Satisfaction and Confidence, Savers Pledge Life-Time Membership to UTS By Malachi Motano
Leader Testimonial
My name is Simeon Kioko Kitheka, the Chairman of UTS. I joined in 1993, back then I was a teacher, resigned and became a business consultant, which I don’t regret to date. Where we are seated is my farm, I got a loan from UTS, to buy the farm which is 25 acres. I also got a loan for business. From UTS loans, I dug a dam, bought a lorry which is a water boozer, which I use to sell water. I also have a hotel which has created employment to over 50 young men and women, who are all paid through the SACCO. I deposit money on daily basis and all my allowances pass through the SACCO. All my children and my wife have accounts at the SACCO, which has become my primary Bank. In my capacity as the Chairman, though it will be officially
Chairman Kitheka at his farm in Vota Katumani. reported at the ADM next year, I would like to tell Nairobi that we are coming. Already we have constituted a committee, to work on the logistics. My vision for the SACCO is, that I want it to be the biggest SACCO in the country, that assists people, the way it has assisted me to grow.” he concluded. SACCOS, like other financial institutions, have al-
ways reported outstanding performances to members, either at the annual general or delegates meetings respectively. Whether the achievements are projected on a graph or the reality on the ground, is yet to be established. However, SACCO Times Magazine, with the case study of Universal Traders SACCO (UTS), was able to get to the bottom of this dilemma, getting stories from the SACCO Members themselves. John Mwaura, is the Chairman of Space Capital Limited, which gives loans to people with small businesses; money to either start or boost their business, like vegetable vendors or matatu operators.
Space Capital Staff and Chairman John Mwaura says the lender has enjoyed loans from UTS.
“I was introduced to UTS, by a teacher friend back in Embu where I come from, at the time I was working for Kenya Power