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October 01, 2010 10:42 am ET — Media Matters Action Network

When California passed its Global Warming Solutions Act in 2006, it represented a turning point in the debate over clean energy and global warming. For once, it seemed, economic innovation and environmental stewardship triumphed over Big Oil and corporate greed. Many clean energy and environmental advocates hoped the bill's passage marked the start of a trend for similar legislation in other states and in Washington.


Energy Environment

Today, however, those same oil giants are fighting round two by bankrolling the "Yes on 23" campaign in favor of a proposition repealing the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32).

Sen. Coburn Objects To Bill Aimed At Protecting Sharks SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 5:13 PM ET

Not surprisingly, the oil-funded "Yes on 23" campaign to repeal California's revolutionary global warming bill is being perpetrated by spewing falsehoods, misrepresentations, and lies.

Rep. Hensarling: Chinese Currency Manipulation Is Good For America

Click HERE to view's fact check of their newest misleading ad. PRINT

SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:31 PM ET

Rep. Gohmert's Plan For Welfare Reform


SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:15 PM ET

Frank Gaffney Gets Smacked Down By Akbar Akmed SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:08 PM ET

Anderson Cooper Interviews Anti-Muslim Candidate Renee Ellmers SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 3:51 PM ET


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Oil Giants Spread Lies About CA's Clean Energy Law | Political Correction

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Oil Giants Spread Lies About CA's Clean Energy Law

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October 01, 2010 10:42 am ET — Media Matters Action Network

When California passed its Global Warming Solutions Act in 2006, it represented a turning point in the debate over clean energy and global warming. For once, it seemed, economic innovation and environmental stewardship triumphed over Big Oil and corporate greed. Many clean energy and environmental advocates hoped the bill's passage marked the start of a trend for similar legislation in other states and in Washington.


Energy Environment

Today, however, those same oil giants are fighting round two by bankrolling the "Yes on 23" campaign in favor of a proposition repealing the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32).

Sen. Coburn Objects To Bill Aimed At Protecting Sharks SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 5:13 PM ET

Not surprisingly, the oil-funded "Yes on 23" campaign to repeal California's revolutionary global warming bill is being perpetrated by spewing falsehoods, misrepresentations, and lies.

Rep. Hensarling: Chinese Currency Manipulation Is Good For America

Click HERE to view's fact check of their newest misleading ad. PRINT

SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:31 PM ET

Rep. Gohmert's Plan For Welfare Reform


SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:15 PM ET

Frank Gaffney Gets Smacked Down By Akbar Akmed SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:08 PM ET

Anderson Cooper Interviews Anti-Muslim Candidate Renee Ellmers SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 3:51 PM ET


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Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America About us


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Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to

October 01, 2010 4:18 pm ET

It must be nice to work for Rupert Murdoch. Every so often, the News Corp. CEO is questioned about Fox News' programming. His responses reveal that he either does not watch his own network and is therefore clueless about his flagship news property, or he instead chooses to play dumb about his network's role in poisoning the national discourse. Yesterday, while testifying before a House subcommittee hearing, Murdoch spoke in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) expressed support for Murdoch's proposal, but noted that she was "oftentimes stunned" by the anti-immigrant rhetoric on Fox News. Murdoch responded by saying that "we are home to all views on Fox," and that "we are not antiimmigrant on Fox News." Of course, Fox News is a hotbed of anti-immigrant rhetoric. Not only do hosts and guests regularly distort the threat posed by illegal immigration and fight against rights already held by immigrants, but their coverage of the issue sometimes veers into thinly-veiled "white people are under attack!" xenophobia. For example, in May of 2007, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News' top-rated host, fearmongered that the "unintended consequences" of immigration reform was that it would make America less white. On an April, 2006, edition of his syndicated radio show, O'Reilly suggested that the "hidden agenda" of the immigrant rights movement was to bring about the "browning of America." In 2006, former Fox host John Gibson exhorted white viewers to do "your duty" and "make more babies" in response to population growth by minorities.

Ben Dimiero

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to October 1, 2010

Media Matters: Fox News thinks you're all idiots September 10, 2010

Media Matters: Glenn Beck, Holy Warrior August 13, 2010

Media Matters: Conservatives' perpetual dishonesty machine July 30, 2010

Media Matters: The greatest science "scandal" "in the history of man" predictably falls apart July 9, 2010

Media Matters: Fox News' oily sheen June 25, 2010

Media Matters: Glenn Beck explains why he should be fired June 18, 2010

Media Matters: The Glenn Beck Conundrum June 4, 2010

Though Murdoch proudly proclaimed that Fox is "home to all views" on immigration, this welcoming mentality apparently includes mainstreaming anti-immigrant groups like the American Immigration Control Foundation, which has been classified as a "hate group" by the Anti-Defamation League. And while Murdoch mocked the idea of "expelling 11 or 12 million people" as "nonsense," Fox host David Asman - while filling in for Neil Cavuto in April of 2006 - suggested that it may have been "the perfect time to round up" illegal immigrants and "ship them out." To top it all off, Fox News has recently begun hosting disgraced former CNN host Lou Dobbs to repeatedly mislead on immigration issues, despite his long history of making incendiary and false claims about the topic. But they "are not anti-immigrant on Fox." Right. Murdoch's obliviousness - feigned or not - when it comes to Fox News' coverage of immigration follows a clear pattern. On the subject of climate change, Murdoch has aligned himself with the vast majority of climate scientists and stated unequivocally that "climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats." In 2007, Murdoch announced an initiative to make News Corp. carbon neutral in an attempt to "set an example" and inspire their "audiences" to fight climate change. While News Corp.'s initiative is commendable, its potential benefits and ability to "set an example" are undermined by Fox News' ongoing war on climate science and climate scientists. Fox hosts and personalities regularly mock[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America

climate change and any efforts to combat it. A perfect example of how Fox News fails to "set an example" came during Earth Day this year. Rather than spend the day promoting environmentalism and conservation, Fox & Friends marked the occasion by rehashing smears of climate scientists with noted climatologist L. Brent Bozell. Murdoch was right when he said that the carbon footprint of News Corp.'s audience is "10,000 times bigger than" the company's, which is why the benefits of his company's attempt to become carbon neutral pale in comparison to the damage done by the network's ongoing war on climate science. In fact, Murdoch's admission that he agrees with the "99 percent of scientists" on climate change makes him part of the "climate change cult," according to Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin. Murdoch has also frequently promoted the phony distinction between Fox's news and opinion programming. Last year, Murdoch implied that Your World with Neil Cavuto and Fox & Friends (among others) are Fox shows that don't traffic in "commentary." This was false at the time - Fox News executives have included those shows as part of its "opinion" lineup -- and has become even more so as the network has continued its trip down the rabbit hole. Â Neil Cavuto is the network's Senior Vice President of Business News, which, according to Fox, means he "oversees all business coverage for FNC" and "directs content and business news coverage for the FOX Business Network." If we are supposed to view Cavuto as some sort of business journalist, then he likely holds the distinction of being the only business journalist in the country with his own "Campaign Platform." This week, Cavuto unveiled his "2010 Campaign Platform," which consisted of right-wing proposals like "No Tax Hikes On Anyone For Any Reason" and "A 10 Percent Across-The-Board Cut In Every Gov't Program." In addition to having a "Campaign Platform," Cavuto regularly promotes falsehoods that benefit the GOP and Tea Party at the expense of progressives and Democrats. Murdoch's confusion about Fox & Friends' programming may be slightly more understandable. After all, Steve Doocy and Co. put on a show for their boss when he visited earlier this year, significantly toning down their usual rhetoric about immigration during his appearance, only to return to their usual antics as soon as he left the show. Of course, the idea that Fox & Friends does not do "commentary" is a farce. Not only does the show spend three hours every morning misinforming their viewers about a wide range of issues, they have recently become the de facto launching pad for GOP general election campaigns. Which brings us to Murdoch's most infamous "see no evil" moment. In April, Media Matters VP Ari Rabin-Havt questioned Murdoch about Fox's promotion of the Tea Party. Murdoch responded that Fox News shouldn't be "supporting the Tea Party or any other party." He added, "I'd like to investigate what you are saying before I condemn anyone." Almost six months later, we're still waiting to hear back. As we detailed at the time, Fox's promotion of the Tea Party was beyond question - the network had aggressively encouraged viewers to attend tea parties, and even hosted several "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties" starring leading Fox personalities like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. In the intervening months, Fox's Tea Party boosterism has continued unabated. Notably, in the past few weeks, Fox has gone all-in supporting Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. In addition to giving her a safe haven from being inconvenienced by exposure to actual journalism, numerous hosts on the network have misleadingly claimed that her opponent has labeled himself a "bearded Marxist." And what about that "other party" -- the GOP -- that Fox News shouldn't be "supporting," according to their boss? Well, in addition to lavishing coverage on the GOP's legislative agenda, Fox News hosts and personalities have raised millions of dollars for the GOP, supported GOP candidates with almost uniformly positive coverage, and, as always, spent every day smearing Democrats and progressives with blatant falsehoods. In April, we argued that Fox News had basically become an arm of the GOP. It seems we may have had that backwards. At this point, the GOP is basically just an arm of Fox News. As we detailed in a report this week, Fox News employs no less than five potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates. The Fox candidates have appeared on the network at least 269 times, appearances a GOP strategist reportedly called an "in-kind contribution."[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America

Murdoch's network actually goes beyond just giving "in-kind contributions" to the GOP. Recently, they've discarded that relative subtlety and started spending boatloads of money in the hopes of helping to elect GOP candidates this fall. Earlier this summer, News. Corp donated an unprecedented $1 million to the Republican Governors Association with the express purpose of supporting the "RGA's pro-business agenda." Last night, Politico's Ben Smith reported that News. Corp also donated $1 million to the GOP-aligned Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has reportedly devoted millions of dollars this cycle to running political ads on behalf of Republican Senate candidates. Fox News' political activism is becoming more and more brazen. Unfortunately the network is enabled by the rest of the media's reluctance to call them out on their behavior. At this point, it is clear that the CEO of News. Corp has no plans to act responsibly, so it is up to the press to hold Fox News accountable. Fox News makes a mockery of the idea of journalism, and it's time for media outlets that actually care about the craft to speak out and say so. This weekly wrap-up was compiled by Ben Dimiero, a research fellow at Media Matters for America.




by peebs755 (October 01, 2010 4:36 pm ET)


It's maddening how the rest of the media lets these jokers get away with all their bulldung without calling them out. REPLY


by TeaPartyPatriots (October 01, 2010 7:33 pm ET)



I will be writing a reply to this post in depth tonight for your amusement! See you soon! Hope to get plent of Down Thunbs! REPLY


by TeaPartyPatriots (October 01, 2010 7:39 pm ET)



thumbs* REPLY


by nahummer (October 02, 2010 8:32 am ET)

The surprise isn't that you know how to spell thumbs it's that you've managed to evolve to the point where you have opposable digits to hit the space bar. Faux News has allowed you to live in a bubble of lies for far too long, please try to turn off the TV and get out and see a bit more of the world. In Case You Missed It REPLY


by Invent a Scandal (October 01, 2010 7:49 pm ET)

Try to keep your misspellings to under 50. REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]



Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America by NiceguyEddie (13 minutes ago)


If I wanted to listen to an idiot, I'd just turn on Fox and expend a lot less effort in the process. As amusing as your attempt at propaganda is sure to be, you are still only an ametuer. That and if you stick to the topic at hand for more than two sentences I'll set my hair on fire. --------------------------------------So I'll pass, thank you. REPLY


by wookie (October 01, 2010 4:49 pm ET)


The rest of the press is mostly Fox lite. And Fox has created the mindset that any objection to their shrill overkill is killing a free press. REPLY


by TeaPartyPatriots (October 01, 2010 4:54 pm ET)



Man...seems like this guy is just angry. Did fox news refuse your application? REPLY


by cst (October 01, 2010 5:56 pm ET)



Care to actually prove him wrong, TPP? His facts are solid and documented.Your childish allegation is not. REPLY


by CoolSlaw (October 01, 2010 6:51 pm ET)


I seriously doubt TPP even read the editorial before lobbing that Troll grenade. REPLY


by TeaPartyPatriots (October 01, 2010 7:17 pm ET)



Yea i read it...i don't get paid by Hillary and George to sit around all day dissecting news coverage of one channel. But maybe one day i can be so elite. I'll keep praying after my bus ride to the rally tomorrow! REPLY


by Invent a Scandal (October 01, 2010 7:51 pm ET)



Don't forget your tinfoil hat. REPLY


by n'est-ce pas (October 01, 2010 8:36 pm ET)

No, you're never going to be "elite." That would imply some measure of talent and intellectual acumen. You were not endowed with either. You're a dunce whose posts continually pop up like rancid mushrooms, fungus that grows only in the dark and in bullsh!t. You couldn't exist if the light were flung into the dark corners of the Internet that[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America shelter you and your putrid kind from reality and the consequences of your unforgivable rhetoric. REPLY


by keetonmm (October 03, 2010 4:52 pm ET)

If that's how an elitist is expected to speak to another individual, regardless of differing opinions or political affiliations, then TPP would be wise to avoid the achievement of such status. I know I will. P.S. If you want to sell yourself as one possessing a well-developed vocabulary, you should probably learn a few of them big fancy words, so you may actually fool someone into believing you are intelligent. Just saying. REPLY


by kamrom (October 02, 2010 6:20 pm ET)


Nope, you waste time all day by trolling a forum with intentional jackassery. All this does is make us dislike you idiots even more. Also, TeaPartyPatriots is a coward. Patriots shouldnt be coward. Maybe before you go attacking people again, you actually answer questions given to you. Cause you look like a moron who only encourages more of us to vote, so jerks like you dont get elected. REPLY


by eb (October 02, 2010 6:28 pm ET)


He/she avoids discussing the article. Afraid to deal with any counter narrative... REPLY


by sara1442 (October 01, 2010 6:15 pm ET)



Wow, the author used Rupert's comment about Fox not being anti-immigrant to expound upon the stale argument that Fox leans right. Sure they do, but if everyone else didn't lean left they probably wouldn't feel so obliged. As for Rupert's comment, there is a difference between immigration and illegal immigration. What he said was factual, why would fox be anti-immigration. Everyone with a stitch of logic in their brain should be anti-immigration. Illegal immigration is a felony in this country last I checked. I know people have compelling reasons, but it is still a crime. So, is Fox anti-illegal immigration, absolutely. So am I. REPLY


by blk-in-alabam (October 01, 2010 6:43 pm ET)


Sara Palin??? REPLY


by CoolSlaw (October 01, 2010 7:02 pm ET)



I'm all for enforcing immigration law too, and generally do not support amnesty or other "fastrack" programs for undocumented workers. Here's the key difference: Fox news wants to blame the immigrants for this problem completely, and scare their audience with sensational exaggerations. They seek to demonize all Mexican immigrants, legal or undocumented. Never will they address the underlying problems causing this situation. Never will Fox ever go after[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America the large businesses that are employing hundreds and thousands of undocumented workers and in the process, suppressing the wages of American working class people. Granted, there will always be those who seek to come across the border and find some measure of relief and opportunity from the grinding poverty of the corrupt Mexican Government. If we didn't turn a convenient blind eye to the many large scale employers of undocumented and illegal immigrants, we would have a much smaller problem that law enforcement could get a handle on. You see, Fox is working both sides of the fence here...create hysteria and fear to keep the undocumented workers and their wages repressed, while at the same time, politicking for the interests of the big businesses that illegally hire them and drive down wages for working class Americans.



by TeaPartyPatriots (October 01, 2010 7:20 pm ET)



"You see, Fox is working both sides of the fence here" - Thats called fair and balanced! wWre all learning's like a "coming of age" for you liberals! REPLY


by Invent a Scandal (October 01, 2010 7:55 pm ET)



no Tea Potty Patriot, I believe your post is called "dumb and dumber." REPLY


by dkylep (October 01, 2010 8:36 pm ET)

You're truly one of the dumbest people walking around TPP, or you're an unconscionably nasty person. I'm not which is the better option. REPLY


by keetonmm (October 03, 2010 4:56 pm ET)

Way to repeat that article you just read. It would have sounded very good if you actually knew what you were talking about.



by Old_Benjamin (October 01, 2010 7:02 pm ET)





Everyone with a stitch of logic in their brain should be anti-immigration.

Pssst... your freudian slip is showing. REPLY


by DellDolly (October 02, 2010 3:50 am ET)

Your post, troll, is full of already debunked talking points. Everyone else in the media doesn't participate in lies, distortions and omissions of relevant info that[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America furthers the liberal agenda. That's a myth started by the likes of Grover Norquist, and he has admitted that it's not true and was never true. REPLY


by anitamurie (October 03, 2010 11:47 pm ET)

You're right no body on the right has a stitch of logic nor do they have any integrity left. Dems hav been screaming for comprehensive immigration reform. Teabagger Republicans have refused to consider any reform, including the Dream &ct which was once supported by some Republicans including John McCain and Lyndsey Grahm. Not one 2epublican has supported any immigration reform since the last election. FoxPac, the arm of the teabagger Republicans have made sure to stoke the flame of fear and ignarance regarding this issue and no Teabagger Republican wishing to win a Republican primary would dare go against it. REPLY


by StPete (October 01, 2010 8:44 pm ET)



Hold Fox News accountable for publicly showing it's stripes? Sure it's time to hold them responsible for destroying the public's trust in news. They're not alone but they've done the biggest job of screwing it up, and cheating Americans out of their trust of the news. In fact it's BEEN time to hold them accountable... ever since 2003, when Fox News appealed and won a court case claiming they have the right to lie to the public in news stories because they're protected by the First Amendment <>. A circuit court in Florida ruled it's their right to lie to the public, and they continue to lie, twist and misinform under that freedom every single day. And for some reason our journalism schools, institutions, and all the other mostly trusted news providers in the nation just won't call them out. Not then and not now. There must be some "practical" reasons but I can't figure out the riddle... or maybe I just can't believe the answers I get when I do. Anyway, that's why I like and support watchdogs like Media Matters and FAIR, and why I pound away in these comment boxes. But I wish our current watch dogs would report on that lawsuit at least. After all these years I still believe news about that case alone would shake Fox News to its corporate knees. REPLY


by leftofwhat (October 01, 2010 9:25 pm ET)


Well put San Pedro.They lie to cover lies and when caught in a lie,deny it.They actually get away with it and destroy journalism daily. REPLY


by jpeagle21 (October 01, 2010 9:47 pm ET)



You do realize that your whole write-up was basically just a complaint about Fox not promoting a liberal viewpoint. You don't want non-biased news, you want liberal news. Guess what? Some people don't believe that global warming exists. If fox didn't report on it, who would? Guess what? Some people think illegal immigrants are a cancer in our society, not to mention the fact that they are criminals by definition. If fox didn't report on it, who would? Guess what? Some people actually support the Tea Party and believe in lower taxes and smaller government. If fox didn't do reports about the Tea Party that actually expressed their views instead of just suggesting that they are a bunch of crazy, old, racists, who would? Finally, who will hold MSNBC accountable for their obvious liberal biased personalities (Olbermann, Schultz, Maddow, & Matthews) not to mention their liberal-leaning "news" reports? You don't want to get rid of fox because they are "not fair", you want to get rid of fox because they are "not liberal."[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America REPLY


by juliajayne1 (October 01, 2010 10:10 pm ET)


And your entire post pretty much states that Fox should "report" people's opinions, not report facts. REPLY


by loonz (October 01, 2010 10:30 pm ET)


I have no problem with the media debating climate change but that's not what FOX does. They have a point of view about climate change and they stick to that view no matter what while summarily dismissing the overwhelmingly evidence that it's occurring. They also have no problem bringing on some obscure figure from Bumf#@k, Idaho to reinforce their point of view. Have they ever honestly reported on any facts about climate change that would contradict their point of view? Same thing goes with the teabaggers. They have a point of view that they stick to no matter what while dismissing any facts that contradict that view. It's also a network that's not above reporting conspiracy theories, rumors, hearsay, innuendo, etc. they think could damage the the Obama administration or Democrats in Congress. This same standard is not applied to conservatives. Lastly, the network endorses conservative causes and conservative candidates. The bottom line is that FOX is not a news organization; it's a propaganda machine for conservatives. REPLY


by jpeagle21 (October 01, 2010 10:47 pm ET)



ok, fine. Lets just say I'm willing to concede all your points about Fox. What about MSNBC? What about the way they were when Bush was President? What about the conspiracy theory reports about the war on terror being about oil? What about a certain Mr. Olbermann yelling at president Bush to "Shut the hell up!" because Bush said he wouldn't golf during the war? If Fox is a propaganda machine for conservatives, then MSNBC is just as much of a propaganda machine for liberals. So, if Fox goes away then so should MSNBC, and possibly CNN. You agree? REPLY


by leftofwhat (October 02, 2010 12:46 am ET)


Peewee Herman comeback."I know you are but what am I."Fox is Fox is Fox.At least other networks try journalism.Try "Democracy Now" or Linktv.Fox is not news.Why is it that faux freaks compare MSNBC with their misinformation station?Pitiful.Limited attention span I guess. REPLY


by kamrom (October 02, 2010 1:57 am ET)


The trouble is, Bush actually did things that were ridiculously vast; changing huge numbers of laws and adding more that eroded privacy, in the name of fighting an enemy that is based around a tactic that conventional warfare doesnt work against., issuing record numbers of executive orders and signing statements, didn't take al qaeda seriously, didn't pay for one war that wasnt really worth it and another that was started on false premises. They allowed torture and let low ranking soldiers take all the blame. they pretended pat tillman's death wasn't friendly fire..Thats what, three years time? And when the republicans in congress were turning off the lights and cutting off democrats microphones, or not letting them into secret meeting, and not following subpoena orders, and in general ignoring the rule of law, we shouldnt have reported it? Fox was propoganda then, and it is still now. It just keeps gettign worse. Like crashing the economy, then blaming it somehow on democrats, because republicans cant cause huge economic problems. Its not our fault fox distorted then just as they do now. Im sorry they suckerd you in though. REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America by jpeagle21 (October 02, 2010 9:00 am ET)



Ok, so you just proved my point that you don't like fox because they don't promote the liberal view. You want them to treat all those things you said about Bush as being true because you believe them to be true. You don't want honest debate, you want to see viewpoints that align with yours. Again, some people (a lot of people, actually) believe all those things you said about democrats crashing the economy, or at least making it significanthly worse. If fox doesn't report it, who will? REPLY


by kamrom (October 02, 2010 12:44 pm ET)



Theres this mythical idea of a middle ground. That both sides should be given equal weight. This is not productive, because a lot of people refuse to listen. We can show you a birth certificate a thousand times over, and its still not there. You make up whole stories. Invent out of nothing. Your side actually commited the atrocities, and now in a desperate bid to be able to shout "but THEY did it too!" the right has been slapping all the insane accusations they can at democrats. They never offer any evidence. They lie and say they do, but of course, they dont. And then it gets revealed, every single time. And then fox news audience is wholly right wing so they ignore this and go right on with next week's End of America scenario, the old having been tossed to the curb as the lies peaked and attentions declined. It doesnt matter what the right thinks. Because you lie about everything, all the time. Pathologically. Ive noticed its been several days since health care reform provisions started, and I don't see any government thugs here. They claim oppression, they warn of the end of America, they pretend like they have to dodge spies on the way home...While claiming that THEIR MEDIA NETWORK is the most popular. Wouldnt Obama take that off the air? Your side brings guns near obama rallies. Ours wouldve been arrested in the same situation 5 years ago. again, while claiming your rights are being taken.

The list goes on and on and on. The point is, Bush and the right wing are *actually doing* the things we accuse them of. Your side is just making stuff up because you're scared and angry and want to make others scared and angry. Theres no good reason to report on what the right does or says, because they contradict themselves on a moment to moment basis, and use inflammatory language in weird, random combinations. I pity you, if you cant see this at all. Im dissapointed if you know and support it. It seems like a scary place, inside your head. Enemies at every corner, communazis in every home. I really do hope you can figure out just how disturbed or awful you are. REPLY


by eb (October 02, 2010 7:01 pm ET)



you don't like fox because they don't promote the liberal view. NO no no no! I don't like them because they lie and dishonestly attack. Theirs is a shameless propaganda that effectively damages the discourse in our country. The behavior of the trolls on this website is a great example of the damage done. A real and honest debate or difference of opinions is fine. Fox is just one big infomercial. Its so blatant its silly to think otherwise. Duped you are. One day it might anger you. REPLY


by DellDolly (October 02, 2010 3:55 am ET)[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]



Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America

Will your side EVER stop with the false equivalencies? There is NO fair comparison that can be made between FoxNews and MSNBC. They aren't two sides of the coin. They aren't mirror images of one another. And this has been pointed out to you time after time after time. You aren't really interested in discussing the FACTS on this topic. And that's because you're a troll. REPLY


by jpeagle21 (October 02, 2010 8:53 am ET)



Since you never have anything to say other than to whine about people being trolls, i'll respond to you like a troll. You're a loser. You're arguments make no sense, so you pull the troll hat out of the bag whenever you can't win an argument. No one here likes you, not even those who share your viewpoint as I have seen them blast you with "thumbs down" on several of your posts. As Biff would say: "Why don't you make like a tree.....and get out of here." REPLY


by coldteablues19577325 (October 02, 2010 2:57 pm ET)



"No one here likes you, not even those who share your viewpoint as I have seen them blast you with "thumbs down" on several of your posts. As Biff would say: "Why don't you make like a tree.....and get out of here." --jpeagle21 Wow, this sounds more and more like elementary school every day. "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms," type things. I wasn't aware that the majority of us who post here is out to win popularity contests. Oh, and your last quote ... you can't even get it right: I know it as, "Why don't you make like a tree and leaf?" THAT, at least, makes more sense don't you think? REPLY


by eb (October 02, 2010 6:45 pm ET)



Yes, its throw sand in the sandbox time. Since Fox lies, everyone who isn't biased like them must also lie. Tea bag conservatives won't bother to understand who or what they attack. The trolls won't read the article. Too much cognitive dissonance for them. Ultimately honesty and integrity is too scary for them. Better to hide under the blanket of conservative ideology. Problem is, they get angry when they see that not everyone drinks their cool aid.



by jpeagle21 (October 02, 2010 8:37 pm ET)


<I know it as, "Why don't you make like a tree and leaf?" THAT, at least, makes more sense don't you think? > Nooooo, realllly? Watch Back To The Future, then get back to me. REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]


Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America

by DellDolly (October 02, 2010 11:58 pm ET)



The ACTUAL quote from "Back to the Future"? "So, why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?" And the ACTUAL saying is "make like a tree and LEAF". Trees don't "leave". They leaf! I swear, you can't even get these simple things correct! What a dummy. Say it out loud. What does it SOUND like? It SOUNDS like "leave". But it's "leaf". REPLY


by jpeagle21 (October 02, 2010 8:42 pm ET)





BTW, I was just acting like the troll she always accusing me of being. REPLY


by DellDolly (October 03, 2010 12:00 am ET)

And no, you weren't. You can't even get THIS right! I swear. You actually REPLIED to what the previous poster said. Now, you were WRONG, but that's just because you're an imbecile. But you were NOT making a troll post in THIS case, since you were actually TRYING to participate in a discourse with another poster! Even when you're trying to admit that you make troll posts, you can't get it right. That's really sad! LOL REPLY


by keetonmm (October 03, 2010 5:01 pm ET)



Yeah, it certainly would make more sense. If it wasn't "Make like a tree and leave." Good going, Biff. REPLY


by DellDolly (October 02, 2010 11:51 pm ET)



I write nothing but whines about people being trolls? What a doofus you are - that's a ridiculous assertion that even a 1st grader would know is not true in the least. My arguments ALWAYS make sense. This is indisputable, yet you deny it! That makes YOU a troll, not interested in participating in a fair debate that reflects reality. I HAVE too seen those on the left side of the aisle react unfavorably to some of my posts - that doesn't bother me at all! I don't post here to garner friendship and acclaim! There are people on BOTH sides of the aisle that behave in undesirable ways. Some on the left here like to feed trolls, or hate to have to admit that they've fed trolls, and so they shoot the messenger when it's too painful to acknowledge the message. I get unfairly targeted, and somehow that's supposed to mean that I'm wrong? How exactly does THAT calculus work? REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America

by jpeagle21 (October 02, 2010 9:02 am ET)



And, one more thing since you mentioned "fair comparisons). If you don't see Ed Schultz (on MSNBC) as being as bad as if not worse (i think he's worse) than anyone on Fox, then you are truly delusional. REPLY


by DellDolly (October 03, 2010 12:02 am ET)



It doesn't matter what I see things as. Reality is what matters. Ed Schultz does NOT traffic in lies, distortions, deception, and omission of relevant information to push disinformation. He does NOT have the intent to push toxic disinformation that poisons our national discourse. FoxNews does! REPLY


by GreenLantern (October 03, 2010 1:32 pm ET)


You do realize that your whole write-up was basically just a complaint about Fox not promoting a liberal viewpoint. You don't want non-biased news, you want liberal news. You are so wrong, my real world example is several months ago in our state capital, there was a rally of between an estimated 3 to 5 THOUSAND people in support of health care. There was a "Teabagger" rally that had at most 150 people. Not one station showed anything about the health care really but each one had at lease 60 seconds of the tea-baggers! The only reason I knew about the pro health care rally was that our only one (out of about 10) progressive stations reported on it. (I have two TV's and checked out both the early news and late news. ZERO coverage of the "liberal" news, at least a FULL MINUTE and MORE of the right(hate)-wing news)! Please give an examples of Olberman or Maddow caught in flagrant lies forwarding their "liberal" agenda. REPLY


by mercsniper (October 02, 2010 2:59 am ET)

Is it really that hard to ask people to go through the proper legislative process of becoming an American? All we ask is that you respect our border and respect that you can walk freely into the country and expect things to fall on a silver platter for you. REPLY


by DougD (October 02, 2010 4:13 am ET)


It's true as Ben Dimiero states that the press does need to hold Fox "news" responsible. The evidence of right-wing political bias, going way beyond immigration issue, is simply overwhelming. And it's been going on since the 90's with Clinton and Gore. For me, the question has always been "Why doesn't the MSM hold Fox accountable? Why don't they simply point out the lies, and publicly ostracize Fox as a reputable news organization. This would be simple to do based on the overwhelming evidence. And one would think it would be a smart move in terms of competing with Fox while at the same time holding a higher moral standard. But they refuse. When Gibbs made his little remark that Fox isn't a real news organization, all the other news organizations spun this into "Obama's war against Fox" (which is ludicrous) and all seem to have sided with Fox by exploiting a silly confusion about opinion versus news reporting. So why not take on Fox? Surely intellectual corruption within such a powerful "misinformer" is newsworthy. I don't know the answers, but I assume there's a combination of factors. 1) The MSM is also corrupt. If they attract too much attention to Fox, then that attention will be reflected back on them. 2) Publishers and editors within the MSM have adopted corporate profit motives that benefit from the lies[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America that Fox spews. They let Fox do the real dirty work while they sit back trying to appear objective and distanced. Fox takes a bit of heat, but being essentially psychopaths, they really don't care. 3) Members of the MSM are not particularly intelligent. They are unable to tell the difference between objectivity and bias. They may think they are "liberal", and thus pull punches against Fox, while in reality they aren't even liberal to begin with. In addition, many journalists are in rather prestigious positions, which they don't want to lose by going against the grain. 4) For some reason, the MSM is afraid of Fox "news". Perhaps they fear that if they go after Fox, Fox will retaliate in a typically vicious way, causing problems with their advertising and so on. I suspect it's all of these things, as well as others I've overlooked. But the real problem here is not just that Fox is corrupt, but that the rest of the media is basically covering up for Fox and making things much worse for our country. We need to identify the underlying factors within the MSM that motivate these biases, and attack them as well as Fox. REPLY


by eb (October 02, 2010 6:52 pm ET)



4) For some reason, the MSM is afraid of Fox "news". Perhaps they fear that if they go after Fox, Fox will retaliate in a typically vicious way, causing problems with their advertising and so on. I suspect this one is most important. Fox/Rush and co. are bullies. As we have seen, the rulebook for journalistic integrity has been thrown out the window. Standing up to them invites trouble that can be avoided by looking the other way. I suspect a lot of the democrats are operating under the same dynamic. Take them on and get swallowed up in a backlash of irrational hysteria. Look, Obama is still dealing with basic assumptions about his motives and identity just for holding high office without their approval. Its easier just to pretend like they don't exist... REPLY


by HeeNow (October 02, 2010 9:48 am ET)



Ben, Do you know there's a war going on in both Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are you wasting your time on Fox News? As a "research fellow" at MMfA, do some research on something that matters. Fox News doesn't. REPLY


by papajohn (October 02, 2010 11:48 am ET)



Ben, Do you know there's a war going on in both Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are you wasting your time on Fox News? As a "research fellow" at MMfA, do some research on something that matters. Fox News doesn't. Finally, others are beginning to get it when it comes to the relatively recent failure of MMFA to hold the media accountable for it's pro-Republican (Pro-Corporate) garbage and lack of anything newsworthy. The title of the article is: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to It should read: Someone needs to hold the press accountable because Media Matters refuses to[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America



by DellDolly (October 03, 2010 12:04 am ET)




Go away concern troll. If the rest of the MSM had the issues that FoxNews does, then they'd get covered more. You're out to lunch with this argument, and that's been documented multiple times. REPLY


by papajohn (October 03, 2010 1:43 pm ET)

If the rest of the MSM had the issues that FoxNews does, then they'd get covered more. You're out to lunch with this argument As well as several other people in this thread that are obviously a lot more observant than you are. On the plus side, you generally lose most arguments on this forum because you have an uncontrollable habit of name calling other (more intelligent) posters. You should also be grateful to MMFA forum moderators for allowing you to violate the Forum Rules every day which clearly state: DO respect others' opinions. We expect posters from all parts of the political spectrum here. Please express your opinion without insulting other posters. DON'T write an otherwise thoughtful post and then close it with insults or profanity. Your post will be removed. Repeat violators will be banned. DON'T post here if your sole purpose is to start a flame war. Arguments and debates are fine; obscenity, name-calling, and trolling are not. Violators will be banned. I'll link it for you again: It is a rarity to read any DellDolly responses to other posters that aren't laden with name calling. If that is your recipe for winning an argument, Emeril Lagasse has nothing to worry about. John REPLY


by DellDolly (54 seconds ago)

Actually I don't EVER lose arguments here. You have made this bogus argument a bunch of times, saying that MMFA purposefully ignores some terrible examples of media disinformation that furthers the conservative agenda, but you fail miserably in providing direct evidence of ANY examples of that behavior that MMFA ignored either before or AFTER you pointed them to it. Without that evidence, no one has to WIN the argument - YOU LOSE IT by your inaction! This is not rocket science. I don't call other more intelligent posters doofuses! That's just not true! And I DO respect other people's opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts, dummy, and an opinion that's NOT based upon facts is NOT an opinion that needs to be allowed to stand unchallenged! Again, this is not rocket science! And calling Son of Sam a murderer is not namecalling, since he's a convicted murderer, and calling a doofus a doofus is not namecalling, and I don't EVER just do that without[10/4/2010 1:39:56 PM]

Media Matters: The press needs to hold Fox News accountable, because Rupert Murdoch refuses to | Media Matters for America backing up my accusations with evidence of that ignorance and stupidity! My purpose is NOT to start a flame war - but many of the posts that I reply to DO have that intent. I don't use obscenities, I don't name-call, and I don't troll! My intention is to MOCK fools. That's not "starting a flame war". Maybe you should look up the definition of a flame war, since you seem terminally confused on this issue. It's NOT MY FAULT that you're out to lunch and I point that out. It's not MY FLAW that your arguments are so easily dispatched! You are NOT a victim, doofus. The fact that I catch, tag, and release a bunch of troll posters and troll posts doesn't mean that I fail to win arguments! REPLY


by wookie (October 02, 2010 12:07 pm ET)


Iraq, not so much these days. And it was Fox style manipulation of the facts that got us there. REPLY











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Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America About us


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Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president October 02, 2010 12:09 am ET — 35 Comments

Glenn Beck and guests John Bolton and Stuart Varney mischaracterized a federal report to portray it as expressing "the worldview of the Obama administration." In fact, the document was issued during the Bush administration and is designed to "stimulate strategic thinking," not establish the administration's "worldview." Beck also falsely portrayed the report's discussion of trends in developing nations as applying to the United States.

PERSONALITIES: Glenn Beck Stuart Varney John Bolton SHOWS:

Glenn Beck show


Fox News Channel


National Security & Foreign Policy Intelligence Government The Presidency & White House


Beck, Bolton, Varney implicate Obama administration for Global Trends contents Beck: "This is what the government says the world is going to look like in 2025." From the October 1 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck:

BECK: There's a report out, called Global Trends: A Transformed World. I told you about it earlier this week. Here it is: Global Trends: A Transformed World. This is what it's going to look like: 2025 Global Landscape. This is, this is a government report. This is what the government says the world is going to look like in 2025.

Bolton: Report assumes American "decisions have already been made" and are "congenial to Obama administration." From the October 1 edition of Glenn Beck:

BOLTON: And another absolutely critical point. The country in the world about which our intelligence agencies know the least is America. And I -BECK: I think that's petty much on government on the whole. They don't know who Americans are. BOLTON: I would go along with that. But my point is, this report is written as if America is a spectator, as if our decisions have already been made -- and by the way, all of them congenial to the Obama administration. That is the place we ought to start from, because that is the place we ought to reject.[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Phone calls, emails and letters from the public do make a difference. Remember that to be effective you must be polite, and professional. Express your specific concerns regarding that particular news report or commentary, and indicate what you would like the media outlet to do differently in the future. Fox News Channel FOX News Channel 1-888-369-4762 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Glenn Beck Glenn Beck Glenn Beck show

Rush: Liberals were "the great segregationists" in '40s, '50s, and '60s, and "they remain segregationists to this day" 8 MINUTES AGO

Limbaugh: "Am I a racist because I do not support" [Obama] "or are 91 percent of blacks racists because

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

they do?" 10 MINUTES AGO

Varney: "The worldview of the Obama administration, and of the president himself, is embedded in that report." From the October 1 edition of Glenn Beck:

Kilmeade is "still wincing" over the passage of health care reform 1 HOUR AND 54 MINUTES AGO

VARNEY: The worldview of the Obama administration, and of the president himself, is embedded in that report. He's looking at the America that we have now, that he has partly helped to create with his policies of the last 18 months, and he's projecting that into the future, into the world. It's a future view which I personally reject and I think we will reverse. But there's no question, that report encapsulates Obama's view of the world now and in the future. It is, however, reversible.

Report predates Obama administration, describes factors and trends meant to "stimulate strategic thinking" about policy Report issued two months before Obama took office. According the title page of Global Trends 2025 -- a report prepared by the National Intelligence Council that it describes as "the fourth unclassified report" in a series -- the document was released in November 2008. Report prepared to "stimulate strategic thinking about the future" through analysis of "key trends." The report states that it was designed "to stimulate strategic thinking about the future by identifying key trends, the factors that drive them, where they seem to be headed, and how they might interact" and makes clear that "timely and well-informed intervention can decrease the likelihood and severity of negative developments and increase the likelihood of positive ones." From Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World:

We prepared Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World to stimulate strategic thinking about the future by identifying key trends, the factors that drive them, where they seem to be headed, and how they might interact. It uses scenarios to illustrate some of the many ways in which the drivers examined in the study (e.g., globalization, demography, the rise of new powers, the decay of international institutions, climate change, and the geopolitics of energy) may interact to generate challenges and opportunities for future decision makers. The study as a whole is more a description of the factors likely to shape events than a prediction of what will actually happen. By examining a small number of variables that we judge probably will have a disproportionate influence on future events and possibilities, the study seeks to help readers to recognize signposts indicating where events are headed and to identify opportunities for policy intervention to change or lock in the trajectories of specific developments. Among the messages we hope to convey are: "If you like where events seem to be headed, you may want to take timely action to preserve their positive trajectory. If you do not like where they appear to be going, you will have to develop and implement policies to change their trajectory." For example, the report's examination of the transition out of dependence on fossil fuels illustrates how different trajectories will entail different consequences for specific countries. An even more important message is that leadership matters, no trends are immutable, and that timely and well-informed intervention can decrease the likelihood and severity of negative developments and increase the likelihood of positive ones.Â

Beck falsely portrays report's commentary on rise of "State-Owned Enterprises" in developing nations as applying to the West, U.S. Beck: "[T]he model of China is the goal that these guys are saying everybody is pretty cool with." From the October 1 edition of Glenn Beck:

BECK: Another finding in this report: "Today, wealth is moving not just from West to East[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Beck: "If you are a grandparent, get out of retirement ... Â if you can home school your grandchildren, please do it" 2 HOURS AND 43 MINUTES AGO

Beck on Chavez's "civilian militia": "I think I've heard ... that very idea from this president" 2 HOURS AND 45 MINUTES AGO

Beck: "Do not go where they are telling you to go, because that place might as well be the Superdome" 3 HOURS AND 43 MINUTES AGO

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

but it is concentrating under more state control. In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis the state's role in the economy may be gaining more appeal throughout the world." Understand what that means. That means that the model of China is the goal that these guys are saying everybody is pretty cool with. This is what's gonna come. Well, I'm not cool with that. Are you? Then there's this. "There will be a rollback of privatization and a resurgence of StateOwned Enterprises." "In the early 1990s, many economists predicted" that these enterprises, State-Owned, "would be a relic of the 20th century. They were wrong." Stateowned enterprises "serve a secondary function as pressure valves, helping to relieve inflation and currency appreciation pressures. They also can act as vehicles for increased political control." Increased political control. Just what every American has dreamt about.

The section Beck cites clearly and specifically refers to developing nations, not the West or the U.S. The portion in question is the fourth bullet point in a section of the report that specifically refers to a subset of developing nations. From Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World:

Today wealth is moving not just from West to East but is concentrating more under state control. In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, the state's role in the economy may be gaining more appeal throughout the world. With some notable exceptions like India, the states that are beneficiaries of the massive shift of wealth -- China, Russia, and Gulf states -- are nondemocratic and their economic policies blur distinctions between public and private. These states are not following the Western liberal model for self development but are using a different model -- "state capitalism." State capitalism is a loose term to describe a system of economic management that gives a prominent role to the state. Others -- like South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore -- also chose state capitalism as they initially developed their economies. However, the impact of Russia, and particularly China, following this path is potentially greater given their weight on the world stage. Ironically, the major enhancement of the state role in Western economies now under way as a result of the current financial crisis may reinforce the emerging countries' preference for greater state control and distrust of an unregulated marketplace. [emphasis added]

Almost immediately after the portion Beck cites, the report discusses "nearly opposite trends in the West." The report goes on to say that "a gap on the role of the state of the economy is likely to remain between the West and the rapidly emerging economic powers." From Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World:

The increasing role of the state as a player in emerging markets has contrasted until recently with nearly opposite trends in the West, where the state has struggled to keep pace with private financial engineering, such as derivatives and credit swaps. The seeds of this capital market's depth and complexity date to the 1980s but grew with rising asset prices and bull markets from the 1990s until recently. The financial engineering--based upon a magnitude of leverage unthinkable even a decade ago--in turn has injected an unprecedented degree of risk and volatility into global markets. Greater controls and international regulation--a possible outcome of the current financial crisis--could change this trajectory, although a gap on the role of the state in the economy is likely to remain between the West and the rapidly emerging economic powers.

Beck has repeatedly smeared Obama administration as seeking "global redistribution of wealth" Beck: Obama's "ideology is global redistribution of wealth." For instance, on his September 16 Fox News show, Beck asserted that the Obama administration "and the progressives[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

and, quite honestly, the Marxists" share the view that there's "one pie" to divide. On his September 21 radio show, Beck claimed that Obama's "ideology is global redistribution of wealth," which "doesn't make sense" if you are "thinking like a capitalist." — S.E. & D.S.




by draftedin68 (October 02, 2010 12:44 am ET)



Nyuck-nyuck-nyuck... Wow! Beck, Bolton and Varney - the Three Stooges of facts-from-assville. Big difference though; the original Stooges only pretended to be idiots.



by rikntx (October 02, 2010 12:55 am ET)



And were actually funny. REPLY


by Andy Kreiss (October 02, 2010 9:56 am ET)

Glenn Beck and guests John Bolton and Stuart Varney

That's not a good start for anybody looking to read some rational thinking. When I first read the headline I assumed this was just going to be another in the "Glenn Beck demonstrates his ignorance" series. When I read the first line, I wondered how all three of these men could be equally ignorant. But read their quotes. They're very careful not to say directly that this came from the Obama administration, only that they think their interpretation fits in well with their imaginary version of the president. So, the average Fox fan believes it came from the Obama administration. This one comes out of the "Ignorance" column and goes straight into the "Deliberate Bulls**t" column. REPLY


by draftedin68 (October 02, 2010 2:38 pm ET)


"equally" ore intentionally? I'm not sure if you really meant "intentionally" when you wrote: "I wondered how all three of these men could be equally ignorant." If you really meant "equally", well, the answer is that they compared notes. Personally, I'd go with "intentionally" because in my book, "stupid" is defined as "intentionally ignorant". Come to think of it, both ways work just fine for these idiots. REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

by Andy Kreiss (October 03, 2010 3:03 am ET)


Right, drafted, my first thought was it would be a feat for three men' even these three idiots, to be that stoopid. It was obvious from their phrasing that this was a calculated stoopidity. REPLY


by rikntx (October 02, 2010 6:41 pm ET)


"The world is about to be transformed, and there are people involved. How many times to people have to say we're going to fundamentally tranform America before it sinks in that they really are. This report discusses what they expect by 2025, like the unprecedented transfer of wealth, roughly from west to east now under way, it's in this report."

See what Elmer did there? He asks when are we going to start believing they are changing America, then when discussing the report, mentions what they expect. He uses two themes he has constantly harped on when discussing the President/administration, the "fundamental tranformation of America" meme followed by the "transfer of wealth" meme. He lets the viewer draw their own conclusion as to who (whom?) they are. Disingeniously clever, on a lowbrow level, he understands that his audience will automatically conclude this report came for this administration and that none of his faithful viewers will research any of what he says. Jeez can you imagine sitting around that production meeting with Elmer, Bolton and Varney? I need to shower the slime off just from thinking about it. REPLY


by Andy Kreiss (October 03, 2010 3:05 am ET)


Exactly. It's what's done on Fox and am radio all day long. They don't really need to lie very much, just cite surveys and facts, but in a way that leads their dim-witted fans to arrive at the exact conclusion they want them to. Transparent to most people over the age of 10, completely convincing to the right wing brain. REPLY


by National_Insecurity (October 03, 2010 8:52 pm ET)



"Deliberate Bulls**t" sounds so much more American than disinformation, which is the traditional term the Soviets invented. REPLY


by mari2jj (October 03, 2010 2:22 am ET)

I am splitting my sides on this one. The Three Stooges at work I see. But I am not surprised that they even lie to complain about President Obama. Let me see, there was Larry, Curley and Moe I think. I am contemplating just who is to be named after which stooge but it is so difficult, they all seem to be so silly. Of course each of them would deny that their problem is just pure old politics with a huge dose of racism. Poor silly things. They jump on this hate filled speech only to make fools of themselves. Yep, Three Stooges, errr political hacksw named Beck, Bolton and Varney! REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

by Zygo1 (October 02, 2010 1:05 am ET)


Just wondered into that venomous site to see how twisted the facts become. Obama racked up $14 trillion deficit- fact Unemployment around 10%- fiction, many areas close to 20 and some areas in Ca 40% Many real facts about Health care reform are appearing even in liberal NYT-ie escalating insurance premiums (the whole idea of passing HC reform was supposed to be to lower it!!), people with preexisting conditions will not be covered!...etc...etc..82 million people to be covered by Medicaid in 2014 up from 52 and the funds are coming from Medicare-.. I can go on and on... I throught you should be tired carrying water for this most incompetent administration and clueless president... DAy in and day out...even dems are running away from him, and the bills at the risk of losing the election...majority of people know the truth and are angry you on the other hand are so engourged in your own lies- you strted to beleive it yourself...Just like Hitler said- repeat the lies long enought you will beleive it yourself....history is really repeats itself!!!Kepp your heads up your asses and enjoy the view!!! REPLY


by yoiksaway (October 02, 2010 1:09 am ET)


Wow, John Bolton makes it to his show. That, the stuff coming out of his mouth...if Darth Vader says something, you know it's evil, you've got a clue. But this guy, his beliefs are so scorchedearth, his rants are so matter-of-fact, somehow under-the-radar. He even beats out Coulter on the evilmeter, because at least she thinks she's funny. But check out some less-guarded moments. Example: BBC interview in 2007. and another: BBC covers the U.S. 2008 election And people would like him to run for President. Ow ow ow ow ow. REPLY


by anitamurie (October 02, 2010 1:52 am ET)


Beck knows he can't just talk about redistribution of wealth here in the United States because he's a millionaire. His only concern is his own wealth but he knows that's not going to fly with his working class audience. So he resorts to scaring them with stories about the third world citizen,(who is much poorer than the average American),taking what little money the average American has.This is why he's talked about how "well off" a poor person in America is. You know: the 2 tvs, the microwave, the cable and possibly even a PC. Of course he's never lived in poverty and just doesn't get it. He's like Limbaugh who thinks we can't possibly have hunger here because we have so much obesity. That kind of mentality will never understand the dynamics of poverty in the United States. REPLY


by mari2jj (October 03, 2010 2:27 am ET)



Well if there is one guy who is an expert on BEING obese, it is dear old Rush! REPLY


by awizard2u (October 02, 2010 2:19 am ET)

My guess is that they haven't read it, or it is too complex for them to understand it, or they are truly idiots. Most likely it's a case of all three.Truly dangerous people, it is almost unbelievable. REPLY


by DellDolly (October 02, 2010 3:04 am ET)

So, let me make sure I get this right....[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]



Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

Every few years, they come out with one of these global documents that discuss how issues and problems around the world might affect the USA. John Bolton was involved in the Bush Administration for many years. He started in May of 2001 as a guy who dealt with WMD's. Which would have come from problem areas around the world. And he worked as UN Ambassador in 2005 and 2006, dealing with countries all around the world, and trying to resolve differences with those nations we had problems with. And yet, somehow, Bolton didn't know that this document was the 4th in the series, and didn't know that it came out before Obama even took the oath of office? Really? He'd never seen a previous copy of the reports from this group? He worked in the State Dept and was the Ambassador to the UN, yet he never knew about these regularly-produced reports from the National Intelligence Council? Here's a link to the NIC - dontcha think that someone involved in the State Dept, working on WMD's, and someone who was the UN Ambassador, might should have KNOWN about the work that this group does? The National Intelligence Council (NIC) is the Intelligence Community's (IC's) center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking. Its primary functions are to: Support the DNI in his role as head of the Intelligence Community. Provide a focal point for policymakers to task the Intelligence Community to answer their questions. Reach out to nongovernment experts in academia and the private sector to broaden the Intelligence Community's perspective. Contribute to the Intelligence Community's effort to allocate its resources in response to policymakers' changing needs. Lead the Intelligence Community's effort to produce National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) and other NIC products. NIEs are the DNI's most authoritative written judgments concerning national security issues. They contain the coordinated judgments of the Intelligence Community regarding the likely course of future events. The NIC's goal is to provide policymakers with the best, unvarnished, and unbiased information—regardless of whether analytic judgments conform to US policy. REPLY


by ilikeike (October 02, 2010 12:58 pm ET)


im not surprised that all 3 of them knew exactly what this report really was. i mean it must be hard to make up lies out of whole cloth every day. this report just gave them a bit of a head start.kind of like cliff notes for right wing conspiracy theorists REPLY


by slowtyper (October 02, 2010 3:50 am ET)


a number of years ago i worked building big homes in Beverly Hills and the surrounding area..there were several street corner pundits that hung out on several corners of Sunset Blvd and Beverly drive..they railed against numerous real and imagined(mostly imagined)conspiracies and government plots..all with an "end of the world" religious bent..and every morning and afternoon 1000's of commuters ignored and laughed at their signs(think blackboards) and screaming rants as they passed..methinks it's time to apply the same to becktard and the dullards that he finds to share his "worldview" about the only difference i can see is that beck appears to dress a bit better just sayin' REPLY


by mikehuck1976 (3 hours and 9 minutes ago)


There is no question. Beck is a urine-soaked street corner barker. What is amazing is how many simpletons will actually take the urine-soaked street corner barker seriously if he is dressed up like a[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America well-meaning professor. REPLY


by YouTubeJEFF9K (October 02, 2010 8:32 am ET)


A redistribution of wealth would be a nightmare to the likes of Beck. He has thousands of times as much money as he deserves. REPLY


by Jack2010 (October 02, 2010 9:22 am ET)


Beck's biggest con is his constant recommendation to his audience to not take his word for it but for them to fact check themselves. His followers take that as proof enough he's telling the truth. REPLY


by the Grey Path (October 02, 2010 12:56 pm ET)




Conservatives don't worry about the future because the Second Coming is upon us. REPLY


by soze169880 (October 02, 2010 3:40 pm ET)

Or, failing that, their own Jack Daniel's-fueled shootouts with the cops. REPLY


by forrestfrench4466 (October 03, 2010 12:05 am ET)

Apparently they don't worry about people in need and suffering because "social justice" is an evil, librul thing. Boy, wonder who's going to be "left behind" when the whole rapture thing happens. REPLY


by truth4me (October 02, 2010 6:30 pm ET)




Beck, Bolton and Varney - idiots of the highest level REPLY


by nativeofsf (October 02, 2010 10:44 pm ET)

Three Blind Traitors... wonder where they keep their tails? REPLY


by realamerica (5 hours and 31 minutes ago)

Tucked firmly between their cowardly legs? REPLY

REPORT ABUSE[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]

Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America

by mahilena1 (October 03, 2010 5:01 am ET)

What else is new...does anyone know what academic qualifications does Glenn Beck have? does he have a journalistic degree? college? is he a High School graduate? I would love to know obviously according to his view of himself he is a "doctor" in quite a lot of disciplines....the latest being theology... REPLY


by GreenLantern (October 03, 2010 1:12 pm ET)


Did bolton just make a big deal out of our intelligence community not knowing all about our own country? Is he condoning the IC to do more spying and covert acts? Does he just get a pass from wing-nuts and hate-wingers on this? (A little over the top argument but it really scares me what these idiots get away with saying publicly with so little accountability) REPLY


by dbtexas (October 03, 2010 2:35 pm ET)



Hey! Where are all the Right Wing Naysayers today? Hmmmmm! REPLY


by fantagor (October 03, 2010 3:41 pm ET)

Amazing that neither of these arse hats is intelligent enough to check the publishing date before leveling an attack on Obama, when the attack ought to have been leveled on their BFF, Bush 43. Randy REPLY


by IamRight (October 03, 2010 5:54 pm ET)


If it wasn't for all the lazy liberals, us conservatives wouldn't have anyone to boss around at work. Keep on complaining about how successful we are in these blogs while we support you with taxes. It is truly pathetic how little you want to do compared to how much you want. A little advice, work hard. REPLY


by bintx (50 minutes ago)

I'm a conservative and REAL conservatives don't say the things you said in your post above. You're just a groupie and not "right." REPLY


by progressive zeppelin 13 (October 03, 2010 10:58 pm ET)


And because of these clowns, any political debates I try to participate in feel like bashing my head against a wall. Logic as far as these guys see it, is a liberal trick. Mr. Colbert, you are so right. REPLY


by Macaframa3 (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)[10/4/2010 1:37:57 PM]


Glenn Beck's guide to butchering a document and smearing a president | Media Matters for America I love how he says, "Dont trust me read it for yourself, its online.", knowing that his viewers are too lazy or stupid to actually look it up. They know how to use their foxnews, glennbeck, and drudgereport bookmarks and thats it. REPLY


by NiceguyEddie (4 hours and 19 minutes ago)


This report - the ACTUAL report, now - and these nimrods' reaction to it, considering the facts, its origin, its purpose and how these clowns had to spin it, is PROOF POSITIVE of something I've know for years: REALITY HAS A LIBERAL BIAS. Faced with the objective truth, these nuckfuts can't even cope. Their ideas don't even fly within their own circles, forget them having any illusions of being able to sell them to the general public! Their polices are a bad fit with reality, so, in there puny minds, REALITY (not their dumb@$$ polices) must change. Conservtaives, really, how many more incidents like this one will it take for you to finally see the light? If you have to CHANGE REALITY to make your policies work, guess what? THEY DON'T F---ING WORK! If, when faced with cold, hald reality, you have a world view that is completely incongruent with reality... Why the hell would you hang on to it? YOU'RE WRONG. Plain and simple. W-R-O-N-G. And I don't need to debate the alternatives or go into details here, because if a distortion of this magnitude is needed for your world view to make any damned sense? IT'S WRONG. That's self-apparent. ---------------------------------------------------Would you really rather be wrong than liberal?












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Rep. Steve King: No Disaster Relief For American Children Of Illegal Immigrants | Political Correction

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October 01, 2010 12:01 pm ET — Matt Finkelstein

As a champion of the anti-immigrant movement, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is well known for making inflammatory, often racially charged statements. In the past, the far-right lawmaker has compared immigrants to "livestock" and described undocumented immigration is a "slow-motion terrorist attack." Back in June, King defended the notorious Arizona crackdown against charges that it would result in racial profiling — which, incidentally, he supports — by arguing that officers can use "what kind of shoes people wear" or "a sixth sense" to determine a person's immigration status.


Steve King

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Last week, King provided further evidence of his warped stance on immigration. In an interview with conservative radio host Jan Mickelson, King criticized a federal policy that helps American children of noncitizens to apply for disaster assistance. As reported by the Iowa Independent:

Sen. Coburn Objects To Bill Aimed At Protecting Sharks SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 5:13 PM ET

King learned of the policy last week when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sent out an advisory to members of Congress. While King implied that it was the Obama administration that was to blame, in reality the policy has been in place since at least 2007.

Rep. Hensarling: Chinese Currency Manipulation Is Good For America SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:31 PM ET

A minor child who is a citizen, non-citizen national or qualified alien can have a parent or guardian apply for disaster assistance on the child's behalf. No information will be gathered on the adult's status. It does not matter that the parent or guardian is undocumented.

Rep. Gohmert's Plan For Welfare Reform SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:15 PM ET

"What they are saying is if you have a child that is an American, maybe an anchor baby, go ahead and advocate for them," King said. "Come here and we'll help you fill out the paperwork and we guarantee you we're not going to enforce the law against you for being here illegally."

Frank Gaffney Gets Smacked Down By Akbar Akmed SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:08 PM ET

Anderson Cooper Interviews Anti-Muslim Candidate Renee Ellmers

Asked what he might be able to do about the policy, King replied, "We're trying to put Janet Napolitano in the vice, I've got a couple ideas, and I think that'll unfold in the next two or three weeks." King is also a proponent of ending birthright citizenship guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, so his position is hardly surprising. He believes that some children who are born and raised in the United States aren't really American, so they shouldn't be afforded the rights of citizenship, even when they are victims of a disaster. What's more, King appears to have a problem with disaster relief in general. In 2009, he bragged about voting against aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina, calling it his "best vote" in Congress.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 3:51 PM ET


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September 30, 2010 4:15 pm ET

Sen. Coburn Objects To Bill Aimed At Protecting Sharks SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 5:13 PM ET

Rep. Hensarling: Chinese Currency Manipulation Is Good For America SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:31 PM ET

Rep. Gohmert's Plan For Welfare Reform SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:15 PM ET



Frank Gaffney Gets Smacked Down By Akbar Akmed SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 4:08 PM ET

Anderson Cooper Interviews Anti-Muslim Candidate Renee Ellmers SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 3:51 PM ET


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