Training To Remote View

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What is remote viewing? It's a psychic ability that lets you see people, places and things that are not within the realm of your five senses. Remote viewing is used to rise above the immediate feedback of the physical senses so as to touch upon a person's innate psychic capability. Researchers in this field are, for the most part, convinced that most people can be trained to perceive things without the need of being there or having first-hand experience of them. Do not confuse remote viewing training with an out of body experience. They are not the same. An out of body experience, or Astral travel, is a spiritual experience to view an event or a place. It can rather be referred to as a form of psychic dowsing where the psychic who has undergone remote viewing training, uses his extra sensory perceptions to seek out the particular thing, people or event which he wants to see. All of us have at least some latent psychic ability that has never been fully developed for most of us when we were young. Because we only use 10% of our brains' power, another 90% is dormant, left untrained and untapped, and we are not quite sure what we should do with it. Being able to sense that you children, who are living away from family, a thousand miles away, are okay is something priceless. The sense of security or peace of mind that comes along is immense. The difference of remote viewing as a psychic ability than other forms of the same, is the ease with which it can be learned. Many studies on non-psychic humans have shown that once individuals are taught how to enter a trance, the remote viewing experienced is highly accurate. Here are some training techniques you can try on your own. 1. Sit comfortably somewhere where it's quiet and close your eyes. Make sure you have no distractions before you start. 2. Relax, breathing deeply through your nose as you do so. You'll likely find that your breathing is going to be easier to control if you 'relax' your tongue and press it lightly to the roof of your mouth. This will also discourage the natural tendency to yawn during this phase of your viewing. 3. It is key for you to be able to believe in what you're doing to have success in remote viewing. As you go deeper into relaxation, you need to believe that you'll be capable of seeing events, places or people that you've never actually physically seen.

4. Begin your remote training by choosing a target that's really simple, but that will show your mind that you truly are capable of doing this type of psychic viewing. One good way to do this first exercises to view yourself from a place in front of you, looking 'back at yourself' over your shoulder as you relax in the chair, as if through a mirror. It can be a little difficult to do this at first, but practice some patience, here. As you continue, you'll see yourself from the opposite perspective as others see you, which will give you a wonderful surprise. 5. Once you can master the mental control needed to view yourself from a remote perspective, cast your remote viewing eye a little wider, and observe a location you know very well. Perhaps a parent's home or family member will suffice while you're training your mind. Notice small things that may be out of place, such as dishes on the sink or magazines on the table. When you get a chance, call and confirm what you saw. This reinforcement of what you've seen is important, because it will show you what your mind is really capable of achieving. An easier way to do these remote training exercises can also include two people so that results and feedback can be gotten much more quickly. Instead of viewing places or people you want to see, have a friend sit in another room and repeat a simple movement, like a hand wave or pulling hair. Try to determine through your remote viewing exercises what action your friend is repeating and compare notes to get your results. Once you've spent some time practicing remote viewing training techniques, you may see that in fact, it's becoming much easier and quicker to get yourself into a state where you can do this. In fact, this relaxed state is similar to the trancelike relaxations people achieve when they're under hypnosis. They're still fully awake, but their body is fully relaxed, so that they can access their subconscious minds directly. Our psychic abilities are much more easily accessible via the sub-conscious, so the more you practice your remote viewing training techniques, the better you'll become.

Why not look at the amazing world of remote viewing from the popular site. Find information on remote viewing training for yourself.

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