Lead Team like Erica Villalon
A leader is the one who directs the team and he is also the one who is criticized the most. A leader does not have to bossy or arrogant to have his word count in the team. Rather he should be polite and to the point when comes to addressing the teammate. Erica Villalon, a successful Forex Trading advisor, has marinated a position of a leader for past many years.
Here are some of the points that everyone should consider while leading a team.
1. Patience is a virtue: Working with a team of people from a different background can be challenging. There may be times when thoughts might collide or decision may clash. In such situations, a leader should step in and settle down the matter in the most professional manner.
2. Smart Decision Making: A decision is said to be smart if it favors all. A decision that favors some and not all in a team is not a smart decision. As the leader, it is your responsibility to keep your teammates happy. Their happiness largely depends on what you chose for them and when. Erica Villalon has times when she has to make a decision on behalf of her clients regarding Forex trading when they find stuck. In such a scenario, she cannot go wrong because a wrong decision will not only lead to loss but will also dump the moral of the clients.
3. Empathy: If anyone in your team is upset due to some personal reason, empathy is the key to pump his or her enthusiasm. If you ignore their feeling, they will feel disconnected; this is what Erica Villalon Forex trading leadership quality emphasizes upon.
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