10 minute read
from Erica Hawking / MArch Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) Portfolio, The Bartlett School of Architecture
Final Year Thesis Project
BArch in Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
The University of Nottingham
The project starts with a simple concept.... human connection to nature and the implications contemporary society and the digital era have on our subconscious and unconscious.
Within the ruins of Bishops’ Palace in Lincoln, located within the shadow of Lincoln Cathedral, the project proposes an intervention. An experience which attempts to take the individual out of contemporary society and put them into a hyperreal landscape which is within its own microcosm. One can gradually become woven into their unconscious via the manifestation of lucid dreaming. That is, to be entirely aware one has projected their conscious mind into an unconscious utopia that runs parallel to the physical realm.
Lincoln Cathedral
Lincoln Castle Diocese of Lincoln
Lincoln Medieval Bishops’ Palace
Temple Gardens
Steep Hill
Initial Concepts
What if time could be frozen? What if life could offer a pause from the demands of contemporary society and pull us into a stationary state of being? Would we have the same outlook on life? Would we be able to see our faults and question why? Would we be able to, or want to, take time to reflect?

Initial concepts for the project began with investigating ways in which time could be frozen, how the natural world is depleting and how our connection with nature is rapidly being replaced with technological influences. The exploratory drawing to the left demonstrates the initial concept for the project; towards a new evolution. Nature makes us feel connected and at peace. But what if we loose that connection? What happens then? How will we escape and connect back with our true identify? That is the question.

Conceptual Explorations

To re-link with our true selves, we must be detached from distractions. These conceptual drawings explore and investigate ways to detach.

The act of being able to enter an altered state of perception and consciousness is triggered by the gradual consumption of legal psychedelics and potions. The act of consuming such drugs is done by tea infusion and steam inhalation. Once consumed, the psychedelics will allow the individual to slip into their unconscious and access their true desires and dreams. The ability to reconnect with these individual drives will provide individuals with a unique healing tool which can be remembered and reconnected within an ever changing world.
A key design driver included the preservation of the existing ruins of Bishops’ Palace; a series of ruins which scar the landscape and leave traces of a past life. I aimed to preserve the ruins by implementing a contemporary, yet respectful, intervention in and around this historic site. Site explorations started with observing site lines, vistas and the location of the ruins. From that, the initial building lines for the new intervention were formed. In addition, the project centered around the concept of journey, detachment and destination.

Location and Landscape Plan
Ground Floor Plan
The final design included four floors; basement, ground, first and second floor. The layout is focused on four key zones which are arranged around an individuals journey through the building.

Zone 1: The Visitors Experience - Visitors will walk the full length of the building, going through a process of detachment before they eventually enter one of three Afternoon Tea Rooms to the south of the building.
Zone 2: The Druid Monastery - The home of the Druids.
Zone 3: Psychedream - The Dream Extraction Chamber where elixirs are consumed in a controlled environment through steam inhalation
Zone 4: Production - The process of turning raw herbs, grown on site in the external herb garden or the climate regulated greenhouses, into elixirs and tea leaves
Short Section
The short section cuts through the Production Zone of the building.
Within this zone, the raw herbs from the External Herb Garden and the Climate Regulated Greenhouses undergo the process of transforming into either dried leaves used in the Afternoon Tea Rooms or into a liquid elixir/potion used during steam inhalation within the Dream Extraction Chamber.

The Production Of Tea
Research lead design for the process of transforming raw herbs and leaves into end products which can be consumed.
Key Space: The Potion Condensers and Dispensary
From the production zone, the elixir will flow through a network of pipes, leading to storage cylinders. From there, the potion will be dispensed into bottles and stored in a display cabinet; a public exhibition and glimpse into the function of the building.

3D Exploration of the Druids Cloister and Central Light Well


Key Space: The Druids Cloister
Connecting back to the history of the site and traditional spatial characteristics of monastaries, one key space which is embedded into the existing ruins is the Druids Cloister. Consisting of Druid accommodation which surrounds a pool of water, the cloister protects the central light well; a vertical shaft of light which feeds into an underground archive. It is this archive where spells, secrets and recipes for the elixir potions are stored.
Local Lincolnshire Limestone
Timber / Glulam Structure

Copper Cladding Sheets
Rainwater Collection Pools
Living Green Walls and Roofs
Technical Solution
The design encompasses two distinctive parts; the existing ruins and contemporary interventions which have a focus on sustainable design.
A structural frame will take the load of the roof whilst the integrity of the existing walls will be supported and retained internally. It was proposed that the primary structural system would be Glue Laminated Timber framing. This will carry the load of the green roofs. Running along the edges of the roofs are rainwater collection gullys. This water would be collected and re-used within the tea production process. For example, it could be used within the Greenhouses for irrigation.

Long Section
The long section cuts through multiple zones and key parts of the building. The primary route shown and explored is the Druids Story. As a Druid, you would ascend to your accommodation which overlooks the Cloister below. This Cloister emcompasses a pool of water which provides a protective layer around the Light Well to the Hidden Archive.
This section emphasises the use of levels within the building as well as showing the vertical connections between levels including the Light Well and the Dream Extraction Chamber.

Tectonic Touchstone

In conjunction with my final year thesis project, I completed a tectonic touchstone study. The very essence of this project looks at the intrusive characteristics of nature and its power to take over a site. The key driver which lead the design and development of this decorative panel is how vines and elements of nature, over time, can make its mark on the built environment. Whilst remaining respectful to the ruins of Bishops’ Palace, these panels, which can be used for external facades and internal partitions, will be characterised by two separate materials; concrete and epoxy resin.

The panel is designed to mirror the effect of the stained glass windows in the Cathedral. By day the light will pass through the resin and help to create an atmospheric interior with a blue tint which is a calming colour for a wellbeing retreat. By night internal light will pass through the resin and act as a beacon in the city as the site is elevated and exposed.

Final Year Project
BArch in Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
The University of Nottingham
Project 2 focuses on the sharing and production of stories. It provides direct inspiration and a strong starting point which filters into my final thesis project (project 3).
This project is about projection. It is about a tension which exists between the Castle and the Cathedral; two monumental landmarks which compete for attention. The primary aim of the building is to provide a new intervention and create a place where the stories of contemporary Lincoln can be projected. This intervention would allow individuals to enter a safe cocoon which feels sufficiently private for them to freely face their shadow and share their sins.
On one winters morning, the interior of the Cathedral was illuminated by a wide colour spectrum. Pictures and scenes from the stained glass were projected onto the internal surfaces. The stories of Lincoln were being told. was fortunate to be there on the right day and at the right time.

Conceptual Explorations

A series of exploratory drawings which investigate the tension between Lincoln Castle and Lincoln Cathedral.
On one side of Steep Hill the Cathedral provides freedom but in a contraversal way it masks an individuals shadow. On the other side, the Castle provides a tangible container but allows integration with the shadow, to repress the negative, to reform and give birth to a new pure soul which has confessed to the sins committed.
Exploratory Masterplan
A dialogue whispers throughout Lincoln. The Cathedral and Castle look out over the city as if they were the protectors, the watcher, the storyteller, the king and the queen. They are landmarks for all to respect and look up to.

The masterplan depicts a contrast between these two monuments. The journey starts at the Brayford Pool, a body of water which is the start line for a journey towards the Castle and the Cathedral. Steep Hill, part of the journey, is a challenge, a mission to test the city for strength and commitment. Once at the top of the hill, do you go left to the Castle or right to the Cathedral?

Short Section
This short section cuts through the projection chamber and confession booth. It also shows the impact which the projection chamber has on the site, creating deep voids within the base of the chamber helping to create the sense of entering something unknown, a trigger of fear and apprehension.

The Vaults
Final Year Site and Research Project
BArch in Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)

The University of Nottingham
Adjacent to Nottingham Castle is The Park Estate. An urban landscape within Nottingham city centre which, when walking past or through, has a distinctive atmosphere, a noticable mood. Having initially expressed this sinister and secretive atmosphere through a gallery of photographs and a movie, this project began to look at the notion of The Park Estate holding a secret, a persona that covers up a darker shadow. Masked by wealth, this residential area is built above a network of subterranean caves. It is this cave network which holds the true history of Nottingham.
Explorations started by looking into the notion of a subterranean shadow realm. A realm that consists of a number of vaults (caves), each of which hold secrets of Nottingham’s rich history.
The Collage
A montage of 3D elements, drawings and photography. The 3D collage is the summary of the project. A final piece of work which brings together the narrative of this research project.

Through an investigation of the intangible, based on the atmospheric characteristics of the site, the collage demonstrates how the underground cave system is seemingly the only untouched and unedited area of Nottingham.

Second Year Residential Project
BArch in Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
The University of Nottingham
Located on the embankment of the River Thames in Westminster, London, the ideology of this project consists of a set of dwellings for an art activist community. The dwellings embody not only the notion of what it means to dwell but also provides activists with the specific functions they require in order to retrieve messages from the cosmos and stars.

This project explores the concept of personal and meaningful connections between mind, heart and soul as well as an understanding of the intangible vertical connections between heaven and earth.
The initial concept for the form and massing started with a traditional diamond shape. Through research, it was discovered that the shape of a diamond is associated with activating the seventh chakra, Sahasrara. This is believed to unite the mind with the body. It is also suggested that the activation of this chakra allows the mind and soul to directly connect with the heavens. This is where the design began.

Technical Solution
A study of the Threshold.
With a focus on creating a thermally efficient, sustainable and affordable set of dwellings, the main focus on the details around the threshold included the use of wrap around timber. This lead to some interesting detail decisions regarding the timber slats and finishes. Questions were also posed as to how to create windows without the frame being visible.

Professional Work Experience
12.2021 - present have recently been gaining work experience within a global multi-disciplinary practice. The opportunity to work in a practice of this scale has enabled me to assist on a wide variety of projects. This has included small and large scale projects located in the UK and internationally within different sectors.
Most projects have been at RIBA work stages 1-3. This has included assisting with key deliverables such as a feasibility report for an urban masterplan, assisting with several school projects, concept design and design development for international infrastructure projects.
Due to the nature of the projects included within this section of the portfolio, the full details, location and project description cannot be disclosed. Some graphics may also have areas which have been blocked in order to protect the project’s identity due to confidentiality agreements with clients.
Most of the following images in the section have been produced as part of a team.
Pedestrian Footbridge
The practice has been involved in developing a wider masterplan to restore and regenerate a town in the UK. As part of the masterplan, a new sculpted and bespoke pedestrian footbridge will connect the East and West embankments of the river which flows through the town whilst providing pedestrians with the opportunity to take in the local history.

There are many castles within this part of the UK including one in this town. The bridge’s design concept took inspiration from this iconic structure and the shape of perforations that exist within its external walls. As the design progressed the bridge parapets took a more parametric design.

Education Experience

I have assisted with the deliverables for several education projects. This has predominantly been working on RIBA Stage 3 and helped to prepare presentations for a series of Client Engagement Meetings. The design of this special educational needs school has had to overcome several site constraints including a flood zone, irregular topography and adjacent buildings.

A key part of this project involved understanding how a Biosolar green roof could work in conjunction with an extending photovoltaic (PV) system and numerous roof lights, vents and mechanical equipment. One core task included providing calculations for the PV system and assisting with the roof design.

Education Experience

A key project I have been involved in is the Stage 3 development of a new special educational needs school. This project has allowed me to assist with the deliverables of Client Engagement Meetings, the Pre-Application, client submission and learning skills in various software packages. The design of this school has overcome several site constraints including a complex topography and adjacent buildings/residential areas on three boundary lines.

The next stage in the project will be preparing the report and deliverables including the drawing package ready for submission for planning permission. Beyond this, I will be assisting the design team with Stage 4.