Home Emergency Survival Training Guide

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HOME SURVIVAL TRAINING GUIDE Learn Survival Techniques, Basic Survival Tools, and Contingency Planning For Any Emergency Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan. All rights are reserved. No part of this report

may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Disclaimer This report has been written to provide information to help you learn survival techniques. Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on contingency planning and survival techniques only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Home Survival Training information. The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report. If you do not wish to be bound by the above, please return this report for a full refund.

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Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Contents Contingency Planning: What Too Prepare For? Get out of Dodge Or Hunker Down? Bugging Out How To Get To Your Safe House GOOD BAG Food Water Shelter The Basic 3 Resources

Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved

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Contingency Planning: What Too Prepare For Before you can begin your contingency planning, you must determine what you are preparing for and how each contingency threatens your well being. That will give you the necessary survival tools for the following steps.

It is impossible to prepare for everything so Home Survival Training believes you should prepare only for those potential disasters that are likely to occur within the area that you reside. (City, State, Coast, ect…)

To determine what survival techniques that will suit your needs you will have to conduct your own research. Take a few minutes and ask yourself these important questions.


What natural disasters or extreme weather conditions are most likely to effect you? 2. Other contingencies that might there be? 3. Consequences of the Contingency

List Of Possible Contingencies To Plan For: Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Severe Weather w/Elictrical outage •

Food spoilage


No AC/Heat

Sever Winter Weather •

Electrical outage 4-72 Hours


Frozen Pipes

Food Shortages

Riot or Civil Disorder •

Disruption of commute

Stranded in car or office for extended period of time

Riots spread to neighborhoods

Attack or threat to person

Authorites overwhelmed NO HELP!

Terrorism •

Threat to safety at work and commute

Disruption of commerce

Less personal freedom due to goverment reaction to terrorist attack.

Now that you are aware of the contingency situations you are most likely to face you can begin to prep your home with the right survival tools for the job.

Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Get Out Of Dodge Or Hunker Down? You should have a better understanding of the potential disaster situations you might be facing. Now should you stay and face them or move to another location. There are times when staying at home makes the most sense. If you can wait out the contingency then there are many advantages to hunkering down and using the survival tools that you have at your home, if you can safely do so:

• The food in your refrigerator and pantry can supplement your survival stash. • If you loose power, you can quickly cook much of your food and monitor the temperature of your freezer. • You will have more time to improve your home's survival tools (Food, generator, etc.) • It offers shelter against most elements. • You'll have access to all your clothing, bedding and other survival tools. • You won't suffer from boredom as much as you might in a shelter. • You can protect your stuff from looters using your survival techniques. . Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Of course, there's a downside as well:

• You could be putting yourself in unnecessary, life-threatening danger. • If you decided to evacuate later, it may be too late. • Without heat, electricity, hot water or other services, home just isn't the same.

There are times when your contingency planning isn’t enough and evacuation is the only choice. These include a nuclear, chemical or biological event as well as any impending disaster that is likely to destroy your home. So, if the survival situation shows several emergency situations requiring evacuation, you'll need to put together a plan:

Bugging Out: There are several important elements to your evacuation contingency planning: •

Where to go

How to get there

What to bring with you

Watch The Video On Where And How To Get To Your Bug Out Location

Where to Go This survival techniques you need a safe house in a location where the current crisis will not threaten you.(Dont have a Safe House? Build Your Own. Get the Plans Here) The easiest way to set up a safe house is to coordinate with a friend or family member located between 100 and 150 Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




miles away, preferably in a different setting.

• If you're in the inner city, they should be in a rural area or at least a smaller town, preferably not the suburbs of your city • If you're near the coast, they should be inland • If you're near a flood plain, the safe house should be on higher ground. Following these survival techniques, you can be relatively sure of several things:

• Whatever disaster you are facing should not affect them, and vice versa. This allows you to trade off, so when they are facing a survival situation, your home can be their safe house. • You will be running towards something, not just away from danger. • You can get there on one tank of gas • You won't be turned away at the inn (Hotel rooms are quickly filled, and often at inflated prices). Watch The Video On Where And How To Get To Your Bug Out Location With advanced contingency planning, you can leave a few of your survival tools like old clothes, a toiletries kit, necessary prescription drugs, ammunition, some food or anything else you might need at the safe house. This will make your evacuation easier. Build Your Own Safe House. Get the Plans Here. If you are worried about storing your survival tools in a unattended house, where they could be stolen. While most caches are buried in hidden locations, some simple survival techniques to this dilemma is to rent a

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commercial storage unit in a town close to your retreat. This has several advantages:

• As long as you have access to the facility 24 hours a day (one of those outside storage areas where you use your own lock is best) you can get to your supplies when necessary. • It will be much easier to make a few trips to and from the nearby storage facility and your safe house than carry everything with you from home. • It's easier to check on the status and add materials to this type of cache than one buried in a secluded location. • In a worst case scenario, you can hoof it to the storage area, spend the night inside and hike back the next day with a full backpack.

How To Get To Your Safe House Whichever option is best for your contingency planning of your safe house, the best way to get there is by car. While everyone chooses a car that fits their lifestyle and budget, a large four-wheel drive vehicle is the best survival tools for evacuating to your safe house. Of course, if worst comes to worst walking or riding a bike may be the only way. We will get into those survival techniques later. Remember to keep a couple five gallon gas cans/tanks handy (filled with gas.) Watch The Video On Where And How To Get To Your Bug Out Location

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Taking the High Road If you have to bug out, a critical factor in your contingency planning. You should have memorized several routes to your safe house and have multiple maps in your survival tools so you can identify alternate routes around accidents or other problem areas. The routes should include:

Most direct route. In your Home Survival Training this will be your first choice IF you are lucky enough to predict a upcoming contingency. In your contingency planning be sure to put a couple of maps in your survival tools and car. If you decide to bug out after a couple days the main highways are probably going to be jammed with abandoned cars.

Indirect route. There may be a time when you need to get away, but don't want anyone to know where you're going. Use an indirect rout this survival techniques is usually over looked.

GOOD BAG (Get Out Of Dodge) Home survival training highly suggest you pack a GOOD bag or (Get Out Of Dodge) bag. A GOOD bag is the first survival tools you will grab when you're bailing out. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Bug Out Bag What survival tools should you include in your GOOD bag? Must Have survival tools: •

$100.00 in cash. Mostly small bills and change.

Spare or duplicate credit cards. For I.D.

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Cahnge of cloths (tough, rugged clothing prefered)

Old comfortable shoes

At least 1 quart of water per person.

easily transportable food items (power bars, beef jerky, peanuts ect.)

Perscription drugs/eye glasses

Basic First aid kit.

Good working knife/leatherman

For those so inclined a Fire Arm is a Home Survival Training Must have survival tools.

Thanks to your Home Survival Training you know where to go, how to get there and what survival tools to bring when you leave in a hurry. Now you can take a look at long-term contingency planning. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Bug Out Bag

Food, Water, Shelter, The Basic Three. So here they are the BIG THREE food, water and shelter the foundation of any long-term contingency planning. If you prepare to provide these three basic survival tools for yourself and loved ones, you are way ahead of most of your neighbors.

Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Food You may be able to survive a few weeks or even a month without food, however, without it you will become weak, susceptible to illnesses, and unable to perform your related survival techniques. Sure, water may be more critical for the short-term, but it's much easier to find water in the wild. (WARNING: make sure the water is safe to drink. Home Survival Training will explore this later.) This section will deal with several key survival techniques: How Much Food do you need? There is no way around it FOOD is a must have in your contingency planning. How much food do you need? Home Survival Training recommends that you have at least three weeks of food in your survival tools.(Home Survival Training recommends that you checkout FoodShortageSolutions for your food storage needs.) Why so much food in you're contingency planning? § In the case of a major disaster it may take days even weeks for stores to replenish its shelves. § Inflation has become a real concern over the past five years. The food you put aside in your survival tools will be an investment in the future. § The world’s food supply has been teetering on the verge of collapse for years. With India and China becoming major players in the world the stress on the food supply has tripled. § Become a shelter for others. 90% of your neighbors are totally oblivious to the threats that can and will effect them in the future. Be a shelter for these people. (REMEMBER: The food is yours! Helping is good Just don’t be taken advantage of.) Your food reserve should not include food in your refrigerator or freezer

these items will go bad in a day or two. Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Examine your kitchen cabinets that will give you a good idea of how much you need to add to your survival tools. If you have a few packages of pasta, some cans of vegetables, a box of crackers and a jar of peanut butter, you're halfway there. (Home Survival Training recommends that you checkout FoodShortageSolutions for your food storage needs.)

Survival Foods

Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Food Storage Storing two to four weeks of "commercial" food isn't too difficult. But when you get beyond that, you really need to look at specialized foods prepared specifically for long-term storage. These generally fall into several categories: § Vacuum-packed dried and freeze-dried foods § Nitrogen packed grains and legumes § (Home Survival Training recommends that you checkout FoodShortageSolutions for your food storage needs.) #10 cans (about a gallon) of dried items, are usually ingredients which can be used to prepare a full meal. These ingredients include everything from macaroni elbows or carrot slices to powdered milk or butter flavor. Your best bet is a combination of both full-meal entrees and bulk items. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Food Storage Home Survival Training recommends: you may also want to add a few special items, such as hard candy or deserts, to reward yourself or for quick energy. (Home Survival Training recommends that you checkout FoodShortageSolutions for your food storage needs.) Don't forget to add vitamins and mineral supplements. Fruits, green vegetables and other items rich in vitamin C and other nutrients may be scarce, so a good multi-vitamin is well worth the space it takes up in your stash. NOTE: Home Survival Training recommends that you get your survival foods and other related supplies from FoodShortageSolutions. Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Home Made Survival Foods There's nothing like a cellar full of canned goods you grew and put up. From spaghetti sauce to your own jam, canning goods is a tradition that will come in mighty handy in a survival situation. However, Home Survival Training is not an expert on canning. Whenever you're dealing with canning fruits, vegetables or meats, it is important to follow the latest specifics from the true experts. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Food Storage There are some areas of the country where the ratio of people to wildlife will still support sustenance hunting. But for most of us, that's not the case. You may be able to supplement your food supply with some game, but don't count on it. § At the first hint of trouble and rising prices, visit the local food warehouse and grocery stores and buy as much as you can afford. Get the 50 pound bags of rice and the 25 pound bags of flour. Use your credit cards and part of your emergency cash stash, if necessary. § Hunker down at home and protect what is yours. § Keep a low profile and avoid contact with others, except fellow members of your survival group. Avoid trouble and confrontations. § Hope that within six months the country will have recovered or at least stabilized. If not, the population will probably be a lot smaller when winter is over. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Food Storage Shelter Frequently, when we think of shelter, we think of either our home or safe house/bunk house.

While that is covered here, there is much more to critical survival techniques than emergency or cold-weather survival. Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




Home Survival Training refers to "shelter" as everything from the clothes on your back to the building you dwell in. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Portable Bunkhouse

Getting by at Home Contingency planning for survival situations, shelter may be as near as your home. If you don't need to evacuate you may be better off at home, remember, your survival tools in your GOOD bag has the bare essentials, your survival tools at home should have enough food and water for weeks or even months.

If you are at home or in the vicinity during a natural or man-made disaster, the first survival techniques to deploy would be to determine where you will be safest. If you decide not to evacuate, Make your current dwelling as safe as possible. Tents and Trailers If your house is uninhabitable or condemned, you can pitch a tent in the back yard. This allows you to stay near your home survival tools. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Portable Tents Other Buildings When bad weather or another disaster strikes, home isn't the only option. Finding any type of shelter in a time of crisis can be a invaluable survival techniques. In many office building, you'll have a water cooler, vending machines, microwave, coffee maker, TV and phone service. Plus, power lines are underground, so they're protected from both the elements and rioters. Shopping centers, fast food restaurants and other public buildings also may offer some protection in natural disasters, but they could be targets for looting, so you will want to avoid them. And while you may be buddies with Copyright Š 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




the guy at the local gun store, his place will be on top of the list for gangs to loot, followed by electronics and furniture stores. Storing Water For your in-home survival training cache or survival safe house/bunk house Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Water Storage contingency planning you should count on two gallons of water per-person per-day. While this is more water than necessary to survive this survival techniques ensures water is available for hygiene and cooking as well as drinking. Home Survival Training personally recommends to stash enough water in your survival tools for a week.

Solutions designed to be added to water to prepare it for long-term storage are commercially available. Be sure to keep bleach in your at home survival tools it can also be used to treat tap water from municipal sources. Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Water Storage Added at a rate of about 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons, bleach can ensure the water will remain drinkable. Home Survival Training recommends rotating the water in storage tanks every year. Once you're in a survival situation where there is a limited amount of water, conservation is an important consideration. While drinking water is critical, water is also necessary for rehydrating and cooking dried foods. Water from boiling pasta, cooking vegetables and similar sources can and should be retained and drunk, after it has cooled.

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Canned vegetables also contain liquid that can be consumed. To preserve water, save water from washing your hands, clothes and dishes to flush toilets.

Short Term Storage People who have electric pumps drawing water from their well have learned the lesson of filling up all available pots and pans when a thunderstorm is brewing. What other survival techniques would you do if you knew your water supply would be disrupted in an hour? Here are a few options to use in your survival tools in addition to filling the pots and pans: Watch The Video On How To Put ToGether Your Own Home Survival Training Water Storage • The simplest option is to put two or three heavy-duty plastic trash bags (avoid those with post-consumer recycled content) inside each other. Then fill the inner bag with water. You can even use the trash can to give structure to the bag. (A good argument for keeping your trash can fairly clean!) • Fill your bath tub almost to the top. While you probably won't want to drink this water, it can be used to flush toilets, wash your hands, etc. Another important and often overlooked survival techniques is your hot water heater it will have plenty of water inside it. You can access this water from the valve on the bottom. you may need to open a faucet somewhere else in the house to ensure a smooth flow of water. Sediment often collects in the bottom of a hot water heater. While a good maintenance program can prevent this, it should not be dangerous. Simply allow any stirred up dirt to again drift to the bottom. Copyright © 2012 – Eric Ardan - All rights reserved




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