The Success Discovery Process Discovering and Using Your Talents By
Target Training International, Ltd.
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Introduction The Success Discovery Process An investment of just 60 minutes of your time with this process will bring you unlimited results. If I Knew Then… Have you ever said or done something you wish you hadn’t? OR Have you ever regretted the way you handled a situation?
What situation in your life comes to mind? Who were the people involved? Was it a personal or professional situation? Looking back, how did you feel about the outcome? The purpose of the Success Discovery Process is to help you minimize your regrets and maximize your success. An important element of the process is to help you acknowledge talents you know you have and discover talents you may not have known you had. In addition, this process will help you find new ways or words to use when talking about yourself to others. Completing the process will also help you to relate more effectively with others. The better you understand yourself, the better you will be at getting what you want. In fact, what you don’t know about yourself could keep you from getting what you want.
Gain Priceless Insight Are you PRICELESS? Do you believe you are PRICELESS? If you don't, maybe that is where you should begin! What you are about to experience is a process that will give you priceless insight into yourself. This insight will help you to know when and where to use your talents.
Knowing more about yourself, your strengths and blind spots will become some of your most valuable assets. Knowing yourself and applying what you know is "The Little Known Secret" to success. This insight will help you to know when and where to use your talents. Knowing this information will become one of your most valuable assets. Throughout this process there will be many questions to ask yourself as well as memories that will come back to you. Take your time and do some soul searching. This is a time to reflect on what you are learning about yourself.
In Addition... You will be able to Consciously Adapt. Working in business is like working in a maze. There are many rooms, avenues, turns and twists. Sometimes movement in the maze is simple, easy, and other times its like walking in the dark. And sometimes the corridors are so tight, you can hardly breath - ever been in a conflict meeting? It is during these times that your alertness to your own style, and gaining the ability to adapt to the style of others needs to be turned on high. "Playing nice" is no longer a workable strategy. You need solid, proven behavioral techniques to assist you. You will learn those through this and other courses on this site.
You Will Need: Your DISC Report A Pen Paper or Journal 60 Minutes of Time To Begin 1. Read The Report Intro 2. Absorb what it is saying 3. Then read the Section title at the top of each page 4. Next Read Your Report 5. Answer the Questions
To effectively work with others, you may need to make choices that allow the door of communication to open. That will require a complete understanding of your own style and those of your team. of your style and then consciously turning up the volume or turning it down. You see, the ability to consciously adapt to different situations and people in various environments speaks to your common sense, a leadership quality. One last thing. The Success Discovery Process will have you thinking, "if I knew then what I know now, I would have fewer regrets and more success." This process will get you to think through your experiences and to learn how to use those experiences to your advantage. The process is quick, it’s easy, and it starts with understanding you. Enjoy the time you will invest in yourself, it will make a difference!
Uncovering Your Natural Talents / Skills Overview: In this lesson you will be working at uncovering, understanding, and learning how to apply your natural strengths. As you read each paragraph, use the language to help you see how you apply your strengths and talents. Then begin to teach others how to work with you.
Let's Get to Your Strengths Defined: A quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance In the General Characteristics Section of your report, you will find the information to be general statements that provide a broad understanding of your work style. These statements identify the basic natural behaviors that you bring to the job. That is, if left on your own, these statements identify HOW YOU WOULD CHOOSE TO DO THE JOB. The first paragraph identifies your general talents. Some of the items listed may sound familiar to you. Some you might not actually agree with. That is fine; you can edit the section if you like. If, for example, you do not like a word, change it to one you like. Remember we are trying to understand, not judge the language. You might want to write "General Skill / Talents" along the left hand column so that as you come back to your report you will remember what this information is about. The second paragraph explains your skills in handling problems at work. You may be decisive, or perhaps take a laid-back approach to dealing with challenges and problems. You may want a lot of data or less data before making decisions. It just depends on who you are and what style you prefer. Go ahead and write "Problem Solving Skills" in the left hand column. The third paragraph outlines your general communications skills. We communicate in many ways through words, tone of voice, and body language. This paragraph will share with you your general communicating tendencies. You may want to write "General Communication Skills" along the left hand column. Go ahead and read through this section. Listen to what it is saying. Then complete the following questions, writing down your answers on your paper or in your journal.
People do not lack strength, they lack will. Victor Hugo
So What Are Your General Talents and Skills? First Step: Now we are going to take the first step in identifying your style. Identifying your strengths is kind of like taking an x-ray of what is inside of you, yet remains hidden from view. In paragraph 1, as you read, 1. 2. 3.
Which statements tend to stand out for you? Which statements ring true for you? What three statements can you clearly identify with and say, "Yes, that's me!"
Highlight These! The statements you identify with most may be the ones you want to share with others, ones you want others to know about you. In letting others know, you will be teaching them how best to work with you. Go ahead and list them in your worksheet. Then ask yourself these questions and write down your answers to the following: How are you currently utilizing these talents? What decisions have you made that allowed you to use these talents? Describe a time in your life when you used these talents? How are you using these talents when communicating with others?
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Mary Engelbreit
How You Handle Problems and Challenges at Work? Second Step: Every job has decisions to be made from problems that you need to handle. How you handle problems can enhance or hinder your professional image, the cooperation you get, and the results you want. Helping others understand how you solve problems will minimize conflict. In the next step we will look at the way in which you make decisions. From paragraph 2, list three statements that describe problem solving and decision-making talents you would like others to know about you. After each statement, jot down an experience that comes to mind where you applied that talent. You can just write down all you need to about the incident or experience as best you remember it. The key is to remember.
What did you learn in through those experiences? Would you do anything different today? How are you using these talents to achieve success? How are these talents helping or hurting you? How are you using these talents in your personal or professional life?
To listen well is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well. John Marshall
What Are the Communications Skills You Possess? Third Step: Communication with others can be simple or difficult. Sometimes when it is difficult, it is because we just do not understand the style one is communicating with. Also some people are so busy trying to get something done they forget to adapt, to be cordial, and to be respectful. This paragraph will help you see your strengths as well as some blind spots. Blind spots are simply approaches you might use that hinder communication. They might be things you do that you are unaware of. These can create difficulty, if you do not have a strategy to help you. From paragraph 3, list three statements that describe your communication talents and ones you would like others to know about you.
How did you learn to communicate in these ways? How can you use them to help you in the current environment? How are you using these talents on a daily basis? Are you using these talents more in your personal or professional life? With whom would you like to share this information?
So what do you think? Once you have completed this section, making any changes you need to, and writing down your examples, reflect for a moment as to how accurate this report is: 75%, 85% or 95%? Not all reports can be 100% accurate, however, the higher the percentage the better. If you scored 80% or more, it means that the report has a high degree of validity throughout. A valid report is one that can be used as a business tool, like a users manual. It also can be used to help others see you in light of your strengths and not weaknesses. In our next session we will take a look at the Value you bring to the job.
Enhancing Your Professional Image Overview: Understanding the value you bring to the job helps you to better apply your skills and talents. When you apply your skills, you are seen as a higher performer and an asset to the organization. When you know your value, you enhance your professional image.
Your Value To The Organization Most people think of value as getting a fair return on the price paid for something. Although that is true, the concept we are trying to get across here is a bit different. Have you ever been stranded on the road without a cell phone and miles from home? Maybe you had a flat tire, were out of gas, or the engine just shut down. As you sat there, depressed and thinking you were going to have to walk miles to the next gas station, something dawns on you. Watching the cars pass by, you wonder why they passed by without stopping. Couldn't they see you needed help? Your tension builds. Then someone did stop to help and give you a ride. At the moment that they stopped, describe your first thoughts and feelings? Were you relieved? That feeling of relief in the moment it rises is what we are getting at. That feeling is unspoken gratitude and lets you know you are OK and that your situation is moving forward. We can compare that to what we mean by value to the organization. Value is something like a principle or quality that is intrinsic and desirable to others but you might not know that others need it. However, when you decide to use it, the feeling
that springs forth in others is a sense of relief. They may not share gratitude openly, but they feel it. You see, someone may need your talent, but be unable to ask you to use it. Generally there isn't clear language in regards to specific talent. Because there isn't clear language, others may not exactly know how to ask for its use. You will have to take the initiative and teach others about your value. Also your value does not sit on the shelf like a hammer in a tool box, to betaken out and used when someone asks for it. It needs to be expressed,offered to others in such a way that they can use it.
You might say to your boss, "You know, I have the ability to see the big picture and describe it to others. Let me talk with the client to see what they want and then bring that information back to the group." Your boss may be relieved that you spoke up and offered to engage. Value is hard to identify, yet it supports others' work. A value is not something you may not be able to label, yet you bring it to the table naturally. Your value is described in this section of your report. Personal Accountability, as an example, is an intrinsic quality that is not easily understood. Being personally accountable allows someone to "own" their work naturally, to complete things without having someone constantly reminding them. It is a quality that is valuable to others but is subtle, behind the day-to-day tasks and actions you take. Others know it when they see personal accountability being taken or they may feel you are accountable, but it is rarely openly recognized. Please turn to "Value to the Organization" section of your report.
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei
The Value You Bring? This section of the report identifies the specific talents and behaviors you bring to the job. By looking at these statements, you can identify your role in the organization. Once you communicate them to the organization they can then develop a system to capitalize on your particular value and make you an integral part of the team. Read the list of statements that describe the Value you possess from this section. If you look deeply at each of them, you may easily recognize it in yourself. They might have been important skills that you applied to your job to complete a project, land some business, or in contributing to the team.
Underline two of them that you have used. Think through how you used those talents for a moment Jot down those experiences in your journal. Looking ahead, which two talents do you feel will be needed at your job given the economic situation your company might be in now? Highlight those. Describe briefly HOW you will apply these talents. How will you use these now?
Go ahead and jot down your ideas on your worksheet. You now have four talents that help you identify the value you bring to your organization. They are talents that you probably do naturally. Are people in your current environment aware of your talents? Do you think someone needs to know about them? How can you make them aware? We would like you to share them with the appropriate level of management. Are your current talents being utilized? Can you share these with your boss to get their feedback? Do they they need anything else from you? Consider how your talents can be better utilized personally! What talents would be better utilized in your professional life as opposed to your personal life? What talents would be better utilized in your personal life as opposed to your professional life? Who in your personal or professional life do you wish knew that you had these talents? The value you bring to your organization is important. Others, especially your boss, may need to know about them. When they do, they can better utilize your skill sets to accomplish company goals. And you will feel as if you can contribute at higher levels. When you are ready, go on to the next session in this lesson.
Help Others Understand You Better Overview: If you want others to appreciate you at work, then consider teaching them about your communication style. We all have certain buttons that when pushed, enhance or hinder communication. Learn how to articulate yours.
The Do's and Don'ts of Communication Have you ever had someone make a comment to you that was just way off? Did you get your feelings hurt? Have you ever said something in a meeting that you thought was clever and for some reason it came across as rude? It happens frequently. Not knowing how to effectively communicate with someone can impact everything negatively. It also creates a barrier that is difficult to work through. When this happens the door to communication shuts and you may not be able to easily open the door again. In this situation, you may feel like an outsider on the team. Conversely, you too may be closing the door more often than it needs to be. That is why it is important to allow others to better understand what behaviors and what comments work best when they are with you. It is also important to discuss what doesn’t work. Certain words and phrases carry "charges" that can offend people. In a business situation, particularly when with a client, you do not want this to happen. In a personal environment with your family, it may cause you to lose sleep and you wonder how you are going to work through what seems like an no-win situation.
At times we have heard students say, "He is just demanding; he has too much ego." We also hear, "We don't say anything in meetings, because if we do, we have to duck and cover!" On the flip side, I have heard many directors or leaders say, “Why can't they just speak their mind?" or, "That one is so timid, I don't see how they can add value?" Clearly this is an indication that people have not taken the time to learn how to effectively communicate with one another--on both sides of the communication bridge. This results in significantly less productivity. People disengage from work because they feel like they do not belong or aren't important and so they begin exiting the company one way or another. Here is the thing! None of this has to be! Most people are aware of and sensitive to the ways with which they prefer to be communicated. But they never articulate this to one another. Many people find our next section to be extremely accurate and important for enhanced interpersonal communication. In the "Do's" section of the Check List for Communicating you will find specific ideas that others might want to consider when communicating with you. Turn to the Check List for Communication section in your report. Read each statement and identify the 3 or 4 statements which are most important for others to know when they are with you. We recommend highlighting the most important "Do's" and providing a list to those who communicate with you most frequently. Certainly, that includes your boss and coworkers. However, it can also be your clients, your spouse, and children as well. When you have highlighted the statements, take the next step and list the ones you prefer. That step is to develop an approach in which you prefer and then share those with others. It is OK to let them know why some techniques work better than others. And you will be teaching them "How To" work well with you simply by offering appropriate methods and approaches. We have found that this works really well and people appreciate "a heads up" on how to communicate with you.
People change and forget to tell each other. Lillian Hellman
Please Do This When You Are With Me! When you have done this then go ahead and jot down in your journal the ideas you have come up with. Then answer the following questions. They will help you to better "KNOW" yourself. What have you learned about your communication style that will enhance your career and/or your relationships? If others knew how to communicate with you, what impact could it have on your personal or professional life? Identify and list some of the people with whom you would like to share this information? This last step is very important. Sometimes it takes courage to share, but when you do you find that the effort is well worth it. A simple instruction given to another on how to communicate with you can decrease tension and increase productivity very quickly. You may even find yourself wondering why you had an issue with a particular person in the first place.
The single clenched fist lifted and ready, Or the open hand held out and waiting. Choose: For we meet by one or the other. Carl Sandberg
Please Don't Ever Do This When You Are With Me! In the don’ts section you will find a list that will help you to articulate to others what not to do. No one intentionally creates communication problems; they just lack the proper information and techniques. This section helps greatly and all you need to do is to share it with team mates. Read and highlight four statements that don't work with you. The key is to describe what goes on inside of you when someone uses one of these phrases. Then share your description with team mates.. Take for instance "trust me." This may sound too simple, yet when someone says this to you directly, what happens inside? Do you cringe? Do your eyes roll up in skepticism? If so, you have just shut the door to communication. When you shut down like this, the other person may never even know you have stopped communicating. They may even wonder why you don't take what they say seriously. Don’t shut down, tell someone, let them know. So what happens when these things are said; how does it make you feel? Jot those ideas down on your worksheet too. You may want to share these feelings as well. Would sharing this information help you get what you want? How could your relationships improve by sharing this information? Do you think it would help to have the same information about other people in different parts of the quadrant? Now go ahead and use this information to help other people work better with you.
Dynamic Personal Discovery Congratulations! Do you see new insights in regards to skills and talents? We hope you do. At this point if you have worked through the sections and invested the time in self discovery, you might have learned a ton about your self. Maybe you have remembered something about yourself that you forgot. Now it is up to you to begin to enhance your experience by using what you have learned. By the way, after about six months or so, you might want to come back to this process and redo it. New memories will spring to light, and new opportunities for advancement will present them self. Be ready by continually updating and teaching others how best to work with you! Good luck. The Dynamic Leadership Series Staff.
Target Training International, Ltd. Additional comments and text offered by George Eric Hanson of the Dynamic Leadership Series Staff.