Retrain Your Brain With The Silva Method

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The Silva Method is a popular self-help program created by Parapsychologist Jose Silva. The program teaches a variety of meditation and relaxation techniques in order for individuals to feel a personal sense of well-being, in addition to increasing IQ scores, and even tapping into the Universe to solve their unanswered questions. Silva's method is based on the belief that if we can access the right hemisphere of our brain more than the left hemisphere, then we can lead a more fulfilled and productive life. The Silva Method is an extremely popular program that has been used by millions upon millions of people in several different countries over the past five decades. Although the program has a high success rate and is backed by over 50 years of research, there are skeptics that criticize and question the methods. In this article we will take a look at the reasons for the scrutiny and uncertainty, as well as the fact-based support which has resulted in millions relying upon and having success with the programs. Right Brain or Left Brain? The majority of skepticism concerning The Silva Method comes from those who question Silvas' supposed unsubstantiated knowledge of how the right and left side of the brain work. According to Dr. Robert Todd Carroll, Jose Silva bases his findings and methods off of physiologist Robert Sperry. Sperry's initial research delved into the "split brain" model. Perry won a Pulitzer Prize for his experimentation and research on the split brain. He proved that the left and right brain work on two different hemispheres, and handle information radically different from each other. The Silva Method promotes and teaches individuals how to tap into their "right brain," the side of the brain which handles the emotional side of thinking. Dr. Carroll suggests however, that Silva put his own opinions and "spins" into his method. For example, Silva claims that "left-brain" thinkers are more prone to accidents, have more health problems and make more mistakes, while those thinking with their right-brain are healthier, successful and make fewer mistakes in life. According to Dr. Carroll, these claims have not been substantiated. ESP Critics argue that Silva's claim of using the right-brain to experience extrasensory perception (ESP) is false. In fact, over 90% of the scientists at the National Academy of Science say that they are skeptical of the entire ESP phenomenon because of the lack of proof and lack of any viable way to test and support it. In argument with the critics of ESP, Silva supporters claim that the ESP phenomenon has been

proven time and again through control tests performed by scientists such as J.B Rhine and J.G. Pratt. Furthermore, supporters claim that skeptical scientists denounce ESP because of the numerous cases in which ESP happened outside of a controlled environment, and since it can happen at random to people who are unfamiliar with it, there will always be instances of ESP that cannot be controlled and tested. Right Brain Supporters of the program also state that Silva is correct in stating that people that utilize their right-brain over their left-brain are more successful. His training has provided them with a vast array of improvements. People from all walks of life, including actors, athletes, doctors, mothers, scientists and students have reported dramatic increases in success in both their personal and professional lives after utilizing the Silva Method. Dr. J.W. Hahn, a scientist and the director of the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, was one of the first supporters of the Silva Method. He helped prove Silva's theories and promoted Silva to an array of individuals that successfully used the program. After visiting Silva and learning about his methods and practices, Dr. Hahn reported that he was impressed with the program. This in turn led to an increased interest of local University students that wanted to try the method themselves. The success was phenomenal. The method quickly gained momentum, with thousands of people signing up. Dr. Hahn, still hearing some skepticism from critics, composed a comprehensive and detailed survey which was mailed to over 10,000 participants of the program. The findings resulted in 99.6% of the participants claiming that their overall lives had changed significantly for the better after completing the Silva Method. With these outstanding results, other professors, psychologists and scientists began to research the Silva Method. One particular professor was Dr. Fred Bremmer, head of the Psychology Department at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Bremmer conducted his own research and not only tested many of the people that Silva had trained, but Silva himself. In his findings, he concluded that," For the first time, scientists verified in a scientific laboratory that people could learn to control their brain waves. They also conducted a scientific experiment that involved Silva teaching his method to 20 of the students at the university. As usual, the results were successful. We live in a world where many people want fast, quick and proven answers. Even with all of the possible scientific proof available, there will always be those who will criticize, dismiss and ridicule things in which they do not believe, are unfamiliar with or feel there is not enough proof. There are millions of successful training camps, sessions and seminars, throughout several countries, teaching the Silva Method. With an outstanding success rate, "the proof is in the pudding," as the old saying goes. This holds true for Silva and his countless years of developments and research. Out of every individual and each group that has participated in the Silva Method, statistics show that the majority of the participants report glowing results and life transforming experiences. Perhaps there will come a time when the Silva Method is fully accepted. However, the end result is that this method has given millions of people hope in desperate times, and helped them to shape a more powerful outlook on life.

Find a personal sense of well-being and tap into your increased intellect. By using the Silva Method, you can access the right hemisphere of your brain and lead a more productive an fulfilling life! It is an incredible experience! Find this information and more and Join the free PathAcross Email list, or for more immediate information, go to Jim Ingham, a successful businessman, created to explore how we create our own realities.

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