Successful Businesses Have Mentorship Programs That Are Strong : Erica Villalon

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Successful Businesses Have Mentorship Programs That Are Strong : Erica Villalon


Mentorships are integral in ensuring that a company thrives and therefore, they should be a culture in any business. A shrewd person in leadership like Erica Villalon will use the best approach to ensure that every member that joins their company undergoes mentorship with their best match of a mentor.

Mentorship is not a one-time event and therefore, it is critical to adopt a continuous program that will strengthen departments in the organization. So, you have to plan, market the idea, train, and follow up to be sure the knowledge is being used. It is also vital to let everyone know how important this program is and encourage everyone to own it.

For mentorship programs to stick in any organization, Erica Villalon says, "the leadership of the organization should buy in first for the rest of the staff to know it is serious." Yes. If the top management takes mentorship with utmost seriousness, it will have a ripple effect for department heads to pick it up, and also influence the worker at the lowest rank.Of course, mentorship is a voluntary program but it goes without saying that stressing its importance will attract many to participate in the company.

After you launch your program, it is up to you to ensure it keeps moving forward. Meaning that you have to keep encouraging people to involve and at the same time ask their feedback to be sure it is helping the organization. Through feedback, you can find the loopholes and improve accordingly. Testimonials and success stories are important to gather for the future promotion of the program. Be sure to get as many as possible.

Erica Villalon as a leader understands the value of business mentorship because she attributes her success to it. She does her mentorship programs both in physical gatherings and online as well. She hosts regular webinars you will find useful

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