Interior Architecture Research & Development AI843

Page 1





GROUP 2 Erica Wong


Yong Yi Wei


Lim Xin Yi


Wong Siew Tong


Chan Chit Yeeh


Contents 03






Consumer Behavior

WEARING MASKS The primary way the coronavirus spreads is from person to person by respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks.Wearing a mask is an essential for everyone as it is a new normal due to Covid-19.Face mask hinders the transmissions of these fluids by blocking these droplets to avoid spitting of saliva particles into food, Restaurant owner's should strictly enforce customers and workers to wear a mask before entering a restaurant. While waiting for food, customers are not allowed to take off the mask.

Su sh i Sh in Fin e- D in in g Re st a u r a n t , Jo h o r B ah r u

L a Pr ison d u Bou ffa y , F r an c e


Consumer Behavior

SOCIAL DISTANCING IN QUEUE Social distancing is important to all of us, First, to let all consumers avoid body contact with each other and more understanding on restaurant floor flow & the sequence of entering the restaurant. The person in-charge of the restaurant should set up the sign and marking to ensure 1 meter gap is applied when the guest is queueing up. To make sure there's no overcrowding in the restaurant, the manager of the restaurant is responsible to control the crowd of the restaurant and make sure the staffs are well trained and understanding of the standard of procedure for the restaurant.

Ca lia a t Pa vilion, K u ala L u m pu r

Co llin ' s a t Ne x, S i n gapo r e


Consumer Behavior

MASS GATHERING NOT ALLOWED F&B establishments are correspondingly permitted to seat dining groups of up to 8 persons and events held in F&B establishments are subject to a cap of 50 persons or a lower number, depending on venue capacity and safe distancing requirements. With that in mind, onemeter spacing between individuals must be maintained at all times and meals should not be the main feature. Meal durations should be kept short to minimize the period that individuals are unmasked.

2 Pesos, K u ala L u m pu r

Sh a k e Sh a c k , S in g apo r e


Consumer Behavior

DISTANCE BETWEEN CASHIER,WAITERS AND CONSUMER To provide a safe environment for all customers and workers, F&B establishment currently in operation must implement safe distancing measures where 1 meter distance between staff is the recommended as per workplace requirements to reduce the transmission of COVID19. This can be solved by serving food by the counter or even serving the food using wooden planks.

Ca n t a lou p e Tr oik a S k y D in in g , K u al a L u m pu r Mal ay si a

Bu m i A k i r est a u r a n t , Jakar t a

M ed ia m a t ic Rest a u r a n t , A m st e r m dam 06

Restaurant Operation

STERILIZE CUTLERIES Due to physical contact of hands onto cutlery spreading of the germs might happen, the cutleries need to be washed and sterilized after being using by the people in the restaurant. To kill germs on the cutleries, it needs to be frequently sterilized.

Te lu k Pu la i (Cla y p o t ) Ba k Ku t T eh , K lan g

To ensure the cutleries as are not contaminated with virus, restaurant owners should provide customers with hot water to wash the cutleries before using them. Besides that, sterilize cutleries with UV light before serving to the customers. Lastly, wrapped cutlery can be an option to provide it to customer for hygiene purpose.

Y a H u a Ba k Ku t T e h H a ve lo c k , S in g apo r e


Restaurant Operation

ENTRANCE SCANNING Nowadays waiters would stand at the entrance to promote their restaurant's menu. Ever since pandemic start. waiters will need to give out QR code apps also known as the Mysejahtera Apps QR code (Malaysia application) and the visitor are supposed to scan the app following the SOP "Standard Operating Procedure", or write down their personal details in a book.

Co ffe e sh op , Me l aka

To track down Covid-19 victims is hard since they would be roaming around shops and restaurants. A way to avoid this is by having QR code at the entrance and scanning their temperature. If things comes to worse, we are able to track back the places that victims has visited through the Mysejahtera Apps from their mobile phone.

Ta n g W e n h a o, C h i n a


Restaurant Operation


DISINFECTION Due to the covid-19 pandemic, majority of restaurant have implemented some movement restricting policy. Number of users in a close space, have been restricted to allowing 2/4 person for every restaurant. Restaurants are required to upgrade their periodical facilities from normal cleaning cloth to anti septic liquid.

A m a r k et , P e t al in g Jay a

To avoid the illuminate possibility of virus, restaurant could regularly sanitize their seating, dining table and facilities that are existing inside their restaurant after consumers leave, to clear up the hidden virus that might still alive on the surface of seating dining area. Restaurant General Manager could also manage a timetable of periodical disinfection for staffs to prevent staffs forget to sanitize.

D in Ta i Fu n g , S in g apo r e


Restaurant Operation

FOOD & UTENSILS During this period, it’s important to ensure the food served are properly cooked. Any food that has been prepared for cooking should be cooked as soon as possible to avoid being left on the counter at room temperature – as this makes it a prime target for germs. The cleanliness of cooking equipment is important to ensure no pathogens are transmitted to customers.

N o b u Ku a la Lu m p u r r e st a u r a n t , K u al a L u m pu r

The food must be well-cooked, preferable cooked over 70°C. Always cook food at its required minimum temperature, and if this means you’ll need to remove an item from your menu in the meantime, you should do so. If reheated is required, ensure that the item reaches its required temperature according to ServSafe guidance. They must be served in clean dishes. Cooking utensils must be cleaned frequently after each use. Flo wer Ch ild , Ph o e n ix / U n it e d S t at e s


Restaurant Design

OUTDOOR DINING Indoor dining will be limited during this pandemic as it required more space to maintain social distancing. Compact Indoor dining with bad ventilation might lead to the spread of the virus. To avoid this from happening designing outdoor dining booth should be considered. Limit the number of customer, reduced capacity and re-arrange the space to have 1 meter social distancing. For example, Amsterdam, Mediamatic Eten has a different idea. The vegan restaurant plans to seat its diners in small greenhouses. In addition to the greenhouses, the waiters should wear face shields and serve food on a wooden board to prevent any direct contact between diners and staff.

G lit t er in g La k esid e V ie ws, P e t ali n g Jay a

M e d ia m a t ic Re st a u r a n t , A m st e r m dam 11

Restaurant Design

FURNITURE ARRANGEMENT The circulation or spaces of the restaurant have been adjusted to reduce risk for employees, customers, and community to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The owners of the restaurant should address how patrons and staff move through the space and define a flow that helps keep people from coming too close to one another. As much as possible, they should create one-way circulation. For example, if a restaurant has two doors, one can be assigned for entering and another for exiting. Once a workable pattern is developed, communicate the instructions using written directions, signage, or floor markings.

SOULed OUT, K u al a L u m pu r

Ka la Re st a u r a n t , Man c h e st e r


Restaurant Design

KITCHEN CIRCULATION The kitchen circulation of the restaurant have to adjusted by marking out for the chefs to have a social distancing when they are preparing the food together.

Chefs prepare food as they stand in boxes marked out to assist social distancing. Some restaurants are trying to adapt to the new realities and are trying to come up with solutions such as digital payments, pre-booking of meals, and guaranteeing enhanced hygiene measures to win the confidence of customers. Furthermore, the staffs have to wear proper attires such as wear face mask, gloves and wear caps while preparing the food.

N ew D elh i Rest a u r a n t , B l o o m be r g

Ca t e r e r E lsie ' s Kit c h e n , S i n agapo r e


Restaurant Design

PHYSICAL BARRIER Plexiglass barriers are being installed on each table as a new normal nowadays when eating out. This is to maintain a social distance for customers in the restaurant.

In areas where maintaining 1 meter of separation isn’t possible, one should install plexiglass attachments to counters or tables, or erect permanent partitions if appropriate. Barriers should reach at least six feet above the finished floor to ensure they are effective even when staff or patrons are standing.

Plexiglass separators

G o g a Ca fĂŠ, Mi l an

Lampshade-like plastic shield

H . A . N. D , Pa r is, F r an c e 14

Restaurant Design

Ty pes of ba rriers :

Shower curtain

Plastic divide

Twist ed Cit r u s r e st a u r a n t in N or t h Ca n t on , O h i o

Pe n g u in E a t Sh a b u h o t p o t r e st a u r a n t , B an gko k

Movable partition

Hanging PVC protective barrier

H o p e Br ea k fa st Ba r , S t . Pau l

Am e r ic a n M e t a lc r a ft Re st a u r a n t, U S


Restaurant Design


Cleansing Portal

Customers might bring virus and bacteria into the restaurant unintentionally and apply hand sanitizer sometimes is not enough to clean body part other than hand. New fixture is being installed in restaurants around the world to cope with this pandemic and ensure safety and cleanliness.

Since customers may bring in pathogens from around places. Restaurant owner's should consider investing in a Cleansing portal which are usually places at the entrance so that customers can walk throught it. This installation works when customers walk through the portal and taking 10 seconds to turn around while standing in between the postal so that the ultraviolet light in the portal could inactivate viruses that are attached on clothing or skin.

M a g n olia Ba k er y , Ne w Yo r k

H e llo Kor e a n BBQ Re st a u r a n t , S i n g apo r e 16

Restaurant Design

AI TECHNOLOGY Human contact nowadays are quite restricted due to the the spreading of Covid-19 virus. To change that Artificial Intelligence robots are invented.

D a d a wa n M a a st r ic h t , T h e Ne t h e r l an ds


Human contactless service can be applied using robot servers across the restaurant. Artificial Intelligent Technology (AI) could replace huge quantity of staffs during this pandemic. On the other hand, it could low the risk of virus through physical contact of waiter and customers.

N a m H e o n g , I po h


Restaurant Design


Ultraviolet (UV)

One of the scariest things about COVID-19 is that it tends to spread in the very air that we breathe. People infected with the virus breathe it out, which means people near them stand a good chance of breathing it in and becoming infected themselves. Reducing that risk in indoor spaces require robust HVAC.

Restaurateurs have to add expensive air filters, ultraviolet lamps, and more in the hopes that diners will feel safe to return indoors. Ultraviolet lamps designed to inactivate up to 99 percent of fungus, bacteria, and viruses in the air that’s been vented from the restaurant. The sanitized air then hits the filter, is then mixed with fresh air, and is pumped back inside. Charged particles are released into the air to hunt for dust and viruses, deactivating them upon contact. While UV lamps rely on air that’s been sucked into the HVAC unit to be sanitized, bi-polar ionization systems are, in theory, proactive.

M a r b le 8 St ea k H o u se , K u ala L u m pu r

Th e M u sk e t Roo m , NYC 18


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