be the closer. But Williams has a strange way of proving he and his movement aren’t racist… He started out on Tuesday with a post on his blog, which took issue with the “C” in NAACP:

On Wednesday, he went on to blast the NAACP more um … forcefully … on NPR, no less …

WILLIAMS: You’re dealing with people who are professional race baiters, who make a very good living off this kind of thing. They make more money off of race than any slave trader ever. It’s time groups like the NAACP went to the trash heap of history where they belong with all the other vile racist groups that emerged in our history. Mark was just getting warmed up. Later, on CNN, he reiterated that it’s really the NAACP that’s racist, not the people drawing Hitler mustaches on Barack Obama… But Williams was just getting started. Also Wednesday, he took his “non-racist” commentary to the next level, penning his version of an “ open letter” to Abe Lincoln … from the “colored people…” in which he accuses black people, or sorry “coloreds,” of not wanting to work, of “striving for welfare,” and wanting to buy “flat screen TVs” with white people’s stolen money. Seriously. It’s an apparent attempt at satire, I suppose, but which aligns perfectly with the views of the tea party movement, which is by and large a mash-up of Libertarians who want to get rid of Social Security, disappointed Palin cultists and old geezer racists who believe Obama only got himself elected so he can steal all the white people’s money and hand it out in the hood . Here’s the full Mark Williams post, followed by a screenshot (just in case he thinks better of it tonight and decides to erase it. …not that that’s likely …) with emphases added: Dear Mr. Lincoln We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop! In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the ‘tea party movement’. The tea party position to “end the bailouts” for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn’t that what we want all Coloreds to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us coloreds! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds. And the ridiculous idea of “reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government.” What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Coloreds we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions! The racist tea parties also demand that the government “stop the out of control spending.” Again, they directly target coloreds. That means we Coloreds would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right. Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government “stop raising our taxes.” That is outrageous! How will we coloreds ever get a wide screen TV in every room if noncoloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society? Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong. Sincerely Precious Ben Jealous, Tom’s Nephew NAACP Head Colored Person And here’s the screenshot:

Well that proves it. … no racism there! I would be fascinated to see what any one of the pony show black tea partiers the “movement” shoved in front of television cameras today to defend them would think about that. And what say you, Michael Steele? Williams has a lot of experience being the classy face and voice of the tea party movement. Just in the last six months, his group has been the “ brains” behind the nutbag Sharron Angle campaign … And Williams, who not surprisingly is also a right wing talk jock, has distinguished himself in many ways… Calling President Obama an “Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief”: Saying Muslims worship a “ monkey god” and calling Islam a “ 7th Century Death Cult Coughed Up By A Psychotic Pedophile” …

And saying this at a tea party rally at which Sarah Palin also spoke, shortly after Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts: “Political correctness is going to kill us. Political correctness led to 9/11, political correctness led to Barack Hussein Obama — political correctness is a societal HIV. (America has) a full-blown case of AIDS and we’re the cure,” Williams said. This is just Williams’ latest go-round. He has a long history, including… …calling former president Jimmy Carter a “creepy f*ggot,” and has stated that Obama was born in Kenya, according to Media Matters for America And not to be missed is this gem, also courtesy of Media Matters:

But Mr. Williams would like you to know … he and his “movement” are not racist. No siree-bob… UPDATE: More Mark Williams classics! From TPM: Last year, in a post that has since been removed, he responded to news of a failed terror attack in New York by writing: [R]epeat after me: Islam is a 7th Century Death Cult coughed up by a psychotic pedophile and embraced by defective, tail sprouting, tree swinging, semi-human, bipedal primates with no claim to be treated like human beings or even desirable mammals for that matter. And later that year, in a post titled “Savage Islam,” he wrote: Muhammad instructs all Muslims to use whatever it takes to murder innocents and die in the process, the more violent the better. Even better than that, use the tools of civilized Man against civilized Man. No matter how tame an adherent to Islam may appear, they are still Muslim and just waiting for allah to provide them with an opportunity. Share this post!

Tags: Mark Williams, NAACP, racism, racists, tea parties, Tea Party Express, teabaggers

Comments 159 Responses to ““Tea partier” Mark Williams writes ‘letter to Abe Lincoln’ … from the ‘coloreds’ **UPDATED**”


Flo on July 15th, 2010 8:26 am Shaming us white folk……..this guy is an idiot.


Fresno Financial Advisor on July 15th, 2010 12:48 pm Despite being one of, if not the most peaceful movements in history

Jason on July 15th, 2010 4:04 pm Interesting.. There have been a few comments on his website, but he is pruning any that dissagree with him. He also generally replies with more racist crap. 4. Mark Williams ‘explains’, defends ‘Colored people’ post : The Reid Report on July 15th, 2010 4:42 pm [...] the original Reid Report post here, including the original, un-revised Mark Williams [...] 5. How to not dispel the sense that you’re a bunch of insane racists - Online Political Blog on July 15th, 2010 6:12 pm [...] racist asshole proof? Nope, not that either. Seems Williams had more to say, in the form of a mock letter from the NAACP leadership to Abraham Lincoln: Dear Mr. [...] 6. Tea Party Express’s Mark Williams goes nuts | Politisink on July 15th, 2010 6:38 pm [...] Lots of good commentary about this here. [...] 3.


Heidi on July 15th, 2010 6:59 pm Just when I’ve picked my jaw back up off the floor after reading his racist spew, a Christian is calling Islam a “Death Cult?” I’m sorry, whose religion is based on a human sacrifice? I don’t even have words to express my opinion of his “letter,” or the fact that he appears to think it is funny.


JR on July 15th, 2010 7:06 pm I wish I was a colored.

Dave on July 15th, 2010 7:14 pm Heidi, did you sprain something making that stretch? 10. Not a Post Racism Society:No One Writes Letters Any More « Lean Left on July 15th, 2010 7:26 pm [...] Society:No One Writes Letters Any More July 15, 2010 Kevin Leave a comment Go to comments This may be why. This is the response of a Tea Party big wig to the rather mild NCAA condemnation of the racist [...] 9.


Doug M on July 15th, 2010 7:28 pm I’m sorry, whose religion is based on a human sacrifice? Hate is hate is hate,. Heidi. Calling Jesus’ death a “human sacrifice” is factually wrong on so many levels, and bitterly offensive to boot.


CC on July 15th, 2010 7:50 pm He sacrificed Himself for our sins, no?

13. Tea Party – True Colors from One of Your Own on July 15th, 2010 8:05 pm [...] Tea Partier – Mark Williams – Writes Letter to Abe Lincoln from “Coloreds” [...] 14.

Jeni on July 15th, 2010 8:06 pm Um, before you jump all up in Heidi’s grill…. Yes, Christ’s death *was* a Human Sacrifice. He was sent to die, to wipe away the sins of mankind, and made animal sacrifices no longer necessary in the eyes of God. But, yes, Christianity DOES have the hallmarks of a Death Cult. Between the symbolism of the Cross, the Sacrament, and the Easter Celebration, the Death of Christ is celebrated in the Christian Church. BEYOND THAT, this guy is a complete jerk. I really hope that the people who, until now, saw the Tea Party as “another way” see it for what it is….Rich White Men who want the Old South back. Sure, you can be Not White and believe in most of the same things the talking heads of the Tea Party spout, but that doesn’t mean you have to align yourself with this level of blatant hatred.


Jr Deputy Accountant on July 15th, 2010 8:58 pm OK the letter was pushing it but you really think pointing out how racist the NAACP’s own name is to them is racist? I dare you to call every black person you meet “colored” and see how that goes over. You must be racist. Just like every other American, especially the ones who get REALLY up in arms over racism.


Wolpertinger on July 15th, 2010 10:12 pm Jr. Deputy Accountant – You /do/ realise that NAACP is over 100 years old.. right? Hence the use of ‘colored persons’… which was the accepted term 100 years ago.


Jr Deputy Accountant on July 15th, 2010 11:16 pm Yes, Wolpertinger, I do realize that. But isn’t it kind of ironic that an organization that touts itself as being all about “advancement” actually contains in its name one of the most archaic racial terms we’ve got? Seems like they are more than overdue for a branding makeover if you ask me. But no one did.


Gus on July 15th, 2010 11:18 pm Anyone who has the most basic understanding of ancient religion and myth knows that underlying the idea of Christ’s death atoning for our sins is based on those myths. Yes, Virginia, Christianity is a death cult.


Skegee on July 15th, 2010 11:39 pm Christians don’t celebrate Christ’s death, they celebrate His RESSURECTION- that is His life after death. That’s what conquered sin and opened the way to Heaven according to Christian belief. The NAACP didn’t change the “C” for recognition purposes. It’s a name that’s been in existence over 100 years ago and, oh yeah, it’s not white people calling the black people coloreds. And don’t do the, “Why can’t I say it if they say it?!” piss poor argument. You can call yourself an a-hole and be okay, but if someone else does it you get mad. BASIC human nature. This guy is an inflammatory a-hole just like the rest of the shock-jocks like Hannity, Limbaugh, and every other entertainment politician out there. Stop giving these people an audience- and stop taking them SERIOUSLY! Tea Partiers are just radio listeners who take what these people say as gospel truth.


Edie Anderson on July 15th, 2010 11:40 pm I said it before and I will say it again. I am very proud of Mr. Jealous of the NAACP, for stepping up on behalf of people of color. He’s a HERO in my eyes. He seems to be the only ADULT in the GAME. FOX NEWS, LIMBAUGH, and the TEA PARTY are all on a mission of division and hate. When people like Mr. Williams behave as displayed in his letter, It says more about him than it does the people

he’s trying to TRASH! 21.

hippiecrit on July 16th, 2010 12:03 am In response to the criticism of the NAACP’s name: …do you all think that BLACK is the ONLY color of people the NAACP is concerned for? …or could it be an organization attempting to protect the civil rights of ALL people of COLOR?!


Michael on July 16th, 2010 1:31 am The NAACP asked the Tea Party to denounce racism in their movement, the Tea Party gets all indignant and says the accusation is nonsense then Mark Williams goes off and proves the NAACP’s point. .So this is what the Tea Party thinks of Black Americans? I knew it all along. I’m just glad the NAACP smoked them out and made one their leaders say it . The Tea Party has been unmasked!!


NauSea on July 16th, 2010 2:11 am Is it possible to shoot yourself in the foot with a keyboard?


Kvetchman on July 16th, 2010 3:14 am Mo’ biskits, Massa? You schmuck.


Dick on July 16th, 2010 5:11 am I know! Referring to African Americans as colored. This is the height of racism. How can the the Tea Party get away with this? We must contact the National Association of Colored People to notify them of this racism! Outrageous! All charges must be brought, and fortunately our great overlord has also seen fit to label Al-Qaeda as racist, surely no punches will be pulled now! Our path is clear – cracker babies, watch out!


Head on July 16th, 2010 5:16 am Don’t worry about the cult of death. look to the democrats, successful killers of over 27 million babies since 1974! That’s so progressive.


Precious on July 16th, 2010 6:35 am For those who do not know their history, the word “colored” was implemented as a way to segregate ALL people of color during the Jim Crow era. Initially, when disenfranchisement and Jim Crow was legalized, the signs were “For Whites Only” and “For Blacks Only.” But, whites sitting around with nothing to do, decided the signs needed to be changed to “FOR COLORED ONLY” to include Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and any other persons who were not white. I’m sure the NAACP addresses issues that affect ALL people of color, but because we are a popularize nation (Black/White), many of us fail to understand this important fact. Now, with all that said, the “Tea Parties” are just a group of disgruntled, white, working-class people who want the very things they accuse blacks of wanting – a flat screen TV, money in their pockets, and a check without working too hard for it. Think, how much time does it take for Sarah Palin to write a speech – NONE – three lines on her hand. It’s evident in her articulation of her thoughts. They are so gumbled that they verge on incomprehensible. Rush and Glenn, clearly they do absolutely no research on the information they spew on a daily basis. The Tea Party hasn’t been unmasked. Anyone who listens to them knows exactly who they are. No one has to say the obvious!!! Don’t tell me it’s raining when you are pissing on my foot!!


roshan on July 16th, 2010 7:40 am @HEAD “Don’t worry about the cult of death. look to the democrats, successful killers of over 27 million babies since 1974! That’s so progressive.” Same can be said of gun legislators. Yay, how conservative! Everybody can play this game.


preciously idiotic on July 16th, 2010 7:46 am For those who choose to distort history the term colored itself was never tied to the Jim crow era, the NAACP in fact named it self as such in 1909. Also, as clearly articulated by Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP in Washington, D.C., said “The term ‘colored’ is not derogatory, [the NAACP] chose the word ‘colored’ because it was the most positive description commonly used at that time. It’s outdated and antiquated but not offensive.” Attempts to “color” the term as racist are obvious attempts to have one goose and a different gander, all subject to the interpretation of those that see fit to worship one racism and find another vile. If the NAACP itself can not find issue with the term colored, and in fact uses the term, one wonders how liberals are able to deduce racism from it’s usage? Rhetorical question. We all know the answer, you know racism when you,and only you, see it.


@ROSHAN on July 16th, 2010 7:51 am Ha! Really? Guns have killed 24 million innocent children since 1973? I think even your liberal media contraption would be hard pressed to find any evidence that guns have done such.

Laughably weak comparison. 31. Mark Williams Writes a Letter to Lincoln from the "Coloreds" - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President City-Data Forum on July 16th, 2010 7:52 am [...] [...] 32.

roshan on July 16th, 2010 8:04 am “Ha! Really? Guns have killed 24 million innocent children since 1973? I think even your liberal media contraption would be hard pressed to find any evidence that guns have done such.” You find me evidence where democrats killed 24 (or is it 27) million babies and I will find you mine. We got a deal, right?


jennyb on July 16th, 2010 8:32 am omg this is too much. I will never support any group that acts like this.


ROSHAN on July 16th, 2010 8:35 am Ah the last refuge of a liberal -the typo! You are too easy too destroy, but I will because you just need it. You will notice that in the first decade of the legalization of abortion more than 12 million innocent children were put to death, for a crime no greater than inconvenience. The ongoing years represent a somewhat overall lesser rate, but are estimated by this CDC chart to number no less than 15 million. That’s progressive! Since at least 1982 Republicans have endeavored to overturn this abomination, but have met only resistance from Democrats – they in fact making it’s support, elemental parts of their presidential campaigns since Mondale. Deal done, pay up dummy.


Aaron Worthing on July 16th, 2010 9:47 am You guys are stupid. I suppose next you will have an expose on how Johnathan Swift proposed to eat Irish children. The letter is parody, you idiots. Basically he says that the welfare state is equivalent to slavery. its a bit of an extreme position, but its not racist. As for getting angry that he is using the word “colored,” he is clearly doing this to MOCK the fact that the

phrase is actually in the NAACP’s name. Which is not terribly original, actually, but utterly fair game. Now of course Williams is acting in an ill-advised manner because he shoudl know he shouldn’t make it that easy for liberals to twist his words. But really, you guys are not covering yourselves in glory for lying like you do about this movement. 36.

Herewegolooptheloo on July 16th, 2010 10:01 am The Christian religion, the religion of the rightwing nuts and tea partiers, is based on the Bible. In the Old Testament, God requires his believers to offer lamb sacrifices. But once in a while, he would ask for a human sacrifice. Remember Abraham, whom God ask to sacrifice his own son to test him? No other major religion asks for human sacrifices. Yep, Christianity is just as primitive as Islam.


Aaron Worthing on July 16th, 2010 10:12 am Herewego Well, given that God didn’t actually want him to go through with it, then God didn’t require it, either. *rolls eyes* And no other major religion requires that? well, given that its an old testament story, then i guess judaism does, too.


roshan on July 16th, 2010 10:47 am #34, retard, at least learn to use your very own username. Roe v Wade is the law of the land. Game over, fool. Aaron Worthing on July 16th, 2010 10:56 am

39. Jenni

> Rich White Men who want the Old South back. Right that it. never mind that not everyone in the movement is rich, white or male. Keep calling your opponents racists. Then you will never address the valid concerns that actually drive this moment while beclowning yourself by taking satire seriously. I suppose next you will be telling me that al Qaeda likes the Twilight movies. Okay, bad example. (follow the link and you will get my joke) Wolper > Jr. Deputy Accountant – You /do/ realise that NAACP is over 100 years old.. right? Hence the use of ‘colored persons’… which was the accepted term 100 years ago. Well, that is the reason why it is still used, and because they don’t want to harm their brand recognition. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t fair game for mockery. Jr. > Seems like they are more than overdue for a branding makeover if you ask me. But no one did. Well, more significantly I would like them to finally decide whether they are an organization opposed to racism, or one that merely wants to advance the interests of black people. 100 years ago when they were rounded there was a lot of overlap between those goals. Nowadays, much less so. The word “colored” bothers me much less so. Its just a label. Its what you think about the people described that matters to me.

Skegee > And don’t do the, “Why can’t I say it if they say it?!” piss poor argument. I always liked a scene in Chris Rock’s Down to Earth. In it he played a black comedian (I know, a stretch) who died and then was able to inhabit the body of a fat, old white dude. In one scene he tries to resume his comedy career and does one of those “white people do this, black people do that” routines. So he says, “when white people die, they leave a will. When black people die, they leave a bill.” This would be a white guy, possessed by the spirit of a black man, saying that. The largely black audience is not amused. They took the joke as racist, and I think that was Rock’s way of saying, “yeah, its racist, and guess what? It still is when a black person says it.” I don’t think I remember Rock ever telling that kind of joke, and that might be the reason why. The truth is whether a term is offensive or not is purely a matter of social construction. So for instance, lots of Americans picked up the Sex Pistols album “never mind the bullocks” and literally had no idea how offensive the title was in England. Back in the 1860’s, for instance African American was a term used in a derogatory manner to make black people sound more foreign and exotic. Now today its interpreted to be respectful. When you judge whether a person’s speech is acceptable based on the color of their skin, that is racism, pure and simple. I let it slide, and don’t whine about it, but as a point of fact and logic, yes it is racist. > You can call yourself an a-hole and be okay, but if someone else does it you get mad. BASIC human nature. Except when you talk about a whole “race” you are not just calling yourself a name, but many other people. The metaphor is more like if you said, “everyone in this room is a jerk, myself included.” Well, they would agree with your self-assessment, but likely take umbrage at your assessment of them. Your entire argument rests on the idea that being black entitles you to speak for and about everyone who is your color. Justice O’Connor once wrote that “[a]t the heart of the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection lies the simple command that the Government must treat citizens as individuals, not as simply components of a racial, religious, sexual or national class.” Just as the government should do that, we should do the same. > Tea Partiers are just radio listeners who take what these people say as gospel truth. You mean it’s a big lie that Obama has blown a hole in the deficit, or that he has completely f—ed up on the BP spill? Hippie > do you all think that BLACK is the ONLY color of people the NAACP is concerned for? I have never seen them do anything significant to stand up for Asian Americans, so, um, yes. But I am open to being corrected. Michael > The NAACP asked the Tea Party to denounce racism in their movement They have denounced those racists that rarely do exist. They denounced the spitting and n-word incident even though they weren’t sure it happened and, it turns out, it didn’t. Roshan > Same can be said of gun legislators. Actually guns save lives, and prevent crime in general, if law abiding citizens are allowed to have them. No one wants to see lots of people die, we just disagree over how best to reduce the number of deaths. But do please explain to me why a person who doesn’t obey the laws against robbery is likely to obey the laws on gun

ownership? Especially when they know the people are disarmed? 40.

ashamedwhitewoman on July 16th, 2010 12:16 pm This guy is totally embarrasing us good whites…we need to also take a stand with black/colored people & denounce this behavior–if we just sit back & laugh/do NOTHING–it will always come back to bite us!! Say NO to this hatred people WAKE UP the time is NOW–GO!!!!


MrJames on July 16th, 2010 12:25 pm Even if it’s satire, it’s still racism. The Obama-as-a-Witch-Doctor poster may have been satire, but it was still racist. Something doesn’t suddenly get sanitized and purified just because you call it ‘satire.’ Satire can be hateful and vile and calculated to appeal to the worst in people. And did you read the rest of the article? Some of William’s other greatest hits? That bit he wrote about the folks in Vermont was very, very telling. Once he gets his rant on, and starts frothing at the mouth, he starts spouting terms like ‘superior species’ and ‘eugenics.’ Racist. Period.

More offensive to me, or at least it would be if I were a Tea Party member, is that it’s racist and STUPID. If I were a Teabagger, I’d fire the guy just for being such an impulsive loudmouthed jackhole that he’s getting in the way of the tea party actually accomplishing anything. Evil I can tolerate – evil gets things done. But stupid is unforgivable. 42. The NAACP Takes On The Tea Party-BAD MOVE « The Obsidian Files on July 16th, 2010 12:30 pm [...] Williams could write a thousand “satirical letters” and it would have NOTHING to do with the skyhigh incaceration rate, or infant mortality [...] 43. Racist Tea Party Leader | Racist Conservatives on July 16th, 2010 12:45 pm [...] Mark Williams, spokesman for the Tea Party Express published on his blog a mock letter from NAACP president Benjamin Jealous to President Abraham Lincoln. I wanted to get this up here quickly because it will get pulled. Mark has already edited the letter to remove two instances of “Massa.” A screen shot of the original letter can be found here. [...] 44.

Rick on July 16th, 2010 1:10 pm I believe all that the NAACP is asking of the tea party is that they acknowledge the “fringe elements” within their ranks. Its insulting to see that networks like FOX act as if these elements simply dont exist. When you look at the file footage of tea party rallies, FOX cant seem to locate any of the clearly racist signs we’ve all seen on CNN. You don’t have to agree with the position the NAACP or others take against such displays, but when you stick your head in the sand and pretend it doesnt exist it only makes things worse. As far as Williams letter,….really? Is this the way you believe that we black people think? Is this really the best evidence you can present to show that you’re not racist? A monkey god…really? It seems as though you’re in need of some sort of organization to aid in the advancement of bacward thinking white people. It’s 2010 ! You should know that you can’t paint all back people with the same brush, no more than you can all white people.

kirt Silvers on July 16th, 2010 1:31 pm You shoul not start fires you can’t put out. 46. Am I Standing With or Challenging The NAACP? BOTH! on July 16th, 2010 1:45 pm [...] let’s leave the fake, open letter to Abraham Lincoln on behalf of the “Coloreds” here. That’s a post for another day, cause frankly, I’m far too angry and offended by [...] 47. UPDATE: Mark Williams deletes ‘colored people’ letter, says NAACP has learned their lesson : The Reid Report on July 16th, 2010 1:46 pm [...] here for the original Reid Report post, which contains some more comments Mark Williams might want to [...] 45.


JPhillips on July 16th, 2010 2:44 pm When the tea party held a rally in my home town, the people holding signs against Obamacare were all white

and either they or their family members had all spent much of their lives drawing welfare of some sort or other. Enough said. 49.

Tea Party = KKK minus Halloween costumes on July 16th, 2010 2:53 pm This type of ignorance and hatred disgusts me. Where were the tea partiers during the Bush administration? We could have used their energies when it really matters. Everything Obama does will be criticized by people like that, whether he does something good for the country or does something wrong. If they genuinely opposed Obama for political reasons it would be completely different, but they are acting like a bunch of mad schoolkids when they can’t get their way. All because a black man is the commander in chief. If these people could have segregation and Jim Crow laws back they would in a heartbeat, they’d probably support slavery too. People suck.


FrankieB on July 16th, 2010 4:29 pm You know, for a political party that supported slavery and segregation and today welcomes racial filth like Al Sharpton and the racial turds in the Congressional Black Caucus, you libs and Democrats sure are a cocky bunch. You sure you want to challenge the GOPand conservatives to a debate on race ??? Sure you want that left-wing racial filth that the liberal media covers up exposed 24/7 in September and October ? Sharpton…Jackson….Conyers….Waters…Rangel….Charles Barron….the New Black Panther thugs… libs didn’t learn your lesson from Floyd Brown or Jesse Helms, apparently you need another thrashing.


John on July 16th, 2010 4:30 pm What a f—king idiot. Hear me loud and clear, folks: there IS NO “official Tea Party” ANYTHING. There are NO “official leaders.” This man does NOT represent the Tea Party nor is he a spokesman for it. What a fool and an embarrassment.


FrankieB on July 16th, 2010 4:36 pm I hope everyone here recognizes that the NAACP invited Al Sharpton to speak to their members. This is the same race-baiting neanderthal who was the inspiration behind the Tawana Brawley Hoax, who lied and defamed and slandered an innocent man (threatening his wife and kids to the point that the innocent victim and his family divorced/separated), who helped burn down Freddy’s Fashion Mart (7 people dead) and fomented a pogrom in Crown Heights (3 dead). Oh yes, he’s also spoken approvingly of boycotts against Koreans and defamed law-abiding cops who defend themselves against felons with rap sheets a mile long. This is the POS the NAACP sought to invite. He wasn’t in attendance, he wasn’t a sign holder, HE WAS AN INVITED GUEST WHOSE ACTIONS AND POLICIES WERE GIVEN AN ENDORSEMENT BY JEALOUS AND THE KOOKS AT THE NAACP. I’d be very careful if I were the NAACP unless they want tarbabies like Al Sharpton to stick to them come election time.


Flo on July 16th, 2010 4:45 pm John, you missed this: “Mark Williams, spokesman for the Tea Party Express”


Patricia Winston on July 16th, 2010 4:47 pm Mark Williams is a man who is bleeding deep seeded hatred. He is a futile, insignificant, foolish, naive man who does not know his place in an America that now embraces people of all races. He must not understand that Americans together elected the first black president and that interracial marriages are increasing at an expeditious rate. He is foolosh to think that African Americans are the people that he described in his open letter that shows his acute assimilation to repetitive ignorance. I grieve for a person that still feels this way and does not realize that they are in a minority. It is my hope that people of all races will join forces to refute the vain

ignorance and UNAMERICAN behavior of Mark William and other Tea Party participants and leaders. 55. Teabagger's attempt at satire bombs AND reveals his racism on July 16th, 2010 5:25 pm [...] the sad attempt at an apology by Mr. Williams. But that is all. Here's some commentary on it: “Tea partier” Mark Williams writes ‘letter to Abe Lincoln’ … from the … Reply With Quote [...] 56.

jack on July 16th, 2010 5:31 pm This is hilarious! The letter to Lincoln, although offensive to many, was indeed genuine feelings from Mark Williams. This letter is not the way to get your “party” taken seriously but it sure did make me laugh!


catherine on July 16th, 2010 5:33 pm This guy is such a racist, he doesn’t even know he is a racist. Unfortunately, there are many more in this country just like him. I believe the underlying problem is; there is a deep unspoken anger in this country that we have a black president. Just like this jerk, he’s not going to take direction from a BLACK MAN under any conditions!!! It wouldn’t matter if Obama ended world hunger and brought peace to the universe all on the same day. They would find fault. Where was all this heart-felt concern about our country when Bush was running (not walking) this country into the ground. By the way, I want to see Mark Williams birth certificate!!!!!


nonyobusnak on July 16th, 2010 6:25 pm the anti-govt fool doesn’t know the police department keeps him alive.


Inpachi on July 16th, 2010 6:58 pm Am i the only one whos SARCASM meter goes way off when i read this letter? To me it seems like he was being more of a sarcastic jerk than serious in this letter… However if he is serious he obviously is discriminating. And i like how he didn’t really say ONE racist thing sure they were all stereotypes but aren’t most stereotypes there because a large majority of that culture/population at the very least act that way? People also need to get off there damn high horse and get thicker skin jeez if every little comment that REMOTELY resembles a racial slur towards you has you calling foul. Then you are the one with the problem. I understand that discrimination is still a problem today but people need to work together instead of pointing the blame finger. Blacks are just as much of the racial problem as whites are. Racism isn’t a one way street anymore… Hell look at all the stereotypes they have on TV for fcks sakes you don’t see that for your culture/shade of color do you? Just look at Dave Chapel look at all of his Acts where he puts make up on and acts like a stereotypical white male. But of course you don’t see us complaining because we can laugh at ourselves i actually found most of Dave Chapels acts funny. So my point is GROW UP and don’t cry foul every time some little tiny thing pops up. PS:I VERY much can not stand the Tea Party[ers] so don’t think i am supporting them. To me they are what this country does not need. Ignorant uneducated fat slops. Whos only purpose is to whine and moan about every little DAMN thing.


JPhillips on July 16th, 2010 6:59 pm Why do arguments about nuts always deteriorate into Liberals vs Conservatives? Nuts are nuts no matter what party they belong too. Even the Tea Party has its share of nuts. Mr. Williams should not be taken seriously by anyone, in any party.


whoknew on July 16th, 2010 8:02 pm Despite prevailing stereotype, Whites, not Blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars SAY the word “welfare” and immediately the image of the lazy Black wellare queen who breeds for profit surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the lion’s share of the

dole. The image of the Black “welfare cheat,” public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society’s resentment of seemingly ablebodied people getting paid for doing nothing. For some people, there is a need to believe that there are professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not only what they need to survive, but more,” says Anne D. Hill, director of programs for the National Urban League. “People say to themselves: ‘I work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn’t working?’ We tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their circumstances.” Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available. The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as “direct benefit payments for individuals” by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year. 62. Anonymous on July 16th, 2010 8:34 pm [...] [...] 63.

NGarcia on July 16th, 2010 8:53 pm One important fact is missing in your conversations about the Tea Party. There are three separate national groups who share a similar name. There is the Tea Party Nation. Then there is the Tea Party Express of which Mark Williams is the leader. It is a money making pac. Then there are the Tea Party Patriots who have no relationship to the Mark Williams group. This last group is a true grass roots organization of concerned citizens who are very concerned about the course our nation has been taking for a number of years. Having met many members of this latter group, I find them to be very committed to the health of our country, very knowledgeable on the many issues we face and current pending bills (both state and federal) and I have encountered absolutely no racism in the many members I have met. Because the patriot membership has exploded in such a short period of time, we seem to constitute a threat to the entrenched status quo and people show up at our events expressing opinions that are absolutely unacceptable to us. Before you believe some of the stories you read in the media, you really should attend a local patriot meeting where you will see many volunteers who give up much of their free time to work toward a better country for all.


ivan thomas on July 16th, 2010 9:59 pm if he’d tried saying that here in England he wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes. he would have been shouted down and treated like the fuckwit that he is… even the leader of the supposedly acceptable far right wing party here wouldn’t dare say that out loud even though he privately thinks it. what the fuck is going on over there?


Chris Jones on July 16th, 2010 10:02 pm I can’t defend the letter other than to say it was obviously meant to be satirical, but it didn’t come across like that. As for Islam, he’s absolutely right. It is a death cult and they do worship a monkey God.


SpkTruth2Pwr on July 16th, 2010 10:04 pm And yet…he will try to make the argument that it was all satirical and that any attempt to reframe his arguments put forth would be the true form of racism and free speech.

I wrote a blog about this yesterday on my site. Check it out. 67. Tell us how you really feel, Mark Williams « Under the Mountain Bunker & Coffee Shop on July 16th, 2010 10:08 pm [...] Here’s what Williams wrote: Dear Mr. Lincoln We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and

take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop! [...] 68.

Daria Bell on July 16th, 2010 10:19 pm If he had published that letter in Canada he would probably be charged with a hate crime, which would be fun to watch!


Ashamed White Woman #2 on July 16th, 2010 10:45 pm This is why religion has no place in our government… no one can agree! And look at history… how many people were skewered over fired because they did or didn’t believe in the Catholic church or Church of England, or whatever faith? A woman was sentenced to death by stoning in Iran due to their “religion”. Yes, anytime you kill in the name of a religion, it is no longer “religion” but a cult. And what about Palin having witches cast from her??? The former candidate for VP of THIS country believes in witches. And that they can cast evil spirits on those trying to do good. This, in the event McCain croaked, would have been our PRESIDENT…. and Williams has the audacity to think he sounds REMOTELY intelligent? REALLY? Williams just knocked off 100 years of American HIstory by putting us in a time warp… I’m from the south… Williams is an embarrassment. And if I look around where I’m at…. and go sit with MADD in court again…. it isn’t the blacks I see working the revolving doors of our courts… And as a cancer patient, stay-home mom who helped teach many kids with two working parents to read and write, and lost her insurance thanks to Bush’s laissez-faire government, and doesn’t qualify for disability because I foolishly volunteered for kids (meaning didn’t get paid), I think I have ample reason to tell the Tea Party group to go suck it when it comes to health care.


PeedroPaula on July 16th, 2010 10:56 pm @Roshan Yeah, I’m sure none of the women who had abortions were Republicans. You realize, don’t you, that Laura Bush recently acknowledged her support for safe and legal abortion as well as gay marriage? The last time I checked, she was a Republican!

jlady on July 16th, 2010 11:10 pm islam worship the same monkey god as u… just fyi also if race is not an issue then why ask me what color i am every time i apply for a job – apart from the special credits for black people its not relevant – and I am from England where the word black is racist and even baabaa woolly sheep have you any wool was changed to be pc… i live in a town thats 58% black and they are basically racist, where they can say move your white/honky/cracker butt but mention any of their body parts are black or brown and you are up on a ticket – i once got sacked for dropping a pillow too close to a girl because she felt threatened…. Vernetta I know you just wanted me out because I was the only pale girl working there.. also I am not even white.. I am red.. WHERE IS NATIVE AMERICAN MONTH?? 500,000 NATIVE AMERICANS SHIPPED OUT OF CHARLESTON EVERY WEEK to become slaves abroad… you made them give s africa back to the natives how about you do the same.. oh you cant cos you sold them abroad… When they ask what race I am on a form I put HUMAN… we all are lets just go with that.. ok? 72. Pro MN Politics on July 17th, 2010 12:42 am [...] See photos here for absolute proof this is part of the Tea Party. In addition to photos of signs, Tea Party leader Mark Williams recently wrote an immensely offensive imaginary letter to Abe Lincoln. The whole thing is racist. [...] 73. How Ben Jealous beat the tea parties : The Reid Report on July 17th, 2010 1:58 am [...] By proving himself to be firmly in Group 5, while playing the media’s designated tea party spokesman, Mark Williams handed Jealous and the NAACP an easy win. Even people like me, who initially wondered why the organization would bother with a resolution against a sputtering, dying news story, completely got where Ben Jealous was coming from after seeing (and reading) Williams in action. [...] 74. Kemstone's Online Journal » Still Think the Tea Party Isn’t Racist? on July 17th, 2010 8:15 am [...] written by Mark Williams, a right-wing talk show-host and Tea Party Express organizer. It’s a mock-letter from the head of the NAACP to Abraham Lincoln, and it was so offensive that Williams has since removed it from his [...] 71.


jan on July 17th, 2010 10:40 am This idiot should be taken out and horse whipped. He is not funny, nothing in his “letter” was the least bit amusing!! People like him make it hard to critisize the current admin for legitimate reasons. He just made the tea party sound like a bunch of sheet wearing morons, which is not what it is supposed to be about. I am so ashamed to know that this man is allowed to air such stupidity.


Robin Benson on July 17th, 2010 11:39 am I must really be getting old (well, at seventy I guess I am) but I find it increasingly frustrating to read some of these stories coherently. There is a headline: “Tea partier” Mark Williams writes… followed by a mug shot of Williams which is in fact a TV clip. The story then unfolds with various hyper-link underscores until a box with the headline: NAACP passes… followed by some italic text. A line of the story continuous running into a block of italic with a blue upright line on the left of it. Three more lines of story then a Click to play TV clip and a black panel with a white type headline, followed by more of the story. I could go on especially where there is a long italic letter which is repeated again below it. This format, which is not unique to The Reid Report but seems a sort of standard presentation for what is considered to be presenting the facts and augments and I feel it is just plain pathetic. Is all this bite-size and scrappy presentation down to the MTV generation not being to accommodate points-of-view in straightforward concise say what one means language? I also notice a slight variant of the above in New York Times columnists who write in a style that uses plenty of euphemisms and trendy wordsmithing, I assume to appear to be with-it which they might think gives their writing extra credence (in the Beltway or Foggy Bottom as Frank Rich might say when wanting to be slightly disparaging about folk in Washington).


Luckie on July 17th, 2010 11:40 am Mark Williams can attempt to back-pedal on the Lincoln Letter & deflect attention from its core meaning. There is no “olive branch” offering that prompted his removal of that vile commentary, just clarity that he had, without forethought, showed the world his hand. He put all his darkest, deepest, sickest assumptions regarding African-American people, on the table. Thank you. Now we know the 1st person who should be repudiated from the Tea Party is in fact, its leader – Mark Williams. The Lincoln Letter will forever be an example of just how sick the nature of hatred is. And Jealous is the Uncle Tom? Williams could not be counted on to stand by his words (unedited), admit wrong-doing & offer an apology to the millions of African-American people he offended. He’s many things but a “leader” ain’t one of them.


FrankieB on July 17th, 2010 11:58 am Mark Williams is a racist ? Guess he’s like the ‘racists’ who support getting tough on crime, opposing forced busing, and ending racist quotas and affirmative action. Liberals have no credibility on race issues anymore. They forfeited their moral authority years ago. If they want this tarbaby to come back and stick to their candidates come election time, keep talking.


Bubba on July 17th, 2010 12:28 pm

Mel Gibson for Tea Party leader. A great leader for a great party. 80.

John on July 17th, 2010 12:40 pm So he accuses the NAACP of being racist, and then puts out a letter that makes it OBVIOUS he himself is a racist. HILARIOUS> only a right winger can be that dumb.


Mac on July 17th, 2010 12:49 pm I thank you for assembling these comments linearly, and using the direct quotes — I’ve seen reports on the news the past few days that mentioned the letter but was completely unaware of its contents — the media (as usual) has under reported this story, and the excerpts they used were the most “sane” tidbits from the whole statement. The man’s words speaks volumes and there is very little to add. Other than because a person makes the statement “it dosen’t make me a racist just because…” does NOT mean the person is not Racist. These antebellum revelers seem to think that the period was all lemonade and field songs. Please Remember that Fire is never satisfied. My concern is the Tea Party is acutally exacerbating racial tension. The challenge is for the humanist to remember our humanity in order to buffer the racist on the extremes. After reading that letter, I could be inspired to produce the letter’s polar opposite, and write a letter to Lee — the problem is that would potentially polaraize non-racists whites, who themselves are not racist — but feel compelled to defend themselves from attack. Like wise the Tea party is making moderate blacks more extreme, and with statements like this how should the people respond?(From the national spokesman of the movement) I personally disagreed with the NAACP addressing the Tea Party ( Just didn’t think it was appropriate, and I felt it would create more problems than it could solve) — However after reading Mr. Williams response — I was obviously wrong. I hope the naacps response is simply ” The Tea Party is a racist organization” — no longer about ‘elements within the movement’ when the Spokesperson expresses himself so clearly. BTW I’m black, college grad(4th gen:HBCU) professional, own my home, Drive a car as old as I am, and no, no flat screens in my house, not one — but I’m still the lazy nigger Williams describes. And judging by the 7 times I was stopped without a cause this past year — “society” agrees. If I loose my grip on humanity, it is because society has snatched it from me.


jreid on July 17th, 2010 1:23 pm Eloquently stated, Mac. Joy R.


Raoul on July 17th, 2010 4:40 pm If men got pregnant, abortion would not be a political issue.


Justin C. on July 17th, 2010 5:23 pm What in the world do Hitler mustaches being put on Obama have to do with racism? I never knew that was racist. All of those liberals who protested Bush with *gasp* pictures of him with a Hitler mustache must feel terrible now. In one sentence, you’ve just proven that this article, and the entire accusation of racism, is nothing more than a joke. This isn’t the first place where I’ve heard that argument. It’s typical on left wing websites.


Justin C. on July 17th, 2010 5:26 pm And don’t even try and say that you never argued that the Hitler comparisons were racist. You clearly did. You went from talking about Williams accusing the NAACP of racism to talking about the signs with the Hitler mustache on Obama. “Mark was just getting warmed up. Later, on CNN, he reiterated that it’s really the NAACP that’s racist, not the people drawing Hitler mustaches on Barack Obama…” The article writer is a buffoon.


Opinion on July 17th, 2010 6:12 pm If Mr. Williams letter is bad, then let’s put all the NAACP members under scrutiny. Let’s see what they’ve written and said concerning whites. NAACP is one of the premier of reverse racism. They do not stand up for people of other races. They are African-American only. What if I wanted to start the United Caucasian College Fund? What if I wanted to start the Miss White America Pageant? What if I wanted to hold an awards show for the National Advancement of Caucasion People? Racism swings both ways. Reverse racism is no better. It’s time for the NAACP to go the way of the Dinosaurs.


Angela on July 17th, 2010 7:31 pm 2010… the more things change is the more the remain the same.


Timothy Blake on July 17th, 2010 8:13 pm Ok well back to the actual issue we’re supposed to be commenting on lol. Honestly, I believe “Political Correctness” is a bunch of bull, however, I am a huge advocate of tact; something I believe all people (black, white, etc.) can honestly say Mr. Williams has a blatant disregard for. I’m biracial (black and white) and can say that Mr. Williams’ blog did not offend me but on quite the contrary made me feel good to know that our society still does not tolerate out right ignorance. I was and still am a Mc Cain supporter, but as an enlisted in the Marine Corps I respect and will always support anyone with the guts to take on such a responsibility as leading our great nation. The Tea Partiers need to respect President Obama’s commitment…Oorah lol


Obamabot on July 17th, 2010 9:54 pm You people make me laugh.


Sher on July 17th, 2010 10:40 pm Mark Williams, You really need to resign from your post. I am embarassed and find that you are doing so much damage to the tea party movement. You must resign as I am starting to e-mail and blog all over the movement…asking for your resignation.


Still Hiding on July 17th, 2010 11:09 pm Anyone that’s a non-minority should be outraged that the tea party is embarrassing good white people that are tired of being labeled and auto-viewed as racist due to the color of the skin and disrespectful non-leaders with a radio or tv show!


Steve on July 17th, 2010 11:18 pm Well, what do you expect from a honky?


monique ealy on July 17th, 2010 11:40 pm This is really a shame. It must stop now!


thenine9 on July 18th, 2010 12:37 am Tea Party folks are all “Wingnuts” and members of the GOP that support and encourage the Tea Party are also “Wingnuts”. These are extremist that have always been part of the fabric of our culture. They come out from under the rocks when uncertainty and fear rears its head they seek control with myth and irrational thinking, ideas, misinformation often wrap themselves in the flag and spouting off about the constitution and their religion. Extremist, that are afraid and being incited by many elected and not yet elected GOP. Not all GOP’s are “Wingnuts” but those that are all easy to spot. “Wingnuts’ in our history have been at times members of many different parties and groups but they always share the same characteristics irrational, hate driven, misinformed, possibly violent or threaten violence. Free speech is great but wish the Media would stop giving these tea party “Wingnuts” so much air and print time.


EarleyDaysYet on July 18th, 2010 10:16 am

#39 – Aaron “So for instance, lots of Americans picked up the Sex Pistols album “never mind the bullocks” and literally had no idea how offensive the title was in England” Just as an aside, the title is “never mind the bollocks”. Bullocks are cows and are not offensive. Bollocks are the veg of the “meat & veg” of the male animal, which bullocks apparently also have, but they’re not relevant so we’ll ignore that. Also the term “bollocks” in England is loose slang for “bulls**t”, and hence the title had a double meaning. I think you’ll find that the only people in England who were actually offended were people with hyphenated names and that woman off “Keeping Up Appearances”. In response to what I think was your original point: ignorance only works as an excuse when you can reasonably expect the offender not to know. Anyone functioning in the modern world? Knows what words offend and why they should not be used. (well, apart from you, apparently :>) At this point, wilful ignorance becomes offensive in and of itself. 96. Tea Party Federation boots Mark Williams, TPE, over ‘colored’ letter : The Reid Report on July 18th, 2010 1:30 pm [...] The Reid Report became the first to report that Mark Williams posted his racist “letter from the colored people to President [...] Tyler on July 18th, 2010 2:53 pm Now my question is, why didn’t Mark just go the whole nine yards and say the n-word. Seriously, why not? You can TELL he just wanted to scream that a few times in that lovely little letter. He screwed himself over so badly with it alone, hell, why not go out with a super-big bang and shout the n-word? Go ahead, Mark! Be proud of being a racist! Don’t bottle that up, let it out! You just hate those evil, no-good, “coloreds’ who ruin your picture-perfect pure country with their poverty and destitution, and welfare dependency. Unite your group Mark! Get ‘em all fired up, and get them to clean up this mess that you can’t stand looking at when you drive by in your Mercedes. In fact, let’s construct some death camps, and just start ridding ourselves of them, right Mark? Be sure to make the chlorine gas come out of the showerheads just like the nazis, Mark, you racist piece of pig [excrement]. 98. In response to Mark William’s letter to Abe Lincoln, I wrote Ayn Rand. « Ishtarmuz's Blog on July 18th, 2010 3:19 pm [...] by ishtarmuz in corporatism. Tagged: Ayn Rand. Leave a Comment In response to Mark William’s letter to Abe Lincoln, I wrote Ayn [...] 97.



Woodrow_1 on July 18th, 2010 3:39 pm “If men got pregnant, abortion would not be a political issue.” Until the day arrives where men no longer are involved in pregnancies in any way, abortions will always be a political issue. Until then, we best respect there is a higher power at work alongside simply allowing a woman the ‘right’ to abort a pregnancy. Individual decisions with right actions to follow whether made alone or in community need always come before irreversible consequences. Rav Man on July 18th, 2010 3:57 pm UNFORTUNATE – this whole discussion. 1. everyone is looking at the face value of the words written 2. naacp is only working for blacks or ‘coloreds’. who else is referred to as ‘coloreds’ except blacks? are the yellows (chinese), the brown (south asians), also included in the purview of the naacp? 3. how long do we keep bringing race into the discussions? we should abolish all political and social groups that work for any single racial group. hell, a poor white guy is as poor as a poor black guy! all poor people have the same problems, same hunger! then why do we think a poor black person is more deserving of help than a poor white guy? if not, then why dont we form groups or organizations to help poor people instead of blacks or reds or yellows or browns? it is shameful for this nation to go through this, but we have to let it all come out – let it spew until there is none left. and then maybe we will be a better society. the catharsis has to occur.

so – i would say – instead of holding back, everyone just spit it out and be done with it. say whats in your mind, for a change. if you dont, all this will get supressed, we will go another few years and all this crap will come back to haunt us again. and again. and again. 101.

Wyatt Cox on July 18th, 2010 4:12 pm The minute the NAACP purges itself of it’s racist elements (Rev Wright/Nation of Islam, etc) , then they can bitch about the Tea Party… That whole “He who is without sin” thing, ya know….


Harmon Loop on July 18th, 2010 4:30 pm Rav Man: First intelligent comment I’ve heard all day. Let’s just make this clear once and for all: A racist: A person who uses a person’s racial background for any purpose, whether it be for the person’s benefit or degradation. He separates society into ‘regular people’ and ‘minorities,’ whether it be about race, sexuality, or anything else in a person’s born background. Believes in ‘affirmative action’ instead of trying to help all disadvantaged people equally. A balanced person: One who never uses race as a means for any purpose whatsoever. One who cares equally for people of any background. The word ‘minority’ holds no meaning in a racial sense whatsoever. Just accepts people for who they are. The only group he really dislikes are racists (as defined above) — this sometimes causes him to be accused of racism himself by people who lack subtlety. Just an aside: Whomever wrote this excuse for an article clearly falls into the category of racism as defined above. Additionally, there is nothing racist about drawing a Hitler mustache on Obama — not very tasteful, but clearly not racist as, last I checked, Hitler was white.


Terrance on July 18th, 2010 4:38 pm this old fat ass mother fucker needs to go take his old ass somewhere n die omg i was just watching the news about his letter he wrote and i am truly n utterly disgusted with what he said i hope someone agrees with me n if u dont go fuck your self r jst tell me how u feel e-mail me r something so i can tell you how i feel about ur sorry ass comments n yes i am black

Mark on July 18th, 2010 6:12 pm I honestly find his letter to be satirical not racist. If you read the letter as is and don’t consider the author’s race it is actually pretty interesting. He raises a valid point that the NAACP does seem to want to keep the black man down and on welfare. 105. Ishtarmuz’s letter to Abe Lincoln, another rebuttal to Mark Williams « Ishtarmuz's Blog on July 18th, 2010 6:41 pm [...] [...] 104.


Angry White Dude on July 18th, 2010 7:26 pm I’m curious, did it offend you libs when President Bush was portrayed as Hitler and/or burned in effigy at Code Pink and events? Or is it you’re simply disingenuous leftist looking (desperately) to try and find something to stop the Tea Party movement? Your hypocrisy and lies…and those of the NAACP… shows how greatly you fear the Tea Party movement. Not one argument about the Tea Party movement’s call for fiscal responsibility, limited government and national sovereignty….just name calling. But that is what you leftists do, isn’t it? Quite pathetic, actually. Angry White Dude


Yash on July 18th, 2010 7:28 pm With 96% of Black Voters casting their Ballots for Obama in 2008, who truly are the racists?


Erik on July 18th, 2010 7:57 pm President Obama has a white mother and a black father. So I guess that makes you black according to the people who keep saying he is racist towards whites. I guess you are acknowledging that a tiny drop of black blood makes you a black person. Im sure some of you have black blood in you so you are emitting all kinds of selfhatred. You are so confused!


sadtosay on July 18th, 2010 9:19 pm wow one thing none of the people in this world will ever get is that racism will never be abolished. white, blacks, latins, etc. at some point are racist because they themselves are not truly happy with self so they hate what they can not be or what they do not understand…sigh…”religion” will always be an issue cause you have stupid people who say things about another religions when really they should have kept their mouth shut. anyone who claims to be a christian and comes at you with hateful words they’re not christian it’s just a title they use as an excuse to say the things they want to say and in the process making you hate the ones who really follow christianity come at you with love yes jesus was a human sacrifice but none of you really get it. it wasn’t his death that was important it was his resurrection. the significance of it what it represented to ALL people on earth but of course you don’t see it you see what you want to see…sigh…truly sad abortion is abortion regardless of what political background you come from you blame democrats for it but i don’t see those who claim republican refusing to have it done either. blame does not lie with the political party but with the WOMAN who decided that a baby was expendable…freedom of choice have you forgotten that? and no i do not defend those people it’s wrong on all accounts. again sigh.

lastly this dude who wrote that letter is a jerk but really he hurts no one but himself and those who allow themselves to be hurt by this. should it have been done no but it was oh well let’s move on…on to the next one…the problem is we waste our time on such medial subjects hence racism it will always be there like i said before to rid the world of it you must rid the world of hate and let’s face it that’s not gonna happen anytime soon…sigh. 110. Tea Party Federation Splits with Tea Party Express Over Racist Letter - SLUniverse Forums on July 18th, 2010 10:28 pm [...] [...] 111.

marisela on July 18th, 2010 11:07 pm I think most of what this guys writes and says is true. even though it sounds crude its what I believe too. Sorry to you blacks, but you guys are the ones who fulfill the stereotypes. And all muslims are agressive and violent when it comes to their faith. A lot of times when im out, so many people are scared to tell a black person to shut the hell up or stop acting so rowdy because you will be called racist. but black people can call whites crackers and latinos spics like its nothing. Anyone else seen this? Only in America. Its a shame.

sam on July 19th, 2010 12:46 am Is this really as blatant racist as everyone seems to think? Or is it satire? Idk, his intentions. However, if an organization’s sole purpose is for the “advancement’ of one race isn’t that racism? We as human being should be trusted no to allow the will of the masses to out way the right of the few and not need organizations like the NAACP. I mean honestly if an organization came out and said they were for the advancement of white people everywhere what would you call it? Congress…? j/k 113. Mark Williams and TPE pushed out by racism, or rivalry? (Plus Williams fires back at TP ‘Federation’) : The Reid Report on July 19th, 2010 2:23 am [...] of Mark Williams from its ranks wasn’t all that surprising after his incendiary “colored letter” post. But what was a bit, well, interesting, is that the organization of more than 80 tea [...] 112.


Critical Chaos on July 19th, 2010 6:01 am I think white people have caused all other races much setbacks with their actions which are based on their fears. I think the white ignorance towards race is simply pathetic and a sure sign of immaturity. All in all, whites are not the most populated race and considering their track record, should all learn how to approach race without ignorance or fear. Once this is achieved by the so called master race, then they will see they are no master without balance and cooperation of the other races. In regards to christianity, white people have deluded the

truth with lies about a white jesus and also how they change His name from Yeshua to a translated term whic is not the same. The people who chose to make these changes did so for racial competency. Sadly they were mistaken since history proves itself, not lies from white people so they can get their way. This in turn will ultimately flip the tables and whites will become the slave and they will usher it in for themselves due to their lack of intelligence and competency. Thank the catholic church, they started the lies for authoritative control. If jesus was a sacrifice which was to end all other sacrifices, then how do we eat? Vegan only, go for it. Christianity is a huge lie based on many ignorant lies. The Lion of Judah is never mentioned in the church as Jah Ras Tafari, why? Because whites hate that they are not the best rather than settling for one of the created, by the best. I am white and sadly disgusted by the ignorant people who make up the rest of the race. Now that is not only sad, but pathetic. No other race has hurt me like whites. So evil race who kills everything to get their way, hitler was not a role model, he was a terrorist and your jesus was actually a middle eastern descent and was named Yeshua, not jesus or christ which are changes to which were a violation of the revelational law. No changes, even to the given name of GOD. So sorry whitey but your preachers and their racist ways have made you and everyone in the USA sitting ducks for terrorists that we befriend because they have what we want, cocaine! Good one DEA, your plan failed on too many levels and you waste our money for the cause of social degredation rather than development. Try something new….put down the drugs and learn what living life is without a badge or your gun. Maybe then you will see what your terribly chosen actions can potentially cause. When the shit breaks out because you did not do your job correctly, God will burn your soul out from the inside with His smile! I and I promises… 115. Tea Party Federation boots Mark Williams, TPE, over ‘colored’ letter on July 19th, 2010 6:22 am [...] the Reid Report became the first to report that mark Williams posted his racist “letter from [...] 116. Tea Party expels Tea Party Express guy « Dating Jesus on July 19th, 2010 7:00 am [...] 19, 2010 · Leave a Comment Saying a blog post by Mark Williams, of the Tea Party Express, was racist, the Tea Party Federation kicked ‘em both [...] 117.

jreid on July 19th, 2010 8:44 am Oh look! The post finally brought out Angry White Dude, a guy even more blatantly racist than Mark Williams. Always nice to hear from you, dude. Did you bring the white sheet and torches?

Duane on July 19th, 2010 9:56 am Most of the comments on this page leave little doubt that “Think at your own risk” is taken literally here. If you have read Williams’ letter (not phrases out of context) and actually think it’s racist, you definitely need to preserve your few remaining brain cells. 119. Tea Party Race Debate Draws First Blood « Political News and Opinion for African-Americans on Politic365 on July 19th, 2010 10:00 am [...] Following a firestorm of controversy surrounding the NAACP’s 101st Annual Convention resolution condemning racist elements within the conservative Tea Party movement, the debate draws first political blood. Fending off charges of racism, the National Tea Party Federation – the umbrella organization linking all Tea Party groups and fronts – quickly moved to expel conservative activist Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express which he chairs. Williams recently penned what he described as a satirical “Letter to Lincoln,” fictitious open correspondence from “Colored People” writing to the 16th President of the United States. Miami Herald political commentator Joy-Ann “Joy” Reid is kind enough to provide a copy of the le… [...] 118.


Carlos on July 19th, 2010 10:04 am I’m beginning to wonder, too, about the intellectual level of readers here. That letter obviously contains statements that are racist, but you have to recognize that those statements are just rephrased renditions of actual policy positions of the NAACP.


ClaireseLippincott on July 19th, 2010 10:12 am I liked the Abe letter. It is good satire and has the core truth that the NAACP does not represent the best interests of the Negro community in America, but instead just wants to shake down “Whitey.” Why is it OK with the media for the NAACP to continue its policy of racial extortion, while anyone who speaks out for our Constitution or specifically on behalf of leading a life where we are not dependent on government hand-outs, is deemed racist? What exactly is wrong with being an advocate for one’s race, especially when the White population, specifically White Men, are the only segment of the US population that is not afforded any “special protected status” under

our laws? There are 44 MILLION Whites living in poverty. This is larger than the ENTIRE black population and larger than the ENTIRE (legal) Latino population, If you took the black population as a separate country, they would be the twentieth most prosperous nation on earth. Abe on July 19th, 2010 10:19 am Haha, i love it! 123. Tea Party Loose Canons | The Ruth Group on July 19th, 2010 1:29 pm [...] “We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!” [Full letter] [...] 122.


mike on July 19th, 2010 3:10 pm isn’t white a color?


mike on July 19th, 2010 3:13 pm has anybody seen the rant of the black panters?


mike on July 19th, 2010 3:13 pm any rants from the nation of islam?


mike on July 19th, 2010 3:14 pm any rant from rev wright?


mike on July 19th, 2010 3:15 pm do you all believe that only blacks and people of (color) gave money to haiti??

mike on July 19th, 2010 3:17 pm would he have wrote this letter if the words from justice didn’t spring fourth? 130. Democracy | The Terror Fabulous on July 19th, 2010 3:27 pm [...] can’t go on strike and doesn’t get paid maybe they’ll decide that they’ve changed their minds about emancipation. This entry was posted on Monday, July 19th, 2010 at 7:27 pmand is filed under Exegesis, [...] 129.


mike on July 19th, 2010 3:35 pm racist are bad, but so are people who claim they are not racist but exhibit the same diatribe while they deny it. like many on this post thread!!! all white people are racist!!(so they claim), and only white people can be racist (so they claim)!!


Dave on July 19th, 2010 4:09 pm With all this being said, I strongly believe all people of all races are without a doubt racist. Tell yourselves anything you want to feel more secure but you’re just lying to yourself.


Jr Deputy Accountant on July 19th, 2010 4:25 pm I’d like to point out that this Mark Williams guy is not even a true Tea Partier and we had his number way back in September of 2009

benji on July 19th, 2010 10:00 pm mark williams= tool 135. Who is Mark Williams? | Houston Tea Party on July 20th, 2010 12:15 am [...] [...] 134.


David P on July 20th, 2010 9:04 am Totally agree with Mr Williams Black radical groups like the NAACP are Uncle Tom’s of the White Overseers of the Democrat Party!

137. Rare Praise For The Tea Party « The Erstwhile Conservative: A Blog of Repentance on July 20th, 2010 9:16 am [...] it or not, that is just a sampling of the worst of Mr. Williams’ performances. Check here for a rundown of the dumb stuff he has said, including calling the President of the United States [...] 138.

IKNEW on July 20th, 2010 9:46 am @WHOKNEW If the US population is composed of 60% whites and 12% blacks and a third of welfare recipients are black that means more money is spent per black person than white.

I don’t think its racist to cite this divide, but the real question is why is it this way. The sad part about this is he makes a good point in that welfare is a hay barn for human cattle, but by using racial stereotypes to get his point across he makes people upset. 139. Will real racism please stand up? « Shining City USA on July 20th, 2010 10:08 am [...] can read Mr. Williams letter over at, just scroll down the page a bit. The letter – in a fairly distateful [...] 140.

Chris on July 20th, 2010 12:55 pm The views of a few (in this case Mr. Williams) are no more the views of the entire Tea Party than the views of some radical tree-hugging environmentalist are the views of the entire Democratic Party. Get it through your heads people, making generalizations based on the actions of some is both ignorant and counter-productive. Oh yeah, and it makes you look like a tool. I align myself as a “Tea Partier” because I believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility. I denounce the welfare-state mentality of our current President (and any President) regardless of their race, religion, orientation, etc. I’m not naive enough to believe that there aren’t racists that consider themselves “Tea Partiers.” However, I (along with most in the Tea Party) am smart enough to see a logical fallacy with our President demanding corporate fiscal responsibility but espousing budget deficits, healthcare and financial overhauls, stimulus bills, jobless benefits, and welfare programs that could bankrupt this country.


Kyle on July 20th, 2010 1:51 pm I am in agreement that the NAACP is a horrible organization. I am in agreement that President Obama appears to have more in common with most infamous dictators in history than any president to date. I agree that Anderson Cooper is a political hack and is about as useful as a broken wooden spoon. I think the Abe Lincoln letter is slightly humorous. But still recognize that Abraham Lincoln was by far one of the worst presidents in our history, who did little for black Americans, and much for centralizing power to Washington DC. I do not agree that simply being a Muslim should equal a death sentence.


sadtosay on July 20th, 2010 3:35 pm this world is going to hell in a hand basket racism will always exist because hate will always exist and most of you people on here are proving me right…sigh…sad

sadtosay on July 20th, 2010 3:37 pm why can’t people just move on and stop hating…sigh 144. This Evening On The Randi Rhodes Show « KPTK-AM on July 20th, 2010 8:36 pm [...] to the NAACP’s criticism of Tea Party tolerance of racism with a whole-hearted embrace of racism. Williams posted a bizarre “open letter” to Abraham Lincoln he wrote from the point of view of “colored 143.

people.” The letter appears to be an attempt at [...] 145. The smearing of Shirley Sherrod : The Reid Report on July 21st, 2010 12:06 am [...] resolution calling on the tea party movement to condemn the racists in its ranks (later proven by Mark Williams.) So desperate are Breitbart and his fellow travelers on the right, to dredge up “black [...] 146. Shirley Sherrod’s War: When Keepin It Racially Real Goes Wrong « The Crunk Feminist Collective on July 21st, 2010 1:09 pm [...] Mark Williams retaliated against Jealous by penning and posting an ill-conceived, ill-informed satirical letter from Jealous to President Lincoln renouncing African Americans desire for freedom and calling the [...] 147. Is There Racism in the TEA Party? « PEOPLE-Local 645 on July 23rd, 2010 12:20 am [...] by Chris Liebenthal on July 22, 2010 Of course there is. But now, it’s less one racist. But Williams was just getting started. Also Wednesday, he took his “non-racist” commentary to [...] 148. Tea Party, Racism, Corruption: Steeping to the Bad Side « Clyde Fitch Report on July 23rd, 2010 1:13 pm [...] wry racism (and cowardice — he has taken the letter of his blog) gave Bachmann the perfect opportunity to jump before a camera and create a new sect — the [...] 149.

Not Offended By Much on July 23rd, 2010 3:46 pm So if they are called coloreds and that is offensive. Should I be offended if i was called “lack of color” or “colored-less”?

It is amazing that one man out of this whole tea party movement can change an entire county’s idea on their goals. The motivation of the tea party has NOTHING to do with race rather just not to be in so much debt, not to be taxed out the ass. I am sorry to see this happen because his attempt to be funny has really changed the publics view. Oh, media! 150. And he’s done. Mark Williams quits the Tea Party Express : The Reid Report on July 23rd, 2010 5:16 pm [...] the lone Democrat TPE has endorsed. His campaign sent a letter to TPE on Monday, after the “colored letter” flap, decrying the post and adding: “Since the Tea Party Express refuses to reject and [...] 151.

DarHalen on July 24th, 2010 2:26 pm NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People. I think I’ll join. I mean, I’m colored, though my skin tone is classified as Caucasian, but since I’m not lacking any color, just a lighter tone and I can turn the most wonderful shade of persimmon when exposed to the sun. Aren’t we all colored? Maybe that’s the change we really can believe in. That sudden realization that we aren’t different colors at all, just different shades of the same.

sadtosay on July 26th, 2010 3:54 pm OH MY GOD somebody finally got Darhalen i applaud thee you understand what most try to deny bravo bravo 153. Left Admits: Racism Charges Against Tea Parties a Tactic, Not a Truth! - TurboBuick.Com on July 30th, 2010 3:20 am [...] is itself racist. Left Admits: Racism Charges Against Tea Parties a Tactic, Not a Truth Tea Party Express Leader Mark Williams Letter to Lincoln [...] 152.


BuddhA on July 30th, 2010 9:41 am Well, if the NAACP represents “all people of color,” does that include white people? Is white a color?


Pacal on July 31st, 2010 11:14 am RE: Roshan #34. You do realize that it was the US Supreme Court that legalized Abortion nationally in 1972? You do realize that it is debatable, to say the least, to assert that a fertilized egg is a baby. Given that the great majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester isn’t describing this as killing babies a bit much? Accusing Democrats of killing 24 or 27 million babies is of course agitation propaganda. Does it have to be pointed out that pro-choice and pro-life (both sides prefferd descriptors) are founded in both political parties. You do realize that it is not just Democrats who get abortions. In fact lots of Republicans get them too and of course lots of pro-lifers get them also. This includes thoose picketing abortion clinics. See So Roshan your agit-prop is typical of the pro-life movement but I can say with perfect assurance that many prolife people will, when their young daughters get pregnant hustle their dauighters to an abiortion clinic where the daugher will spread their legs, have the procedure and right afterwards many of these parents will go right back

to denouncing abortion. 156. Why is Dr. Laura still on the air? (Radio Marketing & Syndication 101) : The Reid Report on August 16th, 2010 1:14 am [...] no less — and he still lost his job. Talk radioista Mark Williams walked back his “colored letter to Lincoln,” sort of — but he still had to step down from the Tea Party Express before he ran it [...] 157. Park 51 fight feeding Bin Ladenism, extremists : The Reid Report on August 24th, 2010 1:50 pm [...] Mark Williams, most famous for his attacks on Shirley Sherrod, and his “colored letter to Lincoln,” is at the helm of both the anti-mosque cause, and something called the Conservative Party USA. On [...] 158. The Shouts of Our Better Angels « Mark My Word on August 27th, 2010 6:04 pm [...] words. One of the most egregious instances of racism to emerge from the Tea Party ranks is a “satirical” letter from “colored people” to Abraham Lincoln, penned by Mark Williams, founder of the Tea Party [...] 159. New York Times Buys Tea-Baggers’ Spin About Beck Rally « SpeakEasy on August 28th, 2010 2:53 pm [...] added.)Just off the top of my head, it’s simply not in dispute that a tea party leader wrote an astonishingly racist mock-letter to Abraham Lincoln on his website (and continues to represent the angry right all over the media despite his [...] Leave a Reply Name: (required)

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