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ICLI Highlights of 2013

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ICLI Telethon 2013

ICLI Telethon 2013

January 11 – representative from LI-CAN with the help of Sr. Seema Rahman set-up booth at ICLI to interview people who have hardship stories from Hurricane Sandy. January 13 – Toni Logue with group of 10 students visited from UUCSR to listen on presentation about Islam and get tour of the mosque. Sr. Seemi Ahmed hosted the event. January 16 – John Lannig and his students from Holy Trinity School scheduled visit to the mosque to learn more about beliefs in Islam and to observe one of the daily prayers. January 27 – Dr. Sheikh Hassan Abu Naar teaches some life lessons as he goes over the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) for community event after Isha. January 31 – Women of ICLI and women from Temple Sinai get together for Interfaith event between Muslim and Jewish faith. February 2 – Community Film Review in honor of Black History Month. Invited guests got together to watch documentary on Jack Johnson, the first black man to hold the world heavyweight championship. February 4 – Salaam Group (Initiative #15) got started with the Family and Children Association of Hempstead, by donating cooked food to 50 clients of theirs who have left the drug world. February 5 – Dr. Ibrahim Negm gives talk on “Paradigms for Co-existence: Lessons from the Seerah” during his short visit to New York from Egypt. February 5 – Br. Habeeb has phone interview with Doug Richards of News 12 regarding NYPD surveillance of Muslim Businesses. February 6 – Part II of “Paradigms for Co-existence” February 8 – Office closed early due to major snowstorm, Nemo. February 12 – On behalf of ICLI, Sr. Nazli Chaudhry presented a talk on “Women’s Rights in Islam: Champion of Feminism or Misogynistic Faith?” at Nassau Community College. February 16 – Third Film Review, story of Paul Robeson, an outspoken athlete, scholar, renowned baritone, state actor and social activist. T.V. was set up in masjid basement and refreshments were served. February 22 – Helping Hand USA set up booth after Jumah to collect donations for Winter Assistance Program. February 23 – In conclusion of Black History Month celebration, prominent speakers from the African-American community invited to speak on the theme of, “The Significance of the Civil Rights Movement. Keynote speakers included, Luscious Ware, President of NAACP (eastern Long Island), Imam Al-Amin Abdul Latif, Imam Ayub Abdul Baki, Sister Aisha Al-Adawiya. Three high school students were awarded prizes for their essays on why it’s important to remember this month. March 17 – Lecture “Journey to the Afterlife” with Mufti Farhan who spoke about the spiritual perspective and Br. Luqman Ellahi, director of Paak Funeral Home, who spoke about the practical parts of preparing for the funeral (ie, purchasing burial plots, death certificates, etc..). March 27 – ICLI’s 1st Vice President Habeeb Ahmed had an on-camera interview with Syed Asfar Imam from AAJ T.V. (a 24 hour Pakistani news television channel) regarding Pamela Geller’s anti-Muslim hate speech scheduled at a local Long Island synagogue. March 30 – Lecture, “Salah in Focus – The Historical Significance of prayer in Islam” by Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda of Bayyinah Institute (Irving, TX) at ICLI after maghrib. April 3 – Author Lesley Hazleton, author of the book “The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad” visit to ICLI for book review and signing. There was a very good turn out and interesting discussion. April 5 – Sr. Seemi Ahmed hosted students from the Middle School Anti-Bias Consortium and discussed issues such as prejudice, bias and bullying. Group also attended Juma khutbah lead by Zafar Sayeed. April 9 – Sr. Seemi Ahmed lectured at the American Association of University Women in Baldwin, NY on Women in Islam. April 13 – Lecture, “Rumi & The Way of Love” with speaker Professor Andrew Vidich. Dr. Vidich spoke about Rumi’s spiritual literary influence in the East and West. April 16 – Pastor David Czeisel from Carpenter Memorial United Methodist Church and his 12 students (7th-9th graders) came to ICLI to learn about the major beliefs about Islam. Class was hosted by long-time member Professor Sara El-tabib. April 19 – 2nd Vice President Seema Rahman attended Friday Shabbat services at Temple Eman-El of East Mead-

ICLI Annual Community Fundraising Dinner 2013AD / 1435AH ow with 15 Girl Scouts from ICLI in the spirit of learning other faiths & sharing similarities. April 20 – Each semester, Professor Thomas Mangano sends future student-teachers to ICLI to learn about Muslim faith and the various cultures within in order to increase awareness and sensitivity interacting with Muslim students. April 25 – Dr. Tanveer Mir held a special orientation meeting for the new Board Patron Members namely to acquaint them with so basic responsibilities of being on the Board of Trustee. April 27 – Annual Spring Fair, with over 60 vendors selling everything from books, clothing (very fancy to casual dresses, suits, shalwar kameez) jewelry, children’s toys and arts and crafts. Food and desserts were sold by ICLI Saturday School classes. May 1 – Dr. Isma Chaudhry spoke at Bethpage Library regarding Shariah. May 3 – Br. Habeeb Ahmed was panelist for “Jobs with Justice” an all-day conference about getting and creating jobs for the unfortunate with respect and dignity. May 10 – Interfaith meeting with Rabbi Mayron Fenster at ICLI hosted by Br. Habeeb. Meeting with Senior Vice President of Nassau County Medical Center hosted by Br. Habeeb and Sr. Isma Chaudhry. May 13 – Dr. Isma Chaudhry had a meeting for interfaith awareness with Shelly from Friends Academy at ICLI. May 18 – Interfaith meeting hosted by Sr. Seemi Ahmed with Professor Thomas Mangano and 15 other teachers. ICLI opened Weekend School registration for non-members for year 2013 – 2014. May 22 – Immigration policy briefings sponsored by Long Island Jobs and with Justice Anita Halasz at ICLI and attended by Dr. Isma Chaudhry and Brother Rashid. May 30 – Senior class awards assembly at Westbury Senior High School. The awards were presented to the students by Dr. Isma Chaudhry on behalf of ICLI. Sr. Seemi Ahmed had a book discussion on the topic “Parenting from Islamic Perspective” at Weber School, Port Washington N.Y. June 1 – Book signing and discussion at ICLI with author Paul Moses of the book “The Saint and the Sultan” which describes a historic meeting between St. Francis and Sultan Al-Kamil at the height of the Crusades, organized by Dr. Faroque Khan and assisted by Dr. Isma Chaudhry. June 4 – Dr. Isma Chaudhry presented awards during the High School Senior Award Ceremony at Syosset High School. June 7 – Girls Scouts “Moving Up Ceremony” at ICLI organized by Sr. Seema Rahman. Faith and Immigration Reform organized by Sr. Isma Chaudhry in collaboration with Long Island WINS and other Interfaith groups. Mufti Farhan spoke on behalf of ICLI. June 9 – Muazzin of Masjid Nabawi “Shaikh Mohammad Majid Hakeem” visited ICLI sponsored by Darul Uloom New York organized by Br. Rashid. Shaikh Hakeem gave a lectured titled “the Maghrib and Isha Adhaan and a blessed dua followed. June 12 – A meeting between Sr. Seemi Ahmed and Sylvia King Cohen of Newsday in reference to “Ask the Imam” column in Newsday about “What can everyone benefit from Ramadan.” June 13 – East Meadow Public Library hosted a book discussion with Dr. Isma Chaudhry as the speaker for “Shariah.” Br. Habeeb headed the meeting with the neighbors at ICLI in order to educate them about the upcoming demolition and Masjid expansion. Mayor Peter I. Cavallaro also attended the meeting. June 22 – An Interfaith day of learning and relationship “Faith Against Hate” sponsored by the Interfaith Institute of the Islamic Center of Long Island in collaboration with the Council of the Parliament of Religions, Interfaith Center of New York and HMTC at Hofstra University. Dr. Isma Chaudhry was a key panelist speaker. July 3 – Meeting with Nassau County Police Department in preparation for Ramadan, attended by Br. Habeeb Ahmed, Sr. Shakirah Idris and other members of ICLI. July 12 – HOPE group representatives offered counseling for Sandy victims at ICLI after Juma service. July 13 – Mini Fundraiser at community If tar by Darul Uloom, New York. July 14 – ICLI Telethon Fundraiser for the Expansion project broadcasted on three international channels (ARY Digital, GEO TV, PTV) participated by many ICLI members. Also support from Aneeq Ahmed, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Mufti Farhan, Dr. Ibrahim Negm and others. July 21 – Annual Eid Bazaar at ICLI. July 23 – “IC” Kids building demolition took place after all inspections were cleared by the Department of Health. July 26 – Iftar Party hosted by Edward P. Mangano, Nassau County Executive at the Legislative Building. Many members of ICLI invited to celebrate what we hope will become a yearly tradition with Legislative members


and interfaith community at large. July 27 – Islamic Relief made presentation at ICLI after Iftar in order to raise funds for the many causes that they support. August 3 – CLEAR held a presentation at ICLI after Iftar in order to raise funds for the very important work that they do for those in need of free legal services. CLEAR is a non-for-profit organization, that represent individuals, in particular American Muslims, who have been unlawfully violated by law enforcement and other government agencies. August 6 – Sensitivity training held at Jericho High School regarding an array of issues students may face according to their beliefs and traditions. Sr. Seemi Ahmed served on the panel and spoke on behalf of the Muslim population on Long Island. August 7 – Cultural Community of Jericho Teachers, K-12, made a visit to ICLI to learn about Islamic beliefs, practices, holy days and youth activities here at ICLI August 11 – Salaam Group, one of ICLI’s 16 initiatives, held an Eid Party celebration for those who are new to the faith and have no one to celebrate this occasion with. Salaam Group tries to offer the space needed for individuals to grow spiritually and emotionally in their new chosen faith. August 16 – Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new building extension. Congregants, faith leaders from diverse traditions and about a dozen local officials were in attendance. This event commemorated the beginning of the expansion project, which will ultimately help us fit the needs of Long Island’s growing community and future generations. August 17 – Neighborhood BBQ, which was held at the home of Br. Syed Rahman on Franklin Street. This was the 3rd year we held this event for our neighbors. The purpose is to show our appreciation to them for the cooperation they showed regarding the noise and traffic that occurs during the month of Ramadan. September 1 – Salaam Group held its first Arabic class with Sr. Sawsan Elkurd satisfying a need and request from group members to learn to read the Quran and memorize more surahs. September 3 – Br. Habeeb Ahmed invited by Westbury High School to greet students on the first day of school. “IC” kids Orientation – parents met with Sr. Ruby and Sr. Ezath and were given a tour of the classroom as well as an overview of the curriculum to be taught this year. September 4 – After-school Quran classes resumed with Sr. Samina Qureshi. Two sessions are held, 4pm – 6pm and 6 pm – 8pm. September 8 – Second session of Salaam Group’s Arabic class held and will attended. Starting Sept. 15, this class will merge with Sr. Shakirah’s Sisters Halaqah due to space restraints as a result of construction. September 11 – Muslims of Long Island donated 3000 food items to the needy members of the community in response to Pastor Terry Jones who vows to burn 2998 copies of the Quran. The non-perishable food items were handed over to The Long Island Council of Churches and Saint Brigid’s Parish pantry of Westbury.

Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)." Qur’an 3:84

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